Oral Contraception

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Interferes Development Estrogen Normal Lining of Uterus Combination Pill Inhibits Implantation Thickens Cervical Mucus Progestin Prevents

Ovulation USA Progestin High Small Doses Mini Pill Effectiveness Individual Medical History Age Habits Few Cycles Stabilize Minor Depend On Oral Contraception Usage 1 Pill Daily Stop For Begin With Requiers Prescription Triphasic Oral Contraceptive Low Dose Prevent Side-Effects 21 Days 7 Days 7 Placebo Pills Age 15-44 40% of Women Pill Hormones Progestagen Progestin Estrogen

Similar to Pregnancy Side Effects Weight Gain Slight Breast Enlargement Tenderness Lower Menstrual Discharge Emotional Depression Nausea Symptoms Health Risks Effectiveness

Permit Menstrual Bleeding Begin New Cycle 97% Smokers Rise with Age

Allgeier, E. R., & Allgeier, A. R. (2000). Sexual interactions(5th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

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