Hajj Details

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)) pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey ((

A declaration of the Committee on Hajj Ninistry of Awqaf and !slamic Affairs

The names and addresses of approved contractors for the 1432 season Hijri

Contractors category (A) Air
M The name of the contractor
Office Fax Nobile
Hatem Nansur Al - Nansuri
Hatem ++6517+9 ++651635 55520121
Abdul Rahman Hassan Al - Hammadi
AL - Huda ++689200 ++690088 55507177
Nohamed Djohar Said
AL - Furqan +++19666 +++11+76 55055333
!brahim Jaber Al - Nuftah
AL - Aqsa ++329090 ++328787 55528875
5 Fahad Arhmh Al - Kuwari Fahd ++876768 ++87+78+ 5552+111
Nasser Jassem Al - Sulaiti
AL - Ansar ++691161 ++691171 55532066
Jassim Nohammed Al - !brahim
AL - Tubah ++677151 ++677131 55522389
Nohammed Abdullah Nohsen
AL - Hramyen +++25080 ++370+6+ 55515922
Nohammed Nubarak Al Napt
Alrukan - 5 @ hotmail.com
AL - Rokan AL -
++517333 ++517222 55822250
Hamad Nohammed Al - Shahwani
AL - Qudas ++35351+ ++317520 555336+7
11 Ahmed Yousef AlNola Taiba ++881929 ++881929 55502527
Nohamed Salem Al - Hajri
+++21080 +++21080 55507593
Nohammed Faraj Pajida
AL - Tohead ++363537 ++31951+ 55509715
Nasoud Ali Al - Ali
AL - Bayan ++360367 ++31951+ 55509309
!brahim Abdulla Al - !brahim
AL - Taquah +++22+3+ ++83+283 5551005+

Contractors category (C) Land
M The name of the contractor Campaign Name Office Fax Nobile
Hassan Najed Al - Hajri
AL - Hajri ++++9519 ++583083 55517173
Juma Nohammed Al - Kuwari
Doha ++368998 ++327653 55559100
Abdul Rahman Abdullah Al - Hajri
AL - Ayman ++365197 ++365197 55553537
!brahim Salem Al - Ali
Al - Ali +++2012+ +++22862 5550++97
Gaber Ali Dblan
Al - Rahman ++3+0202 ++3+0101 55861610
Nurtada Ghuloom Abbas
Al - Safa and Al -
++329599 ++329699 552++807
Hassan Abdul Aziz Naliki
Ha almlki@qp.com.qa
Darussalam ++986+2+ ++77+306 555++12+
Shaheen Hussein Albouhdod
Shaeer - h@hotmail.com
Shaheen ++311650 ++317213 55505136
Nohamed Badr Al - Sadah
Badr ++3710+1 ++319803 55522676
10 Ahmed Abdel Rahman Al - Jaedah Al - Nashaer ++860699 ++860699 55880500
Nohamed Salem Al - Ali
Um Al - Qurah +++2012+ +++22862 55502087
Ali Hussein Al - Nima
Qatar ++8820+0 ++812321 55553210
Yusuf Ahmed Al - Kuwari
Al - Nadina ++360836 ++830858 55558990
Nohamed Yusuf Al - Hammadi
Al - Hammadi ++++2+11 ++356362 55501619
Salem Nohamed Al - Hajri
Sa - hajri@hotmail.com
Salem Al - Hajri +++19296 +++21080 55507593
Hamad Abdulatif Al - Kuwari
SHS536+559@ hotmail.com
Al - Ferdaws +++19296


Pilgrimage prices adopted by the Committee on Hajj season 1432 Hijri
Type of Hajj Category The total price
Mecca and Medina Air (A) 16,000
Air (A) 12,800
Mecca and Medina Land (C) 12,000
Land (C) 10,000
1) price includes the Office checks Agents standardized housing in Mecca and Medina, feelings services, the
cost of camp Mona, and eating, transportation, in accordance with the terms of the contract.
2) Price does not include airfare.
3) Airfare is 4410QAR.

M Subject Today Hijri Date Date AD
1 Citizen registeration start Saturday 1 Shabaan 1432 Hijjra 2 Jul 2011
2 Resident registeration start Saturday 1 Shabban 1432 Hijjra 2 Jul 2011
3 Citizen registeration end Thursday 15 ZolQeida 1432 Hijjera 13 Octuber 2011
4 Resident registeration end Wednesday 10 Ramdan 1432 Hijjra 10 August 2011

Visa requirements

Requirements of the Committee on Hajj country for the Hajj visa
1 - Required to be resident in the State of residence at least a three years.
2 - An unprecedented pilgrimage during the five previous years.

