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A typical Cause and Effect paper has 3 components: A situation The cause/reasons of the situation The effects/results of a situation


Determine whether you want to focus on ~situation and cause ~situation and effect ~cause, situation and effect This will determine your purpose; Make it clear in your introduction what your purpose is.

Is it a situation and cause; situation and effect or cause situation and effect?
The cause focuses on factors that caused a situation to happen. The effect focuses on the results of a situation. A cause and effect gives the reader the whole picture.

Lets take the topic of alcoholism

Do you want to focus on what causes someone to become an alcoholic? Here is a sample list of causes: An alcoholic parent A fragmented home Poor neighborhood By focusing on the causes the audiences sympathy is with the alcoholic.

Lets now focus on the effects of alcoholism

Here the author is only wanting to focus on effects and not on cause. Here is a sample list: Antisocial behavior: towards friends and family Irresponsible behavior: at work and home DUIs Violence towards family members Accident: killing someone as a result of DUI An essay born from this list will cause the audience to sympathize with the victims of the alcoholic. It educates and creates an awareness of the devastation of alcoholism on nears and dears.

Arranging details in a cause and effect paper

The more details the better. Arranging details in a cause and effect paper is important. Arranging from smaller to larger effect Or Arranging from smaller to larger cause Can produce a potent picture.

Reinforce the purpose of the paper.

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