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Simplified Bible Dictionary

4,414 Theocratic Definitions Quick Read-Brief Definitions New Simplified Bible 2003
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SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY A AARAT: The name Aarat, also spelled Ararat, means high or holy ground. It is a mountainous district of Asia that is known as the resting-place of the ark after the deluge. (Genesis 8:4) It was the asylum of the sons of Sennacherib. (2Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38) The present day Ararat is the great boundary between Russia, Turkey and Persia. (See: ARARAT, MOUNTAIN, NATION) AARON: Jehovah assigned Aaron to act as Moses spokesman to Pharaoh. (Exodus 4:14-16, 27-30) During the 40 years in the wilderness Moses did more speaking and Aaron remained subordinate. Aaron did not accompany Moses to the top of Mount Sinai to receive the Law covenant. God designated Aaron for the position of high priest. (Exodus 28:1-3) As a descendent of Levi, Aaron continued the lineage for the priesthood just as Jehovah started it. He was anointed in the manner described at Psalm 133:2. AB: Ab was the fifth lunar month of the Jewish sacred calendar. Ab was a month of summer heat, when the grapes harvest began in Israel. ABADDON: Hebrew: Abaddon and Greek: Apollyon means destruction, destructive process. (Revelation 9:11) ABAGTHA: Abagtha was one of the seven court officials who ministered to the Persian king Ahasuerus. (Esther 1:10) The Scriptures say they were eunuchs even though they were not involved as guardians of women. ABANAH RIVER: This is one of the two rivers of Damascus. Its headwaters are in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains to the Northwest of Damascus. After traversing the mountains it emerges from a gorge just west of Damascus. After flowing through the city it dissipates in the body of marshes east of the city. The other river flowing through Damascus was the Pharpar River. (2 Kings 5:12) ABARIM: Abarim is the borderland region east of the Jordan River and east of the Dead Sea. (Jeremiah 22:20) The Israelites camped in the mountains of Abarim near the end or the 40-year trek in the wilderness. (Numbers 33:47, 48)

ABBA: This is the Aramaic word for father. It is an intimate title of honor used by children to express both respect and affection. One might think of the intimacy of the English word papa when reading this word in the Holy Scriptures, however the word literally means the father or O Father. Abba appears three times in the Scriptures. (Mark 14:36) (Romans 8:15) (Galatians 4:6) ABDA: Abda was the father of Adoniram and most likely was a contemporary of King David. (1 Kings 4:6; 12:18) (2 Samuel 20:24) (2 Chronicles 10:18) ABDEEL: Abdeel was father of Shelemiah, one of three men sent by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch. (Jeremiah 36:26) ABDI, FATHER OF KISHI: Abdi was a Levite of the house of Merari. He was the father of Kishi and contemporary of Saul. (1 Chronicles 6:31, 33, 39, 44) ABDI, FATHER OF KISH: This Levite of the house of Merari was the father of Kish. The names of the sons of both Abdis are spelled almost the same, however the second Kish lived in the time of King Hezekiah, 250 years later. (2 Chronicles 29:12) ABDI, FAMILY OF ELAM: Abdi was of the family of Elam who lived after the exile. (Ezra 10:26) He had take foreign wives and sent them away when Ezra commanded it. (Ezra 7:8; 10:1-4, 10-12, 26, 44) ABDIEL: Abdiel was the son of Guni and the father of Ahi, of the tribe of Gad. He lived in the region of Gilead and Bashan. (1 Chronicles 5:15, 16) ABEDNEGO: Azariah was given the name Abednego. He was one of the young people of Jewish royalty taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar in 617 B.C.E. This is recorded at Daniel 1:3,4, 7. ABEL: Abel was born to Adam and Eve as their second son; Cain was firstborn. (Genesis 4:2-4) He became a herder of sheep while his brother Cain worked the soil. Paul lists Abel as the first man of faith at Hebrews 11:4. Paul also includes Abel among the cloud of witnesses of pre-Christian times. (Hebrews 12:1) Jesus speaks of Abel as living at the founding of the world at Luke 11:48-51.

ABEL-BETH-MAACAH: Abel-beth-maacah was a fortified city in the territory of Naphtali in northern Palestine, about 4 miles northwest of Dan. It was on the road to Hazor. The fertile land surrounding this place caused it to be called Abell of Beth-Maacah, meaning Watercourse of the House of Maacah. (2 Samuel 20:1422) (2 Chronicles 16:4) ABEL-KERAMIM: Abel-Keramim was a place that was the most distant point to which Jephthah pursued the Ammonites in their defeat. (Judges 11:33) ABEL-MEHOLAH: Abel-meholah was the place where Elijah found Elisha plowing and anointed him to be his successor as a prophet. (1 Kings 19:16-19) Abel-meholah was Elishas home. It is listed in Solomons fifth administrative district with other places west of the Jordan River. (1 Kings 4:12) ABEL, STONE OF: The Ark of Jehovahs Covenant rested on the Stone of Abel. It was the large rock in the field of Joshua at Bethshemesh. (1 Samuel 6:18) ABEZ: Abez was a town occupied by the tribe of Issachar. It is found only once in the Bible at Joshua 19:20. ABHOR, ABHORRENT THING: The Hebrew word niddah occurs 30 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. It means exclude, put out of mind. (Isaiah 66:5) (Amos 6:3) God expresses his anger against Israel for making religious images with silver and gold as an abhorrent thing. (Ezekiel 7:19-20) (Lamentations 1:17) At Romans 12:9 Christians are admonished: Abhor evil and cling to good. The Greek verb apostygeo means to hate intensely, to find repugnant. If we do not abhor what is wicked, Jehovah may in deed abhor us. ABI-ALBON: Abi-Albon was a Benjamite who served King David as one of the 37 most valiant fighters. (2 Samuel 23:31) His fighting was considered in Jacobs deathbed prophecy about the tribe of Benjamin. (Genesis 49:27) ABIASAPH: He was a descendant of Kohath, one of the three sons of Korah the Levite. His brothers names were Elkanah and Assir. (Exodus 6:16-24) The term sons of Korah found in the superscriptions of some of the Psalms refers to the descendants of Korah or the house of Korah. (Psalms 42; 44-49; 84; 85, 87, 88)

ABIATHAR: Abiathar was the son of the High Priest Ahimelech. He was part of the tribe of Levi of the line of Eli. (1 Samuel 14:3; 22:11; 23:6) He had the amazing privilege of living during the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon. It was during Davids reign that he became high priest. He had two sons, Jonathan and Ahimelech. (2 Samuel 15:27, 36; 8:17) ABIB: Abib was the name of the first lunar month of the Jewish sacred calendar and of the seventh month of the secular calendar. (Exodus 13:4; 23:15; 34:18) (Deuteronomy 16:1) ABIDA: Abida was son of Midian and a grandson of Abraham by his wife Keturah. He had four brothers, named Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, and Eldaah. (Genesis 25:1, 2, 4) (1 Chronicles 1:33) ABIDAN: Abidan was chieftain of the tribe of Benjamin at the time of the census of Israel in the second year following the Exodus from Egypt. (Numbers 1:11, 16) He was in charge of 35,400 men of Benjamin. (Numbers 2:18, 22, 23) ABI-EZER, SON OF JOSEPH: Abi-ezer was a family head and an ancestor of Judge Gideon. He was one of the sons of Gilead and the grandson of Manasseh. Abiezer was Josephs firstborn son. (Judges 6:11, 24; 8:2) ABI-EZER, SON OF HAMMOLECHETH: Abi-ezer was the son of Hammolecheth. His mother was sister of Manassehs grandson Gilead. (1 Chronicles 7:18) ABI-EZER, THE BENJAMITE: This Abi-ezer was a Benjamite from Anathoth. He was one of King Davids 37 most valiant military fighters. He was the leader of a force of 24,000 tribesmen serving the king. (1 Chronicles 11:28; 27:1, 12) ABIGAIL: Abigail was married to Nabal from Maon on the edge of the Wilderness of Judah, west of the Dead Sea. After Nabal died she became one of Davids wives. (1 Samuel 22:1-4; 25:1-43) ABIHAIL, FATHER OF ZURIEL: Abihail was from the tribe of Levi. He came from the family of Merari. Abihail fathered Zuriel who became head of the paternal house of Merari at the time of the Exodus. (Numbers 3:35)

ABIHAIL, WIFE OF ABISHUR: This Abihail was of the tribe of Judah. She was Abishurs wife. They had two sons, Ahban and Molid. (1 Chronicles 2:29) ABIHAIL, SON OF HURI: Abihail was from the tribe of Gad. He settled in Bashan and Gilead. He was the son of Huri and a family head. (1 Chronicles 5:14-17) ABIHAIL, DAUGHTER OF ELIAB: This Abihail was Davids niece by his oldest brother, Eliab. (2 Chronicles 11:18) ABIHAIL, FATHER OF QUEEN ESTHER: Abihail was the father of Queen Esther and a descendant of Benjamin. He was the uncle of Esthers cousin, Mordecai. He and his wife died before her marriage to King Ahasuerus. (Esther 2:5, 7, 15; 9:29) ABIHU: He was one of Aarons four sons by his wife Elisheba. He was the brother of Nadab, Eleazar, and Ithamar. (Exodus 6:23) (1 Chronicles 6:3, 24:1) Abihu was born in Egypt the second son of Aaron and had grown to maturity by the time of the Exodus. (Numbers 33:39) ABIHUD: Abihud was a descendant of Benjamin through his fist born, Bela. (1 Chronicles 8:1-3) ABIJAH, GRANDSON OF BENJAMIN: This Abijah was Benjamins grandson. He was seventh of Bechers nine sons. (1 Chronicles 7:8) ABILENE: The Roman district known as Abilene was located in the Anti-Lebanon Mountains north of Mount Hermon. (Luke 3:1) It was named after its capital, Abila situated in a beautiful gorge by the bank of the Abanah River. ABIMAEL: Abimael was a descendant of Shem through Arpachshad. His father was Joktan. (Genesis 10:28) (1 Chronicles 1:17-27) It is possible that he and his twelve brothers were the progenitors of 13 different Arabian tribes that settled in the Arabian Peninsula. ABIMELECH, KING OF GERAR: Abimelech was king of the city of Gerar. When Abraham and his wife Sarah lived at Gerar the king thought she was his sister. So Abimelech took her to become his wife. Jehovah God warned the king in a dream not to touch Sarah. So the king returned Sarah to Abraham. Shortly after that the king

concluded a covenant of peace with Abraham at Beersheba. (Genesis 20:1-18; 21:22-34) ABINADAB OF KIRIATH-JEARIM: This man lived in the city of Kiriath-jearim, a city in the territory of Judah, 8.5 miles from Jerusalem. His home was used to store the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark remained in his home 70 years, until David had it transferred to Jerusalem. Abinadabs son, Uzzah, touched the Ark in disregard of the command at Numbers 4:15. Because of this Jehovah struck Uzzah dead. (1 Samuel 6:20-7:1) (2 Samuel 6:1-7) (1 Chronicles 13:6-10) ABINOAM: Abinoam was the father of Judge Barak. He was a descendant of Naphtali and was a resident of the refuge city of Kedesh in the territory of Naphtali. (Judges 4:6, 12; 5:1, 12) ABIRAM, THE REUBENITE: Abiram was the son of Eliab and brother of Dathan and Nemuel. He was a family head in Israel at the time of the Exodus from Egypt. (Numbers 26:5-9) Abiram and his brother supported Korah the Levite when he rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron. They gathered in a group of 250 leaders who were well known among the people. They accused Moses and Aaron of wrongfully assuming authority over the people. (Numbers 16:1-3) They claimed that Moses was trying to lord it over the people and had not led them to the Promised Land. (Numbers 16:4-11) God condemned their disrespectful actions. The ground opened up and swallowed Dathan and Abiram. Korah died along with the 250 rebels. Many were destroyed by fire before the tabernacle. (Numbers 16:16-35; 26:10, 11) (Deuternomy 11:6) (Psalms 106:17) ABIRAM, SON OF HIEL: This Abiram was the son of Hiel the Bethelite. The account at Joshua 6:26 relates Joshuas oath about the destroyed city of Jericho. He predicted that who ever should rebuild it would do so at the loss of his firstborn son. Hiel ignored this prediction. Five centuries after Joshuas time he laid the foundations to rebuild Jericho. Abiram and his son died in fulfillment of the prophecy. (1 Kings 16:34) ABISHAG: This beautiful young virgin was from the town of Shunem, north of Jezreel in the territory of Issachar. (Joshua 19:1723) When David was about 70 years of age his servants selected Abishag to become the kings nurse and companion during his final days. (1 Kings 1:1-4) Abishag waited on him during the day and at night she would lie close to him to keep him warm. Solomon

regarded her as a wife or concubine for David even though they did not have intercourse. After Davids death, Abdonijah, Davids oldest living son, persuaded Bathsheba to ask Solomon to give him Abishag as his wife. King Solomon refused him and Abishag continued as one of Solomons wives or concubines. ABISHAI: Abishai was Davids nephew. His mother was Davids sister or half sister Zeruiah. He had two brothers, Joab and Asahel. (2 Samuel 2:18) (1 Chronicles 2:15, 16) Abishai supported his uncle David in all his military campaigns. He was noted for his mighty prowess who served over 30 warriors. He once struck down 300 of the enemy single-handed. (2 Samuel 23:18, 19) Abishai is reported to have struck down 18,000 Edomites. (1 Chronicles 18:12; 19:11-15) (2 Samuel 20:1, 6; 21:15-17) ABISHUA, SON OF BELA: Abishua was the son of Bela He was a Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:1-4) ABISHUA, SON OF PHINEHAS: This Abishua was the son of Phinehas and a great grandson of Aaron. He was the father of Bukki. (1 Chronicles 6:4, 5, 50, 51) ABISHUR: Abishur was a descendant of Judah through the family line of Hezron, of the house of Jerahmeel. As the second son of Shammai he became the father of two sons by his wife Abihail. (1 Chronicles 2:28, 29) ABITAL: Abital was one of Davids six wives through whom he fathered sons during the seven and a half years he reigned in Hebron. Her son was named Shephatiah. (2 Samuel 3:4) (1 Chronicles 3:3) ABIUD: He was the descendant of Zerubbabel and an ancestor of Jesus Christ found at Matthew 1:13. ABITUB: The son of Shaharaim by his wife Hushim, Abitub was a Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:8, 11) ABNER: Abner was the son of Ner, of the tribe of Benjamin. He served as chief of the army for King Saul, commanding an army of nearly 200,000 men. (1 Samuel 15:4) Abner was a powerful and valiant man, deserving many honors. He sometimes sat next to the king at the banquet table. (1 Samuel 20:25) David chided Abner when he was a fugitive in the Wilderness of Ziph because Abner was unable to protect Saul properly. (1 Samuel 26:14-16) When King

Saul died Abner set up Ishbosheth, Sauls son, as the king. Abner continued to command the army for a while. (2 Samuel 2:8-31) ABORTION: The termination of a pregnancy, the expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can live on its own. An abortion is a deliberate termination of a pregnancy. A miscarriage is an accidental and unavoidable interruption of pregnancy. The Hebrew shakhal means suffer an abortion or miscarry. (Exodus 23:26) (Leviticus 26:22) (Hosea 9:14) The fruitage of the womb is a blessing of Jehovah. (Psalm 127:3) Psalm 139 is a worthy study for those who would take life from the womb. It expresses the preciousness of life even in the womb. ABRAHAM: The name Abraham means the father of a crowd or multitude. Jehovah God gave this name to Abram when he was 99 years old when he and his wife Sarah gave birth to a son. (Genesis 18:1-15) The first born, Isaac, was born to 100-year-old Abraham and 90-year-old Sarah. (Genesis 18:16-21:7) Jesus and his disciples referred to Abraham more than 70 times. He was prominently listed in the genealogy found at Matthew 1:1-2. Bible writer James wrote that Abraham was a friend of God. (James 2:21-23) ABRONAH: The Israelites camped at Abronah, an oasis, on their wilderness trek from Egypt. (Numbers 33:34-35) ABSALOM: Absalom was the third of six sons born to David at Hebron. His mother was Maacah the daughter of King Talmai of Geshur. (2 Samuel 3:3-5) Absalom fathered three sons and one daughter. (2 Samuel 14:27) He was also called Abishalom. (1 Kings 15:2) (2 Chronicles 11:20, 21) Absaloms older half-brother Amnon became infatuated with their sister Tamar. Tamar was very beautiful. Amnon forcibly violated her, a deed that was later revenged. (2 Samuel 13:1-20) Absalom went to Hebron, the old capital of Judah, where he proclaimed himself king. The revolt was so successul that David found it necessary to quit Jerusalem and flee to Mahanaim. Mahanaim was beyond the Jordan River. Absalom's army marched against David's army. Twenty thousand of Absaloms army were killed in that battle. As David sat impatiently waiting at the gate of Mahanaim, he was told that Absalom had been killed. It was then that David lamented: My son, my son Absalom! I wish I had died in your place! Absalom, my son, my son! (2 Samuel 18:33) You may read this exciting account in the book of 2 Samuel. ABUSIVE SPEECH: SEE BLASPHEMY

ABYSS: Greek: abyssos means very deep, unfathomable, boundless. Abyssos occurs nine times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. It is the spiritual prison where Satan and his angels are kept until their final punishment. (Revelation 20:1-3) The demons urged Jesus not to cast them into the abyss at Luke 8:31. See Bottomless Pit. ACACIA TREE: A type of mimosa tree. It is a hard and durable wood. Acacia wood was use for the tabernacle. (Exodus 26:15) ACCAD: Accad was one of the four cities founded by Nimrod that formed the beginning of his kingdom. (Genesis 10:10) ACCEPTABLE TIME: The apostle Paul urged the Corinthians to accept the salvation offered from God at the acceptable time. He went on to say: now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation. (2 Corinthians 6:2) He quoted from Isaiah 49:8. ACCIDENT: Hebrew: migreh means befall. (Genesis 44:29) (Deuteronomy 25:18) Solomon appreciated the possibility that anyone may become a victim of unexpected occurrence or circumstance. (Ecclesiastes 9:11) This should not be confused with the worldly term for luck. ACCO: This seaport city was also known as Accho, Acre, and Ptolemais. It was located at the bay formed by the cape of Mount Carmel on the Mediterranean Sea. (Acts 21:7) ACCUSATION: Hebrew: sitnah means resist. It comes from the root verb Satan. (Ezra 4:6) (Zecariah 3:1) Greek: kategoreo means speaking against someone usually in a legal sense. (Mark 3:2) (Luke 6:7) The Greek word diabolos is rendered accuse at Luke 16:1. ACHAIA: Before the Romans conquered the area in 146 B.C.E. Achaia referred to a small region in the Peloponnesus along the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth. Caesar Augustus reorganized the provinces of Greece, Macedonia and Achaia and called all the Peloponnesus by the name Achaia. (2 Corinthians 1:1) Paul speaks about the generosity of the Christians in Achaia at Romans 15:26. ACHAICUS: Achaicus, Stephanas and Fortunatus visited the apostle Paul while he was at Ephesus. They stayed with him and encouraged him. (1 Corinthians 16:17, 18)

ACHAN: Achan was the son of Carmi. He was from the household of Zabdi of the family of Zerah in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:7) Achan disobeyed Jehovahs command to destroy all valuable things captured in the city of Jericho. All of Israel was tried because of his sin. He finally admitted his sin. (Joshua 7:4-26) ACHBOR, KING OF EDOM: Achbor was the father of Baal-hanan. He was the seventh king of Edon. (Genesis 36:38, 39) (1 Chronicles 1:49) ACHBOR, SON OF MICAIAH: This Achbor was the son of Micaiah. (2 Kings 22:8-14) He was a trusted official of King Josiahs court. Achbor was the father of Elnathan, a prince of the court of King Jehoiakim. (Jeremiah 26:22; 36:12) (2 Kings 24:8) ACHIM: Achim was a descendant of David in the royal line through Solomon and a relative of Joseph the adoptive father of Jesus. (Matthew 1:14) ACHISH: Achish was a Philistine king of Gath who reigned during the time of David and Solomon. Twice when David was running from Saul King Achish gave David refuge. (1 Samuel 21:10-15) Achish lived into Solomons reign. (1 Kings 2:39-41) ACHOR: The valley forming part of the North East boundary of the tribal territory of Judah. (Joshua 15:7) The name achor means ostracism or trouble. Jehovah recalls, at Hosea 2:15, Israels youth at the time of the Exodus would be restored from future captivity and the valley of Achor would become a door of hope. ACHSAH: The Judean spy Caleb offered his daughter Achsah in marriage as a prize to the person who captured the stronghold of Debir in Judahs territory. Calebs nephew Othniel captured it and was rewarded, he married his cousin Achsah. (Joshua 15:15-19) (Judges 1:12-15; 3:9, 10) ACHSHAPH: This is the Place for Practicing Sorcery. It was the royal city of Canaan. (Joshua 11:1) ACHZIB, CITY IN JUDAH: Achzib was a city in southern Judah. (Joshua 15:44) It is believed to be the same as Chezib, the birthplace of Judahs son Shelah. (Genesis 38:5) Joshua 15:33 shows it to be in the hilly country of the Shephelah.

ACHZIB, COASTAL CITY: This Achzib was a Phoenician coastal city belonging to the tribe of Asher. (Joshua 19:29) Some experts believe it is the same as ez-Zib (Tel Akhziv) which is 9 miles north of Acco at the mouth of the Wadi Qarn. ACRE: According to the Scriptures, an acre is the measure of land that a span of bulls can plow in a day. The Hebrew word tsemedh means span. (1 Samuel 14:14) (1 Kings 19:19) ACTS OF APOSTLES: Luke wrote the book of Acts. Luke was the writer of the Gospel of Luke. Luke addressed Theophius in his Gospel as well as in the Acts of Apostles. Even though he did not sign his name, Luke did write Acts 1:1, 3. The book covers a period of nearly 28 years, beginning with Jesus ascension in 33 C.E. to the end of the second year of Pauls imprisonment in Rome about 61 C.E. It reports primarily about the activities of the apostles Peter and Paul. Gods Kingdom under Christ is the overriding theme of the entire Bible and it dominates the book. (Acts 1:3, 8:12; 14:22; 19:8; 20:25; 28:31) The reader soon becomes aware of how the apostles gave a complete witness concerning Christ and the Kingdom. (Acts 2:40; 5:42; 8:25; 10:42; 20:21, 24; 23:11; 26:22; 28:23) The writer, Luke, was an eyewitness to the events he wrote about and he contacted fellow Christian who witnessed the events. The Areopagus in Athens, or Mars Hill, where Paul preached offer silent testimony to the truthfulness of Acts. (Acts 17:19) Acts of the Apostles was accepted without question as inspired and part of the canonical books of Holy Scriptures. Read the Book of Acts and grow spiritually! ADADAH: Adadah was one of the cities in the southern part of Judahs territory. It was on the border of Edom. (Joshua 15:22) ADALIA: Adalia was one of Hamans ten sons. (Esther 9:7-10) ADAM: The name of the first man was Adam. (Genesis 4:1) The word occurs 560 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. It means man or mankind. ADAMAH: This fortified city was in the territory assigned to the tribe of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 36) ADAMI-NEKEB: Adami-nekeb was a place in southern Naphtali. It was on an old caravan route between Gilead and the Plain of Acco. (Joshua 19:33)

ADAR: Adar was the name of the 12th Jewish lunar month of the sacred calendar. (Esther 3:7) This month led to the close of the winter season and the beginning of spring. The carob trees begin to blossom in parts of Palestine during the month of Adar. ADBEEL: Adbeel was a grandson of Abraham. He was the third son among 12 sons of Ishmael. His mother was an Egyptian. He was the chieftain of a clan bearing his name. (Genesis 21:21; 25:13-16) (1 Chronicles 1:29) ADDAR, THE BENJAMITE: Addar was the son of Bela, a Benjaminite. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 3) ADDAR, THE TOWN: Addar was a town on the southern border of Judah located near Kadesh-barnea. (Joshua 15:3) The names Hezron and Addar were combined at Numbers 34:4 to form Hazaraddar. It was about 5 miles northwest of Kadesh-barnea. ADDI: Addi was the son of Cosam and father of Melchi. He was a descendant of David through Nathan. Thus he was an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (Luke 3:28, 31) ADDON: Some of the people returning from Babylon to Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. were unable to prove their genealogy from the public records. Addon was the place where they met to do this. As a result of this lack of evidence these individuals were disqualified from serving in the priesthood. Some scholars believe Addon was also the name of a person who was unable to prove his ancestry. (Ezra 2:5962) (Nehemiah 7:61-64) ADIEL, FATHER OF AZMAVETH: This Adiel was the father of Azmaveth. King David appointed him to be responsible for his royal treasure house. 1 Chronicles 27:25, 31) ADIEL, OF THE TRIBE OF SIMEON: Adiel was one of the leaders of the tribe of Simeon in the days of King Hezekiah of Judah in the eighth century B.C.E. He took part in the dispossession of the Hamites from the region near Gedor. (1 Chronicles 4:36, 38-41) ADIEL, AARONIC PRIEST: He was an Aaronic priest of the paternal house of Immer. His father was Jahzerah. His son Maasai was at Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:12)

ADIN: This man was one of the paternal heads of Israel. Several hundred of his descendants returned from the exile in Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:15) (Nehemiah 7:20) ADJUTANT: This word comes from the Hebrew word shalish meaning third man. It was used to describe the third warrior in a war chariot. It has also been translated, captain, chariot-leader, lord, and warrior. The English word adjutant means a helper or assistant. (Exodus 14:7) (1 Kings 9:22) (2 Kings 7:2, 16-20; 15:25) ADINA: Adina was the son of Shiza. He served as an officer over 30 other Reubenites in Davids army. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 42) ADITHAIM: The exact site of Adithaim is uncertain. It was one of the cities of Judah located in the Shephelah, or lowland. (Joshua 15:33, 36) ADLAI: Adlai was the father of Shaphat, who served as the overseer of Davids herds in the plains. (1 Chronicles 27:29) ADMAH: Admah was one of the five cities in the region of the Valley of Siddim. It was inhabited by Canaanites. (Genesis 10:19; 14:1-3) It was probably near the south end of the Salt Sea. ADMATHA: Admatha was one of the seven princes in the kingdom of Persia and Media who had access to King Ahasuerus. These princes served the Persian king as counselors. (Esther 1:14) (Ezra 7:14) ADMINISTRATION: The method, including policy and procedures, of achieving a goal makes up the administration of that goal. Jehovah God has placed all things in Christ to form an administration at the appointed time. This administration is gathering all the things in heaven and the things on earth. (Ephesians 1:10; 3:2) (Colossians 1:25) ADNAH, OFFICER OF MANASSEH: Adnah was a military officer who deserted from Sauls army and joined Davids army at Ziklag. He fought at Davids side when David pursued the marauding band of Amalekites. Adnah became a leader in Davids army. (1 Chronicles 12:20, 21) 1 Samuel 30:1, 2, 17-19) ADNAH, THE GENERAL: Adnah was Judean general of the armies during the reign of King Jehoshaphat. He was the commander over

780,000 troops. His sub-commanders were generals Jehohanan and Amasiah. (2 Chronicles 17:13-16, 19) ADNA, FROM PAHATH-MOAB: This Adna was an Israelite and descendant of the house of Pahath-moab. He agreed to send his non-Israelite wife away when Ezra the priest told him to do so. (Ezra 10:30, 44) ADNA, THE PRIEST: Adna was part of the paternal house of Harim at the time of High Priest Joiakim and of Nehemiah and of Ezra the priest. (Nehemiah 12:12-15, 26) ADONI-BEZEK: This powerful and ruthless ruler humbled 70 pagan kings by cutting off their thumbs and big toes. This took place just before the Israelites attacked Bezek. Ancent Athenians employed used this practice. They declared that prisoners of war should lose their thumbs. (Judges 1:4-7) ADONIJAH, LEVITE IN JUDAH: Adonijah was a Levite who Jehoshaphat sent to teach in the cities of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:79) ADONIJAH, DAVIDS SON: Adonijah was Davids fourth son. He was born of Haggith in Hebron. (2 Samuel 3:4, 5) In spite of the declaration by Jehovah that the kingdom would go to Solomon, Adonijah boasted that he would be the next king of Israel. He called a meeting and had himself declared king. (1 Kings 1:9, 10, 25) David immediately had Solomon anointed as king. Adonijahs supporters then withdrew their support. (1 Kiings 1:11-53) ADONIKAM: Adonikam was a founder of a paternal house in Israel. More than 600 members of his family returned to Jerusalem after the exile at Babylon. (Ezra 2:13) (Nehemiah 7:18) ADONI-ZEDEK: This man was the king of Jerusalem at the time the Israelites conquered the Promised Land. King Adoni-zedek joined forces with other kingdoms west of the Jordan to fight against Joshuas conquering forces. (Joshua 9:1-3; 10:1-27) ADOPTION: Adoption is the act of accepting someone as a son or daughter who is not such by natural relationship. The Greek word for adoption found at Romans 8:15 is hui-o-the-sia. It means, a placing as son. Adoption is not presented as a point of legal procedure in the Holy Scriptures. It was more a matter of social practice. (Genesis 15:2-4; 30:3-8, 12, 13, 24) One of the most widely

known adoptions in the Bible is the adoption of Moses by Pharaohs daughter found at Exodus 2:5-10. The apostle Paul mentioned adoption several times when describing the status of those called and chosen by God. Through purchase by means of Jesus Christ they receive the adoption as sons and also become heirs with Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son on of God. (Galatians 4:1-7) (Romans 8:14-17) They do not receive this son ship naturally but by an act of Gods Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:5) The actual word adoption is found five times in the Bible: Romans 8:15, Romans 8:23, Romans 9:4, Galatians 4:5 and Ephesians 4:5. ADORAIM: King Rehoboam of Judah rebuilt and fortified Adoraim in the 10th century B.C.E. Experts in Bible today identify the modern village of Dura, 5 miles west of Hebron, as the town of Adoraim. (2 Chronicles 11:9) ADORNMENT: An adornment is something that is used to decorate, beautify, and embellish. It may be for a good or for a deceptive purpose. The Hebrew word for adornment is hadha-rah which means honor. (1 Chronicles 16:29) (Lamentations 5:12) The Greek word kosmos is translated world at 1 Peter 3:3. The related verb ko-smeo is translated adorn at Titus 2:10. The Bible does not condemn physical adornment if properly done. Spiritual adornment is in fact recommended. Jehovah describes himself as clothed in light and surrounded by beauty. (Psalms 104:1, 2) (Ezekiel 1:1, 4-28) (Revelation 4:2, 3) The apostle Paul told Christian women to adorn themselves in well-arranged clothing with modesty and soundness of mind. The apostle Peter encouraged Christians to adorn the secret person of the heart and to wear incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit. (1 Peter 3:35) ADRAMMELECH, SON OF SENNACHERIB: This man was the son of King Sennacherib of Assyria. Adrammelech and his brother Sharezer murdered their father while he was bowing down in worship. This took place at the house of the god Nisroch at Nineveh. They escaped to the mountains of Ararat, near the Caspian Sea. (2 Kings 19:35-37) (Isaiah 37:36-38) ADRAMMELECH, GOD OF SEPHARVITES: Adrammelech was a god worshiped by the Sepharvites. The Sepharvites were people who were subjugated to the king of Assyria. They were brought into the territory of Samaria at the time the ten tribe kingdom of the Israelites were in exile. The Sepharvites sacrificed their sons in the

fire to the false gods, Adrammelech and Anammelech. (2 Kings 17:22-24, 31, 33) ADRAMYTTIUM: This seaport on the Aegean Sea was located in Mysia. It was part of the province of Asia under Roman rule. It is only mentioned once in the Bible at Acts 27:2-6. Paul boarded a ship at Adramyttium that was sailing to points along the coast of Asia Minor. ADRIA: The sea of Adria is mentioned at Acts 27:27 in the account of Pauls fourteen turbulent days before the shipwreck on the island of Malta. The present city of Adria is near the coast and the name Adria came to apply to the waters in that vicinity and included the Adriatic Sea. In Pauls day the sea of Adria surrounded the island of Malta. ADRIEL: Adriel was the son of Barzillai. He was from the city of Abell-meholah. Adriel was given Sauls oldest daughter Merab as his wife. She had previouly been promised to David. (1 Samuel 18:1719) After Saul attempted to destroy the Gibeonites, all of Adriels five sons were surrendered for execution to atone for the failed attempt. (2 Samuel 21:8, 9) ADULLAM: The first Biblical mention of Adullam was in connection with Hirah the Adullamite who became a companion of Judah. (Genesis 38:1, 2, 12, 20) Adullam was a city of Judah in the fertile lowland halfway between Bethlehem and Lachish. (Joshua 15:35) The cave of Adullam was where David hid when he fled from King Saul. There are numerous limestone caves in this area. (2 Samuel 23:13) ADULTERY: The Hebrew word naaph and the Greek word moicheuo mean to commit adultery, extramarital sex. Adultery is the breaking of a marriage promise by having sexual relations with someone other than the marriage partner. Jehovah states in the Ten Commandments: Do not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14) Jesus Christ the Son of God also teaches: Do not commit adultery. (Matthew 5:27-32) (Luke 16:18) ADUMMIM PASS: Adummim Pass is a steep pass 7.5 miles east and northeast of Jerusalem. (Joshua 15:7; 18:17) It is halfway between Jerusalem and Jericho. Jericho is in the Jordan Valley near the Jordan River. This has always been a dangerous route to travel, with plenty of robbers and highwaymen. The Arabic name for the pass is Talat ed-Damm. It appropriately means Ascent of Blood.

It is thought to be the site of the attack on the traveler in Jesus illustration of the Good Samaritan at Luke 10:30-37. ADVERSARY: The English word adversary comes from the Greek word an-tidi-kos. It can also be translated enemy, antagonist or opponent. The Hebrew word for adversary is tsar. The New Simplified Bible uses the words enemy and opponent more frequently than the word adversary. (Numbers 25:18) (Psalm 89:42) (Luke 12:58) (1 Peter 5:8,9) AFFECTION: Affection is strong, warm, personal feelings that exist between close friends, Christian brothers and sisters and family members. The Hebrew word cha-shag means show affection. (Genesis 34:8) The Greek word phileo means to like, be fond of and even kiss. (Matthew 10:37; 23:6) (John 12:25) (Mark 14:44) Jesus felt such a deep affection for his friend Lazarus. He cried when Lazarus died. (John 11:35, 36) Agapao is love directed by principle and it can also be expressed with deep affection, such as Gods love for his people and his peoples love for him. (John 3:16) AENEAS: The apostle Peter healed Aeneas from paralysis. This man from Lydda met Peter alongside the Plains of Sharon. (Acts 9:32-35) AENON: Aenon was near Salim. Ainon in Greek means place of springs. There were in fact many springs in the area. It had a great quantity of water so John the Baptist performed immersions there after the Passover of 30 C.E. (John 3:23) AGABUS: Agabus was a Christian prophet during Pauls yearlong visit to Antioch of Syria. Agabus foretold that a great famine was about to come upon the entire inhabited earth during the reign of Claudius Caesar. (Acts 11:27, 28) Jewish history written by Josephus refers to this great famine during Emperor Claudius reign. (41-54 C.E.) Agabus prophesied that Paul would be arrested by the people of the nations, the Romans at Acts 21:8-11. AGATE: This semiprecious stone comes in various colors. The vast majority of the time it is white and brown. (Exodus 39:12) AGE, WORLD: Age is the time an individual has lived counted in years, months and days. (Genesis 50:26) The Greek word aion refers to age as a time period in mans history. Age can refer to a time period that never ends such as the age reference found at Matthew 21:19 or Luke 1:33 speaking of forever. At Matthew 24:3

Jesus followers wanted to know when the age would come to an end. Here the word aion refers to a period of time, course of activities, and the world, as they knew it. They literally wanted to know when the old religious, social, political, and economic system or arrangement would end and when a new and better one would start. The use of the word world is also a proper translation of the Greek word aion. Four hundred years ago the translators of the King James Version used the word world when translating the Greek word aion. Back then the word world was understood to mean both a period of time, humanity in general, and the physical earth. The Websters New World Dictionary gives nine definitions. Five of these definitions include: 1. The earth, 2. The universe, 3. The earth and its inhabitants, 4. The human race; mankind, and 5. A period of history and its society. The term age defines the meaning of the Greek word aion more closely than the word world. The term system of things is also a good way to express aion and covering more than just a reference to a time period. The New Simplified Bible uses the word age because it is familiar to most Bible readers. In some Scripture verses a few words of clarification are added in (parentheses). (Hebrews 1:2) AGEE: Agee was a Hararite. He was the father of Shammah, who was one of Davids mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:8, 11) AGRICULTURE: Agriculture is the practice of cultivating the land or raising livestock. It is also known as farming and had its beginning in Eden. Adam was placed in the garden to cultivate it and take care of it. After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were expelled from the garden and the ground came under Gods curse. They were to struggle to earn a living from the soil. (Genesis 2:5, 15; 3:17-19) The sons of Adam and Eve were farmers. Abel kept flocks and Cain worked the soil. (Genesis 4:2-4) After the Israelites entered the Promised Land live rural lives cultivating crops and herding sheep. AGUR: Agur was the writer of the 30th chapter of the Book of Proverbs. (Proverbs 30:1) He probably lived during Solomons reign as king. By reason of the fact that very little is known about him some rabbinic scholars have considered the name Agur to allegorical. They applied it as another name for Solomon. There is no proof to substantiate this belief. AHARAH: Aharah was the third son of Benjamin. He could have been the same as Ehi in Genesis 46:21 and Ahiram in Numbers 26:38. (1 Chronicles 8:1)

AHARHEL: Aharhel was the son of Harum. He was a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:8) AHASBAI: Ahasbai was a Maacathite. His son was a noted member of Davids fighting force. (2 Samuel 23:34) Ahasbai came from Abelbethmaacah in territory of Naphtali. This was also known as the Syrian kingdom of Maacah. (2 Samuel 20:14; 10:6, 8) AHASUERUS, FATHER OF DARIUS: Ahasuerus was the father of Darius the Mede found at Daniel 9:1. AHASUERUS, SON OF CYRUS: This man was the king mentioned in Ezra 4:6. He was probably the Cambyses of profane history, the son and successor of Cyrus. AHASUERUS, KING OF PERSIA: The Ahasuerus of the book of Esther was thought to be Xerxes I, the son of the Persian king Darius the Great (Darius Hystaspis). He ruled over the kingdoms of Persia, Media, and Babylonia. His domain extended from Indian to Ethiopia. (Esther 1:1, 2) Esther was chosen as his queen. (Esther 2:1-4, 16, 17) AHAVA RIVER: The Ahava River was northwest of Babylon. This was where Ezra gathered many Jews and held a fast before starting the trip to Jerusalem. (Ezra 8:15, 21, 31) It was about a nine-day walk from Babylon along the river. (Ezra 7:9; 8:15, 31) AHBAN: Ahban was the son of Abishur and Abihail of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:29) AHER: This person was a descendant of Benjamin who was probably the same as Ahiram. (1 Chronicles 7:12) (Numbers 26:38) AHIAM: Ahiam was one of Davids mighty men of war. He was the son of Sharar the Hararite. (2 Samuel 23:33) (1 Chronicles 11:35) AHIAN: Ahian was from the tribe of Manasseh. He was the son of Shemida. (1 Chronicles 7:14, 19) AHIHUD, SON OF SHELOMI: Ahihud was the son of Shelomi. He was a leader in the tribe of Asher and was chose to assist in the division of the Promised Land among the people. (Numbers 34:18, 27, 29)

AHIHUD, BROTHER OF UZZA: This Ahihud was Uzzas brother. He was from the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:7) AHIJAH, SON OF JERAHMEEL: This Ahijah was the fifth son of Jerahmeel. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:25) AHIJAH, OF THE TRIBE OF BENJAMIN: This man was a family head from the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:4, 6, 7) He may have been the same as Ahoah in verse 4. AHIJAH, SON OF AHITUB: Ahijah was the son of Ahitub. He was the grandson of Eli. Ahijah served as the high priest in Shiloh at the time Saul was king. (1 Samuel 14:3, 18) AHIJAH, MIGHTY MAN FOR DAVID: This Ahijah was one of Davids mighty military men. He was a Pelonite. (1 Chronicles 11:36) AHIJAH, THE LEVITE: Ahijah was a Levite. He was in charge of the treasures of Jehovahs house. He served during Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 26:20) AHIJAH, SON OF SHISHA: Ahijah was the son of Shisha. He and his brother Elihoreph served Solomon as princely secretaries. (1 Kings 4:2, 3) AHIJAH, PROPHET OF JEHOVAH: Ahijah was a prophet of Jehovah who lived in Shiloh. He prophesied that a split would occure in Solomons kingdom. As a symbolic demonstration of prophecy Ahijah ripped a new garment into 12 parts. He gave 10 pieces to Jeroboam and promised that if Jeroboam proved faithful, Jehovah would build a lasting house for him. (1 Kings 11:29-39; 12:15; 14:2-8) (2 Chronicles 9:29; 10:15) AHIJAH, FATHER OF BAASHA: This Ahijah was the father of Baasha. Baasha plotted against Nadab and made himself king of Israel. He was from the trib of Issachar. (1 Kings 15:27, 33) (2 Kings 9:9) AHIKAM: This man was the son of Shaphan the royal secretary during Josiahs reign. He is noted for his efforts to save the life of Jeremiah. Ahikam supported Jeremiah so he was not turned over to be put to death. (Jeremiah 26:24) Ahikams son Gedaliah was governor of Judah after Jerusalems destruction in 607 B.C.E. (2 Kings 22:12-14) (2 Chronicles 34:20-22) ( 2 Kings 25:22) (Jeremiah 40:5)

AHILUD: Ahilud was the father of Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat was Davids royal recorder. (2 Samuel 8:16) (1 Chronicles 18:15) It is possible that Ahilud was the father of Baana, a deputy of food supplies for Solomon. (1 Kings 4:7, 12) AHIMELECH, SON OF AHITUB: Ahimelech was the son of Ahitub. He was a priest. He was the great grandson of Eli, the high priest at tabernacle at Nob. He gave aid to David when David was a fugitive from Saul. Because of this the Edomite Doeg massacred him and others around him. (1 Samuel chapters 21, 22) AHIMELECH, SON OF ABIATHAR: This Ahimelech was the son of Abiathar and the grandson of Ahimelech, whom Doeg killed. (1 Chronicles 18:16; 24:3, 6, 31) AHIMELECH, THE HITTITE: This Ahimilech was invited by David to approach Sauls camp at night. He did not accept the invitation. (1 Samuel 26:6, 7) AHIMOTH: This Levite son of Elkanah was of the family of Kohath. His name means Brother of Death. (1 Chronicles 6:25) AHINADAB: Ahinadab was one of the 12 deputies who provided food for Solomons royal household. They each took a turn once a year. He lived in Mahanaim and was assigned the territory located in southern Giilead. (1 Kings 4:7, 14) AHINOAM, KING SAULS WIFE: Ahinoam was King Sauls wife. She was the daughter of Ahimaaz and the mother of Jonathan. (1 Samuel 14:49, 50) AHINOAM, DAVIDS WIFE: This Ahinoam was the wife of David. She was a Jezreelite. (1 Samuel 25:43) (2 Samuel 2:2) She traveled with David in his exile to Philistia and was captured by Amalekite raiders at Ziklag, but was rescued unharmed. (1 Samuel 27:3; 30:5, 18) When she was in Hebron, she became the mother of Davids first born, Amnon. (2 Samuel 3:2) (1 Chronicles 3:1) AHIO, SON OF BERIAH: This Ahio was the son of Beriah and the grandson of Elpaal. He was from the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:12-16) AHIO, SON OF JEIEL: Ahio was the son of Jeiel by his wife Maacah. He was a Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:29, 31; 9:35-37)

AHIO, SON OF ABINADAB: Ahio was the son of Abinadab of Kiriath-jearim. Ahio was walking ahead of the Ark of the Covenant. It was being moved to Jerusalem on a new wagon. His brother Uzzah was struck down for touching the Ark. (2 Samuel 6:3, 4) (1 Chronicles 13:7-10) AHIRA: Ahira was the son of Enan. He was the head of the tribe of Naphtali when they were in the wilderness. (Numbers 1:15; 2:29; 7:1-3, 78; 10:27) AHIRAM: Ahiram was a son of Benjamin and founder of a family. (Numbers 26:38) He is considered the same as Ehi at Genesis 46:21 and Aharah at 1 Chronicles 8:1. AHIRAMITES: This family descended from Ahiram, a son of Benjamin. (Numbers 26:38) AHISHAR: Ahishar was the steward responsible for Solomons palace household. (1 Kings 4:2, 6) AHITHOPHEL: Ahithophel was a native of Giloh in the hills of Judah. He was the father of one of Davids mighty men named Eliam and he might have been the grandfather of Bathsheba. (2 Samuel 11:3; 15:12; 16:23; 23:34) Ahithophel served as Davids personal advisor and he was highly esteemed by David. Later in his life Ahithophel turned traitor against King David and lead a coup against the king. (2 Samuel 15:31; 16:15, 21; 17:1-4) However, Jehovah thwarted the attempts to overthrow David. Ahithophel committed suicide and was buried with is forefathers. (2 Samuel 17:23) AHLAB: Ahlab was a Canaanite town located in Ashers territory. The tribe was not able to drive out the Canaanites, so they continueed to inhabit the town. (Judges 1:31) AHUZZATH: Ahuzzath was the friend who accompanied Abimelech the Philistine king of Gerar on a visit to Isaac at Beersheba. (Genesis 26:23, 26) The Hebrew word for friend is merea. It means friend, companion and adviser. AHZAI: This man was son of Meshillemoth and a relative of some priest in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:13)

AI: Ai was the royal city of the Canaanites located east of Bethel on a valley plain. It was just north of Michmash. (Joshua 7:2; 8:11, 12) (Isaiah 10:28) After Abraham arrived in Canaan he pitched his tent with Bethel on the west with Ai on the east. It was there that he build an altar. (Genesis 12:8; 13:3) In Isaiahs time it was prophesied that the king of Assyria would take Ai when he marched to Jerusalem. (Isaiah 10:28) (Ezra 2:28) (Nehemiah 7:32; 11:31) AIJALON, CITY IN HILLS: Aijalon was a city in the hill of Palestine known as the Shephelah. It was located on a hill at the south end of the Aijalon Valley. Joshua was near this city when he called for the sun and the moon to stand motionless over Gibeon and over the Aijalon Valley. (Joshua 10:12-14) Aijalon was later assigned to the tribe of Dan and after that to the sons of Kohath as a Levite city. (Joshua 19:40-42; 21:24) Aijalon was lost to the Philistines two and a half centuries later. (2 Chronicles 28:18) AIJALON, IN THE TERRITORY OF ZEBULUN: Judge Elon of the tribe of Zebulun was buried at Aijalon. (Judges 12:12) AIN, NEAR RIBLAH: This place was located near Riblah, north of the Sea of Galilee. (Numbers 34:11) AIN, CITY OF JUDAH: Ain was a city of Judah in the southernmost territory of Judah. It was later assigned to the tribe of Simeon. Ain was near Rimmon. (Joshua 15:32; 19:1, 7, 9) (1 Chronicles 4:24, 32) AKAN: Akan was the third son of Sheik Ezer of the Seirites. (Genesis 36:20, 21, 27) AKELDAMA: This means Field of Blood. It is the name the Jews gave to the plot land purchased with the unrighteous funds paid to Judas Iscariot for his betrayal of Jesus Christ-Acts 1:18, 19. It was on the south side of the Valley of Hinnom located south of Jerusalem. Matthew 27:3-10 indicates that the priests used the 30 pieces of silver thrown into the temple by Judas to purchase the potters field. ALABASTER: This soft stone is usually a light creamy color. Vases and jars were made out of alabaster. (Matthew 26:7) ALAMOTH: Alamoth is a musical term. It refers to the soprano voices of young women or the falsetto of boys. Stringed instruments are described as tuned according to Alamoth. (1 Chronicles 15:20)

The superscription to Psalm 46 is alamohth. It is translated Maidens. ALEXANDER THE GREAT: Alexander the Great was the son of Philip II of Macedonia, Greece. His mother Olympias gave birth to him in 356 B.C.E. Alexander the Great is not named in the Holy Scriptures, but his great military feats are identified in prophecy. He became king after his father was assassinated and he immediately set out to conquer the world. (Ezekiel 26:4, 12) (Jeremiah 50:35-40; 51:26) (Daniel 8:5-8, 20-22; 11:4) King Alexander founded the city of Alexandria. It became a great seat of learning where the Greek Septuagint was later written. Daniel foretold the demise of Alexander predicting that he was to be cut down and broken in death and this happened at age 32, in the prime of life, he suddenly died of malarial fever. Four kingdoms were established out of the one kingdom that Alexander ruled over and four of Alexanders generals became their rulers. (Daniel 8:22) ALEPH: Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The name for this letter is the same as the Hebrew word for cow or ox. (Psalm 8:7) (Deuteronomy 7:13) The first eight verses, in Hebrew, in Psalm 119 begin with aleph. ALEXANDRIA: Alexandria is a seaport and city of Egypt. It was an important city during the time of Jesus and his apostles. Alexander the Great ordered it to be built in 332 B.C.E. It grew to become the major city and capital of Egypt. Approximately 500,000 persons lived there at its peak and Jews formed a sizable portion of the population. It was here that the Greek Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, was written. The Romans took control of Alexandria in 30 B.C.E. (Acts 6:9; 8:24; 27:6; 28:11) ALGUM TREE: Solomon requested the algum tree when he asked for timbers for the construction of the temple. There is no certainty today as to what kind of tree this was. (2 Chronicles 2:8, 9:10) The wood from the algum tree was rare and precious even when Hiram delivered it. (1 Kings 10:12) ALIENS, FOREIGNERS, AND STRANGERS: An alien is someone who resides outside his native land. This person usually has his civil rights restricted and often has no religious connections in the country in which he resides as a stranger. The Hebrew word ger can be translated alien, stranger, foreigner, sojourner and guest. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants were considered aliens, foreigners, and strangers until they were given legal title to

the Promised Land. (Genesis 15:13, 17:8) (Deuteronomy 23:7) A non-Israelite living with the Israelite community was designated a foreigner, alien or guest. The Law covenant gave special consideration and protection to these strangers who were not natural born Israelites. (Exodus 22:21, 23:9) (Deuteronomy 10:18) The foreigner (alien) proselyte was to be treated as a brother. (Leviticus 19:33, 34) The prophet Ezekiel predicted a time when foreigners would receive an inheritance in the land like a native son of Israel. (Ezekiel 47:21-23) Paul wrote the Colossians that there is no distinction between Greek and Jew. He further stated that Christ is all in all. (Colossians 3:11) (Galatians 3:28) ALLAMMELECH: Allammelech was a town in the territory allotted to the tribe of Asher. It was north of the Kishon Valley. (Joshua 19:26) ALLIANCE: An alliance is a uniting together of different parties. It can be families, individuals, or states. It can be a uniting to be allies. (Psalm 94:20) (2 Chronicles 20:35) Nations can ally themselves together for mutual security. Perhaps the marriage alliance is one of the better-known uniting functions. (1 Samuel 18:22) (Exodus 3:1; 4:25) (Genesis 19:14) (Deuteronomy 27:23) Covenants were also formed to unite man to man, nation to nation and God to man. The apostle Paul presented a very important principle to apply when forming alliances. He said: Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what communion does light have with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? (2 Corinthians 6:14, 15) ALLON-BACUTH: This phrase means Weeping Tree. It was a massive tree found at the foot of Bethel, at the base of the hill where the city was located. It was named Weeping Tree because Jacob buried Deborah, the nursing woman of Rebekah, there. (Genesis 35:8) ALLON: Allon was a Simeonite and a descendant of Shemaiah. (1 Chronicles 4:37) ALMIGHTY: Greek: pantokrator means almighty absolute universal sovereign God. (Revelation 4:8) The expression Almighty God or God Almighty comes from the Hebrew words el shadday. It can be found more then 80 times in the Hebrew Scriptures.

