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86/96 BRUSSELS PV N Th Summaries NOTES PRO The wife named Catherine PROSMAN EVERARD Paul (av. 08/22/96 (av.

. of tourists 23-1640 St. GENESIUS-RHODES worked with FLIER society BIPA BIPA up a company until 1985. Ele much used a VISA card. reuse She started many a VISA card (4906635890452018 in the name of EURO BELGIUM AIRLINES) since March 1996 even abroad. COMPANIES: ITS PRE CONSTRUCTION OF THE POLE PROSMAN C. / Niclaus Donald / Cabuy Eric / EVERARD P. / Dominique DIENNE SA RECOTECH COOMANS of Brachne Philippe / Jannick AUBRY / DUFAYS Philippe / Andre SCHMIDT / BODA Gabor / Noelle GILLAIN / Philippe HENDERSON / LAUTTALAMMI Jouni / LIPPENS Goerges / Michel Bailly / EVERARD Paul / MIDIMMO SA / SA VITRIMMO / LUXOCOM SA / SA 2000 U / Belinco SA AGRAFFEN GARVNER Goran SA / FOLKEBO Suzanne / REAL ESTATE SA WINSTON / BODA Gabor / Noelle GILLAIN / Philippe HENDERSON / UYTTERSPROT Marc / HAINAUT Dominique / LIPPENS Georges / JOIRIS Bernadette / Michel BOLLE / SUNT Chritiaan / Misseghers Anne / Nathalie STEVENS / RICHELLE Jacques / POLUS Muriel / LAUTTALAMMI Jouni / Goran Brlund / VAN DER DRIFT Hans / Hans Gernert / MIDIMMO SA / SA VITRIMMO / ZEEWOLF (NL) / REAL ESTATE SA WINSTON / VITRINVEST SA / SA JACQIMMO MIDIMMO SA Andre SCHMIDT / VITRIMMO SA / SA VITRINVEST / BODA Gabor / Noelle GILLAIN / Philippe HENDERSON / LAUTTALAMMI Jouni / LIPPENS Georges / JOIRIS Bernadette / Goran Brlund / EVERARD Paul / Catherine PROSMAN / AGRAFFEN SA / SA MEDALUX (Lux) / VITRINVEST SA / VITRIMMO SA / SA CONFEDIMMO. / RECOTECH SA / SA CAPIMMO. VITRIMMO SA Andre SCHMIDT / MIDIMMO SA / SA VITRINVEST / BODA Gabor / Noelle GILLAIN / Philippe HENDERSON / LAUTTALAMMI Jouni / LIPPENS Georges / JOIRIS Bernadette / Goran Brlund / EVERARD Paul / Catherine PROSMAN / AGRAFFEN SA / SA VITRILUX (Lux) / VITRINVEST SA / MIDIMMO SA / SA CONFEDIMMO. / RECOTECH SA / SA CAPIMMO. VITRINVEST SA Andre SCHMIDT / MIDIMMO SA / SA VITRIMMO / CATTOIR Claude / HERINCKX Etienne / HERINCKX Benoit / SUMMARY AA'AA 2 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon HERINCKX Vincent / Edward HERINCKX / HERINCKX Laurence / LAUTTALAMMI Jouni / Goran Brlund / EVERARD Paul / AGRAFFEN SA / SA VITRIMMO / MIDIMMO SA / SA VITRINVEST. NEWS IMMOTEL Jean Gilson SA / DE BES Jeanine / BELLEFROID of Hugues / HODY Catherine / WALCKIERS Benoit / HANIN Brigitte / FRIMAT Jean-Marie / Harold SEMAL / EVERARD Paul / Catherine PROSMAN / VAN BRABANT Mauritius / Roger BOLLE / GREGOIR


RAEMDONCK MEGRODE Jean-Louis van / MICHIELS Beatrice / PIET Luys INDUSTRIELE BOUWONDERNEMING AND PARTNERS SA / CONSULTANT ENGENERING HERAU SC / JL RAEMDONCK VANMEGRODE IN ICE / CODOFIN SA / SA ANDRE PIRSON INSURERS TIPS BELGIAN COMPANY Grances SA = SA SBG PROSMAN Catherine / EVERARD Paul / JeanLouis Lesaffre / Verhoustraeten Chantal / IMMOTEL NEWS SA / AGENCY EVOLUTION SPRL / SOGELES SA / LESAFFRE SA / SA CONCLUSION / EVOLUTION HORECA SPRL / STRATEPHAR SA / SA COLORYS photogravures / PERCALINE SPRL ________________________________________________________________________ LAY OUT MARTIN Michelle (15/01/60) 01 Contact by telephone: 22/08/96 Vandroogenbroeck Fancois: 071/32.62.07 M COPPIN: 071/41.49.75 RENOIR Emilie 071/35.43.70 MAURAGE Madeleine : 071/43.08.39 VLIEGHE Vronique: 071/40.44.33 DURAY Christian: 071/42.31.15 COLLET: Dominique: 071/81.94.01 NIHOUL Jean-Michel: 02/590.56.97 DELHAYE: 02/354.37.05 Varsalona Salvatore : 071/32.63.41 Varsalona Anna DUTROUX Marc (11/06/56) Family: brothers DUTROUX Serge (10/13/64) DUTROUX Johan Pol DUTROUX sister, Valerie DUTROUX Links: Michel Lelievre (05/11/71) Bernard Weinstein (04/03/52) RANDAZZO Damiano (03/15/69) DUMONT LEMAL Emile Michel (02/22/66) tenant Tel on layout: 071/36.44.92 075/62.85.47 + Marc DUTROUX SUMMARY AA'AA 4 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 018/56.54.01 071/32.38.90 Persons named on Lay-out: IACOBUCCI Nicolena (02/06/63) Varsalona Maria (10/18/83) LAY OUT DUTROUX Family 02 Brothers: POL 22/08/96 SERGE (13/10/64) Sr. died JOHAN: VALERIE Mother: Lauwens Jeannine (12/13/35) Father: DUTROUX Victor (16/10/28) Beaufather: Daniel Lebrun (9/20/53) = Lauwens husband Ex-wife Francoise DUBOIS (03/03/58) Son: DUTROUX Frederic (06/02/84) = DUBOIS DUTROUX with Andy (24/09/93) = Girl with MARTIN: DUTROUX Celine (11/24/95) with = MARTIN Wife: Michelle Martin (01/15/60) Lt meeting MICHAUX In 87/96 we talk about rape followed by sticking in November 95 03/09 DUTROUX bought a pleteuse with DEMALZY in November 95 DIAKOSTA brought a whore Eastern Puers was poisoned - it is proven Addresses medical visit THUIN-GILLY-SARSCHARLEROI (production studio) was seized in the trunk of bank FINET K7 pedophilia (no link with DUTROUX) press conference DUTROUX Victor (father) 02/09 DUTROUX asked his brother to help SERGE push a car with the corpses in the channel SUMMARY AA'AA 5 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Michelle MARTIN PV 3/SRC 112,503 22/08/96 Home in 1993: Avenue Philippeville 128-

6001 CHARLEROI X Acct number: 271-0129632-72 Mention of Grey Street address, 33 MONTIGNIES / SAMBRE 15000-bef pension Food DUTROUX Marc DUTROUX Address: rue Lopold Lenoble to JEMEPPE / SAMBRE Home in 1994: 45 rue de Rubignies LOBBES 35000-bef of maintenance from the DUTROUX DUTROUX Address: route de Philippeville 128-6001 -------- CHARLEROI -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Revenues 1993 = 402,077 1994 = 393,613-Bef Bef-Bef 1995 = 415836 -------------------------------------------------- Tenant --------------------------------------- street Gray = LEMAL husband Michel Varsalona Anna Maria is known for a robbery. Accomplice Philippe DUMONT 112504 Marc DUTROUX 22/08 Revenue (IGR) 1980: 420,672 1981: 183,370 1982: 295,274 1983: 209,033 1984: 351,498 1985: 179,792 1986: 44,878 1987:?????? 1988:?????? 1989: 17,309 1990: 391,912 1991: 413,671 1992: 695,201 1993:?????? 1994: 335,552 1995: 435,552 Homes: 27 Rue Lopold Lenoble JEMEPPE Av Philippeville MARCINELLE 128 Rue Rue Anemone 04 GOUTROUX City 30 - LA LOUVIERE 1980 to 1983: total DUTROUX-DUBOIS (02 children) from 1984 to 1988: DUTROUX is isolated (00 children) from 1989 to 1992-3: total DUTROUX MARTIN (01 children) From 1994 to: DUTROUX isolated (01 children) Real estate purchases: 05/11/84: 325000 - Rue des Grey 33 - 19/07/85 MARTIN: 250000 - philippev Av. 128 - 27/01/86 DUTROUX: 300.000 - Street J. Destre 17 27/01/86 DUTROUX: 125.000 - Street J. Destre 17 - 04/09/92 PASETTI: 1850000 - street Rubignies 43-45 - DUTROUX / MARTIN Sinister Jules Destre on 10/04/92. SUMMARY AA'AA 6 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Inocupation Rubignies street in 1994 1995: BBL loan (117,842-Bef =%) X = Acct DUTROUX Phone 063-0271607-42 X DUTROUX 071/47.35.05 112,506 DIAKOSTAVR IANOS Michael 23/08 1990 Revenues: 180902-bef (unemployment) Revenues 1992: 128285-bef 1993-bef 1994 208 956: 178 704-bef 1995-bef 216320 Purchase the street Hayettes 17 6/14/96 (625,000-bef) to Buy Following Ismail YAMAN judgment of 12/01/96 a house 208 rue Jean Jaures Michel Lelievre 112,507 23/08 Revenue 91 121 975 bef-92-294696 bef 93 119 858 *** bef-94-141825 ****** bef Imposition of office for not reporting. Advanced on the basis of number cards 281.10 In 1993 the Tax Administration believes that LELIEVRE must have a minimum income of 485 000 Acct-Bef 360-0141011-76 Address: Rue Roi Albert 66/9 5060 SAMBREVILLE Street Falisolle 316/12 5060 SAMBREVILLE street Tasiaux CINEY 7-5590 Rue St-Michel 2-5500 DINANT Alley Poppies 23 HASTIERES 112,508 RANDAZZO Damiano 23/08 Income 85 20 855 bef-86-29219 bef 87: bef 37433-88-253812 BEF 89 245 978 bef-90: 150 846 bef-91: 92 1060-bef: 156078-bef 93 227 465 bef-94-226 340 bef

Addresses: Street Corner Stradiot X 8-6358 Rue Fleurus Wilson 4-6220 FLEURUS Chausse de Charleroi 351-6220 FLEURUS X Tel 071/81.90.20 - 071/81.81.14 (parents) X Acct 732-6521588-38 112652 Bernard Weinstein 24/08 revenue 86 423 212 bef-8778767 bef SUMMARY AA'AA 7 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 88:?? 89:?? 90: 488 458-bef 91 553 478 bef-92-520933 bef 93 343 053 bef-94222128 bef Buying a home Aubresse Street 63/65 to 1,000,000 MARCINELLE price-Bef 31 / 01/92. X Address: Avenue Brugman 170/2, 1060 Brussels square L. BRUSSELS Morichar 211060 10-6200 Robesse street GOSSELIES Brussels road 59 and 63-6042 CHARLEROI PO Box 11-6042 LODELINSART street Aubresse 63-6040 CHARLEROI X Acct 360-0472125-32 Worked for VIDEO PROMOTION SPRL Rue Marconi 127 to UCCLE 111,648 PERQUISITI ON DUTROUX - Road Philippeville 22/08 A 16.00: building closed and intact Input: XX cardboard suitcase marked "Annie DARDENNE" Two helmets XX cardboard camera HANDY-CAM XX gloves plastic - frets gynecological XX reel doc ( elementary school English) XX Moroccan silver shoes with foam soles to shoe one ACTON A TV two boxes of candles XX An address DUTROUX abroad XX Two envelopes addressed to the family DARDENNE XX Tupperware white pills with a GSM Portfolio DUTROUX Doc Doc vehicle with female names for Doc foreign investment funds ROHYPNOL XX XX 15 tablets unidentified metallic safe marked "LIBIOULL? Raoul" Many candy XX clothing of children to the hideout XX Band hygienic Nbreux ECHO OF THE EXCHANGE of Garage neighbor almost above the cache Question: which leads to the vent XX cellar staircase embellished accurate inventory attached to the PV 112 520 35 FINDINGS DUTROUX - Rt Philippeville SUMMARY AA'AA 8 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 22/08 Review of various documents Mention: Albert FICHER CUVELIER Jacqueline LEJEUNE LEJEUNE Valerie Joseph Sebastian BRACHOT VIVIANE Geyssens PICCOLI Mirko DEMAZY Legaye Rosart EURO RENT Eric Andre Dr Jozef Varga LOUIS LOUVARD WORST JJ BRUYHAI CATS trading Love letter to DEMAZY CATHY distance calculations for 1994 XX IS: VARGA address Hrusavany Domovina C302 (95613) INC: pills (?) On securities portfolio Indication X X

DUTROUX CPTES DUTROUX: 3716 in 611 WORST since 05/21/92 -1403458 to 35 Crdit Lyonnais chocolate packaging (see letter SABINE DARDENNE) Identification Documents DEMALZY stockbrokers and WORST BRUYHAI FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,403 - Rt Philippeville 22/08 ADDRESS ABROAD XX NACKOVA to Eva: Puskinova 1411 - TOPOLCANY 95501 - SLOVAKIA MACKOVA GASPARIKOVA Dana Krasno 61 - 95843 TOPOLCONY ADAMKOVICOVAL Janka: Muskalonva 2425 / 26-95501 TOPOLCANY SUSUKOVA Emilia Tovarniky 102-95501 TOPOLCANY DROGERIA - DO SPOHKY VLASOV: Obycavne Cierne Jedny Turek Michal: V / .TOVARNICKA 1366-95501 TOPOLCANY Dobroviova Andrea Dudince 329-96271 LUCANSKY Jan: Stredanska 1796-95501 COBRA-TOPOLCANY NICK Tovarnicka 2104/19 -95,501 TOPOLCANY VARSEC Pavla: FERGIONA - Zakoselni 05-19000 PRAGUE 9 SEDLAROVA Katarina: Robotnicka 343 - Tovarniky (BOHUNA) TOPOLCANY 95,501 MACKO Jozef: Puskinova 1411 / a - 95501 TOPOLCANY?? : TREBENICKA 1291 PRAHA 8 - Kobylisy 182 00 Tel 00422-766322 00422-8585125 and (Mother) Church MAGDALA tel 036-454207 - JAL 705-60 5907 27 Street Stoupe 1 THIion tel 593434/241 Autolack Milan Benca - AUTOSERVIS Koniarovce - PSC 956 13 - tel 00422-815958 (MACHO) SKALA DROGERIA: Czech TOPOLCANY Letter DUTROUX VAT: 660228817 DUTROUX RC: 146 149 Phone call in case of problems: 071/59.54.72 X (= former number MARTIN - Rubignies) and X 071/47.33.05 (Rt = DUTROUX Philipeville) Doc CITROEN CX CVL-772 X X Acct Acct ARGENTA 979-3848463-90 320-0267659-09 BBL FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,352 - Rt; Phillipeville of SUMMARY AA'AA 9 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 22/08 NOTICE JI Connerotte 22 Aug 96 22.00 Discount JI letters from his family DARDENNE Sabine Opening and reading Connerotte and delivered to investigators findings Mail handled with gloves Submission for GD CHARLEROI Guard permanent addresses FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,405 - Rt Philippeville 24/08 Documents CX 2500 DIESEL registered on behalf of MARTIN 21/05/96 Michelle Miscellaneous documents relating to the vehicle to a trailer Various documents ARTE (UKG-085) Tel 050/42.63.82 = number of private MARCHAL Marcel BRAZIL hotel operator in Blankenberg Zuzana SVITKOVA XX: PO Hviezdoslava 2328-95501 TOPOLCANY Company KTM Trscher Wolfgang Knapp and Patricia Andr Marchal Marchal FERRERO accused a lawyer Dirk VANDAMME of Blankenberg of raping a girl's lawyer filed a complaint: BG.52.71.100795/96 FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,672 - Rt Philippeville 25/08 Case marked DARDENNE and Annie Frantz Lauwens XX DARDENNE Annie (12/01/47) Street Fayat 40 JEMEPPE Mari = FRANCOTTE Emile Lauwens Frantz (02/09/89 to 02/24/82) Wife = CAMPS Armande (22/03/09-08/05 / 93) Grandparents DUTROUX Quid links DUTROUX FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,406 - rt. Philippeville 24/08 PV 111648 Answering CRESTA Suite - K7 OLYMPUS XB30 XX Messages addressed to CATHY by BEER - PATRICIA - JOSETTE woman-child conversation about a rabbit Conversation for motorcycle repair - tel 081/56.60.73

Tel = HALLET Jean-Louis - Mireille VANDERBEQUE FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,675 - rt. Philippeville 24/08 PV Suite 111 648 Drawing Frederick DUTROUX 93-94 - 4 Man urine with primary bubble "feels good" Below bubble with child "help ca stinks" enter the drawing 112,089 FINDINGS DUTROUX - Rt Philippeville 24/08 PV from the record 56/86 JI HENNUY Dossier dependent DUTROUX and others RAPE ABOUNAHR Abdelfattak VAN PETEGHEM Jean (author rape) VAN PETEGHEM traveling with vehicle DUTROUX XX linkages VAN PETEGHEM and DUTROUX FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,092 - Rt Philippeville SUMMARY AA'AA 10 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 24/08 Description soles shoes with foam - size 43 Description unique shoe sneaker plastic Binoculars PACIFIC Objects photographed FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,091 - Philippeville Rt 24/08 List cafes mention if the boss or staff "snitch" or if they are visited by "undercover cops". FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,090 - Philippeville Rt 24/08 Copying criminal record 33.01.15240/85 A load of strangers - Axelle complaint Delinte Removal major sequestration - rape Dossier 56/86 JI LACROIX dependent DUTROUX In brief: EHT plates -164 / DBB-072 / BNS-271 Philippe DENIS FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,676 - Philippeville Rt 26/08 Portfolios DUTROUX Map MAKRO - DUTROUX VAT: 660228817 RC DUTROUX: 146149 Phone call in case of problems: 071/59.54.72 X (= former number MARTIN Rubignies) and X 071/47.33.05 (Rt = DUTROUX Philipeville) Doc CITROEN CX-772 X CVL Countd ARGENTA 979-3848463-90 Slovak and German Silver 112,534 PERQUISITI ON MARTIN - Street Rubignies 22/08 Parts Inventory and heavy machinery Excavators tractor - trailer ... Witness: Sonia DUBRULLE clothing and children's toys DUTROUX LECLERCQ away by Annick (Trib Jeun CHARLEROI) XX Found apron with name Cedric RAY (11.08.92) Rue de l'Eglise Ste-Anne 67 ENTRY: XX mask FRANKENSTEIN audio tapes Fanais-Slovak dictionary Belgian money - Slovenian - German - Greek - Italian Moroccan - Yugoslav - Spanish - French - Luxembourg (small quantity) diskettes various documents XX non-inventoried 111,816 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - 100,518 PV Names: Leonie Makunga Maguy Eyela Petronelle ILUNGA Mathy MALASI Carla Kloof Elyse NAHAYO WOLF Grad DEMEULEMEESTER List stolen property and mention RENAULT MASTER and a certificate of Flight and restitution of the foregoing. SUMMARY AA'AA 11 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon STOFF Carla (24/08/50) known to stup - held along Martin Sint-Andries - BCS NAHAYO Elyse (27/09/67) known to stup - held simultaneously in Sint-Andries MARTIN 112,281 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Analysis of diaries found on site Table Alphabetical Summary Table Option by phone numbers. XX In regard to certain persons: TJ mention Many relationships with DUTROUX MARTIN: lawyers

teachers - teachers - school area WATERLOO - The BRAINE ALLEUD psychologists doctors - gynecologists - pediatricians Embassies Germany - Austria - Switzerland-SlovakiaTchequie Pools Brussels - Dunkirk - Charleroi - Montignies .. DIAKOSTA. NIHOUL XX Names - addresses and phone will be identified Auditions torque relations identify writers 112,544 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 Other liabilities to DUTROUX 26/05/95: Olivier PREELS: Bef 95001.6.96: Michel Lelievre: 15000-bef 07/06 / 96: LELIEVRE: FORD SIERRA (74,877) PREELS (08/30/68) known for robbery XX hearings PREELS - LELIEVRE - DUTROUX loans on grounds of origin and contacts (PREELS) 112,545 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 Payments abroad XX 31/08/94: Transfer to Acct 60000-bef DUTROUX in MACKOVA - Puskinova to TOPOLCANY Origin: 271-0129632 cpte -72 (MARTIN) BANKA Veobecn UVEROVA to TOPOLCANY Urgent request made BRUNO Acct in question is in the name of Frdric MARTIN (son of DUTROUX MARTIN) MARTIN-XX Audition DUTROUX: source of funds - transfer motif - quid contact EVA - Countdown TOPOLCANY - what about the use of this acct - movements? - Contact the BRUNO GB X 071/203.317 Tel: Bruneau, Bd; Tirou 100 (no connection to date address) 354.02.75 Tel Michel BOURCHON X = GB WATERLOO agency is an employee whose BOURCHON XX Tel 0042 7326638 - SNP 19 81856 BRATISLAVA 112,546 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 Movements ARGENTA account 979-3848463-90 DUTROUX SUMMARY AA'AA 12 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 11-12/93: - 200000: GOLDEN Card - 573794: PIRE et Cie - 65000: ATM withdrawals 130,000 + XX: ATM payments 1994 - 469000: ATM withdrawals - 702402: check payments - 206,049: various transfers - 81260: transfer to BRUYHOI - 280267: payments RIGOR XX + 804 040: 769 000 + ATM payments: payments from 250,000 + GOLDEN acct: acct payment of its 28,200 + 979-2588872-44: cash rents 1995: - 132596: check payments - 306,000: withdrawals 16,000 + stop: collecting rents 16,000 +: payment of its CPTES 552,000 + XX: stop payments to 05/08/96 01/01/96: - 235000: ATM withdrawals - 120336: check payments - 9417: payment by transfer 400,457 + XX: stop payment Note: 6/24/95: Removal and JULIE MELISSA No large payment at the time XX 22/08/95: ANN removal and Eefje payments wickets in September-bef 380,000 in two installments ATM in November to 142,000-bef twice XX 5/28/96: Removal SABINE payments 130,000-bef twice in 31/05 and 23/07 XX Auditions DUTROUX MARTIN on origin and use of funds Auditions ARGENTA employees: depositing funds? 112,283 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 24/08 Review agendas Names: Christian JANIK THIENPONT Thierry Marie-Agnes TASIAUX ANNIE Counts between (total 1847738-bef) SCALDIS CODUME VANHAM ROLAND MONTECALMI GASIBOIS NEERBEL FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,404 - Phillippeville Rt 24/08 PCC-D700 PIONEER GSM card PROXIMUS second card PROXIMUS XN 075/62.85.47 018/56.54.01 X and Tel 017/351.351 - 83 Identification

02/732.88.88 or tel. GSM GSM Memory History 112,510 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubingies 24/08 round box SEIZURES attic with light brown hair / blonde woman photo marked "yes FREDERIC / DUCA Sasena 24/06/96) SUMMARY AA'AA 13 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon color glass beads sunglasses transparent plastic bags imitation crocodile stamps with designs XX Hair 112,550 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 24/08 assets DUTROUX LUXEMBOURG Letter from ROBECO BANK 09/12/94 Signature of Stefan RICHTER CR LUX identification cpte DUTROUX et al Audition DUTROUX its assets 112,647 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Acct 2710129632-72 MARTIN Address Zandstraat 148-8200 BRUGGE: Establishment of Charity Michelle 9/10/90 MARTIN: Bef payment for 100-GAME EDITIONS SA - LAUSANNE XX 29 / 01/91: 220,000 transfer from the Acct-bef 271-7116686-22 (unidentified) XX 03/04/92: Standing Order 02 garages for rent (street Kaisin??) 07/02/92: stop payment 85.000-XX Bef 11/02/94: payment of 50,000 chq acct 979-1909670-36 (unidentified) It pays regular cash sums ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Acct 260.0267963-21 MARTIN 24/07/92: 100,000 of chq acct 979-19097005-71 (unidentified) 31 / 07/92: 25,000 chq acct 979-1909670-36 of (unidentified) --------------------------------------------------- Identifications CPTES 271-7116686-22 979-1909670-36 979-1909705-71 000-0382291-14 location street garages T. Kaisin 112,670 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 25/08 Acct 271-0123957-23 of Puers Henriette (mother MARTIN) in 1990: MARTIN pours money for the upkeep of his son FREDERIC From 1991: Puers pays the money in savings acct FREDERIC (his little son) 1996: Acct powered by its board (31516bef) Balance at 30/07/96: + 1820-bef It also has a savings acct 271-7095747-35. Also Acct XX securities account 271-0123957-23 whose balance at 02/08/96 is 2,762,840 BefHistory folder titles and other CPTES. See who pays titles 112,279 FINDINGS MARTIN Street Rubignies ADDRESS IS XX Bank Veobecn UVEROVA BRATISLAVA POPOLCANY ZAMECNIC and the bq BRATISLAVA - tel 0042-732.66.38 VARSEC Pavla Fergiova: 19000 PRAGUE 9 Zatkostelni 5 Gejza Stanho: Tovarnitcy 118 - TOPOLCANY POZNAMKOVY BLOK SITY to SLAVOSOVCE, tel 0942-99117 DECMAN Martin: VL Druzby 107/1 to TOPOLCANY tel 0815-3217.48 and 071/47.33.07 GASPARIKOVA Dana: 95843 KRASNO 61 (SR? 081594833-004287) SUMMARY AA'AA 14 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 86/96 BRUSSELS PV N Th Summaries NOTES PRO The wife named Catherine PROSMAN EVERARD Paul (av. 08/22/96 (av. of tourists 23-1640 St. GENESIUS-RHODES worked with FLIER society BIPA BIPA up a company until 1985. Ele much used a VISA card. reuse She started many



Louis Lesaffre / Verhoustraeten Chantal / IMMOTEL NEWS SA / AGENCY EVOLUTION SPRL / SOGELES SA / LESAFFRE SA / SA CONCLUSION / EVOLUTION HORECA SPRL / STRATEPHAR SA / SA COLORYS photogravures / PERCALINE SPRL ________________________________________________________________________ LAY OUT MARTIN Michelle (15/01/60) 01 Contact by telephone: 22/08/96 Vandroogenbroeck Fancois: 071/32.62.07 M COPPIN: 071/41.49.75 RENOIR Emilie 071/35.43.70 MAURAGE Madeleine : 071/43.08.39 VLIEGHE Vronique: 071/40.44.33 DURAY Christian: 071/42.31.15 COLLET: Dominique: 071/81.94.01 NIHOUL Jean-Michel: 02/590.56.97 DELHAYE: 02/354.37.05 Varsalona Salvatore : 071/32.63.41 Varsalona Anna DUTROUX Marc (11/06/56) Family: brothers DUTROUX Serge (10/13/64) DUTROUX Johan Pol DUTROUX sister, Valerie DUTROUX Links: Michel Lelievre (05/11/71) Bernard Weinstein (04/03/52) RANDAZZO Damiano (03/15/69) DUMONT LEMAL Emile Michel (02/22/66) tenant Tel on layout: 071/36.44.92 075/62.85.47 + Marc DUTROUX SUMMARY AA'AA 4 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 018/56.54.01 071/32.38.90 Persons named on Lay-out: IACOBUCCI Nicolena (02/06/63) Varsalona Maria (10/18/83) LAY OUT DUTROUX Family 02 Brothers: POL 22/08/96 SERGE (13/10/64) Sr. died JOHAN: VALERIE Mother: Lauwens Jeannine (12/13/35) Father: DUTROUX Victor (16/10/28) Beaufather: Daniel Lebrun (9/20/53) = Lauwens husband Ex-wife Francoise DUBOIS (03/03/58) Son: DUTROUX Frederic (06/02/84) = DUBOIS DUTROUX with Andy (24/09/93) = Girl with MARTIN: DUTROUX Celine (11/24/95) with = MARTIN Wife: Michelle Martin (01/15/60) Lt meeting MICHAUX In 87/96 we talk about rape followed by sticking in November 95 03/09 DUTROUX bought a pleteuse with DEMALZY in November 95 DIAKOSTA brought a whore Eastern Puers was poisoned - it is proven Addresses medical visit THUIN-GILLY-SARSCHARLEROI (production studio) was seized in the trunk of bank FINET K7 pedophilia (no link with DUTROUX) press conference DUTROUX Victor (father) 02/09 DUTROUX asked his brother to help SERGE push a car with the corpses in the channel SUMMARY AA'AA 5 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Michelle MARTIN PV 3/SRC 112,503 22/08/96 Home in 1993: Avenue Philippeville 1286001 CHARLEROI X Acct number: 271-0129632-72 Mention of Grey Street address, 33 MONTIGNIES / SAMBRE 15000-bef pension Food DUTROUX Marc DUTROUX Address: rue Lopold Lenoble to JEMEPPE / SAMBRE Home in 1994: 45 rue de Rubignies LOBBES 35000-bef of maintenance from the DUTROUX DUTROUX Address: route de Philippeville

128-6001 -------- CHARLEROI -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Revenues 1993 = 402,077 1994 = 393,613-Bef Bef-Bef 1995 = 415836 -------------------------------------------------- Tenant --------------------------------------- street Gray = LEMAL husband Michel Varsalona Anna Maria is known for a robbery. Accomplice Philippe DUMONT 112504 Marc DUTROUX 22/08 Revenue (IGR) 1980: 420,672 1981: 183,370 1982: 295,274 1983: 209,033 1984: 351,498 1985: 179,792 1986: 44,878 1987:?????? 1988:?????? 1989: 17,309 1990: 391,912 1991: 413,671 1992: 695,201 1993:?????? 1994: 335,552 1995: 435,552 Homes: 27 Rue Lopold Lenoble JEMEPPE Av Philippeville MARCINELLE 128 Rue Rue Anemone 04 GOUTROUX City 30 - LA LOUVIERE 1980 to 1983: total DUTROUX-DUBOIS (02 children) from 1984 to 1988: DUTROUX is isolated (00 children) from 1989 to 1992-3: total DUTROUX MARTIN (01 children) From 1994 to: DUTROUX isolated (01 children) Real estate purchases: 05/11/84: 325000 - Rue des Grey 33 - 19/07/85 MARTIN: 250000 philippev Av. 128 - 27/01/86 DUTROUX: 300.000 - Street J. Destre 17 - 27/01/86 DUTROUX: 125.000 - Street J. Destre 17 - 04/09/92 PASETTI: 1850000 - street Rubignies 43-45 - DUTROUX / MARTIN Sinister Jules Destre on 10/04/92. SUMMARY AA'AA 6 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Inocupation Rubignies street in 1994 1995: BBL loan (117,842-Bef =%) X = Acct DUTROUX Phone 063-0271607-42 X DUTROUX 071/47.35.05 112,506 DIAKOSTAVR IANOS Michael 23/08 1990 Revenues: 180902-bef (unemployment) Revenues 1992: 128285-bef 1993-bef 1994 208 956: 178 704-bef 1995-bef 216320 Purchase the street Hayettes 17 6/14/96 (625,000-bef) to Buy Following Ismail YAMAN judgment of 12/01/96 a house 208 rue Jean Jaures Michel Lelievre 112,507 23/08 Revenue 91 121 975 bef-92-294696 bef 93 119 858 *** bef-94-141825 ****** bef Imposition of office for not reporting. Advanced on the basis of number cards 281.10 In 1993 the Tax Administration believes that LELIEVRE must have a minimum income of 485 000 Acct-Bef 360-0141011-76 Address: Rue Roi Albert 66/9 5060 SAMBREVILLE Street Falisolle 316/12 5060 SAMBREVILLE street Tasiaux CINEY 7-5590 Rue St-Michel 2-5500 DINANT Alley Poppies 23 HASTIERES 112,508 RANDAZZO Damiano 23/08 Income 85 20 855 bef-86-29219 bef 87: bef 37433-88-253812 BEF 89 245 978 bef-90: 150 846 bef-91: 92 1060-bef: 156078-bef 93 227 465 bef-94-226 340 bef Addresses: Street Corner Stradiot X 8-6358 Rue Fleurus Wilson 4-6220 FLEURUS Chausse de Charleroi 351-6220 FLEURUS X Tel 071/81.90.20 - 071/81.81.14 (parents)

X Acct 732-6521588-38 112652 Bernard Weinstein 24/08 revenue 86 423 212 bef-8778767 bef SUMMARY AA'AA 7 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 88:?? 89:?? 90: 488 458-bef 91 553 478 bef-92-520933 bef 93 343 053 bef-94-222128 bef Buying a home Aubresse Street 63/65 to 1,000,000 MARCINELLE price-Bef 31 / 01/92. X Address: Avenue Brugman 170/2, 1060 Brussels square L. BRUSSELS Morichar 21-1060 10-6200 Robesse street GOSSELIES Brussels road 59 and 63-6042 CHARLEROI PO Box 116042 LODELINSART street Aubresse 63-6040 CHARLEROI X Acct 360-0472125-32 Worked for VIDEO PROMOTION SPRL Rue Marconi 127 to UCCLE 111,648 PERQUISITI ON DUTROUX - Road Philippeville 22/08 A 16.00: building closed and intact Input: XX cardboard suitcase marked "Annie DARDENNE" Two helmets XX cardboard camera HANDY-CAM XX gloves plastic - frets gynecological XX reel doc ( elementary school English) XX Moroccan silver shoes with foam soles to shoe one ACTON A TV two boxes of candles XX An address DUTROUX abroad XX Two envelopes addressed to the family DARDENNE XX Tupperware white pills with a GSM Portfolio DUTROUX Doc Doc vehicle with female names for Doc foreign investment funds ROHYPNOL XX XX 15 tablets unidentified metallic safe marked "LIBIOULL? Raoul" Many candy XX clothing of children to the hideout XX Band hygienic Nbreux ECHO OF THE EXCHANGE of Garage neighbor almost above the cache Question: which leads to the vent XX cellar staircase embellished accurate inventory attached to the PV 112 520 35 FINDINGS DUTROUX - Rt Philippeville SUMMARY AA'AA 8 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 22/08 Review of various documents Mention: Albert FICHER CUVELIER Jacqueline LEJEUNE LEJEUNE Valerie Joseph Sebastian BRACHOT VIVIANE Geyssens PICCOLI Mirko DEMAZY Legaye Rosart EURO RENT Eric Andre Dr Jozef Varga LOUIS LOUVARD WORST JJ BRUYHAI CATS trading Love letter to DEMAZY CATHY distance calculations for 1994 XX IS: VARGA address Hrusavany Domovina C302 (95613) INC: pills (?) On securities portfolio Indication X X DUTROUX CPTES DUTROUX: 3716 in 611 WORST since 05/21/92 -1403458 to 35 Crdit Lyonnais chocolate packaging (see letter SABINE DARDENNE) Identification Documents DEMALZY stockbrokers and WORST BRUYHAI FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,403 - Rt Philippeville 22/08 ADDRESS ABROAD XX NACKOVA to Eva: Puskinova 1411 - TOPOLCANY 95501 - SLOVAKIA MACKOVA GASPARIKOVA Dana Krasno 61 - 95843 TOPOLCONY ADAMKOVICOVAL Janka: Muskalonva 2425 / 26-95501 TOPOLCANY SUSUKOVA Emilia

Tovarniky 102-95501 TOPOLCANY DROGERIA - DO SPOHKY VLASOV: Obycavne Cierne Jedny Turek Michal: V / .TOVARNICKA 1366-95501 TOPOLCANY Dobroviova Andrea Dudince 329-96271 LUCANSKY Jan: Stredanska 1796-95501 COBRA-TOPOLCANY NICK Tovarnicka 2104/19 -95,501 TOPOLCANY VARSEC Pavla: FERGIONA - Zakoselni 05-19000 PRAGUE 9 SEDLAROVA Katarina: Robotnicka 343 - Tovarniky (BOHUNA) TOPOLCANY 95,501 MACKO Jozef: Puskinova 1411 / a - 95501 TOPOLCANY?? : TREBENICKA 1291 PRAHA 8 - Kobylisy 182 00 Tel 00422-766322 00422-8585125 and (Mother) Church MAGDALA tel 036-454207 - JAL 705-60 5907 27 Street Stoupe 1 THIion tel 593434/241 Autolack Milan Benca - AUTOSERVIS Koniarovce - PSC 956 13 - tel 00422-815958 (MACHO) SKALA DROGERIA: Czech TOPOLCANY Letter DUTROUX VAT: 660228817 DUTROUX RC: 146 149 Phone call in case of problems: 071/59.54.72 X (= former number MARTIN - Rubignies) and X 071/47.33.05 (Rt = DUTROUX Philipeville) Doc CITROEN CX CVL-772 X X Acct Acct ARGENTA 979-3848463-90 320-0267659-09 BBL FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,352 - Rt; Phillipeville of SUMMARY AA'AA 9 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 22/08 NOTICE JI Connerotte 22 Aug 96 22.00 Discount JI letters from his family DARDENNE Sabine Opening and reading Connerotte and delivered to investigators findings Mail handled with gloves Submission for GD CHARLEROI Guard permanent addresses FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,405 - Rt Philippeville 24/08 Documents CX 2500 DIESEL registered on behalf of MARTIN 21/05/96 Michelle Miscellaneous documents relating to the vehicle to a trailer Various documents ARTE (UKG-085) Tel 050/42.63.82 = number of private MARCHAL Marcel BRAZIL hotel operator in Blankenberg Zuzana SVITKOVA XX: PO Hviezdoslava 2328-95501 TOPOLCANY Company KTM Trscher Wolfgang Knapp and Patricia Andr Marchal Marchal FERRERO accused a lawyer Dirk VANDAMME of Blankenberg of raping a girl's lawyer filed a complaint: BG.52.71.100795/96 FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,672 - Rt Philippeville 25/08 Case marked DARDENNE and Annie Frantz Lauwens XX DARDENNE Annie (12/01/47) Street Fayat 40 JEMEPPE Mari = FRANCOTTE Emile Lauwens Frantz (02/09/89 to 02/24/82) Wife = CAMPS Armande (22/03/09-08/05 / 93) Grandparents DUTROUX Quid links DUTROUX FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,406 - rt. Philippeville 24/08 PV 111648 Answering CRESTA Suite - K7 OLYMPUS XB30 XX Messages addressed to CATHY by BEER - PATRICIA - JOSETTE woman-child conversation about a rabbit Conversation for motorcycle repair - tel 081/56.60.73 Tel = HALLET Jean-Louis - Mireille VANDERBEQUE FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,675 - rt. Philippeville 24/08 PV Suite 111 648 Drawing Frederick DUTROUX 93-94 - 4 Man urine with primary bubble "feels good" Below bubble with child "help ca stinks" enter the drawing 112,089 FINDINGS DUTROUX - Rt Philippeville 24/08 PV from the record 56/86 JI HENNUY Dossier dependent DUTROUX and others RAPE ABOUNAHR Abdelfattak VAN

PETEGHEM Jean (author rape) VAN PETEGHEM traveling with vehicle DUTROUX XX linkages VAN PETEGHEM and DUTROUX FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,092 - Rt Philippeville SUMMARY AA'AA 10 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 24/08 Description soles shoes with foam - size 43 Description unique shoe sneaker plastic Binoculars PACIFIC Objects photographed FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,091 - Philippeville Rt 24/08 List cafes mention if the boss or staff "snitch" or if they are visited by "undercover cops". FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,090 - Philippeville Rt 24/08 Copying criminal record 33.01.15240/85 A load of strangers - Axelle complaint Delinte Removal major sequestration - rape Dossier 56/86 JI LACROIX dependent DUTROUX In brief: EHT plates -164 / DBB-072 / BNS-271 Philippe DENIS FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,676 - Philippeville Rt 26/08 Portfolios DUTROUX Map MAKRO - DUTROUX VAT: 660228817 RC DUTROUX: 146149 Phone call in case of problems: 071/59.54.72 X (= former number MARTIN Rubignies) and X 071/47.33.05 (Rt = DUTROUX Philipeville) Doc CITROEN CX-772 X CVL Countd ARGENTA 979-3848463-90 Slovak and German Silver 112,534 PERQUISITI ON MARTIN - Street Rubignies 22/08 Parts Inventory and heavy machinery Excavators tractor - trailer ... Witness: Sonia DUBRULLE clothing and children's toys DUTROUX LECLERCQ away by Annick (Trib Jeun CHARLEROI) XX Found apron with name Cedric RAY (11.08.92) Rue de l'Eglise Ste-Anne 67 ENTRY: XX mask FRANKENSTEIN audio tapes Fanais-Slovak dictionary Belgian money - Slovenian - German - Greek - Italian Moroccan - Yugoslav - Spanish - French - Luxembourg (small quantity) diskettes various documents XX non-inventoried 111,816 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - 100,518 PV Names: Leonie Makunga Maguy Eyela Petronelle ILUNGA Mathy MALASI Carla Kloof Elyse NAHAYO WOLF Grad DEMEULEMEESTER List stolen property and mention RENAULT MASTER and a certificate of Flight and restitution of the foregoing. SUMMARY AA'AA 11 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon STOFF Carla (24/08/50) known to stup - held along Martin Sint-Andries - BCS NAHAYO Elyse (27/09/67) known to stup - held simultaneously in Sint-Andries MARTIN 112,281 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Analysis of diaries found on site Table Alphabetical Summary Table Option by phone numbers. XX In regard to certain persons: TJ mention Many relationships with DUTROUX MARTIN: lawyers teachers - teachers school area WATERLOO - The BRAINE ALLEUD psychologists doctors - gynecologists pediatricians Embassies Germany - Austria - Switzerland-Slovakia-Tchequie Pools Brussels - Dunkirk - Charleroi - Montignies .. DIAKOSTA. NIHOUL XX Names - addresses and phone will be identified Auditions torque relations identify writers 112,544 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR

THUIN - PV 100 518 Other liabilities to DUTROUX 26/05/95: Olivier PREELS: Bef 95001.6.96: Michel Lelievre: 15000-bef 07/06 / 96: LELIEVRE: FORD SIERRA (74,877) PREELS (08/30/68) known for robbery XX hearings PREELS - LELIEVRE - DUTROUX loans on grounds of origin and contacts (PREELS) 112,545 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 Payments abroad XX 31/08/94: Transfer to Acct 60000-bef DUTROUX in MACKOVA - Puskinova to TOPOLCANY Origin: 271-0129632 cpte -72 (MARTIN) BANKA Veobecn UVEROVA to TOPOLCANY Urgent request made BRUNO Acct in question is in the name of Frdric MARTIN (son of DUTROUX MARTIN) MARTIN-XX Audition DUTROUX: source of funds - transfer motif - quid contact EVA - Countdown TOPOLCANY - what about the use of this acct - movements? - Contact the BRUNO GB X 071/203.317 Tel: Bruneau, Bd; Tirou 100 (no connection to date address) 354.02.75 Tel Michel BOURCHON X = GB WATERLOO agency is an employee whose BOURCHON XX Tel 0042 7326638 - SNP 19 81856 BRATISLAVA 112,546 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 Movements ARGENTA account 979-3848463-90 DUTROUX SUMMARY AA'AA 12 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 11-12/93: - 200000: GOLDEN Card - 573794: PIRE et Cie - 65000: ATM withdrawals 130,000 + XX: ATM payments 1994 - 469000: ATM withdrawals - 702402: check payments - 206,049: various transfers - 81260: transfer to BRUYHOI - 280267: payments RIGOR XX + 804 040: 769 000 + ATM payments: payments from 250,000 + GOLDEN acct: acct payment of its 28,200 + 979-2588872-44: cash rents 1995: - 132596: check payments - 306,000: withdrawals 16,000 + stop: collecting rents 16,000 +: payment of its CPTES 552,000 + XX: stop payments to 05/08/96 01/01/96: - 235000: ATM withdrawals - 120336: check payments - 9417: payment by transfer 400,457 + XX: stop payment Note: 6/24/95: Removal and JULIE MELISSA No large payment at the time XX 22/08/95: ANN removal and Eefje payments wickets in September-bef 380,000 in two installments ATM in November to 142,000-bef twice XX 5/28/96: Removal SABINE payments 130,000-bef twice in 31/05 and 23/07 XX Auditions DUTROUX MARTIN on origin and use of funds Auditions ARGENTA employees: depositing funds? 112,283 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 24/08 Review agendas Names: Christian JANIK THIENPONT Thierry Marie-Agnes TASIAUX ANNIE Counts between (total 1847738-bef) SCALDIS CODUME VANHAM ROLAND MONTECALMI GASIBOIS NEERBEL FINDINGS DUTROUX 112,404 - Phillippeville Rt 24/08 PCC-D700 PIONEER GSM card PROXIMUS second card PROXIMUS XN 075/62.85.47 018/56.54.01 X and Tel 017/351.351 - 83 Identification 02/732.88.88 or tel. GSM GSM Memory History 112,510 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubingies 24/08 round box SEIZURES attic with light brown hair / blonde woman photo marked "yes FREDERIC / DUCA Sasena 24/06/96) SUMMARY AA'AA

13 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon color glass beads sunglasses transparent plastic bags imitation crocodile stamps with designs XX Hair 112,550 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies Documents seized by BSR THUIN - PV 100 518 24/08 assets DUTROUX LUXEMBOURG Letter from ROBECO BANK 09/12/94 Signature of Stefan RICHTER CR LUX identification cpte DUTROUX et al Audition DUTROUX its assets 112,647 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 23/08 Acct 2710129632-72 MARTIN Address Zandstraat 148-8200 BRUGGE: Establishment of Charity Michelle 9/10/90 MARTIN: Bef payment for 100-GAME EDITIONS SA - LAUSANNE XX 29 / 01/91: 220,000 transfer from the Acct-bef 271-7116686-22 (unidentified) XX 03/04/92: Standing Order 02 garages for rent (street Kaisin??) 07/02/92: stop payment 85.000-XX Bef 11/02/94: payment of 50,000 chq acct 979-1909670-36 (unidentified) It pays regular cash sums ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Acct 260.0267963-21 MARTIN 24/07/92: 100,000 of chq acct 979-19097005-71 (unidentified) 31 / 07/92: 25,000 chq acct 979-1909670-36 of (unidentified) --------------------------------------------------- Identifications CPTES 271-7116686-22 979-1909670-36 979-1909705-71 000-0382291-14 location street garages T. Kaisin 112,670 FINDINGS MARTIN - Street Rubignies 25/08 Acct 271-0123957-23 of Puers Henriette (mother MARTIN) in 1990: MARTIN pours money for the upkeep of his son FREDERIC From 1991: Puers pays the money in savings acct FREDERIC (his little son) 1996: Acct powered by its board (31516bef) Balance at 30/07/96: + 1820-bef It also has a savings acct 271-7095747-35. Also Acct XX securities account 271-0123957-23 whose balance at 02/08/96 is 2,762,840 BefHistory folder titles and other CPTES. See who pays titles 112,279 FINDINGS MARTIN Street Rubignies ADDRESS IS XX Bank Veobecn UVEROVA BRATISLAVA POPOLCANY ZAMECNIC and the bq BRATISLAVA - tel 0042-732.66.38 VARSEC Pavla Fergiova: 19000 PRAGUE 9 Zatkostelni 5 Gejza Stanho: Tovarnitcy 118 - TOPOLCANY POZNAMKOVY BLOK SITY to SLAVOSOVCE, tel 0942-99117 DECMAN Martin: VL Druzby 107/1 to TOPOLCANY tel 0815-3217.48 and 071/47.33.07 GASPARIKOVA Dana: 95843 KRASNO 61 (SR? 081594833-004287) SUMMARY AA'AA 14 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon CPTES DUTROUX MARTIN and interrelated despite a formal separation between them no findings to reveal that DUTROUX has profited from trade any children if this is the case it does not appear in BELGIUM DUTROUX has accounts and SLOVAKIA LUXEMBOURG, for which we have no information Sources of income and allowances = Mutual rental income (house and vehicle storage) Refunds after insurance claims Activity scrap Sense important economic income occult occult Revenues from construction sites from theft 114496 12/02/96 RENSON 37 BQ STUDY OF ACCOUNTS DIAKOSTA - CAPTURE Study based on 5,000 operations and

the historical accounts are incomplete GERMANY GERMANY In its income came from unemployment or employer unidentified He had a map BANCONTACT In BELGIUM revenue It comes from doing a lot of unemployment cash payments and repay the loan even via cash payments There aps payment of household costs (electricity - gas - tel, ...) through its accounts According to PV previous findings that spends more than it earns note: sale of tires??? Request for information GERMANY CR complete response Entering accounts and bank extracts found in his German 117863 28/11/96 Noller 38 BQ ANALYSIS REVENUES and EXPENSES of Michel Lelievre Based on historical bank accounts all banks combined reprennant Table A table of expenditure and a revenue table 116224 11/25/96 RENSON 39 BQ ACCOUNTS ANALYSIS WEINSTEIN Study based on operation and Acct 5000 Krefima debtor 1,070,042 Revenues from: CAPAC - FOREM - CPAS retriat payments via cash payments and invoices or liquid via Post Ditto for the repayment of the After various mortgage exit it is between 8 and 13.000-bef/mois to live, pay electricity, gas, mortgage) in 92 according to the movements of his account he used only 100.000-bef From 22/04/92 at 27/10/92 = no withdrawal in 1993, according to the movements of his account he has used 160,000-bef including the repayment of the loan from 02/93 (or 10.294/mois 113,234 over the year) The same reasoning But in 1994 and 95 in 95 French cashing the check of the 585,136-bef 08/11/95 It pays a rent of 20,000: MARTIN months from 30/09/95 until 07/11/95 WEINSTEIN was clearly undeclared income ENTRY responses banking and various documents 118275 10/12/96 NOON DELMARTI IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AS 73 DIA GERMAN 0049- Vidoclub SUNSHINE Noggerathstraasse 33-53111 BONN Vidoclub operated by Manuela Thienel Since the 05/96 magazine is delivered to the Iranian videoclub is regularly contacted by brothers CHRYSSAGIS Aristomenis (09/08 / 67) and Constantine (05/10/61) Constantin is the partner of Thienel SUMMARY AA'AA 121 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon The two brothers are known for reproductions of K7 with pedophilia and other animals (file 20747/93 - C-9/12-1993 and 29586/91 - C-8/12/1993) 06-07/91 In K7 of pedophilia were seized VILLACH (Aut) The K7 came from LUXEMBOURG - sent by CHRYSSAGIS The NETHERLANDS reported that the brothers are known for 91 trade by mail K7 K7 Such pedophilia went every week for SWITZERLAND and AUSTRIA Between December 91 and April 92 the GERBER named Peter (03/07/46) sold in SWITZERLAND K7 with pedophiles and animals violaneces GERBER was arrested on 6/14/93 at home in ATHENS

CHRYSSAGIS Aristomenis Request audition DIAKOSTA: SUNSHINE CR links with Germany for further information NO 118277 12/12/96 DELMARTI 193 FINDINGS OF DIV CUYPER Jean-Franois Perqui the 28/08/96 - Street Finland MARCHIENNE 110 / PV 100 015 Bde ON DECK Table showing the phone numbers from the diaries - notebooks ... Copy documents seized documents attached entry form and deposit Bde ON O 118378 12/14/96 PIRARD WEI FRANCE 30 FAX IP Suite of 117,538 PV 27/11/996 3/SRC WEINSTEIN is known for FRANCE FLIGHT QUALIFIED for 1975et in FORGED CHEQUES 1976 Fax complementary IP for FRANCE dates incarcrationde WEINSTEIN 117131 18/12/96 LESCIAUS KAS FOC 10 86 INFORMATION: Transaction of 21/12/96 Several hearing RAEMAEKERS folder 111/96 JI LANGLOIS on excavations JUMET FOCANT Guy offers RAEM 1000000-bef investigators to rule JUMET A deposit must be paid 200,000 RAEM should send investigators on the wrong track (cahrbonnage LIEGE) FOCANT surprised that nothing has yet been discovered JUMET would FOCANT told the prison chaplain HOCK Marcel about his involvement in the kidnapping and death of Elizabeth BRICHET 118636 18/12/96 FRAIKIN FOC 11 86 RELATIONSHIP OF FACTS CONCERNING THE TRANSACTION deposit must be paid by two people on 21.12.96 at 17.30 hours to bridge Fragne A LIEGE accomplices have the money and the other monitor for RAEM The receiver must have a newspaper Laatste NIEUWS and should arrive by taxi seraz An implemented 118637 12/20/96 FRAIKIN FOC 12 86 REQUEST ZOLLER-MALICIEU retroactive PRISON FOCANT a NAMUR contact of his accomplices from prison for arranging the transaction 21/12/96 Request identification of all open lines in the walls of the prison NAMUR identify outgoing calls 19 / 12/96 between 11.00-12.00 18.00-19.30 Identify and outgoing calls from 20.12.96 to 21.12.96 at 06.00 to 22.00 118638 12/20/96 FRAIKIN FOC 13 86 REQUEST TAXI indictment to requisition a taxi for the arrival of Lige contact Bridge

Fragne 118477 21/12/96 DECKER SEARCH DIV at 198 Chausse de Charleroi SA MULTICAST 71 in St-Gilles At the request of PV cell Neufcahateau result 5341 of 10.21.96 PJ ARLON (hearing Willy VASSAUX about GHYSEGEM Armand VAN) On site: indoors and for rent Raids on 24/12/96 with the consent SACRE Michel (real estate agency SUMMARY AA'AA 122 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon responsible for the rental) It was indeed a library of esotericism ... Documentation header NEW AGE (accounting) List of persons and addresses and phone companion NPV = GHIJSEGEM GOLTFUS Fabienne NEW AGE is bankrupt: curator Anne DESMETH be exploited by seizures Parts Cell Neufchteau Copies of entries in Annex lists 118639 21/12/96 FRAIKIN FOC 14 86 OPERATION RESULT of the Board since 21/12/96 59 avenue Degneffe Contact phone RAEM not realize at 19.33 hours to report the contacts FOCANT arrived with a delay is importan to 18.15 hours 117132 22/12/96 LESCIAUS KAS FOC 15 86 HEARING of RAEMAEKERS (FOCANT-JUMET) Relates to the proposal FOCANT to put investigators off the scent JUMET (Gosson site to site or TILLEUR CASSART) Money d ela would sell his house POULSEUR (1.475.00 ) DEBUISSON (their co-owned) does not return to prison NAMUR FOCANT think he threw the pJ to be released FOCANT killed a blond boy buried beside KEN There would be 07 bodies buried in the gallery during transport of a body they have lost girl scandal The gallery is located on a flat site with illegal dumping of rubbish Prs 500m of an industrial building There is a slab near the entrance is close to The Gallery Next the surface of where we should come up or down NO 118640 22/12/96 DELMARTI FOC 16 86 REQUEST indictment BELGACOM Zoller retroactive to 23/12/96 21/12/96 to 19.00 to 24.00 Zoller-malicious on the 23/12/96 to 29/12/96 phone lines prison Namur 119134 BALL 23/12/96 DIV 202 DEPOSIT PASSPORT ZIANI the consulate FRANCE

119164 24/12/96 MONTAG FOC 17 86 RESULT ZM jail and NAMUR REQUEST BELGACOM The indictment 04/380.38.09 (dcl FOCANT) was contacted at the start of Namur prison for 10 'at 15.52 hours on 12.23.96 Request ZM retroactive on 04/380.38 .09 from 16 to 29/12/96 119256 24/12/96 MONTAG FOC 18 86 TRANSMITTED BELGACOM indictment for online 04/380.38.09 100056 BALL 03/01/97 205 REQUEST DIV indictment BELGACOM PROXIMUS Identification Numbers 31/05/96 The NIHOUL appeared to VAT BXL He forgot a document containing phone numbers This document was given to us in Joint Appendix 100164 01/06/97 MONTAG FOC 22 86 RESULT ZM Prison NAMUR Dcl FOCANT Contacts between prison and home FOCANT 12.19.96 to 18.13 hours (13 ') 21/12/96 at 19.14 hours (11') 23/12/96 at 17.52 hours (10 ') 25 / 12/96 at 14.45 hours (12 ') 27.12.96 at 15.53 hours (14') Also: 21/12/96 at 20.00 hours: contact dcl FOCANT and DICCA PIZZERIA (SPRL the ARLECCHINO) SUMMARY AA'AA 123 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 12.25.96 at 14.57 hours: contact dcl FOCANT and E. ROMAN No call FOCANT to a liquor 21 and 27/12/96 contrary to the declaration of the RAEMAEKERS 21/12/96 FOCANT contact his home after the appointment and missed his dcl is called an institution in the region (PIZZERIA) on 25/12/96 Same wetted named ROMAN E. (Next dcl FOCANT) The SPRL ARLECCHINO = PATTI Francesco (12/20/46) BVBA husband Vanstraelen Arlette has an address (phone) to ESNEUX rue de la Station 45 ROMAN EVELYNE (01/09/60) daughter of Maria Romain Hubert and Vanhengel ---- Request wiretap of 04/380.38.09 + ZM 116604 BALL 08/11/96 DIV 207 HEARING NOTICE of FRISQUE GEORGES BR.37.97.6873/96 Deposit pieces on the CELESTINIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST - BOUTY - 07/11/96 The NIHOUL he went Bd 04 Days of 20: see document FILE ANNIE BOUTY It BC Tel. Broustin 17 and is pretending to be a

member of that came the next day BXL (in French) the caller asked him to take it to the station He also went street sergeant Debruyn 73 He gave to Major Guissart notes relating to human trafficking in DOLO He said he had already denounced this and die MARNETTE JI LYNA who are ignored BOUTY FILE: Description of Building Bd 04 Days 20 There is no church in the Nigerian address but 118920 18/12/96 RENSON 40 BQ STUDY OF ACCOUNTS RANDANZZO Damiano Identification Few income accounts (mutual or unemployment) As soon as he is an entry he made a cash withdrawal Ds loan repayments are made by the RANDANZZO named YAHYAOUI Miloud Ds refunds a loan made by the RANDANZZO are named Yves MOMMART 118960 18/12/96 RENSON 41 BQ LEGAL FEES Claimed by the SNCI for historiqur of CPTES (36-Bef) by CERA (200Bef) 100062 BALL 01/03/96 DIV INFORMATION 208 The original of the document in issue of 03/01/97 PV 100056 was sent by minisyre Finance Madame Thily (PG LIEGE) FAX 30/12/96 209 DIV INFORMATION - EXCAVATIONS JUMET An inmate prison JAMIOULX (CLEEREBAUT Claude - 7/25/61) reported to the prison he thinks the excavations JUMET are not going in the right place it may designate exact location where would caches 100059 BALL 01/04/97 DIV 210 DRZ INITIAL BR.37.66.100059/97 - DECLARATION OF gilmart Nadine (13/09/58) In 1972 (14 years) she began taking drugs and into prostitution (15) Acctuellement she came out of these environments in 1980 she was taken in by a man stop circulating 2CV She woke up in the driver's room - he was naked - there was a camera on a tripod - it was not undressed She left the scene - no complaint In 1993 she reviewed the man in question in a bookstore site F. Cocq SUMMARY AA'AA 124 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon He wanted to put an ad - he looked young students for artistic photos for underwear He said live Lasnes rue de la Gare and Rue de la Station 10 She told the facts BSR member BXL - in a notebook - she agreed to get in touch if she herself was recontacted She sent a

fax rue de la Gare and was recontacted An appointment was set and the BSR was present - the man did not come He gave a another appointment after it said it had to be entirely razed - he wanted very young girls A time she looked very young BSR was present at the appointment The man came and was followed by DRZEMALA - he entered in a house instead Stphanie - The Gd note the name on the doorbell She has not had a new In 09/96 she recognized the man as DUTROUX (TV) DRZEMALA She contacted him and reported DUTROUX recognized after having astonished not to have been a new DRZ said he had to explain why he stopped spinning DRZ said he was viewing the case DUTROUX K7 DRZ is in contact with MICHAUX - he does not sleep DRZ said that if asked to classify a case he would resign DRZ took notes in 09 / 96 It was reported to the DRZ sex crimes against children Spanish from the janitor of the school and some teachers she had no more information to this topic 100060 BALL 01/04/96 DIV 211 DRZ INFORMATION The PR 31/12/96 BOURLET contacted by gilmart who wants to meet it sends a fax explaining the events mentioned in his statement (PV 100059) It presents the GD and received by PR and Gd BALL BOURLET It explains facts and Vincent said he warned the Parliamentary Commission DECROLY presentation pictures - it recognizes DUTROUX Rdv 04/01/97 for hearing DRZEMALA contact - at the time he felt that there was no need to write PV DRZ will report by Maj. BXL with copy to BSR BALL It will take notes of his book A 17.15 DRZ reported Qty transmitted to BSR - no copy BALL following directive Cdt Maj. BSR BSR transmit itself on 04/01 / 97 at the time of hearing gilmart: report not yet reached 119132 BALL 22/12/96 DIV 212 VSP INITIAL BR.52.66.119132/96 Info 19/12/96 via the journalist GOCHELLE LA MEUSE A LIEGE "Commissioner instruction" (bailiff??) Responsible for making copies of PV in the folder BR.37.66 .117528/96 (GRAFFE) copies more he gives to the press 117156 11/15/96 DECRAEN E (BCR) DIV 213 VSP INITIAL BR.52.66.117156/96 Two journalists were given a copy of the Dutch PV 39.686/96 and PJ BXL copy of a confidential report to a Minister for Parts journalists undertake not to publish 118178 17/12/96 SIMONINI

CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS 74 DUT DUTROUX Several of DOURNEL lettresd'amour from Christine de Valenciennes No significant lments 100323 19/12/96 BEIRENS 138 March DISK REVIEW DUTROUX by BCR 05 100 162 19 disks No items FOC of RAEMAEKERS HEARING SUMMARY AA'AA 125 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 06/01/97 LESCIAUS KAS 86 Rdv complicit with FOCANT missed because they were stuck in traffic 12.23.96 The FOCANT contacted his accomplices After the call he said "you let the matter drop and say your a cop that I do not walk in the case of "A place where Elisabeth and Ken there were several landslides that have been" reshaped "Since 31/12/96 JASSELLETTE Claude is in the same cell and they is homosexual pedophile is FOCANT went from driving a white van with DIAKOSTA NIHOUL and DUTROUX The van was painted blue and is said to know MOROCCO JASSELLETTE international traffic FOCANT said that research JUMET fail because NIHOUL is protected by Ministers FOCANT communicates NIHOUL via letter with his wife, daughter or LABYE Intermediate NIHOUL unknown 100447 01/06/97 clipped 215 REQUEST DIV indictment PROXIMUS PV-BELGACOM Suite No. 100056 Request identification list required identifications (03 GSM and 10 OTHERS) 100121 07/01/97 SIMONINI 75 DUT SEIZURE ANALYSIS DUTROUX Box with numerous maps A map of ING KAIN with different street maps Cards foreign Important documentation Fens and MALMEDY 100329 07/01/97 MONTAG 20 TAPE FOC 86 STAFF LIST For TAPE on 04/380.38.09 100523 01/10/97 PIRARD 139 of March ENTRY SUBMISSION DISK and 05 diskettes DUTROUX Registry Neufchteau via cell Nine. 100334 12/01/97 MONTAG 21 TAPE FOC 86 SAVE SELECTION REPORT COMMUNICATIONS 01 for Transcript of online communications

04/380.38.09 100704 01/14/97 Hupez 76 DUT INFORMATION - SURGICAL ITEMS Suite speculum in case DUTROUX: surgical recall other objects discovered by the BSR 22/08/96 BXL come from the lab and PJ Control of origin for possible analysis 118220 04/12/96 MERJEAI 01 SEC INITIAL BR.57.66.118220/96 - T4 INFORMATION In 1987 he met a psychotherapist (JOHANA) and paramedical (EVA) He attended a Black Mass in the posh suburb in GENT 05/87 Mass Satanist ago sacrifice of animals was killed and then gutted the blood of animals were drunk by the participants and EVA were present JOHANA He noted that in the U.S. children are sacrificed in satanic HOLLAND movements have links aves pedophile T4 did not have witnessed the whole ceremony description villa luxury vehicles including three plates "P" T4 brought on site big black Mercedes with leather seats and dark minibar and phone number - Dutch plate (blindfolded) Church of Satan led to time by Anton LA VEY They talked ARMAND to take a road MECHELEN Twenty minutes after the motorway BXL-GENT JOHANA EVA and reported that there were Parliamentarians and others SUMMARY AA'AA 126 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Satanic symbol = (reversed = 666) Cast in an unknown language Priests and priestesses naked under their cloaks Everyone with cape and mask rebate money and requests The spell sacrificed animal suffering is the way to get power and authority JOHANA After the ceremony and EVA had to go to the Belgian coast 100693 01/06/97 VAN CLEUV. 02 SEC INITIAL BR.47.66.100693/97 - HEARING LAMI of Patrick (05/21/57) He was a member of CHRISTIAN CENTER RHODES-St-GENESIS - Waterloo 147 hp He knows Satanic churches in HASSELT (2) - BRUSSELS (3) - ANTW (1) - GENT - KNOKKE - LIEGE CHARLEROI and MOZET He cites the 07/01 was a day like donations to the churches Satanic Satanic churches are part of the World Association There are thousands members in BELGIUM sacrifices will sacrifice animals to sacrifice human sacrifices are followed orgies A woman is raped by a snake or a dog that is Satan Sometimes the woman is sacrificed and its blood is used for rites It An and Eefje think may have been used for such rites ritual satanic plans to cut the heads of members who want to leave the Church or Church change 100330 07/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 23 TAPE

TAPE RECORDING 04/380.38.09 From 07/01/97 to 11/01/97 at 20.35 to 20.09 between this number and calls 04/223.12.32 = Govt. 04/351.69.85 SCHADEWITZ prov = J = 04/379.51.25 LEENDERS Henri 081/74.57.46 = Prison Namur 04/336.07.08 = CARRARA FOCANT Francis 04/380.38.95 04/223.51.23 = E = ROMAN Marie LAMBERT Theresa04/223.38.04 = Govt. Prov. 04/234.40.75 = HONAY-Andr Leclercq 019/58.82.71 = LABYE Maurice 100331 07/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 24 TAPE COMMUNICATION AS POLLING - REPORT 001 From 07/01/97 to 11/01/97 at 20.35 to 20.09 TAPES 1-4 = 19 communications 100503 07/01/97 FRAIKIN FOC 86 25 TAPE TRANSMITTED to the indictment LISTENING 04/380.38.09 BELGACOM LIEGE 07 to 14/01/97 100510 09/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 26 TAPE TAPE RECORDING 04/380.38.09 From 11/01/97 to 16/01/97 at 20.09 to 21.36 calls from this number and 04/388.33.99 DEBLAUWE Ghen = P = 04/275.39.49 Clabots Jean-Louis 04/223.43 = .16 LECOMTE Marie-Thrse 04/336.91.00 = GODEFROID Henri 061/22.49.17 = BELGACOM 04/223.48.99 = Govt. Prov. 04/380.22.33 04/380.15.15 = L = Xhaard GOIJEN Marianne 04/58.83.81 = DECORTIS Joseph 04/221.02.20 = LE P'TIT BERTHELOT (coffee) 04/222.06.09 = MEUSE (newspaper) 081 / 73.27.92 Prison NAMUR = 100129 DIV 194 DOCUMENTS - INFORMATION RECEIVED gilmart of Nadine SUMMARY AA'AA 127 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BALL 10/01/97 Handwritten letter dated 10/01/97 and CINE REVUE 36 05/09/96 page 22 Moane Fatima can testify to confirm his words Letter = coordinate of her husband Pascal Bigano can also confirm his testimony "aggressor" is entered between 06 and 12 Place Stphanie (1993) CINE REVUE = photo DUTROUX 100509 11/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 27 TAPE STATEMENT AS COMMUNICATIONS - Communications 002 REPORT 11/01/97 to 16/01/97

at 20.09 to 22.36 TAPES 05-10 = 33 communications 100334 12/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 28 TAPE SAVE SELECTION REPORT 01 for COMMUNICATIONS 100504 07/01/97 FRAIKIN FOC 86 29 TAPE TRANSMITTED to the indictment LISTENING 04/380.38.09 BELGACOM LIEGE 15 to 24/01/97 100,337 LESCIAUS KAS 1/15/97 FOC 30 86 APPLICATION MONEY PERQUI of the PV 100162 06/01/97: NIHOUL FOCANT written by intermediaries (or his wife LABYE) Requests for Perquis LABYE Marc Clabots Irene (wife) FOCANT Jocelyne (girl) 100501 01/16/97 FRAIKIN FOC 31 86 SEARCH in FOCANT Guy - Clabots Irene Street Ourthe 23-4171 POULSEUR No items useful 100502 01/16/97 FRAIKIN FOC 32 86 HEARING Clabots of Irene (08/27/33) According FOCANT it does not know is NIHOUL HEBRANT fantasist and storyteller she was not aware of the relationship between FOCANT and HEBRANT She does not know NIZET (co-charged FOCANT) She William CONSTABLE known (co-charged FOCANT) via a neighbor LABYE ignored the dealing of FOCANT with minors FOCANT had a FORD FIESTA Grise (YH401) journalists of "Morgen" LABYE phoned yesterday (01.15.97) They wanted information on FOCANT NO 100505 01/16/97 DELMARTI FOC 33 86 SEARCH in FOCANT Jocelyne (3/11/60) and HEARING Rue Renard 225-4100 SERAING Present her husband Francesco CARRARA (08/17/47 Entry Two letters addressed to FOCANT torque (25/09/96 and 03/01 / 97) and empty envelopes postmarked envelope addressed to the couple's 13/01/97 letter 12/01/97 A letter and an envelope addressed to Roland FRANCOTTE by FOCANT A phone directory FOCANT he was never given a tier-mail the letter and the first FRANCOTTE that it is not intended She does not know NIHOUL HEBRANT is a friend of the family Another child attending his father PIQUEREAUX She plays the theater - as LABYE

100506 01/16/97 Eloir FOC 34 86 STATE of FRESH FOOD Perqui FOCANT Jocelyne Suite 1789-Bef three verbalisants 100462 ALVAREZ 01/17/97 195 DIV INFORMATION - NIHOUL Emile (17/04/22) After MERELBEKE of research it appears that he is not the father of NIHOUL Michel (04/23/41) NIHOUL's father died in 1978 Jacques NIHOUL = ( 30.09/06) There is no direct relative (to grandparents) 100,508 35 HEARING FOC of Jasselette Claude (14/03/60) SUMMARY AA'AA 128 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 20/01/97 FRAIKIN Co-owned by FOCANT RAEMAECKERS and NAMUR He had FOCANT to prison NAMUR 10/10/96 It was the changed cell and was replaced by GLAUDE Joel Francis The DEBUISSON and then he returned 31/12/96 The cell has changed 1/16/97 FOCANT cell No comments on particular FOCANT After excavations are excavations news about FOCANT remained silent He spoke with RAEM searches but did not intervene FOCANT He never FOCANT seen sketching Under his case FOCANT knows the person denounced by HEBRANT as carrying a watering can - He knows who he is but refuses to identify FOCANT said that it was not NIHOUL Contrary to what was said HEBRANT note: it would perhaps show HEBRANT dezs photos VIAL 100512 01/21/97 FRAIKIN 36 FOC HEARING RAEMAECKERS of Jean-Paul Jasselette FOCANT encourages lying to police FOCANT no longer seems to want to talk excavations since 09/01/97 FOCANT said Martin knew what was happening and with JULIE MELISSA Jasselette and confirmed but no details Jasselette DUTROUX know - he provided false papers and car Jasselette said FOCANT wet up to his neck in the case DUTROUX-NIHOUL Jasselette said they are protected and that everyone has not been arrested Jasselette have participated in differents traffic with his truck and he spoke MERCEDES If heads 13/01/97 The fall FOCANT said that if nobody talks there will never be proof Jasselette said FOCANT is a manipulator Speaking of traffic it speaks of sects and pedophilia provided by The DUTROUX 16/01/97 talking about the disappearance of RTL a kid - Jasselette said it is not the work of the team or FOCANT NIHOUL and probably not of DUTROUX Jasselette wondered if grizzled man circulating JETTA we talked about in the controversy is not FOCANT 18/01/97 FOCANT GILLOT knows well the Bde GRACE-HOLLOGNE Delivery of a letter that tore FOCANT and put in the trash FOCANT written NIHOUL via his wife, daughter or LABYE gives the letter to his lawyer latter gives it to the lawyer NIHOUL 100513 01/21/97 FRAIKIN

HEARING DIV 196 of RAEMAEKERS JP (in case 87/96 JI LANGLOIS) Jasselette is the sponsor's daughter Tagliafero Bruno (killed) was completed by Tagliafero DIAKOSTA They had regular contacts for international traffic unn Car Jasselette ZYCOT knows that protects Car traffic DUT 197 MOBILE ACCOUNTS Victor DUTROUX 150 042 14/01 R 42 DERNICOU BQ INFORMATION - CPTES Banking NIHOUL Apostille of the JI 16/12/96 LANGLOIS transmitted to the OCEDEFO REMY 150 043 R 140 DERNICOU 14/01/97 March INFORMATION - Rink Attendance FOREST Subscription DUTROUX (?) visits the skating rink 02-03/01/93 (2X2 entries) - 06-12/02/93 - 03/26/93 (2 entries) - 03 / 04/93 and 01/05/95 100 667 17/01/97 218 POURBAIX DIV INFORMATION - Sheet No. 0800 2886 Contact GILLES Marina No matter relevant to our records, there is already a folder BR.37.11.848/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 129 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 100527 01/15/97 PIRARD DIV 219 TART FINDINGS - 21/10/83 FRERES Schulman Letter headed Hospital Erasme Professor Claude Schulman wrote Adm. Penitentiary for release WEINSTEIN It provides support to engage WEINSTEIN ERASME His brother Charles Claude Schulman IN fact is the brotherWEINSTEIN (WEINSTEIN married Mireille) ---------------- -------------------------------------------------DF = --------------------------------- WEINSTEIN job 1986chez VIDEO PROMOTION SPRL whose leaders are Joseph Schulman and AMARAGGI Maurice VIDEO PROMOTION = related NETHERLANDS: VIDEO PROMOTION HOLLAND NV Seat = 127 Marconi Street building also includes 123 and 125 No trace of the company at the address According RN: In person at the addresses occupied building practice and bells = KRIPURN Benny - Nadia - Didier Anabelle JOORIS-F - MOERMAN JL - SRAH N. - WASRTIJN - DE SCHUYMER --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- Joseph Schulman (29/07/46) is removed from office in BUIZINGEN Kluisbos 45 But he bills are sent to this address and paid by Marc Schulman Schulman Vehicle (R5 = 1162C) seen front seat of SA Z COMPANY Marc Schulman on RN = unknown perhaps JOSEPH New residents to address since 18/01/97: WATTIEZ Bruno and Nele BEYS Maurice AMARAGGI party MONACO Presence of a BMW 520 (CTF-318) to the home of his concubine (Lerusse Franoise) 85 rue des Tilleuls UCCLE = CTF-318 NEMO FILMS SA AMARAGGI which is admdelegate In 1995 RAEMAEKERS spoke of orgies with children STUDIO MOLIERE Avenue Molire Molire 86 UCCLE STUDIO AUDIO CORPORATION = SPRL which Joseph Schulman is Managing Adm Joseph Schulman VIDEO PROMOTION SPRL = Manager Manager SPRL ZABRISKIE Adm-deadli FILMS AND ITS Twogether Parners deadli SA Z-Adm Adm-deadli COMPANY SA SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES BVBA AUDIO PROMOTION Ass in Ass in DIMENSION BEAUTY BVBA SPRL Ex-manager IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES Ex-ass SPRL DESK Ex-ass COMMUNICATION AS ACTION HOME PALLADIO Ex-adm SA KESSLER ALER ExAdm LBS CONSULTANCY SA Maurice AMARAGGI = Adm-NEMO deadli FILMS SA Admdeadli COMPANY OF METALURGIQUE HAREN SA Manager C SPRL JUST AN IDEA (and

partner) Ex-manager SPRL VIDEO PROMOTION Ex-manager SPRL IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES Ex-manager SPRL ZABRISKIE FILMS WOODBURY Philip (3/23/46) = SPRL Manager ZABRISKIE FILMS SUMMARY AA'AA 130 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Z COMPANY SA adm adm Ex-SA ACTION HOME PALLADIO Michel Perin (6/10/45) Adm. Manager SPRL ZABRISKIE FILMS COMPANY SA Z Ex-adm deadli IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES SCRL Charles Claude Schulman (ERASMUS) is associated in IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRY MEES Olivier (02/02/58 - photographer) is manager IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES and adm-deadli of Twogether & PARTNERS CORNET Patrick (09/09/54) is manager SPRL AUDIO CORPORATION (Studio Molire) COLSON Annette (08/18/55) is manager SPRL DIMENSION BEAUTY HOMEWORK REQUESTS Perquis Hopital Erasme (archive cabinet and Schulman) and dlomicile of Charles Claude Schulman for medical WEINSTEIN Perquis in companies and persons mentioned 150056 27/01/97 RACE 220 DIV INFORMATION Apostille received by mistake for PJ 100675 06/02/97 POURBAIX DIV 221 HEARING Wtrich of Bernard (19/08/55) Relations between DUTROUX ROSOOR and Michel (01/03/50) ROSOOR = pedophile notorious in Thailand ROSOOR folder object is 217/96 JI VANDERMEERSCH (BR.37.66.117450/95 ) ROSOOR resides in Thailand BANGKOK PATTAYA He received European tourists come to pedophilia He had ROSOOR via MAGIN nitre which manages the assets of Matre MAGIN his mother is a friend of ROSOORT ROSOORT an accomplice sends children under the guise of NORWAY adoption Seeing a story on DUTROUX in Thailand he said he knew DUTROUX ROSOORT said he fears nothing BELGIUM because it supports 150077 06/02/97 PIRARD DIV 222 TART CPTES DUTROUX MARTIN and interrelated despite a formal separation between them no findings to reveal that DUTROUX has profited from trade any children if this is the case it does not appear in BELGIUM DUTROUX has accounts and SLOVAKIA LUXEMBOURG, for which we have no information Sources of income and allowances = Mutual rental income (house and vehicle storage) Refunds after insurance claims Activity scrap Sense important economic income occult occult Revenues from construction sites from theft 114496 12/02/96 RENSON 37 BQ STUDY OF ACCOUNTS DIAKOSTA - CAPTURE Study based on 5,000 operations and the historical accounts are incomplete GERMANY GERMANY In its income came from

unemployment or employer unidentified He had a map BANCONTACT In BELGIUM revenue It comes from doing a lot of unemployment cash payments and repay the loan even via cash payments There aps payment of household costs (electricity - gas - tel, ...) through its accounts According to PV previous findings that spends more than it earns note: sale of tires??? Request for information GERMANY CR complete response Entering accounts and bank extracts found in his German 117863 28/11/96 Noller 38 BQ ANALYSIS REVENUES and EXPENSES of Michel Lelievre Based on historical bank accounts all banks combined reprennant Table A table of expenditure and a revenue table 116224 11/25/96 RENSON 39 BQ ACCOUNTS ANALYSIS WEINSTEIN Study based on operation and Acct 5000 Krefima debtor 1,070,042 Revenues from: CAPAC - FOREM - CPAS retriat payments via cash payments and invoices or liquid via Post Ditto for the repayment of the After various mortgage exit it is between 8 and 13.000-bef/mois to live, pay electricity, gas, mortgage) in 92 according to the movements of his account he used only 100.000-bef From 22/04/92 at 27/10/92 = no withdrawal in 1993, according to the movements of his account he has used 160,000-bef including the repayment of the loan from 02/93 (or 10.294/mois 113,234 over the year) The same reasoning But in 1994 and 95 in 95 French cashing the check of the 585,136-bef 08/11/95 It pays a rent of 20,000: MARTIN months from 30/09/95 until 07/11/95 WEINSTEIN was clearly undeclared income ENTRY responses banking and various documents 118275 10/12/96 NOON DELMARTI IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AS 73 DIA GERMAN 0049- Vidoclub SUNSHINE Noggerathstraasse 33-53111 BONN Vidoclub operated by Manuela Thienel Since the 05/96 magazine is delivered to the Iranian videoclub is regularly contacted by brothers CHRYSSAGIS Aristomenis (09/08 / 67) and Constantine (05/10/61) Constantin is the partner of Thienel SUMMARY AA'AA 121 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon The two brothers are known for reproductions of K7 with pedophilia and other animals (file 20747/93 - C-9/12-1993 and 29586/91 - C-8/12/1993) 06-07/91 In K7 of pedophilia were seized VILLACH (Aut) The K7 came from LUXEMBOURG - sent by CHRYSSAGIS The NETHERLANDS reported that the brothers are known for 91 trade by mail K7 K7 Such pedophilia went every week for SWITZERLAND and AUSTRIA Between December 91 and April 92 the GERBER named Peter (03/07/46) sold in SWITZERLAND K7 with pedophiles and animals violaneces GERBER was arrested on 6/14/93 at home in ATHENS CHRYSSAGIS Aristomenis Request audition DIAKOSTA: SUNSHINE CR links with Germany

for further information NO 118277 12/12/96 DELMARTI 193 FINDINGS OF DIV CUYPER Jean-Franois Perqui the 28/08/96 - Street Finland MARCHIENNE 110 / PV 100 015 Bde ON DECK Table showing the phone numbers from the diaries - notebooks ... Copy documents seized documents attached entry form and deposit Bde ON O 118378 12/14/96 PIRARD WEI FRANCE 30 FAX IP Suite of 117,538 PV 27/11/996 3/SRC WEINSTEIN is known for FRANCE FLIGHT QUALIFIED for 1975et in FORGED CHEQUES 1976 Fax complementary IP for FRANCE dates incarcrationde WEINSTEIN 117131 18/12/96 LESCIAUS KAS FOC 10 86 INFORMATION: Transaction of 21/12/96 Several hearing RAEMAEKERS folder 111/96 JI LANGLOIS on excavations JUMET FOCANT Guy offers RAEM 1000000-bef investigators to rule JUMET A deposit must be paid 200,000 RAEM should send investigators on the wrong track (cahrbonnage LIEGE) FOCANT surprised that nothing has yet been discovered JUMET would FOCANT told the prison chaplain HOCK Marcel about his involvement in the kidnapping and death of Elizabeth BRICHET 118636 18/12/96 FRAIKIN FOC 11 86 RELATIONSHIP OF FACTS CONCERNING THE TRANSACTION deposit must be paid by two people on 21.12.96 at 17.30 hours to bridge Fragne A LIEGE accomplices have the money and the other monitor for RAEM The receiver must have a newspaper Laatste NIEUWS and should arrive by taxi seraz An implemented 118637 12/20/96 FRAIKIN FOC 12 86 REQUEST ZOLLER-MALICIEU retroactive PRISON FOCANT a NAMUR contact of his accomplices from prison for arranging the transaction 21/12/96 Request identification of all open lines in the walls of the prison NAMUR identify outgoing calls 19 / 12/96 between 11.00-12.00 18.00-19.30 Identify and outgoing calls from 20.12.96 to 21.12.96 at 06.00 to 22.00 118638 12/20/96 FRAIKIN FOC 13 86 REQUEST TAXI indictment to requisition a taxi for the arrival of Lige contact Bridge Fragne

118477 21/12/96 DECKER SEARCH DIV at 198 Chausse de Charleroi SA MULTICAST 71 in St-Gilles At the request of PV cell Neufcahateau result 5341 of 10.21.96 PJ ARLON (hearing Willy VASSAUX about GHYSEGEM Armand VAN) On site: indoors and for rent Raids on 24/12/96 with the consent SACRE Michel (real estate agency SUMMARY AA'AA 122 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon responsible for the rental) It was indeed a library of esotericism ... Documentation header NEW AGE (accounting) List of persons and addresses and phone companion NPV = GHIJSEGEM GOLTFUS Fabienne NEW AGE is bankrupt: curator Anne DESMETH be exploited by seizures Parts Cell Neufchteau Copies of entries in Annex lists 118639 21/12/96 FRAIKIN FOC 14 86 OPERATION RESULT of the Board since 21/12/96 59 avenue Degneffe Contact phone RAEM not realize at 19.33 hours to report the contacts FOCANT arrived with a delay is importan to 18.15 hours 117132 22/12/96 LESCIAUS KAS FOC 15 86 HEARING of RAEMAEKERS (FOCANT-JUMET) Relates to the proposal FOCANT to put investigators off the scent JUMET (Gosson site to site or TILLEUR CASSART) Money d ela would sell his house POULSEUR (1.475.00 ) DEBUISSON (their co-owned) does not return to prison NAMUR FOCANT think he threw the pJ to be released FOCANT killed a blond boy buried beside KEN There would be 07 bodies buried in the gallery during transport of a body they have lost girl scandal The gallery is located on a flat site with illegal dumping of rubbish Prs 500m of an industrial building There is a slab near the entrance is close to The Gallery Next the surface of where we should come up or down NO 118640 22/12/96 DELMARTI FOC 16 86 REQUEST indictment BELGACOM Zoller retroactive to 23/12/96 21/12/96 to 19.00 to 24.00 Zoller-malicious on the 23/12/96 to 29/12/96 phone lines prison Namur 119134 BALL 23/12/96 DIV 202 DEPOSIT PASSPORT ZIANI the consulate FRANCE 119164 24/12/96 MONTAG

FOC 17 86 RESULT ZM jail and NAMUR REQUEST BELGACOM The indictment 04/380.38.09 (dcl FOCANT) was contacted at the start of Namur prison for 10 'at 15.52 hours on 12.23.96 Request ZM retroactive on 04/380.38 .09 from 16 to 29/12/96 119256 24/12/96 MONTAG FOC 18 86 TRANSMITTED BELGACOM indictment for online 04/380.38.09 100056 BALL 03/01/97 205 REQUEST DIV indictment BELGACOM PROXIMUS Identification Numbers 31/05/96 The NIHOUL appeared to VAT BXL He forgot a document containing phone numbers This document was given to us in Joint Appendix 100164 01/06/97 MONTAG FOC 22 86 RESULT ZM Prison NAMUR Dcl FOCANT Contacts between prison and home FOCANT 12.19.96 to 18.13 hours (13 ') 21/12/96 at 19.14 hours (11') 23/12/96 at 17.52 hours (10 ') 25 / 12/96 at 14.45 hours (12 ') 27.12.96 at 15.53 hours (14') Also: 21/12/96 at 20.00 hours: contact dcl FOCANT and DICCA PIZZERIA (SPRL the ARLECCHINO) SUMMARY AA'AA 123 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 12.25.96 at 14.57 hours: contact dcl FOCANT and E. ROMAN No call FOCANT to a liquor 21 and 27/12/96 contrary to the declaration of the RAEMAEKERS 21/12/96 FOCANT contact his home after the appointment and missed his dcl is called an institution in the region (PIZZERIA) on 25/12/96 Same wetted named ROMAN E. (Next dcl FOCANT) The SPRL ARLECCHINO = PATTI Francesco (12/20/46) BVBA husband Vanstraelen Arlette has an address (phone) to ESNEUX rue de la Station 45 ROMAN EVELYNE (01/09/60) daughter of Maria Romain Hubert and Vanhengel ---- Request wiretap of 04/380.38.09 + ZM 116604 BALL 08/11/96 DIV 207 HEARING NOTICE of FRISQUE GEORGES BR.37.97.6873/96 Deposit pieces on the CELESTINIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST - BOUTY - 07/11/96 The NIHOUL he went Bd 04 Days of 20: see document FILE ANNIE BOUTY It BC Tel. Broustin 17 and is pretending to be a member of that came the next day BXL (in French) the caller asked him to take it to the

station He also went street sergeant Debruyn 73 He gave to Major Guissart notes relating to human trafficking in DOLO He said he had already denounced this and die MARNETTE JI LYNA who are ignored BOUTY FILE: Description of Building Bd 04 Days 20 There is no church in the Nigerian address but 118920 18/12/96 RENSON 40 BQ STUDY OF ACCOUNTS RANDANZZO Damiano Identification Few income accounts (mutual or unemployment) As soon as he is an entry he made a cash withdrawal Ds loan repayments are made by the RANDANZZO named YAHYAOUI Miloud Ds refunds a loan made by the RANDANZZO are named Yves MOMMART 118960 18/12/96 RENSON 41 BQ LEGAL FEES Claimed by the SNCI for historiqur of CPTES (36-Bef) by CERA (200Bef) 100062 BALL 01/03/96 DIV INFORMATION 208 The original of the document in issue of 03/01/97 PV 100056 was sent by minisyre Finance Madame Thily (PG LIEGE) FAX 30/12/96 209 DIV INFORMATION - EXCAVATIONS JUMET An inmate prison JAMIOULX (CLEEREBAUT Claude - 7/25/61) reported to the prison he thinks the excavations JUMET are not going in the right place it may designate exact location where would caches 100059 BALL 01/04/97 DIV 210 DRZ INITIAL BR.37.66.100059/97 - DECLARATION OF gilmart Nadine (13/09/58) In 1972 (14 years) she began taking drugs and into prostitution (15) Acctuellement she came out of these environments in 1980 she was taken in by a man stop circulating 2CV She woke up in the driver's room - he was naked - there was a camera on a tripod - it was not undressed She left the scene - no complaint In 1993 she reviewed the man in question in a bookstore site F. Cocq SUMMARY AA'AA 124 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon He wanted to put an ad - he looked young students for artistic photos for underwear He said live Lasnes rue de la Gare and Rue de la Station 10 She told the facts BSR member BXL - in a notebook - she agreed to get in touch if she herself was recontacted She sent a fax rue de la Gare and was recontacted An appointment was set and the BSR was present

- the man did not come He gave a another appointment after it said it had to be entirely razed - he wanted very young girls A time she looked very young BSR was present at the appointment The man came and was followed by DRZEMALA - he entered in a house instead Stphanie - The Gd note the name on the doorbell She has not had a new In 09/96 she recognized the man as DUTROUX (TV) DRZEMALA She contacted him and reported DUTROUX recognized after having astonished not to have been a new DRZ said he had to explain why he stopped spinning DRZ said he was viewing the case DUTROUX K7 DRZ is in contact with MICHAUX - he does not sleep DRZ said that if asked to classify a case he would resign DRZ took notes in 09 / 96 It was reported to the DRZ sex crimes against children Spanish from the janitor of the school and some teachers she had no more information to this topic 100060 BALL 01/04/96 DIV 211 DRZ INFORMATION The PR 31/12/96 BOURLET contacted by gilmart who wants to meet it sends a fax explaining the events mentioned in his statement (PV 100059) It presents the GD and received by PR and Gd BALL BOURLET It explains facts and Vincent said he warned the Parliamentary Commission DECROLY presentation pictures - it recognizes DUTROUX Rdv 04/01/97 for hearing DRZEMALA contact - at the time he felt that there was no need to write PV DRZ will report by Maj. BXL with copy to BSR BALL It will take notes of his book A 17.15 DRZ reported Qty transmitted to BSR - no copy BALL following directive Cdt Maj. BSR BSR transmit itself on 04/01 / 97 at the time of hearing gilmart: report not yet reached 119132 BALL 22/12/96 DIV 212 VSP INITIAL BR.52.66.119132/96 Info 19/12/96 via the journalist GOCHELLE LA MEUSE A LIEGE "Commissioner instruction" (bailiff??) Responsible for making copies of PV in the folder BR.37.66 .117528/96 (GRAFFE) copies more he gives to the press 117156 11/15/96 DECRAEN E (BCR) DIV 213 VSP INITIAL BR.52.66.117156/96 Two journalists were given a copy of the Dutch PV 39.686/96 and PJ BXL copy of a confidential report to a Minister for Parts journalists undertake not to publish 118178 17/12/96 SIMONINI

CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS 74 DUT DUTROUX Several of DOURNEL lettresd'amour from Christine de Valenciennes No significant lments 100323 19/12/96 BEIRENS 138 March DISK REVIEW DUTROUX by BCR 05 100 162 19 disks No items FOC of RAEMAEKERS HEARING SUMMARY AA'AA 125 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 06/01/97 LESCIAUS KAS 86 Rdv complicit with FOCANT missed because they were stuck in traffic 12.23.96 The FOCANT contacted his accomplices After the call he said "you let the matter drop and say your a cop that I do not walk in the case of "A place where Elisabeth and Ken there were several landslides that have been" reshaped "Since 31/12/96 JASSELLETTE Claude is in the same cell and they is homosexual pedophile is FOCANT went from driving a white van with DIAKOSTA NIHOUL and DUTROUX The van was painted blue and is said to know MOROCCO JASSELLETTE international traffic FOCANT said that research JUMET fail because NIHOUL is protected by Ministers FOCANT communicates NIHOUL via letter with his wife, daughter or LABYE Intermediate NIHOUL unknown 100447 01/06/97 clipped 215 REQUEST DIV indictment PROXIMUS PV-BELGACOM Suite No. 100056 Request identification list required identifications (03 GSM and 10 OTHERS) 100121 07/01/97 SIMONINI 75 DUT SEIZURE ANALYSIS DUTROUX Box with numerous maps A map of ING KAIN with different street maps Cards foreign Important documentation Fens and MALMEDY 100329 07/01/97 MONTAG 20 TAPE FOC 86 STAFF LIST For TAPE on 04/380.38.09 100523 01/10/97 PIRARD 139 of March ENTRY SUBMISSION DISK and 05 diskettes DUTROUX Registry Neufchteau via cell Nine. 100334 12/01/97 MONTAG 21 TAPE FOC 86 SAVE SELECTION REPORT COMMUNICATIONS 01 for Transcript of online communications

04/380.38.09 100704 01/14/97 Hupez 76 DUT INFORMATION - SURGICAL ITEMS Suite speculum in case DUTROUX: surgical recall other objects discovered by the BSR 22/08/96 BXL come from the lab and PJ Control of origin for possible analysis 118220 04/12/96 MERJEAI 01 SEC INITIAL BR.57.66.118220/96 - T4 INFORMATION In 1987 he met a psychotherapist (JOHANA) and paramedical (EVA) He attended a Black Mass in the posh suburb in GENT 05/87 Mass Satanist ago sacrifice of animals was killed and then gutted the blood of animals were drunk by the participants and EVA were present JOHANA He noted that in the U.S. children are sacrificed in satanic HOLLAND movements have links aves pedophile T4 did not have witnessed the whole ceremony description villa luxury vehicles including three plates "P" T4 brought on site big black Mercedes with leather seats and dark minibar and phone number - Dutch plate (blindfolded) Church of Satan led to time by Anton LA VEY They talked ARMAND to take a road MECHELEN Twenty minutes after the motorway BXL-GENT JOHANA EVA and reported that there were Parliamentarians and others SUMMARY AA'AA 126 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Satanic symbol = (reversed = 666) Cast in an unknown language Priests and priestesses naked under their cloaks Everyone with cape and mask rebate money and requests The spell sacrificed animal suffering is the way to get power and authority JOHANA After the ceremony and EVA had to go to the Belgian coast 100693 01/06/97 VAN CLEUV. 02 SEC INITIAL BR.47.66.100693/97 - HEARING LAMI of Patrick (05/21/57) He was a member of CHRISTIAN CENTER RHODES-St-GENESIS - Waterloo 147 hp He knows Satanic churches in HASSELT (2) - BRUSSELS (3) - ANTW (1) - GENT - KNOKKE - LIEGE CHARLEROI and MOZET He cites the 07/01 was a day like donations to the churches Satanic Satanic churches are part of the World Association There are thousands members in BELGIUM sacrifices will sacrifice animals to sacrifice human sacrifices are followed orgies A woman is raped by a snake or a dog that is Satan Sometimes the woman is sacrificed and its blood is used for rites It An and Eefje think may have been used for such rites ritual satanic plans to cut the heads of members who want to leave the Church or Church change 100330 07/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 23 TAPE

TAPE RECORDING 04/380.38.09 From 07/01/97 to 11/01/97 at 20.35 to 20.09 between this number and calls 04/223.12.32 = Govt. 04/351.69.85 SCHADEWITZ prov = J = 04/379.51.25 LEENDERS Henri 081/74.57.46 = Prison Namur 04/336.07.08 = CARRARA FOCANT Francis 04/380.38.95 04/223.51.23 = E = ROMAN Marie LAMBERT Theresa04/223.38.04 = Govt. Prov. 04/234.40.75 = HONAY-Andr Leclercq 019/58.82.71 = LABYE Maurice 100331 07/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 24 TAPE COMMUNICATION AS POLLING - REPORT 001 From 07/01/97 to 11/01/97 at 20.35 to 20.09 TAPES 1-4 = 19 communications 100503 07/01/97 FRAIKIN FOC 86 25 TAPE TRANSMITTED to the indictment LISTENING 04/380.38.09 BELGACOM LIEGE 07 to 14/01/97 100510 09/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 26 TAPE TAPE RECORDING 04/380.38.09 From 11/01/97 to 16/01/97 at 20.09 to 21.36 calls from this number and 04/388.33.99 DEBLAUWE Ghen = P = 04/275.39.49 Clabots Jean-Louis 04/223.43 = .16 LECOMTE Marie-Thrse 04/336.91.00 = GODEFROID Henri 061/22.49.17 = BELGACOM 04/223.48.99 = Govt. Prov. 04/380.22.33 04/380.15.15 = L = Xhaard GOIJEN Marianne 04/58.83.81 = DECORTIS Joseph 04/221.02.20 = LE P'TIT BERTHELOT (coffee) 04/222.06.09 = MEUSE (newspaper) 081 / 73.27.92 Prison NAMUR = 100129 DIV 194 DOCUMENTS - INFORMATION RECEIVED gilmart of Nadine SUMMARY AA'AA 127 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BALL 10/01/97 Handwritten letter dated 10/01/97 and CINE REVUE 36 05/09/96 page 22 Moane Fatima can testify to confirm his words Letter = coordinate of her husband Pascal Bigano can also confirm his testimony "aggressor" is entered between 06 and 12 Place Stphanie (1993) CINE REVUE = photo DUTROUX 100509 11/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 27 TAPE STATEMENT AS COMMUNICATIONS - Communications 002 REPORT 11/01/97 to 16/01/97

at 20.09 to 22.36 TAPES 05-10 = 33 communications 100334 12/01/97 MONTAG FOC 86 28 TAPE SAVE SELECTION REPORT 01 for COMMUNICATIONS 100504 07/01/97 FRAIKIN FOC 86 29 TAPE TRANSMITTED to the indictment LISTENING 04/380.38.09 BELGACOM LIEGE 15 to 24/01/97 100,337 LESCIAUS KAS 1/15/97 FOC 30 86 APPLICATION MONEY PERQUI of the PV 100162 06/01/97: NIHOUL FOCANT written by intermediaries (or his wife LABYE) Requests for Perquis LABYE Marc Clabots Irene (wife) FOCANT Jocelyne (girl) 100501 01/16/97 FRAIKIN FOC 31 86 SEARCH in FOCANT Guy - Clabots Irene Street Ourthe 23-4171 POULSEUR No items useful 100502 01/16/97 FRAIKIN FOC 32 86 HEARING Clabots of Irene (08/27/33) According FOCANT it does not know is NIHOUL HEBRANT fantasist and storyteller she was not aware of the relationship between FOCANT and HEBRANT She does not know NIZET (co-charged FOCANT) She William CONSTABLE known (co-charged FOCANT) via a neighbor LABYE ignored the dealing of FOCANT with minors FOCANT had a FORD FIESTA Grise (YH401) journalists of "Morgen" LABYE phoned yesterday (01.15.97) They wanted information on FOCANT NO 100505 01/16/97 DELMARTI FOC 33 86 SEARCH in FOCANT Jocelyne (3/11/60) and HEARING Rue Renard 225-4100 SERAING Present her husband Francesco CARRARA (08/17/47 Entry Two letters addressed to FOCANT torque (25/09/96 and 03/01 / 97) and empty envelopes postmarked envelope addressed to the couple's 13/01/97 letter 12/01/97 A letter and an envelope addressed to Roland FRANCOTTE by FOCANT A phone directory FOCANT he was never given a tier-mail the letter and the first FRANCOTTE that it is not intended She does not know NIHOUL HEBRANT is a friend of the family Another child attending his father PIQUEREAUX She plays the theater - as LABYE

100506 01/16/97 Eloir FOC 34 86 STATE of FRESH FOOD Perqui FOCANT Jocelyne Suite 1789-Bef three verbalisants 100462 ALVAREZ 01/17/97 195 DIV INFORMATION - NIHOUL Emile (17/04/22) After MERELBEKE of research it appears that he is not the father of NIHOUL Michel (04/23/41) NIHOUL's father died in 1978 Jacques NIHOUL = ( 30.09/06) There is no direct relative (to grandparents) 100,508 35 HEARING FOC of Jasselette Claude (14/03/60) SUMMARY AA'AA 128 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 20/01/97 FRAIKIN Co-owned by FOCANT RAEMAECKERS and NAMUR He had FOCANT to prison NAMUR 10/10/96 It was the changed cell and was replaced by GLAUDE Joel Francis The DEBUISSON and then he returned 31/12/96 The cell has changed 1/16/97 FOCANT cell No comments on particular FOCANT After excavations are excavations news about FOCANT remained silent He spoke with RAEM searches but did not intervene FOCANT He never FOCANT seen sketching Under his case FOCANT knows the person denounced by HEBRANT as carrying a watering can - He knows who he is but refuses to identify FOCANT said that it was not NIHOUL Contrary to what was said HEBRANT note: it would perhaps show HEBRANT dezs photos VIAL 100512 01/21/97 FRAIKIN 36 FOC HEARING RAEMAECKERS of Jean-Paul Jasselette FOCANT encourages lying to police FOCANT no longer seems to want to talk excavations since 09/01/97 FOCANT said Martin knew what was happening and with JULIE MELISSA Jasselette and confirmed but no details Jasselette DUTROUX know - he provided false papers and car Jasselette said FOCANT wet up to his neck in the case DUTROUX-NIHOUL Jasselette said they are protected and that everyone has not been arrested Jasselette have participated in differents traffic with his truck and he spoke MERCEDES If heads 13/01/97 The fall FOCANT said that if nobody talks there will never be proof Jasselette said FOCANT is a manipulator Speaking of traffic it speaks of sects and pedophilia provided by The DUTROUX 16/01/97 talking about the disappearance of RTL a kid - Jasselette said it is not the work of the team or FOCANT NIHOUL and probably not of DUTROUX Jasselette wondered if grizzled man circulating JETTA we talked about in the controversy is not FOCANT 18/01/97 FOCANT GILLOT knows well the Bde GRACE-HOLLOGNE Delivery of a letter that tore FOCANT and put in the trash FOCANT written NIHOUL via his wife, daughter or LABYE gives the letter to his lawyer latter gives it to the lawyer NIHOUL 100513 01/21/97 FRAIKIN

HEARING DIV 196 of RAEMAEKERS JP (in case 87/96 JI LANGLOIS) Jasselette is the sponsor's daughter Tagliafero Bruno (killed) was completed by Tagliafero DIAKOSTA They had regular contacts for international traffic unn Car Jasselette ZYCOT knows that protects Car traffic DUT 197 MOBILE ACCOUNTS Victor DUTROUX 150 042 14/01 R 42 DERNICOU BQ INFORMATION - CPTES Banking NIHOUL Apostille of the JI 16/12/96 LANGLOIS transmitted to the OCEDEFO REMY 150 043 R 140 DERNICOU 14/01/97 March INFORMATION - Rink Attendance FOREST Subscription DUTROUX (?) visits the skating rink 02-03/01/93 (2X2 entries) - 06-12/02/93 - 03/26/93 (2 entries) - 03 / 04/93 and 01/05/95 100 667 17/01/97 218 POURBAIX DIV INFORMATION - Sheet No. 0800 2886 Contact GILLES Marina No matter relevant to our records, there is already a folder BR.37.11.848/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 129 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 100527 01/15/97 PIRARD DIV 219 TART FINDINGS - 21/10/83 FRERES Schulman Letter headed Hospital Erasme Professor Claude Schulman wrote Adm. Penitentiary for release WEINSTEIN It provides support to engage WEINSTEIN ERASME His brother Charles Claude Schulman IN fact is the brotherWEINSTEIN (WEINSTEIN married Mireille) ---------------- -------------------------------------------------DF = --------------------------------- WEINSTEIN job 1986chez VIDEO PROMOTION SPRL whose leaders are Joseph Schulman and AMARAGGI Maurice VIDEO PROMOTION = related NETHERLANDS: VIDEO PROMOTION HOLLAND NV Seat = 127 Marconi Street building also includes 123 and 125 No trace of the company at the address According RN: In person at the addresses occupied building practice and bells = KRIPURN Benny - Nadia - Didier Anabelle JOORIS-F - MOERMAN JL - SRAH N. - WASRTIJN - DE SCHUYMER --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- Joseph Schulman (29/07/46) is removed from office in BUIZINGEN Kluisbos 45 But he bills are sent to this address and paid by Marc Schulman Schulman Vehicle (R5 = 1162C) seen front seat of SA Z COMPANY Marc Schulman on RN = unknown perhaps JOSEPH New residents to address since 18/01/97: WATTIEZ Bruno and Nele BEYS Maurice AMARAGGI party MONACO Presence of a BMW 520 (CTF-318) to the home of his concubine (Lerusse Franoise) 85 rue des Tilleuls UCCLE = CTF-318 NEMO FILMS SA AMARAGGI which is admdelegate In 1995 RAEMAEKERS spoke of orgies with children STUDIO MOLIERE Avenue Molire Molire 86 UCCLE STUDIO AUDIO CORPORATION = SPRL which Joseph Schulman is Managing Adm Joseph Schulman VIDEO PROMOTION SPRL = Manager Manager SPRL ZABRISKIE Adm-deadli FILMS AND ITS Twogether Parners deadli SA Z-Adm Adm-deadli COMPANY SA SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES BVBA AUDIO PROMOTION Ass in Ass in DIMENSION BEAUTY BVBA SPRL Ex-manager IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES Ex-ass SPRL DESK Ex-ass COMMUNICATION AS ACTION HOME PALLADIO Ex-adm SA KESSLER ALER ExAdm LBS CONSULTANCY SA Maurice AMARAGGI = Adm-NEMO deadli FILMS SA Admdeadli COMPANY OF METALURGIQUE HAREN SA Manager C SPRL JUST AN IDEA (and

partner) Ex-manager SPRL VIDEO PROMOTION Ex-manager SPRL IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES Ex-manager SPRL ZABRISKIE FILMS WOODBURY Philip (3/23/46) = SPRL Manager ZABRISKIE FILMS SUMMARY AA'AA 130 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Z COMPANY SA adm adm Ex-SA ACTION HOME PALLADIO Michel Perin (6/10/45) Adm. Manager SPRL ZABRISKIE FILMS COMPANY SA Z Ex-adm deadli IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES SCRL Charles Claude Schulman (ERASMUS) is associated in IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRY MEES Olivier (02/02/58 - photographer) is manager IMAGE TRANSFER INDUSTRIES and adm-deadli of Twogether & PARTNERS CORNET Patrick (09/09/54) is manager SPRL AUDIO CORPORATION (Studio Molire) COLSON Annette (08/18/55) is manager SPRL DIMENSION BEAUTY HOMEWORK REQUESTS Perquis Hopital Erasme (archive cabinet and Schulman) and dlomicile of Charles Claude Schulman for medical WEINSTEIN Perquis in companies and persons mentioned 150056 27/01/97 RACE 220 DIV INFORMATION Apostille received by mistake for PJ 100675 06/02/97 POURBAIX DIV 221 HEARING Wtrich of Bernard (19/08/55) Relations between DUTROUX ROSOOR and Michel (01/03/50) ROSOOR = pedophile notorious in Thailand ROSOOR folder object is 217/96 JI VANDERMEERSCH (BR.37.66.117450/95 ) ROSOOR resides in Thailand BANGKOK PATTAYA He received European tourists come to pedophilia He had ROSOOR via MAGIN nitre which manages the assets of Matre MAGIN his mother is a friend of ROSOORT ROSOORT an accomplice sends children under the guise of NORWAY adoption Seeing a story on DUTROUX in Thailand he said he knew DUTROUX ROSOORT said he fears nothing BELGIUM because it supports 150077 06/02/97 PIRARD DIV 222 TARTThe autopsy did not mention the presence of nails in / member (s). The findings of the PV Police Auderghem the section on findings on the victim, we read "a nail is driven into the left wrist, two small holes at the back of the head .... ". March 86, a fire officer arrived on the scene the second says "I found the presence of several nails (four without affirmative), and I think I remember that they were planted in those members of the victim." The autopsy does not speak more than two small holes at the back of the skull. 23 December 96 heard the Deputy Commissioner of Police Jacques DEKOCK Auderghem is the editor of initial PV (down to the scene and initial findings). The person is formal (PV 119137) to say that the day of the incident has attracted the attention of both agents and DEVROE VERLEYSEN on the fact that metallic objects having the appearance of a nail that was planted in a wrist of the victim. Given the number of years that have elapsed since then, he has not been able to clarify what it was wrist but its PV

cites that it is the left wrist. He remarked that the coroner does not have ignored. He also confirmed the presence of two holes in the back of the head but can not remember if he told the coroner. Mr. DECOCK clearly told us that he had the impression that night that "bored" the coroner. It is unfortunate that the name of the girl who had confided to investigators that time is not known since she wanted to remain anonymous. One would have talked about the "secret life led by Christine VAN HEES the last months of her life and that she was scared and nervous." Twelve years later, it would be an important opportunity to meet this person especially since it is possible that at the time there was a girl may be the age of the victim so this is a lady who could possibly teach us or tell us to confirm the details of things revealed since the resumption of the investigation. Christine VAN HEES has been absent from 20 January 84 to January 25 84. A medical certificate is attached to the minutes of February 22, 7115 84. When we look we find that this document is issued in the name of Christiane VAN HEES. The doctor (ENT) recognizes that the patient is unable to attend during the January 20 to 25, 84. Logically, this certificate should be issued 20 January 84. It seems that this is another date that appears at the signature. We believe we can read 01/25/84. Investigators questioned the doctor who confirmed that Christine VAN HEES came to its consultation Wednesday, 25 January 84 at 1440 hours and for a fall hearing in his left ear. It was reviewed in the same consultation on 1 February 84. It is not confirmed or denied that such a certificate was written. It would be useful to produce such a certificate to the doctor to determine if it is him who wrote it! We ask the question whether it is possible to have 5 days of incapacity for a fall hearing and also how a doctor examines a person 25 shall issue a certificate starting on 20. Note that this consultation was to Medical Surgical Centre ASSUBEL - Quai aux Pierres de Sizes 16 1000 Brussels by Dr. Francis. HALLARD. Following the telephone arrived in April 87 at the Police Etterbeek, the magistrate prescribed duty 30 April 87 entitled "Please kindly - if possible - to make the identification and examination of the anonymous author of the telephone interview, be SUMMARY AA'AA 732 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon put the cassette and then ensure the deposit pursue further investigations all useful (customer relations ... coffee ...). " Reminder coffee "At Dolores" is cited. After reading the file twice, we find NO following investigation of this establishment. More by listening to the tape we do not speak of "Chez Dolores" but the "Dolo" which is undoubtedly the same institution. The anonymous caller gave the same address that is on rue Philippe Baucq!. At this stage, it would be useful to place this audio cassette in a laboratory to be analyzed in more detail (the origin of the voice, background noise ...). A record was written by our colleagues in the Office of Judicial Legion Mobile (PV 881 February 29, 84). He relates as set out in our synthesis, Christine VAN HEES was seen twice, a week before his death, when she rang at 144 Avenue Buyl in Ixelles. PV makes it clear that there are differences in the names with bells and register national.Il would have been useful at the time of the cadastre and then contact the owner (s) (s) of the site to identify all tenants in this building in January and February 84. Near from13 years later, we can always try this

experiment. An indictment for Belgacom company gas and electricity is applied to identify all holders of a connection to this address. During this extensive investigation, the Judicial Police was a photo album which have been presented to various witnesses. It would be useful to take possession of this album to have a set of photos of the time. Given the distance that separates us from the facts, it is no longer possible to obtain an indictment Belgacom to identify all the numbers being entered or left the parental home in the month before the murder of their daughter Christine. Note also that, at the hearing on 20 February 84 (PV 7112) the girl who testifies anonymously completed his declaration: "I would be willing to accompany you in this house because I think I saved some things I'm not able to develop at this hearing, but I could identify on the spot. " The PV ends with "expose when we renewed the girl to her home she said that boys who had spoken Christine Gitane smoking cigarettes. There is nowhere found no trace of the search of the house which meant a witness. OOOF SUMMARY AA'AA 733 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon SUMMARY AA'AA 734 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (AA'CC) Rep. theme. Code ABCDE DIAKOSTA AUD AUD DIAK X AAA BBB AUD AUD DUTROUX DUT X LELIEVRE AUD AUD CCC DDD MARTIN LEL X AUD AUD March Bagou EEA BAG X X X BECKS II FFF BKS 86/96 3/SRC 86B X GGG HHH WASCH CAR WAS X DAUPHIN JJJ SAD XMODA MODA KKK LLL SOFT MILL MOD X X 86/96 Other Units MMM NNN NIH NIHOUL 86N X X X VIVIANE RAI GRAPE PPP QQQ RRR NUT NUTELLA VIV X X X Van Rossem RV GRAFFE SSS-TTT RUPO DI GR X X69 UUU VVV 704 10 704 X69 X X X PEDO'DIV LUB LOUBNA WWW XXX YYY DDA X X2 X X2 X3 X3 X ZZZ CHAMPION CH OOO X CLO CLO AAAA BBBB VERO VERO X X X DEATH MINOR MISCELLANEOUS EEEE CCCC December DV X SUMMARY AA'AA 735 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon LLLD MILL PV N Th Summaries ------- 110 399 01 ORIGINAL COMPLAINT BR.37.66.110399/96 06/07 Complaint WATERSCHOOT Nathalie (6/16/65) Accompanied by Joel GERARD BOURG

