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FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________


Learning Outcomes You should be able to: state the meaning of relative atomic mass based on carbon-12 scale, state the meaning of relative molecular mass based on carbon-12 scale, state why carbon-12 is used as a standard for determining relative atomic mass and relative molecular mass, calculate the relative molecular mass of substances

Activity 1
1. The relative atomic mass (Ar) of an element is the average . mass of one atom of the . when compared with 1/12 of the mass of an atom of carbon-12.

Relative atomic mass of an element = the average mass of one atom of an element 1/12 x the mass of a carbon-12 atom
2. By comparing relative atomic masses, we can determine the ratio of the actual masses of atoms. Example: (i) Calculate how many times heavier are 3 calcium atoms compared to 5 carbon atoms. [Relative atomic mass: C, 12; Ca, 40]

(ii) How many magnesium atoms will have the same mass as two silver atoms? [Relative atomic mass: Mg, 24; Ag, 108]

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

3. The relative molecular mass (Mr) of a substance is the average of a . of the substance when compared with 1/12 of the mass of one carbon-12 atom.

Relative molecular mass of a substance = the average mass of one atom of one molecule of a substance 1/12 x the mass of a carbon-12 atom
4. A molecule is made up of a number of . Therefore, the relative molecular mass of a substance is calculated by adding up the .. of all the atoms present in a molecule of the substance. Example: (i) Calculate the relative molecular mass of ammonia. [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; N, 14]

(ii) Calculate the relative molecular mass of water. [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O, 16]

5. The term relative molecular mass can only be used for substances that are made up of .................... For ionic compounds,

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

Calculating Relative molecular mass,Mr Mr= The sum of Ar of all atoms present in one molecule Example: Molecular formula 2 Hydrogen atoms

Mr of Water, H2O = 2(1) + 16 = 18 Relative atomic mass for Oxygen

Relative atomic mass for Hydrogen

Mr of Carbon dioxide, CO2 = 12 + 2(16) = 44 For ionic substance , Relative formula mass , Fr = The sum of Ar of all atoms present in the formula Example: Fr of Magnesium oxide, MgO = 24 + 16 = 40 Fr of Sodium chloride, NaCl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5

All Ar, Mr and Fr have no unit

1. The relative molecular mass of a molecule is . when compared with 1/12 of the mass of one atom of 2. Calculate the relative molecular masses of the substances in the table below. Substance Hydrogen gas Propane Ethanol Bromine gas Methane Glucose Molecular formula H2 C3H8 C2H5OH Br2 CH4 C6H12O6 Relative molecular mass, Mr 2(1) = 2

Ammonia NH3 [Relative atomic mass : H,1; C,12; O,16; Br,80 ; N,14 ]

3. Calculate the relative formula masses of the following ionic compounds in the table. Substance Potassium oxide Compound formula K2O Relative formula mass, Fr 2(39) + 16 = 94

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

Aluminium sulphate Zinc nitrate Al2(SO4)3 Zn(NO3)2 Al(NO3)3 CaCO3 Ca(OH)2 CuSO4.5H2O 64 + 32 + 4(16) + 5[2(1) + 16]=250 2(27)+3[32+4(16)]=342

Aluminium nitrate

Calcium carbonate

Calcium hydroxide

Hydrated copper(II) sulphate

Hydrated sodium carbonate


Sodium hydrogen sulphate


Aluminium chloride

AlCl3 CuSO4 ZnCO3 K2CO3

Copper(II) sulphate

Zinc carbonate

Potassium carbonate

[Relative atomic mass: O,16; C,12; H,1; K,39 ; Cu,64 ; Zn, 65; Cl, 35.5 ; Al, 27 S,32 ; Ca, 40; Na,23; N, 14]


Learning Outcomes You should be able to: define a mole as the amount of matter that contains as many particles as the 12 number of atoms in 12 g of C, state the meaning of Avogadro constant, relate the number of particles in one mole of a substance with the Avogadro constant,

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles to the number of particles of a given substance and vice versa.

