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Introduction :

Siemens is a 150 year old company ,working with 4,00,00 employees in 190

countries. Siemens became a world leader by pursuing corporate strategy that

emphasized diversifying into high tech products and services & doing so on global basis.

With corporate strategy like that HRM plays a big role at Siemens . Siemens sums
up the basic themes of its HR strategy in several points 1.A living company is a learning company 2. Global team work 3. A climate of mutual respect is the basis of all relationships

Problem Identification
Cultural difference Cost bearded on employees Re designing the HR policies and practices

Solution:Looking at different other examples all over who had successfully

managed to invade the foreign markets we can learn to survive and develop strategies which bring a learning inclination in employees to understand different cultures and create innovative and creative ideas, by maintaining a proper motivational force and

dedication to workforce we can reduce turnover and hence create

a quality workforce and dont let the training cost to be wasted.

1. Based on the information in this case, provide examples, for Siemens, of at least four strategically required organizational out comes, and four required work force competencies and behaviors. Ans.Following are the four strategically required organizational outcomes: 1. Value based products( Innovation/Solutions) 2. Technology Efficient 3. Team work Management

4. Social Roles (Personal Accountability)

Following are the four work force competencies and behaviors: 1. Learning Environment

2. Diversified work force

3. Dedication help them to achieve their strategic goals 4. Improve orientation, selection

2. Identify at least four strategically relevant HR system policies and activities that Siemens has instituted in order to help human resource management contribute to achieving Siemens strategy goals? New training and communications programs Enriching work New training and benefits programs Improved selection orientation

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