Claudine (08/04/46) psychologist already made statements the PJ but not signed is placed too far forward on his father's role in relation to other authors Prime RAPE when she 06 years old (1971) Penultimate fact: 06.29.96 after 16.00 She came home in his car It was followed by a black MERCEDES A?? -451 In the MERCEDES: VINCENT and she knows other men she was blocked at a red light VINCENT joined him in his car She started to rear and he led 207 rue du Moulin SCHAERBEEK Five other men joined at the hearing she stops because she is not ready --------------- -------------------------------------------------- It describes -------------------------------------------- VINCENT: 40 years - 1m90 - black hair cut very short black eyes - mustache - very deep voice - signet - neck chains - 3-4 cm scar left up slightly hairy chest abdomen -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rue du Moulin It has already been done several times Rape on the first floor at the front window with shutters View Armand square Steurs ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Other addresses rape: Rue des Turnips 15-1000 BXL Bentley Hotel - Avenue Rogier 51 ------------------------------------------------ 1030 BXL -------------------------------------------------- ----------19 MERCEDES A match?? -451 Three complaints WATERSCHOOT always BR.18.99.11/96 information BR.37.45.5438/96 BR.37.11.238/96 Father = WATERSCHOOT Andre (03/07/37) - resides in Spain - BARCELONA Bella Terra married Simonne CHAMPION ------110 370 02 HEARING Nathalie WATERSCHOOT of 08/07 Accompanied by Claudine Bourg VAN DYCK The 07/07 she wrote additional complaint with BOURG SUMMARY AA'AA 736 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon She went home to 22.00 She met a friend Ccile SOETAERT She did not dare go home She wanted to sleep in his car and took the direction of Namur motorway She was joined in tunnels one with 02 men whose GOLF VINCENT She had to park VINCENT and got in his car he was aware of his complaint - he threatened and burned a "V" on his left forearm with a knife He said "you are mine" Some months before he had to burn a "V" on her right wrist Then she has him a blowjob and swallow his cum then he went since she decided to complain ago more abuse, retaliation and even death threats Joining a letter containing its history --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER: Since she files a complaint: abuse-threats retaliation Also all telephone harassment Zoetaert nights Ccile (Pol BRU) = BOURG also threatened witness (PV59.792 St Pol-GILLES) A 03 years old his father began to teach him sex with a doll once she wanted to run away and he broke his arm Her mother beat ---------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- First RAPE by his father She was 06 years old surprised his mother in bed with his godfather (DE KOCK Pierre) She told her father, who was angry and raped -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Attempted rape in garage - German Shepherd intervenes and kills his father with a rake handle then the handle rape rake Dog thrown on railway track ------------------

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- RAPE regularly by his father's mother attended without reacting to rape ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- At 09 years, the evening CHRISTMAS her mother left the house with her two brothers after his departure she's performing oral sex on her father's Godfather and friends her father came They all raped her with violence -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- For several organized rapes by her father she tried to confide in different people but in vain Once adult respite except each NOEL Whenever orgies at his father with his friends and other victims SUMMARY AA'AA 737 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Pregnant 03 times, including once to his father = abortions His father went to Spain back in 1995 and new Father rapes left in Spain but other times they continue to use drugs She underwent about 02 rapes a week ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- RAPE vaginal and anal and blowjob She can not vomitting or he is swallowing vomit tortures Also: introduction vaginal bottles - candles burning - burning ... There are observations of doctors note: how is it that these doctors have not reported the facts ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors: VINCENT: see above GERARD: 1m70 - bald on top of his head - brown hair - brown eyes - 50 years - rather stout PIERRE: 1m75 - medium build 30 years - black hair - black eyes - beard necklace - tawny - Spanish accent Two other unspecified vehicles: MERCEDES black CITROEN XANTIA registered in Spain: B??? ?? GOLF blue GN-HOLLAND registered in????? AUDI late model black or navy blue Location: Close to the station WATERLOO places seem ammnags permanently ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Audition interrupted: WATERSCHOOT felt bad photos "V" engraved on the forearm of his historical DEV Request 02/732.60.49 GSM phone and 075/49.20.60 BOURG received threatening letter: BR. note: description of the "V" recently? In case of medical fellatio: try to collect semen --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- 110 972 03 FILE PHOTO (injuries) 16/07 09 Photos pictures WATTENBERGHE not attached ------- 113 788 04 HEARING of WATERSCHOOT (filmed) 05/09 First rapist is her father GERARD Then members of ROTARY CLUB WATERLOO Towards 7-8 years starting points: WATERLOO SPHYNX restaurant and Thereafter WATERLOO school Berlaymont SUMMARY AA'AA 738 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon A bar on the place of Waterloo Around 10 years that happened in Brussels Meeting point: in DOLORES (coffee) The bar is on WATERLOO Road BRAINE Also a large house in

Brussels VAN HUFFEL Pierre Chez DOLORES there was With other children VINCENT there was often PIET She was 15 Many meetings at clay pigeon shooting where she was going with his father Robert BRUYERE met and marksmanship on vacation with her and her father during the holidays Rape In shooting clays: Michel NIHOUL = recognized on TV She knows many faces but few names Also another MICHEL VINCENT known as clay pigeon shooting This is not a friend of his father VINCENT every Tuesday and Thursday evening at the bar "13," and "THE GOLDEN BOAT" Burns and wounds inflicted by VINCENT Many rapists were part of the Rotary badge on the rear of their vehicles Coffee DOLORES = meeting place even for foreign (European type but not French or Dutch) VINCENT = contacts HOLLAND She filed a complaint following the death of An and Eefje She was struck by their age She says that large is still too rough She thinks having seen DOLORES GERARD WEINSTEIN at present is her rapist 114 257 05 ------- INFORMATION - NOTICE TO FLOOR 23/09 Contact ROTARY club members list GERARD between 70 and 80 request must be made by fax notary VERHAEGE = President (059/27.95.79) refuses VERHAEGE hiding behind the law on privacy NOTICE TO FLOOR: Ms. Somers bearer address PV + Publications Rotarians coordinated ------- 06 114 447 AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION 30/09 HEATHER husband Robert GERARD Cielen Christiane (05/12/27) born 20/11/22 in BRAINE ALLEUD The agronomist Rue de Sarcelles 57 WATERLOO Dead 16 / 10/80 DEV Audition Cielen Perqui to address ------- 114 224 07 HEARING Nathalie WATERSCHOOT of 27/09 more accurate description VINCENT VANDYCK DEV A sketch is made more precise description habits when Vincent goes to "13" street Grtry SUMMARY AA'AA 739 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon More accurate description of the vehicle GOLF Other vehicle = BMW 3 series coupe dark plate with Z = complex turnips Street social housing Raped at this place 4-5 times between 91-94 Another place for rape: house near the place Fontainas 22.30 to the 10/09/96 she met her She does not know where he took her in 06-07-08/96 he phoned her several times + GSM BRUYERE Robert died - wife = CHRISTIANE The second is named MICHEL FORGEOT DOLORES FORGEOT friend raped her several times when she was 1012 years Other rapist met at DOLO: Serge KUBLA bourgemestre WATERLOO Also Defosset bourgemestre of ETTERBEEK Leon (deceased) Also Simonet (man with glasses) No physical contact and Defosset SIMONET She also saw Van den Boeynants but always with adult women She remembers another rapist but does not return to its name Man with small freckles It is formal say NIHOUL that she was raped at least 03 times when she was a minor ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------DEV-malicious retroactive Zoller on 02/732.60.49 075/49.20.60 It identifies formally FORGEOT She puts on photo images: - it to 13 years - his father - his mother and godfather Pierre DECOCK ------- 114 225 08 PORTRAIT-R Obot 27/09 Portrait robot VINCENT VANDYCK National Outreach ------- 114 713 10 HEARING Nathalie WATERSCHOOT of 30/09 shot at clays is on the road to WATERLOO Gerard Braine-leComte small man with freckles = DDRESS Pierre has a daughter named PATRICIA Rape took place at home and in the pool notament She was 15 She was not called by his first

name but PATRICIA ISABELLE or ------- 11 114 714 AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION 30/09 = unknown DDRESS Pierre GERARD RN On HELP: DDRESS Pierre Noel (12/26/34) = DDRESS Christmas HERTOGS died Married Maria (20/05/36) domiciled from 03/07/75 BC. Chrysanthemum 21 RHODES-St-GENESIS The couple has a daughter born 22/11/64 DDRESS Patricia (wife Briart Gilles) DEV Hearing HERTOGS SUMMARY AA'AA 740 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Search at ------- 12 114 227 AUTHOR IDENTIFICATION 02/10 Vanhuffel VANDYCK husband Pierre Marie born 03/11/43 MATAGNE to IXELLES commercial employee ETTERBEEK Street Reapers 21 DOLO EURHOCA managed by SC (= GENDARME Annie's mother Dolores BARA - RODEL MARTINY and Ren Claude) adm-deadli RODEL also a restaurant Ave. Soulie Hanssen, one of the partners is Vanhuffel Pierre RODEL = co-manager tavern AZUR travel agency specializing in travel EVASION in Thailand RODEL adm.dl = ex. the SA ALIZES TRAVEL Vanhuffel and Chentouf Redouan (26.12.67) have been used by RODEL ------- 114 481 13 INFORMATIO NS 01/10 Herdies Rita gives directories WATTENBERGHE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL 75-76 to 85-86 ------- 115 032 14 HEARING Flax Cyril (04/07/72) 08/10 He found the actions of suspects Lord POURBAIX move X2 08/96 He thinks a spinning VOLVO 400 series burgundy X2 has received anonymous calls on his new number is private partner and friend of X2 He does not know the facts if it is only X2 Two problems in VOLVO 114 989 15 ------- IDENTIFICATION OF VAN HUFFEL 10/10 X2 formally recognizes GERARD VAN VAN pictures on HUFFEL HUFFEL = relay between children and customers has never abused her and VINCENT VAN HUFFEL quarreled X2 X2 VAN HUFFEL saw in the entourage of DOLO She knows from his 9-10 years ------- 114 991 16 ROTARY WATERLOO INVESTIGATION 10/10 Review of 75-76 to 85-86 directories GERARD Founded in 1971 meeting weekly Thursday meeting at the restaurant and SPHINX ALLIES There are people cited by X2 members: Robert BRUYERE (DDRESS Pierre) WATERSCHOOT Andr Francis DELEPLANQUE Junction copies of books members ------- 104 478 17 INFORMATIO N 11/10 A BMW 3 Series with dark ZBE-107 is parked SUMMARY AA'AA 741 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BDE OTTIGNIES before the body BERTRAND - Street VDHENDE Coquiamont to PERWEZ ------- 115 225 18 indictments BELGACOM RESULTS 12/10 ZM Suite application 732.60.49 VANDYCK Nothing wrong with outgoing calls Incoming calls: Calls X2 denotes contentious 07/07/96 at 22.38 = Cabin Grand-Place BXL anonymous call 10/07/96 at 05.30 = Wake up call not requested by it (Vincent?) = 3.16 to 7.14.96 Cabin BC. JB Degreef to AUDERGHEM Bullying 14/07/96 at 03.18 = Cabin BC. JB Degreef to AUDERGHEM Bullying 14/07/96 at 03.19 = Cabin BC. JB Degreef to AUDERGHEM Bullying 29/08/96 at 21.01 = Embassy of

Japan At this time the Embassy was closed to 31/08/96 = 21.3 Physiotherapy X2 = PEETERS Nicole does not know Standby moving old address Vanhuffel Pierre ------- 115 037 19 REQUEST indictment 17/10 For identification numbers private POURBAIX out the history of GSM X2 07-08/96 ------SUMMARY AA'AA 742 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 10547 L2332 HEARING NIHOUL 10/10 Start swingers clubs after attending PJ BXL break with BOUTY BOGAERT He never trompr BOUTY BOUTY had an affair with Guffens (Med Center. Eastern) Met De Cockere during an orgy He never quite distanced from BOUTY XX Places visited for orgies: The DOLO The pool ETTERBEEK The THRONE Troonstraat: no longer exists AQUARIUM Troonstraat A club AACHEN A villa isolated FRANCE, in GERARD AT PIERROT Club near HM The NOH DAILLY: Private: Mrs. Henrottay private club near the Bourse Castle FAULX TOMBS XX orgies Participants: LOGIS: President Trib Comm REMACLE: FORGEOT lawyer said Edward VAN UYNEGHEM DOUDOU : DEVISSCHER future magistrate Bernard former Justice of the Peace in FOREST (DCD) KUBLA Serge: PRL group leader in the Senate NOLET Roger Patron Contributions NPV = UYNEGHEM sadomasochistic related ROXANE (transvestite) ROXANE made VIDEOK7 DEVISSCHER was Chief Cabinet DAMSEAUX FAULX TOMBS: two orgies with dozens Organized by FORGEOT people - staff replaced Michel Timmermans Manager castle = a brother alderman ETTERBEEK De Cockere made a feasibility study of the castle and found that TIMMERMANS diverting revenues Castle purchased by 16 million Chinese before the sale of the furniture was stolen has been found in the restaurant's girlfriend TIMMERMANS During the orgy castle guards with dogs he met one of these orgies named the ARLETTE which operates a brothel NAMUR ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- XX ---------FORGEOT organized orgies in other villas on the outskirts of BXL FORGEOT has a listing of participants ---------------- orgy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORGEOT lives with SIMONNE SIMONNE is maintain a 80 year old man receives 300.000/mois FORGEOT It also has a liaison with a rich heiress in CHALOT brotherhood there are several swingers: Marcel Henrottay (The DAILLY) FORGEOT and himself Swingers: see list of customers from the street of Atrbates SUMMARY AA'AA 743 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon He never participated in sadomasochistic parties --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through its contacts --------------------- policy he

advanced folders for lawyers Mainly for DELEUZE Approximately 20 cases = 500,000 records in question until 1989 before by BSR BXL 3/SRC in SOS Sahel Outside the PRL he knows Vanden Boeynants --- PV N Th Summaries POURBAIX 21 115 673 29/10/96 INFORMATION - MEDICAL RECORDS WATERSCHOOT Very few people have access to medical records ERASME Only two medical secretaries - the service archive and the department heads have free access Secretaries = JAMART Braekman Braekman and has befriended over time WATERSCHOOT Braekman have had contact tel. with the father of WATERSCHOOT Braekman Helena (06/03/43) She lives isolated ANDERLECHT Place de la Rsistance 08 On its face, however, the box name SANCHEZ request its history tel (520.07.28) WATERSCHOOT victim was recent aggressions Application for placement on the phone listening to Braekman to see if it has a raction after calling witnesses who will be made for aggressions on 29/10/96 WATERSCHOOT 116,538 POURBAIX 22 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION - Av . H. Dietrich 27 ETTERBEEK It is a building that has been sexually abused WATERSCHOOT She pointed at a building site Two vehicles passing in front of the building 29/10/96 GOLF POLO JPU-001-KJV 290 The building is known by the police Etterbeek for sex crimes Police would attend Etterbeek When changing the address on site WATERSCHOOT was taken from a malaise she did not want to explain 115 674 30/10 / 96 23 GERARD APPLICATION search warrant VINCENT was very close to Robert BRUYERE (Deceased)) Strong physical resemblance between the two peruqui Request to the home of the widow Christiane BRUYERE is Cielen - 57 avenue des Sarcelles WATERLOO SUMMARY AA'AA 744 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 116537 10/31/96 POURBAIX 24 HEARING DELVENNE of Vronique (29/12/60) Psychiatrist WATERSCHOOT hospital ERASME WATERSCHOOT is his patient since 1987 End 89 - Start 90 WATERSCHOO T undergoes a second hospitalization At this time the pieces have disappeared from these pieces are medical were sent to WATERSCHOOT between 90 and 92 before sending the first pieces DELVENNE was threatened by the father threats were received via Braekman father who had to phone in 04/92 WAT. has reported receiving pages torn from his medical psychiatry The manager was immediately warned the director of the hospital immediately decided to computerize the record 18/04/93 The WAT has received an invoice for the actual address and in principle unknown and its legal address only knows his real address Braekman The recall was handwritten and wore wrong words but corresponds to the type of codes used The name of the responsible billing is accurate writing is unknown and gentlemen RORIVE YERNAULTont confirmed that this is a false 12/10/94 The WAT. saw the physio EVERS few days later received a copy WAT handwritten report EVERTS Yernault and gentlemen were warned MENDLEWICZ He told her to DELVENE 13/12/95 lwat The survey was hospitalized for a finding of injury The dossier was stolen but not sent to the Director WAT replacing the hospital, Dr. Van Regemorter was warned he led a meeting with Dr. STERNON Dr. Francois and Anne BURY

(Head Nurse) The conclusion is only someone from the hospital may have stolen parts A written complaint has been forwarded to the direction el'hpital folder disappeared the night of 11-12/12/95Le same day or the next day Braekman to a phone for BURY how WAT was following the theft of his case was on leave Braekman documents sent to WAT were posted at the hospital ERASME WAT's father told him that he knew all this happens ERASME To access the pieces he must meet certain conditions (numrayion) The note was computerized physio - it was copied on the computer To access it fautun code computer system to see which code had access to the file DELVENNE Braekman suspect because it is the only meets all the conditions of access to record shipments WAT The purpose is to lose confidence in WAT and destabilize One disturbing fact of this matter is a separate theft of key local JAMART This office has video equipment rumors have accrued and which have as had made porn video Braekman took the opportunity to steal the keys, but she had a double SUMMARY AA'AA 745 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 116062 11/02/96 GERARD 25 HEARING Presentation of WATERSCHOOT photos WAT recognizes four people Photos = 1/4/14/15 resemblance VINCENT Photos 23/25 = NIHOUL entourage - he never abused her Photos 29/30 not sure - it Photos abused her 35/36 = PHILIPPE PHILIPPE gave him a lot of trouble when she was 12 she was raped by her father and PHILIPPE at 149 Av. W. HEARING of PERIGNON Nathalie (25/06/66) Moderator RADIO ACTIVITY Brought to radio VANZEUNE She has participated in orgies with NIHOUL During evenings organized at the community hall and the hall street Gerlache invited some young adults to drink (NIHOULJENAERT Defosset DEPRICK-LOU-PIPO) After the evening they invited young people to drink and paid DOLO She never attended orgies at this point but she left early because of the time required by its Parents Before her departure, she noted that it degenerated (hands on the buttocks - in the chest ...) By her husband Marc Lejeune she learned that everyone would later ATREBATESStphane to DETHYS and his wife Lucia and orgy with NIHOUL De Cockere At a birthday party at SABLON LUCIE NIHOUL proposed to PERIGNON of orgy - she refused and left one day twenty people RADIO ACTIVITY FAULX went to a bar in the basement there was Defosset and others of his age Everybody drank and have started fondling At this time it is a party and some of the people RADIO ACTIVITY OF Cockere NIHOUL and parties are ausi They went to a brothel along The evening Meuse is turned orgy She and her husband have not attended but attended the early antics before leaving Maillard Sandrine (17 years) participated in these frolics This is around 05/84 He said to himself RADIO ACTIVITY in the evenings there was "special" in Etterbeek FAULX policemen in uniform guarding parked cars and people who were taken DOLO when the curtains were closed Everyone knows that when the curtains were drawn there had sex NIHOUL-Defosset JENAERT were intertwined and closely linked to NIHOUL GRAINDORGE and VANDER ELST NIHOUL advised him VANDER ELST our constitution After a company issues VDE he advised RODEL master DUMONT was related to an ex-common policeman

Etterbeek: NORBERT might explain some things she knows that her mother and stepmother reported she had passed tapes porn NIHOUL but that is wrong It takes a massage to address BSR BXL DUCHATEAU seized tapes at home but not pedophiles NIHOUL sponsored the football team his stepmother Photo of Christine VAN HEES: it looks like Maillard and Maillard Sandrine JENAERT have had sex when she was 16 to 17 years the Defosset driver had a child with the sister of Philip Devlaeminck 16-17 years who had at birth Maurice NOEL was sponsoring the evening RADIO ACTIVITY Roland DELSAUX also participated in special events SUMMARY AA'AA 796 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 118413 12/11/96 POURBAIX 08 HEARING DELSAUX of Roland (11/02/51) RADIO ACTIVITY Leader was advised to communal relationship NIHOUL Etterbeek As he quotes Raymond and Maurice VANDAMME NOEL He had a residence in the castle of FAULX He has knowledge of an evening "special castle" Evening organized by NIHOUL in 03-04/84 NIHOUL organized several evenings invitation Do not know anything about the relationship between Maillard and JENAERT He attended DOLO at neighborhood parties but not otherwise VAN HEES Photo like Sandrine MAILLARD 118566 18/12/96 POURBAIX HEARING of 09,704 LEJEUNE Marc (01/01/63) RADIO ACTIVITY Technician A FRANCK told him a story about the server DOLO had bet he would get the first girl who happen to violate and that the 120,000- Bef and held his bet He was arrested and served two days in jail NIHOUL-DE-DOLO Cockere and others were present NIHOUL was very friendly with JENAERT and NOEL There was a related group: NIHOUL-Defosset-JENAER- DELSAUX-NOELBARE-VANDAMME TIMMERMANS-Xavier-DEWINNE An evening at the castle - everyone drank and became very hands balladeuses One group left the castle under the direction of NIHOUL which brought in a bar along the Meuse Again things have turned to sex and he left the scene there were young children but not another party to the castle is finished by hand balladeuses antwerp these girls Lucie and Stphane DETHYS and MAILLARD NIHOUL and have orgy with De Cockere Defosset participated in orgies at DOLO His hands balladeuses but never seen having sex He did not attend himself to orgies therefore did not see the other Photo VAN HEES like Maillard Sandrine It recognizes members of the radio pictures BRENET Huguette's mother was advised tax NIHOUL In DATSUN 84-85 NIHOUL had a drawing on the cover (eagle??) Presentation of photos = PERIGNON it recognizes members of the radio 119084 21/12/96 POURBAIX 10 HEARING VANDEPARRE of Christian (17/10/46) Steering Committee RADIO ACTIVITY nothing to do with JMB Introduced by Andr SISCOT He did not NIHOUL (loudmouth) NIHOUL got along well with JENAERT Close to NIHOUL: VAN Gansberghe Christian - MAES

Gilles Not aware of sex crimes in the castle Flirt among young adults but not with He never knew the evening continued elsewhere VAN HEES = Photo of Sandrine it recognizes MAILLARD SUMMARY AA'AA 797 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 119085 21/12/96 POURBAIX 11704 HEARING rekk of Alain (10/04/56) Workers at RADAR - he knows BARE Interwieuw by NIHOUL to RADIO ACTIVITY He sold a Mercedes 87 he sold a CHEVROLET He had JENAERT via BARE He attended Defosset Never DOLO with the Defosset He lived two years FAULX Castle (1972-73) There were rumors about the castle orgy Unaware of relations between the radio people and minors 119086 23/12/96 POURBAIX 12704 HEARING of Jerzy Dawidowicz (09/04/45) Sponsor RADIO ACTIVITY nothing to do with JMB never met NIHOUL He is friends with JENAERT Defosset was his lawyer without ever went to the castle Unaware of sex crimes never found never been to DOLO Photo of Sandrine VAN HEES = MAILLARD 119087 23/12/96 POURBAIX 13704 HEARING QUITTELIER of Vincent (27/04/63) Moderator RADIO ACTIVITY nothing to do with JMB No link NIHOUL or with other leaders he is not aware of anything VAN HEES Photo: a girl who worked at the radio SUMMARY AA'AA 798 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 119249 30/12/96 POURBAIX 14704 HEARING FORGEOT of Michel (01/26/49) FORGEOT request to make a statement on the DOLO and ATREBATES He worked in 1970 FRANCO-SWISS COMPANY MACHINE TOOLS for He came BELGIUM 73 to find a girl LARUELLE Genevive It is always in contact with it he met Dolores BARA PARIS with a friend He brought the BARA STANDLEY swingers club near the Grand Place (run by Marcel HAUFMANN) BARA has not liked that accompanied They have become regulars and end-to-train - sometimes called the boss to set the mood HAUFMANN their proposed holding the club he opened in ETTERBEEK Given this proposal they thought up their own club, they were influenced by Jacques GOVERNOR (a swinger) GOVERNOR funded the club finally were able to get rid of Governor from 1977 to 1978 they operated under different names: ASBL ACH - ASBL MIDO - APV documents of youth identities were verified They exploit the entrance the club

until 1983 - closed by PJ BSR controls before but after CUDELL JI is the ex-wife of a regular client of the club ALEXANDRE (BSR BXL) = 3-4 times per week to club orgy ALEXANDRE lived near the club - several times FORGEOT put his service weapon safe A judgment established that the establishment was frequented by minors or by prostitutes or Customer = 40-50 years After closing they opened DOLO: = coffee = DB = companyBARA-FORGEOT-VERMEULEN??? Customers ATREBATES came but it was not a club orgies he no longer came except a few faithful BARA and it is associated with more than 04 mistresses It: CHALOT Jeannine (20 years) - Nicole VAN HUFFEL RODEL wife (from 18-19 years) - Gindroz Simonne - BARA Dolores He should see avecCHALOT - the company of his son-in KNOKKE rented an apartment near the GOLF Between 86 and 88 were reopened ATREBATES the year by Jacques said DELCEUX PAN BARA lived at (Atrbates 145) until 1991, some client DOLO also attended ATREBATES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Customers --------------------- ATREBATES: Claude Leroy and BARGIBAN RODEL and VAN VAN HUFFEL HUFFEL Nicole Pierre Nicole VAN HUFFEL Mother NIHOUL and once his brother Leon Defosset GOL Jean and Francis BURSTA (right arm) and MARNETTE-COLLIGNON RENIERS (PJ BXL) DEVISSCHER Bernard (Justice of Peace) Neerinck Jacques (Deputy Judge - A judge notary fee Eddy Merckx name ignored Joel LOU DE COSTER of HOLLYWOOD BANANAS BLATON (deceased) JADOT Jacques and his right arm (deceased) ALEXANDRE DUCHATEAU-Goderis Aurel (Gd) of COOMANS Brachne Oscar (Belgian Nobility president) Michel (cons-espionage) People who frequented the coffee EUROPE NATO People Police Never seen a ETTERBEEK BOUTY as client names in bold does not partouzaient: only a drink or activity SUMMARY AA'AA 799 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 100181 01/06/97 POURBAIX 15704 HEARING PRAET of Alain (05/01/59) Pioneer RADIO ACTIVITY with JENAER - SISCOT - MAES No related NIHOUL No friendly relations with JENAER or with Defosset Defosset had a country house BONLEZ He heard orgy in the castle of Maillard Sandrine would FAULX participated there were relationships between exuelles or minors RADIO ACTIVITY still young but almost 18 years between them is out with a girl of 17 years (for example) No pedophilia or prostitution Maillard Sandrine had relationships with many people even with his note: it may be refused NIHOUL VAN HEES has found its place or compensation given their resemblance He went a few times at the beginning of evening DOLO = nothing special Presentation photo VAN HEES: it recognizes Maillard Sandrine 100182 01/06/97 DHAINAUT 16704 HEARING Mazay of Carine (12/11/63) Technician and host of RADIO ACTIVITY No related NIHOUL JENAER-No-Defosset participated at Chateau evenings Never went to DOLO She went to some parties but had to return early presentation photo VAN HEES: it recognizes Maillard Sandrine NIHOUL was brought to the radio and Frdric Hallaert NELLY

100183 07/01/97 POURBAIX 17704 BAR AUDITION Daniel (18/07/49) It has been JENAERT in the 70s when he took "THE TWINS" In 1980 he formed with Alain RADAR rekk Hence his interest RADIO ACTIVITY (advertising and approach the municipality of Etterbeek) End 82 he opened a snack with DEUTCH Isabelle and trade falls apart when JENAER wants to mix it lost a million and its relationship deteriorated JENAER Never to ATREBATES except as He attended taxi DOLO because his company was not near any particular link with NIHOUL he has known RADIO ACTIVITY 100184 01/08/97 DHAINAUT 18704 HEARING KAISIN of Bruno (07/08/65) Moderator RADIO ACTIVITY via Jean-Luc VERHULST No special relationship was NIHOUL JENAER household with Isabelle DEUTCH It has no special relationship with JENAER but still sees the BIG BLUE He carriers participating in an evening at the Castle - there have been incidents with people of a nearby campsite Defosset is mounted in the basement and ended the evening tells the episode where they went to a brothel along the Meuse He heard about a party at the castle with Philippe Lafontaine ending in orgy History has toured radio 100185 01/08/97 POURBAIX 19,704 AUDITION INFORMATION VANGANSBERGHE result has already been heard by PJ BXL its relations with NIHOUL No hearing 100187 09/01/97 POURBAIX 20704 INFORMATION Current Research to identify the facts mentioned Agreement with Marc Lejeune PJ (SHREDDING) to avoid duplication hearing PERIGNON-LEJEUNE Malfunctions SUMMARY AA'AA 800 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 100188 01/10/97 DHAINAUT 21704 HEARING Boets of Norbert (08/15/47) Policeman ETTERBEEK 70 to 89 Three times DOLO: 1x 2x professional and private miners never seen - never participated in sex crimes Unaware of Defosset police protection was a regular client of DOLO and ATREBATES (rumors) 100190 11/01/97 DHAINAUT 22704 HEARING TELLINI of Fedora (08/06/65) Moderator RADIO ACTIVITY No links NihoulJENAERT-Defosset Maillard Sandrine was a friend of JENAER MAILLARD is also out with Gilles Maes (40) Do not know anything about sex crimes 100189 11/01/97 POURBAIX

23704 HEARING GIUSTIZIERI of Jean-Pierre (07/27/64) Anima tor RADIO ACTIVITY via Christian VANDEPAERE 15 days in return for JMB and commercial spirit No special relationships with NIHOUL-JENAER-Defosset Never heard of manners between business youth and adults Presentation photo VAN HESS = Maillard Sandrine it recognizes 100657 01/17/97 POURBAIX 24704 HEARING VAN DAMME Raymond (18/05/36) Police Pensioner Etterbeek Chauffeur service from 1972 to 1991 Defosset Defosset RADIO ACTIVITY create a proposal on JENAER It has never occupied the radio except for He attended launch even the radio He did not participate in events organized AROP radio He is not aware of any fact of manners has never seen anything at customs for Defosset No ffinit between Defosset and CUDELL or VDB JENAER was imposed by his daughter He knows nothing special about the customs of JENAER He went to FAULX that day during conclaves FDF He saw 3-4 times NIHOUL firm Defosset SUMMARY AA'AA 801 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 100658 01/17/97 POURBAIX 25704 HEARING JENAER of Didier (07/07/52) It joined the firm in 1977 Defosset (Case Brussels and PTT) He was engaged to the daughter of JOELLE Defosset In 1982 Defosset proposed the creation RADIO ACTIVITY for electioneering After elections radio ceased but resumed the initiative JENAER and with the agreement of 80 people Defosset trtavaill for radio NIHOUL came in 1984 through her EET He presented NIHOUL and De Cockere in a restaurant Watermael-Boisfort NIHOUL went closed its restaurant and sandy JENAER had a sexual relationship with De Cockere relations have continued and the NIHOUL surprised but did not react They saw him later on the anniversary of organized JENAER inssu to his resto NIHOUL NIHOUL suggested he host a show NIHOUL The purpose was to renew the relationship to open the doors of some circles NIHOUL and he saw little outside laradio At the time he had JENAER financial problems and has found a place in the castle of De Cockere FAULX was never sent to audit the accounts of the castle The castle was shambolic management but depended on a non-profit and not Defosset He continued his relationship with De Cockere until the NIHOUL has proposed three gangbanged NIHOUL JMB create a debauched and facilitators RADIO ACTIVITY He went once Atrbates street, one afternoon he went regularly to DOLO It has organized an evening NIHOUL FORGEOT and orgy in the castle Security was ensured by GMIC with a dog he was not involved - he left before midnight is not aware of any other parties to the castle he had sex with Sandrine Maillard in 1986 (20 years) No young person was drunk in the evenings RADIO ACTIVIOTE to be engaged in orgies There has never been a DOLO lorssque things degenerated - people then went to ATREBATES never seen of minor DOLO No special police protection but police had attended the DOLO NIHOUL a Japanese car without dark brown eagle on the hood

VVVF SUMMARY AA'AA 802 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon UUUD X69 PV Ref No. 116616 Themes Summary 17/11/96 BALL 69/1 INITIAL BR.37.66.116916/96 PR BOURLET communicates details of an anonymous witness to be heard the witness wants a lawyer present - a hearing outside a police-office Gd and sign a document guaranteeing that it will be alive in 03 weeks - answer: 17/11/96 The witness can not appear on RTL announced that it has been taken for a storyteller Contact PR BOURLET who believes that the witness gives his life to Gd dnager Intervention RTL where an agreement is reached with the witness statement RTL with 03 anonymous witnesses (A1-A2-A3) Witness protection demand PR BOURLET notify Major DECRAENE 116 917 17/11 / 96 BALL 69/2 X69 HEARING orgy in Flanders in BERENDRECHT 05-06/95 with presence in 04 children (08-13 years), six prostitutes (MICHA-ANDR2A,??) and NIHOUL Michael and Annie BOUTY Description of the villa MICHA = German = ESSEN = MERTENS Michael lives with a prostitute whose son called SAIOCHA NIHOUL = fellmation after a girl NIHOUL provided Librium and Valium tablets BOUTY bustled with women BOUTY = very ugly cellulite and sagging breasts between legs and upper thighs sue BOUTY Spanish speaking children The children come from a prostitution Dutch or German Three women are mounted on the floor with Micha One participant felt unwell 17 115 437 / 11/96 LESCIAUSK AS 69/3 ADDRESS VERIFICATION with X69 X69 refers to the house MICHA: Schouwvegerstraat BERENDRECHT IL 13 also refers to a house that could match Schouwvegerstraat 16 but it is not certain Schouwvegerstraat VIDAL Noella 13 = (27/09 / 59) and HOENDERVANGERS Tim (13/05/88) Also VOLVO Eey-678 VAN BREDA LEASING = 117150 11/18/96 LIESENBOR GS 69/4 with X69 ADDRESS VERIFICATION Rine more precise WINKEL 117 329 11/19/96 69 / Identification of five former tenant MICHA Scouwvegerstraat 13 (from 27/05/94 to 01/17/95) = MICHIELSEN Robert (04/10/66) Before: association of youth who had problems stup SUMMARY AA'AA 803 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 117319 BALL 11/19/96 69/6 SECOND HEARING of X69 It is not known whether MICHA was domiciled at PETRA and his son were residing MICHA = 29-31 years = former taxi driver GERMANY MICHA view for the first time in 92 MICHA = -93 MERCEDES gasoline - German Accepts confrontation with plate and BOUTY NIHOUL The day was made X69 NIHOUL transvestite

and another man raped a girl all NIHOUL = rape vaginal and anal rape is another party in another room It heard girls screaming and cries were muffled the 04 miners spoke French children were sold by their parents or borrowed a car this was a plaque CC (SEL MERCEDES gray) There was a BMW 850i X69 as this attraction and sadomasochist 117321 BALL 22/11/96 69/10 X69 X69 ATTITUDE A3 contacted to say he feels threatened ey wants to leave his home X69 was allegedly recognized during his visit to be sought X69 RTL and decides to spend the night at a friend - it does that the Gd comes the handle indicates that it maintains its statements and he will live with a friend in the greatest secrecy he commits himself to contact the Gd every Wednesday in its first hearing he said he had lost consciousness during his second audition he returned to this statement explains that he claimed not to be worried about the events that took place 117534 BALL 27/11/96 69/7 APPLICATION Folder APOSTILLE made the statement: 153/96 CR JI LANGLOIS Request for identification and control BERENDRECHT Michael Mertens 117532 BALL 26/11/96 69/8 CONTACT TELEPHONE with New X69 description places He knows another participant but refuses to name the couple now has three children of 7-16 and 17 years old man has intercourse with him and he's afraid to denounce not destroy his household He has phone contacts with this man He contacted him before going to the historic 2021-22/11/96 Request line X69 Never Petra and Saiocha domiciled Schouwvegerstraat 117981 BALL 12/02/96 69/9 APOSTILLE REQUEST - Submission According to BMW BMW 850i BMW 850i ago 500 BELGIUM To list an apostille is required SUMMARY AA'AA 804 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 117980 BALL 12/02/96 69/11 ADDRESS VERIFICATION BERENDRECHT in the territory of the commune consulate MALTA = COOLS Paul (15/04/57) Lawyer dli to MORTSEL Jacob Van Consulate Arteveldestraat 22 = 50 Keizerhoeve ZANDVLIET 27/11/96: Dutch vehicle ZN -38-LY was the consulate does not match description Petra Schmid (07/03/71) 13 She lived Schouwvegerstraat shjour is illegal and live with Robert MICHIELSEN Zoutestraat 1442040 ANTWERPEN A child living with them is MICHIELSEN driver PETRA was prostitute in HOLLAND KEN KIM were removed and 20 km from BERENDRECHT the same place was found buried DECUYPER Katrien (05 years ago) 28/11/96: 1AD92 gray vehicle with plate CC stationnae near the Parliament BXL: = DE BREMAEKER Jos - Noorderlaan 93-2030

ANTWERPEN teacher - Marie-Claire LAHAYE husband has one COOLS MERCEDES 117534 BALL 27/11/96 69/12 APPLICATION APOSTILLE Location BERENDRECHT to a property which is held an orgy Identification MERTENS Michael 117719 BALL 12/01/96 69/13 CONTACT TELEPHONE X69 (30/11/96) A3 X69 reports that he said he's pay-DEM 25,000 (= 500,000) X69 confirms and says it is following its passage on RTL 17/11/96 Friends have lent this sum does not specify the reason for the payment of the son's girlfriend Micha must be 10-11 years 117723 BALL 12/01/96 69/14 CONTACT TELEPHONE X69 (01/12/96) It is BERENDRECHT between PUTTE and KAPELLEN A participant in this orgy = WILLY (nerl. of 47-53 years has MERCEDES) Listing asked the BMW 850i SUMMARY AA'AA 805 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 118176 10/12/96 Noller 69/15 HEARING Identification of X69 villa BERENDRECHT = 08 Schouwvegerstraat Descripption the villa by verbalizing and photos on the spot inside the villa Plan Description The role of each photo 05 presented at the PV 117319 19/11/96 = NIHOUL In Actually it is Lucien VIAL There are contradictions between this statement and that of 17/11 X69 explains that during the evening he was under the influence of drink and drugs After reflection it is the evening at 25 or 26 weeks of 1994, a Friday or Saturday night probably 24-25 June 94 The BMW 735 is a 850i and not a confrontation with BOUTY Request and Request NIHOUL medical examination BOUTY X69 description was committed by MICHA - it was on display next to the tavern BEAUJOLAIS He proposed 50,000 for a specialist sadomasochistic MERCEDES 280 SEL = MICHA dark leather interior plate-EMM??? In 1994 X69 X69 lived with MICHA does not recognize the windows and doors of the villa BERENDRECHT Present: NIHOUL - BOUTY other - children NIHOUL = signet BOUTY = not pending and closed chest - belly ring - inner thighs with cellulite or stretch marks - hair neat sex - chest = estimated 95-100 - breasts removed BOUTY talking to children in a language like Spanish 118885 12/12/96 Noller 69/16 LOCATION and SUPERVISION MICHA and PETRA Petra = SCHMIDT (07/03/71) Robert MICHIELSEN companion (Micha) Before the home PETRA: moped seat with child A woman leaves (Zoutestraat BERENDRECHT 114) and goes up the bus stop in Antwerpen moped then take the bus Phot taken

118177 12/16/96 STAES 69/17 THE SURVEY in GRELLE Daniel (22/07/22) On BERENDRECHT place to visit home Owner No. 08 Schouwvegerstraat to present absent BERENDRECHT Occupying A neighbor reported that the house was entirely renovated shortly ago apostille request for hearing lE GRELLE 118870 12/16/96 Noller 69/18 for IDENTIFICATION RESEARCH Micha Micha had rented a van in his name to an agency near the Sportpaleis ANTWERP NEGATIVE 118871 17/12/96 Noller 69/19 LEGAL FEES meal 16/12/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 806 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 118876 12/02/96 STAES 69/20 THE HEARING GRELLE of Daniel (20/07/22) Owner Schouwvegerstraat 08 BERENDRECHT tenants History: Before 1981: Malfliet 1982-1983 Vrambout HEYNDRICKX Nicole and Ren 1984: DE GRAEVE Brigitte and Ren Vrambout 1985-1992-3 : same as in 1992-93: complete refurbishment of the house and only THE GRELLE entreprenneur had a key Vrambout-DE GRAEVE had left the house in disrepair After 1993: VAN DE GRAEVE GASTEL Vrambout and went to ZANDVLIET, Weeltjens 18 They made a lot of noise at night MICHIELSEN names Robert and Petra are unknown SCHMID He does not know HERWARTS John Harms and Adriana who were registered at the 23/01/92 to 09/09/93 -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- HEARING of SCHOUPPE Paul (09/08/54) Tenant house in 1977-78 The house was unoccupied for two years renovating and DE GRAEVE Vrambout received many visits they drank a lot and made a lot of noise Vrambout had a sort of veranda Vrambout the rear has a pond at the rear to water his horse named The Paul KUYPERS (08/09/50) sometimes went in the house (works for THE GRELLE) ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vrambout-DE GRAEVE currently reside in RENAIX Kanarieberg HERWARTS 18 Jean ( 5.8.73) is a director of SA RTH EUROPE (trade fuels) registered 08 BERENDRECHT Schouwvegerstraat HARMS Adriana (01/01/65) = his wife 118873 12/20/96 DERNICOUR T 69/21 SCHMIDT SEARCH at Petra (07/03/71) 144-2040 Zoutestraat ANTWERPEN Present: Schimdt and her daughter Laetitia BASTIGKEIT She lives with her partner address MICHIELSEN Robert (truck driver) She was a prostitute in ANTWERPEN and PUTTE German was her pimp Michael MERTEN She lived with him BERENDRECHT Schouwvegerstraat 13 Separation in 1993, but she saw him sometimes MERTEN WE had relations with a transvestite (JACKY) INPUT: 09 K7 porn Pictures MERTEN and MICHIELSEN SCHMIDT and

Presentation photos X69 It means MERTEN as MICHA SUMMARY AA'AA 807 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 118874 12/20/96 Noller 69/22 to 08 SEARCH Schouwvegerstraat ANTWERPEN Home Liliane A VAN GASTEL 12.8 hours a PEUGEOT 205 address by leaving the rear the vehicle is stopped - on board: Karen VAN GASTEL (daughter of LILIANE) VAN GASTEL is absent for the weekend Sketch is drawn pictures folder negative Perqui Many important similarities between recent changes made by X69 schema and layout of pieces rumors in villages topics by previous renters They were seen running naked in the garden They avoided contact with village people made drawings on site and attached diagram X69 118875 12/20/96 DERNICOUR T 69/23 INFORMATION - SAFETY X69 X69 is satisfied with the security measures proposed by the prosecution Neufchteau It takes two days to make arrangements 118878 24/12/96 Noller 69/24 INFORMATION X69 reports that he prefers to stay at home to accept retirement proposed by the prosecution Neufchteau threats come from pimps German Relationship MERTEN PR PAVANELLO warned 100122 07/01/97 STAES 69/25 INFORMATION - Last 08 Schouwvegerstraat rent payment torque Vrambout-DE GRAEVE = 9.12.93 The policeman intimate relationship of the couple is Vandesande Adrianus (03/11/45) STABROEK work of transformation by DE Daniel PERMENTIER 100394 01/08/97 STAES 69/26 HEARING DE PERMENTIER Daniel (09/14/46) Initially the state was dilapidated roof shot - brightened walls - new windows and doors - living room divided into two destroyed Originally porch: entrance with a staircase directly There was a local floor (bathroom with washbasin toilet bath seat) with a half-cellar Living accesisble inside and outside Initially there avaait a kitchen There was a walnut with a veranda around the kitchen was a There was a storage sheds wooden staircase and the car came directly into a room upstairs Besides there was another room lowest (15 cm) SUMMARY AA'AA 808 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

150013 01/08/97 Noller 69/27 BREACH OF CONTACT Contact with X69 X69 who no longer want to be contacted except through his lawyer that he refuses to name X69 has always refused to identify the member of the Consular Corps who participated in the evening at the villa BERENDRECHT and with whom he is still in contact CC is his only source of income would have paid 200,000 CC-bef for the evening and did not get what he wanted CC would not touch the contacts with children Genesis X69 He refused to identify the e CC CC refusal to identify itself X69 is warned that Gd otherwise attempt to identify the CC (12.23.96) reports that the X69 08/01/97 wants to designate persons related to pedophilia ANTW. but it adds nothing He reported that the CC should see the next day and it was paid after the GD More contact contact before 13/01/97 where he said not wanting contact with Gd on 14 / 01/97 X69 says BALL (Gd) have been threatened by Noller (Gd) from prosecution if he did not refer to the CC's lawyer Patricia X69 VAN CAMP request to cease contact with X69 The person who has the Gd in touch with X69 (A3) reports having lost contact with X69 he no longer believes credible HEARING of DIAKOSTAVRIANOS - Agenda orange (4) Following the PV 113131 02/09/96 BSR BXL 3/SRC Various explanations Abeloos COWBOY = CARPIAUX Henry RUDY Kbl KOSTAS SARS MOUSTAFA PETROS Rheim PASCAL LAWALREE IPPA CHRISTIAN Photos: TNUY Tineke (15 ) Sediva Lucie (16) Two girlfriends Sediva (17) LUBIKA (18) LANDOVA Lenka (19) Daughter PRAGUE - train station (20) BARTIKOVA (21) Haedicke (22) Paulina (23) Sediva's Girl (24) DIAKOSTA in 93-94 (25) Friends WANFERCEE-BAULET (26) Nathalie Jacquet (27) Photo 28 = ditto 20-26 Paulina and a girlfriend (29) Photo 31 Photo 32 20-2624 = ditto ditto = 18 - 33 = ditto 28 Photo 25 Photos House 34-35-36 = 37 = DAMPREMY Photo maoison Photos shot in GILLY = 38-39 = 40 = maispn Photo DAMPREMY known Polish PRAGUE Photo 41 = son of people WANFERCEE NEW 11/04/96 100,494 BSR SAMRAY HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3088 - Use ChevyVan Suite 100 449 PV of BSR NEW Purchased 27/10/96 at 90-91 CIEPERS of AUVELAIS used principalmeent GERMANY COLOGNE In BELGIUM: Charleroi-Brussels-Namur After six months: sold in HEMMERIJK to LIGNY (30 l/100) IL made no modifications to the vehicle to vehicle lent to LUCIEN LODELINSART (?? Debels Lucien) Then in a box to MOIGNELEE Then at Car-Wash of JANSSENS to GILLY Then he brings in MONT him / MARCHIENNE - gearbox broken - Spring 94 deposit to SARS in DUTROUX A witness said he saw the ChevyVan circulate between mid-95 and end 95 This is impossible - he was at DUTROUX - down DUTROUX used plates the Van or a Removals The witness said he saw a man with thinner end 95 he rented a FIAT DUCATO burgundy with which he went to Germany with LELIEVRE SUMMARY AA'AA 859 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NEW 11/04/96 100,495 BSR SAMRAY

L3087-HEARING of DIAKOSTAVRIANOS Tire storage warehouse RANSART In Rue 17 Hayettes Tires deposited c. Brussels to LODELINSART - the boss sells laundry for him NEW 11/04/96 100,496 BSR SAMRAY HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3088 - Using ChevyVan (OOSTENDE) Suite of 22/08/96 PV 103674 BDE OOSTENDE A witness saw the ChevyVan to OOSTENDE summer 95 the vehicle was not down at 19 to 22/08/95 DUTROUX it Germany was a Witness speaks CHEVROLET-DODGE - this is a vehicle almost identical NEW 05/11/96 100,420 BSR LEONARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3076 - Operation Hangar Suite 111 201 PV of BSR BXL 3/SRC Lettelier Yvan has reported that the shed was to rent This is LETELLIER who left the warehouse on order police he had emptied the street Lenoble He praised the hangar (18,000: months) since early 96 Proprio = mechanic's face it: In the hangar troubleshooting AAA = about 2000 average purchase price tires-bef = 40 (20 to 150 times more) Price: from 250 to 500-bef (sometimes more) Tires purchased with DARC Dominique In warehouse: two cars and other business LELIEVRE - Furniture parents TOYOTA SUPRA Also a black had been stolen by Eric FRANC He recover the vehicle but did ps FRANC who denounced boyfriend is a German-Czech belongs Polaroid Camera does not belong NEW 05/11/96 100,460 BSR LEONARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3081 - Relationship TAGLIAFERRO Bruno Suite 499 12/09/96 PJP report of Brig Nat PJ He has been in 86 It was repaired his moped home He worked with his father ARTHUR He sells and buys cars and tires He often sell him tires sometimes ate there it was dealing with the Potugal (pieces of cars) He went BRUNO during his absence to sell tires When, BRUNO left was replaced by a DIDIER that between a caravan and METTET Baulez BRUNO should join with DIDIER and a ISIK He does not know who is the young girl 16-17 years seen in TAGLIAFERRO and did not speak French he learned of the death of BRUNO by visiting with her mother EMILIA later explained that he had gone to PORTUGAL and he died on his return SUMMARY AA'AA 860 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NEW 05/11/96 100,461 BSR LEONARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3082 - Photos from his home Following PV 114314 24/09/96 the BSR BXL 48 photos found in his home: Nathalie Jacquet COWEZ Yvan DIAKOSTA COWBOY = another that CARPIAUX MEUTER Jean-Pol GRAZIELLA PRAGUE Sediva Lucia PRAGUE ChevyVan to GILLY in 93-94 JANSSENS Patrice's Girl PAULINA PRAGUE Various photos of girls PRAGUE He never saw the photo that you see a girl drop her panties He does not know the people in the photos 43 - 44-46 = grimacing man -

child-sitting - of a teenager later removing his jersey request for the original photos to present to DIAKOSTA instead of black and white copy NEW 05/11/96 100,422 BSR LEONARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3080 - Aspect fiscal Suite 112 506 PV of BSR BXL 3/SRC Rue Hayettes = 625000-Bef His father made the loan and repays 10.500-bef/mois rue Jean Jaures The house is paid for two years - Refunds = 10.000/mois This house has cost 100.000-bef He also bought a house in ruins for GILLY 200.000-bef It no longer pays for many years he had no deed for this ruin has a loan courses for ChevyVan NEW 05/11/96 100,423 BSR LEONARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3079 - Vehicle Montpellier Suite 112 509 PV of BSR BXL 3/SRC FORD GRANADA JUS-984 parked several weeks MONTPELLIER on site co-owned St. Martin In '94 he went to Montpellier with EMILIA and some boys he drove SPAIN boys came from Charleroi (20-25 years) He was to be paid 25,000-bef to bring these boys in SPAIN There were two other cars he does not know the other drivers he is in demand a mechanic of Ch Brussels who is a red BMW crashed near Montpellier and left his vehicle near a building by asking someone to monitored He never went to search note: these people spoke any language - continued investigation?? SUMMARY AA'AA 861 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NEW 14/11/96 100,523 BSR RICHARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3098 - Documents in ChevyVan Suite of 08/11/96 PV 100100 Cell. New Order eyeglass CZECH (05/96) had given EMILIA DUTROUX glasses that were never given to DIAKOSTA Logically documents should be with glasses Plan CHARLEROI - He got one but does not know where he is Technical Review for CX: not his Paper Series he does not know and not to him Invoice 14/08/96 at MAKRO's name DUTROUX: never seen NB: DUTROUX was arrested on 13/08/96 - the date of the next facyture He went the last time before the arrest of SARS DUTROUX to pay his rent he does not know how these documents arrived in ChevyVan note: when he ChevyVan been removed from SARS??? The address on the invoice MAKRO has no interest since the invoice is delivered to the output by hand and not sent NEW 14/11/96 100,524 BSR RICHARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3099 - documents seized street Hayettes Suite 9.3.96 BSR of 113,021 PV BXL 3/SRC Explanation of the names found: House DEVOS MICHIELS Marjorie BATTLE Eric PADBERG Tonja PETIAUX Yvette Fr HENIN CLAERHOUDT Thierry COOLENS Franco IOVINO AUTO RECUP Mornimont MEERSMAN Jean-Marie NOEL GOMEZ Sandra FRANCOTTE Michel Franois Robeyns DISTRICT Stphanie 14-15 JACKY: buddy Yvan Janssens COWEZ Patrice RANDAZZO Damien

NEW 11/15/96 100,525 BSR RICHARD HEARING DIAKOSTAVRIANOS of L3100 - Using ChevyVan Suite of 08/11/96 PV 100509 BSR NEW YEAR From hair and Eefje were found in the ChevyVan The vehicle was seen in LODELINSART and OOSTENDE 11-12/95 It was recognized in vhiculke to LODELINSART IL is formal say he did not travel with the ChevyVan since he was placed in DUTROUX DUTROUX to SARS was a key ChevyVan No hair DUTROUX in ChevyVan determined Expert the vehicle has circulated 96 It casts doubt on the ability of the expert He wonders what it is based on - is it a credible criterion brought him before the DUTROUX he wanted to sell it to someone whose parents live VEDRIN He thinks it may be Robeyns Franois or a friend This potential buyer had a sister with whom DIAKOSTA slept Francis HEMMERECHT may also reflect the state of the gearbox SUMMARY AA'AA 862 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NEW 12/12/96 100,623 BSR DEMARQU E HEARING DIAKOSTA of L3725 - 26/07/96 The Presence NIHOUL the police CHARNIAUX MONT / MARCHIENNE NIHOUL have seen in the vhiculede DIAKOSTA 11.00 to 07.26.96 He was accompanied by Dominique DARC DARC NIHOUL not remained in the He had a car break MERCEDES Green NIHOUL He had to BXL via LELIEVRE a problem with the location of the warehouse NEW 05/11/96 100,424 BSR LEONARD HEARING DIAKOSTA of L3078 - Doc. Germany seized Suite PV 112.511/96 BSR and ARBEZITSALMT BXL AOK health insurance = Turkish = BONN he is a Turk who lives BONN - he knows his name Renata LATUSZEK Polish = he known SIEGBURG (caf waitress) Ticket gasoline lists of things to do in GERMANY NEW 30/01/97 100,094 BSR DEMARQU E HEARING DIAKOSTA of L4686 - Items Seized documents seized Explanation Postcard Tagliafero Bruno Invoice 9.1.91 for a gearbox for ChevyVan NEW 01/15/97 100,679 BSR RENNESO N L4269 DIAKOSTA HEARING - Agenda 95 BACOP 23/12/94: House loan repayment = 10,500 street Hayettes Terms of amounts due from customers for tires 27/12/94: he had to remove parts from a MERCEDES DUTROUX by SEBASTIEN FRANS 03/01/95: EMILY MONTPELLIER: he had to take his car down to Montpellier in the agenda are the sums he paid and the reasons NEW 01/15/97 100,049 BSR RENNESO N HEARING DIAKOSTA of L4468 - FOCANT He does not know at all

FAC SUMMARY AA'AA 863 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BBBD AUDITIONS DUTROUX 100199 L112 During his arrest he was scared and was 13/08 15.15 saving tools stored SARS DEMOULIN END Income: 38,000 Alloc unemployment. Fam 6000 rents 14,000 Expenses: Revenues 20,000 Loans MARTIN: 35,000 Unemployment Alloc Fam??? MARTIN expenses: rent 8000 DUTROUX bed ECHO OF SCHOLARSHIP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ready ---------------------- road Philippeville 7000 Ready Rubignies Street: 13000 Rue Jules Destre: ---------- entirely paid -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- VEH vehicles CX 2500 Turbo blue or green on behalf of MARTIN FORD SIERRA FORD Truck RENAULT MASTER KVT-964 YAMAHA 1000-MGD??? Mobilhome RENAULT bought a year ago ed: who? see PV with book travel mobilhome ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- MED Psychiatrist in Brussels: Emile DUMONT He prescribed ROHYPNOL ------------------ Once a month -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- IS SLOVAKIA travel with mobile home (TOPOLCANY) Once a single time with children and MARTIN Among friends and JOZEF MAMINA: EVA three daughters (20 years) - YANKA (18) and another married ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------GST timetable since 08 / 08: Slept at do not know him or his wife's 12/08: NIHOUL look at car driving down to veh in FLEURUS DAMIEN Damien friend LELIEVRE = ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ SEX Trompe his wife Last SLOVAKIA and 07/96 Change of partner Always 18 to 25 times in his orgies SUMMARY AA'AA 864 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Already filmed his antics with his wife ------- 100 200 L111 Knowledge of deprivation of liberty 13/08 GST 08/08 tel his lawyer Mte DELLIS problem for INAMI DEMOULIN At his lawyer in the afternoon Slept with him 09/08: application to Trib morning returned home to write letters requested by counsel brought letrtes lawyer in 10/08: Do not know 11/08: Do not know but NIHOUL Apparel 09/08: red-blue sneakers, jeans, t-shirt -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- END ARGENTA Acct to Acct CHARLEROI BBL MARCINELLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- LAE He met LAETITIA to BERTRIX. IL went alone and at random. He approached and they have a ride. As he knew she was only 15 years old he left from ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Does his statement ---------------------------- stop at 04.00 ------- 100 201 L98 DUTROUX HEARING 13/08 Notification mandate to bring DEMOULIN 23.30 ------- 100 202 L110 summary measures 14/08 Notice JI 05.00 DEMOULIN ------- JI L97 Confirms going BERTRIX and only be 14/08 he met LAETITIA dredged 10.20 When he knew his age, he left Connerotte leave JI arrest warrant issued ------- 100 203 L109 LAE Confessions of DUTROUX for removal LAETITIA and 15/08 16.30 SAB SABINE right to show the cache DEMOULIN ------- 100 204 L107 hearing after discovery and LAETITIA SABINE 15/08 21.30 kidnapping Michel Lelievre He showed the location DEMOULIN LAE 07/08: location to BERTRIX LELIEVRE with a girl trying to keep company with SABINE SUMMARY AA'AA 865 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 09/08: LELIEVRE Rt Philippeville around 10.30 Parties to BERTRIX for removal Veh parked near the pool --------------------------- Expected Scenario -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- MO LAETITIA fate passes next to the mobile home, and is challenged by LELIEVRE is pushed into DUTROUX by van. Inside DUTROUX gives it to make ROHYPNOL sleep then back to his home and goes to bed with a string attached. LELIEVRE not remain when she wakes up he says he will ask ranon.Le Sunday he did undress and raped her and gives her pills Monday he did down in the cellar with SABINE Monday evening second rape ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAB ------------- First, a register with LELIEVRE They saw SABINE bike Next week they return for the removal Expected Scenario -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- They roll in MO side of the bike and attrappent SABINE through the side door. They ship the bike and return Rt Philippeville after having given ROHYPNOL in SABINE. On site there riding in the chamber and chained to bed. When he awoke he says he will ask for a ransom. After several days he rubs naked against him but did not violate. He is too young. Only cunnilingus Later, fellatio several times. IL ejaculated in her mouth and gave him a sweet taste to go During his confinement he raped her twice SABINE wanted a companion. She gave names including JULIE LEJEUNE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- He wanted to create his own world This idea germinated in him right out of prison in the cache: water supply and food was convinced LELIEVRE SABINE he had killed what was originally agreed. If he knew she was alive he would not have wanted to remove LAETITIA MARTIN know anything Admissions for not only girls suffer ------- 100 225 L108 EEF LELIEVRE and he went to OOSTENDE 15/08 LELIEVRE know told to buy a network for girls 21.55 hustler DEMOULIN 100.000-bef daughter parties with CX gray but stalled car SUMMARY AA'AA 866 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

LELIEVRE waits in car DUTROUX returns to SARS with English (hitchhiking) It is with SIERRA Back to OOSTENDE next week Two girls are hitchhiking and they ship them they are taking sleeping pills LELIEVRE stopped at a booth and contacted someone. He did not say who brought Rt Girls Philippeville LELIEVRE left with the girls and SIERRA DUTROUX left with the CX The next LELIEVRE paid DUTROUX note: many inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the statement itself and compared to those of MARTIN quid the problem of CX down? what about the other statements saying the four daughters of Rt Philippeville? ... ------- 100 226 L106 Knows WEINSTEIN long but friends since 16 / August 1994 from 9.20 Knows LELIEVRE LELIEVRE JUL 02 years DEMOULIN says he can have it all DUTROUX request a girl says yes to 50,000 LELIEVRE One day DUTROUX go home and finds and JULIE MELISSA LELIEVRE said assets removed with WEINSTEIN It is not that DUTROUX wanted. They sought a solution to make from First in the upstairs room because we had to finish the cache never a sexual relationship with and JULIE MELISSA ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- EEF An and Eefje removed by LELIEVRE and WEINSTEIN and Returning an unknown armed they fell down They called for help DUTROUX DUTROUX went with everybody and CX is mounted in trouble with CX CX Also Everyone hides in a thicket DUTROUX returns to SARS with angalis ( autostop) He went back for everyone with SIERRA Everyone Rt Philippeville Girls tied up by chains problems because this moemnt JULIE MELISSA and also to address the cahe DUTROUX violated Eefje WEINSTEIN violated AN WEINSTEIN After a few days and came LELIEVRE search DUTROUX girls did more magazines He never saw the third man ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem after a flight. They sleep two people and receivership reason for the arrest of DUTROUX When they were released, and WEINSTEIN DUTROUX hid in PINON SUMMARY AA'AA 867 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon WEINSTEIN could change your name with fake passport ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- JUL DUTROUX It seemed obvious that it was going to be arrested for a solution and JULIE MELISSA WEINSTEIN had only one: kill DUTROUX not wanted, he drugged WEINSTEIN (ROHYPNOL) and buried alive but asleep later he was arrested (12/06/95) LELIEVRE deavit feed girls He had been bef 50000-A to this release from prison and JULIE MELISSA alive but badly JULIE died a few hours after his return he was placed in a freezer bag He tried to treat MELISSA and retype but in vain. She died 4-5 days later He was buried SARS It means the place where the three bodies are ------- 100 227 L105 JI Notice 16/08 Transport 12.5 Designation of place where the bodies are buried DEMOULIN ------- 100 231 L104 has filed a complaint INJURY COUPS and the 20/08 other inmates EEF 11.10 Confirms version WEINSTEIN and LELIEVRE as authors DEMOULIN An and Eefje LELIEVRE told him about the merchandise girls were to be delivered the same day but missed appointment note: the date does not match with the missed appointment FLIER The girls had been drugged It confirms the breakdown and transition to SARS with English Do not know who the third man tied Girls to bed rest Rt +

ROHYPNOL WEINSTEIN Philippeville DUTROUX LELIEVRE and CX will look back down Rt Philippeville, and WEINSTEIN LELIEVRE Girls go dormant for two days when they were asleep Never undressed as reflected AN Eefje not speak French Weinstein said he had problems Someday Weinstein said he wanted to rape fantasy AN WEINSTEIN: take a girl open her belly and hot rape Weinstein said not having "fuck" for 20 years and had to sleep YEAR WEINSTEIN move gave the ROHYPNOL Eefje DUTROUX in the room but not rape because she did not want WEINSTEIN had problem, it could not violate AN. Finally yes Same the next night Eefje helped housework DUTROUX asks if she wants to go to his room or AN SUMMARY AA'AA 868 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Eefje chooses DUTROUX room and rapes her. He said it was consentente and even she asked him to teach note: we can assume that DUTROUX recounts his dreams as reality The next night he again violates Eefje. IL said she had fun and WEINSTEIN LELIEVRE come find the two girls. They say touver have a place in a prostitution Never seen girls ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- EVA YAN YANKA are the daughters of his friends SLOVAKIA They came on holiday in DUTROUX He gave them ROHYPNOL and has filmed naked YANKA He raped her while she slept He filmed the rape and the other girl naked movies are hidden in the cache Rt Philippeville 5 films: 2 with MORNING 1 with YANKA, 1 with EVA and 1 with two girls CZECH paid to undress Regarding CZECH he said there were many young There is no girl abducted on movies he had initially lied about EVA and YANKA because he did not to know that they were raped ------- 100 233 L150 for RAPE INITIAL 20/08 Victim: Eva MAKOVA Declaration ditto PV 11.10 100 231 (L104) DEMOULIN ------- 100 234 L150 for RAPE INITIAL 20/08 Victim: MAKOVA Yanka Declaration ditto PV 11.10 100 231 (L104) DEMOULIN ------- 100 232 L103 DUTROUX wants to rest 20/08 He tells the truth A 23.10 19.00 then he asked to go pray DEMOULIN He does not know where he is ------- 100 230 L102 DUTROUX HEARING 24/08 IL NIH had NIHOUL via LELIEVRE summer 95 15.00 NIHOUL looking girls for prostitution IS DEMOULIN He wanted Czech or Slovak LELIEVRE was known in the trade NIHOUL links DUTROUX SLOVAKIA Met NIHOUL home, on the 8th floor with his wife at 9 XX LELIEVRE very intimate with them NIHOUL the long arm XX NIHOUL can find fake papers said NIHOUL be worn on the sadomasochistic asked DUTROUX s it knew people in orgy SUMMARY AA'AA 869 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon XX NIHOUL advised sadomasochistic orgies (more profitable) IS NIHOUL asked girls TSE for periods of three months this has never been promised NIHOUL LELIEVRE insisted XX XX 30,000 per girl 1-2 both no more troubleshooting then brought his veh FLEURUS in

RANDAZZO ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Links between LELIEVRE PINON-Rochow and WEINSTEIN Links and Pierre PINON = Pol flights projects - warehouse - trucks ... PINON WEINSTEIN presented to DUTROUX He knows PINON for 2 1/2 years ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ IS DIAKOSTA had many whores% for SLOVAKIA They went together to TEPLICE for whores XX There is a man known DIAKOSTA who knows a supplier of all kinds of bitches man gave girls undressed and was filmed DUTROUX DUTROUX not find this man more note: DIAKOSTA he heard? -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- IS IT took a ROHYPNOL in slices of EVA and YANKA MACKOVA They were asleep YANKA He raped and filmed rape July 96 ---------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same for EVA 1994 It has not penetrated as she woke -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Three porn movies with his wife MARTIN knew but never saw the movie Made in 1994 ---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- WEINSTEIN JUL removed and JULIE MELISSA with LELIEVRE Following problem with the guys wanted to kill kidnapped Weinstein and JULIE MELISSA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- EEF LELIEVRE and DUTROUX AN kidnapped and Eefje demand LELIEVRE LELIEVRE wanted to fuck a At the rear of the CX gray he forced them to show their breasts He was forced to take DUTROUX ROHYPNOL is always with him DUTROUX was aware of the risks (relapse) CX DUTROUX down with SARS returns to English and back SIERRA with DUTROUX Meanwhile, LELIEVRE violated AN DUTROUX saw blood in the panties AN She was a virgin SUMMARY AA'AA 870 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon She was well dressed Return Rt Philippeville girls slept CX look back down (and DUTROUX LELIEVRE) Girls alone but asleep and naked in CX SARS WEINSTEIN After explaining Back to Rt 03 Philippeville Ask WEINSTEIN solution because then there was 4 girls in DUTROUX WEINSTEIN proposed a prostitution WEINSTEIN violated several times after sleeping AN An and Eefje about 10 days Rt Philippeville WEINSTEIN came the search DUTROUX could never know where girls are parts DUTROUX has doubts on the network think he may have killed WEINSTEIN An and Eefje ------- 100 211 L101 DUTROUX HEARING 24/08 EEF He really does not know what became of AN and 22.15 Eefje Eefje DEMOULIN asked him to teach him to love He knows nothing of a network XX LELIEVRE knows maybe then more or NIHOUL PINON Rochow --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- JUL WEINSTEIN He killed only because he wanted to kill and JULIE MELISSA He had wanted to kill the two guys kidnapped ------100 212 L100 DUTROUX HEARING 25/08 He knows DIAKOSTA for 2 1/2 years 05.45 DIAKOSTA a friend SLOVAKIA: EMILIA DEMOULIN IL frequents whores SLOVAKIA DIAKOSTA never touched girls abducted and LELIEVRE WEINSTEIN knew cache DUTROUX thought to enlarge the cache to put An and Eefje work had already been started (ventilator plugged) XX editor: see PV 103355 (bde CHARL 17/06). A vent clogged Rt Philippeville - discovered

bones and teeth = L56 Same scenario with others: ransom They have always kept the same clothes ------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUL IL killed because WEINSTEIN wanted to kill and JULIE MELISSA He killed late 11/95 before his arrest ed: see declaration of MARTIN who said he saw in 04/96 WEINSTEIN had a gun From the outset WEINSTEIN was afraid It is not normal that it has brought these girls here LELIEVRE WEINSTEIN and led the girls wanted to keep DUTROUX JULIE MELISSA and lifetime note: contradictory behavior vis--vis her baby (statement MARTIN) DUTROUX saw blood in the slip by MELISSA SUMMARY AA'AA 871 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon She said Weinstein had put his big finger ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Weinstein wanted to buy the cottage next to his street Daubresse He wanted to make a cache would have bought it after the departure of An and Eefje ------- 100 213 L1216 HEARING DUTROUX of 26/08 This is WEINSTEIN who killed and Eefje BSR ON ANN WEINSTEIN came to look for BC. Philippeville DEMOULIN WEINSTEIN gave them the Rohypnol WEINSTEIN brought up in a van He does not know the owner of the van was killed WEINSTEIN When it was said to have killed the girls and be buried in the hangar is agreed to show the location note: illogical statement: why Weinstein said that the day he kills? why, when and how did he found the cache? is more contradictory statement that says MARTIN DUTROUX has announced the death of the girls 09/95 while WEINSTEIN was killed in 11/95. SUMMARY AA'AA 872 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DEATH OF MINORS Last Name First Name Date of Birth Date of Death AAERTS Mary December 8, 1965 August 10, 1984 ABOTAY Zekiye May 31, 1967 August 22, 1984 ANTHEUNIS Janik October 7, 1966 January 1, 1984 Linda ANTHONISSEN September 8, 1966 October 12, 1983 ARGENTINI Livia February 12, 1971 March 27, 1983 Sarah Arvanitidis October 31, 1974 July 26, 1984 Aspeslagh Linda July 14, 1966 July 26, 1984 Awouters Bernadette February 25, 1965 October 18, 1983 October 22, 1965 Francine BAADE October 4, 1983 Baeckelmans Sophie March 2, 1973 November 12, 1983 BAES Inez 29 May 1975 9 October 1984 Baivy Theresa March 26 1965 27 June 1984 16 January 1975 Oru BALLI March 19 1984 Nadia BAMOUHAMMAD May 20, 1966 April 26, 1983 BEARD Veerle July 28, 1965 April 1, 1984 BARICHY Nadia November 11, 1967 September 30, 1983 September 29, 1966 BAUWENS Fabienne November 4, 1984 BDSON Catherine January 6, 1967 22 Fatima BELKACEM August 1983 2 April 1975 11 January 1983 27 January 1968 BELLAFKI Fatma December 8, 1983 Isabelle BERNARDINO May 19, 1968 September 8, 1983 BERNARDINO Myriam October 31, 1968 May 12, 1984 BERTENS Katty October 27, 1968

December 13, 1984 BERTRAND Arianne July 24, 1967 May 24, 1983 Nathalie BILLEN September 13, 1968 June 30, 1983 BOGAERT Heidi September 25, 1967 November 11, 1983 BONNY Cynthia February 28, 1973 March 4, 1983 Grietje BOONEN August 6, 1965 March 10, 1983 BOOS Astrid April 12, 1969 November 4, 1984 Broeren Diana June 16, 1965 August 28, 1983 CAMPS Carine March 3, 1965 April 17, 1983 CAPPELLE Saskia August 21, 1966 November 28, 1983 November 16, 1968 CASTELAIN Cecilia July 30, 1983 Catot Liliane May 15, 1965 July 25, 1983 Cauterman Lisbet May 24, 1974 May 13, 1984 CELEN Catharina July 2, 1967 May 12, 1983 November 24 CHEVALIER Marielle 1967 September 3, 1984 March 16, 1966 Choi Soon September 9, 1984 Delphine CIRCHIRILLO November 3, 1973 September 24, 1984 CLEREINS Cathy April 10, 1975 August 14, 1983 Clybouw Kristine May 14, 1967 December 4, 1983 COENEN Corinne March 31, 1966 October 4, 1984 COLAVITTO Marinela November 6, 1966 27 July 1984 CORNELIS Ann January 6, 1975 August 13, 1984 Cottem Isabelle June 1, 1969 September 20, 1983 Couder Johanna February 10, 1968 January 14, 1984 CROUSSE Maryline October 2, 1973 May 5, 1983 Dalimier Charlotte May 21, 1973 July 14, 1984 DAMICO Nunziatina December 16, 1969 December 30, 1984 Yannick DANDOIS November 9, 1965 November 24, 1983 IN Marianne March 16, 1965 July 4, 1983 DE CROMBRUGGHE Vincianne October 30, 1968 September 12, 1984 Sonia de Ghellinck March 11, 1967 December 4, 1983 Patricia De Raymaeker October 3, 1970 March 30, 1984 DEBELEYR Ingrid June 15, 1968 October 6 Evi Debels 1983 August 3, 1975 January 16, 1984 Debock Annie December 15, 1974 May 20, 1984 SUMMARY AA'AA 915 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Debrauwere Patricia October 20, 1973 March 22, 1984 Deceuster Kristel July 5, 1975 February 9, 1984 DECKERS Nancy January 29, 1967 February 5, 1983 February 20, 1965 Maria DECNODDER September 11, 1983 DEGHEUS Anne October 5, 1973 August 5, 1984 DEGROOTE Christel July 19, 1967 June 14, 1983 Martine DEGRYSE April 20, 1965 August 11, 1983 December 24, 1969 Regine DeLeeuw July 25, 1983 Delferriere Nancy January 2, 1975 January 23, 1984 DELPLACE Mireille October 13, 1965 January 15, 1984 DELPOUPPO Christelle November 2, 1973 December 9, 1983 DEMEYERE Dorothy May 13, 1975 June 18, 1984 Cecile Denis November 11 1965 May 30, 1984 DENOLF Marijke July 19, 1966 November 30, 1984 DEPAEPE Mirella November 9, 1974 March 19, 1983 DEPAEPE Hilde September 14, 1965 September 13, 1983 DEPAS Micheline July 26, 1969 December 13, 1984 REED Els August 11, 1966 July 11, 1984 July 1, 1966 Pascale DERMARIS 12 Fabienne DERNIVOIX May 1984 29 July 1965 25 December 1983 DERZELLE Carine August 20, 1966 December 16, 1984 Deseure Marleen February 21, 1965 August 10, 1984 DESMEYTER Wendy February 18, 1973 February 12, 1983 DESSEILLE Danielle April 19, 1967 August 24, 1984 Vera Deswaef February 21, 1965 March 1, 1983 Ariane DETROY January 4, 1973 June 27, 1983 DEVOLDER Annie March 31, 1967 November 15, 1984 Patricia DEWAEGENAERE January 2, 1968 June 17, 1984 DEWALSCHE Chantal October 11, 1973 April 4, 1984 DEWITTE Marleen May 30, 1968 August 9, 1984 DICK Peggy July 23, 1969 September 2, 1984 GOD Christine May 19, 1966 December 22, 1984 December 16, 1974

Christel DISPA July 30, 1984 Divito Antonella February 8, 1973 June 5, 1984 DOBBELAERE Mileen August 12, 1975 January 26, 1984 DOBBELAERE Marianne February 28, 1967 February 23, 1983 February 16, 1966 DUBRULLE Vronique September 4, 1983 September 30 DUBUISSON Nathalie 1974 January 8, 1984 Sandra DUPIRE December 8, 1973 December 29, 1984 DURAN Fesli June 23, 1975 February 6, 1984 Martine Dutoo June 26, 1969 July 10, 1984 EEMBEEK Christine August 14, 1965 July 11, 1983 Erer Hikmet August 16, 1974 October 27, 1984 Katy EVRARD August 3rd, 1973 16 May 1983 Faniel Elisabeth April 13, 1975 January 27, 1983 Nadia FATHI April 10, 1979 July 30, 1984 FENZAOUI Aicha March 15, 1969 June 30, 1983 FIECKENS Karin March 8, 1965 July 3, 1983 FLORKIN Nathalie February 28, 1968 October 16, 1983 FREMAL Sandra February 24, 1967 March 26, 1983 Frenet Delphine January 17, 1974 July 26, 1984 Froyen Murielle December 21, 1974 July 3, 1983 July 6, 1967 Nathalie GAUDIN February 28, 1984 GAUL Laurence June 6, 1966 January 28, 1984 Maria GEENS May 2, 1965 May 26, 1983 GEETS Vannessa November 2, 1973 July 18, 1983 Christine GENGLER April 10, 1966 November 6, 1984 GERARD Vronique November 29, 1974 March 10, 1984 Nathalie GILLE October 1, 1973 December 21, 1983 GILLES Sabine May 14, 1968 May 11, 1984 Nathalie GILLES March 12, 1969 September 21, 1984 GOETHALS Gwendoline June 19, 1973 July 30, 1983 March 31 GOFFINET Patricia 1966 May 26, 1984 SUMMARY AA'AA 916 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Maria GORRENS 4 September 1969 23 August 1983 14 March 1966 Gravet Pascale August 14, 1983 Gugel Ines December 13, 1969 February 14, 1984 HAEPERS Marleen April 11, 1966 November 20, 1984 HAMAIDE Rgine September 16, 1966 September 8, 1984 HAMERS Rita November 17, 1967 October 3, 1983 HAVERLANT Evelyne July 22, 1965 October 15, 1984 Hectors Catherine December 24, 1967 April 1, 1984 Inge HEIRMANS April 26, 1967 March 23, 1984 HEZOUMRI Rachida June 21, 1973 February 17, 1983 Madeleine HJELT October 21, 1973 December 30, 1984 HOLSTERS Nadine January 19, 1966 March 25, 1983 May 15 Brigitte HOLVOET 1965 14 August 1983 22 December 1973 HOORELBEKE Hilde September 14, 1984 HOPPE Catherine November 7, 1967 August 27, 1983 Hosselet Sonia July 23, 1974 September 27, 1983 HOUBREXHE Isabelle January 9, 1974 October 7, 1983 HOYOIS Laurence June 8, 1966 July 28, 1984 HUYGHE Rika March 4, 1970 13 IKHENCH Hnia December 1983 17 June 1973 20 November 1983 14 February 1965 IVENS Marleen November 6, 1984 JANSSENS Marie France September 27, 1966 July 8, 1983 JANSSENS Fanny September 11, 1968 May 10, 1983 JOB Marie March 18, 1965 October 16, 1983 JORION Anne March 18, 1965 May 16 Gina KESELAER 1983 December 15, 1969 April 8, 1983 KIM Kyung August 25, 1975 December 17, 1983 KIM Eun June 1, 1965 August 10, 1984 Knippenberg Christel May 16, 1966 May 28, 1984 KOCA Sengul January 31, 1965 August 12, 1983 KOTECKA Silvana February 27, 1975 January 10, 1983 KRASNIQI Jallduze May 15, 1966 March 10, 1983 Kuhrt Margreta January 13, 1965 April 11, 1983 LAMINATED Tanja August 9, 1969 November 30, 1983 LAMONT Isabel December 24, 1973 December 23, 1983 LARUELELLE Adele May 29, 1965 October 16, 1984 Ccile LEDOUX May 31, 1974 April 27, 1983 LEMAIRE Maryline 15 January 1966

18 August 1983 Anne LENAERTS September 8, 1965 August 5, 1983 LEROY Danielle May 28, 1966 October 1, 1983 LHEUREUX Pascale April 2, 1967 November 28, 1983 Liekens Frdrique February 23, 1965 July 8, 1984 LONDES Annemieke May 25, 1968 October 1, 1984 LOUGEN Danielle May 8, 1975 October 3, 1983 LUYTTENS Marianne December 21, 1967 November 27, 1983 MADAN Viviane October 22, 1966 March 3, 1983 MAES Sandrina February 19, 1967 December 30, 1983 MAHY Tania August 5, 1969 July 23, 1984 MAINE Fabienne April 5, 1967 December 2, 1984 MERCHANDISE Monique July 20, 1965 July 7 Carine MARON 1984 May 6, 1973 June 1, 1983 MARZANO Genevieve September 12, 1968 October 15, 1983 Masureel Anja March 25, 1969 May 4, 1983 MESSIAEN Katleen June 14, 1966 February 26, 1984 MICHIELSEN Natasha May 29, 1968 March 21, 1983 MILLER Marianne June 27, 1965 March 7, 1983 MOLTENI Christina May 4, 1968 September 24, 1984 MOMMAERTS Nicky February 23, 1974 August 3, 1983 MOORS Karin March 11, 1966 July 19, 1983 MOURAUX Bndicte February 21, 1973 July 11, 1984 NALEPKA Sandra March 30, 1969 April 11, 1984 NAVEAU Vronique June 22, 1969 January 11, 1984 Joelle NEDERLANT 27 January 1967 17 February 1983 SUMMARY AA'AA 917 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Anne NIZET April 2, 1968 December 17, 1983 CHRISTMAS Ariane January 12, 1973 July 30, 1984 Martine ORLENS October 25, 1965 June 4, 1983 PANDELIEV Valrie November 3, 1969 December 2, 1984 Pansaers Josiane September 6, 1973 January 24, 1983 PAOLINI Tatiane April 5, 1973 February 15, 1983 PARMENTIER Carine April 4, 1965 February 19, 1983 Lidia PENDERS October 30, 1967 February 21, 1983 PEREMANS Vronique March 22, 1966 November 15, 1984 PIECK Peggy October 4, 1967 March 30, 1984 Marie Jeanne PILOTA November 5, 1967 March 7, 1984 PREUMONT Laurence May 19, 1966 October 5, 1984 PRINCEN Helga 22 January 1967 25 February 1984 RAEYMAEKERS Margaretha 1 October 1967 Raeymakers Ann May 15, 1983 March 14, 1969 October 5, 1983 REISCH Monica June 5, 1966 November 4, 1984 Reygaerts Daisy August 13, 1965 August 12, 1984 REYNDERS Anne December 31, 1973 November 4, 1984 RIVER Ccile August 19, 1966 January 17, 1983 Martine Robeys May 27, 1968 December 19, 1984 ROGGE Eveline December 7, 1965 February 17, 1983 RYCKEWAERT Elke October 20, 1973 April 13, 1983 SANLI Gulten June 7, 1975 August 17, 1983 SAUSSEZ Theresa June 1, 1965 May 8, 1983 SCHAMP Griet December 5, 1966 June 28 1984 Schatteman Jennifer October 23, 1973 January 7, 1983 February 4, 1969 SCHOLL Fatima July 29, 1984 May 16, 1965 SIMON Fabienne March 11, 1984 December 17, 1969 SIMON Noella May 24, 1984 February 19, 1966 SLEGERS Ingrid February 24, 1984 May 23, 1965 SMESMAN Annick February 21, 1983 SMETS Christina August 15, 1966 December 23, 1984 Snykers Veerle March 1, 1966 March 16, 1983 SPATAFORA Margherita April 3, 1975 June 20, 1983 Nathalie Squelard December 13, 1968 July 11, 1984 Martine STAELENS November 25, 1965 November 13, 1983 Annie STRUMANNE 11 June 1966 26 March 1984 12 Nancy SWINGS July 1966 24 June 1984 23 September 1965 Marina TANGHE September 5, 1984 TAS Fabienne November 15, 1966 December 23, 1984 TAYANE Messaouda March 20, 1973 February 23, 1984 January 19, 1965 Telen Muriel May 2, 1983 Terwingen Iris April 18, 1974 April 1,

1983 THIRY Nathalie June 24, 1966 December 19, 1984 THYSMANS Marina June 6, 1966 December 10, 1983 TIELEMS Hilde April 10, 1966 October 9, 1983 TOEBAT Dorine March 8, 1966 February 4, 1984 TOMEZYK Nathalie October 27, 1965 July 20, 1983 TSIPKAS Atanasia January 21, 1969 March 5, 1984 VANBAEL Anne November 27, 1967 December 12 Dorothy VANCOPPENOLLE 1983 January 19, 1967 February 9, 1984 June 18, 1968 VANDAMME Marijke August 28, 1984 December 27, 1966 VANDECASTEELE Conny March 4, 1984 December 7, 1974 Sabine Vandenberge November 25, 1983 July 11, 1966 Ines VANDENBOSSCHE April 15, 1983 March 28, 1966 Martine VANDENBROECK January 10, 1983 VANDEPUTTE Sabine June 16, 1965 May 29, 1983 VANDERMIJNSBRUGGE Ilde May 1, 1967 March 18, 1983 Patricia VANDERSTRAETEN September 18, 1967 August 4, 1984 VANDEVELDE Christina February 23, 1967 February 16, 1984 VANDEWALLE Carine March 14, 1965 March 22, 1983 Fanny Vandijck 23 October 1965 4 September 1984 30 Isabelle VANDRIESSCHE March 1967 September 9, 1984 SUMMARY AA'AA 918 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon VANDY Pascale January 14, 1967 September 5, 1984 VANEECKE Marleen October 26, 1965 August 30, 1984 VANESPEN Ria July 22, 1965 June 24, 1984 VANGEELE Nancy November 28, 1969 April 20, 1984 VANHEES Christine April 6, 1967 February 13, 1984 VANHOUTTE Vronique November 22, 1974 March 7, 1983 VANHOVE Carine December 23, 1965 May 31, 1984 April 3, 1969 VANHOVE Vronique April 30, 1984 VANKERCKHOVE Sonja July 17, 1974 October 18, 1984 VANKERCKHOVEN Fabienne August 11, 1965 July 19, 1984 Vankerkhoven Monique August 31, 1966 April 20, 1983 VANLAER Sigrid December 12, 1973 June 30, 1984 February 15 Vanlaere Vronique 1965 October 14, 1984 Vanlaere Eveline May 23, 1968 November 9, 1984 VANLOOKEN Katrien November 28, 1969 November 29, 1983 VANROOSBROEK Manuella 31 July 1965 20 September 1984 28 September 1966 Vanschepdael Pascale January 4, 1984 VANTENLOO Lena January 28, 1967 May 22, 1983 VANWEZEMAEL Veerle October 10, 1967 13 VARGA Sabine January 1984 14 January 1974 22 May 1984 23 July 1966 VELGHE Ilse January 2, 1983 Venken Paula April 16, 1967 May 29, 1984 Nathalie Venneman March 11, 1973 August 21, 1983 VERBANCK Sandra March 10, 1973 December 25, 1984 Verbeeren Conny March 15, 1966 July 16, 1984 VERCAIGNE Fanny 28 May 1967 12 June 1983 17 June 1966 Verdurmen Margot December 22, 1983 VERHOEVEN Anne July 13, 1967 May 24, 1983 VERSTEGHE Katleen July 4, 1968 July 17, 1984 VERSTREPEN Nancy October 23, 1966 May 22, 1983 VERVAET Cindy June 2, 1975 June 22, 1983 Beatrice VILAIN July 17, 1975 July 3, 1983 VILLOT Veronica October 28, 1965 October 29, 1984 Vingerhoets Karin August 3, 1974 August 3, 1983 VIVIER Josette September 10, 1967 February 14, 1984 VOLMANBECK Marina 28 February 1969 13 March 1983 29 December 1965 VRANCKEN Isabelle June 9, 1984 December 30 WAEYAERT Hilde 1975 March 25, 1984 WARRINNIER Peggy January 11, 1973 August 31, 1984 WEIJTJENS Maria December 27, 1974 August 3, 1983 Martine WETS March 2, 1967 March 20, 1983 Wendy Willems October 7, 1974 April 28, 1983 WINDAEL Katty November 15, 1967 November 21, 1983 WINDELS Sabine October 7, 1967 1 Pascale WUILKIN September 1984 5 September 1965 21 October 1984 WYTENS

Linda January 25, 1965 January 22, 1983 Emine Yamac June 1, 1967 June 23, 1983 ZENFOUR Naima February 28, 1968 March 10, 1983 RESUME GENERAL (AA'DD) Rep. Thme. Abcde Code DIAKOSTA AAA AUD AUD AUD DUTROUX significant X X AUD AUD LELIEVRE BBB CCC DDD MARTIN AUD AUD AUD MAR LEL X X X BECKS II BAGOU EEE FFF BKS BAG X 86/96 X 86B 3/SRC GGG HHH WASCH CAR WAS X Dauphin CCC will jjj fashion MOD X X X Moulin LLL MOU 86/96 Other Unites MMM NNN NIHOUL NIH 86N X X X Viviane RAI PPP QQQ RAISIN NUT X Van Rossem viv X NUTELLA RRR SSS TTT GR Di Rupo VR-X X69 X GRAFFE X69 X 704 mm X Jose 10704 VVV WWW XXX PEDO'DIV PDD LUB X X2 X X3 X X2 yyy ZZZ defender X3 X CHAMPION CH X CLO CLO X VERO AAAA BBBB CCCC DEC MINEUR DECES VERO X X X SPIROU GGG G SPI DV Divers eeee X SYNTHESE AA'AA 920 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON JJJD Dauphin PV N Th Rsums L628 38,649 ------- INFORMATION RAEMAKERS Jean (25/06/49) 31/08 01 Dau Condamn pdophilie pour des saisies dans le Cadre Review 37.64.107223/93 BXL PJ dossier d'Initiative K7 Shake DUTROUX MARNETTE pdophilie saisies 37.97.5984/93 Saisie of photos tires Sur une des photos des K7 DUTROUX Il est le PJ identifier prciser pense que des filires pedophiles RAEMAKERS a voulu dnoncer annonc Il est que l'on ignore Suites les donnes ------- 113.454 02 Dau Audition de RAEMAEKERS Jean-Paul 15/09 Il dcrit Meise O une villa avec JP-Dumont LESCIAUSKAS il s'est rendu des enfants pour une avec partouze grosses Several cars dont une place sur JAGUAR 8-10 bordeau adultes 5 mineurs garons et filles et la maison Villa Il pourrait reconnaitre rsidance Voisine de la Ministre d'un flamand Audition makes Serge de LORIAUX 114.110 ------- 03 (21/04/54) 21/09 Codtenu de RAEMAEKERS WINKEL Son avocat (GM FLAGOTHIER) lui a t par conseill RAEMAEKERS RAEMAEKERS lui propose a villa de rnover sa au PEROU RAEM. It's all together s'est il n'a pas d'amiti avec lui de visite RAEM car. a demand lui si sa femme qui pourrait Enter your email address n'avait pas une visite de temps en temps lui rendre RAEM. a dit avoir beaucoup l'Etranger d'Argent RAEM. a dit avoir "Use the" la famille des enfants en payant RAEM 200300.000. I'm a t voir avec des filles de 14-15 ans RAEM films. K7 aurait des pedophiles avec des personnalits major (Ministre) Ces l'Etranger RAEM caches seraient K7. aurait peur de l'exploitation du rsultat de ces Il a peur d'une seconde K7 condamnation perptuit les personnes sont au Courant de l'existance filmes ndlr des K7 XX:-t-il n'a pas des Visites in prison on recovery qui rattaches peuvent tre ces personnes qui et pour son insistent silence LORIAUX = bientt RAEM semi-liberty. Wait tre RAEM libr in 2000. 600,000 dpens qu'il est depuis a dtenu (03 years) ndlr: CET Peut-tre des personnes Argent vient filmes - A contrler RAEM la prison. quelqu'un cherche

l'Etranger voyager Peut qui lui et de l'Argent et les K7 ramener ndlr: K7 Peut-tre pour elles sont plus en Scurit chantage Sino l'Etranger ndlr: il faudrait LORIAUX in remettre Cellule avec RAEMAEKERS SYNTHESE AA'AA 921 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Peut-tre et une femme comme stake introduire de la femme de l'Enter your email address LORIAUX qui le vient visit. ------114.653 01/10 WINKEL 10 Dau RENSEIGNEMENTS RAEMAEKERS - 114,110 PV LORIAUX voulait LORIAUX Suite pour aller en Cellule RAEMAEKERS avec pouvoir Le director Donner des informations de la prison de NAMUR se trouve dans une tells that RAEMAEKERS Cellule deux personnes se trouve dans l'geyik en situation de Scurit LORIAUX Par Normale de Scurit pour mesure Peut tre remis en Cellule avec lui ne RAEMAEKERS LORIAUX (problmes avec les autres dtenus) LORIAUX transfr pourrait tre dans la Russie s'tre Cellule de RAEMAEKERS entretenu LORIAUX avec le director tells that celui-ci ne pas tre VeUt transfr chez RAEMAEKERS 114.678 03/10 ELOIR The demand of 100,062 PV 11 REQUISITOIRE BELGACOM Suite Capt BAULARD Identification des appels entrants 061/22.02.11 et aux numbers 061/22.02.02 (= Cell Neuf Enqute.) Pour le 08/09/96 between 13.30 and 18.00 117.387 02/10 ELOIR 12 SURVEILLAN SUR CE VAN DEN PLAS Piro Claire Gaeta (01/02/54) signale that Piro JeanLuc de prendre contact avec leur standing fils Gaeta (26/06/80) Il ya un jugement le droit de visite Piro JL Elle interdisant Gaetan de l'au retour de craint des contacts soirs Surveillance depuis l'INTERNAT INTERNAT vendredis les les 04 et18/10/96 negatif: rien d'abnormal 115.411 11/10 ELOIR 13 XX SUR RENSEIGNEMENTS RAEMAEKERS Suite K7 DESTRUCTION PV BXL 38,649 PJ DUTROUX reconnu aurait t sur des photos des K7 tires ce n'est pas de RAEMAEKERS RAEMAEKERS affirme that DUTROUX (PV 113.243) Withdrawal of Tentative mais des K7 au Greffe du TC BXL ONT elles t dtruites suite une decision de la Cours d'Appel de BXL du Parquet du 27/02/95 (Doss 30/95) K7 dtruites le 16/06/96 - PV destruction 21/96 to 30/05/96 ndlr: PV rdig avant la destruction?? K7 Deux pour la Cours d'Assise restents

available car saisie deposit 22767/93 malgr ordonnance pas dtruit Dossier 30/95 = Escroquerie Faux et donc dossier pdophilie Doss from different de passe pour lequel est en cours d'Assise RAEMAEKERS Signe par Ordre de destruction avocat Marchal gnral Dpts 22767/93 - 05492/94 and 23502/94 sortis pour dont examination question K7 38,649 PV serait un dans les pedophiles Classical pour la destruction des K7 entrainant Jonction various documents 114.115 12/10 LESCIAU SKAS 14 Audition RAEMAEKERS - Contacts Dumont RAEMAEKERS a t avec Jean-Paul Dumont via Contact par son avocat (FLAGOTHIER) 06/10/96 Le Maitre GEUNINCKX a FLAGOTHIER Contact Maitre de ne pas pour qu'il demand RAEMAEKERS des agissements Parler de Dumont RAEMAEKERS Contact me Dumont et lui avoir demand avoir une et l'obtention financial aide d'une diminution de Peine (10/10/96) RAEMAEKERS attend the services we Reaction of Dumont et s'engage a avertir 114.116 15 Audition RAEMAEKERS COPPIETERS t WALLANT Renaud (23/09/36) RAEMAEKERS connu l'a dans le Cadre de la Socit PEFI RAEM. organize a lui fait un prt pour un voyage en Afrique de 80,000 a t rembours Renaud Le prt d'une Socit d'import-export s'occupit SYNTHESE AA'AA 922 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Renaud et aimer les garons a Pedophile avou tre Renaud propose a RAEM. fournir des enfants de lui moyennant compensation (??) Renaud savait ne pas que RAEM. tait aussi les tendances Pedophile pedophiles de Renaud Dumont Dumont connait a dit RAEM. Renaud Renaud participate avoir des partouzes avec ASBL membre de LA COMPAGNIE DU LIBIKI 115.438 12/10 LESCIAU SKAS 16 THE SECRET PROFESSIONNEL Article Information N SUR divulgation de 'La Libre Belgique' (JF DELIEGE - M PETIT) qui mentionne that RAEM. entendu a t plusieurs reprises Comment sur les risques Enqute sur l'article en cours d'un tel et avec le climat de confiance RAEM. Article joint 115.417 19/10 ELOIR 17 Audition RAEMAEKERS - Priode the 20/02 au 15/03/95 lors de l'Enqute de la BSR 3/SRC RAEM signal avait faire des ses avocats qu'il allait networks of pedophiles dclarations sur des Avocats = JP Dumont, DEPAUS Marc et GEUNINCKX. Dumont a voulu faire l'Enqute confier la PJ Dumont Infos est pour les filtrer intervenu President of MARNETTE qui est 'grand son ami MARNETTE a deux hommes la prison pour envoy RAEM auditionner. DEPAUS Avocat ce sujet les accompagnait Les preuves devaient fournies tre aprs avoir t la PJ via DEPAUS filtres Dumont A ce jour par les documents n'ont n'est pas t plus ramen in Belgium DEPAUS avocat et pourrait tre entendu

115.439 19/10 LESCIAU SKAS 01 FOC 111 XX AUT Audition RAEMAEKERS sur FOCANT Guy (09/04/34) RAEM. raconte ce que lui a dit FOCANT Guy FOCANT a fourni des enfants (13-15 years), 15-20000- plusieurs clients NIHOUL dont pour un enfant par BEF aussi des enfants apres-midi FOCANT abusait venaient Les enfants de rgion dfavorises (Soignies- NIVELLES-RONQUIERES, ITTRE ...) Echanges d'enfants avec la France et l'Allemagne K7 enregistres (200) NIHOUL offrait aux enfants des Gift pour les put in confiance FOCANT s'est referm RAEM lorsque. a parle de BRICHET Elisabeth FOCANT a Dj pour un enfant Grace cette 500,000 on recovery Somme il sa maison de Seraing FOCANT connu pour a achet Viola de NAMUR prison FOCANT = 22/04/96 FOCANT me depuis l'avoir t dans entendu AFFAIRE DUTROUX et inculp FOCANT a Ralis avoir t avec des enlvements Michel dans la rgion d'ESNEUX NIZET (enfants de 10 ans) FOCANT abusait des enfants son domicile NIHOUL FOCANT et puis les rmettait NIHOUL prostituaient un de ces garons garons mineurs An Age of 23 - dnonc aurait 24 ans chez les faits NIHOUL FOCANT avec une fois une OPEL Allen est bleu clair (??) ndlr: Lon GIET verified NIHOUL involved par les used by vhicules avec des des partouzes garons mineurs FOCANT aurait enlev 20-25 Quelques garons et filles de Some 13-15 years taient fournis par les enfants qui l'a dnonc a confondu parents La victime de l'auteur le Name: Henri la place d'ANDRE FOCANT serait protects GRAFFE Jean-Pierre GRAFFE et par l'Htel Di Rupo frquente Dnitz SPA avec des garons mineurs 115.440 19/10 LESCIAU SKAS 19 Audition RAEMAEKERS - Villa de Meise Villa de Meise O RAEM. Allen Dumont est avec avec enfants pour partouze Partouzes RAEM filmes. Devant la maison il ya Rencontre Michel lyr y avait avec une bordeau JAGUAR cusson demand of the LION'S CLUB rquisitoire pour des Since Liste de Belgique in the LION'S CLUB SYNTHESE AA'AA 923 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Learn chez les pour demand BELGIQUE 90-91-92 JAGUAR JAGUAR Owners of bordeau 115.441 19/10 LESCIAU SKAS 02 FOC 111 Relatifs RENSEIGNEMENTS Suite A Guy FOCANT 115,439 PV FOCANT devrait avoir du 26 au 29/10/96 selon un cong pnitenciaire RAEM. Contact with the prison director NAMUR (DELCHEVALIERE) demand Pas de Libration de cong introduite prvue pour les dires

between January 1999 Discordances et les faits de RAEM rels Origine de la discordance est inconnue (mensonge de FOCANT ou de RAEM.) ELOIR 116,342 28/10/96 21 AUDITIONS de DEPAUS Marc (08/07/59) Service d'avoir et de RAEMAEKERS DEPAUS reconnait RAEM intermdiaire between. Since de la PJ et des RAEM lorsque. ngocier voulait contre une des informations de la remise de Peine Les Since PJ conseill t par lui avait JP Dumont JP Dumont Maitre des Intentions of RAEM tait au Courant. DEPAUS s'est rendu compte du fait que les des taient Pipes et que d'autres intervenaient Since the PJ. Precise DEPAUS that JP Dumont et Il s'est retir MARNETTE Il n'a jamais vu se connaissent depuis longtemps par les documents RAEM Cits. Lors de son retour la prison de NAMUR, RAEM. confirme avoir deux Kitch vu de la PJ Les articles des journaux "Le Soir du 15/09/96 et de la Libre Belgique 'pour avoir des 12-13/10/96 semblents Seoul but divulgations d'Informer certaines des personnes de RAEM. 115.442 29/10 LESCIAU SKAS 03 FOC 111 RAEMAEKERS Audition - Guy FOCANT FOCANT NIHOUL via a connu depuis un certain Stephane Ils se connaissent Quelques Annes Les enfants l'Etranger transfrs taient enlevs in Belgium (FRANCE - Allemagne - PAYS-BAS) et dans des introduits networks of prostitution (HAMBOURG) Les enlvements en fin d'aprs-midi souvent the droulaient Les enfants taient drogus protect tre au dit par MOGADON FOCANT Di Rupo, JP et VANDERBIEST GRAFFE Le Premier chevin de GRACE-HOLLOGNE serait Pedophile FOCANT dit que l'enlvement de BRICHET It's all together NIHOUL NIHOUL a dit que l'enlvement commis de Jose a t par DUTROUX commanditaire et plusieurs personnes et a complicit NIHOUL est pour lui travaillent Pas d'Htel Dnitz SPA mais un DORINT Htel Le Petit MOGADON hypnotique-est un ami de FOCANT = LABYE Marc (08/07/54) FOCANT n'a pas son nom de vhicule immatricul une Ford Fiesta La femme de FOCANT short YH-401 FORD Escort LABYE short time CEL388 Premier chevin de GRACE-HOLLOGNE = DEMOLIN Maurice (11/07/42) in the 92-93 En 92-93 actuellement Marianne Maes bourgemestre de GRACE-HOLLOGNE tait Alain le est VANDERBIEST DEMOLIN Inconnu Gd 115.443 29/10 LESCIAU SKAS 23 Audition RAEMAEKERS - Ren RAEM in their design. their design in a 1988 Rencontre la Taverne Maitre Dumont Dumont CHRISTIANSENS Bruxelles via a gnral de l'Arme et tait me that their design Pedophile (uniquement garons) in their design tait intime avec RAEM Dumont. 92 lors d'une partouze their design in a Revue dans la Villa de Meise Description of their design SYNTHESE AA'AA 924

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON RAEM. Dumont par invite the reception of their design mais il n'est pas pension of Allen 116.351 30/10 ELOIR 24 RENSEIGNEM ENTS: CAMBRIOLAGE CABINET JP Dumont Le 30/10/96 to 14.00 hrs RTL annonce a cambriolage Constatations par chez JP Dumont police FOREST - vol dans de Maitre TRIMOBOLI CABINET Karine (same address to which Dumont) le 29/10/96 16.45 Butin BEF = Somme of the 50,000-point article of "The Last time lors de ce que du 31/10/96 signale cambriolage are also a t une cassette audio cassette contiendrait vole Cette Dumont et une conversation between tlphonique RAEM. La Police de FOREST affirme pas t mise au Courant n'avoir the vol de cette cassette BXL a fait des constatations PJ Le Labo Le Labo PJ sur place tait avant sur la police de FOREST place in L'article de Parle 31/10/96 Commissaire du dans l'Enqute Problme MARNETTE DUTROUX-NIHOUL et signale that MARNETTE va vol prendrer of the Longs congs MARNETTE s'occuperait chez ses congs Les links between avant Dumont Dumont et sont rappels L'article MARNETTE semble avoir du 31/10/96 but d'intimider RAEM pour. (Cite il y est fait le lien avec sans raison et on NIHOUL) L'article est du 31/10/96 repris par LA NOUVELLE Gazette Dans le PV initial de la PJ BXL on the vol Parle et d'une des 50,000 Le cassette PV de la PJ tells that avertis t par les verbalisants ONT Monsieur le Judiciaire Dirigeant de la Police de Bruxelles" (de qui s'agit-il) 115.444 01/11 LESCIAU SKAS 25 Aut Aut ADR Audition RAEMAEKERS - Address O Dumont Dumont remettre s'est fait des enfants in their parents par-Liege-Bruxelles Dumont a NAMUR Rgion de Nombreux contacts la PJ, et politiques Dumont Magistrats chez des enfants des Since fourni aurait Equipe de MARNETTE Dumont = bons Desmet contacts avec Raymond (01/05/34) ex Juge consulaire au trib. de commerce de BXL (in 92) Desmet a rendu visite RAEM. lorsqu'il tait in preventive Desmet invite l'se taire moyennant a moment Desmet est un tres bon ami rduite Peine de DEJEMEPPE Benoit (PR BXL) Desmet et lors d'une partouze ie Saj ASBL DEJEMEPPE dans un autre magistrati tait prsent MEISSE : LIESSE Andr (17/05/42) Juge au trib. Premire Instance de BXL Dumont Dumont added a links avec un compte en SUISSE Identification d'une NAMUR Address: DEBUISSON Francis (04/10/55) - cinq enfants entre 1987 et 92 (dont EMMANUEL et Laurent) - Rue du Chainia 59 Francis DEBUISSON dtenu est 5081 MEUX NAMUR ASBL ASJ cre ie in 1986 - av. du Globe de Consultation des records of 72 FOREST demand visiteurs de la prison de FOREST pour Visites de Desmet RAEM. 116.587 01/11 DELMAR TINO

SUR 26 ZOLLER_MALICIEUX demand of demand Dumont d'Appel de rquisitoire pour identification number pour des: JP Dumont et son pouse DIERCXSENS Isabelle Frdric de Keyser Vronique et son pouse DABSALMONT demand Etude de Dumont JP de ZM sur les Lignes depuis le 01/08/96 demand appels de Keyser et d'identification des numbers appelant a t vu souvent avec JP Dumont 115.762 03/11 FRAIKIN 27 ADR ADR ADR ADR Audition RAEMAEKERS - Identification of the Rue d'adresses adresses Suite Chainia 115,444 PV 59 MEUX chez DEBUISSON: 02 garons (EMMANUEL et Laurent) - Sur place avec un Nmme POTTELBERG Ren - 15-20.000 enfant par JEMEPPE / SAMBRE, rue de Flmalle, 114 ou 124 - Caf le aprs l'une des maisons eight Esperance - deux ans 10-14 garons de Bruxelles, rue Haute 121 or 125 - a garon Bruxelles, rue de l'periods, 06 dans un caf - a garon de 13 ans SYNTHESE AA'AA 925 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON ADR Bruxelles, rue Blaes, 221 or 223 or 225 - Enseigne KODAK - garons Les deux enfants semblent habitus - ILS semblent fait faire des photos visit Dumont Dumont Dumont d'enfants Nus short time Pedophile K7 K7 Super 8 Les enfants et des: toujours en fin d'aprs-midi, le week-end, le Mercredi ou les jours fris 115.764 03/11 FRAIKIN Provenance SUR 28 CONSTATATI ONS Reprises des enfants dans adresses adresses dcrites 115,762 PV 116.591 04/11 ELOIR 29 RENSEIGNEM ENTS: DOSSIER GD Hasselt HA.90.42.103825/96 Dnonciation Dossier de TRUSGNACH Olivier (14/07/74) l'Find GRAFFE Jacques Les frres GRAFFE sont dans les dclarations of RAEM are also pdophilie impliqus pour. 115.445 09/11 LESCIAU SKAS 04 FOC 111 Aut BRI Aut

Aut Audition RAEMAEKERS - Informations obtenues FOCANT Guy de mais aussi un FOCANT Guy VANDERBIEST est un alcoolique Le Premier chevin de GRACE-HOLLOGNE Pedophile Pedophile qui est en place tait lorsque VANDERBIEST tait bourgemestre = DEMOLIN Htel DORINT SPA frquent par FOCANT - JP Di Rupo GRAFFE FOCANT Who knows Di Rupo et cela via NIHOUL GRAFFE and Vont 4-5 fois par mois - inscrits sous de faux names NIHOUL enlev aurait Elisabeth BRICHET et l'aurait tue suite un incident FOCANT Mele pourrait tre l'AFFAIRE BRICHET Les enfants dans taient enlevs camionnette moment - on donnait de leur LANDORMIN et de l'ATTARAK. Est Philippe WATHELET also the Pedophile. Il est snateur FOCANT connait POTEMBERG - JASSELETTE et DEBUISSON GRAFFE protgerait NIHOUL et POTEMBERG FOCANT Dumont et ne pas se connaissent directement 115.446 09/11 LESCIAU SKAS 31 Audition RAEMAEKERS - JP Dumont O RAEM adresses adresses. Allen est avec pour Dumont Ballets roses LE STANLEY - Pres de la Grand-Place de Bruxelles LA Pres de La Chasse ETTERBEEK Pool Villa de Meise Av. Roosevelt Bruxelles - n ignore Rue Comtesse de Flanders - n ignore LE GIBUS, rue des Dominicains Bruxelles Rue du Berger 07 (??) Ixelles hit LE, Petite Rue des Bouchers Bruxelles Rue Henri Mauser Bruxelles - n Ignore Louvrex 77 Avenue de la Gare Charleroi Lige Etablissement Pres Prsentation de photos des endroits 115.765 10/11 ROELANS 32 Adr Adr Adr Adr Adr Adr Verification Suite D'adresses adresses PV and PV 105.885/95 RAEM 115,446. endroits designated les suivants: Charleroi, rue du Collge 25 MONT / MARCHIENNE, Vandervelde Bruxelles rue, rue Henri Mauser, 47 Ixelles, 16-18 rue du Berger et le n 7 comme tells where prcdemment LA Pool ETTERBEEK: Rue des Casernes 36 -38 et Rue de l'Egalit ETTERBEEK 21-27, avenue d'Auderghem 152-154 = Bordeaux avec enfants 115.769 12/11 FAIKIN 33 Historique Address Suite 221-225 rue Blaes et 115,764 115,762 PV Les Historique Complete sonts joints 221 BLAES ZOUAOUI Helm (05/07/86) depuis le 05/07/86 ZOUAOUI Haikel (16/06/89) depuis le 16/06/89) SIEIRO PENA Jean-Baptiste (24/05/74) depuis le 24 / 06/74 Nothing within Blaes 223 Blaes 225 EL YAHIAOUI Hakim (1975) 13/04/93 03/04/96 to Noureddine EL YAHIAOUI (04/10/79) 13/12/95 to 12/03/93 the Loubna BARHAM (10/20/81 ) from 11/09/91 to 23/10/92 BARHAM Rashid (9/26/80) from 11/09/91 to 23/10/92 BARHAM Hadija (01/29/83) at the 11/09/91 Imane BARHAM 23/10/92 (11/09/91 to 23/10/92 01/13/86 of Abida Hussain (11/19/84) from 27/04/87 to 07/01/92 Usman Hussain (24 / 01/86) 27/04/87 07/01/92 to Misba HUSSAIN (7/19/87) from 27/04/87 to

07/01/92 HUSSAIN Aisha (25/09/89) 27 / 04/87 to 07/01/92 KHADIM Monaza (07/17/79) 07/01/92 to 27/04/87 the KHADIM Mubashar (04/26/82) of 27/04/87 to 07/01 / 92 Andlib AHMED (5/8/82) from 23/03/87 to 16/09/91 Tanzim Ahmed (19807/77) from 23/03/87 to 16/09/91 RASHIR Sameen (03/19/73) 23/03/87 to 16/09/91 from 116 912 12/11 Roelans 34 HISTORICAL ADDRESS: Suite 121-125 High Street and PV 115,762 115,764 The accompanying historical complete sonts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 HIGH STREET EL ------------------ YATTO Faical (06/22/92) since 22/06/92 EL YATTO Mohamed (12/09/79) 29 / 05/87 to 03/11/92 EL YATTO Samira (11/02/82) at the 29/05/87 03/11/92 EL YATTO Moussa (04/04/86) 03 of 29/05/87 / 11/92 EL YATTO Houria (08/08/92) 08/08/92 to 03/11/92 the EL YATTO Laila (11/04/89) 04/11/89 to 03/11/92's - DECEASED 02/04/96 EL YATTO Abdelmajid (20/04/81) 02/06/88 to 07/03/96 the EL YATTO Abdelkarim (02/22/83) 02/06/88 to 07/03/96 the EL YATTO Jamal (12/14/85) 02/06/88 to 07/03/96 the EL YATTO Hakim (07/29/88) 07/03/96 to 29/07/88 the YATTO Hanane EL (15/02 / 92) 15/02/92 07/03/96 to ALLOUCH Bouchra (04/15/84) since 07/03/96 ALLOUCH Rashid (2/19/87) since 19/02/87 ALLOUCH Khalid ( 09/16/89) since 16/09/89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123 HIGH STREET ----------- Nobody is registered at the address --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 125 HIGH STREET ---------------------- CHAKROUN Abdellah (02/12/74) since 24/03/74 CHAKROUN Said (05/02/76) from 05/02/76 CHAKROUN Rashid (5/2/81) since 05/02/81 CHAKROUN Khalid (9/19/82) since 19/09/82 CHAKROUN Ahlem (3.6.84) from the Imad CHAKROUN 06/03/84 (04/06/86) since 04/06/86 CHAKROUN Youssra (6.4.87) since 04/06/87 116 908 13/11 Roelans FILE PHOTOS Suite 35 PV 115765 CHARLEROI College Street MONT 25 / MARCHIENNE, 1519 rue Vandervelde BRUSSELS, rue Henri Maus, 47 IXELLES, 16-18 rue du Berger ETTERBEEK Avenue Barracks ETTERBEEK 36-38, rue de l ' Equality 21-27 17 photos SUMMARY AA'AA 927 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 117 123 15/11 LESCIAU SKAS 05 FOC 111 RAEMAEKERS HEARING - FOCANT RAEM. explains the reactions FOCANT after a show on RTL Following the abandonment of research in galerie CHARLEROI FOCANT said the excavations had not gone far enough they are in a cell with DEBUISSON DEBUISSON said that her children had been entrusted to POTEMBERG FOCANT alluded to a girl found drowned and his brother FOCANT KEN KEN said Elizabeth is buried with BRICHET FOCANT is aware of child abduction Dutch