Activity 3 (refer text book pg 30 )

1. To describe the amount of atoms, ions or molecules , mole is used. 2. A mole is an amount of substance that contains as many particles as the .. .. in exactly 12g of carbon-12. 3. A mole is an amount of substance which contains a constant number of particles atoms, ions, molecules which is 6.02 x 1023 4. The number 6.02 x 1023 is called (NA) 5. In other words: 1 mol of atomic substance contains . atoms 1 mol of molecular substance contains . molecules 1 mol of ionic substance contains .. formula units

6. Relationship between number of moles and number of particles (atom/ion/molecules):

x Avogadro Constant number of moles A vogadro Constant number of particles

Number of moles 0.5 mol of carbon atoms

Number of particles atoms of carbon ..molecules of hydrogen gas .Atoms of hydrogen

0.2 moles of hydrogen gas ( H2)

(i) (ii)

2 mol of carbon dioxide molecules

x 10 23 molecules of carbon dioxide gas contains : . atoms of C and

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

. atoms of O

0.007 mol of calcium ions . mol of water

calcium ions 6.02 x 10 25 molecules of water .x 10 23 molecules of ozone, contains : atoms of Oxygen.

0.4 mol of ozone gas ( O3)

7. Complete these sentences . a) 1 mol of calcium contains .. atoms b) 2 mol of iron contains .. atoms

c) 2 mol of magnesium oxide, (MgO) contains .. ions d) 2 mol of sodium carbonate, (Na2CO3) contains . e) 3 mol of carbon dioxide, (CO2) contains .. molecules f) 0.5 mol Copper (II) nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 contains .. Cu2+ ions and . NO3- ions


Learning Outcomes You should be able to: state the meaning of molar mass, relate molar mass to the Avogadro constant, relate molar mass of a substance to its relative atomic mass or relative molecular mass, solve numerical problems to convert the number of moles of a given substance to its mass and vice versa.

Activity 4 (refer text book pg 33 )

1. The molar mass of a substance = The molar mass of _________________ mole of the substance.

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

= = The mass of (NA) number of particles The mass of ____________________ particles

x Molar mass

Number of moles
Molar mass

Mass in g

2. Calculating the Mass from a number of Moles

Number of moles Therefore : Mass of substance Example 1 :

mass of the substance . Mass of 1 mole of the substance

Number of moles x Mass of 1 mole

What is the mass of 2 moles of carbon ? Mass = = 2 x 24g 12

Example 2 : What is the mass of 2 moles of H2O ? Mass = = 2 36g x [ 2(1) + 16 ]

3. Calculate the masses of these substances a) 2 moles of aluminium atoms Mass = b) 10 moles of iodine atoms Mass =

c) 3 moles of lithium atoms Mass =

d) 0.5 moles of oxygen gas (O2) Mass =

e) 0.1 moles of sodium Mass =


2 moles of chlorine molecules (Cl2) Mass =

g) 1 mole of carbon dioxide ( CO2) Mass =

h) 3 moles of nitric acid, ( HNO3 ) Mass =

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

i) 2 moles of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) Mass = j) 0.25 moles of calcium chloride (CaCl2 ) Mass =

k) 0.25 moles of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Mass =


0.25 moles of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) Mass =

m) 0.5 moles of potassium manganate (VII) (KMnO4) Mass =

n) 0.25 moles of hydrated magnesium sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O) Mass =