ALMODAD: Almodad was the first of Joktans 13 sons. He was the fourth generation after Shem and the nephew of Peleg. The Messianic lineage can be traced to Peleg. (Genesis 10:26, 32) (1 Chronicles 1:20) ALMON: Almon was a Levite city in the territory of Benjamin. It was assigned to the sons of Aaron in the days of Joshua and of Eleazar the priest. (Joshua 21:1, 18) It is called Alemeth at 1 Chronicles 6:60. ALMOND: The almond is a native tree of Palestine, Lebanon, and Mesopotamia. It is a member of the peach family and comes from both cultivated and wild trees. The Hebrew word shao-qedh means the awakening one. This is fitting since the almond blooms very early in the spring. The tree displays beautiful pink and white flowers. It grows to heights of near sixteen feet. The almond fruit {or nut} is oblong with a point on one end. It is considered a delicacy and was used as part of a gift Jacob sent to Egypt at Genesis 43:11. (Genesis 30:37) (Exodus 25:33, 34; 37:19, 20) (Numbers 17:8) ALOES: This sweet smelling substance was obtained from a plant. It was used to make perfume, medicine and to prepare bodies for burial. (Psalm 45:8) (Proverbs 7:17) ALPHA AND OMEGA: The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, like the English A and Z. Used to describe Jehovah God. (Revelation 1:8, 21:6) (Isaiah 44:6; 48:12) Some experts believe that Jesus is considered the beginning and the end found at Revelation 22:13. If this were true it would be proof that Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God has the same eternal qualities as his Father. But it is also possible that Revelation 22:13 describes Jehovah God. ALPHAEUS THE FATHER OF JAMES THE LESS: He was the father of James the apostle. (Matthew 10:3) (Mark 3:18) (Luke 6:15) (Acts 1:13) Scholars support the belief that Alphaeus was the same person as Clopas in John 19:25. That would make his the husband of the other Mary (Matthew 27:56, 28:1) (Mark 15:10, 16:1) (Luke 24:10) It was common for individuals to go by two different names in those days. ALTAR: An altar is a place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship of the true God or another deity. Hebrew mizbeach means altar and zavach means slaughter or sacrifice. The Greek word thy-si-a-steri-on means slaughter and

sacrifice. (Genesis 8:20) (Deuteronomy 12:21, 16:2) (Matthew 22:4) (Mark 14:12) The term altar was use in a symbolic or figurative way in the Christian Greek Scriptures. For example, the altar of burnt offerings represented Gods will and his willingness to accept the perfect human sacrifice of his only-begotten Son. (Hebrews 10:5-10) (John 3:16-18) The altar at Hebrews 13:10-16 is obviously symbolic and not literal. Hebrews 13:15 states: Let us offer a sacrifice of praise to God continually through him, that is, the fruit of lips that make confession (give thanks and offer praise) to his name. This is an activity the Christian can do without a physical altar! ALUSH: Alush was a place on the Sinai Peninsula where the Israelites camped. (Numbers 33:13, 14) Though the site is not known for sure it was between Dophkah and Rephidim. ALVAH: This was the name of a place and a tribe. It was also the name of a sheik of Edom and descendant of Esau. (Genesis 36:40, 43) (1 Chronicles 1:51) ALVAN: Alvan was the first son of Sheik Shobal, a Seirite. (Genesis 36:20, 23, 29) (1 Chronicles 1:40) AMAD: This city was on the fertile coastal plain north of the Carmel Range. It was assigned to the tribe of Asher. (Joshus 19:26) AMAL: Amal was the last of the four sons of Helem listed among the sons of Asher. They were heads of their household, valiant and mighty men. (1 Chronicles 7:35, 40) AMALEK, AMALEKITES: Amalek was the son of Esaus firstborn Eliphaz, by his concubine Timna. (Genesis 36:12, 15, 16) Amalek was one of the sheiks of Edom. The Amalekites were the first nation to launch an unprovoked attack on the Israelites after the Exodus. This attack took place at Rephidim near Mount Sinai. Jehovah then decreed the ultimate extinction of the Amalekites. (Numbers 24:20) (Exofud 17:8-16) (Deuteronomy 25:17-19) A year after that the Israelites attempted to enter the Promised Land and were repulsed by the Amalekites. (Numbers 14:41-45) Some time later Gideon and his 300 men dealt them a smashing defeat. (Judges 6:1-3, 33; 7:12; 10:12) During the reign of Hezekiah, the remnant of the Amalekites was annihilated. (1 Chronicles 4:42, 43) There is no further mention of the Amalekites in Biblical or secular history.

AMAM: The village of Amam was in the Negeb, in the southern part of the territory of Judah. (Joshua 15:26) AMANA (AMANAH): The Anit-Lebanon Mountain Range contain a mountain named Amana. It appears at Song of Solomon 4:8 in connection with two other mountains. AMASAI, SON OF ELKANAH: Amasai was the son of Elkanah. He was a Levite of the family of Kohath and an ancestor of the prophet Samuel. He was related to the temple singer Heman of Davids time. (1 Chronicles 6:25, 35, 36) AMASHSAI: Amashsai was the son of Azarel and one of the priests in Jerusalem during Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 11:13) AMASIAH: Amasiah was the son of Zichri. He was commander of one of the Judean army divisions numbering 200,000 men. He served during Jehoshaphats reign. (2 Chronicles 17:16) AMAZIAH, KING OF JUDAH: Amaziah became king of Judah in 858 B.C.E. at age 25. He ruled for 29 years after the assassination of his father Jehoash. His reign was noted for his enthusiasm for true worship, however he did not worship with a complete heart. The record of his rule includes two military campaigns. (2 Chronicles 25:1, 2) (2 Kings 15:1, 2; 15:2) AMBASSADOR: An ambassador is an official representative of a ruler or a kingdom. (Ephesians 6:20) Older mature men serve in this capacity. The Greek words presbeuo and pre-sbeia are translated ambassador or body of ambassadors. (Luke 14:32) (2 Corinthians 5:20) (Philipians 3:20) The Greek word pre-sbyte-ros means older man or elder. (Acts 11:30) (Revelation 4:4) Jesus Christ came as Gods apostle or sent one. After Christ was resurrected into heaven his faithful followers were appointed to represent him as ambassadors of God. (John 14:30, 15:18,19) (2 Corinthians 5:18-20) (James 4:4) AMBUSH: An ambush is the act of lying in wait in a concealed place to attack by surprise. The Hebrew word erev means to lie in wait and ambush. (Jeremiah 9:8) (Psalm 10:8) It is also used in describing hunting tactics. (Job 37:8, 38:40) The Hebrew verb arav is a figurative description for a prostitute as she waylays men. (Proverbs 7:12; 23:28)

AMEN: Hebrew: amen means, so be it, truth, faithful. (Psalm 106:48) (1 Corinthians 14:16) It was used as a solemn legal pledge. (Numbers 5:22) (Deuteronomy 27:15-26) (Nehemiah 5:13) It was also an expression of praise and purpose. (Nehemiah 8:6) (1 Kings 1:36) (Jeremiah 11:5) Jehovah is the faithful God, the amen. (Deuteronomy 7:9) (Psalm 19:7; 89:28, 37) (Isaiah 49:7) The term amen also applies to Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:19, 20) (Revelation 3:14) The word amen is found more than fifty times in the Holy Scriptures. Search for this word in a comprehensive concordance of the Holy Scriptures. AMETHYST: Included in the list of precious and semiprecious stones used to build the foundation of the city wall described at Revelation 21:18-20 is amethyst. Amethyst comes from the Greek word amethystos meaning not to intoxicate. Usually amethyst is purple or violet in color. AM-HAARETS: This is the Hebrew word that occurs in the Hebrew Scriptures sixty-seven times. It was used as a term of contempt for the common people. SEE PEOPLE OF THE LAND (EARTH) AMITTAI: Amittai was the father of the prophet Jonah. He was from Gathhepher in Zebulun. (2 Kings 14:25) AMMAH: This is the name of a hill located in front of Giah on the way to the wilderness of Gibeon. Sauls son and heir, Ishbosheth, was assisted by Abner, Sauls former chief of the army. They made a final stand against the pursuing forces of Joab and Abishai at this hill. (2 Samuel 2:12-32) AMMIEL, SON OF GEMALLI: Ammel was the son of Gemalli of the tribe of Dan. He was included in the 12 sent out by Moses to spy on the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:12) Ammiel was one of the 10 spies who gave a bad report and died by Jehovah/s scourge. (Numbers 14:36, 37) AMMIEL, FATHER OF BATHSHEBA: Ammiel was the father of Bathsheba. His daughter was the wife of Uriah who was later taken by David. It is likely that Ammiel was the son of Ahithophel, the Gilonite, who was counselor to David. ( 1 Chronicles 3:5) (2 Samuel 23:34; 15:31) AMMIEL, SON OF OBED-EDOM: This Ammiel was the son of Obed-edom. He was a Levite and was the gatekeeper who was

responsible for the storehouses of the house of Jehovah in Davids time. (1 Chronicles 26:4, 5, 12-15) AMMINADAB, SON OF RAM: Amminadab was the son of Ram of the family of Hezron. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:10) Amminadabs son, Nahshon, was the leader of Judah during the wilderness travels. (Numbers 1:7; 7:11, 12) His daughter was the wife of Aaron. (Exodus 6:23) Amminadab was an ancestor of King David and also of Jesus Christ. (Ruth 19-22) (Matthew 1:4-16) (Luke 3:23-33) AMMINADAB, SON OF UZZIEL: This Amminadab was a Levite of the sons of Uzziel. He was a famil head living when David reigned as king. He helped transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:10-12) AMMISHADDAI: Ammishaddai was the father of Ahiezer. His son was a leader of the tribe of Dan who was with Moses when the census was taken of the Israilites two years after the exile from Egypt. (Numbers 1:12; 2:25) AMMIZABAD: Ammizabad was the son of Benaiah. His father was in charge of King Davids mighty military men. Ammizabad acted for his father in overseeing the third royal service group for the third month of the year. (1 Chronicles 27:5, 6) AMMON, AMMONITES: Ammon was Lots son by his younger daughter. His descendants were called Ammonites. (Genesis 19:38) Lot and his daughters resided in a cave in a mountainous region. The two daughters could not find anyone of their own people to marry. So each of the daughters had sexual intercourse with him after they gave him much wine to drink. (Genesis 19:30-36) The name Ammon is found at Psalm 83:7 where it refers to the nation of his descendants. His descendants are also called sons of Ammon and Ammonites. (Deuteronomy 2:19) As distant relatives to the Israelites the Ammonites language was a dialect of Hebrew. The Ammonites were vicious enemies of the Israelite nation. (Judges 3:12-14; 10:6-10 and Jg 10:16-11:33) AMNESTY, RELEASE: The terms amnesty and release are used interchangeably in the Holy Scriptures. The Hebrew word hanachah is used only once. It is found at Esther 2:18 when queen Esther granted an amnesty for the people. It can be translated holiday, release, and amnesty. The Hebrew word shemittah

is used to describe the releasing from debt or suspension of labor. (Deuteronomy 15:1, 2, 9; 31:10) (Matthew 27:15) AMNON, SON OF DAVID: Amnon was Davids son by Ahinoam the Jezreelitess. He was born at Hebron. (2 Samuel 3:2) (1 Chronicles 3:1) Amnon lusted after Tamar, Absaloms sister and his half-sister. He violated his half-sister forcibly, despite her strong protests. Two years later Tamars full brother Absalom had his servants murder Amnon. (2 Samuel 13:1-19) AMNON, SON OF SHIMON: This Amnon was the first of four sons of Shimon. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 20) AMOK: Amok was a priest who returned from exile in Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Nehemiah 12:1, 7) His son Eber represented his family in the time of Joiakim. (Nehemiah 12:12, 20) AMON, CHIEF OF SAMARIA: Amon was the ruler of the city of Samaria at the time when King Ahab of Israel ruled. He cared for the prophet Micaiah while King Ahab went to war with Ramothgilead. (1 Kings 22:10, 26) (2 Chronicles 18:25) AMON, KING OF JUDAH: Amon was the king of Judah, 661-660 B.C.E. He ascended the throne at age 22 and two years later he was murdered. (2 Kings 21:19-26) (2 Chronicles 33:20-25) AMON, FAMILY HEAD: This man was the family head of an exiled family. They were considered the sons of the servants of Solomon. (Nehemiah 7:57-59) He is called Ami in Ezra 2:57. AMON, GOD OF THEBES: Sometimes refered to as No-Amon, this god became the king of god under the name Amon-Ra. A large part of Egypts spoils of war was placed into the treasury of Amon. The Amon priesthood became very powerful and wealthy. (Jeremiah 46:25, 26) AMORITE: The term Amorite is used collectively in the Hebrew Scriptures to describe the Canaanite tribe descended from the original Amorite. (Ge 10:6, 15, 16; 1 Ch 1:13, 14) The Amorites were the dominant tribe in Canaan at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt. In fact they occupied most of the land the people of Israel eventually controlled. (De 1:6-8, 19-21, 27; Jos 24:15, 18; Jg 6:10) They were one of the seven nations more powerful than Israel. Jehovah devoted them to destruction. Israel was to make no covenant with them. The Israilites were told not to form marriage

alliances with them. And most important of all they were not to share in false worship with them.De 7:1-4. After many battles the Israelites, aided by Jehovah God, defeated the Amorites. The Amorite people finally passed completely out of existence. (Amos 2:9, 10) AMOS THE PROPHET: Amos was a prophet to the idolatrous ten-tribe kingdom in the north with its capital Samaria. He was also the writer of the Bible Book of Amos. He lived in the ninth century B.C.E. He was not the son of a prophet. (1 Ki 20:35; 2 Ki 2:3; 4:1; Amos 7:14) He lived in the town of Tekoa, ten miles south of Jerusalem and spent most of his time there out in the wilderness of Judah. He found employment there as a humble sheep raiser. (Amos 1:1) Amos also worked at the seasonal job of a nipper of sycamore figs, a variety considered food for the poor. The fig nipper would pinch and puncture the figs to hasten the ripening and increase the size and sweetness of the fruit. Jehovah God called Amos from following the flock and made him a prophet. (Amos 7:15) AMOS, THE BOOK: The book of Amos was written by the Prophet Amos about 804 B.C.E. while Jeroboam II was king of Israel. It is believed that Amos was in Judah at the time. Amos was inspired by Gods Spirit to use simple and direct language to deliver the message of Jehovahs judgement on Israel and the nations surrounding Israel. (Amos 1, 2) Israel is the main recipient of the judgement message. (Amos 3-6) Visions and prophecies show that Israels end is near. (Amos 7, 8) A comforting message of restoration is also offered to the faithful to read in the book of Amos. AMOZ: Amoz was the father of Isaiah the prophet.--2 Ki 19:2; Isa 1:1. AMPHIPOLIS: This Macedonian city is about three miles from the Aegean Sea and the seaport of Eion. The apostle Paul passed through Amphipolis on his second missionary journey-Ac 17:1. It was built on a hill surrounded on three sides by the curving Strymon River. AMPLIATUS: This beloved Christian Brother was in the Roman congregation. The apostle Paul sent him greetings at Romans 16:8. The name Ampliatus comes from Latin meaning enlarged.

AMRAM, GRANDSON OF LEVI: Amram was the grandson of Levi through Kohath. (Ex 6:16, 18, 20; Nu 3:19; 26:58; 1 Ch 6:18) He married his fathers sister, however, some translations show her to be his cousin. His children were Aaron, Miriam, and Moses. (Ex 6:20; Nu 26:59; 1 Ch 6:2, 3; 23:12, 13) AMRAM, SON OF BANI: This Amram was one of the sons of Bani. He returned with the exiles and put away his foreign wives. (Ezr 10:34, 44) AMRAM, SON OF DISHON: Amram (Hamran) was the son of Dishon. He and his father are listed in the chronology in chapter one of 1 Chronicles in the King James Version. (1 Chronicles 1:41) AMRAMITES: The Amramites were the descendants of Amram, the grandson of Levi by Hohath. They were a subdivision of the family of Kohathites. The camped south of the Tabernacle during the wilderness travels. The Kohathites were responsible for the Ark, the table, the lampstand, altars, utensils and the screen between the Holy and the Most Holy (Holy of Holies). (Numbers 3:27-31) (1 Chronicles 26:23) AMRAPHEL: Amraphel was the king of Shinar in southern Mesopotamia. He was an ally of King Chedorlaomer of Elam and assisted in the invasion and victory over five kings at the Siddim Valley. (Genesis 14:1-16) AMUSEMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT: The writer of Ecclesiastes made it clear that there is a time for everything. (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4) So there truly is a time for amusement and entertainment. The Philistine kings praised their gods and demanded that Samson entertain them. (Judges 14:24-30) So Samson entertained them and killed them at the same time. The expressions celebrate, play, offer amusement, and have a good time are often used to convey amusement and entertainment. (2 Samuel 6:21) (Job 41:5) (Exodus 32:6) (Genesis 26:8) The principle form of recreation were the playing of musical instruments, singing, dancing, conversation and some games. The people often asked each other riddles. (Judges 14:2) AMULETS: Amulets were ornaments, gems, scrolls and charms. They were worn to provide protection against the power of enchantments such as witchcraft and magical spells. The "earrings" in Genesis 35:4 were obviously connected with idolatrous worship

and were probably amulets or charms taken from the bodies of the slain Shechemites. (Judges 8:24) (Isaiah 3:40) (Hosea 2:13) ANAB: Anab was a town in south part of the Judean hill country from which the giant Anakim were expelled by Joshua. (Joshua 11:21, 15:48, 50) It was located halfway between Hebron and Beersheba. The original name for the town was Kiriath-anab. ANAHARATH: The city of Anaharath was occupied by the tribe of Issachar. It is believed to have been located in the eastern part of the Jezreel Plain. (Joshua 19:18, 19) ANAIAH, STOOD AT EZRAS RIGHT HAND: Anaiah was one of the men who stood at Ezras right hand and read the Law to the people. This was done on the first day of the seventh month. He was probably a priest. (Nehemiah 8:2, 4) ANAK: The Anak tribe was a tribe of tall men. (Numbers 13:22, 28) (Joshua 15:13-15) ANAKIM: The Anakim was a race of people that were large in size. They lived in the mountains of Canaan and along the coastal areas. Three men of the Anakim lived at Hebron: Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai-Nu 13:22. There was an old saying with reference to the great strength of the Anakim: Who can make a firm stand before the sons of Anak? (Deuteronomy 2:10, 11, 20, 2; 9:1-3) ANAMIM: Mizraim fathered Anamim. Mizraim was synonymous with Egypt, so it is likely that Anamim settled in Egypt. (Genesis 10:13) (1 Chronicles 1:11) ANAMMELECH: Anammelech was a deity of the Sepharvites. The worship of Anammelech involved the sacrifice of children. (2 Kings 17:31; 18:34) ANAN: Anan was one of the leaders of the people of Israel who were faithful and resolved to serve Jehovah. (Nehemiah 10:1, 26) ANANI: Anani was the son of Elioenai, a descendant of King David. (1 Chronicles 3:24) ANANIAH, FATHER OF MAASEIAH: Ananiah was the fatehr of Maaseiah and grandfather of Azariah. He assisted Nehemiah with the wall rebuilding project at Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:23)

ANANIAH, CITY OF BENJAMIN: This city belonged to the tribe of Benjamin after the return from exile. (Nehemiah 11:32) ANANIAS, ATTEMPTED DECEPTION : He was a member of the Christian congregation of Jerusalem in the first century. A common fund was established in Jerusalem at that time to take care of fellow Christians. Members sold their property and voluntarily donated to the fund. (Acts 4:24-37) After selling a field without his wifes knowledge, Ananias gave part of the money obtained. He let everyone think he gave the entire sum. This give was given to receive commendation and esteem within the congregation. The apostle Peter exposed Ananias for his false representation to Holy Spirit and to God. Ananias and his wife died as a result of fale pretense. (Acts 5:1-10) ANANIAS, A RIGHTEOUS MAN: This Christian disciple from Damascus was directed by Holy Spirit to meet with the newly converted Saul. He went to Saul, later named Paul, and cause him to recover his eye sight. Then he informed him of his commission to be a witness for God and for his son Jesus Christ. (Acts 9:10-18; 22:1216) ANANIAS,THE EVIL HIGH PRIEST: Ananias was the son of Nedbaeus. He was the Jewish high priest from 48 to 58 C.E. and was appointed to office by Herod, king of Chalcis, the brother of Herod Agrippa I. Ananias and several older men traveled to Caesarea to press charges against the apostle Paul before Governor Felix. (Acts 24:1) In 56 C.E. he presided at Pauls trial before the Sanhedrin. (Acts 23:2-5) He was finally murdered by his on people, the Jews, because of his collaboration with the Roman authorities. ANATH, FATHER OF SHAMGAR: This Anath was the father of Shamgar. Shamgar was one of Israels judges. (Judges 3:31; 5:6) ANATH, CANAANITE GODDESS: Anath was one of the three principal Canaanite goddesses. She was the sister and the spouse of the false god, Baal. She was a symbol of lustful sex and war. (Judges 6:25-27) ANATHOTH, LEVITE CITY: This Levite city was in the territory of Benjamin. (Joshua 21:17, 18) (1 Chronicles 6:60) Anathoth was the home of two of Davids mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:27) (1 Chronicles 12:3) Solomon banished Abiathar to Anathoth and brought an end to the line of high priests from the house Eli. (1 Kings 2:26) Anathoth was one of the afflicted cities when the Assyrian armies

attacked. (Isaiah 10:30) Jeremiah was from Anathoth. (Jeremiah 1:1; 11:21-23; 29:27) ANATHOTHITE: A person who lived in the city of Anathoth was known as an Anathothite. The city of Anathoth was a priesly city in the territory of Benjamin. (2 Samuel 23:27) (1 Chronicles 11:28; 12:3; 27:12) ANCIENT OF DAYS: This Aramaic expression at-tiqyoh-min refers to someone who is very old. The title Ancient of Days is given to God in chapter seven of Daniel. (Daniel 7:9, 13, 22) The title Most High is also offered to the true God at Daniel 7:18, 22, 25, 27. This comes from the Hebrew word il-lahee and can also be translated Supreme God. Daniel chapter seven presents a symbolic courtroom where the Ancient of Days sits to judge the world powers. Huge beasts symbolize these world powers. Their rulership is taken away, and given to the one like the son of man. All peoples are commanded to obey him. (Daniel 7:10-14) ANCESTORS: An ancestor is someone from whom a person is descended, usually more remote than a grandparent. (Matthew 1:1) ANDREW: Andrew was one of the apostles or our lord Jesus. We learn at Matthew 4:18 and 16:17 that Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter and son of Jonah (John). Andrew was a native of Bethsaida, but was living in Capernaum when Jesus called both he and Simon to become fishers of men. (Mark 1:16, 17, 21, 29) (John 1:44) The two brothers were partners with James and John in the fishing business. (Matthew 4:18) (Mark 1:16) (Luke 5:10) Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist before he followed Jesus. (John 1:35, 40) He was at Bethany by the Jordan River when he heard John the Baptist introduce Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God. (John 1:29) He then became a follower of Jesus. ANDRONICUS: Andronicus was a faithful Jewish Christian in the Roman congregation. Paul called him along with Junias his relatives. After suffering imprisonment Andronicus was a man of note among the apostles. He became a Christian before Paul did. (Romans 16:7) ANEM: Anem was a city on the south border of Issachar. It was given as a Levite city to the Gershonites. (1 Chronicles 6:71, 73) (Joshua 21:29)

ANGELS: The Hebrew malakh and the Greek agge-los mean messenger. The words are found nearly 400 times in the Holy Scriptures. It is a term that can be applied to both human beings and to spirit beings. When referring to spirit beings the term angel is used. However the word messenger is also appropriate. They have invisible spiritual bodies and live in heaven. (Mark 12:25) (1 Corinthians 15:44, 50) Angels do not marry and reproduce their own kind. (Mark 12:25) They were individually created by God through his firstborn Son. (Matthew 22:30) (John 1:1-3) (Colossians 1:15-17) (Revelation 3:14) The Bible says there are ten thousand times ten thousand angelic hosts in heaven. (Daniel 7:10) (Hebrews 12:22) (Jude 14) There is order and rank among the angels. The one with the greatest authority and power is Michael, the archangel. (Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1) (Jude 9) (Revelation 12:7) Gabriel is also mentioned as a prominent angel. The seraphs rank high among the angels in privileges. (Isaiah 6:2, 6) The cherubs are mentioned ninety times in the Scriptures. They hold a special position among the angels. (Genesis 3:24) (Ezekiel 10:1-22) There is also a great body of angelic messengers who serve as messengers between God and man. A perform protection and deliverance of Gods people, as well as destruction of the wicked. (Genesis 19:1-26) Serving as Jehovahs ministers, the angels ministered in behalf of Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus Christ and the apostles. (Genesis 22:11, 31:11) (Joshua 5:14, 15) (Isaiah 6:6, 7) (Daniel 6:22) (Matthew 4:11; 26:53; 28:5-7) (Luke 1:30, 31; 2:10, 11; 22:34) (Acts 1:10, 11) ANGEL OF THE PIT: The angel of the pit is presented at Revelation 20:1-3. Only Jesus Christ would have the power to capture Satan the Devil and throw him into prison for the thousand years. Therefore it is possible that Jesus Christ is the angel of the pit. ANGER, WRATH, RAGE: Anger is a strong emotion, a feeling that is motivated out of a deep sense of hatred, grievance, belligerence or righteous indignation and genuine concern. Anger is the outward expression of an inward feeling that could be generated by sin or by proper motives. Jehovah God is not easily angered and He shows great love and faithfulness. (Exodus 34:6) (Numbers 14:18) In fact He is not an angry God but a happy God. (1 Timothy 1:1) (Psalm 16:11) Gods anger is always justified. It is based on principle and his right to exclusive devotion. It is governed

by His love for righteousness. (Deuteronomy 10:17, 18) (1 Samuel 16:7) (Acts 10:34, 35) (Hebrews 4:13) Mans expression of anger may be proper when it is based on principle. We are commanded to abhor what is wicked or bad. (Romans 12:9) Therefore righteous indignation is sometimes appropriate. (Exodus 11:8; 32:19) (Numbers 16:12-15) (1 Samuel 20:34) (Nehemiah 5:6) A person often experiences mental depression after a fit of rage. Therefore it is wise to control anger. (Proverbs 14:29, 30) (Romans 14:19) (James 3:17) (1 Peter 3:11) ANIAM: Aniam was a son of Shemida of the tribe of Manasseh. (1 Chronicles 7:14, 19) ANIM: Anim was a city in the mountains of southern Judah. It is mentioned in the distribution of land in Joshuas day. (Joshua 15:48, 50) ANIMALS: God created each family of animals according to its own kind. (Genesis 1:25, 26) The Hebrew word behemah refers to an animal. (Genesis 9:10; 34:23) (Psalms 107:38) The Greek term for animal is zoon. (Revelation 4:7) (2 Peter 2:12) Adam was given the reponsibility of naming the animals and God also appointed man as steward over the animals. (Genesis 1:26; 2:19, 20) (Luke 12:48) Naturalists report that animals normally retreat from mans presence. Most of them do not attack unless they are provoked, wounded or surprised. Animals were created with a fear or dread of man. (Genesis 9:2, 3) Animals are used in an illustrative way to symbolize a variety of qualities and powers. They portray divine as well as human qualities. They are also used symbolically to convey oppressive, beastlike ruling powers. (Ezekiel 1:10, 11) (Daniel 7:2-7; 8:5-8, 20, 21) (Revelation 4:6, 7; 13:1-17) Before the Great Flood animals were used to provide clothing and for sacrificial purposes. (Genesis 3:21; 4:4) Man was allowed to eat meat with its blood drained after the Deluge. (Genesis 9:3, 4) ANKLE BRACELET: Ankle bracelets or ornamental rings worn on the legs near the ankles were in common use in the ancient Middle East. They were made of glass, ivory, brass, gold, silver, and iron. Persons of both sexes wore them. Sometimes people wore matching arm and ankle bracelets. The Hebrew words, etsadhah, tsea-dhah, and tsaadh are translated ankle chainlets, step chains, and ankle bracelet. (Nu 31:50, 51; Isa 3:16, 18, 20) ANNA: Anna was a prophetess. She was the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher. Her name is the Greek form of Hannah. After

seven years of married life Anna became a widow. She was 84 years old when Jesus was presented at the temple. She was regular in her attendance at the temple. She was privileged to see the young child and give witness about him. (Lu 2:36-38) ANNAS: Annas was the high priest from 6 C.E. to 15 C.E. The Roman Governor Quirinius appointed him. (Lu 2:2) He was high priest when Jesus amazed the rabbinic teachers at the temple. (Lu 2:42-49) He is designated in the Scriptures as the high priest. (Mt 26:3; Lu 3:2) When Jesus was arrested he was take to Annas for questioning and then sent to Caiaphas for trial. (Joh 18:13; Acts 4:6) ANOINT: It was a practice of anointing with oil to show respect. (Mt 6:17) The Israelite kings were anointed as a sign of their taking office. In a figurative sense the king could be called the anointed one. In a figurative sense, The Anointed One is the Messiah Jesus Christ. He is the One Jehovah appointed as Savior and King. ANT: Everywhere you look you see ants. Ants are extremely numerous and widespread insects. Ants are social insects that live in colonies. Ant colonies range in size from a few dozen ants to populations running into the hundreds of thousands. There are three basic casts in each colony: the queen or queens, the males, and the workers. Proverbs 6:7 states, the ant:has no guide or overseer. The queen is not an overseer. She is the mother ant, for her function is to lay eggs. Ants are highly industrious and are known for their instinctive wisdom. (Pr 6:6-8; 30:24, 25) There are an estimated 10,000 varieties of ants located in all parts of the earth except the Polar Regions. The most common variety of ants found in Palestine is the harvester or agricultural ant. It stores up a large supply of grain in the spring and summer to prepare for the seasons when it is difficult to find food. ANTELOPE: The antelope is a cud-chewing animal with a split hoof listed at Deuteronomy 14:5. These animals are permitted in the list of animals that Israelites could eat for food. The antelope is a small animal measuring about three feet high at the shoulder. Its color is sandy colored to brownish depending upon the season. It becomes darker in the winter. ANTHOTHIJAH: This man was the son of Shashak of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:24, 25) ANTICHRIST: The word antichrist means against or instead of Christ. Antichrist is found four times in the Bible at 1 John 2:18;

2:22; 4:3; and 2 John 1:17. The apostle John showed us that the antichrist was not restricted to a future appearance. He showed that the antichrist was then present and would continue in the future. At 1 John 4:3 he said that the antichrist was already in the world. Many have tried to identify specific individuals as the antichrist. Some have named hateful political leaders such as Adolph Hitler. Others point to religious leaders such as popes as the antichrist. But the answer is more general in scope. It embraces all who deny that Jesus is the Christ and who deny that Jesus is the Son of God who came in the flesh. (1 John 2:22; 4:2, 3) To deny Jesus as the Christ and as the Son of God is to deny all of his teachings, all Scriptural teachings. Jesus said: He that is not on my side is against me. (Luke 11:23) All kingdoms, nations and organizations, religious and secular, are part of the antichrist if they refuse to recognize Jesus Christ and all Scriptural teachings. ANTI-LEBANON: There are two mountain ranges in Lebanon. The Antio-Lebanon Range runs parallel to the Lebanon Range for approximately 60 miles. It extends from the Bashan Plateau, east of Dan, to the great Plain of Emesa near the site of Riblah. The Orontes and Litani rivers flow into the Beqa and flow through the valley between these mountain ranges. (Joshua 11:17) The AntiLebanon Ranges is not snow capped and therefore there are few rivers and streams. It supports very little vegetation. ANTIOCH: Seleucus I (Nicator) founded the city of Antioch in Syria. It was located at a bend on the south side of the navigable Orontes River about twenty miles from the Mediterranean Sea. It served as a seaport, a military, commercial and manufacturing center. Nicolaus from Antioch became a Christian after first becoming a proselyte to the Jewish religion. (Acts 6:5) Christian activity at Antioch increased dramatically after the disciples were scattered there following Stephens death. (Acts 11:19, 20) Barnabas was dispatched to Antioch and he in turn brought Paul in from Tarsus to help. (Acts 11:21-26) They resided there for a year teaching the people. The apostle Paul used Antioch as a home base for his missionary trips. The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. (Acts 11:26) The governing body at Jerusalem in about 49 C.E settled the question about circumcision for Gentiles. Paul and Barnabas delivered that decree from the headquarters congregation in Jerusalem to the congregation at Antioch. This is recorded at Acts 15:13-35.

ANTIPAS: Antipas was a martyr in the first century C.E. He was a member of the Christian congregation at Pergamum. (Revelation 2:12, 13) ANTIPATRIS: This city was once known as Ras el-Ain, Tel Afeq, and Aphek. After it was destroyed, Herod the Great rebuilt the city of Antipatris in 9 B.C.E. He named it after his father Antipater II. The city was located in a well-watered and fertile region of the Plain of Sharon. A Roman Army escort took the apostle Paul down the mountains from Jerusalem some 30 miles to Antipatris. (Acts 23:31) Seventy cavalrymen escorted Paul from Antipatris the remaining trip across the plain to Caesarea. ANTONIA TOWER: This well built structure was found in Jerusalem. The Tower of Antonia was in the north west corner of the temple court on a site where Nehemiah constructed the Castle mentioned at Nehemiah 2:8. Herod the Great did extensive repairs on it and named it Antonia in honor of Mark Anthony. It had apartments including baths, barracks and courtyards. Some historians believe that Jesus appeared before Pilate in this courtyard. (John 19:13) (Acts 21:30-40; 22:24; 23:10, 16) ANUB: Anub was a descendant of Judah and son of Koz. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 8) ANXIETY: The words anxiety and worry are used interchangeably in the Scriptures. They mean the same. Anxiety can be damaging to a persons well being. It robs one of strength and initiative to act. The inspired proverb says: Anxiety in the heart of man makes it heavy. (Proverbs 12:25) Jesus Christ claimed that appreciation for Gods Word can be choked out by worry over problems. (Matthew 13:22) (Mark 4:18, 19) (Luke 8:7, 11, 14; 21:34-36) Christians are encouraged to throw all your anxiety upon God for he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7) APE: King Solomon imported apes or possibly long tailed monkeys that were native to Ethiopia. (1 Kings 10:22) (2 Chronicles 9:21) Solomons fleet most likely brought the apes from India or Ceylon. APELLES: Apelles was a Christian in the congregation at Rome. Paul sent greeting to him as the one approved in Christ. (Romans 16:10) (2 Corinthians 10:18) (2 Timothy 2:15)

APHEK, NEAR SIDON: Aphek was a town that was just north of Sidon. Jehovah told Joshua that Aphek was among the places yet to be conquered. (Joshua 13:4) APHEK, IN ASHER TERRITORY: Aphek was a town in the territory of Asher. However, the tribe did not successfully possess it. (Joshua 19:24, 30) Judges 1:31 calls it Aphik. It was about 5 miles southeast of Acco. APHEKAH: Aphekah was a city in the mountains of southern Judah. It is said to be in the neighborhood of Hebron. Scholars have found the archaeological remains of that Israelite period along with the two water sources that were near Aphekah. (Joshua 15:48, 53) APHIAH: This man was a Benjamite and one of King Sauls ancestors. (1 Samuel 9:1, 2) APHRAH: This Hebrew word means dust. There was a place called the house of Aphrah, probably located in the Shephelah or the Philistine Plains. Micah used a fun saying: At the house of Aphrah roll in the dust. (Micah 1:10) APOCRYPHA: The English word Apocrypha comes from the Greek word apokry-phos. It means carefully conceal or hide. Three Bible texts refer to the things hidden. They are Mark 4:22, Luke 8:17 and Colossians 2:3. It is not speaking about the hidden things that are not in harmony with the basic truths taught in the basic sixty-six books of the Bible. Since the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Trent in 1546 C.E. included additional books in the Catholic sanctioned Bible it has acquired a different meaning. It means deuterocanonical or of the second canon to the nearly one billion Roman Catholics around the world. However, the original meaning of the word is spurious or uncanonical. The Roman Catholic Church adopted the original canon of the Bible. It did not include the Apocrypha. Jerome, the writer of the Latin Vulgate in 405 C.E. was totally against the Apocryphal books. The Apocryphal books include: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, 1st and 2nd Maccabees, supplements to Esther, and three additions to Daniel: The Song of the Three Holy Children, Susanna and the Elder, and the Destruction of Bel and the Dragon. Their content is not in harmony with the sixty-six books of the canon of the Holy Scriptures.

APOLLONIA: Apollonia was a city of Macedonia. It was named after the Greek sun god Apollo. Apollonia was in the district of Mygdonia about twenty-seven miles from Amphipolis and thirtyfive miles from Thessalonica. Paul and Silas passed through it on Pauls second missionary tour in the spring of 50 C.E. (Acts 17:1) APOLLOS: Apollos was from Alexandria, Egypt. He was a Jew with a great knowledge of the Hebrew Scriptures. Perhaps he met John the Baptist for he was acquainted with the baptism of John. (Acts 18:24, 25) He arrived in Ephesus about 52 C.E. and began a vigorous witness work in the local synagogue. It was there that he met Aquila and Priscilla. They helped him learn more Christian teachings. Apollos soon met the apostle Paul and they worked together to accomplish the preaching work. (Acts 18:25-28; 19:1) (1 Corinthians 3:6-9, 21-23; 16:12) APOLLYON: This is the Greek name used by the apostle John at Revelation 9:11 to translate the Hebrew Abaddon. Apollyon means destroyer. It does not necessarily relate to an evil person but relates to Jesus Christ, who warned unrepentant people of the danger of being destroyed. (Luke 8:31; 13:3-5; 20:16) (Revelation 19:11-16) APOSTASY: Apostasy is the act of falling away or turning from the truth found in the Holy Scriptures. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) (2 Timothy 2:18) (2 Timothy 4:3) Apostates frequently try to make others their followers. They willfully abandon the Christian congregation and become part of the antichrist. (Acts 20:30) (Hebrews 6:4-8) (2 Peter 2:1, 3) (1 John 2:18, 19) APOSTLES: Greek: apostolos means send forth. There were 12 apostles personally selected by Jesus. Their names are found at Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19 and Luke 6:13-16. APPAIM: This man was the son of Nadab and a descendant of Jerahmeel of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:25, 30, 31) APPARITION: The Greek word phanta-sma means phantom, false vision, apparition, illusion, or spirit. It could be considered an erroneous mental representation. The disciples in the boat who saw Jesus walk on the waters of the Sea of Galilee thought they saw an apparition or erroneous mental representation. This Greek word is found only twice in the Holy Scriptures at Matthew 14:26 and Mark 6:49.