117 124 15/11 WINKEL ADDRESS DATA RAEMAEKERS 37 Avenue F. Roosevelt 129 or 232: villa with columns Bd de la Cambre 12 IXELLES the restaurant WHITE TRUFFLE: Dinner with BATS DUMONT and Rue March au Cheese, 01 to ex BRUSSELS THE STANLEY ballets on the floor with roses and two DUMONT magistrates Petite rue des Bouchers 35 BRUSSELS THE HIT ex: ballets roses floors Rue des Dominicans, 18 GIBUS THE BRUSSELS ex: pink ballet upstairs Impasse Loyalty to BRUSSELS THE WILD DUCK = ex Patron WILD DUCK is also GIBUS boss is gay and his boyfriend is the boss STANLEY 117 163 15/11 Roelans 38 INFORMATION Acknowledgment of rooms for BATS Ren 116 913 17/11 FRAIKIN 39 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Ren RAEM BATS. BATS saw the restaurant WHITE TRUFFLE RAEM in 1992. BATS met 3-4 times CIRCLE OF NATIONS RAEM. was sponsored by MEEUS Argenteil Patrick D' 116 914 17/11 FRAIKIN 40 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - File Photos RAEM. recognizes addresses Rue Rue Vandervelde college CHARLEROI MONT / MARCHIENNE Rue du Berger IXELLES THE SWIMMING POOL ETTERBEEK Avenue Auderghem ETTERBEEK: WILD GRASS = place of child prostitution on the 2nd floor circa 1974. Rue Henri Maus in BRUSSELS (ballets roses on the 3rd floor) - prtemier the floor there was a coffee and dancing held by JACQUES JACQUES DOMINIQUE killed himself - he was gay This is DOMINIQUE which provided children This was to 1972-1973 116 915 17/11 FRAIKIN 41 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - LYR Laubenthal Guy alias Michel RAEM. has described facts about facts Laubenthal Chronology: IXELLES Avenue Legrand - private apartments Avenue Molire to UCCLE - Road recording studios Countess of Flanders LAEKEN WEMMEL-MEISE apartment - villa In 1987-88 DUMONT and went Laubenthal sets HASTIERE BEYOND Laubenthal moves much in FRANCE Laubenthal has proposed K7 pedophiles 117 159 17/11 FRAIKIN 42 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Jacques BOTELBERGHE BOTELBERGHE JACK = No new information 117 160 17/11 FRAIKIN 43 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Renaud COPPIETERS'T Wallant description COPPIETERS Strong resemblance between COPPIETERS BOTELBERGHE COPPIETERS and is a partner in a company based Montoyerstraat COPPIETERS is 35 hp. Charleroi 24 in St-Gilles RAEM. had much contact with in 92-93 COPPIETERS

SUMMARY AA'AA 928 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon COPPIETERS is founder of a non-profit organization that has activities with Zaire and GHANA COPPIETERS BATS know COPPIETERS and is a member of the PSC and CIRCLE NATIONS COPPIETERS is also a member of Rotary or LION'S CLUB COPPIETERS frequent MEEUS ARGENTEUIL Patrick 117 161 17/11 FRAIKIN 44 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - JP DUMONT was Jacques GRAFFE lawyer GRAFFE J DUMONT presented GRAFFE J RAEM. In 1994 GRAFFE was in prison for raping a young 10 years Maghreb note: to connect with the names of the rue Blaes and Rue Haute 117 162 18/11 FRAIKIN 45 INFORMATIO N: SUSPENSION OF DESTRUCTION SEIZURES RAEM. reported that documents seized from his home folder could be useful to this inquiry Request interompre destruction of records entered in the Courts of Appeal 30/CA/95 BXL 3-4/95 Assize Courts of BR BRABANT .37.97.5984/93 117 328 19/11 WINKEL 06 FOC 111 SURVEY on record sheet 0800 2316 PV 117123: Elisabeth of FOCANT after BRICHET and KEN are buried in a gallery without elaborating Following excavations in the gallery JUMET a visionary dreamed of a place where a mass grave That plug does will be operated by either the GP or NEUFCHATEAU BXL Question: Is it a dream or a customer confidence Contact with the caller who is not a professional LED This is a premonitory dream of 8.10.96 Description of the gallery in a dream 117 384 21/11 DELMAR TINO 47 ZOLLER-MALICIOUS CALL REQUEST for DUMONT - DE KEYSER and cabinet DUMONT See PV 116587 117 166 24/11 Roelans 48 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Rue du Berger Suite 115 446 PV RAEM. remained half an hour with a man and 03 kids DUMONT is mounted to the floor with a child children not living at the address opened the door man told DUMONT: "CHILDREN ARE THE" Children Description drills seemed human 117 167 24/11 Roelans 49 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Photos folder Suite 117 164 PV RAEM. recognizes addresses

THE STANLEY THE WILD ANARD GIBUS THE WHITE TRUFFLE THE HIT Roosevelt Avenue Buildings 117 168 24/11 Roelans 50 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - FERRY Philippe DUMONT Suite 113 452 PV sent FERRY (lawyer) RAEM see. 86-87 RAEM in prison. FERRY and boxes in orgies and pedophiles POOL 1988 FERRY DUMONT and are mounted on the floor for children Price: Bef 5000, for half an hour with a boy-Bef 4000 for half an hour with a girl Age : 8-13 years between major Orgy with Roosevelt Avenue FERRY-DUMONT-MONIQU RAEM in 1977-78. went to brothel children with FERRY Avenue Auderghem and DUMONT This happened through the floor-bef 2000 In the same room they had all three at the same time sex with minors DUMONT ejaculated in cbouche of a boy and sodomized by FERRY RAEM another. had sexual relationships with children had a girl 10-12 years FERRY has been arrested for pedophilia FERRY DUMONT and have been friends a long time and maintain homosexual relationships exist with homosexual K7 FERRY FERRY DUMONT and had at the same time relationship with a 11 year old boy (sodomy and fellatio) It is always DUMONT who chose the exit point is an avid FERRY boss WILD GRASS two men who collect children on Wednesdays, weekends and holidays. 117125 11/23/96 LESCIAU SKAS. HEARING RAEMAEKERS 07 - The body of Elizabeth FOCANT BRICHET and KEN must be near the gallery was searched JUMET The gallery where the body is related to the number 5 FOCANT made a plan to explain where excavations took place in JUMET Plan attached FOCANT describes the place where the body It is near to Lagalerie searched JUMET This is NIHOUL who showed him the place 101299 02/01/95 BOON 52 FINDINGS - Canteen RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 MADRID Postal Money Orders and LECLERCQ There is no any MADRID LECLERCQ the addresses indicated on the mandates 101923 02/02/95 BOON 53 IDENTIFICA TION MADRID - LECLERCQ BR.37.97.5984/93 Copy postal orders Parts identity never requested to mail payments made to the office of Dr. Dejase Street Devalck Micheline PICRON mother Nancy and Nelly Devalck victims RAEM lives in the Devalck same street has already sent two terms in 1000-Bef RAEM 101918 02/08/95 LESCIAU SKAS 54 INFORMATION - Couriers automatic BR.37.97.5984/93 Info border SCOTLAND YARD means the transmission of pictures via PC and modem pedophiles There is a national network itself connected to an international network A phone number can be access to library data exchanges are free Join a sample list on BRABANT 101924 02/15/95 BOON

INFORMATION about 55 hearings RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 identification with police departments interviewed RAEM Nothing shown on the records of the Forest The Prison 06/02/95: Visit The Advocate GEUNIG 07 / 02/95: visit the lawyer OF BOUS RAEM Marc admits that he lied due to pressure exerted by the two lawyers he does not speak it is the lawyers who defended the Assisses They are the balance JP Dumont of The prison visitor DESMET part of the ASBL SAJ RAEM confirms that the Magistrate was DESMET Trib Comm BXL 101 925 56 HEARING of RAEMAEKERS SUMMARY AA'AA 930 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 20/02/95 BOON Contact BR.37.97.5984/93 between him and his wife Rgine depicts that provides information about its victims PICRON Nancy - Devalck Nelly and DE GROOTE Anglique Devalck By Micheline (mother Nelly and Nancy) NELLY he learned that the victim was 'Touching from CAUFRIEZ Dominique (ex-partner of MICHELINE) NANCY compensation was given against a pedophile by her mother This happened in DE GROOTE The pedophile is a 10,000-CHARLY He paid bef Devalck to Micheline and left with NANCY NANCY ANGELIQUE 2-3 hours and told him they had already been deflowered by NANCY 15 year old boy who knew his father Ernest PICRON ANGELIQUE by a friend of his father Studio Molire - Molire Avenue 86 Studio CD recording he wanted to record a CD with Isabelle LAMBERT (one of his victims) and NANCY ANGELIQUE He learned that filming orgies with minors in this studio boss is one named SERGE There are two studios (A and B) Orgy on Saturday and Sunday at 11.00 - 13.00 Private Studio avenue LEGRAND Orgy with children He went in 88 with Michel LYR 3rd floor Presence of a 50 year old man with wavy gray hair Venetian mask with 04 girls naked man masturbating girls There were two cameramen Private studio in the rue LAEKEN Countess of Flanders 4 left home after coming from the SARMA instead Willems 1988 2nd floor = responsible man 45-50 Code for the bell to the LYR 2x2 Michel brought in Turning The middle room K7 pedophiles made at this point had to be seized from RAEM Floor private apartment of Waterloo 1st floor above a coffee KLACHKOP drogurie near the corner of Tamines coffee Patron = Patron PIERRE MICHEL drugstore = There are gay and organize orgies with minors (Arabic) RAEM partopuzes attended to between 88 and 92 other pedophiles he paid more for his 400,000-bef canteen MADRID names are fictitious and LECLERCQ 103067 03/01/95 Eloir CONTACT 57 Interview with PICRON Nancy BR.37.97.5984/93 in the presence of Francoise DUPUIS (psychologist) NANCY said nothing to DUBOIS or the Director of CHATAIGNERAIE She has regular phone contacts with her mother and sees a weekend end on two difficult Dialogue between Devalck Micheline NANCY DUBOIS and said he had never been sexually abused except RAEM CHARLY She knows who is a friend of CAUFRIEZ but it has never happened

SUMMARY AA'AA 931 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon A friend of her father once brought into the cellar of the building of his grandmother but there was no abuse It seems that Nancy wants to hide a part of her life, but she wants a lot to RAEM 103625 15/03/95 Eloir TION 58 NON-EXTRAC of RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 Gd comes to prison Forest 15/03 as agreed with the RAEM 20/02/95 RAEM is very angry and refuses to leave said RAEM suffer too much pressure his lawyers, who came again to see it has received 11 visits between 20/02 and 14/03 (Matre FLAGOTHIER - Matre DEPAUS - Matre THIRION Farinelle - NYSSEN) Between 01 and he received 20/02/95 15 visits (BSR BXL - Farinelle Matre Guthier - Matre GEUNIG - Matre JP DUMONT - Matre LIGOT - Matre THIRION Matre DEPAUS - NYSSEN) belongs to Farinelle service NYSSEN reintegration is a member of the association OTHERWISE & SAJ Matre THIRION Sylvie an intern JP DUMONT 103626 03/17/95 Eloir 59 CONTACT Farinelle with Monique (07/09/26) BR.37.97.5984/93 Visiteuse prison volunteer RAEM She visits since 1993 RAEM told him to have revelation on pedophile networks RAEM told him he was under pressure from lawyers told him that RAEM DEPAUS has distanced him from the Court of Assizes Matre DEPAUS visited RAEM the 12/03/95 and had to revisit the same day in the evening, it is not income and that is why RAEM was nervous and refused to follow the Gd He waited for an answer or advice of counsel 22/03/95 LETTER PE PR BXL DEJEMEP 60 LETTER TO RAEMAEKERS PR BXL BR.37.97.5984/93 Dejemeppe received at the hands of Raymond DE SMEDT prison visitor a letter RAEM RAEM says he will be ente of the BSR It PJ he wants David said he denounced JANSSENS of AUDERGHEM who was arrested He wants to talk to rehabilitate may denounce a judge who is pedophile - bleaching - a tool in case AGUSTA - proof desmontants he received for silence - information on ballet pink and blue - political relations PRL PS PSC - lawyers pedophiles - a lawyer issuing false documents - a pedophile network - an unsolved murder - the names of terrorists - where to find weapons and false documents Dejemeppe letter: it allows the investigation to the BSR BXL 104017 03/27/95 Eloir INFORMATION 61 - Following the letter RAEMAEKERS Sitting BR.37.97.5984/93 Notes RAEM during the Assizes scances He said to be a lamplighter - Large are out COPPIETER He cites'S T'WALLANT Renaud (23/09/35 BONIOMA KALOKOLA ( 24/04/56 DRUART JeanLouis (11/22/51) SMALL Raymond (01/20/32) John Michiels (10/11/48) Papamichael Nicolaos (20/01/51) The 05derniers involved in the case 05 / 92 VAN ESPEN JI after which

RAEM was sentenced to 07 years in prison 104749 04/14/95 Eloir INFORMATION 62 - Openings Notices Notices BE 37.97.5984/93 suites open to statements RAEM BR.37.66.104743/95pour Studio Molire BR.37.66.104744/95pour Laubenthal alias Michel Guy and LYR Street Studios SUMMARY AA'AA 932 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Legrand Street and Countess of Flanders BR.37.66.104748/95 for JP Dumont 109980 07/03/96 Eloir 63 INPUT AGENDA - PHONEBOOK RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 Agendas and directories found in ROTTERDAM 117165 18/11/96 Roelans FINDINGS 65 - Dossier VAT Laubenthal Guy (10/01/48) Husband of Eva-Maria Savolainen ((07/09/59) - Finland Clients: SPRL = XAPRIEM restaurant frequented by LAGAFFE = JP Dumont SA BREWING FORT JACO coffee = HENRY SPRL MOUSTACHE THE SA RUGBY 2 ASBL SABLON SPRL TERMINAL PROJECT COMPANY SPRL = CARIBBEAN restaurant SUGARCANE ITG International SPRL THE GARDENS OF BACKGROUND OR THE SPRINGBOARD SPRL SIEMENS SA SA Brabant SPRL THE BEEF BEEF restaurant BRUSSELS = QUI RIT SA IN HIS FACE = DELBECCHA restaurant BREAD LOST ASBL EVERE COUNTRY IDEAL WHITE STAR WHITE HAT STANDAR SA SA SA MECANIC SYSTEM SCRL AKZO NOBEL SON OF LUCIO = CASTLE BREWERY SA COUNTRY CLUB VIDEO DESIGN DIA = MI = production = movies MOLMANS Daniel WOLF GALANT SPRL JUNIOR = The = SIGN MY JUNIOR BVBA SPRL CAPRICE EURBIS THE DUKES OF BURGUNDY RHEOX SA MARION ROUSSEL EUROPE SA Hoechst Hanquinet Dr. Philippe (10/08/52) DECOSTER Patrick (12/02/62) Note: a Laubenthal RAEM brought in locations where we produce films of pedophilia: COUNTRY CLUB VIDEO produced films???? 117126 11/30/96 LESCIAU SKAS 08 FOC 111 AUDITIONde RAEMAECKERS Jean-Paul - FOCANT rptre It's confidences FOCANT FOCANT provides details on the location of the body and Elisabeth BRICHET KEN FOCANT also tries to throw red herrings FOCANT speaks the street from the FOC speaks of revolution two trestles alternative manner of working with two pulleys which are powered by electricity 150 horses were lowered into the mine When removing ELISABETH she was fucked with hand and placing it in the white van had whiplash and died FOC said he buried himself Elisabeth and Ken and says there were other body FOC said "near where they dug there are still several body" Nearly place it are marshes and stipes (stem plants) In front of the

entrance of the gallery there was and props FOC gives RAEM its new coordinates 117.128 05/12/96 09 FOC 111 SUMMARY OF HEARINGS RAEMAECKERS (FOCANT) Following PV 115442-115445 117123-117125 117126 SUMMARY AA'AA 933 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon LESCIAU SKAS BRICHET Elisabeth (08/30/77) disappeared on 20/12/89 - 19/90 JI COMELIAU to NAM. HEYRMAN Ken (07/26/85) disappeared on 04/01/94 - 30/94 JI BIJTTEBIER to ANTW. Children would be buried in a mine gallery to JUMET near where the first excavations took place near site of the Grand Bordias ponds Caluwaert The site is in a state of reallocation IL is a well No. 5 near the rue de la Revolution According to neighbors JUMET mine entrances were blocked since 1971 117129 12/09/96 LESCIAU SKAS 09 bis FOC 111 HEARING RAEMAEKERS (FOCANT) FOCANT confirms that the location of children is 200 meters of the first excavations FOCANT expected to be charged in the case DUTROUX FOC is in prison for the rape of a named JEAN-YVES NIHOUL the man said to his accomplice was watering according to the victim ELISABETH FOC said, "It is not that the band" Three people attended the funeral of Elizabeth and Ken bodies are buried deeply Elisabet was for a prostitution abroad (HAMBURG??) FOCANT NIHOUL and have contacts through prison DELMAR 117 393 TINO 10/12/96 69 REQUISITOI RES BELGACOM - Proximus - Mobistar identification numbers assigned to Jean-Paul Dumont - his study - Diercxsens Isabelle De Keyser and Frederick DABSALMONT Vronique 117,549 11/112/96 Roelans 70 INFORMATIO N PV Reminder 117,162 - DESTRUCTION of SEIZURES Goal: prevent the destruction of seized RAEMAEKERS which is being 118070 12/12/96 WINKEL 71 LIONS CLUB REMINDER indictment Suite PV 115440 Request for a list of members of

the LIONS CLUB 90-91-92 searches in the villa Meise and the owner of a Jaguar NOTES FOC 09 ter 111 of the Plan of the coal region CHARLEROI Description St-Quentin 118 634 73 21/11/96 Roelans HOUSING RESEARCH Road Suite 16-18 BERGER 115,446 and 117,166 PV RAEMAEKERS means a building at 16-18 rue du Berger IXELLES History at people for 91-92-93 one person seems to correspond to words of RAEM. : WINDAL Jacques (10/08/48) 12/04/96 118,635 74 Roelans HOUSING RESEARCH COLLEGE STREET 25 CHARLEROI Suite 115 446 and 116 914 PV RAEM. has designated this building Rdch = hairdresser 1st floor = ASBL BADJ HAINAUT (Help Desk and Defense for Youth) 2 fl = ASBL NEST (help for prostitutes wishing to retire and help prostitutes who have problems with Justice) The area is deserted at night Eloir 05/12/96 118 276 75 DF-DUMONT DIERCKSENS Old address: Ch Alsemberg 1033D Rue Gatti de Gamond 218 Av Fre 253 Acct 630-0224685-92 Lawyers since 1980 both Cabinet DUMONT: 74 avenue Hamoir Cabinet DIERCKSENS: Street UCCLE General Lotz (before: 2018 Van Schoonberestraat ANTW) Revenue 1988 (exe 89) = 1,090,140 Revenues 1989 (exe 90) = 2,690,441 Revenues 1990 (exe 91) = 2543 .054 Income 1991 (exe 92) = 2,135,640 Revenues 1992 (exe 93) = 3,346,061 SUMMARY AA'AA 934 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Income in 1993 (exe 94) = 4,540,814 Revenues 1994 (exe 95) = 3,092,028 Revenues 1995 (exe 96) = 3,189,252 Since 1990 DIERCKSENS is employed (Magistrate) of professional expenses DUMONT seem commensurate with its income annuity food DIERCKSENS to Jean (162000: year) DUMONT receives commission SA ZAVENTEM ASCO 1989 = 520,000 1990 = 1,075,000 1991 = 437,000 1992 = 315,000 1994 = brokerage CINE REVUE = 893000 DUMONT Clients: Bouhouche - Employees of BONGIORNO DUMONT : SLAB Nathalie - DE RIJK Linda - FERRARI Sandra - Impellizzeri Danielle 09 months suspension DUMONT DUMONT in 1995 is associated with in SPRL GIANNI BORGHESI Tannois Giovanni - Wauters Marc Wauters Benoit and DIERCKSENS inherited from his mother an apartment Zeedijk 170 KNOKKE 117130 15/12/96 LESCIAU SKAS 09 Quat FOC 111 HEARING RAEMAEKERS (FOCANT) FOCANT reacted seeing information about the excavations at JUMET He went with three accomplices buried Elisabeth BRICHET Access to the gallery via a building with broken windows established on the site Access via a conduit with water and then pasage to 04 feet and went without access to a water Children buried with their clothes on one level it is possible to have a car near the gallery A place where couples are having sex in their car The van served removal of BRICHET was repainted in yellow blue object could be a billboard at the entrance to the colliery 14/12/96 FOCANT RAEM asked to conduct research on a false trail through 1000000 A

accomplices FOCANT = Andr 40-45 years in the region of Lige 118071 15/12/96 WINKEL 09 Five FOC 111 HEARING RAEMAEKERS (excavations JUMET) FOCANT performs abduction of children for 10 years in kidnapping accomplice Michel NIZET region ESNEUX (boys and girls) He brought the children home - abused underage boys - the specific hand in recovering NIHOUL At One of his visit was a NIHOUL OPEL blue NIHOUL prostitute underage boys (04) = homosexual = FOCANT friend Marc LABYE NIHOUL near Lige PS FOCANT kidnapped children 20-25 13-15 15-20.000/enfant/aprs- Sometimes twelve o'clock the children were provided by parents FOCANT Works with FRANCE GERMANYNETHERLANDS-scenes shot = 200 K7 House SERAING purchased through this traffic is blocked when FOCANT RAEM told him about Elisabeth BRICHET FOCANT a house POULSEUR and had to SERAING FOCANT NIHOUL via STEPHANE Children delivered GERMANY entering prostitution networks HAMBURG During levies in children are drugged with Mogadon Children were also rented addicts (LANDORMIN-ATTARAK-ROCK) First Alderman GRACE-HOLLOGNE (Vanderbiest time) is pedophilia To BRICHET he said "CA IT IS A MUST SEE EVENT WITH NIHOUL" NIHOUL is the sponsor Alain VAN DER BIEST is pedophile SUMMARY AA'AA 935 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BRICHET was killed by accident by NIHOUL The first gallery excavated in JUMET is not good - the good is located in close proximity FOCANT KEN says is buried near BRICHET FOCANT knows things about the abduction of his sister and KEN gallery = relation number 05 - nearly a headframe - something yellow - distance 80 m - where mine was down 150 horsepower - 200 m of the first excavations NIHOUL It is said that the place He may be abused KEN FOCANT speaks the street from the Revolution FOCANT "NEAR WHERE THEY HOLLOW BODY THERE IS STILL MORE FOCANT is held for the rape of a NIHOUL JEAN-YVES BRICHET was destined for a network HAMBURG DELMAR 118 283 TINO 18/12/96 09 Sixt FOC 111 RESEARCH FUNDS FOCANT of Guy's house to FOCANT COMBLAIN AU PONT is for sale: 1475000 DELMAR 119 036 TINO 12/11/96

79 HEARING X2 JP DUMONT From 09/85 X2 often went to a castle in EINDHOVEN 18 (3050 times) had to be a couple to enter - Cloakroom 2.000/personne to undress - holding up bikini = Buffet first touching cold-pool-Sauna solarium Upstairs various themed rooms (sao-maso-mirror cameras voyeurs ...) She is the mistress of KAREL Views on site DENIS Patrick (PJ) PATRICK friend DENIS Companion transvestite transvestite who is also the favorite of Van Rossem van Rossem JP Companion of the time van Rossem (blonde) Baron DE CARINE BONVOISIN JP Dumont (friend of DENIS) Another Carine and Patricia Palace of Justice BXL Benoit HUBERT (PJ DINANT) BOURLEE Claude Leroy (lawyer) Some swingers Region WATERLOO X2 was the only major Most girls were 12-13 years X2 had homosexual relations with minors In 1988 a girl of 15 - 16 years of going to the bathroom sadomasochistic - it has not been reviewed by the following Some girls were beaten DUMONT was wearing a black or blue thong style X2 think it's sadomasochistic DUMONT retained its ROLEX DELMAR 119 035 TINO 12/20/96 80 REQUEST FOR IDENTIFICATION indictment PROXIMUS GSM CALLED THE PRISON OF NAMUR 12.19.96 to 11.29 No. 075/71.03.00 is called the 19/12/96 at 19:19 No. 075/25.44.48 is called 100.165/97 Roelans 11/26/96 81 DECLARATIO N ANONYMOUS The registrant has known John Paul DUMONT DUMONT between 1984-1989 was the right arm VANDENBOEYNANTS DUMONT proposed to have sex but declaring refusal DUMONT asked to accompany special evening in a castle Namur = refusal DUMONT asked to find young people 10-12 years = refusal SUMMARY AA'AA 936 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DUMONT attended at the time the coffee ANDRE - MOK MA Zwet the restaurant and dancing and CIRCUS ANDRE MOK MA Zwet run by mobsters also linked to MOZART A day after closing CIRCUS and under the direction of the last customers DUMONT and patrons went to a villa which had the keys DUMONT Villa in 05 minutes by car from CIRCUS Pool swimming naked DUMONT was the lawyer of people involved in that folder CRIES DESSY DESSY = pedophile DESSYa a villa near RIXENSART frequented by minors DESSY paying for expensive tapes pedophiles (torture) and / or children He is part of the gay SPARTACUS He is the brother of Georges Georges DESSY DESSY attorney is the BBL - he is gay and fetish practice urolagnie the Spoils fetish DESSY Georges is hidden in a garage near his home DELMAR 100 161 TINO 01/06/97 82 INCOME AS IDENTIFICATION REQUEST DUMONT ZOLLER retroactive to 01/08/96 31/12/96 DUMONT: 075/69.15.89 Diercxsens: 374.29.62 Study: 343.46.31 - 345.90.38 345.90.43 - 073/78.37. 41 - and 018/88.77.41 049/65.75.01

100166 07/01/97 Roelans 83 FINDINGS: IDENTIFICATION ETABLISSEMENTS Suite 100 165 PV Caf ANDRE: Alsemberg 424 Chausse Operated in the 01/06/88 09/01/91 (bankruptcy) by WEHBE Ahmad (9/17/57) Currently coffee RELAY ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOK Zwet MA: 94 rue des Carmelites UCCLE = SC MMZ In operation since 12/02/87 DE LEEUW Xavier (04/06/69) - DE LEEUW Romanus (02/03/46) Jean Henriet (5/11/56) and USUWIEL Jean (12/16/44 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CIRCUS: Floor waterloo 537 UCCLE SA MHOBY Chausse d'Ixelles 204 in 1975 to Activity 10/08/86 (bankruptcy) MAC GUIRE Edward (06/06/47) - Verhaaf Jeroem (11/05/61) - Brigitte RAMANANTSOA (17 / 07/52) and SOLUJIC Mihajlo (16/05/38) ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- File photo ------------ established for three addresses as well as THE MOZART DELMAR 118 381 TINO 12/13/96 84 HEARING X2 - JP Dumont and others Shortly before Easter 85 meal in a Chinese restaurant with Auderghem X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE - Claude Leroy and JP Dumont One evening coffee and VIKING drunk DUMONT and LEROY says " fuck a goat or a chicken or a kid "are present: X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE and GODFROI (former PJ worldly) There are female wrestling match in the evenings where UCCLE ending in orgy X2 has met several times in DUMONT PLATOS to She has also met IXELLES MARNETTE-Pelos and ZIMMER (PJ BXL) Club orgy with occasional minor consenting to DUMONT DUMONT was with boys and MARNETTE know well (accomplices) DELMAR 119 037 TINO 12/20/96 85 FOC IDENTIFICATION GSM FOCANT called by numbers called from the prison of Namur 12/19/96 075/71.03.00 = Moerman Jean-Paul (08/14/52) MONS = MP = 075/25.44.48 BUCCIARELLI Chantal ( 6/19/70) FONTAINE BISHOP companion TASKIN Zafer (20/07/74) both are known Gd 100 335 86 RE REQUISITOI ZM DUMONT SUMMARY AA'AA 937 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DELMAR TINO 13/01/97 ZM retroactive numbers DUMONT - His wife - his study 075/69.15.89 02/274.29.92 02/343.46.31 02/345.90.38 02/345.90.43 073/78.37.41 018/88.77.41 049 / 65.75.01 From 01.08.96 to 31.12.96 100507 01/15/97 DE MULDER 87 INFORMATIO NS - Family Rsidances ** BOTELBERG Jacques has no property BELGIUM Several members of his family reside in MELLE and KRUISHOUTEM ** JP DUMONT owner avenue De Fre 253 His wife owner undivided Zeedijk 170 (Charles V residence ) to KNOKKE ** Coppieters' t Wallant Renaud owned in undivided Avenue Don Bosco 6

(building) Carrefour ch Alsemberg - Branli Street and Rue Marconi (apartment) Residence Honeysuckle and Mimosas - av Leopold Wiener street Epillas 85 and 74 (apart ) The apartments rent ch de Charleroi 26 ** BATS Boulevard Ren Reyers 179 17 with cellar apartment (3rd floor) ** Laubenthal Guy Street Haerne 28 in joint PIRON Jean-Luc ** Owner of a well-LLN Joined OTTIGNIES Jourdan Street 76/1 100517 20/01/97 Roelans 88 INFORMATIO N - Notices Notices to the prosecutor BXL dependent DUMONT JP: BR.37.66.113193/94 BR.37.66.109877/94 BR.37.66.104748/95 transmitted NEUFCHATEAU PR 1994 Both files were consulted and not contain useful element in this case ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Paid BOTELBERGE Jacques 147.94 / 1961 B 143 / B 1965 37.51.11/67 37.08.14/71 JI JI LEHALLER 37.99.194/73 PREUVENEEIS 37.12.5657/84 BR.37.02.2365 / 86 = 119/86 = JI COLLIN BR.37.40.2566/88 258/88 JI LAFFINEUR BR.37.11.1030/88 = 393/88 JI Coppieters' t Wallant BR.37.11.1031/88 = 393/88 BR. 37.11.1057/88 = 393/88 = BR.37.11.1058/88 393/88 BR.37.64.107319/91 BR.37.66.105886/95 records before 1984 were destroyed ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Paid GRAFFE Jacques BR.37.11.437/94 = 179 / 94 JI LAFFINEUR BR.37.97.923/95 = 210/95 = JI PIGNOLET BR.37.18.1651/95 210/95 ---------------- BR.37.97.6584/96 -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------SUMMARY AA'AA 938 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Paid LANBENTHAL PR Guy BR.37.66.104744/95 transmitted NEUFCHATEAU ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- Paid PIRON Jean-Luc BR.37.08.3604/90 BR.37.66.105887/95 The two cases referred to PR NEUFCHATEAU ------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Paid FERRI Philippe BR.37.23.429/94 = 130/94 JI FLORIVAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = BATS Ren Major General retired Known to the Military Prosecutor (see PV 114,636 and 115,760) ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Coppieters' t Wallant Renaud - DEBUISSON Francis - POTEMBERG Ren - Ren BATS VLOEBERGHEN and Fernand are unknown trap BXL 100518 20/01/97 Roelans 89 INFORMATIO NS record - Parquet for BOTELBERGE BXL Consulting dosiers 1986 and 1988 Features of pedophilia Victims and witnesses are given privileged Places are cited in request for obtaining a copy of the file to make links with the current folder BOTELBERGE condemned 6/29/89 06 years in the farm 100519 20/01/97 Roelans 90 INFORMATIO NS record - Parquet for BXL BOTELBERGE Jacques Consultation records of

1984 and 1986 BOTELBERGE obtained a dismissal on 30/12/86 Victim = Y GARCIA ZAMORA Fidela (11/28/79) - VERERCKE Vronique (01/05/78 ) and VERERCKE Claudine (28/11/79) Facts BOTELBERGE recognizes pedophilia to naturism -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- 1991 Consultation folder BOTELBERGE was interned Rape of a minor victim = LANGENSCHEID Angelica (24/07/82) - KIBINGUA ISSIA Toneli (10/12/83) and Martine KIWABONGA SULU (20/02/83) BOTELBERGE babysitting at the request of parents ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1971 = Folder pedophilia victim NUYTTENS Brigitte (06/28/59) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- file 1973 = Victim = pedophilia OUSAHLA Valerie (10/06/64) --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BR.38.12.6599/80 Folder = pedophilia victims = Mohamed Fatima (4/11/73) and Carla MOHAMED (02/11 /?) 100520 20/01/97 Roelans SAD 91 FINDINGS NOTICES MANNERS PQ BXL: Jacques Suite GRAFFE PV 100.517/97 Consultation folder BR.37.11.437/94 = 179/94 JI PIGNOLET dependent GRAFFE Jacques Facts from 03 to 05/94 Victims KARAMAN = Balance - Saday Erol - EVIS Johannes KARAMAN Fehmi - Saday Nihat - EVIS Mercus GRAFFE known as "THE MAGICIAN" GRAFFE paying a few hundred francs for sex and Wednesdays Generally ---------------- WE -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Consultation and folders BR.37.97.923/95 BR.37.18.1651/95 = 210/95 dependent Jacques Facts GRAFFE between 01/01/89 and 24/06/95 SUMMARY AA'AA 939 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Victims KARAMAN = Balance - Saday Erol - AKAY Safar - EL BOUZAKHI modus operandi Hassan Even -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Also BR.37.97.6584/96 file = 267/96 JI PIGNOLET The set is returned to the TC BXL 18/02/97 150121 20/01/97 Roelans SAD 92 FINDINGS NOTICES MANNERS PQ BXL: FERRI Philippe Suite PV 100.517/97 Consultataion BR.37.23.429/94 Sentenced 3/25/96 to 30 months suspended for exceeding the preventive Victims: AL Amraoui Miloud - BAHADDOU Mimoun - Alouch Said - Karraz Moussa - BEN ALI Redouan MARLIER Raphael - AHRIPOU Morad - AHROUCH Rachid - Boussouf Brahim - EL BARRAHMOUNI Ali - SAMI Abdelllah - BOUSSAKOUR Nordine - BOSTAN Maurat - Chachan Chadi - BEN ALI Aissa - VERLINDEN Steve - EL YOUSSOUFI Mustapha - Ali BOSTAN - Karakoyun Ersin - Fetouaki Nacem - Ahmed Fellah - ARZOUQ Yassine - Ben Haddou Ridwan - Adray Mohamed - Garcez Mike - IDERB Mustapha - Ali ABAKKOIY - Iskender Tasci - MUTHAR Cem - BOSTAN Savas - Chachan Chadi - Melil Laurent - MORABIT Mustapha - Frdric DE GROOT Between 31/01/89 and 20/04/94 150169 S 30/01/97 LESCIAU

SAD 93 after TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION INFORMATION Call RAEMAECKERS He noted that the press knows that it is he who has found statements FOCANT media have contacted his lawyer to arrange a intervieuw He scored his ACCOORD return for a reduced sentence and payment of 1,00,000-bef He thinks through their contacts with some judges journalists can obtain diminutuions sentences - he cites examples it would still be many to rvlatioins He received the visit of nitre FLAGOTHIER 14 and 29/01/97 Matre FLAGOTHIER confirms the words of RAEMAEKERS except for payment It is committed to preventing the Gd case of contact with journalists 150366 01/15/97 DE MULDER 94 SAD STATE OF FEES for 02 860-bef 150347 20/01/97 Roelans IDENTIFICATION RESEARCH SAD 95 and 150,259 and 150,304 PV Suite - Auditions Pol POSTAL Institute DECHAMP = DECHAMPS Edmond (12/04/35) VAN husband ESLANDE Anne Institute formed as the SPRL and dissolves 08/09/71 17/11 / 92 Re: other teachings Headquarters: 38 Drve Corporal UCCLE - Avenue L. FINDINGS: ADDRESS DATA by PV RAEMAECKERS Suite 117 124 / / 96 places frequented by JP Dumont for appointment or pedophilia Roosevelt Avenue Villa **: ** not localized Bd de la Cambre = 12 resto WHITE TRUFFLE operated by SPRL BLACK TRUFFLE managed by Ciciriello Luigi ** Street Cheese Market 01 - THE STANLEY = no establishment of this name has been exploited to address - by THE Distingo against VIEGAS operated by DE SOUSA Marcilio Manual ** Petite Rue des Bouchers 35 - THE HIT THE = NEW HIT HIT and operated by LUHR Christophe and Jean ** Argoud Dominican Rue 18 - THE GIBUS = never establish this name at GIBUS at No. 22 from 1967 to 1970 operated by ROTSAERT Guy ** Impasse of Loyalty 12 - WILD DUCK BLACK SWAN = SPRL managed by Guy ROTSAERT Also in 1976 at the private club operated by DEAD DOG STREET TALK Georges then operated by ROTSAERT Guy 150259 08/02/97 Roelans 97 of SAD AUDITION MAIL Pol (7/12/42) - JP Dumont has worked at the Institute DECHAMPS private preparatory school for young affluent central Jury JP Dumont are taught 81-82 Students villas plundered their parents absence and attacked a gas station attendant wounding with a firearm They asked the son of the director to hide the weapon: JP DUMONT DUMONT JP has defended taught at school Molire whose director is the brother of DECHAMPS Students High School have participated in Molire flights in homes and attack the gas station the end of session DUMONT invited teachers and students CIRCUS He was well known to CIRCUS DUMONT would have made some students whose approaches OF HAESE Laurent He learned by students (conversations overheard) that we consume the drug CIRCUS and girls aged 14-15 are maintained sexual relations Dumont explained that the best deals were made out of court DUMONT was responsible for administering cultural center of Uccle where he received little people recomandables He was tried and CSP approaches to NATIONAL FRONT DUMONT was suspended from the bar and did not ask for fear of being referred to a Tribunal During his

suspension he went to Switzerland from 1980 to 1985 in the town of Uccle had camps in Belgium or Switzerland and DUMONT was cited for sex crimes in the camps important political campaign in 1986 with many young girls- DUMONT frequented by 90-92 POOL also attended by senior officers Gd, bankers, gangsters (band Haemers) business (advertising), ... Campaign after fake photos taken from DUMONT some leaders try to resume the former TWO DOLLARS proxy = DUMONT Customer of mostly young people from easily without moral DUMONT was attending the THREE DUCKS aubnerge - he was present at the burial of He attended boss VAN CAMP CIRCLE OF NATIONS and may or LION'S ROTARY DUMONT attended Attala representative of the President Gemayel and the boss steels BOL taken by Attala Attala and BOL Negotiations between the inn and THREE DUCKS KNIGHTS BOL steels were used to supply the Lebanese Phalange Christian In 1982 a program on SIS (free radio) described the sexual services of some teachers of the school attended Molire General BEAURIR CIRCUS-THE THREE DUCKS LORRAINE Young daughter Institute DECHAMPS maintained relations sex with BEAURIR SUMMARY AA'AA 941 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Daughter BEAURIR (ANNE) was abused by her father and would have led to girls 14-16 years of club clients LORRAINE Since its suspension DUMONT is discreet and hard to reach 150153 02/10/97 clipped SAD 98 JUNCTION FILE PHOTOS FINET 150285 02/11/97 WINKEL SAD 99 and VLOEBERGHEN IDENTIFICATION VILLA Searches for villa with pool on site MEISE RAEMAECKERS means Bloemendreeflaan 14 WEMMEL File photo A view drawn pictures confirms RAEM Watch on villa occupants and pictures of a picture on RAEM confirmed seeing the man. This is the naked man who had opened the door Inhabitants = VLOEBERGHEN Fernand (02/24/31) LIEBEN Jeannine (11/12/37) VLOEBERGHEN Joseph (21/05/63) Vehicles: GBZ-443 = HONDA LEGEND: Fernand VLOEBERGHEN = Eey-409 HONDA CIVIC: Jeannine Photos LIEBEN attachments 150384 02/11/97 FRAIKIN 100 SAD INFORMATION: Contact RAEMAECKERS-VERSWYVER verbalizing contacted by Catherine Dupuis (8/31/58) Alexander held RAEMAEKERS NAMUR phone from John VERSWYVER 06-07-09/02/97 VERSWYVER has evidence that FRAIKIN and VAN ESPEN have RAEM mounted folder and they are involved in pedophilia and child abduction VERSWYVER will contact via his lawyer advised him FLAGOTHIER VERSWYVER denied hearings since struggled VERSWYVER said his phone is tapped VERSWYVER announces that he will get into the camp of PR BOURLET DUPUIS Catherine's concubine VERSWYVER

150297 02/14/97 MONTAG FILE TAX 101 SAD PIRON of Jean-Luc (08/06/47) Husband separate DESCHEPPER Martine (11/05/53) A lived with VAN DEN PLAS Claire (01/02/54) Divorced from PIRSON Claude (31 / 01/48) Counsel Revenues 1985: Gross income = 752,014 = 1,843,480 1986: 1,128,840 1987 = net: gross = net = 483,448 2,006,109 1988 483,448 gross = net = 2006109 1989: net = 565,594 gross = 2006109 1990: Net = 400000 1991 = 447497 = net salary 1992: net = 207,214 1993 = 990,338 1994 net: net = 156,657 1995 = 267,332 net 150304 02/15/97 Roelans 102 of SAD AUDITION MAIL Pol Details after first hearing in the 80-85 joint UCCLE had a building in Switzerland for a skiing holiday There have been complaints from parents relayed dan PAN (VELLUT Henry) DUMONT DUMONT related and had access As in the case BRABANT WALLON by the fact that he was a civil party lawyer 150380 02/20/97 FRAIKIN SAD STATE FEE of 103 cards delivered to phones RAEMAECKERS 150 420 3800 104 SADBef INFORMATION: VISIT at the RAEMAEKERS 24/02/97 SUMMARY AA'AA 942 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 24/02/97 FRAIKIN Asermente a person has reported that higher authorities he intimaient order to maintain a blackout A hearing statements by the higher authority should take place within 15 days Until he refuses hearing extraction and he refuses to say that it has it's revelations to make a folder far more important than DUTROUX He has a contract on his head with Rdv higher authorities via his lawyer and PR JI LANGLOIS BOURLET informed and will be present at the hearing and PR JI unaware REPOR 14/11/96 BSR PHIL E GROENN Z214 INFO ANONYMOUS The witness ran a nightclub in BXL In '84 he was concerned in a business narcotics and took JP DUMONT DUMONT as a lawyer was poorly defended because he refused to have sex with DUMONT DUMONT = personal friend of Vanden Boeynants DUMONT was also asked to find young people 10-12 years DUMONT He was also asked to participate in parties 'special' in a castle near NAMUR Between 1984-1989 DUMONT has good relations with George DESSY retired manager of an agency as well as his brother BBL Dumont is a leader of pedophile LETTER Aff Min Etang Van den Bulck Z215 INFO Mrs. DONCKERS can testify relations and JP Dumont MARNETTE MARNETTE have a property in CANADA

150417 02/26/97 Eloir 105 SAD INFORMATION: Section of 26/02/97 EVENING ILLUSTRATED This article established a link between MARNETTE and JP Dumont They have common interests in CANADA DELMAR 150 635 06/03/97 106 SAD INFORMATION: 2000 2000 K7 K7 RAEMAEKERS belonging to RAEMAEKERS are stored in the expert caretaker FURNACE rue de la Procession ANDERLECHT They are held by the trustee in bankruptcy or PEFI Tom Gutt These K7 from the retreat of RAEMAEKERS in ROTTERDAM Part of K7 found were repatriated in the folder pedophilia Bankruptcy PEFI = 05/92 JI VAN ESPEN - BR.70.99.939/92 Trustee for destroying K7 K7 These were never but viewed only sorted based on their labels at a time when the appearance of pedophile RAEM was not yet known PR DEWOLF request GUTT not destroy and notify K7 PR SOMMERS facts Request input and review remaining cassettes 150636 06/03/97 Eloir 107 BR.70.99.939/92 SAD CASE INFORMATION The K7 SA PEFI managed by RAEM are in possession of curator Tom Gutt It comes from dcl RAEM to ROTTERDAM Part of K7 had been repatriated since 92 K7 K7 All pedophiles have not been viewed The K7 pedophiles RAEM brought before the Assize Courts and ask if he can destroy the 17/02/97 GUTT wrote to PR BXL to warn of the existence of K 150423 21/02/97 FRAIKIN SAD 63 108 VDM INFORMATION - NOTICE JI - MEASURES - INFORMATION Contact Police JETTE (Jacquet) JI and Zoller VANDERMEERSCH prescribed listen live on the lines of the KING OF SPAIN = 513.08.07 - 513.11.27 - 514.54.45 SUMMARY AA'AA 943 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Spinning on MATTHIJS and its contact Implementation monitoring the home MATTHIJS to 19.00 Closing of the store by a man with beard 20.00: a blonde with ponytail - 40 years, between 20.10: blonde and two other women leave the premises with BPN-373 CITROEN 21.30 : 22.00 light on the first floor: a van driver files FORD white bag behind the grille (NZB-447) 22.40: lights out to the store and closing the shutter metalic 23.04: extinction of light at 1st floor 23.30: lifting device NZB-447 = Pailos Ernesto Castro BPN-373 = COUPATEZ Pierre ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Monitoring JP Dumont home and office from 20.30 20.50: DUMONT and 04 other people go to restaurant ATTILA with LAG-295 22.50 R25: DUMONT, a wife and three young people returning home 00.30: lifting device ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Monitoring BONET Patrick's ROI from SPAIN 21.30

21.45: 22.22 BONET happens: BONET Phone - friend of MATTHIJS entered the caf, made a turn and came out 22.55: BONET phone - nothing special he waits 23.30: Tel BONET nothing special 23.40: BONET is reduced to the Gd 150339 21/02/97 DECKER SAD 63 109 TAP DESIGNATION AS PARTICIPANTS LISTENING 150340 21/02/97 DECKER SAD 63 110 TAP IMPLEMENTATION Between 21.50 and 21.57 ECOUTES G 150,408 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 111 TAP SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS - Communications 03 513.08.07 G 150,409 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 112 TAP CALL IDENTIFICATION - 513.08.07 725.91.30 376.26.11 = GOOSSENS Darine CALLEWAERT = M = 358.34.66 WAEDEMON Andr G 150,410 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 113 TAP SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS - 513.54.45 No communication G 150,411 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 114 TAP CALL IDENTIFICATION - 513.54.45 None G 150,412 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 115 TAP SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS - Communications 08 513.11.27 G 150,413 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 116 TAP CALL IDENTIFICATION - 513.11.27 numbers could not be identified by BELGACOM 150 342 117 SAD SUSPENSSION of ECOUTES

SUMMARY AA'AA 944 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DECKER 21/02/97 63 TAP A artir 24.00 150425 02/22/97 FRAIKIN SAD 63 118 DOCTOR REQUITION At its presence in the BCS after Gd 020.021/97 treated by Pol JETTE BONET felt ill and was called to the doctor LECLAIR DELMAR 150 414 02/24/97 SAD 63 119 TAP Summary of Findings ZOLLER calls Nothing special G 150,415 02/24/97 MONTA SAD 63 120 TAP ENTRY K7 - REPORTS - ZOLLER - PV COPIES = transcription Reports Communications 150426 S 02/26/97 ROELAN SAD 63 121 NO EXECUTION OF WARRANTS PERQUI Suite of monitoring Bonet et al 150284 02/02/97 Eloir 122 SAD BR.37.97.3732/95 In this case pictures of pedophiles sequences were obtained the same sequences appear in K7 RAEM that were destroyed SOMERS PR application to take pictures of KENGEN Anselmus photo album for NINE HEARING KENGEN Anselmus He said he himself took those pictures on TV K7 has a library INTERLIBRO AMSTERDAM 20 years ago to the other he does not know Unlikely that the pictures are taken on TV with amateur equipment Request keying material for photo KENGEN reviewing its options 150379 S 01/28/97 ROELAN 123 MILITARY IDENTIFICATION SAD BR.37.82.100221/95 of HM SOESTLes BIN brothers made their Military Service in the medical Two people can match the description given by the brothers BIN: Audino Luigi (08/01/47) Thoumsin Jean-Michel (23/05/52) Unknown Gd and military prosecutor

150381 21/02/97 Eloir 124 SAD BR.37.82.100221/95 RECOGNITION VIDEO BIN K7 K7 with raping a girl It could be the same sequence as that on which MARNETTE recognize DUTROUX believed (based on photographs from the K7) The K7 RAEM in question was destroyed The girl and adult women are the same as shown on the K7 RAEM However destroyed clothing is different man is not identifiable but hair growth No sound on K7 The sequence in question is also on K7 RAEM but it is not that which is inspired MARNETTE Research regarding the military who sold the K7 = 150,379 PV 150690 S 01/10/97 ROELAN SAD 125 FINDINGS: According RAEM Av = 152-154 Auderghem place of pedophilia Operators 1960: Louis Palstermans 1961: Madelaine VERSCHUREN 1961: Marie BRUYKER OF 1963: Yvonne DE WEVER SUMMARY AA'AA 945 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 1971: RUIKINEX SPRL - Yves Kinart (7/4/32) 1977: Yves Kinart - DE CONDE Jeanne 1980: Rita LEENDERS 1980: Yves Kinart 1984: Karine DE WINTER 1984: Grezzi Vincencina (2/10/62) 1985: Angelo BALLAERA (2/2/52) 1986: QUIDOUCE Ghislaine (9/10/57) 1986: Cultural and Sports Centre ASBL Mesopotamia 1987: COULONGES SPRL - Lemouchi Andr 1990: SPRL BARON OF ASIA - Hidajat Jajat Eddy (16/11 / 52) 1992: WILD GRASS - ERKAN Yusuf (1/12/66) 1993: The weed - GAD GAED Gamal Kamel (10/01/61) 100333 11/01/97 Eloir 126 SUMMARY SAD surveillances on JP Dumont Between September and December 1996 153 Avenue Defr UCCLE DIMONT Jean-Paul (07/04/52) Diercxsens Isabelle (07/19/53) Charles Henry DUMONT (27/12/83 and Maxemce (02/23/85) Frdric DE KEYSER (02/01/61) DABSALMONT Vronique (03/11/63) DE KEYSER Samantha (11.20.92) and Camille (28/03/95) DUMONT = R25 295 = R19-LAG: ENZ-350 DE KEYSER ALFA = 33 AKC-262 APRILIA (bike): SEM-611 R25-349 --------------- GDY -------------------------------------------------- -------------------27/09/96: the firm RENAULT CLIO: LGG-786 = MARTIN RUIZ Maria FORD FIESTA: PFH-289 = Trimboli Karine R25 YTG -349 = DE KEYSER boy with Frdric Couiple share with LGG786 Two Norths with African MERCEDES 200 FRP-029 = DARRAK Abdelaziz Two women leave in PFH-289-996 and JGG (FIAT UNO Impellizzeri Danielle =) Two men left in LFE -749 (= VERDOODT Arnaut MERCEDES 200) and CCC-762 (= VERVOORT ESCORT Bart) Arrival 08FG1 (MERCEDES 240 = LAPAIGE Denis) DUMONT seems frequenting the tavern and coffee CENT HISTORY THE GRIZZLY with some clients DUMONT aprt with a man in LJZ-815 (= VW POLO HEREMANS Peter) They go to the tavern and BELLEVUE DUMONT leaves with a man in DVG-519 (200 = HEREMANS MERCEDES Willy) until firm DUMONT leaves with YTG-349 and returns Tavern BELLEVUE Impellizzeri Danielle = employee = Karine

Dumont Trimboli lawyer collaborator DUMONT Black vu =?? Lambert = Bindji associate lawyer --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ vehicles and people seen hanging obs = LAG-295 ALFA GTV = DUMONT normally R25 = ABA-664 RENAULT CLIO = CATTIER James EVK-878 = VW GOLF = MADAJ Sabine N389GP (GB) = NPT PEUGEOT 306 PEUGEOT 602 = 306 = PSA = CREDIT Rafael Vilches GALVEZ (19/09/63) NFF -570 = AUSTINH METRO MAIGRET Virginia = PDL-505 = Jeep = TOYOTA MOBILE ADVERTISING COMPANY SARL SUMMARY AA'AA 946 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon MERCEDES-NHX 172 = 230 = VERHASSELT Marianne EGJ-176 = LANCIA Thema = DENTAMARO Leonardo CLY-FIAT UNO = 128 = DENTAMARO Leonardo AKS-152 = VW SHARAN Electrabel SA = CEX-241 = 405 = AXUS PEUGEOT SA-984 EDC = AUDI A4 = CHAMPAGNE Sbastien GAX-103 = AUDI A6 = LEASE PLAN = FABECK Pierre (05/12/52) AKA-443 = 348 ALE-FORD MONDEO RENAULT ESPACE = AT = ARCH = P TERLINDEN CS 80YT4 PEUGEOT 309 = Prvinaire Didier NCB- CITROEN AX = 447 = PETRE Thrse-EKF CAIC = 432 = GOLF RENT = Ets VAN VAN DER HEYDEN = EYLL Yves CGB-179 = 205 = BIEBUYCK PEUGEOT Paul CRN-774 CITROEN AX = DE = Brauwere Didier 4XX74 = FIESTA = Geerinckx Chantal FEZ VW GOLF = -225 = WILMART Eric FPL-603 = NISSAN MICRA NISSAN FINANCE = James = CATTIER LRK-663 = R21 = JIBET Said DUC-328 = 520 = BMW TOZMAN Edem (03/19/72) GFH-280 = VW GOLF = GRINTAKIS Georges (19/09/72) NER794 = NISSAN THEUNIS Olivier PBX = 484 = 850 = VOLVO CAR LEASE = KORN FERRY INTERNATIONAL AK663 = TOYOTA STARLET = BETH Louise LUXLLAG Rond-Point Schuman 09 = cabinet Spandre Rue des Coteaux GONZALEZ RUIZ 72 = 92 = Av Broqueville Spandre Mario (02/13/27) Street lawyer Gobert 38 Av Fre 150 = CITY GOYET Bernadette Av Florida 140 = ROGER John (06/04/60) and DEPLANQUE Nathalie (12/21/61) Prison Brugges - St-Andries DUMONT DE KEYSER and use their cars together Spandre = lawyer of BONVOISIN DUMONT DE KEYSER and removal of folders in office Spandre VILCHES GALVEZ rp Schuman Many will also contact James CATTIER 150788 S 02/10/97 ROELAN FILE PHOTOS SAD 127 - 152-154 Avenue Auderghem Current owner Pascal = Blathers 54 photos in Building Rehabilitation 150688 02/27/97 ROELAN 128 ANONYMOUS DECLARATION SAD About two periods: 1974-1979 and 1994-1996 Period 1974-1979 = same info that statement POSTAL Pol (PV 150259) Concerns school run by Molire DECHAMPS edmond Lightness of morals - there was a teacher DUMONT ----- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Period 1994-1996 DUMONT several times with MARNETTE CANADA and also with DE KEYSER DUMONT came into

contact with on behalf of BOMBARDIER BOAS Travel MARNETTE then paid by the son of a former high school VAXELAIRE Molire DECHAMPS = 11/01/34 partner of Paul VERMEYLEN franoise (01/27/50) MARNETTE george (14/12/46) VAXELAIRE Francis (08/06/21 ): three son Emmanuel (01/08/52) ROLAND (4.7.56) and PATRICK (06.10.60) 150 689 129 SAD NEWS: Jacques BOTELBERGE SUMMARY AA'AA 947 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 03/03/97 ROELAN BOTELBERGHE Jacques has a criminal record for sex crimes and driving habits Facts since 1957 (of minors) Following the apostille 27/02/97 G 150,632 06/03/97 MONTA SAD 63 130 FILE 63/97 JI VANDERMEERSCH ENTRY RETRANSCRIPTION Communications Suite and the apostille 26/02/97 G 150,639 07/03/97 MONTA 131 SAD NEWS: 129-132 Roosevelt Avenue Villas RAEM would participate in an orgy pedophile in 1992 Owner CYPRUS 129 = State and occupied by AGATHOCLEOUS Hamida (91-95), by Maria Abaigar (93-present) and REY Zoreta (96-current) owner = 232 SNOY husband Pierre SEETALANOOK Sumalee DELMAR 150 693 12/03/97 SAD 132 ENTRY RAEMAECKERS K7 (Bankruptcy PEFI) Suite 797 cassettes apostille 03/10/97 DELMAR 150 693 12/03/97 SAD 132 ENTRY RAEMAECKERS K7 (Bankruptcy PEFI) Suite 797 cassettes apostille 03/10/97 DELMAR 151 094 10/04/97 133 SAD INFORMATION: ALEXANDRE DE SALIGNY This is an alias RAEM Instruction 151/96 JI DRISKET to MARCHE-EN-FAMENNE for Rape of a minor (10-14 years) Paid ROELS Patrick (07/09 / 59) - VANDENBOSSCHE Huguette (2/10/57) and KEUTGEN Richarg (04/16/43) ROELS: Proceedings of pedophilia on their children and other children VANDENBOSSCHE: + abreast of incestuous sexual relations ROELS knows people involved in the care of children (BXL) They lived near the street to Daubresse CHARLEROI (in WEINSTEIN)

KEUTGEN is the former brother-VANDENBOSSCHE There are pictures of sex between KEUTGEN and Huguette ROELS would have gone several times with Alexande of SALIGNY HOLLAND SALIGNY it makes porn K7 with children in the apartment of SALIGNY they saw he practiced touching a girl VANDENBOSSCHE recognizes RAEM on photo 151257 04/15/97 LESCIAU SAD 134 CONTACT TEL. The RAEMAEKERS of 14/05/97 RAEM phone is angry and wonder why we no longer deal with him is reminded that he wrote to JI to challenge the BSR RAEM said to have been extracted 05 times by PJ NAMUR case BRICHET The PJ NAMUR have opened 117 cases following statements He speaks of a shoe that was where was buried BRICHET (see PV 117.132/96 in 86/96) He speaks of an error in Regarding the green MERCEDES He talks described the arrest of ANDRE GRACE-HOLLOGNE and asks why he has not been arrested faster IT wonder why the PJ arrested 05 people in three months and he said to BSR person regularly PJ NAMUR He refuses to say who he is at ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ CONTACT with NAMUR DELVAUX Luke and PJ BARVAUX Eugene Two cases were opened following statements RAEM (pedophilia and fraud) Pedophilia = rumors = old = NA.37.99.226/97 Fraud prejudice to the Walloon Region (100.000-bef) = NA.20.00.1508/97 FINDINGS REPORT 1104-1189 Courts of Appeal (BOTTELBERGE) Includes notices BR.37.40.2566/88 BR.37.11.1030/88 BR.37.11.1031/88 BR.37.11.1057/88 BR.37.11.1058/88 rape, indecent assault, offenses against morals with minors - 10 years Victims: NDUANGISA Lunama (18/10/80) and Lina (08/08/82) DE ROECK Manual (07/07/54), Joelle ( 12/05/71) and Magali (03/04/76) Curnelle Catherine (4/14/70) LEHON Isabelle (16/06/71) The last case concerns an INCENTIVE TO PROSTITUTION minors but the offense could not be established BOTELBERGE acquainted with the parents of the future victims who are generally disadvantaged backgrounds (Marolles BXL ...) IT offers to host children, feed them, clothe them, give them their bath, ... He took the opportunity to touch and commit the offenses of which he commits the facts matter to the attic or basement that are disabled wife can not get to the point 151447 14/05/97 Eloir SAD 136 FAX TRANSMISSION X1 12/02/97 In 12/96 X1 saw pictures of various suspects she reacts to seeing the photo RAEMAECKERS and said she would send notes Mr DEO (= RAEM) Translation free fax RAEM is smart and plays with BSR, he did not say anything, he was arrested for pedophilia simple but says he is not harder is abnormal it can designate a place denounce a They did another even say o them are dead, he will not tell anyone outside X1 was exchanged against another child with RAEM RAEM delivering children and had no problem s' they did not return IN HOLLAND he had friends who brought him many children Always a specially designed flat He had with him a boy who at age 16 was a prostitute and TONY NIHOUL were more interested in the money they provide pedophilia are not really a pedophile pedophile RAEM and does not understand their uses hand man,

it is their provider as DUTROUX and WEINSTEIN RAEM is allowed to "play" with them to involve and forcing him to shut Figure pedophiles = Summit = who brought and is not concerned with children after the incident Class 2 = which educates children and abuse. they are not pedophiles and get the protection of Class 1 = Class 3 delivery drivers and removers Class 4 = parents who rent There are also other victims who are victims complicit girlfriends who know too much - not RAEM not deal with this RAEM has its own business circle He then films for the public network is RAEM middle class - they have money but no power as protectors NIHOUL X1 could play in movies RAEM - it was reserved for films in the top level only two copies SUMMARY AA'AA 949 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RAEM delivered but he did not know for whom he delivered when he had many children RAEM find it amusing that she bears interest if he knows where the body is that it is intimately involved He put girls with his grandmother and X1 should instruct deliveryman He was also a club in MICH sadomaso BXL 151450 05/15/97 ROELAN SAD 137 FINDINGS: No. of Replies NOTICE various Parquets about open records dependent GRAFFE - BOTELBERGE - PIRON LG.37.62.442/83 for GRAFE Jacques Jacques LG.37.24.577/83 for GRAFE LG.37.50.3310 / 77 GRAFE NA.370.011.004975/84 for BOTELBERGE Jacques Jacques Jacques LE.37.98.1127/96 for GRAFE LE.37.67.100682/96 for GRAFE LE.86.53.200918/90 for PIRON Jacques Jean-Luc Internment 696 / 94 prosecutor Jacques Internment BOTELBERGE for GENT 7735/76 for the prosecution of GENT BOTELBERGE Jacques 151086 04/03/97 LESCIAU SAD 63 138 NO HEARING BONET of Patrick (22/07/57) Held Oudenaerde Refuse to be heard on the advice of his lawyer Matre OF QUEVY 151087 04/03/97 LESCIAU SAD 63 139 STATE OF FEES 732 for 02 DELMAR 151 256 04/17/97 SAD 63 140 SEARCH MATTHIJS in Jean-Pierre SCHAERBEEK Avenue Rogier 403 Description 38 boxes of slides super 10 coils August 04 film reels 365 K7 video 17 photos 01 200mm lens HEARING MATTHIJS of Jean-Pierre (07/27/59) It has been BONET in St-Gilles prison BONET

offered him in mid-96 camera equipment used but it has never shown he does not know anyone named ELISE is not involved in trafficking pedo K7 DELMAR 150 912 12/03/97 141 SAD INFORMATION: FILE BANKRUPTCY PEFI BR.70.99.939/92 Entry 797 cassettes (= PV 150.693/97 in 111/96) List of the assets of the SA PEFI NOTE DELMAR 09/04/97 142 SAD RAEMAECKERS LINKS - NIHOUL - FOCANT - STAMFORD - Van Gyseghem - Report GULDFUSCH PJ TURNHOUT of 16/01/97 anonymous witness said that the case is linked to STAMFORD DUTROUX-NIHOUL Folder = STAMFORD global dissemination of the idea pedophile and outside : Organ trafficking of foreign children witness shall forward a copy of an advertisement for the VLAN ABA VANGH (= Van Gyseghem and GULDFUSCH) According info: NPV = Gyseghem friend STAMFORD Via Van Gyseghem GULDFUSCH and it happens to FOCANT and via FOCANT to RAEMAECKERS RAEMAECKERS was NIHOUL friend via JP DUMONT Info can give more precision on the links listed names do not appear in the listing STAMFORD STAMFORD Customers interested boys only SUMMARY AA'AA 950 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon note: also the fact that there is a link, nothing confirms this seems a little light NOTE DELMAR 20/05/97 SAD T1756 143/96 ANALYSIS OF MAIL Nadine poach It established a link between NIHOUL - DUTROUX Derochette via their lawyer Jean-Pierre DUMONT DUMONT would be part of the committee that decided to stop the collocation Derochette DUMONT would counsel Derochette and NIHOUL In fact: DUMONT = Jean-Paul Lawyer Derochette = Andr Dumont ARTICLE ANALYSIS HUMO of 2/27/97 (No. 09/2946) Title: Master-DUMONT between DUTROUX HAEMERS-NIHOUL: devils advocate "List of cases occurred where DUMONT (Band Nivelles and Borains - Bouhouche - FRONT YOUTH - Paul LATINUS and WNP - HAEMERS - NIHOUL RAEMAEKERS - BOAS - military procurement scandal DUMONT was pushed by BXL PSC Steering Committee Member of CEPIC with BONVOISIN, Van den Boeynants GRAFE JP and his former partner has refused to join the CEPIC (Matre OF QUEVY) Currently DUMONT are many compromises and PSC UCCLE deviates NIHOUL it would be a file containing the clients (politicians) which he desires exhaussait OF QUEVY - Deleuze - PIERRE (Julien) DUMONT and belong to a private circle PSC was associated with QUEVY OF THE DUMONT QUEVY DUTROUX defended in 1989 but refused e lately defend DUTROUX then contacted and D UMONT LANCASTER Julien PIERRE DUMONT worked with for various cases of sexual delinquency NIHOUL is defended by Frdric DE CLETY intimate friend and DUMONT DUMONT QUEVY OF LANCASTER and have defended for SOS Sahel RAEMAEKERS

DUMONT was defended by Deleuze and Deleuze is a close friend of BOUTY - NIHOUL was their secretary is known for scams DELEUZE NIHOUL sponsored (through JMB) team football DELEUZE (JMB-FORTIS) OF QUEVY was asked to play in this team NIHOUL evenings organized for the benefit of Deleuze and DUMONT For Deleuze the meeting was followed by an evening intimate NIHOUL would also intervened to Van den Boeynants and BARO Viviane DUMONT would recommend legal dE BONVOISIN DUMONT is friends with Commissioner MARNETTE MARNETTE was accused of stealing from the firm DUMONT (silver tape) VAN DEN Boeynants settled its shady deals PRIVATE BANK CASH via which the band HAEMERS was linked to the bank via one of its members and Cruysmans (bank manager) attended the CEPIC Cruysmans and used youth cafes frequented by the band formed politically HAEMERS Cruysmans these young 100168 07/01/97 WINKEL SAD 144 LIST OF MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF BELGIUM (continued apostille of 26/12/1996) - Members of 1990-1992 to compare with the owners of a Jaguar (according RAEMAEKERS say the owner of this JAGUAR have participated in pedophile in an orgy WEMMEL). 151.260 21/04/97 145 SAD PARTS TRADE ANALYSIS MATTHIJS. - Trade swept parts located at the home of Jean-Pierre MATTHIJS Avenue SUMMARY AA'AA 951 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DELMAR Rogier 403-1030 SCHAERBEEK. - A total of 727 slides are viewed. - A total of 63 videotapes. - A total of 16 bands super 8 No tapes, cassettes or slides pedophile nature. A total of 17 photographs. - 01 is 06 scouts in a cave (2 copies). - 01 represents 03 children playing in a field near a tent (3 copies). - 01 is 03 scouts in a meadow or at least in nature (eg 4). - 01 represents 04 children playing barefoot in a river (eg 04) - 01 01 boy is lying in the grass which he removes clothing, the body part is exhibited sex (04 ex) 151444 07/05/97 DELMAR 146 SAD RETURN TAPE STORE MATTHIJS SEIZURE SEIZURE + 147 151 540 25/03/97 ROELAN SAD AUDITION CORNET PATRICK - AUDIO CORPORATION CORNET Patrick born 09/09/54 to ETERBEEK manager AUDIO CORPORATION Avenue Molire 86-1180 UCCLE. dli Avenue Montjoie 235-1180 UCCLE. - CORNET STUDIO presents photographs of Moliere at the time. - Studios exist since 1974 and were operated by the company MORGAN LONDON. - In 1976 the company is KLUGER ROLAND MUSIC (RKM), which operates the studios until 1980-1982. - From 1982 to 1987, there was a series of independent companies or studios that have exploited these JUMP AND SHOET managed by Philippe BORMS, ISVR of Malines, which LIERNEUX CITY SEVEN Jacques is the owner. - From 1987 to 1991, IIC managed by LOEB Olivier has exploited these studios. - In 1991, AUDIO CORPORATION managed by Patrick CORNET. - CORNET attended the STUDIO 3 or 4 months before Olivier LOEB resumes operation. - CORNET

never heard that pedophile scenes have been filmed in these studios. But he said that if we use only local studios and as the only means videos were made possible works. However, he doubts that these places are crowded (schedule from 10.00 to 20.00 and 24.00 hours sometimes even more). 151 613 05/21/97 148 ROELAN SAD REALIZATION FILE PHOTO STUDIO MOLIERE - 78 views made during the search of 02/27/97 + PHOTOS CORNET (1980-1989) + Old advertisements (1987-1989). 151 614 03/25/97 149 ROELAN SAD AUDITION CORNET PATRICK - CORNET brings memories of John Paul RAEMAEKERS under the alias ALEXANDRE DE SALIGNY. - CORNET remembers that one day he received a man with three little girls (5-8 years) for a record. The man was dressed in white. The man handed him a book he had written on QUINTO DI ROCCO, entitled "Rocco's dream DI QUINTO Imperial edition of the West". More CORNET's wife had the opportunity to have two books ALEXANDRE DE SALIGNY hands. These books are called "AND IF ONE WAS MOTIVATED TO SPEAK and ANGELS." - CORNET places these events after December 1991 - CORNET submits these three books. - CORNET does not recognize the man who came with three little girls on presentation of photographs. - CORNET says the singer ROOCO DI QUINTO has been edited by the company JEAN KLUGER EDITIONS located at 1180 86 Avenue Molire UCCLE above MOLIERE STUDIO. 151 617 22/05/97 150 SAD RECORD FINDINGS IN GHENT BOTELBERGE. - File Internment 696/94 any useful file. (The bulk of the file is SUMMARY AA'AA 952 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ROELAN serving reintegration of prison FOREST) - The applicant must attend a weekly psychiatric control - File Internment 7735/76 is of pornographic photographs and pedophile. (Ref 22870/75 and 35866 GR) 151620 22/05/97 WINKEL 151 SAD CASE FINDINGS BOTELBERGE (FLOOR OF NAMUR) (continued apostille 361) - Indecent assault (minor - 16 years) dated 30.06.84 to NAMUR. - Victims KIESECOMS Christelle and Marylne. - BOTELBERGE uses a vehicle registered CZH-492 (PASSAT W). BOTELBERGE was defended by Master KRIWYN, replaced by a time JOLY Master Robert. When the facts BOTELBERGE is domiciled Av Castle 28 / 1-1080 GANSHOREN while residing street Dansaert 150-1000 BRUSSELS. - Paid for these facts (13 Correct room. NAMUR) - Composition of the House Right: a) DEHAND JP, Vice-President (Acting President). b) PIERPONT J and MC MATAGNE, Judges. c) Hanquinet C Substitute. d) WALGRAFFE J, Clerk. 151695 02/06/97 WINKEL SAD RESPONSE SUITE 152 CR - Suite No. CR 1051 Ms. Gruwez, duties performed (pv No. 115.439/96 dd 19/10/96)

151827 02/06/97 FRAIKIN 153 SAD PARTS FINDINGS RAEMAEKERS A JI Langlois. - Hearing of RAEMAEKERS 28/02/97 at Mr Langlois. 1) information about master Hissel (lawyer and Lejeune families RUSSO). He received this information from a lawyer who does not wish to mention the name. This lawyer has raised the confidence of Andriano dlie Catherine Place Communale, 12 LIBRAMONT such 061/23.23.07 adoptive mother HAVENIT Bruno. 2) RAEMAEKERS recounts a telephone conversation he had had with Mr. Jean-Paul Dumont on the evening of 02/13/97 3) RAEMAEKERS no longer wants to talk to investigators BRUSSELS. 8 pages he gives to his lawyer on the attitude of investigators BRUSSELS. It also calls upon the request of Jasselette (co-owned) handwritten documents, plans relating to acts of pedophilia and child abductions and an audio cassette. 4) lays 4 RAEMAEKERS original heels giro received prison FOREST (600,000 USD) price of his silence. - DISCREPANCIES AND PARALLEL WITH THE FOREGOING STATEMENTS a) RAEMAEKERS has never made any statement regarding Hissel master. b) No trace of the conversation with DUMONT 13/02/97. c) Regarding the fact of not wanting to make a statement to the investigator BRUSSELS, he reported that he had received 24/02./97 instructions from higher authorities prescribing him the blackout in his statements, adding these bodies will hear later. d) It has never been mentioned transfer heels. For the record against the parquet 37.97.5984/93 BRUSSELS an investigation was conducted on behalf of the movements of RAEMAEKERS JP Prison FOREST. It appears that RAEMAEKERS had received four transfer of BEF 50,000 postal orders made on 12/10/93 by LECLERC street Malibran 50-1050 BRUSSELS. these mandates were numbered from 17 to 20 same numbering as filed by RAEMAEKERS heels. 151831 26/05/97 ROELAN 154 FINDINGS SAD DOS INTERNMENT PQ GHENT / BOTELBERGE (continued apostille No. 379) - record reveals abuse of minors - 10 years - is intercepted BOTELBERGE coffee held by ABC HEUSDEN Heldenbergh Annie born 18/06/34. SUMMARY AA'AA 953 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - Said BOTELBERGE operate a trade in leather PRADO MISS. - BOTELBERGE states have a leather workshop in Brussels 165 Avenue ROGIER. - BOTELBERGE states have a workshop leathers NETHERLANDS KAATSHEUVEL Hoofdstraat under the banner ESTE. BOTELBERGE housed in the same room a girl of 9 years he presented as his adopted daughter (SYLVIE DEHAN BORN ON 07.25.66 GIRL AND DANIEL DANIELLE LENNE) - SYLVIE recognizes an 15 photos taken by the representative and BOTELBERGE. - BOTELBERGE made a trip to waalwijk EINDHOVEN with SYLVIE and FLORENCE Hotel MOONEN Editor's note: X2 says we have visited in EINDHOVEN "baisodrome." 151832 05/06/97 ROELAN

155 JUDGMENTS PQ BRUSSELS SAD FINDINGS / BOTELBERGE In the judgment dated 12/2/62 14,794 dependent BOTELBERGE dli Bd Jacques Louis Mettewie 491 to MOLENBEEK-SAINT-JEAN. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on Maria VAN STIJN (16 years) and between 06 and 12/08/61 to STROMBEEK-BEVER. - He is accused of having outraged the modesty in the presence of VAN STIJN Maria (16 years) and between 06 and 12/08/61 to STROMBEEK-BEVER. - He is sentenced to a year in prison plus a fine. In the judgment dated 20.04.65 143/B/65 dependent BOTELBERGE Jacques dli Av Berchem-Sainte-Agathe KOEKELBERG 74. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on CAPRON Jolle (16 years) and the KOEKELBERG to 26/12/64. - He is accused of having publicly insulted the modesty in the presence of CAPRON Jolle (- 16 years) and MARCIN Danielle (16 years) and the KOEKELBERG to 26/12/64. - He is sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. In the judgment dated 28.09.71 BR.37.08.14/71 dependent BOTELBERGE dli Av Jacques FOREST Jupiter 23. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on Nuytens Brigitte (16 years) and the 31/12/70 in BRUSSELS. - He is accused of having publicly insulted the modesty in the presence of Brigitte NUYTEBS (16 years) and the 31/12/70 in BRUSSELS. - He is sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. In the judgment dated 05.14.73 BR.37.99.194/73 dependent BOTELBERGE dli Av Jacques FOREST Jupiter 23. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on OUSAHLA Valrie (16 years) between 01/12/72 and 25/12/72 and to WATERMAEL-BOITSFORT. - He is accused of having publicly insulted the modesty in the presence of Valrie OUSHALA (16 years) between 01/12/72 and 25/12/72 and on. WATERMAEL-BOITSFORT - He was sentenced to a single sentence of one year imprisonment. 151833 10/06/97 ROELAN 156 ANALYSIS SAD RECEPISES OFFICES / DIFF REPORT SGAP - Heels 17-20 have been modified 151835 06/04/97 FRAIKIN 157 SAD POST MASTER FLAGOTHIER (REMEDY GRACE) 151847 03/04/97 WINKEL FILE TAX ANALYSIS 158 SAD VLOEBERGHEN FERNAND - the couple bought LIEBEN VLOEBERGHEN-May 64 at Henry named VAN DE VLAET a house in STROMBEEK for $ 875,000 BEF. - The couple VLOEBERGHEN-LIEBEN June 71 buys an apartment + attic + garage + cellar for $ 1.21 million BEF. - The couple buys LIEBEN VLOEBERGHENSeptember 77 at VERVAECKE named Jozef villa located Bloemendreeflaan 12 WEMMEL for $ 12.5 million BEF. - The couple VLOEBERGHEN-LIEBEN sells at August 78 VANDERSCHUEREN-named DENEVE the house at STROMBEEK for $ 3.55 million BEF SUMMARY AA'AA 954 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

- November 92 LIEBEN inherits a house located Liefdadigheidslaan 7 MEISE worth 10 million BEF, and 5/8 of bare ownership and eighth usufruct of a restaurant STROMBEEK, Sint Amandsstraat of 159 a value of 7.5 million BEF. It also inherits an apartment house located Leuvensestraat 9 VILVOORDE worth 5.1 million BEF. The restaurant and the house STROMBEEK report VILVOORDE are sold. VLOEBERGHEN is independent pharmacist, LIEBEN is supportive. They perform Sint-Amandsstraat, 159 to STROMBEEKBEVER. 152016 06/13/97 FRAIKIN COM 159 SAD AS OF INTERVIEW RAEMAEKERS CATHERINE DUPUIS - RAEMAEKERS aware that VERSWYER wife (Catherine DUPUIS) had telephone contact with one of the investigators (12/06/97) DELMAR 152 017 17/06/97 160 SAD INFORMATION WILL CAPTURE BACK AND JJ. - WILL Jean-Jacques has been the case 193/90 Mr VAN DER STEEN JI (BXL) for indecent assault with violence on a minor - 16 years (tried on 4/13/93) - In the Under this folder, appears ROELS Christian, but ROELS Patrick appears in the record of Mrs. JI DRISKET Walk Famennes (rape of children 10 to 14 years) and relationships are established with RAEMAEKERS. Consulting the file 193/90. Photos of a pedophile nature (pornographic) are discovered (blonde girl) - This girl is found on photographs in the folder LOUVAIN dependent WILL. (K7 LOT 26 No. 15) as well as within a folder CHARLEROI dependent FINET (LOT 11 No. 02 (1)) - This girl has not been identified. - Contact colleague we learn: * Folder 609/95 by Mr JI POWERFUL LOUVAIN for possession of child pornography and exploitation in charge of debauchery appointed: a) WILL Jean-Jacques born 23/05/45 dli to CHARLEROI b) CLAESSENS Henry born 13/01/61 Dli to KEERBERGEN c) HUYBRECHTS Andr born 15/12/45 Dli to ETTERBEEK d) Hans Born 01/07/49 THOMAS ST Dli LAMBRECHTS WOLUWE - * Folder 372/96 Ms JI ETIENNE CHARLEROI exposure for sale, or distribution of written images immoral in charge of: a) Jean-Luc FINET born 12/05/52 b) Charles MARTIN born 17/01/29 Dli to TERVUREN * Folder 21/97 Mr JI BRUSSELS PIGNOLET for possession of child pornography charge of a) WINKEL Yannick born 15/06/58 Dli to EVERE b) Victoir Marcel born 8/14/32 Dli to ANDERLECHT 152019 06/23/97 Eloir 161 SAD SEARCH CEL. RAEMAECKERS J.P. OF THE PRISON NAMUR. - Raids Also Jasselette Claude. - Various documents were taken: 152020 06/23/97 Eloir 162 SAD SEARCH CEL. Jasselette OF CLAUDE THE PRISON NAMUR. - Raids Also RAEMAECKERS JP - various documents were taken: 152085 25/06/97 Eloir

163 INPUT CELL ANALYSIS SAD RAEMAECKERS: 3 ENVELOPES - 03 Envelope with word "HYPER CONFIDENTIAL - BOX N 1" SUMMARY AA'AA 955 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 02 of these envelopes have never been used. - RAEMAECKERS said that we would not find anything because his lawyer was already FLAGOTHIER past Saturday and what was in that envelope had already left the bosom of his lawyer to another destination. 152087 26/06/97 WINKEL 164 REQUEST antecedents of SAD RAEMAECKERS. - RAEMAECKERS 04 Flooring is known from which there are several files open at his expense. (BRUSSELS BRUGES-VERVIERSNAMUR) - BRUGES AND VERVIERS not useful in the present proceedings. 152088 26/06/97 WINKEL 165 COMMISSION REQUEST REQUEST SAD NAMUR. - RAEMAECKERS is known: No. No instruction manual NA.20.11.7381/83 NA NA 19.11.9713/83 No instructions 19.97.053/84 On the basis of a false name, city: No instructions NA.20.91.509 / 83 leaflet No. NA.18.06.296/84 DELMAR 152 133 30/06/97 SAD 166 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RAEMAECKERS cellmate. 152147 03/18/97 Eloir MONITORING SUMMARY SAD 167 JP Dumont (01/97 AND 02/97) - Comments on DUMONT Jean-Paul born on 07/04/52 IXELLES Lawyer, epx of Diercxsens Dli Isabelle Avenue De Fre, 253-1180 UCCLE. Following observation of 25/01/97 1) FORD MONDEO registered AK-443 (attributed to GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES SA 7, rue de Treves LUXEMBOURG FINDEL to 2632). 2) Frederick DEKEYSER fate of No. 253 Avenue De Fre and boarded a registered GDY R25-349. 3) R19 ENZ-350 4) Jean-Paul Dumont fate of No. 253 Avenue De Fre and boarded a vehicle registered in Luxembourg. AUDI A4 Green registered AJ-497 assigned to the company HARRISON-HEYER Associed drive from Luxembourg, 20-5670 ALTWIES (22/07/96). 5) JP Dumont goes rue du Moulin, 14 BRAINE The ALLEUD. Present the following vehicles: GDF-855 FORD (?) R11 (?) Attributed to: Patrice Cammaerts born 07/06/55 dli OTTIGNIES the street fighters, 1-1430 CHASTRE. KAX-398 MERCEDES 380 SEC attributed to: MOBILE ADVERTISING CY SARL company chsse of Alsemberg, 1014-1180 UCCLE. The manager of this company: HULEUX Francis born HATE-ST-PAUL on 03/08/50 separated DEHENAIN Anne-marie dli King Street

Garden, 3-1480 TUBIZE. BGZ-973 Truck R5 attributed to DESPREZ Sacha born on 04/08/73 NIVELLES Affairs dli Avenue 243 / bte 10-1490 SHORT ST-ETIENNE. 6) DUMONT goes to 9 Rond Point Schuman in 1040 ETTERBEEK. At the same address come two men aboard a registered MERCEDES CCP-814 awarded to: Rainer BOLKHE born PLESS (FRG) on 12/01/44 researcher, husband of Catherine DAELEMANS dli Avenue and Mercury, 12-1180 UCCLE. SUMMARY AA'AA 956 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon between a man aboard a registered CLIO RENAULT KRP-180 awarded to: Roberto Palomba born in PERUGIA (I) dli Sablons Street, 15 / A 1000 BRUSSELS. between a man aboard a Peugeot 405 registered DVF-733 awarded to: Allessandro Aberto born on 07/17/66 VIAREGGIO (I) dli Avenue Auderghem 262 / 4-1040 ETTERBEEK. between a man aboard a registered NISSAN 100 NX-210 FVD attributed to: Olivier MARTIN born 23/09/63 IXELLES the divorced Depicker Sabrina dli Chausse de Boondael, 75/3 1050 IXELLES. Baron BONVOISIN between aboard a Peugeot 306 registered B-1689 awarded to: Elizabeth GALOPIN born 10.10.11 LIEGE the widow of Pierre BONVOISIN dli Boulevard St Michel, 30-1040 ETTERBEEK. between a man aboard a BMW 3 series registered CYX-538 awarded to: HAMMERS born Frdric BERCHEM-ST-AGATHE on 16/01/71 dli Pedestraat, 3-1703 DILBEEK. between a man aboard a registered EXY SUZUKI JEEP-534 awarded to: Philippe DELTENDRE born on 15/06/66 NIVELLES dli Chausse de Bruxelles, 339 / A 1410 WATERLOO. Following Observation of 05/02/97 7) A vehicle registered LAG R25-295 Van Avenue found Goidtsnoven, 97 FOREST. At the same address is also registered LFE MERCEDES-749 (Verdoot Lawyer). At this address is the office of Master Verdoot (1st floor) and Master DUMONT (2nd floor) At 14.10 hours, a woman comes to this address, it moves along a registered AUSTIN METRO NFF-570 awarded to: MAIGRET Virginia-born WATERMAEL BOITSFORT on 20/11/60 Dlie Chausse de Forest, 201/RC 1060 ST-GILLES. At 14.30 hours the arrival of Secretary Master DUMONT (Impellizzeri Danielle). At 14.40 hours arrival of a RENAULT SCENIC registered GYK-487 awarded to: PUTTART born

Fabienne on 29/03/63 ANDERLECHT, wife of Albert Street BENALI Rachid Dlie 1 591130 RIXENSART. (3 men on board) Of these three men, two of them try to start the LAG R25-295 and then they leave in a vehicle park a little further down the street. He is a registered RENAULT CLIO FAN-245 awarded to: SA Overlease located at 1140 rue Colonel Bourg EVERE, 113. After verification, the company is located JUBILEE AUTOMOTIVE SA Bld Jubilee 138-1080 BRUSSELS using the car registered FAN-245. This address is a man who is out to left edge of a BMW 318i registered FYN-367 awarded to: Cemil KARAGOZ born Emirdag (TURKEY) on 20/09/52. (Known). At this address comes a registered TOYOTA CARINA RV-413 awarded to: Ren DEWEVER born in Charleroi on 11/08/46, husband of Claudine Denille Dli street of Equality 1-6040 JUMET. (3 persons on board and a woman). The woman makes contact with a person who is in a FORD ESCORT SUMMARY AA'AA 957 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon registered ZCJ-973 awarded to: George MPOCAS born Filiates (GREECE) on 01/06/56, husband of Betty Lacagnina Dli Street Holland, 8/1 to 1060 St-Gilles. (Known). A woman goes aboard a VW GOLF registered LTL-857 awarded to: Laetitia RAVET born 13/06/76 dlie UCCLE the Avenue de Fre, 265-1180 UCCLE. A couple leaves the address and goes aboard a FORD FIESTA registered PFH-289 awarded to: Karine Trimboli born WATERMAEL - 04/04/68 dlie BOITSFORT the Drie Koningenlaan, 12 / 1-1731 ASSE. Outside the home of Dumont Avenue De Fre 253, FORD FIESTA is a registered CCV-966 awarded to: BVBA Vorsselmans located Lobroekstraat Lange, 73 in ANTWERP. Following Observation of 08/02/97 DUMONT 115 goes to the street to Dobbelenberg 1130 BRUSSELS to the company's headquarters FERRARES. Several vehicles present. TOYOTA COROLLA registered DAS-211 awarded to: Rosanna COMPARATO born NORTHAMPTON (GB) on 09/06/71, Alessandro Volpe concubine (known) dlie Avenue Louis Bertrand, 55-1030 SCHAERBEEK. BMW 325 i registered HAJ-866 awarded to: SPRL GRANDI CUCINE ITALIANE located Dobbelenberg Street, 113-1130 BRUSSELS. MERCEDES C220-503 registered FZU attributed to: SUMA Antonio GOSSELIES born on 19/08/61, husband of Carmela Critelli Dli Seghin Avenue, 19-6183 COURCELLES. GST registered MERCEDES-979 not assigned. DONE FIORINO registered in: LA ROSA born Francesca Mesina (I) 07/07/68, wife CELILI Baschi (known) Dlie Avenue Notre Dame de Lourdes, 56/1 1090 BRUSSELS.

PEUGEOT 205 registered LXP-872 awarded to: Mario Musuri born on 25/10/72 ETTERBEEK Dli Diegemstraat, 160/A2 in 1930 ZAVENTEM. DONE BB-registered 689 (GDLux) attributed to: GENERAL SYSTEM RENT located GMBW Place Abb Charles Mllendorff PJ, 49A 2179 LUXEMBOURG. AUDI 100 registered FIL-78210 (ITALY) attributed to: LENSI Valderamo born on 02/08/35 FIRENZA Dli Via Lungo L Affrico, 104-50100 FIRENZE. DUMONT enters the company headquarters located LUXLLAG Houtweg, 56-1140 EVERE. DUMONT between at 72 rue des Coteaux SCHAERBEEK. 152150 07/07/97 LESCIAU INFORMATION RECEPTION SUITE 168 SAD MAIL RAEMAECKERS. - Master LAURENT Vronique would come visit RAEMAECKERS - Two journalists OF MORGEN (BULTHE Anemia and Douglas DECONINCK) sent two phone cards (which have been returned) then they sent a $ 500 BEF RAEMAECKERS. - A letter was sent to RAEMAECKERS its own SUMMARY AA'AA 958 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon JJJF SUMMARY AA'AA 959 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon PPPD GRAPE VIAL, Lucien Joseph Albert married Michle DEBRY born in FRANCE THE HALLS (Rhne) December 18, 1935 nat French vintner WALCOURT domiciled, Tienne du Moulin, 71 MORAN PAZ, Ricardo (ex MORAN Y VILAR) married DELLA MALVA, Carina CHARLEROI born July 27, 1965 Resident employees in 6060 GILLY Street Pirotia 51/1 ------Historical records to CHARLEROI VIAL No need for ATTEMPTED RAPE on 23/09/83 Dossier open 84 DEBAUCHERY OF MINOR sent the Prosecutor NAMUR 15/11/84 24/10/89 Conviction for the RAPE - two-year suspended except trial (59 days) File opened for DEBAUCHERY OF MINOR 18/03/91 - forwarded to the Prosecutor NAMUR 26/03/91 Joined: 24/10/89 Judgement - RIEGER victim Daphne (23/12/72) - facts committed 86 Complice VANESSE Josiane (04/21/52) ------- 114,805 34 BANK CARD APPLICATION indictment 02/10

VIAL For Lucien Joseph BALL MINET BEUGNIES Gerald DEBRY Michle VIGNERONS FRENCH GROUP of bills since 1990 INFORMANT CONTACT ------- REPORT 33 02/10 VIAL solicited Albanian NAMUR NAMUR BSR for girls 14-16 years old for paid sexual relationships DA CRUZ ------- S 114 705 32 VIAL history 01/10 Records NA.37.98.540/91 NA.37.12.100921/91 and NA.38.12.100285/91 BALL DI GIORGIO IZIZ and sentenced VIAL interned and released by House Bids on 06/03/93 ---------------------------------------- LIEGE -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 24/05/89 Dossier DI.37.26.100324/86 of Victim Bernadette DAHM = (minor) Approached by DIDIER (photographer) Raped by DIDIER and indecent photos taken by VIAL Subsequently sex with persons designated by VIAL under threat of disclosure photos 2-3 times a month in a hotel restaurant isolated SUITES:?? -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------25/05/89 Dossier DI.37.26.100330/89 of Instruction 112/89 = Victim Danielle Berger (major) His girlfriend Nathalie Michalewicz him that VIAL paid 25,000 for sexual touching it accepts - need money first appointment = nothing happens SUMMARY AA'AA 968 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Second appointment: BERGER-Michalewicz and minor Chinese Lunch at Chinese MAKING GOLD After lunch with two 03 rooms: BERGER and Michalewicz Chinese and Chinese VIAL and minor BERGER refused VIAL gave 4,000 Michalewicz Photo of young Chinese DINANT Registry TC No. 90/664 It could be identified by Michalewicz VIAL has already visited with other minor GOLDEN PHEASANT photographer with divestiture Order to the NAMUR --------- 14/05/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In case 112/89 BSR CHARLEROI heard Pascal Meunier (witness) on 23/05/89 MEUNIER 12 days later found dead of an overdose Some information indicates that there is a murder on 21/05 / 89 DI.37.18.100426/89 the folder named Laurence Bruggeman (victim) is heard by the Bde YVOIR She says she witnessed an argument between PASCAL and PAOLO (DI GIORGIO Quintino) XX PAOLO said he PASCAL was going to kill = DI GIORGIO complicit in rape VIAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Hearing NAESSENS Serge in case 70/91 of a JI NAMUR Hearing by the BSR Philippeville 07/05/91 Knows VIAL via BEUGNIES BEUGNIES known since 89 VIAL XX One day went seeking a girl of 17-18 years in a VIAL attending an institution run by a XX RENZO RENZO He told that he had a "NEW MEAT" ----- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Folder ---ATTEMPTED RAPE CH.37.43.2612/83 for NO PLACE VIOLENCE with the 23/09/83 ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Folder CH.52.18.3966/84 for DEFAMATION - CLASS NO ACTION THREATS -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- SENT folder CH.38.91.2074/84 to DINANT available for ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Folders CH.3743.2294/86 CH.37.91.2866/86 and CH.37.16. 770/86 to 02 YEARS SENTENCED sentence (59 days trial) ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- File CH.26.48.787/89 for making off without payment CLASS NO ACTION --------------

-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- CH.45.50 Folder. 1589-1588 for THREATS SUMMARY AA'AA 969 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NO ACTION CLASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Dossier CH.38.91.833/91 for DEBAUCHE MINER TRANSMITTED available for NAMUR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Folder CH.17.95.1170/93 for QUALIFIED CLASS FLIGHT NO ACTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- In 89 VIAL has had a minor fugue = DELFORGE to Geraldine LINDBERGH COUVIN = Joseph MOREAU (01/15/55) Financial = SUM Eric PALACE boss until 93 SIZAIRE (accomplice of VIAL) delivered an envelope with K7 at the inn at the request of BOUVIGNES VIAL ____________________________________________________ XX DEV ID by the Chinese Michalewicz GOLDEN PHEASANT responsible Audition ID PASCAL MEUNIER by Pascal Bruggeman he was a drug addict Identification RENZO HEARING HEARING DELFORGE Joseph MOREAU HEARING responsible Hostel BOUVIGNES (he children - victims VIAL?) REQUEST ------ 114 709 35 ZOLLER-MALICIOUS 02/10 = VIAL 017/88.22.00 BALL BEUGNIES = 071/65.08.46 DEBRY = 071/65.13.35 GVF GVF = 071/65.57 = 071/65.08.64. 21 ------- REPORT 36 INFORMATIO N PR PR NEUCHATEAU CHARLEROI to 20/09 = DI GIORGIO Quintino doss CH.37.18.100426/89 for kidnapping and rape of minor 02 Divestiture Order to the NAMUR --- 14/05/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ = DI GIORGIO doss CH.37.69.2101/91 02 years for rapes on 15/03/94 DEPREZ between 30/09/90 and 30/11/91 Alexandra -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - = DI GIORGIO CH.65.07.22744/90 = Daniel De Coninck complainant accused of selling drugs DI GIORGIO works for Stamatiadis -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some SYLVIE removed in 89 to CHARLEROI said to have been threatened death or enter a prostitution SYLVIE not identified SUMMARY AA'AA 970 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 114 707 37 N OBSERVATIONS of 10/01/96 02/10 07.45: Route de Philippeville HTV79 = 285 = BALL OF Craecker Yvan (11.07.57) 07.50: 71 = Tienne du Moulin XANTIA French VW PASSAT dark blue 09.00: DYE-863 Truck and XANTIA leave (women 35-40 years) 20.9: 2 veh Fontaine Road Lagasse (rue du Couvent) unload cases of wine in a shed 10.20: XM-421 comes NZL Tienne of Mulin 10.40: Tienne du Moulin presence of PEUGEOT 106 CJH-224 = LEROY Christophe (01/07/76) 12.26: PEUGEOT man leaves with 20-25 years 17.05: No veh. Highway 79 Philippeville lift device ------- REPORT 38

INFORMATIO N 01/10 VIAL known for pimping GD FRANCE brigade St Pk = LAURENTde CHAMOUSSET Adjt MOCELLIN Guillerand can be contacted for information Tel 0033374.70.50.17 ------- 114 808 39 indictments REQUEST - CALL 03/10 Reminder indictments Zoller-BALL Transmission Malicious applications for BELGACOM 075/69.81.36 - MINET 017 / / 88.22.00 - VIAL 071/65.08.46 - BEUGNIES 071/65.13.35 - DEBRY 071/65.08.64 071/65.57.21 GVF - GVF Zoller-malicious 03-31/10/96 071/41.14.63 - GARAGE COENEN 071/37.47.32 - SILURO 071/65.57. 21 - GVF 071/65.08.64 - GVF. Historical bills 01/03 to 03/10/96 Posted BANK CARD COMPANY indictment VIAL-to-BEUGNIES DEBRY -------------GVF- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- request additional indictments 071 / 41.14.63 - COENEN MOTOR 071/37.47.32 - SILURO 071/65.57.21 - 071/65.08.64 GVF - GVF ... to the historical invoices 01/10/95 29/02/96 Reminder application of PV 114087 Request malicious Zoller-up on 071/47.51.05 31/10/96 + 17/04/96 Request from the historical-Zoller for malicious on 27/09/96 071/31.91.69 = LACHAT Pascale ------- 114 812 40 Z-M DEBRY of 03/10/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 971 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 04/10 Contact BALL 071/65.50.07 = DEBRY Emile 075/27.28.90 071/61.18.43 GVF = SA = CODIFROID - CHAUVIER Christian 0033- 0033- 0033- ------ 114 811 41 ZM BEUGNIES of 10/03/96 04/10 Contact BALL 02/534.91.64 02/732.01.60 = Luke = COOREMANS cabin Meiserplein TELEFUTURE Belgium 077/35.14.02 = 077/35.02 = .56 = TELEFUTURE 077/35.99.78 TELEFUTURE ------- 114 810 42 ZM GVF (071/65.08.64) of 03/10/96 04/10 Contact Printing WILLIAM BALL = 071/36.00.67 082/22.20.32 = diner Pierre ------- 114 813 43 ZM GVF (071/65.57.21) of 03/10/96 04/10 Contact BALL 071/47.51.05 = VIAL Imeuble to LOVERVAL 071/66.86.99 Trustee BLAVIER = 060 / 45.56.98 = MANNOY Alexandre Emile 058/23.29.88 071/65.50.07 = DEBRY = Ansheng ZHOU 010/65.56.32 = EPX DEVIGNE VLIES Victor Martine Pierre diner = 082/22.20.32 075/75.58.80 = 0033-20.42 .99.06 ------- 114 812 48 ZM DEBRY of 04/10/96 05/10 New Contacts BALL 071/58.80.12 = BBL BEAUMONT 055/31.17.79 WIJMEERSCH Orphel = NPV (act.GVF) 071/36.08.26 = SPRL = TO GUILLAUME 059/51.56.16 071/61.18.13 HOA WALCOURT = GD (private) 071/61.49.27 WALCOURT = GD (public) XX = 071/32.28.16 DELBOVE Georges EPX Milanezi Jos 071/31.55.62 SA = DELBOVE RELEASE 071/68.86.54 = CCB = BURTON Claude 071/61.25.61 = Adm. Com. WALCOURT 04/362.68.12 = MOTSOS Constantinos 060/31.32.42 = DACOSTA Amdo 071/47.38.94 = Bousmina Ali EPX KHELIFI Hakima 071/56.04.81 = PIROT Anne-Marie Luc 082/68.85.24 AMICO = BAY = Roger EPX FONTAINE Eliane 071/43.73.18 = FRECINAUX Stphane Didier 075/69.81.36 083/21.56.68 = DESKEUVRE = MINET Joseph 075/75.43.67 = SUMMARY AA'AA 972 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

0033- 0033- VIAL Stephanie and Luke AMICO controlled together in LLD-250 ------- 114 958 49 ZM BEUGNIES of 04/10/96 04/10 New Contacts Only BALL COOREMANS TELEFUTURE Luc + = 075/27.28.90 ------- 114 959 50 ZM GVF (071/65.08.64) of 10/04/96 05/10 New Contacts BALL 071/36.08.26 = SPRL GUILLAUME 071/66.85.98 Trustee BLAVIER = 071/47.51. 05 = House VIAL to LOVERVAL 075/27.28.90 055/31.88.53 = GVF = COLPAERT Bernard EPX VANDERBRACHT 071/34.44.44 071/34.41.42 BSCA SA = SA = BSCA 059/51.56.16 TO HOA = 071/39.17 = .73 Hypot credit. CHATELET 02/511.18.21 = PANG HING LAN XX = 071/61.27.42 HENRARD Jacques (= Gd) = 069/22.98.12 Resto CHINA 02/732.16.72 = CHOWDHURY CHOWDHURY KUSHBA 081/26.06.04 = A 02 / = 513.30.57 restaurant KOTA RADIA 02/654.05.44 = Resto EURAMA 081/46.26.29 = The PHNOM PENH ------- 114 961 51 ZM GVF (071/65.57.21) of 10/04/96 04/10 New contacts BALL 010/65.56.32 = EPX DEVIGNE VLIES Victor Martine 071/36.08.26 = 060 GUILLAUME SPRL / = 10/31/26 = VANDEWEYER Maurice 071/66.86.99 Trustee BLAVIER 071/61.11.42 = BBL WALCOURT 04/362.68.17 = MOTSOS Constantinos 055/31.17.79 WIJMEERSCH Orphel = NPV (act. GVF) 04/263.70.33 = Friterie THE LIEGE 02/268.18.45 = Truong Truong HA LAN 02/771.63.57 = DOG = KHAI 04/337.87.88 04/231.17.51 HANG TRUONG Nhieu = WUITSO JEN 04/240.20.05 = LAAOUJ Mohamed (known rape) 04/264.26.76 = SHILLINGS Pierre 075/75.58.80 = 075/75.43.67 = 075/27.28.90 075/69.81.36 = GVF = MINET = diner Pierre Joseph 082/22.20.32 071/58.84.70 BBL = BEAUMONT 050/71.07.30 = VZW Merlijn ASBL 071/65.12.95 TRANS = REMY PETROL SUMMARY AA'AA 973 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 071/65.13.33 = cavalo Salvatore EPX Laurence LAMBERT 071/39.18.77 = EPX BAUDUIN Etienne Franois Marie R. CHEN TIGUO 071/47.10.48 071/40.21.69 = IP = CLIEN KUO ORIENTAL JADE 067/56.04.96 = XX = Gd WALCOURT 071/61.10.14 071/31.57.35 NGUYEN TAN = 071/21.48.28 = THE PALACE OF CHINA CHEUNG 071/37.30.02 084/21.42.58 = SPRL = Induscabel 071/47.51.05 = Building VIAL LOVERVAL to 02/218.64.07 = SPRL YUNUS EMRE 04/253.14.20 = XU Yonghua 071/61.25. 61 = Adm. Com. WALCOURT 02/533.66.66 = Hotel = 04/370.02.46 HOLLIDAY IN VISE street cab to JUPILLE 059/51.56.16 = TO = THE HOA 04/362.23.22 02/225.55.63 = SIRTAKI Journal EVENING ------- 114 812 44 ZM DEBRY of 04/10/96 06/10 New Contacts BALL 003374.01.27.77 = 075/75.43.67 071/21.69.09 055/31.17.79 = NPV = Mesdagh WIJMEERSCH Orphel 071/31.57.35 MGUYEN CONG = TAM = EL GRECO 081/20.07.47 082/68.85.24 = BAY = BEUGNIES Grard Roger 071/65.08.46 071/56.04.81 = PIROT-AMICO ------- 114 963 45 ZM BEUGNIES of 05/10/96 06/10 New Contacts BALL 075/47.94.51 = ------- 114 964 46 ZM GVF (071/65.08.64) of 05/10/96 06/10 New Contacts BALL 02/654.13.92 = BVBA SPRL JIANG 015/42.40.95 = ALPHA SALES 04/343.13 MOREAU BROTHERS = .84 = 060/31.10.26 VANDEWEYER Maurice ------- 114 965 47 ZM GVF (071/65.57.21) of 05/10/96 06/10 Contact BALL 071/43.02.42 Ardelean = L. 071/21.33.56 = BLAMPAIN Herman 071/50.46.48 = EPX BOCART BAUDART Didier Marie 082/71.36.75 = HU = Zhimin 071/35.35.95 081/74.36.71 Signoriello D = 071/21.46 SUMMER PALACE. Scotto di Carlo

50 = 071/47.32.98 = Pennino Paolo Marcello 071/40.21.69 = CHEN TIGUO SUMMARY AA'AA 974 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 071/31.37.04 = SCRL SHANGAI 081/46.26.29 = THE PHNOM PENH 02/426.16.45 = CHI CHI YEH CHON = 071/65.09.49 063/21.90.93 Philippe Delfosse = ASIA PALACE 003309.68.79.85 ------- 114 966 52 INFORMATIO NS 06/10 VIAL personalities engaged in orgies BALL Examples: Bourgemestre Annevoie: Master MAINZ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- IZIZ Mustapha (25/11/69) = reel of VIAL Via BSR NAMUR: copies of minutes of the time on VIAL VIAL paid 10-15000 Rdv reduced by daughter in THE GREAT CHINA Chinese restaurant and hotel CHARLEROI VIAL known hotel = no plug VIAL told him did not fear he knows powerful people says he was stopped but a call has been released VIAL = a girl day Been in PARIS and in SWITZERLAND A minor girls says VIAL him 100,000 proposed for virginity ------47.51.05 = VIAL Imeuble to LOVERVAL 071/66.86.99 = Trust = BLAVIER 060/45.56.98 MANNOY Alexandre Emile 058/23.29.88 071/65.50.07 = DEBRY ZHOU Ansheng = 010/65.56 = .32 VLIES EPX DEVIGNE Victor Martine Pierre 075/75.58.80 082/22.20.32 = diner = 0033- ------- 114 957 53 INVOICES VISA 08/90 to 06/92 VIAL 05/10 Many trips via FRANCE BELGIUM LUXEMBOURG: BINCHE - TOURNAI - MONS COURCELLES - LIEGE LA LOUVIERE - COURTRAI - MONT / MARCHIENNE - GENT LOVERVAL - BRUSSELS - VERVIERS - SOIGNIES - CHARLEROI - MOUSCRON - METTET SINT-NIKLAAS - NAMUR - FLOREFFE - CHATELET - NEUVILLE - BASTOGNE - OOSTENDE FLEURUS - KNOKKE - Roeselare - RUISBROEK - THIEU - SILENRIEUX - Lasnes - MONTIGNY GERPINNES - COUILLET - GERPINNES - QUIEVRAIN - BREDENNE - BEAUMONT CHATELINEAU - KOKSIJDE - REMOUCHAMPS FRANCE: Bordeaux - TRIN DANIEL - PARIS - VENARS - St-GEORGES - SORGES - BEZIERS - ROQUEMAURE - VILLEFRANCHE - AGDE - CHATENDY - LYON - TOULOUSE - LIBOURNE STRASBOURG MORNAS - BEAUNE - SEREZIN - BERGERAC - JANVILLE - CHANTILLY BAPAUME - PERONNE - MONT BLANC SUMMARY AA'AA 975 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - FRANCHEVILLE - ORANGE - DIJON - Angers - DEAUVILLE - Epernay - CANNES CHAUNAY - Ste-Foy - MONTPELLIER - Couline - VIVONNE - CASTILLON - BROGNON MACON - REIMS - LIMOGES - RESSONS - GARDONNE - Pamproux POMMEROLL - CHALUS STRETCH - CHENOVE - FIXIN - AVIGNON - VEMARS - FREJUS - LIMAS - VENOY - Nemours PONTANE ------- 114 967 54 INFORMATIO N IP 07/10 Following the PV 114701 29/09/96 BALL 0033- = VIAL Raymond (12/28/52) THE HALLS residing at (Fr) Mayor THE HALLS brother Lucien VIAL note: RAYMOND may have used his siortuation mayor to grant a residence in FRANCE LUCIEN despite the fact that it is registered in Belgium - see

the problematic plate transit ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FRANCE VIAL Lucien known for: PROCURING - VOL VIOLENCE - ASSAULT VIAL Lucien arrested on 31/07/95 for having come in FRANCE Romanian prostitutes with a minor ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0033 - = FOURNAND Yves (18/05/54) residing THE HALLS Ste-Foy Nephew VIAL Known for VIOLENCE and IVRESSE ------- 114 969 55 INCOME ZM for the DEBRY 06/10/96 07/10 New contacts: BALL 081/30.36.67 = GOFFINET Rosalie 081/30.74.08 = EPX PIRMEZ DEWASSEIGE Jacques Isabelle ------- 114 972 56 INCOME ZM for the BEUGNIES 06/10/96 07/10 New contacts: BALL 071/46.36.45 = NELISSEN CHarles Other names: Carrein Noelle - Vittorio SANTOLINI ------- 114 973 57 INCOME ZM for the GVF 06/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 08/10 New contacts = BALL 071/65.09.49 = DELFOSSE Philippe 0033- 0033-56.98. 00.95 0033-58.60.22 0033-58.61.50 0033-58.61.58 0033- ------SUMMARY AA'AA 976 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 114,968 58 INCOME ZM for the GVF 06/10/96 (071/65.08.64) 07/10 No appeal BALL ------114 970 59 REQUEST indictment PROXIMUS 07/10 For GSM GVF BALL 075/27.28.90 request invoices from 01/01/95 ------- 114 975 60 INFORMATIO N 017/88.22.00 line for 08/10 line open to 25/05/88 25/10/95 15/06/95 BALL Application history at 25/10/95 ------115 015 61 INCOME ZM for the BEUGNIES 07/10/96 08/10 New Contact: BALL SHANGAI 071/65.13.35 071/31.37.04 = SC = DEBRY Michele ------- 115 014 62 INCOME ZM for the GVF 07/10/96 (071/65.08.64) 08/10 New contacts: BALL 071/68.86.54 = CREDIT COMMUNAL FLORENNES (BURTON J) 04/388.30. 95 = SA = TROPIC TILFFOIS 04/343.13.84 MOREAU FRERES 0033- = 087/77.21.31 = RGCF = CUTE Franoise ------- 115 017 63 HISTORICAL SITUATION ZM and the 09/10/96 08/10 Summary of indictments Zoller-Mischievous and historical BALL already requested dates Resumes limits 115 013 64 ------- IDENTIFICATION No. FRANCE IP via 08/10 = 0033- CELLARS LANDIRAS BALL 0033- = CELLARS LANDIRAS 0033- = Sartron Jacques (winemaker) 0033 - Company TONGDA = (power ------- Report 64 Copies of PV transmitted by BSR PHILIPPEVILLE 19/09 Re DEBLATON Sverine (06/07/77 GOFFIN Hearing HALLET Ginette in a doss ordinary HALLET talking about a phone call from 21/09/94 11.00 to verify if the dialed number is the private 071/65.08.81 No known only close family was confirmed for the appointment of EXCLUSIVE FILM VIDEO 2627/09/94 They say appeal from Detroye Bernard is said to call the No. Dame - calm voice - accent Netherl. Same day: two calls without speaking DEBLATON knows nothing note: the method resembles that of VIAL recontacted his victims and makes them sing SUMMARY AA'AA 977 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

through photos and / or film ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Stocq Aurlie has been a kidnapping attempt from MARTIN Made committed in May-June 95 she was playing in the street in front A blonde lady home located in a red car was called She's not gone - she went back in the car 2 or 3 men AURELIE saw a picture of Martin in the newspaper and it was recognized ------- 115 019 64 INCOME ZM for the DEBRY 07/10/96 09/10 New Contacts: Victor BALL 071/21.44.91 = Delgoffe 071/35.53.61 SPRL = SA = DRAIN INTER 071/34.44.56 LEROY MANOGAS 071/65.56.09 = Edward = SPRL Tillire 071/61.22.77 071/65.59.10 = FRANQUET Andr Joseph 071/30.10.01 071/65.50.21 = BECHET = SCHOENMAECKERS Emmanuel Franoise ANCIAUX 071/65.52.39 = 071 / 66.68.38 = JOGNAUX Christine 071/61.10.03 = LEG = Henkens Henri Ren 075/75.53.67 003309.68.79.85 ------- 115 018 65 INCOME ZM for the GVF 07/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 08/10 New Contact BALL 071/21.46.50 Scotto Di Carlo Marcello = 060/31.19.75 = Hoeben Jean 03/232.42.57 = BVBA SPRL V.ROY 083/68.87.58 = LA GRANGE 071/41.14.63 = COENEN MOTOR 087/77.21.31 = PGCF = CUTE Franoise 02/465.72.93 = Pulinx Gus 071/65.00.22 = CODIFROI 071/32.10.20 071/31.64.27 = SPRL GOURMET - Delsinne Sabinne 02/648.04.74 - TANU MIAH 02/426.16.45 - CHI CHI YEH CHO 02/267.14.98 - TU SHENG PAN 071/38.23.40 - SPRL AS TO ROBERT 071/38.77.88 - 071/61.27.42 BOOTS Guy HENRARD Jacques (lr) 071/32.53.18 - SC WIRE LINEN 02/725.64.77 - JIN YONG GUN 04/221.18.39 - Judith Henkens 071/31.87.02 - ASBL 071/21.30.12 BINDING WORKSHOP Daniel Bastin 059/51.00.09 - SPRL 04/343.93.76 SINGAPORE - Michel DUSSART 02/771.63.57 - TRUONG DOG KHAI 071/68.98.88 - SPRL THE GRAND PALAIS DE CHINE 015/61.74.04 - DENEVE Francois (Printer) SUMMARY AA'AA 978 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 04/384.72.70 - Zheng Yuehua ------- 115 020 66 INCOME FROM 08/10/96 to BEUGNIES ZM 09/10 U cally COOREMANS BALL ------- 67 115 021 RESULT OF 08/10/96 ZM for GVF (071/65.57.21) 10/10 071/32.96.09 = EMILE Andr BALL 063/38.69.35 = Cabin Martyrs Square in AUBANGE 02/511.69.79 = Institute = Rediscount Warranty 075/60.55.49 081/61.17.20 = MINAUT Laurent 071/25.80.67 051/22.07.02 = CET = BACOB 051/23.52.11 = BANK Roeselaere BRUGES of 02 / 502.03.03 = KB = Hotel Holliday 02/533.66.66 04/379.65.65 = STORK GOLD CONCORDIA 060/31.10.26 071/30.25.26 = SA = VANDEWEYER Maurice 058/41.28.85 = BANK Roeselaere LA FAILURE = 050/34.22.50 Resto JIM'S PALACE 071/37.22.05 = XIANG Peihua 071/32.10.20 SPRL = KB = GASTRONOME 09/34.49.06 ZELZATE 04/224.94.94 = Garage = DEHON 063/23.59.58 Palace Asia 071/38.05.24 = Credit Hypot. of CHATELET 071/37.34.88 = Cab = JUMET 060/45.56.98 MANNOY Alexander ------- 115 022 68 INCOME ZM for the DEBRY 09/10/96 10/10 = 082/22.75.82 Sunday = Sunday Fernand BALL 071/65.53.53 084/21.28.48 Ccile LEJAC SA = 059/55.43 .11 = GB = KAMAPHULI Tarders GENT 02/230.71.58 02/648.04.74 = TANU MIAH 0033- 0033- ------- 69 115 232 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64 Fax) 10/10 = 058/42.11.19 Shiming ASIA BALL 071/61.27.42 HENRARD = (Gd) 081 / = 21.28.48 = COLPAERT 055/31.88.53 MARLIER Antoine Bernard