The Committee calls upon the Balragbin pilgrimage of citizens and residents into account the following:
1 - To be registered for pilgrimage through internet.
2 - Completion of the travel in time.
3 - Signing a contract with the contractor defines the obligations of the parties.
4 - Taking the necessary vaccinations and health for the testimony of that.

The requirements of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia for the Hajj visa:
1 - A copy of the original passport.
2 - A personal size 3 4 cm to be a white background.
3 - Visa reference number.
4 - Version of the original check.
5 - Have a passport valid for at least six months after the end of the pilgrimage season, and be capable to
enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
6 - To be resident in force in Qatar.
7 - No Objection Certificate from the employer or a certificate of leave from his hand.
8 - To prove the relationship of Muharram.
9 - Minimum 30 requests in the form of payroll.


Agreement between Contractor and Pilgirim on performing
the Hajj Obligation for the year 14 Higri
By Land - Category C
On / / 14 H, corresponding to / / 20 AD this agreement is made in Doha
city between: Contractor ................. referred to hereinafter as (First Party);
and Mr. ................ of ...................... nationality, holding
ID No ................... referred to hereinafter as (Second Party), having address at
..... home phone No....., work phone No...,
whose date of birth is .............., and passport is valid till ...............

a) Means of Transportation
1. The First Party undertakes to transport the Second Party to the territory of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj obligation, visit Al-Madina Al-
Monawara, and return to Doha city by super jet buses ( see the conditions below)
taking the route Doha/ ........./ .......... / Doha ; and to move him from Makka
to Mina on the Eighth day of Dhul-Hijja, and from Mina to Arafat in the dawn of
the Ninth day between 3.00 a.m and 5.00 a.m., and from Mina to Makka on the
Twelfth day of Dhul-Hijja;
2. The First Party undertakes to make available to the Second Party a means of
transportation in Makka from his lodging to the Haram, if the lodging is more than
three kilometers away from the Haram. The movement within the shrines should
be by super jet buses (see the conditions below). If a bus breaks down , it shall be
replaced within four hours.

b) Lodging
The First Party should provide suitable lodging to the Second Party in each of Makka,
Madina and the shrines (Mina and Arafat) as per the specifications set by the Hajj and
Omra Affairs Department ( see the conditions below)

c) Food
The First Party should provide the following meals:
1- A breakfast meal every day of 5 items.
2- Three meals in the shrines zone.
3- Canned supper meal in Mozdalefa.
4- One meal or more, if necessary, on transit.

Firstly: Means of Transportation
The conditions required in the means of transportation:
1. The buses should not exceed 15 years of age from the year of make in the convoy
year; this applies also on the buses hired from outside Qatar
2. Air conditioners operating perfectly;
3. A toilet in functional condition, whenever needed;
4. Shall be confortable and spacious enough for transporting the pilgirims and their
light baggage, with a seat available for every pilgirim.
5. Should the bus break down; it shall be replaced within a maximum of 4 hours.
6. The buses hired for the shrines zone should not exceed 10 years of age from the
year of make in the convoy year, and shall have a license for transporting pilgrims.

Secondly: The Lodging (2)
a- The conditions required in the lodging (Makka Al- Mokarrama)
1. The space allotted for a pilgrim with his baggage inside the room shall be 4 sq m.
2. Two li s in any building consis ng of Ground and 4 floors (the validity of the lifts
maintenance contract should be checked)
3. All rooms shall be equipped with a Freon air conditioner (per each 10 persons)
4. Provision of a water cooler and a fridge in every apartment.
5. All rooms shall be furnished with new carpet, preferably with ceramic.
6. Provision of new unused beds, bed sheets, blankets, and pillows for every pilgrim.
7. Provision of a call device for women apartments.
8. Allocation of a bathroom for each 14 pilgrims; provided with a shower,
washbasin, water heater, exhaust fan, and curtains on the bathtub.
9. Provision of 5 clothes hangers for every pilgrim.
10. Steel bed of at least 190x90 cm., with a minimum 10 cm. thick mattress.
11. Provision of curtains for room windows.
12. Provision of laundry machines in the women apartments.

b- The conditions required in the lodging (Madina Al- Monawwara)
SR Category Hotel class Pilgrims in a room Meals
1. C 3 star+ system Maximum 5 persons Breakfast only
The visit to Madina shall take place days before Hajj/ days after Hajj, for three
night or ( ) within the period from ............ to .............. of Dhul Hijja.