Activity 5
4. Calculate the Number of Moles from a given Mass Example : How many moles are there in 88g of CO2 Number of moles = 88 44 a) 2g of helium atoms Number of moles = = 2 moles

b) 6g of carbon atoms Number of moles =

c) 16g of helium atoms Number of moles =

d) 4g of sulphur atoms Number of moles =

e) 4g of oxygen molecules (O2) Number of moles =

f) 213g of chlorine molecules (Cl2) Number of moles =

g) 0.56g of nitrogen molecules (N2) Number of moles =

h) 254g of iodine molecules (I2) Number of moles =

i) 88g of carbon dioxide (CO2) Number of moles =

j) 3.1g of sulphur dioxide (SO2) Number of moles =

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

k) 560g of potassium hydroxide (KOH) Number of moles =

l) 392g of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) Number of moles =

m) 170g of ammonia (NH3) Number of moles =

n) 120g of magnesium oxide (MgO) Number of moles =

o) 4g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Number of moles =

p) 73g of hydrogen choride (HCl) Number of moles =

q) 15.8g of potassium manganate (VII) KMnO4 Number of moles =

r) 8g of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) Number of moles =

s) 0.78g of aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 Number of moles =

t) 0.92g of ethanol (C2H5OH) Number of moles =

Activity 6
5. Complete the following table. Chemical formulae Cu

Element/compound Copper

Molar mass RAM= 64

Calculate (a)Mass of 1 mol = g (b) Mass of 2 mol = . g (c)Mass of mol = .g (d)Mass of 3.01x1023 Cu atoms =

Sodium hydroxide


RFM= 40

(a) Mass of 3 mol of sodium hydroxide =

FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

(b) Number of moles of sodium hydroxide in 20 g =

Zinc nitrate



a) Number of moles in 37.8 g of zinc nitrate :


Learning Outcomes You should be able to: state the meaning of molar volume of a gas, relate molar volume of a gas to the Avogadro constant, make generalization on the molar volume of a gas at a given temperature and pressure, calculate the volume of gases at STP or room conditions from the number of moles and vice versa, solve numerical problems involving number of particles, number of moles, mass of substances and volume of gases at STP or room conditions.

Activity 7 (refer text book pg 36, 37 )

1. The molar volume of a gas is defined as the . . 2. One mole of any gas always has the under the same temperature and pressure. 3. The molar volume of any gas is 24 dm3 at 22.4 dm3 at . or

Example : 1 mol of oxygen gas, 1 mol of ammonia gas, 1 mol helium gas and 1 mol sulphur dioxide gas occupies the same volume of 24 dm3 at room condition x 22.4 / 24 dm3 x 22.4/24 dm3

Number of moles of gas

22.4/24 dm3

Volume of gas


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Calculate the volume of gas in the following numbers of moles at STP Example : Find the volume of 1 mole of CO2 gas Volume = = = number of moles x 1 x 22.4 dm3 22.4 dm3 22.4 dm3

a) 3 moles of oxygen Volume =

b) 2 moles of CH4 Volume =

c) 0.3 moles of Argon Volume =

d) 0.2 moles of SO3 Volume =

e) 0.1 moles of N2 Volume =

f) 1.5 mol of N2 Volume =

5. Complete the diagram below . (Refer to Page 33,34 & 38-Chemistry textbook)

Volume of gas (dm3)

Mass in gram

Number of moles

No of particles

Activity 8
Solve these numerical problems 1. What is the volume of 0.3 mole of sulphur dioxide gas at STP? [Molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP]


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

(Ans: 6.72 dm3) 2. Find the number of moles of oxygen gas contained in a sample of 120 cm3 of the gas at room conditions. [Molar volume: 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions]

(Ans: 0.005 mol)


Calculate the number of water molecules in 90 g of water, H2O. [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O, 16. Avogadro constant, NA: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]

(Ans; 3.01x 10




What is the volume of 24 g methane ,CH4 at STP? [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12. Molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP]

(Ans: 33.6 dm )


How many aluminium ions are there in 20.4 g of aluminium oxide, Al2O3? [Relative atomic mass: O, 16; Al, 27. Avogadro constant, NA: 6.02 x 1023 mol-

(2 x 0.2 x 6.02 x10 )



FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

6. Calculate the number of hydrogen molecules contained in 6 dm3 of hydrogen gas at room conditions. [Molar volume: 24 dm3 mol-1 at room conditions Avogadro constant, NA: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]