0033- 0033- 0033- 0033- ------- 115 233 70 INCOME ZM for the LOVERVAL 09/10/96 10/10 = 071/52.19.20 BLONDIAU Pierre SUMMARY AA'AA 979 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BALL ------- 71 114 976 RESULT of ZM 03 and 04/10/96 for MINET 08/10 = GRAS BALL 071/43.77.64 071/47.12.52 = DETAYE 071/45.63.05 DELVALLEE = 071/47.12. 87 = Catinus Vincent 071/41.14.63 = COENEN MOTOR 071/46.23.43 Clavie = - = Van Damme 071/47.32.98 Paolo Pennino ------- 72 115 016 RESULT of ZM 05 and 07/10/96 for MINET 08/10 = 071/43.85.36 ALLARY Grarda BALL 071/40.21.80 = Placenti Luigi EPX BURTON Paule 071/47.56.25 = F. Rousseaux ------- 115 234 73 INFORMATIO N HENRARD Jacques (Gd WALCOURT) 10/10 13/09/96: Checking the XM-250 LLD with onboard BALL VIAL Stephanie and Luke AMICO Control by UPC SENEFFE removed from plate 29 / 07/96 for ordering PVA PVA filled with HENRARD dated 19/08/96 Registration on 25/09/96 HENRARD filled PVA on the basis of the application for registration = FALSE --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Via themalicious zollers have seen many calls VIAL dle to the private HENRARD Also calls to Bde WALCOURT During the events ROMANIA VIAL chartered a food truck he was assisted by Maj. Bde and HENRARD Walcourt ------- 115 235 74 Identification of GSM 10/10 Call number appearing in the ZM = SPRL APOLLO BALL 075/47.94.51 075/69.81.36 = MINET Joseph 075/27.28.90 GVF = 075 / 75.43.67 = Henkens Henri Sobry 075/60.55.49 075/75.58.80 = SA = PAPESCO Vincent Scotto 075/80.43.13 = Catinus ------- 115 236 75 indictments TRANSMITTED BELGACOM 10/10 For 071/31.91.69 of LACHAT Pascale BALL ZM for 27/09/96 from 19.00 to 21.00 071/47.51.05 of Michle DEBRY to LOVERVAL History 17 / 04/96 07/10/96 018/56.48.01 of COENEN MOTOR 01/10/95 to 31/03/96 History SUMMARY AA'AA 980 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon xx DEV Request for historical indictment of 01/04/96 to 10/10/96 018/56.48.01 ------- 76 115 237 RESULT of ZM 08/10/96 MINET of 10/10 = 071/45.34.34 NEFVE Mr. BALL View ZM program ------- 115 238 77 INCOME ZM of the DEBRY 08/10/96 - LOVERVAL 10/10 = 071/45.62.93 Buridant Christian BALL 071/42.19.16 = Y GONZALEZ ARJONA Angel View ZM program ------- 79 115 239 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 BEUGNIES of 10/10 = 075/47.94.51 SPRL APOLLO BALL 0039- 0039- See program ZM ------- 80 115 343 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 MINET of 10/10 = 071/36.88.18 SPRL Utens BALL 075/69.81.26 See LESOTHO Embassy Program = ZM ------- 81 115 344 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 11/10 071/50.46.48 BOUDART = D. BALL 063/38.71.31 = JI = BOAREN 04/351.84.08 YILMAZ KENAN See program ZM ------- 78 115 239 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 10/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 82 115 349 RESULT of

ZM 10/10/96 DEBRY of 11/10 = 061/46.91.91 ZHANG SHAO QI = BALL 071/50.26.86 Trustee COVE Fisc 071/52.15.83 = RUGGIERI Italo 0033 See program - ZM ------- 83 115 347 RESULT of ZM 10/10/96 BEUGNIES of 11/10 = 04/.343.70.26 Twana HAURAMANI BALL View ZM program ------ 115,351 84 INCOME ZM of GVF 10/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 11/10 060/34.65.35 = PIRON BALL Evelyne Laurent 071/65.01.10 081/61.17.20 = MINAUT See program PIerre GODVAERTS = ZM SUMMARY AA'AA 981 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 85 115 348 RESULT of ZM 10/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 11/10 071/25.12.03 Board = Routes program Aeriennes BALL View ZM ------- 115 350 86 ZM RERSULTAT of the MINET 10/10/96 11/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 346 87 10/10/96 RESULT of the ZM-DEBRY LOVERVAL 11/10 = 071/81.17.88 DELCHARLERIE Grard 071/32.33.30 101 + BALL = Gd Charleroi See program The ZM 101 and Contact GD were designed to signal an alarm in a building next door 115 345 88 ------- IDENTIFICATION GSM and MOBIL 11/10 = 075/78.58.80 HOA TO BALL = 075/71.83.06 Bakery KEYMOLEN SPRL 075/25.77.46 = SA = CODIFROI 017/88.35.10 DUPUIS and son ------- 89 115 425 RESULT of ZM 11/10/96 DEBRY of 12/10 = 071/21.72.72 Ets VANDERPEPEN BALL 0033- 003307.31.44.21 0033- 0033-57.89. 071/51.86.68 = 07.73 0033- SPIRO Panoussis See program ZM ------- 115 423 90 INCOME ZM of the BEUGNIES 11/10/96 12/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 91 115 426 RESULT of ZM 11/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 12/10 071/66.70.79 = GUIOT Claude BALL CLAES Emmanuelle 04/353.14.20 = 050/71.06. = 81 = Merlijn 071/31.59.49 Bekas L. See Z-M program ------92 115 424 RESULT of ZM 11/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 12/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 422 93 11/10/96 RESULT of the ZM-DEBRY LOVERVAL SUMMARY AA'AA 982 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 12/10 = 071/34.57.84 MEURISSE A. BALL STYLE = 071/22.06.06 Tiles View ZM program ------- 115 431 94 INCOME ZM of the DEBRY 12/10/96 13/10 0040- (Romania) BALL 0033- 0033- 071/45.89.38 = Panoussis See program ZM Panoussis region known for pimping CHARLEROI VIAL was arrested in FRANCE with Romanian prostitutes in 07/95 (see PV 114967) ------- 99 115 428 RESULT of ZM 12/10/96 BEUGNIES of 13/10 = 0033- BALL 02/469.28.32 04/341.37.61 Robert Klimczak = Bernard BERGER 077/35.14.02 = See program TELEFUTURE ZM BERGER Bernard (16/02/64) known manners with minor (07-11 years) = TELEFUTURE online homosexual ------- 95 115 459 RESULT of ZM 12/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 13/10 060/51.11.59 = MACQ Marianne BALL TAKES WAUTHIER 071/38.52.75 = C. See Z-M program ------- 96 115 430 RESULT of ZM 12/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 13/10 only outputs to Hoeben Jean BALL View ZM program ------- 115 429 97 12/10/96 RESULT of the ZM-

DEBRY LOVERVAL 13/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 427 98 REQUEST indictment BELGACOM 12/10 Application of malicious Zoller-071/65.54.94 of Joseph BALL MINET + year history ------- 115 465 100 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 13/10/96 to 14/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 462 101 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 13/10/96 to 14/10 = 071/46.36.45 Melissen Charles BALL 04/223.30.81 = KLIMESAKJ Catherine Numerous calls to see SPRL APOLLO program ZM SUMMARY AA'AA 983 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 464 102 RESULT of ZM 13/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 14/10 085/23.04.05 = WILMET Daniel BALL View ZM program ------- 115 463 103 RESULT of ZM 13/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 14/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 461 104 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 13/10/96 14/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 460 105 GSM IDENTIFICATION 14/10 = 075/82.26.24 HUSEYIN Ozmen BALL AVP 075/24.28.90 075/23.19.88 = SC = ASBL CDPE 075/80.27.96 Brigitte 075/82.72 = CASSIAPAGLIA = .58 YUMUS Emre ------115 483 106 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 14/10/96 to 16/10 = 071/21.72.72 Ets VANDERPEPEN BALL 04/223.32.30 = DANUBIO Angelo View ZM program ------- 115 481 107 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 14/10/96 to 16/10 = 071/32.13.43 Marines Brasserie Bar BALL View ZM program ------- 115 478 108 RESULT ZM 11 and 13/10/96 MINET of 14/10 = 071/47.17.76 Nerinckx G. BALL 075/27.28.30 = SPRL CAMCEA See program ZM ------- 115 484 109 ZM RERSULTAT the GVF 14/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 16/10 071/65.13.33 = cavalo Salvatore BALL 071/61.22.77 TILIERE 081/61.10 = SPRL. 95 = DURIEUX Martha 081/87.85.04 = HUBESCH Thierry 081/81.14.08 = VERCALSTEREN Raymonde 081/58.04.30 = HUSSON Marinette 081/21.31.60 = DEVILLE View Elise indictment request for ZM program identification GSM 095/20.67.30 ------- 115 482 110 RESULT of ZM 14/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 16/10 071/50.17.14 = HALLET Jean BALL View ZM program RESULTS 10.14.96 of the ZM-DEBRY LOVERVAL 16/10 No appeal BALL ------- 115 486 113 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 15/10/96 16/10 No appeal BALL ------- 115 485 112 REQUEST indictment 16/10 Identification 071/36.60.58 BALL ------- 115 746 127 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 15/10/96 to 17/10 = 060/45.56.98 SWDE BALL ZM ----------------- See program ------- ------- 115 745 114 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 15/10/96 to 16/10 = 071/54.40.75 BALL View Serge Dujardin programs ZM ------- 115 744 115 RESULT of ZM 15/10/96 MINET of 16/10 = Pennino 071/47.32.98 071/43.67.24 BALL P = HOYAS Massine ------- 115 748 116 RESULT of ZM 16/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 18/10 087/77.21.31 = SC = RGCF Franoise BALL CUTE 071/32.95.68 BALDINI Pierpaola = 064 / 01/26/93 = MIOT Debroyer 059/56.22.11 AF = Min. Finance OOSTENDE 059/80.12.51 = Customs and Excise OOSTENDE See program ZM ------- 115 753 117 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 16/10/96 to 18/10 BALL 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033 - 0033- 003314.91.33.675 0033- 0033- See program ZM ------- 115 750 118 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 16/10/96 to 18/10 ZM See program BALL SUMMARY AA'AA

985 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 830 119 RESULT of ZM 16/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 18/10 071/36.65.15 = HUGUET Rudy BALL 02/476.06.70 = 055/20.74 SZLANYINKA Cliff. 83 = Elgammal Kamal 071/32.25.29 = VANDERBRUGGE Jean-Pol 071/52.61.57 = ZM HANNUS See program ------115 752 120 RESULT of ZM 16/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 18/10 071/34.41.28 = SA = BERNARD BALL 071/25.12.79 BSCA Board = Airway View ZM program ------- 115 751 121 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 16/10/96 18/10 No appeal BALL ------- 115 833 122 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 17/10/96 to 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 832 123 RESULT ZM of the MINET 17/10/96 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 834 124 RESULT of ZM 17/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 831 125 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 17/10/96 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 749 126 RESULT 27/09/96 at LACHAT the ZM 18/10 Two calls at 20.28 and 20.50 from the 071/52.95.55 BALL = Maurizio D'ERRICO City of Frames 18-6140 FOUNTAIN The BISHOP RN: D'ERRICO party for the BRINDISI 26/09/96 at: DE LUCA Olga (10/21/68) ------- 114 698 128 FRANCE INFORMATION IP 17/10 VIAL known VIOLENCE-PROCURING between 60-72 PIRARD VIAL arrested on 30/07/95 with 03 Romanian: Marcela CRISTEA (01/13/75) Dragoste Daniela ( 09/08/78 = minor) HRINISAN Aurora (09/20/74) in GVF truck (NSC299) in Doc truck: SUMMARY AA'AA 986 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Doc care virgin comm. Walcourt Doc behalf of MURESAN Teodor Sorin (09/20/69) Eniko Marginean (30/04/70) Calugar Ilie (08/19/57) Calugar Lina (19/08/57) BACIU Marinela Luminita HADAREAN (26 / 04/63) ZOICAR Cristina (01/05/68) BUD Octavian CRISTEA Vasile (4/23/73) Maria Laura Ardelean (04/30/72) VIAL must pass CT LYON 18/11/96 for the traffic human beings VIAL plans to open a restaurant in BELGIUM and use it a dozen Romanian Romanian's have signed a contract and paid 100,000 Lei For passages frontiers VIAL lepasseport used his own daughter Stephanie Young Romanian VIAL were hosted Tienne du Moulin ------SUMMARY AA'AA 987 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 10 547 129 HEARING NIHOUL 10/10 Start swingers clubs after attending PJ BXL break with BOUTY BOGAERT He never trompr BOUTY BOUTY had an affair with Guffens (Med Center. Eastern) Met De Cockere during an orgy He never quite distanced from BOUTY XX Places visited for orgies: The DOLO The pool ETTERBEEK The THRONE Troonstraat: no longer exists AQUARIUM Troonstraat A club AACHEN A villa isolated FRANCE, in GERARD AT PIERROT Club near HM The NOH DAILLY: Private: Mrs. Henrottay private club near the

Bourse Castle FAULX TOMBS XX orgies Participants: LOGIS: President Trib Comm REMACLE: FORGEOT lawyer said Edward VAN UYNEGHEM DOUDOU : DEVISSCHER future magistrate Bernard former Justice of the Peace in FOREST (DCD) KUBLA Serge: PRL group leader in the Senate NOLET Roger Patron Contributions NPV = UYNEGHEM sadomasochistic related ROXANE (transvestite) ROXANE made VIDEOK7 DEVISSCHER was Chief Cabinet DAMSEAUX FAULX TOMBS: two orgies with dozens Organized by FORGEOT people - staff replaced Michel Timmermans Manager castle = a brother alderman ETTERBEEK De Cockere made a feasibility study of the castle and found that TIMMERMANS diverting revenues Castle purchased by 16 million Chinese before the sale of the furniture was stolen has been found in the restaurant's girlfriend TIMMERMANS During the orgy castle guards with dogs he met one of these orgies named the ARLETTE which operates a brothel NAMUR ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- XX ---------FORGEOT organized orgies in other villas on the outskirts of BXL FORGEOT has a listing of participants ---------------- orgy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORGEOT lives with SIMONNE SIMONNE is maintain a 80 year old man receives 300.000/mois FORGEOT It also has a liaison with a rich heiress in CHALOT brotherhood there are several swingers: Marcel Henrottay (The DAILLY) FORGEOT and himself SUMMARY AA'AA 988 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Swingers: see list of clients of street Atrbates He never attended parties sadomasochistic --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through its political contacts he made advance issues for lawyers Mainly for about 20 DELEUZE files = 500,000 records in question until 1989 seized by BSR BXL 3/SRC in SOS Sahel Outside the PRL he knows Vanden Boeynants ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Expenses 115 479 130 RAI VISA VIAL June 92 to end 93 : 10/19/96 07/28/92 June expenses for a total 61.635bef BALL 8/26/92 Jul 92 Aug 79 643 151 190 29/09/92 10/27/92 25/11/92 97,663 September 73,110 October 29 / 12/92 November 57 102 01/27/93 28/09/93 January 93 4390 September 16 168 10/26/93 September / October 35805 DEV note: It should be noted that based on ratings, it appears that VIAL went beginning September 93 via VIENNA HUNGARY and WIESBADEN ------- 115 747 131 FAX RAI ZOLLER of the GVF 15/10/96 17/10/96 02/3720180 CHI TIEN CHIN Chee Waterloo UCCLE BALL 885 071/588 012 BBL BEAUMONT 071/689 839 r Jacqueline MEUNIER stream Forge FLORENNES 7 071/391 773 Credit hypothesis. Bricoult to CHATELET 059/515 616 TO HOA to OSTEND ------- 115 835 132 GSM RAI ZOLLER 10/17/96 10/19/96 MINET of unidentified luxembourg BALL 075/27.28.90 GSM GVF ------- 115 837 133 RAI ZOLLER DEBRY / VIAL of

10/17/96 10/12/96 075/272 890 GSM GVF BALL ditto 04/3431979 MOREAU brothers 071/594 212 Paul Pl GUERIAT Chaptre 1-6530 THUIN 02 / 7343028 SPRL PARADISIOS r Walnut 97-1000 BXL 003 353 575 167 FRANCE in 04/3883210 JANVEAUX Josiane Av des Ardennes 107-4130 TILF 087/772 131 SC RGCF CUTE Francoise SPA 064/229 409 FENCOEUR Rudi Cit de l'Esprance ST PAUL HATE 31 to 056 / 345365 JIN XIAO MOUSCRON Grand Place 2 071/612 742 HENRARD Jacques Gend Bde WALCOURT 060/455 721 LAMBERT SPRL insurance Mons road SIVRY 10-6470 060/455 698 SWDE CHARLEROI 051/486 782 LAPEERE Greetje Steenstr MEULEMBEKE 6 to 03/7760565 CHINA Grote Restaurant Markt 38 ST NIKLAAS ------SUMMARY AA'AA 989 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 115 838 134 RAI Zoller of GVF 17/10/96 19/10/96 064/221 871 SICORELLO Calogero street Tienne Pies 83 THE BALL LOUVIERE 065/777 322 Ramaut SA rue du Brl QUAREGNON 79 to 04/3360636 TO PETROS Street Stalon 3 LIEGE 4000 065/311 502 TING YUAN HSIA Grand Rue 64 MONS 012/230 485 SPRL DIPRODEF Maastrichterstr TONGRES 34-3700 087/890 620 The Palace ZEUS Street Terraced LONTZEN 122 071/437 314 MAKRIS Styllianos Church Street 56 M / MARCHIENNE 065/431 547 WANG YIN PING street Debast QUIEVRAIN 17 to 060/313 044 MOUCHERON Dany Street Bassidaine NISMES 16 to 02/6522539 SA COIRBOIS road Renipont 70-1380 OHAIN 081/2000 311 897 SA Burotic Chee Marche WIERDE 645 065/337 002 GIMNOPOULOS Havre Street Ch 95 MONS 082/225 916 GRAIDE Gabrielle St Michel DINANT 8 010/243 997 ZHAN LISHA Rue de Namur 10 WAVRE 065/842 585 DO THI LAN street Frameries 9 CUESMES ------- 115 839 135 RAI zoller house of LOVERVAL 18/10/96 19/10/96 071/521920 BLONDIAU Havay 16 rue Pierre LEERNES BALL ------- 115 849 136 RAI Zoller of the BEUGNIES 10/18/96 19/10/96 SPRL APOLLO BALL TELEFUTURE ------- 115 850 137 RAI Zoller of the GVF 18/10/96 19/10/96 071/614177 Com Adm WALCOURT BALL 02/6606206 DOG LONG TRUONG Chee de Wavre 1240 AUDERGHEM 02/3720180 CHI TIEN CHIN Chee Waterloo UCCLE 885 071/420 975 SA 160 Rue Grand Technomat CHARLEROI ------- 115 851 138 RAI Zoller of the GVF 18/10/96 19/10/96 02/4818311 SA InfoTrade r Station BIGARD GRAND BALL 30 087/773 929 GARDEN DELLA MAMMA r Royal SPA 4 003 347 977 006 Com FRANCE Tel 071/437 318 S Av FRECINAUX Mascaux MARCINELLE 284 to 071/471 048 IP CLIEN KUO R Philippeville 359 to COUILLET ------- 115 852 139 RAI Zoller DEBRY / VIAL for WALCOURT and LANEFFE 19/10/96 050/342 250 JIM'S PALACE St Pieterskaai 758000 Bruge BALL 003 346 683 421 003 349 133 675 FRANCE Com to ditto ditto 003 309 672 020 003 390 837 630 ditto ditto 0033149133675 003374097180 ditto ditto 0033147636913 ------- 115 854 140 RAI Zoller of GVF 19/10/96 20/10/96 081/568541 MELON GAROT Street Surtin 16 THE HEATHER BALL 061/216 730 CHAN CHI KONG J r Renquin 11 BASTOGNE SUMMARY AA'AA 990

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 855 141 FAX RAI Zoller of the GVF 19/10/96 20/10/96 059/515616 HAO TO BALL ------- 115 586 142 RAI Zoller 19/10/96 10/20/96 003 327 658 750 of BEUGNIES com to FRANCE ITALY 003327658750 0039934576155 BALL FRANCE ------- 115 857 143 RAI Zoller of the DEBRY 19/10/96 to 10/20/96 LOVERVAL 071/541 202 HANUS Pol r White House 34 FOUNTAIN BALL BISHOP ------- 115 858 144 RAI Zoller of the WALCOURT DEBRY to 19/10/96 10/20/96 065/842 585 THAI VIET r Frameries 9-7033 MONS BALL 071/384 838 H & M r CORA CITY Trieu Kaisin 1 CHATELINEAU ------- 115 874 145 RAI Invoices VISA VIAL January 25/09/96 10/20/96 01/26/94 94 expenditures for January 94 BALL BEF 24,586 30,010 29 26/10/94 October 94 / 11/94 October 94 October 95 7710 21 405 28/11/95 30/01/96 07/30/96 88,727 end dec95/Jan96 Jul 96 3837 Aug 96 1265 8/28/96 9/25/96 96 Aug 3662 ------- 115 876 146 RAI Zoller of the LOVERVAL 10/20/96 10/21/96 BALL ------115 877 147 RAI Verification BERGER Following Bernard 21/10/96 PV 115428 (Zoller BEUGNIES of 12/10/96) BALL Bernard BERGER is identified via BELGACOM as dli born 13/12/69 Dr. Long to HANNUT 22 ------- 115 878 148 RAI Identification No. 21.10.96 terminated According BELGACOM, No. 071/470 243 BALL called 071/655 721 GVF was attributed to: Philippe ZIOLKOWSKI Rue de la Source 12 COUILLET. born 01/02/68, epx DUA Chantal. father of 4 children driller / Gd metal Unknown ------- 115 879 149 RAI Zoller of the BEUGNIES 20/10/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 991 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 10/21/96 0033327395913 com as to FRANCE BALL 00333273959 ditto 071/843 860 NAESSENS Jean-Marie Pl Borneau 18-6230 BRIDGE TO THOSE ------- 115 880 150 RAI Zoller of GVF FAX 20/10/96 10/21/96 071/668 055 r GUIOT Claude de France PHILIPPEVILLE BALL 19 to 059/515 616 TO HOA Ostend ------- 115 881 151 RAI Zoller of the DEBRY 20/10/96 to 21/10/96 WALCOURT 071/655 007 DEBRY Emile 071/561 796 cab road BELGACOM Beaumont MARCHIENNE ------SUMMARY AA'AA 992 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 115 882 152 RAI Zoller of GVF 20/10/96 10/21/96 067/790 379 Jiang Xueming r 87 Ways to GENAPPE BALL 071/650 930 r Tienne ANCIAUX Andr du Moulin LANEFFE 65 081/303 667 GOFFINET Rosalie Av des Acacias 20 ERPENT 082/688 524 BAY Roger Anthe r 35620 MORVILLE ------- 115 883 153 RAI Zoller 18 and 19/10/96 21/10/96 MINET of GSM and GSM VGF home VIAL BALL ------- 115 875 154 003 327 393 110 RAI identification such as IP 10/21/96 FRANCE, it is attributed to: Sylvie Dufour BALL, wife BEUGNIES born 12/11/58 dlie rue du Vieux Camp Turk 107 JEUMONT (NORTH) ------- 115 935 155 RAI zoller BEUGNIES 21.10.96 22.10.96 see the PV BALL ------- 115 936 156 RAI Zoller GVF-fax 21/10/96 22/10/96 04/3883095 TROPIC TILFOIS r Angleur 118 TILF BALL ed must be the

dancing TROPICAL 0033557518770 phone to comm FRANCE ------- 115 937 157 RAI Zoller LOVERVAL 21.10.96 22.10.96 see the PV BALL ------- 115 938 158 RAI Zoller DEBRY of such com 10/21/96 10/22/96 0033557980795 0033556671570 BALL FRANCE to ditto ditto 0033556673111 0033557808850 0033557401823 ditto ditto ditto 0033556090531 0033556599170 0033556220130 ditto ditto ditto 0033557808850 095/206 730 customer MOBISTAR 010/401 634 r cab BELGACOM Fusills 1-1340 OTTIGNIES ------- 115 939 159 RAI Zoller of the GVF 21/10/96 10/22/96 071/599 050 Saline Street HECQ SA LOBBES BALL 17 to 71/362716 Ets 193 NOKERMAN Av Philippeville MARCINELLE such FRANCE 071 0033325293744 com / 501714 HALLET DOUILLET Street Fighters 55-5621 FLORENNES 081/611 035 r DEWILDE Emmanuel Try the Rudes 15-1450 CORTIL NOIRMONT 064/264 534 in LA DILIGENCE LOUVIERE SUMMARY AA'AA 993 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 061/320388 HSU HSUAOLIN r Cuvelier FLORENVILLE 25-6820 056/331 675 r CHEN Guohui of Christ MOUSCRON 27-7700 071/611 014 Mounted WALCOURT 010/476 133 SA LILLY MDD MSG Granbonpr 11-1348 LLN 02/5382892 RYS Catherine Janson r PE 11 1050 XL 02/7054136 PAUL Av Michel SCHAER Rogier 350 1030 02/5227008 SC MC FASHION r Crickx 30-1070 AND 02/6721501 CAMPI Marco Che AUDERG Tervueren 67 1160 02/4791782 Keyen Suzanne r Heymans July 1020 BXL 02/6878675 THIRERT Frdric Lanestraat 111-3090 OVERIJSE 064/848 503 Maugrtout cabin pl 1 7100 LA LOUVIERE 09/3752185 WANG YING Lostraat 15 9880 AALTER ------- 115 942 160 RAI Zoller of the BEUGNIES 10.22.96 10.23.96 see PV BALL ------- 115 943 161 fax GVF of RAI Zoller 22/10/96 23/10/96 to such com 0033325298596 0033556594613 BALL FRANCE ditto 071/344 916 BERNARD BSCA SA ch of 6041 CHARLEROI Fusillis to 04/2460922 LASEB Industries SA BC Energy 25-4432 ALLEUR ------- 115 944 162 RAI Zoller DEBRY of such com 10/22/96 10/23/96 0033474266227 0033546481099 BALL ditto to FRANCE 09/2243018 SA GONDA Afriklaan BOX 40-9000 GENT 065/431 441 XE Xiam PENG r Valenciennes 5 7380 QUIEVRAIN ------- 116 048 163 RAI Zoller of GVF 22/10/96 23/10/96 095/206 730 GSM MOBISTAR BALL 02/5111821 HING LAM PANG r Gezelle 2-1780 WEMMEL 071/460 736 KEUWEZ Georgette r 171 Mills Sart ROUX 6044 to 02/6476529 PALACE INTERNATIONAL SPRL r Mayor 2-1050 XL 087/7772131 CUTE Franoise RGCF SC 010/243 341 WANSART MC / O SCHENK SA Chausse de Tervuren 375-1410 WATERLOO ------- 116 052 164 RAI Zoller (071/47.51.05) DEBRY Michle - 23.10.96. 25.10.96 No appeal BALL. ------- 116 053 165 RAI Zoller (071/65.08.46) BEUGNIES Gerald: 10/23/96. 10/25/96 Leaving BALL: - 077/351 402: Tlfuture. ------- 116 054 166 RAI Zoller (071/650864 (FAX)) of 23/10/96. 10/25/96 Leaving BALL: - 04/343.19.79: MOREAU SA Brothers (X3). SUMMARY AA'AA 994 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

- 071/58.80.12: BBL. (X2) - 071/58.81.70: rue Madame Marcelle LOBET 22, 6500 BEAUMONT. Incoming: - 071/66.85.98: Trustee Blavier. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 055 167 RAI Zoller (071/651 335 ) DEBRY Michle of 10/23/96. 10/25/96 Leaving BALL: - 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edouard (X2). - 056/33.16.75: CHEN GUOOHUI. - 071/21.72.10: Generale Bank. - 071/20.75.00: Generale Bank. 064/26.43.79: YEH CHANG TSING Street Kramis 21-7100 LA LOUVIERE. - 071/25.12.79: RVA. - 075/69.81.36: GSM MINET. - 071/59.90.50: SA HECQ Saline Street 17-6540 LOBBES. - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri (X7). - 064/22.63.70: Restaurant PEPPINO street Kramis 19-7100 LA LOUVIERE. - 071/41.11.63: COENEN Motor. - 071/36.08.26: SPRL GUILLAUME (X3). - 075/27.28.90: GSM GVF (X3) - 04/343.19.79: MOREAU SA Brothers (X2). - 060/31.19.75: Jean Hoeben. - 071/30.93.30: YASAR Selatin rue Turenne 28-6000 CHARLEROI. - 071/65.55.09: Street Harvest Christian discoverer 3-5651 LANEFFE (X3). 087/77.39.29: Restaurant LA MAMMA rue Royale 4-4900 SPA. - 075/60.51.31: GSM. 02/372.01.80 CHI TIEN CHIN 885 Waterloo UCCLE Ch. - 050/42.98.50: SA WOO ME WU 308370 Grote Markt Blankenberghe (X2). - 051/51.06.16: SPRL FORMOSA Esenweg 5-8600 Diksmuide. - 050/41.83.84: XIONG JIE Grote Markt 5-8370 Blankenberghe. - 071/32.25.29: VANDERBRUGGE Jean Pol: Rue de Montigny 16-6000 CHARLEROI. - 071/51.56.16: TO HOA. - 059/51.26.04: THE KING PO YEEUNG Torhoutsestwg 2938400 OSTEND. Incoming: - 064/26.43.79: YEH CHANG TSING - 075/27.28.90: GSM GVF (X3). 071/59.90.54: SA. HECQ. - 071/65.50.07: DEBRY Emile (X2). ABROAD: Outgoing: - 0033140184841-0033553575167 (X2) - 0033247977006-0033326611045 0033556671570-0033556613373 SUMMARY AA'AA 995 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 0033325293744-0033607107191 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 116 051 168 RAI Zoller 071/47.51.05 DEBRY Michle LOVERVAL 22/10/96. BALL 10/25/96 Incoming: 071/65.57.21: GVF (X6) 071/65.08.64: 075/27.28.90 (X4) Outgoing: - 071/65.57.21: GVF ------- 116 160 169 SUMMARY ZOLLER RAI / HISTORICAL APPLICATIONS. BALL 10/25/96 DEV 1 - GSM 075/69.81.36: MINET Joseph. Seek-a new requisi: 11/08/96 to 07/12/96. 2 - Mobil. 017/88.22.00: VIAL Lucien. 3 - GSM 075/27.28.90 of G.V.F. - Seeks new requisi. : History in / out between 12/01/95 and 23/10/96. 4 - 071/47.51.05 DEBRY Michle LOVERVAL. Seeking a requisi. Pousuite of Zoller 11/07/96 at 12/06/96 5 - 071/65.08.46 BEUGNIES Gerard. Solicits requisi. pousuite of Zoller + 12/06/96 11/07/96 to historical I / O 01/04/96 to 10/03/96.

6 - 071/65.13.35: Michle DEBRY Walcourt. Solicits pouruite Zoller until 12/06/96 to 10/03/96 01/04/96 + History. 7 - 071/65.08.64: GVF (French Winegrowers Group) - Seeks further Zoller of 07/11/96 to 12/06/96. 8 - 071/65.57.21: G.V.F - Seeks pousuite Zoller of 07/11/96 to 06/12/96. 9 - 071/41.14.63: COENEN MOTOR. 10 - 071/37.47.32: SILURO E 11 071/41.01.81: MORAN R PAZ SUMMARY AA'AA 996 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - Seek required. History / O from 15/03/96. 12 - 071/48.91.30: COENE Motor. - Seeks a requisite. Historical line from 01.04.96. 13 - 071/65.54.94: MINET Joseph. - Seeks requisi History / O 12 months + 1 Month Zoller. + Request Submission General PROXIMUS / BELGACOM / Identif. No private. + Request Submission MOBISTAR rsgmt if GSM Tienne Mill Street address 71 WALCOURT LANEFFE for the various stakeholders. ------- 116 122 170 RAI Mandates Request Exception. 10/25/96 PIRARD DEV Suite No. Chgement files and JI - Yours VIAL Lucien Moulin 71 rue WALCOURT. - SCRL GVF. (Same address) - Restaurant Philippeville Ch 79 LOVERVAL. - Serge COENEN Centennial Av 301-6061 CHARLEROI. - MOTOR GARAGE COENEN SPRL (same address). - Ricardo MORAN PAZ Pirotia street 51/1 6060 CHARLEROI. - MORAN PAZ Pedro Providence Street 11/2 6040 CHARLEROI - Submission bank VIAL MORAN PAZ Pedro and Ricardo. + NEW: - BEUGNIES Grard (even adre that Lucien VIAL) - MINET Joseph (Joseph MINET same address). - WareHouse VIAL way to WALCOURT Fontaine Lagace. - Caf de la Valle 4-6200 CHATELINEAU. ------- 116 056 171 RAI Zoller 071/65.57.21 - GVF of 23/10/96. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edward. - 067/77.16.78: FISETTE Pascal High Street 13-1473 GLABAIS. - 04/341.39.79: MOREAU Brothers. 04/341.17.99: 071/30.25.26: SA CONCORDE Belgium. - 071/34.58.13: BSCA - Mr. BERNARD. 04/264.26.76: SCHILLINGS Pierre - 071/47.14.75: ESSO 6010 COUILLET. - 095/20.67.30: GSM network Mobistar. - 012/23.04.85: SPRL DIPRODEF. (X2) - 067/56.04.96: ORIENTAL JADE - 04/351.84.08: YILPAZ Kenan - 071/41.14.63: COENEN MOTOR. - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri (X2) - 071/37.22.05: XIANG Peihua. - 060/45.56.98: MANNOY Alexander. SUMMARY AA'AA 997 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

- 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F. (X4). - 012/23.57.26: Cabin BELGACOM Grote Markt 012/23.15.84 3700: TONGRES. (6X between 1839 and 1918 hr) - 064/28.46.07: SANTORO SPRL Rue Belle Vue 189-7100 LA LOUVIERE. - 081/23.06.02: BICH HAU CHU rue Godefroid 15 to NAMUR. - 081/61.17.20: MINAUT Lawrence. Out: - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F (X2). - 071/65.50.07: DEBRY Emile (X2). 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edouard (X2). - 055/31.17.79: VAN WIJMEERSCH Orphel. 02/201.15.73: SA MICRO HARDWARE SCHAERBEEK - 064/26.43.79: YEN CHANG TSING (X2). - 049/03.88.31: Delsinne Sabine (X2). - 053/77.37.46: SPRL DE LANGE MUUR ALOST. (X4). - 016/56.37.76: CHINA GARDEN SPRL AARSCHOT. - 09/228.21.97: SPRL NIEUWSE CHINESE MUUR DESTELBERGEN - 089/38.63.24: LIAN HUNG Shiou to GENK. 03/234.97.42: SA Samoerai in ANTWERP. (X2). - 03/234.31.12: SAI WING LAI in ANTWERP. - 02/725.64.77: JIN YONG GUN (X2). - 04/221.02.82: SPRL Sakuna THAI LIEGE. 012/23.10.06: SGB TONGRES. - 04/220.41.11: SGB LIEGE. - 075/69.28.56: GSM to identify. - 081/61.17.20: MINAUT Laurent (X2). - 060/31.19.75: Jean Hoeben. - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri. - 02/569.69.10: LEMAIRE Emiel Herdebeekstraat 42-1701 ITTERBEEK. (X2) - 060/31.10.26: VANDEWEYER Mauritius. - 050/41.65.01: IP MING JUEN to BLANKENBERGE. - 02/460.81.32: SPRL NASHIBEL WEMMEL to 1780. - 050/60.26.21: CHEN Changxia (X2). - 09/220.17.52: SPRL CHINAL Paleis GHENT. - 059/33.24.18: SPRL LI GARDEN 8450 to BREDENNE - 050/62.36.88: YANG DINASTY SPRL (X2). - 059/33.10.16: WAN YAO CHUAN to BREDENNE. - 03/232.47.08: THE SINGAPOURA. - 03/669.52.52: NEW CITY to WUUSTWEZEL. ------- 116 162 172 RAI Zoller 071/47.51.05: Michle DEBRY LOVERVAL of 26/10/96 10/24/96. BALL Incoming: - 071/47.27.68: SPRL TCZ Blacksmith Street 20, 600 S. MARCINELLE - 071/46.07.36: Georgette KEUWEZ Sart Mill Street 1716044 ROUX. ------- 116 163 173 RAI Zoller 071/47.51.05: Michle DEBRY LOVERVAL of 26/10/96 25/10/96. Outgoing BALL: - 071/52.19.20: BLONDIAU Pierre. - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F. SUMMARY AA'AA 998 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 116 057 174 RAI Zoller of 19-21-22 and 23/10/96: 075/69.81.36: 26/10/96 MINET Joseph. BALL Incoming: - 071/65.13.35: DEBRY WALCOURT (X4) from 10/21/96 MINET is in France. (Gsm) - 075/27.28.90: GSM GVF (X2) - 075/82.98.58: COENEN MOTOR. 085/84.32.73: Restaurant on St DRAGON ANDENNE. ------- 116 164 175 RAI Zoller of 24/10/96: 071/65.08.46: BEUGNIES Gerald. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 071/65.13.35: GVF 075/27.28.90: Outgoing: - O77/35.14.02: Tlfuture (pink line Homosexual). 071/46.36.45: Melissen Charles. ------- 116 165 176 RAI Zoller of 10/25/96 - 071/65.08.46: BEUGNIES Gerald. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 071/65.13.35: DEBRY wife VIAL. 071/31.37.04: SHANGHAI street Dampremy 9 CHARLEROI. Out: - 071/65.57.21: G.V.F. - 075/47.94.51: SPRL APOLLO. ------- 116 166 177 RAI Zoller OF 24/10/96 - DEBRY Michle - 071/65.13.35. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 075/27.28.90: GSM OF GVF. - 071/65.50.07: Emile DEBRY. (X2). - 010/45.33.90: Cabin 36 rue de rocaille

LOUVAIN THE NEW. (X2). Out: - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri (X4). - 071/65.50.07: DEBRY Emile (X4). - 060/31.19.75: Jean Hoeben (X2). - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F. (X5). 071/25.12.79: Governance airways. - 071/41.14.63: MOTOR COENEN (X2). - 071/58.99.83: Pizzeria MARIA. - 02/653.92.58: SA COIRBOIS (X4). - 064/22.63.70: Restaurant PEPPINO. 071/38.52.54: SCHILLACI Laura Rue du Commerce 10 CHATELET. - 061/21.67.30: CHAN CHI KONG. - 071/21.72.10: Generale Bank. - 071/31.64.27: DELSINE Sabine (X2). 049/03.88.31: Sabine DELSINE Semaphone. - 017/44.75.40: Mobiliophone. (X4). 02/647.36.36: LE CHAT GOURMAND to IXELLES. SUMMARY AA'AA 999 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 075/82.59.60: GSM to identify. - 060/31.32.42: DACOSTA Amdo. - 071/41.93.03: Ajro Mahamadi c. of Lodelinsart 191-6060 GILLY. - 087/77.21.31: SPRL AS TO ROBERT. 087/77.21.31: S.C. RGCF. - 064/22.29.45: CHEN TM. - 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edward. 095/30.07.16: Client MOBISTAR. Abroad: - 0033553575167: Help Center for Labor to Bergerac - FRANCE. - 0033556613373: - 0033609687985: ------- 116 167 178 RAI Zoller of GVF 24/10/96 27/10/96 087/777859 CUTE Franoise r Deleau 57 4900 SPA BALL 04/3624877 NOLS Dr. Raymond Liege JUPILLE 88 075/471 199 GSM to identify 064/226 370 BENELUX SA NORAUTO Parmentier r 128 THE LOUVIERE 7100 064/221 350 r SPRL LE VENDOME Act 7100 LA LOUVIERE 3 095/300 716 GSM MOBISTAR 04/2342834 SA-RE-AN DI Che Roosevelt 4540 AMAY 7 095/206 730 GSM MOBISTAR 060/346 454 HANSA Jacques residence Kennedy Gonrieux 9 5660 071/477 227 800 Gregory Tonnon Av Mascaux 6001 MARCINELLE 04/2481844 SPARROW Mauritius Laixheau 4040 HERSTAL 25 071/611 813 POLICE WALCOURT 010/453 390 r cab of the Rocaille 36 1348 LLN 075/825 960 GSM 067/220 626 SA CMO Chee Mons 16 1400 NIVELLES ------- 116 168 179 FAX GVF of RAI Zoller 24/10/96 27/10/96 064/262 417 Cacciapaglia Brigitte r Baume 273 7100 THE BALL LOUVIERE 0033325385845 com to FRANCE 064/284 607 r SPRL SANTORO Belle View 189 7100 LA LOUVIERE 015/421 502 SA DIFF r Regenboog January 2800 MECHELEN ------- 116 169 180 RAI 02/35111248 Chee SCHENK SA de Tervueren 375 1410 WATERLOO BALL 27/10/96 064/216 072 r THE GUITAR Temple 7100 LA LOUVIERE 16 087/18 474 489 4845 LOUIS Priesville JALHAY 064 / 216,075 POURBAIX Chantale r the Malogne 1 7100 LA LOUVIERE ------- 116 170 181 RAI zoller DEBRY to the WALCOURT 10/25/96 10/27/96 071/420 975 SA Technomat CHARLEROI Grand Rue 160 6000 BALL CHARLEROI 071/614 967 HADJIANTONIOU A Grand Place WALCOURT 37 071/666 686 POD S r Father Heugens 51 5600 PHILIPPEVILLE 067/560 496 SC Jade Etienne D'Orient r 6 7090 BRAINE COUNTY 02/6606206 Troung DOG LONG Chee de Wavre 1240 1160 Audergem 071/309 409 ROLAND J Adriatic r 7 6020 Namur DAMPREMY SUMMARY AA'AA 1,000 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

02/2195227 SPRL CATHAY r Gretry BXL 64 1000 081/302 799 VILLA MOSANNE Av Bourgm Materne 5100 NAMUR 85 064/848 039 16 THE GUITAR Pl Mansart 7100 LA LOUVIERE ------- 116 171 182 RAI Zoller of GVF 25/10/96 27/10/96 084/412 257 MARANDINI VIctor path Socret 8 BALL 6980 ROCK ROMANIA to such com 004065470749 02/5321645 SPRL WILLIAM BEECKMAN Brusselsestraat 96b 1750 ST MART LENN 04/3882926 EL PARAISO r Angleur ESNEUX 118 4130 04/2212998 MODUGNO Andrea Wharf Goffe LG 3 4000 04/2233230 JASON private club in Isle St Jean r 9 4000 LG 04/2472888 PINK FLAG Chee King Albert 28 YEARS 4432 004 065 470 749 004 065 411 310 ROMANIA such com ditto 095/300 716 MOBISTAR GSM 063/233 263 AC restaurant ARLON ARLON Highway 071/213 872 Ets Delgoffe FRERES r Marchais WALCOURT 4 5651 087/474 489 LUIS A r Priesville JALHAY 10 4845 071/216 712 LENGELEZ C r Logis green HAM ON TIME 6120 24 081/230 946 BAMBOO GARDEN Av Albert 1er 131 5000 NAMUR 0033609687985 0033148558523 ditto com such FRANCE ------- 116 172 183 FAX GVF of RAI Zoller 26/10/96 27/10/96 065/885 764 WILLOCQ Dr. Jean-Pierre Quaregnon 26 7012 MONS BALL ------- 116 173 184 RAI Zoller's house LOVERVAL 26/10/96 27/10/96 071/541973 manure heap Destree 111 R Street J 6150 ANDERLUES BALL 02/7515225 180 DUFOUR PF Timmermanslaan MACHELEN 1831 071/354 323 FOUNDRY JACQUET Dr. Roux 7a 6041 CHARLEROI ------- 116 174 185 RAI Zoller of BEUGNIES 27/10/96 26/10/96 to see PV BALL ------- 116 175 186 RAI Zoller of the DEBRY VIAL 26/10/96 10/27/96 071/655 388 EUGENE M r de Charleroi 109 5650 WALCOURT BALL 082/713 675 r HU Zhimin Bouillon 49 5570 BEAURAING ------- 116 176 187 RAI Zoller of the GVF 26/10/96 27/10/96 083/216699 LIAN SHAN LAI LAI LIN r 127 Trade BALL 5590 CINEY to 061/320 388 r G Great Wall Cuvelliers 25 6820 FLORENVILLE 071/593 665 R LEMOINE 6530 36 Av Buisseret THUIN 071/512 980 J r KACZMARCZYK Dewberry 25b 6110 MONTIGNY THE LIME ------- 116 177 188 RAI Zoller GSM MINET 23 and 24/10/96 28/10/96 085/843 273 THE ST DRAGON BALL ANDENNE It should be noted that GSM was in FRANCE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,001 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------116 370 29/10 BALL 189 Study RAI spending BEUGNIES with VISA Between June 91 and September 96 th & Map linked to acct BBL 360-0293924-20 Many retriats cash withdrawals for total 1268735-bef He uses his VISA card as a BANCONTACT but he costs more Many Chinese restaurants especially 116 375 31/10 BALL 190 Submission BELGACOM Caller ID on 0800/97779 on 08.25.90 between 09.00 and 12.30 116 598 06/11 BALL

Sending 191 indictments BELGACOM PROXIMUS MOBISTAR requested by PV-116160 Request for MINET indictment of Joseph 071/65.54.94 = 01/04/96 to 05/11/96 Request for indictment 075/27.28.90 GVF = 01/06 / 96 23/10/96 116 603 07/11 BALL 192 Further information following death of Pascal Meunier Suite 114 705 PV Laurence Bruggeman raped on 21/05/89 DI GIORGIO She heard that he was going to kill Paolo PASCAL MEUNIER 23/05/89 The Pascal recognizes the authors of Photo 04/06 / 89 MEUNIER died of overdose - and doss CH.32.07.11984/89 CH.30.43.3314/89 - PR Backeland A medical certificate attesting 07.06.96 examined by the family doctor who has identified bruises on the head When deaths there was no autopsy and external examination only samples = trace morphine There were photos that were not developed Pathologist = dct BAUTHIER BAUTHIER said that the beating was increased after the deaths MEUNIER Parents have elements to bring Request for Records Request for withdrawal apostille photo young Chinese Registry of Dinant (90/664) 116 825 11/11 BALL 193 HEARING of Andr Meunier (11/18/34) PASCAL tasks has always lived with his parents Military Service Ardennes Hunters PASCAL spent several months in the U.S. in 1985 with Maureen Colyns Colyns met DiGiorgio Quintino (known as PAOLO) BELGIUM DiGiorgio has Colyns stolen his papers and had to give her advances to retrieve PASCAL did not react when he learned in 1989 PASCAL met Laurence Bruggeman VIAL DiGiorgio and boarded one day and LAURENCE SYLVIE force in their car PASCAL stepped in and was threatened - He noted the vehicle placard and filed a complaint with the BSR and LAURENCE CHARLEROI SYLVIE were raped DEW During his hearing PASCAL formally recognized authors PASCAL was addicted but it more drugged - treated BRICKMANNE dct (Temgesic) The DI PRIMO 03/06/89 Franoise, his mother, his brother and fiancee of it went home to look PASCAL 23.00 They went dancing "THE JIMMY'S" PASCAL commissioned the first round and someone came to ask her out He never returned and was found dead 28 meters from the entrance of dancing the next day at 15.00 parents learned of death of PASCAL When a father saw the body he noticed a large bruise on the forehead and trace the gorges and a trace of shot in the lower abdomen The family doctor examined before closing the coffin Delivering a copy of the certificate = death due to strokes sweater Presentation of PASCAL was the day of deaths - never washed When PASCAL was found wearing a neck scarf he had not when he left the scarf was not given to the father PASCAL was seen staggering Street Marchienne by the doorman of Blitz Unlikely PASCAL has abandoned his friends His friends contacted the police but did not call to parents whether PASCAL was returned A few days after the deaths of PASCAL a lady was found dead and cut in bags CHARLEROI - no direct link between this death and PASCAL In 08/96 SYLVIE mother wanted to make a dposision against VIAL and DiGiorgio. She documents PASCAL's father has not accompanied DiGiorgio would have lived near the dancing JIMMY'S Photos PASCAL attachments 116 826 11/11 BALL 194 Request for Submission apostille derquisitoire deposit sweater PASCAL MEUNIER the

NCIC list and DiGiorgio VIAL visitors to the prison DINANT Submission to know that their canteen approvionnait Request Request PASCAL autopsy photos taken during development the discovery of the body by the lab findings PJ CHARLEROI Reminder police Charleroi on shots 116 354 14/11 PIRARD 195 INFORMATIO N ON VIAL Lucien info on VIAL HOUYOUX Importer of exclussif BEUJOLAIS for NEW BELGIUM (??) This leads to various authorities relationsavec Generally it is present at Mlnagers Arts of Charleroi but not this year VIAL would intend to cease its activities in Belgium and not practice his profession in FRANCE 116 833 14/11 BALL Sending 196 indictments BELGACOM - PROXIMUS For lines and 071/65.54.94 075/27.28.90 117 325 23/11 BALL 197 Taking knowledge to NAMUR file VIAL VIAL is presented as someone immoral Many sex crimes (rape, indecent assault) of girls aged 15-16 VIAL = AUVELAIS of psychiatric treatment at 27/06/91 19/09/91 117717 BALL 28/11/96 198 REVIEW FILE Pascal Meunier Review of two cases emanating from CHARLEROI PV 117326 PR GOODS addressed for instruction on examination of the sweater and possible autopsy Photos MEUNIER on his deathbed REPORT 30/08/96 BSR CHARL WANT 199 In the mid CONTACT INFO carolo it is known that VIAL attended NIHOUL They were seen together at CARRE BLANC It is known that pays VIAL 50-60000 for girls 117539 12/05/96 PIRARD 200 INFORMATIO N ON NEW LIVING WITH VIAL Since 02/10/96 the Karamoko named Idrissa (19/08/65) is domiciled Tienne Mill Street 71 / C 5651 WALCOURT Karamoko wine broker is - he is married to Catherine BIGIER A FRANCE IP request was made on behalf of these two 118217 12/05/96 HASTIR 201 REVIEW OF RECORDS PUNITIVE VIAL (Charleroi) Five instructions grouped in a folder General CH.37.43.2294/86 CH.38.91.2074/84 = DI.38.30.1505/84 = BLONDIAUX Nathalie CH.37.43.2294/86 = Catherine LEGRAIN SUMMARY AA'AA 1,003

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon CH.37.91.2866/86 = TO.37.10.04085/86 = DETOURNAY Patricia CH.37.16.770/86 = RIEGER Daphne Sentenced 24/10/89 to file only RIEGER: 02 years suspended for exceeding the preventive (16/12/86 to 02/13/87) Other issues: CH.37.43.2612/83 = 318/83 = JI LACROIX CAUWE Patricia RAPE ATTEMPT = ON VIOLENCE WITH MAJOR nonplace = 23/09/83 insufficient for charges CAUWE know VIAL via Gambirasio Sergio - it seeks the work as representative Rdv coffee then dinner at the PRESIDENT COLOMBIERE After the meal VIAL brought into a room saying that it is a living to make a contract in the room he tried to rape her but she s is discussed and finally was able to escape VIAL calmed down and took her home VIAL The threatened retaliation through bourgemestre VAN CAUWENBERGH According VIAL she was willing from the outset in exchange for work and 10000-bef but he realized that she was in the room and simply set a blowjob Having been unable to get the desired report he took over the 10,000-Bef revenge and she complained VIAL regularly enjoys the bedroom where he goes with differents CAROLE Some women have been raped by VIAL but would have been paid to keep quiet certifies that a medical examination has CAUWE bruises - VIAL claims to have seen his tracks when he reports that 'they had maintained VIAL room key on his keychain CH.37.91.2074/84 = BLONDIAUX Nathalie VIAL meeting BLONDIAUX to Charlequint (coffee MEUNIER) VIAL looks like film producer and invited to visit the studios BLONDIAUX With him she bathes naked in the pool After the departure of MEUNIER which would his friend at the time she is left alone with Vial Vial made BLONDIAUX naked photos - she saw the photos VIAL exchange release regarding the reason for the BLONDIAUX accompanied VIAL acknowledges that he showed to friends porn pictures acquired in PARIS Catherine CH.37.43.2294/86 = LEGRAIN Following a road accident and DI GIORGIO VIAL LEGRAIN meeting and invite him to take a drink. They go to different schools until 02.00 am LEGRAIN dare not returned home and asked him to stay VIAL alone in his bachelor Street Desandrouins 07 CHERLEROI On site after the departure of DI GIORGIO he attempts to have relationships sex with her but she refuses he strikes and violeDI GIORGIO said to be stayed and that the relationship was consensual VIAL says giving 10,000 in-bef LEGRAIN to have relations with her she is left naked and stroking is left but to refuse sex with him the night booking DI GIORGIO VIAL left the scene while DI GIORGIO and she caressed blows LEGRAIN door could come from the accident is established that she had sexual relationship is seized a bottle of champagne and three glasses in the impressions without bachelor and DI GIORGIO LEGRAIN A boss coffee and visited reported that LEGRAIN DI GIORGIO seemed in love and it is known that DI GIORGIO serves reel for the tenant VIAL official Bachelor When Catherine is PIRSON the keys by VIAL, PIRSON noted the presence of woman panties full of blood, tampax and bags of rubbish SUMMARY AA'AA 1,004 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RIEGER = CH.37.16.770/86 Daphne VANESSE Josinne RIEGER would have forced her daughter Daphne have sex with VIAL (rumor) VIAL meeting VANESSE Pietrantonio and

Diana dancing to "THE PALACE" Later he meets the girl of VANESSE It Pietrantonio know he wants to have sex with RIEGER RIEGER He promises to 30000, 30000 to VANESSE and a sum not defined Pietrantonio VIAL takes care of three women and visited several restaurants and cafes where RIEGER drinking alcohol In the evening he rented two rooms in a hotel MAUBEUGE ago and touching between VIAL RIETGER and blowjob - VIAL tries to deflower but failed and fled RIEGER in his mother's room Finally he pays 15,000-bef instead of 60,000 promised because it could not spoil the preventive VIAL when he was sent his wife to DEBRY Michme Pietrantonio for him to give false testimony Pietrantonio back his statements but is dismissed by investigators and VANESSE VIAL were sentenced to 02 years in prison with a suspended RIEGER initially accused his father of having had sex with her but ended by saying that the statement was orchestrated by his mother CH.37.91.2866/86 = DE TOURNAY Patricia VIAL.propose employment attractive to TOURNAY OF IT prompt the restaurant (a client) and then they go out together, which ends at the Hotel Mridien where he tries to violating OF TOURNAY made a nervous breakdown which discourages VIAL VIAL OF TOURNAY says was consensual from the start she was ready to have sex but wanted first-bef 65,000 and an employment contract DE TOURNAY was very shocked 117982 BALL 12/06/96 202 REQUEST for hearing APOSTILLE GUNGOR 118377 12/14/96 PIRARD 203 FAX IP Karamoko FRANCE FRANCE Idrissa is known for acts of violence in 1993 118480 12/14/96 RACE 204 RELATIONS VIAL - PERIODS OF DETENTION VIAL and held together DUTROUX 16/12/86 to 01/07/87 01/27/87 to 13/02/87 05/22/89 to 24/05/89 JAMIOULX always VIAL and held together RAEMAEKERS St) 18/06/91 to 24/06/91 from GILLES During the p ^ eriod detention DUTROUX (02/04/86 to 08/23/91) VIAL was seen with DI GIORGIO road Philippeville 118481 12/14/96 RACE RELATIONS 205-VIAL VIAL RAEMAEKERS and RAEMAEKERS were held in St Gillescontiguous cells During his appearances RAEM said he did not know VIAL 118482 17/12/96 RACE RELATIONS 206-VIAL VIAL DUTROUX and DUTROUX JAMIOULX were held in cells adjoining courtyard They all 118730 BALL 12/20/96 PR CONTACT CHARLEROI Suite 207 PV 117326 What about the parents received pull Pascal Meunier The pathologist saw the pictures taken at the deaths - it maintains its opinion on the causes of deaths The doctor must submit a report

SUMMARY AA'AA 1,005 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Pending decision on this sweater sweater traces of ash indicating he may have been dragged 118218 23/12/96 MERJEAI 208 of FREQUENTAT ION VIAL An informant reported CHARLEROI BSR is known in the local community that regularly attended VIAL NIHOUL They were seen together at CARRE BLANC 118483 23/12/96 MERJEAI 209 on VANWYMEERSCH Orphel INFORMATION (6/16/26) Associate VIAL in SC GVF info Gd OUDENAARDE It is a wine merchant and regularly drunk It circulates JAGUAR He has not been seen since 09/96 while lies 100 meters from the brigade There are daily contact tel VIAL between Via and VANWYMEERSCH DIV it has one registered ROVER 420 FG-319 119209 23/12/96 PIRARD 210 HEARING GUNGOR of Aytekin The Arab girl abused by VIAL and has a tattoo near the pubis: AICHA opu AYSSUN the area GILLY It is still under the influence of VIAL She is married and her husband ignores any talk if she was VIAL Discretion assured and worried if he could for her husband to contact her via her brother Another victim would agree to speak so was worried VIAL (ISABELLE) GUNGOR wish to contact them personally 100522 09/01/97 PIRARD IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS TIONS 211 TEL. ROMANIA 40-64-133867 = LUCA Adrian VIAL invited his daughter MARIA DANA-but the parents refused DACIA FELIX 40-64-316410 4064-432666 Bank = SA = INDUSTRIA SARMEI VIAL contacted NAGY Vasilica 40-64 - Liviu Dragoste = 311218 MARIANNA His daughter accompanied VIAL BELGIUM SA = 40-64432118 40-64-311780 STICLA = COSTIN Ioan - housed VIAL ROMANIA DIANA and SEBASTIEN His children were hosted by BELGIUM VIAL 40-64 - 432147 = IMPORT EXPORT SRL COM.IMPEX = COSTIN 40-64-312863 = PIPER Iacob - do not know VIAL 40-64-432242 40-69-210487 TRANSILVANIATURISM = SA = COMPANY SRL GABI-Tourism transportation GERMANY 40-69 -242142 = irimie Gabriela - do not know VIAL 40-12-102803 40-12102970 = BELGIUM = Embassy of Belgium Embassy Hotel INTERCONTINENTAL 40-16299774 40-13-121017 = CIOBANU = FRANCE VIAL intercepted on 07.31.95 with Romanian prostitutes including a minor: CRITEA Marcela (13/01/75) - Dragoste Daniela (09/08/78) and HRINISAN Aurora (20/09/74) Transit through the GERMANY Contacts between VIAL VIAL and Dragoste and between a company and transport to GERMANY 12/10/96 VIAL phone at docteut COSTIN to 14.38 and 14.47 to Panoussis Spiro phone it is known as Panoussis pimp in the northern district of Brussels COSTIN domiciled in the same street as Dragoste

100.231 07/01/97 212 INFO SHEET ANALYSIS OF VIAL Call on anonymous 19/08/96 - 39 sheet SUMMARY AA'AA 1,006 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon UGLY VIAL back girls 16-17 years of ROMANIA CZECHOSLOVAKIA and place them in bars He stopped this activity 7-8 months earlier Confirmed by the arrest of three Romanian and VIAL FRANCE He brought in a truck and they engaged in prostitution note: this inquiry may trele reason why he stopped this activity 21.1.97 150 054 213 RACE ANALYSIS DF VAN WYMEERSCH Orphel He ceased business since 31/12/86 Since its only income is a pension 204 107 266 838-bef 1990-bef 1994 No other income 150 055 214 21/01/97 DIRTY SHEET ANALYSIS 0800 Letter No. 1695 Anonymous 08/27/96 + info sheet 1695 VIAL back and hosts girls staying illegally VIAL fact perform work in its buildings by illegal envelope postmarked in 6000 CHARLEROI X 28.8.96 Entering and filing in the Registry of Neufchteau the letter and its envelope VILAIN 150,057 01/17/97 215 RAI DI GIORGIO RESEARCH Quintino (14/09/60) Reported to BCS for 05 years for RAPE He lived in concubinage with Frerotte Franoise (9/11/68) He left MARCINELLE to address it late 1993 said he would live with her mother CHATELET Licensee's last known employment in 06/93 (FRAIPONT BVBA) He was recently seen at the mall MARCINELLE CITY 2 which works Frerotte (at CARTERIE) Patrols Police are oriented DI GIORGIO Frerotte currently lives with someone else It appears aups any official body or energy supplier ... Demand for bank circular CPTES identification and movements 150 061 216 10/02/97 RAI NAUGHTY INFORMATION: Reporting DI GIORGIO Wording BCS 194.005/95 SCHENGEN Not reported 150 081 217 Robinski 12/02/97 RAI RESPONSE BUCHAREST Idenditification IP phones 0040 - Radu Ciobanu = and Laura Criustina 0040- COSTIN = Sebastian = VIAL friend and contact CIOBANU 0040- = Corla ioan 0040- ROMFERCHIM LUDUS SRL SC = 0040-. = same company boss = Nemes Sorin 0040- = Agricultural Bank of LUDUS 0040-65.47.049 = Postal Office LUDUS MURESAN Theodor housed in VIAL - He is a shareholder of the company VIAL (GVF) NEMES used the phone VIAL called for in ROMANIA 150145 02/10/97 clipped 218 JUNCTION RAI PHOTOS folder FINET 150274 02/11/97 VILAIN 219 RAI indictment BANK account safe Identification card on behalf of DI GIORGIO Quintino 150083 02/19/97 Robinski RAI 220 COMMISSION REQUEST REQUEST Suite PV 1.103/96 PJ DINANT to hearing from circonstancire BLONDIAUX Nathalie (victim in 1982)

150338 02/19/97 HASTIR RAI 221 REQUEST CRI PV FRANCE Suite 114 698 Request for obtaining the Tribunal de Grande Instance de LYON a copy of the file SUMMARY AA'AA 1,007 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon pnal VIAL charge after his arrest with 03 Romanian 01 which were minor VIAL document management emanating from WALCOURT VIAL wanted to open a restaurant with a dozen Romanian 150084 21/02/97 Robinski 222 RESPONSE RAI IP BUCHAREST Dates input and output VIAL ROMANIA 17-21/05/93 1125/09/93 20-29/01/94 19-23/06/94 11-20/09 / Passage 94 01-13/12/94 border BORS MURESAN is not known ROMANIA Passage with DYL-863 = VERHEYDEN Paul BVBA = VERHEYDEN Joris (11/22/68) Passage with SMX-693 = not assigned BELGIUM Passage JHX-693 with the 20/01/94 while the vehicle is not registered officially from 03/05/95 150341 02/24/97 VILAIN RAI 223 FILE VAT VAT 438985871 GVF SC - RC 37981 DINANT Incorporated on 21/09/89 Principal Shareholder DEBRY Michle = (800/1000 shares) Customers in FRANCE and LUXEMBOURG There seems to deliveries in black some restaurants irregular Import: no transport document or greater quantity irregular imports found during roadside inspections in the presence of VIAL - Beugnies - HENRARD (Gd) 150343 25/02/97 VILAIN INFORMATION on RAI 224 HENRARD Jacques (Gd) - Ctrl Customs HENRARD was checked by customs while driving a vehicle and GVF (February CITROEN-620) he worked for GVF Control 19/03/93 at 13.25 hours PERUWELZ HENRARD said he was traveling on behalf of his employer GVF was carrying wine bottles for various restaurants Recall the request of PV 115.234/96 150431 25/02/97 MERJEAI 225 RAI INFORMATION: NOTES VIAL VIAL and DI GIORGIO: KO.11.60.683/87/E TN.47.86.205125/92 TN.37.10.4085/86 CH.37.91.2866/86 NA.370.980.000540/91 NA . 370.012.100921/91 NA.380.012.100285/91 NA.810.009.200662/88 BR.38.11.46/88 CH.17.95.1170/93 CH.38.91.833/91 CH.37.16.770/86 CH. 37.91.2866/86 TN.37.10.4085/86 CH.37.43.2295/86 CH.38.91.2074/84 DI.38.30.1501/84 CH.37.43.2612/83 CH.45.50.1589/88 BG .45.18.3963/87 DI.37.26.100330/89 DI.37.26.100324/89 DI.37.18.100426/89 DI GIORGIO

SUMMARY AA'AA 1,008 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NA.38.12.100285/91 CH.20.07.29959/94 CH.12.95.2562/92 CH.37.69.2101/91 CH.65.91.3743/90 CH.65.07.22744/90 CH.60.43.7705/89 CH .20.46.567/87 150666 03/11/97 VILAIN RAI 226 STATE FEE 640-Bef 02 for 151045 01/04/97 VILAIN RAI 227 CONTACT Chefneux - IDENTIFICATION FLORENCE Supervisory Chefneux Genevieve to check for possible contacts with VIAL It lies not in his official address Aunt Christine Charlier reference to the mother of Chefneux: CHARLIER Nicole Calling Chefneux unattended positive prallable She says she been sexually abused by VIAL SIZAIRE It identifies and one of the other victims as Florence ROUSSEAUX VIAL (18/03/71) 151049 10/04/97 VILAIN RAI 228 STATE FEE 729-Bef 02 for 151276 04/11/97 PIRARD RAI 229 TRANSMITTED ARCHIVES Jean-Yves GOFFIN the BSR PHILIPPEVILLE still has archives of old surveys dependent VIAL Copies attached to the PV girls lists known and / or victims VIAL 151152 18/04/97 VILAIN 230 GOLDEN PHEASANT RECOGNITION of RAI with 02 VICTIM CONTACT ROUSSEAUX with Florence Florence ROUSSEAUX confirms the words of Chefneux and confirms that he was the victim of ROUSSEAUX VIAL in 1987 does not make a statement VIAL dependent because she is afraid his entourage is She knew nothing feared for his life and refuse to face VIAL On the advice of Chefneux she eventually accepted a hearing subsequent acts were committed in a hotel room without being notified of where they are or the reason they are brought before the GOLDEN PHEASANT formally recognize that despite some changes have occurred meanwhile 151275 18/04/97 Robinski RAI 231 of KESKESIADIS Konstadinia HEARING (3/27/63) Alleged victim of VIAL She speaks only of a sexual proposition from VIAL but she refused - she was 26 years old and knew VIAL 10 years It is not comfortable during her audition She agrees that VIAL was known to look for girls aged 15-16 She asked to be heard in the absence of her husband she knew why she was right to be heard according to the BSR PHILIPPEVILLE it recognized at the time she was raped by VIAL but refused to file a complaint and even quoting She said she would deny even knowing VIAL VIAL She knew when she was 15 - her mother

worked in a Greek restaurant provided VIAL VIAL wine sometimes spent with her parents At the time he did not happen but she was never alone with him she was married at age 19 and has not seen VIAL by chance at a restaurant In 89 until 1989 he made proposals she rejected He offered trips to PARIS and work for him SUMMARY AA'AA 1,009 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon It is known that pays to have relations with young girls-problems 150824 03/18/97 PIRARD 232 RAI INFORMATION VICTIMS VIAL Contact GOFFIN the BSR PHILIPPEVILLE He was struck by the resemblance between VIAL and NIHOUL Some charges against NIHOUL may have been committed by VIAL Among its archives of the time he has known and girls lists / VIAL or victims have been identified and some have not responded to invitations and others have never been identified Cocriamont Emmanuelle (09/13/69) Geraldine DELFORGE (10/05/72) Chefneux Genevieve (27 / 09/71) KESKESIADIS Konstadinia (3/27/63) Zaina AJAKANE (02/04/66) AJAKANE could be spoken of Moroccan GUNGOR (PV 119.209/96) 150802 21/03/97 VILAIN 233 of RAI HEARING BLONDIAUX Nathalie (05/02/67) During his appearances in 1984 for the facts she had not told the whole truth Influenced by reason of his age (16) and the presence of his mother and the appearance of the little conviction investigators and their links with apparant VIAL in character Porn Pictures were taken and exposed the facts lead to a reclassification of attempted rape ATTACK WITH VIOLENCE THE MODESTY AND THREATS She knows NIHOUL She knew and VIAL NIHOUL to snack NIC-NAC where she worked Rogier It confirms that NIHOUL VIAL and know only his deceased mother was aware of the facts NIHOUL Since she saw on TV she has relationship problems with his LERUTH partner Maurice During the confrontation with Daniel VIAL MEUNIER and they have both denied that the connaissaien She meets VIAL the 1707/83 coffee THE CHARLES QUINT DINANT to boss him this was said VIAL producer of commercials They went to SAX where they were joined by Daniel Meunier (future boyfriend BLONDIAUX) She noticed that VIAL MEUNIER and knew each other and had come together in the car VIAL MEUNIER operated in the CHARLEMAGNE CHARLEROI MEUNIER proposed to go home Many customers came and offered him MEUNIER accompany VIAL his home to wait He offered to swim in the pool because it was hot She is bathed in panties and She called support his friend from time to delay their appointment hangs up the phone after she was pushed against a wall by VIAL who was naked with his erect penis He dropped his pants and rubbed his cock against his and has but without penetration MEUNIER caressed arrived and was dropped VIAL She did not scream or cry - she was enraged MEUNIER not realized anything - she did not say anything They bathed three After she tried to explain to MEUNIER but he did not believe the MEUNIER took her home via another cafe where he

met a certain ALBERT Between 88-89 she attended the snack NIC-NAC Rogier NIHOUL Y was a client regular spring 89 and she saw VIAL NIHOUL ainsiq ue two men together snack SUMMARY AA'AA 1,010 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Snack operated by Viviane HOSTERMANS This VIAL that had attracted his attention while she was in the pool at VIAL he took at least one photo she had not noticed this - not porn photo to his knowledge - not threats 150831 04/17/97 MERJEAI RAI 234 HEARING ROUSSEAUX of Florence (18/03/71) It gives a picture of her 16 years on the photo she wears underwear purchased with money VIAL She comes from a very modest background she had charge of the household and that of his sick grandmother and also occupied himself with his three brothers There was an element of consent in its relations with VIAL VIAL Relations blowjobs = 1-2) never physical or moral from VIAL or photographer she had 15-16 years She thinks she received 10,000 bef-on pictures of VIAL VIAL recognizes and DI GIORGIO said he is not stranger she met VIAL while hitchhiking with CHFNEUX Genevieve They were taken on board a named DIDIER in orange FORD ESCORT They went home with SIZAIRE VIAL - elels were dazzled by the villa and pool villa description VIAL made them drink champagne and talked about the presence of his wife in the house VIAL offered them clothes, driving licenses, jewelery, silver and gave them 5000-bef They were drunk and kissed them VIAL SIZAIRE then brought them back later VIAL would pick them up and brought them to GOLDEN PHEASANT GOLDEN PHEASANT Description VIAL took a room and then went out and came back with a photographer ROUSSEAUX He sent in another room with photogrphe and stayed with Chefneux The photographer took 20 pictures of ROUSSEAUX, first dressed and then naked in bath There was no coercion, only the dream of clothes, jewelry, money, ... She then joined the chamber VIAL who was naked on the bed next to half naked Chefneux She realized they had made love Chefneux never said she was raped in the same trrad More hotel has ROUSSEAUX oral sex on VIAL One day they decided not to review VIAL - he did not oppose it already had full intercourse before knowing VIAL VIAL On pictures it recognizes She never talked to anyone facts sketch of the house and VIAL GOLD PHEASANT 151345 29/04/97 RACE RAI 235 HEARING Cocriamont of Emmanuelle (9/13/69) Past academic and professional Parents separated - drinking mother - mother died in 1986 - school for her troubles never heard to this day she met SIZAIRE coffee BAHAMAS to CHARLEROI She 's there with Juanita STOCKLEIT She saw a few times SIZAIRE - romantic relationship - no relationship promise lasted a few weeks - then she had to have his license SIZAIRE had presented his friend Lucien looked like him LUCIEN NIHOUL proposed to nude photos for calendar - she refused SIZAIRE is not involved in this conversation LUCIEN He was then offered a job as

a waitress in a bar he suggesting qu'elel have large incomes - she refused C ' is SIZAIRE who gave his phone number to LUCIEN SIZAIRE FORD ESCORT XR3 had a red 151 149 236 RAI HEARING Chefneux of Genevieve (09/27/71) SUMMARY AA'AA 1,011 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 4/17/97 NAUGHTY On pictures it recognized VIAL, DI GIORGIO (known as PAOLO outings) Identity of a sheet entry in a previous folder dependent VIAL The facts are a little fuzzy in his mind as 10 years old and has had a serious car accident in the meantime she was willing VIAL was partly so she can not refuse (alcoholic beverages) There were also threats disguised She knows Florence ROUSSEAUX She went with her and BAVARIAN PALACE End Winter Spring 87 they were the two stop They were supported by a red FORD (SIZAIRE) The driver told them about VIAL and pool and offered to visit him and SIZAIRE VIAL description and home VIAL made them drink excessively She remembers having left with bare chest as his girlfriend VIAL their proposed work for him (photo report for advertising for wine) After SIZAIRE brought them back, they have revised VIAL thereafter but had SIZAIRE and fondling her against remuneration (kisses) They were no longer virgins when they met and VIAL VIAL SIZAIRE had promised car and apartment VIAL gave them money to buy sexy underwear she was attracted by the lure of money between them, they were pictures in underwear Another time they were brought by the VIAL GOLDEN PHEASANT They found themselves in a room with a photographer VIAL VIAL and ordered them to undress but they did not do it to them no choice - they were afraid of being abused VIAL undressed and she had to give him a blowjob - he pushed on his head to enhance the movement prevent and stop - she does not know if he was in the ejaculate ROUSSEAUX bathroom with photographer she is not sure of having sex with VIAL think so but had ROUSSEAUX excuse for cystitis avoid She does not know if the pictures were taken while they had relations with VIAL Hotel Description They have not suffered violence but moral constraints VIAL brought them back to BAVARIAN where he had taken it believed to have gone to other occasions GOLDEN PHEASANT (without ROUSSEAUX) but is not sure ROUSSEAUX and jointly decided to terminate their relationship with VIAL Recall facts is painful for her and she wants to see a therapist 151343 24/04/97 VILAIN 237 RAI IDENTIFICATION LECHAT Marylne (11/26/60) Following PV 151.276/97 via Searches RN end 1980 151344 29/04/97 VILAIN IDENTIFICATION RAI 238 MOREAU Vincent (06/01/67) 151.276/97 and 151.343/97 Suite PV Research and RN via BELGACOM 151346 04/30/97 VILAIN

RAI 239 HEARING DELFORGE of Geraldine (10/05/72) Apostille of 3/27/97 (127) Student difficult (reference - brushing - fugues - unexcused absences years doubled, ...) Parents separated because the father had a mistress Relations good with his mother and his father Best difficult relationship with his father from 94 after splitting with his girlfriend Also better relations between father and mother died on 16/03/96 Father Mother died by hanging 28/06/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,012 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 071/81.78.99 was the phone number of his mother during a fugue 88-89 she met on a fair SIZAIRE He approached and spoke and said to be runaways He hosts but can not be long - her parents return from vacation He proposes to go VIAL saying she has what she wants in exchange for some sexual pleasure that she will flee She thought after had his gifts and before the consideration VIAL could receive because he had a leg cast SIZAIRE left and returned with a young - they went 03 CLUB HIT or boyfriend was beaten by the doorman She slept with GERARD JI does not consider useful issued a warrant for the address in this case by Perqui 2SRC to another folder L4099 117 PJ LIEGE LABO 09/01/97 INFORMATION No PV was prepared by the lab following the examination of the vehicle OPEL KADETT GFY-577 1992 100 854 09/01/97 HEARING FREDJUN Danuta (05/04/47) Ex-member ABRASAX where she had cared Manuel Pinheiro girls He wanted to make porn movies He is a photographer and architect He lived Toll-Worries street 110 is near the school and home LOUBNA It could be the MANU ( 075/705.551 GSM) with reference by PJ (PV 38.589/96) Info from GRETA (512.84.64) 100 350 OLD HOSPITAL PLANS 01/10/97 IXELLES Rue 03 Wry Plans not attached to our copy 100186 01/11/97 IDENTIFICATION WITNESS (track GOLF black) Identification of a letter writer Jean VOTER (28/04/84) For GOLF plate may be good but not the 100,555 mark 01/14/97 HISTORICAL STREET OWNERS WERY 03 Since 1990: HIGH SECURITY EQUIPMENT = HADID Toufic A demolition application was introduced HADID agrees excavations - it gives already a key mechanic station Q8 (Derochette) has reported having seen people entering the building by a door to street Wry L4237 T1083/96 NOTE WE JI DOUTRE 15/01/97 Anonymous letter stating that you can refer to the place of detention against 06 million LOUBNA She is alive healthy 100,188 01/15/97 SUMMARY DUTIES made under an apostille from 03/12 / 96 01/15/97 100 189 SUMMARY DUTIES made under an apostille of 100,191 12/03/96 01/16/97 INFORMATION FROM VACCA Marie-Thrse To 20/12/96 she found in her box- the letter-a subway ticket with 'LUBNA small ... aus Morocco! it ignores wholes "" I met AFFADE "VACCA Street Loyalty is 13 JETTE No AFFADE in the houses near VACCA 100 616 100 724 16/01/97 16/01/97 DESIGNALEMENT GENEVOIS Jacques

HEARING HENNAU Liliane already heard: 17.197/92 and Pol XL 114.109/96 Gateway former hospital (street Wry 3) is not locked Derochette Jean know about the door Derochette often drunk and violent Patrick Patrick works toward the street door Wry Patrick has an easy contact with the locals and children Patrick eats in the garage and his father at the apaprtement File photo from the balcony of HENNAU DETENTION OF 16/01/97 101,593 100,192 01/17/97 Patrick Derochette Synthesis of footnotes 100 193 01/17/97 A STUDY DF Derochette Thierry residence WEPION sold in 1994 Revenue = + / 100,194 17/01/97 350.000-bef/an STUDY DF Derochette Patrick Married 15/06/93 FEZOUANE with Malika (13 / 06/58) household income: 600-700.000-bef/an SUMMARY AA'AA 1,021 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Only + / - 100 826 17/01/97 INFORMATION 250.000-bef/an Derochette Thierry: 24.05.89 From the last job he worked for INTRA 28/03/92 100 725 01/18/97 HEARING ELECTROSYS BENAISSA Nabela (17 / 09/78) - Itinerary LOUBNA LOUBNA went to ALDI Goffart Street to Gray Street XL - Rue Wery - Av; Crown - R. Place Blyckaert - Rue Goffart she could take back the streets and Malibrans Kerckx to fall Wry A street garages station Q8 calls always BENAISSA Najat (25/11/81) boujours to tell him when it passes the station: B efore and after the disappearance of LOUBNA Map with route map with route gasket seal 100858 01/20/97 HEARING LEURQUIN Jean-Pierre He puts a note on Soetemans ABRASAX GENEVOIS and had an affair with IAZZAG Dahbia when she worked at the brewery VERSCHUREN He lived with Michle Rousseau who dominated it may be to find favor with ROUSSEAU he requested a perjury LEFEVRE address real LEURQUIN = Bd Lopold II, 25 MOLENBEEK in VERBRUGEN LEURQUIN which is called STONE the mother of GENEVOIS On ABRASAX he wondered whether we know who is actually Irene Grobler and think denquter useful in ANGELI to be GEMBLOUX Soetemans = pedophile acts in the evening at the Palais de Justice in 1992 GENEVOIS had not the money NADIA probably denounces vengeance He attended DOLO ATREBATES and between 84 and 86 were cited as the protector of ALEXANDRE Dolores He thinks GENEVOIS not aware of NIHOUL 100,998 21/01/97 HEARING BEYOND Franoise (ex-concubine Derochette Patrick) Cohabitation in PATRICK 88-89 had problems in their sexual relationships he could not keep an erection long enough to make her come He had an unhappy love affair with a certain KATHY He drank a lot and then violent devanait He wanted to have a child via his mother he even give medication favoring fertilization by saying it was 10,017 PJ contraceptives L4328 BXL THE MEETINGS 23/01/97 19/08/92 PJ: DIANA Diana - Michle Rousseau and Jacques GENEVA (local 113) 20/08/92: IAZZAG Dahbia HEYMANS and Germaine (local 113) Local 113 = 101 009 YOUTH section COLSON Pierre 1/23/97 REQUEST APOSTILLE For hearing FINNE Christian BECKER and Ilse who spoke at a fact of pedophilia and torture committed by Patrick Derochette 101,010 01/24/97 INFORMATION: 2-CONFRONTATION IAZZAG GENEVOIS She was facing 2 times GENEVA (PV 113.413/96) In brief: one confrontation inputs to PJ: no trace of a second One entry the entry 08/20/92 01/24/97 101 011 REQUEST APOSTILLE For the cadastre XL architectural plans and various immeuibles street sewers for former hospital Wry 101,011 01/24/97 REQUEST APOSTILLE

SUMMARY AA'AA 1,022 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Homes and sewer plans for current and former homes Derochette 101,012 24/01/97 HEARING ROIJER Catherine caller ID to no useful element PHOTO UPDATED 01/25/97 101 013 of 101 015 BENAISSA Loubna on 27/01/97 INVESTIGATION SEARCHES by BSR 1994 BSR did not search but had to set up a monitoring station in the fixed local dsaffact within another folder 116,460 01/27/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS found in LABAR-SMOLDERS Nothing useful 101016 29/01/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS found in LEFEVRE Nothing useful OBJECTS 101017 29/01/97 ANALYSIS found in GERREBOS Nothing useful REQUEST 101018 01/30/97 APOSTILLE Derochette was interned from 02/08/84 to 12 / 03/92 Request for the record of social defense Derochette 36AN84 No. 101019 1/30/97 FORMER OWNER SEARCH GOLF BLACK The former owner of Black GOLF Derochette Thierry returned to Spain in early 1996 (OLMO Jos Bernardo ) 101467 31/01/97 STUDY DF Derochette Father Jean PATRICK husband and Marie-Jeanne BALISTAIRE 101,468 on 01/31/97 INFORMATION Derochette Patrick Notes taken by tax inspectors during inspections's son seems a burden rather than He can not help letting his son only 101507 01/02/97 HEARING FINNE Christian Lives in 100 meters at Derochette (Q8) Derochette Patrick is a liar and alcoholic protect When His parents surprised him with a minor PATRICK was close to do anything to get out - he thinks he might even remove his victim not to be taken 101,588 02/03/97 HEARING PISSENS Gustaaf Following his daclaration Anonymous 10/31/96 (PV 114320 ) He maintains that frequented the coffee NIHOUL FORMER V GENEVOIS Submission of a letter and a regulation concerning LOUBNA accounts with Gd and the 3SRC PISSENS IAZZAG are on trial is the owner of the building street street Wery Gray ( FORMER V) IAZZAG (owner) told a customer has left the caf just after the passage of LOUBNA (GENEVA) The client came regularly According to the days before she was sometimes accompanied NIHOUL 101,589 03/02/97 HEARING IAZZAG Dahbia Confirms its statement said PISSENS 05/11/96 What is right for GENEVOIS but wrong for NIHOUL 101,590 03/02/97 CONFRONTATION PISSENS-IAZZAG They maintained their position HEYMANS Germaine was perhaps the passage of this PISSENS 101,592 04/02/97 SURVEY SUMMARY IAZZAG PISSENS-101594 05/02/97 REQUEST APOSTILLE for withdrawal Family folder Folder Derochette 943,187 102,548 02/05/97 ARCHITECTS PLANS buildings and sewer district Throne-GIFTS-Wery-Crown Copy and return plans 101595 06/02/97 RETURN to LABAR and SMOLDERS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,023 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 101596 06/02/97 REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION OF SOCIAL DEFENSE FILE Derochette Patrick (36AN84) Suite apostille JI GERARD who demand emergency can not get it without the consent of PR BOSSUYT First application at the Palace 03/02 / 97 Presentation of the record because it was archived 2/5/97 This is not good record 101,832 06/02/97 REQUEST

HEARING WEYCKMANS Catherine APOSTILLE for Relations with women Derochette Patrick had Derochette problems with women and turned to the men, but nevertheless has attraction for women First pedophilia is just after his break with CATHY Disappearance LOUBNA just 10 years after this break CATHY WEYCKMANS = 101833 Catherine 10/2/97 ANONYMOUS CALL AS POL CHARLEROI Folder CH; 40.07.330023/96 Call 30.12.96 between 13.40 and 13.46 on line 071/23.72.11 A certaion MICHEL found a K7 lost by a woman in a building in AUDERGHEM It K7 watched with a friend (Barroy Christian) and recognized LOUBNA on K7. Joinder of this case PV 108/96 Request indictment BELGACOM to identify caller number 101 834 11/02/97 INFORMATION: TRAIN Gare du Midi on 05.08.92 Timetables from COLOGNE and L5036 54055 MILAN OCEDEF O 12 / 02/97 STUDY OF INCOME GENEVOIS of Jacques Based on statements Michle Rousseau PARTOUNE Marcel - VANBOSSUYT Daniel - VERBERT Jean-Richard - LEURQUIN Jean-Pierre 101835 02/15/97 INFORMATION: INFOR ANIMALS appeared 8/19/96 a sketch of a man who could be linked to the abduction and JULIE MELISSA This man works at INFOR-PETS Chausse d'Ixelles 236 He removed with his boss two girls with a white VW van CBB-579 boss DUTROUIX known and sold girls for 2X 50000 They also kidnapped LOUBNA and other girls when they are dead, they cut them out and give them to eat animals and bury the bones in his cellar he covered a WEINSTEIN concrete screed would not have died, he was born 13/12/96 The band is led by George Bush The writer cites various facts to put George Bush in charge as murder, theft, false died due to: Bejam BENJRABIN - Patrick HAEMERS - Louis TOBBACK - WAISMAN - SHKRAM - ROSENBERG - Olof PALME - Iaser ARAFAT - Litham - Eric Rabago - SALTNER - DELENERS - John KENNEDY - Robert KENNEDY - RALPHCSMAN - the attack on Glasgow-London - attacks fougones BELGIUM - bombs HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI and - bomb OKLAHOMA CITY - attacking a van FLOREFFE in 89 ... There is traffic between Thailand and Cambodia and brothels European CHARLEROI A was found a quarter of a woman's body. It is a place of Argentine removed Brouckere George Bush and his son had JED key in DUTROUX to go there abusing girls George Bush knows the middle of pedophile CHARLEROI since 1963 where he knows some JIM (U.S.) This is more than likely rantings that are based on nothing 5040 102.528 15/02/97 INFORMATION: SIMOES PINHEIRO SUMMARY AA'AA 1,024 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 5041 History SIMOES addresses and comparison with LEURQUIN SIMOES addresses have been prosecuted for acts of pedophilia additional information via HEEREN SIMOES Greta wants to shoot porn movies with minors He had contact with agency DOMINIQUE and CO (dummies) History DOMINIQUE He and CO lived without registration Sans Souci Street 110 - discreet house close ALDI (LOUBNA destination) in 92-93 He built two rooms in cellars List of owners and tenants Street Sans Souci 110 101 836 18/02/97 SURVEY INSTITUTE DON BOSCO - Vanolst Ccile (10/07/48) School attended by Patrick Derochette lazy student - little big aptit Parents balanced He went to swim in POSEIDON 101840 18/02/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS GENEVOIS Five letters Postcheques copied and used for input 101838 Request 19/02/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS GENEVOIS Various documents

including a farde with newspaper clippings relating to the removal of input LOUBNA Request 101839 02/19/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS VERBERT various documents demand input OBJECTS 101841 19/02/97 ANALYSIS GENEVA Objects and various documents belonging to his daughter request restitution 101,837 20/02/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS VANBOSSUYT K7 - photos - negative - dias inventory K7 102,727 02/20/97 SEARCH OWNER 09-11 Old Street Wry printing KAMPMANN Nils - GUILLOU Marie-Christine since 26/01/94 Before: VAN EECKOUDT Paul would sometimes squat Building In 01/97 KAMPMANN found three grenades are evacuated by military pol XL At a hearing in 1982 Derochette Patrick said a friend of Philippe VAN EECKOUDT perqui request at 102 527 LETTER 2/21/97 RECEPTION PISSENS He confirmed his statements concerning the words of IAZZAG and tries to make an amalgam between pedophilia and are dealing with it (HALLOT-GENEVOIS ...) 102 529 22/02/97 GARCIA HEARING Salvarezza Veronica Restitution portfolios found in GENEVA 102 530 24/02/97 INFORMATION: Call 112 Sans Souci street anonymously received by the family BENAISSA the 24/02/97 at 16.00 The appellant heard a noise (calls for help) in the cellars of the Sans Souci street 112 years ago lived in the street without calling 110 Souci He would agree to make a statement if the house was under construction at the relevant time he warned the pol XL but not entered into the house of the 102,531 02/25/97 anonymous caller IDENTIFICATION When a new call on 2/25/97 caller identifies himself as the named Ferdinand WILLNER SUMMARY AA'AA 1,025 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Appointment for hearing on 27.2.97 It is possible that the house was under construction at the time of removal WWWF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,026 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon XXXD OTHER pedos FILE AUTHOR PV VICTIM PERIOD PR 970442 115.290 FAM BDE BXL COQUELIN JeanJacques?? / 02/48 Sophie COQUELIN 04/08/80 03/02/60 09/18/96 GOETVINCK Marina Family Background BR.42.90.103809/96 103,806 BDE WOLUWE ABREU LOPES Crispim GUIMARAES Vitor 02/08/60 26/10/62 FERREIRA Alice Crispim DE ABREU GUIMARAES Ana Crispim 18/12/84 25/04/78 Current Context Vanda Ferreira family BR.42.90.103806/96 FAM 9,029,038 103,823 BDE WOLUWE ditto ditto ditto LETTER Sur. And Dr. Jean-Pierre FERRET Vandermaelen 30.12.43?? Current Client AQUARIUM LETTER Anonymous BOUBOULE Driver Trib Jeun BXL?? In current leading youth in homes DINANT 4904 103

174 BDE DINANTDI NANT LIGNIER Nicole Dentice Giuseppe 18/08/42 30/09/46 NIHOUL Michel 1980-1986 Keeping brothel LETTER Anonymous STIV WATHELET 1988 Movies video CH.37.15.8667 / 96 8667 POL CHARL BR.45.64.112755/96 112,755 Miscellaneous BDE BXL Dlala Kacem 06/02/39 25/01/71 Dlala Sabri SPRL SERINA ex belgimmo?? Current Ad for youth employment daughter NI.45.26.101925/96 NI.37.26.101925/96 = 101925 BDE TUBIZE?? A TONI LEMAIRE Anne 26/07/50 Current Context Scout family camps with 102,210 Eefje NI.37.26.101925/96 LAURENT Vanhercke Christine Bernard 13/02/63 Before DUTROUX Numerous case outputs for alarms REPORT night BDE FRIENDSHIP Ren BXL 21/11 / 34 73-89 Current Proposals Photos LETTER?? Dr. MARECHAL 1994 Satanic Cult BR.30.53.101070/95 10,955 PJ BXL COISMAN DUTROUX Marc Fernand 29/06/72 06/11/56 04/03/76 22/11/95 BAILLEUX Caroline Rape in car LETTER Anonymous Lesbroussart Street between 76 86 Current and Homosexual SUMMARY AA'AA 1,027 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon REPORT A1274 POLBRU IYI DOGAN Deniz = JESUS - 26/05/73 06/08/47 Johnny DECOSTER Place Fontainas MAURISSEN Yves 24/07/69 19/05/47 OSMAN Sabrtas Demot Johnny VAN VAN DEUREN HOUDENHOVEN Victory 14/05/06 Michel NIHOUL Nadine Young JANH Maghreb 1989 - JAGUAR 42XJ6 Orgy current DEA LETTER DECOSTER GREGOIRE John H BDE 101,348 Current DI.45.27.101348/96 PHIL Jasselette Claude 03/14/60 03-12/95 Knows DUTROUX Garage CLAUDY Representative Philippe VAN ACKER = 87/96 102 373 JI GERARD BSR NAMUR Jasselette Claude Jasselette Not specified TAGLIAFERRO friend Arthur and relationship NIHOUL TAGLIAFERRO Bruno killed because he knew too much info Scarcez Jasselette Guy had a flat in BXL Scarcez = sadomaso drunkard and 87/96 102 416 JI GERARD BSR NAMUR Jasselette Claude BENBRAHIM Nourredine (Intermediate) ADJINI Muhamad IBRAHIMI Sutki Burniaux Renaud DEPAQUY Children DEBUISON ELMAJD Woydir SINANOVSKI Nexmeddin AKAN Arslan Miscellaneous End 94-1996 Jasselette held NAMUR pedo (doss 149/96 COMELIAU) Knows POTEMBERG Jasselette looks like PJ Member LETTER 04/09/96 1996 Claude Jasselette Negotiations for recovery SPRL HANOT MOTORS Market east Units held by Jasselette held for pedophilia REPORT 23/09/96 Dist DINANT Jasselette Claude Jasselette related NIHOUL (?) Jasselette injured in the arson of his house in 96 INFO SHEET Jasselette Scarcez Florence have information on links NIHOUL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,028 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

Jasselette went to DOLO links between Armand and WEIBEL DUTROUX (crane) 06/09/96 FAX PJ DINANT Claude Jasselette Philippe VAN ACKER DUTROUX was seen going in VAN ACKER VAN ACKER up Eastern girls in brothels 86/96 JI LANGLOIS 46,628 PJ BXL Jasselette Claude David (son of Nicole) Touching to the son of his girlfriend NICOLE (DAVID) LI.45.52.101144/96 100,807 POL AYWAILL E Two men in red AUDI 01.03.96 - 18.00 hrs Test Taking pictures of children to attract children LETTER 10/12/96 AUQUIER Albert (father) BROHEE Marie-Laure Jean-Michel BROHEE 11/02/74 26/09/71 20/07/67 PARAS Michle PARAS Serge 14/04/69 28/04/73 Vanessa Since 1977 Family Background By judgment visitation was granted to the father with pedophilia track PHILIPPINES BR.37.59.102484/96 102,484 DUMORTIER LAQDIM Said Thierry 23/08/71 15/01/64 ZAHIR VAN PEE Nicolas Youssef Mohamed BAJJADI TRUCK Nathalie 03/08/80 20/04/79 Aurora Ntidendereza K7 pedophiles Minors in fugues in DUMORTIER AN.37.12.100395/95 REPORT 06/12/96 POLBRU TANGHE Steven - 08/09/60 BOEDTS Albert - 15.08.57 DIAKOSTA UNKNOWN ANJA Katinka MOYSON Tatjana VERCAMMEN 15/07/87 09/08/90 05/96 Attempted abduction Start 96 girls rape his concubine Involved in investigation and

KIM KEN Done photos KATINKA met NIHOUL TATJANA knew INTERNET 80s Trafficking in Women from CYPRUS 1995 - TANGHE doorman is OOSTENDE Current A stranger harasses mother KEN KIM by phone and deposit clothe children outside her door SUMMARY AA'AA 1,029 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon A stranger would have confessed to a priest TANGHE Photo 86/96 100 486 Cel JI LANGLOIS CHARL KNIGHT (see PV Charl 100 469) Photos of naked girls and almost in a bed BR.45.91.101540/96 101,540 BDE MEISE DE SMEDT Michael (09/17/86) 06/96 to MEISE approached by people in gray CX POL 212 BR.37.52.212/96 MEISE Ilja van Hespen (09/03/72) Sandrine VERGOUTS 10/10/80 1993-1994 Riding Paddock MEISE granted Relationship BR. 101,939 SAMBRE BDE. Claude Boucher (10/31/38) VAUSORT Capita Street Rominet 148 to AUVELAIS Unknown 12.10.96 to 14.45 Child naked at the window Before 1980 he brings home an amateur porn movie with a girl 86/96 JI LANGLOIS 10,796 PJ BXL CEUPPENS Raymond 23/03/28 K7 selling porn and pedophile material stored in TRACOGAZ T.720/96 PR PAVANELLO Steve INTERNET BARNARD NEW YORK USA Proposed sale of photos and K7 pedophiles

NE.37.06.100530/96 100,530 BDE St-ODE Eric Vanderhoeft 11/04/42 THEIEN Yasmin Arlette GADENNE KALAI Samyra 04/01/80 INGENITO Sylvia 01-07/96 to IXELLES Photos in underwear and naked light Touching Proposal intercourse with his wife fetish 25002 POL GE. GENT BALCAEN Renaat VAN DE VOORDE Lieve OF SWERDT Patrick Amie OF SONJA SWERDT MALOMGRE Daniella (05/20/64) SWERDT Gwenny OF THE SWERDT Daisy Family context Filmmaking Lieve says child abduction to flying organnes genital sent RUSSIA COM.TEL 26/12/96 Witness: Trainer in center SAJ Current castle Region VERVIERS People are supplied with children in homes for pedophilia Other children are killed in the same "parties" Satanic Rites DENEYER (PJ NAMUR) warned the witness receives death threats he puts doc protected by a notary PINON should make revelations NEUFCHAT. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,030 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon COM.TEL 27/12/96 --------------------------- Current Session in Brussels as a Church Rape of a minor Murder of a man tearing his heart ( two sources) 0800 3817 VANDERMEULEN January plug Miscellaneous Current show host is for children and abuse of children involved OBELIX info T.1009/96 REPORT 29/11/96 POL BXL Father Patrick MAGNUS MAGNUS Stephanie Patrick (12 years) stepdaughter Protgspar Secretary to the Minister TOBBAK Protected by politicians of the Regione HALLE OBELIX info T.10126 REPORT 29/11/96 POL BXL Master JEDDIT Matyre MALENGRAUX Tubize Polish staying illegally trafficking newborns to ISRAEL and / or info LEBANON OBELIX T.10116 REPORT 29/11/96 POL BXL COUILLART ATD QUART MONDE organizes orgies at home or in the SWIMMING POOL NOH with Senior Officers Army Presence of children and animals Fourth World Link runaway girls found near the POOL REPORT 29/11/96 OBELIX info T.1010 POL BXL Franco DI NAPOLI (40) LAURENT from BELGIUM Son Btonnier GOD DI NAPOLI provided coke LAURENT LAURENT drug treatment and pedophilia Proposes

LEONARD Marie-France running a brothel street Defacq REPORT 09/12/96 CELL. CHARL Monique Fouquet's manager to ANTW 80 Attending a villa orgy REPORT 09/12/96 CELL CHARL ERIC MOON PIRATES of JI LENOIR Comm. Police IXELLES Current Club orgies Avenue Barracks - street Equal 90 or 93 T 1159/96 1/20/97 LETTER COOSEMA NS The Military Father KLEINE-BROGEL Client COOSEMANS (psy) John Jacob S Ex-Army Officers NATO Members Military Family Environment + Abused by her father and rented to military colleagues of his father and Movies photos taken at the center of an organization that encouraged fathers to give their daughters SUMMARY AA'AA 1,031 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon T 1261/96 JOURNAL FIGARO 29/01/97 Sabine M Bernd P GERMANY ROSENHEIM Locotion activities for children up to the SM child's death BR.4.68.100668/97 100,668 BDE GANS Two men and a women in a red plate FORD SIERRA Romanian Attempt at removal from school BR.37.65.102712/96 102,712 BDE LAEKEN HEYLENS Serge (27/11/67) Pastor Joseph SWEET BALLAND BONDAR Guy Maurice Jean-Michel Michel (20 years) KORTE Andreas (27) Group NAMBLA

CHAUVIERE Henry (35) DE LEEUW Bernd (30 years) Beat Meier Brongersma Philippe Carpentier (dcd) Pauwelslei Marc Alan VANDERGUCHT Bernard VAN MEERBEEK Marc Marc VANDENBOSSCHE ELSEN OTTO Michael pojkart VOETEN Frederic (01/02/77) Bachraoui Hassan (11/01/77) GOSSELIN Cyril Philippe and Stphanie (16) Resets contact HEYLENS 0800 copies of journals pub for paedo He accuses himself of facts 1989 he denounced pedophiles Murdered in 1991 Centre Christ Liberator Old Priest Old friend FRESH Touching BALLAND Wanted musicine enter as the Pol PARIS Conscience Objector U.S. CDC Meetings pedophiles Cook Exchange journals pedos pedo K7 with a Moroccan Creator journal Soil LIBIDO Ex-Senator Dutch friend of FRESH -> Former President CRIES Organizes meetings Scots paedo pedo Meeting of the EEC is Scoutmaster and abuse of scouts Photos and touching has to AQUALIBI lists of pedophiles Ex-military - does the serv. doc pedo paedo Review Publishes pictures Soil AR.37.05.100047/97 37.00.100374/91 100.047 22/01/97 GILTAIRE Michel (10/28/48) History paedo Moves around with a so-called nephew Visit Thailand 186/96 JI Calewaert BDE 100 679 GANS Jean Wouters (06/08/44) SUTER Jacques FLORENCE FREDERIC I and II EMMANUELLE Nude photos of minors K7 supposedly erotic 35000-167000 priceDMK VERLAG (Tchec.) Dem 179/96 H JI VANDERMEERSC T1364/96 NOTE POLBRU

LEAN Alain Listinf phone seized during a perqui 65/96 JI BLOCH to GENT PJ GENT FAX Danny OF BELAIR (tel 075/27.61.85) Involved in distribution K7 porn 86/96 JI LANGLOIS Committee P FAX John said Rachida VERSWYVER Spahi RACHEL ZITOU (U.S.) MATHOT HOUGARDY Jules Shows interest in children Frequent THE Y CHAMADE met NIHOUL chain restaurant KNOKKE Frequent ATLAS WATERLOO where he met Zicot LETTER ANO OBELIX Vronique JADOUL THIEL Evelyne For 25 weeks Kill Youth Gang rape involving a series of journalists cited NA.37J.13.100012 100,012 01/15/97 UPC LEGS John Jacobs (31/01/47) GODIN Josette (01/22/47) Children hme SMALL FAMILY HOUSES of ASSESSE K7 porn books and circulate in the hme Children leave overnight in foreign Level veh sometimes life seems JACOBS Since the arrival of high-JACOBS GODIN children are disturbed at sexual REPORT WAUTELE Capt T DE SMET Joseph (08/04/29 to 03/29/94) Veerle DE SMET (10/07/62) DE SMET Joseph committed suicide after her daughter had confessed VEERLE have been abused between 1976-1978 161/93 JI Calewaert BR.37.93.100780/93 BR.37.93.101037/93 BR.37.93.131887/96 BR.37.93.130262/97 REPORT GD Airport GRYSPEIRT Johan (01/04/48) MOONS Dct HERENT Dct CASTERMAN Maeckelbergh Sarah (07/05/82) Maeckelbergh Bavo (12/09/83) GUMY Deborah (22/07/84) ROSSIGNOL Valerie (09/08/96) GUMY Thirry (05/07/82)

Family background and other No limit to its perversion Dresses in lingerie pictures and made it into a brothel have oral sex with children with baby It organizes orgies in which he delivered DEBORAH GRYSPEIRT's father is high up in the Lodge Grand Orient IL was arrested three times and each time was released by the Chamber of Indictments He is a personal friend of MOONS who sits in the House of Dr. Mises CASTERMAN SUMMARY AA'AA 1,033 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BR.31.37.000665/96 68/96 VAN JI AELST knows the truth but afraid to speak particperait This doctor as a doctor in orgies and orgies SM It is also a suspect in a suspicious death in 1980 GRYSPEIRT accidentally kills his wife in SWITZERLAND T 1576/96 PR BOURLET NOTE NEW ANT 103 Michel DUMONT (30/09/61) MAFFEI Florian (15/05/88) 1989-1992 in FRANCE Family background after separation Beatings by father FILE AUTHOR PV VICTIM PERIOD XXXF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,034 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon AAAAD CLO Ref No. PV Themes Summary 01 100,242 (109/96) 07/01 1997 LIESE SYNTHSE INITIAL FILE Instructions for RO GE.30.18.182411/85 MURDER MURDER-Suspect: Emile Dellaert (5/11/40) = Victim's father: Carine Dellaert (01/04/66) = CLO FLO = Disappeared 30/08/82 Leave home without money, without papers, without clothes His father reported missing on 06/09/82 It gives a picture ID At this time of CARINE Emile Dellaert left his wife Noella Bovyn (09/25/39) to coexist with Jeannine SANDRY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- HEARING on 10/10/82 Bovyn Emile Dellaert had to take the furniture and the room CARINE 11/10/82 She thinks that her husband knows where CARINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEARING ---- Emile Dellaert the 16/11/82 He picked

furniture and clothing CARINE because his mother is not interested Why - what were the relations between CARINE and each of its parents - know that Bovyn manners of CLIL and CARINE ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - HEARING on 20/12/82 Bovyn Her husband is too confident - he knows where ----------------------------CARINE -------------------------------------------------- PHOTOS ------------------ DISCOUNT on 24/06/83 EMILE calls 04 recent photos CARINE: 08 months after the disappearance ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY in 12/83 EMILE gave clothes to CARINE his concubine's older sister Carine (GWENDOLINE) was sexually abused by CLIL CLIL like very young girls is very bossy with her children could have heard CARINE scream as if she was punished after the date of disappearance EMILE wanted to caress her thighs a friend of class CARINE (NPV ZWIJNVOORDE Year) CARINE and his father were walking like lovers (Chief Scout) They maintained a special relationship Bovyn told a friend (MARTENS Astrid) she thinks killed or CLIL CARINE killed CARINE feared to be alone with his father because he proceeds to touch on it (EGGERMOND Christelle) CLIL CLIL tried to approach EGGERMOND was dismissed from the hospital Bijloke of GENT for sex crimes ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ HEARING Dellaert Gwendoline 14/03 / 84 At age 12 she had practiced fellatio with her father cared EMILE CARINE better than others before his disappearance on 30/08/82 CARINE went to get medicine for her and gave it to 11.30-11.45 When Gwendoline wakes up 15.15 there is nobody at home SUMMARY AA'AA 1,035 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon EMILE going home at 22.00 31/08/82 EMILE going to take a few tools - it is now around 14.00 Kitchen knife too? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEARING Bovyn the 14/03/84 EMILE dealt only with CARINE He was going to school and trying to prevent him having an affair with a boy has never seek CARINE 15 days after the disappearance she was found in the cabinet CARINE gown she wore on the day of his death - it was washed and folded Washed but not with its powder to it (according smell) CARINE never spoke of running away - she loved school CLIL led all personal belongings and furniture CARINE Later he brought the wardrobe full of clothes pregnancy At what time - seizure of clothes? - What are they now - attitude of the mother - why not have reported this to the Bovyn Gd did not seem to ask a lot of questions --------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------COUNTRY HOUSE SEARCHES Emile Dellaert on 15/03/84 Discovery hair but not CARINE -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- John Dellaert HEARING Peter (brother) on 01/04/84 30/08/82 The EMILE permitted to go outside and play and gives 25-bef which is contrary to his habits EMILE gives him 100-bef when he asks to go the pool to 13.00 CARINE does not seem to be there a few days later he noticed a spade and a red blanket in the garage ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER ----------------------- Emile Dellaert to the Gd 13/06/84 Conversation between him and his girlfriend and a light CARINE is outside GENT

BELGIUM There exist but a diary and a baby The indicator does not remember visiting Dellaert Maybe trying to find out if the investigation goes this route ------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVERY OF BODY ----------------------------------24/09/85 In the septic dock Kuhlman GENT 02 to work at building abandoned since 1981 former caf frequented by boatmen ------------------------------ NEPTUNE -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- FIRST FINDINGS Necklace - double chain with gold heart around his right ankle beige breeches - Support Lace - LAMINARIA fragment (uterus to dilate and help out baby) Technical LAMINARIA = very painful - also used for abortion piece of linen black or dark blue - earrings black kitchen knife (later recognized by Bovyn) rabbit jaw - bones brain of animals - human bones (tarsus or carpus) CARINE human bones belonging to or not? Brown bottle drugs Both fragments ulnar plastic bag with mention BEEF WHITE 5 cervical vertebrae - 04 A lumbar calcaneus a fragment heel - 05 rib bones of hands and feet bones broken two vertebrae animals SUMMARY AA'AA 1,036 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Coins two razor blades GILETTE A hairpin buttons Sic paper with mention Krme RAM - br KRA teaspoon ROSTFREI MGA (from the cottage Dellaert) a ring with blue stone red sweatshirt gray-blue stained red on the front Double flat wire around the ankles and neck Attach in the same way that Christine VAN HEES Description Pull body tied rope around the body with plastic skin color bra size 90 C cup rectangular one with gauze as to absorb liquid the breasts of a pregnant woman Small white pearl necklace Legs linked with plastic rope and folded rear door on a panty related Skull Pins - hair and jaw detached from the body Long Hair (20 cm) and wavy ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERQUI Emile Dellaert AT 01/10 / 85 Neg ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY dock Kulhman Last Tenant (PIRAUX Jacques) - The photo says something EMILE He left the scene on 28/06/81 (officially 10/22/81) Former madam (HUMBLE Margaretha) believes recognize EMILE HUMBLE knows no knife found in the pit - Bovyn identifies Lanckriet Gilbert (Dellaert neighbor of the family) said he often heard yelling CARINE "NIET DOEN" during the day when the mother was absent ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Emile Dellaert the ARREST 01/10/85 - HEARING It is remembers nothing and denies that he knows CARINE did not take the pill ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------HEARING Dellaert It confirms Jean-Pierre episode games outside and pool Leaving EMILE he saw that the loaded HONDA his sister GWENDOLINE On the bench back there was a red cover under which seemed to find something he will later cover and a spade in the garage ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- HEARING ----------------------Emile Dellaert on 02/10/85 by JI Lawyer Matre NPV = EECKOUDT No explanation for the late filing of disappearance CARINE not wearing jewelry is a normal father to maintain relations with his daughters -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- The 08.30.82 HEARING Dellaert Gwendoline his father left the house with two spades and shovel It recognizes teaspoon - the chain ring and neck of CARINE

------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- CROUX Dirk's exhusband SANDRY Jeanine left his wife because of his sadomasochistic tendencies OF RIJKE Gustave had sexual relationship with CLIL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,037 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon The waitress BARACUDA wharf Kuhlman recognize one think CLIL as a client list of different jobs EMILE Family Life: 04/06/65: 16/10/69 First separation: it is 03 weeks with the NETHERLANDS MONBAILLEU Brigitte (minor) return his family between 1969 and 77 02/07/77: indecent assault on CARINE (12yrs) 25/10/77: EMILE between psychiatry 09/12/77: CLIL is found unconscious with a bottle of medicine vacuum Anonymous letter EMILE reports that killed his daughter with a knife potatoes the day of his disappearance because she threatened to reveal publicly that they slept together The letter also said that he threw the body in a ditch after he had put a pants man and have tied the author had seen his father and CARINE kissing EMILE DE POORTER accuse Theophilus because it is the only person he told something Prison On 27/12/85 Emile Dellaert The 20/08/90SANDRY Jeanine is released files complaint against CLIL RAPE with drug 02 100,243 (109/96) 13/01 LIESENB INFORMATION There is another file to load for Emile Dellaert ATTACK THE SHAME on CROUX stepdaughter Linda (31/08/79) File GE.37.41.104722/88 LINDA suffered daily abuse of his brother grandfather 03 100,244 (109/96) 13/01 Dossier LIESENB INFORMATION dependent Emile Dellaert for RAPE of his second wife Jeanine SANDRIE GE.37.41.103488/90 The Record 20/08/90 she filed a complaint for having been raped by 02/90 by EMILE She was drugged with Rohypnol and raped She was left naked on a bed with his feet and hands tied 04 100,246 (109/96) 15/01 REQUEST LIESENB APOSTILLE For DF Emile Dellaert and Noella Bovyn 05 150 696 12/03 LIESENB CONTROL OF ADDRESS and Emile Dellaert POORTER Thophile 06 150 699 20/03 LIESENB INFORMATION Emile Dellaert 07 150 700 23/03 FAX X1 LIESENB of 18 / 03/97 08 150,701 08/04 SUMMARY LIESENB SUB-FAMILY FARDE 2377/77 SCH 09 150 702 08/04 LIESENB the CLIMATOLOGICAL SITUATION 30/08/82 150 703 10 08/04 APPLICATION RESEARCH LIESENB the YOUTH of Carine Dellaert 11 150 704 08/04 FAX LIESENB X1 18/03/97 12 150,705 09/04 on AUDITION INFORMATION LIESENB X1 transmitted NEUFCHATEAU 13 151 157 11/04 APPLICATION FILE LIESENB OCMW for Emile Dellaert 14 151 158 15/04 APPLICATION REVIEW LIESENB DNA 15 151 159 15 / 04 LIESENB APPLICATION for rehearing of WITNESSES 16 151 160 17/04 LIESENB BOOK JOURNAL of Carine Dellaert 17 151 161 17/04 LIESENB INFORMATION: Book LEVENSLANG X1 18 151 162 22/04 FAX LIESENB X1 03/18/97 19 151 163 22 / 04 LIESENB FAX X1

18/04/97 20 151,164 22/04 FAX LIESENB X1 21/04/97 AAAAF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,038 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BBBBD VERO PV Ref No. 150073 1/21/97 Summary Themes LIESENB 01 VERO INITIAL BR.21.66.150073/97 FALSE WRITING PRIVATE Suite hearing X1 25/10/96 PV 117.986/96 doss 109/96 victim LANGLOIS JI DUBRULLE Veronica ( 2/16/66) According to the witness she was the victim of a sadomasochistic party She was raped and killed in 1983 It is possible that the entire party was filmed (snuff-movie) official death = 04 / 09/83 C3 natural death issued by Drs L. DE SCHRIJVER and L. DE WAELE Hospital of St Vincent de GENT The body is buried in the cemetery park DRONGEN 3 falls 1/21/97 915 150 074 02 VERO LIESENB IDENTIFICATION MEDICAL APPLICATIONS HOMEWORK SCHRIJVER and Luke (20/11/46) DE WAELE Luc (31 / 07/45) Application of DEATH search service search request GENT hospital St Vincent to enter the medical BBBBF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,039 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon EEEED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Ref No People Summary 01 T 1576/96 PR BOURLET DUMONT DUMONT Paul Michel DESTERCKE MT BINARD Liliane MAFFEI Florian LEBICHOT Marg. MAFFEI Florian has been abused by his father between 1989-1992 Folder Link French Federation Alexis Danan for Child Protection 02 BR.45.66.150610/97 T4 NIHOUL JAUGNAUX Michel Jean-wife PINON VERNAEL Luc Clement SCHOOFS Monique Jeannine DANDOY HEINE Martine Jeanne BENOIT Roger Pasquier Jean-Philippe A woman unidentified participated in orgies at FAULX-LES-FALLEN She met the bride JAUGNAUX named PINON The evenings were organized by NIHOUL who brought children She wanted to report the facts and was placed at the door She does not dare to even out his races which are made by a neighbor named CLEMENT Currently: impossible to trace the witness BR.37.64.114905/95 03 PV 151.243/97 VAN DAELE Graldine Georges BELLENS BELLENS Alain Michel HANSSENS VANDAELE, the offender, died 1/25/97 04 BR.37.98.840/97 PV 150.730/97 RODEL Ren