APPHIA: Apphia was a Christian woman mentioned in Pauls letter directed to the congregation in Philemons house. (Philemon 2) She may have been the wife of Philemon. APPIUS MARKETPLACE OR FORUM: Sometmes refered to as the Appius Forum the Appius Marketplace was a station of the Roman highway Via Appia. (Acts 28:15) This place is still known as the Appian Way. This highway ran from Rome to Brundusium by way of Capua in the fourth century B.C.E. Both the highway and the marketplace were named after the founder Akppius Claudius Caecus. APPOINTED TIMES OF THE NATIONS: See GENTILE TIMES. APPROACH TO GOD: Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) Jesus Christ is the one and only way of reconciliantion with God and approach to God in prayer. The New Covenant was mediated through the shed blood or our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the High Priest and Intercessor, always alive to plead for us. He is able to save completely those who approach God through him, because he is always alive to intercede for them. (Hebrews 7:25) It is through Jesus that we have access to the Father by one Spirit through him (Jesus). (Ephesians 2:18) God is available to every person who obeys and has faith in him and His Son, Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, 36) (Hebrews 11:6) (1 Peter 3:18) In every nation he (God) accepts every person who respects him and does what is right. (Acts 10:35) It is true that salvation cannot be earned. However a true Christian will want to approach God with living sacrifices and spiritual offerings. Let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God through him [Jesus], that is, the fruit of lips that make confession (give thanks and offer praise) to his [Gods] name. (Hebrew 13:15) to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5) I request (urge) (implore) you brothers by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1) APRON: An apron is a garment of cloth or leather that is tied about the waist and worn to protect clothing. The Greek word simikinthion defines a thing girded around half the body. (Acts 19:12) (Luke 17:8) (Ephesians 6:14) It was tied around the waist to

cover part of the body. Tradesmen such as fishermen, potters, bakers, and carpenters wore them. Priest wore ephods that were like aprons that hung from the shoulders. The had front and back sections. (Exodus 28:6-8) AQUILA: Aquila was a natural Jew and a native of Pontus in northern Asia Minor. He was married to Priscilla and she is always mentioned in association with him. Aquila was banished from Rome by Emperor Claudius in the year 50 C.E. so they moved to Corinth. (Acts 18:1, 2) The apostle Paul was always welcome in their home. They worked closely with him in the building up of the congregation there. (Acts 18:3) The two of them worked closely with Paul in their common trade of tent making also. Aquila and Priscilla traveled with Paul as far as Ephesus on his second missionary journey. (Acts 18:18, 19) AR: Ar was a city in Moab. It could have served as its capital. It was located on the south side of the Arnon Valley. (Numbers 21:15) The name Ar is used as synonymous with Moab. (Deuteronomy 2:18, 9, 20) The Israilites did not attack Moab because Jehovah forbid it. Jehovah had given Moab and Ar to the sons of Lot as a holding. (Deuteronomy 2:9, 18, 19) ARA: Ara was the son of Jether of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 38) ARAB, THE TOWN: This is the name of a town in the mountains of Judah, lying between Dumah and Carmel. (Joshua 15:48, 52) (2 Samuel 23:35) ARAB: SEE ARABIAN ARABAH: The Hebrew word for the Jordan Valley was Arabah. ARABAH, SEA OF: SEE DEAD SEA ARABIA: The Arabian Peninsula is in the southwest corner of the continent of Asia. The Persian Gulf is on the east border and the Red Sea on the west. Mesopotamia, Syria and Israel are on its north border. Its land surface is about one third the land surface of the continental United States. The vast majority of the land is arid desert. However, sufficient rainfall occurs in the western mountain range and central plateau to produce crops of millet, wheat, barley, and corn. Date palms also grow there. (Exodus 15:27) Arabian

horses are beautiful and strong. (Job 39:19-25) Much of the life there is the same as it was in Bible times. (Ezekiel 27:21) (2 Chronicles 17:11) (Judges 6:5) (Job 39:5-8, 26, 27) (Isaiah 60:7; 34:13) ARABIAN: The names Arab and Arabian in the Scriptures apply to an inhabitant of Arabia, the large country east and south of Palestine. The context and use often imply a specific tribe or ethnic group. (1 Kings 10:15) (2 Chronicles 9:14; 21:1:16) Some of the Arabian tribes were Hamitic, descending through Hams son Cush. Others were Semitic, descending from Shem through Joktan. Some of Abrahams descendants by Hagar and Keturah also moved to Arabia, as the sons of Ishmael who resided from Havilah near Shur, which is near Egypt. (Genesis 25:1-6, 12-18) Esaus offspring lived in the mountains of Seir. They also are Arabian. (Genesis 36:1-43) The vast majority of the Arabians were a wandering people. They led pastoral lives dwelling in tents. (Isaiah 13:20) (Jeremiah 3:2) ARAD, TRIBE OF BENJAMIN: Arad was one of the leaders of the tribe of Benjamin. He lived in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:15, 28) ARAD, CITY ON THE BORDER: Arad was a city on the southern border of Canaan. The king of Arad atacked Israel as they approached Canaan. (Numbers 21: 1-3; 33:40) ARAMAIC: The language of the people in the nation of Aram was Aramaic. The common language of the Jews was Hebrew but they also spoke some Aramaic. (2 Kings 18:26) (Daniel 2:4) (John 19:13, 17, 20) (Acts 21:40) ARAN: Aran was the son of Sheik Dishan. He was a descendant of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:20, 28) (1 Chronicles 1:42) ARARAT, MOUNTAIN, NATION: Ararat was a region and a mountain range in a location that is now eastern Turkey. Noahs ark settled on the mountains of Ararat after the flood-Ge 8:4. Mount Ararat is in the mountain range of the same name. It is the highest peak rising 16,950 feet above sea level and the top three thousand feet is covered with perpetual snow. Today the Turks call this mountain Mount of the Ark. Jeremiah foretold that Ararat would join other kingdoms to come up against Babylon to destroy her in the sixth century B.C.E. (Jeremiah 51:27-29) ARAUNAH: Araunah was the Jebusite who owned the threshing floor King David purchased for building an altar to Jehovah. At first

Araunah offered to give the place, along with cattle and wood implements for the sacrifice, without charge. However David insisted on paying for them. (2 Samuel 24:16-25) (1 Chronicles 21:15-28) ARBA: Arba was called the father or great man of the Anakim. He was believed to be the founder of Kiriatharba (Hebron). (Joshua 14:15; 15:13; 21:11) Some experts claim Arba as the progenitor of the race of giants known as the Anakim. ARBATHITE: An Arbathite was a citizen of the wilderness city of Betharabah. (Joshua 15:61. This city was located in the Jordan Valley near Jericho. (Joshua 18:21, 22) Abiel, also known as Abialbon, was an Arbathite. (2 Samuel 23:8, 31) (1 Chronicles 11:10, 32) ARBEL: This town, 18 miles southeast of the Sea of Galilee, was destroyed by the army of King Shalman. It is known as Betharbel, or the house of Arbel. (Hosea 10:13) ARBITE: The city of Arab was located near Hebron in the Mountains of Judah. Citizens of Arab were called Arbites. (2 Samuel 23:8, 35) ARCHAEOLOGY: Biblical archaeology is the branch of anthropology that studies the people of the Bible, the events they participated in, and their cultures. The archaeologist digs up and analyzes rock, ruined walls and buildings, pottery, clay tablets and many other things. Biblical archaeologists have uncovered artifacts in Palestine, Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome. Hundreds of datable sites have been excavated in Palestine and Syria alone. This branch of science began in the early eighteen hundreds and since then a wealth of valuable information has been unearthed that totally harmonizes with the Scriptural account. ARCHANGEL: The prefix arch means principal. The principal means the most important element or chief being. It implies that there is only one. The term archangel is never found in plural in the Holy Scriptures. The apostle Paul speaks of the preeminence of the archangel and the authority of his office in reference to the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. This is found at first Thessalonians 4:16. The only name that is directly associated with the word archangel is Michael found at Jude 9. It speaks about Michael the archangel contending and disputing with the Devil. Only Jehovah

God and His Son Jesus Christ have adequate power to confront Satan the Devil face to face. This is solid proof that Jesus Christ is one and the same as Michael the archangel. ARCHELAUS: Archelaus was the son of Herod the Great by his fourth wife. He became king in Judea while Jeus was in Egypt with his parents Joseph and Mary. Joseph wanted to avoid his tyrannical rule so he settled outside Archelaus jurisdiction, in Nazareth of Galilee. (Matthew 2:22, 23) He was not a popular ruler. In fact he was cruel to the Jews. He once had 3,000 people slain in the temple grounds. ARCHER: A person who uses a bow and arrow is an archer. After the flood man needed to kill animals for food, clothing, and shelter. The bow and arrow made it possible to hunt animals that were too fast to be taken otherwise. Abrahams firstborn son Ishmael became an archer.Ge 21:20. The Bible speaks about the archers of the Philistines, Syrians, and Egyptians. (1 Samuel 31:1-3) (1 Kings 22:34, 35) (2 Chronicles 35:20, 23) ARCHIPPUS: The apostle Paul urges Archippus to remain faithful in his ministry at Colossians 4:17. On another occasion, in his letter to Philemon he refers to Archippus as a fellow soldier-Phm 2. Both letters were written near the end of Pauls first imprisonment in Rome (c. 60-61 C.E.) Archippus was living in or near Colossae in Asia Minor. ARCHITECTURE: Architecture is the discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings. The Bible shows many different dwelling places prior to the Flood of Noahs Day. Cain engaged in building a city. (Genesis 4:16, 17) Others became tool builders. (Genesis 4:20, 22) The ark was a major construction project done by Noah and his sons. (Genesis 6:13-16) Architecture under Solomon reached its high point. (2 Chronicles 1:15) (Ecclesiastes 2:4-6) However, most building projects in Bible time were modest in size. ARD: Ard was the grandson of Benjamin, the son of Bela. He was one of the 70 persons of the house of Jacob who came into Egypt. (Genesis 46:21) (Numbers 26:40) ARDITES: The Ardites were the Benjamite family descended from Ard. (Numbers 26:40)

ARDON: Ardon was one of the sons of Caleb the son of Hezron. He was of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:18) AREOPAGUS: The city council of Athens, Greece met on this hill. This is the reason the city council was in fact called Areopagus. It was on the Areopagus that the apostle Paul presented a logical, persuasive and convincing argument to persuade unbelievers to accept the good news of Gods kingdom. (Acts 17:19-34) ARIMATHEA: This Judean city was Josephs hometown. Joseph was the secret disciple who obtained Jesus corpse for burial. (Luke 23:50-53) (Matthew 27:57-60) (Mark 15:43-46) (John 19:38-42) ARIOCH, KING OF ELLASAR: In league with Chedorlaomer and two other kings, Arioch helped them to crush the rebellion of Sodom, Gomorrah, and their allies. Abraham defeated Arioch and his confederates and rescured Lot and his family. (Genesis 14:1-16) ARIOCH, CHIEF BODYGUARD: Arioch was in charge of Nebuchadnezzars bodyguards. They had orders to kill all the wise men of Babylon because they failed to reveal and interpret the kings dream. Daniel revealed the dream and gave the interpretation and thus saved the wise men. (Daniel 2:12-25) ARETAS: Aretas was the last of several Arabian kings who controlled Damascus when its governor entered into a plot with the Jews to kill Paul. (Acts 9:23-25) (2 Corinthians 10:32, 33) Aretas had given his daughter in marriage to Herod Antipas. Herod later divorced her to marry Herodias. (Matthew 14:3, 4) ARIEL, A NAME FOR JERUSALEM: The name Ariel is revealed as a secret name for Jerusalem. It is found in Isaiah 29:1, 2, 7. Jerusalem was the location of Gods Temple and the center of Jehovahs pure worship. Isaiah delivers an ominous message at Isaiah 29:1-4 that predicts the destruction that was to come to that city in 607 B.C.E. The cause of the calamity is stated in verses 9 to 16. (Isaiah 29:9-16) ARISTARCHUS: Aristarchus was a close associate to the apostle Paul. He traveled with him and served as a prisoner with him. He came from Thessalonica in Macedonia. Aristarchus accompanied Paul on the voyage to Rome. (Acts 19:29; 20:4; 27:2) (Colossians 4:10) (Philemon 23,24)

ARISTOBULUS: The apostle Paul sent greetings to the family of Aristobulus at Romans 16:10. ARK, NOAHS ARK: Jehovah gave Noah detailed instructions to build an ark. The instructions included size, shape, design, and specific materials to use. (Genesis 6:14-16) The ark was to be rectangular with square corners. There was no need for rounded bottom since it required no steering. Its only function was to be watertight and to stay afloat. Its proportion of length to width was 6 to 1, the same as modern navel vessels. The three decks provided a total of about 96,000 square feet of space. God told Noah to make an ark out of wood of a resinous tree. (Genesis 6:14) Some believe it was the cypress or a similar tree. Included on the list of passengers were Noah, his wife, his three sons, their wives and living creatures of every sort of flesh, two of each. (Genesis 6:18-21; 7:2, 3) ARK OF THE COVENANT: The sacred chest placed in the Most Holy of Jehovahs Tabernacle. It is also called the Ark of the Testimony. God promised he would be present from above the Ark. (Exodus 25:22) (Leviticus 16:2) ARKITE: Arkite was descended from Ham through Canaan and one of the 70 post-Flood families. (Genesis 10:17) (1 Chronicles 1:15) They settled west of the Lebanon Mountains along the Mediterranean Coast. ARM OF FLESH: The term arm of flesh means strength and power of man such as an army. The arm of flesh as described in the Bible is unreliable and failing the one trusting it. 2 Chronicles 32:8 With him (king of Assyria) there is an arm of flesh, but with us there is Jehovah our God to help us and to fight our battles. ARM OF GOD: Gods power is the arm of God. (Isaiah 40:10; 53:1) ARMAGEDDON, HARMAGEDON: This is Gods war. Jesus leads an army of angels to destroy all the wicked people on the earth. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) (Revelation 19:11-16) The Nations are gathered to fight. (Revelation 16:14, 16) ARMOR-BEARER: The armor-bearer was a military attendant who carried the armor and weapons for a king of other leader. (1 Samuel 14:6, 7, 13; 31:5) These attendants were valiant soldiers and were very devoted to their commanders.

ARMOR: The Christian suit of armor is identified at Ephesians 6:1317. Included with the symbolic suit is the sword of the Spirit, Gods word. ARMY: An army is an organization of military land forces. It can also be defined as a large number of persons united for a specific purpose. The common Hebrew term for army is tsava. It is used with reference to human armed forces. (Numbers 1:3) It is also used when speaking about spirit creatures. (1 Kings 22:19) Physical heavenly bodies such as stars and planets are sometimes called armies. (Deuteronomy 4:19) It is interesting to note that first century Christians refused to serve in the army. ARMY OFFICER: An army office is a person designated to lead a group of soldiers. An army officer was in charge of four soldiers who put Jesus to death. (John 19:23) Cornelius was a centurion (someone in charge of 100 men) of the Italian band, stationed in Caesarea. He was the first uncircumcised Gentile to become a Christian. (Acts 10:1-48) Army officers stationed in the Tower of Antonia rushed down to the nearby temple grounds and rescued the apostle Paul from a mob in 56 C.E. (Acts 21:32) ARNAN: The name Arnan is listed among King Davids descendants. He lived after the Israilites returned from Babylon. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 21) ARNI: Arni was an ancestor of Jesus Christ. In the Greek Septuagint the Hebrew name Ram is rendered Aram. Arni is a variant of the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name Ram. (Luke 3:33) (1 Chronicles 2:10) ARNON VALLEY: The Arnon Valley, or canyon, is located on the eastern side of the Dead Sea. It is a deep gorge that cuts through the high plateau. This deep gorge is known as the Wadi Mujib, or the Arnon Valley. It measures 2 miles wide and 1,700 feet deep in places. While it is very dry most of the year, it is fed by numerous tributaries that empty into the Dead Sea. The Arnon River flows through this valley. (Numbers 21:13, 14) AROERITE: The city of Aroer was named after Aroerite. The father of two of Davids mighty men, Shama and Jeiel, was an Aroerite. (1 Chronicles 11:44) ARPACHSHAD: Arpachshad was born two years after the Flood. He was a son of Shem. He lived 438 years and was an ancestor of the

Hebrews through his grandson Eber. (Genesis 10:22, 24; 11:10-13) (1 Chronicles 1:17-27) ARPAD: Arpad was a royal city of north Syria. It was associated with the city of Hamath. It was on the road leading south to Hamath and Damascus and was frequently under attack from the Assyrians. Tiglath-paleser III and later Sargon II captured it. (2 Kings 18:34; 19:12, 13) (Isaiah 10:9; 36:19; 37:12, 13) (Jeremiah 49:23) ARROW SNAKE: The Hebrew word qippohz refers to the snake called in Greek akontias. It is called the arrow snake because of its darting and springing on its prey like the rattlesnake. Most snakes lay eggs and some coil around their eggs to protect them. This practice is mentioned in the prophecy found at Isaiah 34:15. ART: There is no evidence of artwork among Christians of the first century C.E. Art such as painting, sculpture, and design receive little attention in the Bible. Credit for the Hebrews artistic ability is given to God. (Exodus 35:30-35; 36:1, 2) No doubt the kings of Israel commissioned artwork for the palaces and temple. (1 Kings 10:1820; 22:39) (Amos 3:12, 15; 6:4) ARTAXERXES: Artaxerxes is a name or title given to two Persian kings. This Artaxerxes was the Persian ruler who stopped the building of Jehovahs Temple in Jerusalem. (Exodus 4:6-24) He ruled after Cyrus the Great (537 B.C.E.). Darius the Great followed his reign. In 520 B.C.E. Darius the Great removed the ban imposed on the Temple construction. ARTAXERXES LONGIMANUS: Artaxerxes Langimanus was the son of Xerxes I. He was the king referred to at Ezra 7:1-28 and Nehemiah 2:1-18. He assended the throne around 475 B.C.E. The exact date is not known. ARTEMAS: The apostle Paul considered sending this faithful companion to Titus in Crete. (Titus 3:12) Pauls chose between Artemas and Tychicus. His remark at Ephesians 6:21,22 indicate that Tychicus was the final choice. ARTEMIS: Artemis was the Greek name of an ancient goddess of fertility worship in Asia Minor. (Acts 19:27) ARUBBOTH: Arubboth was the town and administrative center of one of the 12 deputies assigned by King Solomon to provide food for the royal household. The son of Hesed was there. He had oversight

over Socoh and the land of Hepher. (1 Kings 4:7, 10) Arubboth is the same as modern Arraba, located near Dothan, about 9 miles north of Samaria, in the territory of Manasseh. ARUMAH: This is the town in the territory of Ephraim in which Abimelech, the son of Jerubbaal, resided. He launched his attack on the Shechemites from there. (Judges 9:41) It was located about 5 miles southeast of Shechem. It is possible that it is the same as the Rumah mentioned at 2 Kings 23:36. (See: RUMAH) ARVAD: Arvad is the place referenced in Ezekiels prophetic dirge about Tyre. He said the men from Arvad served as skilled rowers in Tyres navy and as warriors in her army. Arvad is the small rocky island 116 miles northeast of Tyre. Its inhabitants were descendants of Canaan. (Genesis 10:15, 18) (Ezekiel 27:8, 11) This island is known today as Arwad. ARVADITE: The inhabitants of the small island of Arvad were known as Arvadites. This island was off the northern coast of Syria. (Genesis 10:6, 15, 18) (1 Chronicles 1:16) (Ezekiel 27:8, 11) ARZA: Arza was the steward of the household of Elah, king of Israel, 952 B.C.E. The king was in a drunken state at Arzas house, where was assassinated by Zimri. (1 Kings 16:9, 10) ASA, KING OF JUDAH: Asa was the third king of Judah. He became king after the nation was divided into two kingdoms. He was the son of Abijam (Abijah) and the grandson of Rehoboam. Judah and Benjamin were filled with apostasy at that time. Filled with zeal for pure worship, Asa worked hard to clean the male temple prostitutes and the idols out of the land. He even went so far as to remove his grandmother, Aaacah, from her position as an highly honored first lady of the land. Maacah made an idol to the sacred pole and to the goddess Asherah. (1 Kings 15:11-14) (2 Chronicles 14:2-5) Asas zeal for righteous worship brought blessings of peace from Jehovah during the first ten years of his reign. (2 Chronicles 14:1, 6) Later the country was threatened by a force of a million warriors from Zerah the Ethiopian. Asas prayer for help is recorded at 2 Chronicles 14:8-15. It was then that the prophet Azariah told Asa, Jehovah is with you when you are with him. If you dedicate your lives to serve him, he will accept you. (2 Chronicles 15:1-7) Asas good qualities and freedom from apostasy outweighed his mistake and he was viewed as one of the faithful kings of the line of Judah. He reigned for 41 years from 977 to 937 B.C.E.

ASA, SON OF ELKANAH: Asa was the son of Elkanah. His father was a Levite. Asa was the father of Berechiah. Berechiah lived in the settlements of the Netophathites after returning from the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:16) ASAHEL, SON OF ZERUIAH: Asahel was the son of Davids sister or half sister Zeruiah. His brothers were Abishai and Joab. He was Davids nephew. (1 Chronicles 2:15, 16) Asahel was an honored member of the 30 outstanding warriors who served under David. (2 Samuel 2:12-28; 3:22-27) The Bible says, Asahel was as fast on his feet as a wild gazelle. (2 Samuel 2:18; 23:24) ASAHEL, THE LEVITE: This Asahel was one of the Levites assigned to teach the Law in Judah. He lived during Jehoshaphats reign. (2 Chronicles 17:7, 8) (Deuteronomy 33:8-10) ASAHEL, SERVED IN THE TEMPLE: Asahel served in the Temple during Hezekiahs reign. He was involved with the contributions and tithes. (2 Chronicles 31:13) ASAHEL, FATHER OF JONATHAN: This Asahel was the father of Jonathan, a contemporary of Ezra. (Ezra 10:15) ASAPH, SON OF LEVI: Asaph is considered the writer of Psalms 50, and 73 to 83. While there is no absolute proof of his authorship the superscriptions indicate that it is so. Asaph was a son of Levi through Gershom. (1 Chronicles 6:39, 43) He was appointed by the Levites as a lead singer and player of cymbals. He accompanyed the Ark when it wast transported from Obed-edoms home to the City of David. (1 Chronicles 15:17, 19, 25-29) Asaph, Heman, and Ethan, served together in the Tabernacle directing the music and singing. (1 Chronicles 6:31-44) ASAPH, DESCENDANT OF KOHATH: Asaph was a descendant of Levis son Kohath. His descendants were gatekeepers in Tabernacle service in King Davids day. (1 Chroniclse 26:1) (Numbers 16:1) ASAPH, FATHER OF JOAH: This Asaph was the father of one of the officials who served King Hezekiah. Asaph is listed as the recorder. (2 Chronicles 18:18, 37) (Isaiah 36:3, 22) ASAPH, KEEPER OF THE PARK: Asaph took care of King Artaxerxes park at the time when Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem

in 455 B.C.E. The park was a wooded plot of land under Persian control. (Nehemiah 1:11; 2:8) ASAREL: Asarel was one of the four sons of Jehallelel of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:16) ASCENSION: Forty days after his ressurection Jesus returned to heaven. This event was known as the ascension. He ascended from the Mount of Olives, near the town of Bethany. A very small group of his faithful apostles witnessed the ascension. (Acts 1:2-13) Jesus testified that prior to that date no man had ascended into heaven but the Son of man. (John 3:13) Jesus ascended into heaven to present the ransom value of his lifeblood to Jehovah God. (Hebrews 9:24) ASCENTS: The superscription for a group of 15 Psalms in Hebrew is Shirhammaaloth. Theses are Psalms 120 through 134. They are referred to as the Song of Ascents. Some translations call them A gradual canticle (Dy), A Song of degrees (KJV), and A Song of the Stairsteps (NWT). David wrote four of these psalms and Soloman wrote one of these psalms. It was at one time Jewish tradition that the Levites were to sing these 15 psalms. It is possible that these psalms were named Ascents because the Israelite worshipers traveled or ascended to the lofty city Jerusalem in the mountains of Judah to praise their God. (Psalm 122:1-4) ASENATH: She was Josephs wife who became the mother of Manasseh and Ephraim. Asenath was the daughter of the Egyptian priest Potiphera of On. (Genesis 41:45, 50-52; 46:20) ASHAN: Ashan was a city in the Shephelah in the territory of Judah. It was first assigned to Judah and later given to Simeon, becauses Judahs territory was very large. (Joshua 15:42; 19:7, 9) (1 Chronicles 4:32) ASHARELAH: Asharelah the son of Asaph served in the groups of musicians and singers at Jehovahs Temple in the time of David. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 2) ASHBEA: Ashbea was of the house of Ashbea. They were descendants of Judahs son Shelah and they were noted for fine fabric. (1 Chronicles 4:21) ASH CONSTELLATION: The Hebrew words Ash and Ayish refer to celestial constellations. It is not clear which constellations they

are talking about in the book of Job. Jehovah conveys to Job the wisdom and power of the Creator and Job acquiesces. (Job 9:7-9; 38:32, 33) ASHDOD: Ashdod was one of the five main cities in Philistia. These cities were under the control of the axis lords. The other cities were Gath, Gaza, Ekron and Askelon. (Joshua 13:3) Ashdod was the religious center of Philistia with its worship of the false god Dagon. (Joshua 11:22; 15:46, 47) (Judges 1:19) ASHDODITE: The people who lived in the Philistine city of Ashdod were Ashdodites. (Joshua 13:3) ASHER, THE MAN, THE TRIBE: Asher was the eighth son of Jacob through Zilpah, Leahs maidservant. (Genesis 35:26) The tribe of Asher were the descendants of Asher. It was the fifth most populous tribe. (Numbers 26:47) The territory of Asher included some of the most fertile land in all Israel. Olive trees and other fruit trees grew in abundance there. ASHERAH: Goddess of fertility worshiped by the Canaanites. Her male counterpart was Baal. The Hebrews began worshiping these two gods after they invaded Canaan. ASHERITE: An Asherite was a member of the tribe of Asher-Jg 1:31,32. An Asherite was a descendant of Asher, Jacobs second son by Leahs maidservant: Zilpah. (Genesis 30:12, 13) ASHES: Ashes are that which is left over after something is burned. Most of the Bible application of the term ashes is symbolic. Ashes are symbolic of something that is valueless. For example: Abraham confessed to Jehovah, I am only dust and ashes. Job told his false comforters, Your platitudes are proverbs of ashes. (Genesis 18:27) (Job 13:12; 30:19) (Isaiah 44:20) It was a practice to scatter ashes upon oneself or sit in ashes in the days of Jonah. He covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in ashes as an example of humiliation and repentance. (Jonah 3:5, 6) Jesus even spoke about repenting in sackcloth and ashes at Matthew 11:21. It was the accepted practice to burn captured cities to the ground. This indicated complete destruction. Tyre, Sodom, and Gomorrah are classic examples. (Ezekiel 28:18) (2 Peter 2:6) ASHHUR: Ashhur was the son of Hezron, the great grandson of Judah. He fathered seven sons by his two wives. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 24; 4:5-7)

ASHIMA: This deity was worshiped by the people from Hamath when they settled in Samaria. (2 Kings 17:24, 30) According to the Babylonian Talmud, Ashima was represented as a hairless he goat. This is why some have identified Ashima with Pan, a pastoral god of fertility. Others suggest that the name Ashima may be a deliberate alteration of the name Asherah, the Canaanite fertility goddess. (Genesis 26:10) But we have no absolute proof that this could be. ASHKELON: The city of Ashkelon was a seaport on the Mediteranean Sea located in a naturally formed rocky amphitheater. The concave part of the theater was facing toward the Mediterranean. The fertile countryside produced apples, figs, and onions. The city was assigned to the tribe of Judah, but it did not remain subject to them for long. (Judges 1:18, 19) It became a Philistine city in time of Samson and Samuel. (Judges 14:19) (1 Samuel 6:17) The prophet Zechariah predicted doom for Ashkelon at the time Tyre was destroyed in 332 B.C.E. (Zechariah 9:3-5) ASHKELONITE: People who lived in the Philistine city of Ashkelon were known as Ashelonites. (Joshua 13:3) ASHKENAZ, THE KINGDOM: Three kingdoms were instructed to ally themselve together to do battle with Babylon at the time of her downfall in 539 B.C.E. They were Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz.. (Jeremiah 51:27) Ashkenaz was located north of the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. ASHNAH: There were two towns in Judah named Ashnah. One town was in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:33) The other town was south of the first Ashnah about 5 miles southeast of Mareshah. (Joshua 15:43) ASHPENAZ: Ashpenaz was the chief court official in Babylon during Nebuchadnezzars reign. He was in charge of the corps of eunuchs, but he was not a eunuch. He trained the young people to serve as pages of the monarch. (Daniel 1:3) ASHTAROTH: Ashtaroth was a city in the area known as Bashan about 20 miles east of the Sea of Galilee. Its name suggests that it was a center of worship of the goddess Ashtoreth. (Deuteronomy 1:4) (Joshua 9:10; 12:4; 13:12) Ashtoroth was at one time the possession of the Gershonites as a Levite city. (Joshua 13:29-31) (1 Chronicles 6:71)

ASHTERATHITE: An inhabitant of Ashtaroth was called an Ashterathite. One of Davids mighty men, Uzzia, was an Ashterathite. (1 Chronicles 11:44) ASHTEROTH-KARNAIM: King Chedorlaomer of Elam defeated the Raphaim at Ashteroth-karnaim. Some scholars believe the added word karnaim refers to the two horns of the crescent moon. This symbolizes the goddess Astarte. It could also symbolize the twin mountain peaks adjacent to the town. (Genesis 14:5) ASHORETH: Ashtoreth was a goddess of the Canaanites, considered to be the wife of Baal. She was pictured as a nude female with exaggerated sex organs. She was worshiped by a large number of people. Worship of her probably existed in Canaan as early as Abrahams time. One of the cities there was Ashteroth-karnaim (Genesis 14:5) The Greek name for her was Astarte. (Deuteronomy 1:4) (Joshua 9:10; 12:4) ASIA, THE ROMAN PROVINCE: The term Asia is referring to the Roman province of Asia in the Bible, not the the entire continent of Asia. The area included the older countries of Mysia, Lydia, and Caria. The capital was Pergamum in Mysia at the beginning and was later moved to Ephesus. It was divided into 9 legal districts and 44 city sub-districts. Luke lists Asia along with the provinces of Cappadocia, Pontus, and Pamphylia as the regions from which the Jews came to Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2:9, 10; 16:9; 18:19-21) The apostle Paul speaks about the district of Asia in his letters as well. (2 Timothy 1:15-18; 4:19) The letters to the seven congregations in the Book of Revelation are written to congregations in prominent cities of Asia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. (Revelation 1:4, 11; 2:2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 19; 3:10) ASIEL: Asiel belonged to the tribe of Simeon. He was the forefather of Jehu. Jehu was a chieftain in the days of King Hezekiah. (1 Chronicles 4:35, 38, 41) ASNAH: Asnah was the head of a family of Nethinim. This family returned from Babylonian exile to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 50) ASP: The Greek word aspis is found one time in the Christian Greek Scriptures, at Romans 3:13. It can be translated snake or asps. The Apostle Paul is quoting from Psalm 140:3 where the venom of poisonous snakes is mentioned.

ASPATHA: This man was one of Hamans ten sons. (Esther 9:7, 10) ASRIEL: Asriel was a male descendant of Manasseh. He became the family head of the Asrielites. He was the great-grandson of Manasseh through Machir and his son Gilead. (Numbers 26:29-31) (Joshua 17:1-4) ARIELITES: The Arielites were the Manassite family descended from Asriel. (Numbers 26:29, 31) ASS, DONKEY: The ass is a hardy sure footed animal. It is smaller than a horse, but it is from the horse family. It has long pointed ears, shorter main and shorter tail hair. It is considered more intelligent than the horse. It is patient and capable of enduring much suffering. (Genesis 12:16; 22:3) (Joshua 15:18) (2 Chronicles 28:15) (Isaiah 30:24) Jesus rode his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a young ass. (Mark 11:7) (Luke 19:35) (John 12:14, 15) The New Simplified Bible uses the term donkey instead of the term ass because there are too many negative synonyms connected with the word ass. ASSEMBLY: Jehovah God has in the past commanded his faithful servants to assemble for various purposes. Such gatherings offered many spiritual benefits and were occasions for great joy. The Hebrew word edhah is translated into the English terms assemble or congregate. (2 Samuel 20:5) The Hebrew word migra means convention or assembly. (Exodus 12:16) (Leviticus 23:2, 3) The Greek word ekklesia is usually rendered congregation, assembly, or bringing together. (Acts 7:38; 13:43) (Hebrews 12:23) (James 2:2) Large crowds assembled before Jesus Christ. One of those occasions happened on the Mount of Olives at the Sermon on the Mount. This is recorded at Matthew 5:1 through 7:29. Holy Spirit was poured out on those assembled on Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2:14) It was the custom for early Christians to meet together. (Acts 11:26) (Hebrews 10:23-25) (James 2:1-9) ASTARTE: The Greek name for Ashoreth the Goddess of fertility and war worshiped in the Mid-East. ASTROLOGERS: A student of the planets and the universe is an astrologer. An astrologer predicts the future by the positions of the planets and the sun and moon. (Matthew 2:1) Jehovah God warned against such false religious practices. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)

ASSHUR, SON OF SHEM: Asshur was the son of Shem. He was the progenitor of the Assyrians. The same Hebrew word is rendered both Asshur and Assyria. (Genesis 10:22) (1 Chronicles 1:17) (Ezekiel 27:23) ASSHUR, FALSE GOD: Asshur was the most worshiped false god of the Assyrians. The Assyrians were a warlike people who prayed to the god of military prowess for aid. Asshur was represented in their art by the winged sun disk. Assyrians troops carried his sacred symbol to battle. ASSHURIM: The Asshurim were the descendants of Dedan. Asshurim was the son of Jokshan. Jokshan was the son of Abraham by Keturah. (Genesis 25:1-3) ASSIR: Assir was the son of Korah. He was a Levite born in Egypt. (Exodus 6:24) (1 Chronicles 6:22) ASSOCIATION, COMPANY: Association is the act of consorting with or joining with others. It is a social gathering of guest and companions. People who desire Gods approval choose companions who are devoted to righteousness and truth. (2 Timothy 2:22) (1 Corinthians 15:33) In direct rebellion against Jehovahs commands the Israelites associated with Canaanites. They even formed marriage alliances with them. (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4) (Judges 3:5-8) Solomon turned from true worship of Jehovah when he took worshipers of false gods as wives. (Nehemiah 13:26) To remain a part of the Christian brotherhood true believers avoid all association with promoters of false teachings. (Romans 16:17, 18) ASSOS: This town was a seaport in Mysia on the north shore of the Gulf of Adramyttium. It was in the Roman province of Asia. The apostle Paul traveled through Assos on his way back to Jerusalem on his third missionary tour. (Acts 20:6, 13, 14) ASSYRIA: Assyria was the country in the north end of the Mesopotamian plain what is today the modern country of Iraq. Throughout their history Assyria and Babylon were closely related. They jointly occupied a region with no natural division between them. The Assyrian people were more energetic and aggressive than the Babylonians. Assyria was a military power and they were cruel and rapacious people. The city of Asshur, located west of the Tigris was the original capital of the region. Assyrias religion was inherited from Babylon even though it had its own national god Asshur. The Assyrians believed every object and natural

phenomenon to be animated by a spirit. Numerous references to Assyria are found in the prophecies of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, and Zecariah. (Isaiah 11:11-16; 14:25) (Jeremiah 50:17, 18) (Ezekiel 32:22) (Zechariah 10:10, 11) ASTROLOGERS: An astrologer is someone who predicts the future by the positions of the planets and sun and moon. This is a false science in which a different god is believed to rule over each section of the heavens. In the eighth century Before Common Era, the prophet Isaiah foretold the destrution of Babylon. He challenged the stargazing astrological counselors of that doomed city to save her: Let your astrologers come forward and save you! Let these people who study the stars, who map out the zones of the heavens tell you from month to month what is goig to happen to you. (Isaiah 47:13) Daniel and his three companions were captive in the land of the astrologers. The king of Babylon found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his entire realm. (Daniel 1:20) On another occasion Daniel told the king, There is a God in heaven that reveals secrets. With Gods help Daniel went on to reveal the kings dream and visions when the kings astrologers could not. (Daniel 2:28, 30) The practice of looking into the liver was a special aspect of astrology. (Ezekiel 21:21) Astrology and other forms of magic are all forbidden by God. (Exodus 20:3, 4) (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) ASYNCRITUS: This man was a Christian in Rome to whom the apostle Paul sent a greeting in his letter to the Romans about 56 C.E. (Romans 16:14) ATAD: Joseph went to the threshing place at Atad to bury his father, Jacob. This threshing place was located near the Jordan River. (Genesis 50:7-13) ATARAH: Atarah was one of Jerahmeels wives. She was from the tribe of Judah and was mother of Onam. (1 Chronicles 2:3-5, 25, 26) ATAROTH, EAST OF JORDAN: Ataroth was a town east of the Jordan River. It was requested by the tribes of Gad and Reuben for their possession. The area nearby was suitable for the raising livestock. (Numbers 32:1-5, 34) The Moabite Stone of King Mesha mentions this place in lines 10 and 11 of the inscription. ATHACH: Athach was a town of Judah included among the places to which David sent portions of the spoil resulting from his victory over the rading Amalekites. (1 Samiel 30:26, 30)

ATHALIAH, QUEEN OF JUDAH: Athaliah was the queen of Judah. She was the daughter of King Ahab of Israel and his wife Jezebel. (2 Kings 8:18, 26) Athaliah was given in marriage to Jehoram, the eldest son of Jehoshaphat of Judah. (2 Kings 8:25-27) (2 Chronicles 18:1) She was the mother of Ahaziah, who later became king of Judah. Athaliah shed the blood of the innocent just like her mother. When her son Ahaziah died she killed off all who were in line to become king except the infant Jehoash. Then she had herself installed as queen for six years. (2 Chronicles 22:11, 12) ATHENS: Todays modern capital of Greece was also its most prominent city in ancient times. Athens is located 5 miles from the Aegean Sea and is served by the nearby seaport of Piraeus. The city is surrounded by mountains providing a natural defense and detracting from the possibility of surprise attacks. It was far enough from the sea to prevent invading fleets. Athens was the center of Greek learning, literature, and art. It was a university city filled with many professors and philosophers. It was the home of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The Platonic, Peripatetic, Epicurean, and Stoic schools of philosophy were all located there. (Acts 17:18) Athens was also a religious city. Paul commented that Athenians are very religious. (Acts 17:22) The Athenians were so zealous about their religion that they built altars To the Unknown God. (Acts 17:23) ATHAIAH: Athaiah was a descendant of Perez. He was from the tribe of Judah. Athaiah became a resident of Jerusalem after he was released from Babylonian exile in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 11:4-6) ATONEMENT, DAY OF: This was the most important of Israels holy days. The High Priest would offer sacrifice for the sins of the people of Israel. (Leviticus Chapter 16) The Jewish name for this modern day observance is Yom Kippur. ATONEMENT: Hebrew: Ka-phar means to cover or wipe off. Man needs a sin covering, or atonement. This is because of inherited sin. (Romans 3:23) It is also because man continues to sin by not obeying Jehovah Gods commandments. (1 John 3:4; 5:3) Adequate atonement requires an exchange of equal value payments. In this case it required the blood of a perfect man, Jesus Christ, to pay the ransom price for the blood of the perfect life lost, Adam. (1 John 1:7) (1 Peter 3:18) (1 Timothy 2:5-6) (Ephesians 1:7)

ATROTH-SHOPHAN: Atroth-shophan was a city that the tribe of Gad captured from Kings Sihon and Og. They then rebuilt it. (Numbers 32:33, 35) ATTAI, GRANDSON OF SHESHAN: This man was the grandson of Sheshan. He was a descendant of Judah through Hezron. His mother was one of the daughters of Sheshan. Attai was the father of Nathan. (1 Chronicles 2:25, 34-36) ATTAI, THE GADITE: Attai was one of eleven brave Gadites who crossed the Jordan River at flood stage to join Davids army. (1 Chronicles 12:8, 11-15) ATTAI, SON OF REHOBOAM: This Attai was the son of Rehoboam and the grandson of Solomon. His brother was King Abijah. (2 Chronicles 11:20, 21) ATTALIA: Attalia was a seaport town on the coast of Pamphylia in Asia Minor. At the close of his missionary tour, the apostle Paul embarked from Attalia and headed for Antioch in Syria, about 300 miles away. (Acts 14:24-26) This seaport was located at the mouth of the Cataractes River and was the chief port of the the province of Pamphylia. ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, STANDING: There was no set form of posture for prayer among the Hebrew people. However standing was a common posture. Often times Jesus would stand and pray. (Mark 11:25) (Luke 3:21, 22) ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, KNEELING: Kneeling was a common attitude for prayer. Solomon knelt at the inauguration of the Temple. (1 King 8:54) (Acts 9:40; 20:36; 21:5) (Ephesians 3:14) ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, BOWING: Ezekiel saw 25 men with their backs toward the Temple of Jehovah. They were bowing toward the east. (Ezekiel 8:16) The Jews would worship by turning their faces and bowing toward the city of Jerusalem. (1 Kings 8:42, 44) (Daniel 6:10) ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, EXTENDING ARMS: When standing or kneeling the arms were extended and the palms of the hands spread out to the heavens. (1 Kings 8:22) (2 Chronicles 6:13) (Nehemiah 8:6) The face and eyes could be lifted up toward heaven. (Job 22:26) (Matthew 14:19) (Mark 7:34) (John 17:1)

ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, PROSTRATING AND SITTING: A fervent believer might fall down or fall on his face in a prostrating position to humble himself before God. When Jesus was on earth, people would prostrate themselves before him to show him deep respect. (Genesis 24:26, 48) (Nehemiah 8:6) (Numbers 16:22, 45) (Matthew 26:39) (Luke 5:12) (John 9:38) ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, COVERING THE HEAD: The custom of women covering their heads was a sign of respect. This custom was followed by the first century Christian congregation. (1 Corinthians 11:3-10) ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, REMOVING SANDALS: Removing sandals was a gesture of respect or reverence. Joshua was in the presence of an angel when he removed his sandals. Moses received the command to remove his sandals at the burning bush. (Jos 5:15; Ex 3:5) It is still a practice in the Middle East to remove sandals when a person enters a house. (Matthew 3:11) (John 1:27) ATTITUDES OF PRAYER, POURING WATER: This was a service performed after a meal. The people in the Middle East used their hands for eating. So it was a custom of pouring water over the hands for washing. (2 Kings 3:11) Washing the feet of your guest was also a practice of hospitality and respect. (John 13:5) (Genesis 24:32); 43:24) (1 Timothy 5:10) ATTITUDE OF SWEARING, RAISING HAND: Raising the hand and placing the hand under the thigh was when taking an oath. God speaks of himself in a symbolic way doing this. (Isaiah 62:8) Daniel saw a vision in which an angel raised both his right hand and his left to utter an oath. (Daniel 12:7) It was the custom for a servent to place one hand under his masters thigh to pledge an oath. (Genesis 47:29-31) ATTITUDE OF GRIEF AND DISGUST, THROWING DUST: Grief was expressed by wearing sackcloth, ripping garments, and throwing dust on the head. (Genesis 50:1-3) (John 11:35) (Joshua 7:6) (1 Samuel 4:12) (Job 2:12) Dust throwing was also a gesture of contempt. Shimei cursed David and threw stones at him. (2 Samuel 16:13) ATTITUDE OF FRIENDSHIP, KISSING: Kissing, washing feet, and anointing head are expressions of friendship. The Scriptures speak of falling upon the neck in an embrace. (Genesis 33:4; 45:14, 15; 46:29) (Luke 7:44-46; 15:20) (Acts 20:37)

AUGUSTUS: The title Augustus was given to Gaius Octavius. Roman emperors also assumed the title. (Acts 25:21, 25) Octavius became the undisputed ruler of the Roman Empire in September, 31 B.C.E. In the year 2 B.C.E. a decree was issured by Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered; and all people traveled to be registered at assigned towns. This decree resulted in Jesus being born in Bethlehem in fulfillment of prophecy. (Luke 2:1, 3) AUGUSTUS, BAND OF: The apostle Paul, as a citizen of Rome, appealed to Caesar to settle the accusations against him. He was placed under the charge of an army officer, a centurion of the Band of Augustus at Caesarea. (Acts 25:13; 26:30-27:1) The Band of Augustus is believed to be a special imperial corps of officers who served as a liaison of couriers between the emperor and the military in the provinces. It is extimated that there were 300 to 600 men in the Band of Augustus. AVEN, ABBREVIATION FOR BETHAVEN: Aven appears in the Hebrew text at Hosea 10:8 as an abbreviation for Bethaven. The New Simplified Bible uses the word Bethaven. AVEN VALLEY: Amos 1:5 speaks about the inhabitants of the valley of Aven. In Hebrew it is rendered Bikath-aven. AUNT: An aunt would be the sister of ones mother or father or the wife of ones uncle. This relationship is only mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. Sexual intercourse with a near relative such as an aunt is forbidden under the Mosaic Law as well as the moral principles taught by Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul. (Leviticus 18:12-14; 20:19, 20) (Matthew 5:27, 28) (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) AVENGER OF BLOOD: The Hebrew words for blood avenger are goel had-dam. They mean reclaim, buy back, repurchase, redeem and ransom. (Exodus 15:13) (Leviticus 25:25) (Isaiah 43:1) (Jeremiah 31:11) The Hebrew Law required the nearest male relative avenge the blood of one who had been killed. (Numbers 35:19) The sanctity of blood and human life required that anyone shedding blood must loose his life by the shedding his own blood. (Genesis 9:5, 6) (Numbers 35:19-21, 31) God will see to it that innocent blood of all his faithful servants is avenged in due time. (Deuteronomy 32:43) (Revelation 6:9-11) AVITH: Avith was the royal city and home of King Hadad, the fourth king of the Edomites. He defeated the Midianites in battle

about 62 miles southeast of the Dead Sea near Jebel el-Jiththeh Mountain. (Genesis 36:35) (1 Chronicles 1:46) AVVA: Avva was a town in northern Syria. It was under the control of Assyria in the eighth centuy B.C.E. Some scholars think it is the same as Ivvah. (2 Kings 17:24; 18:34) (Isaiah 37:13) AVVIM, THE PEOPLE: The Avvim were people who settled in the land of Canaan near Gaza. Part of the Avvim had been evictied by the Caphtorim about forty years after the Exodus. (Deuteronomy 2:23) A remnant of the Avvim still remained shortly before Joshuas death. (Joshua 13:1, 3) AVVIM, CITY OF BENJAMIN: This city may have been occupied by members of the tribe of Avvim. It was about 2.5 miles southeast of Bethel. (Joshua 18:21-23) AVVITES, INHABITANTS OF AVVA: The Avvites were inhabitants of Avva. They were among the people the Assyrians used to replace exiled Israelites after capturing Samaria in 740 B.C.E. (2 Kings 17:24) The Avvites knew about Jehovah and yet they made and worshipped the gods Nibhaz and Tartak. (2 Kings 17:29-33) AWE: The Hebrew verbs yare and arats mean a sense of awe or reverential respect. (Leviticus 19:30) (Psalm 89:7) (Isaiah 29:23; 47:12) It can also mean trembling. (Isaiah 8:12) (Ps 10:18) Jehovahs presence filled beholders with awe. When the mountain shook and smoke ascended from it the Israelites were filled with deep respect and some of them trembled. (Exodus 19:9, 16-19; 20:18, 20) (Hebrews 12:21) Jehovah God alone should receive such deep respect and awe to move people to worship him. (Psalm 89:7) (Isaiah 29:23) (1 Peter 1:17) (Revelation 14:7) AX: The ax is a tool with a blade on the head that is used for cutting wood or stone. It can also be used as a weapon. (Deuteronomy 19:5) (2 Kings 6:5, 6) (Psalm 35:3) (Isaiah 10:15) (Revelation 20:4) AXIS LORDS: This is a title applied to the five Lords who ruled the Philistine cities of Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gath and Gaza. The axis lords ruled over the individual city-states and as a council of coequals with regard to matters of mutual interests. (1 Samuel 5:9 6:4; 18:30; 21:10; 27:2; 29:2-4) They were not kings in the usual sense, but the title prince was applied to them.

AYIN: Ayin is the sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is a consonant. It appears as the first letter of the verses of Psalm 119:121-128 written in the Hebrew text. AZANIAH: Azaniah was the father of the Levite Jeshua. He and his descendants probably lived during Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 10:9) AZEKAH: This city was located in the Shephelah region near the upper reaches of the Elah Valley, 16 miles northwest of Hebron. It is first mentioned in the Bible at Joshua 10:5-11 in connection with the attack of five Canaanite kings against Gibeon. Azekah was assigned to the tribe of Judiah. (Joshua 15:20, 35) At the time of King Saul the Philistines assembled their forces between Socoh and Azekah and championed Goliath as their greatest warrior. Davids surprise victory over Goliath put the Philistines to flight. (1 Samuel 17:1-53) Azekah and Lachish were the last Judean cities to fall before the Babylonian troops, under Nebuchadnezzar, captured Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 34:6, 7) Azekah was resettled by returning Jewish exiles following the 70 year captivity. (Nehemiah 11:25, 30) AZAZ: Azaz was a descendant of Jacobs firstborn son Reuben. (1 Chronicles 5:1, 8) AZAZEL: The word Azazel is found four times in the Holy Scriptures. It is used in reference to Atonement Day. (Leviticus 16:5, 7-11, 26) The meaning of the word is Goat that Disappears and scapegoat.Paul explained that the Jesus sacrifice for the sins of mankind was worth far more that the blood of bulls and of goats. (Hebrews 10:4, 11, 12) Thus Jesus served as the scapegoat being the carrier of our sicknesses and being pierced for our transgression. (Isaiah 53:4, 5) (Matthew 8:17) (1 Peter 2:24) AZIZA: Aziza was one of the persons who dismissed their foreign wives and sons when Ezra required it. (Ezra 10:27, 44) AZMAVETH, TOWN IN BENJAMIN: Azmaveth was a town located within the territory of Benjamin. It was also called Beth-azmaveth. Exiles from there were among those returning from Babylon. (Ezra 2:1, 24) (Nehemiah 7:28) Citizens of Azmaveth provided singers for the inaguration of the newly restored Jerusalem wall. (Nehemiah 12:29) It is the same town as the modern Hizmeh, about 5 miles northeast Jerusalem.