(Ans: 1.505x10 molecules)



Find the volume of nitrogen in cm at STP that consists of 2.408 x 10 nitrogen molecules. [Molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol-1 at STP. Avogadro constant, NA: 6.02 x 1023 mol-1]


(Ans: 8.96 dm )

Learning Outcomes
You should be able to state the meaning of chemical formula state the meaning of empirical formula state the meaning of molecular formula determine empirical and molecular formula of substances compare and contrast empirical formula with molecular formula solve numerical problems involving empirical and molecular formula. write ionic formula of ions construct chemical formulaf ionic compounds state names of chemical compounds using IUPAC nomenclature. use symbols and chemical formula for easy and systematic communication in the field of chemistry.

ACTIVITY 9 (Refer text book pg 40) 1) A Chemical formula - A representation of a chemical substance using letters for and subscripts to show the numbers of each type of .. that are present in the substance.


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

The letter H shows . . Subscript shows 2 hidrogen atoms in a molecule


2) Complete this table Chemical subtance Chemical formulae .. Notes

Water .. Propane

2 atoms of H combine with 1 atom of O . atoms of H combine with 1 atom of N .. atoms of C combine with . atoms of H

NH3 C3H8

Magnesium oxide .. .. .


3). There are two types of chemical formulae. Complete the following: ** Empirical Formula ** Molecular Formula The simplest in the compound. The actual of atoms of each that are present in a molecule of the compound Molecular formula = (Empirical formula)n .. ratio of atoms of each .


Example: (i) Compound Ethene Molecular formula - C 2 H 4


Compound Glucose Molecular formula - C6 H 12 O 6 Empirical formula - ....................

Empirical formula - ................... Activity 10 1 Find the empirical formula of a compound Example of calculation:

a) When 11.95 g of metal X oxide is reduced by hydrogen, 10.35 g of metal X is


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

produced. Find the empirical formula of metal X oxide [ RAM; X,207; O,16 ]

Element Mass of element(g) Number of moles of atoms Ratio of moles Simplest ratio of moles Empirical formula :

X 10.35 10.35207

O 11.95-10.35 (11.95-10.35)16

b) A certain compound contains the following composition: Na 15.23%, Br 52.98% , O 31.79%, [ RAM : O, 16; Na, 23; Br,80] (Assume that 100g of substance is used) Element Mass of element(g) Number of moles atoms Ratio of moles Simplest ratio of moles Empirical formula:: . Na 15.23 15.23 23 Br 52.98 52.9880 O 31.79 31.7916


Complete the table below. Compound Water Carbon Dioxide Sulphuric Acid Ethene Benzene Glucose Molecular Formula H2O CO2 H2SO4 C2H4 C6H6 C6H12O6 CH2 CO2 Empirical formula Value of n

d) 2.52g of a hydrocarbon contains 2.16 g of carbon. The relative molecular mass of the hydrocarbon is 84. [RAM H,1; C,12] i. Find the empirical formula of the hydrocarbon


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________


Find the molecular formula of the carbon.

Activity 11

:Chemical Formula for ionic compounds:

Complete the table below : Cation Hydrogen ion Lithium ion Sodium ion Potassium ion Magnesium ion Calcium ion Barium ion Copper(II) ion Iron(II) ion Iron (III) ion Lead (II) ion Zinc ion Chromium (III) ion Aluminium ion Ammonium ion Sulphate ion Sulphide ion Carbonate ion Dichromate (VI) ion Formula Anion Flouride ion Chloride ion Bromide ion Iodide ion Hydroxide ion Formula

Ca 2 Ba2

Nitrate ion Manganate(VII) ion Ethanoate ion


O 2
S 2


Al 3
Chromate (VI) ion

Avtivity 12 a) Chemical formula of an ionic compound comprising of the ions Xm+ and Yn- is constructed


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

by exchanging the charges of each element. The formula obtained will XnYm Example : Sodium oxide Na+ +1 O2-2 Cu2+ +2 Copper (II) nitrate NO3-1