b- In Mina
1. The space allotted to the pilgrims inside the tent shall be 1.3 Sq. m. in a tent of 16
Sq. m, including 12 persons, irrespective of what the Saudi authorities allot.
2. Provision of sleeping sheets of at least 15 cm. thickness, and new and clean
blankets, bed sheets, and pillows for all pilgrims for one season use.
3. Provision of fruit permanently.
4. Provision of water, juice, and tea permanently.
5. Provision of 3 meals a day.
6. It is preferable to use carton cups for hot beverages, rather than plastic or cork

d. In Arafat
1. A space shall be allocated in the tent for every pilgrim.
2. Provision of Freon air conditioners in the tents.
3. Covering the tent grounds with fabric carpets.
4. Provision of a hot meal to every pilgrim.
5. Preparation of a cooking place in accordance with the regulations.

e. In Mozdalefa
1. Sufficient number of carpets shall be provided to the pilgrims in each bus.
2. Provision of a hot meal to every pilgrim;
3. The contractor should specify a bus for the pilgrims who choose to stay
overnight in Mozdalefa, if their number is 16 or more.

(a) Cost: The Second Party should pay:
An amount of ........ against the services rendered to him such as
accommodation in Makka and Madina, transportation from Doha to KSA, and cost
of food at the shrines as well as the cheque for the Unified Bureau Services.

(b) Responsibilities and duties of the Second Party:
1. Shall be available on the time and places specified for the convoys departure
from and return to Doha, as well as for movements within the shrines zone and
the visit to Madina.
2. Shall not leave Makka to any other city within KSA, otherwise he will be
responsible for any consequences.
3. Shall observe the timing of serving the meals.
4. Shall completely abide by the instructions issued by the competent authorities
in Saudi Arabia.
5. Shall bear the liabilities and costs if he violates the aforesaid terms.

1) The Second Party may not refund the upfront money (equal to 10% of the contract
amount) if he retracts from travelling one week after the date of registration or
signing the contract.
2) The First Party undertakes to comply with the conditions and specifications annexed
to this agreement. The signing of the two parties hereon represents a declaration by
them that they are fully aware of the conditions and specifications and consider same
as being integral part of this agreement.
3) Should there be evidence that the First Party has breached any of the conditions and
specifications annexed to this agreement, he will be subject to the penalty prescribed
by the Hajj and Omra Affairs Department.
This agreement has been made in three copies, one copy held by the First Party,
one by
the Second Party, and the Hajj and Omra Affairs Department will keep the third

(First Party) (Second Party)