Hearing VANDERMIEGE Eric (12/15/65) old paperboy RODEL RODEL confirms that frequented the Dolo and had clients in a school where UCCLE of pedophilia were reported RODEL It states that operates a travel agency specializing in THAILAND 05 BR.37.98.840/95 PV 151.326/97 RODEL Ren Hearing VANDERMIEGE Fabienne (03/03/67) It confirms that RODEL operates a travel agency specializing in THAILAND 06 BR.00.66.150916/97 PV PV 150.916/97 150.917/97 100.272/97 PV PV 100.279/97 Info Hans DE RIDDER Laatste Nieuws One of its journalists was discovered in the basement of a former convent in La Hulpe OVERIJSE-chair of gynecology and similar instruments After inspection it appears that it is an old school midwives and everything seems normal after analyzing 07 Nr.37 PV 150.123/97 (DPJ) NOEL Roger LAUWERS LIBERTARIAN ALTERNATIVE Christiane Bernard ASBL JEHU Baroness DUTROUX Interception of mailing a letter IXELLES on pedophilia (cassettes with killing and / or rape) is called a Baroness and DUTROUX 08 37BR50/96 T1230/96 PR BOURLET 150,944 PV NIHOUL Michel WALCH Francis KINSBERGER Magali Hearing WALCH He knows that frequented Henri TOMBEUR DOLO and RADIO ACTIVITY TOMBEUR is accused of being a pedophile that astonishes It is not known whether NIHOUL and TOMBEUR know SUMMARY AA'AA 1,040 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 09 T907/96 PV 150894 SIK L. SPRIMONT Jacques Roger BOAS Junction letters SIK 10 PR T1230/96 BOURLET PV 150.528/97 Antoine HOCEDEZ BARA Dolores 11 31/97 09/04/97 Rating JI PIGNOLET of MENTEN of HORNE Derochette Patrick Hughes Link between the two Transport to parking a vehicle PALERMO 12 PR T1563/96 BOURLET PV 151.242/97 THOMAS Jeanne-Marie Joseph GHEYSSENS Magda ISTASSE Abductions rue du Marais (60s) = no traces sequestration young women young woman forced to steal to BODEGA 13 255/96 JI HANIN 20/03/97 Rating Naked pictures of minors 14 PR T1537/96 BOURLET BR.40.66.101319/97 PV 103.204/97

ANCIENT OLYMPIA Patrick SANTIS SA Selliers de Moranville BASTOGNE Jacques Charles and Marie By doing street work Neufchtel 62 in St-Gilles is the witness observed the presence in, the basement of a bunker almost finished (01/96) A tunnel is hidden behind a wall he overheard a conversation where a lady said, "the children will be here" 15 BR.40.65.100656/97 Elleboudt Sophie attempted abduction of the 25/02/97 at 18.45 Elleboudt Avenue Houba de Strooper Author in the car that took the bus stop saying "if you do not come I'll kill you little bitch "The bus arrives and she ran 16 BR.32.64.102469/97 PV 102.484/97 SUSPICIOUS DEATH of SACRE SACRE Laurent Laurent (17/12/76) 17 BR.37.98.8864/96 PV PV 150.238/97 150.262/97 BARREA Anne-Marie (7/23/69) On the way to work she was approached by a man in flowing gray MERCEDES break He offered to drop it off at work once in the car he was reading porn magazines and tried to fondle him and she refused Making a sketch BR.37.98.389/97 PV 150.010/97 18 Photos - 19 Photos labs 12/97 JI GOBLET FORGEOT Michel MI-DO SPRL Complaint FORGEOT for slander and defamation charge time MI-DO SPRL which operated taxi drivers APV 20 BR.41.66.150438/97 BZT ENH-871-245, 437 and GBS-NFB-694 drivers Outrage taxis during monitoring AMB BELG 21 FAX ITALY Angelo LUCCHI He denounced the theft of his Ferrari 348 TS He died in 1995 Current Owner FONDIARIA ASSICURAZIONI SA 22 FAX GPP BRUGGE Carola Titze Kerkow Kim KRAUS Ramona Diesterweg Rolf Vehicle Search GSI BMW 850 registered WW-ES66 23 FAX SGAP LECLERCQ Jacqueline (09/10/63) Vronique Leclercq (30/08/64) HOUBEN Yvette (13/03/63) VAN LAER Vera (13.05.66) Gone to MONS on 12/22/96 (photo) Extinct in the CHARLEROI 12/01/97 (photo) Extinct Extinct in MAASEIK the 04/11/96 to the 07/05/96 ANTWERPEN (photo) SUMMARY AA'AA 1,041 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon WOUTERS Bernadette (28/11/61) DEPRE Joelle (02/10/61) WATERSCHOOT Nath. BOOT MF Extinct in the LEUVEN 12/21/96 (photo) Extinct in the LEUVEN 01/05/97 (photo) Portraits-spam abusers Sketch aggressor THUIN 24 FAX Dist MONS MEYERS Ludovic (10/30/81) Attempted abduction on 17/02/97 to 10.15 to MANAGE 25 DV 10,073 PJ BXL BR.40.61.100498/97 Jean-Roch Meunier (05/02/75) Stephanie TRENTIN Hearing result after BCS 065.050/97 disappearance of 27/02 to 04/03/97 There is no need

to worry about him 26 DV Letter Re Ilse Van JACOBI a house with a cellar to hide child resides VAN JACOBI MUNICH Maybe a link with business transacted by VAN Gansberg 27 DV 10,230 PJ BXL BR. HOUBA Myriam Patricia PATRICIA MATTER teacher at DEI in Woluwe-St-Pierre PATRICIA teacher later MATTER PATRICIA DEI was abused by her father to her 07 years, her father took her to a doctor's house where she was alone or prostitution There was a group of other children beatings Also a shrink to explain to children that it is normal for a doctor to repair injuries PATRICIA still attacked in 12/96 and 01/97 She told DEBECKER Jacqeline (SOS INCEST ANTW) 28 DV 150123 GD PJ BXL NOEL Christiane Roger LAUWERS Letter concerning pedophilia and DUTROUX arrival at the station IXELLES Intervention on State Security PO Box CHRISTMAS 29 DV Letter T1966/96 - PR PAVANELLO THIEBAULT Baron Hugues ... Michel GHEURY HUGUES tried fiddling children THIEBAULT HUGUES was then in GHEURY GHEURY was accused by his wife to touching on his own children THIEBAULT's son (04 years old) said that GHEURY kissed him on the mouth 30 DV BSR WAVRE 42N97 100,350 Aud Mil TASSIGNY Bernard Military career that drives pedophiles Would never pas to act only voyeur 31 DV 108,789 Bde BXL BR.45.64.108879/97 OF GOURCY SERAINCHAMPS Stephanie (02/04/65) Vicctime a kidnapping attempt in 84 Author circulating R4 white

32 DV BXL 209 31 795 PJ PJ PJ BXL BXL 21,337 21,340 23,209 BXL PJ PJ PJ BXL BXL 23,210 23,211 PJ BXL BR.37.11.211/97 BR.31.11.767/96 328/96 JI VDMEERSCH LEONARD STUDIO JDC Yvan BAELE Michel (France) COLOR CLIMAX (Dan) K7 review pedophiles found in BAELE LEONARD-color photos and black / white attached 33 DV 108/96 POLBRU 177/96 JI DEBOYSER T1066/96 PONZI Vronique Jacques ANDRE Viviane Vandendaele Family situation and teacher PONZI SUMMARY AA'AA 1,042 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon PR PAVANELLO 34 DV T1850/96 PR BOURLET Identification Request folders lequels DNA tests were conducted Partial results for Nivelles-ON-CHARLEROI 35 DV 100.395/97 Bde BASTOGNE NE.45.04.100395/97 T1705/96 BOURLET Christianne NIKS MATERNE Kossin Walther Jeopardizes a suspect vehicle VAUX / FR SURE MERCEDES-DT-258 (All) 36 DV Pol 100,293 SOIGNIES MO.45.20.100246/97 T1827/96 BOURLET Frederic Fernand DRUGMAND PORFIRIO Actions of a suspect who followed the white MERCEDES enfanst to SOIGNIES 37 DV WOL 2271 Pol-St-Lambert BR.37.50.2271/97 T1745/96 BOURLET BOULET Bernadette D'HAESE Jean-Pierre DUPONT Christopher 02/20/85) DUPONT Clovis (01/06/87)

BOULET a prostitute and offers customers the particpations her children to romp Children can see the antics of their mother she allow them to see hardcore porn movies 38 DV Letter T 1536/96 and T703/96 1) PR C.1340/84 BONDEWEL to VEURNE Pyck K. 1) Claude BOUCQ DESSILLY Nicole DISPA Christel 4) LAGA Prof therapist for children 1) Murder KOKSIJDE in 87 after torture and imposition of a satanic sign on the victim 2) Young-abused woman 13 to 17 years by school janitor REGINA Caelis to DILBEEK facts committed in his house 100m from school in the morning before school sometimes another man (mixed) Sometimes in a farmhouse (05 men present) RITUAL ABUSE Other victims and sadistic 3) A 46-year-old woman was the victim between 05 and 15 years sexual abuse committed OOSTENDE and rituals in a casino room and barracks KLEINE BROGEL 4) A membre ANTW PJ (LAGA) is corrupt and provides false evidence to exonerate pedophiles (Case of Mr X) 39 DV Anonymous letter T1704/96 PAVANELLO STIEVENART Grard Jean Pierre Vandermaelen VERHAEGHE Gerda van Laarhoven Grard Etienne SAEYS The former head of the Aquarium organizes groups of young people in car theft and burglary 40 DV GRAINDORGE letter T 378/96 BOURLET

41 DV T 639/96 PR PAVANELLO CALLEBAUT Jean-Luc's family wants to collocate without cause 42 DV 103 466 Bde BXL 26/90 JI LACROIX BAIARDO Calogero ODAERT Etienne His neighbor told him that ODAERT common place Fontainas and he has already seen two children ODAERT resembles a sketch of the authors of Walloon Brabant 43 DV Fax - Bde NAMUR FERET Daniel HERMANN FORGEOT Vronique Michel Jean-Michel

NIHOUL She was the mistress of e FERET She worked DOLO where she had FORGEOT and NIHOUL 44 DV T1206/96 PR PAVANELLO Demand load records made by various people FRAIKIN SUMMARY AA'AA 1,043 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Answer TOURNAI 45 DV T1983/96 BOURLET HENRI HENRI Bernadette Christine Christine HENRI missing since October 95 She has no signs of life She had run away since she is an adult she is no longer considered extinct 46 DV BIALKOVA Gueben Elena Armand (dcd) MARSTBOOM Leon A person arrested in LONDON confessed to killing a woman in 06/92 (false) It received the confidences of her husband (Gueben) Brabant Wallon: he participated in a raid on a DELHAIZE He speaks MAROUN weapons would have served buried in his garden He spoke of murder along a highway (MENDEZ??) Pedophilia: Her husband knew about organ trafficking and children to Gd A SAUDI BRAINE L 'ALLEUD stole K7 pedophiles at a perqui (91-92) COOL: the murder of a soldier was disguised as suicide (Gen LEFEVRE) Miscellaneous: Her husband was killed by an injection of 94 to ULB murder related to the sale of arms to Lebanon She was a call girl Gueben have made sophisticated weapons Notary BERCHEM sympathizing with FN 47 DV BR.37.90.102462/95 Chantal Marcoux Marcoux Marcoux Vronique Michel Thierry ART LAFONTAINE Anne Marcoux Gustave Judgment of 14/11/96 TP BXL RAPE - THE MANNERS ATTACK - ATTACK MODESTY limitation periods 48 DV Coffee LAMBADA DE MULDER MULDER Karin Wilhelmus K7 porn are presented in coffee LAMBADA

49 DV T 703/96 BOURLET CELESTINIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST Sect OGBONY Cult practice ritual murder of children coming from Italy Info 50 DV Note MORIAME NI.37.26.102638/96 NI.43.95.2105/96 Alain Janssens Marie-Claude TURPIN Belkebir Astrid BELBEKIR Eugenie JANSSENS allegedly abused BELBEKIR Info Eugenie seems wrong 51 DV Alexandre Vincent DE STROOPER GINGNESSE Souari Fatima OF BORMAN Beatrice OF BORMAN a country house where he organized orgies GINGNESSE says he is going to things like DUTROUX He wants out of the middle it says it is too hard for him near the house would KEERBERGEN 52 DV Rating 04/08/97 21/97 JI PIGNOLET Compare photos photo library with Scotland Yard 53 DV Data Neufchteau DE/545 100,221 FRASNES bde / G ANVAIN Zamparutti Claude Herman Decroo Suspicious vehicle seen DERGNEAU and white AMOUGIES MERCEDES: AKS-??? Decroo = AKS-175 SONODI SA = AKS-376 (stolen on 12/19/96) STERKENS PVBA = AKS-922 (fly 11/96) 54 DV Data Neufchteau DE/87 IP Fax MADRID Jeannine Lauwens LEBRUN Ghislain Lauwens (mother DUTROUX) owned a property in Spain: Edifio Rimbo 4 / C Paveo Villelia AL 18690 GRENADA MUNELAR SUMMARY AA'AA 1,044 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

exact address: Building RUMBO 4-C Paseo del Velilla Almunecar - GRENADE Purchased by Compagnone of Lauwens (Lebrun) on 23/07/80 They are the only ay to 55 DV Data Neufchteau DE/541 VE.37.16.101099/96 STINGLHAMBER DESPRET Xavier Paul Edward Brongersma French Surgeon DIJON STINGH. was sexually abused as a child by DESPRET (12-13) = DESPRET family friend Dutch French = Brongersma and friends DESPRET DESPRET showed K7 porn and masturbating STINGH photographed. 56 DV 2646/96 Pol VISE LI.45.46.2646/96 LAMBOTTE Chantal Marc Lebeau Yvonne DUTROUX SWENNEN Jos Suspicious behavior in 11/95 VISE recognized DUTROUX Truck crashes his car white SWENNEN = notorious pedophile in the region 57 DV 2560/96 VISE LI.37.46.2560/96 LI.37.46.2561/96 Pol 2561/96 2564/96 CATALDO Giuseppe SWENNEN Jos Ivan LOVINFOSSE BODSON Sylviane ALEXANDRE HAILLEZ Sandra Marie-Eve Alice CORVERS ALEXANDRE (09 years old) was raped by CATALDO CATALDO showed his cock and HAILLEZ ALEXANDRE HAILLEZ were raped by CATALDO, and SWENNEN LOVINFOSSE CATALDO LOVINFOSSE are violent and Facts commis repeatedly over several years 58 DV 620/96 Pol VISE LI.45.38.1909/96 LI.37.38.1907/96 LI.37.77.100221/96 LI.43.38.1906/96 SWENNEN Jos SPITS Jean-Marie Julien NIJS NIJS Jennifer Maria Milazzo WAERZEGGERS Cindy DOLHAIN Johnny DOLHAIN LAVAL Christelle Jean-Pierre GREGOIRE Jocelyne BORGUET WAERZEGGERS Monique Germaine Maurice Dupont Sylvianne LAVAL SPITS MILAZZO hits which accuses his friend SWENNEN of raping his daughter. SWENNEN masturbated in front of Jennifer giving her a shower (3 years) in 1993 He masturbated in front JULIEN after making her remove her panties (7 years) in 1994 with Jennifer SWENNEN broke his finger 30/09 / 95 (5 years) SWENNEN violated MILAZZO in 1983 (15 years) SWENNEN showed pornographic movies to children 10 years 59 DV 1711-1796 Pol VISE LI.37.46.1711/96 SWENNEN Jos CROUGHS Guy CROUGHS CROUGHS Anne Sophie Beatrice SPITS SPITS

Copini Tiphany Fabienne MEERS Josiane NYSSEN Tyfanie JACQUEMAIN Mary Magdalene JACQUEMAIN Franois VERSTRAETEN Alphonsine SWENNEN's hands balladeuses to Anne (9) and Sophie ((11 years) He asked ANNE barking and peeing like a dog and not wear panties parents noted abnormal behavior and ANNE surprised the two girls who masturbated ANNE began even objects into the vagina SWENNEN violated Sophie with finger so 02/96 SWENNEN violated Tiphany with his finger 04/96 60 DV 2178/96 Pol VISE LI.46.37.2178/96 LI.46.37.2179/96 LI.46.37.2180/96 INVENTORY FILE Baudewijn (GE.45.66.150462/97) (69/96 VAN DE JI Sijpe) No. Date Ref PV Verbal. Summary 01 150 462 25 / March 1997 SUMMARY FILE INITIAL VERHAE GE.45.66.150462/97 Notice to Suspect THREATS: A named PATRICK - his father Victim: Baudewijn Virginia (5/16/80) - a named JORIS (5-6 years) It is currently still in a pedophile network she had received death threats VIRGINIA MPS = There is a folder for GENT INCEST charge of his father the facts have begun when she was 09 months Towards 10-11 years: phobia video camera - the use of drugs and painkillers Towards 1314 years: first suicide attempt and a certain JOKE AIDS test which is also in the network to a son who has not been declared (Joris) JOKE had to choose between suicide, suicide or his son be killed before she killed herself VIRGINIA contact parquet GENT: PR MEDARD Folder = INCEST J.37A10.1332/96 Lady DIERICKX the prosecution Youth GENT - GENT JI Vanderzeypen of Virginia is admitted to the hospital in St. Lucas BRUGES 02 150 463 27/03 VERHAE SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT PATRICK It is also called THOMAS 03 150 465 27/03 _ VERHAE INFORMATION MEASURES - CONTACT FLOOR 04 150 466 16/04 VERHAE OBSERVATION 16/04 / 97 05 150,467 20/04 of 20/04/97 VERHAE OBSERVATION HHHHF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,055 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon YYYD X2 PV Ref No. 116799 6/11/96 Summary Themes Hoskens 01 DESCRIPTIO N OF PLACES by X2 KNOKKE First contact with the X2 X2 06.11.96 explains a period of her life when she participated in orgies (1985-1990 ) Facts occur in villas KNOKKE Similarities places designated by X1 Site Visit with X2 - X2 guides verbalisants Hotel CROMWELL - no longer exists KNOKKE "Scarsdale" Blinckaertlaan 19 in Koningbos Restaurant Uylenspiegel Apartment House Zoutelaan 80 Binnenhof 9 or 11 or 13 (not sure) 62 Elizabethlaan Zeedijk 841 "LEKKERBEK" Eikenlaan Boslaan 43 or X1 had also designated the Scarsdale

villa and houses Binnenhof Hotel TINEL and the home of the grandmother of X1 are faced at 62 Elizabethlaan 117 535 02 19/11/96 PIRARD FIRST AUDITION X2 The words refer to the mistress of a high KAREL Magistrate BXL KAREL X2 and a weekend for two to KNOKKE in the apartment's sister KAREL Zeedijk 841 blok Lekkerbek Sister = wife of a son of the CEO KODAK SWITZERLAND KAREL had more demands sex (fellatio - erotic clothing special positions, ...) It made use of physical strength and strength of character to impose its wishes Then he took her in orgies where she wore a wig Orgy at the apartment but also NETHERLANDS KNOKKE he also received other judges Brussels (DELVOIE - Raspe) At this point X2 was from Orgy in villas to KNOKKE around the Golf Villas have been designated (PV 116799) Also in the villa of Maurice Lippens Orgy with minor girls in Cromwell Hotel KNOKKE Present: DELVOIE - KAREL - X2 - LIPPENS - VAN GELUWE (Courts of Appeal Bxl) Etienne Davignon The girls knew where to go and who strikes LIPPENS Several meetings between girls and KAREL DAVIGNON at the hotel with the two Lippens MEMLING Also orgies with minors EINDHOVEN with DELVOIE Chateau 18 S Travel in convoy from KNOKKE The cars with German plates followed with the reception girls castle = a woman = price 2.000-bef/personne should be mandatory couple Undressing (possibly accepted bikini) Swimming pool - sauna - solarium - A cold buffet upstairs rooms without doors and themes Room with mirrors and cameras Room with several mattresses Room with obstetric tables - handcuffs - chains KAREL and X2 = 30-50 times in the castle at Same girls CROMWELL Clients of the castle: DENIS Patrick (PJ in 1986) A friend of DENIS: travesti year but ANTWERPEN French = PATRICK Companion of the transvestite = favorite Jean-Pierre Van Rossem (blonde) Companion of the time van Rossem (blonde) Jean-Pierre Van Rossem Baron Jean-Paul Dumont BONVOISIN friend of Patrick Denis = Carine CARINE Another and PATRICIA who work at the courthouse BXL Benoit HUBERT (PJ DINANT BOURLEE Claude Leroy (attorney in Nivelles) Persons who attended orgies in the region WATERLOO Major X2 was the oldest and seemed the girls were obviously minor X2 was forced to participate in orgies and having homosexual relations with girls The girls disappeared when they were about 15-16 years For orgies: girls 12 - In 13 years was 88 one of the oldest (15-16 years) is mounted in the room sadomasochistic - we never did review The girls drank alcohol and out of these orgies with bangs 117536 26/11/96 PIRARD 03 SECOND HEARING X2 Jean-Paul Dumont and Paul BOURLEE EINDHOVEN late 86-early 87 By 09/84 X2 is moved in response to rumors about his affair with KAREL She was transferred to NIVELLES where she meets Olivier CASTIAUX and becomes his mistress while continuing its relationship with KAREL CASTIAUX has a collection of vehicles including Jaguar Never complete sexual relation with CASTIAUX CASTIAUX caressing without intercourse - it can not touch the Circle of Franois HARCQ BAYENS CASTIAUX = (JI NIVELLES) dE La Chevallerie Amory (Magistrate Nivelles) dE PRESLE NIEPPE of Yves (Magistrate Nivelles) LOMBARD BOURLEE Dr. Paul and his wife Carine Hanquinet (Magistrate Nivelles) ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08-09/85 Towards evening at the Notary in WATERLOO NASSAUX = sex with 05 underage girls Present: CASTIAUX and X2 - NNASSAUX and his wife Vronique DEHOUX (attorney in Nivelles) - BOURLEE - Franois HARCQ - BAYENS and other house description Girls' less class "X2 KNOKKE to leave and wait two hours in the car It

CASTIAUX attend more orgies here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ End 11/85 X2 CASTIAUX leads to the second residence to BOURLEE FAULX-LES-FALLEN SEILLE near the Castle's wife and Carine BOURLEE Hanquinet were present but are parts After their sontr departure arrived who were present at NASSAUX and Baron BONVOISIN - BAYENS and HARCQ was not there They arrived with girls under 15 years old sex takes place on the floor, but X2 remains low Girls are less relaxed than EINDHOVEN and follow like cattle X2 heard screams of pain coming from the floor After one hour CASTIAUX down and leaves with X2 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,057 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Mi-86 X2 CASTIAUX invited to a party at hipe WOLUWE Big villa with pool near the Shopping Center - Description It is one of the organizers and should help CASTIAUX is a member of ROTARY CLUB Present: CASTIAUX - of BONVOISIN - Georges Desir - two brothers MERODE - of MEEUS (Walibi) - The Prince and Princess of Chimay - le Comte Emmanuel de LICHTERVELD - CARTEUVELS - Count of URSSEL X2 leaves the scene to 02-03.00 hours 117537 03/12/96 PIRARD 04 THIRD HEARING X2 Orgy at EINDHOVEN in attendance 05-06/88 Description The 16 year old daughter has suffered violence in the room sadomasochistic After having herself participated in the orgy in another room X2 comes down and sees the girl prostrate on a sofa dressed and X2 will not return to his see the girl did X2 review ever - it had been 04 years in the network 118376 12/11/96 PIRARD 05 FOURTH HEARING X2 Description 16 year old girl who disappeared after a sadomasochistic session The older girls and women were the mistress she had a specific ROLR Check that the girls drink alcohol and to take the drugs (coke) prepared by maitresee women (as sniffettes) Once the girls are used to mistresses and women who serve X2-mistress was a woman Dose coke varies partners and violence they anticipated a the most violent was the friend of LIPPENS - He has a sex 22 cm long and 5.5 cm in diameter - losqu'il is erect sex remains vertical and the glans is bent down His fantasy was sodomized X2 dry then fellate him while she was taken by another KAREL a 18 cm sex - he very little chest hair and pubic hair are pale-red strawberry blond man with description which is mounted to the girl sitting sadomasochistic OF BONVOISIN not practice sodomy while being sodomized himself and so the chain (4-5 men) DUMONT rather sadomasochistic 118479 03/12/96 RACE 06 Identifications INFORMATION places and persons designated by the X2 Suite 19/11/96 PV 117535 and 117536 of 26/11/96 NASSEAUX Guy (27/02/43) Notary in WATERLOO

Spouse of Vronique DEHOUX (23/11 / 51) BOURLEE Paul (17/04/29) lawyer - Justice of the Peace acting Bridegroom DEHAYE CASTIAUX Franoise Olivier (10/07/53) Bailiff Owners ground floor of 841 Zeedijk to KNOKKE = Thvenaz-VAN HERCK Ren (not registered BELGIUM) Thvenaz Ren (09/03/43) resides in Switzerland X2 indicates that the KAREL sister married the son of a CEO Switzerland NASSEAUX owns their home floor Bxl 109 WATERLOO Street and BIESME Fayat 34 and various pastures There was never a listing Biesmes NASSEAUX DEHOUX-owner of Avenue des Chasseurs WATERLOO from 35 to 28/01 / 83 Housing occupied by CARLY Georgette (12/01/23) since 14/09/88 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,058 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon No occupant between 1983 and 1988 X2 said to have been conducted in 1985 Rue de la Carriere 33A BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU since 08/11/95 No occupant DEHOUX Own Appart street Defacqz 129 (4 rear) St-Gilles from 18/10/94 BOURLEE DEHAYE-owner of Rue de Hal 14 BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU from home 3/18/81 = Ch Alsemberg 437 to BRAINE-L'ALLEUD = legacy 16/10/94 118380 12/12/96 PIRARD 07 HEARING X2 - Olivier CASTIAUX In 1984 she became the mistress of CASTAUX Olivier while continuing its relationship with KAREL CASTIAUX never entered X2 - only caresses house description of CASTIAUX THERE was a book on Chinese astrology The couple DASSONVILLE suggestive cover Carine and Emmanuel had the same make DASSONVILLE The witchcraft CARINE knows the PSC and VDB She met in the deaths of SANTINI X2 was hypnotized by them and they pierced his neck, arms and thighs with needles According CASTIAUX X2 was witch in a previous life (presence of his body three points of beauty triplet) PR DEPRETRE was in love with the X2 X2 to deliver mail to DEPRETRE CASTIAUX 1987: dinner X2 and CASTIAUX BAYENS and THE KNIGHTS (two judges) said that the gold BAYENS a meal at the OPUS DEI ChteauDON JOLBERT children were the guests of blowjobs under the table The castle was put under surveillance by Patrick DENIS (PJ NIVELLES) which has a list of members in summer 88 trip CASTIAUX FRANCE and X2 - X2 comes only after 10 days During this stay CASTIAUX dating FRANCE Wilfried MARTENS CASTIAUX meeting also cop or Gd NIVELLES 118382 12/13/96 PIRARD 08 HEARING X2 - Jean-Paul Dumont Shortly before Easter 85 meal in a Chinese restaurant with Auderghem X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE - Claude Leroy and JP Dumont One evening coffee and VIKING drunk DUMONT and LEROY speaks of "kiss a goat or a chicken or a kid" are present: X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE and GODFROI (former PJ worldly) There are female wrestling match in which UCCLE evenings ending in orgy X2 has met several times in DUMONT PLATOS She met with IXELLES also MARNETTE-Pelos and ZIMMER (PJ BXL) Club orgy with occasional minor consenting to DUMONT DUMONT was with boys and MARNETTE know well (accomplices) X2 saw Dumont having sex with children during that

EINDHOVEN it was sodomized by other men DUMONT vsitait room with chaisse obstrique Sometimes DUMONT paid to eat late in the evening to SIBEMOL LEROY-toDELVOYE MARNETTE-KEUPENS The same also attended DOLO There were Bouhouche their table VANDER ZWAN MARNETTE and would've been in a hotel run by a former bankok the X2 PJ went to KNOKKE KAREL with a white villa with mailboxes SUMMARY AA'AA 1,059 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon red bell house description She saw Leopold Lippens description another house KNOKKE It also cites the hotel to CROMWELL KNOKKE The girl who disappeared EINDHOVEN told the men they were patients undergoing X2 accompanied a Jewish girl (LEVI) when played bridge (Fall 86) LEVI was the look at home with Bd Reyers MERCEDES blue with beige seats clear driven by a chauffeur LEVI DELVOYE paid to be accompanied X2 She met LEVI EINDHOVEN description to a house on Rue de la Victoire in St-Gilles where X2 went to 06/87 with KAREL The occupants of the house (and MARTINE?) were present and Karel VAN MIERT DELVOYE and said talks with MARTINE "It's OK" - KAREL said that the place is smaller than EINDHOVEN MARTINE's husband wants to sleep with X2 but refusal Someday HUBERT Benoit X2 offered to go to a brothel rue de la Victoire held by In winter a couple after 88 X2 meal goes with CLAREBOETS Luke CRUCIFIX named Alain and Bernard (all three PJ) rue de la Victoire On site maintenance it sex with three and the husband MARTINE 118385 12/16/96 PIRARD 09 HEARING X2 - Dancing MIRANO description CASTIAUX secretary in 1984 and the daughter of the latter (08-10 years) CASTIAUX cared studies of small At the birth of the first daughter of X2 CASTIAUX s' to her home with a woman supposedly nursing He took photos of the small end 85 CASTIAUX went to Lyon, the USA and SINGAPORE He said sociologist at the CNRS in 88 CASTIAUX went to join friends AUSTRALIA has taught their daughter (15) to lead 85-86 End X2 is brought to MIRANO by CASTIAUX-BOURLEE ARCQFranois-dE = BONVOISIN nothing special CASTIAUX Later still leads MIRANO but did not stay to these private occasions evenings ended in orgies with cocaine distribution miners attended the orgies were initiated by the women most concerned about elderly They girls and not boys One she masturbated X2 and sodomizing a LEVI dildo ejaculates on woman's body and spread sperm Description of this woman DELMARTI 100,516 01/21/97 NO JUSTICE CHARGES 10 X2 Two meals 21/01/97 - PV 150 057 150 075 950-Bef PIRARD 01/21/97 RECOGNITION 11 X2 FAULX to the apostille and WATERLOO Suite 8.11.96 Recognition addresses listed in hearings Region FAULX-LES-GRAVES = neg She thinks FAULX went to the castle but it is nothing happened NIVELLES Region: SUMMARY AA'AA 1,060 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

X2 indicates the homes of ARCQ (rue des Archers 46) and CASTIAUX (street crossbowmen 68-70) It means CASTIAUX vehicle: JEEP CHEROKEE LVH-060 Region WATERLOO: Search villa described in PV 117.536/96 She believes recognize Avenue Hunters 35 but think the interior layout to change She said that the entrance of the property to change There aps donkey or planters to baffle or paved Info to the area: street was paved recently but there has never been a donkey or baffle 150059 02/04/97 DUPAGNE REQUEST SANSEN 12 X2 CR (synd. GESVES initiative) has pictures of castle dating from 1980 FAULX The current owner (DEMEYER) asked to open a hotel but denied request for CR 1980 and request pictures of hotel (description inside) 118379 12/12/96 PIRARD HEARING 13 X2 X2 - Brabant Wallon She attended in the 80s a bunch of kids whose LAUWAERT Philippe de Nivelles (The SNOOUS) - FRANCK Philippe - PAULUS Bernard - Joan PAUL - PAUL Franoise - Camille Paulus - PAULUS Juliette - Ledec Lawrence his brother BEKAERT Eric - Philippe SHEEP - SHEEP Franois - BEKAERT Pascal - HUYBRECHTS Anne JESUS - John Paul PILATE - Etienne BERNARD - Bernard Muriel - TAVERN Damien STEENWERK Eric - VANDERA Kurt - MAUQUOIS Manual - Son of Notary MOLLE - NABIL Jijacli - Catherine and Franoise Head band = a PAULUS - FRANCK Philippe and Pascal BEKAERT List of places frequented An Italian coachbuilder lent their car and weapons before the band attended the killing of Walloon Brabant Wavre area, a shooting club Seneffe - shooting under highway bridges and old stationery Genval and former Nivelles circuit and Wood Hall A girl of four winds = DUBOIS who was dating Nadine Daniel STJEAN who became a prostitute at BXL In 1983: TELEPHONE evening coffee to LILLOIS He was asked to bring back people who do not have a license LAUWAERT asked not to take the road to Brussels but when it does the second path it finds the presence of a white Mercedes or gray and another car at the gas pump COLRUYT of his return to 01.30 hours MERCEDES is still there the next day she learned of the attack COLRUYT She believes that MERCEDES used by people who attend the PSC COLRUYT file is processed by Patrick Bernard Glime-DENIS - HAULOTTE Luc (PJ) and PR DEPRETRE The record of champignonire was sent to Nivelles although there is apparently no connection with the records of Brabant established PR similarities between the band and the Nivelles young youth band champignonire During the transmission of the file champignonire MARNETTE she sees for the first time one of the investigators of this case is a former Joel STEVENS PJ NIVELLES Glime and not MARNETTE get along in a report on the champignonire talking about Jesus and a car with an eagle on the hood - also known as cafes and places she frequented She knows Italian and rolling with this lame The type of car was a FORD Italian coachbuilder TRANSAM with an eagle on the hood CASTIAUX was to maintain his vehicle at this Italian CASTIAUX knew the owner of the inn "THREE DUCKS" SUMMARY AA'AA 1,061

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Doctors and MAILLEUX LOMBARD attend this inn The innkeeper was killed - we talked about at the time of settlement of accounts was also maintain its CASTIAUX car garage WAUTHIER Braines where another murder has been committed It case was handled by Patrick BERTYRAND and DENIS and JI SCHLICKER Two almost simultaneous attacks from large surfaces according to PJ there should be two bands COSTA The Gd has established a faster route would have allowed a single band to do both attacks (through places frequented by the band Nivelles) in 85/86 all the files are transferred to Brabant JUMET cell as the file champignonire Regular contacts between MARNETTE for folders and BERTRAND Never link established between authors Brabant Nivelles and the band No ballistic analysis for comparison at a party at DOLO she overhears a conversation on a taxi driver that must be removed a few days later she learns in the press discovered a MONS This taxi driver murder case was attached files Brabant Following his statement to the press PR DEPRETRE was pressured and has started to write his own reports is threatened to unplug appliances that her daughter was alive BORDET to Anne-Sophie DEPRETRE studying at LLN as a friend Carine DASSONVILLE X2 Both families could know DASSONVILLE told X2 that DEPRETRE undergoing pressure vis--vis his daughter DASSONVILLE is the origin of the journal EURO-DENIS POLICE Patrick (lover X2) is also threatened with death SIMON Marc would also suffered threats such as his wife and daughter DEPRETRE sent love letters to X2 - she gave these letters would CASTIAUX X2 regularly Dolo where she met Bouhouche X2 also met the woman at HILTON Bouhouche a meeting between GOL - MOUREAUX Philippe - Wilfried Martens, VDB, Willy DE CLERCK NIHOUL Jean-Michel - KAREL DELVOYE and X2 does not participated in the meeting - she waited at the bar Bouhouche has never been heard on DOLO, HILTON and the people he knew According to Jean-Pierre DORANE name Schwartz (gold dealer) intervene in the case MENDEZ CASTIAUX and THREE DUCKS boss knew Schwartz Serge Dumont had good contacts with DORANE and brother MENDEZ Serge Dumont was secretary to the cabinet of Philippe MOUREAUX Serge Dumont worked with Ren HACQUIN, Walter and Paul Debock PONSAERT the killings of Serge Dumont attended unntrafiuquant Weapons linked to MOSSAD or an Arab group A GD: Lionel RUTH BILL attended the driver of VDB They met in the parking lot of the motel where X2 Drogenbos went with Patrick DENIS BILL also had contacts with the ZIMMER DOLO BILL spoke Bouhouche Gd AMORY was excluded from the cell Brabant following the discovery of a gun in the spaghetti sauce Philippe's mother was the LAUWAERT sedcrtaire of SCHLICKER when he was a lawyer during the relocation of the PJ in NIVELLES 87 a parts of the pink files were destroyed 118.383 13/12/96 14 X2 X2 HEARING - Karel VAN MIERT She attended the PLATOS Porte de Namur SUMMARY AA'AA 1,062 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Generally PIRARD BOOM-BOOM meal at HILTON oyu and late evening to PLATOS After

midnight orgies, sometimes with consenting minors 14-15 years At an orgy she had sex with Karel VAN MIERT In this report it strangles even when it falls almost 118,384 syncope 13/12/96 HEARING PIRARD 15 X2 X2 - Royal Family Orgy with EINDHOVEN 1988 A minor girl accustomed to the place has been abused and has never been reviewed This girl told X2 that all men were sick she suffered She spoke of a castle in Brussels where she went at Easter 1987, in a crazy named LILIANE She said he would return the garden X2 understands that the body could be buried X2 think Liliane OF RETY ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- X2 has already gone 2-3 times in the Prince Alexandre to keep company with a Jew named LEVI (Fall 86 and March 87) This is the LEVI she met at EINDHOVEN DELVOYE X2 forced to stay with Levi when he played the map Prince Castle ALEXANDRE Description castle in Argenteuil He does not know anything happened at sexual Were also present a French named PHILIPPE She also accompanied LEVI in a mansion in TERVUEREN At this point she saw Prince twice LAURENT In May after drinking and 87 for a bet prince Laurent is masturbating and ejaculated in a dish of bolognaise sauce --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- FETs season 85/86 KAREL brings X2 MIRANO She returned 4-5 times thereafter Whenever: orgies with distribution of coke Presence Minors 12-15 years available until 03.00-04.00 Generally: a dozen children - 2530 adults with 5-6 women 50 years and girls aged 18-20 3-4 The orgies were initiated by X2 older women had sex with one of those women who masturbated and sodomized with a dildo - she spread sperm on the body of Jewish X2 X2 After the evening was brought home LEVI Present at the orgies MIRANO: BONVOISIN of BOURLEE LEVI PHILIPPE (in French of Prince Alexandre) The Princes Philippe and Laurent but never active - they looked while masturbating to ejaculation and unknown unknown 150 563 03/04/97 16 X2 PIRARD MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION by X2 CHEVALERIE Amaury (10.27.33) - 1 Substitute for NIVELLES PRELLE of the NIEPPE Yves (01/28/51) - Substitute 1 to NIVELLES BAEYENS Christian (29/09/28) - JI Honorary NIVELLES to Hanquinet Carine (07/01/54) Substitute for NAMUR BOURLEE Paul (04/17/29) Justice of the Peace and a Deputy NIVELLES lawyer PIRARD 150,564 04/03/97 17 X2 X2 by MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION DELVOIE Guy (20 / 08/47) - Advisor to BXL Court of Appeal HERCK Karel VAN (23/09/48) - Advisor to BXL Court of Appeal Raspe Geo (03/18/48) - Advisor BXL Court of Appeal in Van Gheluwe Paul (03/29/38) - Vice-Trib Prsient Forum BXL 1 150 565 18 X2 X2 by MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY AA'AA 1,063 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 04/03/97 PIRARD Karel VAN MIERT (17/01/42) Ex-President Commissioner SP MEP 150566 03/04/97 PIRARD IDENTIFICATION 19 X2 X2 MENTIONED PERSONS by Etienne Davignon (10/04/32) Member of the European Commission Reprsentantr BELGIUM - diplomatic immunity Vice

President European Community Administrator GENERAL BANK 150567 03/04/97 PIRARD IDENTIFICATION 20 X2 X2 MENTIONED PERSONS by Leopold Lippens (11/20/41) Patrick DENIS (28/12 /?) Jean-Pierre Van Rossem (05/29/45) of BONVOISIN Benoit (14/03/39) Jean DUMONT Paul (04/07/52) Hubert Benoit (05/03/58) Claude Leroy (06/27/40) MARNETTE Georges (12/14/46) ZIMMER Yves (03/02/49) CEUPPENS Georges (22 / 01/48) Bouhouche Madani (06/14/52) VANDER Zwalmen Albert (07/30/37) Maurice Lippens (05/09/43) CLAREBOETS Luc (06/11/49) CRUCIFIX Alain (02/18/51) Pelos, Jean-Paul (29/11/48) 150568 03/04/97 PIRARD 21 X2 X2 by MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION DUMONT Jean-Paul (07/04/52) CASTIAUX Olivier (07/10/53) HARCQ Jean (Francis) (22/04/31) LOMBARD Paul (01/02/40) NASSEAUX Guy (17/02/43) DEHOUX Vronique (11/23/51) of BONVOISIN Benoit (14/03/39) 150476 07/02/97 RACE 22 X2 X2 CONTACT with the 07/02/97 at 15.30 X2 was contacted by KAREL which fixes an appointment she refuses she wants to resume its hearings but with a male therapist preferably She wants to see one privately therapist that she had always refused to accept that she hearings be recorded (audio K7) but not filmed She accepts that she is the mistress of KAREL 150477 03/10/97 DECKERS 23 X2 APPOINTMENT OF A THERAPIST The persons mentioned by X2 have been identified and some have privileges or immunities of jurisdiction JI LANGLOIS required to continue hearings Therapist can: Marc BRUSSELMANS the UCL WOLUWE Request indictment 150,665 24 X2 REQUEST indictment INAMI For doctors who treated MERCIER Batrice (12/04/64) 27/03/97 150,809 25 X2 DECKER SERVICE DOCTOR BRUSSELMANS of the OATH Marc Assistance X2 audition 151,040 03/27/97 DECKER 26 X2 X2 HEARING 27/03/97 Cassette recording of audio in the presence of Dr. BRUSSELMANS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,064 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon = PV subsequent transcription 151044 27/03/97 HASTIR HEARING 27 X2 X2 27/03/97 Transcript of cassettes 03 cassettes Entering She recognizes herself to be the mistress of KAREL Around 13 years she met Philippe LAUWAERT with whom she released 06 years pdt First approaches to enter network It the meeting in a

room ITTRE - it is a disc jockey - Bernard PAULUS is also present in this oire She was in class with Laurent and Johanne PAULUS Ledec Members of the band NIVELLE which she talked She speaks of a woman a man she saw some time at the rink and POSEIDON FOREST Parody KKK in an old stationery GENVAL In the bands they had sex with their partner and changed - orgy in the mother PAULUS who was sometimes Mother has PAULUS style = hippie - not involved Towards 1977-1978 Some band members were arrested for int reinforcement on the highway but not everyone (PAULUS - LAUWAERT FRANC - it - never arrested or heard) She believes that parents intervened She speaks of an accident where she was driving drunk but not classified by DEPRETRE suites Folder Intervention Gd (GUIDO) who contacted CASTIAUX she did not yet know Sometimes orgies to former paper or simple ratio couple with Contacts lka band NIVELLE up to 20 years and the relationship between them but only penetration from its 16 years it was always the boys who decided that they were going to do with love and girls had nothing to say She loved LAUWAERT airait and done all he wanted without thinking it was the same later with VAN HERCK CASTIAUX and if she refused she was beaten she is far from LAUWAERT when she came out with CASTIAUX and VAN HERCK LAUWAERT It is the mother who got him a place at the Ministry of Justice It is very powerful in the region by the people she NIVELLE common friend DOCHE She was personal secretary GOL She also knows Magerman She was secretary when he was a lawyer CHLICKER She knows all the fashion PJ NIVELLES Jesus = GEBELS Francois MOUTON = not yet Pilatte Cite Philippe Jean-Paul - HUYBRECKS Anne - Etienne BERNARD - Bernard Muriel - GUISSENNE Maryse TAVERN Damien - Eric STEENWERK - VANDERA Kurd - ZABO (dangerous) - MAUQOIS Manual - Son MOLLE - Philippe FRANC - JIJACLI Nabil - Catherine - Franoise - Italian - She lives with LAUWAERT 82 to 84: out of the house by his father's wife and man of the rink bring girls (consententes) for orgies The Italian was older and the orgies he did that he knew people sodomization Palace JusticeLa sanction of the court of KKK forced the girl to a pipe all members of the band in front of others she meets VAN HERCK the Courthouse NIVELLES a little after 20 years - it has the lightning - She hangs in the ascensseur and says she wants to go out with him and he has three days to think She says her colleague Patricia DELGUSTE who told him that it is the Magistrate discipline three days after he is going into his office and said, OK SUMMARY AA'AA 1,065 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon LAUWAERT - PAULUS - Karel Beckaert and seemed to know the relationship VAN HERCK X2 EET known VAN HERCK was transferred to the Court of Appeal VAN HERCK always spoke with a JONART Out LAUWAERT and NIVELLES band in 10 / 84 09/84 she returned to NIVELLES Parquet and 10/84 in and out with PJ NIVELLES patrick DENIS along with KAREL In 85 she might see in DENIS Description relations falmiliales - former colonials until 1969 when she was in the circuit KNOKKE she told someone PJ NIVELLES who did not believe ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Facts ----------------- committed CHIMAY She went 5-6 times in a huge wood - hunts She had to go She never witnessed anything whether Participated: the most violent band of brothers whose KNOKKE LIPPENS

A CHIMAY she heard screaming and pulling but it does not know what she has never seen There is also a game that has already LEVY It was spoken around the castle of Chimay description of the castle before she already knew Wood is murC'tait cries of children maybe 10 years (?) She thinks there were 4-5 The child cries net stop She stayed with Levy and the brothers moemnt LIPPENS left with 1-2 other people whose "gamekeeper" The participants were all KNOKKE and EINDHOVEN She never saw The screams were horrible children and indecriptibles She has not heard shooting LEVY was very nervous as if he had not been there when the screams stopped her, Levy and others from the fast as if they bothered LEVY was very disturbed There was also a woman so strong, black hair 40 years - jeans sweater boots and other people KNOKKE-EINDHOVEN This happens one weekend afternoon, first half 88 It comes and goes with LEVY (MERCEDES ) - before hunting: lunch near VIRELLES Description MERCEDES LEVY Wood is 05 instead of fiveminutes CHIMAY Initially the cries were not strong, rather screams of pain and cries much louder for a few seconds and stop A net FAULX there were cries but they do not stop She never saw a girl back in full EV Leopold Lippens When the cries stopped LEVY stopped making love to her and returned quickly in the car with her - he drove very fast swearing ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- DENIS (PJ) went to EINDHOVEN ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ARGENTEUIL Eva, a girl she had between 84-88 and was told CHIMAY have gone 2-3 times in wild After 88 EVA disappeared after EINDHOVEN It lives in a castle whose description matches ARGENTEUIL EVA said that there are children buried in the property SUMMARY AA'AA 1,066 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon -------------------------------------------------- EVA = ---------------------------------------------- 16 in 88 (?) It should be in the network since longtempsPremire meeting at the Hotel in Cromwell KNOKKE in 84 - it was for Leopold Lippens and figure incomes blood EVA black hair - bob brown eyes - speaks NL-FR-ENG - like X2 - 1m45 EVA-50 and X2 managed livestock childish pros they are well addicts, they have well drunk, they must leave when Leopold Lippens wanted to have but KAREL X2 refused 151147 04/03/97 RACE HEARING 28 X2 X2 03/04/97 With the dct BRUSSELMAN recorded and transcribed later Audition 151150 04/03/97 HASTIR HEARING 29 X2 X2 03/04/97 Transcript of tapes Entry 02 audio cassettes Emphasizes anonymity through the same court it is not certain that the facts of CHIMAY happening on the castle grounds She does not know if there is a link between the castle and its inhabitants and made it think it was not a public wood (presence of gamekeeper) The perticipants look sure to be quiet She went several times CHIMAY but only once a "hunt" Description gamekeeper 45-50 years 88 - 1m60-65 - average build the village spoke to

CASTIAUX he is always dressed in hunter Considering only CHIMAY CASTIAUX frequents CANIVET of ITTRE CANIVET resembles the gamekeeper and was also present at the wedding CHIMAY Description of where they ate before the hunt, to 13.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs Hunting - returning in the evening fell Description LEVY - he has an office rue Bara She speaks of PHILIP ALEXANDER and with whom he was dealing well with a Saudi She sold without a label for champagne LEVY (1x) Dj vu in newspaper photo LEVY She talks about hunting party only because of the clothes of the same participants to FAULX she saw nothing, she heard of the starting LEVY FAULX was the same as CHIMAY ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- A hunting party in the south with horse people - many of them armed - while hunting ago rape X2 - to 87-88 to 05-06 CASTIAUX She goes with ranch or in CHEROKEE LAND ROVER and Beyond PROFONDEVILLE There were people KNOKKE but not LIPPENS EVA is present and also BOURLEE and Benoit BONVOISIN riders arrived on horseback It takes but does not know what she saw no game or dog riders also derive and horses are not afraid of a cavalry arrived at her home is dismounted and raped her has the same EVA also violated hunting takes place around 17.00 pm She was also raped by a smaller but less than EINDHOVEN violence (blows to the face and throat) is crying because she strangles X2 EVA has only been hit in the face and There were belly another minor under 15 years (blonde) but she does not know if she was raped - she was a woman SUMMARY AA'AA 1,067 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 151151 04/17/97 RACE HEARING 30 X2 X2 17/04/97 With the tapes Dct BRUSSELMAN Transcript = 02 PV subsequent sketch of the house BOURLEE 151154 04/15/97 HASTIR 31 X2 SITE RECOGNITION - RESEARCH LEVY Recognition in the triangle is the X2 130 rue de l'Instruction ALFI with inscription on front - not sure X2 also refers (without certainty) 29th Avenue W. Churchill transformation X2 = house agency designates GENERAL BANK Avenue Brugmann 271 ---------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Rue de l'Instruction 130 CALIFORNIA SA SA ALFI SPRL ROTONDE SPACE SPACE SPRL In ROTONDE: Emile Levy (12/09/46) = as Emile Levy: NEW TRADE and PARADISE No vehicle a name but LEVY: MITSUBISHI COLT HPF-534 to NEW TRADE -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 29 Av Winston Churchill 1959 to 1990: Schriewer Robert (02/07/23) 1994: SA JULIEN F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Av Brugmann 271 The bank has been 30-40 years at X2 cited a BBL and it is a GENERAL There is a branch near the BBL 29 av. Churchill since 1977 ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------Control LEVY control for the store PARADISE min force it does not match the description of X2

151156 04/17/97 HASTIR HEARING 32 X2 X2 of 17/04/97 ENTRY 90 mm audio tape cassette Rettranscription full hearing in the presence of psy BRUSSELMANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Hunting Party in region X2 DINANT car went through PROFONDEVILLE She went with CASTIAUX Present: a tall blond with very bright eyes, a little fat, a lady KNOKKE view and EINDHOVEN, CASTIAUX of BONVOISIN, BOURLEE, EVA, another blonde girl. She went once the woman has relations with EVA X2 relationships with small and big blonde She describes how to pass the antics X2 has a scar on the thigh after the facts of the facts EINDHOVEN After she leaves place with CASTIAUX first see it on site or LAND ROVER RANGE, a Japanese and a 4x4 MERCEDES No van for horses near cliffs as in ON-THE-LADIES EVA had an opportunity to take the gun cla tall blond but has not done They left without reviewing it another blonde ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- BOURLEE Spring House 86-87 CASTIAUX It goes with the house near BOURLEE GESVES The woman left the scene with BOURLEE Hanquinet (PR NIVELLES then NAMUR) After BONVOISIN arrives with a stranger, also three girls (12-14 years) X2 does not participate in events that took place on the floor - she hears screaming girls: Mom, no noise ... then stop = Unknown old, grizzled, big, strong, 50 years house description - X2 sketched At the request of X2 leaving on it n has not seen the children leave CASTIAUX knew the road to go home ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- She had two experiences with specific CASTIAUX 151342 24/04/97 DECKER AUDITION INFORMATION 33 X2 X2 24/04/97 Hearing filmed sketch CROMWELL Hotel 151420 05/01/97 RACE 34 X2 X2 HEARING CHECKS following 151.154/97 and 151.419/97 Suite PV: new passage Ave. Churchill 29 Presence of a metallic component inside the building X2 spoke of a bar on the door In fact there is a mezuzah (Hebrew religious symbol) on the door 151419 24/04/97 HASTIR TRANSCRIPTION OF HEARING 41 X2 X2 + ENTRY OF 04/24/97 2 CASSETTES - X2 provides confirmation of data LEVY, especially regarding the house Winston Churchill. - X2 hesitation regarding the business but formal rue Bara regarding the bank. - X2 confirms that it still was taken by car to CHIMAY to the HUNTING DINING in KNOKKE, EINDHOVEN. X2 says it should also lie on the back seat when traveling to the hotel KNOKKE CROMWELL. X2 indicates that these trips are made once arrived at KNOKKE not from Brussels. It states that there is no sign at this hotel. - X2 makes a description of the interior of the hotel "CROMWELL" (?). - X2 sees EVA (12 or 13), but it does not participate in anything. She went 3 times CROMWELL from 1985 to 1986. It seems that there were two other girls of the same age, these girls were definitely not trained (no breasts visible). None of them were disguised or dressed. According to X2, the girls are dressed and masked for EINDHOVEN. - X2 speaks of the presence of a KAREL. - X2 sees some LEOPOLD with another man. - Confirms that X2 is LIPPENS LEOPOLD. - X2 confirms that

the named LEVY raped her at a party hunting CHIMAY. And a rider blond raped her and EVA during a hunting party to DINANT. - X2 speaks of that EVA had told him in 1987 about some of LILIANE in Brussels that he would return to the field. note: see declaration of Waeterschoot regarding bodies that were buried in the park of a castle. LILIANNE could be Lilianne RETHY of the castle and town by waet. could be hers???? - X2 specifies that took him from ALEXANDRE to play cards. note: Waeterschoot cites his aggressor is Alexandre de Merode. There may be a link with the Alexander mentioned here??? - X2 recounts that just ended in 1990. - X2 speaks of a certain CASTIAUX 151420 05/01/97 RACE 34 X2 X2 HEARING CHECKS following 151.154/97 and 151.419/97 Suite PV: new passage Ave. Churchill 29 Presence of a metal flap inside the building X2 spoke of a bar on the door In fact there is a mezuzah (Hebrew religious symbol) on the door 151.521 15/05/97 AUDITION INFORMATION 35 X2 X2 - X2 stops all its declarations regarding facts that she was a victim or witness. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,069 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RACE 151522 05/15/97 HASTIR 36 X2 X2 TRANSCRIPTION OF HEARING 05/15/1997 + ENTRY CASSETTE 1 - X2 confirms its commitment to stop all its declarations regarding facts that she was a victim or 151524 05/15/97 RACE 37 X2 IDENTIFICATION OF OWNERS AV WINSTON CHURCHILL - until 1982 owned the building located at 29 Avenue Winston Churchill is the torque-RAUCQ Vanlaethem Eugene Alfred dli 1060 St-Gilles Street Darwin No. 39 RAUCQ Eugene Alfred Hope born in STGILLES 03.10.1899 the husband of Franoise died Vanlaethem UCCLE dated 13.01.1982 VAN LAETHEM Franoise born on 13/05/1903 BRUSSELS wife died in Eugene RAUCQ UCCLE dated 01.11.1975 - Until 1990, the building belonged to the couple RAUCQ-Jacques De Groef domiciled Messidor 1180 UCCLE Avenue No. 324. Jean Jacques Albert RAUCQ born 22.04.1930 UCCLE the husband of Rene De Groef Technician De Groef Rene Louise born 03/18/1932 IXELLES the wife of Jacques RAUCQ Unemployed Both still living at 1180 UCCLE Messidorlaan No. 324. 151760 04/25/97 HASTIR SEARCH X2 38 "W. LEVY AVENUE UCCLE CHURCHILL 29 "Negative for EMILE LEVY and

environantes COMPANIES 151982 05/07/97 RACE 39 X2 INFORMATION - IDENTIFICATION OF JACQUES LEVY - Within Socit Anonyme UNION REAL ESTATE (RCB 112,913) located Louise Avenue # 380 names appear Jacques LEVY dli Avenue Eglantiers in 1180 UCCLE - Robert Maurice Lippens Jos dli Boslaan 43 8300 KNOKKE-HEIST born 09.05.1943 married MATTHEW Wynendaele of Catherine Jacques Levy also appears in other companies - THERABEL SA - SA LABORATORIES PERFECTA - SA LABORATORIES THISSEN - ARDECIM SA - SA REMED Within a proxy SA UNION REAL ESTATE is granted to the named DUCHATEAU dli since 05/09/1984 Francois Winston Churchill Avenue 169-1180 UCCLE. (Cf. statement X2) born 25.02.1948 in IXELLES Recommended Legal. - A control was carried out in case there was a mix of X2 at the time of designation of the immovable Avenue W. CHURCHILL No. 29. It appears that the building at 29 and 169 are located at the impossible to confuse. LIPPENS resigned from the SA UNION PROPERTY dated 05/04/1988. - There are two cases to the Ministry of Finance on behalf of Jacques Levy. 1 serving statements to the TAX NON RESIDENTS, 2 serving contentieux.A reading these files, the person is identified as follows: SUMMARY AA'AA 1,070 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Jacques LEVY dli Avenue du Flambeau 33 KINSHASA born 02.11.1940 in CAIRO, divorced ABELEW Martine Martine ABELEW dlie from 07.02.1996, Dieweg 242-1180 UCCLE born 26.05.1950 in IXELLES unemployed, divorced Jacques LEVY (03/08/1988) - On the Avenue des rosehips 18-1180 UCCLE is domiciled since 30.06 .1993 a certain Fcherolle Dominique Danielle Germaine born 29.03.1958 in IXELLES secretary, struck the single for 02/09/1994 FRANCE. The applicant has resided UCCLE from 21.10.1985 with his children, Deborah Levy (27/01/88), David Levy (07/28/90) - Before being registered at this address Fcherolle Dominique was domiciled Avenue Prince of Orange 97-1180 UCCLE. Building which also belongs to Jacques LEVY until 25/10/1993. - An excerpt from the DIV, reveals that Fcherolle named Dominique was the owner of a registered MERCEDES 190 E-734 EEB. (Hearing X2, reports that Levy was moving MERCEDES) note: Jacques Levy is one of the partners of the SA LABORATORY THISSEN, company for which VAN DER ELST Michel has made provision as a lawyer. 151984 06/09/97 RACE 40 X2 RECOGNITION ON THE COMMON KNOKKE (CROMWELL) - Research in Kafstraat KNOKKE following sketch to locate the X2 CROMWELL. - Of the research in this street, we find a farm "coffee bar" located at 42. This property is currently held by SPRL HILDEBO at the same address we find a farm PINTELON Georges. PINTELON Georges is the manager of the company and is associated Maurice Lippens.

152186 16/05/97 HASTIR 41 X2 X2 SEARCHES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF EVA - research following statements X2 result after application of the identification of all EVA prenamed born between 1969 and 1975. - 1109 people meet this demand. - 319 were born in 1972 or 1973. - EVA which is 100 it could not establish domicile. - This list CAPASSO EVA born 08.02.1974 and died on 24.03.1988. Resident since birth MAASMECHELEN Louis Mercierlaan 31 OF Foort Eva Eva TYUAERTS born 06/20/1970 born 23/01/1969 All domiciled or having been KNOKKE. Then request additional address EVA since 1985. Selected 13 EVA BRYUNEEL born in 1972-73 (3/11/72), CLAES (03/04/72) CLAEYS (13/02/73) FREMOUT (10/11/72) De Gersem (27/03 / 72), DE BRYUNE (05/14/72) HINDERICKX (08/17/73) LABYT (11/13/72) Marrannes (22/09/72), Nygren (17/04/72), VANDEWALLE (06/18/73) VAN DOORNE (11/16/73) Van Hecke (07/01/72) DRUART (03/14/70) Vivey (07/06/74) - DRUART presents same physical characteristics as X2. 152198 05/20/97 HASTIR 42 X2 X2 FOR INFORMATION CIBE AV WINSTON CHURCHILL A 29 UCCLE - X2 formally designates the building as the one she attended with Levy during a sale of champagne. Serving the CIBE, Mr. Robert Schriewer, the building owner is resident from 1985 to 1990. WINKEL 10/12/96 01 CONTACT X3 X3 Several contacts with the 07-19-28/11/96 04/12/96 Facts and date from 1950 to 1962 -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From 03-08 years old X3 was the issue of card games at home The winner could dispose of it as he pleases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- At 08 years following a game of cards she had her clitoris excised partially family physician who participates in these evenings was neat -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Then it was made available for use at social gatherings, For evening entertainment photo photos she was accompanied by her mother - it was pornographic pictures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- In the evenings she was drugged by her mother and driven by her father in a public place where people came to look for (MERCEDES avce driver) It evenings were pedophiles and porn / bestiality or at a party she attended the murder and burial of a boy of 08 years The boy was castrated with a razor blade and sesorganes genitals were deposited on her stomach at a party she was coated cream that participants were licked by violating At age 12 she was raped by a family member who has thrown on the ground because he could no longer withdraw She had a skull fracture Officially: fall bike Her sister suffered the same fate X3 cites names that appear in the folder 109/96 Contnuit facts since 1950 X3 is in therapy for 03 years presence of a psychologist essential for auditions 118072 12/11/96 WINKEL 02 REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT Reimbursement of cassette presentation at BXL time

(630-bef) Useful for hearings X3 151688 26/05/97 WINKEL HEARING 03 X3 X3 - X3 cites the following persons: - ROGER COPPENS dli Forest Avenue 10-1050 IXELLES company director, married (tbc) MIDDELKERKE born on 26.07.1921 - ADRIAANSSEN HENRI dli Mail 1/b24 1080 GANSHOREN pensioner, widower born 26.05.1916 in ANDERLECHT - SMET FRANCOIS (husband of Jane) - VANDEN EYNDE RENE (doctor who possesses a house OOSTDUINKERKE). - PAUL VANDEN Boeynants dli Avenue Meysse 81-1020 BRUSSELS Minister of State, widower born 22.05.1919 in FOREST nicknamed POLO SUMMARY AA'AA 1,072 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - DEPAUW CHARLES E. Boulevard dli Jacqmain 162-1000 BRUSSELS industrial, born 25.8.1920 married (died 12/23/1984) called CHARLY - FERDINAND CHARLES NOTHOMB dli Rue du Paradis 1-6720 HABAY teacher, born 03.05.1936 married to HABAY-LA-NEW - WILLY CLAES dli Berkenlaan 62-3500 HASSELT Secretary of mutuality, born 24.11.1938 married to HASSELT - RALF - WALTER - GILLES (young victim emasculated by VDB) CEDRIC - X3 reports that at the age of 7-8 years, she underwent a partial removal of the clitoris. This removal was done by Roger COPPENS. - X3 tells him that absorb "Fenergan (?) '. 151829 02/06/97 WINKEL 04 X3 X3 HEARING (SECTION ROYAL FAMILY) - Participants in the evenings: Prince Charles Prince of Belgium King Baudouin LIEGE LIEGE 1 Prince (Young) Prince Charles - Victim SOLANGE (enucleated by X3 at a social evening). X3 victim from March to December years (rape, torture, orgies, bestiality, prostitution) From 03 to 08 years: rapes her parents and friends of his parents Familly little sister or easy it was delivered to the winner of organized bridge parties Initially her: touching but then made increasingly violent until partial removal of the clitoris Participants: COPPENS Roger ADRIAANSSEN Henry SMET Franois and his wife Jeanne, Ren EYNDE VANDEN doctor who retapait after sessions deflowered by her father then raped by the men present Towards 07-08 years: partial removal of the clitoris by COPPENS in the presence of other cities food poisoned children that one of them is sick at a party the game was to bring him any kind objects into her vagina and other body orifices (carrot, poker) Rape by VANDEN EYNDE in his home OOSTDUINKERKE - report painful 12 years after it was introduced in a pedophile

network with three types of evenings Evenings pictures Her mother made as attractive as possible for the men who came to see the children She departed sex Evening shows Her mother used drugs (medicines) to doze (injection or oral - PHENERGAN?) Her father drove her to a place of rendezvous She was supported with other children in a black Mercedes, interior leather with two benches facing SUMMARY AA'AA 1,073 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Also supported in American car pink with white roof Journey led by CHARLY long enough with yellow lamps luxury homes Always note: it is about the two "houses" distinct that when unfolded and shows where the hunts took place Its the resumed at the venue up and brought her to the house where the cared VANDEN EYNDE On site car stopped on a parterre before the house house surrounded by a park Two supervisors on site: RALF WALTER and children were brought to one stone turret with natural wooden door there was probably one floor to the left of an underground turret turret to underground caves without light - land and slope In the cellars there were cells where the children were locked in waiting their turn There were also cells for the dogs (dobermans) The corridor overlooking a theater in the tower: dead children's body in various stages of decomposition (sometimes dismembered and / or missing parts) and carcasses of dogs Spectators: always the same but difficult to identify - about fifty She recognized the regent Charles, King Baudouin and King Albert and two other and she called CHARLY POLO She thinks to have recognized Willy CLAES and Dr. VANDEN EYNDE dogs obedient to RALF WALTER Dogs and drugged to be excited Spectacles = orgies, kills children and dogs ... Theater with strong smell of dog excrement Dogs loose in the garden --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- GILLES (12 years?) POLO has been emasculated by the other children have to drink his blood She believes have seen cut into the room with the dead ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Girls slashed with razor blades lips sex X3 were partially cut and were given food to dogs ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --- Hunting prepared by CHARLY POLO and Present: Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb (??) In another place Big white house with floor stables Park fountain with round basin and out of character naked children were released and when they were caught, they were violated hunting ended with torture in the theater the fat lips of a girl were sliced and given to dogs ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- deflower a girl 7-9 years a dog exciting product on the sex of the girl The other children have to lick the blood ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Around the age of 10 years she has other children learn note: she said, however, that This happens after the 12 years ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- A baby eaten by dogs ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Childbirth Cesarean Baby teenager ripped belly and gave the dogs She saw the POLO dismembered mother in the room with the dead SUMMARY AA'AA

1,074 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon She saw dead dogs in this room ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's eating human flesh cut on the corpses of the dead piece She had to eat pieces of children (fingers) served in gelatin Good taste - slightly sweet This caused a huge sensation of hunger and thirst Drinking blood relieved the thirst - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Delivery of a single woman soon birth the baby was eaten by dogs after birth: the mother rape by POLO ert CHARLY The remains of the child had to be eaten by children attending POLO kills dogs and recess as butcher pigs ------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- game was to plant the children knitting needles into the vagina of a girl tied to a bed The girl is died and was raped by RALF, POLO, CHARLY, WALTER ALBERT and ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ She even had to kill a girl with a knife given by POLO She was then cut off and the body was given to dogs after the murder she was raped The next day she attended a barbecue ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She speaks of another murder she has committed a girl 3-5 years under the threat that it would be his brother would be killed She opened the girl to sex sternum with a knife She gave the body the dog Someone has beheaded the child was devoured by dogs -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Murder of a pubescent girl opened by VANDEN EYNDE She has to the guts of the girl dogs were then killed the baby crying in the womb She sewed the belly with the baby inside ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- quartering of CEDRIC (6-8 years) because he refused to kill this BAUDOUIN who saved the 'sticking ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- She also eat feces of dogs - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Boy 4-5 years who sews the penis the scholarship ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She has cut the vulva of a bitch called RITA ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- A girl whose sewed the lips of the vagina before raping was also sewed the lips of her son for sex deviate Evenings worldly same process as to arrive at Luxurious evening entertainment home with wall and gate and winding road unlit There were stables flowerbeds with flowers Hallway = cream and blue tiles - red fabric on the steps walls with marble table BAUDOUIN teenager she spent a whole night with Baudouin - fellatio and sodomy Presence servant She remembers one evening when she was smeared with cream before being brought to SUMMARY AA'AA 1,075 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon table on a tray She was licked and raped in this house there were many servants in the evening finished pieces orgy Description At the end of another evening a child of 08 years (?) was emasculated Children present buried the boy in a flowerbed She remembers a child who was beheaded then cut and fried before being eaten She

remembers children who hung on hooks in the kitchen Some Solange was enucleated by it and an old lady with a spoon - A little before the age of 12 she was placed as a prostitute in a bar This is CHARLY that it filed this stopped after being raped by her uncle this occasion sex was stuck and it is clear him hitting his head against the floor She was hospitalized 15 days OOSTENDE - It was her parents who delivered it to the network was continually threatened with death for her and her family she gives diagrams of places mentioned 151688 26/05/97 WINKEL HEARING 05 X3 X3 - X3 cites the following persons: - ROGER COPPENS dli Forest Avenue 10-1050 IXELLES company director, married (tbc) MIDDELKERKE born on 26.07.1921 - ADRIAANSSEN HENRI dli Mail 1/b24 1080 GANSHOREN pensioner, widower born 26.05.1916 in ANDERLECHT - SMET FRANCOIS (husband of Jane) - VANDEN EYNDE RENE (doctor who possesses a house OOSTDUINKERKE). - PAUL VANDEN Boeynants dli Avenue Meysse 81-1020 BRUSSELS Minister of State, widower born 22.05.1919 in FOREST nicknamed POLO - DEPAUW CHARLES E. Boulevard dli Jacqmain 162-1000 BRUSSELS industrial, born 25.8.1920 married (died 12/23/1984) called CHARLY - FERDINAND CHARLES NOTHOMB dli Rue du Paradis 1-6720 HABAY teacher, born 03.05.1936 married to HABAY-LA-NEW - WILLY CLAES dli Berkenlaan 62-3500 HASSELT Secretary of mutuality, born 24.11.1938 married to HASSELT - RALF - WALTER - GILLES (young victim emasculated by VDB) CEDRIC SUMMARY AA'AA 1,076 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - X3 reports that at the age of 7-8 years, she underwent a partial removal of the clitoris. This removal was done by Roger COPPENS. - X3 tells him that absorb "Fenergan (?) '. Hearing with MEYFROET (psy) = POLO = DE Vanden Boeynants CHARLY PAUW Audition identical to that of 151,829 but does not cite the royal personalities She sent a copy of his notes written after his interviews with Gd and that reflect his state of mind 151855 06/16/97 WINKEL 06 X3 PORTRAITS ROBOTS (CONTINUED HEARING X3) - RALF (author) - WALTER (author) BRIGITTE (victim) - GILLES (victim) DAUPHIN PV N Th Summaries ------- 38 649 L628 INFORMATION RAEMAKERS John (25/06/49) 31/08 01 SAD Convicted pedophile 37.64.107223/93 PJ BXL Review seizures under file DUTROUX MARNETTE Acts of pedophilia seized initiative K7 Entering 37.97.5984/93

photos from K7 On one of the photos the PJ identify DUTROUX think it is clear that RAEMAKERS wanted to denounce pedophile dies It was announced that we ignore the follow- ------- 113 454 02 SAD AUDITION RAEMAEKERS of John Paul 15/09 It describes a villa MEISE where he went with JP Dumont LESCIAUSKAS for sex with children Several large cars on site including a Jaguar Maroon 5 children 8-10 and adults boys and girls It could recognize the house near the Villa Rsidance a Flemish Minister ------- 114 110 03 SAD AUDITION LORIAUX of Serge (21/04/54) 21/09 cellmate of RAEMAEKERS WINKEL His lawyer (Matre FLAGOTHIER) was advised by RAEMAEKERS RAEMAEKERS has proposed to renovate his villa in PERU RAEM. has befriended him because he did not visit RAEM. asked him if his wife did not have a friend who would visit him from time to time RAEM. said a lot of money abroad RAEM. said he "used" children paying family RAEM 200300000. said view was filmed with girls aged 14-15 RAEM. pedophiles would K7 with important personalities (Minister) K7 These are hidden abroad RAEM. would fear the result of the operation of these K7 He fears a second life sentence people filmed are aware of the existence of K7 XX note: did he not receive visits in prison can be attached to these people and insist on silence LORIAUX = RAEM parole soon. hopes to be released in 2000 RAEM. 600,000 spent since it is held (03 years old) note: this money is perhaps the people filmed - A control RAEM to prison. looking for someone who can travel abroad and bring him money and K7 note: perhaps K7 for blackmail if they are safer abroad note: should be put in a cell with LORIAUX RAEMAEKERS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,079 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon and perhaps introduce a woman as a friend of the woman who comes to visit LORIAUX. ------114 653 01/10 WINKEL SAD 10 RAEMAEKERS INFORMATION - LORIAUX Suite 114 110 PV cell LORIAUX wanted to go with RAEMAEKERS to provide information to the director of the prison NAMUR indicates that RAEMAEKERS is in a cell with two people in the security wing LORIAUX is in a situation For safety standard for RAEMAEKERS it can not be put in a cell with LORIAUX (problems with other inmates) LORIAUX could be transferred to the cell RAEMAEKERS LORIAUX After he spoke with the director says that it will not be transferred from RAEMAEKERS 114 678 03/10 Eloir 11 REQUEST indictment BELGACOM Suite 100 062 Capt PV Baulard Identification of incoming calls to the numbers and 061/22.02.11 061/22.02.02 (= NEW Cell survey.) For 08/09/96 between 13.30 and 18.00 117 387 02/10 Eloir 12 MONITORING ON VAN DEN PLAS PIRON GAETAN Claire (01.02.54) reports that Jean-Luc

PIRON trying to contact their son GAETAN (06/26/80) There is a judgment prohibiting the right to visit JL PIRON It contacts fears the return of the boarding GAETAN Friday night boarding the Supervisory Board since 04 et18/10/96 Negative: nothing abnormal 115 411 11/10 Eloir 13 XX INFORMATION DESTRUCTION PV Suite K7 RAEMAEKERS 38,649 PJ BXL DUTROUX was recognized in photos taken from K7 RAEMAEKERS RAEMAEKERS says it is not DUTROUX (PV 113243) Attempted removal of the Registry of K7 TC BXL but they were destroyed following a decision of the Prosecutor of the Courts of Appeal of BXL 27/02/95 (doss 30/95) K7 destroyed on 6/16/96 - PV destruction 21/96 of 30/05/96 ed: PV written before destruction?? Two K7 restents available as input for the course of Assisi Deposit 22767/93 not destroyed despite prescription Dossier 30/95 = Fraud and False therefore different folder for which doss pedophilia RAEMAEKERS happened in Assisi Courses Order of destruction signed by counsel General MARCHAL Deposits 22767/93 to 05492/94 and 23502/94 out for examination question in which K7 38,649 PV would be a classic for pedophiles Junction various documents leading to the destruction of the K7 114 115 12/10 LESCIAU SKAS 14 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Contacts with RAEMAEKERS DUMONT DUMONT was contacted by Jean-Paul via his lawyer (FLAGOTHIER) on 06/10/96 Master GEUNINCKX master FLAGOTHIER contacted to request RAEMAEKERS not to mention the actions of DUMONT RAEMAEKERS said to have contact DUMONT and asked him one Financial Aid and obtaining a reduced sentence (10/10/96) RAEMAEKERS expected reaction DUMONT and undertakes warn our services 114 116 15 RAEMAEKERS HEARING - COPPIETERS t Wallant Renaud (23/09/36) RAEMAEKERS was known within the company PEFI RAEM. gave him a loan of 80,000 to organize a trip to AFRICA loan was repaid RENAUD took care of an import-export SUMMARY AA'AA 1,080 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RENAUD be confessed pedophile and love boys RENAUD proposed to RAEM. to provide children with compensation (?) RENAUD RAEM did not know that. DUMONT was also known pedophile pedophile tendencies RENAUD DUMONT told RAEM. have participated in orgies with RENAUD RENAUD member COMPANY OF LIBIKI ASBL 115 438 12/10 LESCIAU SKAS 16 INFORMATIO N ON DISCLOSURE OF SECRECY article "LA LIBRE BELGIQUE" (JF DELIEGE - M SMALL) mentioning that RAEM. was heard repeatedly comment on the risks of such an article on the ongoing investigation and the confidence with RAEM. Attached article

115 417 19/10 Eloir 17 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Period 20/02 to 15/03/95 During the investigation of the BSR 3/SRC RAEM had informed his lawyers that he would make statements on pedophile networks Lawyers = JP Dumont, DEPAUS Marc and GEUNINCKX. Dumont wanted to entrust the investigation to the CID to filter information Dumont intervened with MARNETTE is his "great friend" MARNETTE sent two men to prison for RAEM audition. about this Lawyer DEPAUS the accompanying evidence should be provided to the PJ via DEPAUS after being filtered by DUMONT To date, the documents have not been reduced in BELGIUM DEPAUS is not a lawyer and could be heard 115 439 19/10 LESCIAU SKAS 01 FOC 111 XX AUT HEARING RAEMAEKERS FOCANT on Guy (09/04/34) RAEM. Guy says that FOCANT told FOCANT provided children (13-15 years) to several customers including NIHOUL 1520000-Bef per child for an afternoon FOCANT abused as children's children came from disadvantaged region (SOIGNIES- NIVELLES-RONQUIERES, ITTRE ...) Exchanges of children with FRANCE and GERMANY recorded K7 (200) NIHOUL offered gifts to children to build confidence FOCANT was closed when RAEM. Elisabeth spoke BRICHET FOCANT has already received 500,000 for a child Thanks to this sum he bought his house SERAING FOCANT known for prison rape FOCANT = NAMUR since 22/04/96 FOCANT said to have been heard in the matter and DUTROUX FOCANT have been charged with kidnapping has made NIZET Michel ESNEUX in the region (10 year olds) FOCANT abused children at home then rmettait to NIHOUL FOCANT NIHOUL prostitution and underage boys One of the boys aged 23 - 24 years have reported the matter went NIHOUL FOCANT once in a blue OPEL (?) note: check the vehicles used by Leo NIHOUL GIET involved orgies with underage boys abducted FOCANT 20-25 boys and some girls 13-15 Some children were provided by parents The victim who denounced confused the name of the author: HENRI instead of ANDRE FOCANT is protected by GRAFFE Jean-Pierre GRAFFE and DI RUPO frequent hotel Dnitz SPA with underage boys 115 440 19/10 LESCIAU SKAS 19 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Villa Villa MEISE MEISE where RAEM. went with kids DUMONT for Orgy filmed orgy with RAEM. Michel met with LYR front of the house there was a burgundy Jaguar with crest LION'S CLUB indictment Request for list of members of LION'S CLUB BELGIUM 90-91-92 Application in BELGIUM JAGUAR to know the owners of Jaguar burgundy 115 441 19/10 LESCIAU SKAS 02 FOC 111

INFORMATION ABOUT FOCANT Guy Suite 115 439 PV FOCANT should leave the penitentiary as 26 to 29/10/96 RAEM. Contact Manager jail NAMUR (DELCHEVALIERE) No application for leave submitted scheduled for release in January 1999 Discrepancies between statements of facts and RAEM origin of the discrepancy is unknown (or lie FOCANT RAEM). 116342 28/10/96 Eloir AUDITIONS 21 of DEPAUS Marc (07/08/59) and RAEMAEKERS DEPAUS acknowledges having served as an intermediary between RAEM. and members of the PJ when RAEM. wanted to negotiate information against remission PJ members had been advised by JP DUMONT DUMONT JP Master was aware of the intentions of RAEM. DEPAUS realized that "the fix was in" and other members of the PJ intervened. He retired DEPAUS states that JP Dumont and MARNETTE know long he has never seen the documents cited by RAEM. Upon his return to prison NAMUR RAEM. confirmed seeing two teams PJ Newspaper articles "EVENING" of 15/09/96 and "LIBRE BELGIQUE" of 12-13/10/96 semblents be intended solely to inform others of disclosures RAEM. 115 442 29/10 LESCIAU SKAS 03 FOC 111 RAEMAEKERS HEARING - FOCANT Guy FOCANT had NIHOUL via a STEPHANE They know the past few years Abducted children in Belgium were transferred abroad (FRANCE GERMANY - NETHERLANDS) and introduced into prostitution (HAMBURG) The abductions often took place in the late afternoon the children were drugged Mogadon FOCANT said to be protected by DI RUPO, JP and GRAFFE Vanderbiest The deputy mayor of GRACEHOLLOGNE FOCANT pedophile would say that removal is related to BRICHET NIHOUL NIHOUL said removal LOUBNA was committed by an accomplice and DUTROUX NIHOUL is sponsor and several people working for him No Dnitz SPA hotel but a hotel DORINT Mogadon is a hypnotic Boyfriend of FOCANT = LABYE Marc (07/08/54) FOCANT not vehicle registered in the name of the woman has one FOCANT FORD FIESTA YH-401 has one LABYE CEL-388 FORD ESCORT deputy mayor of GRACE-HOLLOGNE = DEMOLIN Maurice (11/07/42) MAES in 92-93 Marianne 92-93 In the present bourgemestre GRACE-HOLLOGNE was Alain Vanderbiest DEMOLIN unknown Gd 115 443 29/10 LESCIAU SKAS 23 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Ren RAEM BATS. BATS met in 1988 at a tavern in Brussels Christiansens DUMONT DUMONT via Master said that BATS was General of the Army and pedophile (boys only) BATS RAEM DUMONT was intimate with. revised 92 at BATS in an orgy in the villa description BATS MEISE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,082 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

RAEM. DUMONT was prompted by the receipt of pension BATS but not gone 116 351 30/10 Eloir 24 INFORMATIO N: BURGLARY CABINET DUMONT JP Le 30/10/96 at 14.00 hrs RTL announced a burglary at JP DUMONT Findings by Police FOREST - flight master cabinet TRIMOBOLI Karine (DUMONT same address) on 29/10/96 at 16.45 Booty = sum of 50,000 A-bef article "THE LAST TIME" of 31/10/96 indicates that during the burglary audio tape was also stolen This cassette contains a telephone conversation between Dumont and RAEM. FOREST says police had not been informed of the theft of the tape PJ BXL The lab has made findings on the lab instead PJ was there before the police FOREST The article speaks of 31/10/96 Commissioner MARNETTE problem in the investigation DUTROUXNIHOUL and reports that will MARNETTE prendrer long leave MARNETTE would handle the flight from DUMONT before his leave links between MARNETTE DUMONT are recalled and the article seems to 31/10/96 to intimidate RAEM. (There is no reason mentioned and the link with NIHOUL) The article is taken 31/10/96 "THE NEW GAZETTE" In the initial PV PJ BXL talking flight of 50,000 and a The minutes of the tape indicates that PJ verbalisants were warned by "Mr. Head of the Judicial Police of Brussels" (who is he) 115 444 01/11 LESCIAU SKAS 25 Aut Aut Adr RAEMAEKERS HEARING - DUMONT DUMONT Address where was handed children by their parents NAMUR Region Brussels-Lige DUMONT has many contacts in the PJ, and Magistrates in DUMONT policies have provided children of team members MARNETTE DUMONT = good contacts with DESMET Raymond (05/01/34) Former Judge consular trib. Commercial BXL (at 92) DESMET visited RAEM. when preventive DESMET was invited to be silent upon a reduced sentence DESMET is a very good friend Dejemeppe Benoit (PR BXL) and DESMET Dejemeppe in ASBL SAJ OTHERWISE At an orgy with Meisse other officer was present : LIESSE Andr (05/17/42) - Judge trib. First Instance of Brussels has links DUMONT DUMONT has an account in Switzerland Identification of an address to NAMUR: DEBUISSON Francis (04/10/55) - five children between 1987 and 92 (including EMMANUEL and LAURENT) - Rue du 59 Chainia in 5081 MEUX DEBUISSON Francis is held NAMUR ASBL ASJ OTHERWISE created in 1986 - av. Globe 72 FOREST consultation request records of visitors to the prison for visits FOREST DESMET to RAEM. 116 587 01/11 DELMAR TINO 26 ON REQUEST ZOLLER_MALICIEUX DUMONT request for indictment identification numbers for: JP Dumont and his wife Isabelle DE KEYSER Diercxsens Frdric and his wife Vronique DABSALMONT study DUMONT JP Application ZM on rows from 01/08/96 Request identification numbers calling and called DE KEYSER was often seen with JP

Dumont 115 762 03/11 FRAIKIN 27 Adr Adr Adr Adr RAEMAEKERS HEARING - Identification PV 115444 Address Suite 59 Rue du Chainia MEUX in DEBUISSON: 02 boys (and EMMANUEL LAWRENCE) - On site with Pottelberg named Ren - 15-20000 per child JEMEPPE / SAMBRE Street Flmalle, 114 or 124 - one of eight houses after coffee Hope - two boys aged 10-14 Brussels, rue Haute 121 or 125 - a boy BRUSSELS, rue de l'Epee, 06 in a cafe - a 13 year old boy SUMMARY AA'AA 1,083 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Adr BRUSSELS Rue Blaes, 221 or 223 or 225 - Teach KODAK - two boys Children seem familiar - they seem to know DUMONT DUMONT is taking pictures of naked children DUMONT has a K7 K7 pedophile and super 8 children still late afternoon, on weekends, holidays or Wednesday 115 764 03/11 FRAIKIN 28 FINDINGS FROM ON CHILDREN Reversals addresses described in PV 115762 116 591 04/11 Eloir 29 INFORMATION: FILE GD HASSELT Folder HA.90.42.103825/96 Termination of TRUSGNACH Olivier (14/07/74) against GRAFFE Jacques GRAFFE Brothers are also involved in pedophile statements RAEM. 115 445 09/11 LESCIAU SKAS 04 FOC 111 Aut Aut BIS Aut RAEMAEKERS HEARING - FOCANT Guy Information obtained FOCANT Vanderbiest Guy is an alcoholic but also a pedophile The first-GRACE alderman HOLLOGNE is pedophile was in place when Vanderbiest was bourgemestre = DEMOLIN to DORINT SPA Hotel

frequented by FOCANT - DI RUPO GRAFFE JP FOCANT knows that NIHOUL via DI RUPO GRAFFE and go there 4-5 times per month - registered under false names NIHOUL Elisabeth BRICHET abducted and allegedly killed following an incident FOCANT ml could be the case BRICHET The children were abducted a van - they gave LANDORMIN and ATTARAK. WATHELET Philippe is also a pedophile. It is known Senator FOCANT POTEMBERG - Jasselette and DEBUISSON GRAFFE protect NIHOUL and POTEMBERG FOCANT DUMONT and do not know directly 115 446 09/11 LESCIAU SKAS 31 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - JP Dumont addresses where RAEM. went with DUMONT for ballets roses THE STANLEY - near the Grand Place in Brussels POOL near La Hunting ETTERBEEK Villa MEISE Roosevelt Av BRUSSELS - No. ignored Rue Countess of Flanders No. LE ignored GIBUS Street Dominicans in BRUSSELS Rue du Berger 07 (?) to IXELLES THE HIT Petite rue des Butcher BRUSSELS in BRUSSELS Rue Henri Maus - No. ignored Avenue Louvrex 77 LIEGE establishment near the station in Charleroi Presentation of pictures of places 115 765 10/11 Roelans 32 Adr Adr Adr Adr Adr Adr ADDRESS VERIFICATION Suite 115 446 PV and PV 105.885/95 RAEM. refers to the following locations: CHARLEROI College Street MONT 25 / MARCHIENNE Street Vandervelde BRUSSELS, rue Henri Maus, 47 IXELLES, 16-18 rue du Berger and not the No. 7 as described above to ETTERBEEK POOL: Street Barracks 36 -38 and 21-27 Rue Equal ETTERBEEK Avenue Auderghem 152-154 = mess with children 115 769 12/11 FAIKIN HISTORICAL ADDRESS 33 Rue Blaes Suite 221-225 PV 115,762 and 115,764 histories complete sonts seals Blaes 221 ZOUAOUI Helmi (5.7.86) since 05/07/86 ZOUAOUI Haikel (16/06/89) since 06/16/89) Sieiro PENA John the Baptist (24/05/74) since 24 / 06/74 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,084 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Nothing within Blaes 223 Blaes 225 EL YAHIAOUI Hakim (1975) 13/04/93 03/04/96 to Noureddine EL YAHIAOUI (04/10/79) 13/12/95 to 12/03/93 the Loubna BARHAM (10/20/81 ) from 11/09/91 to 23/10/92 BARHAM Rashid (9/26/80) from 11/09/91 to 23/10/92 BARHAM Hadija (01/29/83) at the 11/09/91 Imane BARHAM 23/10/92 (11/09/91 to 23/10/92 01/13/86 of Abida Hussain (11/19/84) from 27/04/87 to 07/01/92 Usman Hussain (24 / 01/86) 27/04/87 07/01/92 to Misba HUSSAIN (7/19/87) from 27/04/87 to 07/01/92 HUSSAIN Aisha (25/09/89) 27 / 04/87 to 07/01/92 KHADIM Monaza (07/17/79) 07/01/92 to 27/04/87 the KHADIM Mubashar (04/26/82) of 27/04/87 to 07/01 / 92 Andlib

AHMED (5/8/82) from 23/03/87 to 16/09/91 Tanzim Ahmed (19807/77) from 23/03/87 to 16/09/91 RASHIR Sameen (03/19/73) 23/03/87 to 16/09/91 from 116 912 12/11 Roelans 34 HISTORICAL ADDRESS: Suite 121-125 High Street and PV 115,762 115,764 The accompanying historical complete sonts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 HIGH STREET EL ------------------ YATTO Faical (06/22/92) since 22/06/92 EL YATTO Mohamed (12/09/79) 29 / 05/87 to 03/11/92 EL YATTO Samira (11/02/82) at the 29/05/87 03/11/92 EL YATTO Moussa (04/04/86) 03 of 29/05/87 / 11/92 EL YATTO Houria (08/08/92) 08/08/92 to 03/11/92 the EL YATTO Laila (11/04/89) 04/11/89 to 03/11/92's - DECEASED 02/04/96 EL YATTO Abdelmajid (20/04/81) 02/06/88 to 07/03/96 the EL YATTO Abdelkarim (02/22/83) 02/06/88 to 07/03/96 the EL YATTO Jamal (12/14/85) 02/06/88 to 07/03/96 the EL YATTO Hakim (07/29/88) 07/03/96 to 29/07/88 the YATTO Hanane EL (15/02 / 92) 15/02/92 07/03/96 to ALLOUCH Bouchra (04/15/84) since 07/03/96 ALLOUCH Rashid (2/19/87) since 19/02/87 ALLOUCH Khalid ( 09/16/89) since 16/09/89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123 HIGH STREET ----------- Nobody is registered at the address --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 125 HIGH STREET ---------------------- CHAKROUN Abdellah (02/12/74) since 24/03/74 CHAKROUN Said (05/02/76) from 05/02/76 CHAKROUN Rashid (5/2/81) since 05/02/81 CHAKROUN Khalid (9/19/82) since 19/09/82 CHAKROUN Ahlem (3.6.84) from the Imad CHAKROUN 06/03/84 (04/06/86) since 04/06/86 CHAKROUN Youssra (6.4.87) since 04/06/87 116 908 13/11 Roelans FILE PHOTOS Suite 35 PV 115765 CHARLEROI College Street MONT 25 / MARCHIENNE, 1519 rue Vandervelde BRUSSELS, rue Henri Maus, 47 IXELLES, 16-18 rue du Berger ETTERBEEK Avenue Barracks ETTERBEEK 36-38, rue de l ' Equality 21-27 17 photos SUMMARY AA'AA 1,085 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 117 123 15/11 LESCIAU SKAS 05 FOC 111 RAEMAEKERS HEARING - FOCANT RAEM. explains the reactions FOCANT after a show on RTL Following the abandonment of research in galerie CHARLEROI FOCANT said the excavations had not gone far enough they are in a cell with DEBUISSON DEBUISSON said that her children had been entrusted to POTEMBERG FOCANT alluded to a girl found drowned and his brother FOCANT KEN KEN said Elizabeth is buried with BRICHET FOCANT is aware of child abduction Dutch 117 124 15/11 WINKEL ADDRESS DATA RAEMAEKERS 37 Avenue F. Roosevelt 129 or 232: villa with columns Bd

de la Cambre 12 IXELLES the restaurant WHITE TRUFFLE: Dinner with BATS DUMONT and Rue March au Cheese, 01 to ex BRUSSELS THE STANLEY ballets on the floor with roses and two DUMONT magistrates Petite rue des Bouchers 35 BRUSSELS THE HIT ex: ballets roses floors Rue des Dominicans, 18 GIBUS THE BRUSSELS ex: pink ballet upstairs Impasse Loyalty to BRUSSELS THE WILD DUCK = ex Patron WILD DUCK is also GIBUS boss is gay and his boyfriend is the boss STANLEY 117 163 15/11 Roelans 38 INFORMATION Acknowledgment of rooms for BATS Ren 116 913 17/11 FRAIKIN 39 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Ren RAEM BATS. BATS saw the restaurant WHITE TRUFFLE RAEM in 1992. BATS met 3-4 times CIRCLE OF NATIONS RAEM. was sponsored by MEEUS Argenteil Patrick D' 116 914 17/11 FRAIKIN 40 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - File Photos RAEM. recognizes addresses Rue Rue Vandervelde college CHARLEROI MONT / MARCHIENNE Rue du Berger IXELLES THE SWIMMING POOL ETTERBEEK Avenue Auderghem ETTERBEEK: WILD GRASS = place of child prostitution on the 2nd floor circa 1974. Rue Henri Maus in BRUSSELS (ballets roses on the 3rd floor) - prtemier the floor there was a coffee and dancing held by JACQUES JACQUES DOMINIQUE killed himself - he was gay This is DOMINIQUE which provided children This was to 1972-1973 116 915 17/11 FRAIKIN 41 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - LYR Laubenthal Guy alias Michel RAEM. has described facts about facts Laubenthal Chronology: IXELLES Avenue Legrand - private apartments Avenue Molire to UCCLE - Road recording studios Countess of Flanders LAEKEN WEMMEL-MEISE apartment - villa In 1987-88 DUMONT and went Laubenthal sets HASTIERE BEYOND Laubenthal moves much in FRANCE Laubenthal has proposed K7 pedophiles 117 159 17/11 FRAIKIN 42 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Jacques BOTELBERGHE BOTELBERGHE JACK = No new information 117 160 17/11 FRAIKIN 43 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Renaud COPPIETERS'T Wallant description COPPIETERS Strong resemblance between COPPIETERS BOTELBERGHE COPPIETERS and is a partner in a company based Montoyerstraat COPPIETERS is 35 hp. Charleroi 24 in St-Gilles RAEM. had much contact with in 92-93 COPPIETERS SUMMARY AA'AA

1,086 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon COPPIETERS is founder of a non-profit organization that has activities with Zaire and GHANA COPPIETERS BATS know COPPIETERS and is a member of the PSC and CIRCLE NATIONS COPPIETERS is also a member of Rotary or LION'S CLUB COPPIETERS frequent MEEUS ARGENTEUIL Patrick 117 161 17/11 FRAIKIN 44 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - JP DUMONT was Jacques GRAFFE lawyer GRAFFE J DUMONT presented GRAFFE J RAEM. In 1994 GRAFFE was in prison for raping a young 10 years Maghreb note: to connect with the names of the rue Blaes and Rue Haute 117 162 18/11 FRAIKIN 45 INFORMATIO N: SUSPENSION OF DESTRUCTION SEIZURES RAEM. reported that documents seized from his home folder could be useful to this inquiry Request interompre destruction of records entered in the Courts of Appeal 30/CA/95 BXL 3-4/95 Assize Courts of BR BRABANT .37.97.5984/93 117 328 19/11 WINKEL 06 FOC 111 SURVEY on record sheet 0800 2316 PV 117123: Elisabeth of FOCANT after BRICHET and KEN are buried in a gallery without elaborating Following excavations in the gallery JUMET a visionary dreamed of a place where a mass grave That plug does will be operated by either the GP or NEUFCHATEAU BXL Question: Is it a dream or a customer confidence Contact with the caller who is not a professional LED This is a premonitory dream of 8.10.96 Description of the gallery in a dream 117 384 21/11 DELMAR TINO 47 ZOLLER-MALICIOUS CALL REQUEST for DUMONT - DE KEYSER and cabinet DUMONT See PV 116587 117 166 24/11 Roelans 48 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Rue du Berger Suite 115 446 PV RAEM. remained half an hour with a man and 03 kids DUMONT is mounted to the floor with a child children not living at the address opened the door man told DUMONT: "CHILDREN ARE THE" Children Description drills seemed human 117 167 24/11 Roelans 49 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - Photos folder Suite 117 164 PV RAEM. recognizes addresses THE STANLEY THE WILD ANARD GIBUS THE WHITE TRUFFLE THE HIT Roosevelt Avenue Buildings

117 168 24/11 Roelans 50 HEARING RAEMAEKERS - FERRY Philippe DUMONT Suite 113 452 PV sent FERRY (lawyer) RAEM see. 86-87 RAEM in prison. FERRY and boxes in orgies and pedophiles POOL 1988 FERRY DUMONT and are mounted on the floor for children Price: Bef 5000, for half an hour with a boy-Bef 4000 for half an hour with a girl Age : 8-13 years between major Orgy with Roosevelt Avenue FERRY-DUMONT-MONIQUE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,087 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RAEM in 1977-78. went to brothel children with FERRY Avenue Auderghem and DUMONT This happened through the floor-bef 2000 In the same room they had all three at the same time sex with minors DUMONT ejaculated in cbouche of a boy and sodomized by FERRY RAEM another. had sexual relationships with children had a girl 10-12 years FERRY has been arrested for pedophilia FERRY DUMONT and have been friends a long time and maintain homosexual relationships exist with homosexual K7 FERRY FERRY DUMONT and had at the same time relationship with a 11 year old boy (sodomy and fellatio) It is always DUMONT who chose the exit point is an avid FERRY boss WILD GRASS two men who collect children on Wednesdays, weekends and holidays. 117125 11/23/96 LESCIAU SKAS. HEARING RAEMAEKERS 07 - The body of Elizabeth FOCANT BRICHET and KEN must be near the gallery was searched JUMET The gallery where the body is related to the number 5 FOCANT made a plan to explain where excavations took place in JUMET Plan attached FOCANT describes the place where the body It is near to Lagalerie searched JUMET This is NIHOUL who showed him the place 101299 02/01/95 BOON 52 FINDINGS - Canteen RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 MADRID Postal Money Orders and LECLERCQ There is no any MADRID LECLERCQ the addresses indicated on the mandates 101923 02/02/95 BOON 53 IDENTIFICA TION MADRID - LECLERCQ BR.37.97.5984/93 Copy postal orders Parts identity never requested to mail payments made to the office of Dr. Dejase Street Devalck Micheline PICRON mother Nancy and Nelly Devalck victims RAEM lives in the Devalck same street has already sent two terms in 1000-Bef RAEM 101918 02/08/95 LESCIAU SKAS 54 INFORMATION - Couriers automatic BR.37.97.5984/93 Info border SCOTLAND YARD means the transmission of pictures via PC and modem pedophiles There is a national network itself connected to an international network A phone number can be access to

library data exchanges are free Join a sample list on BRABANT 101924 02/15/95 BOON INFORMATION about 55 hearings RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 identification with police departments interviewed RAEM Nothing shown on the records of the Forest The Prison 06/02/95: Visit The Advocate GEUNIG 07 / 02/95: visit the lawyer OF BOUS RAEM Marc admits that he lied due to pressure exerted by the two lawyers he does not speak it is the lawyers who defended the Assisses They are the balance JP Dumont of The prison visitor DESMET part of the ASBL SAJ RAEM confirms that the Magistrate was DESMET Trib Comm BXL 101 925 56 HEARING of RAEMAEKERS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,088 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 20/02/95 BOON Contact BR.37.97.5984/93 between him and his wife Rgine depicts that provides information about its victims PICRON Nancy - Devalck Nelly and DE GROOTE Anglique Devalck By Micheline (mother Nelly and Nancy) NELLY he learned that the victim was 'Touching from CAUFRIEZ Dominique (ex-partner of MICHELINE) NANCY compensation was given against a pedophile by her mother This happened in DE GROOTE The pedophile is a 10,000-CHARLY He paid bef Devalck to Micheline and left with NANCY NANCY ANGELIQUE 2-3 hours and told him they had already been deflowered by NANCY 15 year old boy who knew his father Ernest PICRON ANGELIQUE by a friend of his father Studio Molire - Molire Avenue 86 Studio CD recording he wanted to record a CD with Isabelle LAMBERT (one of his victims) and NANCY ANGELIQUE He learned that filming orgies with minors in this studio boss is one named SERGE There are two studios (A and B) Orgy on Saturday and Sunday at 11.00 - 13.00 Private Studio avenue LEGRAND Orgy with children He went in 88 with Michel LYR 3rd floor Presence of a 50 year old man with wavy gray hair Venetian mask with 04 girls naked man masturbating girls There were two cameramen Private studio in the rue LAEKEN Countess of Flanders 4 left home after coming from the SARMA instead Willems 1988 2nd floor = responsible man 45-50 Code for the bell to the LYR 2x2 Michel brought in Turning The middle room K7 pedophiles made at this point had to be seized from RAEM Floor private apartment of Waterloo 1st floor above a coffee KLACHKOP drogurie near the corner of Tamines coffee Patron = Patron PIERRE MICHEL drugstore = There are gay and organize orgies with minors (Arabic) RAEM partopuzes attended to between 88 and 92 other pedophiles he paid more for his 400,000-bef canteen MADRID names are fictitious and LECLERCQ 103067 03/01/95 Eloir CONTACT 57 Interview with PICRON Nancy BR.37.97.5984/93 in the presence of Francoise DUPUIS (psychologist) NANCY said nothing to DUBOIS or the Director of CHATAIGNERAIE She has regular phone contacts with her mother and sees a weekend end on two difficult Dialogue between Devalck Micheline NANCY DUBOIS and said he had never been sexually

abused except RAEM CHARLY She knows who is a friend of CAUFRIEZ but it has never happened SUMMARY AA'AA 1,089 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon A friend of her father once brought into the cellar of the building of his grandmother but there was no abuse It seems that Nancy wants to hide a part of her life, but she wants a lot to RAEM 103625 15/03/95 Eloir TION 58 NON-EXTRAC of RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 Gd comes to prison Forest 15/03 as agreed with the RAEM 20/02/95 RAEM is very angry and refuses to leave said RAEM suffer too much pressure his lawyers, who came again to see it has received 11 visits between 20/02 and 14/03 (Matre FLAGOTHIER - Matre DEPAUS - Matre THIRION Farinelle - NYSSEN) Between 01 and he received 20/02/95 15 visits (BSR BXL - Farinelle Matre Guthier - Matre GEUNIG - Matre JP DUMONT - Matre LIGOT - Matre THIRION Matre DEPAUS - NYSSEN) belongs to Farinelle service NYSSEN reintegration is a member of the association OTHERWISE & SAJ Matre THIRION Sylvie an intern JP DUMONT 103626 03/17/95 Eloir 59 CONTACT Farinelle with Monique (07/09/26) BR.37.97.5984/93 Visiteuse prison volunteer RAEM She visits since 1993 RAEM told him to have revelation on pedophile networks RAEM told him he was under pressure from lawyers told him that RAEM DEPAUS has distanced him from the Court of Assizes Matre DEPAUS visited RAEM the 12/03/95 and had to revisit the same day in the evening, it is not income and that is why RAEM was nervous and refused to follow the Gd He waited for an answer or advice of counsel 22/03/95 LETTER PE PR BXL DEJEMEP 60 LETTER TO RAEMAEKERS PR BXL BR.37.97.5984/93 Dejemeppe received at the hands of Raymond DE SMEDT prison visitor a letter RAEM RAEM says he will be ente of the BSR It PJ he wants David said he denounced JANSSENS of AUDERGHEM who was arrested He wants to talk to rehabilitate may denounce a judge who is pedophile - bleaching - a tool in case AGUSTA - proof desmontants he received for silence - information on ballet pink and blue - political relations PRL PS PSC - lawyers pedophiles - a lawyer issuing false documents - a pedophile network - an unsolved murder - the names of terrorists - where to find weapons and false documents Dejemeppe letter: it allows the investigation to the BSR BXL 104017 03/27/95 Eloir INFORMATION 61 - Following the letter RAEMAEKERS Sitting BR.37.97.5984/93 Notes RAEM during the Assizes scances He said to be a lamplighter - Large are out COPPIETER He cites'S T'WALLANT Renaud (23/09/35 BONIOMA KALOKOLA ( 24/04/56 DRUART Jean-

Louis (11/22/51) SMALL Raymond (01/20/32) John Michiels (10/11/48) Papamichael Nicolaos (20/01/51) The 05derniers involved in the case 05 / 92 VAN ESPEN JI after which RAEM was sentenced to 07 years in prison 104749 04/14/95 Eloir INFORMATION 62 - Openings Notices Notices BE 37.97.5984/93 suites open to statements RAEM BR.37.66.104743/95pour Studio Molire BR.37.66.104744/95pour Laubenthal alias Michel Guy and LYR Street Studios Legrand Street and Countess of Flanders BR.37.66.104748/95 for JP Dumont 109980 07/03/96 Eloir 63 INPUT AGENDA - PHONEBOOK RAEMAEKERS BR.37.97.5984/93 Agendas and directories found in ROTTERDAM 117165 18/11/96 Roelans FINDINGS 65 - Dossier VAT Laubenthal Guy (10/01/48) Husband of Eva-Maria Savolainen ((07/09/59) - Finland Clients: SPRL = XAPRIEM restaurant frequented by LAGAFFE = JP Dumont SA BREWING FORT JACO coffee = HENRY SPRL MOUSTACHE THE SA RUGBY 2 ASBL SABLON SPRL TERMINAL PROJECT COMPANY SPRL = CARIBBEAN restaurant SUGARCANE ITG International SPRL THE GARDENS OF BACKGROUND OR THE SPRINGBOARD SPRL SIEMENS SA SA Brabant SPRL THE BEEF BEEF restaurant BRUSSELS = QUI RIT SA IN HIS FACE = DELBECCHA restaurant BREAD LOST ASBL EVERE COUNTRY IDEAL WHITE STAR WHITE HAT STANDAR SA SA SA MECANIC SYSTEM SCRL AKZO NOBEL SON OF LUCIO = CASTLE BREWERY SA COUNTRY CLUB VIDEO DESIGN DIA = MI = production = movies MOLMANS Daniel WOLF GALANT SPRL JUNIOR = The = SIGN MY JUNIOR BVBA SPRL CAPRICE EURBIS THE DUKES OF BURGUNDY RHEOX SA MARION ROUSSEL EUROPE SA Hoechst Hanquinet Dr. Philippe (10/08/52) DECOSTER Patrick (12/02/62) Note: a Laubenthal RAEM brought in locations where we produce films of pedophilia: COUNTRY CLUB VIDEO produced films???? 117126 11/30/96 LESCIAU SKAS 08 FOC 111 AUDITIONde RAEMAECKERS Jean-Paul - FOCANT rptre It's confidences FOCANT FOCANT provides details on the location of the body and Elisabeth BRICHET KEN FOCANT also tries to throw red herrings FOCANT speaks the street from the FOC speaks of revolution two trestles alternative manner of working with two pulleys which are powered by electricity 150 horses were lowered into the mine When removing ELISABETH she was fucked with hand and placing it in the white van had whiplash and died FOC said he buried himself Elisabeth and Ken and says there were other body FOC said "near where they dug there are still several body" Nearly place it are marshes and stipes (stem plants) In front of the entrance of the gallery there was and props FOC gives RAEM its new coordinates 117.128 05/12/96

09 FOC 111 SUMMARY OF HEARINGS RAEMAECKERS (FOCANT) Following PV 115442-115445 117123-117125 117126 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,091 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon LESCIAU SKAS BRICHET Elisabeth (08/30/77) disappeared on 20/12/89 - 19/90 JI COMELIAU to NAM. HEYRMAN Ken (07/26/85) disappeared on 04/01/94 - 30/94 JI BIJTTEBIER to ANTW. Children would be buried in a mine gallery to JUMET near where the first excavations took place near site of the Grand Bordias ponds Caluwaert The site is in a state of reallocation IL is a well No. 5 near the rue de la Revolution According to neighbors JUMET mine entrances were blocked since 1971 117129 12/09/96 LESCIAU SKAS 09 bis FOC 111 HEARING RAEMAEKERS (FOCANT) FOCANT confirms that the location of children is 200 meters of the first excavations FOCANT expected to be charged in the case DUTROUX FOC is in prison for the rape of a named JEAN-YVES NIHOUL the man said to his accomplice was watering according to the victim ELISABETH FOC said, "It is not that the band" Three people attended the funeral of Elizabeth and Ken bodies are buried deeply Elisabet was for a prostitution abroad (HAMBURG??) FOCANT NIHOUL and have contacts through prison DELMAR 117 393 TINO 10/12/96 69 REQUISITOI RES BELGACOM - Proximus - Mobistar identification numbers assigned to Jean-Paul Dumont - his study - Diercxsens Isabelle De Keyser and Frederick DABSALMONT Vronique 117,549 11/112/96 Roelans 70 INFORMATIO N PV Reminder 117,162 - DESTRUCTION of SEIZURES Goal: prevent the destruction of seized RAEMAEKERS which is being 118070 12/12/96 WINKEL 71 LIONS CLUB REMINDER indictment Suite PV 115440 Request for a list of members of the LIONS CLUB 90-91-92 searches in the villa Meise and the owner of a Jaguar NOTES FOC 09 ter 111 of the Plan of the coal region CHARLEROI Description St-Quentin 118 634 73 21/11/96 Roelans HOUSING RESEARCH Road Suite 16-18 BERGER 115,446 and

117,166 PV RAEMAEKERS means a building at 16-18 rue du Berger IXELLES History at people for 91-92-93 one person seems to correspond to words of RAEM. : WINDAL Jacques (10/08/48) 12/04/96 118,635 74 Roelans HOUSING RESEARCH COLLEGE STREET 25 CHARLEROI Suite 115 446 and 116 914 PV RAEM. has designated this building Rdch = hairdresser 1st floor = ASBL BADJ HAINAUT (Help Desk and Defense for Youth) 2 fl = ASBL NEST (help for prostitutes wishing to retire and help prostitutes who have problems with Justice) The area is deserted at night Eloir 05/12/96 118 276 75 DF-DUMONT DIERCKSENS Old address: Ch Alsemberg 1033D Rue Gatti de Gamond 218 Av Fre 253 Acct 630-0224685-92 Lawyers since 1980 both Cabinet DUMONT: 74 avenue Hamoir Cabinet DIERCKSENS: Street UCCLE General Lotz (before: 2018 Van Schoonberestraat ANTW) Revenue 1988 (exe 89) = 1,090,140 Revenues 1989 (exe 90) = 2,690,441 Revenues 1990 (exe 91) = 2543 .054 Income 1991 (exe 92) = 2,135,640 Revenues 1992 (exe 93) = 3,346,061 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,092 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Income in 1993 (exe 94) = 4,540,814 Revenues 1994 (exe 95) = 3,092,028 Revenues 1995 (exe 96) = 3,189,252 Since 1990 DIERCKSENS is employed (Magistrate) of professional expenses DUMONT seem commensurate with its income annuity food DIERCKSENS to Jean (162000: year) DUMONT receives commission SA ZAVENTEM ASCO 1989 = 520,000 1990 = 1,075,000 1991 = 437,000 1992 = 315,000 1994 = brokerage CINE REVUE = 893000 DUMONT Clients: Bouhouche - Employees of BONGIORNO DUMONT : SLAB Nathalie - DE RIJK Linda - FERRARI Sandra - Impellizzeri Danielle 09 months suspension DUMONT DUMONT in 1995 is associated with in SPRL GIANNI BORGHESI Tannois Giovanni - Wauters Marc Wauters Benoit and DIERCKSENS inherited from his mother an apartment Zeedijk 170 KNOKKE 117130 15/12/96 LESCIAU SKAS 09 Quat FOC 111 HEARING RAEMAEKERS (FOCANT) FOCANT reacted seeing information about the excavations at JUMET He went with three accomplices buried Elisabeth BRICHET Access to the gallery via a building with broken windows established on the site Access via a conduit with water and then pasage to 04 feet and went without access to a water Children buried with their clothes on one level it is possible to have a car near the gallery A place where couples are having sex in their car The van served removal of BRICHET was repainted in yellow blue object could be a billboard at the entrance to the colliery 14/12/96 FOCANT RAEM asked to conduct research on a false trail through 1000000 A accomplices FOCANT = Andr 40-45 years in the region of Lige 118071 15/12/96 WINKEL

09 Five FOC 111 HEARING RAEMAEKERS (excavations JUMET) FOCANT performs abduction of children for 10 years in kidnapping accomplice Michel NIZET region ESNEUX (boys and girls) He brought the children home - abused underage boys - the specific hand in recovering NIHOUL At One of his visit was a NIHOUL OPEL blue NIHOUL prostitute underage boys (04) = homosexual = FOCANT friend Marc LABYE NIHOUL near Lige PS FOCANT kidnapped children 20-25 13-15 15-20.000/enfant/aprs- Sometimes twelve o'clock the children were provided by parents FOCANT Works with FRANCE GERMANYNETHERLANDS-scenes shot = 200 K7 House SERAING purchased through this traffic is blocked when FOCANT RAEM told him about Elisabeth BRICHET FOCANT a house POULSEUR and had to SERAING FOCANT NIHOUL via STEPHANE Children delivered GERMANY entering prostitution networks HAMBURG During levies in children are drugged with Mogadon Children were also rented addicts (LANDORMIN-ATTARAK-ROCK) First Alderman GRACE-HOLLOGNE (Vanderbiest time) is pedophilia To BRICHET he said "CA IT IS A MUST SEE EVENT WITH NIHOUL" NIHOUL is the sponsor Alain VAN DER BIEST is pedophile SUMMARY AA'AA 1,093 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BRICHET was killed by accident by NIHOUL The first gallery excavated in JUMET is not good - the good is located in close proximity FOCANT KEN says is buried near BRICHET FOCANT knows things about the abduction of his sister and KEN gallery = relation number 05 - nearly a headframe - something yellow - distance 80 m - where mine was down 150 horsepower - 200 m of the first excavations NIHOUL It is said that the place He may be abused KEN FOCANT speaks the street from the Revolution FOCANT "NEAR WHERE THEY HOLLOW BODY THERE IS STILL MORE FOCANT is held for the rape of a NIHOUL JEAN-YVES BRICHET was destined for a network HAMBURG DELMAR 118 283 TINO 18/12/96 09 Sixt FOC 111 RESEARCH FUNDS FOCANT of Guy's house to FOCANT COMBLAIN AU PONT is for sale: 1475000 DELMAR 119 036 TINO 12/11/96 79 HEARING X2 JP DUMONT From 09/85 X2 often went to a castle in EINDHOVEN 18 (3050 times) had to be a couple to enter - Cloakroom 2.000/personne to undress - holding up bikini = Buffet first touching cold-pool-Sauna solarium Upstairs various themed rooms (sao-maso-mirror cameras voyeurs ...) She is the mistress of KAREL Views on site DENIS