AZMAVETH, FATHER OF JEZIEL AND PELET: This Azmaveth was the son of Jeziel and Pelet of the tribe of Benjamin. He was among the mighty men who joined David at Ziklag. (1 Chronicles 12:1-3) AZMAVETH, SON OF ADIEL: Azmaveth was the son of Adiel. He was in charge of the kings treasures. (1 Chronicles 27:25) AZOR: Azor was an ancestor of Jesus adoptive father Joseph. He lived at the time of the return from exile in Babalon. (Matthew 1:13, 14, 16) AZZAN: Azzan was the father of Paltiel. Jehovah chose him to represent the tribe of Issachar at the division of the Promised Land. (Numbers 34:26, 29) AZZUR, FATHER OF HANANIAH: Azzur was the father of the false prophet from Gibeon, Hananiah. (Jeremiah 28:1) AZZUR, FATHER OF JAAZANIAH: This Azzur was the father of one of the princes of the people, Jaazaniah. These men were scheming bad counsel against Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 11:1, 2)

SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY B BAAL: A Canaanite god. Baal was the word for master and lord. Baal was worshiped by some Israelites. (Judges 2:10-11) (Jeremiah 11:13) King Jehu destroyed Baal worship in Israel. (2 Kings 10:1828) BAALAH: Baalah was a city on the North border of Judah that is also called Kiriath-baal and Kiriath-jearim. The word Baalah means Place of the Mistress. (1 Chronicles 13:6)

BAALATH: This border town of the territory of Dan is possibly the same place Solomon included in his rebuilding program. (Joshua 19:44, 45) (2 Chronicles 8:5, 6) BAALATH-BEER: This city of Simeon was within the territorial limits of Judah. (Joshua 19:1, 8) It was also called Ramah of the south or Baal. (2 Chronicles 8:5, 6) (1 Kings 9:17, 18) BAAL-BERITH: This means Owner or god of the covenants. He was believed to be the one who watched over keepers of covenants. This Baal was the Baal of Shechem, whom the Israelites worshiped after the death of Judge Gideon. (Judges 8:33; 9:27-29; 46-49) BAAL-GAD: This was a town on the West side of the base of Mount Hermon in the Valley of Lebanon. It was at the most northerly point of Joshuas conquest of the land of Canaan. (Joshua 11:17; 12:7; 13:5) BAAL-HAMON: Baal-Hamon is mentioned at Song of Solomon 8:11. It was the location of a productive vineyard of King Solomon. Some view it as a literal location and others as merely poetic writing. (1 Kings 4:20, 21) BAAL-HANAN, KING: Baal-hanan was the seventh of eight kings of Edom. He ruled before any king ruled over Israel. He was the son of Achbor. (Genesis 36:31, 38, 39) (1 Chronicles 1:49, 50) BAAL-HANAN, GEDERITE: Baal-hanan was a Gederite. David appointed him head over the olive groves and the sycamore trees in the Shephelah. (1 Chronicles 27:28) BAAL-HAZOR: This is the place at or near Ephraim where Absoloms sheep shearing festival took place, where he caused the death of his brother Amnon. (2 Chronicles 13:19) (John 11:54) (2 Samuel 13:23, 28) The 3,386 ft Mount Jebel Asur (meaning BaalHazor) is near that site. BAAL-HERMON: This is a reference to Mount Hermon and it may also refer to the Anti-Lebanon Range in general or the some portion of it. (1 Chronicles 5:23) BAALIS: Baalis was the king of Ammon. It has been said that he sent Ishmael to murder Governor Gedaliah of Judah in 607 B.C.E. The Greek Septuagint spells his name Belisa. (Jeremiah 40:14)

BAAL-MEON: Baal-Meon was a prominent town on the tableland of North Moab. It was assigned to the tribe of Reuben along with Mebo, Kirathaim and other towns. (Numbers 32:37, 38) (1 Chronicles 5:8) BAAL OF PEOR: Baal was worshiped by both Moabites and Midianites at Mount Peor. (Numbers 25:1, 3, 6) God sent a death dealing scourge on Israel in connection with Baal of Peor. (Numbers 25:9) Twenty-three thousand were kill as a result of the scourge. BAAL-PERAZIM: David and his fighting men fought to a complete victory over the combined forces of the Philistines. This occurred after Davids conquest of the Zion stronghold. (2 Samuel 5:9, 17-21) BAAL-SHALISHAH: Baal-shalishah was somewhere near Gilgal and the land of Shalishah. Saul passed through there in search of his fathers she-asses. (1 Samuel 9:4) A man bought much needed food supplies at Baal-shalishah during a famine. The humble supply proved sufficient for the hundred sons of the prophets with leftovers. (2 Kings 4:38-44) BAAL-ZEBUB: SEE BEELZEBUB BAAL-ZEPHON: This is the name of the campsite where the Israelites camped prior to the their crossing the Red Sea. It was at a place called Pihahiroth. (Exodus 13:20; 14:2) (Numbers 33:1-7) It was here that the Pharaohs charioteers, cavalry and military forces began to overtake them. (Exodus 14:2, 9) BAANA, FOOD DEPUTIES: There were two Baanas who were appointed to secure food for King Solomons household. One was from the fertile valleys of Megiddo and Jezrel. (1 Kings 4:3, 7, 12) The other was the son of Hushai from northern Palistine. (1 Kings 4:7, 16) (2 Samuel 15:32-37) BAANA, WORKMAN: This Baana was a workman who assisted Nehemiah to repair Jerusalems wall in 455 B.C.E. He was the father of Zadok. (Nehemiah 3:3, 4) BAARA: She was one of the wives of Shaharaim the Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8) BAASEIAH: This man was a descendant of Levi through Gershom. He was an ancestor of temple musician Asaph. (1 Chronicles 6:39, 40, 43)

BAASHA: Baasha was the third king of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. He was son of Ahijah of the tribe of Issachar. Baasha usurped the throne by killing his predecessor Nadab. (1 Kings 15:27-30; 14:10) BAAL-TAMAR: Baal-Tamar means Owner of the Palm Tree. It is a place near Gibeah where Israelite fighting men fought the tribe of Benjamin because of a disgusting sex crime. (Judges 19:25-28; 20:33) The location is not known. BABEL: Hebrew: Bab meaning Gate and ilu meaning God combined as the Gate of God. From the beginning it was obvious this city did not represent the true God, Jehovah. The people of the city built a tower in defiance of the true God. BABEL, THE TOWER OF BABEL: A tower was built to defy the true God Jehovah. (Genesis 11:1-9) BABYLON: City on the Euphrates River, the capital of Babylonia. The former name of this city was Babel. The people of Judah were taken captive to Babylon. (2 Kings 20:12-18) (Jeremiah 39:1-10) BABYLON THE GREAT: Reference to Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion is found at Revelation 14:8 and Revelation Chapters 17 and 18. BACA: Hebrew: bakha from a root word that means to weep. It is a plant, shrub or tree that exudes tears of gum or milky sap. It is sometimes referred to as balsam. Noted for the rustling sound of wind blowing through the leaves and branches. (2 Samuel 5:23-24) (1 Chronicles 14:14-15) BACKBITING: Greek: katalalia means speak against in a malicious manner. (1 Peter 2:12) (James 3:16) According to Jehovah backbiters or persons who speak maliciously against others are deserving of death. (Romans 1:18, 28-30, 32) BAG: A bag is a flexible container with a single opening, usually at the top. In ancient times they were made of skins, cloth and woven materials. They were used to hold grains and food, stone weights and valuables. (Joshua 9:4) (Matthew 9:17) The Hebrew word saq is used in the Bible for sack and sackcloth. These were containers for goods and grains. (Leviticus 11:32) (Genesis 42:25, 27, 35) When David encountered Goliath he placed five stones in his shepherds

bag (Hebrew: keli). (1 Samuel 17:40, 49) The Greek Scriptures refer to a food pouch or bag at Matthew 10:10 and Luke 9:3. This is from the Greek word pera. BAGPIPE OR DULCIMER: The Aramaic word sum-pon-yah has been translated dulcimer, symphony and bagpipe. Modern Bible translations render the expression as bagpipe. (Daniel 3:5, 10, 15) BAHARUMITE, BARHUMITE: A native of the village of Bahurim was called a Baharumite or Barhumite. Azmaveth, one of Davids mighty military men, came from this place. (1 Chronicles 11:33) (2 Samuel 19:16; 23:31) (1 Kings 2:8) BAHURIM: This village was near the Mount of Olives. It was on the north side of the road leading to Jericho and the Jordan River. It was 1 mile northeast of the Temple Mount. Paltiel walked after Sauls daughter Michal as far as Bahurim when she was returned to King David. (2 Samuel 3:16; 15:23, 30; 16:1, 5) BAKBAKKAR: Bakbakkar was a Levite who lived in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 14, 15, 34) BAKBUK: He was the forefather of Nethinim who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:43, 51) (Nehemiah 7:53) BAKE, BAKER: The word bake means to cook by drying out and hardening. Aphah is the most common Hebrew word for bake. (Genesis 19:3; 40:2) The words ugh at Ezekiel 4:12 and u-ghah at Genesis 18:6 speak of round cake, another form of bread. The chief duty of women in the Hebrew home was to bake bread. BALAAM: Balaam was the son of Beor. He lived during the 15th century B.C.E. in the Armaean town of Pethor in the upper Euphrates Valley, near the Sajur River. Abraham, Lot and Jacob formerly lived in nearby Haron. (Genesis 12:4, 5; 24:10, 28:5; 31:18, 38) Balaam was not Israelite but he did have knowledge of the true God. He even referred to Him as Jehovah my God. (Numbers 22:5, 18) A delegation from the Moabite King Balak approached Balaam and offered to pay him to perform divination and to curse the Israelites. Balaam refused saying: Jehovah has refused to let me go with you. God sends an angel with a long sword to stand in the road and stop Balaam. Balaam cannot see the angel, but his donkey does. And his donkey refused to move. Then God causes Balaam to hear his donkey speak to him. (Numbers 21:21-35; 22:1-

40; 23:1-30; 24:1-25) Balaam was head strong like Cain. He was determined to gain his own selfish objectives. Jude writes: Woe to them. They went in the way of Cain, and ran riotously in the error of Balaam for hire-Jude 11. The apostle Peter related this about Balaam: They followed the way of Balaam the son of Beor, who loved the wages of wrongdoing. He was rebuked for his own transgression. (2 Peter 2:15, 16) When God commanded that all men and women of Midian be executed Balaam was killed with the sword. (Numbers 25:16-18; 31:1-18) BALADAN: Baladan was the father of Merodach-baladan. (2 Kings 20:12) (Isaiah 39:1) Baladans son Merodach-baladan was king of Babylon during part of the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah, 745-717 B.C.E. BALAK: Balak was a Baal-worshiping king of Moab in the 15th century B.C.E. He was the son of Zippor. Balak not only worshiped Baal, he taught others to follow Baal and encouraged the Israelites to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication. (Revelation 2:14) (Numbers 25:1-18) BALDNESS: The absence of hair on the head is called baldness. The Bible mentions baldness at Leviticus 13:41-44 and 21:5. Some people believe baldness interferes with personal attractiveness. It was considered a shameful and distressful condition. (Isaiah 3:24; 15:2) (Jeremiah 47:5) (Ezekiel 27:31) (Micah 1:16) BALSAM, BALSOM OF GILEAD, THE BALM OF GILEAD: The term balsam comes from the Hebrew words: bosem, besem, or basam. It is found at Exodus 25:6 identifying an ingredient in the holy anointing oil of the tabernacle. (Exodus 35:8,28) This word is sometimes translated perfume, spice or sweet in modern translations. (Exodus 30:23) (Song of Solomon 4:10, 14, 16; 5:13) The balsam used for the tabernacle service in the wilderness was obtained from Egypt and other places outside Palestine. The Balsam of Gilead was considered very high quality and full of special medicinal properties. (Jeremiah 8:22; 46:11) Jeremiah spoke about the balm in Gilead referring to balsam for its healing qualities. He spoke in a figurative sense about the medicinal value of the Balsam of Gilead. (Jeremiah 8:14, 15, 22) Solomon and the Queen of Sheba both valued balsam as equal to gold and precious stone. (1 Kings 10:2, 10, 25) (2 Chronicles 9:1, 9, 24) James likened the prayers of the elders to the healing oil of balsam. (James 5:14, 15) It was also a literal practice to anoint believers with holy oil. (Psalm 133)

BAMOTH: Bamoth was one of the encampments of the nation of Israel. It was near Nahaliel and the valley in the field of Moab, at the head of Pisgah. (Numbers 21:19, 20) BAMOTH-BAAL: Bamoth-baal was a town in Moab. King Balak of Moab conducted the prophet Balaam there to see the camp of Israel and call down a curse on it. (Numbers 22:41) The town appears to have been a center for Baal worship. (Numbers 23:1-9) Some experts believe Bamoth-baal was located on a plateau about 9 miles east of the Dead Sea near Mount Nebo. BANK, BANKER: Jesus referred to bankers and banks as paying interest on money deposited with them in the illustrations recorded at Matthew 25:27 and Luke 19:23. This word bank comes from the Greek word trapeza. It means money table speaking of the counters of money and the moneychangers. (Matthew 15:27; 21:12) (Mark 11:15) (John 2:15) Evidence of banking activity goes as far back as the time of Abraham. Charging interest on money barrowed was only allowed on loans to non-Israelites. (Deuteronomy 23:20) In Jesus day many people resorted to burying valuables in the ground for safekeeping. (Matthew 13:44; 25:25) Archaeologists and farmers have unearthed large quantities of valuables and coins in Bible land. This is further proof of this primitive banking practice. BAPTIST, JOHN THE: John a relative of Jesus and a preacher of repentance of sins was called the Baptist because he baptized many people. Jehovah called him to precede the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. (Matthew 3) (John 1:6-36) BAPTISIM: Greek: baptisma means to immerse. John the Baptist baptized Jesus. When he came up out of the water a voice from heaven said: This is my Son, whom I love and who I have approved. (Matthew 3:16, 17) BALSAM: A tree that produced a sweet smelling resin. The resin was used for perfume and medicine. BARABBAS: Pilate set this criminal free instead of Jesus. Barabbas was guilty of robbery, sedition, and murder. Pilate was observing a unique custom of releasing a prisoner on the eve of the Passover every year, even though Hebrew Scriptures do not support such a practice. (John 18:39, 40) (Matthew 27:15-26) (Mark 15:6-15) (Luke 23:16-25)

BARACHEL: Barachel was the father of Jobs friend Elihu. He was a Buzite and descendant of Abrahams nephew Buz. (Job 32:2, 6) (Genesis 22:20, 21) BARACHCHIAH: Barachiah was the father of the Zechariah who was murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. (Matthew 23:25) (Luke 11:50, 51) According to 2 Chronicles 24:21 Zechariah was murdered in the courtyard of Jehovahs house. As Zechariah was dying he said: Let Jehovah see to it and ask it back. Soon the reckoning for shedding the blood of Abel and Zechariah took place. (2 Chronicles 24:23-25) BARAK: Barak was the son of Abinoam of Kedesh from the territory of Naphtali. The Israelites turned away from true worship during the time of the judges. So God permitted them to be oppressed by Jabin, the king of Canaan. When they cried out to Jehovah for relief Barak became their God appointed leader. (Judges 4:1-3) Jehovah gave Israel victory over their foes as recorded at Judges chapters 4 and 5. Barak was cited as a faithful example at Hebrews 11:32-34. BARBARIAN: The Greek word barbaros is translated to the English word barbarian. This means unintelligible speech, foreigner. It was applied by Paul to mean foreigners or natives who spoke different languages and did not live according to the Greek culture. (Roman 1:14) (Acts 28:1, 2, 4) The Greeks felt that their language and culture was superior to all others. Therefore the term barbaros, barbarian gradually assumed a negative connotation. BAR-HUMITE: Bar-Humite was a resident of the village of Bahurim. (2 Samuel 23:31) (1 Chronicles 11:33) BARIAH: This man was a distant relative of David through Solomon. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 10, 22) BAR-JESUS: Bar-Jesus was a Jew who lived on the island of Cyprus in the first century C.E. He was a false prophet and a sorcerer. (Acts 13:6) His professional name or title was Elymas meaning sorcerer. As court magician and adviser to Sergius Paulus, the Roman proconsul at Paphos, Bar-Jesus (Elymas) spoke out against Christianity to turn the proconsul away from the faith. (Acts 13:7, 8) BARKOS: This man was the forefather of some Nethinim who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. (Ezekiel 2:43, 53) (Nehemiah 7:46, 55)

BARLEY: Barley is a cultivated grain similar to wheat. It is grown as a food crop. (Exodus 9:31) BARNABAS: Barnabas was a Levite and a native of the Island of Cyprus. He was in Jerusalem when he became a believer. (Acts 4:34-36) Barnabas was a very devout man who was among those who sold their fields and houses and gave the price to the apostles for advancement of the Christian work. The apostles surnamed him Barnabas, meaning Son of Comfort. He was a very warmhearted and generous person and therefore he did not hesitate to part with his material possessions to advance the Kingdom interest. He gladly came to the aid of his brothers. (Acts 9:27) Barnabas traveled with the apostle Paul many times. BARREN: A person who is not fertile or productive, unable to bring forth children, is barren. The Hebrew word a-qar means barren. It is found at Genesis 11:30. The Hebrew word gal-mudh means sterile and is found at Isaiah 49:21. A sterile person would not be able to bare children. Therefore the meaning is almost the same. (Proverbs 30:16) The Greek word for barren is sterros. (Romans 4:19) Jehovah God is capable of making a barren woman fruitful. Jacob testifies that this is the case at Genesis 30:2, 22, 23. BARTHOLOMEW: Bartholomew was one of Jesus twelve apostles. He was also thought to be Nathanael. BARTIMAEUS: Jesus restored the sight to this blind beggar. Bartimaeus shouted out to Jesus: Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me! He begged for recovery of his sight. Jesus was moved by his faith and cured him. (Matthew 20:29-34) (Mark 10:46-52) (Luke 18:35-43) BARUCH: Baruch was Jeremiahs scribal secretary. He was the son of Neriah and brother of Seraiah, Zedekiahs quartermaster who read Jeremiahs scroll alongside the Euphrates River. (Jeremiah 32:12; 51:59-64) Baruch wrote the prophetic message about Jerusalems doom as Jeremiah dictated it. It was the fourth year of King Jehoiakims rule in the year 625 B.C.E. Baruch read the scroll aloud to the people at the entrance of Jehovahs house. When King Jehoiakim heard the denunciation he burned the scroll and commanded that Baruch and Jeremiah be brought before him. Jehovah God concealed them and Jeremiah then dictated while Baruch wrote another scroll like the first but with even more words from the mouth of Jehovah. (Jeremiah 32:1, 9-16)

BASEMATH, DAUGHTER OF ELON: Basemath was the wife of Esau. She was a daughter of Elon the Hitite. She was a source of bitterness to Isaac and Rebekah. (Genesis 26:34, 35; 27:46; 28:8; 36:2) BASEMATH, DAUGHTER OF ISHMAEL: This Basemath was the daughter of Abrahms son Ishmael. She was the sister of Nebaioth and Esaus first cousin. She was married to Esau and gave birth to his son Reuel. (Genesis 28:8, 9; 36:3, 4, 10) BASEMATH, DAUGHTER OF SOLOMON: This woman was the daughter of Solomon. She was wife of Ahimaaz, one of Solomonls food deputies. (1 Kings 4:7, 15) BASHAN: Bashan was a large high plateau east of the Sea of Galilee. Mount Hermon was on the north boundary Mount Hauran was on the east. The Sea of Galilee was on the west and Gilead was on the south. The area was an excellent agricultural area. (Deuteronomy 32:14) (Ezekiel 39:18) (Psalm 22:12) The principal cities of Bashan were: Ashtaroth, Edrei, Golan and Salecah. (Deuteronomy 4:41-43) (Joshua 9:10; 12:4, 5; 20:8, 9) (1 Chronicles 6:64) BASIN, BOWL: Basins and bowls were made of earthenware, clay, wood or metal. They were used for domestic purposes such as holding water. (2 Samuel 17:27-29) They also held the blood of the Passover victim. (Exodus 12:22) They were used for religious activities in the sanctuary connected with Jehovahs worship. (Exodus 30:17-21; 31:9; 40:30, 31) Jesus Christ used a washbasin when he washed the feet of his disciples at John 13:5. BASKET: A basket is a container made by weaving materials such as palm-leaf fibers, reeds, rushes, rope, twigs and willows. The Scriptures do not give lengthy descriptions of the different kinds of baskets used in Bible lands and several different Hebrew and Greek words are used for baskets. The most commonly employed Hebrew word for basket is sal. (Genesis 40:16-19, 22) (Exodus 29:3, 23, 32) (Leviticus 8:2, 26, 31) (Numbers 6:13, 15, 17, 19) (Judges 6:19) The Greek words kophi-nos and sphy-ris were translated basket. After Jesus fed the 5,000 people there were 12 baskets full of surplus food. (Matthew 14:20) (Mark 6:43) (Luke 917) (John 6:13) Paul was lowered to the ground in a basket through the opening in the wall at Acts 9:25. BAT: The bat is a mammal, a flying mammal. It looks like a mouse with wings. The Scriptures say that the bat is an unclean flying

creature and should not be eaten by the Israelites. (Leviticus 11:19) (Deuteronomy 14:18) About twenty different varieties of bats are found in Israel today. Bats roost head downward in dark caves during the daylight and they fly at night. They are worshiped by demonize people. (Isaiah 2:20) BATH: The bath was a liquid measure equal to one tenth of a homer (cor) and equal to the ephah dry measure. It is estimated that the bath measure is equal to 5.81 gallons or 22 liters. BATH-RIBBIM GATE: The Shulamite maidens eyes, in the Song of Solomon, are compared to the pools in Heshbon that are by the Bath-ribbim Gate. (Song of Solomon 7:4) Heshbon was a city in the territory of Gad. It was assigned to the Levites. (Joshua 21:38, 39) Some believe the Bath-ribbim Gate is used to mean the literal Gate that faces toward the northeast and toward the city of Rabbah. Others think it is used figuratively to mean the the entire city of Heshbon. BATHING: The Hebrew word ra-chats means wash or bathe. The Greek word for bath is lou-tron. Those who worship God in holiness and purity are required to be clean. The priests involved in temple service were ordered to clean themselves. (Exodus 29:4-9; 40:12-15) (Leviticus 8:6, 7) The act of washing the feet of ones guests was a loving expression of hospitality and kindness. (Genesis 18:1-4; 19:1, 2; 24:29-32) (1 Samuel 25:41) (Luke 7:38, 44) (1 Timothy 5:10) Jesus set a humble example for his followers by washing the feet of his disciples. (John 13:5-17) Figuratively, washing is used to denote a clean standing before God. (Psalms 26:6; 73:13) (Isaiah 1:16) (Ezekiel 16:9) Bathing with Gods Word of truth is symbolized by water. It has the power to cleanse. (Ephesians 5:26) BATHSHEBA: She was the daughter of Eliam. (1 Chronicles 3:5) Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of Davids mighty men. She was bathing herself one spring day when King David caught sight of her. He lusted after her and had her brought to the palace where they had sexual relations. She became pregnant and David plotted to have Uriah sleep with her to cover up for the adultery. When the scheme failed the king had Uriah killed in battle. Later Bathsheba became Davids wife and bore the child. (2 Samuel 11:1-27) The child later died and remains nameless. BATTERING RAM: This instrument of war was used to break down the gates and walls of a city or fortress. It had a heavy beam of

timber with an iron tip that was use to ram the obsticle. (Ezekiel 4:1, 2; 21:22) The defending soldiers would drop firebrands on the battering rams or catch them with chains and grapnels to put them out of action. BAVVAI: Bavvai was a wall builder working on Nehemiahs wall. He was a Levite from the district of Keilah. (Nehemiah 3:18, 24) BAZLUTH: Bazluth was a family head whose descendants returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 52) (Nehemiah 7:54) B.C.E. (BEFORE COMMON ERA): Two eras are considered when naming dates in the Simplified Bible Dictionary: Before Common Era and Common Era. The year 0 seperates the two eras. Before Common Era counts down to the year zero. Common Era counts up from the year zero. Jesus Christ was born after the year zero. Some scholars think he was born in the year 2 B.C.E. BDELLIUM GUM: This is a fragrant resinous gum resembling myrrh. It comes from a Commiphora Africana tree found in India, northwest Africa and Arabia. When the bark is cut, a fragrant, resinous juice, or gum oozes out. It is described with a list of valuable things at Genesis 2:11, 12. The manna at Numbers 11:7 is said to look like bdellium gum. BEADS: A bead is a small ball with a hole through it. Beads are ornaments made of glass, gems, gold, and silver. They are usually worn as necklaces as mentioned at the Song of Solomon 1:10. BEALIAH: Bealiah was a Benjamite warrior who joined up with David at Ziklag. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 2, 5) BEALOTH, JUDEAN CITY: Bealoth was a city in the south of Judah. It is only referred to at Joshua 15:24. BEALOTH, NEAR ASHER: This Bealoth was a region near Asher. King Solomon appointed Baana to supervise the region. It is called Aloth in the King James Version. (1 Kings 4:16) BEAR: The Syrian brown bear is found in Palestine, Syria, Iran, and Turkey. It is light brown in color and averages about 310 pounds in weight. While they appear awkward they generally are not. Some can run as fast as 30 mile an hour for short distances. They are good swimmers and most of them can climb. Scriptures

speak of the bears dangerousness in comparison to the lion. (Amos 5:19) (Lamentations 3:10) A female bear with young can be very ferocious. (2 Samuel 17:8) (Proverbs 17:12) (Hosea 13:8) The bear represented the Medo-Persian World Power in Daniels vision of terrible beasts. (Daniel 7:5, 17) The wild beast in Johns vision had feet like a bears feet. (Revelation 13:2) Isaiah was given a vision of a bear feeding with a cow. This symbalized how peaceful conditions will be when Gods people gather under Messiahs rule. (Isaiah 11:7) BEANS: The Hebrew term pohl means bean. It could be the annual plant cultivated in Syria and Palestine known as the broad bean. They were aksi cultivated in Egypt and Arabia. The plant reaches a height of 3 feet. The ripe pods are large and thick and the beans are brown or black in color. The pods may be boiled as a vegetable and the ripe beans are often cooked with oil and meat. (2 Samuel 17:24-29) Beans were an ingredient in the bread Ezekiel was commanded to bake. (Ezekiel 4:9) BEARD: The hair growing on a mans chin, cheeks and lips is called a beard. Za-qan is the Hebrew word for beard. The Hebrew word sa-pham is translated mustache, upper lip and sometimes beard. (Leviticus 13:29, 30; 14:9) A beard was cherished by the Israelites as evidence of manly dignity. Gods law prohibited cutting off the edge of the hair between the ear and the eye, and the extremity of the beard. (Leviticus 19:27; 21:5) When David allowed saliva to run down upon his beard it helped convince King Achish that David was insane. (1 Samuel 21:13) It was customary to wear beards before the law covenant was made. Jesus Christ had a beard while he was on earth. Before he began his ministry he was a Jew, under the law covenant. Therefore he would have dressed like the Jews and wore his hair like the Jews. (Galatians 4:4) (Matthew 5:17) BEASTS: Major world powers are frequently likened to beasts in prophecy. (Revelation 17:3, 9-11) The bear was symbolic of the Medo-Persian world power at Daniel 7:5. The Leopard represented the Grecian world power at Daniel 7:6 and the Lion symbolized the Babylonian world power at Daniel 7:4. BEATING: The Mosaic Law stipulated punishment by beating. The judges decided the number of strokes that were to be given according to the misdeed committed. The law stated:The number of stripes is according to his guilt. However, the Law given through Moses did not allow cruel or unusual punishment. The punishment was corrective in nature and not vindictive or vicious. The number of strokes was limited by the Law. The limit was 40 strokes or

lashes. (2 Corinthians 11:24) (Deuteronomy 25:2, 3) The Scriptures emphasize the value of strokes as a disciplinary measure, and in contrast they emphasize that a wise person can be corrected by words and will avoid the need for strokes. (Proverbs 10:13; 19:29; 20:30) The rod for beating is also mentioned as a means of disipline of children. It is not necessarly a literal rod, but representative of discipline. (Proverbs 22:15; 23:13, 14) The worst instrument for scourging was the flagellum (Greek: phragellion) (whip) (scourge). It had a handle with several cords of leather thongs. The thongs had pieces of bone or metal attached on the ends. These made the blows more painful and effective. (John 2:15) (Matthew 27:26) (Mark 15:15) The apostle Paul was flogged with rods in the city of Philippi. (Acts 16:22-40) Prophecy told of the Messiah who would bear the sicknesses and pains of those who believed in him. (Isaiah 53:3-5) And Peter associated the beating of Jesus Christ as a healing for all who believed, You were healed because of his wounds (stripes). (1 Peter 2:24) BECHERITES: This was an Ephraimite family descended from Becher. (Numbers 26:35) BECORATH: Becorath was an ancestor of King Saul. He was of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Samuel 9:1) BED: The bed is a piece of furniture used for sleeping. Facilities for sleeping vary in type, style, and structure. Wealth and life style have a lot to do with it. Many people slept on the bare ground in tents or under the open sky during Bible times. The Hebrew word mish-kav means a place to lie down. (Genesis 49:4) (Leviticus 26:6) The Greek term for bed is koite. (Luke 11:7) (Hebrew 13:4) The Greek word kline means to incline. (Matthew 9:2) (Luke 9:58) Bed is used in a figurative sense in the following Scriptures: Job 17:13; Psalm 149:5; Ezekiel 32:25; Hosea 7:14; Micah 2:1. BEDAD: Bedad was the father of the Edomite King Hadad. Hadad ruled in Avith before Israel had kings. (Genesis 36:31, 35) (1 Chronicles 1:43, 46) BEDEIAH: Bedeiah was one of the twelve sons of Bani. He sent away his foreign wives and sons at Ezras urging. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 34, 35, 44) BEE: The Bible reference to bees relates mainly to the wild honeybees. Canaan is called a land flowing with milk and honey. This suggests that bees were numerous in that land-Ex 3:8. The

warm climate and abundance of flowers made this land suitable for a large bee population. (Deuteronomy 32:13) (Judges 14:5-9) (1 Samuel 14:25-27) (Psalm 81:16) (Matthew 3:4) BEELIADA: David called his son Beeliada, who was born after coming to Jerusalem, Eliada meaning God Has Known. (2 Samuel 5:16) (1 Chronicles 3:8; 14:3-7) BEELZEBUB: The name comes from the words: Baal-Zebub. This is a designation applied to Satan the prince and ruler of the demons. The religious leaders accused Jesus of expelling demons by means of Beelzebub (meaning Owner of the Lofty Abode) (Matthew 12:24)(Luke 11:15). BEER, A WELL: The Hebrew word beer usually refers to a well. It usually occures in compound place names such as Beer-elim and Beer-sheba. The Hebrew word ayin means a natural spring. After passing the Arnon on their way to the Promised Land, the Israelites came to Beer where they dug a well. The well became known as Beer-elim, Well of the Big Trees. (Numbers 21:13-16) (Isaiah 15:8) BEER, THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE: Beer is brewed using slow fermentation of wheat or other grain. It is usually low in alcohol content. (Isaiah 1:22) (Hosea 4:18) (Nahum 1:10) The Hebrew word sove means wheat beer. It can also be translated liquor. The art of brewing beer from grain was practiced in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. Beer became a common drink in Egypt where Ramses III considered it so valuable that he offered up over 30,000 gallons per year to his gods. Beer mugs have been found in many nations and a wide variety of beer was produced. There has been thick beer and watered down beer, sparkling beer and spiced beer, perfumed beer and dark beer to mention a few. BEERA: Beera was a family head and descendant of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 37, 40) BEERAH: Beerah was a Reubenite chieftain taken into exile by Assyrian King Tiglathpileser III during the reign of Pekah between 778 and 759 B.C.E. (1 Chronicles 5:6) BEER-ELIM: Jehovah inspired Isaiah to proclaim, Everywhere at Moabs borders the sound of crying is heard. It is heard at the towns of Eglaim and Beerelim. (Isaiah 15:8)

BEEROTH: Beeroth was one of four Hivite cities that signed a covenant or agreement with Joshua to become part of the inheritance of the tribe of Beenjamin. (Joshua 9:3-17; 18:21, 25) Following the exile in Babylon the men of Beeroth are listed as some of those who returned to Judah. (Ezra 2:1, 25) (Nehemiah 7:29) BEEROTH BENE-JAAKAN: This was an Israelite campsite in the wilderness. The last time they camped there was shortly before Aaron died on Mount Hor. (Deuteronomy 10:6) Beeroth Benejaakan is likely the same ast Bene-jaakan at Numbers 33:31. BEEROTHITE: A resident of Beeroth was a Beerothite. (Joshua 9:17, 27; 18:21, 25) BEERSHEBA: At first there was a well called Beersheba. Then a city went by that same name. The name means: Well of the Oath or Well of Seven. The well and the city were located halfway between the south end of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Coast. When describing the Promised Land the proverbial phrase was from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south. (Judges 20:1) (2 Chronicles 30:5) Hagar wandered with her son Ishmael in the desert to Beersheba after Abraham dismissed them. (Genesis 21:14) Abraham left Beersheba to Moriah to offer Isaac as a sacrifice and returned there to live. (Genesis 22:19) For several hundred years after Christ Beersheba was a large village with a Roman garrison. BEESHTERAH: This city was located east of the Jordan River. It was given to the Gershonites of the tribe of Levi and could possibly be the same as Ashtaroth at 1 Chronicles 6:71. (Joshua 21:27) BEG, BEGGAR, BEGGING: Begging is a solicitation for money or food, often done in a public place. The practice of begging is a very old practice and yet there is no indication in the Old Testament that begging existed to any degree during the time of the nation of Israel. The Mosaic Law contained powerful legislation that benefitted the poor. (Leviticus 19:9, 10) (Deuteronomy 15:7-10; 24:19-21) The act of giving alms, or gifts of charity, was associated with the idea of earning salvation. The Apocryphal book of Ecclesiasticus 3:30 stated, almsgiving atones for sins. The blind, the lame, and the diseased were considered among the beggars of Jesus time. Much like beggars today, they positioned themselves along public thoroughfares near crowds of people. (Mark 10:46-49) (Luke 16:20, 22; 18:35-43) (John 9:1-8) (Acts 3:2-10) The apostles were at times hungry, homeless, and lacking clothing, but they

toiled night and day, so as not to be a burden on others. (1 Corinthians 4:11, 12) (1 Thessalonians 2:9) While there is no harm in accepting social assistance the standard among Christians is: Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12) BEGOTTEN GOD: The term begotten God is found only once in the Holy Scriptures at John 1:18. The phrase comes from the Greek monogenes theos, meaning only born God or god. It can also mean born from God. Scripture context proves that God was not begotten or born, his son was. However, because the oldest manuscripts state monogenes theos the proper translation must be begotten god, begotten God, or begotten God-like one. In keeping with the context of the entire Bible the New Simplified Bible will not call the Almighty God begotten! The context of John 1:18 shows that it is talking about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Therefore the term God-like one has been used. BEGOTTEN SON: The apostle John repeatedly describes Jesus Christ as the only-begotten Son of God-Joh 1:14; 3:16-18. He is described as the only begotten Son whom his Father sent into the world at 1 John 4:9. Thus he was the only begotten Son before his life as a human being. Therefore Jesus Christ, the Word is Jehovah Gods only begotten Spirit Son from the very beginning! This certainly suggests a spiritual birth process entirely unique from the creation of all other spirit beings. The Greek phrase monogenes theos also means God only begotten or only begotten from God. BEHEADING: This mode of capital punishment existed in most of the nations. The Mosaic Law did not prescribe this type of punishment. It was practiced in Egypt where Pharaoh had the head removed from the chief baker. (Genesis 40:19) The Philistines cut Sauls head from his body after his death. (1 Samuel 31:9, 12) David cut off Goliaths head with his sword after he killed him with his sling. (1 Samuel 17:51, 52) Herod Antipas had John the Baptist beheaded in prison to comply with the request of the daughter of Herodias. (Matthew 14:8-11) BEHEMOTH: The word behemoth appears at Job 40:15. It could possibly be a large water ox or a hippopotamus, or a huge beast of unknown variety. The context of the Scripture, verses 17 thru 24 indicates that the hippopotamus would be a good guess. BEHTH: Behth is the second letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The name assigned to the letter means house. The opening word in the

Hebrew text of the eight verses of Psalm 119:9-16 begins with this letter. This is known as the acrostic style. BEL: Bel was a Babylonian deity. The title Bel was first applied to the Enlil. The original Sumerian triad of deities included Bel, Anlu and Enki. Jehovahs prophets foretold the fall of Bel to coincide with Babylons fall. (Isaiah 46:1) (Jeremiah 50:2; 51:44) The prophets reported that Bel and Nebo would not escape. Jehovah would force Bel to give up what he had captured through his worshipers. (Jeremiah 51:44) BELA, SON OF BENJAMIN: Bela was the first son of Benjamin. He was one of Jacobs household who came to Jacob into Egypt. He became the familyh head of the Belaites. (Genesis 46:8, 21) (Numbers 26:38) (1 Chronicles 7:6; 8:1-5) BELA, SON OF BEOR: This Bela was the first king of Edom. Bela ruled as king in the capital city of Dinhabah, long before Israel had a king. (Genesis 36:31, 32) (1 Chronicles 1:43) BELA, SON OF AZAZ: Bela was the son of Azaz. He was of the tribe of Reuben. (1 Chronicles 5:3, 8) BELA, THE CITY OF ZOAR: Bela was an earlier name for the city of Zoar. (Genesis 14:2, 8) BELL: A bell is made of metal, usually pear-shaped or cuplike. It gives a musical note when struck or rung. Golden bells were attached to the solid-blue coat that the high priest wore. (Exodus 28:33-35; 39:25, 26) Hebrew metsil-lah is translated bell. Its root word means tingle. (Zechariah 14:20) (1 Samuel 3:11) BELLOWS: This device is used for giving furnaces a forced draft. A bellows can be expanded and contracted drawing in air first and then forcing it out thru a tube. A bag is mounted on a frame or base and attached to a tube leading to the furnace. Bellows are mentioned only once in the Scriptures at Jeremiah 6:29. Isaiah 54:16 and Ezekiel 22:20, 21 allude to bellows but do not call them by name. BELLY: The belly is the digestive organ located in the front part of the human trunk just below the ribs. It is refered to when speaking about a woman having a child in the belly since the womb is located near the belly. (Genesis 25:23, 24) (Job 1:21) (Psalm 127:3) (Ecclesiastes 11:5) (Isaiah 44:2) (Hosea 9:11) Belly is used

figuratively to define fleshly appetite, or desire. (Romans 16:18) (Philippians 3:19) Jonah declared that he cried for help out of the belly of the grave and God heard him.Jonah 2:2. BELAITES: This was a family descended from Bela, Benjamins first born. (Numbers 26:38) BELIAL: Hebrew word meaning Good for Nothing. Applied in the first century as another name for Satan-2 Corinthians 6:15. BELIEVE: Christians are to believe in Jehovah God, the Father of Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:34) (Romans 4:24) They are to call on the name of the true God. (Romans 10:13) (Joel 2:32) Christians must also believe in Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God. (John 3:16) (1 John 5:10-11) They should believe in the Good New of Gods Kingdom. (Mark 1:15; 11:24) (Acts 15:7) The rewards of believing and obeying include everlasting life. (Matthew 21:22) (John 3:36; 20:31) BELSHAZZAR: Belshazzar was the son of Nabonidus. He served as coregent of Nabonidus at the time when the Babylonian Empire came to an end. The book of Daniel reports Belshazzar as the king of Babylon. (Daniel 5:1, 9; 7:1; 8:1) He was the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar II. (This can be confusing because the Bible sometimes uses the word son to mean grandson.) In the year 539 B.C.E. Babylon was under seige by the forces of Cyrus the Persian and Darius the Mede. However, the Babylonians were so confident that the citys walls were impregnable that they held a great feast for a thousand of the kings grandees. Belshazzar used the vessels from the temple of Jerusalem as an act of defiance against the true God. This deliberate act of contempt by this pagan king brought immediate reproach from Jehovah. The entire faith building account can be read in the fifth Chapter of the book of Daniel. Be sure to read it. BELTESHAZZAR: The Babylonian name Belteshazzar was given to Daniel after he was taken into exile in 717 B.C.E. It is a shortened form of an invocation to Nebuchadnezzars god Bel. That is why Nebuchadnezzar said, according to the name of my god when he gave Daniel that name. (Daniel 4:8; 5:12) The new name was intended to naturalize Daniel as a newly recognized Babylonian. But the Babylonians continued to call him by his Hebrew name.

BEN, THE LEVITE: Ben was a Levite musician of Davids day. He accompanied the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:15, 18) BEN, HEBREW PREFIX: The Hebrew prefix ben is found in names such as Benjamin (Son of the right hand) and Ben-ami (Son of My People). The prefix ben means son. In Aramaic the word bar means son, such as Barnabas (Son of Comfort). (Acts 4:36) It is also used to show relationships between people such as (beneh) Sons of Israel. (2 Chronicles 35:17) (Psalm 127:4) (Hosea 10:9) BENAIAH, SON OF JEHOIADA: Benaiah was the son of Jehoiada the Levitical chief priest. Benaiah fathered two sons, Ammizabad and Jehoiada. (1 Chronicles 27:5, 6, 34) Benaiah served as one of Davids mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:20-23) BEN-AMMI: Ben-ammi was born of incest. He was the son of Lot by his younger daughter. (Genesis 19:31-38) He was also called Ammon and was the forefather of the Ammonites. BENE-BERAK: Bene-berak was a city belonging to the tribe of Dan. It was located about 5 miles southeast of Tel Aviv-Yafo (Joppa). (Joshua 19:40, 45) BENE-JAAKAN: This station was located in the desert wilderness. It belonged to the Israelites. Ben-berak was probably the Akan of Genesis 36:27 and 1 Chronicles 1:42. BEN-HADAD: There were three kings of Syria in Bible history with the name Ben-hadad. The name means Son of Hadad. Hadad was the storm god highly revered in Syria. BEN-HADAD, SON OF TABRIMMON: The first king of Syria named Ben-hadad was the son of Tabrimmon and grandson of Hezion. (1 Kings 15:16-21) (2 Chronicles 16:1-6) BEN-HADAD, OF AHABS TIME: This Ben-hadad ruled Syria during the reign of King Ahab of Israel. (94920 B.C.E.) (1 Kings 20:1-21) His counselors offered the theory that Jehovah was a God of mountains. Therefore, they reasoned the Israelites could be defeated on level land. We learn from the Scriptures that his religious theories proved worthless and he and his army were defeated by the Israelite forces. (1 Kings 20:22-34)

BEN-HADAD, SON OF HAZAEL: This Ben-hadad was son of Hazael. He was the king of Syria in the days of Jehoahaz. (876-860 B.C.E.) (2 Kings 13:3-25) BEN-HAIL: Ben-hail was one of the five princes sent by Jehoshaphat in the third year of his reign. They were sent to teach the Law to the inhabitants of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:7, 9) BEN-HANAN: He was a descendant of Judah, one of the four sons of Shimon. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 20) BENINU: Beninu was a Levite or the forefather of one. (Nehemiah 9:38; 10:1, 13) BENJAMIN, JACOBS 12TH SON: Benjamin was the only son born to Jacob in the land of Canaan. The other sons were born in Paddanaram. (Genesis 29:31-30:25; 31:18) Benjamin was Rachels second son. The childbirth was so difficult that she lost her life in the process. As she was dying she called her son Benoni, meaning Son of My Mourning. Benjamin was in his 40s at the time of his fathers death. (Genesis 49:27, 28) BENJAMIN, THE TRIBE: At the time of the Exodus from Egypt the tribe of Benjamin was the smallest of all the tribes. (Numbers 1:36, 37) The territory assigned to the tribe of Benjamin was between that of the tribes of Ephraim, Judah, and Dan. (Joshua 18:11-20) Some of the cities within the Benjamin territory were Jericho, Bethel, Gibeon, Gibeah, and Jerusalem. (Judges 1:22) (1 Kings 12:28, 29) The tribes of Benjamin and Judah were the most prominent among the Israelites in Palestine. (Ezra 4:1; 10:9) The tribe of Benjamin is pictued in Ezekiels vision. (Ezekiel 48:8, 21-23) The apostle Paul was a Benjamite before he was converted to Christianity. (Revelation 5:5) (Romans 11:1) (Philippians 3:5) BENO: Beno was a Levite descendant of Merari. He lived during Davids time. (1 Chronicles 24:20, 26, 27) BEN-ONI: Ben-oni was the second son of Rachel. She died in childbirth and gave her son the name Benoni meaning Son of My Mourning. Jacob later changed his name to Benjamin meaning Son of the Right Hand. (Genesis 35:18) BEROEA: Beroea was a city in the province of Macedonia. The apostle Paul visited there during his second missionary journey. (Acts 17:10-14) Its modern name is Veroia. It is located at the base

of Mount Bermios about 40 miles from Thessalonica. The Beroeans were diligent about searching the Scriptures to verify that what they heard preached was really the truth. (Acts 17:11) Paul probably passed through Beroea on this third missionary journey. (Acts 20:14) BERA: Bera was the king of Sodom. Chedorlaomer and his allies defeated him in the Siddim Valley. (Genesis 14:1-24) Abraham pursued the victors, retreved the spoils, and rescured his nephew Lot. BERACAH, FROM THE TRIBE OF BENJAMIN: Beracah was from the tribe of Benjamin. He was one of Davids mighty men. He was skilled in the use of the bow. (1 Chronicles 12:1-3) BERACAH VALLEY: Beracah Valley was in Judah between Bethlehem and Hebron. This valley runs east to west from the hill country of Judah to the wilderness area west of the Salt Sea. The name Beracah means thanks or blessing. (2 Chronicles 20:26) Following the victory over the military forces of Ammon, Moab, and Edom, Jehoshaphat gathered the people at this valley to thank Jehovah. BERAIAH: Beraiah was the son of Shimei. He was the head of the paternal house of Benjamites in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 21, 28) BERECHIAH, DESCENDANT OF DAVID: This Berechiah was the descendant of David through Solomon. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 10, 20) BERECHIAH, SON OF MESHEZABEL: This Berechiah was the son of Meshezabel. His son Meshullam served as a worker on the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 3:4, 30; 6:18) BERECHIAH, SON OF SHIMEA: Berechiah was the son of Shimea. He was a descendant of Levi through Gershom. Berechiahs son Asaph was the leader of the singers King David appointed. Many generations of temple singers resulted from that relationship. (1 Chronicles 6:39; 15:17; 25:1-9) (Ezra 2:41) (Nehemiah 7:44) BERECHIAH, SON OF MESHILLEMOTH: Berechiah and three leaders of Ephraim counseled Jehovahs prophet Oded. They warned him of the impending disaster because King Ahaz of Judah had captured 200,000 people of the southern kingdom. They

prevented the victors from enslaving many of them and proved food and clothing for many of them. (2 Chronicles 28:6-15) BERECHIAH, THE LEVITE: This Berechiah was a Levite who lived after the Babylonian exile. He was the son of Asa. (1 Chronicles 9:16) BERECHIAH, SON OF IDDO: Berechiah was the son of the prophet Iddo. He was the father of the prophet Zechariah. (Zecariah 1:1, 7) BERI: Beri was the son of Zophah. He was the head of a family in the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:36, 40) BERED, GRANDSON OF EPHRAIM: Bered was the grandson of Ephraim through Shuthelah. (1 Chronicles 7:20) BERED, WHERE HAGAR VISITED: When Hagar ran away from Sarai she stopped at the well of Beerlahairoi. This was between Bered and Kadesh, on the way to Shur. (Genesis 16:7, 14) BERIAH, SON OF ASHER: Beriah and his two sons Heber and Malciel probably came to Egypt with Jacobs household. (Genesis 46:8, 17) He was the fourth son of Asher. (Numbers 26:44, 45) (1 Chronicles 7:30, 31) BERIAH, SON OF EPHRAIM: Beriah was the son of Ephraim. He was born after his older brother had been killed by the men of Gath. Beriah means with calamity which was fitting considering the circumstances. (1 Chronicles 7:20-23) BERIAH, SON OF ELPAAL: Beriah was one of the five sons of Elpaal. This was one of the Benjamite falily heads who chased away the inhabitants of Gath. (1 Chronicles 8:12, 13) BERIAH, SON OF SHIMEI: This Beriah was the last son of Shimei. He was a Levite descendant of Gershon. Beriah and his brother Jeush did not have many sons. So their inheritance was limited to a paternal house for one official class. (1 Chronicles 23:6-11) BERNICE: Bernice was the daughter of Herod Agrippa I by his wife Cypros. She was born about 28 C.E. She and her brother Agrippa were invited to sit in the audience chamber when the apostle Paul made his powerful and eloquent defense before the dignitaries. (Acts 25:13, 23; 26:1-30) Bernice was a shameless, immoral woman. She was married first to Marcus, son of Alexander

Lysimachus. After the death of Marcus she married her uncle Herod, king of Chalcis. After he died she lived an incestuous life with her brother until public scandal pressured her into marrying Polemo the king of Cilicia. She deserted him and again became her brothers consort. She later became the mistress of Vespasians son Titus. BEROTHAH, BEROTHAI: Berothah could have been a city belonging to Hadadezer king of Zobah. David carried coppper away from this city. (2 Samuel 8:8) (1 Chronicles 18:8) Ezekiel saw Berothah as the territorial inheritance of Israel in his vision. It was located on the northern boundary between Hamath and Damascus. (Ezekiel 47:16) BERYL: This semiprecious stone is usually green or bluish green in color. It is one of the stones used to describe the symbolic wall that surrounds the New Jerusalem. (Revelation 21:20) BESODEIAH: Besodeiah was the father of the Meshullam who assisted in the repair work of the Gate of the Old City under Nehemiahs direction. (Nehemiah 3:6) BESOR VALLEY, BESOR GORGE: The Besor Valley is mentioned just once in connection with Davids pursuit of the Amalekites. After burning the city of Ziklag, the Amalekites headed south toward their home territory in the Negeb. They traveled through the Besor Valley and the Besor Gorge. (1 Samuel 30:1, 10, 21-25) BESTIALITY: Bestiality is sexual intercourse between human beings and animals. The Mosaic Law condemned this perverted practice. The guilty person and the beast were sentenced to death. (Leviticus 20:15,16; 18:23) (Exodus 22:19) (Deuteronomy 27:21) In Egypt bestiality was part of idolatrous animal worship. Historians give accounts of women cohabiting with goats. The Canaanites also practiced such behavior. (Leviticus 18:23-30) The Greek word porneia means fornication and unclean practices. Any member of the Christian congregation indulgeing in such a practice would be subject to removal from the congregation. (Ephesians 5:3) (1 Corinthians 5:1-6) (Colossians 3:5, 6) BETAH: Betah was a town near Berothai. It was near there that David defeated Hadadezer, king of Zobah. King David took a large quantity of copper from these towns. (2 Samuel 8:8)

BETEN: This town is only found at Joshua 19:25. It was one of the boundary towns of Asher. It was located in the southern end of the Acco Plain about 8 miles southeast of Haifa and 11 miles south of Acco. BETH: The word beth is used as an appellation for a house or dewlling place. BETH-ANATH: Beth-anath was one of the fortified cities assigned to the tribe of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:38, 39) Some of the Canaanite inhabitants were allowed to remain in this city as forced labor. (Judges 1:33) BETH-ANOTH: Beth-anoth was assigned to the tribe of Judah. It was in the mountains of the territory of Judah about 3.5 miles northeast of Hebron. (Joshua 15:59) BETHANY: Bethany was a village on the east slope of the Mount of Olives. It was about two miles from Jerusalem on an ancient approach from Jericho and the Jordan. (Mark 10:46; 11:1) (Luke 19:29) Bethany was refered to as Jesus home in Judea just as Capernaum was his home in Galilee. (Mark 2:1) Bethany was the town where Martha, Mary, and Lazarus lived. (Luke 10:38) (John 11:1, 38-44) Jesus spent the evening hours in Bethany during the last four days of his earthly life. BETH-ARABAH: Beth-arabah was one of six cities within Judahs territory that were in the wilderness. They were located in the desert region at the north end of the Dead Sea. (Joshua 15:61) Beth-arabah means House of the Desert. It describes the mutual boundaries of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. (Joshua 15:6) BETH-AVEN, IN BENJAMIN: This town was I the territory of the tribe of Benjamin. It was near the city of Ai. (Joshua 7:2; 18:11, 12) It was in the desert east of Bethel. Beth-aven was involved in a battle when Saul and Jonathan pursued the Philistines. (1 Samuel 13:5; 14:23) BETH-AVEN, WITH GIBEAH AND RAMAH: The prophet Hosea speaks about this Beth-aven in a derogatory sense. (Hosea 4:15; 5:8; 10:5, 8) (1 Kings 12:28-30). BETH-BARAH: Gideon and his military forces went to Ephraim to capture the streams of water at Beth-barah and the Jordan River, and to keep the Midianites from crossing them. (Judges 7:24) The

battle took place in the Jezreel Valley at a site west of the Jordan River. (Judges 3:27, 28) BETH-BIRI: Beth-biri was a town in the Negeb region of Judah. It was assigned to the sons of Simeon. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 31) BETH-CAR: The Israelites pursued the retreeting Philistines as far south as Beth-car. (1 Samuel 7:11) Many scholars consider Beth-car as the same as Beth-haccherem. (Jeremiah 6:1) (Nehemiah 3:14) BETH-DAGON, IN JUDAH: This town was assigned to the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 41) BETH-DAGON, IN ASHER: There was a Beth-dagon in the eastern part of the territory of Asher near the border with Zebulun. (Joshua 19:24, 27) BETH-DIBLATHAIM: This city was in Moab. A city called Bethdiblathen is mentioned in the inscription of the Moabite Stone. It was build by Moabs King Mesha. (Jeremiah 48:22) BETH-EDEN: Beth-eden was a city or region mentioned at Amos 1:5 in the prophecy against Damascus. The prdiction in Amos was that the people of Syria would have to go as exiles to Kir. It was fulfilled at the time of the Assyrian monarch Tiglath-pileser III, during the reign of King Ahaz. (2 Kings 16:9) BETH-EMEK: Beth-emek was a town in the territory of the tribe of Asher. (Joshua 19:24, 27) BETH-EZEL: Beth-ezel was a Judean town mentioned only in the book of Micah. (Micah 1:10-12) His prophecy fortold the disaster to come upon unfaithful Samaria and Jerusalem. BETH-GADER: Some scholars believe Beth-gader is the same as Geder, a town whose king was conquered by Joshua in the area west of the Jordan River. (1 Chronicles 2:50, 51) (Joshua 12:13) BETH-GAMUL: This city was mentioned in association with Jehovahs prophetic pronouncements against Moab. He states: Judgment has come on the cities of the plateau. (Jeremiah 48:21, 23) BETH-HACCHEREM: Beth-haccherem was a place near the city of Jerusalem at Jeremiah 6:1: Flee for safety you people of Benjamin.