Agreement between Contractor and Pilgirim on performing
the Hajj Obligation for the year 14 Higri
By Air - Category A
On / / 14 H, corresponding to / / 20 AD this agreement is made in Doha
city between: Contractor ................. referred to hereinafter as (First Party);
and Mr. ................ of ...................... nationality, holding
ID No ................... referred to hereinafter as (Second Party), having address at
..... home phone No....., work phone No...,
whose date of birth is .............., and passport is valid till ...............
a) Means of Transportation
1. The First Party undertakes to transport the Second Party to the territory of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to perform the Hajj Obligation, visit Al-Madina Al-
Monawara, and return to Doha city by air through the route Doha/.... /...../
Doha ; and to move him from Makka to Mina on the Eighth day of Dhul-Hijja, and
from Mina to Arafat in the dawn of the Ninth day between 3.00 a.m and 5.00 a.m.,
and from Mina to Makka on the Twelfth day of Dhul-Hijja.
2. The First Party undertakes to move the Second Party with his baggage from the
airport to his lodging in Madina and Makka and vise versa, as appropriate. The
movement from Makka to Madina should be by super jet buses. (See the conditions
3. The First Party should transport the pilgirims from the lodging to the Haram by
buses for payers:
a- To and from Al-Fajr prayer;
b- To Al-Aser prayer;
c- To and from Magrib and Esha prayers (to arrive at Magrib payer time, and the
return after Esha prayer)
b) Lodging
The First Party should provide suitable lodging to the Second Party in each of
Makka, Madina and the shrines (Mina and Arafat) as per the specifications set by
the Hajj and Omra Affairs Department (see the conditions below)
The conditions required in the means of tranportation
1. The buses with Qatari plates used by the air-category contractors should not
exceed 7 years of age from the year of make.
2. The buses hired by the Air-category hajj contractors for transporting the pilgrims
within the shrines zone should not exceed 10 years of age from the year of make in
the convoy year, and shall have a license for transporting pilgrims.
a- The conditions required in the lodging (Makka Al- Mokarrama)
1) The space allotted for a pilgrim with his baggage inside the room shall be 4 sq m.
2) There shall be a hall in every flat.
3) Two lifts in any building consisting of Ground and 4 floors.
4) All rooms shall be equiped with a Freon air conditioner.
5) All rooms shall be furnished with new carpets, preferably with ceramic.
6) Provision of new unused beds, bedsheets, blankets, and pillows for every pilgrim.
7) Steel bed of at least 190x90 cm., and a 10 cm. thick matress.
8) Provision of a clothes locker for every pilgirim of dimensions (2 m x 30 cm x 50 cm)
9) Provisions of curtains for all room windows;
10) Provision of a call device for women apartments;
11) The lights all around the bulding shall be operating and the damaged ones should
be replaced;
12) The cooking place shall be prepared according to the health and security
13) Provision of a water cooler and a fridge supplied with water and juices in every
14) Availabilty of two separate dining halls, one for men and the other for women.
15) Provision of laundry machines in the women appartments.
16) Allocation of a bathroom for each 10 pilgirims; provided with a shower,
washbasin, water heater, exhaust fan, and curtains on the bathtub.
17) Provision of a water heater in every water closet.
b- The conditions required in the lodging (Madina Al- Monawwara)
SR Category Hotel class Pilgrims in a room Meals
1. A 4 star system Maximum 3 persons Three meals
The visit to Madina shall take place days before Hajj/ days after Hajj, for three
days ( ) within the period from .......... to ............ of Dhul Hijja.
c- In Mina
1. The space alloted to the pilgirims inside the tent shall be 2 Sq. m. in a tent of 16 Sq.
m, including 10 persons, irrespec ve of what the Saudi authori es allot.
2. Provision of sleeping sheets of at least 15 cm. thickness, and new and clean
blankets, bed sheets, and pillows for all pilgrims for one season use;
3. Provision of fruit permenantly.
4. Provision of water, juice, and tea permanantly.
5. Provision of 3 meals a day.
6. It is preferable to use carton cups for hot beaverages, rather than plastic or cork
d. In Arafat
1. A space shall be allocated in the tent for every pilgrim.
2. Provision of Freon air conditioners in the tents.
3. Covering the tent grounds with fabric carpets.
4. Provision of a hot meal to every pilgrim.
5. Preparation of a cooking place in accordance with the regulations.
e. In Mozdalefa
1. Sufficent number of carpets shall be provided to the pilgirims in each bus.
2. Provision of a hot meal to every pilgrim.
3. The contractor should specify a bus for the pilgirims who choose to stay
overnight in Mozdalefa, if their number is 16 or more.
1) Food Conditions (In Makka Al-Mokarrama)
7 items
Appetizers 4 items
Main course 8 items
Sweet 4 items
Appetizers 4 items
Main course 7 items
Sweet 4 items
1. Provision of fruit permanantly; 2. Provision of water and juices permanantly
2) Food Conditions (In Al-Madina Al-Monawwara)
1. The contractor should three meals during the stay in Madina or on the way to and
from it.
2. The contractor should provide drinking water in all rooms permenantly.
Secondly : Second Partys Obligations
(a) Cost: The Second Party should pay:
Amount of ................................... for the services rendered to him
such as accommodation, meals, transportation in Makka, Madina, and the shrines
as well as the cost of services at the shrines and Mina cost.
(b) Responsibilities and duties of the Second Party:
1. He shall be available on the time and places specified for the convoys
departure and return to Doha, as well as for the movements within the shrines
area and for visiting Madina.
2. Shall not leave Makka to any other city within KSA, otherwise he will be
responsible for the consequencies.
3. Shall observe the timing of serving the meals.
4. Shall completely abide by the instructions issued by the competent authorities
in Saudi Arabia.
5. Shall bear the liabilities and costs, if he violates the aforesaid terms.
6. Shall hold along his ID and the wrist loop.
Thirdly : General Provisions
a) The Second Party may not refund the upfront money ( equal to 10% of the contract
amount) if he retracts from travelling one week after signing the contract;
b) The Second Party undertakes to comply with the conditions and specifications
annexed to this agreement. The signing of the two parties herein represent an
acknowledgment by them that they are fully aware of the conditions and
specifications and that they consider the same as being integral part of this
c) If there is evidence that the First Party has breached any of the conditions and
specifications annexed to this agreement, he will be subject to the penalty prescribed
by the Hajj Affairs Committee.
d) Cost of Hajj does not include the ticket travel.
This agreement has been made in three copies, one copy held by the First Party,
one by
the Second Party, and the Hajj Affairs Committee will keep the third copy.

(First Party) (Second Party)

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