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Two pages of paper as depth of pressure I notice youre tensed. Try and relax a little bit.

Which will clearly exhaust her before 15 minutes are up Encourage her to breathe Push out slightly as if she were going to pee If shes experiencing strong contractions She wont pee Extend the plateau Will help her Minimize fatigue Distract themselves Prevent orgasm To prevent facial expressions of pleasure No idle chatter This is an exercise in overcoming embarrassment Talking crutch should be removed Helps minimize the talking impulse Eye mask Make it fun Serious = tension
Ivan Staroversky -

No more Strength

Light contact To stroke lightly it takes a lot of

Concentration Keep the practice goalless Reinforce relaxation gently if the woman seems tense or anxious It isnt building toward anything Remember the intention Singularly focused repetition for 15 minutes Or airline eye mask on the woman Consider using a Blindfold Can Increases tactile sensitivity Some women will talk to 15 Minute Orgasm Suggestions for a Successful Beginners Session She doesnt need to please you Make this clear Have her turn off the show. She doesnt need to moan and groan Its about subtle sensation and nothing extra Call it an experiment. Keep it light Make her less self-conscious

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