Run from the midst of Jerusalem! Now blow a rams horn in Tekoa and aise a signal over Beth-haccerem. The people were warned to light a signal fire on a high place near Jerusalem. There are a number of places near Jerusalem where large stone mounds are found on the summit of hills that could have been used for signal fires like the fires mentioned by Jeremiah. BETHEL: House of God. City in Israel, more frequently mentioned in the Bible than any other except Jerusalem. It was about eleven miles north of Jerusalem. (Genesis 28:10-19) BETH-HARAN, BETH-HARAM: Beth-haran was a town on the east side of the Jordan River. The tribe of Dan requested it be included in its territory because of its good pastureland. Even though it was in a valley it was one of their fortified cities. (Numbers 32:1, 34, 36) (Joshua 13:27) BETH-HOGLAH: Beth-hoglah was a border town on the southeast corner of the territory of Benjamin, about 5 miles southeast of Jericho. It was across from the territory of Judah. (Josua 15:1, 6; 18:11, 19, 21) BETH-HORON: There were two towns using this name, Upper and Lower Beth-horon. They were on the ancient route leading from Joppa through the Aijalon Valley to Bethel and Jerusalem. Upper Beth-horon is about 10 miles northwest of Jersalem and Lower Beth-horn is 1.5 miles northwest of Upper Beth-horon. The boundary of the tribe of Benjamin is said to be the mountain on the south of Lower Beth-horon. (Joshua 18:13, 14) Beth-horon is one of the towns withing the inheritance of Ephraim. (Joshua 21:20, 22) (1 Chronicles 6:68) BETHLEHEM: Bethlehem was a town in the Judean highlands, about 2,550 feet above sea level. The highway through Bethlehem leads to Beer-sheba and Jerusalem. Though the countryside nearby is rocky it produces olives and grapes. (Ruth 1:22) The former name of the town was Ephrathah, which explains why it is called Bethlehem-Ephrathah at Micah 5:2. David the son of Jesse was born in Bethlehem of Judah. He tended his fathers sheep in that area and was later anointed there by Samuel to be Israels future king. (1 Samuel 16:1, 4, 13, 18; 17:12, 15, 58; 20:6) Mary gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem of Judea. This fulfilled divine prophecy. (Luke 1:26-38; 2:4-8)

BETHLEHEMITE: A Bethlehemite was an inhabitant of Bethlehem. Jesse, Davids father was a Bethlehemite. (1 Samuel 16:1, 18; 17:58) (2 Samuel 21:19) BETH-MARCABOTH: This city was an enclave city given to Simeon within the territory of the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 19:1, 5) (1 Chronicles 4:31) Beth-marcaboth may have been a fortress city of the Canaanites. Their war chariots ventured out onto the flatlands in the area of Beersheba. (Judges 1:19) BETH-MEON: This city was only mentioned at Jeremiah 48:23. It could be the same as Baal-meon. BETH-MERHAK: King David left Jerusalem because of the rebellion of his son Absalom. He stopped at Beth-merhak before crossing the Kidron Valley. This could have been the last house in Jerusalem going toward the Mount of Olives. (2 Samuel 15:17-26) BETH-NIMRAH: Beth-nimrah was a town belonging to the tribe of Gad. It was east of the Jordan River. It was also called Nimrah for short. (Numbers 32:3, 34, 36) It was at one time part of King Sihonls territory. (Joshua 13:27) It was located 12 miles northeast of Jericho. BETH-PAZZEZ: This was a boundary town of Issachar. (Joshua 19:17, 21) BETH-PELET: Beth-pelet was a town in the southern part of Judah. It was reoccupied after the Babylonian exile. (Joshua 15:21, 27) (Nehemiah 11:26) BETH-PEOR: The nation of Israel camped in the valley near Bethpeor. (Deuteronomy 3:29) Beth-peor may have been a town located on the slopes of Mount Peor. (Deuteronomy 4:46) Some consider Peor to be a mountain peak and others consider it to be a town. Both Peor and Beth. Peor appear to be connected with the pagan worship of the Baal of Peor. (Numbers 25:1-3; 18, 31:16) (Joshua 22:17) The Israelites became ensnared with the immoral practices of this false worship. The summit of Peor is thought to have been one of the peaks bordering the Wadi Husban. BETHPHAGE: Jesus was at or near Bethphage when he sent out his disciples to procure the donkey upon which he rode during his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. (Matthew 21:1, 2) (Mark 11:1, 2) (Luke 19:29, 30) Some sources believe Bethphage was located on

the Mount of Olives, near Jerusalem and also near Bethany. That would mean it was between Bethany and Jerusalem at et-Tur, on the SE slope of the Mount of Olives. Jesus would have had the city of Jerusalem in full view as he descended from there. (Luke 19:37, 41) BETH-REHOB: Beth-rehob was believed to be the principal city in a small Aramaean kingdom. Laish is described as being in the Bethrehob Valley. (Judge 18:7, 28) The Amonites hired Syrian mercenaries from Beth-rehob to defend themselves against the Israelite forces. (2 Samuel 10:6) BETHSAIDA: The apostles, Philip, Andrew and Peter came from Bethsaida. (John 1:44) However, at the time of Jesus Christs ministry, Simon Peter and Andrew had taken residence in Capernaum. (Matthew 8:5, 14) (Mark 1:21, 29) When John the Baptist died Jesus and his disciples withdrew to Bethsaida and a crowd of five thousand followed him. (Matthew 14:13-21) (Luke 9:10-17) (John 6:10) It was outside Bethsaida that Jesus restored sight to a blind man. (Mark 8:22) Bethsaida and Chorazin were each subjects of Jesus scathing reproach because of their unrepentant attitude. (Luke 10:13) BETH-SHEMESH, CITY OF JUDAH: Beth-shemesh was on the northern boundary of Judah between Chesalon and Timnah. (Joshua 15:10) The Philistines sent the Ark of Jehovah back to Israel on a wagon pulled by cows to the the Levite city of Beth-shemesh. (1 Samuel 6:9-20) Beth-shemesh was one of the cities responsible to provide food for King Solomons royal table. (1 Kings 4:7, 9) King Amaziah suffered defeat and capture at Beth-shemesh. (2 Kings 14:9-13) (2 Chronicles 25:18-23) BETH-SHEMESH, CITY OF NAPHTALI: This fortified city was in the territory of Naphtali. The Canaanites living in this city became Naphtalites. (Joshua 19:35-39) (Judges 1:33) BETH-SHEMESH, CITY OF ISSACHAR: This city of Issachar was near the Jordan River about 2 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. (Joshua 19:22, 23) BETH-SHEMESH, CITY IN EGYPT: Jeremiah prophecied about coming devastation upon Egypt and Beth-shemesh. It is considered to be the Heliopolis on the northeast edge of Cairo. It is known as the City of the Sun. (Jeremiah 43:13)

BETH-SHEMITE: A citizen of Beth-shemesh of Judah was called a Beth-shemite. Joshua, the owner of the field where the Ark of the Covenant was placed on a large stone after taken from a Philistine wagon, was called a Beth-shemite. (1 Samuel 6:14, 18) BETH-SHITTAH: The Midianites ran from the Jezreel Valley after Judge Gideon chased them away. The retreated through the town of Beth-shittah on their way to the Jordan. (Judges 7:1, 22) BETH-TAPPUAH: Beth-tappuah was a city in the hills near Hebron. It belonged to the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 53) Some scholars believe it received its name from a man named Tappuah. (1 Chronicles 2:42, 43) Yet others think Beth-tappuah was named after the apple trees that were abundant in the area. BETHUEL, SON OF NAHOR: Bethuel was Abrahams nephew. His father was Nahor and his mothe was Milcha. Rebekah and Laban were his children. (Genesis 22:20-23; 24:15, 24, 29, 50) Bethuel was called a Syrian or an Aramaean, dwelling in the flatland of Aram. BETHUEL, THE TOWN: The town of Bethuel was in the southern part of the territory of Judah about 12 miles south of Hebron. It was assigned to the tribe of Simeon and served as an enclave city. It is called Bethel at 1 Samuel 30:27. (Joshua 15:30; 19:4) (1 Chronicles 4:30) BETHESDA POOL: The Bethesda Pool was located by the Sheep market in Jerusalem. Some translations read Bethzatha. A large number of sick, blind, and lame persons gathered there expecting to receive healing in the water. Jesus healed a man at the pool. The man had been ill for 38 years. (John 5:1-9) BETH-ZUR: Beth-sur was a town in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:58) Beth-zur was one of 15 cities rebuild and fortified by King Rehoboam following the division of the kingdom. (2 Chronicles 11:5-12) BETONIM: This city was east of the Jordan River. Moses gave it as a gift to the tribe of Gad. (Joshua 13:24-27) BEULAH: The Hebrew word Beulah is properly translated owned as a wife. Some translations use Beulah as a womans proper name. However the context of Isaiah chapter sixty-two speaks about a spiritual woman known as Zion. Zion was to be in a desolate state following the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah by

the Babylonians. Zion, or Jerusalem was to be restored to her former splendor. (Isaiah 62) (Isaiah 54:1, 5, 6; 66:8) (Jeremiah 23:5-8; 30:17) (Galatians 4:26-31) BEZALEL, HEAD BUILDER OF TABERNACLE: Jehovah appointed Bezalel and said to Moses: I have called Bezalel, son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah. I filled him with the Spirit of God (my power). I gave him understanding, skill, and ability for every kind of artistic work. (Exodus 31:1-3, 3o-33; 35:4-9, 30-33; 36:3-7) Bezalel was the chief artisan and builder of the Tabernacle. BEZALEL, SON OF PAHATH-MOAB: This Bezalel was the son of Pahath-moab. He dismissed his foreign wife and sons when Ezra demanded it. (Ezra 10:30, 44) BEZEK, JUDAH AND SIMEON FOUGHT THE CANAANITES: Judah and Simeon defeated 10,000 Canaanite and Perizite troops under Adoni-bezek. (Judges 1:3-7) This Bezek was located in the Shephelah region about 3 miles northeast of Gezer. BEZEK, SAUL LED ISRAEL AND JUDAH AGAINST THE AMMONITES: The Ammonites were camped against Jabesh in Gilead. Saul gathered his forces at Bezek to fight against the Ammonites. Bezek was a mountain west of Khirbez Ibziq that rises 2,339 feet above sea level that provided high ground for Israel and Judah. (1 Samuel 11:8-11) BEZER, SON OF ZOPHAH: Bezer was one of the sons of Zophah. He was from the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 36, 37) BEZER, LEVITE CITY: Bezer was a Levite city of refuge on the east side of the Jordan River. It was designated for the tribe of Reuben. (Deuteronomy 4:41o-43) (Joshua 20:8; 21:36) BIBLE: The Greek word bi-bliameans little books. The Bible is a collection of little books. Jerome, the translator of the Latin Vulgate, called this collection Bibliotheca Divina, the Divine Library. Jesus Christ and the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures called the collection of sacred books the Scriptures, the Holy Scriptures, the holy writings. (Matthew 21:42) (Mark 14:49) (Luke 24:32) (John 5:39) (Acts 18:24) (Romans 1:2; 15:4) The name Bible was adopted by Wickliffe, and came gradually into use in our English Language. The Bible consists of 66 individual books, each one complete by itself. These books and letters were written over a period of nearly 1,600 years and yet its contents are

in complete harmony. God inspired 40 human secretaries and scribes to record the message that his Holy Spirit directed them to write. (2 Timothy 3:16) (2 Peter 3:15, 16) The expression inspired of God comes from the Greek phrase the-opneu-stos. It means, God-breathed. The Bible is further divided into two parts, the Hebrew Scriptures and The Greek Scriptures. The apostle Paul referred to the Bible as the Holy Scriptures and holy writings. (Romans 1:2; 15:4) (2 Timothy 3:15) BIBLE STUDY TOOLS: See STUDY TOOLS BICHRI, BICHRITES: Bichri was from the tribe of Benjamin. His son Sheba was a good-for-nothing person who led his people, the Bichrites, in rebellion against David. The Bichrites were the descendants and family members of the Benjamite Bichri. They joined Sheba in the rebellion against David. 2 Samuel 20:1-22) BIDKAR: Bidkar was Jehus military assistant. He threw the body of King Jehoram of Israel into the field of Naboth. (2 Kings 9:25, 26) BIGTHA: Bigtha was one of the seven court officials sent by King Ahasuerus to bring his queen, Vashti, to him. (Esther 1:10, 11) BIGTHAN, BIGTHANA: Bigthan was one of the two doorkeepers in the Persian palace who conspired against the life of King Ahasuerus. When Mordecai learned of the plot he told Queen Esther. She inturn reported it to the king. Bigthan was hanged. (Esther 2:21-23; 6:2) BIG TREES: Most of the time the big trees referred to in the Bible are mentioned by specific names such as the cedars of Lebanon and the oaks of Bashan. (Amos 2:9) (Isaiah 2:13) (Ezekiel 27:6) (Zecheriah 11:1, 2) The great tree reported at Genesis 12:6 and 14:13 could have been the terebinth or turpentine tree. It could also have been one the mighty oaks of Mamre. BILDAD: Bildad the Shuhite was one of Jobs three so-called comforters and companions. He was the son of Abraham by Keturah and a descendant of Shuah. (Job 2:11) (Genesis 25:2) (1 Chronicles 1:32) Each comforter took turns talking to Job. Bildad took second place. He was the first to accuse Jobs children of wrongdoing and therefore deserving of the trouble that befell them. He repeated Eliphaz in his false accusation that Jobs afflictions came because he was wicked. (Job 18) Bildad reasoned that man is a maggot and a worm and therefore unclean before God. (Job 25)

BILEAM, IEBLAAM: Bileam was a town assigned to the Levites of the family of Kohath. It came from the territory of the half tribe of Manasseh who were located west of the Jordan River. (1 Chronicles 6:70) (Joshua 21:11-39) BILGAI: Bilgai was a priest or a forefather of a priest. He agreed to the covenant Nehemiah arranged. (Nehemiah 10:1, 8) BINDING HOUSE, SHEARING HOUSE: The binding house or shearing house of the shepherds was a place on the road from Jezreel to Samaria. It was located by several cisterns so the sheep could be watered. The sheep were then bound to facilitate the work of shearing. Jehu killed the brother of King Ahaziah of Judah by the cistern. (2 Kings 10:12-14) Some Bible translations call this the meeting house. BINEA: Binea was a descendant of Sauls son Jonathan. He was of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:33-37, 40; 9:39-43) BIRD CATCHER, FOWLER: The bird catcher or fowler is someone engaged in the capture of birds. The Hebrews captured birds with traps, snares and nets. (Proverbs 6:5) (Psalm 124:7) Birds were used as food. (Genesis 9:2-4) (Leviticus 17:13, 14) (Deuteronomy 14:11-20) Some were captured and used as sacrifices. (Leviticus 1:14) Young pigeons and turtledoves were among this group of birds. Some of the doves were sold at the temple in Jerusalem. (John 2:14, 16) Some birds were sold as pets because of their beautiful song and lovely plumage. (Job 41:5) (1 Kings 10:22) BIRDS: There are 300 references to birds in the Bible. Thirty different varieties have been specifically named. BIRSHA: King Chedorlaomer of Elam along with three other kings defeated King Birsha of Gomorrah in the Siddim Valley at the Dead Sea. (Genesis 14:1-11) BIRTH: Several Hebrew words translate to the meaning to give birth. The primary term for birth is yal-ladh. It means to give birth and to become father to, (Genesis 4:1, 2; 16:15; 30:39) (1 Chronicles 1:10) The Greek word gen-nao means, become father to, become mother to, bring forth, and be born. Gods love for mankind is so great that he gave his only begotten Son for the salvation of all who are willing to obey and believe. (John 3:16, 36) The term, only begotten comes from the Greek word, mon-og-en-

ace. It means the only born Son. No other spirit being came into existence in this special way. Many Scriptures relate birth in a figurative sense. (Psalm 90:2) (Proverbs 27:1) (Isaiah 66:8, 9) (James 1:15) The intensity and suffering that comes from labor pain is related in a symbolic or figurative way. (Psalm 48:6) (Jeremiah 13:21) (Micah 4:9, 10) (Galatians 4:19) (1 Thessalonians 5:3) Jesus told Nicodemus that one must be born from water and spirit in order to enter the Kingdom. This was a description of spiritual birth. (John 3:1-7) BIRTHDAY: The birthday is the day or anniversary of a persons birth. The Hebrews kept records of birth years, as the genealogical data reveals. (Numbers 1:2, 3) (Joshua 14:10) (2 Chronicles 31:16, 17) Only two birthdays are mentioned in the Bible, those of Pharaoh of Egypt and Herod Antipas. In each instance executions by hanging and beheading took place. (Genesis 40:18-22; 41:13) (Matthew 14:611) (Mark 6:21-28) The practice of celebrating a persons birthday was not a part of early Jewish life, nor a part of early Christian life. BIRTHRIGHT: The birthright is an inheritance coming by the right of birth often applied to the right of the firstborn son. The Hebrew term bekho-rah and Greek term pro-to-toki-a each have the meaning pertaining to firstborn. The patriarchal system appointed the firstborn son as head of the family upon the death of the father. The firstborn usually received the fathers special blessing. (Genesis 27:4, 36; 48:9, 17, 18) The firstborn was also entitled to twice as much inheritance as each of his brothers. The father could transfer the birthright to another son for cause. Reuben lost his right as firstborn because of fornication with his fathers concubine. (1 Chronicles 5:1, 2) It could also be sold as in the case of Esau. (Genesis 25:30-34; 27:36) (Hebrews 12:16) Jesus Christ is the first born of all creation. As the faithful Son of his Father Jehovah God he has the birthright and inheritance that includes all things. (Colossians 1:15) (Hebrews 1:2) BISHLAM: Bishlam opposed the rebuilding of the Temple after the exile ended. He joined others in writing a letter of false accusation against the Jews to Persian King Artaxerxes. (Ezra 4:6, 7) BITHIAH: Bithiah was the daughter of a Pharaoh and wife of Mered of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 18) BITHYNIA: This Roman province in the northern part of Asia Minor was located in what is now northwest Turkey. It bordered on the southern shore of the Black Sea. On the second missionary

journey, Paul, Silas and Timothy tried to travel into Bithynia but the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them. (Acts 16:7) There is no record of apostolic preaching in Bithynia. However, Peter addressed his first letter to the people in Bithynia. (1 Peter 1:1) This would indicate that there were Christians living there about 64 C.E. BITTER GREENS, HERBS: The Hebrew word mero-rim means bitter greens, bitter herbs or bitterroot. The Israelites were to eat bitter greens or herbs along with roasted lamb and unleavened bread on the Passover night. (Exodus 12:8) (Numbers 9:11) The same Hebrew term is found at Lamentations 3:15 where it is rendered bitterroot, bitter greens, bitter herbs or bitterness. The vast majority of translators use the term bitterness. BITUMEN: Three different Hebrew words refer to the same black or brown mineral asphalt known as bitumen. Zepheth in Hebrew is pitch, the liquid form. Chrl-mar is bitumen in its solid state. Kopher refers to tar. Bitumen is used in waterproofing. (Genesis 6:14) It was used on the papyrus ark that floated baby Moses in the Nile reeds. (Exodus 2:3) The builders of Babylon used it for its waterproof and adhesive qualities. (Genesis 11:3) Isaiah described the flammable characteristics of bitumen when he prophesied that Edom would become blazing tar at Isaiah 34:9. BIZIOTHIAH: Biziothiah was one of the towns in Judahs tribal inheritance in the Negeb region. (Joshua 15:21, 28) BLACK MULBERRY TREE: The black mulberry tree is mentioned only once in the Scriptures at Luke 17:5, 6. Jesus told his disciples if they had enough faith they could tell the mulberry tree to uproot and move to the sea and it would. He gave this illustration to emphasize how effective a strong faith could be. This tree was commonly found in Israel. It had large heart-shaped leaves and dark red or black fruit. It grew to about 20 feet. BLASPHEMY: Greek: blasphemia means evil speaking, vilification, railing, and blasphemy. This is the act of speaking things against God or not showing respect for God. The Son of God warned against blasphemy at Matthew 12:31-32 and Mark 3:28-29. The scribes accused Jesus of blasphemy at Matthew 9:3. Out of anger the high priest ripped off his garment and declared Jesus a blasphemer. (Matthew 26:65) A crowd of Jews picked up rocks to stone Jesus. They said he was a blasphemer because he said: I am the Son of God. (John 10:36)

BLASTUS: This man was in charge of the bedchamber of King Herod Agrippa I. He had a great amount of influence with the king. The people of Tyre and Sidon won over Blastus before approaching the king to sue for peace. (Acts 12:20) BLEMISH: A blemish is a physical or moral defect. It is from the Hebrew word mum and the Greek word momos. They translate to the English words: unsoundness, anything bad, blemish, or find fault with. Under the Mosaic Law sacrificial animals were to be without blemish. (Exodus 12:5) (Leviticus 4:3, 28) (Deuteronomy 15:21) The apostle Paul was concerned that the Christian congregation was kept free from blemishes in a spiritual sense. (Ephesians 1:4; 5:27) (Colossians 1:22) (Jude 24) (Leviticus 21:17) (Deuteronomy 17:1) (Job 31:7) (2 Peter 2:13) (Ephesians 1:4) (2 Corinthians 6:3, 8:20) BLESSED, HAPPY: Hebrew: esher (Psalm 1:1) Greek: makarios (Matthew 5:3) BLESS, BLESSING: Hebrew: barak, means praise, salute, bless. Greek: kateulogeo means blessing. God offered to bless Abraham. (Genesis 12:1-3) Isaac blessed Jacob. (Genesis 27:1-41) Jesus blessed everyone who approached him. (Mark 10:16) (Luke 24:50) (John 1:16) BLINDNESS: The Hebrew and Greek words for blind are iwwer and ty-phlos. The Holy Scriptures speak of blindness in a literal and a figurative sense. (Deuteronomy 27:18) (Isaiah 56:10) (Matthew 15:30) The groping about of the blind offers an illustration of helplessness. (Deuteronomy 28:29) (Isaiah 59:10) (Zepaniah 1:17) (Luke 6:29) The Bible speaks of the importance of spiritual sight. The Pharisees loved spiritual darkness. (John 9:3941; 3:19, 20) Paul said the Ephesian congregation had the eyes of their heart enlightened. (Ephesians 1:16, 18) (1 John 2:11) (2 Peter 1:5-9) (Revelation 3:17) BLOOD: Blood is the red fluid in vertibrates that circulates in the vascular system. It is pumped by the heart. Blood supplies nourishment and oxygen to all parts of the boby. It also carries away waste products and helps to safeguard the body against infection. The word blood is found more than 340 times in the Holy Scriptures. Gods Word treats both life and blood as sacred and that is why Leviticus 17:14 states: This is because the life of any creature is in its blood. So I have said to the people of Israel: Never eat any blood, because the life of any creature is in its blood. Whoever eats

blood must be excluded from the people. (Psalm 36:9) The governing body of the first-century Christian congregation, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, offered the following mandate concerning the ingestion of blood at Acts 15:28, 29: For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things. You should abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication. If you keep yourselves from these you will do well. Farwell. The only use of blood that is approved by God is for sacrifice. (Leviticus 17:10, 11) (Hebrews 10:5, 10) BLOODGUILT: On several occasions the Hebrew word for blood refers to guilt incurred by shedding innocent blood. It is rendered bloodguilt. (Exodus 22:2) (1 Kings 2:37) Blood is sacred and when Noah and his family came out of the ark they were warned not to shed innocent blood. (Genesis 9:6; 37:21, 22; 42:22) Gods people were warned not to take blood into their bodies. (Leviticus 17:14; 7:26, 27) (Acts 15:20) The false religious leaders of Jesus day were every bit as blood guilty as the religious leaders of Jeremiahs time. Their skirts were crimson red with the blood of Gods faithful ones. (Jeremiah 2:34) (Matthew 23:35, 36; 27:24, 25) (Luke 11:50,51) Christians were encouraged to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Withholding this lifesaving information would constitute bloodguilt. (Acts 18:6; 20:26, 27) (Ezekiel 33:6-8) They were also admonished to remove their membership from blood guilty religious and secular organizations at Revelation 17:6 and 18:2. BOANERGES: Jesus Christ called the sons of Zebedee, James and John, the Sons of Thunder. The translation is found at Mark 3:17. These two brothers were filled with enthusiasm. Thus the name boanerges was very fitting. (Luke 9:54) BOAR: Hebrew: chazir is translated wild boar. Wild boars from the forest are spoken of at Psalm 80:13. Large, 350 pound, wild boars ran through the forest rooting for food. The animal was very dangerous and destructive. BOAZ, SON OF SALMA (SALMON): Boaz was a wealthy land owner who lived at Bethlehem in Jueah in the 14th century B.C.E. (Ru 2:1) He was the son of Salma (Salmon) and Rahab, the seventh in line of descent from Judah. He was the father of Boaz and thus a link in the family line of Jesus the Messiah. (Matthew 1:5) (1 Chronicles 2:3-11) (Luke 3:32, 33) Boaz was an outstanding man of action. He had good self-control, faith, and integrity. This generous and kind man obeyed Jehovahs commandments.

BOAZ, THE COPPER COLUMN: Huram cast two copper columns, 27 feet tall and 18 feet in circumference. They were placed at the entrance of the Temple. They were topped with copper crowns 7.5 feet tall. Each was decorated with a design of interwoven chains. The column on the south side was named Jochin and the one on the north was named Boaz, meaning "Strength." (1 Kings 7:15-21) BOCHIM: Bochim means weepers. It is the name of a site where Jehovahs angel addressed the Israelites. The angel reproved them because they egnored Jehovahs warning aginst entering into relations with the pagan inhabitants of the land. The people wept profusely after that and thus the name Bochim. (Judges 2:1-5) BODY, SPIRITUAL: The body is the physical structure of a human or an animal. The Bible speaks in detail about the human body. It also counsels humans to present their bodies as a living sacrifice in sacred service to God-Ro 12:1. There are physical bodies and there are spiritual bodies. Spirit persons such as God, Christ and the angels are invisible to humans eyes and not detectable by human senses. (Exodus 33:20) (1 Corinthians 15:44) (1 John 4:12) Expressions used to help mortal man understand and appreciate Jehovah Gods qualities are often related to physical beings. God does not literally possess the following organs, but they are used to help us relate to him: (Eyes-Psalm 34:15, Hebrews 4:13) (arms-Job 40:9, John 12:38) (feet-Psalm 18:9, Zec 14:4) (heart-Genesis 8:21, Proverbs 27:11) (hands-Exodus 3:20, Romans 10:21) (fingersExodus 31:18, Luke 11:20) (nose-Ezekiel 8:17, Exodus 15:8) (ears-1 Samuel 8:21, Psalm 10:17) BODY OF CHRIST: The term, the body of Christ, sometimes means Jesus human-physical body. (John 2:19-21; 19:38) (Acts 2:31) (1 Timothy 3:16) (1 Peter 3:18) The Christian congregation is the spiritual body of Christ. (Romans 12:5) (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) (Ephesians 1:23; 4:4; 5:23) BODY, PHYSICAL: The physical body is made of dust. (Genesis 2:7; 3:19) Proverbs 3:7-8 and 4:20-22 emphasize the importance faith and respect for God play in living a happy and healthy life. Jesus pointed out that we should put kingdom interests first at Matthew Chapter 6. The apostle Paul warned against misuse of the physical body. (Romans 8:13) (1 Corinthians 6:18-20) (1 Thessalonians 4:5)

BOIL: SEE ULCER, BOIL BONDS, CHAINS: The expressions bond and chains are frequently used in the Bible for imprisionment or confinement. Zion is prophetically is identified as being in bonds in the Babylonian exile. (Isaiah 52:2) (Jeremiah 29:4, 5) Disobedient angels are kept in everlasting bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day at Jude 6. Satan the Devil is to be thrown into a spiritual prison as identified at Revelation 20:1, 2 where it says, I saw an angel come down from heaven. He had the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He seized the dragon, the old serpent that is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. The sinful condition of mankind could be described as metaphoric or symbolic bonds of iniquity. (Acts 8:23) The apostle Paul says love is the bond of perfection and unity at Colossians 3:14. BONES: Bones are rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates such as animals and human beings. Man is woven or knitted together with a skeleton of more than two hundred bones and connecting sinews. (Job 10:11) (Ecclesiastes 11:5) Comparable to reinforced concrete, bone is stronger than steel. The Hebrew word for bone is etsem. (Genesis 2:23) The Greek term is ol-steon. (John 19:36) The first woman was formed from a rib taken from Adam. (Genesis 2:22, 23) When Jesus was resurrected and appeared to some of his disciples he told them that spirit does not have flesh and bone. (Luke 24:39) BOOK, PARCHMENTS, SCROLL: Jehovahs people were instructed from the Book of the Law. (Deuteronomy 30:10) (Joshua 1:8) The Book of Life is featured at Philippians 4:3 and Revelation 3:5; 13:8; 20:12; 21:27. BOOK OF LIFE: This symbolic book is referenced in the Bible as Gods record listing the names of those who deserve everlasting life. The term book is used figuratively in the expressions: Gods book at Ex 32:32, the book of remembrance at Malachi 3:16 and the book of life at Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5; 20:15. BOOTH: A booth was a small shelter constructed of tree branches and leaves. Sometimes it had a wooden floor elevated off the ground. The Hebrew term suk-kah and the Greek term ske-ne each mean booth. The Israelites built booths on rooftops during the annual Festival of Booths. This was to remind Israel that Jehovah God made them dwell in booths when he brought them out of Egypt. (Leviticus 23:34, 40-43) (Nehemiah 8:15)

BORASHAN: Borashan was a Simeonite enclave city in the south part of Judahs territory. (1 Samuel 30:30, 31) David and his men frequented this city when he was a fugitive. BORN AGAIN: A man of the Pharisees and ruler of the Jews named Nicodemus approached Jesus by night. Jesus told him, unless a person is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus asked him how this could be since he could not enter his mothers womb again to be born a second time. Jesus explained, That which is born from the flesh is flesh and that which is born from the Spirit is spirit plainly stating that this new birth must be a spiritual birth. This account is found a John 3:1-12. Born again is a spiritual condition caused by God and not by man. Accurate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures is required to even begin to understand this blessing from God. Many churches believe that the born-again experience is an emotional transformation that takes place within the believer. Others think it is a mental renewal that the believer undergoes. While there may be a difference of opinion between religious experts as to what born again means, it is obvious from the teachings of Jesus Christ that a true believer must have an active faith and be obedient to God and His Son. Someone born again would indeed have an active faith and be obedient. For God loved the world so much, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever has an active faith in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He who puts active faith in the Son has everlasting life. He who disobeys the Son will not see life for the the wrath of God remains upon him. (John 3:16, 36) (See: FAITH) (Romans 8:14-17) (Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:19-25; 12:18-24) BOSOM, IN THE: The term in the bosom means to be closest to that person. John 1:18 states: the only begotten Son of God is closest to the father. Some translations use the term in the bosom of the Father. Jesus disciples often lay on the ground in front of another person or leaning on his breast at a meal. This could be defined as in the bosom or close to that person. (John 13:23, 25; 21:20) BOTTLE: Bottles are used to hold water, oil, milk, butter and cheese and other liquids. Bottles in Bible times were made of bronze, glass, gold, ivory, porcelain, stone and leather and skin. Skin bottles made from animals hide were common. (Genesis 21:14, 15, 19) (Job

32:19) (Psalm 119:83) (Matthew 9:17) David referred to the skin bottle figuratively at Psalm 56:8, where he said: Put my tears in your skin bottle. BOTTLE-GOURD PLANT: The Hebrew term qi-qa-yohn is translated in various ways such as caster-oil plant, bottle-gourd plant or gourd plant. A gourd plant that normally grows rapidly was caused to grow up in one night by Gods power. It was to shade Jonah from the hot sun. (Jonah 4:5-11) BOTTOMLESS PIT: Greek: abussos refers to deep bottomless pit, sometimes referred to as [the abyss.] It is a spiritual prison where Satan and his angels are locked up for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:1-2) BOUNDARY: The Hebrew word gevul means bondary, territory, or land within a border. (Joshua 13:23) God promised Abraham and his seed a land with definite boundaries. (Genesis 15:18-21) (Exodus 23:31) The Greek word horothesias means to set the bounds. The apostle Paul told the people at Athens that God determined their appointed seasons, and the bounds of their habitation." (Acts 17:26) Asaph said of God, You have set all the boundaries of the earth. (Psalm 74:17) BOUNDARY MARK: A plot of land was given to each Israelite family in the land of Canaan. These plots were marked off by landmarks, or boundary marks. (Genesis 10:19; 47:21) The Hebrew word for border or boundary is gevul. Jehovah prohibited the moving of borders or boundary marks. (Deuteronomy 19:14; 27:17) (Proverbs 22:28; 23:10) BRACELET: A bracelet is a decorative band worn on the wrist or lower arm. Both men and women wore bracelets in ancient times. They were made of bronze, iron, silver and gold and were often studded with jewels. (Genesis 24:22, 30, 47) (Numbers 31:50) (Ezekiel 16:11, 17, 38, 39) (Isaiah 3:16, 19) Monarchs as their insignia of authority wore the armlet or upper arm bracelet. King Saul wore such insignia on his arm. (2 Samuel 1:10) BRAMBLE: The Hebrew word for bramble is a-tadh. The Palestinian buckthorn is such a bush. It grows three to six feet high and its twigs are lined with strong, sharp points. It is found in warm regions of the country as well as the mountains near Jerusalem. This shrub has blossoms with small violet flowers and small round, edible red berries. The bramble appears in a unique

account that contrasts the various trees, shrubs, and vines with the lowly bramble. This account is found at Judges 9:8-15. BRANCH, SPROUT: A branch is a small division of a main part such as a tree. The term branch is used interchangeable with the words, sprout, sprig, shoot, offshoot, bough, and twig. Branches of trees were literally used in the worship of God by the Israelites. (Leviticus 23:40) (Nehemiah 8:15) Palm branches were waved as a way of respectfully greeting Jesus Christ, the Son of God at John 12:12, 13. Branches were utilized to show reverence to God at Revelation 7:9, 10. The small town of Nazareth was called SproutTown in fulfillment of prophecy. (Isaiah 11:1) (Matthew 2:23) (Zechariah 3:8; 6:12, 13) (Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15) BRAND MARK: Pagans burned or inscribed brand marks into the flesh of slaves as a sign of ownership. Jehovah God foretold that the proud women of Judah would have their beauty scared with brand marks. (Isaiah 3:24) Deliberate disfigurement of the flesh was prohibited under the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 19:28) The apostle Paul wrote that he carried the marks of Jesus on his body. (Galatians 6:17) His reference was symbolic of the life he lived as a Christian, displaying the fruitage of the Spirit. Paul was literally beaten because of his stand for Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:23-27) BRASS: Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. It was not known until the thirteenth century. Copper was used up until that time. (Deuteronomy 8:9) See: COPPER BREAD: Bread is a baked food made with flour or meal. Sometimes bread was leavened with yeast and sometimes it was make with out yeast. Mixing water and flour without using any yeast made unleavened bread. The Hebrews used wheat flour or barley flour. The Bible also makes reference to barley bread. (Judges 7:13) (2 Kings 4:42) (John 6:9, 13) It was customary to grind the grain and bake fresh bread daily. The psalmist identified God as the one providing bread that sustains the very heart of mortal man. (Psalms 104:15) Bread is used figuratively in the Bible. (Isaiah 30:20) (Proverbs 4:14-17) (Isaiah 55:2) Jesus took a loaf of bread at Matthew 26:26 and said: This (is) represents my body. The bread was symbolic of his body. (Lukr 22:19) (1 Corinthians 11:23,24) Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which means House of Bread. (Micah 5:2) BREAST: The breast is the front part of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen. It is also known as the mammary gland. The human

breast is used in the Bible to denote closeness, intimacy, and favor. (Song of Solomon 1:13) (John 13:25; 21:20) It is also used with reference to sexual intimacy. (Hosea 2:2) (Ezekiel 23:3, 21) (Song of Solomon 4:5; 7:3, 7, 8) It is also used to express appreciation and respect. (Luke 11:27, 28; 23:29. BREASTBAND: The breastband was a sash or girdle worn by a bride on her wedding day. Her status as a married woman was represented by her breastband. Speaking as a husband to Israel, Jehovah said, A young woman cannot forget her jewelry or a bride her breastband (sash) (girdle). Yet, my people have forgotten me for countless days. (Jeremiah 2:32) Israel had forsaken Jehovah for other gods. BREASTPIECE: This sacred pouch was worn by Israels high priest over his heart when he entered the Holy. It served as a memorial and a reminder of Jehovahs judgement. It contained the Urim and Thummim by which Jehovahs judgments were revealed. For that reason it was referred to as the breastpiece of decision-making (or judgment). (Exodus 28:15-30; 39:8-21) BREASTPLATE: The breastplate is part of a soldiers armor, made of leather or metal. It covered the chest and sometimes the back as a protection against arrows and the blows of a sword. At Ephesians 6:14 Paul speaks about the breastplate of righteousness. This is part of the spiritual armor needed to fight the devil. BRIBE: A bribe is a payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment, or in exchange for favors or influence. The Hebrew word for bribe is shochadh. It may also be rendered gift or present. (Exodus 23:8) (1 Ki 15:19) (Proverbs 17:8) Accepting bribes leds to pervesion of justice and bloodshed. (Deuteronomy 16:19; 27:25) (Ezekiel 22:12) Bribery was specifically forbidden by Gods law to Israel. (Exodus 23:8) (2 Chronicles 19:7) A classic example of how a bribe can cause great harm is the case of Judas Iscariot. He accepted money to betray Jesus Christ. (Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50) Proverbs 17:23 says, A wicked man takes a bribe to pervert the ways of judgment. (Proverbs 21:14) BRICK: A brick is a rectangular building block of clay or mud baked by the sun or in a kiln. Bricks were widely used in Bible lands. There was no stone in the vicinity of ancient Babel so they used bricks. Bitumen served as mortar for them. (Genesis 11:3) When the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians they were forced to gather straw and add it to the clay to make bricks. (Exodus 5:7-19)

BRIDE OF CHRIST: Jesus Christ is engaged to a bride. It is the Christian congregation, which is his body. (Ephesians 1:22, 23) The apostle Paul spoke of those who had become Christians as promised in marriage. He exhorted them to maintain cleanness as a chaste virgin to the Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:2, 3) Those who are engaged to Christ are invited to the evening meal of the Lambs marriage at Revelation 19:9. (Revelation 21:2) BRIDE-PRICE: The groom or the father of the groom paid a contracted price to the girls father. It was called the bride-price or the marriage price. (Genesis 34:11, 12) (Exodus 22:16) (1 Samuel 18:23, 25) This was considered a compensation for the loss of the services of the daughter. Sometimes the bride-price was paid in services to the father. (Genesis 29:18, 20, 27; 31:15) (Exodus 22:16) BRIDLE: Bridles were placed on horses heads to restrain and direct the horse. The bridle has a headstall, a bit and reins. (2 Kings 19:28) (Job 30:11) (James 3:3) The term bridle was used figuratively in the Scriptures. The point to be proven was that men should not be unreasoning beasts, unable to guide themselves. (Psalm 32:9) (Proverbs 26:3) (James 3:2, 3) BRIER: The brier is a plant, or plants, with woody stem and thorny branches. The Hebrew word bar-qanim stands for common thistle, like plants with thorny heads. At Judges 8:7 Gideon said: When Jehovah delivers Zebah and Zalmunna into my hand, then I will tear your flesh with the thorns of the wilderness and with briers. Micah observed that the nation of Israel was in moral decay and that their best was as a brier. (Micah 7:4) BROOCH: A brooch is a decorative clasp made of metal with a pin or hook on it for fastening it to a persons clothing. Archaeological finds prove that they were made with bronze, iron, gold or silver. Both men and women wore brooches among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Sometimes they were used to pin together two parts of a scarf or cloak. On occasion the Israelites contributed their valuable metal items such as brooches to finance something important such as the tabernacle. (Exodus 35:21, 22) BROOM PLANT: The broom plant is a desert shrub of the pea family. The Arabic name for the plant is ratam. It is rendered broom plant. However the King James Version incorrectly identifies it as the juniper tree. The broom plant or bush is one of the most abundant plants of the Judean wilderness. It is found in the Sinai

