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Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP)

Unit 3, 2nd F MILLE Building, 335-337 Gil Puyat Ave. (formerly Buendia) cor. Dominga St., Pasay City Landline No. (+632) 385-2669 Mobile Numbers: 09276567528(Globe) ; 09287498674(Smart); Email

The Position of the Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines (CDP)

on the RH-BILL

The CDP is a pro-life party. The declaration of the pro-life position in its Political Platform is very clear: We believe in human life as the highest good and value in our world. It starts in the family and has to be protected from conception until natural death by the state. And the state has to provide consultative help and financial assistance - subsidiary to religious and humanitarian organizations to pregnant women who find themselves in desperate situations in order to help them to give birth to their children in decent circumstances. In the actual version of the RH Bill several provisions which were ambiguous with regard to the absolute protection of human life have been amended. However the judgment among the members of CDP, if the bill in its actual version will create damage to our core value of human dignity or will contribute to a life in dignity of all citizens, is different. . The president of the CDP, Congressman Rufus B. Rodriguez, is opposing the bill. Other members of the party support it. As these issues are considered serious issues of personal conscience the CDP does not have a joint position on supporting or rejecting the RH Bill in its actual version but has to leave the decision to each of its members. Manila, November 30, 2012 Executive Board of the CDP National Council

CDP Official Stand on the RH Bill


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