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EPPD1013 MIKROEKONOMI 1 Soalan struktur



Kenapa keluk penawaran tidak wujud untuk firma monopoli?


Kenapa sesebuah firma mempunyai kuasa monopoli walaupun bukan dia satu-satunya pengeluar dalam pasaran? Kenapa wujudnya kos social dalam kuasa monopoli? Fungsi permintaan songsang firma monopoli ialah p = 100 Q. Keluk kos firma ialah C(Q) = 10 + 5Q. Kira kos sut firma monopoli ini. Kira tingkat output, harga dan untung bagi firma ini. Apakah yang berlaku kepada output, harga dan untung firma ini apabila fungsi kos berubah kepada C(Q) = 100 + 5Q?

3. 4.

Soalan objektif

1) One difference between a monopoly and a competitive firm is that A) a monopoly is a price taker. B) a monopoly maximizes profit by setting marginal revenue equal to marginal cost. C) a monopoly faces a downward sloping demand curve. D) None of the above.

2) If the inverse demand curve a monopoly faces is p = 100 - 2Q, then profit maximization A) is achieved when 25 units are produced. B) is achieved by setting price equal to 25. C) is achieved only by shutting down in the short run. D) cannot be determined solely from the information provided.

3) If the demand for a monopoly's output shifts rightward, the change in quantity produced is A) positive. B) negative. C) zero. D) not predictable.

EPPD1013 MIKROEKONOMI 1 4) The Lerner Index is A) the ratio of the difference between price and marginal to price. B) equal to (Price - MC)/Price C) a measure of market power. D) All of the above.


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