Peninsula, and through out Arabia. It grows among the rocks and sand with ease and achieves three to ten feet in height. (1 Kings 19:4, 5) (Job 30:4) BROTHER: A term of affection used in relation to fellow believers. Members of the Christian congregation enjoy a common spiritual relationship similar to a family in which they refer to each other as brothers and sisters. (Matthew 12:48-50) (1 Corinthians 7:14-15) The entire nation of Israel were considered brothers, since they were offspring of one common father Jacob, and they were united in worship of the same God. (Exodus 2:11) (Deuteronomy 15:12) (Matthew 5:47) (Acts 3:17, 22) (Romans 9:3) The term brother is also used in reference to a male having the same parent or parents. For example: Moses and Aaron were brothers of Miriam and Lazarus was brother to Martha and Mary. (Numbers 26:59) (John 11:1, 19) BROTHER-IN-LAW MARRIAGE: Under the Law a man would marry his deceased brothers sonless widow in order to produce offspring to carry on the brothers line. (Genesis 38:8) (Deuteronomy 25:5-7) The woman was not to become a strange mans wife from outside the family. When the brother in law took her, the first born would bear the name of the deceased man. A well known example of brother-in-law marriage in the Bible is the marriage of Ruth to Boaz as recorded in the book of Ruth. Jehovah blessed this arrangement, for they gave birth to Obed who was the father of David in the direct lineage of Jesus Christ. (Ruth 4) BUILD, BUILDER, BUILDING: The verb build means to construct or make something by assembling materials. The Hebrew word for build is banah. Oikodomeois the Greek verb for build. Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve. He is the first man mentioned in the Scriptures as the builder of a city. (Genesis 6:13, 14) Nimrod, the opposer of Jehovah, built several cities. (Genesis 10:9-12) David took the city of Jerusalem from the Jebusites and did considerable building there. (2 Samuel 5:9-11) Solomon built many building projects, including a house for himself. He was responsible for the Temple and other governmental buildings. (1 Kings 6:1; 7:1, 2, 6, 7; 9:10) On earth Jesus Christ was a carpenter and thus a part of the building trade. (Mark 6:3) The Bible also uses the term build in a figurative way. The Christian congregation is a house or temple built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the foundation cornerstone. It is a place for God to inhabit by Spirit. (1 Corinthians 3:9) (Ephesians

2:20-22) (Psalm 118:22) (Matthew 21:42) (Luke 20:17) (Acts 4:11) (1 Peter 2:7) (Revelation 21:2, 9-21) BUKKIAH: Bukkiah was the son of Herman of the tribe of Levi. He was chosen by lot to be incharge of the sixth of 24 musician groups. These groups were organized by David for service at Jehovahs sancturary. He, his sons and brothers assised in this endevor. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4, 9, 13, 31) BUL: The eighth lunar month of the sacred calendar of the Israelites was the month of Bul. It included part of October and November of the secular calendar. (1 Kings 6:37, 38) (Genesis 7:7:11) The month of Bul came in the autumn during the rainy season. (Deuteronomy 11:14) (Joel 2:23) (James 5:7) BULBUL: Bulbul was the name of several types of medium sized thrushlike birds found in Aftica and southern Asia. They were found in Palestine. These birds were similar to the American swallow. (Isaiah 38:14) BULL: Words used to describe the male of cattle include: calf, ox, bullock, and bull. The male of beef cattle has been used by many religions to represent great strength. It has been honored and even worshiped by many pagan people. The Babylonians used the bull symbol to represent their principal god, Murduk. Living bulls were considered incarnations of a god in Egypt. The bull Taurus, a primary sign of the zodiac, occupied a prominent place in pagan religions. Bulls were offered in sacrifice by the Israelites. (Exodus 29) (Leviticus 22:27) (Numbers 7) (1 Chronicles 29:21) The bull is symbolic of power and strength in the Bible. For example, representations of 12 bulls in groups of three are described in Solomons temple. (2 Chronicles 4:2, 4) The four living creatures in Ezekiels vision and the four living creatures in the apostle Johns vision each feature the face of a bull. (Ezekiel 1:10) (Revelation 4:6, 7) The bull represents one of Jehovah Gods basic attributes, power. (Psalm 62:11) (Isaiah 40:26) BUNAH: Bunah was the son of Jerahmell in the tribe of Juda. He was the brother of Ram in the Messianic lineage. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 25) BURDEN: A burden is an imposed task, a load, literal or figurative. Believers are encouraged by David to: Throw your burden upon Jehovah and he will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken! (Psalms 55:22) David also said: Thanks be to

Jehovah, who daily carries our burdens for us. God is our salvation. (Psalm 68:19) Paul promised the Christians that he would not become a burden to them. (2 Corinthians 12:14-18) Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees when he told them: Obey everything they teach you, but do not follow their example. They say one thing and do something else. They chain heavy burdens on your shoulders. Yet they are unwilling to lift even a finger to carry these same burdens. (Matthew 23:2, 4) Jesus invited his followers to take his yoke. He said: Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me. I am meek (mild) and humble in heart. You will have a restful life, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30) BURIAL, BURIAL PLACES: The interment of the body of a deceased person was of utmost importance to people in Bible times. Burying anothers body was viewed as an expression of lovingkindnesss. The men of Jabesh-gilead risked their lives to bury Saul and his sons. (1 Samuel 31:11-13) (2 Samuel 2:4-6) To be deprived of burial was considered disastous and a repudiation from God himself. (Jeremiah 8:1, 2; 14:16) (Isaiah 14:19, 20) (Revelation 11:79) Family burial places were the prefered burial places and thus the reference to the burial place of his father. (2 Samuel 232; 19:3437) (Judges 8:32; 16:31) Most burial places were more than just earthen graves. In Palestine they were vaults or chambers cut in the rock on hillsides. Elevated places were preferred. (Joshua 24:33) (2 Kings 23:16) (2 Chronicles 32:33) (Isaiah 22:16) The main entrance was closed off with a large stone that was rolled in front of it. (Matthew 27:60) (Mark 16:3, 4) Cremation was practiced by the Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and a few Jews. The corpses of Saul and his sons were burned. However, the bones were buried. (1 Samuel 31:8-13) (Amos 6:9, 10) BURNT OFFERING: A sacrifice in which animals were burned on the altar. BUSH: This is a woody, low growing, pereniel plant usually having several branches. The Hebrew word for bush is found only four times in the Scriptures. (Genesis 2:5; 21:15) (Job 30:4, 7) Juniper trees are sometimes called bushes. (Genesis 21:15) Moses observed the burning bush by which Jehovahs angel spoke with him. It was some type of thornbush. The writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures spoke about brambles or thorn bushes. (Exodus 3:2-5) (Deuteronomy 33:16) (Mark 12:26) (Luke 20:37) (Acts 7:30, 35)

BUTTER: Butter is mainly fat produced by churning milk or cream. It was considered a delicacy enjoyed since the time of Abraham. Abraham included butter with the meal he served to angelic visitors recorded at Genesis 18:8. Davids friends brought him butter and other gifts. (2 Samuel 17:29) Instead of being solid, like it is today, butter was in a semifluid state in ancient times. (Job 20:17) It was sometimes refered to as curdled milk. (Judges 5:25) (Proverbs 30:33) (Psalms 55:21) The ancients put milk in a skin bottle and kneaded it, rocking it upon the knees and swinging it back and forth. BUZ, SON OF NAHOR: Buz was the son of Abrahams brother Nahor by his wife Milcah. He was Rebekahs uncle. (Genesis 22:2023) BUZ, A PLACE DESTINED FOR DOOM: Jeremiah foretold the impending doom on this place in Arabia. (Jeremiah 25:17, 23) BUZI: Buzi was the Levitical and priestly father of the prophet Ezekiel. (Ezekiel 1:3)

SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY C CAB: According to rabbinic sources a cab was one eighteenth of an ephah as well as one eighteenth of a bath measure. (2 Kings 6:25) (Ezekiel 45:11) The cab measure was equal to 1.22 liters or 2.2 dry pints. CABBON: Cabbon was one of the cities of Judah located in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:40) CABUL: Its modern counterpart is the modern town of Kabul. This town was assigned to the tribe of Asher as part of its inheritance. (Joshua 19:24, 27) CAESAR: The title of the Roman Emperors taken from a famous Roman family name. Caesars mentioned in the Holy Scriptures include: Augustus at Luke 2:1; Claudius at Acts 11:28, 17:7, 18:2; Nero at Acts 25:8, 27:24 and Tiberius found at Luke 3:1, 20:22, John 19:12.

CAESAREA: This city was located on the Mediterranean Sea. (Acts 10:1; 21:8; 23:33) CAESAREA PHILIPPI: This city was located at the base of Mount Hermon. Caesarea of Philippi was siturated at the foot of Lebanon near the sources of the Jordan and Gaulantis Rivers. Two places in Palestine were given this name. (Matthew 16:13) (Mark 8:27) CAGE: Birds and other animals are often confined to cages. (Jeremiah 5:27) The word comes from the Hebrew word, keluv and some times is rendered basket. CAIAPHAS: Joseph Caiaphas was the high priest during Jesus days on earth. (Luke 3:2) He and Pilate were said to be good friends. Caiaphas was a Sadducee. (Acts 5:17) Caiaphas was involved in the conspiracy to do away with Jesus. He also engaged in persecution of other Christians. (John 11:49-53; 18:12-14) (Acts 4:5-7) CAIN: Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve. He killed his brother Abel and thus continued the lineage of sin and rebellion against Jehovah God. (Genesis 4:1-24) (1 John 3:12) CAINAN, SON OF ENOS: Cainan was the son of Enos (Enosh). He was an ancestor of Jesus Christs earthly mother Mary. (Luke 3:37) He was called Kenan at Genesis 5:9 and 1 Chronicles 1:2. CAINAN, SON OF ARPACHSHAD: This Cainan was listed in Lukes genealogy of Jesus Christ. (Luke 3:36) CAKE: The ancient Hebrews and Oriental peoples baked bread in the shape of flat disks. They often called them cake. Israels priesthood used ring-shaped cakes. (Exodus 29:2, 23) Tamar prepared heart shaped cakes. (2 Samuel 13:8) Abraham asked Sarah to make round cakes to feed the materialized angels that visited him. (Genesis 18:6) CALAH: Calah was a suburb of the city of Nineveh. (Genesis 10: 912) Nimrod founded it. In the ninth century B.C.E. it had a population in excess of 69,000 people. CALAMUS, CANE: The Hebrew word qaneh translates to the English word cane, stalk or reed. (Genesis 41:5) (Exodus 25:31-32) Calamus is a sweet smelling reed-like plant. (Exodus 30:23)

CALEB, SON OF HEZRON: Caleb son of Hezron was the brother of Jerahmeel and great-grandson of Judah and Tamar. (1 Chronicles 2:3-5, 18) He was also called Chelubai at 1 Chronicles 2:9. Bezalel, the skilled craftsman who supervised the building of the tabernacle, was one of his descendants. (1 Chronicles 2:19, 20) (Exodus 35:30) CALEB, SON OF JEPHUNNEH: Caleb was the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite of the tribe of Judah. He was the uncle of Othniel. (Numbers 32:12) (Joshua 15:17) (1 Chronicles 4:13, 15) At age 40 Caleb was one of the 12 spies who were sent out by Moses to spy on the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:6, 30; 14:6-9) Caleb, Joshua and a few Levites were the only ones of that adult generation to enter the Promised Land in 1473 B.C.E. (Joshua 14:6-11) CALEB-EPHRATHAH: Caleb-Ephrathah is the name at 1 Chronicles 2:24 in the Masoretic text as the place of the death of Hezron of the tribe of Judah. It is not found anywhere else. CALCOL: Calcol is described as someone with great wisdom, however his wisdom was exceeded by the renowned wisdom of King Solomon. (1 Kings 4:31) (1 Chronicles 2:4, 6) CALEBITE: Foolish Nabal is identified as a descendant of Caleb at 1 Samuel 25:3. He was considered a Calebite. CALCEDONY: Spoken of at Revelation 21:19. Chalcedony is a milky or gray semiprecious stone used to describe the symbolic wall around the New Jerusalem. CALENDAR: A calendar is a system of dividing time into years, months, weeks and days. God provided the basis for measuring time. (Genesis 1:14-15) The solar day, solar year, and the lunar month are natural divisions of time. At the time of the flood there were 30-day months beginning on the new moon. (Genesis 7:11, 24; 8:3-4) (Isaiah 66:23) A year of 12 lunar months comes in about 11 days short of a solar year of 365 days. Therefore a number of days were added each year or during certain years to compensate for the short months. Seven-day weeks are mentioned at this time too. (Genesis 7:4,10; 8:10-12) The Hebrew Calendar is as follows: Nisan, Iyyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Ab, Elul, Tishri, Heshvan, Chislev, Tebeth, Shebat, and Adar. CALF: A calf is a young bull. Calves were offered in sacrifice. (Leviticus 9:2, 3) The fattened calf was also slaughtered and prepared as food for the table. (Genesis 18:7, 8) (1 Samuel 28:24)

(Luke 15:23) Calf worship was the first form of idolatry mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. (Psalm 106:19, 20) (Exodus 32:1-8, 18, 19) (Nehemiah 9:18) CALNEH, CITY IN MESOPOTAMIA: Calneh was a city founded by Nimrod in the land of Shinar. It was somewhere in southern Mesopotamia. (Genesis 10:10) CALNEH, IN AMOS PROPHECY: This Calneh was mentioned by the prophet Amos, along with the cities of Hamath and Gath. This part of a warning to the people of Isrial and Judah found at Amos 6:2. CALNO: The Assyrians boasted that they would conquer the city of Calno. (Isaiah 10:5, 9-11) CAMEL: Hebrew: gamal bekher means young male camel, (Isaiah 60:6); bikhrah means young she-camel (Jeremiah 2:23); and kamelos means camel. (Isaiah 66:20) The camel has long served man in desert regions. This is because it is capable of going longer with less water. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back and is stronger than the Arabian camel. The Arabian camel has only one hump and is most likely the one most often referred to in the Bible. The camel was an unclean animal and was not used by the Israelites for food. (Leviticus 11:4) (Deuteronomy 14:7) CAMP: Hebrew: machaneh comes from the root verb cha-nah. It means camp, encamp and pitch camp. (Exodus 14:2) These words are used in reference to nomadic people. (Genesis 32:21, 33:18) The Israelites used temporary and mobile tenting arrangements on the trek through the wilderness. (Numbers 2:17) CANA: Hebrew: ga-neh means place of reeds. When Jesus was in the city of Cana he attended a marriage feast. There he performed his first miraculous sign by changing water into wine. (John 2:1-12) Cana was the hometown of Nathanael. (John 21:2) It has been called Cana of Galilee to distinguish it from Kanah in Asher. (Joshua 19:28) CANAAN: Canaan was the fourth son of Ham and grandson of Noah. (Genesis 9:18; 10:6) (1 Chronicles 1:8) He was the progenitor of eleven tribes. They settled along the eastern Mediterranean between Egypt and Syria. This land was called the land of Canaan. (Genesis 10:15-19) (1 Chronicles 16:18) The name Canaan also applies to the race descended from Hams son and to the land of

their residence. They lived in Palestine west of the Jordan River. (Numbers 33:51; 35:10) Baal was the most prominent of the false gods worshiped by the Canaanites. (Judges 2:12, 13) (1 Kings 16:3032) CANANAEAN: Aramaic: Cananaean means zealot and enthusiast. Greek: ze-lot-es. The apostle Simon was considered a Cananaean or zealot. (Matthew 10:4) (Mark 3:18) (Luke 6:15) (Acts 1:13) CANDACE: Candace was a queen of Ethiopia whose treasurer, Philip, became a Christian. (Acts 8:27) The name Candace is considered to be a title like Pharaoh and Caesar. CANNEH: Canneh was mentioned as a place being among the traders of ancient Tyre. (Ezekiel 27:23) It was associated with Haran and Eden, located along the Euphrates River in northern Mesopotamia. CANON OF THE BIBLE: Hebrew: qaneh which is a reed used for measuring. The Apostle Paul applied it to the measure or rule of conduct. (Galatians 6:16) A canon is a catalog of books worthy of being used as a measuring stick of faith, doctrine, and conduct. The Roman Catholic Church claims that they decided which books would be included in the Bible canon. A catalog of books was formulated at the Council of Carthage in 397 C.E. However, the list of books included in the Christian Greek Scriptures had already been settled by then. By the end of the second century, there was ecumenical acceptance of the four Gospels, Acts and 12 of the apostle Pauls letters. CAPER BERRY: The caper berry is fruit that comes from the caper plant. Many modern translations consider the reference to the caper berry at Ecclesiastes 12:5 as a metaphor describing the conditions of old age in which the berry, representing the human body, finally breaks down. Some translations use the term desire fails in place of naming the caper berry. The New Simplified Bible uses both to make sure there is a clear understanding. CAPERNAUM: Hebrew: Capernaum means Village of Nahum or Village of Comforting. Capernaum was a city of major importance in Jesus earthly ministry. It is located on the northwest shores of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus called Matthew to be a disciple at the tax office in Capernaum. (Matthew 9:9) A military post and a centurion resided there. (Matthew 8:5) A man who was wealthy enough to

have slaves lived there. (John 4:46-53) Jesus preached in the synagogue of Capernaum. Capernaum was the home of the fishermen Peter and Andrew. (Mark 1:29-34) (Luke 4:38-41) Most of the powerful works Jesus performed were performed at Capernaum. (Matthew 11:20-24) (Luke 10:13-15) CAPPADOCIA: During the first century Cappadocia was a large inland region in the eastern part of Asia Minor. It was on a plateau of 3,000 feet elevation. Jews from Cappadocia were present at Jerusalem on Pentecost of 33 C.E. (Acts 2:9) CAPTAIN OF THE TEMPLE: The officer known as Captain of the Temple was second in dignity to the high priest. (Acts 4:1) He were responsible for the officiating priesthood as well as the Levites, who were organized under lesser captains to guard the temple in Jerusalem and maintain order. (Luke 22:4, 52) There were 24 divisions of the Levites. Each division likely had a captain over it and several captains of smaller groups. The captains conspired with the chief priests in hiring Judas to betray Jesus and were involved in the arrest of Jesus. (Luke 22:3, 4, 52) CAPTIVE, CAPTIVITY: A captive is someone in bondage, exile, or confinement. (Numbers 21:1) When enemy nations attacked the Israelites, Jehovah sometimes allowed his people to be carried off, captive because they had been unfaithful to him. (2 Chronicles 21:16, 17; 28:5, 17; 29:9) Biblical History is filled with records of captivity. (Numbers 21:29) (Isaiah 46:2) (Ezekiel 30:17, 18) (Daniel 11:33) (Nahum 3:10) (Revelation 13:10) In general the term the captivity refers to the exile of the Jews from the Promised Land in the eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E. Jeremiah and Ezekiel warned the Jews of this exile. (Jeremiah 15:2; 20:6) (Ezekiel 12:10, 11) The root cause leading to the captivity and exile was the abandonment of true worship of Jehovah in favor of the worship of false gods. (Deuteronomy 28:15, 62-68) (2 Kings 17:7-18; 21:10-15) Both the northern ten-tribe kingdom of Israel and the southern twotribe kingdom of Judah fell to this sin. (Jer 3:6-10) Jeremiah and Daniel gave the correct desolation of Jerusalem and Judah as 70 years. (Jeremiah 25:11, 12; 29:10-14; 30:3, 18) (Daniel 9:1, 2) CARCHEMISH: Carchemish was a major trade center on the west bank of the upper Euphrates River. Because of its strategic location for both commercial and military activities, aggressor kingdoms from early times sought control of Carchemish. (Isaiah 10:9-11)

CARIAN, CHERETHITE ROYAL BODYGUARD: The Carian or Cherethite Bodyguards were a body of troops that aided Jehoiada in the overthrow of Athaliah and the installation of Jehoash as king of Judah. (2 Kings 11:4, 13-16, 19) The Cherethites functioned as special royal bodyguard for the king. CARKAS: Carkas was one of King Ahasuerus seven court officials by whom he sent the unheeded demand for Vashtis presence. (Esther 1:10-12) CARMEL: Carmel is the name of a mountain range and of a city. The Hebrew word kar-mel means orchard. (Isaiah 16:10; 32:15) (Jeremiah 2:7) The Carmel Mountain range is a wedge shaped range of mountains located in central Israel. It is thirty miles long, stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Plain of Dothan near the hills of Samaria. It is 1,790 feet at its highest point. Historically, Mount Carmel is reported primary in the activities of the prophets Elijah and Elisha. (1 Kings 18:19-39) The city of Carmel is mentioned at Joshua 15:1, 48, 55. CARMI, SON OF REUBEN: Carmi was the son of Reuben. He was the brother of Hanoch, Pallu, and Hezron and the forefather of the Carmites. As part of Jacobs family, Carmi and his household traveled to Egypt with Jacob. (Genesis 46:9) (Exodus 6:14) (Numbers 26:6) (1 Chronicles 5:3) CARMI, FATHER OF ACHAN: Carmi was a descendant of Judah and Tamar through Zerah and Zabdi. He was the father of Achan. (1 Chronicles 2:4-7; 4:1) (Joshua 7:1, 18) CARMITES: The Carmites were a family descended from Carmi, a son of Reuben. (Numbers 26:5, 6) CAROB BEAN PODS: Greek: keration means small horn. It is a descriptive word for the bean pods the Prodigal Son was willing to eat. They have a curved horn shape to them. They were normally fed to the pigs but he was very hungry. (Luke 15:16) CARPENTER: Hebrew: charrash and Greek: tekton mean craftsman and builder. (2 Kings 12:11) (2 Chronicles 24:12) (Exodus 28:11) (1 Chronicles 14:1) A carpenter is an artisan, craftsman, and a worker in wood. Jesus was called the carpenters son. (Matthew 13:55) He was also call the carpenter. (Mark 6:3) Jesus learned carpentry from his adoptive father Joseph.

CARPUS: Paul left his cloak at the house of Carpus in Troas. (2 Timothy 4:13) CARSHENA: Carshena was the first of seven princes of Media and Persia consulted by Ahasuerus on the matter of Vashtis disobedience. (Esther 1:14) CARVING: Carving is the art of sculpturing wood, stone, metal, and clay. The Hebrew word pesel occurs with reference to carved or engraved images. Israel was prohibited from making carved images for the purpose of worshiping them. This was first stated in the Ten Commandments at Exodus 20:4. Carving work done for the tabernacle and the great temple of Solomon was not to be worshiped. It was intended for decorative purpose and to convey symbolic meaning. Most church organizations that use carved images in worship claim they are for decorative and symbolic meaning only. And yet there is a fine line between decorative use and condemned idols and images for worship! Perhaps carving images is better left undone. CASIPHIA: Casiphia was a place in Babylonia near the gathering point of the exiles who were returning with Ezra to Jerusalem in 468 B.C.E. (Ezra 8:17-20) CASLUHIM: Casluhim was the son of Ham. He was descended from Mizraim. The Bible shows that some of the Philistines were descendants from Casluhim. (Genesis 10:6, 13, 14) (1 Chronicles 1:8, 11, 12) CASSIA (BARK) TREE: Cassia bark comes from the cassia bark tree (Cinnamomum cassia) that grows in eastern Asia. It is of the same family as the cinnamon tree. It grows to a height of 40 feet and has very stiff leaves. The cassia bark is coarse and more pungent than the cinnamon bark. It peals off when it is cut and then it dries into rolled up tubes. The buds are used as cloves for preparation in food dishes. The flowers become aromatic incense when dried. Cassia is one of the ingredients in fine perfumes. (Exodus 30:23-25) (Ezekiel 27:19) (Psalm 45:8) CASTLE, PALACE, FORTIFIED PLACE: The Hebrew word bi-rah means castle, palace or fortified place. (1 Chronicles 29:1) (2 Chronicles 17:12) (Esther 1:2) The apostle Paul was interrogated by the Roman military commander at the Tower or Fortress of Antonia. (Acts 21:31, 32, 37; 22:24) Nehemiah built a castle to the

northwest of the rebuilt temple. (Nehemiah 1:1) Included in one of Daniels visions was the Castle of Shushan. (Daniel 8:2) CAUDA: The apostle Paul and Luke were on a voyage to Rome in about 58 C.E. When the ship rounded Cape Matala they were caught and driven by a violent wind. They came to the island called Cauda. The island broke the force of the wind allowing the crew to lower the sail and secure the ship. (Acts 27:13-17) CAVE: A cave is an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from a lake or sea. The word cave is translated from the Hebrew word mearah (Genesis 19:23) It also comes from the Greek word spelaion. (John 11:38) This could be a root of the English word spelunk, which means to explore natural caves. The Hebrew chor or chohr speaks of a hole, sometimes big enough for humans to penetrate. (1 Samuel 14:11) (Job 30:6) (2 Kings 12:9) The Hebrew word mechillahis another word for hole. (Isaiah 2:19) Caves are plentiful in the limestone of Palestine, Mount Carmel and the Jerusalem areas. Lot and his two daughters lived in a cave after they left Zoar because of fear. (Genesis 19:30) When the Israelites fled from the Philistines they hid in caves. (1 Samuel 13:6, 14:11) The dead were often buried in caves. (Genesis 23:7-20; 25:9, 10; 49:29-32; 50:13) Jesus friend Lazarus was buried in a memorial tomb made with a cave. (John 11:38) The figurative use of the word cave is evident in Isaiah and Revelation where it tells that some will try to escape Gods judgment by hiding in caves. (Isaiah 2:19-21) (Ezekiel 33:27) (Revelation 6:15-17) CEDAR: The cedar tree of Lebanon is a majestic tree of massive proportions, with deep, strong roots. It can grow to a height of 120 feet tall with a circumference of 40 feet. Solomon used many cedar trees in the construction of the Temple. (1 Kings 6:9, 20) The mountains of Lebanon once were covered with these splendid trees. Today only a few groves remain because of indiscriminate use, the ravages of war and a lack of conservation and replenishment. (Isa 14:5-8; SS 5:15) These stately trees were used figuratively to represent stateliness, loftiness and strength. (Ezekiel 31:2-14) (Amos 2:9) (Zechariah 11:1, 2) CENCHREAE: Cenchreae was on the Saronic Gulf side of a narrow, seven mile wide, isthmus east of Corinth. Paul had his hair clipped at Cenchreae when he made a vow and sailed from Cenchreae to Ephesus in 52 C.E. (Acts 18:18)

CENSUS: The count of the number of people who live in an area is a census. The Israelites took a census. (Numbers 1:2; 26:2) David ordered a census. (1 Chronicles 21:1-2) At the time of Jesus birth Augustus Caesar ordered a census. (Luke 2:1-3) CENTURION: A Roman army officer who commanded a hundred soldiers was called a centurion. Jesus healed a centurions servant as recorded at Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7: 1-10. A centurion was stationed at the tomb where Jesus was buried. (Matthew 27:54) CEPHAS: SEE PETER CHAFF: Chaff is the thin protective covering or husk on the kernels of cereal grains such as barley and wheat. Most Biblical references to chaff are figurative. The chaff is useless after harvesting and must be disposed of by winnowing. The light chaffy part is carried away like dust in the wind. God winnows away the apostates from among his people. He disposes of wicked persons and opposing nations. (Job 21:18) (Psalm 1:4, 35:5) (Isaiah 17:13; 29:5; 41:15) (Hosea 13:3) Gods Kingdom will crush its enemies into small particles and they will be blown away like the chaff. (Daniel 2:35) Jesus Christ, the Thresher, will gather in the wheat and burn up with fire the chaff. (Matthew 3:7-12) (Luke 3:17) CHALCEDONY: Chalcedony was a stone commonly used for engraved gems in ancient times. It was named after a Greek city called Chalcedon. That city was once a source of the mineral. The Bible reference to Chalcedony is at Revelation 21:2, 19 where it speaks about the third foundation of the New Jerusalems wall. CHALDEA, CHALDEAN: The land consisting of the southern Babylonian plain was Chaldea. The people occupying this rich delta area of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers were Chaldeans. In early times Ur was the most important city in the region. Ur was the hometown of Abraham. (Genesis 11:28, 31; 15:7) (Nehemiah 9:7) (Acts 7:2-4) The Chaldeans were noted for their knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. (Daniel 2:2, 5, 10; 4:7; 5:7, 11) This territory of Babylonia was known as the land of the Chaldeans. (Isaiah 13:19; 23:13; 47:1, 5; 48:14, 20) CHALK: The only occurrence of the Hebrew word seredh in the Bible is at Isaiah 44:13. It refers to the red chalk used by wood craftsmen for marking purposes.

CHALKSTONE: Very soft stone that is easily powdered and with high calcium carbonate content is found throughout Palestine. It is called chalkstone or plaster. (Isaiah 27:9) (Daniel 5:5) CHAMELEON: Hebrew: tinshemeth is a reptile listed among the swarming creatures that were unclean under the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:29, 30) The chameleon is a slow-moving, tree dwelling lizard. Temperature, light intensity, and emotional state cause it to change colors and it often blends into the nearby background. CHAMOIS, ANTELOPE: The Hebrew word zemer probably means antelope or gazelle. Some translations render it mountain goat or mountain sheep. There is uncertainty as to the animal meant by this word. (Deuteronomy 14:5) CHARIOT, CART: The chariots or carts had two wheels. They were open vehicles that were drawn by one or two animals. Some were large and heavy and were drawn by multiple spans of horses. The larger chariots carried several men including the driver. They provided fast transport in combat and gave soldiers a mobile firing platform. (1 Kings 4:26; 7:33) (Exodus 14:7) (Acts 8:28) CHARIOT CITIES: Cities where chariots of war were stationed were called chariot cities. (2 Chroniclse 1:14; 9:25) Even though Solomon was not warlike he had chariot cities. (1 Kings 9:17-19; 10:26) (2 Chronicles 8:5, 6) CHARM: SEE: AMULET CHARM SNAKES: Such spiritistic practices as casting spells on people were among the detestable things that God forbad his people to indulge in. (Deuteronomy 18:9-11) The ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, and others put their trust in charms and the casting of spells. (Isaiah 19:3; 47:9, 12) Snake charming was a form of spiritism of the ancient cult of serpent worshipers. By playing music with a flute or pipe the charmer appears to enchante the snake. Psalm 58:4, 5 implies that snakes are able to hear the voice of charmers as well as music. Spiritistic forces appear to be involved in snake charming. (Ecclesiastes 10:11) CHEBAR RIVER: The Chebar River was located in the land of the Chaldeans where the Jews were exiled. (Ezekiel 1:1-3; 3:15) The Hebrew word nahar means river. The corresponding Babylonian word describes both river and canal. The actual location of the Chebar River is unknown. Perhaps it was actually the Grand Canal

known then as Naru Kabaru. The River Chebar is mentioned at Ezekiel 1:1-3:21. A later vision recalls the Chebar River. (Ezekiel 10:15, 20, 22, 43:3) CHEDORLAOMER: Chedorlaomer was a king of Elam before Abraham entered into the Promised Land. He had extended his power westward to the borders of Egypt. In the 14th year of Chedorlaomers control of the area the people rebelled. Chedorlaomer and his allies put down the insurrection. Among Chedorlaomers captives was Abrahams nephew Lot, who lived nearby. Abraham led a small armed force of 318 men to Dan where they surprised the neemys far superior forces and chased them to Hobah, north of Damascus. Lot was rescued at that time. (Genesis 14:1-17) CHEEK: The cheek is located on either side of the face below the eyes. The Bible speaks of striking the cheek as a matter of reproach or insult. (1 Kings 22:24) (2 Chronicles 18:23) (Job 16:10) Jesus told his disciples that those who slap you on your right cheek, turn to him the other cheek. (Matthew 5:38, 39) He was teaching that a person does not need to retaliate or take vengeance. The principle was to avoid fighting and show love. The apostles Paul and Peter spoke in harmony with this teaching at Romans 12:17-21 and 1 Peter 3:9. CHEESE: Cheese is a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk. When figuratively describing his formation in the womb, Job asked God if he had poured him out like milk and curdled him like cheese. (Job 10:10) Davids provisions of food recorded at 2 Samuel 17:29 included curds of cheese. CHEHTH: Chehth is the eighth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. It is found in the eighth ectionof Psalm 119. Every verse of verses 57-64 begins with this letter. CHELAL: Chelal was an exile of the sons of Pahath-moab. Ezra instructed him to put away his foreign wife. (Ezra 10:16, 17, 30, 44) CHELUB, FATHER OF MEHIR: Chelub was a descendant of Judah. He was the brother of Shuhah and father of Mehir. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 11) He is called Calub in the Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate. CHELUB, FATHER OF EZRI: This Chelub served under King David as overseer of the fieldworkers. (1 Chronicles 27:26)

CHELUHI: He was a descendant of Bani who dismised his foreign wife because of Ezras instruction. (Ezra 10:34, 35, 44) CHEMOSH: Chemosh was the primary deity of the Moabites. The Moabites were spoken of as the people of Chemosh at Numbers 21:29 and Jeremiah 48:46. Some scholars think this deity is the same as the Baal of Peor because of the association with the Moabites. (Numbers 25:1-3) The false worship of Chemosh was introduced into Israel during Solomons reign. His Moabite wives built a high place to Chemosh on the mountain near Jerusalem. (1 Kings 11:1, 7, 8, 33) CHENAANAH, FATHER OF ZEDEKIAH: Chenaanah was the father of the false prophet Zedekiah. He was contemporaneous with Kings Ahab and Jehoshaphat. (1 Kings 22:11, 24) (2 Chronicles 18:10, 23) CHENAANAH, DESCENDANT OF BENJAMIN: This Chenaanah was a descendant of Benjamin through Jediael and Bilhan. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 10) CHENANI: Chenani was one of the people who took his place on the steps of the Levites and cried in a loud voice to Jehovah their God just before making an agreement in good faith. The Levites, the rulers and the priests put their names on the agreement. (Nehemiah 9:3, 4, 38) CHENANIAH, THE LEVITE IN CHARGE OF CARRYING THE ARK: Chenaniah was the leader of the Levites who carried the Ark during King Davids reign. He was an expert in the proper handeling of the sacred Ark. (1 Chronicles 15:22, 25-27) CHENANIAH, THE KOHATHITE: This man was a Kohathite of the family of Izhar. They were involved in the service as judges and officers when David numbered the Levites. (1 Chronicles 26:29; 23:1-4, 12) They carried the utensils of the sanctuary in Moses day. (Numbers 4:4, 5, 15) CHERUBIM, CHERUBS: The Cherubim and Cherubs are heavenly angelic creatures with wings and faces of men and angels. They are mentioned in the Bible 91 times. The Cherubs guarded the garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:24) They are featured on the Ark of the Covenant. (Exodus 25:18-22) (1 Kings 6:23-28) Ezekiel relates a number of visions in which a large number of cherubs are seen. (Ezekiel 10:120)

CHEPHAR-AMMONI: Chephar-ammoni was a city belonging to the tribe of Benjamin. (Joshua 18:21, 24) It is believed to be a ruined site about 3 miles northeast of Bethel. CHEPHIRAH: Chephirah was a Hivite city located in a strategic position. (Joshua 9:3-27) It served as a guard against the approach of enemy forces to Gibeon from the west. Chephirah was in Benjamins inheritance. (Joshua 18:26) It was resettled after the exile. (Ezra 2:1, 25) (Nehemiah 7:29) CHERAN: Cheran was a son of the Horite Sheik Dishon. (Genesis 36:26) (1 Chronicles 1:41) CHERETHITES: The Cherethites were people who connected with the Philistines. (Ezekiel 25:16) (Zephaniah 2:5) Most scholars conclude that the Cherethites and Philistines were the same people. Some believe that they were a pricipal Philistien tribe. (2 Samuel 8:18; 20:23) (1 Chronicles 18:17) (1 Samuel 30:14, 16) CHERITH VALLEY: The Cherith Valley is east of the Jordan River where Elijah concealed himself and was fed by ravens after announcing a coming drought to Israels King Ahab. (1 Kings 17:1-7) CHERUB: A cherub is an angel of high rank. Cherubs are mentioned 91 times in the Holy Scriptures. Cherubs were posted at the east entrance to the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life. This occurred after Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden. (Genesis 3:24) Figures representing cherubs were included in the furnishings of the tabernacle. (Exodus 25:10-21; 26:1; 36:8, 35; 37:7-9) Ezekiel related visions in which symbolic cherubs were seen in close relationship with Jehovah God. (Ezekiel 1:5-28; 9:3; 10:122; 11:22; 28:11-19) CHESALON: Chesalon was a city mentioned with Mount Jearim. It served to mark part of the north boundary of Judah. (Joshua 15:10) CHESED: Chesed was the brother of Abraham. He was one of eight sons Milcah bore to Nahor. (Genesis 22:20-22) CHESIL: Chesil was a town listed as a place within the boundary of Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 30) CHESULLOTH: Chesulloth was a boundary city of Issachar on the Plain of Jezreel to the west of Mount Tabor. (Joshua 19:12, 18)

CHIDON: The Chidon threshing floor was where Uzzah was struck down by Jehovah when he attempted to move the Ark of the Testimony in an improper way from Kiriath-jearim to the City of David. (1 Chronicles 13:6-14) CHIEFTAIN: See RULERS CHILDREN: The trusting and humble nature of young children is a most desired trait for Christians of all ages. In fact Christians are referred to as Children of God. (John 1:12) (Romans 8:14) (1 Peter 1:14) (1 John 3:1-10) Jesus proclaimed: Let the little children come to me. He said this at Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; and Luke 18:16. Why did he say this? He said this because: of such is the kingdom of heaven (God). He also said we must become like children. This is found at Matthew 18:3-4. The Bible has much to say about the training of children such as instruction found in Pauls inspired letter to the Ephesians Chapter 6. CHILDBIRTH: Our Creator has given the privilege of childbirth to women. He gave a mandate to the first couple, Adam and Eve, to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. (Genesis 1:28; 9:7) As a result of sin and disobedience, Jehovah told Eve, I will greatly increase your pains in childbirth; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. (Genesis 3:16) The apostle Paul stated that women in the Christian congregation, will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and sanctification with sobriety. (1 Timothy 2:15) CHILEAB: Chileab was Davids second son born in Hebron. His mother was Abigail, the former wife of Nabal. (2 Samuel 3:2, 3) Chileab is called Daniel at 1 Chronicles 3:1. CHILION: Chilion was the son of Naomi and Elimelech. He was the brother of Mahlon and the husband of Ruth. The family moved from Bethlehem, in Judah, to Moab to escape a famine. Both he and his brother died childless in Moab. (Ruth 1:1-5; 4:9, 10) CHILMAD: This place was listed as a trading partner with Tyre. Some of the items traded included: fine clothing, carpets, dyed materials, and ropes. (Ezekiel 27:2, 23, 24) CHIMHAM: It is believed that Chimham was a son of Barzillai. When the aged Barzillai declined the invitation to become part of

King Davids court he recommended that Chimham go in his place. (2 Samuel 19:33, 37-40) Chimham must have remained in the royal court for a long time since Davids final instructions to Soloman refer to the place of Chimham near Bethlehem. (1 Kings 2:7) (Jeremiah 41:17) CHINNERETH, CITY OF NAPHTALI: Chinnereth was a fortified city on a hill two miles southwest of Capernaum. It overlooked the Sea of Galilee. (Joshua19:32, 35) CHINNERETH, EARLY NAME FOR THE SEA OF GALILEE: The use of the Chinnereth for the Sea of Galilee was a Hebrew practice. The lake formed part of the west boundary of the Amorite kingdom of Og. Following the Israelite conquest it was named as the west boundary of the tribe of Gad. (Numbers 34:11) (Deuteronomy 3:16, 17) (Joshua 11:2; 13:24-27) CHINNERETH: DISTRICT OF ISRAEL: This district or region of Israel was attacked by Syrian King Ben-hadad I at the request of King Asa of Judah. (1 Kings 15:20) (2 Chronicles 16:4) CHIOS: Chios is one of the larger islands in the Aegean Sea. It is separated from the west coast of Asia Minor by a strait that is about 5 miles wide. The island is 30 miles long and 18 miles wide at its widest. Chios is recorded in the account of Pauls return trip to Jerusalem, at the end of his third missionary journey, in Acts chapter 20. Chios was a free city-state of the Roman province of Asia. Today the Greeks call it Khios. CHISLON: Chislon was a Benjamite of Mose day. His son Elidad helped with the division of the Promised Land. (Numbers 34:17, 21) CHISLOTH-TABOR: This city marked Zebuluns bounday. It was also called Chesulloth and was located 2 miles southeast of Nazarth, at the foot of Mount Tabor. (Joshua 19:12, 18) CHITLISH: This city located in the Shephelah belonged to the tribe of Judah. Its location was 4.5 miles southwest of Lachish. CHLOE: Chloe was a Christian residing at Corinth or at Ephesus where the apostle Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthians. Paul received reports through her household about dissensions in the Corinthian congretgation. (1 Corinthians 1:11)

CHISLEV: Chislev was the name of the ninth Jewish lunar month. It occurred during November and December. It was a winter month with cold and rain. (Nehemiah 1:1) (Jeremiah 36:9) (Zechariah 7:1) CHORAZIN: Jesus Christ pronounced coming trouble for the Jewish inhabitants of Chorazin. He said the powerful works that were performed at the city of Chorazin would have been enough to cause the pagans of Tyre and Sidon to repent; yet they did not act on his message. (Matthew 11:21-23) (Luke 10:10-16) CHRIST: The Greek word: Christos means Messiah, the anointed one, Jesus. CHRISTIAN: The term Christian is found only three times in the Greek Scriptures, at Acts 11:26; 26:28; and 1 Peter 4:16. It designates one as a follower of Christ. CHRISTIAN CLEANNESS: It is the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that cleanses Christians from all sin and unrighteousness. (1 John 1:7, 9.) Christ loved the congregation and gave himself up for it. This is so he might sanctify it, having cleansed it by the washing of water with the word. (Ephesians 5:25-26) Christians should maintain a high standard of physical, moral, and spiritual cleanness. (2 Corinthians 7:1) They work diligently at maintaining a clean heart and a clean conscience before their God. (Mark 7:15) (1 Timothy 1:5, 3:9) (2 Timothy 1:3) They eagerly follow the counsel at Isaiah 52:11 and Revelation 18:1-4 to touch nothing unclean. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) (Psalm 24:4) (Matthew 5:8) CHRISTIAN GREEK SCRIPTURES: The 27 canonical books, Matthew thru Revelation, are commonly referred to as the New Testament. They are also called the Christian Greek Scriptures to distinguish them form Hebrew Scriptures. This term also identifies the original language in which they were written. Matthew was written originally in Hebrew and later in Greek. The other 26 books were written in Koine Greek, the international language of the day. CHRONOLOGY: The Greek word khronologia comes from two shorter words, khronos meaning time, and lego meaning to tell. Thus the meaning to tell time. Chronology is a record of events in the order of their occurance. God is especially competant at keeping track of time since He is the Ancient of Day and the God of Eternity. (Daniel 7:9) (Psalm 90:2; 93:2) He accomplishes his will and purpose at the exact time that He determines. The Simplified Bible Dictionary uses the terms Before Common Era (B.C.E.) and

Common Era (C.E.) to determine the year of an event because of the basic fact that the year one had to occur two years in a row in order to end the B.C.E. period of time and to begin the new period of time. Chronology experts estimate that Jesus Christ was born in October 2 B.C.E. Therefore measuring time from the date Christ was born would be inaccurate by at least 2 years. CHURCH, CONGREGATION: Greek: ekklesia means a calling out, congregation, assembly of believers,and a church. The Congregation was established by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 16:18) Jesus is the head over the Congregation. (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23) (Colossians 1:18) The apostle Paul gave detailed instructions about the activities of the Christian congregation at Acts 12:5 and 1 Corinthians 14:26-40. CHRYSOLITE: This is a transparent or translucent semiprecious stone. It is usually yellow or green and composed of silicates of magnesium and iron. It can be found in volcanic rocks. Fine quality chrysolite crystals are found in Egypt. Jehovah instructed the Israelites to place chrysolite in the fourth row on Aarons breast piece-of-judgment to represent one of the 12 tribes of Israel. (Exodus 28:2, 15, 20, 21; 39:13) Chrysolite was also included in the covering for the king of Tyre. (Ezekiel 28:12, 13) Chrysolite represented one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb at Revelation 21:2, 10, 14, 20. CHRYSOPRASE: This semiprecious stone is a translucent gemstone. The green color is caused by a trace of nickel oxide in the mineral. Chrysoprase is the symbolic tenth foundation of the holy city, New Jerusalem found at Revelation 21:2, 20. CHUB: Chub was the name of a people who were allied with Egypt. Chub is listed with Ethiopia, Put, and Lud. Some believe that Chub is the same as Libya. (Ezekiel 30:4, 5) CHUZA: Herod Antipas appointed Chuza to be in charge of the domestic affairs. Chuzas wife Joanna ministered to Jesus at Luke 8:3. CILICIA: Cilicia is a small and narrow region of southeast Asia Minor. The Mediterranean Sea is on its south border and the Taurus mountain range is to the north. One of its prominent cities was Tarsus, the birthplace of Saul, later named Paul when he was appointed an appostle. (Acts 21:39; 22:3; 23:34) Some of the products produced in Celicia include wheat, flax, fruits, and goats

hair. The goats hair was used in the manufacture of tents. This may have contributed to Pauls experience as a tentmaker. Paul traveled through Cilicia on his third missionary journey. (Acts 15:23) CINNAMON: Hebrew: qin-na-mohn and Greek: kin-namomon are translated cinnamon. Cinnamon is an aromatic tree bark used as a spice. It is processed into rolled strips or ground into powder. Commercial Cinnamon is obtained from the darker inner bark of the cinnamon tree that grows abundantly in Sri Lanka and Java. Aromatic oil is also extracted from the bark. Cinnamon was used to prepare the holy anointing oil described at Exodus 30:23. It is one of the important products the traveling merchants sell to Babylon the Great before her destruction at Revelation 18:11-13. CIRCUMCISE: To cut off the foreskin of the male penis. It was a sign of Gods covenant with his people. Israelite boys were circumcised eight days after they were born as reported at Genesis 17:9-14. Circumcision of the heart means getting rid of any thinking and motives that is displeasing and unclean to God. The apostle Paul wrote about circumcision of the heart at Romans 2:29. CISTERN: A cistern is an artificial reservoir for storing liquids. It can be an underground cavity or tank for storing rainwater. The Hebrew bohr is rendered water pit or cistern. (Genesis 37:20-29) (2 Samuel 23:20) It can also mean pit when used in relationship with death and the grave. (Psalm 30:3) (Proverbs 1:12) (Ezekiel 31:14, 16) Cisterns are very important in the Mid East where springs and rivers dry up by the end of the summer. In a land where water is so scarce it was appropriate to say, each should drink of the water of his own cistern. (2 Kings 18:31) (Isaiah 36:16) Cistern is used figuratively at Jeremiah 2:13, 18 and Proverbs 5:15. CITIES OF REFUGE: Jehovahs Law is specific about taking human life. The murderer must atone by giving his or her life in exchange. The blood of the victim was avenged and the law of life for life was satisfied when the murderer was put to death by the avenger of blood. (Genesis 9:5, 6) (Exodus 21:23) (Numbers 35:21, 33, 34) The unintentional manslayer that killed by accident was allowed a loving provision from God. He was given asylum from the avenger of blood. He was allowed to live in one of the cities of refuge. (Deuteronomy 19:4, 5) (Numbers 35:6-32) (Joshua 20:2-9) CITIZEN: A citizen is a native-born or naturalized inhabitant of a country. As a citizen a person is entitled to the rights and privileges that are denied foreigners. The terms citizen and citizenship are

not found in the Hebrew Scriptures, but they are found in the Greek Scriptures. Terms such as native and foreigner are used. (Exodus 12:43-49) (Leviticus 24:22) (Numbers 9:14) The apostle Paul was a Roman citizen. (Acts 16:37-40; 21:27-39; 22:25-29) Paul speaks about spiritual citizenship in his inspired letters. (Ephesians 2:12, 13, 19) (Philippians 1:27; 3:20) CITY: The Hebrew word ir is translated city. In Greek polis means a walled city and kome represents an unwalled city. A city is a settled area that is greater in size than a town or village. This loose description of a city allows one to call even a small community a city. Cain was the first city builder as recorded at Genesis 4:17. After the flood, the cities of Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh in the land of Shinar formed the main portion of Nimrods kingdom. Nimrod built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah and Resen north in the Mesopotamian Valley. (Genesis 10:10-12) The interesting contrast to this is that the people who faithfully obeyed Jehovah God did not begin by building large cities. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob built no cities at all! In fact, they lived as strangers in tents. Even when they visited towns and villages in Canaan and Egypt they lived in tents. (Hebrews 11:9) Later those who spied on Canaan reported there were many fortified cities in the land. (Numbers 13:28) (Deuteronomy 9:1) Many Scriptures about cities were used figuratively. Good examples of this are found at Proverbs 21:22 and Jeremiah 1:18. Jesus Christ depicted cities in his illustrations at Matthew 12:25 and Luke 19:17-19. The apostle Paul also spoke of cities at Hebrews 11:10, 16; 12:22 and 13:14. Cities were used to illustrate a number of things in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 11:2, 18:10-21, 17:18) The climax to Revelation depicts the symbolic, spirit city New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. We read about this at Revelation 3:12; 21:2-27; 22:14, 19. CITY RECORDER: Under the Roman Empire the city recorder was the most important public officer. He was probably elected to office by the people and was the leading member of the municipal government. Other titles used in several Bible translations at Acts 19:35 for the Greek word grammateus are city clerk and town clerk. The city recorder was able to access the proconsul of the province. Therefore he served as the liaison between the city government and Romes provincial administration. The city recorder in Ephesus exercised his influence by quieting the mob that gathered against Paul and his companions. (Acts 19:35-41)

CITY RULERS: The Greek politarkhai refers to city rulers or civic magistrates. Jason and other Christians were dragged before the city rulers by an angry mob at Acts 17:5-8. CLAN: A clan is a community of persons, a nation or tribe of people having a common inheritance. The Hebrew word ummah occurs three times at Genesis 25:16; Numbers 25:15; and Psalm 117:1. In Psalms it refers to nations. CLAUDIA: The apostle Paul greeted Claudia, a Christian woman at Rome, in his second letter to Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:21) CLAUDIUS: Claudius was the fourth emperor of Rome. He was the son of Drusus the brother of Tiberius, and uncle of Caligula. He followed Caligula to the throne in 41 C.E. Claudius was interested in history, writing and other academic pursuits. He expelled all the Jews from Rome in 49 or 50 C.E. Two Christian Jews, Aquila and Priscilla, left Roe for Corinth. It was there that they met Paul. (Acts 11:27-30; 18:1-3) CLAUDIUS LYSIAS: This man was the military commander of the Roman garrison at Jerusalem when the apostle Paul visited there in 56 C.E. He commanded 1,000 men. His name indicates he may have been Greek at birth. He probably paid a large sum of money for Roman citizenship in the reign of Claudius and thus adopted the name of the ruling emperor. (Acts 22:28; 23:26) Claudius Lysias commanded that the apostle Paul be brought to the soldiers quarters, located in the Tower of Antonia, in order to protect him from a rioting mob. (Acts 21:30-34) After recognizing Pauls innocence, and acknowledging Pauls Roman citizenship, Claudius Lysias sent Paul to Governor Felix. (Acts 23:6-30) CLAY: Clay is soil that is pliable and a fine-grained material. It is extra pliable when it is wet and becomes hard when dried by fire. The Hebrew word chomer means clay. (Genesis 11:3) (Isaiah 10:6; 41:25) (Job 38:14) The Greek word pelos denotes clay. (John 9:6, 11, 14, 15) The Greek word Keramikos means vessels made of potters clay. (Revelation 2:27) Man is figuratively likened to clay in the hands of God at Isaiah 45:9 and Job 10:9. CLEMENT: Clement faithfully fought side by side with the apostle Paul, at Philippi, for the sake of the good news. (Philippians 4:3) Origen identified him with Clement of Rome; however, since Clement was a common name this assumption may not be valid.

