European Master Programme in Law & Economics: Confidential Reference Form

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European Master Programme in Law & Economics

Confidential Reference Form

Dear Referee, We hope you will be so kind as to provide an invaluable service to the EMLE Programme by evaluating the applicant according to the criteria set out below. You can either fill out the form on the computer (by typing in the gray areas), or print out the blank form and fill it out in writing. Would you then please return the signed form in a sealed and signed envelope to the applicant for them to include it with their other application materials. Thank you very much for your help!

Prof. Dr. Thomas Eger Programme Director Applicant

(First name, Last name)

(Title, First name, Last name)



(Contact details)

How would you describe the nature of your relationship towards the applicant? academic work-related other: Please specify: (e.g., supervisor at work, thesis advisor, lecturer in x courses)

How long have you known the applicant?

<1 year

1 to 3 years

>3 years

How well do you know the applicant?

not very well

reasonably well

very well

How familiar are you with EMLE? Please specify (if applicable):

not at all



Using the scale below, please rank the applicant in comparison to the relevant peer group. bottom 50% (Academic) Performance Creativity / Originality Clarity of written expression Clarity of oral expression top 50% top 30% top 15% top 5% unable to assess

Please list any particular strengths or noteworthy achievements of the applicant:

Please list any weaknesses of the applicant:

What is the applicants prior experience in, or motivation towards, the study of the economic analysis of law?

Overall, what is your opinion regarding the applicants admission to the EMLE programme? recommended with utmost confidence strongly recommended recommended not recommended



University or faculty seal

Thank you!

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