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AS Media

Script development

To examine and analyse sample script To read and comment on student synopses To develop and pitch script to class To film pitches and vote Tutorials

Testing of HW
Write What are the conventions of the screenplay format Explain in a paragraph how visual instructions, dialogue, sound effects, editing and mise-en-scene are shown in script format. 5mins

Testing HW
Explain in a couple of paragraphs with reference to the scripts you have read how the horror genre is established. You MUST use media terminology where appropriate.


Read and comment on the horror synopses written for HW the blogs. Read: a maximum of three synopses Comment: once a script has three comments please do not post more All synopses must be read and commented on at least once 15mins


Read feedback comments on your synopsis

Working together
No group more than four

Speed pitching stage one Only those with synopsis can take part You have one minute to pitch your idea and field some questions Observe 5 mins

Prep and pitch

In groups of two you have 15 mins to prepare a brief presentation of your horror synopsis At the end of this process we will vote on the best ideas and some will make it to the next round of development 15mins

To develop your script you will need colleagues to work with You will need to write a more detailed treatment (short story) for the film, refine your pitch and synopsis and write the first two-five pages of script Level 4 scripts will use standard script writing conventions


All must have a 25 word pitch 250 word synopsis Three page script - typed/word processed and printed or uploaded as a doc to blog

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