CLEOPAS: Cleopas was one of the two disciples who traveled to Emmaus on Jesus resurrection day. Neither of these disciples were apostles. When Jesus joined them and ask them what they were talking about, Cleopas replied: Do you travel alone in Jerusalem and not know the things that have happened there these days? (Luke 24:13-35) Jesus identified himself to them and explained many Scriptures to them. Cleopas and his companion hurried back to Jerusalem to report these things to others. The Greek name Cleopas is not the same as the Aramaic name Clopas found at John 19:25. CLOTH: The Israelites were well acquainted with the fabric weaving craft. The Aaronic high priest was to wear a robe of fine white linen woven in checker work. (Exodus 28:39) There were women with excellent ability to spin thread from flax and from wool. (Exodus 35:25, 26) The Christian Greek Scriptures speak of fabrics made of camel hair and of silk. (Matthew 3:4) (Revelation 18:12) White lien was so clean and pure that it is used in Scriptures to symbolize righteousness. (Exodus 28:39-42) (Job 29:14) (Revelation 19:8, 14) CLOUD: A cloud is a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended high in the air. The Hebrew word for cloud is a-nan. It is used when referring to the pillar of cloud that led the Israelites through the wilderness. (Exodus 13:21) The Hebrew word shachag speaks of cloudy skies. (Isaiah 40:15)(Psalm 36:5; 89:37) (Jeremiah 51:9) Jehovah is a spirit and no man can see him. He symbolizes his presence by a cloud. (Exodus 19:16-19; 24:15) (Hebrews 12:18, 19) The Son of man is shown coming with the clouds of heaven before the Ancient of Days, Jehovah God, at Daniel 7:13, 14. CNIDUS: Cnidus was a city on the Resadiye Peninsula. The Resadiye Peninsula extends from Asia Minor into the Aegean Sea. The apostle Paul probably traveled near Cnidus on his second missionary journey in 52 C.E. (Acts 18:21, 22) He also traveled near there on his third trip in 56 C.E. (Acts 21:1) COBRA: Sometimes referred to as asps or serpents, cobras are extremely poisonous snakes found in Asia and Africa. The cobra is mentioned six times in the Bible. These references are to the Egyptian cobra or asp commonly used in snake charming. It inflates it neck to look more threatening when it is angered. (Deuteronomy 32:33) (Job 20:14, 16) (Psalm 58:4, 5; 91:13) (Isaiah 11:8, 11,12) COCK: The cock is the rooster or male chicken. It has bright colored plumage and long tail feathers. Roosters have red flesh-colored

combs on top of their heads. The crowing of the cock is mentioned in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crows. (Matthew 26:34, 74, 75) (Mark 14:30, 72) (Luke 22:34, 60, 61) (John 13:38; 18:27) COCKCROWS: The third watch period of the night was from midnight to three oclock in the morning. This was refered to as the cockcrowing time. Marks Gospel account uses this colorful description of the time. (Mark 13:35) COCKROACH: The Hebrew word chasil comes from the root word meaning to devour. (Deuteronomy 28:38) It has been rendered: caterpillar, cricket, stripper, shearer, locust, grasshopper and cockroach. (Isaiah 33:4) (Joel 1:4) The New Simplified Bible uses the words locust and cockroach interchangeably. The cockroach has long, strong legs, making it one of the fastest insects. It has a flat short head and is equipped with long, threadlike antennae or feelers. The prophet Joel prophesied about a horde of insects that would desolate the land. He mentioned the chasil last and described it as one that consumes everything that has been left behind by the others. (Joel 1:4) Both the locust and the cockroach fit this description. (Isaiah 33:1-4) CODEX, LEAF-BOOK: A codex is an unbound manuscript of the Holy Scriptures. Instead of writing or copying the Scriptures on a hard-to-handle roll of papyrus it was written on separate pieces of material similar to paper. This was easier to handle then a scroll or roll since the scroll for a book the size of the Gospel of Luke was 31 feet long. Jesus read from a scroll. (Luke 4:15-20) The apostle John saw a scroll in the vision recorded at Revelation 5:1-7. COLHOZEH, FATHER OF SHALLUN: Colhozeh was the Israelite father of Shallun. His son assisted in the repair of Jerusalems wall in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 3:15) COLHOZEH, SON OF HAZAIAH: This Colhozeh was from the tribe of Judah. He was the son of Hazaiah. (Nehemiah 11:4, 5) COLLECTION: Love is the identifying mark of a Christian. Such loving concern for the needs of fellow Christians was obvious by the way they gave gifts to help the needy. (John 13:35) While in Ephesus Paul wrote to the Corinthians: Now concerning the collection for the holy ones, you should do the same as I told the congregations of Galatia. On the first day of the week let every one of you set something aside, as God has prospered you, that there be

no contributions collected when I come.(1 Corinthians 16:1, 2) (Romans 15:26) (2 Corinthians 9:5, 12) COLONNADE OF SOLOMON, SOLOMONS PORCH: Josephus wrote that Solomon constructed the Colonnade of Solomon on an embankment on the east side of the temple. It is also known as Solomons porch. The Jews confronted Jesus Christ in the Colonnade of Solomon. They demanded that he identify himself as the Messiah. (John 10:22-24) His disciples preached to the Jews at the Colonnade of Solomon years later. (Acts 3:11; 5:12) COLOSSAE: Paul wrote a letter to the faithful brothers and sisters in Colossae, a city located in southwest Asia Minor. (Colossians 1:12) Colossae was part of a region known as Phrygia. Pauls letter to the Colossians indicated that he had not visited Colossae. Epaphras organized the congregation there. (Colossians 1:7, 8; 2:1; 4:12) COLOSSIANS, THE LETTER: The apostle Paul identifies himself as the writer of the inspired letter to the congregation in Colossae. (Colossians 1:1, 2; 4:18) He wrote the letter between 60 and 61 C.E. from prison in Rome. The letter is similar to his letter to the ephesians. This was because of similar circumstances in each city. Colossians is noted for Pauls skillful description of the spiritual nature of the Christ: He is the image (likeness) (representation) of the invisible God. He is the firstborn (Greek:prototokos: childbirth, offspring) of all creation. (Colossians 1:15) He went on to explain that Jesus was actively working along side his Father during the Creation: All things in the heavens and upon the earth where created through him. (Colossians 1: 16) The apostle Paul admonishes Christians to put on the new personality by submitting to Christs authority. (Colossians 3:1-17) He closes the letter by directing everyone to continue steadfastly in prayer. (Colossians 4:2) COMING: SEE PRESENCE COMMANDERS STAFF: SEE SCEPTER COMMANDMENTS: Hebrew: mitzvah means law, ordinance, precept, statute, decree, and commandment. (Deuteronomy 6:1) The 10 Commandments are the divine rules God gave Moses on Mount Sinai. (Exodus 20:1-20; 31:18; 34:1-28) (Deuteronomy 5:122) The Finger of God wrote these Laws. (Luke 11:20) (Exodus 8:19)

C.E. (COMMON ERA): Two eras are considered when naming dates in the Simplified Bible Dictionary, Before Common Era and Common Era. The year 0 separates the two eras. Before Common Era counts down to the year zero. Common Era counts up from the year zero. Our current time period is Common Era. COMMUNICATION: Communication is the connection that allows access between persons. Information and ideas were transmitted from person to person in ancient times just as they are today. The major difference was the methods used. Today we use telephones, newspapers, television and radio. In Bible times the word-of-mouth communications was conveyed person to person, face to face. (2 Samuel 3:17, 19) (Job 37:20) Travelers often related news from distant places when they stopped for provisions at cities along the caravan routes. Both national and foreign news was often conveyed in the city marketplace. Announcements were made verbally or with visual signals. (Jos 8:18, 19) (1 Samuel 20:20-22) Oral or written messages were carried by runners. (2 Samuel 18:19-32) Jehovah God communicates through his written word the Bible. (Exodus 31:18) (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) COMPASS: The compass is an instrument used by a carpenter or another craftsman to mark a circle or arc on wood. The only reference to compass is found at Isaiah 44:13. The Hebrew word for compass is mechughah. COMPASSION: Compassion is the quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it. The Hebrew word cha-mal means compassion. (Exodus 2:6) (Malachi 3:17) (Jeremiah 50:14) The Greek verb oi-kteiro means show compassion. God is the most outstanding example of compassion. His dealings with Israel overwhelmingly show this. He finally rescued them out of the hands of their Egypt oppressors and lovingly cared for them in the wilderness. (Isaiah 63:7-9) Again and again God delivered the Israelites out of the hands of their enemies. (Judges 2:11-19) CONANIAH, THE LEVITE: Conaniah was a Levite in charge of the contributions for temple service during Hezekiahs reign. (2 Chronicles 31:4, 12, 13) CONANIAH, LEVITE CHIEF: This Conaniah was a Levite chief among those who contributed sheep, goats, and cattle for the great Passover celebration held in the 18th year of Josiahs reign. (2 Chronicles 35:9, 19)

CONCUBINE: A concubine was a servant woman, not necessarily a wife, who had sexual relations with her master. She had legal rights and her master was considered her husband. (Genesis 22:24; 36:12) (Judges 8:31) CONGREGATION: Hebrew qa-hal and Greek eklklesi a refer to a group of persons called out or called together. It is used most often with reference to the Hebrew or Israelite congregation and the Christian congregation of believers. (Acts 8:1; 13:1) (Romans 16:5) (1 Corinthians 12:28) (2 Corinthians 1:1) Some English translations use the word church in Bible texts pertaining to the congregation. This is perfectly acceptable as long as the reader understands that it means a group of faithful worshipers and not just a building. The New Simplified Bible uses the word congregation through out the translation when referring to a group of people assembled for worship. CONJURER: The Hebrew word ashshaph can be properly rendered conjurer, astrologer, enchanter, spiritualists. A conjurer is a diviner of the dead who attempts to foretell and control the future. Conjurers were common among the Babylonians during Daniels time. Daniel and his three companions, who had been taken captive to Babylon, proved to be ten times better in wisdom and understanding than all the magic practicing priests and the conjurers in the country. (Daniel 1:3-20) Time and time again Daniel and his friends proved superior to the conjurers and the rest of the spiritistic diviners thanks to Daniels God Jehovah. (Daniel chapters 2 through 6) CONSCIENCE: The Greek word syneidesis means co-knowledge or knowledge of self. It is the ability to look at and judge oneself. God placed the conscience in man. It is that inner mechanism of the mind and heart that senses right and wrong. The apostle Paul described the conscience this way: My conscience bears witness with me in Holy Spirit. (Romans 9:1) Conscience must be trained. If it is not, it can mislead. Jesus gave the ultimate example of this when he pointed out at John 16:2 that men would kill Gods servants, thinking they were doing Him a service. (Acts 9:1) (Romans 10:2, 3) (Galatians 1:13-16) The conscience must be properly trained by Gods Word. (2 Timothy 3:16) (Hebrews 4:12) A Christian should have the goal of having a good conscience before God. (Acts 23:1)

CONSTABLE: A constable was an official assigned to escort a Roman magistrate in public and to execute his instructions. See: MAGISTRATE. CONTRIBUTION: A contribution is a voluntary gift such as money, service or ideas. The Hebrew term terumah means a contribution, a sacred portion, or a heave offering. (Exodus 25:2; 29:27) A contribution may or may not involve material giving. The apostle Paul thanked God because the Philippian Christians made a contribution to the good news. They also assisted Paul materially. (Philippians 1:3-5; 4:16-18) Jesus Christ and his apostles accepted material aid that was contributed to them. (Luke 8:1-3) The Greek word koi-no-nia means contribution and sharing. (Romans 15:26) (2 Corinthians 9:13) There was no compulsion to make contributions in the early Christian congregation because, God loves a cheerful giver who gives from the heart. (2 Corinthians 9:7) Jesus spoke about a poor widow who gave out of her want and dropped in all the means of living she had. She truly gave freely without compulsion. But the greatest giver of all is God. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. It comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation. (James 1:17) CONVENTION, ASSEMBLY: A convention is a large assembly of people who gather for a specific purpose. The term convention in Hebrew is miq-ra. It means a calling together, convocation or convening. The thought of convening the assembly of Israel is found at Numbers 10:2. (Isaiah 1:13) Weekly Sabbaths were considered holy assemblies or conventions. (Leviticus 23:3) The Festival of Unfermented Cakes, the Festival of Harvest or Pentecost, the Day of Atonement and the Festival of Booths each provided occasion for holy conventions. (Numbers 28:18, 25) (Leviticus 23:6-8; 23:15-36) (Numbers 29:1, 7) During holy conventions the priest offered sacrifices to Jehovah God. (Leviticus 23:37, 38) The people were spiritually enlightened by the public reading and explanation of Gods Word. (Acts 15:21) They devoted themselves to prayer and meditation. COOKING, COOKING IMPLEMENTS: Most cooking was done for the evening meal, the major meal of the day. (Luke 14:12) (Revelation 3:20) The Law forbad lighting a fire or cooking on Sabbath day. (Exodus 35:3) Vessels designed for cooking were made of earthenware. Some were made of copper. (Leviticus 6:28) A handmill was used to prepare spices or small quantities of grain. Bread dough was mixed in a kneading trough and baked on a hearth

or in an oven. (Exodus 8:3; 12:34) (1 Chronicles 9:31) The Hebrews probably did most of their cooking outdoors at the time when they lived in tents. Some cooking was done indoors when they lived in stone houses. (Judges 6:19) (2 Samuel 13:7-11) COPPER, BRASS, BRONZE: Hebrew nechosheth and Greek khalkos refer to copper. Copper is a soft metal that occures abundantly in large masses. It is used today as an electrical and thermal conducter as well as in the penny coin. There is no evidence that the ancients knew how to harden pure copper by tempering, but they probably hardened the cutting edge of tools by cold hammering. Copper mines have been located in the Wadi Arabah in the Rift Valley; an area that extends from the Dead Sea south to the Gulf of Aqaba at the Red Sea. (Job 28:2-4) The mountains of the Promised Land also contain copper. (Deuteronomy 8:9) Solomon made castings of copper near Succoth. (1 Kings 7:14-46) Copper and its alloys were used to forge tools (Genesis 4:22); sanctuary utensils such as pots, pans, shovels, and forks (Exodus 38:3) (Leviticus 6:28); armor shields and weapons (1 Samuel 17:5, 6) (2 Kings 25:7) (2 Chronicles 12:10). Copper is also spoken of in a figurative or symbolic sense in the Holy Scriptures. (Leviticus 26:19) (Job 6:12) (Isaiah 48:4; 60:17) (Ezekiel 1:7) (Daniel 2:32) (Revelation 1:15; 2:18) COPPER SERPENT: Moses made a copper figure or representation of a serpent during Israels trip in the wilderness. The people showed a rebellious spirit, complaining about the manna and the water supply provided by Jehovah God. Consequently Jehovah punished them by sending poisonous serpents among them. Many persons died from serpent bites. Moses interceded for them when the people repented. Jehovah told him to make a figure in the form of a serpent and place it upon a pole. If a person gazed at the copper serpent, he would be kept alive. (Numbers 21:4-9) (1 Corinthians 10:9) Jesus Christ revealed the prophetic meaning of the copper serpent by telling Nicodemus: No one has ever ascended into heaven but the Son of man who descended from heaven. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so the Son of man must also be lifted up. Everyone who believes in him may have everlasting life. (John 3:13-15) In like manor the Son of God was impaled and fastened on a stake. (Deuteronomy 21:22, 23) (Galatians 3:13) (1 Peter 2:24) COPYIST: A copyist was a transcriber, a person who made copies of written Holy Scriptures. The Hebrew word for copyist is sopher. It deals with counting and recording. These are also duties of a good

secretary or scribe. (Jeremiah 36:32; Ezekiel 9:2,3) Shaphan and the priest Ezra were identified as scribes and copyists in the Bible. (Ezra 7:6, 7, 11) The psalmist, concerning Gods Messianic King, said: Like the pen of a skillful writer (copyist) my tongue is ready with a poem. (Psalm 45:1-5) The psalmist observed that his tongue would function efficiently, like the pen in the hand of a trained and skilful writer and copyist. COR: Cor is a dry measure and also a measure used for oil. The cor was similar to the homer and contained ten bath measures. (1 Kings 4:22; 5:11) (2 Chronicles 2:10) (Ezekiel 45:14) The bath measure was 5.81 gallons U.S. The cor measure equals 58.1 gallons U.S. CORAL: A capable wife is worth more that valuable corals. (Proverbs 31:10) Coral is a brightly colored stony substance found in the sea. It was used as very expensive jewelry. CORBAN: The Greek word for corban is korban and the Hebrew word is qorban. They mean a gift dedicated to God and an offering. Jesus Christ condemned the practice that had developed in connection with gifts dedicated to God. The Pharisees were hypocrites because they put their own tradition ahead of Gods Law. They taught that once a person declared his possessions to be corban or a gift dedicated to God he could not use these funds to help his needy parents. The account about Jesus confrontation with the hypocritical Pharisees is found at Matthew 15:5-9 and Mark 7:913. CORD, ROPE: The words cord and rope are found several places in the Scriptures. They are used both literally and figuratively. (2 Samuel 17:13) (Ecclesiastes 12:6) (Hosea 11:4) The Greek word for rope is skhoinion. It is applied to a cord or rope made from reeds or rushes. Jesus Christ drove the sheep and cattle out of the temple using a whip of ropes at John 2:13-17. A favorite of the Scriptures is Ecclesiates 4:12, One can be overpowered by another, two can withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Other Scriptures where the terms cord and rope are used figuratively include: Ecclestiastes 12:1, 6; Psalms 2:1-9; 18:4, 5; Isaiah 5:18; 33:20; 1 Kings 20:31-34; Jeremiah 10:20. CORIANDER SEED: God provided the Israelites with manna to eat in the wilderness. The manna was said to resemble the coriander seed in that it was white like the coriander seed. (Exodus 16:31) It resembled it not only in color but also in general appearance. (Numbers 11:7) Coriander is an annual plant of the carrot or parsley

family. It grows about 20 inches in height. The leaves are like parsley and it has pink or white flower clusters. The seeds contain aromatic oil that is used as a spice. It was also used medicinally for minor stomach ailments. CORINTH: The city of Corinth was a prominent city in ancient Greece. Corinth was a large city with a population of about 400,000 people. Only Rome, Alexandria, and Syrian Antioch were larger. It was a seat of governmental authority and a leading commercial city. Ships from all over the known world at that time sailed to Corinth. It was known for licentiousness and wanton luxury. The expression to Corinthianize was often used to express the term, Practice immorality. The apostle Paul gave the Corinthian Christians stern warning regarding moral conduct. (1 Corinthians 6:9-7:11) (2 Corinthians 12:21) Corinth had temples dedicated to many other gods and goddesses and so Paul needed to counsel them against the practice of idolatry. Paul not only planted spiritual seed in Corinth, but he also watered those seeds. (Acts 18:24-28; 19:1) (1 Corinthians 3:6) He sent Titus to represent him there on two occasions and he wrote two letters to the Corintian congregation. (2 Corinthians 7:6, 7, 13; 8:6, 16, 17; 12:17, 18) CORINTHIANS, FIRST LETTER: The apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Corinthians from Ephesus in the year 55 C.E. Corinth was a morally decadent metropolis of the Roman Empire. He had established the Christian congregation there just five years before during his 18 month stay in that ciyt. (Acts 18:1-11) Because of his deep love for them he refered to himself as their spiritual father. (1 Corinthians 4:15) CORINTHIANS, FIRST LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: 1 Corinthians 1-2 Paul writes brief treates on Gods wisdom. 1 Corinthians 2:16 We have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 5:9 Do not mix in company with fornicators. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Paul lists sins that will keep from Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 7 Married versus Single 1 Corinthians 7:39 Marry only in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 11:1-3 Headship principle revealed. 1 Corinthains 12 Gifts of the Spirit presented. 1 Corinthians 13 The Love chapter..Love will last! 1 Corinthians 15 Paul writes discourse on resurrection. CORINTHIANS, SECOND LETTER: Paul wrote the second letter to the Corinthians in the autumn of 55 C.E. from Macedonia. (1 Co 16:8) Titus met him there with news about how the

Corinthians reacted to his first letter. (2 Co 2:12, 13; 7:5-7) Shortly after Paul sent his second letter he made his second visit to the Corinthians. CORINTHIANS, SECOND LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: 2 Corinthians 2:15-17 We are not corrupting the Word of God. 2 Corinthians 3:3 Letter of Christ with the Spirit of the living God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan revealed as god of this world! 2 Corinthians 5:20 Ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. 2 Corinthians 10-13 False prophets warning..Satan into angel of light. CORMORANT: The cormorant is a large web footed water bird that catches fish by diving. It is related to birds of the pelican family. It is dark in color. The cormorant is swift and agile in the water and it is very capable of swimming under water thanks to its long body and webbed feet. Its sharp hooked beak is ideal for catching fish. The cormorant is on the list of unclean birds under the Mosaic Law at Leviticus 11:17 and Deuteronomy 14:17. CORNELIUS, THE ARMY OFFICER: Cornelius was a centurion in charge of 100 soldiers of the Italian band. He was stationed at Caesarea. He was a devout man and offered many gifts of mercy to the people as well as offering continual supplication to God. An angel appeared in a vision to Cornelius saying: God hears your prayers and sees your gifts of mercy. The angel told Cornelius to send to Joppa for Peter. Cornelius was among the first uncircumcised Gentiles, or non-Jews, to receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 10:1-45) CORNERSTONE: A cornerstone is a stone placed in the corner of a building where two walls meet. The principal cornerstone is called the foundation cornerstone. It is extra strong and is used as a guide as other stones are put in place. The Hebrew word pinnah and Greek word go-nias are each rendered cornerstone. Figuratively speaking God asked Job: Who laid the earths cornerstone? at Job 38:4-7. Jesus Christ is named in the Bible as the foundation cornerstone and chief cornerstone. (Isaiah 28:16) (Matthew 21:42) (Mark 12:10) (Luke 20:17) (Acts 4:8-12) (Ephesians 2:19-22) (1 Peter 2:4-6) CORRUPT: See: INCORRUPTION

COS: Cos was the capital city of the island of Cos. The city Cos was located at the northeast end of the island. The island was off the southwest coast of Asia Minor. Cos was a commercial and navel center. The apostle Paul sailed past this city on his way from Ephesus to Caesarea at the end of his second missionary journey. (Acts 18:21, 22) The island of Cos was a Jewish center in the Aegean and it was also a free Roman state in the province of Asia. COSAM: Cosam was a descendant of Davids son Nathan. He was son of Elmadam, father of Addi and ancestor of Jesus mother Mary. (Luke 3:28) COSMETICS: While the word cosmetics is not used in the Bible the preparations that are known today as cosmetics are mentioned. A cosmetic is a substance or treatment that is applied to the human body to alter appearance and promote attractiveness. The English word cosmetic comes from the Greek word kosmetikos, which means skilled in decorating. Scented and unscented ointments were widely used by the people of Bible times. (Exdus 30:25) (1 Samuel 8:13) (Nehemiah 3:8) A woman once anointed Jesus Christs feet with perfumed oil. (Luke 7:37, 38) Mary, the sister of Lazarus used an alabaster case of perfumed oil, very expensive, genuine nard. (Mark 14:3) (John 12:3) (Matthew 26:6, 7) Jezebel used cosmetics, Jehu went to Jezreel. Jezebel had news of what happened. Painting her eyes and dressing her hair with ornaments, she put her head out of the window. (2 Kings 9:30) Some believe that the use of make-up is sinful, however, the Scriptures do not condemn the modest and tasteful use of cosmetics and articles of adornment. (Proverbs 31:30) Both Paul and Peter admonished Christian women to adorn themselves in a modest fashion. Paul wrote Timothy, Likewise I want women to adorn themselves in modest clothing, with modesty and soundness of mind; not with braided hair, and gold or pearls or costly clothes; but that which becomes a woman professing godliness through good works. (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) (1 Peter 3:3, 4) COTTON: Cotton is silky fibers produced by cotton plants. It is used to manufacture the fabric known as cotton. The Hebrew karpas and Greek karpa-sos refer to fine cotton or fine cotton linen. Cotton and linen are among the materials used for decorating the palace courtyard during King Ahasuerus seven day banquit at Shushan. (Esther 1:6) (Isaiah 19:9) The use of cotton extends far back into ancient times in Persia and India. Egypt and Palestine also used cotton and linen from the very beginning of history.

COUNCIL: The Council was the supreme religious court of the Jews. It was composed of seventy leaders of the Jewish people and presided over by the High Priest. (Mark 14:55) COURAGE: Courage is a quality of spirit that enables a person to face danger without showing fear. It is the quality of being strong, bold, daring and valiant. Courage is the opposite of fear and cowardice. The Hebrew verb chazag expresses the idea of being courageous and strong. (Joshua 10:25) (2 Samuel 13:28) (2 Chronicles 19:11) (Psalm 31:24) Gods servants have always needed courage to stay faithful. Moses told the Israelites be determined and with good courage. This is found at Deuteronomy 31:6, 7. Associating with fellow worshipers can greatly help a believer show courage. (Psalm 27:14; 31:24) (Acts 28:15) Christians need courage to help them stay away from the world and its evil influences. (John 16:33; 17:16) COURIER, RUNNER, MESSENGER: A courier or runner was someone who was selected to deliver royal decrees and other urgent correspondence from a king to distant areas. The Hebrew word ratsim means runner. (2 Chronicles 30:6, 10) (Jeremiah 51:31) Fast horses were used to carry messages in the Persian Empire. (Esther 3:13-15; 8:10, 14) COURT AND JUDGEMENT: Jehovah God is supreme sovereign and therefore He is Judge, Statute-Giver, and King. (Isaiah 33:22) God is the Supreme Judge in a legal case against Israel. (Micah 6:2; Isaiah 34:8) Jehovah calls on his witness to testify in a case involving a challenge of his Godship by the worshipers of false gods. (Isaiah 43:9-12) Jesus Christ commanded his disciples that if someone sinned against another, the matter should be settled personally between the parties involved. If these efforts failed and it was a serious matter, it should be taken to the congregation for settlement. This is done by going to those appointed to responsible positions as overseers. The apostle Paul later cautioned Christians not to be taking one another before worldly courts. (Matthew 18:1517) (1 Corinthians 1-8) COUSIN: The child of a persons aunt or uncle is a cousin. There is no word for cousin in the Hebrew Scriptures. Older English translations have used the term sons of the uncle or sons of their fathers brothers. The New Simplified Bible uses the modern English term cousin where ever possible. The Greek word anepsios is properly translated cousin. Paul calls Mark the cousin of Barnabas at Colossians 4:10. While the Bible reports the

marriages of cousins it is not always considered legal. Some civil laws allow it and others forbid it. Marriage to cousins is not included in the Mosaic prohibitions against incest. (Leviticus 18:816) COVENANT: A covenant is an agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing something. In modern legal language a covenant is a contract. Any promise made by Jehovah is a covenant and it is certain to be carried out. A covenant is in force as long as the terms of it are operative and the obligation to perform remains with both parties. The Law Covenant was in effect until it was replaced by the new covenant. The Law Covenant terms provided that the Israelites were to be a people for the name of Jehovah and there would be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Exodus 19:5, 6) (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) (Galatians 3: 19, 24) (Hebrews 10:1) (Colossians 2:17) The Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christs death on the stake. (Colossians 2:14) The new covenant replaced it. (Hebrews 7:12; 9:15) (Acts 2:1-4) The parties of the new covenant are Jehovah God and the Israel of God, the spiit begotten Christians in union with Christ. (Hebrews 8:10; 12:22-24) (Galatians 6:15, 16; 3:26-28) (Romans 2:28, 29) The purpose of the covenant is to take out a people for Jehovahs name as part of Abrahams seed. (Acts 15:14) They become the bride of Christ, and are the group of persons whom Christ takes into a covenant for the Kingdom, to rule with him. (John 3:29) (2 Corinthians 11:2) (Luke 22:29) (Revelation 1:4-6; 5:9, 10; 20:6; 21:9) COVENANT BOX: It was traditionally called the Ark of the Covenant-Deuteronomy 31:9. This wooden chest was covered with gold. It held the two stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. COVETOUSNESS: SEE GREED COW: The cow was valued for its production of milk. (Numbers 19:2) (Isaiah 7:21, 22) Cowhides were used for a variety of leather goods. Young cows or heifers were sometimes sacrifieced in worship. (Genesis 15:9) (1 Samuel 6:14, 16:2) The cow is presented in prophecy about the peaceful conditions that the Messiah Jesus Christ will bring at Isaiah 11:7. COZBI: Twenty-four thousand Israelites died for immorality in connection with Baal of Peor. Cozbi, the daughter of Zur, a Midianite, was among those who died. As a result of her immorality

she had her genital parts pierced through by Phinehas. Shortly after that Cozbis father was also killed. (Numbers 25:1, 6-9; 31:7) COZEBA: Cozeba was a place in Judah where the descendants of Shelah the son of Judah resided. (1 Chronicles 4:21-23) Most scholars agree that Cozeba was the same as Cohzib and Chezib found at Genesis 38:5 and Joshua 15:44. The men of Cozeba were included in the expression they were the potters. CRAFTSMAN: A skilled worker who practices some trade, handycraft or art is a craftsman. Crafts such as toolmaking, carpentry, brickmaking, spinning, weaving, pottery and jewelry, were considered simple household duties in early times. But as soon as people settled in cities they specialized in single skills and became professionals and tradesmen. (Genesis 4: 21, 22) (Deuteronomy 27:15) (1 Samuel 13:19) (2 Samuel 5:11) (Isaiah 45:16) The Law of Moses prohibited making idols and image worship. (Exodus 20:4) (Deuteronomy 4:15-18; 27:15) CREATION: You (Jehovah) have created all things, and because of your will they are and were created. (Revelation 4:11) Gods act of bringing the universe and all that is in it into existence is called creation. Creation is also that which has been created. The Hebrew word bara and the Greek word ktizo both mean create. They are used with reference to divine creation. Jehovah God is called the Creator.Isa 40:28. The heavens were made by the word of Jehovah, and by the breath of his mouth their entire host. (Psalm 33:6) Jehovah is a God of order, not of disorder, but of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33) His creative word would not reflect chaos or chance as evolution depicts. SEE: PLANTS AND TREES OF THE BIBLE. CRESCENS: Crescens were mentioned in Pauls second letter to Timothy. He reported that Crescens went to Galatia at 2 Timothy 4:10. CRETE: This Island is 135 miles long by 35 miles wide. Crete is the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. It is located sixty-two miles south east of Greece. Snow-covered mountains run the full length of the island in the winter. Mount Ida rises more than eight thousand feet above sea level. The apostle Paul actively preached on the island of Crete. (Acts 2:5,11; 27:6-16, 37, 38) (Titus 1:5, 10-12) CRICKET: The cricket is a leaping, jumping insect. It is related to the grasshopper, but decidedly different. It has prominent feelers at

the top of its abdomen. The house cricket and the field cricket are both found in Bible lands. It is mentioned only once at Leviticus 11:22. It is there listed as a clean food. Translators disagree how to translate this Hebrew word chargol. It is know to be a leaping insect and since it is listed along with the locust the cricket is a logical choice when translating Leviticus 11:22. CRIME: Crime is an act punishable by law, usually considered an evil act. Therefore crime is disobedience of law or lawlessness. God is a God of justice. (Psalm 37:28) (Isaiah 58:2) (Malachi 2:17) He will not allow injustice and lawlessness to continue forever. The Hebrew expression zimmah zammah found at Job 31:11 can be translated wicked mischief or heinous crime. The Greek word rhadiourgema means lewdness and crime. It is found at Acts 18:14. Gods coming execution will be against those who had commited ungodly deeds of lawlessness. (Genesis 5:21-24) (Jude 14, 15) If everyone in the world would honestly try to obey the Ten Commandments we would have a very pleasant place in which to live. As it is governments are busy building jails and prisions. (Exodus 20:1-17) (Deuteronomy 5:6-22) CRISPUS: Crispus was the presiding officer of the synagogue at Corinth. The apostle Paul personally baptized him. His entire household became Christians. (Acts 18:8) (1 Corinthians 1:14) CROSS: SEE STAKE CROWN: The crown is the uppermost section and crowning decoration of a buildings column. (2 Chronicles 3:15-17) An older word used for crown is capital. CRYSTAL: A crystal is a clear, transparent mineral. It is most likely a variety of quartz called rock crystal. Rock crystal is much harder than other minerals and is sometimes cut for gemstones. Rock crystal was valued along with coral and pearls in Jobs day. However he considered it less valuable than wisdom. (Job 28:18) Revelation speaks of a glassy sea like crystal when describing the holy city, the New Jerusalem at Revelation 4:6; 21:11 and 22:1. CUBIT: A cubit is a linear measure that is approximately the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger. (Deuteronomy 3:11) (Judges 3:16) (Ezekiel 40:5) CUCKOO, FOWL: The name cuckoo appears only once in the Bible, at 1 Kings 4:23. This was a list of daily provisions of food for

Solomons court. The Hebrew word bar-bu-rim can be translated cuckoo or fowl. CUCUMBER: Remember all the free fish we ate in Egypt and the cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, and garlic we had?--Nu 11:5. The Hebrew word qishshuah translates to the English word cucumber. Cucumbers were valued by the Israelites to the extent that they even placed lookout huts and watchmen in the gardens to protect the field of cucumbers. (Isaiah 1:8) Jeremiah likened the scarecrow in a cucumber field to the images made by idolatrous nations. (Jeremiah 10:5) CUD: Food that is brought up from the digestive system of an animal to be chewed again is cud. Animals that chewed cud and had split or cleft hooves were considered clean for eating according to the Mosaic Law. Some animal experts believe that cud-chewing animals are usually cleaner in their eating habits and that their twice-chewed food is digested more thoroughly. Clean, cud-chewing animals included: the stag, roebuck, gazelle, antelope, chamois, domestic and wild cattle, sheep and goats. (Leviticus 11:1-8, 26) (Deuteronomy 14:4-8) CUMIN: The cumin plant is of the carrot or parsley family. It grows one to two feet tall and has long, slender leaves. The seeds from this small plant are ground up and used for seasoning foods such as bread, cakes, stews and liquors. (Deuteronomy 14:22) (Leviticus 27:30) (Isaiah 28:22-29) (Matthew 23:23) (Luke 11:42) CUN: This city was under the control of King Hadadezer of Zobah. David took large amounts of copper from Cun that was later used in the temple construction. (1 Chronicles 18:8) CUPBEARER, WINE-SERVANT: An official of the royal court responsible to serve the wine or other drinks to the king was called the cupbearer or the wine-servant. His duties included tasting wine before giving it to the king. This proved that there was no poison in the beverage. (Genesis 40:1, 2, 11) (Nehemiah 1:11; 2:1) This was an important position that impressed the royalty. (Genesis 41:9-11) (2 Chronicles 9:4) The queen of Sheba was so impressed by the cupbearer that she commented about it to Solomon. Ancient illustrations of the royalty also included the cupbearer, indicating their important position.

CURSE: A curse is an appeal to a supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or something. A number of Hebrew and Greek words in the Holy Scriptures are translated by the word curse or similar expressions. The first curse was directed by God against the serpent, Satan the Devil. It is found at Genesis 3:14, 15. The ground was cursed at that time too and from that day forward it produced thorns, thistles, and weeds. (Genesis 3:17, 18; 5:29) Cain was condemned by Jehovah God to live the life of a fugitive. (Genesis 4:11, 12) The Greek Scriptures use the Greek word anathema to apply to that which is accursed and set apart as evil. The Pharisees saw the common people who paid attention to Jesus as accursed people who did not know the Law. (John 7:49) The apostle Paul pointed out that all people needed to be redeemed from the curse of the Law covenant by Christ. (Galatians 3:10, 13) The promise is made that the throne of God will be in the New Jerusalem and there will be no curse. (Revelation 22:3) CUSH: Cush is the name of a son of Ham and his territory. (Genesis 10:6-8) (1 Chronicles 1:8-10) Cush is also known as Ethiopia a country south of Egypt in northeastern Africa. CUSHAN-RISHATHAIM: Cushan-rishathaim was a king of Mesopotamia who rule over the Israelites. The Israelites were in slavery under this king for eight years. He is also called the king of Syria. (Judges 3:7-11) CUSHI, FATHER OF ZEPHANIAH: This Cushi was the father of the prophet Zephaniah. (Zephaniah 1:9) CUSHI, FOREFATHER OF BARUCH: Cushi was the forefather of Jeremiahs secretary, Baruch Jehudi. (Jeremiah 36:14) CUSHITE: The term Cushite refers to the people in the land of Cush in Africa. This land is also known as Ethiopia. It could also apply to people on the Arabian Peninsula. Cushites mentioned in the Bible include Tirhakah the king of Ethiopia. (2 Chronicles 14:9) (2 Kings 19:9), Ebed-melech (Jeremiah 38:7-12; 39:16-18); the Ethiopian eunuch who converted to Christianity. (Acts 8:26, 27) CUTTING OFF, REMOVAL, and DEATH: The punishment for Israelites who violated the Law was cutting off. It meant a cutting off in removal from the congregation and death. Rabbinic scholars differ in their understanding of this rule. Some believe that expulsion from the congregation would serve that purpose. In ancient Israel the nation was the congregation. Since death would

require governmental action it could legally be performed. Very serious crimes such as idolatry, child sacrifice, incest, bestiality and sodomy merited death. (Exodus 30:31-33, 38; 31:14) (Leviticus 7:27; 20:3-6) (Numbers 15:30, 31) (Hebrews 10:28) Jesus Christ used the term: everlasting cutting off at Matthew 25:46 in reference to the final death of a sinner. The person who is cut off or removed from the Christian congregation would suffer spiritual death if he or she did not repent and return to the fold. CUTTING THE BODY, TATTOOS: It was a common practice to cut or scratch the flesh of the arms, hands and face in times of mourning. (Jeremiah 47:5, 48:37) Inflicting lacerations upon the flesh was not limited to mourning rites. In a attempt to encourage their god to answer their appeals, the Baal prophets cut themselves with daggers and with lances until the blood flowed. (1 Ki 18:28) On occasion Israelites disregarded Gods Law against cutting their flesh. (Jeremiah 41:5) Gods Law absolutely forbade cutting upon the flesh. Tattoos are specifically forbidden. (Leviticus 19:28, 21:5) (Deuteronomy 14:1) CYMBALS: A pair of thin pieces of metal are held in the hands and struck together to the rhythm of the music, these are called symbals. (Psalm 150:5) CYPRESS TREE: The English word cypress comes from the Hebrew word teashshur. The cypress tree is an evergreen of the conebearing family. It has dark green foliage and branches that extend upward. It grows to an average height of 40 or 50 feet. A few grow as high as 80 feet tall. It is commonly found throughout Palestine, Gilead, Edom and Lebanon. (Isaiah 44:14) The Phoenicians, Cretans and Greeks used it in shipbuilding. (Ezekiel 27:6) CYRENE: Cyrene was located on the north coast of Africa. It was ten miles inland on a plateau, 1800 feet above the Mediterranean Sea. The Greeks settled this ancient capital of the district of Cyrenaica in the seventh century B.C.E. It became one of their greatest colonies. Cyrene was under the control of Rome by 96 B.C.E. Simon of Cyrene was forced to help carry the stake for Jesus. (Matthew 27:32) (Mark 15:21) (Luke 23:26) Men from Cyrene assisted in the initial introduction of the good news of Jesus at Syrian Antioch. (Acts 11:20) CYPRUS: Cyprus is an island in the northeast corner of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, after Sicily and Sardinia. It is about 145 miles long

and about 60 miles wide. Cyprus is believed to be the Kittim of the Hebrew Scriptures. (Isaiah 23:1, 12)(Daniel 11:30) The island is known for its copper and timber industry. (Ezekiel 27:2, 6) Paul, Barnabas and John Mark went to Cyprus on their first missionary tour. (Acts 11:19, 20)

SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY D DABBESHETH: This town in Zebulun was located somewhere east of Jokneam on the Plain of Jezreel. (Joshua 19:11) DABERATH: Daberath was mentioned in the boundary list of Zebulun at Joshua 19:10, 12. However, it was regarded as belonging to the neighboring tribe of Issachar in a latter apportionment. (Joshua 21:27, 28) (1 Chronicles 6:71, 72) DAGGER AND SWORD: A dagger is a short stabbing weapon with a pointed blade. The Hebrew word cherev is rendered sword. It may also be rendered dagger or knife. (Genesis 3:24) (1 Kings 18:28) (Exodus 20:25) (Joshua 5:2) The sword was similar to the dagger only the sword was longer. (1 Samuel 17:51) (1 Kings 3:24, 25) DAGGER MEN: Greek: sikarioi means men of the dagger. They were called that because they concealed knives under their garments. Dagger men were members of a fanatical political Jewish faction in the first century C.E. They rioted against Paul in Jerusalem. (Acts 21:30-38) DAGON: Dagon was a god of the Philistines. It is believed that the Philistines adopted Dagon worship from the Canaanites. (Joshua 15:41; 19:27) The Philistines probably carried idols of their god Dagon into battle. (2 Samuel 5:21) DALETH: Daleth was the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. DALMANUTHA: Jesus and his disciples took a boat to Dalmanutha. It is possible that Dalmanutha was another name for Magadan or it was a nearby place with that name. (Mark 8:1-10) (Matthew 15:2939) DALMATIA: The name Dalmatia is often used instead of Illyricum the name of the province. Dalmatia was an area in the mountainous

region near the Adriatic Sea where Yugoslavia is today. Titus traveled to Dalmatia just before the apostle Paul was executed. (2 Timothy 4:6-10) DALPHON: Dalphon was one of Hamans ten sons. (Esther 9:7, 10) DAMARIS: Damaris heard the apostle Paul preach at the Athenian Areopagus and became a believer. (Acts 17:33, 34) DAMASCENES: The residents of Damascus are called Damascenes. (2 Corinthians 11:32) (Acts 9:23-25) DAMASCUS: This ancient city of Syria still exists at the foot of the Anti-Lebanon Mountain Range near Mount Hermon. It is situated on a plateau at about 2,300 feet above sea level. It enjoys a pleasant climate with average temperatures in the winter of 45 degrees faranheidt and 84 degrees in the summer. The land produces an abundance of olives, figs, apricots and grain. It was noted for its commercial activities. (1 Kings 20:34) DAN, THE TRIBE: Dan was the fifth of Jacobs 12 sons. He was born in Paddanaram. (Genesis 35:25, 26) The tribe of Israel that he established was named after him. They were the second most populous tribe as to men of battle age. Dans tribe camped alongside the tribes of Asher and Naphtali. When the people of Israel marched, the Danites assumed the very important position as rear guard. This was a compliment to their courage and dependability. (Numbers 2:25-31; 10:25) DAN, THE CITY: Dan was a city in the north of Palestine. It was first called Leshem or Laish by the pagan inhabitants and the name was changed to Dan after the tribe of Dan captured it. (Joshua 19:47) (Judges 18:7, 27-29) The name Dan became synonymous with the extreme northern part of Israel as shown by the expression from Dan to Beersheba. (Deuteronomy 34:1) (Judges 20:1) (1 Samuel 3:20) (2 Samuel 3:10) (1 Kings 4:25) (2 Chronicles 30:5) DANCE, DANCING: Dancing is a series of rhythmical steps and movements offered in time to music. Most ancient races of people employed dance as a way to express their emotions. It was a religious expression. Hebrew: the verb chul means whirl, turn, dance. (Judges 21:21) (Jeremiah 30:23) (Lamentations 4:6) The noun machohl and mecholah refer to dance and circle dance. (Jeremiah 31:4) (Psalm 150:4) (Judges 21:21) Jesus likened his

generation to young children playing and dancing in the marketplace at Matthew 11:16-19 and Luke 7:31-35. DANIEL: The writer of the book of Daniel was an outstanding prophet of Jehovah God. He was from the tribe of Judah. Daniel was taken captive to Babylon in 617 B.C.E. as a teenage prince along with other royal offspring and nobles. (Daniel 1:3-6) When he received the vision recorded in chapters 10 through 12 Daniel was nearly 100 years old. The angel told Daniel: Go toward the end, for you will enter into rest. Then you will rise for your determined condition in life at the end of the days. He was evidently talking about his impending death and later his resurrection. (Daniel 12:13) DANIEL, THE BOOK: The book of Daniel is a prophetic book found immediately after Ezekiel. The book was written in Babylon, with one of its visions in Shushan by the Ulai River. It was completed about 536 B.C.E. Daniel gives details about the rise and fall of world powers from the time of ancient Babylon until the time when the Kingdom of God crushes all the kingdoms of this world out of existance forever. (Daniel 2:44; 7:13, 14, 27) DANIEL HIGHLIGHTS: Daniel 2 Daniel reveals meaning of Nebuchadnezzars dream. Daniel 3 Hebrews refuse to worship image thrown into fiery furnace. Daniel 4 King dreams of tree. Daniel 5 Handwriting on wall at Belshazzars feast Daniel 6 Daniel thrown into lions pit. Daniel 7 Vision of four beasts revealed. Daniel 9 Seventy prophetic weeks prophecy of Messiah. DANITES: Danites were the members of the tribe of Dan. See: DAN, THE TRIBE. DAN-JAAN: Dan-jaan is mentioned once in the Scriptures. It was a place on the route followed by Joab when he took the census ordered by David. (2 Samuel 24:1-6) The term Dan-jaan may refer to the city of Dan. (1 Chronicles 21:2) (Judges 18:28, 29) DANNAH: Dannah was a city located in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:49) DARA, DARDA: Though his wisdom rivaled that of Solomon it was not equal. Dara or Darda was a descendant of Judah through Zerah. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 6) (1 Kings 4:31)

