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Classify the following users of information as either: I Internal user T external user: trading partner S external user: stakeholder a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2. Internal Revenue Service --- I Inventory control manager --- T Board of directors --- I Customers --- T Lending institutions --- S Securities and Exchange Commisions --- S Stockholder --- S Chief Executive officer --- I Supplier --- T Bondholders --- S

Use the human body system to ilustrate the concept of system decomposition and subsystem interdepedency. Draw a hierarchical chart similiar to the one in Figure 1-2 and discuss the interdependencies.

Tubuh Manusia

Sistem Pencernaan

Sistem Pernapasan








Penjelasan: Tubuh manusia terbagi menjadi banyak organ-organ. Jika fungsi organ-organ tersebut digabungkan, maka akan menjadi sistem untuk kelangsungan hidup manusia. Misalnya sistem pencernaan yang terdiri dari mulut, tenggorokan, lambung dan usus. Sedangkan sistem pernapasan terdiri dari hidung, tenggorokan dan paru-paru. Jadi, suatu sistem tidaka akan berjalan sempurna jika salah satu organnya tidak berfungsi. 3. AIS Model Examine the diagram below and determine what essential mechanism is missing. Once you have identified the missing element, discuss its importance.

Database Management

Data Collection

Data Processing

Information Generation

Yang kurang dari diagram diatas adalah External sources of data dan external end user. Keduanya akan menhasilkan feedback yang akan berguna bagi organisasi perusahaan. 4. AIS & MIS Features List some AIS and MIS information from which salespeople may benefit. Clearly indicate whether the information item would be an output of traditional AIS or MIS system. Finally, discuss the benefits of integreting this information.

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