Patrick (PJ) PATRICK friend DENIS Companion transvestite transvestite who is also the favorite of Van Rossem van Rossem JP Companion of the time van Rossem (blonde) Baron DE CARINE BONVOISIN JP Dumont (friend of DENIS) Another Carine and Patricia Palace of Justice BXL Benoit HUBERT (PJ DINANT) BOURLEE Claude Leroy (lawyer) Some swingers Region WATERLOO X2 was the only major Most girls were 12-13 years X2 had homosexual relations with minors In 1988 a girl of 15 - 16 years of going to the bathroom sadomasochistic - it has not been reviewed by the following Some girls were beaten DUMONT was wearing a black or blue thong style X2 think it's sadomasochistic DUMONT retained its ROLEX DELMAR 119 035 TINO 12/20/96 80 REQUEST FOR IDENTIFICATION indictment PROXIMUS GSM CALLED THE PRISON OF NAMUR 12.19.96 to 11.29 No. 075/71.03.00 is called the 19/12/96 at 19:19 No. 075/25.44.48 is called 100.165/97 Roelans 11/26/96 81 DECLARATIO N ANONYMOUS The registrant has known John Paul DUMONT DUMONT between 1984-1989 was the right arm VANDENBOEYNANTS DUMONT proposed to have sex but declaring refusal DUMONT asked to accompany special evening in a castle Namur = refusal DUMONT asked to find young people 10-12 years = refusal SUMMARY AA'AA 1,094 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DUMONT attended at the time the coffee ANDRE - MOK MA Zwet the restaurant and dancing and CIRCUS ANDRE MOK MA Zwet run by mobsters also linked to MOZART A day after closing CIRCUS and under the direction of the last customers DUMONT and patrons went to a villa which had the keys DUMONT Villa in 05 minutes by car from CIRCUS Pool swimming naked DUMONT was the lawyer of people involved in that folder CRIES DESSY DESSY = pedophile DESSYa a villa near RIXENSART frequented by minors DESSY paying for expensive tapes pedophiles (torture) and / or children He is part of the gay SPARTACUS He is the brother of Georges Georges DESSY DESSY attorney is the BBL - he is gay and fetish practice urolagnie the Spoils fetish DESSY Georges is hidden in a garage near his home DELMAR 100 161 TINO 01/06/97 82 INCOME AS IDENTIFICATION REQUEST DUMONT ZOLLER retroactive to 01/08/96 31/12/96 DUMONT: 075/69.15.89 Diercxsens: 374.29.62 Study: 343.46.31 - 345.90.38 345.90.43 - 073/78.37. 41 - and 018/88.77.41 049/65.75.01 100166 07/01/97 Roelans 83 FINDINGS: IDENTIFICATION ETABLISSEMENTS Suite 100 165 PV Caf ANDRE: Alsemberg 424 Chausse Operated in the 01/06/88 09/01/91 (bankruptcy) by WEHBE

Ahmad (9/17/57) Currently coffee RELAY ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOK Zwet MA: 94 rue des Carmelites UCCLE = SC MMZ In operation since 12/02/87 DE LEEUW Xavier (04/06/69) - DE LEEUW Romanus (02/03/46) Jean Henriet (5/11/56) and USUWIEL Jean (12/16/44 ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CIRCUS: Floor waterloo 537 UCCLE SA MHOBY Chausse d'Ixelles 204 in 1975 to Activity 10/08/86 (bankruptcy) MAC GUIRE Edward (06/06/47) - Verhaaf Jeroem (11/05/61) - Brigitte RAMANANTSOA (17 / 07/52) and SOLUJIC Mihajlo (16/05/38) ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- File photo ------------ established for three addresses as well as THE MOZART DELMAR 118 381 TINO 12/13/96 84 HEARING X2 - JP Dumont and others Shortly before Easter 85 meal in a Chinese restaurant with Auderghem X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE - Claude Leroy and JP Dumont One evening coffee and VIKING drunk DUMONT and LEROY says " fuck a goat or a chicken or a kid "are present: X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE and GODFROI (former PJ worldly) There are female wrestling match in the evenings where UCCLE ending in orgy X2 has met several times in DUMONT PLATOS to She has also met IXELLES MARNETTE-Pelos and ZIMMER (PJ BXL) Club orgy with occasional minor consenting to DUMONT DUMONT was with boys and MARNETTE know well (accomplices) DELMAR 119 037 TINO 12/20/96 85 FOC IDENTIFICATION GSM FOCANT called by numbers called from the prison of Namur 12/19/96 075/71.03.00 = Moerman Jean-Paul (08/14/52) MONS = MP = 075/25.44.48 BUCCIARELLI Chantal ( 6/19/70) FONTAINE BISHOP companion TASKIN Zafer (20/07/74) both are known Gd 100 335 86 RE REQUISITOI ZM DUMONT SUMMARY AA'AA 1,095 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DELMAR TINO 13/01/97 ZM retroactive numbers DUMONT - His wife - his study 075/69.15.89 02/274.29.92 02/343.46.31 02/345.90.38 02/345.90.43 073/78.37.41 018/88.77.41 049 / 65.75.01 From 01.08.96 to 31.12.96 100507 01/15/97 DE MULDER 87 INFORMATIO NS - Family Rsidances ** BOTELBERG Jacques has no property BELGIUM Several members of his family reside in MELLE and KRUISHOUTEM ** JP DUMONT owner avenue De Fre 253 His wife owner undivided Zeedijk 170 (Charles V residence ) to KNOKKE ** Coppieters' t Wallant Renaud owned in undivided Avenue Don Bosco 6 (building) Carrefour ch Alsemberg - Branli Street and Rue Marconi (apartment) Residence Honeysuckle and Mimosas - av Leopold Wiener street Epillas 85 and 74 (apart ) The apartments rent ch de Charleroi 26 ** BATS Boulevard Ren Reyers 179 17 with cellar

apartment (3rd floor) ** Laubenthal Guy Street Haerne 28 in joint PIRON Jean-Luc ** Owner of a well-LLN Joined OTTIGNIES Jourdan Street 76/1 100517 20/01/97 Roelans 88 INFORMATIO N - Notices Notices to the prosecutor BXL dependent DUMONT JP: BR.37.66.113193/94 BR.37.66.109877/94 BR.37.66.104748/95 transmitted NEUFCHATEAU PR 1994 Both files were consulted and not contain useful element in this case ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Paid BOTELBERGE Jacques 147.94 / 1961 B 143 / B 1965 37.51.11/67 37.08.14/71 JI JI LEHALLER 37.99.194/73 PREUVENEEIS 37.12.5657/84 BR.37.02.2365 / 86 = 119/86 = JI COLLIN BR.37.40.2566/88 258/88 JI LAFFINEUR BR.37.11.1030/88 = 393/88 JI Coppieters' t Wallant BR.37.11.1031/88 = 393/88 BR. 37.11.1057/88 = 393/88 = BR.37.11.1058/88 393/88 BR.37.64.107319/91 BR.37.66.105886/95 records before 1984 were destroyed ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Paid GRAFFE Jacques BR.37.11.437/94 = 179 / 94 JI LAFFINEUR BR.37.97.923/95 = 210/95 = JI PIGNOLET BR.37.18.1651/95 210/95 ---------------- BR.37.97.6584/96 -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------SUMMARY AA'AA 1,096 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Paid LANBENTHAL PR Guy BR.37.66.104744/95 transmitted NEUFCHATEAU ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- Paid PIRON Jean-Luc BR.37.08.3604/90 BR.37.66.105887/95 The two cases referred to PR NEUFCHATEAU ------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Paid FERRI Philippe BR.37.23.429/94 = 130/94 JI FLORIVAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = BATS Ren Major General retired Known to the Military Prosecutor (see PV 114,636 and 115,760) ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Coppieters' t Wallant Renaud - DEBUISSON Francis - POTEMBERG Ren - Ren BATS VLOEBERGHEN and Fernand are unknown trap BXL 100518 20/01/97 Roelans 89 INFORMATIO NS record - Parquet for BOTELBERGE BXL Consulting dosiers 1986 and 1988 Features of pedophilia Victims and witnesses are given privileged Places are cited in request for obtaining a copy of the file to make links with the current folder BOTELBERGE condemned 6/29/89 06 years in the farm 100519 20/01/97 Roelans 90 INFORMATIO NS record - Parquet for BXL BOTELBERGE Jacques Consultation records of 1984 and 1986 BOTELBERGE obtained a dismissal on 30/12/86 Victim = Y GARCIA ZAMORA Fidela (11/28/79) - VERERCKE Vronique (01/05/78 ) and VERERCKE Claudine (28/11/79) Facts BOTELBERGE recognizes pedophilia to naturism -------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------- ------------- 1991 Consultation folder BOTELBERGE was interned Rape of a minor victim = LANGENSCHEID Angelica (24/07/82) - KIBINGUA ISSIA Toneli (10/12/83) and Martine KIWABONGA SULU (20/02/83) BOTELBERGE babysitting at the request of parents ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1971 = Folder pedophilia victim NUYTTENS Brigitte (06/28/59) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- file 1973 = Victim = pedophilia OUSAHLA Valerie (10/06/64) --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BR.38.12.6599/80 Folder = pedophilia victims = Mohamed Fatima (4/11/73) and Carla MOHAMED (02/11 /?) 100520 20/01/97 Roelans SAD 91 FINDINGS NOTICES MANNERS PQ BXL: Jacques Suite GRAFFE PV 100.517/97 Consultation folder BR.37.11.437/94 = 179/94 JI PIGNOLET dependent GRAFFE Jacques Facts from 03 to 05/94 Victims KARAMAN = Balance - Saday Erol - EVIS Johannes KARAMAN Fehmi - Saday Nihat - EVIS Mercus GRAFFE known as "THE MAGICIAN" GRAFFE paying a few hundred francs for sex and Wednesdays Generally ---------------- WE -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Consultation and folders BR.37.97.923/95 BR.37.18.1651/95 = 210/95 dependent Jacques Facts GRAFFE between 01/01/89 and 24/06/95 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,097 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Victims KARAMAN = Balance - Saday Erol - AKAY Safar - EL BOUZAKHI modus operandi Hassan Even -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Also BR.37.97.6584/96 file = 267/96 JI PIGNOLET The set is returned to the TC BXL 18/02/97 150121 20/01/97 Roelans SAD 92 FINDINGS NOTICES MANNERS PQ BXL: FERRI Philippe Suite PV 100.517/97 Consultataion BR.37.23.429/94 Sentenced 3/25/96 to 30 months suspended for exceeding the preventive Victims: AL Amraoui Miloud - BAHADDOU Mimoun - Alouch Said - Karraz Moussa - BEN ALI Redouan MARLIER Raphael - AHRIPOU Morad - AHROUCH Rachid - Boussouf Brahim - EL BARRAHMOUNI Ali - SAMI Abdelllah - BOUSSAKOUR Nordine - BOSTAN Maurat - Chachan Chadi - BEN ALI Aissa - VERLINDEN Steve - EL YOUSSOUFI Mustapha - Ali BOSTAN - Karakoyun Ersin - Fetouaki Nacem - Ahmed Fellah - ARZOUQ Yassine - Ben Haddou Ridwan - Adray Mohamed - Garcez Mike - IDERB Mustapha - Ali ABAKKOIY - Iskender Tasci - MUTHAR Cem - BOSTAN Savas - Chachan Chadi - Melil Laurent - MORABIT Mustapha - Frdric DE GROOT Between 31/01/89 and 20/04/94 150169 S 30/01/97 LESCIAU SAD 93 after TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION INFORMATION Call RAEMAECKERS He noted that the press knows that it is he who has found statements FOCANT media have contacted his lawyer to arrange a intervieuw He scored his ACCOORD return for a

reduced sentence and payment of 1,00,000-bef He thinks through their contacts with some judges journalists can obtain diminutuions sentences - he cites examples it would still be many to rvlatioins He received the visit of nitre FLAGOTHIER 14 and 29/01/97 Matre FLAGOTHIER confirms the words of RAEMAEKERS except for payment It is committed to preventing the Gd case of contact with journalists 150366 01/15/97 DE MULDER 94 SAD STATE OF FEES for 02 860-bef 150347 20/01/97 Roelans IDENTIFICATION RESEARCH SAD 95 and 150,259 and 150,304 PV Suite - Auditions Pol POSTAL Institute DECHAMP = DECHAMPS Edmond (12/04/35) VAN husband ESLANDE Anne Institute formed as the SPRL and dissolves 08/09/71 17/11 / 92 Re: other teachings Headquarters: 38 Drve Corporal UCCLE - Avenue L. Lepoutre 83 IXELLES DECHAMPS SPRL is a partner in restaurant GORGIBIS 205 = 175 SPRL Avenue Brugman 205 NASSOGNE managed by Pierre (07/13/65) VAN ESLANDE Anne co-manager with BEAURIR Monique SPRL KALDIF c. Waterloo 1231 - Wholesale of clothing Attala Jacques (02/08/30) husband LAMORAL Mirjam (11/19/35) BEAURIR Fernand (10/27/21 to 11/10/96) Vice President LORRAINE Tennis Club circa 1968 INSURANCE MANAGEMENT SPRL Partner in and TIPS (AGC) 1375 hp Waterloo SPRL AGC Surkyn managed by Marc (05/19/55 ) BEAURIR married Anne (11/09/55) Lyce Molire: no element under (ASBL) POSTAL statements overlap with RAEMAECKERS and an anonymous witness (PV 100.165/97) for attendance by the JP DUMONT POOL and CIRCUS 150137 29/01/97 WINKEL SAD 96 FINDINGS: ADDRESS DATA by PV RAEMAECKERS Suite 117 124 / / 96 places frequented by JP Dumont for appointment or pedophilia Roosevelt Avenue Villa **: ** not localized Bd de la Cambre = 12 resto WHITE TRUFFLE operated by SPRL BLACK TRUFFLE managed by Luigi Ciciriello ** Street Cheese Market 01 - THE STANLEY = no establishment of this name has been exploited to address - by THE Distingo against VIEGAS operated by DE SOUSA Marcilio Manual ** Petite Rue des Bouchers 35 - THE HIT = THE NEW HIT HIT and operated by LUHR Christophe and Jean ** Argoud Dominican Rue 18 - THE GIBUS = never establish this name at GIBUS at No. 22 from 1967 to 1970 operated by ROTSAERT Impasse de la Guy ** Loyalty 12 - WILD DUCK BLACK SWAN = SPRL managed by Guy ROTSAERT - Also in 1976, at a private club operated by COLLAPSE THE DOG STREET TALK Georges then operated by ROTSAERT Guy 150259 08/02/97 Roelans 97 of SAD AUDITION MAIL Pol (7/12/42) - JP Dumont has worked at the Institute DECHAMPS private preparatory school for young affluent central Jury JP Dumont are taught 81-82 Students villas plundered their parents absence and attacked a gas station attendant wounding with a firearm They asked the son of the director to hide the weapon: JP DUMONT DUMONT JP has defended taught at school Molire whose director is the brother of DECHAMPS Students High School have participated in Molire flights in

homes and attack the gas station the end of session DUMONT invited teachers and students CIRCUS He was well known to CIRCUS DUMONT would have made some students whose approaches OF HAESE Laurent He learned by students (conversations overheard) that we consume the drug CIRCUS and girls aged 14-15 are maintained sexual relations Dumont explained that the best deals were made out of court DUMONT was responsible for administering cultural center of Uccle where he received little people recomandables He was tried and CSP approaches to NATIONAL FRONT DUMONT was suspended from the bar and did not ask for fear of being referred to a Tribunal During his suspension he went to Switzerland from 1980 to 1985 in the town of Uccle had camps in Belgium or Switzerland and DUMONT was cited for sex crimes in the camps important political campaign in 1986 with many young girls- DUMONT frequented by 90-92 POOL also attended by senior officers Gd, bankers, gangsters (band Haemers) business (advertising), ... Campaign after fake photos taken from DUMONT some leaders try to resume the former TWO DOLLARS proxy = DUMONT Customer of mostly young people from easily without moral DUMONT was attending the THREE DUCKS aubnerge - he was present at the burial of He attended boss VAN CAMP CIRCLE OF NATIONS and may or LION'S ROTARY DUMONT attended Attala representative of the President Gemayel and the boss steels BOL taken by Attala Attala and BOL Negotiations between the inn and THREE DUCKS KNIGHTS BOL steels were used to supply the Lebanese Phalange Christian In 1982 a program on SIS (free radio) described the sexual services of some teachers of the school attended Molire General BEAURIR CIRCUS-THE THREE DUCKS LORRAINE Young daughter Institute DECHAMPS maintained relations sex with BEAURIR SUMMARY AA'AA 1,099 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Daughter BEAURIR (ANNE) was abused by her father and would have led to girls 14-16 years of club clients LORRAINE Since its suspension DUMONT is discreet and hard to reach 150153 02/10/97 clipped SAD 98 JUNCTION FILE PHOTOS FINET 150285 02/11/97 WINKEL SAD 99 and VLOEBERGHEN IDENTIFICATION VILLA Searches for villa with pool on site MEISE RAEMAECKERS means Bloemendreeflaan 14 WEMMEL File photo A view drawn pictures confirms RAEM Watch on villa occupants and pictures of a picture on RAEM confirmed seeing the man. This is the naked man who had opened the door Inhabitants = VLOEBERGHEN Fernand (02/24/31) LIEBEN Jeannine (11/12/37) VLOEBERGHEN Joseph (21/05/63) Vehicles: GBZ-443 = HONDA LEGEND: Fernand VLOEBERGHEN = Eey-409 HONDA CIVIC: Jeannine Photos LIEBEN attachments 150384 02/11/97 FRAIKIN

100 SAD INFORMATION: Contact RAEMAECKERS-VERSWYVER verbalizing contacted by Catherine Dupuis (8/31/58) Alexander held RAEMAEKERS NAMUR phone from John VERSWYVER 06-07-09/02/97 VERSWYVER has evidence that FRAIKIN and VAN ESPEN have RAEM mounted folder and they are involved in pedophilia and child abduction VERSWYVER will contact via his lawyer advised him FLAGOTHIER VERSWYVER denied hearings since struggled VERSWYVER said his phone is tapped VERSWYVER announces that he will get into the camp of PR BOURLET DUPUIS Catherine's concubine VERSWYVER 150297 02/14/97 MONTAG FILE TAX 101 SAD PIRON of Jean-Luc (08/06/47) Husband separate DESCHEPPER Martine (11/05/53) A lived with VAN DEN PLAS Claire (01/02/54) Divorced from PIRSON Claude (31 / 01/48) Counsel Revenues 1985: Gross income = 752,014 = 1,843,480 1986: 1,128,840 1987 = net: gross = net = 483,448 2,006,109 1988 483,448 gross = net = 2006109 1989: net = 565,594 gross = 2006109 1990: Net = 400000 1991 = 447497 = net salary 1992: net = 207,214 1993 = 990,338 1994 net: net = 156,657 1995 = 267,332 net 150304 02/15/97 Roelans 102 of SAD AUDITION MAIL Pol Details after first hearing in the 80-85 joint UCCLE had a building in Switzerland for a skiing holiday There have been complaints from parents relayed dan PAN (VELLUT Henry) DUMONT DUMONT related and had access As in the case BRABANT WALLON by the fact that he was a civil party lawyer 150380 02/20/97 FRAIKIN SAD STATE FEE of 103 cards delivered to phones RAEMAECKERS 150 420 3800 104 SADBef INFORMATION: VISIT at the RAEMAEKERS 24/02/97 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,100 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 24/02/97 FRAIKIN Asermente a person has reported that higher authorities he intimaient order to maintain a blackout A hearing statements by the higher authority should take place within 15 days Until he refuses hearing extraction and he refuses to say that it has it's revelations to make a folder far more important than DUTROUX He has a contract on his head with Rdv higher authorities via his lawyer and PR JI LANGLOIS BOURLET informed and will be present at the hearing and PR JI unaware REPOR 14/11/96 BSR PHIL E GROENN Z214 INFO ANONYMOUS The witness ran a nightclub in BXL In '84 he was concerned in a business narcotics and took JP DUMONT DUMONT as a lawyer was poorly defended because he refused to have sex with DUMONT DUMONT = personal friend of Vanden Boeynants DUMONT was also asked to find young people 10-12 years DUMONT He was

also asked to participate in parties 'special' in a castle near NAMUR Between 1984-1989 DUMONT has good relations with George DESSY retired manager of an agency as well as his brother BBL Dumont is a leader of pedophile LETTER Aff Min Etang Van den Bulck Z215 INFO Mrs. DONCKERS can testify relations and JP Dumont MARNETTE MARNETTE have a property in CANADA 150417 02/26/97 Eloir 105 SAD INFORMATION: Section of 26/02/97 EVENING ILLUSTRATED This article established a link between MARNETTE and JP Dumont They have common interests in CANADA DELMAR 150 635 06/03/97 106 SAD INFORMATION: 2000 2000 K7 K7 RAEMAEKERS belonging to RAEMAEKERS are stored in the expert caretaker FURNACE rue de la Procession ANDERLECHT They are held by the trustee in bankruptcy or PEFI Tom Gutt These K7 from the retreat of RAEMAEKERS in ROTTERDAM Part of K7 found were repatriated in the folder pedophilia Bankruptcy PEFI = 05/92 JI VAN ESPEN - BR.70.99.939/92 Trustee for destroying K7 K7 These were never but viewed only sorted based on their labels at a time when the appearance of pedophile RAEM was not yet known PR DEWOLF request GUTT not destroy and notify K7 PR SOMMERS facts Request input and review remaining cassettes 150636 06/03/97 Eloir 107 BR.70.99.939/92 SAD CASE INFORMATION The K7 SA PEFI managed by RAEM are in possession of curator Tom Gutt It comes from dcl RAEM to ROTTERDAM Part of K7 had been repatriated since 92 K7 K7 All pedophiles have not been viewed The K7 pedophiles RAEM brought before the Assize Courts and ask if he can destroy the 17/02/97 GUTT wrote to PR BXL to warn of the existence of K 150423 21/02/97 FRAIKIN SAD 63 108 VDM INFORMATION - NOTICE JI - MEASURES - INFORMATION Contact Police JETTE (Jacquet) JI and Zoller VANDERMEERSCH prescribed listen live on the lines of the KING OF SPAIN = 513.08.07 - 513.11.27 - 514.54.45 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,101 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Spinning on MATTHIJS and its contact Implementation monitoring the home MATTHIJS to 19.00 Closing of the store by a man with beard 20.00: a blonde with ponytail - 40 years, between 20.10: blonde and two other women leave the premises with BPN-373 CITROEN

21.30 : 22.00 light on the first floor: a van driver files FORD white bag behind the grille (NZB-447) 22.40: lights out to the store and closing the shutter metalic 23.04: extinction of light at 1st floor 23.30: lifting device NZB-447 = Pailos Ernesto Castro BPN-373 = COUPATEZ Pierre ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Monitoring JP Dumont home and office from 20.30 20.50: DUMONT and 04 other people go to restaurant ATTILA with LAG-295 22.50 R25: DUMONT, a wife and three young people returning home 00.30: lifting device ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Monitoring BONET Patrick's ROI from SPAIN 21.30 21.45: 22.22 BONET happens: BONET Phone - friend of MATTHIJS entered the caf, made a turn and came out 22.55: BONET phone - nothing special he waits 23.30: Tel BONET nothing special 23.40: BONET is reduced to the Gd 150339 21/02/97 DECKER SAD 63 109 TAP DESIGNATION AS PARTICIPANTS LISTENING 150340 21/02/97 DECKER SAD 63 110 TAP IMPLEMENTATION Between 21.50 and 21.57 ECOUTES G 150,408 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 111 TAP SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS - Communications 03 513.08.07 G 150,409 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 112 TAP CALL IDENTIFICATION - 513.08.07 725.91.30 376.26.11 = GOOSSENS Darine CALLEWAERT = M = 358.34.66 WAEDEMON Andr G 150,410 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 113 TAP SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS - 513.54.45 No communication G 150,411 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 114 TAP CALL IDENTIFICATION - 513.54.45 None G 150,412 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 115 TAP

SUMMARY COMMUNICATIONS - Communications 08 513.11.27 G 150,413 21/02/97 MONTA SAD 63 116 TAP CALL IDENTIFICATION - 513.11.27 numbers could not be identified by BELGACOM 150 342 117 SAD SUSPENSSION of ECOUTES SUMMARY AA'AA 1,102 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DECKER 21/02/97 63 TAP A artir 24.00 150425 02/22/97 FRAIKIN SAD 63 118 DOCTOR REQUITION At its presence in the BCS after Gd 020.021/97 treated by Pol JETTE BONET felt ill and was called to the doctor LECLAIR DELMAR 150 414 02/24/97 SAD 63 119 TAP Summary of Findings ZOLLER calls Nothing special G 150,415 02/24/97 MONTA SAD 63 120 TAP ENTRY K7 - REPORTS - ZOLLER - PV COPIES = transcription Reports Communications 150426 S 02/26/97 ROELAN SAD 63 121 NO EXECUTION OF WARRANTS PERQUI Suite of monitoring Bonet et al 150284 02/02/97 Eloir 122 SAD BR.37.97.3732/95 In this case pictures of pedophiles sequences were obtained the same sequences appear in K7 RAEM that were destroyed SOMERS PR application to take pictures of KENGEN Anselmus photo album for NINE HEARING KENGEN Anselmus He said he himself took those pictures on TV K7 has a library INTERLIBRO AMSTERDAM 20

years ago to the other he does not know Unlikely that the pictures are taken on TV with amateur equipment Request keying material for photo KENGEN reviewing its options 150379 S 01/28/97 ROELAN 123 MILITARY IDENTIFICATION SAD BR.37.82.100221/95 of HM SOESTLes BIN brothers made their Military Service in the medical Two people can match the description given by the brothers BIN: Audino Luigi (08/01/47) Thoumsin Jean-Michel (23/05/52) Unknown Gd and military prosecutor 150381 21/02/97 Eloir 124 SAD BR.37.82.100221/95 RECOGNITION VIDEO BIN K7 K7 with raping a girl It could be the same sequence as that on which MARNETTE recognize DUTROUX believed (based on photographs from the K7) The K7 RAEM in question was destroyed The girl and adult women are the same as shown on the K7 RAEM However destroyed clothing is different man is not identifiable but hair growth No sound on K7 The sequence in question is also on K7 RAEM but it is not that which is inspired MARNETTE Research regarding the military who sold the K7 = 150,379 PV 150690 S 01/10/97 ROELAN SAD 125 FINDINGS: According RAEM Av = 152-154 Auderghem place of pedophilia Operators 1960: Louis Palstermans 1961: Madelaine VERSCHUREN 1961: Marie BRUYKER OF 1963: Yvonne DE WEVER SUMMARY AA'AA 1,103 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 1971: RUIKINEX SPRL - Yves Kinart (7/4/32) 1977: Yves Kinart - DE CONDE Jeanne 1980: Rita LEENDERS 1980: Yves Kinart 1984: Karine DE WINTER 1984: Grezzi Vincencina (2/10/62) 1985: Angelo BALLAERA (2/2/52) 1986: QUIDOUCE Ghislaine (9/10/57) 1986: Cultural and Sports Centre ASBL Mesopotamia 1987: COULONGES SPRL - Lemouchi Andr 1990: SPRL BARON OF ASIA - Hidajat Jajat Eddy (16/11 / 52) 1992: WILD GRASS - ERKAN Yusuf (1/12/66) 1993: The weed - GAD GAED Gamal Kamel (10/01/61) 100333 11/01/97 Eloir 126 SUMMARY SAD surveillances on JP Dumont Between September and December 1996 153 Avenue Defr UCCLE DIMONT Jean-Paul (07/04/52) Diercxsens Isabelle (07/19/53) Charles Henry DUMONT (27/12/83 and Maxemce (02/23/85) Frdric DE KEYSER (02/01/61) DABSALMONT Vronique (03/11/63) DE KEYSER Samantha (11.20.92) and Camille (28/03/95) DUMONT = R25 295 = R19-LAG: ENZ-350 DE KEYSER ALFA = 33 AKC-262 APRILIA (bike): SEM-611 R25-349 --------------- GDY -------------------------------------------------- -------------------27/09/96: the firm RENAULT CLIO: LGG-786 = MARTIN RUIZ Maria FORD FIESTA: PFH-289

= Trimboli Karine R25 YTG -349 = DE KEYSER boy with Frdric Couiple share with LGG786 Two Norths with African MERCEDES 200 FRP-029 = DARRAK Abdelaziz Two women leave in PFH-289-996 and JGG (FIAT UNO Impellizzeri Danielle =) Two men left in LFE -749 (= VERDOODT Arnaut MERCEDES 200) and CCC-762 (= VERVOORT ESCORT Bart) Arrival 08FG1 (MERCEDES 240 = LAPAIGE Denis) DUMONT seems frequenting the tavern and coffee CENT HISTORY THE GRIZZLY with some clients DUMONT aprt with a man in LJZ-815 (= VW POLO HEREMANS Peter) They go to the tavern and BELLEVUE DUMONT leaves with a man in DVG-519 (200 = HEREMANS MERCEDES Willy) until firm DUMONT leaves with YTG-349 and returns Tavern BELLEVUE Impellizzeri Danielle = employee = Karine Dumont Trimboli lawyer collaborator DUMONT Black vu =?? Lambert = Bindji associate lawyer --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ vehicles and people seen hanging obs = LAG-295 ALFA GTV = DUMONT normally R25 = ABA-664 RENAULT CLIO = CATTIER James EVK-878 = VW GOLF = MADAJ Sabine N389GP (GB) = NPT PEUGEOT 306 PEUGEOT 602 = 306 = PSA = CREDIT Rafael Vilches GALVEZ (19/09/63) NFF -570 = AUSTINH METRO MAIGRET Virginia = PDL-505 = Jeep = TOYOTA MOBILE ADVERTISING COMPANY SARL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,104 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon MERCEDES-NHX 172 = 230 = VERHASSELT Marianne EGJ-176 = LANCIA Thema = DENTAMARO Leonardo CLY-FIAT UNO = 128 = DENTAMARO Leonardo AKS-152 = VW SHARAN Electrabel SA = CEX-241 = 405 = AXUS PEUGEOT SA-984 EDC = AUDI A4 = CHAMPAGNE Sbastien GAX-103 = AUDI A6 = LEASE PLAN = FABECK Pierre (05/12/52) AKA-443 = 348 ALE-FORD MONDEO RENAULT ESPACE = AT = ARCH = P TERLINDEN CS 80YT4 PEUGEOT 309 = Prvinaire Didier NCB- CITROEN AX = 447 = PETRE Thrse-EKF CAIC = 432 = GOLF RENT = Ets VAN VAN DER HEYDEN = EYLL Yves CGB-179 = 205 = BIEBUYCK PEUGEOT Paul CRN-774 CITROEN AX = DE = Brauwere Didier 4XX74 = FIESTA = Geerinckx Chantal FEZ VW GOLF = -225 = WILMART Eric FPL-603 = NISSAN MICRA NISSAN FINANCE = James = CATTIER LRK-663 = R21 = JIBET Said DUC-328 = 520 = BMW TOZMAN Edem (03/19/72) GFH-280 = VW GOLF = GRINTAKIS Georges (19/09/72) NER794 = NISSAN THEUNIS Olivier PBX = 484 = 850 = VOLVO CAR LEASE = KORN FERRY INTERNATIONAL AK663 = TOYOTA STARLET = BETH Louise LUXLLAG Rond-Point Schuman 09 = cabinet Spandre Rue des Coteaux GONZALEZ RUIZ 72 = 92 = Av Broqueville Spandre Mario (02/13/27) Street lawyer Gobert 38 Av Fre 150 = CITY GOYET Bernadette Av Florida 140 = ROGER John (06/04/60) and DEPLANQUE Nathalie (12/21/61) Prison Brugges - St-Andries DUMONT DE KEYSER and use their cars together Spandre = lawyer of BONVOISIN DUMONT DE KEYSER and removal of folders in office Spandre VILCHES GALVEZ rp Schuman Many will also contact James CATTIER 150788 S 02/10/97 ROELAN

FILE PHOTOS SAD 127 - 152-154 Avenue Auderghem Current owner Pascal = Blathers 54 photos in Building Rehabilitation 150688 02/27/97 ROELAN 128 ANONYMOUS DECLARATION SAD About two periods: 1974-1979 and 1994-1996 Period 1974-1979 = same info that statement POSTAL Pol (PV 150259) Concerns school run by Molire DECHAMPS edmond Lightness of morals - there was a teacher DUMONT ----- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Period 1994-1996 DUMONT several times with MARNETTE CANADA and also with DE KEYSER DUMONT came into contact with on behalf of BOMBARDIER BOAS Travel MARNETTE then paid by the son of a former high school VAXELAIRE Molire DECHAMPS = 11/01/34 partner of Paul VERMEYLEN franoise (01/27/50) MARNETTE george (14/12/46) VAXELAIRE Francis (08/06/21 ): three son Emmanuel (01/08/52) ROLAND (4.7.56) and PATRICK (06.10.60) 150 689 129 SAD NEWS: Jacques BOTELBERGE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,105 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 03/03/97 ROELAN BOTELBERGHE Jacques has a criminal record for sex crimes and driving habits Facts since 1957 (of minors) Following the apostille 27/02/97 G 150,632 06/03/97 MONTA SAD 63 130 FILE 63/97 JI VANDERMEERSCH ENTRY RETRANSCRIPTION Communications Suite and the apostille 26/02/97 G 150,639 07/03/97 MONTA 131 SAD NEWS: 129-132 Roosevelt Avenue Villas RAEM would participate in an orgy pedophile in 1992 Owner CYPRUS 129 = State and occupied by AGATHOCLEOUS Hamida (91-95), by Maria Abaigar (93-present) and REY Zoreta (96-current) owner = 232 SNOY husband Pierre SEETALANOOK Sumalee DELMAR 150 693 12/03/97 SAD 132 ENTRY RAEMAECKERS K7 (Bankruptcy PEFI) Suite 797 cassettes apostille 03/10/97 DELMAR 150 693 12/03/97 SAD 132 ENTRY RAEMAECKERS K7 (Bankruptcy PEFI) Suite 797 cassettes apostille

03/10/97 DELMAR 151 094 10/04/97 133 SAD INFORMATION: ALEXANDRE DE SALIGNY This is an alias RAEM Instruction 151/96 JI DRISKET to MARCHE-EN-FAMENNE for Rape of a minor (10-14 years) Paid ROELS Patrick (07/09 / 59) - VANDENBOSSCHE Huguette (2/10/57) and KEUTGEN Richarg (04/16/43) ROELS: Proceedings of pedophilia on their children and other children VANDENBOSSCHE: + abreast of incestuous sexual relations ROELS knows people involved in the care of children (BXL) They lived near the street to Daubresse CHARLEROI (in WEINSTEIN) KEUTGEN is the former brother-VANDENBOSSCHE There are pictures of sex between KEUTGEN and Huguette ROELS would have gone several times with Alexande of SALIGNY HOLLAND SALIGNY it makes porn K7 with children in the apartment of SALIGNY they saw he practiced touching a girl VANDENBOSSCHE recognizes RAEM on photo 151257 04/15/97 LESCIAU SAD 134 CONTACT TEL. The RAEMAEKERS of 14/05/97 RAEM phone is angry and wonder why we no longer deal with him is reminded that he wrote to JI to challenge the BSR RAEM said to have been extracted 05 times by PJ NAMUR case BRICHET The PJ NAMUR have opened 117 cases following statements He speaks of a shoe that was where was buried BRICHET (see PV 117.132/96 in 86/96) He speaks of an error in Regarding the green MERCEDES He talks described the arrest of ANDRE GRACE-HOLLOGNE and asks why he has not been arrested faster IT wonder why the PJ arrested 05 people in three months and he said to BSR person regularly PJ NAMUR He refuses to say who he is at ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ CONTACT with NAMUR DELVAUX Luke and PJ BARVAUX Eugene Two cases were opened following statements RAEM (pedophilia and fraud) Pedophilia = rumors = old = NA.37.99.226/97 Fraud prejudice to the Walloon Region (100.000-bef) = NA.20.00.1508/97 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,106 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon He was seen 04 times by PJ 151262 04/30/97 ROELAN 135 SAD CASE FINDINGS 1104-1189 Courts of Appeal (BOTTELBERGE) Includes notices BR.37.40.2566/88 BR.37.11.1030/88 BR.37.11.1031/88 BR.37.11.1057/88 BR.37.11.1058 / 88 Rape, indecent assault, offenses against morals with minors - 10 years Victims: NDUANGISA Lunama (10/18/80) and Lina (08/08/82) DE ROECK Manual (07/07/54) Jolle (5/12/71) and Magali (03/04/76) Curnelle Catherine (4/14/70) LEHON Isabelle (16/06/71) The last case concerns an INCENTIVE TO PROSTITUTION minors but the offense could not be established

BOTELBERGE acquainted with the parents of the future victims who are generally disadvantaged backgrounds (Marolles BXL ...) IT offers to host children, feed them, clothe them, give them their bath, ... He took the opportunity to touch and commit the offenses of which he commits the facts matter to the attic or basement that are disabled wife can not get to the point 151447 14/05/97 Eloir SAD 136 FAX TRANSMISSION X1 12/02/97 In 12/96 X1 saw pictures of various suspects she reacts to seeing the photo RAEMAECKERS and said she would send notes Mr DEO (= RAEM) Translation free fax RAEM is smart and plays with BSR, he did not say anything, he was arrested for pedophilia simple but says he is not harder is abnormal it can designate a place denounce a They did another even say o them are dead, he will not tell anyone outside X1 was exchanged against another child with RAEM RAEM delivering children and had no problem s' they did not return IN HOLLAND he had friends who brought him many children Always a specially designed flat He had with him a boy who at age 16 was a prostitute and TONY NIHOUL were more interested in the money they provide pedophilia are not really a pedophile pedophile RAEM and does not understand their uses hand man, it is their provider as DUTROUX and WEINSTEIN RAEM is allowed to "play" with them to involve and forcing him to shut Figure pedophiles = Summit = who brought and is not concerned with children after the incident Class 2 = which educates children and abuse. they are not pedophiles and get the protection of Class 1 = Class 3 delivery drivers and removers Class 4 = parents who rent There are also other victims who are victims complicit girlfriends who know too much - not RAEM not deal with this RAEM has its own business circle He then films for the public network is RAEM middle class - they have money but no power as protectors NIHOUL X1 could play in movies RAEM - it was reserved for films in the top level only two copies RAEM delivered but he did not know for whom he delivered when he had many children RAEM find it amusing that she bears interest if he knows where the body is that it is intimately involved He put girls with his grandmother and X1 should instruct deliveryman He was also a club in MICH sadomaso BXL 151450 05/15/97 ROELAN SAD 137 FINDINGS: No. of Replies NOTICE various Parquets about open records dependent GRAFFE - BOTELBERGE - PIRON LG.37.62.442/83 for GRAFE Jacques Jacques LG.37.24.577/83 for GRAFE LG.37.50.3310 / 77 GRAFE NA.370.011.004975/84 for BOTELBERGE Jacques Jacques Jacques LE.37.98.1127/96 for GRAFE LE.37.67.100682/96 for GRAFE LE.86.53.200918/90 for PIRON Jacques Jean-Luc Internment 696 / 94 prosecutor Jacques Internment BOTELBERGE for GENT 7735/76 for the prosecution of GENT BOTELBERGE Jacques 151086 04/03/97 LESCIAU SAD 63 138 NO HEARING BONET of Patrick (22/07/57) Held Oudenaerde Refuse to be heard on the advice of his lawyer Matre OF QUEVY

151087 04/03/97 LESCIAU SAD 63 139 STATE OF FEES 732 for 02 DELMAR 151 256 04/17/97 SAD 63 140 SEARCH MATTHIJS in Jean-Pierre SCHAERBEEK Avenue Rogier 403 Description 38 boxes of slides super 10 coils August 04 film reels 365 K7 video 17 photos 01 200mm lens HEARING MATTHIJS of Jean-Pierre (07/27/59) It has been BONET in St-Gilles prison BONET offered him in mid-96 camera equipment used but it has never shown he does not know anyone named ELISE is not involved in trafficking pedo K7 DELMAR 150 912 12/03/97 141 SAD INFORMATION: FILE BANKRUPTCY PEFI BR.70.99.939/92 Entry 797 cassettes (= PV 150.693/97 in 111/96) List of the assets of the SA PEFI NOTE DELMAR 09/04/97 142 SAD RAEMAECKERS LINKS - NIHOUL - FOCANT - STAMFORD - Van Gyseghem - Report GULDFUSCH PJ TURNHOUT of 16/01/97 anonymous witness said that the case is linked to STAMFORD DUTROUX-NIHOUL Folder = STAMFORD global dissemination of the idea pedophile and outside : Organ trafficking of foreign children witness shall forward a copy of an advertisement for the VLAN ABA VANGH (= Van Gyseghem and GULDFUSCH) According info: NPV = Gyseghem friend STAMFORD Via Van Gyseghem GULDFUSCH and it happens to FOCANT and via FOCANT to RAEMAECKERS RAEMAECKERS was NIHOUL friend via JP DUMONT Info can give more precision on the links listed names do not appear in the listing STAMFORD STAMFORD Customers interested boys only SUMMARY AA'AA 1,108 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon note: also the fact that there is a link, nothing confirms this seems a little light NOTE DELMAR 20/05/97 SAD T1756 143/96 ANALYSIS OF MAIL Nadine poach It established a link between NIHOUL - DUTROUX Derochette via their lawyer Jean-Pierre DUMONT DUMONT would be part of the committee that decided to stop the collocation Derochette DUMONT would counsel Derochette and NIHOUL In fact: DUMONT = Jean-Paul Lawyer Derochette = Andr Dumont ARTICLE ANALYSIS HUMO of 2/27/97 (No. 09/2946) Title: Master-DUMONT between DUTROUX HAEMERS-NIHOUL: devils advocate "List of cases occurred where DUMONT (Band Nivelles

and Borains - Bouhouche - FRONT YOUTH - Paul LATINUS and WNP - HAEMERS - NIHOUL RAEMAEKERS - BOAS - military procurement scandal DUMONT was pushed by BXL PSC Steering Committee Member of CEPIC with BONVOISIN, Van den Boeynants GRAFE JP and his former partner has refused to join the CEPIC (Matre OF QUEVY) Currently DUMONT are many compromises and PSC UCCLE deviates NIHOUL it would be a file containing the clients (politicians) which he desires exhaussait OF QUEVY - Deleuze - PIERRE (Julien) DUMONT and belong to a private circle PSC was associated with QUEVY OF THE DUMONT QUEVY DUTROUX defended in 1989 but refused e lately defend DUTROUX then contacted and D UMONT LANCASTER Julien PIERRE DUMONT worked with for various cases of sexual delinquency NIHOUL is defended by Frdric DE CLETY intimate friend and DUMONT DUMONT QUEVY OF LANCASTER and have defended for SOS Sahel RAEMAEKERS DUMONT was defended by Deleuze and Deleuze is a close friend of BOUTY - NIHOUL was their secretary is known for scams DELEUZE NIHOUL sponsored (through JMB) team football DELEUZE (JMB-FORTIS) OF QUEVY was asked to play in this team NIHOUL evenings organized for the benefit of Deleuze and DUMONT For Deleuze the meeting was followed by an evening intimate NIHOUL would also intervened to Van den Boeynants and BARO Viviane DUMONT would recommend legal dE BONVOISIN DUMONT is friends with Commissioner MARNETTE MARNETTE was accused of stealing from the firm DUMONT (silver tape) VAN DEN Boeynants settled its shady deals PRIVATE BANK CASH via which the band HAEMERS was linked to the bank via one of its members and Cruysmans (bank manager) attended the CEPIC Cruysmans and used youth cafes frequented by the band formed politically HAEMERS Cruysmans these young 100168 07/01/97 WINKEL SAD 144 LIST OF MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF BELGIUM (continued apostille of 26/12/1996) - Members of 1990-1992 to compare with the owners of a Jaguar (according RAEMAEKERS say the owner of this JAGUAR have participated in pedophile in an orgy WEMMEL). 151.260 21/04/97 145 SAD PARTS TRADE ANALYSIS MATTHIJS. - Trade swept parts located at the home of Jean-Pierre MATTHIJS Avenue SUMMARY AA'AA 1,109 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DELMAR Rogier 403-1030 SCHAERBEEK. - A total of 727 slides are viewed. - A total of 63 videotapes. - A total of 16 bands super 8 No tapes, cassettes or slides pedophile nature. A total of 17 photographs. - 01 is 06 scouts in a cave (2 copies). - 01 represents 03 children playing in a field near a tent (3 copies). - 01 is 03 scouts in a meadow or at least in nature (eg 4). - 01 represents 04 children playing barefoot in a river (eg 04) - 01 01 boy is lying in the grass which he removes clothing, the body part is exhibited sex (04 ex) 151444 07/05/97 DELMAR 146 SAD RETURN TAPE STORE MATTHIJS SEIZURE SEIZURE +

147 151 540 25/03/97 ROELAN SAD AUDITION CORNET PATRICK - AUDIO CORPORATION CORNET Patrick born 09/09/54 to ETERBEEK manager AUDIO CORPORATION Avenue Molire 86-1180 UCCLE. dli Avenue Montjoie 235-1180 UCCLE. - CORNET STUDIO presents photographs of Moliere at the time. - Studios exist since 1974 and were operated by the company MORGAN LONDON. - In 1976 the company is KLUGER ROLAND MUSIC (RKM), which operates the studios until 1980-1982. - From 1982 to 1987, there was a series of independent companies or studios that have exploited these JUMP AND SHOET managed by Philippe BORMS, ISVR of Malines, which LIERNEUX CITY SEVEN Jacques is the owner. - From 1987 to 1991, IIC managed by LOEB Olivier has exploited these studios. - In 1991, AUDIO CORPORATION managed by Patrick CORNET. - CORNET attended the STUDIO 3 or 4 months before Olivier LOEB resumes operation. - CORNET never heard that pedophile scenes have been filmed in these studios. But he said that if we use only local studios and as the only means videos were made possible works. However, he doubts that these places are crowded (schedule from 10.00 to 20.00 and 24.00 hours sometimes even more). 151 613 05/21/97 148 ROELAN SAD REALIZATION FILE PHOTO STUDIO MOLIERE - 78 views made during the search of 02/27/97 + PHOTOS CORNET (1980-1989) + Old advertisements (1987-1989). 151 614 03/25/97 149 ROELAN SAD AUDITION CORNET PATRICK - CORNET brings memories of John Paul RAEMAEKERS under the alias ALEXANDRE DE SALIGNY. - CORNET remembers that one day he received a man with three little girls (5-8 years) for a record. The man was dressed in white. The man handed him a book he had written on QUINTO DI ROCCO, entitled "Rocco's dream DI QUINTO Imperial edition of the West". More CORNET's wife had the opportunity to have two books ALEXANDRE DE SALIGNY hands. These books are called "AND IF ONE WAS MOTIVATED TO SPEAK and ANGELS." - CORNET places these events after December 1991 - CORNET submits these three books. - CORNET does not recognize the man who came with three little girls on presentation of photographs. - CORNET says the singer ROOCO DI QUINTO has been edited by the company JEAN KLUGER EDITIONS located at 1180 86 Avenue Molire UCCLE above MOLIERE STUDIO. 151 617 22/05/97 150 SAD RECORD FINDINGS IN GHENT BOTELBERGE. - File Internment 696/94 any useful file. (The bulk of the file is SUMMARY AA'AA 1,110 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ROELAN serving reintegration of prison FOREST) - The applicant must attend a weekly psychiatric control - File Internment 7735/76 is of pornographic photographs and pedophile. (Ref 22870/75 and 35866 GR) 151620 22/05/97 WINKEL 151 SAD CASE FINDINGS BOTELBERGE (FLOOR OF NAMUR) (continued apostille 361) - Indecent assault (minor - 16 years) dated 30.06.84 to NAMUR. - Victims KIESECOMS

Christelle and Marylne. - BOTELBERGE uses a vehicle registered CZH-492 (PASSAT W). BOTELBERGE was defended by Master KRIWYN, replaced by a time JOLY Master Robert. When the facts BOTELBERGE is domiciled Av Castle 28 / 1-1080 GANSHOREN while residing street Dansaert 150-1000 BRUSSELS. - Paid for these facts (13 Correct room. NAMUR) - Composition of the House Right: a) DEHAND JP, Vice-President (Acting President). b) PIERPONT J and MC MATAGNE, Judges. c) Hanquinet C Substitute. d) WALGRAFFE J, Clerk. 151695 02/06/97 WINKEL SAD RESPONSE SUITE 152 CR - Suite No. CR 1051 Ms. Gruwez, duties performed (pv No. 115.439/96 dd 19/10/96) 151827 02/06/97 FRAIKIN 153 SAD PARTS FINDINGS RAEMAEKERS A JI Langlois. - Hearing of RAEMAEKERS 28/02/97 at Mr Langlois. 1) information about master Hissel (lawyer and Lejeune families RUSSO). He received this information from a lawyer who does not wish to mention the name. This lawyer has raised the confidence of Andriano dlie Catherine Place Communale, 12 LIBRAMONT such 061/23.23.07 adoptive mother HAVENIT Bruno. 2) RAEMAEKERS recounts a telephone conversation he had had with Mr. Jean-Paul Dumont on the evening of 02/13/97 3) RAEMAEKERS no longer wants to talk to investigators BRUSSELS. 8 pages he gives to his lawyer on the attitude of investigators BRUSSELS. It also calls upon the request of Jasselette (co-owned) handwritten documents, plans relating to acts of pedophilia and child abductions and an audio cassette. 4) lays 4 RAEMAEKERS original heels giro received prison FOREST (600,000 USD) price of his silence. - DISCREPANCIES AND PARALLEL WITH THE FOREGOING STATEMENTS a) RAEMAEKERS has never made any statement regarding Hissel master. b) No trace of the conversation with DUMONT 13/02/97. c) Regarding the fact of not wanting to make a statement to the investigator BRUSSELS, he reported that he had received 24/02./97 instructions from higher authorities prescribing him the blackout in his statements, adding these bodies will hear later. d) It has never been mentioned transfer heels. For the record against the parquet 37.97.5984/93 BRUSSELS an investigation was conducted on behalf of the movements of RAEMAEKERS JP Prison FOREST. It appears that RAEMAEKERS had received four transfer of BEF 50,000 postal orders made on 12/10/93 by LECLERC street Malibran 50-1050 BRUSSELS. these mandates were numbered from 17 to 20 same numbering as filed by RAEMAEKERS heels. 151831 26/05/97 ROELAN 154 FINDINGS SAD DOS INTERNMENT PQ GHENT / BOTELBERGE (continued apostille No. 379) - record reveals abuse of minors - 10 years - is intercepted BOTELBERGE coffee held by ABC HEUSDEN Heldenbergh Annie born 18/06/34. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,111

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - Said BOTELBERGE operate a trade in leather PRADO MISS. - BOTELBERGE states have a leather workshop in Brussels 165 Avenue ROGIER. - BOTELBERGE states have a workshop leathers NETHERLANDS KAATSHEUVEL Hoofdstraat under the banner ESTE. BOTELBERGE housed in the same room a girl of 9 years he presented as his adopted daughter (SYLVIE DEHAN BORN ON 07.25.66 GIRL AND DANIEL DANIELLE LENNE) - SYLVIE recognizes an 15 photos taken by the representative and BOTELBERGE. - BOTELBERGE made a trip to waalwijk EINDHOVEN with SYLVIE and FLORENCE Hotel MOONEN Editor's note: X2 says we have visited in EINDHOVEN "baisodrome." 151832 05/06/97 ROELAN 155 JUDGMENTS PQ BRUSSELS SAD FINDINGS / BOTELBERGE In the judgment dated 12/2/62 14,794 dependent BOTELBERGE dli Bd Jacques Louis Mettewie 491 to MOLENBEEK-SAINT-JEAN. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on Maria VAN STIJN (16 years) and between 06 and 12/08/61 to STROMBEEK-BEVER. - He is accused of having outraged the modesty in the presence of VAN STIJN Maria (16 years) and between 06 and 12/08/61 to STROMBEEK-BEVER. - He is sentenced to a year in prison plus a fine. In the judgment dated 20.04.65 143/B/65 dependent BOTELBERGE Jacques dli Av Berchem-Sainte-Agathe KOEKELBERG 74. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on CAPRON Jolle (16 years) and the KOEKELBERG to 26/12/64. - He is accused of having publicly insulted the modesty in the presence of CAPRON Jolle (- 16 years) and MARCIN Danielle (16 years) and the KOEKELBERG to 26/12/64. - He is sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. In the judgment dated 28.09.71 BR.37.08.14/71 dependent BOTELBERGE dli Av Jacques FOREST Jupiter 23. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on Nuytens Brigitte (16 years) and the 31/12/70 in BRUSSELS. - He is accused of having publicly insulted the modesty in the presence of Brigitte NUYTEBS (16 years) and the 31/12/70 in BRUSSELS. - He is sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. In the judgment dated 05.14.73 BR.37.99.194/73 dependent BOTELBERGE dli Av Jacques FOREST Jupiter 23. - He is accused of having committed an indecent assault on OUSAHLA Valrie (16 years) between 01/12/72 and 25/12/72 and to WATERMAEL-BOITSFORT. - He is accused of having publicly insulted the modesty in the presence of Valrie OUSHALA (16 years) between 01/12/72 and 25/12/72 and on. WATERMAEL-BOITSFORT - He was sentenced to a single sentence of one year imprisonment. 151833 10/06/97 ROELAN 156 ANALYSIS SAD RECEPISES OFFICES / DIFF REPORT SGAP - Heels 17-20 have been modified 151835 06/04/97 FRAIKIN 157 SAD POST MASTER FLAGOTHIER (REMEDY GRACE) 151847 03/04/97 WINKEL FILE TAX ANALYSIS 158 SAD VLOEBERGHEN FERNAND - the couple bought LIEBEN

VLOEBERGHEN-May 64 at Henry named VAN DE VLAET a house in STROMBEEK for $ 875,000 BEF. - The couple VLOEBERGHEN-LIEBEN June 71 buys an apartment + attic + garage + cellar for $ 1.21 million BEF. - The couple buys LIEBEN VLOEBERGHENSeptember 77 at VERVAECKE named Jozef villa located Bloemendreeflaan 12 WEMMEL for $ 12.5 million BEF. - The couple VLOEBERGHEN-LIEBEN sells at August 78 VANDERSCHUEREN-named DENEVE the house at STROMBEEK for $ 3.55 million BEF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,112 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - November 92 LIEBEN inherits a house located Liefdadigheidslaan 7 MEISE worth 10 million BEF, and 5/8 of bare ownership and eighth usufruct of a restaurant STROMBEEK, Sint Amandsstraat of 159 a value of 7.5 million BEF. It also inherits an apartment house located Leuvensestraat 9 VILVOORDE worth 5.1 million BEF. The restaurant and the house STROMBEEK report VILVOORDE are sold. VLOEBERGHEN is independent pharmacist, LIEBEN is supportive. They perform Sint-Amandsstraat, 159 to STROMBEEKBEVER. 152016 06/13/97 FRAIKIN COM 159 SAD AS OF INTERVIEW RAEMAEKERS CATHERINE DUPUIS - RAEMAEKERS aware that VERSWYER wife (Catherine DUPUIS) had telephone contact with one of the investigators (12/06/97) DELMAR 152 017 17/06/97 160 SAD INFORMATION WILL CAPTURE BACK AND JJ. - WILL Jean-Jacques has been the case 193/90 Mr VAN DER STEEN JI (BXL) for indecent assault with violence on a minor - 16 years (tried on 4/13/93) - In the Under this folder, appears ROELS Christian, but ROELS Patrick appears in the record of Mrs. JI DRISKET Walk Famennes (rape of children 10 to 14 years) and relationships are established with RAEMAEKERS. Consulting the file 193/90. Photos of a pedophile nature (pornographic) are discovered (blonde girl) - This girl is found on photographs in the folder LOUVAIN dependent WILL. (K7 LOT 26 No. 15) as well as within a folder CHARLEROI dependent FINET (LOT 11 No. 02 (1)) - This girl has not been identified. - Contact colleague we learn: * Folder 609/95 by Mr JI POWERFUL LOUVAIN for possession of child pornography and exploitation in charge of debauchery appointed: a) WILL Jean-Jacques born 23/05/45 dli to CHARLEROI b) CLAESSENS Henry born 13/01/61 Dli to KEERBERGEN c) HUYBRECHTS Andr born 15/12/45 Dli to ETTERBEEK d) Hans Born 01/07/49 THOMAS ST Dli LAMBRECHTS WOLUWE - * Folder 372/96 Ms JI ETIENNE CHARLEROI exposure for sale, or distribution of written images immoral in charge of: a) Jean-Luc FINET born 12/05/52 b) Charles MARTIN born 17/01/29 Dli to TERVUREN * Folder 21/97 Mr JI BRUSSELS PIGNOLET for possession of child pornography charge of a) WINKEL Yannick born 15/06/58 Dli to EVERE b) Victoir Marcel born 8/14/32 Dli to ANDERLECHT

152019 06/23/97 Eloir 161 SAD SEARCH CEL. RAEMAECKERS J.P. OF THE PRISON NAMUR. - Raids Also Jasselette Claude. - Various documents were taken: 152020 06/23/97 Eloir 162 SAD SEARCH CEL. Jasselette OF CLAUDE THE PRISON NAMUR. - Raids Also RAEMAECKERS JP - various documents were taken: 152085 25/06/97 Eloir 163 INPUT CELL ANALYSIS SAD RAEMAECKERS: 3 ENVELOPES - 03 Envelope with word "HYPER CONFIDENTIAL - BOX N 1" SUMMARY AA'AA 1,113 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 02 of these envelopes have never been used. - RAEMAECKERS said that we would not find anything because his lawyer was already FLAGOTHIER past Saturday and what was in that envelope had already left the bosom of his lawyer to another destination. 152087 26/06/97 WINKEL 164 REQUEST antecedents of SAD RAEMAECKERS. - RAEMAECKERS 04 Flooring is known from which there are several files open at his expense. (BRUSSELS BRUGES-VERVIERSNAMUR) - BRUGES AND VERVIERS not useful in the present proceedings. 152088 26/06/97 WINKEL 165 COMMISSION REQUEST REQUEST SAD NAMUR. - RAEMAECKERS is known: No. No instruction manual NA.20.11.7381/83 NA NA 19.11.9713/83 No instructions 19.97.053/84 On the basis of a false name, city: No instructions NA.20.91.509 / 83 leaflet No. NA.18.06.296/84 DELMAR 152 133 30/06/97 SAD 166 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RAEMAECKERS cellmate. 152147 03/18/97 Eloir MONITORING SUMMARY SAD 167 JP Dumont (01/97 AND 02/97) - Comments on DUMONT Jean-Paul born on 07/04/52 IXELLES Lawyer, epx of Diercxsens Dli Isabelle Avenue De Fre, 253-1180 UCCLE. Following observation of 25/01/97 1) FORD MONDEO registered AK-443 (attributed to GE CAPITAL FLEET SERVICES SA 7, rue de Treves LUXEMBOURG FINDEL to 2632). 2) Frederick DEKEYSER fate of No. 253 Avenue

De Fre and boarded a registered GDY R25-349. 3) R19 ENZ-350 4) Jean-Paul Dumont fate of No. 253 Avenue De Fre and boarded a vehicle registered in Luxembourg. AUDI A4 Green registered AJ-497 assigned to the company HARRISON-HEYER Associed drive from Luxembourg, 20-5670 ALTWIES (22/07/96). 5) JP Dumont goes rue du Moulin, 14 BRAINE The ALLEUD. Present the following vehicles: GDF-855 FORD (?) R11 (?) Attributed to: Patrice Cammaerts born 07/06/55 dli OTTIGNIES the street fighters, 1-1430 CHASTRE. KAX-398 MERCEDES 380 SEC attributed to: MOBILE ADVERTISING CY SARL company chsse of Alsemberg, 1014-1180 UCCLE. The manager of this company: HULEUX Francis born HATE-ST-PAUL on 03/08/50 separated DEHENAIN Anne-marie dli King Street Garden, 3-1480 TUBIZE. BGZ-973 Truck R5 attributed to DESPREZ Sacha born on 04/08/73 NIVELLES Affairs dli Avenue 243 / bte 10-1490 SHORT ST-ETIENNE. 6) DUMONT goes to 9 Rond Point Schuman in 1040 ETTERBEEK. At the same address come two men aboard a registered MERCEDES CCP-814 awarded to: Rainer BOLKHE born PLESS (FRG) on 12/01/44 researcher, husband of Catherine DAELEMANS dli Avenue and Mercury, 12-1180 UCCLE. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,114 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon between a man aboard a registered CLIO RENAULT KRP-180 awarded to: Roberto Palomba born in PERUGIA (I) dli Sablons Street, 15 / A 1000 BRUSSELS. between a man aboard a Peugeot 405 registered DVF-733 awarded to: Allessandro Aberto born on 07/17/66 VIAREGGIO (I) dli Avenue Auderghem 262 / 4-1040 ETTERBEEK. between a man aboard a registered NISSAN 100 NX-210 FVD attributed to: Olivier MARTIN born 23/09/63 IXELLES the divorced Depicker Sabrina dli Chausse de Boondael, 75/3 1050 IXELLES. Baron BONVOISIN between aboard a Peugeot 306 registered B-1689 awarded to: Elizabeth GALOPIN born 10.10.11 LIEGE the widow of Pierre BONVOISIN dli Boulevard St Michel, 30-1040 ETTERBEEK. between a man aboard a BMW 3 series registered CYX-538 awarded to: HAMMERS born Frdric BERCHEM-ST-AGATHE on 16/01/71 dli Pedestraat, 3-1703 DILBEEK. between a man aboard a registered EXY SUZUKI JEEP-534 awarded to: Philippe DELTENDRE born on 15/06/66 NIVELLES dli Chausse de Bruxelles, 339 / A 1410 WATERLOO.

Following Observation of 05/02/97 7) A vehicle registered LAG R25-295 Van Avenue found Goidtsnoven, 97 FOREST. At the same address is also registered LFE MERCEDES-749 (Verdoot Lawyer). At this address is the office of Master Verdoot (1st floor) and Master DUMONT (2nd floor) At 14.10 hours, a woman comes to this address, it moves along a registered AUSTIN METRO NFF-570 awarded to: MAIGRET Virginia-born WATERMAEL BOITSFORT on 20/11/60 Dlie Chausse de Forest, 201/RC 1060 ST-GILLES. At 14.30 hours the arrival of Secretary Master DUMONT (Impellizzeri Danielle). At 14.40 hours arrival of a RENAULT SCENIC registered GYK-487 awarded to: PUTTART born Fabienne on 29/03/63 ANDERLECHT, wife of Albert Street BENALI Rachid Dlie 1 591130 RIXENSART. (3 men on board) Of these three men, two of them try to start the LAG R25-295 and then they leave in a vehicle park a little further down the street. He is a registered RENAULT CLIO FAN-245 awarded to: SA Overlease located at 1140 rue Colonel Bourg EVERE, 113. After verification, the company is located JUBILEE AUTOMOTIVE SA Bld Jubilee 138-1080 BRUSSELS using the car registered FAN-245. This address is a man who is out to left edge of a BMW 318i registered FYN-367 awarded to: Cemil KARAGOZ born Emirdag (TURKEY) on 20/09/52. (Known). At this address comes a registered TOYOTA CARINA RV-413 awarded to: Ren DEWEVER born in Charleroi on 11/08/46, husband of Claudine Denille Dli street of Equality 1-6040 JUMET. (3 persons on board and a woman). The woman makes contact with a person who is in a FORD ESCORT registered ZCJ-973 awarded to: George MPOCAS born Filiates (GREECE) on 01/06/56, husband of Betty Lacagnina Dli Street Holland, 8/1 to 1060 StGilles. (Known). A woman goes aboard a VW GOLF registered LTL-857 awarded to: Laetitia RAVET born 13/06/76 dlie UCCLE the Avenue de Fre, 265-1180 UCCLE. A couple leaves the address and goes aboard a FORD FIESTA registered PFH-289 awarded to: Karine Trimboli born WATERMAEL - 04/04/68 dlie BOITSFORT the Drie Koningenlaan, 12 / 1-1731 ASSE. Outside the home of Dumont Avenue De Fre 253, FORD FIESTA is a registered CCV-966 awarded to: BVBA Vorsselmans located Lobroekstraat Lange, 73 in ANTWERP. Following Observation of 08/02/97 DUMONT 115 goes to the street to Dobbelenberg 1130 BRUSSELS to the company's headquarters FERRARES. Several vehicles present. TOYOTA COROLLA registered DAS-211 awarded to: Rosanna COMPARATO born NORTHAMPTON (GB) on 09/06/71, Alessandro Volpe concubine (known) dlie Avenue Louis Bertrand, 55-1030 SCHAERBEEK. BMW 325 i registered HAJ-866 awarded to: SPRL GRANDI CUCINE ITALIANE located Dobbelenberg Street, 113-1130 BRUSSELS. MERCEDES C220-503 registered FZU attributed to: SUMA Antonio GOSSELIES born on

19/08/61, husband of Carmela Critelli Dli Seghin Avenue, 19-6183 COURCELLES. GST registered MERCEDES-979 not assigned. DONE FIORINO registered in: LA ROSA born Francesca Mesina (I) 07/07/68, wife CELILI Baschi (known) Dlie Avenue Notre Dame de Lourdes, 56/1 1090 BRUSSELS. PEUGEOT 205 registered LXP-872 awarded to: Mario Musuri born on 25/10/72 ETTERBEEK Dli Diegemstraat, 160/A2 in 1930 ZAVENTEM. DONE BB-registered 689 (GDLux) attributed to: GENERAL SYSTEM RENT located GMBW Place Abb Charles Mllendorff PJ, 49A 2179 LUXEMBOURG. AUDI 100 registered FIL-78210 (ITALY) attributed to: LENSI Valderamo born on 02/08/35 FIRENZA Dli Via Lungo L Affrico, 104-50100 FIRENZE. DUMONT enters the company headquarters located LUXLLAG Houtweg, 56-1140 EVERE. DUMONT between at 72 rue des Coteaux SCHAERBEEK. 152150 07/07/97 LESCIAU INFORMATION RECEPTION SUITE 168 SAD MAIL RAEMAECKERS. - Master LAURENT Vronique would come visit RAEMAECKERS - Two journalists OF MORGEN (BULTHE Anemia and Douglas DECONINCK) sent two phone cards (which have been returned) then they sent a $ 500 BEF RAEMAECKERS. - A letter was sent to RAEMAECKERS its own SUMMARY AA'AA 1,116 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon JJJF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,117 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon PPPD GRAPE VIAL, Lucien Joseph Albert married Michle DEBRY born in FRANCE THE HALLS (Rhne) December 18, 1935 nat French vintner WALCOURT domiciled, Tienne du Moulin, 71 MORAN PAZ, Ricardo (ex MORAN Y VILAR) married DELLA MALVA, Carina CHARLEROI born July 27, 1965 Resident employees in 6060 GILLY Street Pirotia 51/1 MORAN PAZ, Pedro (MORAN VILAR ex) husband SICURO, Ezia born April 20, 1967 CHARLEROI commercial intermediary resident in 6041 GOSSELIES Street Providence 11/2

------OPS GRAPE PV N Th Summaries ------- 1102 01 RAI INFORMATION VIAL on 23/08 Z13 contacted by verbalizing 1 Substitute STRAUDT PJ DINANT STAUDT received confidences BLONDIAUX Nathalie on VIAL BRASSEUR See details in hearing BLONDIAUX (PV 1103) ------- 1103 02 RAI HEARING BLONDIAUX of Nathalie (05/02/67) 26/08 Z12 after hearing the confidence to substitute STAUDT 23/08/96 PJ DINANT MICHAUX Victim in 82 VIAL She was with a friend that ui asked to wait in VIAL There were fondling and attempted rape VIAL offered him 15,000: day in a film VIAL rented a room in the hotel one day his mother heard his mother scream one VIAL girl had brought, and came and NIHOUL VIAL frequented the snack NIC-NAC Tour In 1982 Rogier was a VIAL CX gray ------- 113 127 03 RAI HEARING GUNGOR of Aytekin (01/10/57) 08/09 42 A DIV known DUTROUX the lower town to St. CHARLEROI Viteux the coffee "PRINCE DE LIEGE" DUTROUX is related VIAL VIAL with Lucien = very rich - French wine importer known for VIAL VIAL PAEDOPHILIA RAPE and is in contact with Ricardo and Pedro MORAN VILLAER SUMMARY AA'AA 1,118 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------ 113 126 50 DIV INFORMATION - VIAL-DUTROUX brothers MORAN 08/09 VIAL used to order girls brothers PIRARD MORAN These prostitutes or tox delivered dcl VIAL takes pictures his antics VIAL was often seen in "PRINCE DE LIEGE" with DUTROUX known as VIAL VIAL RAPIST pedophile and Lucien Moulin Tienne = 71-5651 A WALCOURT address: DEBRY VIAL Stephanie Michele (10/17/74) BEUGNIES Gerald ( 01/09/60) MINET Joseph (10/18/43) VIAL manager BVBA GROUPS VIGNERONS FRENCH SPRL In: DEBRY - VAN WYMEERSCH Orphel (02/16/26) VIAL JAMIOULX to simultaneously DUTROUX Veh VIAL: NSC-299 - February-620 - NZL-421 - JHX-693 - EJK-500 - 27221/96 plate transit registered at the garage COENEN Brothers MORAN MORAN PAZ = Ricardo (07/27/65) MORAN PAZ Pedro ( 4/20/67) names cited: DELLA MALVA Carina - SICURA Ezia MARAN PAZ Ricardo AUDI 80 BJK = XX-346 DEV Perquis among brothers MORAN - VIAL - COENEN ------- 113 223 04 RAI AUDITION for ELOY Henri (27/02/46) 08 / September 43 DIV He had DUTROUX during his incarceration in Saint-Viteux JAMIOULX March 86 DUTROUX was very protected by the chaplain Toussaint has never been transferred along DUTROUX ELOY subscribed to the magazine CURRENT His cell was JAMIOULX I 130 GRAND MALLET was the nickname of ELOY prisoners are exchanged between journals has never presented this revised DUTROUX but perhaps through an intermediary GUNGOR Aytekin should learn more about DUTROUX ------- 113 658 13 RAI FINDINGS JANSSENS Raymond 13 / September 81 DIV Certificate Contr.Tech CITROEN BX (VF7XBXB0057XB5290) PIRARD of 09/10/91 GGK-196 - with increased TB plate ZBD-203 currently registered veh 91-BF-5 Raymond Janssens plate ZBD-203 = COENEN Garage Garage = COENEN address for transit plate 27221/96 VIAL of Lucien (PV 113126) ------- 113 660 14 RAI INFORMATION Lucien VIAL 13 / September 82 DIV An anonymous tipster reports that VIAL Lucien PIRARD PROVIDES CHILDREN It gets parents a doc authorizing him to take charge of the children's parents

see 50.000- IL bef or would have had photos of children in his veh. DIAKOSTA CITROEN CX has one that belonged to VIAL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,119 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon VIAL is in contact with NIHOUL XX DEV application of 04 mandates perqui indictment bank demand action ESI-malicious retroactive application zoller veh DIAKOSTA history and current VIAL ------- 15 113 661 RAI DI GIORGIO INFORMATION Quintino (14/09/60) 13/09 83 DIV Review PV Archive for Old VIAL PIRARD accomplice to rape = DI GIORGIO GIORGIO DI PAOLO = Quintino He pulled down girls in dance halls, ... It VIAL for drunk girls and called VIAL They offered to move to another facility They were under threat at the hotel They drugged and raped Sometimes minor in Perqui VIAL CHARLEROI by Gd: Discovering pictures of girls with name and number FRANCE VIAL known for theft and pimping DI GIORGIO: 02 BCS 018.295/95 194.005/95 file CH.20.07.29959/94 TC NAMUR 05 years for torturing minor with RAPE ------- 114 086 05 RAI INFORMATION VIAL SIZAIRE Didier Lucien and 17/09 Taking cognizance of the PV procedure DINANT PIRARD RAPES MINOR SIZAIRE on Didier (05/09/67) - Died on 09/04/95 RIO DE JANEIRO SIZAIRE = reel of VIAL It flirting girls (runaway) sympathized - offered to host them and earn some money doing photos for pub He had to VIAL for photos. VIAL VIAL gave an advance was her neighbor (73) lent clothes - sometimes it is the woman who lent VIAL clothing Photos of pub normal wine photographer prof. VIAL then, the girl and the photographer in hotel or brothel and RAPE photographer takes pictures first and then participates in the rape Sometimes girls received the pills After Rape: threat of violence or show photos Sometimes victims contacted again and forced to attend parties and get raped by VIAL or by guests under threats to divulge photos One girl even work in a bar Investigators found a large list of girls who could not be identified VIAL recognized the publicity photos but not rape except with girls consententes MORAN PAZ = Ricardo successor VIAL SIZAIRE The drivers reside in the cottage at the back of VIAL There are photo album or presentation of wine with the girls and "Beautiful World" VIAL = hub for girls from the East and then directed to FRANCE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,120 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 114 087 06 RAI MOBILE IDENTIFICATION VIAL & Co 13/09 = 017/88.22.00 VIAL Lucien PIRARD 071/65.08.46 BEUGNIES = G. (Dcl VIAL) = 071/65.08.64 Grment French Winegrowers (FAX) Groupement des Vignerons 071/65.57.21 = French = 071/65.13.35 071/41.00.81 DEBRY Mr. MORAN PAZ = R. 071/37.47.32 SILURO = E. (Wife MORAN Pedro PAZ) = COENEN 071/41.14.63 071/48.91.30 = MOTOR MOTOR COENEN (FAX) 018/56.48.01 = COENEN MOTOR (SEMA) = MINET Joseph 075/69.81.36 075/49.64.99 = MORAN PAZ Pedro ------- 114 088 07 RAI INFORMATION 13/09 Establishment of an PIRARD

------- 114 089 08 RAI VEHICLE INFORMATION VIAL 17/09 09/11/96: veh. seen in VIAL PIRARD RENAULT: DYE-863 Blue Truck: BVD-903 CITROEN XM: NZL-421 On behalf GROWERS GROUP FRENCH Break Green 83-K-18 = PASSAT: Georgette KEUWEZ CITROEN XM plate with French Comings and Goings veh. parked in the No 73 73 XX capita DEV Application for warrant for 73 ----- 114 305 09 RAI 14/09/96 OBSERVATION of 17/09 to 71 vehicles CITROEN dark PIRARD: LLD-250 (Gr. Vign. Fr.) CITROEN XM dark: NZL-421 (Gr. Vign. Fr ) CITROEN White Truck: AYN-457 (SIA SA) MAZDA 323 blue: 015-KF (Charles COLLET) Truck: DYE-863 (Gr; Vign. Fr) Trailer with French plate 883JR67 (WANTZ Charles) ----- 114 306 10 09/15/96 RAI OBERSVATION of 17/09 to 71 vehicles: CITROEN XM: LLD250 Truck CITROEN: AYN-457 13.14: departure LLD-250 + man woman 20-25 years 25 years + woman back to LOVERVAL Road Philippeville 79 (vacant hotel) and then leaves without the woman from behind (13:22) Locally PASSAT: P-567-L = HANNUS Jacques XANTIA: Lucien VIAL 9206SD69 = 13.23: the red XANTIA (9206SD69) leaves the address woman with black hair 40 years 13.48: CITROEN LLD-250 returns to the beach with the young woman only, she leaves to 13.51 13.54: XANTIA the red comes to the beach and goes to 14.12 14.26: Return of the LLD-250 CITROEN 14.35 : return to XANTIA who leaves at 15.48 and returns 18.30 to 16.18: departure from the LLD-250 19.07: arrival CITROEN XM NZL-421 with a half-breed 35 years ponytail 9.19: LLD-250 return with the young woman and man 25 years HANUS Jacques (05/19/52) unknown Gd SIA SA INVESTMENT COMPANY = CAR = DALQ and Josiane Hersleven Jacques Luc Hersleven ------- 114 307 11 RAI IDENTIFICATION ADDRESS VIAL 20/09 LOVERVAL - Chausse de Philippeville 79 PIRARD Acquisition recent VIAL Tel 071/47.51.05 behalf of DEBRY Michle since 17/04/96 No capita Near address the "GOLDEN PHEASANT" = brothel at 14 Rue Charon LOVERVAL ------- 114 322 12 RAI INFORMATION HANUS Jacques on 21/09 PIRARD 11.55: veh HANUS floor GOLDEN PHEASANT to Philippeville 79: MERCEDES-447 burgundy BSY = Lamendin Jean-Claude (11/13/52) - carrier ------- 114 407 16 RAI OBSERVATION of Friday, 20/09/96 24/09 From 21.00 to 01.30 21.00 Hoskens: on site: NZL-421 + + 015KF LLD-250 21.58: departure NZL-421 - Women 20 - 25 years (see the LLD-250 15/09) Runs very fast 22.10: arrival NZL-421 rue de Labe Size-12 THUIN 23.48: Arrival of XANTIA 9206SD69 01.30: lunmires off MAZDA 323 015KF = COLLET Charles Street Limit 7-061 CHARLEROI Street-Labe Size 12 = PIROT Anne (29/12/46) AMICO Luc (01/29/73) AMICO Giani (15/01/76) AMICO Giani known FLIGHTS to ------- 114 321 17 VIAL Lucien DF 24/09 1994: Revenues wife: 600.000 (unclassified active) 600 000 1995 :: PIRARD No income VIAL VIAL Lucien Stephanie (his daughter) bear VIAL Lucien = ass. active and supportive wife = SUMMARY AA'AA 1,122 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Reports completed by BLAVIER & Cie 1994: RC% loan for a building: 346,000 1995: 02 buildings for RC% loan: 106,028 note: building more debt decreases but% = cash payment of the second building??? The 18/02/94: DEBRY buys rue de la Valle 04-

1650000 CHATELINEAU to bef (+ 206 250) = house + coffee shop 1992 Income: 02 RC building DEV perui Mandate for 4 rue de la Valle ------- 114 323 18 DF Gerald BEUGNIES 25/09 Tienne du Moulin, 71 WALCOURT PIRARD Employed by VIAL from 1989-90-91-92 12/07/88 Income = Income tax for 1993 Office: ass . active = 591,000 Revenue 1994: ass. active = 591000 Declaration 1993-94 BLAVIER & Cie (ditto VIAL) = BEUGNIES driver Combined with the constitution of GROWERS GROUP FRENCH SCRL (GFV) 50 parts/1000 DEV perqui Mandate for dcl BEUGNIES ------- 114 324 19 DF SCRL FRENCH GROUP OF GROWERS (GFV) 26/09 Incorporated on 07/11/89 PIRARD VIAL Lucien Meadows CA 100 shares Adm Adm 800 DEBRY michle BEUGNIES Gerald VAN WYMEERSCH Orphel 50 50 Subject: Trade Wine and Spirits - Operating drinking with or without spectacle Fiscal year from 01/04 to 31/03 Acct 360-0294040-39 AGE 10/93: Fixed Capital = 1,000,000 = 1000 shares Becomes SCRL ------- 114 695 20 DF SCRL GFV - STAFF LIST 27/09 Gerald BEUGNIES PIRARD JEDRYCZKA wife Nadia LACHAT JEDRYCZKA Sabine Galione Maurizio (= AMURIZIO) MINAUT FLEMAL Emile Laurent Yvon MANNOY TRAN DUY KIET Lucien Franois VIAL SWERTVAEGHER Guy SUMMARY AA'AA 1,123 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DI FAZIO DEBRY Michele Maria Charles COLLET note: during the observation veh COLLET was seen several times. ------- 114 552 21 FRESH 28/09 investigations in Charleroi on 28/09 BALL ------- 114 553 22 HEARING GUNGOR Aytekin of 28/09 VIAL delivered in his coffee BALL He suggests that it is well protected often walked with pictures of naked girls (15-20 years) has been He recognized the photos on the photo a young Arab he knows (pornographic pictures) Young Arab bears the tattoo "VIAL" prsdu sex VIAL said it forced him to be silent and to submit Arab bride - currently 22 Held by VIAL -23 years 7-8 years since it was remove the tattoo but it remains a scar - photos VIAL VIAL, CX had a gray similar to that found in DUTROUX VIAL VIAL know DUTROUX goes to discos and MIRAGE COUVIN PALACE in GOZEE photos of the girls were in the glove box to his car ------- 114 554 23 RESEARCH - OBSERVATIONS 29/09 Dancing PALACE = 47 Beaumont Road GOZEETHUI N BALL presence of a swimming pool and two cameras MITSUBISHI Jeep veh FXN276-149 Audi FEE FXN-276 = SPRL PUZZLE (= THE PALACE) FEE-149 = AES BVBA SPRL THE POLI = Puzle Bruno (04/30/55) LOIR Marie (wife) before: SUM Eric (02/05/50) SPRL = AES Electrical ROGGEMAN Philippe - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dancing MIRAGE -------- = maybe LINDBERG Street Tavern 15 Bercet COUVIN??? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- 29/09/96 at 15.50: VIAL XANTIA comes home: a woman with one or two people Veh. Charles COLLET of this ------ 114 696 24 DF SCRL GFV - FINDINGS SPRL COENEN BROTHER 29/09 Presence of a bill COENEN BROTHER SPRL VIAL bought a home CITROEN JUMPER COENEN PIRARD = COENEN Manager Jean-Pierre (04/28/39) Headquartered in Brussels Link with garage COENEN MOTOR SPRL

MONTIGNIES SUMMARY AA'AA 1,124 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 114 697 25 DF SCRL GFV - FINDINGS GSM 29/09 Exercise 94-95: amortization of a GSM PIRARD No No GSM assigned Vial or GFV SCRL No. attributed to Joseph MINET (same address ) = 075/69.81.36 ------- 114 700 26 DF SCRL GFV 29/09 Lease between DEBRY Michle SCRL and the GFV 31/03/92 BALL Tienne du Moulin Rent 40.000/mois 71 = Acct DEBRY 310-0213972-93 ------- 114 701 27 DF SCRL GFV 29/09 Bill of GFV BALL tel Request Identification No. foreigners made via IP ------- 114 702 28 DF MINET Joseph 29/09 71 BALL Tienne du Moulin list its address succesives He has worked in 94 VIAL (short) DEV search warrant ------- 29 114 703 CONTACT JEDRYCZKA Nadia 29/09 It worked for SCRL GFV BALL Phone Calls. Anonymous Request for some time the price for a password to Work INTERMARCHE CHARLEROI She was a waitress at a reception for his sister VIAL Same SABINE Her husband cut the hedges in VIAL VIAL She said was not incorrect WITH IT It is not entirely so SABINE told him VIAL is a ladies man calls can be modus operandi of raprochs of VIAL DEV-Zoller malicious retroactive 071/31.91.69 ------114 409 30 DF SCRL GFV 30/09 CA 1991 = 24,637,000 = 696,243 Benef Hoskens CA 1992 = 26,511,000 Loss = 363,694 1993 = 36024000 Benef CA = CA 966 000 1994 = 47,726,000 Loss CA = 531,810 1995 = 45,348,000 = 62,000 Loss Vehicles: 1990: purchase of 04 veh CITROEN GILBERT and son in 1991: purchase CITROEN MATTOZA break in 1992: purchase CITROEN BX and XM COENEN in 1994: CITROEN XM 02 purchase at COENEN ------ REPORT 31 Report CHARLEROI PR to PR NEUFCHATEAU SUMMARY AA'AA 1,125 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 18/09 History records VIAL in CHARLEROI No need for ATTEMPTED RAPE on 23/09/83 Dossier open 84 DEBAUCHERY OF MINOR transmitted NAMUR the Prosecutor Sentenced 15/11/84 to 24/10/89 the RAPE - two years suspended unless preventive (59 days) File opened for DEBAUCHERY OF MINOR 18/03/91 - forwarded to the Prosecutor NAMUR 26/03/91 Joined: 24/10/89 Judgement - RIEGER victim Daphne (23/12/72 ) - 86 offenses committed in Accomplice VANESSE Josiane (21/04/52) ------- 114,805 34 BANK CARD APPLICATION indictment 02/10 VIAL For Lucien Joseph BALL MINET BEUGNIES Gerald DEBRY Michle VIGNERONS FRENCH GROUP of bills since 1990 INFORMANT CONTACT ------- REPORT 33 02/10 VIAL solicited Albanian NAMUR NAMUR BSR for girls 14-16 years old for paid sexual relationships DA CRUZ ------- S 114 705 32 VIAL history 01/10 Records NA.37.98.540/91 - NA.37.12.100921/91 and NA.38.12.100285/91 BALL DI GIORGIO IZIZ and sentenced VIAL interned and released by House Bids on 06/03/93 ---------------------------------------- LIEGE -------------------------------------------------- -------------------

24/05/89 Dossier DI.37.26.100324/86 of Victim Bernadette DAHM = (minor) Approached by DIDIER (photographer) Raped by DIDIER and indecent photos taken by VIAL Subsequently sex with persons designated by VIAL under threat of disclosure photos 2-3 times a month in a hotel restaurant isolated SUITES:?? -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- 25/05/89 Dossier DI.37.26.100330/89 of Instruction 112/89 = Victim Danielle Berger (major) His girlfriend Nathalie Michalewicz him that VIAL paid 25,000 for sexual touching it accepts need money first appointment = nothing happens SUMMARY AA'AA 1,126 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Second appointment: BERGER-Michalewicz and minor Chinese Lunch at Chinese MAKING GOLD After lunch with two 03 rooms: BERGER and Michalewicz Chinese and Chinese VIAL and minor BERGER refused VIAL gave 4,000 Michalewicz Photo of young Chinese DINANT Registry TC No. 90/664 It could be identified by Michalewicz VIAL has already visited with other minor GOLDEN PHEASANT photographer with divestiture Order to the NAMUR --------- 14/05/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In case 112/89 BSR CHARLEROI heard Pascal Meunier (witness) on 23/05/89 MEUNIER 12 days later found dead of an overdose Some information indicates that there is a murder on 21/05 / 89 DI.37.18.100426/89 the folder named Laurence Bruggeman (victim) is heard by the Bde YVOIR She says she witnessed an argument between PASCAL and PAOLO (DI GIORGIO Quintino) XX PAOLO said he PASCAL was going to kill = DI GIORGIO complicit in rape VIAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Hearing NAESSENS Serge in case 70/91 of a JI NAMUR Hearing by the BSR Philippeville 07/05/91 Knows VIAL via BEUGNIES BEUGNIES known since 89 VIAL XX One day went seeking a girl of 17-18 years in a VIAL attending an institution run by a XX RENZO RENZO He told that he had a "NEW MEAT" ----- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Folder ---ATTEMPTED RAPE CH.37.43.2612/83 for NO PLACE VIOLENCE with the 23/09/83 ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- Folder CH.52.18.3966/84 for DEFAMATION - CLASS NO ACTION THREATS -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------- SENT folder CH.38.91.2074/84 to DINANT available for ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Folders CH.3743.2294/86 CH.37.91.2866/86 and CH.37.16. 770/86 to 02 YEARS SENTENCED sentence (59 days trial) ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- File CH.26.48.787/89 for making off without payment CLASS NO ACTION --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- CH.45.50 Folder. 1589-1588 for THREATS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,127

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon NO ACTION CLASS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ Dossier CH.38.91.833/91 for DEBAUCHE MINER TRANSMITTED available for NAMUR ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Folder CH.17.95.1170/93 for QUALIFIED CLASS FLIGHT NO ACTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- In 89 VIAL has had a minor fugue = DELFORGE to Geraldine LINDBERGH COUVIN = Joseph MOREAU (01/15/55) Financial = SUM Eric PALACE boss until 93 SIZAIRE (accomplice of VIAL) delivered an envelope with K7 at the inn at the request of BOUVIGNES VIAL ____________________________________________________ XX DEV ID by the Chinese Michalewicz GOLDEN PHEASANT responsible Audition ID PASCAL MEUNIER by Pascal Bruggeman he was a drug addict Identification RENZO HEARING HEARING DELFORGE Joseph MOREAU HEARING responsible Hostel BOUVIGNES (he children - victims VIAL?) REQUEST ------ 114 709 35 ZOLLER-MALICIOUS 02/10 = VIAL 017/88.22.00 BALL BEUGNIES = 071/65.08.46 DEBRY = 071/65.13.35 GVF GVF = 071/65.57 = 071/65.08.64. 21 ------- REPORT 36 INFORMATIO N PR PR NEUCHATEAU CHARLEROI to 20/09 = DI GIORGIO Quintino doss CH.37.18.100426/89 for kidnapping and rape of minor 02 Divestiture Order to the NAMUR --- 14/05/91 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ = DI GIORGIO doss CH.37.69.2101/91 02 years for rapes on 15/03/94 DEPREZ between 30/09/90 and 30/11/91 Alexandra -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - = DI GIORGIO CH.65.07.22744/90 = Daniel De Coninck complainant accused of selling drugs DI GIORGIO works for Stamatiadis -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some SYLVIE removed in 89 to CHARLEROI said to have been threatened death or enter a prostitution SYLVIE not identified SUMMARY AA'AA 1,128 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 114 707 37 N OBSERVATIONS of 10/01/96 02/10 07.45: Route de Philippeville HTV79 = 285 = BALL OF Craecker Yvan (11.07.57) 07.50: 71 = Tienne du Moulin XANTIA French VW PASSAT dark blue 09.00: DYE-863 Truck and XANTIA leave (women 35-40 years) 20.9: 2 veh Fontaine Road Lagasse (rue du Couvent) unload cases of wine in a shed 10.20: XM-421 comes NZL Tienne of Mulin 10.40: Tienne du Moulin presence of PEUGEOT 106 CJH-224 = LEROY Christophe (01/07/76) 12.26: PEUGEOT man leaves with 20-25 years 17.05: No veh. Highway 79 Philippeville lift device ------- REPORT 38 INFORMATIO N 01/10 VIAL known for pimping GD FRANCE brigade St Pk = LAURENTde CHAMOUSSET Adjt MOCELLIN Guillerand can be contacted for information Tel 0033374.70.50.17 ------- 114 808 39 indictments REQUEST - CALL 03/10 Reminder indictments Zoller-BALL Transmission Malicious applications for BELGACOM 075/69.81.36 - MINET 017 / / 88.22.00 - VIAL 071/65.08.46 - BEUGNIES 071/65.13.35 - DEBRY 071/65.08.64 071/65.57.21 GVF - GVF Zoller-malicious 03-31/10/96 071/41.14.63 - GARAGE COENEN

071/37.47.32 - SILURO 071/65.57. 21 - GVF 071/65.08.64 - GVF. Historical bills 01/03 to 03/10/96 Posted BANK CARD COMPANY indictment VIAL-to-BEUGNIES DEBRY -------------GVF- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- request additional indictments 071 / 41.14.63 - COENEN MOTOR 071/37.47.32 - SILURO 071/65.57.21 - 071/65.08.64 GVF - GVF ... to the historical invoices 01/10/95 29/02/96 Reminder application of PV 114087 Request malicious Zoller-up on 071/47.51.05 31/10/96 + 17/04/96 Request from the historical-Zoller for malicious on 27/09/96 071/31.91.69 = LACHAT Pascale ------- 114 812 40 Z-M DEBRY of 03/10/96 Contact BALL 071/65.50.07 = DEBRY Emile 075/27.28.90 071/61.18.43 GVF = SA = CODIFROID CHAUVIER Christian 0033- 0033- 0033- ------ 114 811 41 ZM BEUGNIES of 10/03/96 04/10 Contact BALL 02/534.91.64 02/732.01.60 = Luke = COOREMANS cabin Meiserplein TELEFUTURE Belgium 077/35.14.02 = 077/35.02 = .56 = TELEFUTURE 077/35.99.78 TELEFUTURE ------- 114 810 42 ZM GVF (071/65.08.64) of 03/10/96 04/10 Contact Printing WILLIAM BALL = 071/36.00.67 082/22.20.32 = diner Pierre ------- 114 813 43 ZM GVF (071/65.57.21) of 03/10/96 04/10 Contact BALL 071/47.51.05 = VIAL Imeuble to LOVERVAL 071/66.86.99 Trustee BLAVIER = 060 / 45.56.98 = MANNOY Alexandre Emile 058/23.29.88 071/65.50.07 = DEBRY = Ansheng ZHOU 010/65.56.32 = EPX DEVIGNE VLIES Victor Martine Pierre diner = 082/22.20.32 075/75.58.80 = 0033-20.42 .99.06 ------- 114 812 48 ZM DEBRY of 04/10/96 05/10 New Contacts BALL 071/58.80.12 = BBL BEAUMONT 055/31.17.79 WIJMEERSCH Orphel = NPV (act.GVF) 071/36.08.26 = SPRL = TO GUILLAUME 059/51.56.16 071/61.18.13 HOA WALCOURT = GD (private) 071/61.49.27 WALCOURT = GD (public) XX = 071/32.28.16 DELBOVE Georges EPX Milanezi Jos 071/31.55.62 SA = DELBOVE RELEASE 071/68.86.54 = CCB = BURTON Claude 071/61.25.61 = Adm. Com. WALCOURT 04/362.68.12 = MOTSOS Constantinos 060/31.32.42 = DACOSTA Amdo 071/47.38.94 = Bousmina Ali EPX KHELIFI Hakima 071/56.04.81 = PIROT Anne-Marie Luc 082/68.85.24 AMICO = BAY = Roger EPX FONTAINE Eliane 071/43.73.18 = FRECINAUX Stphane Didier 075/69.81.36 083/21.56.68 = DESKEUVRE = MINET Joseph 075/75.43.67 = SUMMARY AA'AA 1,130 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 0033- 0033- VIAL Stephanie and Luke AMICO controlled together in LLD-250 ------- 114 958 49 ZM BEUGNIES of 04/10/96 04/10 New Contacts Only BALL COOREMANS TELEFUTURE Luc + = 075/27.28.90 ------- 114 959 50 ZM GVF (071/65.08.64) of 10/04/96 05/10 New Contacts BALL 071/36.08.26 = SPRL GUILLAUME 071/66.85.98 Trustee BLAVIER = 071/47.51. 05 = House VIAL to LOVERVAL 075/27.28.90 055/31.88.53 = GVF = COLPAERT Bernard EPX VANDERBRACHT 071/34.44.44 071/34.41.42 BSCA SA = SA = BSCA 059/51.56.16 TO HOA = 071/39.17 = .73 Hypot credit. CHATELET 02/511.18.21 = PANG HING LAN XX = 071/61.27.42 HENRARD Jacques (= Gd) = 069/22.98.12 Resto CHINA 02/732.16.72 = CHOWDHURY CHOWDHURY KUSHBA 081/26.06.04 = A 02 / = 513.30.57 restaurant KOTA RADIA 02/654.05.44 = Resto EURAMA 081/46.26.29 = The PHNOM PENH ------- 114 961 51 ZM GVF (071/65.57.21) of 10/04/96 04/10 New contacts BALL 010/65.56.32 = EPX DEVIGNE VLIES Victor Martine

071/36.08.26 = 060 GUILLAUME SPRL / = 10/31/26 = VANDEWEYER Maurice 071/66.86.99 Trustee BLAVIER 071/61.11.42 = BBL WALCOURT 04/362.68.17 = MOTSOS Constantinos 055/31.17.79 WIJMEERSCH Orphel = NPV (act. GVF) 04/263.70.33 = Friterie THE LIEGE 02/268.18.45 = Truong Truong HA LAN 02/771.63.57 = DOG = KHAI 04/337.87.88 04/231.17.51 HANG TRUONG Nhieu = WUITSO JEN 04/240.20.05 = LAAOUJ Mohamed (known rape) 04/264.26.76 = SHILLINGS Pierre 075/75.58.80 = 075/75.43.67 = 075/27.28.90 075/69.81.36 = GVF = MINET = diner Pierre Joseph 082/22.20.32 071/58.84.70 BBL = BEAUMONT 050/71.07.30 = VZW Merlijn ASBL 071/65.12.95 TRANS = REMY PETROL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,131 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 071/65.13.33 = cavalo Salvatore EPX Laurence LAMBERT 071/39.18.77 = EPX BAUDUIN Etienne Franois Marie R. CHEN TIGUO 071/47.10.48 071/40.21.69 = IP = CLIEN KUO ORIENTAL JADE 067/56.04.96 = XX = Gd WALCOURT 071/61.10.14 071/31.57.35 NGUYEN TAN = 071/21.48.28 = THE PALACE OF CHINA CHEUNG 071/37.30.02 084/21.42.58 = SPRL = Induscabel 071/47.51.05 = Building VIAL LOVERVAL to 02/218.64.07 = SPRL YUNUS EMRE 04/253.14.20 = XU Yonghua 071/61.25. 61 = Adm. Com. WALCOURT 02/533.66.66 = Hotel = 04/370.02.46 HOLLIDAY IN VISE street cab to JUPILLE 059/51.56.16 = TO = THE HOA 04/362.23.22 02/225.55.63 = SIRTAKI Journal EVENING ------- 114 812 44 ZM DEBRY of 04/10/96 06/10 New Contacts BALL 003374.01.27.77 = 075/75.43.67 071/21.69.09 055/31.17.79 = NPV = Mesdagh WIJMEERSCH Orphel 071/31.57.35 MGUYEN CONG = TAM = EL GRECO 081/20.07.47 082/68.85.24 = BAY = BEUGNIES Grard Roger 071/65.08.46 071/56.04.81 = PIROT-AMICO ------- 114 963 45 ZM BEUGNIES of 05/10/96 06/10 New Contacts BALL 075/47.94.51 = ------- 114 964 46 ZM GVF (071/65.08.64) of 05/10/96 06/10 New Contacts BALL 02/654.13.92 = BVBA SPRL JIANG 015/42.40.95 = ALPHA SALES 04/343.13 MOREAU BROTHERS = .84 = 060/31.10.26 VANDEWEYER Maurice ------- 114 965 47 ZM GVF (071/65.57.21) of 05/10/96 06/10 Contact BALL 071/43.02.42 Ardelean = L. 071/21.33.56 = BLAMPAIN Herman 071/50.46.48 = EPX BOCART BAUDART Didier Marie 082/71.36.75 = HU = Zhimin 071/35.35.95 081/74.36.71 Signoriello D = 071/21.46 SUMMER PALACE. Scotto di Carlo 50 = 071/47.32.98 = Pennino Paolo Marcello 071/40.21.69 = CHEN TIGUO SUMMARY AA'AA 1,132 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 071/31.37.04 = SCRL SHANGAI 081/46.26.29 = THE PHNOM PENH 02/426.16.45 = CHI CHI YEH CHON = 071/65.09.49 063/21.90.93 Philippe Delfosse = ASIA PALACE 003309.68.79.85 ------- 114 966 52 INFORMATIO NS 06/10 VIAL personalities engaged in orgies BALL Examples: Bourgemestre Annevoie: Master MAINZ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- IZIZ Mustapha

(25/11/69) = reel of VIAL Via BSR NAMUR: copies of minutes of the time on VIAL VIAL paid 10-15000 Rdv reduced by daughter in THE GREAT CHINA Chinese restaurant and hotel CHARLEROI VIAL known hotel = no plug VIAL told him did not fear he knows powerful people says he was stopped but a call has been released VIAL = a girl day Been in PARIS and in SWITZERLAND A minor girls says VIAL him 100,000 proposed for virginity ------47.51.05 = VIAL Imeuble to LOVERVAL 071/66.86.99 = Trust = BLAVIER 060/45.56.98 MANNOY Alexandre Emile 058/23.29.88 071/65.50.07 = DEBRY ZHOU Ansheng = 010/65.56 = .32 VLIES EPX DEVIGNE Victor Martine Pierre 075/75.58.80 082/22.20.32 = diner = 0033- ------- 114 957 53 INVOICES VISA 08/90 to 06/92 VIAL 05/10 Many trips via FRANCE BELGIUM LUXEMBOURG: BINCHE - TOURNAI - MONS COURCELLES - LIEGE LA LOUVIERE - COURTRAI - MONT / MARCHIENNE - GENT LOVERVAL - BRUSSELS - VERVIERS - SOIGNIES - CHARLEROI - MOUSCRON - METTET SINT-NIKLAAS - NAMUR - FLOREFFE - CHATELET - NEUVILLE - BASTOGNE - OOSTENDE FLEURUS - KNOKKE - Roeselare - RUISBROEK - THIEU - SILENRIEUX - Lasnes - MONTIGNY GERPINNES - COUILLET - GERPINNES - QUIEVRAIN - BREDENNE - BEAUMONT CHATELINEAU - KOKSIJDE - REMOUCHAMPS FRANCE: Bordeaux - TRIN DANIEL - PARIS - VENARS - St-GEORGES - SORGES - BEZIERS - ROQUEMAURE - VILLEFRANCHE - AGDE - CHATENDY - LYON - TOULOUSE - LIBOURNE STRASBOURG MORNAS - BEAUNE - SEREZIN - BERGERAC - JANVILLE - CHANTILLY BAPAUME - PERONNE - MONT BLANC SUMMARY AA'AA 1,133 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - FRANCHEVILLE - ORANGE - DIJON - Angers - DEAUVILLE - Epernay - CANNES CHAUNAY - Ste-Foy - MONTPELLIER - Couline - VIVONNE - CASTILLON - BROGNON MACON - REIMS - LIMOGES - RESSONS - GARDONNE - Pamproux POMMEROLL - CHALUS STRETCH - CHENOVE - FIXIN - AVIGNON - VEMARS - FREJUS - LIMAS - VENOY - Nemours PONTANE ------- 114 967 54 INFORMATIO N IP 07/10 Following the PV 114701 29/09/96 BALL 0033- = VIAL Raymond (12/28/52) THE HALLS residing at (Fr) Mayor THE HALLS brother Lucien VIAL note: RAYMOND may have used his siortuation mayor to grant a residence in FRANCE LUCIEN despite the fact that it is registered in Belgium - see the problematic plate transit ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - FRANCE VIAL Lucien known for: PROCURING - VOL VIOLENCE - ASSAULT VIAL Lucien arrested on 31/07/95 for having come in FRANCE Romanian prostitutes with a minor ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0033 - = FOURNAND Yves (18/05/54) residing THE HALLS Ste-Foy Nephew VIAL Known for VIOLENCE and IVRESSE ------- 114 969 55 INCOME ZM for the DEBRY 06/10/96 07/10 New contacts: BALL 081/30.36.67 = GOFFINET Rosalie 081/30.74.08 = EPX PIRMEZ DEWASSEIGE Jacques Isabelle ------- 114 972 56 INCOME ZM for the BEUGNIES 06/10/96 07/10 New contacts: BALL 071/46.36.45 = NELISSEN CHarles Other names: Carrein Noelle - Vittorio SANTOLINI ------- 114 973 57 INCOME ZM for the GVF 06/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 08/10 New contacts = BALL

071/65.09.49 = DELFOSSE Philippe 0033- 0033-56.98. 00.95 0033-58.60.22 0033-58.61.50 0033-58.61.58 0033- ------SUMMARY AA'AA 1,134 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 114,968 58 INCOME ZM for the GVF 06/10/96 (071/65.08.64) 07/10 No appeal BALL ------114 970 59 REQUEST indictment PROXIMUS 07/10 For GSM GVF BALL 075/27.28.90 request invoices from 01/01/95 ------- 114 975 60 INFORMATIO N 017/88.22.00 line for 08/10 line open to 25/05/88 25/10/95 15/06/95 BALL Application history at 25/10/95 ------115 015 61 INCOME ZM for the BEUGNIES 07/10/96 08/10 New Contact: BALL SHANGAI 071/65.13.35 071/31.37.04 = SC = DEBRY Michele ------- 115 014 62 INCOME ZM for the GVF 07/10/96 (071/65.08.64) 08/10 New contacts: BALL 071/68.86.54 = CREDIT COMMUNAL FLORENNES (BURTON J) 04/388.30. 95 = SA = TROPIC TILFFOIS 04/343.13.84 MOREAU FRERES 0033- = 087/77.21.31 = RGCF = CUTE Franoise ------- 115 017 63 HISTORICAL SITUATION ZM and the 09/10/96 08/10 Summary of indictments Zoller-Mischievous and historical BALL already requested dates Resumes limits 115 013 64 ------- IDENTIFICATION No. FRANCE IP via 08/10 = 0033- CELLARS LANDIRAS BALL 0033- = CELLARS LANDIRAS 0033- = Sartron Jacques (winemaker) 0033 - Company TONGDA = (power ------- Report 64 Copies of PV transmitted by BSR PHILIPPEVILLE 19/09 Re DEBLATON Sverine (06/07/77 GOFFIN Hearing HALLET Ginette in a doss ordinary HALLET talking about a phone call from 21/09/94 11.00 to verify if the dialed number is the private 071/65.08.81 No known only close family was confirmed for the appointment of EXCLUSIVE FILM VIDEO 2627/09/94 They say appeal from Detroye Bernard is said to call the No. Dame - calm voice - accent Netherl. Same day: two calls without speaking DEBLATON knows nothing note: the method resembles that of VIAL recontacted his victims and makes them sing SUMMARY AA'AA 1,135 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon through photos and / or film ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Stocq Aurlie has been a kidnapping attempt from MARTIN Made committed in May-June 95 she was playing in the street in front A blonde lady home located in a red car was called She's not gone - she went back in the car 2 or 3 men AURELIE saw a picture of Martin in the newspaper and it was recognized ------- 115 019 64 INCOME ZM for the DEBRY 07/10/96 09/10 New Contacts: Victor BALL 071/21.44.91 = Delgoffe 071/35.53.61 SPRL = SA = DRAIN INTER 071/34.44.56 LEROY MANOGAS 071/65.56.09 = Edward = SPRL Tillire 071/61.22.77 071/65.59.10 = FRANQUET Andr Joseph 071/30.10.01 071/65.50.21 = BECHET = SCHOENMAECKERS Emmanuel Franoise ANCIAUX 071/65.52.39 = 071 / 66.68.38 =

JOGNAUX Christine 071/61.10.03 = LEG = Henkens Henri Ren 075/75.53.67 003309.68.79.85 ------- 115 018 65 INCOME ZM for the GVF 07/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 08/10 New Contact BALL 071/21.46.50 Scotto Di Carlo Marcello = 060/31.19.75 = Hoeben Jean 03/232.42.57 = BVBA SPRL V.ROY 083/68.87.58 = LA GRANGE 071/41.14.63 = COENEN MOTOR 087/77.21.31 = PGCF = CUTE Franoise 02/465.72.93 = Pulinx Gus 071/65.00.22 = CODIFROI 071/32.10.20 071/31.64.27 = SPRL GOURMET - Delsinne Sabinne 02/648.04.74 - TANU MIAH 02/426.16.45 - CHI CHI YEH CHO 02/267.14.98 - TU SHENG PAN 071/38.23.40 - SPRL AS TO ROBERT 071/38.77.88 - 071/61.27.42 BOOTS Guy HENRARD Jacques (lr) 071/32.53.18 - SC WIRE LINEN 02/725.64.77 - JIN YONG GUN 04/221.18.39 - Judith Henkens 071/31.87.02 - ASBL 071/21.30.12 BINDING WORKSHOP Daniel Bastin 059/51.00.09 - SPRL 04/343.93.76 SINGAPORE - Michel DUSSART 02/771.63.57 - TRUONG DOG KHAI 071/68.98.88 - SPRL THE GRAND PALAIS DE CHINE 015/61.74.04 - DENEVE Francois (Printer) SUMMARY AA'AA 1,136 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 04/384.72.70 - Zheng Yuehua ------- 115 020 66 INCOME FROM 08/10/96 to BEUGNIES ZM 09/10 U cally COOREMANS BALL ------- 67 115 021 RESULT OF 08/10/96 ZM for GVF (071/65.57.21) 10/10 071/32.96.09 = EMILE Andr BALL 063/38.69.35 = Cabin Martyrs Square in AUBANGE 02/511.69.79 = Institute = Rediscount Warranty 075/60.55.49 081/61.17.20 = MINAUT Laurent 071/25.80.67 051/22.07.02 = CET = BACOB 051/23.52.11 = BANK Roeselaere BRUGES of 02 / 502.03.03 = KB = Hotel Holliday 02/533.66.66 04/379.65.65 = STORK GOLD CONCORDIA 060/31.10.26 071/30.25.26 = SA = VANDEWEYER Maurice 058/41.28.85 = BANK Roeselaere LA FAILURE = 050/34.22.50 Resto JIM'S PALACE 071/37.22.05 = XIANG Peihua 071/32.10.20 SPRL = KB = GASTRONOME 09/34.49.06 ZELZATE 04/224.94.94 = Garage = DEHON 063/23.59.58 Palace Asia 071/38.05.24 = Credit Hypot. of CHATELET 071/37.34.88 = Cab = JUMET 060/45.56.98 MANNOY Alexander ------- 115 022 68 INCOME ZM for the DEBRY 09/10/96 10/10 = 082/22.75.82 Sunday = Sunday Fernand BALL 071/65.53.53 084/21.28.48 Ccile LEJAC SA = 059/55.43 .11 = GB = KAMAPHULI Tarders GENT 02/230.71.58 02/648.04.74 = TANU MIAH 0033- 0033- ------- 69 115 232 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64 Fax) 10/10 = 058/42.11.19 Shiming ASIA BALL 071/61.27.42 HENRARD = (Gd) 081 / = 21.28.48 = COLPAERT 055/31.88.53 MARLIER Antoine Bernard 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033- ------- 115 233 70 INCOME ZM for the LOVERVAL 09/10/96 10/10 = 071/52.19.20 BLONDIAU Pierre SUMMARY AA'AA 1,137 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BALL ------- 71 114 976 RESULT of ZM 03 and 04/10/96 for MINET 08/10 = GRAS BALL 071/43.77.64 071/47.12.52 = DETAYE 071/45.63.05 DELVALLEE = 071/47.12. 87 =

Catinus Vincent 071/41.14.63 = COENEN MOTOR 071/46.23.43 Clavie = - = Van Damme 071/47.32.98 Paolo Pennino ------- 72 115 016 RESULT of ZM 05 and 07/10/96 for MINET 08/10 = 071/43.85.36 ALLARY Grarda BALL 071/40.21.80 = Placenti Luigi EPX BURTON Paule 071/47.56.25 = F. Rousseaux ------- 115 234 73 INFORMATIO N HENRARD Jacques (Gd WALCOURT) 10/10 13/09/96: Checking the XM-250 LLD with onboard BALL VIAL Stephanie and Luke AMICO Control by UPC SENEFFE removed from plate 29 / 07/96 for ordering PVA PVA filled with HENRARD dated 19/08/96 Registration on 25/09/96 HENRARD filled PVA on the basis of the application for registration = FALSE --------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - Via themalicious zollers have seen many calls VIAL dle to the private HENRARD Also calls to Bde WALCOURT During the events ROMANIA VIAL chartered a food truck he was assisted by Maj. Bde and HENRARD Walcourt ------- 115 235 74 Identification of GSM 10/10 Call number appearing in the ZM = SPRL APOLLO BALL 075/47.94.51 075/69.81.36 = MINET Joseph 075/27.28.90 GVF = 075 / 75.43.67 = Henkens Henri Sobry 075/60.55.49 075/75.58.80 = SA = PAPESCO Vincent Scotto 075/80.43.13 = Catinus ------- 115 236 75 indictments TRANSMITTED BELGACOM 10/10 For 071/31.91.69 of LACHAT Pascale BALL ZM for 27/09/96 from 19.00 to 21.00 071/47.51.05 of Michle DEBRY to LOVERVAL History 17 / 04/96 07/10/96 018/56.48.01 of COENEN MOTOR 01/10/95 to 31/03/96 History SUMMARY AA'AA 1,138 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon xx DEV Request for historical indictment of 01/04/96 to 10/10/96 018/56.48.01 ------- 76 115 237 RESULT of ZM 08/10/96 MINET of 10/10 = 071/45.34.34 NEFVE Mr. BALL View ZM program ------- 115 238 77 INCOME ZM of the DEBRY 08/10/96 - LOVERVAL 10/10 = 071/45.62.93 Buridant Christian BALL 071/42.19.16 = Y GONZALEZ ARJONA Angel View ZM program ------- 79 115 239 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 BEUGNIES of 10/10 = 075/47.94.51 SPRL APOLLO BALL 0039- 0039- See program ZM ------- 80 115 343 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 MINET of 10/10 = 071/36.88.18 SPRL Utens BALL 075/69.81.26 See LESOTHO Embassy Program = ZM ------- 81 115 344 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 11/10 071/50.46.48 BOUDART = D. BALL 063/38.71.31 = JI = BOAREN 04/351.84.08 YILMAZ KENAN See program ZM ------- 78 115 239 RESULT of ZM 09/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 10/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 82 115 349 RESULT of ZM 10/10/96 DEBRY of 11/10 = 061/46.91.91 ZHANG SHAO QI = BALL 071/50.26.86 Trustee COVE Fisc 071/52.15.83 = RUGGIERI Italo 0033 See program - ZM ------- 83 115 347 RESULT of ZM 10/10/96 BEUGNIES of 11/10 = 04/.343.70.26 Twana HAURAMANI BALL View ZM program ------ 115,351 84 INCOME ZM of GVF 10/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 11/10 060/34.65.35 = PIRON BALL Evelyne Laurent 071/65.01.10 081/61.17.20 = MINAUT See program PIerre GODVAERTS = ZM SUMMARY AA'AA 1,139

