Lovely Bones CharacterizationPDF

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In this assignment you will use lines from the novel to put together a comprehensive snapshot of a selected character.

This assignment takes the place of a classic character study paper by boiling it down to its most basic and important parts, the factual information gathered from the book. Your good copy will feature a depiction of the character surrounded by quotes from the book that best represent him/her.

Visual Characterization Chart

During Reading
While you are reading, collect examples of both direct and indirect characterization by creating a rough character chart. Be sure to record what page numbers you found them on. You are looking for: Thoughts
What does this character think about?

Wishes for/Dreams about

Is there something this character really wants for him/herself?

One Summarizing Quote : (with

page number ) Look for a quote that you feel encapsulates (sums up) that character. It may be either direct or indirect

What does this character look like? What does this character dress like?

Ho w does this character interact and relate with other people? What other people are important to him/her?

What does this character actually do? What are his/her important actions in the story? What do they involve themselves with?

What others think about him/her

Do other people like this character? Is she/he mistrusted?

After Reading: The Good Copy

1. The good copy of your chart will feature a full colour representation (hand-drawn, or traced) of your character 2. Your characters name will feature prominently along with the summarizing quote 3. All categories of quotations will be present and labeled, featured with appropriate quotations and page numbers 4. Your good copy will be finelined, or in ink 5. Highlight in some way words and ideas that are most important to the understanding of your character 6. Include multiple quotations for each category (though it is up to you exactly how many) 7. Be sure to only use the quotes that actually reflect important details to the understanding of who your character is and how he or she is characterized. 8. Use 8.5 x 14 (legal) sized paper or larger for your good copy.


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