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P. O. BOX 63056, COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80962-3056 (719) 481-4099 November 27,2012 Dear Residents of Casa Adobe Apartments, SEWER PROBLEMS: Over the Thanksgiving Day holiday we had sewer problems at both buildings resulting in about a $1,000 in repair costs. The "A" building was actually out of water over the holiday despite the best efforts of two plumbing companies charging overtime. In both cases the problem was residents dumping grease down the drain, as well as, feminine hygiene products and baby wipes/towelettes. These items are not flushable and cause the sewer drain pipes to clog then backs water into the bottom floor apartments causing a mess, property damage, expense and the water to be shut off during the repairs. Heretofore, the repair costs are going to be back-billed to the residents depending on what the sewer technician reports as the cause of the problem: feminine hygiene products/towelettes to apartments' with nubile females and grease to all. PET ETIQUETTTE: Please do not let your dogs defecate or urinate in the hallways. If you see someone allowing this disrespectful behavior, please notify me as to whom it is. OFFICE OPERATIONS: DUe to the stupidity of the U.S. electorate, the Obamaadministration's continued assault on small business is resulting in increased taxes, regulations and mandates that are forcing the management company (B&J Enterprises, Inc.) for Casa Adobe Apartments to modify its operation to survive. This has resulted in layoffs, work-time reduction and decreased pay for workers. Consequently, the business office hours are now Monday and Tuesday from 9A.M. until 4 P.M. Please plan accordingly. If you have business outside those times, please leave a voicemail at 719481-4099 and someone will get back to you ASAP. For maintenance issues call Ken at 719-306-7624 or John at 719-332-0053 for any issue. We are working hard to maintain the field, cleaning and maintenance personnel in place without raising rents, but that too is inevitable due to upcoming inflation and market forces. If you have any questions, comments or criticisms, please call me at 719-332-0053. Th~~ou
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in advance for your cooperation and Happy Holidays to you and yours.



Oohii Obringer, Manager

Casa Adobe Apartments BTW: If you voted "Democrat" on Nov. 6th, please notify me ASAP so I can raise your rent first to help pay for what you asked for.


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