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Public Speaking Workshop

Bryan Lozick SW National President

Why Is It Important? The Facts Basics Techniques Activity Debrief

Why Is It Important?
Professional Development Companies expect excellent communication Verbally and written Present and share ideas Effectively communicating, convincing, persuading Utilized everyday in the working world

The Facts
Art of Public Speaking dates to 2,500 B.C. and further Rome, Greece, Egypt Spoken history, oral traditions, and politics 20-85% of people experience more or less anxiety when they need to speak in public Glossophobia fear of public speaking One of the top fears

Aristotles The Art of Rhetoric Outlines the main methods a speaker employs to reach the audience Pathos Utilizing emotion to persuade the listener Ethos Relying on the speakers reputation, heritage or history Logos Using a logical argument in addition to facts and data to convince An effective speaker uses ALL 3 ELEMENTS while speaking

Eye Contact When using note cards, Power Point, paper Speak to audience Vocal Quality Change pitch, tone - accentuate! Avoid Charlie Brown Syndrome Maintain volume Project your voice! Speak about what you know

Technique (cont.)
Stay Animated Utilize hands, body language, facial expressions Showcase interest, passion, knowledge Maintain Pace Not too fast, not too slow --- clear and concise BE PASSIONATE Fake it till you make it

Split into groups - about 4 people each Each person chooses topic at random Speak for 1 2 minutes to group Group critiques on qualities Style Use of Ethos, Pathos, Logos Technique

Public Speaking is an important tool in school and later in career Something you can practice in Silver Wings and in class Utilize in chapter meetings, recruitment You get more comfortable the more times you do it! All professionals have a need to be a solid speaker Educators Military Technical Business

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