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 85 115 348 RESULT of ZM 10/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 11/10 071/25.12.03 Board = Routes program Aeriennes BALL View ZM ------- 115 350 86 ZM RERSULTAT of the MINET 10/10/96 11/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 346 87 10/10/96 RESULT of the ZM-DEBRY LOVERVAL 11/10 = 071/81.17.88 DELCHARLERIE Grard 071/32.33.30 101 + BALL = Gd Charleroi See program The ZM 101 and Contact GD were designed to signal an alarm in a building next door 115 345 88 ------- IDENTIFICATION GSM and MOBIL 11/10 = 075/78.58.80 HOA TO BALL = 075/71.83.06 Bakery KEYMOLEN SPRL 075/25.77.46 = SA = CODIFROI 017/88.35.10 DUPUIS and son ------- 89 115 425 RESULT of ZM 11/10/96 DEBRY of 12/10 = 071/21.72.72 Ets VANDERPEPEN BALL 0033- 003307.31.44.21 0033- 0033-57.89. 071/51.86.68 = 07.73 0033- SPIRO Panoussis See program ZM ------- 115 423 90 INCOME ZM of the BEUGNIES 11/10/96 12/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 91 115 426 RESULT of ZM 11/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 12/10 071/66.70.79 = GUIOT Claude BALL CLAES Emmanuelle 04/353.14.20 = 050/71.06. = 81 = Merlijn 071/31.59.49 Bekas L. See Z-M program ------92 115 424 RESULT of ZM 11/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 12/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 422 93 11/10/96 RESULT of the ZM-DEBRY LOVERVAL 071/34.57.84 MEURISSE = A. BALL STYLE = 071/22.06.06 Tiles View ZM program ------- 115 431 94 INCOME ZM of the DEBRY 12/10/96 13/10 0040- (Romania) BALL 0033- 003314.01.48.41 071/45.89.38 = Panoussis See program ZM Panoussis region known for pimping CHARLEROI VIAL was arrested in FRANCE with Romanian prostitutes in 07/95 (see PV 114967) ------- 99 115 428 RESULT of ZM 12/10/96 BEUGNIES of 13/10 = 003314.70.09.958 BALL 02/469.28.32 04/341.37.61 Robert Klimczak = Bernard BERGER 077/35.14.02 = See program TELEFUTURE ZM BERGER Bernard (16/02/64) known manners with minor (07-11 years) = TELEFUTURE online homosexual ------- 95 115 459 RESULT of ZM 12/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 13/10 060/51.11.59 = MACQ Marianne BALL TAKES WAUTHIER 071/38.52.75 = C. See Z-M program ------- 96 115 430 RESULT of ZM 12/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 13/10 only outputs to Hoeben Jean BALL View ZM program ------- 115 429 97 12/10/96 RESULT of the ZM-DEBRY LOVERVAL 13/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 427 98 REQUEST indictment BELGACOM 12/10 Application of malicious Zoller-071/65.54.94 of Joseph BALL MINET + year history ------- 115 465 100 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 13/10/96 to 14/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 462 101 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 13/10/96 to 14/10 = 071/46.36.45 Melissen Charles BALL 04/223.30.81 = KLIMESAKJ Catherine Numerous calls to see SPRL APOLLO program ZM SUMMARY AA'AA 1,141 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 464 102 RESULT of ZM 13/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 14/10 085/23.04.05 = WILMET Daniel BALL View ZM program ------- 115 463 103 RESULT of ZM 13/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 14/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 461 104 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 13/10/96 14/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 460 105 GSM IDENTIFICATION 14/10 = 075/82.26.24 HUSEYIN Ozmen BALL AVP 075/24.28.90 075/23.19.88 = SC =

ASBL CDPE 075/80.27.96 Brigitte 075/82.72 = CASSIAPAGLIA = .58 YUMUS Emre ------115 483 106 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 14/10/96 to 16/10 = 071/21.72.72 Ets VANDERPEPEN BALL 04/223.32.30 = DANUBIO Angelo View ZM program ------- 115 481 107 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 14/10/96 to 16/10 = 071/32.13.43 Marines Brasserie Bar BALL View ZM program ------- 115 478 108 RESULT ZM 11 and 13/10/96 MINET of 14/10 = 071/47.17.76 Nerinckx G. BALL 075/27.28.30 = SPRL CAMCEA See program ZM ------- 115 484 109 ZM RERSULTAT the GVF 14/10/96 (071/65.57.21) 16/10 071/65.13.33 = cavalo Salvatore BALL 071/61.22.77 TILIERE 081/61.10 = SPRL. 95 = DURIEUX Martha 081/87.85.04 = HUBESCH Thierry 081/81.14.08 = VERCALSTEREN Raymonde 081/58.04.30 = HUSSON Marinette 081/21.31.60 = DEVILLE View Elise indictment request for ZM program identification GSM 095/20.67.30 ------- 115 482 110 RESULT of ZM 14/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 16/10 071/50.17.14 = HALLET Jean BALL View ZM program SUMMARY AA'AA 1,142 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 480 111 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 14/10/96 16/10 No appeal BALL ------- 115 486 113 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 15/10/96 16/10 No appeal BALL ------- 115 485 112 REQUEST indictment 16/10 Identification 071/36.60.58 BALL ------- 115 746 127 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 15/10/96 to 17/10 = 060/45.56.98 SWDE BALL ZM ----------------- See program ------- ------- 115 745 114 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 15/10/96 to 16/10 = 071/54.40.75 BALL View Serge Dujardin programs ZM ------- 115 744 115 RESULT of ZM 15/10/96 MINET of 16/10 = Pennino 071/47.32.98 071/43.67.24 BALL P = HOYAS - Massine ------- 115 748 116 RESULT of ZM 16/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 18/10 087/77.21.31 = SC = RGCF Franoise BALL CUTE 071/32.95.68 BALDINI Pierpaola = 064 / 01/26/93 = MIOT Debroyer 059/56.22.11 AF = Min. Finance OOSTENDE 059/80.12.51 = Customs and Excise OOSTENDE See program ZM ------- 115 753 117 RESULT ZM DEBRY from 16/10/96 to 18/10 BALL 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033- 0033 - 0033- 003314.91.33.675 0033- 0033- See program ZM ------- 115 750 118 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 16/10/96 to 18/10 ZM See program BALL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,143 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 830 119 RESULT of ZM 16/10/96 GVF (071/65.57.21) 18/10 071/36.65.15 = HUGUET Rudy BALL 02/476.06.70 = 055/20.74 SZLANYINKA Cliff. 83 = Elgammal Kamal 071/32.25.29 = VANDERBRUGGE Jean-Pol 071/52.61.57 = ZM HANNUS See program ------115 752 120 RESULT of ZM 16/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 18/10 071/34.41.28 = SA = BERNARD BALL 071/25.12.79 BSCA Board = Airway View ZM program ------- 115 751 121 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 16/10/96 18/10 No appeal BALL ------- 115 833 122 RESULT ZM BEUGNIES from 17/10/96 to 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 832 123

RESULT ZM of the MINET 17/10/96 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 834 124 RESULT of ZM 17/10/96 GVF (071/65.08.64) 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 831 125 RESULT of ZM-LOVERVAL DEBRY of 17/10/96 18/10 ZM See program BALL ------- 115 749 126 RESULT 27/09/96 at LACHAT the ZM 18/10 Two calls at 20.28 and 20.50 from the 071/52.95.55 BALL = Maurizio D'ERRICO City of Frames 18-6140 FOUNTAIN The BISHOP RN: D'ERRICO party for the BRINDISI 26/09/96 at: DE LUCA Olga (10/21/68) ------- 114 698 128 FRANCE INFORMATION IP 17/10 VIAL known VIOLENCE-PROCURING between 60-72 PIRARD VIAL arrested on 30/07/95 with 03 Romanian: Marcela CRISTEA (01/13/75) Dragoste Daniela ( 09/08/78 = minor) HRINISAN Aurora (09/20/74) in GVF truck (NSC299) in Doc truck: SUMMARY AA'AA 1,144 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Doc care virgin comm. Walcourt Doc behalf of MURESAN Teodor Sorin (09/20/69) Eniko Marginean (30/04/70) Calugar Ilie (08/19/57) Calugar Lina (19/08/57) BACIU Marinela Luminita HADAREAN (26 / 04/63) ZOICAR Cristina (01/05/68) BUD Octavian CRISTEA Vasile (4/23/73) Maria Laura Ardelean (04/30/72) VIAL must pass CT LYON 18/11/96 for the traffic human beings VIAL plans to open a restaurant in BELGIUM and use it a dozen Romanian Romanian's have signed a contract and paid 100,000 Lei For passages frontiers VIAL lepasseport used his own daughter Stephanie Young Romanian VIAL were hosted Tienne du Moulin ------SUMMARY AA'AA 1,145 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 10 547 129 HEARING NIHOUL 10/10 Start swingers clubs after attending PJ BXL break with BOUTY BOGAERT He never trompr BOUTY BOUTY had an affair with Guffens (Med Center. Eastern) Met De Cockere during an orgy He never quite distanced from BOUTY XX Places visited for orgies: The DOLO The pool ETTERBEEK The THRONE Troonstraat: no longer exists AQUARIUM Troonstraat A club AACHEN A villa isolated FRANCE, in GERARD AT PIERROT Club near HM The NOH DAILLY: Private: Mrs. Henrottay private club near the Bourse Castle FAULX TOMBS XX orgies Participants: LOGIS: President Trib Comm REMACLE: FORGEOT lawyer said Edward VAN UYNEGHEM DOUDOU : DEVISSCHER future magistrate Bernard former Justice of the Peace in FOREST (DCD) KUBLA Serge: PRL group leader in the Senate NOLET Roger Patron Contributions NPV = UYNEGHEM sadomasochistic related ROXANE (transvestite) ROXANE made VIDEOK7 DEVISSCHER was Chief Cabinet DAMSEAUX FAULX TOMBS: two orgies with dozens Organized by FORGEOT people - staff replaced

Michel Timmermans Manager castle = a brother alderman ETTERBEEK De Cockere made a feasibility study of the castle and found that TIMMERMANS diverting revenues Castle purchased by 16 million Chinese before the sale of the furniture was stolen has been found in the restaurant's girlfriend TIMMERMANS During the orgy castle guards with dogs he met one of these orgies named the ARLETTE which operates a brothel NAMUR ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- XX ---------FORGEOT organized orgies in other villas on the outskirts of BXL FORGEOT has a listing of participants ---------------- orgy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORGEOT lives with SIMONNE SIMONNE is maintain a 80 year old man receives 300.000/mois FORGEOT It also has a liaison with a rich heiress in CHALOT brotherhood there are several swingers: Marcel Henrottay (The DAILLY) FORGEOT and himself SUMMARY AA'AA 1,146 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Swingers: see list of clients of street Atrbates He never attended parties sadomasochistic --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through its political contacts he made advance issues for lawyers Mainly for about 20 DELEUZE files = 500,000 records in question until 1989 seized by BSR BXL 3/SRC in SOS Sahel Outside the PRL he knows Vanden Boeynants ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Expenses 115 479 130 RAI VISA VIAL June 92 to end 93 : 10/19/96 07/28/92 June expenses for a total 61.635bef BALL 8/26/92 Jul 92 Aug 79 643 151 190 29/09/92 10/27/92 25/11/92 97,663 September 73,110 October 29 / 12/92 November 57 102 01/27/93 28/09/93 January 93 4390 September 16 168 10/26/93 September / October 35805 DEV note: It should be noted that based on ratings, it appears that VIAL went beginning September 93 via VIENNA HUNGARY and WIESBADEN ------- 115 747 131 FAX RAI ZOLLER of the GVF 15/10/96 17/10/96 02/3720180 CHI TIEN CHIN Chee Waterloo UCCLE BALL 885 071/588 012 BBL BEAUMONT 071/689 839 r Jacqueline MEUNIER stream Forge FLORENNES 7 071/391 773 Credit hypothesis. Bricoult to CHATELET 059/515 616 TO HOA to OSTEND ------- 115 835 132 GSM RAI ZOLLER 10/17/96 10/19/96 MINET of unidentified luxembourg BALL 075/27.28.90 GSM GVF ------- 115 837 133 RAI ZOLLER DEBRY / VIAL of 10/17/96 10/12/96 075/272 890 GSM GVF BALL ditto 04/3431979 MOREAU brothers 071/594 212 Paul Pl GUERIAT Chaptre 1-6530 THUIN 02 / 7343028 SPRL PARADISIOS r Walnut 97-1000 BXL 003 353 575 167 FRANCE in 04/3883210 JANVEAUX Josiane Av des Ardennes 107-4130 TILF 087/772 131 SC RGCF CUTE Francoise SPA 064/229 409 FENCOEUR Rudi Cit de l'Esprance ST PAUL HATE 31 to 056 / 345365 JIN XIAO MOUSCRON Grand Place 2 071/612 742 HENRARD Jacques Gend Bde WALCOURT 060/455 721 LAMBERT SPRL insurance Mons road SIVRY 10-6470 060/455 698 SWDE CHARLEROI 051/486 782 LAPEERE Greetje Steenstr MEULEMBEKE 6 to 03/7760565 CHINA Grote Restaurant Markt 38 ST NIKLAAS ------SUMMARY AA'AA

1,147 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 115 838 134 RAI Zoller of GVF 17/10/96 19/10/96 064/221 871 SICORELLO Calogero street Tienne Pies 83 THE BALL LOUVIERE 065/777 322 Ramaut SA rue du Brl QUAREGNON 79 to 04/3360636 TO PETROS Street Stalon 3 LIEGE 4000 065/311 502 TING YUAN HSIA Grand Rue 64 MONS 012/230 485 SPRL DIPRODEF Maastrichterstr TONGRES 34-3700 087/890 620 The Palace ZEUS Street Terraced LONTZEN 122 071/437 314 MAKRIS Styllianos Church Street 56 M / MARCHIENNE 065/431 547 WANG YIN PING street Debast QUIEVRAIN 17 to 060/313 044 MOUCHERON Dany Street Bassidaine NISMES 16 to 02/6522539 SA COIRBOIS road Renipont 70-1380 OHAIN 081/2000 311 897 SA Burotic Chee Marche WIERDE 645 065/337 002 GIMNOPOULOS Havre Street Ch 95 MONS 082/225 916 GRAIDE Gabrielle St Michel DINANT 8 010/243 997 ZHAN LISHA Rue de Namur 10 WAVRE 065/842 585 DO THI LAN street Frameries 9 CUESMES ------- 115 839 135 RAI zoller house of LOVERVAL 18/10/96 19/10/96 071/521920 BLONDIAU Havay 16 rue Pierre LEERNES BALL ------- 115 849 136 RAI Zoller of the BEUGNIES 10/18/96 19/10/96 SPRL APOLLO BALL TELEFUTURE ------- 115 850 137 RAI Zoller of the GVF 18/10/96 19/10/96 071/614177 Com Adm WALCOURT BALL 02/6606206 DOG LONG TRUONG Chee de Wavre 1240 AUDERGHEM 02/3720180 CHI TIEN CHIN Chee Waterloo UCCLE 885 071/420 975 SA 160 Rue Grand Technomat CHARLEROI ------- 115 851 138 RAI Zoller of the GVF 18/10/96 19/10/96 02/4818311 SA InfoTrade r Station BIGARD GRAND BALL 30 087/773 929 GARDEN DELLA MAMMA r Royal SPA 4 003 347 977 006 Com FRANCE Tel 071/437 318 S Av FRECINAUX Mascaux MARCINELLE 284 to 071/471 048 IP CLIEN KUO R Philippeville 359 to COUILLET ------- 115 852 139 RAI Zoller DEBRY / VIAL for WALCOURT and LANEFFE 19/10/96 050/342 250 JIM'S PALACE St Pieterskaai 758000 Bruge BALL 003 346 683 421 003 349 133 675 FRANCE Com to ditto ditto 003 309 672 020 003 390 837 630 ditto ditto 0033149133675 003374097180 ditto ditto 0033147636913 ------- 115 854 140 RAI Zoller of GVF 19/10/96 20/10/96 081/568541 MELON GAROT Street Surtin 16 THE HEATHER BALL 061/216 730 CHAN CHI KONG J r Renquin 11 BASTOGNE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,148 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 115 855 141 FAX RAI Zoller of the GVF 19/10/96 20/10/96 059/515616 HAO TO BALL ------- 115 586 142 RAI Zoller 19/10/96 10/20/96 003 327 658 750 of BEUGNIES com to FRANCE ITALY 003327658750 0039934576155 BALL FRANCE ------- 115 857 143 RAI Zoller of the DEBRY 19/10/96 to 10/20/96 LOVERVAL 071/541 202 HANUS Pol r White House 34 FOUNTAIN BALL BISHOP ------- 115 858 144 RAI Zoller of the WALCOURT DEBRY to 19/10/96 10/20/96 065/842 585 THAI VIET r Frameries 9-7033 MONS BALL 071/384 838 H & M r CORA CITY Trieu Kaisin 1 CHATELINEAU ------- 115 874 145 RAI Invoices VISA VIAL January 25/09/96 10/20/96 01/26/94 94 expenditures for January 94 BALL BEF 24,586 30,010 29 26/10/94 October 94 / 11/94 October 94 October 95 7710 21 405 28/11/95 30/01/96 07/30/96 88,727 end dec95/Jan96 Jul 96 3837 Aug 96 1265 8/28/96 9/25/96 96

Aug 3662 ------- 115 876 146 RAI Zoller of the LOVERVAL 10/20/96 10/21/96 BALL ------115 877 147 RAI Verification BERGER Following Bernard 21/10/96 PV 115428 (Zoller BEUGNIES of 12/10/96) BALL Bernard BERGER is identified via BELGACOM as dli born 13/12/69 Dr. Long to HANNUT 22 ------- 115 878 148 RAI Identification No. 21.10.96 terminated According BELGACOM, No. 071/470 243 BALL called 071/655 721 GVF was attributed to: Philippe ZIOLKOWSKI Rue de la Source 12 COUILLET. born 01/02/68, epx DUA Chantal. father of 4 children driller / Gd metal Unknown ------- 115 879 149 RAI Zoller of the BEUGNIES 20/10/96 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,149 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 10/21/96 0033327395913 com as to FRANCE BALL 00333273959 ditto 071/843 860 NAESSENS Jean-Marie Pl Borneau 18-6230 BRIDGE TO THOSE ------- 115 880 150 RAI Zoller of GVF FAX 20/10/96 10/21/96 071/668 055 r GUIOT Claude de France PHILIPPEVILLE BALL 19 to 059/515 616 TO HOA Ostend ------- 115 881 151 RAI Zoller of the DEBRY 20/10/96 to 21/10/96 WALCOURT 071/655 007 DEBRY Emile 071/561 796 cab road BELGACOM Beaumont MARCHIENNE ------SUMMARY AA'AA 1,150 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 115 882 152 RAI Zoller of GVF 20/10/96 10/21/96 067/790 379 Jiang Xueming r 87 Ways to GENAPPE BALL 071/650 930 r Tienne ANCIAUX Andr du Moulin LANEFFE 65 081/303 667 GOFFINET Rosalie Av des Acacias 20 ERPENT 082/688 524 BAY Roger Anthe r 35620 MORVILLE ------- 115 883 153 RAI Zoller 18 and 19/10/96 21/10/96 MINET of GSM and GSM VGF home VIAL BALL ------- 115 875 154 003 327 393 110 RAI identification such as IP 10/21/96 FRANCE, it is attributed to: Sylvie Dufour BALL, wife BEUGNIES born 12/11/58 dlie rue du Vieux Camp Turk 107 JEUMONT (NORTH) ------- 115 935 155 RAI zoller BEUGNIES 21.10.96 22.10.96 see the PV BALL ------- 115 936 156 RAI Zoller GVF-fax 21/10/96 22/10/96 04/3883095 TROPIC TILFOIS r Angleur 118 TILF BALL ed must be the dancing TROPICAL 0033557518770 phone to comm FRANCE ------- 115 937 157 RAI Zoller LOVERVAL 21.10.96 22.10.96 see the PV BALL ------- 115 938 158 RAI Zoller DEBRY of such com 10/21/96 10/22/96 0033557980795 0033556671570 BALL FRANCE to ditto ditto 0033556673111 0033557808850 0033557401823 ditto ditto ditto 0033556090531 0033556599170 0033556220130 ditto ditto ditto 0033557808850 095/206 730 customer MOBISTAR 010/401 634 r cab BELGACOM Fusills 1-1340 OTTIGNIES ------- 115 939 159 RAI Zoller of the GVF 21/10/96 10/22/96 071/599 050 Saline Street HECQ SA LOBBES BALL 17 to 71/362716 Ets 193 NOKERMAN Av Philippeville MARCINELLE such FRANCE 071 0033325293744 com / 501714 HALLET DOUILLET Street Fighters 55-5621 FLORENNES 081/611 035 r DEWILDE Emmanuel Try the Rudes 15-1450 CORTIL NOIRMONT 064/264 534 in LA DILIGENCE LOUVIERE

SUMMARY AA'AA 1,151 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 061/320388 HSU HSUAOLIN r Cuvelier FLORENVILLE 25-6820 056/331 675 r CHEN Guohui of Christ MOUSCRON 27-7700 071/611 014 Mounted WALCOURT 010/476 133 SA LILLY MDD MSG Granbonpr 11-1348 LLN 02/5382892 RYS Catherine Janson r PE 11 1050 XL 02/7054136 PAUL Av Michel SCHAER Rogier 350 1030 02/5227008 SC MC FASHION r Crickx 30-1070 AND 02/6721501 CAMPI Marco Che AUDERG Tervueren 67 1160 02/4791782 Keyen Suzanne r Heymans July 1020 BXL 02/6878675 THIRERT Frdric Lanestraat 111-3090 OVERIJSE 064/848 503 Maugrtout cabin pl 1 7100 LA LOUVIERE 09/3752185 WANG YING Lostraat 15 9880 AALTER ------- 115 942 160 RAI Zoller of the BEUGNIES 10.22.96 10.23.96 see PV BALL ------- 115 943 161 fax GVF of RAI Zoller 22/10/96 23/10/96 to such com 0033325298596 0033556594613 BALL FRANCE ditto 071/344 916 BERNARD BSCA SA ch of 6041 CHARLEROI Fusillis to 04/2460922 LASEB Industries SA BC Energy 25-4432 ALLEUR ------- 115 944 162 RAI Zoller DEBRY of such com 10/22/96 10/23/96 0033474266227 0033546481099 BALL ditto to FRANCE 09/2243018 SA GONDA Afriklaan BOX 40-9000 GENT 065/431 441 XE Xiam PENG r Valenciennes 5 7380 QUIEVRAIN ------- 116 048 163 RAI Zoller of GVF 22/10/96 23/10/96 095/206 730 GSM MOBISTAR BALL 02/5111821 HING LAM PANG r Gezelle 2-1780 WEMMEL 071/460 736 KEUWEZ Georgette r 171 Mills Sart ROUX 6044 to 02/6476529 PALACE INTERNATIONAL SPRL r Mayor 2-1050 XL 087/7772131 CUTE Franoise RGCF SC 010/243 341 WANSART MC / O SCHENK SA Chausse de Tervuren 375-1410 WATERLOO ------- 116 052 164 RAI Zoller (071/47.51.05) DEBRY Michle - 23.10.96. 25.10.96 No appeal BALL. ------- 116 053 165 RAI Zoller (071/65.08.46) BEUGNIES Gerald: 10/23/96. 10/25/96 Leaving BALL: - 077/351 402: Tlfuture. ------- 116 054 166 RAI Zoller (071/650864 (FAX)) of 23/10/96. 10/25/96 Leaving BALL: - 04/343.19.79: MOREAU SA Brothers (X3). SUMMARY AA'AA 1,152 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 071/58.80.12: BBL. (X2) - 071/58.81.70: rue Madame Marcelle LOBET 22, 6500 BEAUMONT. Incoming: - 071/66.85.98: Trustee Blavier. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116 055 167 RAI Zoller (071/651 335 ) DEBRY Michle of 10/23/96. 10/25/96 Leaving BALL: - 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edouard (X2). - 056/33.16.75: CHEN GUOOHUI. - 071/21.72.10: Generale Bank. - 071/20.75.00: Generale Bank. 064/26.43.79: YEH CHANG TSING Street Kramis 21-7100 LA LOUVIERE. - 071/25.12.79: RVA. - 075/69.81.36: GSM MINET. - 071/59.90.50: SA HECQ Saline Street 17-6540 LOBBES. - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri (X7). - 064/22.63.70: Restaurant PEPPINO street Kramis 19-7100 LA LOUVIERE. - 071/41.11.63: COENEN Motor. - 071/36.08.26: SPRL GUILLAUME (X3). - 075/27.28.90: GSM GVF (X3) - 04/343.19.79: MOREAU SA Brothers

(X2). - 060/31.19.75: Jean Hoeben. - 071/30.93.30: YASAR Selatin rue Turenne 28-6000 CHARLEROI. - 071/65.55.09: Street Harvest Christian discoverer 3-5651 LANEFFE (X3). 087/77.39.29: Restaurant LA MAMMA rue Royale 4-4900 SPA. - 075/60.51.31: GSM. 02/372.01.80 CHI TIEN CHIN 885 Waterloo UCCLE Ch. - 050/42.98.50: SA WOO ME WU 308370 Grote Markt Blankenberghe (X2). - 051/51.06.16: SPRL FORMOSA Esenweg 5-8600 Diksmuide. - 050/41.83.84: XIONG JIE Grote Markt 5-8370 Blankenberghe. - 071/32.25.29: VANDERBRUGGE Jean Pol: Rue de Montigny 16-6000 CHARLEROI. - 071/51.56.16: TO HOA. - 059/51.26.04: THE KING PO YEEUNG Torhoutsestwg 2938400 OSTEND. Incoming: - 064/26.43.79: YEH CHANG TSING - 075/27.28.90: GSM GVF (X3). 071/59.90.54: SA. HECQ. - 071/65.50.07: DEBRY Emile (X2). ABROAD: Outgoing: - 0033140184841-0033553575167 (X2) - 0033247977006-0033326611045 0033556671570-0033556613373 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,153 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 0033325293744-0033607107191 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 116 051 168 RAI Zoller 071/47.51.05 DEBRY Michle LOVERVAL 22/10/96. BALL 10/25/96 Incoming: 071/65.57.21: GVF (X6) 071/65.08.64: 075/27.28.90 (X4) Outgoing: - 071/65.57.21: GVF ------- 116 160 169 SUMMARY ZOLLER RAI / HISTORICAL APPLICATIONS. BALL 10/25/96 DEV 1 - GSM 075/69.81.36: MINET Joseph. Seek-a new requisi: 11/08/96 to 07/12/96. 2 - Mobil. 017/88.22.00: VIAL Lucien. 3 - GSM 075/27.28.90 of G.V.F. - Seeks new requisi. : History in / out between 12/01/95 and 23/10/96. 4 - 071/47.51.05 DEBRY Michle LOVERVAL. Seeking a requisi. Pousuite of Zoller 11/07/96 at 12/06/96 5 - 071/65.08.46 BEUGNIES Gerard. Solicits requisi. pousuite of Zoller + 12/06/96 11/07/96 to historical I / O 01/04/96 to 10/03/96. 6 - 071/65.13.35: Michle DEBRY Walcourt. Solicits pouruite Zoller until 12/06/96 to 10/03/96 01/04/96 + History. 7 - 071/65.08.64: GVF (French Winegrowers Group) - Seeks further Zoller of 07/11/96 to 12/06/96. 8 - 071/65.57.21: G.V.F - Seeks pousuite Zoller of 07/11/96 to 06/12/96. 9 - 071/41.14.63: COENEN MOTOR. 10 - 071/37.47.32: SILURO E 11 071/41.01.81: MORAN R PAZ - Seek required. History / O from 15/03/96. 12 071/48.91.30: COENE Motor.

- Seeks a requisite. Historical line from 01.04.96. 13 - 071/65.54.94: MINET Joseph. - Seeks requisi History / O 12 months + 1 Month Zoller. + Request Submission General PROXIMUS / BELGACOM / Identif. No private. + Request Submission MOBISTAR rsgmt if GSM Tienne Mill Street address 71 WALCOURT LANEFFE for the various stakeholders. ------- 116 122 170 RAI Mandates Request Exception. 10/25/96 PIRARD DEV Suite No. Chgement files and JI - Yours VIAL Lucien Moulin 71 rue WALCOURT. - SCRL GVF. (Same address) - Restaurant Philippeville Ch 79 LOVERVAL. - Serge COENEN Centennial Av 301-6061 CHARLEROI. - MOTOR GARAGE COENEN SPRL (same address). - Ricardo MORAN PAZ Pirotia street 51/1 6060 CHARLEROI. - MORAN PAZ Pedro Providence Street 11/2 6040 CHARLEROI - Submission bank VIAL MORAN PAZ Pedro and Ricardo. + NEW: - BEUGNIES Grard (even adre that Lucien VIAL) - MINET Joseph (Joseph MINET same address). - WareHouse VIAL way to WALCOURT Fontaine Lagace. - Caf de la Valle 4-6200 CHATELINEAU. ------- 116 056 171 RAI Zoller 071/65.57.21 - GVF of 23/10/96. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edward. - 067/77.16.78: FISETTE Pascal High Street 13-1473 GLABAIS. - 04/341.39.79: MOREAU Brothers. 04/341.17.99: 071/30.25.26: SA CONCORDE Belgium. - 071/34.58.13: BSCA - Mr. BERNARD. 04/264.26.76: SCHILLINGS Pierre - 071/47.14.75: ESSO 6010 COUILLET. - 095/20.67.30: GSM network Mobistar. - 012/23.04.85: SPRL DIPRODEF. (X2) - 067/56.04.96: ORIENTAL JADE - 04/351.84.08: YILPAZ Kenan - 071/41.14.63: COENEN MOTOR. - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri (X2) - 071/37.22.05: XIANG Peihua. - 060/45.56.98: MANNOY Alexander. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,155 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F. (X4). - 012/23.57.26: Cabin BELGACOM Grote Markt 012/23.15.84 3700: TONGRES. (6X between 1839 and 1918 hr) - 064/28.46.07: SANTORO SPRL Rue Belle Vue 189-7100 LA LOUVIERE. - 081/23.06.02: BICH HAU CHU rue Godefroid 15 to NAMUR. - 081/61.17.20: MINAUT Lawrence. Out: - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F (X2). - 071/65.50.07: DEBRY Emile (X2). 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edouard (X2). - 055/31.17.79: VAN WIJMEERSCH Orphel. 02/201.15.73: SA MICRO HARDWARE SCHAERBEEK - 064/26.43.79: YEN CHANG TSING (X2). - 049/03.88.31: Delsinne Sabine (X2). - 053/77.37.46: SPRL DE LANGE MUUR ALOST. (X4). - 016/56.37.76: CHINA GARDEN SPRL AARSCHOT. - 09/228.21.97: SPRL NIEUWSE CHINESE MUUR DESTELBERGEN - 089/38.63.24: LIAN HUNG Shiou to GENK. 03/234.97.42: SA Samoerai in ANTWERP. (X2). - 03/234.31.12: SAI WING LAI in ANTWERP. - 02/725.64.77: JIN YONG GUN (X2). - 04/221.02.82: SPRL Sakuna THAI LIEGE. 012/23.10.06: SGB TONGRES. - 04/220.41.11: SGB LIEGE. - 075/69.28.56: GSM to identify. - 081/61.17.20: MINAUT Laurent (X2). - 060/31.19.75: Jean Hoeben. - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri. - 02/569.69.10: LEMAIRE Emiel Herdebeekstraat 42-1701 ITTERBEEK. (X2) - 060/31.10.26: VANDEWEYER Mauritius. - 050/41.65.01: IP MING JUEN to BLANKENBERGE. - 02/460.81.32: SPRL NASHIBEL WEMMEL to 1780. - 050/60.26.21: CHEN

Changxia (X2). - 09/220.17.52: SPRL CHINAL Paleis GHENT. - 059/33.24.18: SPRL LI GARDEN 8450 to BREDENNE - 050/62.36.88: YANG DINASTY SPRL (X2). - 059/33.10.16: WAN YAO CHUAN to BREDENNE. - 03/232.47.08: THE SINGAPOURA. - 03/669.52.52: NEW CITY to WUUSTWEZEL. ------- 116 162 172 RAI Zoller 071/47.51.05: Michle DEBRY LOVERVAL of 26/10/96 10/24/96. BALL Incoming: - 071/47.27.68: SPRL TCZ Blacksmith Street 20, 600 S. MARCINELLE - 071/46.07.36: Georgette KEUWEZ Sart Mill Street 1716044 ROUX. ------- 116 163 173 RAI Zoller 071/47.51.05: Michle DEBRY LOVERVAL of 26/10/96 25/10/96. Outgoing BALL: - 071/52.19.20: BLONDIAU Pierre. - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,156 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------- 116 057 174 RAI Zoller of 19-21-22 and 23/10/96: 075/69.81.36: 26/10/96 MINET Joseph. BALL Incoming: - 071/65.13.35: DEBRY WALCOURT (X4) from 10/21/96 MINET is in France. (Gsm) - 075/27.28.90: GSM GVF (X2) - 075/82.98.58: COENEN MOTOR. 085/84.32.73: Restaurant on St DRAGON ANDENNE. ------- 116 164 175 RAI Zoller of 24/10/96: 071/65.08.46: BEUGNIES Gerald. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 071/65.13.35: GVF 075/27.28.90: Outgoing: - O77/35.14.02: Tlfuture (pink line Homosexual). 071/46.36.45: Melissen Charles. ------- 116 165 176 RAI Zoller of 10/25/96 - 071/65.08.46: BEUGNIES Gerald. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 071/65.13.35: DEBRY wife VIAL. 071/31.37.04: SHANGHAI street Dampremy 9 CHARLEROI. Out: - 071/65.57.21: G.V.F. - 075/47.94.51: SPRL APOLLO. ------- 116 166 177 RAI Zoller OF 24/10/96 - DEBRY Michle - 071/65.13.35. BALL 10/26/96 Incoming: - 075/27.28.90: GSM OF GVF. - 071/65.50.07: Emile DEBRY. (X2). - 010/45.33.90: Cabin 36 rue de rocaille LOUVAIN THE NEW. (X2). Out: - 075/75.43.67: Henkens Henri (X4). - 071/65.50.07: DEBRY Emile (X4). - 060/31.19.75: Jean Hoeben (X2). - 075/27.28.90: GSM G.V.F. (X5). 071/25.12.79: Governance airways. - 071/41.14.63: MOTOR COENEN (X2). - 071/58.99.83: Pizzeria MARIA. - 02/653.92.58: SA COIRBOIS (X4). - 064/22.63.70: Restaurant PEPPINO. 071/38.52.54: SCHILLACI Laura Rue du Commerce 10 CHATELET. - 061/21.67.30: CHAN CHI KONG. - 071/21.72.10: Generale Bank. - 071/31.64.27: DELSINE Sabine (X2). 049/03.88.31: Sabine DELSINE Semaphone. - 017/44.75.40: Mobiliophone. (X4). 02/647.36.36: LE CHAT GOURMAND to IXELLES. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,157 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - 075/82.59.60: GSM to identify. - 060/31.32.42: DACOSTA Amdo. - 071/41.93.03: Ajro Mahamadi c. of Lodelinsart 191-6060 GILLY. - 087/77.21.31: SPRL AS TO ROBERT. 087/77.21.31: S.C. RGCF. - 064/22.29.45: CHEN TM. - 071/65.56.09: LEROY Edward. 095/30.07.16: Client MOBISTAR. Abroad: - 0033553575167: Help Center for Labor to

Bergerac - FRANCE. - 0033556613373: - 0033609687985: ------- 116 167 178 RAI Zoller of GVF 24/10/96 27/10/96 087/777859 CUTE Franoise r Deleau 57 4900 SPA BALL 04/3624877 NOLS Dr. Raymond Liege JUPILLE 88 075/471 199 GSM to identify 064/226 370 BENELUX SA NORAUTO Parmentier r 128 THE LOUVIERE 7100 064/221 350 r SPRL LE VENDOME Act 7100 LA LOUVIERE 3 095/300 716 GSM MOBISTAR 04/2342834 SA-RE-AN DI Che Roosevelt 4540 AMAY 7 095/206 730 GSM MOBISTAR 060/346 454 HANSA Jacques residence Kennedy Gonrieux 9 5660 071/477 227 800 Gregory Tonnon Av Mascaux 6001 MARCINELLE 04/2481844 SPARROW Mauritius Laixheau 4040 HERSTAL 25 071/611 813 POLICE WALCOURT 010/453 390 r cab of the Rocaille 36 1348 LLN 075/825 960 GSM 067/220 626 SA CMO Chee Mons 16 1400 NIVELLES ------- 116 168 179 FAX GVF of RAI Zoller 24/10/96 27/10/96 064/262 417 Cacciapaglia Brigitte r Baume 273 7100 THE BALL LOUVIERE 0033325385845 com to FRANCE 064/284 607 r SPRL SANTORO Belle View 189 7100 LA LOUVIERE 015/421 502 SA DIFF r Regenboog January 2800 MECHELEN ------- 116 169 180 RAI 02/35111248 Chee SCHENK SA de Tervueren 375 1410 WATERLOO BALL 27/10/96 064/216 072 r THE GUITAR Temple 7100 LA LOUVIERE 16 087/18 474 489 4845 LOUIS Priesville JALHAY 064 / 216,075 POURBAIX Chantale r the Malogne 1 7100 LA LOUVIERE ------- 116 170 181 RAI zoller DEBRY to the WALCOURT 10/25/96 10/27/96 071/420 975 SA Technomat CHARLEROI Grand Rue 160 6000 BALL CHARLEROI 071/614 967 HADJIANTONIOU A Grand Place WALCOURT 37 071/666 686 POD S r Father Heugens 51 5600 PHILIPPEVILLE 067/560 496 SC Jade Etienne D'Orient r 6 7090 BRAINE COUNTY 02/6606206 Troung DOG LONG Chee de Wavre 1240 1160 Audergem 071/309 409 ROLAND J Adriatic r 7 6020 Namur DAMPREMY SUMMARY AA'AA 1,158 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 02/2195227 SPRL CATHAY r Gretry BXL 64 1000 081/302 799 VILLA MOSANNE Av Bourgm Materne 5100 NAMUR 85 064/848 039 16 THE GUITAR Pl Mansart 7100 LA LOUVIERE ------- 116 171 182 RAI Zoller of GVF 25/10/96 27/10/96 084/412 257 MARANDINI VIctor path Socret 8 BALL 6980 ROCK ROMANIA to such com 004065470749 02/5321645 SPRL WILLIAM BEECKMAN Brusselsestraat 96b 1750 ST MART LENN 04/3882926 EL PARAISO r Angleur ESNEUX 118 4130 04/2212998 MODUGNO Andrea Wharf Goffe LG 3 4000 04/2233230 JASON private club in Isle St Jean r 9 4000 LG 04/2472888 PINK FLAG Chee King Albert 28 YEARS 4432 004 065 470 749 004 065 411 310 ROMANIA such com ditto 095/300 716 MOBISTAR GSM 063/233 263 AC restaurant ARLON ARLON Highway 071/213 872 Ets Delgoffe FRERES r Marchais WALCOURT 4 5651 087/474 489 LUIS A r Priesville JALHAY 10 4845 071/216 712 LENGELEZ C r Logis green HAM ON TIME 6120 24 081/230 946 BAMBOO GARDEN Av Albert 1er 131 5000 NAMUR 0033609687985 0033148558523 ditto com such FRANCE ------- 116 172 183 FAX GVF of RAI Zoller 26/10/96 27/10/96 065/885 764 WILLOCQ Dr. Jean-Pierre Quaregnon 26 7012 MONS BALL ------- 116 173 184 RAI Zoller's house LOVERVAL 26/10/96 27/10/96 071/541973 manure heap Destree 111 R Street J 6150 ANDERLUES BALL 02/7515225 180 DUFOUR PF Timmermanslaan MACHELEN 1831 071/354 323 FOUNDRY JACQUET Dr. Roux 7a 6041 CHARLEROI ------- 116 174 185 RAI Zoller of BEUGNIES 27/10/96 26/10/96 to see

PV BALL ------- 116 175 186 RAI Zoller of the DEBRY VIAL 26/10/96 10/27/96 071/655 388 EUGENE M r de Charleroi 109 5650 WALCOURT BALL 082/713 675 r HU Zhimin Bouillon 49 5570 BEAURAING ------- 116 176 187 RAI Zoller of the GVF 26/10/96 27/10/96 083/216699 LIAN SHAN LAI LAI LIN r 127 Trade BALL 5590 CINEY to 061/320 388 r G Great Wall Cuvelliers 25 6820 FLORENVILLE 071/593 665 R LEMOINE 6530 36 Av Buisseret THUIN 071/512 980 J r KACZMARCZYK Dewberry 25b 6110 MONTIGNY THE LIME ------- 116 177 188 RAI Zoller GSM MINET 23 and 24/10/96 28/10/96 085/843 273 THE ST DRAGON BALL ANDENNE It should be noted that GSM was in FRANCE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,159 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ------116 370 29/10 BALL 189 Study RAI spending BEUGNIES with VISA Between June 91 and September 96 th & Map linked to acct BBL 360-0293924-20 Many retriats cash withdrawals for total 1268735-bef He uses his VISA card as a BANCONTACT but he costs more Many Chinese restaurants especially 116 375 31/10 BALL 190 Submission BELGACOM Caller ID on 0800/97779 on 08.25.90 between 09.00 and 12.30 116 598 06/11 BALL Sending 191 indictments BELGACOM PROXIMUS MOBISTAR requested by PV-116160 Request for MINET indictment of Joseph 071/65.54.94 = 01/04/96 to 05/11/96 Request for indictment 075/27.28.90 GVF = 01/06 / 96 23/10/96 116 603 07/11 BALL 192 Further information following death of Pascal Meunier Suite 114 705 PV Laurence Bruggeman raped on 21/05/89 DI GIORGIO She heard that he was going to kill Paolo PASCAL MEUNIER 23/05/89 The Pascal recognizes the authors of Photo 04/06 / 89 MEUNIER died of overdose - and doss CH.32.07.11984/89 CH.30.43.3314/89 - PR Backeland A medical certificate attesting 07.06.96 examined by the family doctor who has identified bruises on the head When deaths there was no autopsy and external examination only samples = trace morphine There were photos that were not developed Pathologist = dct BAUTHIER BAUTHIER said that the beating was increased after the deaths MEUNIER Parents have elements to bring Request for Records Request for withdrawal apostille photo young Chinese Registry of Dinant (90/664) 116 825 11/11 BALL

193 HEARING of Andr Meunier (11/18/34) PASCAL tasks has always lived with his parents Military Service Ardennes Hunters PASCAL spent several months in the U.S. in 1985 with Maureen Colyns Colyns met DiGiorgio Quintino (known as PAOLO) BELGIUM DiGiorgio has Colyns stolen his papers and had to give her advances to retrieve PASCAL did not react when he learned in 1989 PASCAL met Laurence Bruggeman VIAL DiGiorgio and boarded one day and LAURENCE SYLVIE force in their car PASCAL stepped in and was threatened - He noted the vehicle placard and filed a complaint with the BSR and LAURENCE CHARLEROI SYLVIE were raped DEW During his hearing PASCAL formally recognized authors PASCAL was addicted but it more drugged - treated BRICKMANNE dct (Temgesic) The DI PRIMO 03/06/89 Franoise, his mother, his brother and fiancee of it went home to look PASCAL 23.00 They went dancing "THE JIMMY'S" PASCAL commissioned the first round and someone came to ask her out He never returned and was found dead 28 meters from the entrance of dancing the next day at 15.00 parents learned of death of PASCAL When a father saw the body he noticed a large bruise on the forehead and trace the gorges and a trace of shot in the lower abdomen The family doctor examined before closing the coffin SUMMARY AA'AA 1,160 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Delivering a copy of the certificate = death due to strokes sweater Presentation of PASCAL was the day of deaths - never washed When PASCAL was found wearing a neck scarf he had not when he left the scarf was not given to the father PASCAL was seen staggering Street Marchienne by the doorman of Blitz Unlikely PASCAL has abandoned his friends His friends contacted the police but did not call to parents whether PASCAL was returned A few days after the deaths of PASCAL a lady was found dead and cut in bags CHARLEROI - no direct link between this death and PASCAL In 08/96 SYLVIE mother wanted to make a dposision against VIAL and DiGiorgio. She documents PASCAL's father has not accompanied DiGiorgio would have lived near the dancing JIMMY'S Photos PASCAL attachments 116 826 11/11 BALL 194 Request for Submission apostille derquisitoire deposit sweater PASCAL MEUNIER the NCIC list and DiGiorgio VIAL visitors to the prison DINANT Submission to know that their canteen approvionnait Request Request PASCAL autopsy photos taken during development the discovery of the body by the lab findings PJ CHARLEROI Reminder police Charleroi on shots 116 354 14/11 PIRARD 195 INFORMATIO N ON VIAL Lucien info on VIAL HOUYOUX Importer of exclussif BEUJOLAIS for NEW BELGIUM (??) This leads to various authorities relationsavec Generally it is present at Mlnagers Arts of Charleroi but not this year VIAL would intend to cease its activities in Belgium and not practice his profession in FRANCE

116 833 14/11 BALL Sending 196 indictments BELGACOM - PROXIMUS For lines and 071/65.54.94 075/27.28.90 117 325 23/11 BALL 197 Taking knowledge to NAMUR file VIAL VIAL is presented as someone immoral Many sex crimes (rape, indecent assault) of girls aged 15-16 VIAL = AUVELAIS of psychiatric treatment at 27/06/91 19/09/91 117717 BALL 28/11/96 198 REVIEW FILE Pascal Meunier Review of two cases emanating from CHARLEROI PV 117326 PR GOODS addressed for instruction on examination of the sweater and possible autopsy Photos MEUNIER on his deathbed REPORT 30/08/96 BSR CHARL WANT 199 In the mid CONTACT INFO carolo it is known that VIAL attended NIHOUL They were seen together at CARRE BLANC It is known that pays VIAL 50-60000 for girls 117539 12/05/96 PIRARD 200 INFORMATIO N ON NEW LIVING WITH VIAL Since 02/10/96 the Karamoko named Idrissa (19/08/65) is domiciled Tienne Mill Street 71 / C 5651 WALCOURT Karamoko wine broker is - he is married to Catherine BIGIER A FRANCE IP request was made on behalf of these two 118217 12/05/96 HASTIR 201 REVIEW OF RECORDS PUNITIVE VIAL (Charleroi) Five instructions grouped in a folder General CH.37.43.2294/86 CH.38.91.2074/84 = DI.38.30.1505/84 = BLONDIAUX Nathalie CH.37.43.2294/86 = Catherine LEGRAIN SUMMARY AA'AA 1,161 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon CH.37.91.2866/86 = TO.37.10.04085/86 = DETOURNAY Patricia CH.37.16.770/86 = RIEGER Daphne Sentenced 24/10/89 to file only RIEGER: 02 years suspended for exceeding the preventive (16/12/86 to 02/13/87) Other issues: CH.37.43.2612/83 = 318/83 = JI LACROIX CAUWE Patricia RAPE ATTEMPT = ON VIOLENCE WITH MAJOR nonplace = 23/09/83 insufficient for charges CAUWE know VIAL via Gambirasio Sergio - it seeks the work as representative Rdv coffee then dinner at the PRESIDENT COLOMBIERE After the meal VIAL brought into a room saying that it is a living to make a contract in the room he tried to rape her but she s is discussed and finally was able to escape VIAL calmed down and took her home VIAL The threatened retaliation through bourgemestre VAN CAUWENBERGH According VIAL she was willing from the outset in exchange for work

and 10000-bef but he realized that she was in the room and simply set a blowjob Having been unable to get the desired report he took over the 10,000-Bef revenge and she complained VIAL regularly enjoys the bedroom where he goes with differents CAROLE Some women have been raped by VIAL but would have been paid to keep quiet certifies that a medical examination has CAUWE bruises - VIAL claims to have seen his tracks when he reports that 'they had maintained VIAL room key on his keychain CH.37.91.2074/84 = BLONDIAUX Nathalie VIAL meeting BLONDIAUX to Charlequint (coffee MEUNIER) VIAL looks like film producer and invited to visit the studios BLONDIAUX With him she bathes naked in the pool After the departure of MEUNIER which would his friend at the time she is left alone with Vial Vial made BLONDIAUX naked photos - she saw the photos VIAL exchange release regarding the reason for the BLONDIAUX accompanied VIAL acknowledges that he showed to friends porn pictures acquired in PARIS Catherine CH.37.43.2294/86 = LEGRAIN Following a road accident and DI GIORGIO VIAL LEGRAIN meeting and invite him to take a drink. They go to different schools until 02.00 am LEGRAIN dare not returned home and asked him to stay VIAL alone in his bachelor Street Desandrouins 07 CHERLEROI On site after the departure of DI GIORGIO he attempts to have relationships sex with her but she refuses he strikes and violeDI GIORGIO said to be stayed and that the relationship was consensual VIAL says giving 10,000 in-bef LEGRAIN to have relations with her she is left naked and stroking is left but to refuse sex with him the night booking DI GIORGIO VIAL left the scene while DI GIORGIO and she caressed blows LEGRAIN door could come from the accident is established that she had sexual relationship is seized a bottle of champagne and three glasses in the impressions without bachelor and DI GIORGIO LEGRAIN A boss coffee and visited reported that LEGRAIN DI GIORGIO seemed in love and it is known that DI GIORGIO serves reel for the tenant VIAL official Bachelor When Catherine is PIRSON the keys by VIAL, PIRSON noted the presence of woman panties full of blood, tampax and bags of rubbish ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CH.37.16.770/86 = RIEGER Daphn VANESSE Josinne aurait oblig sa fille RIEGER Daphn avoir des relations sexuelles avec VIAL (rumeur) VIAL rencontre VANESSE et PIETRANTONIO Diana au dancing LE PALACE Plus tard il rencontre la fille de VANESSE Il fait savoir PIETRANTONIO quil souhaite avoir des relations sexuelles avec RIEGER Il promet 30.000 RIEGER, 30.000 VANESSE et une somme non-dfinie PIETRANTONIO VIAL prend les trois femmes en charge et visite plusieurs restaurants et cafs o RIEGER boit de lalcool En soire il loue deux chambre dans un htel de MAUBEUGE Il y a attouchements entre VIAL et RIETGER et fellation - VIAL tente de la dflorer mais sans y parvenir et RIEGER senfuit dans la chambre de sa mre Finalement il paye 15.000-bef au lieu des 60.000 promis car il na pas pu la dflorer VIAL lorsquil tait en prventive a envoy sa femme DEBRY Michme auprs de PIETRANTONIO pour lui faire faire un faux tmoignage PIETRANTONIO revient sur ses dclarations mais est dboute par les enquteurs VANESSE et VIAL ont t condamns 02 ans de prison avec du sursis RIEGER a dans un premier temps accus son pre davoir entretenu des relations sexuelles avec elle mais a fini par dire que cette dclaration tait tlguide par sa mre --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CH.37.91.2866/86 = DE TOURNAY Patricia VIAL.propose un emploi allchant DE TOURNAY IL linvite au restaurant (chez un client) puis ils font une sortie ensemble qui se termine lHtel MERIDIEN o il tente de la violer DE TOURNAY fait une crise de nerfs ce

qui dcourage VIAL VIAL explique que DE TOURNAY tait consentante ds le dpart Elle tait prte avoir des relations sexuelles mais voulait dabord 65.000-bef et un contrat demploi DE TOURNAY a t trs choque 117.982 06/12/96 BILLE 202 DEMANDE APOSTILLE Pour audition de GUNGOR 118.377 14/12/96 PIRARD 203 FAX IP FRANCE KARAMOKO Idrissa est connu en FRANCE pour des faits de violences en 1993 118.480 14/12/96 RACE 204 RELATIONS DE VIAL - PERIODES DE DETENTION VIAL et DUTROUX dtenus ensemble 16/12/86 au 07/01/87 27/01/87 au 13/02/87 22/05/89 au 24/05/89 toujours JAMIOULX VIAL et RAEMAEKERS dtenus ensemble St)GILLES du 18/06/91 au 24/06/91 Pendant la p^riode de dtention de DUTROUX (04/02/86 au 23/08/91) VIAL a t vu avec DI GIORGIO route de Philippeville 118.481 14/12/96 RACE 205 RELATIONS VIAL-RAEMAEKERS VIAL et RAEMAEKERS taient dtenus St-GILLES dans des cellules contigues Lors de ses auditions RAEM a dclar ne pas connaitre VIAL 118.482 17/12/96 RACE 206 RELATIONS VIAL-DUTROUX VIAL et DUTROUX ont t dtenus JAMIOULX dans des cellules contigues Ils avaient prau ensemble 118.730 20/12/96 BILLE 207 CONTACT PR CHARLEROI Suite PV 117.326 Quid du pull reu des parents de MEUNIER Pascal Le mdecin lgiste a vu les photos prises lors du dcs - il maintient son avis sur les causes du dcs Le mdecin doit transmettre un rapport SYNTHESE AAAA 1163 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Attente de dcision concernant le pull Le pull prsente des traces des cendres indiquant quil pourrait avoir t train 118.218 23/12/96 MERJEAI 208 FREQUENTATIONS de VIAL Un informateur de BSR CHARLEROI signale quil est connu dans le milieu local que VIAL frquentait rgulirement NIHOUL Ils ont t vus ensemble au CARRE BLANC

118.483 23/12/96 MERJEAI 209 RENSEIGNEMENTS sur VANWYMEERSCH Orphel (16/06/26) Associ de VIAL dans la SC GVF Info de Gd OUDENAARDE Il est ngociant en vin et rgulirement ivre Il circule en JAGUAR Il na plus t vu depuis 09/96 alors quil rside 100 mtres de la brigade Il y a des contact tl journalier entre VIAL et VANWYMEERSCH Via DIV il possde une ROVER 420 immatricule FG-319 119.209 23/12/96 PIRARD 210 AUDITION de GUNGOR Aytekin La fille arabe abuse par VIAL et qui a un tatouage prs du pubis : AICHA opu AYSSUN de la rgion de GILLY Elle est toujours sous linfluence de VIAL Elle est marie et son mari ignore tout Elle parlerait si VIAL tait inquit et si discrtion assure pour son mari Il pourrait la contacter via son frre Une autre victime serait daccord de parler si VIAL tait inquit (ISABELLE) GUNGOR souhaite les contacter personnellement 100.522 09/01/97 PIRARD 211 IDENTIFICATIONS NUMEROS TEL. EN ROUMANIE 40-64-133867 = LUCA Adrian VIAL a invit sa fille DANA-MARIA mais les parents ont refus 40-64-316410 = Banque DACIA FELIX 40-64-432666 = SA INDUSTRIA SARMEI VIAL a contact NAGY Vasilica 40-64311218 = DRAGOSTE Liviu Sa fille MARIANNA a accompagn VIAL en BELGIQUE 40-64432118 = SA STICLA 40-64-311780 = COSTIN Ioan - a log VIAL en ROUMANIE Ses enfants SEBASTIEN et DIANA ont t hbergs en BELGIQUE par VIAL 40-64-432147 = SRL COM.IMPEX IMPORT EXPORT = COSTIN 40-64-312863 = PIPER Iacob - ne connait pas VIAL 40-64-432242 = SA TRANSILVANIATURISM 40-69-210487 = SRL GABI COMPANY Tourisme-transport pour lALLEMAGNE 40-69-242142 = IRIMIE Gabriela - ne connait pas VIAL 40-12-102803 = Ambassade de BELGIQUE 40-12-102970 = Ambassade de BELGIQUE 40-13-121017 = Htel INTERCONTINENTAL 40-16-299774 = CIOBANU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIAL intercept en FRANCE le 31/07/95 avec des prostitues roumaines dont une mineures : CRITEA Marcela (13/01/75) - DRAGOSTE Daniela (09/08/78) et HRINISAN Aurora (20/09/74) Transit via lALLEMAGNE Contacts entre VIAL et DRAGOSTE et entre VIAL et une socit de transport pour lALLEMAGNE Le 12/10/96 VIAL tl au docteut COSTIN 14.38 et 14.47 il tl PANOUSSIS Spiro PANOUSSIS est connu comme souteneur dans le quartier Nord de Bruxelles COSTIN domicili dans mme rue que DRAGOSTE 100.231 07/01/97 212 ANALYSE DUNE FICHE INFO sur VIAL Appel anonyme du 19/08/96 - fiche 39 SYNTHESE AAAA 1164 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON VILAIN VIAL ramne des filles de 16-17 ans de TCHECOSLOVAQUIE et ROUMANIE pour les

placer dans des bars Il a arrt cette activit 7-8 mois plus tt Confirm par linterpellation de VIAL et trois roumaines en FRANCE Il les ramenait en camion et elles se livraient la prostitution ndlr : cette interpellation est peut-trele motif pour lequel il a cess cette activit 150.054 21/01/97 RACE 213 ANALYSE DF de VAN WYMEERSCH Orphel Il a cess ses activit commerciale depuis le 31/12/86 Depuis son seul revenu est sa pension 204.107-bef en 1990 266.838-bef en 1994 Pas dautre revenu 150.055 21/01/97 VILAIN 214 ANALYSE FICHE 0800 n1695 Lettre anonyme du 27/08/96 + fiche info 1695 VIAL ramne et hberge des jeunes filles en sjour illgal VIAL fait raliser des travaux dans ses btiments par des illgaux Enveloppe oblitre le 28/08/96 6000 CHARLEROI X Saisie et dpt au Greffe de Neufchteau de la lettre et de son enveloppe 150.057 17/01/97 VILAIN 215 RAI RECHERCHES de DI GIORGIO Quintino (14/09/60) Signal au BCS pour 05 ans demprisonnement pour VIOLS Il vivait en concubinage avec FREROTTE Franoise (11/09/68) MARCINELLE Il a quitt ladresse fin 1993 Il a dit quil allait sinstaller chez sa mre CHATELET Licenci de son dernier emploi connu en 06/93 (BVBA FRAIPONT) Il aurait t vu dernirement MARCINELLE au centre commercial VILLE 2 o travaille FREROTTE ( la CARTERIE) Les patrouilles police seront oriente vers DI GIORGIO FREROTTE vit actuellement avec quelquun dautre Il napparait aups daucun organisme officiel ou fournisseur dnergie ... Demande circulaire bancaire pour identification de cptes et de mouvements 150.061 10/02/97 VILAIN 216 RAI RENSEIGNEMENTS : Signalement de DI GIORGIO Libell du BCS 194.005/95 Pas signal SCHENGEN 150.081 12/02/97 ROBINSKI 217 RAI REPONSE IP BUCAREST Idenditification tlphones 0040- = CIOBANU Radu et Laura-Criustina 0040- = COSTIN Sbastian = ami de VIAL et contact de CIOBANU 0040- = CORLA ioan 0040- = SC ROMFERCHIM LUDUS SRL 0040-. = mme socit = patron NEMES Sorin 0040- = Banque agricole de LUDUS 0040-65.47.049 = Office postal de LUDUS MURESAN Theodor a log chez VIAL - Il est actionnaire de la socit de VIAL (GVF) NEMES a utilis le tlphone de VIAL pour appel en ROUMANIE 150.145 10/02/97 CLIPPE 218 RAI JONCTION PHOTOS dossier FINET 150.274 11/02/97 VILAIN 219 RAI REQUISITOIRE BANCAIRE Identification compte-coffre-carte au nom de DI GIORGIO Quintino 150.083 19/02/97 ROBINSKI 220 RAI DEMANDE COMMISSION ROGATOIRE Suite PV 1.103/96 PJ DINANT Pour audition circonstancire de BLONDIAUX Nathalie (victime en 1982) 150.338 19/02/97 HASTIR 221 RAI DEMANDE CRI FRANCE Suite PV 114.698 Demande pour obtention du Tribunal de Grande Instance de LYON dune copie du dossier SYNTHESE AAAA

1165 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON pnal charge de VIAL suite son interpellation avec 03 roumaines dont 01 mineures VIAL avait des document de prise en charge manant de WALCOURT VIAL voulait ouvrir restaurant avec une douzaine de roumaines 150.084 21/02/97 ROBINSKI 222 RAI REPONSE IP BUCAREST Dates dentres et de sortie de VIAL en ROUMANIE 1721/05/93 11-25/09/93 20-29/01/94 19-23/06/94 11-20/09/94 01-13/12/94 Passage frontire BORS MURESAN nest pas connu en ROUMANIE Passage avec DYL-863 = VERHEYDEN Paul BVBA = VERHEYDEN Joris (22/11/68) Passage avec SMX-693 = pas attribu en BELGIQUE Passage avec JHX-693 le 20/01/94 alors que le vhicule nest immatricul officiellement que depuis le 03/05/95 150.341 24/02/97 VILAIN 223 RAI DOSSIER TVA de la SC GVF TVA 438.985.871 - RC DINANT 37.981 Constitue le 21/09/89 Actionnaire principal = DEBRY Michle (800/1000 parts) Clients en FRANCE et au LUXEMBOURG Il semble quil y a des livraisons en noirs de certains restaurants Importation irrgulires : pas de document de transport ou quantit plus importantes Importations irrgulires constates lors de contrles routiers en prsence de VIAL BEUGNIEs - HENRARD (Gd) 150.343 25/02/97 VILAIN 224 RAI RENSEIGNEMENTS sur HENRARD Jacques (Gd) - Ctrl Douanes HENRARD a t contrl par les douanes alors quil conduisait un vhicule de GVF et (CITROEN FEV-620) quil travaillait pour GVF Contrle du 19/03/93 13.25 heures PERUWELZ HENRARD a dit quil roulait pour le compte de son employeur GVF Il transportait des bouteilles de vins pour divers restaurants Rappel de la demande du PV 115.234/96 150.431 25/02/97 MERJEAI 225 RAI RENSEIGNEMENTS : NOTICES VIAL et DI GIORGIO VIAL : KO.11.60.683/87/E TN.47.86.205125/92 TN.37.10.4085/86 CH.37.91.2866/86 NA.370.980.000540/91 NA.370.012.100921/91 NA.380.012.100285/91 NA.810.009.200662/88 BR.38.11.46/88 CH.17.95.1170/93 CH.38.91.833/91 CH.37.16.770/86 CH.37.91.2866/86 TN.37.10.4085/86 CH.37.43.2295/86 CH.38.91.2074/84 DI.38.30.1501/84 CH.37.43.2612/83 CH.45.50.1589/88 BG.45.18.3963/87 DI.37.26.100330/89 DI.37.26.100324/89 DI.37.18.100426/89 DI GIORGIO SYNTHESE AAAA 1166

14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON NA.38.12.100285/91 CH.20.07.29959/94 CH.12.95.2562/92 CH.37.69.2101/91 CH.65.91.3743/90 CH.65.07.22744/90 CH.60.43.7705/89 CH.20.46.567/87 150.666 11/03/97 VILAIN 226 RAI ETAT DE FRAIS 640-Bef pour 02 151.045 01/04/97 VILAIN 227 RAI CONTACT CHEFNEUX - IDENTIFICATION FLORENCE Surveillance sur CHEFNEUX Genevive pour vrifier dventuels contacts avec VIAL Elle ne rside pas son adresse officielle La tante CHARLIER Christine renvoi chez la mre de CHEFNEUX : CHARLIER Nicole Convocation de CHEFNEUX sans surveillance positive prallable Elle dit avoir t abuse sexuellement par VIAL et SIZAIRE Elle identifie lune des autres victimes de VIAL comme tant Florence ROUSSEAUX (18/03/71) 151.049 10/04/97 VILAIN 228 RAI ETAT DE FRAIS 729-Bef pour 02 151.276 11/04/97 PIRARD 229 RAI TRANSMIS ARCHIVES GOFFIN Jean-Yves de la BSR PHILIPPEVILLE possde encore des archives danciennes enqutes charge de VIAL Copies jointes au PV Listes de filles connues et/ou victimes de VIAL 151.152 18/04/97 VILAIN 230 RAI RECONNAISSANCE du FAISAN DORE par 02 VICTIMES CONTACT avec ROUSSEAUX Florence ROUSSEAUX Florence confirme les dires de CHEFNEUX et confirme avoir t victime de VIAL en 1987 ROUSSEAUX ne veut pas faire de dclaration charge de VIAL car elle a peur Son entourage nest au courant de rien Elle dit craindre pour sa vie et refuser dtre confronte VIAL Sur les conseils de CHEFNEUX elle fini par accepter une audition ultrieure Les faits ont t commis dans une chambre dhtel Sans tre averties de lendroit o elles vont ni du motif, elles sont amenes devant le FAISAN DORE quelles reconnaissent formellement malgr quelques modifications survenues entretemps 151.275 18/04/97 ROBINSKI 231 RAI AUDITION de KESKESIADIS Konstadinia (27/03/63) Victime prsume de VIAL Elle parle uniquement de proposition caractre sexuel de la part de VIAL mais elle a refus elle avait 26 ans et connaissait VIAL depuis 10 ans Elle nest pas laise durant son audition Elle reconnat que VIAL tait connu pour rechercher des filles de 15-16 ans Elle a demand tre entendue en absence de son mari Elle a directement su pourquoi elle devait tre entendue Selon la BSR de PHILIPPEVILLE elle aurait reconnu lpoque avoir t viole par VIAL mais avait refus de dposer plainte et mme dtre cite Elle avait dit quelle nierait mme connatre VIAL Elle a connu VIAL quand elle avait 15 ans - sa mre travaillait dans un restaurant grec fourni en vin par VIAL VIAL passait parfois chez

ses parents A lpoque il ne sest rien pass mais elle na jamais t seule avec lui Elle sest mari 19 ans et na plus revu VIAL que par hasard au resto jusquen 1989 En 89 il lui a fait des propositions quelle a refuses Il lui a propos des voyages PARIS et de travailler pour lui SYNTHESE AAAA 1167 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Il est connu quil paye pour avoir des relations avec des jeunes-filles problmes 150.824 18/03/97 PIRARD 232 RAI RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR VICTIMES VIAL Contact avec GOFFIN de la BSR PHILIPPEVILLE Il a t frapp par la ressemblance entre VIAL et NIHOUL Certains faits reprochs NIHOUL pourraient avoir t commis par VIAL Parmi ses archives de lpoque il dispose de listes de filles connues et/ou victimes de VIAL Certaines ont t identifies et nont jamais rpondu aux convocations et dautres nont jamais t identifies COCRIAMONT Emmanuelle (13/09/69) DELFORGE Graldine (10/05/72) CHEFNEUX Genevive (27/09/71) KESKESIADIS Konstadinia (27/03/63) AJAKANE Zaina (02/04/66) AJAKANE pourrait tre la marocaine dont a parl GUNGOR (PV 119.209/96) 150.802 21/03/97 VILAIN 233 RAI AUDITION de BLONDIAUX Nathalie (02/05/67) Lors de ses auditions pour les faits de 1984 elle navait pas dit toute la vrit Influence en raison de son ge (16 ans) et de la prsence de sa mre ainsi que par lapparence du peu de conviction des enquteurs et de leurs liens apparant avec VIAL Des photos caractre porno auraient t prises et exposes ce qui entranerait une requalification des faits de tentative de viol en ATTENTAT A LA PUDEUR AVEC VIOLENCES ET MENACES Elle connat NIHOUL et VIAL Elle a connu NIHOUL au snack NIC-NAC o elle travaillait place Rogier Elle confirme que NIHOUL et VIAL se connaissent Seule sa mre dcde tait au courant des faits Depuis quelle a vu NIHOUL la TV elle a des problme relationnel avec son concubin LERUTH Maurice Lors de la confrontation avec VIAL et MEUNIER Daniel ils ont tout deux nis quils la connaissaien Elle rencontre VIAL le 1707/83 au caf LE CHARLES QUINT DINANT Le patron lui prsente VIAL qui sest dit producteur de films publicitaires Ils sont alls au SAX o ils ont t rejoint par MEUNIER Daniel (futur petit-ami de BLONDIAUX) Elle a remarqu que VIAL et MEUNIER se connaissaient et taient venu ensemble dans la voiture de VIAL MEUNIER exploitait le CHARLEMAGNE CHARLEROI MEUNIER a propos daller chez lui Beaucoup de clients sont arrivs et MEUNIER lui a propos daccompagner VIAL son domicile pour lattendre Il lui a propos de se baigner dans la piscine car il faisait chaud Elle sest baigne en culotte et soutien Elle a appel son ami de lpoque pour retarder leur rdv Aprs avoir racroch le tlphone elle a t pousse contre un mur par VIAL qui tait nu avec le sexe en rection Il lui a baiss sa culotte et a frott son sexe contre le sien et la caresse mais sans pntration MEUNIER est arriv et VIAL la lache Elle na pas cri ni pleur - elle tait enrage MEUNIER ne sest rendu compte de rien - elle na

rien dit Ils se sont baign trois Aprs elle a tent dexpliquer MEUNIER mais il ne la pas crue MEUNIER la ramene chez elle via un autre caf o il a rencontr un certain ALBERT Entre 88-89 elle frquentait le snack NIC-NAC place Rogier NIHOUL Y tait un client rgulier Au printemps 89 elle a vu VIAL et NIHOUL ainsiq ue deux autres hommes ensemble au snack SYNTHESE AAAA 1168 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Snack exploit par HOSTERMANS Viviane Cest VIAL qui avait attir son attention Pendant quelle tait dans la piscine chez VIAL il a pris au moins une photo Elle navait pas remarqu ce fait - pas de photo porno sa connaissance - pas de menaces 150.831 17/04/97 MERJEAI 234 RAI AUDITION de ROUSSEAUX Florence (18/03/71) Elle remet une photo delle 16 ans Sur la photo elle porte les sous-vtements achet avec largent de VIAL Elle est issue dun milieu trs modeste Elle avait la charge du mnage et de celui de sa grand-mre malade et soccupait aussi de ses trois frres Il y avait une part de consentement dans ses relations avec VIAL Relations avec VIAL = 1-2 fellations) Jamais de contrainte physique ou morale de la part de VIAL ou du photographe Elle avait 15-16 ans Elle pense avoir reu 10.000-bef de VIAL Sur photos elle reconnat VIAL et dit que DI GIORGIO ne lui est pas inconnu Elle a rencontr VIAL alors quelle faisait du stop avec CHFNEUX Genevive Elles ont t embarques par un prnomm DIDIER dans une FORD ESCORT orange Elles sont alles chez VIAL avec SIZAIRE - elels ont t blouies par la villa et la piscine Description de la villa VIAL leur a fait boire du champagne et a parl de la prsence de sa femme dans la maison VIAL leur a propos vtements, permis de conduire, bijoux, argent et leur a donn 5.000- bef Elles taient saoules et VIAL les a embrasses puis SIZAIRE les a ramenes Plus tard VIAL allait les chercher et les amenait au FAISAN DORE Description du FAISAN DORE VIAL a pris une chambre puis est sorti et est revenu avec un photographe Il a envoy ROUSSEAUX dans une autre chambre avec le photogrphe et est rest avec CHEFNEUX Le photographe a pris 20 photos de ROUSSEAUX, dabord habille puis nue dans la baignoire Il ny a eu aucune contrainte, uniquement le rve de vtements, bijoux, argent, ... Elle a ensuite rejoint la chambre de VIAL qui tait nu sur le lit a cot de CHEFNEUX moiti nue Elle a compris quils avaient fait lamour CHEFNEUX na jamais dit avoir t viole Plus trrad dans le mme htel ROUSSEAUX a fait une fellation VIAL Un jour elles ont dcid de ne plus revoir VIAL - il ne sy est pas oppos Elle avait dj eu des relations sexuelles compltes avant de connatre VIAL Sur photos elle reconnat VIAL Elle na jamais parl des faits quiconque Croquis de la maison de VIAL et du FAISAN DORE 151.345 29/04/97 RACE 235 RAI AUDITION de COCRIAMONT Emmanuelle (13/09/69) Pass scolaire et professionnel Parents spars - mre qui boit - mre dcde en 1986 - troubles scolaire

pour elle Jamais entendue ce jour Elle a rencontr SIZAIRE au caf BAHAMAS CHARLEROI Elle sy trouvait avec STOCKLEIT Juanita Elle a revu quelques fois SIZAIRE relation sentimentale - aucune promesse Relation a dur quelques semaines - lpoque elle venait davoir son permis de conduire SIZAIRE lui avait prsent son copain LUCIEN qui ressemblait NIHOUL LUCIEN lui a propos de faire des photos nues pour un calendrier - elle a refus SIZAIRE nest pas intervenu dans cette conversation LUCIEN lui a ensuite propos un travail comme serveuse dans un bar lui laissant entendre quelel aurait de gros revenus - elle a refus Cest SIZAIRE qui a donn son numro de tl LUCIEN SIZAIRE avait une FORD ESCORT XR3 rouge 151.149 236 RAI AUDITION de CHEFNEUX Genevive (27/09/71) SYNTHESE AAAA 1169 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON 17/04/97 VILAIN Sur photos elle a reconnu VIAL, DI GIORGIO (comme tant PAOLO connu lors de sorties) Identit sur une feuille saisie lors dun dossier prcdent charge de VIAL Les faits sont un peu flous dans son esprit car vieux de 10 ans et elle a eu un grave accident de voiture entre-temps Elle tait partiellement consentante VIAL agissait de manire ce quelle ne puisse refuser (boissons alcoolises) Il y avait aussi des menaces dguises Elle connat ROUSSEAUX Florence Elle sortait avec elle au PALACE et au BAVAROIS Fin hiver printemps 87 elles faisaient du stop deux Elles ont t prises en charge par une FORD rouge (SIZAIRE) Le conducteur leur a parl de VIAL et de sa piscine et a propos de lui rendre visite Description de VIAL et SIZAIRE et de la maison VIAL les a fait boire plus que de raison Elle se souvient stre retrouve avec la poitrine nue de mme que son amie VIAL leur a propos de travailler pour lui (reportage photo pour publicit pour le vin) Aprs SIZAIRE les a ramenes Elles ont revu VIAL par la suite mais sans SIZAIRE et ont eu des attouchements avec lui contre rmunration (baisers) Elles ntaient plus vierges quand elles ont rencontr VIAL et SIZAIRE VIAL leur avait promis voiture et appart VIAL leur a donn de largent pour acheter des sous-vtements sexy Elle taient attires par lappt du gain Entre elles, elles ont fait des photos en sous-vtements Une autre fois elles ont t amenes par VIAL au FAISAN DORE Elles se sont retrouves dans une chambre avec VIAL et un photographe VIAL leur a ordonn de se dshabill mais elles ne voulaient pas Il ne leur a pas laiss le choix - elles avaient peur dtre maltraites VIAL sest dshabill et elle a du lui faire une fellation - il poussait sur sa tte pour agrmenter le mouvement et lempcher de sarrter - elle ne sait plus si il a jaculer ROUSSEAUX tait dans la SdB avec photographe Elle nest plus certaine davoir eu un rapport sexuel avec VIAL mais pense que oui ROUSSEAUX avait prtext une cystite pour lviter Elle ne sait pas si des photos ont t faites pendant quelles avaient des relations avec VIAL Description de lhtel Elles nont pas subit de violences mais de contraintes morales VIAL les a ramenes au BAVAROIS o il les avait prises Elle pense tre alle dautre occasions au FAISAN DORE (sans ROUSSEAUX) mais nest pas certaine ROUSSEAUX et elle ont dcid ensemble de mettre un terme leurs relations avec VIAL Le rappel des

faits est pnible pour elle et elle souhaite voir une thrapeute 151.343 24/04/97 VILAIN 237 RAI IDENTIFICATION LECHAT Marylne (26/11/60) Suite PV 151.276/97 Recherches via RN de fin annes 1980 151.344 29/04/97 VILAIN 238 RAI IDENTIFICATION MOREAU Vincent (01/06/67) Suite PV 151.276/97 et 151.343/97 Recherches via RN et BELGACOM 151.346 30/04/97 VILAIN 239 RAI AUDITION de DELFORGE Graldine ( 10/05/72) Apostille du 27/03/97 (127) Elve difficile (renvoi - brossages - fugues - absences injustifies annes doubles, ...) Parents spars car le pre avait une matresse Relations bonnes avec sa mre et difficiles avec son pre Meilleures relations avec son pre partir de 94 suite la sparation avec son amie Aussi meilleure relations entre pre et mre Pre dcd le 16/03/96 Mre dcde le 28/06/96 par pendaison SYNTHESE AAAA 1170 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON Le 071/81.78.99 tait le numro de tl de sa mre Lors dune fugue en 88-89 elle a rencontr SIZAIRE sur une foire Il la aborde et ils ont parl et elle dit tre en fugue Il lhberge mais ne peut pas le faire longtemps - ses parents rentrent de vacances Il lui propose daller chez VIAL en lui disant quelle aura ce quelle voudra en change de certains plaisirs sexuels quelle lui offrira Elle pensait senfuir aprs avoir eu ses cadeaux et avant la contrepartie VIAL ne pouvait la recevoir parce quil avait une jambe pltre SIZAIRE est parti et revenu avec un jeune - ils sont alls 03 au HIT CLUB ou le copain a t battu par le portier Elle a dormi avec SIZAIRE qui a tent quelques approches mais sans insister quand elle a refus SIZAIRE la amene en ALLEMAGNE dans sa caserne Elle sest cache dans le coffre de sa voiture o elle a dormi Le jour suivant elle sest fait pass pour la fiance de SIZAIRE et a t hberge chez un ami Le lendemain il la laisse avec de largent et des vtements la frontire Elle est alle PARIS o elle a t intercepte et renvoye ses parents SIZAIRE la recontacte et lui passe VIAL au tl VIAL lui demande comment elle shabille, si elle a de gros seins, si elle aime telle ou telle pratique sexuelle, ... VIAL et SIZAIRE sont passs deux fois chez elle VIAL a continu appeler et avoir des conversations caractre sexuel Sa mre a menac VIAL de prvenir sa femme et la Gd - il na plus appel VIAL lui a propos fellation, sodomie, masturbation, positions particulires mais elle a toujours refus, mme de boire un verre avec lui VIAL semblait jouir intellectuellement de ses propres insanits Elle diffrencie difficilement VIAL et NIHOUL Elle a vu le prnom EMMANUELLE sur un papier que SIZAIRE lui avait donn

151.348 01/05/97 VILAIN 240 RAI ETAT de FRAIS 560-bef pour 02 151.348 01/05/97 VILAIN 240 RAI ETAT de FRAIS 560-bef pour 02 151.421 09/05/97 VILAIN 241 RAI AUDITION de MOREAU Vincent ( 01/06/67) Documents saisis : note = 51.77.18 VINCENT - GOZEE Le numro 51.77.18 est celui de ses parents qui habite GOZEE Il a connu SIZAIRE larme en ALLEMAGNE en 86-88 Il ne le frquentait pas en dehors du travail SIZAIRE lui a montr des photos de vacances au BRESIL SIZAIRE tait un obsd du sexe Cinq photos de SIZAIRE jointes 150.753 12/05/97 MERJEAI 242 RAI ETAT DE FRAIS 1.470 pour 02 151.280 12/05/97 ROBINSKI 243 RAI OBSERVATION sur VIAL Lucien VIAL a un stand la foire commerciale de COURCELLES Durant cette foire la boutique CAIRA organise un dfil de lingerie fminine le 10/05/97 17.00 Stand voisin de VIAL Surveillance les 08-09 et 10/05/97 : VIAL nest pas vu sur place Stand tenu par MANNOY - VAN ROOY = dlgu-commercial Chez VIAL : HXJ-181 = GENERALE DE VINS DE FRANCE SPRL = nouvelle socit SYNTHESE AAAA 1171 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON constitue le 18/03/97 par DEBRY Michle et VIAL Stphanie Sige Tienne du Moulin 71 5651 WALCOURT (chez VIAL) 150.011 13/05/97 RACE 244 RAI EXAMEN DOSSIER BR.38.11.46/88 Deux PV manquent = audition de VIAL (PV 4.097) et audition de DI GREGORIO Vronique (PV ??) Copie audition VIAL transmise par PJ BXL (PETRE) mais pas de trace de laudition de DI GREGORIO 151.426 13/05/97 VILAIN 245 RAI INFORMATIONS pour EXAMEN DOSSIER TN.37.10.4085/86 Joint au CH.37.91.2866/86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFORMATIONS pour EXAMEN DOSSIER TN.47.86.205125/92 Tribunal Police TOURNAI puis Justice de PAIX Accident de VIAL avec CITROEN XM JHX-693 le 11/07/92 Il a percut une berne centrale VIAL tait au volant sans chemise et braguette ouverte Il a dit quil revenait de PARIS Itinraire ne correspond pas un retour de PARIS

151.425 14/05/97 VILAIN 246 RAI ETAT DE FRAIS 760 pour 02 151.520 14/05/97 RACE 247 RAI EXAMEN DOSSIER BR.38.11.46/88 VIAL aurait propos des photos de jeunes filles Lors de son interpellation il avait des photos de femmes nues ou moiti nues mais pas des mineures Les prises de vues auraient t effectues par un photographes franais prnomm ROBERT ROBERT faisait des photos publicitaire pour le champagne de VIAL Les photographies et agenda saisis ont t dtruit en 1994 Dossier class sans suite ndlr : a-t-il identifi ROBERT 151.284 16/05/97 PIRARD 248 RAI T169 2/96 4001 24/9 6 EXAMEN RAPPORT MEDICO-LEGAL suite DECES MEUNIER Pascal Docteur BEAUTHIER dclare que le dcs est du lemploi de stupfiants Les lsions releves ne rsulte pas de lutilisation dun objet contondant Demande en ce qui concerne le pull de MEUNIER remis par les parents (analyse ou restitution) DOSSIER CH.32.07.11984/89 et CH.30.43.3314/89 PPPF SYNTHESE AAAA 1172 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl VERGNON WWWD LOUBNA N Neuf N PV Date OBJET LETTRE 07/09/96 LETTRE de ARGANI Lahcen Informations venant dALLAH Assassin de LOUBNA = Mustapha DE... = clochard franais Enterre dans Fort de KNOKKE 114.938 14/10/96 PRESENTATION ALBUM PHOTO A UN TEMOIN ANONYME 113.384 16/10/96 PRESENTATION PHOTOS A TEMOIN ANONYME Lettre du 18/08/95 113.662 22/10/96 RENSEIGNEMENTS MUTUALITE LIBERALE 113.739 23/10/96 AUDITION de HOORICKX Nicole Initial BR.37.64.113739/96 AGENCE EUROPA rue Gray cherche des filles qui aiment les vieux 114.001 25/10/96 REMISE DE REGISTRES CONCERNANT RELATIONS DE NIHOUL (CLUB PRIVE LA PLANTATION ) 114.437 31/10/96 AUDITION TEMOIN - LETTRE 18/08/95 Suite PV 112.144 du 18/09/96 - BDE BXL En 92 il circulait rue Kerckx venat de rue Malibran Quelquun le suivait en voiture Il est entr chez un ami dans cette rue On a sonn chez lami en question qui est descendu et qui a eu une altercation avec son interlocuteur Linterlocuteur circulait avec la voiture qui a suivi

le tmoin La phot T12C pourrait correspondre au vhicule (TOYOTA rouge) 115.054 05/11/96 INFORMATION - FERONT Jean-Claude Avocat famille BENAISSA a reu courrier de FERONT JJ qui aurait des infos donner FERONT dtenu la prison de LEUVEN Dabord contact entre FERONT et lavocat Il a chang des courrier avec les parents de JULIE et MELISSA Il a t entendu par PJ (SPELTEN) et a vu JI CONNEROTTE Il na pas dinfo concernant LOUBNA 3593 3594 115.748 05/11/96 REAUDITION IAZZAG LIAISON GENEVOIS-NIHOUL 114.321 07/11/96 RENSEIGNEMENTS GOLF FKE-080 _ Identification de deux GOILF noires en 1992 - Contrle par PJ 116.457 12/11/96 AUDITION SAMPIERI Didier En 08/92 il a vu DE BRUYNE Marc dans le tram 81 avec une marocaine de 8-10 ans 115.122 13/11/96 INFORMATIONS GENEVOIS Jacques Tmoin anonyme Relations GENEVOIS Maison prs de St-HUBERT = PARTOUNE MARIAULT Jean-Loc (MERCEDES ou BMW avec plaque Franaise Maison rue Gray entre 138 et 151 = prostitution clandestine CELIA Zenaida STEVENS Guy de MODAVE HAVELANGE MICHAUX av Brugman Vicomte DAVIGNON VANOVERSCHELDE Marc ROSTENNE Jean-Pierre PIESENS Paul (prostitution) PIERARD Pierre KREUS LEURQUIN Jean-Pierre MALINGRAUX Douette Albert Avenue Louise (ARDS) Marc Bossuyt (Off Etr) Rape by Baroness RENETTE dE = 03 Moroccan coverage GENEVOIS after a theft committed by him GIET Leon (eg PG LIEGE) would sponsor ROUSSEAU Michle Street Caf Defacq held by brothers AISSA TOURING THE NEW Coffee FOURQUET MORRIS THE LITTLE PUB Waterloo Ch 2 A GOOD TIME SUPRA BAILLY LIBERTY Morris Street GENEVOIS protected his sister prostitute in North 19/01/93: GENEVOIS with Taxquet and Todarello in Coffee IVOZ_RAMET 116 456 11/15/96 INFORMATION COISMAN Alice wants to contact family = neg 114 833 3290 VW GOLF FOR RESEARCH 11/16/96 FKE-080 MONNOYER of GALLAND CARNIERES of Pierre (06/11/21) Wife of OVERIJSE = DE BROUWER Monique (28/09/25) The registration has never been for GOLF LETTER T bourle 18/11/96 indictment COMPLEMENTARY Folder 108/96 joiunt to 86/96 Letter Letter lawyer GENEVOIS LEFEVRE Vivivane Notes for implementation folder order GENEVOIX track Track People CORVILLAIN cited IASSAG - HEYMANS - PARTHOUNE - VAL Lise - DIAN DianaBUYS - FRANTSEVITCH - HAEMERS - DARVILLE - Zicot - VANLANDER - MARLIERE VERSUYPENS - FEUVRIER Jean-Claude - COSTA - NAJM - GENART-HADDOU Sarah HENNAU - GEVART - HERZEELE - ISLAMI Vandeloise - 11/18/96 INFORMATION CASSIMAN 116,458 - House PARTOUNE Second House residence LIBRAMONT isolated and concealed 116,459 18/11/96 INFORMATION - MARIAULT Jean-Loc GENEVOIS Relationship Lives in FRANCE 3292 Magnetizer NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY 114880 11/19/96 - Council Street XL Nobody is domiciled 31-33-41 rue du Conseil-XL Result = neg contact 115 056 TELEPHONE ANSWERING 11/25/96 LISTENING K7 BENAISSA Pol 4477 XL 26/11/96 ANONYMOUS LETTER receiving an anonymous lettrer Police Ixelles "LOUBNA NOT HAVE ELLEST DEATH IN A SIDE DOUAR OULMES IN MOROCCO IS THE FATHER HE DECIDES CA" Letter mailed to BXL 1040 25 / 11/95 Documents sent to the lab for fingerprints PJ Problem with PR HAEGEMAN for transmission PV 3378 115 107 11/26/96 SEARCH street Scquailquin 56 - Viviane LEFEVRE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,174 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

VW GOLF SURVEY 115123 26/11/96 PV 114888 Suite: link between vehicle seen by Aziza El Moatassim Derochette and Patrick (known for pedophilia) FHE-080 Vehicle The vehicle is not registered in the name of Marc Corbeels since 27/03 / 96 13/03/87 Corbeels purchased the two vehicles GOLF identical except for color (Jade and White) Derochette Thierry had one 04/05/92 GOLF registered HXK-037 Originally the vehicle is black and was sold to Franklemon Philippe SUMMARY: Aziza El Moatassim said he saw a LOUBNA GOLF noirer registered FKE-080 18/08/92 At this time the Corbeels Marc had a green jade GOLF registered Corbeels FHE-080 family is distant Derochette Patrick (pedophile ) At that time Derochette Thierry had a black GOLF registered HXK-037 26/11/96 115 526 RESEARCH LEFEVRE Viviane - Survey PROXIMUS 3589 115 532 27/11/96 SEARCH GOLF Corbeels Marc 3591 115 228 11/28/96 115 240 ENTRY GOLF Corbeels PRECISION OF 28/11/96 PV 114437 31/10/96 3632 115,879 29/11/96 FILE PHOTO GOLF Corbeels 115,433 02/12/96 INVOICE Locksmith (PV 115107) 3375 115 452 12/03/96 METEO of 05 and 18 / 08/92 12/03/96 115 490 3588 VERIFICATION ALIBI GENEVA (Gare du Midi) 116 452 LETTER OF GENEVA 12/03/96 a 12/04/96 115,611 BENAISSA FAMILY SEARCH SMOLDERS Raymond and LABAR Huguette Rue du Lac 38 IXELLES Address e reference GSM LEFEVRE Viviane Old friend Pierre LEFEVRE GERREBOS = 3625 47.123 05/12/96 RESEARCH BOOK OF VAT Derochette 3863 102 744 BDE HUY INTERCEPTIONLEFEVRE Viviane 05/12/96 (11/06/45) to HUY 115612 05 / 12/96 at GERREBOS SEARCH Discovery Pierre LEFEVRE GSM and agendas of 115,613 05/12/96 HEARING LEFEVRE Viviane HUY GENEVOIS She saw the Gare du Midi to a permanent workshop to 05-07/09 VAN BOSSUYT asked a certificate dated for Justice 3601 115.614 05/12/96 HEARING HEARING LEFEVRE Viviane Thierry MASSON (son of LEFEVRE) 116170 05/12/96 SPECIMEN HANDWRITING LEFEVRE Viviane L4098 12,240 PJ LIEGE 06/12/96 LAB REVIEW VEHICLE OPEL KADET GFY577 to fly the 8-9/08/92 ANDERLECHT Recovered on 14/08/92 No trace usable in LIEGE 3667 114 972 from 12/06/96 SEARCH WAGENER Maria - 102 rue d'Espagne HEARING HEARING Zahlaoui Hafida Mazid Khalid 115,709 INFORMATION 06/12/96 - LOCATION GENEVOIS street Spain 102 115 710 12/06/96 SEARCH WAGENER Maria Street in Spain 32 of WAGENER Maria HEARING DOCUMENTS RECEIVED FROM 116 171 06/12/96 115 648 07/12/96 3669 MASSON ATTEMPT TO INTERCEPT THE PRISON GENEVOIS Berkendael 3640 100.954 09/12/96 HEARING LAMBRECHTS Jeannine SUMMARY AA'AA 1,175 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Bde HUY 3777 115 708 Leo Wife ROUSSEAU 12.09.96 SEARCH streets of Spain 32 Photos cellars attached 115735 MINING 9/12/96 LEFEVRE Viviane prison LANTIN 3597 115 736 09/12/96 HEARING LUNETTA Calgero 115 738 3595 09/12 / 96 HEARING OF DIAN Diana 3596 115 739 09/12/96 3598 Michele Rousseau HEARING HEARING 12/09/96 115,749 PARTOUNE Marcel BRANS Raymonde HEARING HEARING 12/09/96 115 761 3620 GENEVA PRESENTATION Jacques SPONTANEOUS 116 050 3908 09/12 / 96 CONTACT MASTER VAN BOSSUYT Seeking to know the whereabouts of LEFEVRE Certifies that this day will come GENEVOIS 3703 JI VANDER MEERSC H VAN MASTER SEARCH 10/12/96 3585 115 752 10/12/96 HEARING BOSSUYT GENEVA - Relationship NIHOUL 3619 115762 10/12/96

CONFRONTATION GENEVOIS-LEFEVRE 3621 115 763 10/12/96 HEARING GENEVA Threats POELVOORDE 3622 115 764 10/12/96 CONFRONTATION GENEVA / IAZZAG 115,765 10/12/96 STATE OF EXPENSES 115,787 3602 GENEVA 10/12/96 BRING MONEY FOR VAN BOSSUYT 3600 115.803 10/12/96 HEARING VAN BOSSUYT - Deprivation 3599 115 808 12/11/96 Freedom CONFRONTATION BOSSUYT VAN / LEFEVRE 3635 115 809 11/12/96 HEARING VAN BOSSUYT 3636 115 865 11/12/96 HEARING GENEVOIS 115866 12/11/96 CONFRONTATION GENEVA / VAN BOSSUYT / LEFEVRE 3633 115 867 11/12/96 116 168 12/11/96 HEARING GERREBOS Pierre INITIAL for PAEDOPHILIA dependent VAN SEARCH BOSSUYT 116,172 12/12/96 at WAGENER Maria (mother GENEVOIS ) 116 174 32 Rue d'Espagne 12/12/96 SEARCH legal address GENEVOIS Merchtem Ch 81 It has never resided at 3825 10 794 PJ BXL 13/12/96 ANONYMOUS DECLARATION One afternoon in 1992 (to 13-15.00) he was approached by two men in a gray BX Their eyes were masked At the rear of the vehicle: an indeterminate form hidden by a jacket 02 Now it recognizes men and LELIEVRE DUTROUX Pol XL 13 14 229 3857 / 12/96 INFORMATION - ALIBI The woman GENEVOIS day Benaets Albert reports that her maid Francine WILLEMS is bothered by the attitude of his cousin LEFEVRE Viviane going to kill her mother - she gave a phony alibi in case Bennassa 3779 101 048 BDE NEUFCH castel 13/12/96 TRANSFER LEFEVRE Viviane Gd Nezufchteau to Prison LANTIN 3695 12/13/96 115 983 115 984 3694 HEARING BERTHELON Guy 13/12/96 SEARCH BOX OF 25 CHAUSS2E Berkendael XL 3700 116 000 to 13/12 / 96 HIDDEN OBJECT REPORT LISTENING TELEPHONE 116453 12/14/96 RESPONSE BELGACOM SUMMARY AA'AA 1,176 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Following PV 111.931/96 112.136/96 and anonymous call from BENAISSA (02/646.96.67) The call comes from the Ministry of Economic Affairs - Office RUPO DI - General Central 02/230.83.11 3742 116,043 16/12/96 NO GENEVA RESIDENCE LOCATION SURVEY IN 3701 116.044 16/12/96 WOUTERS TESTIMONY LEFEVRE SUITE 3697 116 045 CONFRONTATION GENEVOIS 17.12.96 / 17.12.96 IAZZAG CONFRONTATION GENEVOIS 3696 116 046/3699 116 047 12/17/96 HEYMANS CONFRONTATION GENEVA / HEYMANS 3698 116 048 3702 116 049 17/12/96 12/17/96 Rehearing POELVOORDE CONFRONTATION GENEVA / POELVOORDE 116,051 12/17/96 IDENTIFICATION KEY Key GENEVOIS his mother daughter - a box - luggage, ... 18/12/96 53318 O 3833 OCEDEF 116052 12/18/96 BANK REQUEST SEARCH indictments in VERBERT Jean-Richard Avenue Joss Smets 42 AUDERGHEM MOONEN JEan-Claude was the driver with honors GENEVOIS Doc 05/08/92 11:30 3743 116 053 -12.00 18/12/96 HEARING VERBERT Jean-Richard SEARCH BC. Joss Smet 42 GENEVOIS slept with him the night of 08-09/12/96 before going on lr 116 166 12/19/96 RELATIONS GENEVOIS_NIHOUL DOLO AUDI/96TION KEERBERGEN Claude VAN He knows VANHUYNEGEM Edward said DOUDOU (lawyer) VANHUYNEGEM the common DOLO VAN K. FORGEOT know - Jacques saucepan - NIHOUL - DE Cockere - Gaban - Roger NOLLET In DOLO there was a transsexual who was dating a Deputy Commissioner and pol ETTERBEEK NIHOUL GENEVOIS attend the DOLO but not all the DOLO: Claude Grosjean was joined by his wife and their son 04 years DOUDOU Seeing the child began to cry and

said, "You can not do that because I am a child" During a conversation between DOLONIHOUL-DOUDOU FORGEOT-it-JONASZ DOLO heard saying: "It is heinous to AC children" NIHOUL abducting children to earn money VAN K. heard about DOUDOU NIHOUL and cages for hurting children K7 Venat The U.S. would show black children in cages where they tortured and burned taizent = JONASZ professor of physics regular client-MODA MODA Presentation of photos 116247 19/12 / 96 HEARING WILMES Francine She does not remember having spoken of perjury 116,248 12/19/96 HEARING BENAEST Willy Ex-boss WILMES WILMES Francine told him LEFEVRE has made a false declaration in favor of GENEVOIS 116 167 20 / 12/96 SUMMARY OF ANNOUNCEMENT OF HEARINGS AND HEAD BETWEEN 92-96 20/12/96 116 263 STATEMENT KORAKOVOUNIS Efstathios former owner with a rented apartment's daughter GENEVOIS not relevant to the investigation 116264 12/20/96 LINKS GENEVA / LELIEVRE Probably inaccurate SUMMARY AA'AA 1,177 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 116 169 REPORT 21/12/96 LISTEN Conversation with some PIERRE Considerations possibility is guilty GENEVOIS 3925 48422 23/12/96 CONTACT TEL. with KORAKOVOUNIS Supported by Gd for hearing on 12/20/96 116 175 24/12/96 116 450 RETURN KEY GENEVOIS 28/12/96 TRACK RESULTS BELGACOM ANSWERING TELEPHONE 116451 12/28/96 TRACK RESULTS BELGACOM TERRAIN VAGUE SERAING 116 454 30 / 12/96 DISCOUNT CARDS CZECH Thysebaert J. gives the family BENAISSA cards more accurate CZECH indicating that there are 100,187 LOUBNA INFORMATION 01/03/97 - ISLAMI Kadishe Joseph Cuypers (ex-gd) insists that it takes account of this evidence it means NIHOUL LELIEVRE as authors and 100,124 BALL INFORMATION 06.01.97 NYS Eugene knows a lady who attended the removal and NIHOUL She cites LELIEVRE 100,281 Derochette Patrick 01/06/97 SUMMARY In 1992 he was suspected of kidnapping LOUBNA of a witness residing Street 5 Wery heard loud cries of a child to 05.08.96 12.00-13.00: "NO I DO NOT WANT" (repeated several times) from the rear of her Rue Wery 5 = garden adjacent to an old abandoned hospital and close dcl Derochette --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- = 04 Derochette of pedophilia in 82-85 He knew all the victims of view (see LOUBNA) Victims deavnt spent his garage (see LOUBNA) Offences committed on the scene of the abduction or neighbors (cf heard cries) use of violence (last known victim = 08 hospital days) A foreign victim Victims boys but always = marriage with a Moroccan --------------------- 93 ----------------------------------------------------------------- LOUBNA was seen in a black FKE GOLF-080 In 1992 Derochette Thierry (brother) had a GOLF black) Cousin Derochette (Corbeels Marc) had in 1992 a GOLF registered FHE-080 --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- The acts committed by 82-85 the was in the basement garage of 03 = Wry Derochette Street across from Derochette At the time the hospital was in operation in 1992 the hospital was abandoned in 1992 and reached the police ADRIAENS had a saying info LOUBNA would be found dead in the basement of a building Wery Street Hospital (street Wery 03) must be destroyed soon note: ADRIAENS should hear about this info: where is it? reliable? more accurately? New contact info IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AS 100 185

07/01/97 Request Derochette indictment for malicious retroactive zoller-101014 01/07/97 SMELLS SUSPICIOUS Street Dublin 22 Near BENAISSA A report in the info 14/10 / 96 indicates that work have been done a year before and there was a smell of putrefaction drill a spot check has not found a dish of dog food smelling SUMMARY AA'AA 1,178 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon GERARD JI does not consider useful issued a warrant for the address in this case by Perqui 2SRC to another folder L4099 117 PJ LIEGE LABO 09/01/97 INFORMATION No PV was prepared by the lab following the examination of the vehicle OPEL KADETT GFY-577 1992 100 854 09/01/97 HEARING FREDJUN Danuta (05/04/47) Ex-member ABRASAX where she had cared Manuel Pinheiro girls He wanted to make porn movies He is a photographer and architect He lived Toll-Worries street 110 is near the school and home LOUBNA It could be the MANU ( 075/705.551 GSM) with reference by PJ (PV 38.589/96) Info from GRETA (512.84.64) 100 350 OLD HOSPITAL PLANS 01/10/97 IXELLES Rue 03 Wry Plans not attached to our copy 100186 01/11/97 IDENTIFICATION WITNESS (track GOLF black) Identification of a letter writer Jean VOTER (28/04/84) For GOLF plate may be good but not the 100,555 mark 01/14/97 HISTORICAL STREET OWNERS WERY 03 Since 1990: HIGH SECURITY EQUIPMENT = HADID Toufic A demolition application was introduced HADID agrees excavations - it gives already a key mechanic station Q8 (Derochette) has reported having seen people entering the building by a door to street Wry L4237 T1083/96 NOTE WE JI DOUTRE 15/01/97 Anonymous letter stating that you can refer to the place of detention against 06 million LOUBNA She is alive healthy 100,188 01/15/97 SUMMARY DUTIES made under an apostille from 03/12 / 96 01/15/97 100 189 SUMMARY DUTIES made under an apostille of 100,191 12/03/96 01/16/97 INFORMATION FROM VACCA Marie-Thrse To 20/12/96 she found in her box- the letter-a subway ticket with 'LUBNA small ... aus Morocco! it ignores wholes "" I met AFFADE "VACCA Street Loyalty is 13 JETTE No AFFADE in the houses near VACCA 100 616 100 724 16/01/97 16/01/97 DESIGNALEMENT GENEVOIS Jacques HEARING HENNAU Liliane already heard: 17.197/92 and Pol XL 114.109/96 Gateway former hospital (street Wry 3) is not locked Derochette Jean know about the door Derochette often drunk and violent Patrick Patrick works toward the street door Wry Patrick has an easy contact with the locals and children Patrick eats in the garage and his father at the apaprtement File photo from the balcony of HENNAU DETENTION OF 16/01/97 101,593 100,192 01/17/97 Patrick Derochette Synthesis of footnotes 100 193 01/17/97 A STUDY DF Derochette Thierry residence WEPION sold in 1994 Revenue = + / 100,194 17/01/97 350.000-bef/an STUDY DF Derochette Patrick Married 15/06/93

FEZOUANE with Malika (13 / 06/58) household income: 600-700.000-bef/an SUMMARY AA'AA 1,179 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Only + / - 100 826 17/01/97 INFORMATION 250.000-bef/an Derochette Thierry: 24.05.89 From the last job he worked for INTRA 28/03/92 100 725 01/18/97 HEARING ELECTROSYS BENAISSA Nabela (17 / 09/78) - Itinerary LOUBNA LOUBNA went to ALDI Goffart Street to Gray Street XL - Rue Wery - Av; Crown - R. Place Blyckaert - Rue Goffart she could take back the streets and Malibrans Kerckx to fall Wry A street garages station Q8 calls always BENAISSA Najat (25/11/81) boujours to tell him when it passes the station: B efore and after the disappearance of LOUBNA Map with route map with route gasket seal 100858 01/20/97 HEARING LEURQUIN Jean-Pierre He puts a note on Soetemans ABRASAX GENEVOIS and had an affair with IAZZAG Dahbia when she worked at the brewery VERSCHUREN He lived with Michle Rousseau who dominated it may be to find favor with ROUSSEAU he requested a perjury LEFEVRE address real LEURQUIN = Bd Lopold II, 25 MOLENBEEK in VERBRUGEN LEURQUIN which is called STONE the mother of GENEVOIS On ABRASAX he wondered whether we know who is actually Irene Grobler and think denquter useful in ANGELI to be GEMBLOUX Soetemans = pedophile acts in the evening at the Palais de Justice in 1992 GENEVOIS had not the money NADIA probably denounces vengeance He attended DOLO ATREBATES and between 84 and 86 were cited as the protector of ALEXANDRE Dolores He thinks GENEVOIS not aware of NIHOUL 100,998 21/01/97 HEARING BEYOND Franoise (ex-concubine Derochette Patrick) Cohabitation in PATRICK 88-89 had problems in their sexual relationships he could not keep an erection long enough to make her come He had an unhappy love affair with a certain KATHY He drank a lot and then violent devanait He wanted to have a child via his mother he even give medication favoring fertilization by saying it was 10,017 PJ contraceptives L4328 BXL THE MEETINGS 23/01/97 19/08/92 PJ: DIANA Diana - Michle Rousseau and Jacques GENEVA (local 113) 20/08/92: IAZZAG Dahbia HEYMANS and Germaine (local 113) Local 113 = 101 009 YOUTH section COLSON Pierre 1/23/97 REQUEST APOSTILLE For hearing FINNE Christian BECKER and Ilse who spoke at a fact of pedophilia and torture committed by Patrick Derochette 101,010 01/24/97 INFORMATION: 2-CONFRONTATION IAZZAG GENEVOIS She was facing 2 times GENEVA (PV 113.413/96) In brief: one confrontation inputs to PJ: no trace of a second One entry the entry 08/20/92 01/24/97 101 011 REQUEST APOSTILLE For the cadastre XL architectural plans and various immeuibles street sewers for former hospital Wry 101,011 01/24/97 REQUEST APOSTILLE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,180 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Homes and sewer plans for current and former homes Derochette 101,012 24/01/97 HEARING ROIJER Catherine caller ID to no useful element PHOTO UPDATED 01/25/97 101

013 of 101 015 BENAISSA Loubna on 27/01/97 INVESTIGATION SEARCHES by BSR 1994 BSR did not search but had to set up a monitoring station in the fixed local dsaffact within another folder 116,460 01/27/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS found in LABAR-SMOLDERS Nothing useful 101016 29/01/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS found in LEFEVRE Nothing useful OBJECTS 101017 29/01/97 ANALYSIS found in GERREBOS Nothing useful REQUEST 101018 01/30/97 APOSTILLE Derochette was interned from 02/08/84 to 12 / 03/92 Request for the record of social defense Derochette 36AN84 No. 101019 1/30/97 FORMER OWNER SEARCH GOLF BLACK The former owner of Black GOLF Derochette Thierry returned to Spain in early 1996 (OLMO Jos Bernardo ) 101467 31/01/97 STUDY DF Derochette Father Jean PATRICK husband and Marie-Jeanne BALISTAIRE 101,468 on 01/31/97 INFORMATION Derochette Patrick Notes taken by tax inspectors during inspections's son seems a burden rather than He can not help letting his son only 101507 01/02/97 HEARING FINNE Christian Lives in 100 meters at Derochette (Q8) Derochette Patrick is a liar and alcoholic protect When His parents surprised him with a minor PATRICK was close to do anything to get out - he thinks he might even remove his victim not to be taken 101,588 02/03/97 HEARING PISSENS Gustaaf Following his daclaration Anonymous 10/31/96 (PV 114320 ) He maintains that frequented the coffee NIHOUL FORMER V GENEVOIS Submission of a letter and a regulation concerning LOUBNA accounts with Gd and the 3SRC PISSENS IAZZAG are on trial is the owner of the building street street Wery Gray ( FORMER V) IAZZAG (owner) told a customer has left the caf just after the passage of LOUBNA (GENEVA) The client came regularly According to the days before she was sometimes accompanied NIHOUL 101,589 03/02/97 HEARING IAZZAG Dahbia Confirms its statement said PISSENS 05/11/96 What is right for GENEVOIS but wrong for NIHOUL 101,590 03/02/97 CONFRONTATION PISSENS-IAZZAG They maintained their position HEYMANS Germaine was perhaps the passage of this PISSENS 101,592 04/02/97 SURVEY SUMMARY IAZZAG PISSENS-101594 05/02/97 REQUEST APOSTILLE for withdrawal Family folder Folder Derochette 943,187 102,548 02/05/97 ARCHITECTS PLANS buildings and sewer district Throne-GIFTS-Wery-Crown Copy and return plans 101595 06/02/97 RETURN to LABAR and SMOLDERS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,181 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 101596 06/02/97 REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION OF SOCIAL DEFENSE FILE Derochette Patrick (36AN84) Suite apostille JI GERARD who demand emergency can not get it without the consent of PR BOSSUYT First application at the Palace 03/02 / 97 Presentation of the record because it was archived 2/5/97 This is not good record 101,832 06/02/97 REQUEST HEARING WEYCKMANS Catherine APOSTILLE for Relations with women Derochette Patrick had Derochette problems with women and turned to the men, but nevertheless has attraction for women First pedophilia is just after his break with CATHY Disappearance LOUBNA just 10 years after this break CATHY WEYCKMANS = 101833 Catherine 10/2/97 ANONYMOUS CALL AS POL CHARLEROI Folder CH; 40.07.330023/96 Call 30.12.96 between 13.40 and 13.46 on line 071/23.72.11 A certaion MICHEL found a K7 lost by a woman in a building in AUDERGHEM It K7 watched with a friend (Barroy Christian) and

recognized LOUBNA on K7. Joinder of this case PV 108/96 Request indictment BELGACOM to identify caller number 101 834 11/02/97 INFORMATION: TRAIN Gare du Midi on 05.08.92 Timetables from COLOGNE and L5036 54055 MILAN OCEDEF O 12 / 02/97 STUDY OF INCOME GENEVOIS of Jacques Based on statements Michle Rousseau PARTOUNE Marcel - VANBOSSUYT Daniel - VERBERT Jean-Richard - LEURQUIN Jean-Pierre 101835 02/15/97 INFORMATION: INFOR ANIMALS appeared 8/19/96 a sketch of a man who could be linked to the abduction and JULIE MELISSA This man works at INFOR-PETS Chausse d'Ixelles 236 He removed with his boss two girls with a white VW van CBB-579 boss DUTROUIX known and sold girls for 2X 50000 They also kidnapped LOUBNA and other girls when they are dead, they cut them out and give them to eat animals and bury the bones in his cellar he covered a WEINSTEIN concrete screed would not have died, he was born 13/12/96 The band is led by George Bush The writer cites various facts to put George Bush in charge as murder, theft, false died due to: Bejam BENJRABIN - Patrick HAEMERS - Louis TOBBACK - WAISMAN - SHKRAM - ROSENBERG - Olof PALME - Iaser ARAFAT - Litham - Eric Rabago - SALTNER - DELENERS - John KENNEDY - Robert KENNEDY - RALPHCSMAN - the attack on Glasgow-London - attacks fougones BELGIUM - bombs HIROSHIMA NAGASAKI and - bomb OKLAHOMA CITY - attacking a van FLOREFFE in 89 ... There is traffic between Thailand and Cambodia and brothels European CHARLEROI A was found a quarter of a woman's body. It is a place of Argentine removed Brouckere George Bush and his son had JED key in DUTROUX to go there abusing girls George Bush knows the middle of pedophile CHARLEROI since 1963 where he knows some JIM (U.S.) This is more than likely rantings that are based on nothing 5040 102.528 15/02/97 INFORMATION: SIMOES PINHEIRO SUMMARY AA'AA 1,182 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 5041 History SIMOES addresses and comparison with LEURQUIN SIMOES addresses have been prosecuted for acts of pedophilia additional information via HEEREN SIMOES Greta wants to shoot porn movies with minors He had contact with agency DOMINIQUE and CO (dummies) History DOMINIQUE He and CO lived without registration Sans Souci Street 110 - discreet house close ALDI (LOUBNA destination) in 92-93 He built two rooms in cellars List of owners and tenants Street Sans Souci 110 101 836 18/02/97 SURVEY INSTITUTE DON BOSCO - Vanolst Ccile (10/07/48) School attended by Patrick Derochette lazy student - little big aptit Parents balanced He went to swim in POSEIDON 101840 18/02/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS GENEVOIS Five letters Postcheques copied and used for input 101838 Request 19/02/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS GENEVOIS Various documents including a farde with newspaper clippings relating to the removal of input LOUBNA Request 101839 02/19/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS VERBERT various documents demand input OBJECTS 101841 19/02/97 ANALYSIS GENEVA Objects and various documents belonging to his daughter request restitution 101,837 20/02/97 ANALYSIS OBJECTS VANBOSSUYT K7 - photos - negative - dias inventory K7 102,727 02/20/97 SEARCH OWNER 09-11 Old Street Wry printing KAMPMANN Nils - GUILLOU Marie-Christine since 26/01/94 Before: VAN EECKOUDT Paul would sometimes squat Building In 01/97 KAMPMANN found three

grenades are evacuated by military pol XL At a hearing in 1982 Derochette Patrick said a friend of Philippe VAN EECKOUDT perqui request at 102 527 LETTER 2/21/97 RECEPTION PISSENS He confirmed his statements concerning the words of IAZZAG and tries to make an amalgam between pedophilia and are dealing with it (HALLOT-GENEVOIS ...) 102 529 22/02/97 GARCIA HEARING Salvarezza Veronica Restitution portfolios found in GENEVA 102 530 24/02/97 INFORMATION: Call 112 Sans Souci street anonymously received by the family BENAISSA the 24/02/97 at 16.00 The appellant heard a noise (calls for help) in the cellars of the Sans Souci street 112 years ago lived in the street without calling 110 Souci He would agree to make a statement if the house was under construction at the relevant time he warned the pol XL but not entered into the house of the 102,531 02/25/97 anonymous caller IDENTIFICATION When a new call on 2/25/97 caller identifies himself as the named Ferdinand WILLNER SUMMARY AA'AA 1,183 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Appointment for hearing on 27.2.97 It is possible that the house was under construction at the time of removal WWWF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,184 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon XXXD OTHER pedos FILE AUTHOR PV VICTIM PERIOD PR 970442 115.290 FAM BDE BXL COQUELIN JeanJacques?? / 02/48 Sophie COQUELIN 04/08/80 03/02/60 09/18/96 GOETVINCK Marina Family Background BR.42.90.103809/96 103,806 BDE WOLUWE ABREU LOPES Crispim GUIMARAES Vitor 02/08/60 26/10/62 FERREIRA Alice Crispim DE ABREU GUIMARAES Ana Crispim 18/12/84 25/04/78 Current Context Vanda Ferreira family BR.42.90.103806/96 FAM 9,029,038 103,823 BDE WOLUWE ditto ditto ditto LETTER Sur. And Dr. Jean-Pierre FERRET Vandermaelen 30.12.43?? Current Client AQUARIUM LETTER Anonymous BOUBOULE Driver Trib Jeun BXL?? In current leading youth in homes DINANT 4904 103 174 BDE DINANTDI NANT LIGNIER Nicole Dentice Giuseppe 18/08/42 30/09/46 NIHOUL Michel 1980-1986 Keeping brothel LETTER Anonymous STIV WATHELET 1988 Movies video CH.37.15.8667 / 96 8667 POL CHARL BR.45.64.112755/96 112,755 Miscellaneous BDE BXL Dlala Kacem 06/02/39 25/01/71 Dlala Sabri SPRL SERINA ex belgimmo?? Current Ad for youth employment daughter NI.45.26.101925/96 NI.37.26.101925/96 = 101925 BDE TUBIZE?? A TONI LEMAIRE Anne 26/07/50 Current Context Scout family camps with 102,210 Eefje NI.37.26.101925/96 LAURENT Vanhercke Christine Bernard 13/02/63