= Na2O b) (i) Magnesium chloride (ii)


Construct a chemical formula for each of the following ionic compounds: Potassium carbonate


Calcium sulphate


Copper (II) oxide


Silver nitrate


Zinc nitrate

(vii) Aluminium oxide

(viii) Iron(II) hydroxide


Lead(II) sulphide


Chromium(III) sulphate

Learning Outcomes You should be able to 1. state the meaning of chemical equation identify the reactants and products of a chemical equation 2. write and balance chemical equations 3. interpret chemical equations quantitatively and qualitatively 4. solve numerical problems using chemical equations 5. identify positive scientific attitudes and values practiced by scientist in doing research 6. justify the need to practice positive scientific attitudes and good values in doing researsh 7. use chemical equations for easy and systematic communication in the field of chemistry.


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 13 (refer text book pg 48) Example: C (s) + O2 (g) CO 2 (g) Reactant product

1) Qualitative aspect of chemical equation: a) Arrow in the equation the way the reaction is occurring b) Substances on the left-hand side .. c) Substances on the right-hand side d) State of each substance : (s), (l), gas .and aqueous solution . 2) Quantitative aspect of chemical equations Coefficients in a balanced equation the exact proportions of reactants and products in equation. Example: 2 H 2 (g) + O2 (g) 2 H 2 O (l)

(Interpreting): 2 molecules (2 mol) of H 2 react with 1 molecule (1 mol) of O2 to produced 2 molecules(2 mol) of water Complete the following word equations and write in chemical equation chlorine .. + + oxygen .. .. NaCl Carbon dioxide .. .. .. ..

a) Sodium b) Carbon . c) Sulphur .. d) Zinc

+ + +

+ oxygen + O2

3) Write a balanced equation for each of the following reactions and interpret the equations quantitatively. (a). Carbon monoxide gas + oxygen gas carbon dioxide gas Interpreting: (b). Hydrogen gas + nitrogen gas ammonia gas


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

. Interpreting: .. (c). Aluminium + Iron (III) oxide aluminium oxide + Iron . Interpreting: .

Activity 14 ** Numerical Problems Involving Chemical Equations

Hydrogen peroxide decomposes according to the following equation: 2 H 2 O2 (l) 2 H 2O (l) + O2 (g) 1). Calculate the volume of oxygen gas, O2 measured at STP that can be obtained from the decomposition of 34 g of hydrogen peroxide, H 2 O2 . [Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; O, 16. Molar volume : 22.4 dm 3 mol 1 at STP]

(Ans: 11.2 dm )

2).Silver carbonate Ag2CO3 breaks down easily when heated to produce silver metal 2 Ag2CO3(l) 4 Ag (s) + 2 CO2 (g) + O2

Find the mass of silver carbonate that is required to produce 10 g of silver


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________

[Relative atomic mass: C, 12 ; O, 16 ; Ag, 108]

(Ans : 12.77g)

3). 16 g of copper (II) oxide, CuO is reacted with excess methane, CH 4 . Using the equation below, find the mass of copper that is produced. [Relative atomic mass : Cu, 64 ; O, 16] 4 CuO (s) + CH 4 (g) 4 Cu (s) + CO2 (g) + 2 H 2 O (l)

(Ans : 12.8 g)

4). A student heats 20 g of calcium carbonate CaCO3 strongly. It decomposes according to the equation below:

CaCO3 (s)

CaO (s) + CO2 (g).

(a). If the carbon dioxide produced is collected at room conditions, what is its volume?


FORM 4 CHEMISTRY CHAPTER 3: CHEMICAL FORMULAE AND EQUATIONS __________________________________________________________________________________ (b). Calculate the mass of calcium oxide, CaO produced.
[Relative atomic mass: C, 12 ; O, 16; Ca, 40. Molar volume : 24 dm3 mol 1 at room conditions]

(Ans : (a). 4.8 dm

(b) 11.2 g)


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