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BME5401/BME4409 Homework 3. Due date Oct 31, 2012, 5pm 2012 University of Florida.

. Illegal to upload to third-party websites 1. Use the simulation file from homework 1. Remove the sinewave generator, and the output port. Then highlight all components and select Edit->Create subsystem. Paste a screen shot of the result below. Note: if you have not saved the simulation, you start with a copy from a fellow student

2. Create an approximation of the left ventricle cardiac activation function by using a piecewise linear approximation as in the following graph. Hint: look at the Repeating sequence interpolated object. Connect the output to a Scope. You may have to set the solver to fixed-step in Simulation->configuration. Emax=4, Emin=0.09, Tvs=0.3, heart rate (HR)=70. Simulate for 10 seconds, cut and paste the result from the scope.

3. Increase the heart rate to 120. Run the simulation, cut and paste from the scope.

4. The pressure generated by the left ventricle can be defined as Plv(t) = e(t)*(v(t)-UV), where e(t) is the activation function (see 2.), v(t) is the volume in the left ventricle, and UV is its unstreched volume. Assume v(t)-UV is constant at 30ml. Build the equation in Simulink. Using a switch object, build an aortic valve (resistance-less) which opens at 80mmHg. Connect all parts together with the subsystem from (1.). For the subsystem, set C=1.8, R=0.06 (proper values for an aorta). It should look like this:

Run the simulation, cut and paste the output from the scope. Based on the result, answer the following questions: (these questions are extra credit for undergrads in BME 4409):

5. What are the systolic and diastolic pressures? The systolic pressure is approximately 107 and the diastolic pressure is approximately 82. 6. Explain the strange signal at the beginning. What can be done to prevent it? The strange signal is a result of Vout_dot and Vin_dot having small values while the input piecewise function is still increasing. The signal normalizes once Vout_dot and Vin_dot have greater values. This can be prevented by adding a constant of approximately 8.5 to Vin_dot Vout_dot which essentially shifts the Vin_dot and Vout_dots graphs up by 8.5 eliminating the slow start up in the beginning. Extra credit for all: For the activation function in problem 2, create the actual equation using simulink:

Show the Simulink model (cut and paste) and the output.

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