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Challenges Find the motivational support to overcome life's Obstacles Establish goals Confidence

Specific Short-term Vague Not Long-term Tap into their motivational resources of Performance Set mastery (learning) goals Not Achievement goals External Goals

Self-efficacy Optimism Mastery motivational orientation. Constructing values Reflect back on their lifelong progress in Attaining valued goals "I will get this done" Have reservoirs of internally generated determination "Keep going!" Multiple pathways Generate Do not stick stubbornly with one approach Pursue other avenues when stumped Less easily distracted by Engage goals with intrinsic motivation See more meaning in their lives Rely on internal self-set goals

Not on Other-set goals Not extrinsic motivation External obstacles Task-irrelevant (distracting) thoughts Negative feelings

Characteristics of People with High-Hope

Ivan Staroversky - Photo by Costalonga

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