Before DUTROUX Numerous case outputs for alarms REPORT night BDE FRIENDSHIP Ren BXL 21/11 / 34 73-89 Current Proposals Photos LETTER?? Dr. MARECHAL 1994 Satanic Cult BR.30.53.101070/95 10,955 PJ BXL COISMAN DUTROUX Marc Fernand 29/06/72 06/11/56 04/03/76 22/11/95 BAILLEUX Caroline Rape in car LETTER Anonymous Lesbroussart Street between 76 86 Current and Homosexual REPORT A1274 POLBRU IYI DOGAN Deniz = JESUS - 26/05/73 06/08/47 Johnny DECOSTER Place Fontainas MAURISSEN Yves 24/07/69 19/05/47 OSMAN Sabrtas Demot Johnny VAN VAN DEUREN HOUDENHOVEN Victory 14/05/06 Michel NIHOUL Nadine Young JANH Maghreb 1989 - JAGUAR 42XJ6 Orgy current DEA LETTER DECOSTER GREGOIRE John H BDE 101,348 Current DI.45.27.101348/96 PHIL Jasselette Claude 03/14/60 03-12/95 Knows DUTROUX Garage CLAUDY Representative Philippe VAN ACKER = 87/96 102 373 JI GERARD BSR NAMUR Jasselette Claude Jasselette Not specified TAGLIAFERRO friend Arthur and relationship NIHOUL TAGLIAFERRO Bruno killed because he knew too much info Scarcez Jasselette Guy had a flat in BXL Scarcez = sadomaso drunkard and 87/96 102 416 JI GERARD BSR NAMUR Jasselette Claude BENBRAHIM Nourredine (Intermediate) ADJINI Muhamad IBRAHIMI Sutki Burniaux Renaud DEPAQUY Children DEBUISON ELMAJD Woydir SINANOVSKI Nexmeddin AKAN Arslan Miscellaneous End 94-1996 Jasselette held NAMUR pedo (doss 149/96 COMELIAU) Knows POTEMBERG Jasselette looks like PJ Member LETTER 04/09/96 1996 Claude Jasselette Negotiations for recovery SPRL HANOT MOTORS Market east Units held by Jasselette held for pedophilia REPORT 23/09/96 Dist DINANT Jasselette Claude Jasselette related NIHOUL (?) Jasselette injured in the arson of his house in 96 INFO SHEET Jasselette Scarcez Florence have information on links NIHOUL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,186 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Jasselette went to DOLO links between Armand and WEIBEL DUTROUX (crane) 06/09/96 FAX PJ DINANT Claude Jasselette Philippe VAN ACKER DUTROUX was seen going in VAN ACKER VAN ACKER up Eastern girls in brothels 86/96 JI LANGLOIS 46,628 PJ BXL Jasselette Claude David (son of Nicole) Touching to the son of his girlfriend NICOLE (DAVID) LI.45.52.101144/96 100,807 POL AYWAILL E

Two men in red AUDI 01.03.96 - 18.00 hrs Test Taking pictures of children to attract children LETTER 10/12/96 AUQUIER Albert (father) BROHEE Marie-Laure Jean-Michel BROHEE 11/02/74 26/09/71 20/07/67 PARAS Michle PARAS Serge 14/04/69 28/04/73 Vanessa Since 1977 Family Background By judgment visitation was granted to the father with pedophilia track PHILIPPINES BR.37.59.102484/96 102,484 DUMORTIER LAQDIM Said Thierry 23/08/71 15/01/64 ZAHIR VAN PEE Nicolas Youssef Mohamed BAJJADI TRUCK Nathalie 03/08/80 20/04/79 Aurora Ntidendereza K7 pedophiles Minors in fugues in DUMORTIER AN.37.12.100395/95 REPORT 06/12/96 POLBRU TANGHE Steven - 08/09/60 BOEDTS Albert - 15.08.57 DIAKOSTA UNKNOWN ANJA Katinka MOYSON Tatjana VERCAMMEN 15/07/87 09/08/90 05/96 Attempted abduction Start 96 girls rape his concubine Involved in investigation and KIM KEN Done photos KATINKA met NIHOUL TATJANA knew INTERNET 80s Trafficking in Women from CYPRUS 1995 - TANGHE doorman is OOSTENDE Current A stranger harasses mother KEN KIM by phone and deposit clothe children outside her door SUMMARY AA'AA 1,187 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon A stranger would have confessed to a priest TANGHE Photo 86/96 100 486 Cel JI LANGLOIS CHARL KNIGHT (see PV Charl 100 469) Photos of naked girls and almost in a bed

BR.45.91.101540/96 101,540 BDE MEISE DE SMEDT Michael (09/17/86) 06/96 to MEISE approached by people in gray CX POL 212 BR.37.52.212/96 MEISE Ilja van Hespen (09/03/72) Sandrine VERGOUTS 10/10/80 1993-1994 Riding Paddock MEISE granted Relationship BR. 101,939 SAMBRE BDE. Claude Boucher (10/31/38) VAUSORT Capita Street Rominet 148 to AUVELAIS Unknown 12.10.96 to 14.45 Child naked at the window Before 1980 he brings home an amateur porn movie with a girl 86/96 JI LANGLOIS 10,796 PJ BXL CEUPPENS Raymond 23/03/28 K7 selling porn and pedophile material stored in TRACOGAZ T.720/96 PR PAVANELLO Steve INTERNET BARNARD NEW YORK USA Proposed sale of photos and K7 pedophiles NE.37.06.100530/96 100,530 BDE St-ODE Eric Vanderhoeft 11/04/42 THEIEN Yasmin Arlette GADENNE KALAI Samyra 04/01/80 INGENITO Sylvia 01-07/96 to IXELLES Photos in underwear and naked light Touching Proposal intercourse with his wife fetish 25002 POL GE. GENT BALCAEN Renaat VAN DE VOORDE Lieve OF SWERDT Patrick Amie OF SONJA SWERDT MALOMGRE Daniella (05/20/64) SWERDT Gwenny OF THE SWERDT Daisy Family context Filmmaking Lieve says child abduction to flying organnes genital sent RUSSIA

COM.TEL 26/12/96 Witness: Trainer in center SAJ Current castle Region VERVIERS People are supplied with children in homes for pedophilia Other children are killed in the same "parties" Satanic Rites DENEYER (PJ NAMUR) warned the witness receives death threats he puts doc protected by a notary PINON should make revelations NEUFCHAT. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,188 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon COM.TEL 27/12/96 --------------------------- Current Session in Brussels as a Church Rape of a minor Murder of a man tearing his heart ( two sources) 0800 3817 VANDERMEULEN January plug Miscellaneous Current show host is for children and abuse of children involved OBELIX info T.1009/96 REPORT 29/11/96 POL BXL Father Patrick MAGNUS MAGNUS Stephanie Patrick (12 years) stepdaughter Protgspar Secretary to the Minister TOBBAK Protected by politicians of the Regione HALLE OBELIX info T.10126 REPORT 29/11/96 POL BXL Master JEDDIT Matyre MALENGRAUX Tubize Polish staying illegally trafficking newborns to ISRAEL and / or info LEBANON OBELIX T.10116 REPORT 29/11/96 POL BXL COUILLART ATD QUART MONDE organizes orgies at home or in the SWIMMING POOL NOH with Senior Officers Army Presence of children and animals Fourth World Link runaway girls found near the POOL REPORT 29/11/96 OBELIX info T.1010 POL BXL Franco DI NAPOLI (40) LAURENT from BELGIUM Son Btonnier GOD DI NAPOLI provided coke LAURENT LAURENT drug treatment and pedophilia Proposes LEONARD Marie-France running a brothel street Defacq REPORT 09/12/96 CELL. CHARL Monique Fouquet's manager to ANTW 80 Attending a villa orgy REPORT 09/12/96 CELL CHARL ERIC MOON PIRATES of JI LENOIR Comm. Police IXELLES Current Club orgies Avenue Barracks - street Equal 90 or 93 T 1159/96 1/20/97 LETTER COOSEMA NS The Military Father KLEINE-BROGEL Client COOSEMANS (psy)

John Jacob S Ex-Army Officers NATO Members Military Family Environment + Abused by her father and rented to military colleagues of his father and Movies photos taken at the center of an organization that encouraged fathers to give their daughters SUMMARY AA'AA 1,189 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon T 1261/96 JOURNAL FIGARO 29/01/97 Sabine M Bernd P GERMANY ROSENHEIM Locotion activities for children up to the SM child's death BR.4.68.100668/97 100,668 BDE GANS Two men and a women in a red plate FORD SIERRA Romanian Attempt at removal from school BR.37.65.102712/96 102,712 BDE LAEKEN HEYLENS Serge (27/11/67) Pastor Joseph SWEET BALLAND BONDAR Guy Maurice Jean-Michel Michel (20 years) KORTE Andreas (27) Group NAMBLA CHAUVIERE Henry (35) DE LEEUW Bernd (30 years) Beat Meier Brongersma Philippe Carpentier (dcd) Pauwelslei Marc Alan VANDERGUCHT Bernard VAN MEERBEEK Marc Marc VANDENBOSSCHE ELSEN OTTO Michael pojkart VOETEN Frederic (01/02/77) Bachraoui Hassan (11/01/77) GOSSELIN Cyril Philippe and Stphanie (16) Resets contact HEYLENS 0800 copies of journals pub for paedo He accuses himself of facts 1989 he denounced pedophiles Murdered in 1991 Centre Christ Liberator Old Priest Old friend FRESH Touching BALLAND Wanted musicine enter as the Pol PARIS Conscience Objector U.S. CDC Meetings pedophiles Cook

Exchange journals pedos pedo K7 with a Moroccan Creator journal Soil LIBIDO Ex-Senator Dutch friend of FRESH -> Former President CRIES Organizes meetings Scots paedo pedo Meeting of the EEC is Scoutmaster and abuse of scouts Photos and touching has to AQUALIBI lists of pedophiles Ex-military - does the serv. doc pedo paedo Review Publishes pictures Soil AR.37.05.100047/97 37.00.100374/91 100.047 22/01/97 GILTAIRE Michel (10/28/48) History paedo Moves around with a so-called nephew Visit Thailand 186/96 JI Calewaert BDE 100 679 GANS Jean Wouters (06/08/44) SUTER Jacques FLORENCE FREDERIC I and II EMMANUELLE Nude photos of minors K7 supposedly erotic 35000-167000 priceSUMMARY AA'AA 1,190 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DMK VERLAG (Tchec.) Dem 179/96 H JI VANDERMEERSC T1364/96 NOTE POLBRU LEAN Alain Listinf phone seized during a perqui 65/96 JI BLOCH to GENT PJ GENT FAX Danny OF BELAIR (tel 075/27.61.85) Involved in distribution K7 porn 86/96 JI LANGLOIS Committee P FAX John said Rachida VERSWYVER Spahi RACHEL

ZITOU (U.S.) MATHOT HOUGARDY Jules Shows interest in children Frequent THE Y CHAMADE met NIHOUL chain restaurant KNOKKE Frequent ATLAS WATERLOO where he met Zicot LETTER ANO OBELIX Vronique JADOUL THIEL Evelyne For 25 weeks Kill Youth Gang rape involving a series of journalists cited NA.37J.13.100012 100,012 01/15/97 UPC LEGS John Jacobs (31/01/47) GODIN Josette (01/22/47) Children hme SMALL FAMILY HOUSES of ASSESSE K7 porn books and circulate in the hme Children leave overnight in foreign Level veh sometimes life seems JACOBS Since the arrival of high-JACOBS GODIN children are disturbed at sexual REPORT WAUTELE Capt T DE SMET Joseph (08/04/29 to 03/29/94) Veerle DE SMET (10/07/62) DE SMET Joseph committed suicide after her daughter had confessed VEERLE have been abused between 1976-1978 161/93 JI Calewaert BR.37.93.100780/93 BR.37.93.101037/93 BR.37.93.131887/96 BR.37.93.130262/97 REPORT GD Airport GRYSPEIRT Johan (01/04/48) MOONS Dct HERENT Dct CASTERMAN Maeckelbergh Sarah (07/05/82) Maeckelbergh Bavo (12/09/83) GUMY Deborah (22/07/84) ROSSIGNOL Valerie (09/08/96) GUMY Thirry (05/07/82) Family background and other No limit to its perversion Dresses in lingerie pictures and made it into a brothel have oral sex with children with baby It organizes orgies in which he delivered DEBORAH GRYSPEIRT's father is high up in the Lodge Grand Orient IL was arrested three times and each time was released by the Chamber of Indictments He is a personal friend of MOONS who sits in the House of Dr. Mises CASTERMAN SUMMARY AA'AA 1,191 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BR.31.37.000665/96 68/96 VAN JI AELST

knows the truth but afraid to speak particperait This doctor as a doctor in orgies and orgies SM It is also a suspect in a suspicious death in 1980 GRYSPEIRT accidentally kills his wife in SWITZERLAND T 1576/96 PR BOURLET NOTE NEW ANT 103 Michel DUMONT (30/09/61) MAFFEI Florian (15/05/88) 1989-1992 in FRANCE Family background after separation Beatings by father FILE AUTHOR PV VICTIM PERIOD XXXF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,192 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon AAAAD CLO Ref No. PV Themes Summary 01 100,242 (109/96) 07/01 1997 LIESE SYNTHSE INITIAL FILE Instructions for RO GE.30.18.182411/85 MURDER MURDER-Suspect: Emile Dellaert (5/11/40) = Victim's father: Carine Dellaert (01/04/66) = CLO FLO = Disappeared 30/08/82 Leave home without money, without papers, without clothes His father reported missing on 06/09/82 It gives a picture ID At this time of CARINE Emile Dellaert left his wife Noella Bovyn (09/25/39) to coexist with Jeannine SANDRY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- HEARING on 10/10/82 Bovyn Emile Dellaert had to take the furniture and the room CARINE 11/10/82 She thinks that her husband knows where CARINE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEARING ---- Emile Dellaert the 16/11/82 He picked furniture and clothing CARINE because his mother is not interested Why - what were the relations between CARINE and each of its parents - know that Bovyn manners of CLIL and CARINE ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - HEARING on 20/12/82 Bovyn Her husband is too confident - he knows where ----------------------------CARINE -------------------------------------------------- PHOTOS ------------------ DISCOUNT on 24/06/83 EMILE calls 04 recent photos CARINE: 08 months after the disappearance ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY in 12/83 EMILE gave clothes to CARINE his concubine's older sister Carine (GWENDOLINE) was sexually abused by CLIL CLIL like very young girls is very bossy with her children could have heard CARINE scream as if she was punished after the date of disappearance EMILE wanted to caress her thighs a friend of class CARINE (NPV ZWIJNVOORDE Year) CARINE and his father were walking like lovers (Chief Scout) They

maintained a special relationship Bovyn told a friend (MARTENS Astrid) she thinks killed or CLIL CARINE killed CARINE feared to be alone with his father because he proceeds to touch on it (EGGERMOND Christelle) CLIL CLIL tried to approach EGGERMOND was dismissed from the hospital Bijloke of GENT for sex crimes ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ HEARING Dellaert Gwendoline 14/03 / 84 At age 12 she had practiced fellatio with her father cared EMILE CARINE better than others before his disappearance on 30/08/82 CARINE went to get medicine for her and gave it to 11.30-11.45 When Gwendoline wakes up 15.15 there is nobody at home SUMMARY AA'AA 1,193 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon EMILE going home at 22.00 31/08/82 EMILE going to take a few tools - it is now around 14.00 Kitchen knife too? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEARING Bovyn the 14/03/84 EMILE dealt only with CARINE He was going to school and trying to prevent him having an affair with a boy has never seek CARINE 15 days after the disappearance she was found in the cabinet CARINE gown she wore on the day of his death - it was washed and folded Washed but not with its powder to it (according smell) CARINE never spoke of running away - she loved school CLIL led all personal belongings and furniture CARINE Later he brought the wardrobe full of clothes pregnancy At what time - seizure of clothes? - What are they now - attitude of the mother - why not have reported this to the Bovyn Gd did not seem to ask a lot of questions --------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------COUNTRY HOUSE SEARCHES Emile Dellaert on 15/03/84 Discovery hair but not CARINE -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- John Dellaert HEARING Peter (brother) on 01/04/84 30/08/82 The EMILE permitted to go outside and play and gives 25-bef which is contrary to his habits EMILE gives him 100-bef when he asks to go the pool to 13.00 CARINE does not seem to be there a few days later he noticed a spade and a red blanket in the garage ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETTER ----------------------- Emile Dellaert to the Gd 13/06/84 Conversation between him and his girlfriend and a light CARINE is outside GENT BELGIUM There exist but a diary and a baby The indicator does not remember visiting Dellaert Maybe trying to find out if the investigation goes this route ------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVERY OF BODY ----------------------------------24/09/85 In the septic dock Kuhlman GENT 02 to work at building abandoned since 1981 former caf frequented by boatmen ------------------------------ NEPTUNE -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- FIRST FINDINGS Necklace - double chain with gold heart around his right ankle beige breeches - Support Lace - LAMINARIA fragment (uterus to dilate and help out baby) Technical LAMINARIA = very painful - also used for abortion piece of linen black or dark blue - earrings black kitchen knife (later recognized by Bovyn) rabbit jaw - bones brain of animals - human bones (tarsus or carpus) CARINE human bones belonging to or not? Brown bottle drugs Both fragments ulnar plastic bag with mention BEEF WHITE 5 cervical vertebrae - 04 A lumbar calcaneus -

a fragment heel - 05 rib bones of hands and feet bones broken two vertebrae animals SUMMARY AA'AA 1,194 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Coins two razor blades GILETTE A hairpin buttons Sic paper with mention Krme RAM - br KRA teaspoon ROSTFREI MGA (from the cottage Dellaert) a ring with blue stone red sweatshirt gray-blue stained red on the front Double flat wire around the ankles and neck Attach in the same way that Christine VAN HEES Description Pull body tied rope around the body with plastic skin color bra size 90 C cup rectangular one with gauze as to absorb liquid the breasts of a pregnant woman Small white pearl necklace Legs linked with plastic rope and folded rear door on a panty related Skull Pins - hair and jaw detached from the body Long Hair (20 cm) and wavy ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERQUI Emile Dellaert AT 01/10 / 85 Neg ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY dock Kulhman Last Tenant (PIRAUX Jacques) - The photo says something EMILE He left the scene on 28/06/81 (officially 10/22/81) Former madam (HUMBLE Margaretha) believes recognize EMILE HUMBLE knows no knife found in the pit - Bovyn identifies Lanckriet Gilbert (Dellaert neighbor of the family) said he often heard yelling CARINE "NIET DOEN" during the day when the mother was absent ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Emile Dellaert the ARREST 01/10/85 - HEARING It is remembers nothing and denies that he knows CARINE did not take the pill ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------HEARING Dellaert It confirms Jean-Pierre episode games outside and pool Leaving EMILE he saw that the loaded HONDA his sister GWENDOLINE On the bench back there was a red cover under which seemed to find something he will later cover and a spade in the garage ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- HEARING ----------------------Emile Dellaert on 02/10/85 by JI Lawyer Matre NPV = EECKOUDT No explanation for the late filing of disappearance CARINE not wearing jewelry is a normal father to maintain relations with his daughters -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- The 08.30.82 HEARING Dellaert Gwendoline his father left the house with two spades and shovel It recognizes teaspoon - the chain ring and neck of CARINE ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- CROUX Dirk's exhusband SANDRY Jeanine left his wife because of his sadomasochistic tendencies OF RIJKE Gustave had sexual relationship with CLIL SUMMARY AA'AA 1,195 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon The waitress BARACUDA wharf Kuhlman recognize one think CLIL as a client list of different jobs EMILE Family Life: 04/06/65: 16/10/69 First separation: it is 03 weeks with the NETHERLANDS MONBAILLEU Brigitte (minor) return his family between 1969 and 77

02/07/77: indecent assault on CARINE (12yrs) 25/10/77: EMILE between psychiatry 09/12/77: CLIL is found unconscious with a bottle of medicine vacuum Anonymous letter EMILE reports that killed his daughter with a knife potatoes the day of his disappearance because she threatened to reveal publicly that they slept together The letter also said that he threw the body in a ditch after he had put a pants man and have tied the author had seen his father and CARINE kissing EMILE DE POORTER accuse Theophilus because it is the only person he told something Prison On 27/12/85 Emile Dellaert The 20/08/90SANDRY Jeanine is released files complaint against CLIL RAPE with drug 02 100,243 (109/96) 13/01 LIESENB INFORMATION There is another file to load for Emile Dellaert ATTACK THE SHAME on CROUX stepdaughter Linda (31/08/79) File GE.37.41.104722/88 LINDA suffered daily abuse of his brother grandfather 03 100,244 (109/96) 13/01 Dossier LIESENB INFORMATION dependent Emile Dellaert for RAPE of his second wife Jeanine SANDRIE GE.37.41.103488/90 The Record 20/08/90 she filed a complaint for having been raped by 02/90 by EMILE She was drugged with Rohypnol and raped She was left naked on a bed with his feet and hands tied 04 100,246 (109/96) 15/01 REQUEST LIESENB APOSTILLE For DF Emile Dellaert and Noella Bovyn 05 150 696 12/03 LIESENB CONTROL OF ADDRESS and Emile Dellaert POORTER Thophile 06 150 699 20/03 LIESENB INFORMATION Emile Dellaert 07 150 700 23/03 FAX X1 LIESENB of 18 / 03/97 08 150,701 08/04 SUMMARY LIESENB SUB-FAMILY FARDE 2377/77 SCH 09 150 702 08/04 LIESENB the CLIMATOLOGICAL SITUATION 30/08/82 150 703 10 08/04 APPLICATION RESEARCH LIESENB the YOUTH of Carine Dellaert 11 150 704 08/04 FAX LIESENB X1 18/03/97 12 150,705 09/04 on AUDITION INFORMATION LIESENB X1 transmitted NEUFCHATEAU 13 151 157 11/04 APPLICATION FILE LIESENB OCMW for Emile Dellaert 14 151 158 15/04 APPLICATION REVIEW LIESENB DNA 15 151 159 15 / 04 LIESENB APPLICATION for rehearing of WITNESSES 16 151 160 17/04 LIESENB BOOK JOURNAL of Carine Dellaert 17 151 161 17/04 LIESENB INFORMATION: Book LEVENSLANG X1 18 151 162 22/04 FAX LIESENB X1 03/18/97 19 151 163 22 / 04 LIESENB FAX X1 18/04/97 20 151,164 22/04 FAX LIESENB X1 21/04/97 AAAAF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,196 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon BBBBD VERO

PV Ref No. 150073 1/21/97 Summary Themes LIESENB 01 VERO INITIAL BR.21.66.150073/97 FALSE WRITING PRIVATE Suite hearing X1 25/10/96 PV 117.986/96 doss 109/96 victim LANGLOIS JI DUBRULLE Veronica ( 2/16/66) According to the witness she was the victim of a sadomasochistic party She was raped and killed in 1983 It is possible that the entire party was filmed (snuff-movie) official death = 04 / 09/83 C3 natural death issued by Drs L. DE SCHRIJVER and L. DE WAELE Hospital of St Vincent de GENT The body is buried in the cemetery park DRONGEN 3 falls 1/21/97 915 150 074 02 VERO LIESENB IDENTIFICATION MEDICAL APPLICATIONS HOMEWORK SCHRIJVER and Luke (20/11/46) DE WAELE Luc (31 / 07/45) Application of DEATH search service search request GENT hospital St Vincent to enter the medical BBBBF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,197 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon EEEED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Ref No People Summary 01 T 1576/96 PR BOURLET DUMONT DUMONT Paul Michel DESTERCKE MT BINARD Liliane MAFFEI Florian LEBICHOT Marg. MAFFEI Florian has been abused by his father between 1989-1992 Folder Link French Federation Alexis Danan for Child Protection 02 BR.45.66.150610/97 T4 NIHOUL JAUGNAUX Michel Jean-wife PINON VERNAEL Luc Clement SCHOOFS Monique Jeannine DANDOY HEINE Martine Jeanne BENOIT Roger Pasquier Jean-Philippe A woman unidentified participated in orgies at FAULX-LES-FALLEN She met the bride JAUGNAUX named PINON The evenings were organized by NIHOUL who brought children She wanted to report the facts and was placed at the door She does not dare to even out his races which are made by a neighbor named CLEMENT Currently: impossible to trace the witness BR.37.64.114905/95 03 PV 151.243/97 VAN DAELE Graldine Georges BELLENS BELLENS Alain Michel HANSSENS VANDAELE, the offender, died 1/25/97 04 BR.37.98.840/97 PV 150.730/97 RODEL Ren Hearing VANDERMIEGE Eric (12/15/65) old paperboy RODEL RODEL confirms that frequented the Dolo and had clients in a school where UCCLE of pedophilia were reported RODEL It states that operates a travel agency specializing in THAILAND 05 BR.37.98.840/95 PV 151.326/97 RODEL Ren Hearing VANDERMIEGE Fabienne (03/03/67) It confirms that RODEL operates a travel agency specializing in THAILAND 06 BR.00.66.150916/97 PV PV 150.916/97 150.917/97 100.272/97 PV PV 100.279/97 Info Hans DE RIDDER Laatste Nieuws One of its journalists was discovered in the basement of a former convent in La Hulpe OVERIJSE-chair of gynecology and similar instruments After inspection it appears that it is an old school midwives and everything seems normal after analyzing 07 Nr.37 PV 150.123/97 (DPJ) NOEL Roger LAUWERS LIBERTARIAN ALTERNATIVE Christiane Bernard ASBL JEHU Baroness DUTROUX Interception of mailing a

letter IXELLES on pedophilia (cassettes with killing and / or rape) is called a Baroness and DUTROUX 08 37BR50/96 T1230/96 PR BOURLET 150,944 PV NIHOUL Michel WALCH Francis KINSBERGER Magali Hearing WALCH He knows that frequented Henri TOMBEUR DOLO and RADIO ACTIVITY TOMBEUR is accused of being a pedophile that astonishes It is not known whether NIHOUL and TOMBEUR know SUMMARY AA'AA 1,198 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 09 T907/96 PV 150894 SIK L. SPRIMONT Jacques Roger BOAS Junction letters SIK 10 PR T1230/96 BOURLET PV 150.528/97 Antoine HOCEDEZ BARA Dolores 11 31/97 09/04/97 Rating JI PIGNOLET of MENTEN of HORNE Derochette Patrick Hughes Link between the two Transport to parking a vehicle PALERMO 12 PR T1563/96 BOURLET PV 151.242/97 THOMAS Jeanne-Marie Joseph GHEYSSENS Magda ISTASSE Abductions rue du Marais (60s) = no traces sequestration young women young woman forced to steal to BODEGA 13 255/96 JI HANIN 20/03/97 Rating Naked pictures of minors 14 PR T1537/96 BOURLET BR.40.66.101319/97 PV 103.204/97 ANCIENT OLYMPIA Patrick SANTIS SA Selliers de Moranville BASTOGNE Jacques Charles and Marie By doing street work Neufchtel 62 in St-Gilles is the witness observed the presence in, the basement of a bunker almost finished (01/96) A tunnel is hidden behind a wall he overheard a conversation where a lady said, "the children will be here" 15 BR.40.65.100656/97 Elleboudt Sophie attempted abduction of the 25/02/97 at 18.45 Elleboudt Avenue Houba de Strooper Author in the car that took the bus stop saying "if you do not come I'll kill you little bitch "The bus arrives and she ran 16 BR.32.64.102469/97 PV 102.484/97 SUSPICIOUS DEATH of SACRE SACRE Laurent Laurent

(17/12/76) 17 BR.37.98.8864/96 PV PV 150.238/97 150.262/97 BARREA Anne-Marie (7/23/69) On the way to work she was approached by a man in flowing gray MERCEDES break He offered to drop it off at work once in the car he was reading porn magazines and tried to fondle him and she refused Making a sketch BR.37.98.389/97 PV 150.010/97 18 Photos - 19 Photos labs 12/97 JI GOBLET FORGEOT Michel MI-DO SPRL Complaint FORGEOT for slander and defamation charge time MI-DO SPRL which operated taxi drivers APV 20 BR.41.66.150438/97 BZT ENH-871-245, 437 and GBS-NFB-694 drivers Outrage taxis during monitoring AMB BELG 21 FAX ITALY Angelo LUCCHI He denounced the theft of his Ferrari 348 TS He died in 1995 Current Owner FONDIARIA ASSICURAZIONI SA 22 FAX GPP BRUGGE Carola Titze Kerkow Kim KRAUS Ramona Diesterweg Rolf Vehicle Search GSI BMW 850 registered WW-ES66 23 FAX SGAP LECLERCQ Jacqueline (09/10/63) Vronique Leclercq (30/08/64) HOUBEN Yvette (13/03/63) VAN LAER Vera (13.05.66) Gone to MONS on 12/22/96 (photo) Extinct in the CHARLEROI 12/01/97 (photo) Extinct Extinct in MAASEIK the 04/11/96 to the 07/05/96 ANTWERPEN (photo) SUMMARY AA'AA 1,199 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon WOUTERS Bernadette (28/11/61) DEPRE Joelle (02/10/61) WATERSCHOOT Nath. BOOT MF Extinct in the LEUVEN 12/21/96 (photo) Extinct in the LEUVEN 01/05/97 (photo) Portraits-spam abusers Sketch aggressor THUIN 24 FAX Dist MONS MEYERS Ludovic (10/30/81) Attempted abduction on 17/02/97 to 10.15 to MANAGE 25 DV 10,073 PJ BXL BR.40.61.100498/97 Jean-Roch Meunier (05/02/75) Stephanie TRENTIN Hearing result after BCS 065.050/97 disappearance of 27/02 to 04/03/97 There is no need to worry about him 26 DV Letter Re Ilse Van JACOBI a house with a cellar to hide child resides VAN JACOBI MUNICH Maybe a link with business transacted by VAN Gansberg 27 DV 10,230 PJ BXL BR. HOUBA Myriam Patricia

PATRICIA MATTER teacher at DEI in Woluwe-St-Pierre PATRICIA teacher later MATTER PATRICIA DEI was abused by her father to her 07 years, her father took her to a doctor's house where she was alone or prostitution There was a group of other children beatings Also a shrink to explain to children that it is normal for a doctor to repair injuries PATRICIA still attacked in 12/96 and 01/97 She told DEBECKER Jacqeline (SOS INCEST ANTW) 28 DV 150123 GD PJ BXL NOEL Christiane Roger LAUWERS Letter concerning pedophilia and DUTROUX arrival at the station IXELLES Intervention on State Security PO Box CHRISTMAS 29 DV Letter T1966/96 - PR PAVANELLO THIEBAULT Baron Hugues ... Michel GHEURY HUGUES tried fiddling children THIEBAULT HUGUES was then in GHEURY GHEURY was accused by his wife to touching on his own children THIEBAULT's son (04 years old) said that GHEURY kissed him on the mouth 30 DV BSR WAVRE 42N97 100,350 Aud Mil TASSIGNY Bernard Military career that drives pedophiles Would never pas to act only voyeur 31 DV 108,789 Bde BXL BR.45.64.108879/97 OF GOURCY SERAINCHAMPS Stephanie (02/04/65) Vicctime a kidnapping attempt in 84 Author circulating R4 white 32 DV BXL 209 31 795 PJ PJ PJ BXL BXL 21,337 21,340 23,209 BXL PJ PJ PJ BXL BXL 23,210 23,211 PJ BXL BR.37.11.211/97 BR.31.11.767/96 328/96 JI VDMEERSCH LEONARD STUDIO JDC Yvan BAELE Michel (France) COLOR CLIMAX (Dan) K7 review pedophiles found in BAELE LEONARD-color photos and black / white attached 33 DV 108/96 POLBRU 177/96 JI DEBOYSER T1066/96

PONZI Vronique Jacques ANDRE Viviane Vandendaele Family situation and teacher PONZI SUMMARY AA'AA 1,200 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon PR PAVANELLO 34 DV T1850/96 PR BOURLET Identification Request folders lequels DNA tests were conducted Partial results for Nivelles-ON-CHARLEROI 35 DV 100.395/97 Bde BASTOGNE NE.45.04.100395/97 T1705/96 BOURLET Christianne NIKS MATERNE Kossin Walther Jeopardizes a suspect vehicle VAUX / FR SURE MERCEDES-DT-258 (All) 36 DV Pol 100,293 SOIGNIES MO.45.20.100246/97 T1827/96 BOURLET Frederic Fernand DRUGMAND PORFIRIO Actions of a suspect who followed the white MERCEDES enfanst to SOIGNIES 37 DV WOL 2271 Pol-St-Lambert BR.37.50.2271/97 T1745/96 BOURLET BOULET Bernadette D'HAESE Jean-Pierre DUPONT Christopher 02/20/85) DUPONT Clovis (01/06/87) BOULET a prostitute and offers customers the particpations her children to romp Children can see the antics of their mother she allow them to see hardcore porn movies 38 DV Letter T 1536/96 and T703/96 1) PR C.1340/84 BONDEWEL to VEURNE Pyck K. 1) Claude BOUCQ DESSILLY Nicole DISPA Christel 4) LAGA Prof therapist for children 1) Murder KOKSIJDE in 87 after torture and imposition of a satanic sign on the victim 2) Young-abused woman 13 to 17 years by school janitor

REGINA Caelis to DILBEEK facts committed in his house 100m from school in the morning before school sometimes another man (mixed) Sometimes in a farmhouse (05 men present) RITUAL ABUSE Other victims and sadistic 3) A 46-year-old woman was the victim between 05 and 15 years sexual abuse committed OOSTENDE and rituals in a casino room and barracks KLEINE BROGEL 4) A membre ANTW PJ (LAGA) is corrupt and provides false evidence to exonerate pedophiles (Case of Mr X) 39 DV Anonymous letter T1704/96 PAVANELLO STIEVENART Grard Jean Pierre Vandermaelen VERHAEGHE Gerda van Laarhoven Grard Etienne SAEYS The former head of the Aquarium organizes groups of young people in car theft and burglary 40 DV GRAINDORGE letter T 378/96 BOURLET

41 DV T 639/96 PR PAVANELLO CALLEBAUT Jean-Luc's family wants to collocate without cause 42 DV 103 466 Bde BXL 26/90 JI LACROIX BAIARDO Calogero ODAERT Etienne His neighbor told him that ODAERT common place Fontainas and he has already seen two children ODAERT resembles a sketch of the authors of Walloon Brabant 43 DV Fax - Bde NAMUR FERET Daniel HERMANN FORGEOT Vronique Michel Jean-Michel NIHOUL She was the mistress of e FERET She worked DOLO where she had FORGEOT and NIHOUL 44 DV T1206/96 PR PAVANELLO Demand load records made by various people FRAIKIN SUMMARY AA'AA

1,201 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Answer TOURNAI 45 DV T1983/96 BOURLET HENRI HENRI Bernadette Christine Christine HENRI missing since October 95 She has no signs of life She had run away since she is an adult she is no longer considered extinct 46 DV BIALKOVA Gueben Elena Armand (dcd) MARSTBOOM Leon A person arrested in LONDON confessed to killing a woman in 06/92 (false) It received the confidences of her husband (Gueben) Brabant Wallon: he participated in a raid on a DELHAIZE He speaks MAROUN weapons would have served buried in his garden He spoke of murder along a highway (MENDEZ??) Pedophilia: Her husband knew about organ trafficking and children to Gd A SAUDI BRAINE L 'ALLEUD stole K7 pedophiles at a perqui (91-92) COOL: the murder of a soldier was disguised as suicide (Gen LEFEVRE) Miscellaneous: Her husband was killed by an injection of 94 to ULB murder related to the sale of arms to Lebanon She was a call girl Gueben have made sophisticated weapons Notary BERCHEM sympathizing with FN 47 DV BR.37.90.102462/95 Chantal Marcoux Marcoux Marcoux Vronique Michel Thierry ART LAFONTAINE Anne Marcoux Gustave Judgment of 14/11/96 TP BXL RAPE - THE MANNERS ATTACK - ATTACK MODESTY limitation periods 48 DV Coffee LAMBADA DE MULDER MULDER Karin Wilhelmus K7 porn are presented in coffee LAMBADA 49 DV T 703/96 BOURLET CELESTINIAN CHURCH OF CHRIST Sect OGBONY Cult practice ritual murder of children coming from Italy Info 50 DV Note MORIAME NI.37.26.102638/96 NI.43.95.2105/96 Alain Janssens Marie-Claude TURPIN Belkebir Astrid BELBEKIR Eugenie

JANSSENS allegedly abused BELBEKIR Info Eugenie seems wrong 51 DV Alexandre Vincent DE STROOPER GINGNESSE Souari Fatima OF BORMAN Beatrice OF BORMAN a country house where he organized orgies GINGNESSE says he is going to things like DUTROUX He wants out of the middle it says it is too hard for him near the house would KEERBERGEN 52 DV Rating 04/08/97 21/97 JI PIGNOLET Compare photos photo library with Scotland Yard 53 DV Data Neufchteau DE/545 100,221 FRASNES bde / G ANVAIN Zamparutti Claude Herman Decroo Suspicious vehicle seen DERGNEAU and white AMOUGIES MERCEDES: AKS-??? Decroo = AKS-175 SONODI SA = AKS-376 (stolen on 12/19/96) STERKENS PVBA = AKS-922 (fly 11/96) 54 DV Data Neufchteau DE/87 IP Fax MADRID Jeannine Lauwens LEBRUN Ghislain Lauwens (mother DUTROUX) owned a property in Spain: Edifio Rimbo 4 / C Paveo Villelia AL 18690 GRENADA MUNELAR SUMMARY AA'AA 1,202 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon exact address: Building RUMBO 4-C Paseo del Velilla Almunecar - GRENADE Purchased by Compagnone of Lauwens (Lebrun) on 23/07/80 They are the only ay to 55 DV Data Neufchteau DE/541 VE.37.16.101099/96 STINGLHAMBER DESPRET Xavier Paul Edward Brongersma French Surgeon DIJON STINGH. was sexually abused as a child by DESPRET (12-13) = DESPRET family friend Dutch French = Brongersma and friends DESPRET DESPRET showed K7 porn and masturbating STINGH photographed.

56 DV 2646/96 Pol VISE LI.45.46.2646/96 LAMBOTTE Chantal Marc Lebeau Yvonne DUTROUX SWENNEN Jos Suspicious behavior in 11/95 VISE recognized DUTROUX Truck crashes his car white SWENNEN = notorious pedophile in the region 57 DV 2560/96 VISE LI.37.46.2560/96 LI.37.46.2561/96 Pol 2561/96 2564/96 CATALDO Giuseppe SWENNEN Jos Ivan LOVINFOSSE BODSON Sylviane ALEXANDRE HAILLEZ Sandra Marie-Eve Alice CORVERS ALEXANDRE (09 years old) was raped by CATALDO CATALDO showed his cock and HAILLEZ ALEXANDRE HAILLEZ were raped by CATALDO, and SWENNEN LOVINFOSSE CATALDO LOVINFOSSE are violent and Facts commis repeatedly over several years 58 DV 620/96 Pol VISE LI.45.38.1909/96 LI.37.38.1907/96 LI.37.77.100221/96 LI.43.38.1906/96 SWENNEN Jos SPITS Jean-Marie Julien NIJS NIJS Jennifer Maria Milazzo WAERZEGGERS Cindy DOLHAIN Johnny DOLHAIN LAVAL Christelle Jean-Pierre GREGOIRE Jocelyne BORGUET WAERZEGGERS Monique Germaine Maurice Dupont Sylvianne LAVAL SPITS MILAZZO hits which accuses his friend SWENNEN of raping his daughter. SWENNEN masturbated in front of Jennifer giving her a shower (3 years) in 1993 He masturbated in front JULIEN after making her remove her panties (7 years) in 1994 with Jennifer SWENNEN broke his finger 30/09 / 95 (5 years) SWENNEN violated MILAZZO in 1983 (15 years) SWENNEN showed pornographic movies to children 10 years 59 DV 1711-1796 Pol VISE LI.37.46.1711/96 SWENNEN Jos CROUGHS Guy CROUGHS CROUGHS Anne Sophie Beatrice SPITS SPITS Copini Tiphany Fabienne MEERS Josiane NYSSEN Tyfanie JACQUEMAIN Mary Magdalene JACQUEMAIN Franois VERSTRAETEN Alphonsine SWENNEN's hands balladeuses to Anne (9) and Sophie ((11 years) He asked ANNE barking and peeing like a dog and not wear panties parents noted abnormal behavior and ANNE surprised the two girls who masturbated ANNE began even objects into the vagina SWENNEN violated Sophie with finger so 02/96 SWENNEN violated Tiphany with his finger 04/96 60 DV 2178/96 Pol VISE LI.46.37.2178/96 LI.46.37.2179/96 LI.46.37.2180/96

Christophe PARIDANS MEENS PARIDANS Francis Leopold MATHIEU Jean-Claude During a discussion with a social worker CHRISTOPHE said she was raped several times by MEENS-DAEMEN and VANDERLINDEN but not to all its 12 years SUMMARY AA'AA 1,203 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon VANDERLINDEN Gilbert A man paid him a glass and then has taken him in a abandoned house where he penetrated her anus and ejaculated He received 300-bef The second fact took place in the garage DAEMEN store. he went to get a secondhand objects popur school. The owner's son was dragged into the garage and sodomized. He also wanted to get a blowjob but CHRISTOPHE refused. He paid 300-bef VANDERLINDEN he knows has taken him for a walk and pushed on the grass. He tried to sodomize but in vain. He was alos asked a blowjob he refused and they returned. He received 400-bef VANDERLINDEN has set another appointment where he went. IT has tried in vain to sodomize and ended up masturbating and ejaculating beside him. He received 500-bef. He was threatened to be silent 61 DV 3461/91 LI.37.46.3461/91 MEENS Leopold VANDEVELDE Thierry Alexandre VANDEVELDE THEWIS Jose-Anne MEENS went and walked with THIERRY pushed him into a bush. He took off his trousers, patted ui testicles and masturbated him. He took passage for someone to flee MEENS proposed another appointment with payment - he refused 62 DV 2355/96 Pol VISE LI.37.46.2355/96 Geoffrey MEENS Leopold LAVIGNE (81) MACORD David (79) Boris GERGEKLS (80) LAVIGNE Guy THEWISSEN Hubertine Macors Albert OURY Patricia DELHEZ Rgine Children walking bike. One man tried to catch them shouting that he was going to masturbate. 63 DV 2354/96 Pol VISE LI.37.46.2354/96 MEENS BECKERS Leopold Wilhelm (54) BECKERS Joan (86) Camille GROTZ After a game of darts in a caf, JOAN MEENS took on his knees and started to caressed her sex

64 DV 3154/96 Pol VISE LI.45.46.3154/96 40.35.6304/95 Pol LA LOUVIERE 40.25.310035/96 BELOEIL 40.05.2330/96 Pol Bde Bde BINCHE 45.52.100271/96 ECAUSSINNES 40.10.919/94 Pol ECAUSSINNES DELCOUR Fabienne (66) Discart Barbara (93) Pascal Discart VERBRAEKEN Chantal A stranger lurking around the full game will BARBARA where. He told him that next time he would take the author was traveling MERCEDES black plate German Conducetur 30 years - bare light brown hair This is best goes 08/96 Other references jeopardizes suspects the driver of a Mercedes with false French plates 65 DV Pol 31728 GENT GE.37.18.31728/96 Pieter KROS BAETENS Ilona EVERS Lucie HAECK HAEGEMAN Mark Guy He ran a porn store where K7 tapes with minors were found 66 DV 1155-1196 Pol LA HULPE Monique Henry DELNESTRE OF CALLATAIJ OF CALLATAIJ be a notorious pedophile protected by senior judges 67 1163-1196 Pol THE HERIN Dominique Dominique HERIN have tried several times SUMMARY AA'AA 1,204 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DV HULPE NI.37.09.1163/96 HERIN Estelle (88) Anne Leclercq abusing his daughter Estelle 68 DV The Pol NI.37.02.5118/95 BRAINE ALLEUD Francis VOLVERT He raped 21 male minors between 01/89 and 07/95 with payments, restaurant, cigarettes, transport vehicle Caress and penetrations ananles 69 DV TU.42.35.100280/92 Pol Westerloo

Andr LEDUCQ NUYTS Nancy Vande Loo Rudolf VISSERS Erna SCHEERS Melania HOREMANS Gustaaf LEDUCQ Mariska LEDUCQ Wim VANDE LOO circulates LADA red JEY-892 VANDE LOO will look at WIM VISSERS and takes him for the weekend 70 DV BR.40.29.0741/96 Pol BEERSEL GEERAERTS Benny (84) GEERAERTS Lucien (46) BENNY was assaulted by the driver of a gray VW on 15/05/96. He rolled his bike and managed to flee. There were 04 in the car personens description 71 DV TG.37.28.1707/95 Pol MAASEIK January GEURTS It has photos and movies 72 DV BR.37.27.872/94 Pol Bru Ren Dechef Guard hunting ranger Castle GENVAL or LA HULPE DELVAILLE Patrick MarieJeanne Dechef cared youth movements practiced Dechef beatings He has perform fellatio until ejaculation in the basement of the building (Martini Tower) This happened again every 15 days for 02 years was bound and beaten DELVAILLE It was sodomized with a metal regulatory MARIE-JEANNE (red) was also a victim once another man participated 73 DV List of Pol HERVE known pedophiles in the territory of HERVE VE.00.34.165/96 VE.37.00.176/94 LI.37.99.723/94 ROUFOSSE francis DEMONCEAU Christmas FIEVEZ HUET Robert Jacques ROBERT ESPREMAN Claude Christian LESPIRE Freddy SIMONIS Paul Van Geel Jean-Marie LIEGEOIS Marc Joseph TRINON WECKMANS Jean-Marie 74 DV 105/96 COURT ST ETIENNE Pol NI.37.10.1008/85 NI.37.04.2943/94 the KETHULLE of Ryhove NOLF Jacqueline Franois Xavier Cauchy Philippe Bouvet Maria Fernandez Araujo In 94 of the Cauchy surprised KETHULLE who had his hand in the underpants of his son

(AMAND) In 12/95 AMAND told him that the KETHULLE XAVIER slept with and he did a yougourt in bed in the morning 75 DV PJ SOIGNIES BERGMANS Christian Ecclesiastical sentenced to 03 years for pedophile acts on several minors under 16 years Discover books, slides, photos of children and photographic equipment 76 DV Facts treated Pol WELKENRAEDT VE.37.63.100041/93 VE.45.63.100048/96 Albert Hermann JUNGBLUTH DERICUM Exhibitionism Predatory suspects SUMMARY AA'AA 1,205 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon VE.37.63.100094/96 LAURENT Etienne Exhibitionism 77 DV HU.37.06.3180/96 HU.37.06.2571/96 Pol HUY Ferette MEURA Michel Marie-Jose DEMAZY Jennifer (82) SMALL Legaye Beatrice Isabelle (79) In 76 he brought a girl shopping she did not want to go back with him in 78 he was suspected of indecent assault in 91 ditto In 93 he would have to fear in a person aged 94 : he said delegate movement defenses Rights of the Child In 96 he was suspected for the removal and JULIE MELISSA By 96 he boasted of knowing the whereabouts and JULIE MELISSA It takes advantage of the trust placed in him to abuse children entrusted It deals camps He would say that J and M were housed 2-3 days at home He says he was gardener at ANCIA MARTIN JI have been seen several times near frying his home he receives a visit from a lady who would work for WATHELET and GOL (50-55 years) it would have a list of people in a drawer DEHOUSSE has his home in a safe, folders and VANDERBIST COOLS It men could popos hands LUGENTZ He frequented the family (07 children) He said that Elisabeth would BRICHET living in a sect DINANT He was struck by Mr LEJEUNE because he would have had a tape with J and M He joined lawyer DEHOUSSE children from an institution were seen in him the WE He said he feared for his life because of the work the night He put barbed wire around his garden An anonymous said he saw the shirt and photos of J and M RUSSO family home is on site but it is understood that 10 days later by Gd and not perqui He lives near a cottage which was attended by J & M This is where pictures come and T-shirt DEHOUSSE said that he is interrested children Copying articles and translations journaus

While he was responsible for JENNIFER and CHRISTOPHER he spent his hand between her legs and let him see SUPER 8 Film porn movies with Perqui corpse home and discovered the film as well as numerous children's underwear body really does not appear as such on the film Movie restored EEEEF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,206 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon GGGGD SUMMARY SPIROU PV Ref No. 150659 3/11/97 Summary Themes LESCIAU 01 SPI INITIAL BR.37.66.150659/97 Author: UNKNOWN Victim: Dominique Dupuis (02/08/58) Complainant: ANONYMOUS trustworthy DUPUIS is the victim of a network pedophilia for several years, where she was introduced by her father who died in 1987 Assault regular She has two children (17 and 05 years) and single If it does not make the "invitations" she received kidnapping threats on His children's home has already been visited and the vehicle has already been degraded She receives calls in the night she was heard by Sv police following a death suspect IXELLES She took drugs (morphine, amphetamine) to withstand abuse It is only weaned She tried to leave the network, but was forced to stay for fear his children - no shelter or someone you trust - members of the network are influential - they think they are untouchable - it did not trust the Justice It has a total psychological dependence vis--vis his torturers It is in the network since his early youth she would be covered with scars and bruises after a network session probably 01-02 Brussels It must sessions per week itself contact someone to find out where she should go note: it must know the phone number of the person and the contact regularly every week to prevent it if it goes on vacation Measures are taken if she refuses repeatedly His father was a professor at the university's best days are Wednesdays HARD-Thursdays and Saturdays Abuse comparable to torture Nazis Maybe killing Victims of all ages: minor and elderly ladies DUPUIS has to be hospitalized for several days children are entrusted to his mother Hospitals Brussels where she went to have called the police after their findings, but she refused to complain She was ememner automatically to hospital by police services could be considered Ele author Request zoller-malicious retroactive Application Application under surveillance monitoring locations frequented by her She is a graduate nurse She VW POLO BEF His-574 Tel: 344.28.28 his children: Martin (26/05/79) and Juliet (3/11/92) DUPUIS is unknown SPI 02 150 662 WINKEL 03/13/97 SENDING indictment BELGACOM to 344.28.28 (Dupuis) From 11/10/96 to 11 / 03/97 by JI GOBLET SUMMARY AA'AA 1,207 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon

150686 13/03/97 WINKEL 03 SPI SEND BELGACOM indictment for the Apostille 344.28.28 03.12.97 ZM actuek with identification 150691 03/17/97 LESCIAUSK 04 SPI APPLICATION indictment INAMI For consultation DUPUIS file given its many hospitalizations announced 150692 03/17/97 WINKEL ANSWER Z-05 SPI M 14.03.97 522.35.18: adm. communal ANDERLECHT 346.13.13: Catherine DUPUIS 521.74.88: Adm. Communal ANDERLECHT 521.05.99: Female Prvoyante Socialist (consultation infants) 071/81.81.78: DUPUIS JP 344.37.76: Mackelbert I. 346.92.11: DUPUIS-COUNE ------------------------------------------- ---------------------RESPONSE ZM's 521.27.12 03.15.97: AYSAL Fatma (2x) 346.92.11: DUPUIS-COUNE (2x) 346.13 .13: Catherine DUPUIS 065/31.56.27: BABY BUBBLE ASBL 344.37.76 MONS: Mackelbert I ---------------------------- ANSWER -------------------------------------- 16.03.97 346.13.13 of ZM: Catherine DUPUIS (2x) 346.92.11: DUPUIS-COUNE (3x) 150694 03/18/97 WINKEL 06 SPI APPLICATION FILE TAX APOSTILLE for DUPUIS 150695 03/18/97 WINKEL 07 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 374.53.04 03.17.97: DAVIDSON MEYFROET (psy) - (3x) 374.55.24: OUR SHELTER 346.13.13: Catherine DUPUIS (2x) 346.92.11: DUPUIS COUNE 150786 19/03/97 WINKEL 08 SPI RESPONSE ZM-COUNE of 18/03/97 DUPUIS (2x) AYSAL Fatma 150787 20/03/97 WINKEL 09 SPI RESPONSE ZM-COUNE of 19/03/97 DUPUIS (6x) Catherine DUPUIS (2x) 095/52.34.66: identify by MOBISTAR 469.37.57: CAVE FONTAINE LAMARQUE SCS 150790 21/03/97 WINKEL 10 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 522.35.18 03.20.97: Adm Communale ANDERLECHT - health center - Guidance Centre Summer (4x) 522.15.42: Public Street Aumalle cabin (call IN) DUPUIS-COUNE (2x ) 150878 03/24/97 WINKEL 11 SPI RESPONSE ZM-COUNE of 21/03/97 DUPUIS (1x) Catherine DUPUIS (4x) AYSAL Fatma (2x) Adm. Communal ANDERLECHT - Health Centre (2x) 521.05.99: Female Prvoyante - 374.03.87 consultation infants: LALOIRE Yves (Physiotherapy) 345.20.04: Claudine Bohet 520.89.65: 374.16.75 GYBELS Marie: P VANDEN BUSSCHE (3x) 219.01 .

72: COMEDIA DELL'ARTE SUMMARY AA'AA 1,208 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- 22/03/97 RESPONSE ZM of Catherine DUPUIS (3x) JP AYSAL Fatma DUPUIS (2x) GYBELS marie 247.91.92: unassigned number (incoming call - communiction 30'') 04/257.59.67: BURTIN R. (3x) 520.84.53: RONSMANS C. 535.37.88: Cabin Public HOSPITAL st-PIERRE (outgoing call in DUPUIS) --------------------------------- RESPONSE ---------------------------------------------- ZM 23 / 03/97 DUPUIS JP (2x) 2x Catherine DUPUIS) AYSAL Fatma (2x) 374.24.31: BURTIN B. 375.39.14: ROYAL WELL ASBL 344.36.63 TENNIS: S. Vine 527.92.20: BECKERS OERLEMANS (4x) 374.97.62: DE CLERCK R (2x) 150906 03/25/97 WINKEL 12 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 413.27.49 24.03.97: MINISTRY of CULTURE and SOCIAL AFFAIRS (2x) 523.08.27: M AGHMIRI 150907 26/03/97 WINKEL 13 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 25/03/97 MINISTRY of CULTURE and SOCIAL AFFAIRS CONSULTING INFANTS (2x street Studs and street Aumalle) DUPUIS JP (2x) GYBELS Marie (2x) DE CLERCK R (2x) 201.16.35: Consultation infants Schaerbeek 348.65.21: Adm. communal UCCLE (3x) 535.37.88: Number inside HOSPITAL St-Pierre 675.04.31: Walter FOX 150909 27/03/97 WINKEL 14 ZM SPI RESPONSE 26/03/97 BURTIN of B (3x) JP DUPUIS VANDEN BUSSCHE 542.83.17: Commission Communautre French (3x) 375.35.37: Feremans C. 202.61.38: 374.24.34 BELGACOM: Pamela ERCULISSE 345.16.75: BELVAUX Fernand (4x) 512.39.53: SANTOS PALACE Market in chickens (2x) 150911 03/28/97 WINKEL 15 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 27/03/97 DUPUIS JP Consultation Infants-Stud-DUPUIS COUNE AYSAL Fatma BURTIN R. 522.15.42: Cabin Public Street Aumalle 736.59.36: FRANCOIS Alain - selling wine 523.37.26: SUZAN Joel 150913 01/04/97 WINKEL 16 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 28/03/97 DUPUIS JP BURTIN B -----------------------------------------------------------------------SUMMARY AA'AA

1,209 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RESPONSE of ZM 29/03/97 DAVIDSON MEYFROET Catherine DUPUIS (2x) DUPUIS JP BURTIN B ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- RESPONSE ZM 30/03 / 97 JP Dupuis DUPUIS Catherine 347.03.99: AAW ALL AUTOMATIC WASH SPRL 523.76.48: Yachou M ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- RESPONSE ZM 31/03 / 97 BECKERS OERLEMANS (2x) DAVIDSON MEYFROET (2x) DUPUIS JP (2x) Bohet Claudine (7x) C RONSMANS Catherine DUPUIS (8x) GYBELS Marie 150914 02/04/97 WINKEL 17 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 01/04/97 DUPUIS Catherine DUPUIS JP 150915 04/03/97 WINKEL 18 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 02/04/97 Catherine DUPUIS (2x) 151088 04/04/97 WINKEL 19 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 03/04/97 Catherine DUPUIS (5x) DUPUIS JP (2x) 374.84.49: CUYLEN Paul (Professor) 151227 04/07/97 WINKEL 19 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 521.35.18 04.04.97: BBL c. Mons 522.15.42: Cabin Aumalle public street (IN) Adm. Communale ANDERLECHT - health center (2x) DAVIDSON JP MEYFROET DUPUIS (3x) ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------RESPONSE ZM of 05/04/97 DAVIDSON MEYFROET DUPUIS JP (2x) VANDEN BUSSCHE Bohet (2x) Catherine DUPUIS (14x) 375.12.60: KERVYN of Meerendr B ---------------------------------------------------------- REPLY ---------------- ZM of 06/04/97 Catherine DUPUIS (8x) DAVIDSON MEYFROET DUPUIS JP (2x) 374.87.92: CHOPRIX A. 151228 04/08/97 WINKEL 21 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 07/04/97 Catherine DUPUIS 641.64.04: Resto TOM YAM 151.229 09/04/97 22 ZM of SPI RESPONSE 08/04/97 Catherine DUPUIS (2x) SUMMARY AA'AA 1,210 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon WINKEL DUPUIS-COUNE 537.94.52: center training girls (sv-catering office) 10/04/97 151,230 23 SPI RESPONSE ZM WINKEL of Catherine DUPUIS 09/04/97 11/04/97 151 231 AYSAL Fatma WINKEL SPI RESPONSE ZM 24 of 10/04/97 COMMUNAUTERE FRENCH COMMISSION Catherine DUPUIS (6x)-Adm Communale ANDERLECHT Health Centre (3x)

Consulting infants - street Studs MEYFROET DAVIDSON (3x) 375.09.29 VANDEN BUSSCHE: Aurel ZLOTTA 346.86.93: INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT SC 04/12/97 151 232 25 SPI RESPONSE ZM WINKEL of 11/04/97 DAVIDSON 04/16/97 151,255 MEYFROET Catherine DUPUIS 26 WINKEL SPI analysis of responses from 14/03/97 to 11/04/97 ZM regular calls: Fatma AYSAL BECKERS-OERLEMANS BURTIN B. BURTIN R. DAVIDSON MEYFROET Mackelbert I. (Address of his sister CATHERINE) P. VANDEN BUSSCHE GYBELS Bohet Marie R. DE CLERCK RONSMANS DUPUIS Catherine Dupuis DUPUIS JP-COUNE Int. Ind. Development (address of his mother) Ministry of Culture and Social Affairs Commission Communautre French Consultations Infants - Studs-Aumalle-Schaerbeek Health Centre Hospital St-Pierre ANDERLECHT Guard children Suspicious communication: 247.91.92: in principle not allocated 347.03.99: All Auto Wash SPRL = in front of his home 522.15.42: Public Street Aumalle cabin 151085 04/04/97 WINKEL 27 TAX FILE SPI Dominique Dupuis 1989: 455,209 1990: 491,112 1991: 523,554 1992: 553,860 1993: 585,997 1994: 618,241 (ex) 1995: 658,546 Life each year: 12,739-Pension Savings chque year: 22,000 From 1992 : care expenses of a child - 03 years SUMMARY AA'AA 1,211 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Only in 1992 and cadastral income% mortgage Old addresses: Rue Marie Depage BXL 78-1180 67-1180 Rue Dodone BXL 05/03/86: buying a home street Vanderkinderen 498-1180 BXL (1,350,000) in 1988 she was with her sister propritairte an apartment Avenue de la Couronne (It was sold) GGGGF SUMMARY AA'AA 1,212 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon HHHHD INVENTORY FILE Baudewijn (GE.45.66.150462/97) (69/96 VAN DE JI Sijpe) No. Date Ref PV Verbal. Summary 01 150 462 25 / March 1997 SUMMARY FILE INITIAL VERHAE GE.45.66.150462/97 Notice to Suspect THREATS: A named PATRICK - his father Victim: Baudewijn Virginia (5/16/80) - a named JORIS (5-6 years) It is currently still in a pedophile network she had received death threats VIRGINIA MPS = There is a folder for GENT INCEST charge of his father the facts have begun when she was 09 months

Towards 10-11 years: phobia video camera - the use of drugs and painkillers Towards 1314 years: first suicide attempt and a certain JOKE AIDS test which is also in the network to a son who has not been declared (Joris) JOKE had to choose between suicide, suicide or his son be killed before she killed herself VIRGINIA contact parquet GENT: PR MEDARD Folder = INCEST J.37A10.1332/96 Lady DIERICKX the prosecution Youth GENT - GENT JI Vanderzeypen of Virginia is admitted to the hospital in St. Lucas BRUGES 02 150 463 27/03 VERHAE SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ABOUT PATRICK It is also called THOMAS 03 150 465 27/03 _ VERHAE INFORMATION MEASURES - CONTACT FLOOR 04 150 466 16/04 VERHAE OBSERVATION 16/04 / 97 05 150,467 20/04 of 20/04/97 VERHAE OBSERVATION 06/11/96 Hoskens 01 DESCRIPTIO N OF PLACES by X2 KNOKKE First contact with the X2 X2 06.11.96 explains a period of her life when she participated in orgies (1985-1990) Facts occur in villas KNOKKE Similarities with locations designated Site Visit X1 to X2 - X2 guides verbalisants Hotel CROMWELL - no longer exists KNOKKE "Scarsdale" Blinckaertlaan 19 in Koningbos Restaurant Uylenspiegel Apartment House Binnenhof Zoutelaan 80 9 or 11 or 13 (not sure) 62 Elizabethlaan Zeedijk 841 "LEKKERBEK" Eikenlaan Boslaan 43 or X1 had also designated the Scarsdale villa and houses Binnenhof Hotel TINEL and the home of the grandmother of X1 are facing 62 Elizabethlaan 117535 11/19/96 PIRARD 02 FIRST AUDITION X2 The words refer to the mistress of a high KAREL Magistrate BXL KAREL X2 and a weekend for two to KNOKKE in the apartment's sister KAREL Zeedijk 841 blok Lekkerbek Sister = wife of a son of the CEO KODAK SWITZERLAND KAREL had more demands sex (fellatio - erotic clothing - special positions, ...) It made use of physical strength and strength of character to impose its desires Then he took her in orgies where she wore a wig Orgy at the apartment but also NETHERLANDS KNOKKE he also received other judges Brussels (DELVOIE - Raspe) At this point X2 was from Orgy in KNOKKE villas around the Golf Villas have designated (PV 116799) Also in the villa of Maurice Lippens Orgy with minor girls in Cromwell Hotel KNOKKE Present: DELVOIE - KAREL - X2 - LIPPENS - VAN GELUWE (Courts of Appeal of Brussels) Etienne Davignon The girls knew where to go and who strikes LIPPENS Several meetings between girls and KAREL DAVIGNON at the hotel with the two Lippens MEMLING Also orgies with minors EINDHOVEN with DELVOIE Chateau 18 S Travel in convoy from KNOKKE Cars with plates followed with German girls receipt of the castle = a woman = price 2.000-bef/personne should be mandatory couple Undressing (if accepted bikini) Swimming pool - sauna - solarium - A cold buffet upstairs rooms without doors and themes Room with mirrors and cameras Room with several mattresses Room with obstetric tables - handcuffs - chains KAREL and X2 = 30-50 times in the castle at Same girls CROMWELL Clients of the castle: SUMMARY AA'AA 1,214 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon DENIS Patrick (PJ in 1986) A friend of DENIS: travesti year but ANTWERPEN French =

PATRICK Companion of the transvestite = favorite Jean-Pierre Van Rossem (blonde) Companion of the time van Rossem (blonde) Jean-Pierre Van Rossem Baron Jean-Paul Dumont BONVOISIN friend of Patrick Denis = Carine CARINE Another and PATRICIA who work at the courthouse BXL Benoit HUBERT (PJ DINANT BOURLEE Claude Leroy (attorney in Nivelles) Persons who attended orgies in the region WATERLOO Major X2 was the oldest and seemed the girls were obviously minor X2 was forced to participate in orgies and having homosexual relations with girls The girls disappeared when they were about 15-16 years For orgies: girls 12 - In 13 years was 88 one of the oldest (15-16 years) is mounted in the room sadomasochistic - we never did review The girls drank alcohol and out of these orgies with bangs 117536 26/11/96 PIRARD 03 SECOND HEARING X2 Jean-Paul Dumont and Paul BOURLEE EINDHOVEN late 86-early 87 By 09/84 X2 is moved in response to rumors about his affair with KAREL She was transferred to NIVELLES where she meets Olivier CASTIAUX and becomes his mistress while continuing its relationship with KAREL CASTIAUX has a collection of vehicles including Jaguar Never complete sexual relation with CASTIAUX CASTIAUX caressing without intercourse - it can not touch the Circle of Franois HARCQ BAYENS CASTIAUX = (JI NIVELLES) dE La Chevallerie Amory (Magistrate Nivelles) dE PRESLE NIEPPE of Yves (Magistrate Nivelles) LOMBARD BOURLEE Dr. Paul and his wife Carine Hanquinet (Magistrate Nivelles) ---------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08-09/85 Towards evening at the Notary in WATERLOO NASSAUX = sex with 05 underage girls Present: CASTIAUX and X2 - NNASSAUX and his wife Vronique DEHOUX (attorney in Nivelles) - BOURLEE - Franois HARCQ - BAYENS and other house description Girls' less class "X2 KNOKKE to leave and wait two hours in the car It CASTIAUX attend more orgies here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ End 11/85 X2 CASTIAUX leads to the second residence to BOURLEE FAULX-LES-FALLEN SEILLE near the Castle's wife and Carine BOURLEE Hanquinet were present but are parts After their sontr departure arrived who were present at NASSAUX and Baron BONVOISIN - BAYENS and HARCQ was not there They arrived with girls under 15 years old sex takes place on the floor, but X2 remains low Girls are less relaxed than EINDHOVEN and follow like cattle X2 heard screams of pain coming from the floor After one hour CASTIAUX down and leaves with X2 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,215 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Mi-86 X2 CASTIAUX invited to a party at hipe WOLUWE Big villa with pool near the Shopping Center - Description It is one of the organizers and should help CASTIAUX is a member of ROTARY CLUB Present: CASTIAUX - of BONVOISIN - Georges Desir - two brothers MERODE - of MEEUS (Walibi) - The Prince and Princess of Chimay - le Comte Emmanuel de LICHTERVELD - CARTEUVELS - Count of URSSEL X2 leaves the scene to 02-03.00 hours

117537 03/12/96 PIRARD 04 THIRD HEARING X2 Orgy at EINDHOVEN in attendance 05-06/88 Description The 16 year old daughter has suffered violence in the room sadomasochistic After having herself participated in the orgy in another room X2 comes down and sees the girl prostrate on a sofa dressed and X2 will not return to his see the girl did X2 review ever - it had been 04 years in the network 118376 12/11/96 PIRARD 05 FOURTH HEARING X2 Description 16 year old girl who disappeared after a sadomasochistic session The older girls and women were the mistress she had a specific ROLR Check that the girls drink alcohol and to take the drugs (coke) prepared by maitresee women (as sniffettes) Once the girls are used to mistresses and women who serve X2-mistress was a woman Dose coke varies partners and violence they anticipated a the most violent was the friend of LIPPENS - He has a sex 22 cm long and 5.5 cm in diameter - losqu'il is erect sex remains vertical and the glans is bent down His fantasy was sodomized X2 dry then fellate him while she was taken by another KAREL a 18 cm sex - he very little chest hair and pubic hair are pale-red strawberry blond man with description which is mounted to the girl sitting sadomasochistic OF BONVOISIN not practice sodomy while being sodomized himself and so the chain (4-5 men) DUMONT rather sadomasochistic 118479 03/12/96 RACE 06 Identifications INFORMATION places and persons designated by the X2 Suite 19/11/96 PV 117535 and 117536 of 26/11/96 NASSEAUX Guy (27/02/43) Notary in WATERLOO Spouse of Vronique DEHOUX (23/11 / 51) BOURLEE Paul (17/04/29) lawyer - Justice of the Peace acting Bridegroom DEHAYE CASTIAUX Franoise Olivier (10/07/53) Bailiff Owners ground floor of 841 Zeedijk to KNOKKE = Thvenaz-VAN HERCK Ren (not registered BELGIUM) Thvenaz Ren (09/03/43) resides in Switzerland X2 indicates that the KAREL sister married the son of a CEO Switzerland NASSEAUX owns their home floor Bxl 109 WATERLOO Street and BIESME Fayat 34 and various pastures There was never a listing Biesmes NASSEAUX DEHOUX-owner of Avenue des Chasseurs WATERLOO from 35 to 28/01 / 83 Housing occupied by CARLY Georgette (12/01/23) since 14/09/88 SUMMARY AA'AA 1,216 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon No occupant between 1983 and 1988 X2 said to have been conducted in 1985 Rue de la Carriere 33A BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU since 08/11/95 No occupant DEHOUX Own Appart street Defacqz 129 (4 rear) St-Gilles from 18/10/94 BOURLEE DEHAYE-owner of Rue de Hal 14 BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU from home 3/18/81 = Ch Alsemberg 437 to BRAINE-L'ALLEUD = legacy 16/10/94 118380 12/12/96 PIRARD

07 HEARING X2 - Olivier CASTIAUX In 1984 she became the mistress of CASTAUX Olivier while continuing its relationship with KAREL CASTIAUX never entered X2 - only caresses house description of CASTIAUX THERE was a book on Chinese astrology The couple DASSONVILLE suggestive cover Carine and Emmanuel had the same make DASSONVILLE The witchcraft CARINE knows the PSC and VDB She met in the deaths of SANTINI X2 was hypnotized by them and they pierced his neck, arms and thighs with needles According CASTIAUX X2 was witch in a previous life (presence of his body three points of beauty triplet) PR DEPRETRE was in love with the X2 X2 to deliver mail to DEPRETRE CASTIAUX 1987: dinner X2 and CASTIAUX BAYENS and THE KNIGHTS (two judges) said that the gold BAYENS a meal at the OPUS DEI ChteauDON JOLBERT children were the guests of blowjobs under the table The castle was put under surveillance by Patrick DENIS (PJ NIVELLES) which has a list of members in summer 88 trip CASTIAUX FRANCE and X2 - X2 comes only after 10 days During this stay CASTIAUX dating FRANCE Wilfried MARTENS CASTIAUX meeting also cop or Gd NIVELLES 118382 12/13/96 PIRARD 08 HEARING X2 - Jean-Paul Dumont Shortly before Easter 85 meal in a Chinese restaurant with Auderghem X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE - Claude Leroy and JP Dumont One evening coffee and VIKING drunk DUMONT and LEROY speaks of "kiss a goat or a chicken or a kid" are present: X2 - KAREL - DELVOYE and GODFROI (former PJ worldly) There are female wrestling match in which UCCLE evenings ending in orgy X2 has met several times in DUMONT PLATOS She met with IXELLES also MARNETTE-Pelos and ZIMMER (PJ BXL) Club orgy with occasional minor consenting to DUMONT DUMONT was with boys and MARNETTE know well (accomplices) X2 saw Dumont having sex with children during that EINDHOVEN it was sodomized by other men DUMONT vsitait room with chaisse obstrique Sometimes DUMONT paid to eat late in the evening to SIBEMOL LEROY-toDELVOYE MARNETTE-KEUPENS The same also attended DOLO There were Bouhouche their table VANDER ZWAN MARNETTE and would've been in a hotel run by a former bankok the X2 PJ went to KNOKKE KAREL with a white villa with mailboxes SUMMARY AA'AA 1,217 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon red bell house description She saw Leopold Lippens description another house KNOKKE It also cites the hotel to CROMWELL KNOKKE The girl who disappeared EINDHOVEN told the men they were patients undergoing X2 accompanied a Jewish girl (LEVI) when played bridge (Fall 86) LEVI was the look at home with Bd Reyers MERCEDES blue with beige seats clear driven by a chauffeur LEVI DELVOYE paid to be accompanied X2 She met LEVI EINDHOVEN description to a house on Rue de la Victoire in St-Gilles where X2 went to 06/87 with KAREL The occupants of the house (and MARTINE?) were present and Karel VAN MIERT DELVOYE and said talks with MARTINE "It's OK" - KAREL said that the place is smaller than EINDHOVEN MARTINE's husband wants to sleep with X2 but refusal Someday HUBERT Benoit X2 offered to go to a brothel rue de la Victoire held by In winter a couple after 88 X2 meal goes with CLAREBOETS Luke CRUCIFIX named Alain and Bernard (all

three PJ) rue de la Victoire On site maintenance it sex with three and the husband MARTINE 118385 12/16/96 PIRARD 09 HEARING X2 - Dancing MIRANO description CASTIAUX secretary in 1984 and the daughter of the latter (08-10 years) CASTIAUX cared studies of small At the birth of the first daughter of X2 CASTIAUX s' to her home with a woman supposedly nursing He took photos of the small end 85 CASTIAUX went to Lyon, the USA and SINGAPORE He said sociologist at the CNRS in 88 CASTIAUX went to join friends AUSTRALIA has taught their daughter (15) to lead 85-86 End X2 is brought to MIRANO by CASTIAUX-BOURLEE ARCQFranois-dE = BONVOISIN nothing special CASTIAUX Later still leads MIRANO but did not stay to these private occasions evenings ended in orgies with cocaine distribution miners attended the orgies were initiated by the women most concerned about elderly They girls and not boys One she masturbated X2 and sodomizing a LEVI dildo ejaculates on woman's body and spread sperm Description of this woman DELMARTI 100,516 01/21/97 NO JUSTICE CHARGES 10 X2 Two meals 21/01/97 - PV 150 057 150 075 950-Bef PIRARD 01/21/97 RECOGNITION 11 X2 FAULX to the apostille and WATERLOO Suite 8.11.96 Recognition addresses listed in hearings Region FAULX-LES-GRAVES = neg She thinks FAULX went to the castle but it is nothing happened NIVELLES Region: SUMMARY AA'AA 1,218 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon X2 indicates the homes of ARCQ (rue des Archers 46) and CASTIAUX (street crossbowmen 68-70) It means CASTIAUX vehicle: JEEP CHEROKEE LVH-060 Region WATERLOO: Search villa described in PV 117.536/96 She believes recognize Avenue Hunters 35 but think the interior layout to change She said that the entrance of the property to change There aps donkey or planters to baffle or paved Info to the area: street was paved recently but there has never been a donkey or baffle 150059 02/04/97 DUPAGNE REQUEST SANSEN 12 X2 CR (synd. GESVES initiative) has pictures of castle dating from 1980 FAULX The current owner (DEMEYER) asked to open a hotel but denied request for CR 1980 and request pictures of hotel (description inside) 118379 12/12/96 PIRARD HEARING 13 X2 X2 - Brabant Wallon She attended in the 80s a bunch of kids whose LAUWAERT Philippe de Nivelles (The SNOOUS) - FRANCK Philippe - PAULUS Bernard - Joan PAUL - PAUL Franoise - Camille Paulus - PAULUS Juliette - Ledec Lawrence his brother BEKAERT Eric - Philippe SHEEP - SHEEP Franois - BEKAERT Pascal - HUYBRECHTS Anne JESUS - John Paul PILATE - Etienne BERNARD - Bernard Muriel - TAVERN Damien STEENWERK Eric - VANDERA Kurt - MAUQUOIS Manual - Son of Notary MOLLE - NABIL Jijacli - Catherine and Franoise Head band = a PAULUS - FRANCK Philippe and Pascal

BEKAERT List of places frequented An Italian coachbuilder lent their car and weapons before the band attended the killing of Walloon Brabant Wavre area, a shooting club Seneffe - shooting under highway bridges and old stationery Genval and former Nivelles circuit and Wood Hall A girl of four winds = DUBOIS who was dating Nadine Daniel STJEAN who became a prostitute at BXL In 1983: TELEPHONE evening coffee to LILLOIS He was asked to bring back people who do not have a license LAUWAERT asked not to take the road to Brussels but when it does the second path it finds the presence of a white Mercedes or gray and another car at the gas pump COLRUYT of his return to 01.30 hours MERCEDES is still there the next day she learned of the attack COLRUYT She believes that MERCEDES used by people who attend the PSC COLRUYT file is processed by Patrick Bernard Glime-DENIS - HAULOTTE Luc (PJ) and PR DEPRETRE The record of champignonire was sent to Nivelles although there is apparently no connection with the records of Brabant established PR similarities between the band and the Nivelles young youth band champignonire During the transmission of the file champignonire MARNETTE she sees for the first time one of the investigators of this case is a former Joel STEVENS PJ NIVELLES Glime and not MARNETTE get along in a report on the champignonire talking about Jesus and a car with an eagle on the hood - also known as cafes and places she frequented She knows Italian and rolling with this lame The type of car was a FORD Italian coachbuilder TRANSAM with an eagle on the hood CASTIAUX was to maintain his vehicle at this Italian CASTIAUX knew the owner of the inn "THREE DUCKS" SUMMARY AA'AA 1,219 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Doctors and MAILLEUX LOMBARD attend this inn The innkeeper was killed - we talked about at the time of settlement of accounts was also maintain its CASTIAUX car garage WAUTHIER Braines where another murder has been committed It case was handled by Patrick BERTYRAND and DENIS and JI SCHLICKER Two almost simultaneous attacks from large surfaces according to PJ there should be two bands COSTA The Gd has established a faster route would have allowed a single band to do both attacks (through places frequented by the band Nivelles) in 85/86 all the files are transferred to Brabant JUMET cell as the file champignonire Regular contacts between MARNETTE for folders and BERTRAND Never link established between authors Brabant Nivelles and the band No ballistic analysis for comparison at a party at DOLO she overhears a conversation on a taxi driver that must be removed a few days later she learns in the press discovered a MONS This taxi driver murder case was attached files Brabant Following his statement to the press PR DEPRETRE was pressured and has started to write his own reports is threatened to unplug appliances that her daughter was alive BORDET to Anne-Sophie DEPRETRE studying at LLN as a friend Carine DASSONVILLE X2 Both families could know DASSONVILLE told X2 that DEPRETRE undergoing pressure vis--vis his daughter DASSONVILLE is the origin of the journal EURO-DENIS POLICE Patrick (lover X2) is also threatened with death SIMON Marc would also suffered threats such as his wife and daughter DEPRETRE sent love letters to X2 - she gave these letters would CASTIAUX X2

regularly Dolo where she met Bouhouche X2 also met the woman at HILTON Bouhouche a meeting between GOL - MOUREAUX Philippe - Wilfried Martens, VDB, Willy DE CLERCK NIHOUL Jean-Michel - KAREL DELVOYE and X2 does not participated in the meeting - she waited at the bar Bouhouche has never been heard on DOLO, HILTON and the people he knew According to Jean-Pierre DORANE name Schwartz (gold dealer) intervene in the case MENDEZ CASTIAUX and THREE DUCKS boss knew Schwartz Serge Dumont had good contacts with DORANE and brother MENDEZ Serge Dumont was secretary to the cabinet of Philippe MOUREAUX Serge Dumont worked with Ren HACQUIN, Walter and Paul Debock PONSAERT the killings of Serge Dumont attended unntrafiuquant Weapons linked to MOSSAD or an Arab group A GD: Lionel RUTH BILL attended the driver of VDB They met in the parking lot of the motel where X2 Drogenbos went with Patrick DENIS BILL also had contacts with the ZIMMER DOLO BILL spoke Bouhouche Gd AMORY was excluded from the cell Brabant following the discovery of a gun in the spaghetti sauce Philippe's mother was the LAUWAERT sedcrtaire of SCHLICKER when he was a lawyer during the relocation of the PJ in NIVELLES 87 a parts of the pink files were destroyed 118.383 13/12/96 14 X2 X2 HEARING - Karel VAN MIERT She attended the PLATOS Porte de Namur SUMMARY AA'AA 1,220 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Generally PIRARD BOOM-BOOM meal at HILTON oyu and late evening to PLATOS After midnight orgies, sometimes with consenting minors 14-15 years At an orgy she had sex with Karel VAN MIERT In this report it strangles even when it falls almost 118,384 syncope 13/12/96 HEARING PIRARD 15 X2 X2 - Royal Family Orgy with EINDHOVEN 1988 A minor girl accustomed to the place has been abused and has never been reviewed This girl told X2 that all men were sick she suffered She spoke of a castle in Brussels where she went at Easter 1987, in a crazy named LILIANE She said he would return the garden X2 understands that the body could be buried X2 think Liliane OF RETY ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- X2 has already gone 2-3 times in the Prince Alexandre to keep company with a Jew named LEVI (Fall 86 and March 87) This is the LEVI she met at EINDHOVEN DELVOYE X2 forced to stay with Levi when he played the map Prince Castle ALEXANDRE Description castle in Argenteuil He does not know anything happened at sexual Were also present a French named PHILIPPE She also accompanied LEVI in a mansion in TERVUEREN At this point she saw Prince twice LAURENT In May after drinking and 87 for a bet prince Laurent is masturbating and ejaculated in a dish of bolognaise sauce --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- FETs season 85/86 KAREL brings X2 MIRANO She returned 4-5 times thereafter Whenever: orgies with distribution of coke Presence Minors 12-15 years available until 03.00-04.00 Generally: a dozen children - 2530 adults with 5-6 women 50 years and girls aged 18-20 3-4 The orgies were initiated by X2 older women had sex with one of those women who masturbated and sodomized with a dildo - she spread sperm on the body of Jewish X2 X2 After the evening was brought

home LEVI Present at the orgies MIRANO: BONVOISIN of BOURLEE LEVI PHILIPPE (in French of Prince Alexandre) The Princes Philippe and Laurent but never active - they looked while masturbating to ejaculation and unknown unknown 150 563 03/04/97 16 X2 PIRARD MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION by X2 CHEVALERIE Amaury (10.27.33) - 1 Substitute for NIVELLES PRELLE of the NIEPPE Yves (01/28/51) - Substitute 1 to NIVELLES BAEYENS Christian (29/09/28) - JI Honorary NIVELLES to Hanquinet Carine (07/01/54) Substitute for NAMUR BOURLEE Paul (04/17/29) Justice of the Peace and a Deputy NIVELLES lawyer PIRARD 150,564 04/03/97 17 X2 X2 by MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION DELVOIE Guy (20 / 08/47) - Advisor to BXL Court of Appeal HERCK Karel VAN (23/09/48) - Advisor to BXL Court of Appeal Raspe Geo (03/18/48) - Advisor BXL Court of Appeal in Van Gheluwe Paul (03/29/38) - Vice-Trib Prsient Forum BXL 1 150 565 18 X2 X2 by MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION SUMMARY AA'AA 1,221 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon 04/03/97 PIRARD Karel VAN MIERT (17/01/42) Ex-President Commissioner SP MEP 150566 03/04/97 PIRARD IDENTIFICATION 19 X2 X2 MENTIONED PERSONS by Etienne Davignon (10/04/32) Member of the European Commission Reprsentantr BELGIUM - diplomatic immunity Vice President European Community Administrator GENERAL BANK 150567 03/04/97 PIRARD IDENTIFICATION 20 X2 X2 MENTIONED PERSONS by Leopold Lippens (11/20/41) Patrick DENIS (28/12 /?) Jean-Pierre Van Rossem (05/29/45) of BONVOISIN Benoit (14/03/39) Jean DUMONT Paul (04/07/52) Hubert Benoit (05/03/58) Claude Leroy (06/27/40) MARNETTE Georges (12/14/46) ZIMMER Yves (03/02/49) CEUPPENS Georges (22 / 01/48) Bouhouche Madani (06/14/52) VANDER Zwalmen Albert (07/30/37) Maurice Lippens (05/09/43) CLAREBOETS Luc (06/11/49) CRUCIFIX Alain (02/18/51) Pelos, Jean-Paul (29/11/48) 150568 03/04/97 PIRARD 21 X2 X2 by MENTIONED PERSONS IDENTIFICATION DUMONT Jean-Paul (07/04/52) CASTIAUX Olivier (07/10/53) HARCQ Jean (Francis) (22/04/31) LOMBARD Paul (01/02/40) NASSEAUX Guy (17/02/43) DEHOUX Vronique (11/23/51) of BONVOISIN Benoit (14/03/39) 150476 07/02/97 RACE 22 X2 X2 CONTACT with the 07/02/97 at 15.30 X2 was contacted by KAREL which fixes an appointment she refuses she wants to resume its hearings but with a male therapist preferably She wants to see one privately therapist that she had always refused to accept

that she hearings be recorded (audio K7) but not filmed She accepts that she is the mistress of KAREL 150477 03/10/97 DECKERS 23 X2 APPOINTMENT OF A THERAPIST The persons mentioned by X2 have been identified and some have privileges or immunities of jurisdiction JI LANGLOIS required to continue hearings Therapist can: Marc BRUSSELMANS the UCL WOLUWE Request indictment 150,665 24 X2 REQUEST indictment INAMI For doctors who treated MERCIER Batrice (12/04/64) 27/03/97 150,809 25 X2 DECKER SERVICE DOCTOR BRUSSELMANS of the OATH Marc Assistance X2 audition 151,040 03/27/97 DECKER 26 X2 X2 HEARING 27/03/97 Cassette recording of audio in the presence of Dr. BRUSSELMANS SUMMARY AA'AA 1,222 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon = PV subsequent transcription 151044 27/03/97 HASTIR HEARING 27 X2 X2 27/03/97 Transcript of cassettes 03 cassettes Entering She recognizes herself to be the mistress of KAREL Around 13 years she met Philippe LAUWAERT with whom she released 06 years pdt First approaches to enter network It the meeting in a room ITTRE - it is a disc jockey - Bernard PAULUS is also present in this oire She was in class with Laurent and Johanne PAULUS Ledec Members of the band NIVELLE which she talked She speaks of a woman a man she saw some time at the rink and POSEIDON FOREST Parody KKK in an old stationery GENVAL In the bands they had sex with their partner and changed - orgy in the mother PAULUS who was sometimes Mother has PAULUS style = hippie - not involved Towards 1977-1978 Some band members were arrested for int reinforcement on the highway but not everyone (PAULUS - LAUWAERT FRANC - it - never arrested or heard) She believes that parents intervened She speaks of an accident where she was driving drunk but not classified by DEPRETRE suites Folder Intervention Gd (GUIDO) who contacted CASTIAUX she did not yet know Sometimes orgies to former paper or simple ratio couple with Contacts lka band NIVELLE up to 20 years and the relationship between them but only penetration from its 16 years it was always the boys who decided that they were going to do with love and girls had nothing to say She loved LAUWAERT airait and done all he wanted without thinking it was the same later with VAN HERCK CASTIAUX and if she refused she was beaten she is far from LAUWAERT when she came out with CASTIAUX and VAN HERCK LAUWAERT It is the mother who got him a place at the Ministry of Justice It is very powerful in the region by the people she NIVELLE common friend DOCHE She was personal secretary GOL She also knows Magerman She was secretary when he was a lawyer CHLICKER She knows all the fashion PJ NIVELLES Jesus = GEBELS Francois MOUTON = not yet Pilatte Cite Philippe Jean-Paul - HUYBRECKS Anne - Etienne BERNARD - Bernard Muriel - GUISSENNE Maryse -

TAVERN Damien - Eric STEENWERK - VANDERA Kurd - ZABO (dangerous) - MAUQOIS Manual - Son MOLLE - Philippe FRANC - JIJACLI Nabil - Catherine - Franoise - Italian - She lives with LAUWAERT 82 to 84: out of the house by his father's wife and man of the rink bring girls (consententes) for orgies The Italian was older and the orgies he did that he knew people sodomization Palace JusticeLa sanction of the court of KKK forced the girl to a pipe all members of the band in front of others she meets VAN HERCK the Courthouse NIVELLES a little after 20 years - it has the lightning - She hangs in the ascensseur and says she wants to go out with him and he has three days to think She says her colleague Patricia DELGUSTE who told him that it is the Magistrate discipline three days after he is going into his office and said, OK SUMMARY AA'AA 1,223 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon LAUWAERT - PAULUS - Karel Beckaert and seemed to know the relationship VAN HERCK X2 EET known VAN HERCK was transferred to the Court of Appeal VAN HERCK always spoke with a JONART Out LAUWAERT and NIVELLES band in 10 / 84 09/84 she returned to NIVELLES Parquet and 10/84 in and out with PJ NIVELLES patrick DENIS along with KAREL In 85 she might see in DENIS Description relations falmiliales - former colonials until 1969 when she was in the circuit KNOKKE she told someone PJ NIVELLES who did not believe ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Facts ----------------- committed CHIMAY She went 5-6 times in a huge wood - hunts She had to go She never witnessed anything whether Participated: the most violent band of brothers whose KNOKKE LIPPENS A CHIMAY she heard screaming and pulling but it does not know what she has never seen There is also a game that has already LEVY It was spoken around the castle of Chimay description of the castle before she already knew Wood is murC'tait cries of children maybe 10 years (?) She thinks there were 4-5 The child cries net stop She stayed with Levy and the brothers moemnt LIPPENS left with 1-2 other people whose "gamekeeper" The participants were all KNOKKE and EINDHOVEN She never saw The screams were horrible children and indecriptibles She has not heard shooting LEVY was very nervous as if he had not been there when the screams stopped her, Levy and others from the fast as if they bothered LEVY was very disturbed There was also a woman so strong, black hair 40 years - jeans sweater boots and other people KNOKKE-EINDHOVEN This happens one weekend afternoon, first half 88 It comes and goes with LEVY (MERCEDES ) - before hunting: lunch near VIRELLES Description MERCEDES LEVY Wood is 05 instead of fiveminutes CHIMAY Initially the cries were not strong, rather screams of pain and cries much louder for a few seconds and stop A net FAULX there were cries but they do not stop She never saw a girl back in full EV Leopold Lippens When the cries stopped LEVY stopped making love to her and returned quickly in the car with her - he drove very fast swearing ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------- DENIS (PJ) went to EINDHOVEN ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ARGENTEUIL Eva, a girl she had between 84-88 and was told CHIMAY have gone 2-3 times in wild After 88 EVA disappeared after EINDHOVEN It lives in a castle whose description matches ARGENTEUIL EVA said that there are children buried in the property

SUMMARY AA'AA 1,224 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon -------------------------------------------------- EVA = ---------------------------------------------- 16 in 88 (?) It should be in the network since longtempsPremire meeting at the Hotel in Cromwell KNOKKE in 84 - it was for Leopold Lippens and figure incomes blood EVA black hair - bob brown eyes - speaks NL-FR-ENG - like X2 - 1m45 EVA-50 and X2 managed livestock childish pros they are well addicts, they have well drunk, they must leave when Leopold Lippens wanted to have but KAREL X2 refused 151147 04/03/97 RACE HEARING 28 X2 X2 03/04/97 With the dct BRUSSELMAN recorded and transcribed later Audition 151150 04/03/97 HASTIR HEARING 29 X2 X2 03/04/97 Transcript of tapes Entry 02 audio cassettes Emphasizes anonymity through the same court it is not certain that the facts of CHIMAY happening on the castle grounds She does not know if there is a link between the castle and its inhabitants and made it think it was not a public wood (presence of gamekeeper) The perticipants look sure to be quiet She went several times CHIMAY but only once a "hunt" Description gamekeeper 45-50 years 88 - 1m60-65 - average build the village spoke to CASTIAUX he is always dressed in hunter Considering only CHIMAY CASTIAUX frequents CANIVET of ITTRE CANIVET resembles the gamekeeper and was also present at the wedding CHIMAY Description of where they ate before the hunt, to 13.30 hrs to 16.00 hrs Hunting - returning in the evening fell Description LEVY - he has an office rue Bara She speaks of PHILIP ALEXANDER and with whom he was dealing well with a Saudi She sold without a label for champagne LEVY (1x) Dj vu in newspaper photo LEVY She talks about hunting party only because of the clothes of the same participants to FAULX she saw nothing, she heard of the starting LEVY FAULX was the same as CHIMAY ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- A hunting party in the south with horse people - many of them armed - while hunting ago rape X2 - to 87-88 to 05-06 CASTIAUX She goes with ranch or in CHEROKEE LAND ROVER and Beyond PROFONDEVILLE There were people KNOKKE but not LIPPENS EVA is present and also BOURLEE and Benoit BONVOISIN riders arrived on horseback It takes but does not know what she saw no game or dog riders also derive and horses are not afraid of a cavalry arrived at her home is dismounted and raped her has the same EVA also violated hunting takes place around 17.00 pm She was also raped by a smaller but less than EINDHOVEN violence (blows to the face and throat) is crying because she strangles X2 EVA has only been hit in the face and There were belly another minor under 15 years (blonde) but she does not know if she was raped - she was a woman 151151 04/17/97 RACE HEARING 30 X2 X2 17/04/97 With the tapes Dct BRUSSELMAN Transcript = 02 PV subsequent sketch of the house BOURLEE

151154 04/15/97 HASTIR 31 X2 SITE RECOGNITION - RESEARCH LEVY Recognition in the triangle is the X2 130 rue de l'Instruction ALFI with inscription on front - not sure X2 also refers (without certainty) 29th Avenue W. Churchill transformation X2 = house agency designates GENERAL BANK Avenue Brugmann 271 ---------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Rue de l'Instruction 130 CALIFORNIA SA SA ALFI SPRL ROTONDE SPACE SPACE SPRL In ROTONDE: Emile Levy (12/09/46) = as Emile Levy: NEW TRADE and PARADISE No vehicle a name but LEVY: MITSUBISHI COLT HPF-534 to NEW TRADE -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 29 Av Winston Churchill 1959 to 1990: Schriewer Robert (02/07/23) 1994: SA JULIEN F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Av Brugmann 271 The bank has been 30-40 years at X2 cited a BBL and it is a GENERAL There is a branch near the BBL 29 av. Churchill since 1977 ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------Control LEVY control for the store PARADISE min force it does not match the description of X2 151156 04/17/97 HASTIR HEARING 32 X2 X2 of 17/04/97 ENTRY 90 mm audio tape cassette Rettranscription full hearing in the presence of psy BRUSSELMANS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Hunting Party in region X2 DINANT car went through PROFONDEVILLE She went with CASTIAUX Present: a tall blond with very bright eyes, a little fat, a lady KNOKKE view and EINDHOVEN, CASTIAUX of BONVOISIN, BOURLEE, EVA, another blonde girl. She went once the woman has relations with EVA X2 relationships with small and big blonde She describes how to pass the antics X2 has a scar on the thigh after the facts of the facts EINDHOVEN After she leaves place with CASTIAUX first see it on site or LAND ROVER RANGE, a Japanese and a 4x4 MERCEDES No van for horses near cliffs as in ON-THE-LADIES EVA had an opportunity to take the gun cla tall blond but has not done They left without reviewing it another blonde ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- BOURLEE Spring House 86-87 CASTIAUX It goes with the house near BOURLEE GESVES SUMMARY AA'AA 1,226 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon The woman left the scene with BOURLEE Hanquinet (PR NIVELLES then NAMUR) After BONVOISIN arrives with a stranger, also three girls (12-14 years) X2 does not participate in events that took place on the floor - she hears screaming girls: Mom, no noise ... then stop = Unknown old, grizzled, big, strong, 50 years house description - X2 sketched At the request of X2 leaving on it n has not seen the children leave CASTIAUX knew the road to go home ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- She had two experiences with specific CASTIAUX 151342 24/04/97 DECKER

AUDITION INFORMATION 33 X2 X2 24/04/97 Hearing filmed sketch CROMWELL Hotel 151420 05/01/97 RACE 34 X2 X2 HEARING CHECKS following 151.154/97 and 151.419/97 Suite PV: new passage Ave. Churchill 29 Presence of a metallic component inside the building X2 spoke of a bar on the door In fact there is a mezuzah (Hebrew religious symbol) on the door 151419 24/04/97 HASTIR TRANSCRIPTION OF HEARING 41 X2 X2 + ENTRY OF 04/24/97 2 CASSETTES - X2 provides confirmation of data LEVY, especially regarding the house Winston Churchill. - X2 hesitation regarding the business but formal rue Bara regarding the bank. - X2 confirms that it still was taken by car to CHIMAY to the HUNTING DINING in KNOKKE, EINDHOVEN. X2 says it should also lie on the back seat when traveling to the hotel KNOKKE CROMWELL. X2 indicates that these trips are made once arrived at KNOKKE not from Brussels. It states that there is no sign at this hotel. - X2 makes a description of the interior of the hotel "CROMWELL" (?). - X2 sees EVA (12 or 13), but it does not participate in anything. She went 3 times CROMWELL from 1985 to 1986. It seems that there were two other girls of the same age, these girls were definitely not trained (no breasts visible). None of them were disguised or dressed. According to X2, the girls are dressed and masked for EINDHOVEN. - X2 speaks of the presence of a KAREL. - X2 sees some LEOPOLD with another man. - Confirms that X2 is LIPPENS LEOPOLD. - X2 confirms that the named LEVY raped her at a party hunting CHIMAY. And a rider blond raped her and EVA during a hunting party to DINANT. - X2 speaks of that EVA had told him in 1987 about some of LILIANE in Brussels that he would return to the field. note: see declaration of Waeterschoot regarding bodies that were buried in the park of a castle. LILIANNE could be Lilianne RETHY of the castle and town by waet. could be hers???? - X2 specifies that took him from ALEXANDRE to play cards. note: Waeterschoot cites his aggressor is Alexandre de Merode. There may be a link with the Alexander mentioned here??? - X2 recounts that just ended in 1990. - X2 speaks of a certain CASTIAUX 151420 05/01/97 RACE 34 X2 X2 HEARING CHECKS following 151.154/97 and 151.419/97 Suite PV: new passage Ave. Churchill 29 Presence of a metal flap inside the building X2 spoke of a bar on the door In fact there is a mezuzah (Hebrew religious symbol) on the door 151.521 15/05/97 AUDITION INFORMATION 35 X2 X2 - X2 stops all its declarations regarding facts that she was a victim or witness. SUMMARY AA'AA 1,227 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon RACE 151522 05/15/97 HASTIR

36 X2 X2 TRANSCRIPTION OF HEARING 05/15/1997 + ENTRY CASSETTE 1 - X2 confirms its commitment to stop all its declarations regarding facts that she was a victim or 151524 05/15/97 RACE 37 X2 IDENTIFICATION OF OWNERS AV WINSTON CHURCHILL - until 1982 owned the building located at 29 Avenue Winston Churchill is the torque-RAUCQ Vanlaethem Eugene Alfred dli 1060 St-Gilles Street Darwin No. 39 RAUCQ Eugene Alfred Hope born in STGILLES 03.10.1899 the husband of Franoise died Vanlaethem UCCLE dated 13.01.1982 VAN LAETHEM Franoise born on 13/05/1903 BRUSSELS wife died in Eugene RAUCQ UCCLE dated 01.11.1975 - Until 1990, the building belonged to the couple RAUCQ-Jacques De Groef domiciled Messidor 1180 UCCLE Avenue No. 324. Jean Jacques Albert RAUCQ born 22.04.1930 UCCLE the husband of Rene De Groef Technician De Groef Rene Louise born 03/18/1932 IXELLES the wife of Jacques RAUCQ Unemployed Both still living at 1180 UCCLE Messidorlaan No. 324. 151760 04/25/97 HASTIR SEARCH X2 38 "W. LEVY AVENUE UCCLE CHURCHILL 29 "Negative for EMILE LEVY and environantes COMPANIES 151982 05/07/97 RACE 39 X2 INFORMATION - IDENTIFICATION OF JACQUES LEVY - Within Socit Anonyme UNION REAL ESTATE (RCB 112,913) located Louise Avenue # 380 names appear Jacques LEVY dli Avenue Eglantiers in 1180 UCCLE - Robert Maurice Lippens Jos dli Boslaan 43 8300 KNOKKE-HEIST born 09.05.1943 married MATTHEW Wynendaele of Catherine Jacques Levy also appears in other companies - THERABEL SA - SA LABORATORIES PERFECTA - SA LABORATORIES THISSEN - ARDECIM SA - SA REMED Within a proxy SA UNION REAL ESTATE is granted to the named DUCHATEAU dli since 05/09/1984 Francois Winston Churchill Avenue 169-1180 UCCLE. (Cf. statement X2) born 25.02.1948 in IXELLES Recommended Legal. - A control was carried out in case there was a mix of X2 at the time of designation of the immovable Avenue W. CHURCHILL No. 29. It appears that the building at 29 and 169 are located at the impossible to confuse. LIPPENS resigned from the SA UNION PROPERTY dated 05/04/1988. - There are two cases to the Ministry of Finance on behalf of Jacques Levy. 1 serving statements to the TAX NON RESIDENTS, 2 serving contentieux.A reading these files, the person is identified as follows: SUMMARY AA'AA 1,228 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Jacques LEVY dli Avenue du Flambeau 33 KINSHASA born 02.11.1940 in CAIRO, divorced

ABELEW Martine Martine ABELEW dlie from 07.02.1996, Dieweg 242-1180 UCCLE born 26.05.1950 in IXELLES unemployed, divorced Jacques LEVY (03/08/1988) - On the Avenue des rosehips 18-1180 UCCLE is domiciled since 30.06 .1993 a certain Fcherolle Dominique Danielle Germaine born 29.03.1958 in IXELLES secretary, struck the single for 02/09/1994 FRANCE. The applicant has resided UCCLE from 21.10.1985 with his children, Deborah Levy (27/01/88), David Levy (07/28/90) - Before being registered at this address Fcherolle Dominique was domiciled Avenue Prince of Orange 97-1180 UCCLE. Building which also belongs to Jacques LEVY until 25/10/1993. - An excerpt from the DIV, reveals that Fcherolle named Dominique was the owner of a registered MERCEDES 190 E-734 EEB. (Hearing X2, reports that Levy was moving MERCEDES) note: Jacques Levy is one of the partners of the SA LABORATORY THISSEN, company for which VAN DER ELST Michel has made provision as a lawyer. 151984 06/09/97 RACE 40 X2 RECOGNITION ON THE COMMON KNOKKE (CROMWELL) - Research in Kafstraat KNOKKE following sketch to locate the X2 CROMWELL. - Of the research in this street, we find a farm "coffee bar" located at 42. This property is currently held by SPRL HILDEBO at the same address we find a farm PINTELON Georges. PINTELON Georges is the manager of the company and is associated Maurice Lippens. 152186 16/05/97 HASTIR 41 X2 X2 SEARCHES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF EVA - research following statements X2 result after application of the identification of all EVA prenamed born between 1969 and 1975. - 1109 people meet this demand. - 319 were born in 1972 or 1973. - EVA which is 100 it could not establish domicile. - This list CAPASSO EVA born 08.02.1974 and died on 24.03.1988. Resident since birth MAASMECHELEN Louis Mercierlaan 31 OF Foort Eva Eva TYUAERTS born 06/20/1970 born 23/01/1969 All domiciled or having been KNOKKE. Then request additional address EVA since 1985. Selected 13 EVA BRYUNEEL born in 1972-73 (3/11/72), CLAES (03/04/72) CLAEYS (13/02/73) FREMOUT (10/11/72) De Gersem (27/03 / 72), DE BRYUNE (05/14/72) HINDERICKX (08/17/73) LABYT (11/13/72) Marrannes (22/09/72), Nygren (17/04/72), VANDEWALLE (06/18/73) VAN DOORNE (11/16/73) Van Hecke (07/01/72) DRUART (03/14/70) Vivey (07/06/74) - DRUART presents same physical characteristics as X2. 152198 05/20/97 HASTIR 42 X2 X2 FOR INFORMATION CIBE AV WINSTON CHURCHILL A 29 UCCLE - X2 formally designates the building as the one she attended with Levy during a sale of champagne. Serving the CIBE, Mr. Robert Schriewer, the building owner is resident from 1985 to 1990. YYYF

SUMMARY AA'AA 1,229 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon ZZZD X3 PV Ref No. 118069 Themes Summary 12/10/96 WINKEL 01 CONTACT X3 X3 Several contacts with the 07-19-28/11/96 04/12/96 facts and dates from 1950-1962 -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- From 03 to 08 years was X3 the stakes card games at his home the winner could have it his way ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- At 08 years following a game of cards she had her clitoris excised partially family physician who participates in these evenings was neat - -------------------------------------------------- Then ------------------------------------------------- it was made available for use at social gatherings, evening shows Photo For photos she was accompanied by her mother - it was pornographic pictures ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the evenings she was drugged by her mother and led by his father in a public place where people came to look for (MERCEDES avce driver) It was evening and porn pedophile / zoophile or at a party she attended the murder and burial of a boy of 08 years The boy was castrated with a razor blade and sesorganes genitalia were placed on her stomach at a party she was smeared with cream that participants were licked by violating At age 12 she was raped by a family member who has thrown on the ground because he could no longer withdraw She had a skull fracture Officially: fall bike Her sister suffered the same fate X3 cites names that appear in the folder 109/96 Contnuit facts since 1950 X3 is in therapy for 03 years presence of a psychologist essential for auditions 118 072 11/12/96 02 REQUEST WINKEL REPAYMENT Repayment of cassette presentation at BXL time (630-bef) Useful for hearings X3 X3 03 151 688 05/26/97 WINKEL HEARING X3 - X3 cites the following persons: - ROGER COPPENS dli Avenue Forest 10-1050 IXELLES company director, married (tbc) MIDDELKERKE born on 26.07.1921 - ADRIAANSSEN HENRI dli Mail 1/b24 1080 GANSHOREN pensioner, widower born 26.05.1916 in ANDERLECHT - SMET FRANCOIS (husband of Jane) - VANDEN EYNDE RENE (doctor who possesses a house OOSTDUINKERKE). - PAUL VANDEN Boeynants dli Avenue Meysse 81-1020 BRUSSELS Minister of State, widower born 22.05.1919 in FOREST nicknamed POLO SUMMARY AA'AA 1,230 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - DEPAUW CHARLES E. Boulevard dli Jacqmain 162-1000 BRUSSELS industrial, born

25.8.1920 married (died 12/23/1984) called CHARLY - FERDINAND CHARLES NOTHOMB dli Rue du Paradis 1-6720 HABAY teacher, born 03.05.1936 married to HABAY-LA-NEW - WILLY CLAES dli Berkenlaan 62-3500 HASSELT Secretary of mutuality, born 24.11.1938 married to HASSELT - RALF - WALTER - GILLES (young victim emasculated by VDB) CEDRIC - X3 reports that at the age of 7-8 years, she underwent a partial removal of the clitoris. This removal was done by Roger COPPENS. - X3 tells him that absorb "Fenergan (?) '. 151829 02/06/97 WINKEL 04 X3 X3 HEARING (SECTION ROYAL FAMILY) - Participants in the evenings: Prince Charles Prince of Belgium King Baudouin LIEGE LIEGE 1 Prince (Young) Prince Charles - Victim SOLANGE (enucleated by X3 at a social evening). X3 victim from March to December years (rape, torture, orgies, bestiality, prostitution) From 03 to 08 years: rapes her parents and friends of his parents Familly little sister or easy it was delivered to the winner of organized bridge parties Initially her: touching but then made increasingly violent until partial removal of the clitoris Participants: COPPENS Roger ADRIAANSSEN Henry SMET Franois and his wife Jeanne, Ren EYNDE VANDEN doctor who retapait after sessions deflowered by her father then raped by the men present Towards 07-08 years: partial removal of the clitoris by COPPENS in the presence of other cities food poisoned children that one of them is sick at a party the game was to bring him any kind objects into her vagina and other body orifices (carrot, poker) Rape by VANDEN EYNDE in his home OOSTDUINKERKE - report painful 12 years after it was introduced in a pedophile network with three types of evenings Evenings pictures Her mother made as attractive as possible for the men who came to see the children She departed sex Evening shows Her mother used drugs (medicines) to doze (injection or oral - PHENERGAN?) Her father drove her to a place of rendezvous She was supported with other children in a black Mercedes, interior leather with two benches facing SUMMARY AA'AA 1,231 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon Also supported in American car pink with white roof Journey led by CHARLY long enough with yellow lamps luxury homes Always note: it is about the two "houses" distinct that when unfolded and shows where the hunts took place Its the resumed at the venue up and brought her to the house where the cared VANDEN EYNDE On site car stopped on a parterre before the house house surrounded by a park Two supervisors on site: RALF WALTER and children were brought to one stone turret with natural wooden door there was probably one floor to the left of an underground turret turret to underground caves without light - land and slope In the cellars there were cells where the children were

locked in waiting their turn There were also cells for the dogs (dobermans) The corridor overlooking a theater in the tower: dead children's body in various stages of decomposition (sometimes dismembered and / or missing parts) and carcasses of dogs Spectators: always the same but difficult to identify - about fifty She recognized the regent Charles, King Baudouin and King Albert and two other and she called CHARLY POLO She thinks to have recognized Willy CLAES and Dr. VANDEN EYNDE dogs obedient to RALF WALTER Dogs and drugged to be excited Spectacles = orgies, kills children and dogs ... Theater with strong smell of dog excrement Dogs loose in the garden --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- GILLES (12 years?) POLO has been emasculated by the other children have to drink his blood She believes have seen cut into the room with the dead ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Girls slashed with razor blades lips sex X3 were partially cut and were given food to dogs ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --- Hunting prepared by CHARLY POLO and Present: Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb (??) In another place Big white house with floor stables Park fountain with round basin and out of character naked children were released and when they were caught, they were violated hunting ended with torture in the theater the fat lips of a girl were sliced and given to dogs ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- deflower a girl 7-9 years a dog exciting product on the sex of the girl The other children have to lick the blood ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Around the age of 10 years she has other children learn note: she said, however, that This happens after the 12 years ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- A baby eaten by dogs ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Childbirth Cesarean Baby teenager ripped belly and gave the dogs She saw the POLO dismembered mother in the room with the dead SUMMARY AA'AA 1,232 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon She saw dead dogs in this room ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's eating human flesh cut on the corpses of the dead piece She had to eat pieces of children (fingers) served in gelatin Good taste - slightly sweet This caused a huge sensation of hunger and thirst Drinking blood relieved the thirst - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Delivery of a single woman soon birth the baby was eaten by dogs after birth: the mother rape by POLO ert CHARLY The remains of the child had to be eaten by children attending POLO kills dogs and recess as butcher pigs ------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- game was to plant the children knitting needles into the vagina of a girl tied to a bed The girl is died and was raped by RALF, POLO, CHARLY, WALTER ALBERT and ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ She even had to kill a girl with a knife given by POLO She was then cut off and the body was given to dogs after the murder she was raped The next day she attended a barbecue ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She speaks of another murder she has committed a girl 3-5 years under the threat that it would be his brother would be killed She opened the girl to sex

sternum with a knife She gave the body the dog Someone has beheaded the child was devoured by dogs -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Murder of a pubescent girl opened by VANDEN EYNDE She has to the guts of the girl dogs were then killed the baby crying in the womb She sewed the belly with the baby inside ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- quartering of CEDRIC (6-8 years) because he refused to kill this BAUDOUIN who saved the 'sticking ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- She also eat feces of dogs - -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Boy 4-5 years who sews the penis the scholarship ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She has cut the vulva of a bitch called RITA ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- A girl whose sewed the lips of the vagina before raping was also sewed the lips of her son for sex deviate Evenings worldly same process as to arrive at Luxurious evening entertainment home with wall and gate and winding road unlit There were stables flowerbeds with flowers Hallway = cream and blue tiles - red fabric on the steps walls with marble table BAUDOUIN teenager she spent a whole night with Baudouin - fellatio and sodomy Presence servant She remembers one evening when she was smeared with cream before being brought to SUMMARY AA'AA 1,233 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon table on a tray She was licked and raped in this house there were many servants in the evening finished pieces orgy Description At the end of another evening a child of 08 years (?) was emasculated Children present buried the boy in a flowerbed She remembers a child who was beheaded then cut and fried before being eaten She remembers children who hung on hooks in the kitchen Some Solange was enucleated by it and an old lady with a spoon - A little before the age of 12 she was placed as a prostitute in a bar This is CHARLY that it filed this stopped after being raped by her uncle this occasion sex was stuck and it is clear him hitting his head against the floor She was hospitalized 15 days OOSTENDE - It was her parents who delivered it to the network was continually threatened with death for her and her family she gives diagrams of places mentioned 151688 26/05/97 WINKEL HEARING 05 X3 X3 - X3 cites the following persons: - ROGER COPPENS dli Forest Avenue 10-1050 IXELLES company director, married (tbc) MIDDELKERKE born on 26.07.1921 - ADRIAANSSEN HENRI dli Mail 1/b24 1080 GANSHOREN pensioner, widower born 26.05.1916 in ANDERLECHT - SMET FRANCOIS (husband of Jane) - VANDEN EYNDE RENE (doctor who possesses a house OOSTDUINKERKE). - PAUL VANDEN Boeynants dli Avenue Meysse 81-1020 BRUSSELS Minister of State, widower born 22.05.1919 in FOREST nicknamed POLO

- DEPAUW CHARLES E. Boulevard dli Jacqmain 162-1000 BRUSSELS industrial, born 25.8.1920 married (died 12/23/1984) called CHARLY - FERDINAND CHARLES NOTHOMB dli Rue du Paradis 1-6720 HABAY teacher, born 03.05.1936 married to HABAY-LA-NEW - WILLY CLAES dli Berkenlaan 62-3500 HASSELT Secretary of mutuality, born 24.11.1938 married to HASSELT - RALF - WALTER - GILLES (young victim emasculated by VDB) CEDRIC SUMMARY AA'AA 1,234 14/08/2005 = 1Mdl Vergnon - X3 reports that at the age of 7-8 years, she underwent a partial removal of the clitoris. This removal was done by Roger COPPENS. - X3 tells him that absorb "Fenergan (?) '. Hearing with MEYFROET (psy) = POLO = DE Vanden Boeynants CHARLY PAUW Audition identical to that of 151,829 but does not cite the royal personalities She sent a copy of his notes written after his interviews with Gd and that reflect his state of mind 151855 06/16/97 WINKEL 06 X3 PORTRAITS ROBOTS (CONTINUED HEARING X3) - RALF (author) - WALTER (author) BRIGITTE (victim) - GILLES (victim)

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