Exec Minutes 11-26-12

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Associated Student Government Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, November 26, 2012 | 5 p.

I. II. Call To Order 5:04pm Roll Call a. Rudy Trejo b. Jody Preece c. Katie Gottshalk d. Tori Pohlner e. Bobby Pennington f. Blake Hirschman g. LauRon Smith h. Mike Norton i. Tyler Priest Approval of the Minutes Special Orders a. ASG Office Managers Report b. ASG Advisors Report 1. General information a. 1/13/12-half day retreat b. Tuesday 330pm Spring Weekly Exec Meetings c. ASG GAs Report 1. Senator of the Week a. none 2. Cabinet Member of the Fortnight a. Cicely Shannon Reports and Discussion d. Presidents Report 1. Grad law 2. Thank you a. Flagpole 3. Next semester 4. Student poll a. Proof questions 5. Mt. Kessler a. December 9,2012 e. Vice Presidents Report 1. MLK Vigil 2. Advancement a. Channing-promotional ideas with campus specials-Dec.8 f. Treasurers Report g. Secretarys Report 1. State of the Students Flyer sent out 2. FreshHOGS mentor social a. 830pm Grad Law Aud h. Chair of the Senates Desk 1. Legislation i. Chief of Staffs Report 1. Cabinet photo a. Union Announcements 1. FreshHOGS Mentor Social-Tuesday Nov 27 2. State of the Students-Nov 27 Grad Law Aud. 3. ASG Holiday Party- Dec 6 Adjournment a. 5:40pm




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