DARIC: The daric was a gold Persian coin weighing .27 oz, worth perhaps $100 in todays U.S. currency. It was coined for two centuries from the late sixth century B.C.E. It pictured a kneeling king with a spear in his right hand and a bow in his left. (1 Chronicles 29:7) (Ezra 8:27) DARIUS: The name Darius is applied to three kings in the Bible. It might have been used as a title or throne name instead of a personal name. The major character named Darius was Darius the Med, the successor to the Chaldean King Belshazzar following the conquest of Babylon by the army of Cyrus the Persian. (Daniel 5:30,31) He was the son of Ahasuerus of the seed of the Medes. (Daniel 9:1) The second Darius was Darius Hystaspis the Persian. He was also known as Darius the Great. He was involved in rebuilding the temple when he ordered Governor Tattenai not to interfere with the work and to provide building funds from the royal treasury. This account is found at Ezra Chapters 4 thru 7. The third Darius was Darius Ochus who ruled from 423 to 405 B.C.E. DARKON: Darkons descendants were among the sons of the servants of Solomon who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 55, 56) (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 57, 58) DATE: The date palm produces fruit called dates. The tree is common to Palestine. The fruit is oval shaped, fleshy and sweet tasting. The Shulammite maiden describes the dark locks of her lovers hair as dark date clusters. (Song of Solomon 5:11) Solomon used a unique description of the Shulammite maiden, he said: Your stature is like a palm tree, and your breasts to clusters of dates. (Song of Solomon 7:7, 8) DATHAN: Dathan was the son of Eliab of the tribe of Reuben. He was brother of Abrams and Nemuel. They supported the Levite Korah in his rebellion against the authority of Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 16:1-35; 26:7-11) (Deuteronomy 11:6) (Psalm 106:17) DAUGHTER: Hebrew bath and Greek thy-gater translate to daughter. (Genesis 5:4) (Matthew 14:6) (Acts 21:9) Girls positions were less honored than that of boys, and their names have not been recorded as often in history. (1 Chronicles 2:34, 35) Yet most parents loved their daughters very much and protected their interests. Aside from direct relatives, the term daughter was applied to women in general. (Genesis 6:2, 4; 30:13) (Proverbs 31:29)

DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: The wife of ones son is the daughter-in-law. This term comes from the Hebrew word kallah and Greek word nymphe. They are also translated bride. (Song of Solomon 4:8-12) (Isaiah 61:10) (Jeremiah 7:34) (John 3:29) (Revelation 18:23; 21:2,9; 22:17) Ruth is a good example of a loyal and devoted companion to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruths determined expression of love is exemplified in her statement to Naomi at Ruth 1:16: Do not ask me to leave you! Let me go with you. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. She went on to say: May Jehovahs worst punishment come upon me if I let anything but death separate me from you! (Ruth 1:6-17, 22; 4:14, 15) Read the book of Ruth, a story of love, faith and hope. DAVID THE KING: The name David occurs more than 1,070 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. He wrote 73 psalms including psalm 51, expressing his deep regret and repentance for committing adultery with Bath-Sheba. He ruled as king over Judah and all Israel for nearly 40 years. Jesus was the offspring of David according to the flesh. (Luke 1:32) (Romans 1:3) (Revelation 22:16) This fulfilled the prophecy and the will of Jehovah God. Davids son, Solomon, succeeded him as king. DAVIDS CITY: In the Hebrew Scriptures the reference is to that part of the city of Jerusalem captured from the Jebusites by King David. (1 Samuel 20:6) The reference in the Greek Scriptures is to the town of Bethlehem, Davids boyhood home, where Jesus was born. (Luke 2:4) DAY: A day could be a literal twelve or twenty-four hours. (John 11:9) A day could be a longer period of time such as the days of Noah. (Luke 17:26-30) (Matthew 24:37) Jesus said that no one knows the day (hemera) or the hour (hora) at Matthew 24:36. The Greek words hemera and hora stand for a period of time. It could be long or short depending on the context of the verse. A good example, the Bible does not specify the length of each creative day. Each creative day could be more than one thousand years in length. (Psalm 90:4) DAY FOR A YEAR: (Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34) A prophetic formula applied at Daniel 4:16, 23 and Daniel 9:24-26. DAY OF JEHOVAH: This is the special period of time when Jehovah God actively makes himself known against his enemies, in behalf of his people. It is not a 24-hour period! Jehovah executes

divine judgment against the wicked and is victorious over his enemies. It is a time of salvation and deliverance for the righteous. Isaiah was told: The day of Jehovah is coming with fury and with burning anger! (Isaiah 13:9) Who can hold up under it? Joel says: Jehovah will be a refuge for his people. (Joel 2:11; 3:16) Zephaniah 1:14 declares: The great day of Jehovah is near! The overwelming strength and weight of the judgment message found in Gods Word should be enough to convince any right hearted person to repent, obey Jehovah, and follow the advise found at Zephaniah 2:2, 3: Before the decree takes effect. Before the day passes like the chaff. Before the fierce anger of Jehovah comes upon you. Yes, before the day of Jehovah's anger comes upon you. Seek Jehovah all you meek ones of the earth, you who have obeyed his Law! Seek righteousness! Seek meekness that you may be hidden in the day of Jehovah's anger. (The Hebrew word ulayulay means may be orallowed to be. The Septuagint says it this way: you may be hid. The Hebrew word sathar means concealed, hidden, protected. DEAD SEA: This is a large lake at the south end of the Jordan River. Several small streams flow into it, however it has no outlet. It has so much salt that nothing lives in it. It is also referred to as the Salt Sea. (Genesis 14:3) (Numbers 34:3) (Joshua 3:16) DEAFNESS: Deafness is partial or complete inability to hear. The Bible deals with both physical deafness as well as spiritual deafness. The psalmist compared the wicked, who refuse to listen to direction, to a cobra that makes itself deaf to the voice of charmers. (Psalm 58:3-5) Isaiah pointed out that Israelites, although having ears, were as though deaf for they were slow to listen and respond to Jehovahs Word. (Isaiah 42:18-20; 43:8) He said when they heard the word of Jehovah they would no longer be spiritually deaf. (Isaiah 29:18; 35:5) ***************************************************** DEATH: Death is the opposite of life. The words for death in the original Hebrew language are the same when applied to humans, animals, and plants. The dead know nothing and are unconscious. (Ecclesiastes 3:19; 9:5) (John 12:24) (Revelation 16:3) Humans and animals are the same in that the life (soul) of flesh is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:11-14) (Genesis 4:8-11; 9:3, 4) Moses spoke about the sleep of death in his prayer at Psalm 90:5. Some translations say: They are as asleep. Moses was indeed a

man who knew God and understood the truth about death as revealed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus demonstrated the condition of the dead by delaying his trip to see Lazarus until he had died. Word came that Lazarus was dead. (John 11:11-15) Jesus said: I go to wake Lazarus from sleep. Then Jesus said: Lazarus has died! There would be no need for the resurrection if the dead were infact alive as a happy spirit being in heaven or suffering much pain in hateful hellfire. But the dead do not live until God brings them back to life again. ****************************************************** DEBIR, KING OF EGLON: Debir was the Canaanite King of Eglon. Eglon was one of four small kingdoms allied with Jerusalem to attack the city of Gibeon. They did so because Gibeon surrendered to, and made peace with Joshua. Therefore all the kings west of Jordan gathered themselves together to fight with Joshua and with Israel. (Joshua 9:1, 2) When Debir and the other kings laid siege against Gibeon, Joshuas army came to the rescue. (Joshua 10:1-27) DEBIR, THE CANAANITE CITY: Debir was a Canaanite city in the mountains of Judah, about 8 miles southwest of Hebron. It was the center of Canaanite religious and legal education and activities. It was also named Kiriath-sepher and Kiriath-sannah. (Joshua 10:38, 39; 15:15, 49) (Judges 1:11; 21:9, 15) (1 Chronicles 6:54, 58) It was in the inheritance of Judah but became a Levitical city of the Kohathites. DEBIR, AT ACHOR PLAIN: This Debir was a place along Judahs boundary. (Joshua 15:7) It is believed to be Thogheret ed-Debir, southwest of Jericho. DEBIR, ON BOUNDARY OF GAD: This was the home of Machir, 10 miles south of the Sea of Galilee. It was on the boundary of Gad in Gilead. (Joshua 13:26) (2 Samuel 9:4-6; 17:27-29) DEBORAH THE PROPHETESS AND JUDGE: Deborah was a prophetess in Israel. She was the wife of Lappidoth. (Judges 4:4) And she was a judge, for the Scriptures say that she held court under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim. The children of Israel came to her for judgement. (Judges 4:5) Under Jehovahs direction Deborah summoned Barak from Kedesh-naphtali and informed him of Gods purpose to take 10,000 men and defeat the huge army of the Canaanite King Jabin and his army chief Sisera. (Judges 4:6-10; 17-22) Deborah and Barak sang a

song on the day of victory. Some of the song was written in the first person of Deborah, indicating that she was the composer. It was the custom for women to celebrate victories with song and dance. (Exodus 15:20,21) (Judges 11:34) (1 Samuel 18:6, 7) (Psalms 68:11) Judges Chapter 5 features the song that Deborah and Barak sang. DEBT, DEBTOR, SERVANT, SLAVE: A debt is an obligation owed to someone. Debts were incurred because of financial reverses. When an Israelite became a debtor the borrower became the lenders servant or slave. (Proverbs 22:7) The first-century Christian view of debts is expressed at Romans 13:8: Owe no man anything but to love one another. Todays modern materialistic societies tend to force families and individuals into debt for housing, transportation and even luxuries. DECALOGUE: Deca means ten and Logue means words, thus tenwords. Logue also represents the body of law. SEE: TEN COMMANDMENTS. DECAPOLIS: Greek: Dekapolis means ten-city region. It is in Syria southeast of Lake Galilee. (Matthew 4:25) (Mark 5:20) DEDAN, THE CUSHITE: Dedan was a Cushite in the lineage of Raamah. His offspring settled part of Arabia. (Genesis 10:7) (1 Chronicles 1:9) DEDAN, DESCENDANT OF ABRAHAM: Dedan was a descendant of Abraham through Jokshan. The Dedanites settled south and southeast of the Promised Land in the same area that Abraham sent all his offspring through Keturah. (Genesis 25:3, 6) (1 Chronicles 1:32) Dedans unwillingness to adopt Jehovahs ways made it inevitable that it, like Edom, would ultimately be destined to taste of the cup of the wine of Jehovahs rage. (Jeremiah 25:15, 21, 23) Dedan is named at Ezekiel 27:15, 20 as a commercial trader with Tyre. It also is associated with the plundering of Gods people by Gog of Magog. (Ezekiel 38:13) DEDICATE: When a person dedicates his or her life to God he separates or sets apart his life for a sacred purpose. The Hebrew verb nazar means keep separate and withdraw. The Greek word enkainizo means to dedicate and inaugurate. SEE: INAUGURATE

DEED: A deed is a written agreement containing legal terms to accomplish the intended purpose of transferring real estate. (Jeremiah 32:6-15) DEFECT: SEE BLEMISH DEKER: Deker was the father of one of Solomons 12 deputies. Dekers son provided food for Solomon and his household one month out of the year. (1 Kings 4:7, 9) DELAIAH, THE PRIEST: Delaiah was an Aaronic priest during Davids reign. He was chosen by lot to head the 23rd priestly division. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 5, 18) DELAIAH, SON OF SHEMAIAH: He was the son of Shemaiah. Delaiah was one of the princes in the court of King Jehoiakim who heard Baruch read the book of Jeremiah and reported it to the king. He and two other princes pleaded with the king not to burn Jeremiahs book, but King Jehoiakim burned it. (Jeremiah 36:1126) DELAIAH, DESCENDANTS COULD NOT PROVE ISRAELITE CITIZENSHIP: This mans offspring came to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. but could not prove he was an Israelite. (Ezra 2:1, 59, 60) (Nehemiah 7:61, 62) DELAIAH, SON OF MEHETABEL: This Delaiah was the son of Mehetabel. He was the father of the Shemaiah who was hired by Sanballat and Tobiah to intimidate Nehemiah the governor. (Nehemiah 6:10-13) DELAIAH, SON OF ELIOENAI: This Delaiah was one of Elioenais seven sons. He was the descendant of David through Solomon and Zerubbabel. (1 Chronicles 3:10, 24) DELILAH: Delilah lived in the Sorek Valley. She became Samsons love interest in the final part of his 20-year judgeship. (Judges 16:31) The axis lords of the Philistines offered Delilah a financial reward if she would find out where Samsons great power originated. He finally told her of his Naziriteship and that no razor had ever touched his head. While he slept she cut off the seven braids of his hair. When he awakened his power was gone. (Judges 16:4-21)

DEMAS: Demas was a fellow worker of the apostle Paul. He was in Rome with the apostle during his first imprisonment. (Colossians 4:14) (Philemon 24) Paul wrote that Demas forsook him because of his love for the present world. He does not say Demas became apostate or an opposer. He leaves that to our imagination. (2 Timothy 4:10) DEMETRIUS THE SILVERSMITH: Demetrius was a silversmith at the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor. He caused a riot against the apostle Paul and his companions during their stay between 53 and 55 C.E. Demetrius had a successful business making silver shrines of the goddess Artemis. He was losing business because of the number of newly converted Christians who no longer purchased his products. (Acts 19:18, 19, 23-41; 20:1) DEMETRIUS THE CHRISTIAN WHO DELIVERED JOHNS LETTER: Demetrius was mentioned in the apostle Johns letter to Gaius about 98 C.E. John recommended Demetrius and encouraged Gaius to offer him hospitality. It was a custom of the congregations to assist in providing food and lodging for the faithful brothers who traveled in behalf of the good news. (3 John 1, 12) DEMON: A demon is an evil spirit with the power to harm people. Demons were regarded as messengers and servants of the Devil. (Matthew 12:24) (Luke 8:27-33) DEMON POSSESSION: Demonized persons were controlled and influenced by these invisible wicked spirit beings. They were afflicted in many ways including, blindness, insanity and possession of superhuman strength. Sometimes many demons took control of a single human at the same time. (Matthew 9:32; 12:22; 17:15) (Mark 5:2-5) (Luke 8:2, 29, 30; 9:42; 11:14) (Acts 19:16) Jesus exercised authority over the demons and he gave this authority to his 12 apostles as well. (Matthew 10:8) (Mark 3:15; 6:13) (Luke 9:1; 10:17) Mental health experts in our modern society sometimes claim that demon possession was in fact insanity or other mental health problems. Bible believers often explain mental health problems by saying it is caused by the influence of demons. It is reasonable to believe that both the mental health experts and the Bible believers are correct. Demon Possession would certainly cause extreme mental anguish. DENARIUS: This silver Roman coin weighed 0.124 ounce and would have a modern day value of about one dollar U.S. It was

inscribed with the head of Caesar and was the head-tax coin collected by the Romans from the Jews. (Matthew 22:19-21) Common laborers were paid a denarius for a 12-hour workday. (Matthew 20:2) Thus, Revelation 6:6 describes an extreme condition of famine by stating: a quart of wheat for a denarius, a full days wage. DEPENDENT TOWNS, SURROUNDING TOWNS: Small towns in the neighborhood of a larger town or city were known as dependent towns. This is similar to the suburbs today near the big cities. (1 Chronicles 18:1) Sometimes the bigger towns were called mother cities. (Jeremiah 4:5; 8:14) DERBE: Derbe was a city of Lycaonia in Asia Minor. The apostle Paul personally visited Derbe two or three times. (Acts 14:6, 19-21; 20:4) DESERT: SEE WILDERNESS. DESCENDANTS, OFFSPRING: Family members who are born to a person or his children or his childrens children are considered descendants. (Genesis 13:14-16; 15:12-18) DESTRUCTION: Destruction is termination by an act that destroys, ruins, eliminates, annihilates or demolishes. It is a final state that puts an end to an object or living creature. Destruction often refers to the physical end to something or some being. (2 Kings 21:3) (Jeremiah 18:7) (Daniel 2:12, 14, 18) It also refers to spiritual ruin such as at 1 Corinthians 3:17. When something or someone is destroyed it no longer exists. Conscientious individuals are rightfully concerned about the possibility of eternal destruction. Jesus referred to this in his parable of the sheep and the goats at Matthew Chapter 25. Then he will tell those on his left: Depart from me, you cursed, into the ever-burning fire that is prepared for the devil and his [fallen] angels. (Matthew 25:41,46) Ever-burning fire is a symbol of eternal destruction. Jesus used fire to illustrate the complete destruction of the wicked. (Matthew 13:40-42, 49, 50) Remember, a truly loving God would not torture his creation through out eternity. SEE: GEHENNA, HADES and SEE HELL. DETESTABLE, ABHORRANT, DISGUSTING: The Hebrew word taav means detestable, abhorrent, abominable, deeply despised and loathsome. Its related phrase tohevah meaning detestable

thing is also used many times. The two Hebrew terms occur about 140 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Genesis 43:32; 46:34) (Exodus 8:25-27) Proverbs 29:27 states: An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous. He who is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked. Psalm 14:1 says: The fool says in his heart: There is no God. They are corrupt. They do disgusting things. No one does good. (Job 30:9, 10; 19:19) (Psalms 88:8) (Proverbs 13:19) (Isaiah 49:7) (Matthew 5:10-12) (1 Peter 3:16; 4:1-5)

DEUEL: Deuel was the father of Eliasaph. Eliasaph was the leader in command of the tribe of Gad during Israels travels in the wilderness. (Numbers 1:14; 2:14; 7:42, 47; 10:20)

DEUTERONOMY, THE BOOK: The name Deuteronomy comes from the Septuagint Greek title: Deu-te-ro-nomi-on. It means Second Law or Repetition of the Law. This Greek word is a translation of the Hebrew phrase in Deuteronomy 17:18: mish-neh hat-toh-rah. This is rendered Copy of the Law. Deuteronomy contains discourses explaining portions of the Law and exhorting Israel to love and obey God. It was written by Moses just before Israel entered the Promised Land. Throughout the book he emphasizes that Jehovah is the Most High God. He states clearly that God exacts exclusive devotion and that we should love him with all our hearts, minds and strength. (Deuteronomy 5:9, 10; 6:4-6; 10:12-22) The fact that God is one God is emphatically stated. (Deuteronomy 6:4) Deuteronomy is one of the four books in the Hebrew Scriptures most often quoted in the Christian Greek Scriptures, the others are Genesis, Psalms, and Isaiah. DEVIL, SATAN: Formerly an angel who served God, Satan the Devil rebelled and became an enemy of God and his people. He is the god of this world and the Bible specifically states that at 2 Corinthians 4:4. When the devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if Jesus would worship him. (Matthew 4:1-11) (Luke 4:1-13) James wisely tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) DEVOTION TO GOD: The true God of the Bible, Jehovah God requires total exclusive devotion. He does not tolerate any rivalry. He will not permit worship of any other god. The Hebrew word

qanna applies toward God and no one else. It means require exclusive devotion and is found at Exodus 20:5. God will not transfer to another being the honor that is due to himself! (Isaiah 42:8; 44:6; 48:11) Devotion means strong attachment and ardent love. This is required by divine Law as stated at Deuteronomy 5:6-9. SEE: JEALOUS MEANS ZEALOUS DEW: Dew is a small drop of water produced by the condensation of moisture in the air. The Hebrew word for dew is tal. It also means light rain. (Proverbs 3:20) Dew is associated with blessing, fertility and abundance in the Scriptures. (Genesis 27:28) (Deuteronomy 33:13, 28) (Zechariah 8:12) The lack of dew is associated with a disfavored condition. (Genesis 27:39) (Haggai 1:10) Love and unity that prevailed among Gods people is conveyed as refreshing like the dew of Hermon. Delightful vapors of dew condensed upon Zions mountains. (Psalm 133:1-3) DIADEM: This is a crown, headgear worn by persons of distinction, such as kings, queens and other rulers. The diadem was a simple band worn around the forehead. (2 Chronicles 23:11) (Leviticus 21:10-12) (2 Samuel 1:10) Used figuratively at Proverbs 12:4 we learn that a capable wife is a crown to her husband. Grayheadedness is like a glorious crown of beauty at Proverbs 16:31. Paul referred to a crown of exultation at 1 Thessalonians 2:19,20. At Revelation 19:12 Jesus Christ had upon his head many diadems, meaning much authority and power. DIAMOND: The diamond is a precious stone. It is the hardest natural mineral yet discovered and among the most valuable of gems. Diamonds are usually colorless, however a few have tints of color. Jehovah referred to the hard materials in diamonds when he said: Judahs sin is written with an iron pen. It is engraved with a diamond point on the tablet of their hearts. (Jeremiah 17:1, 2) DIBLAH: Diblah is a copyists error. Most scholars agree this should read Riblah. SEE RIBLAH. DIBLAIM: Diblaim was the parent of Hoseas wife Gomer. (Hosea 1:2, 3. DIBON, THE CITY: Dibon was a city east of the Dead Sea. It was captured from the Moabites by Sihon the Amorite. Later it was taken from him by Israel when the Israelites entered the land under the direction of Moses. (Numbers 21:25-30) The tribe of Gad lived there and rebuilt Dibon. It was then given the name Dibon-gad.

(Numbers 32:34; 33:45, 46) Later in history Dibon became a Moabite city again. (Isaiah 15:2) Jeremiah prophesied that Dibon would sit on the ground in the dust. (Jeremiah 48:18. After the fall of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. Nebuchadnezzar thoroughly devistated Moab. He may have at that time left Dibon sitting on the ground in the dust. (Jeremiah 25:9, 17-21) Some Bible experts consider Dibon to be the same as Dimon in Isaiah 15:9. DIBON, PLACE IN JUDAH: This place is thought by some to be the same is Dimonah. (Joshua 15:22) DIBRI: Dibri was an Israelite of the tribe of Dan. His daughter Shelomith married an Egyptian. After the Exodus from Egypt the son of this union was stoned to death. (Leviticus 24:10-16, 23) DIDRACHMA: The Jews paid a yearly temple tax of two drachmas, or a didrachma. (Matthew 17:24) This is a Greek silver coin having a value of two drachmas. It is about $1.50 in American money. DIKLAH: Diklah was a descendant of Shem through Joktan. (Genesis 10:21, 26, 27) (1 Chronicles 1:17, 20) DILEAN: Dilean was a Judean city in the Shephelah southwest of Lachish. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 38) DILL: Dill is also known as Cumin. It is a small garden plant whose stems, leaves, and seeds are used for seasoning food. (Matthew 23:23) DIMON: Dimon was a place spoken about in Isaiahs pronouncement of doom upon Moab. The slaughter of the Moabites caused the water of Dimon to become full of blood. (Isaiah 15:9) DIMONAH: Dimonah was a southern city of Judah near the border of Edom. (Joshua 15:21-22) It could be the same as the city of Dibon found at Nehemiah 11:25. DINAH: Dinah was the daughter of Jacob by Leah. She could have been six years old when Jacob returned to Canaan and settled at Succoth. (Genesis 30:21, 22, 25; 31:41) Years later Dinah came to Egypt with the rest of Jacobs household at the invitation of Joseph. (Genesis 46:7, 15) DINHABAH: Bela the son of Beor reigned in Edom. His city was Dinhabah. (Genesis 36:32)

DIONYSIUS: This man was an Areopagite. He was a judge of the Athenian Areopagus, who heard Pauls defense and became a Christian. (Acts 17:34) DIOTREPHES: This man was mentioned by the apostle John in his letter to Gaiusl. (3 John 9, 10) Diotrephes was ambitious and disrespectful of apostolic authority. He was rebellious and tried to hinder those trying to show hospitality to the brothers. DIPHATH: Diphath was a descendant of Noah through Japheth and Gomer. He was called Riphath in the Latin Vulgate. (1 Chronicles 1:4-6) (Genesis 10:3) DIRGE: A dirge is a lamentation, a mournful composition, lyrical or musical expression of deep sorrow. It was often expressed over the death of a close friend or loved one. The Hebrew word qi-nah is translated mournful lamentation or a dirge. (2 Chronicles 35:25) (Ezekiel 2:10) (Amos 8:10) The book of Lamentations is a dirge written by Jeremiah. It expresses grief over the desolation and destruction of Jerusalem at Babylonian hands in 607 B.C.E. Prophetic dirges were raised up against Tyre and its king as well as against Pharaoh and Egypt. (Ezekiel 26:17; 27:1, 2; 28:11-19; 32:216) The New Simplified Bible uses the words dirge and lamentation interchangeably. DISCHARGE: This expression was applied to the normal monthly menstrual flow of women. (Leviticus 15:19-24) It can also apply to an abnormal flow of blood due to disease. (Leviticus 15:25-30) Jesus healed a woman who had chronic flow of blood for 12 years. (Matthew 9:20-22) It also applies to conditions of the genital organs of men and women. (Leviticus 15:2, 19, 25) (Numbers 5:2, 3) (2 Samuel 3:29) According to the Law, a person with a discharge was unclean along with everything that person touched. (Leviticus 15) DISCIPLE: A person who follows and learns from someone else. Greek: mathetes means a student. (Matthew 10:24) Every Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ. We learn from Jesus by studying the Word of God. DISCIPLINE: The Hebrew word musar means chastisement, reproof, instruction and correction. Jehovah provides discipline as an expression of his love for his people. (Proverbs 3:11-12) (Hebrew 12:4-11) When Gods Word is read and obeyed by his people it provides discipline, admonition, correction and reproof. (2 Timothy

3:16) This is because the Holy Spirit works through the reading and application of the Holy Scriptures. (Hebrews 4:12) The head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ, provides needed discipline. (Revelation 3:14-19) A severe form of discipline is expulsion from the congregation. The Apostle Paul resorted to this when he handed Alexander and Hymenaeus over to Satan. (1 Timothy 1:20) Once the sinner repents he or she is restored to fellowship with Gods people. (1 Corinthians 5:5, 11-13) DISGUSTING ABOMINATION: The Hebrew noun shegets means loathsome and the Hebrew noun shiqguts means disgusting. (Leviticus 11:11,13, 43; 20:25) These terms refer to that which is repugnant to Jehovah and his true worship. Common renderings of these words include disgusting, repugnant, and abominable. Daniel used the term: abomination that makes desolate at Daniel 9:27. Jesus Christ used a similar term: disgusting abomination of desolation at Matthew 24:15. The Greek word bdelyg-ma means, that which caused disgust. It is found at Mark 13:14. Different translators use different combinations of words to express the same meaning. DISTAFF: Loosely wound fibers of flax or wool were drawn by the stick called the distaff and then attached to the spindle to make thread. (Proverbs 31:19) DISTRICT, DIVISION: The Bible speaks about geographical and political regions or areas around a city or state. These are sometimes called districts or divisions. (Nehemiah 3:9, 12, 14-18) (Acts 13:50) (Matthew 19:1; 2:16; 15:22; 16:12) DISTRICT OF THE JORDAN RIVER: The district of the Jordan River is the oval shaped basin into which the Jordan River flows. (1 King 7:46) (2 Chronicles 4:17) (2 Samuel 18:23) It also extends down to the southern end of the Dead sea. (Genesis 13:10-12; 19:1725) (Deuteronomy 34:3) DIZAHAB: A site east of the Jordan River where Israel camped at the time Moses delivered his farewell address. (Deuteronomy 1:1) DIVINE: That which emanates from a deity. Things divine belong to God, such as his nature and personality traits. The Hebrew text at Joshua 22:22 and Psalm 50:1 read: El Elohim Yehwah. It may be translated God of Gods, The Almighty One, God; The Mighty One, God; or the Divine One, God. The New Simplified Bible uses

all three phrases as follows: the Mighty, Divine One is God of Gods, Jehovah! The Greek term theos means God. Related words such as theios, theiotes, and theotes are found at Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; Colossians 2:9; and 2 Peter 1:3, 4. Many translators use terms such as Godhead, the Deity, or the divinity. According to the New International Standard Bible Encyclopedia the expression to theion is derived from the adjective theios; meaning pertaining to God and divine. The term divine nature appropriately fits in these instances. DIVINE NAME: Hebrew: YHWH. Possibly, Yahowah, Yahuwah, Yahweh or Jehovah. Since this is an English Translation the name Jehovah has been used. Most Bible translators remove the divine name about 7,000 times as if it did not exist in the original text. And yet they retain the names of many false gods mentioned in the original text. Included in this list are Baal, Bel, Merodach, and even Satan! Bible writer Agur asked: Who gathered the wind in the hollow of both hands? Who wrapped up the waters in a mantle? Who made the ends of the earth to rise? What is his name and what is his sons name? (Proverbs 30:4) God revealed his name to us at Isaiah 42:8: I am Jehovah; that is my name! The apostle Paul quoted Joel 2:32 at Romans 10:13 where he said: Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. Hallelujah means, praise Jah, which is a shortened form of Jehovah. The divine name is used out of respect for our God who has a name! It belongs in the Hebrew Scriptures 6,828 times. The English rendering of Gods personal name is Jehovah. Yah0wah may be considered by some to be the closest to the divine name in the Hebrew Language, but Jehovah is still closest to the divine name in the English Language. William Tyndale first restored it to the English Bible in the year 1530. It is the closest rendering in English. We do not know the exact spelling or pronunciation, however Jehovah has been used for centuries, and its equivalent is widely accepted and used in many languages today. No one knows for sure how to spell or pronounce the divine name just as no one knows how to write or spell Jesus, the Son of Gods name. The important thing is that we use it with respect and out of love.

It is a fact, everywhere you read in the Holy Scriptures you find His name! And that requires an honest attempt to use it. There is no good reason to hide Gods name with the use of titles such as LORD or GOD in all capital letters. Is Jesus God? God leaves no doubt in his Word about the identity of Jesus! There was a voice from heaven that said: This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved. (Matthew 3:16,17) Jesus is the SON OF GOD and is identified that way many times in the Greek Scriptures. DIVINE NAME-TRANSLATIONS THAT HONOR THE DIVINE NAME: The following is a list of Bible translations that include the English divine name Jehovah: New World Translation 1984, New Simplified Bible 2003, Darby 1889, American Standard Version 1901, Literal Translation of the Holy Bible 2000, and Youngs Literal Translation 1898. The New Jerusalem 1985 uses the rendering Yahweh. DIVAN: SEE BED DIVINATION: Divination is an occult practice, a false religious practice. (Deuteronomy 18:10) It is the attempt to discover a message from God or the gods by examining marked stones or the liver of a sacrificed animal. DIVORCE: God hates divorce! (Malachi 2:14-16) Only fornication (Greek: porneia) is grounds for Scriptural divorce. (Matthew 5:3132; 19:9) Christians should not even separate from their mates according to the apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11. DODANIM: The name Dodanim appears at Genesis 10:4 and 1 Chronicles 1:7. He was the fourth son of Javan. This name is also spelled Rodanim. (See: RODANIM) DODAVAHU: Dodavahu was a man from Maresha whose son Eliezer prophesied disaster for the ships of Jehoshaphat. These ships were built in partnership with wicked King Ahaziah of Israel. (2 Chronicles 20:36, 37) DODO, ANCESTOR OF TOLA: Dodo was the ancestor of Judge Tola of the tribe of Issachar. He may have been Tolas grandfather. (Judges 10:1)

DODO, OF BENJAMIN: Dodo was a descendant of Benjamin through Ahohi. This Dodos son was one of Davids mighty men. (2 Samuel 23:9) (1 Chronicles 11:2) DODO, RESIDENT OF BETHLEHEM: This Dodo was a resident of Bethlehem. His son Elhanan was one of Davids mighty warriors. (2 Samuel 23:24) (1 Chronicles 11:26) DOEG: Doeg was the head shepherd for King Saul. (1 Samuel 21:7; 22:9) King Saul commanded him to kill 85 priests, and he did so. He devoted Nob to destruction and slaughtered all of its inhabitants. (1 Samuel 22:6-20) Doeg was a very wicked man. (Psalms 52:2-4) DOG: The Hebrew word kelev and the Greek word kyon mean little dog. (Matthew 15:26) In addition to the definition of a domesticated animal Websters Dictionary defines dog as a low contemptable fellow. A dogs life is considered a wretched existence. According to the Israelites, dogs were ceremonially unclean. (Leviticus 11:27) (Isaiah 66:3) Dogs filthy habits are recalled in illustrative ways in the Scriptures. (2 Peter 2:20-22) (Proverbs 26:11) Being unclean animals, dogs were used to denote what was unholy or profane. The apostle Paul calls them dogs because they returned to Judaism and because of the uncleanness in which many of them lived. Morally unclean persons are called dogs. The enemies of Jehovahs servants were likened to dogs, and so were the Gentiles. (Psalm 22:16, 20; 59:6, 14) (Revelation 22:15) The Gentiles of the Christian era were designated dogs by the Jews. (Matthew 15:26, 27) Jesus Christ spoke about persons having no appreciation for spiritual things when he said: Do not give what is holy to dogs. (Matthew 7:6) He was figuratively talking about impure persons and false prophets. Dogs was a term of reproach among both Greeks and Jews. Homer uses it of both women and men, implying shamelessness in the one, and recklessness in the other. Thus Helen: Brother-in-law of me, a mischief devising dog (Iliad, vi., 344). Teucer of Hector: I cannot hit this raging dog (Iliad, viii., 298). The Israelites are forbidden to bring the price of a dog into the house of God for any vow at Deuteronomy 23:18. The Gentiles of the Christian era were designated dogs by the Jews. (Matthew 15:26) DOORKEEPER: SEE GATEKEEPER

DOOR, DOORWAY: Hebrew petach means entrance of a room or of a house. (Genesis 19:11) The door was usually made of wood and pivoted open on sockets in the lintel and the threshold. (Proverbs 26:14) The lintel and doorposts of the entrances of Israelite house in Egypt were splashed with the blood of the Passover victim as a sign for Gods angel to pass over that home and not destroy the firstborn. (Exodus 12:7, 22, 23) Jesus Christ used door and doorway in figurative ways. He said he was standing at the door and knocking. (Matthew 7:7) (Revelation 3:20) For salvation he said to go in through the narrow door. (Luke 13:23, 24) He called himself the door that leads to life. (John 10:7-11) DOPHKAH: Dophkah was the first place where the Israelites stopped after leaving the Wilderness of Sin on their way to the Promised Land. (Numbers 33:12, 13) DOR: Dor was a Palestinian city that allied with the Canaanite King Jabin of Hazor to fight against Joshua. (Joshua 11:1, 2, 12; 12:23) Dor and its dependent towns lay in Ashers territory, yet they were given to the tribe of Manasseh. (Joshua 17:11-13) (1 Chronicles 7:29) DORCAS: Dorcas was a Christian woman in the Joppa congregation. She was noted for good deeds and gifts of mercy. She made inner and outer garments for needy widows. (Acts 9:36, 39) It was the custom for Jews to have both Hebrew and Greek or Latin names and thus Dorcas was known also by the name Tabitha. Upon learning of her death the disciples prepared her body for burial and informed Peter that she had died. Peter dismissed everyone from the upper chamber. After praying he said: Tabitha, rise! In that instant Dorcas was resurrected from the dead. Many became believers throughout Joppa because of this great act of faith. (Acts 9:32-42) DOTHAN: Dothan was a city in the northeast part of Samaria. Young Joseph found his brothers and their flocks near Dothan. (Genesis 37:17-36) Centuries later the king of Syria dispatched a large military force to Dothan. (2 Kings 6:11-17) DOVE: The Hebrew word yoh-nah and Greek word pe-ri-ste-ra mean dove. The first bird sent out by Noah after the Flood was a dove. (Genesis 8:8-12) Hebrew a-nah means mourn and combined with yoh-nah we have mourning-dove. The dove makes a mournful cooing sound. (Isaiah 38:14; 59:11, 12) (Ezekiel 7:16) Bible translators frequently use Dove and Pigeon interchangeably. Sometimes they use the word turtledove. The dove

has a soft, gentle appearance and disposition. Their devotion to their mates and their affection are amiable characteristics. In courtship they bring their heads together and each bird takes the others beak in it own much like a lovers kiss. The dove is capable of flying long distances in search of food. (Psalm 55:6-8) When Jesus was baptized and anointed by Gods Holy Spirit, the Spirit, appropriately, appeared in the shape of a dove as it descended upon him. (Luke 3:22) (Matthew 3:16) (Mark 1:10) (John 1:32-34) DOVES DUNG: During the siege of Samaria by Syrian King Benhadad a great famine occurred. The siege caused a great food shortage in the city. It was so severe that a donkey's head cost eighty pieces of silver, and half a pound of dove's dung cost five pieces of silver. (2 Kings 6:24, 25) It is hard to believe that people would resort to eating doves dung, but that appears to be what they did. Some people believe it was a plant that was at that time called doves dung. Plant or the real thing, this certainly shows the terrible extremes to which humans are driven by the pangs of hunger. Sennacheribs officer, Rabshakeh, made the threat that the people of Jerusalem would have to eat their excrement and drink their own urine. (2 Kings 18:27) An even more detestable act is the account recorded at 2 Kings 6:26-29 where a Samarian women boiled and ate her own child because of the pangs of hunger. DRACHMA, SILVER COIN: The drachma was a Greek silver coin in use in the first century C.E. (Luke 15:8, 9) The drachma featured the head of the goddess Athena on one side and an owl on the other side. It would presently be evaluated at about 65 cents U.S. The Jews paid an annual temple tax of two drachmas. (Matthew 17:24) DRACHMA, GOLD COIN: There was also a gold drachma in the Hebrew Scriptures currently valued at nearly 100 dollars U.S. (Ezra 2:69) (Nehemiah 7:70-72) (Antique value not considered) DRAGNET: The dragnet was dragged along the bottom of a body of water to catch fish. (Ezekiel 26:5, 14; 47:10) The dragnet was let down from boats so that it surrounded a school of fish. Then the ropes tied to each end of the net were pulled in by men on shore. (Matthew 13:47, 48) (Luke 5:6, 7) (John 21:8, 11) The dragnet was also used in the Scriptures to represent the gathering of prospective members of the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 13:47, 48) DRAGON: The Greek drakon appears 13 times in the Bible. All of these occurrences are in the book of Revelation. This term is symbolic of Satan the devil. (Revelation 12:9)

DREAM: Everyone dreams but very few dreams come from God. Dreams are thoughts or mental images that occure while sleeping. Some dreams come from God. (Numbers 12:6) Dreams delivered from God are recorded in the Bible. There is no need to look elsewhere for them! Most dreams are natural dreams that simply take place in the average person and go away. (Job 20:8) The third kind of dream is a false dream, the one to be concerned about for it comes from divination and demons. (Zechariah 10:2) The safest way to deal with dreams is to ignore all of them! The Holy Scriptures certainly offer the full revelation from our God. No other source is necessary! (Hebrews 1:1, 2) DREGS: Dregs are particles that settle to the bottom when wine is allowed to remain undisturbed. The term is found five times in the scriptures. (Psalms 75:8) (Isaiah 25:6) (Jeremiah 48:11) (Ezekiel 23:32-34) (Zephariah 1:12) DRUNKENNESS: Drunkenness is the condition of being intoxicated. A drunkard habitually overindulges in strong alcoholic beverages. The use of strong drink to the point of drunkenness is strongly condemned by Gods Holy Scriptures. (Proverbs 23:29-33) (Hosea 4:11) (Matthew 15:18, 19) A person who makes it a practice of excessive drinking will not inherit Gods kingdom. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) DRUSILLA: Drusilla was the third daughter of Herod Agrippa I. She was also the youngest daughter, born about 38 C.E to Cypros and Herod Agrippa I. She was sister of Agrippa II, Bernice, and Mariamne III. By the time she was six years old a marriage to prince Epiphanes of Commagene was arranged, but it did not take place because he would not become a Jew. She may have been present when the apostle Paul talked about the judgement to come before Governor Felix. (Acts 24:24-27) DUKE: A duke is a nobleman of high rank who is appointed just like a prince. (Numbers 31:8) (Joshua 13:21) (Psalms 83:11) (Ezekiel 32:30) DUMAH, SON OF ISHMAEL: Dumah was the sixth of Ishmaels 12 sons. He was the brother-in-law to his half cousin Esau. Dumah was the head of a nation as a fulfillment of Jehovahs promise to Abraham. (Genesis 17:20; 25:14-16; 28:9)

DUMAH, THE CITY: This Dumah was the city in the mountains 9 miles southwest of Hebron assigned to the tribe of Judah after Joshua captured the land. (Joshua 15:52) DUNG: Dung is excrement from humans and animals. Dung was considered offensive refuse needing disposal. (1 Kings 14:10) It was used as manure to fertilize the soil. (Isaiah 25:10) (Luke 13:8) The greatest way to insult a person was to offer to turn his house into a public privy. (Ezra 6:11) (Daniel 2:5; 3:29) On account of Christ, Paul said he had lost all things. He added he considered them a lot of refuse or dung compared to the Christ. (Philippians 3:8, 9) DUNGEON: A dungeon is a small dark room used as a prison. Frequently it is underground. The Hebrew word for dungeon is mas-ger and it means shut or close. (Genesis 19:6) (Judges 3:23) When David was hiding in a cave from King Saul he felt as if he was in a dungeon. He prayed to Jehovah for liberation. (Psalms 142:7) DURA: The plain of Dura is where Nebuchadnezar erected a gold image. (Daniel 3:1) It was located in the district of Babylon near the city of Babylon. DUST: Dust is fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen. It can easily be blown about by air currents. The most often used Biblical word for dust is the Hebrew word a-phar. This also means dry earth and clay mortar. (Genesis 26:15) (Leviticus 14:41, 42) Believe it or not, dust is a blessing from our Creator. Atmospheric dust has light scattering properties that adjust the unbearable glare of the suns direct rays. Dust is also needed to influence condensation of moisture in the form of rain, fog or mist that is vital to plant growth. God formed man from the dust of the ground. (Genesis 2:7) (1 Corinthians 15:47, 48) After Adam disobeyed Gods Law he was sentenced to death when Jehovah God said: To dust you will return. God used the term dust to depict large numbers when he told Abraham: I will make your seed like the dust particles of the earth. (Genesis 13:14,16) Dust is also used symbolically to represent lowliness such as when God called upon Babylon to come down off her throne and sit down in the dust at Isaiah 47:1. DYES, DYEING: Dyeing is the practice of changing the color of something. It was employed by most of the ancient societies. The Israelites used dye to make blue thread, coccus scarlet material, and wool dyed reddish purple for the tabernacle and for priestly garments. (Exodus chapters 25-28, 35, 38, 39) The early Egyptians

produced brilliantly dyed good. Tyre and other Phoenician cities became important dye centers as well. (Ezekiel 27:2, 7, 24)

S IMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY E EAGLE: The eagle is the symbol of divine wisdom. Isaiah spoke about soaring like eagles at Isaiah 40:31. The eagles ability to fly at fast speeds is noted in the Scriptures. (2 Samuel 1:23) (Jeremiah 4:13) (Lamentations 4:19) (Habakkuk 1:8) Ezekiel saw a vision of four living creatures each with a different face. One had the face of an eagle. (Ezekiel 1:10; 10:14) Eagles are pictured in the book of Revelation as creatures attending Gods throne and announcing the judgment messages of God for those on earth. (Revelation 4:7; 8:13) Moses was to tell the Israilites that God carried them on the wings of eagles, and brought you to my mountain. (Exodus 19:4) Symbolic wings of the great eagle were given to a symbolic woman at Revelation 12:14, representing deliverance and protection from the serpent described earlier in that chapter as the devil (false accuser)(Satan). EAR: The ear is the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium. This miraculous feature was designed and created by Jehovah God. (Psalm 94:9) (Proverbs 20:12) The creator of the ear can also hear. The Bible speaks of him as possessing symbolic ears at Numbers 11:18 and Psalms 116:1, 2. When it says: he turns his ear toward me, it means he listens to me. Jehovah pictures himself as having ears that listen to prayers. (Psalms 10:17, 18:6; 34:15; 130:2) (Isaiah 59:1) (1 Peter 3:12) The Bible very effectively uses the word ear in a figurative sense. To have the ears opened means the person receives understanding. (Isaiah 50:5) The expression give ear or incline your ear means to pay attention. (Psalm 78:1, 86:6) (Isaiah 51:4) EARRING: People wear rings or other shaped ornaments on their ears as a means of adornment. The Hebrew word nezem means ornament and can be applied as a nose or earring. (Proverbs 11:22) (Exodus 32:2) The Hebrew word aghil designates an earring or a circular ornament. (Numbers 31:50) (Ezekiel 16:12)

EARTH: The planet earth is the fifth-largest planet of the solar system and the third in order of position from the sun. The earths rotation makes day and night possible. (Genesis 1:4, 5) Jehovah Gods statement at Genisis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth is basic to all faith in him. The Hebrew word erets is used express the term earth. This can apply to the physical earth as well as the people of the earth. (Genesis 18:25) When the Bible speaks in a figurative and symbolic way about the earth speaks frequently about a society of people. (2 Peter 3:5, 13) (Revelation 20:11; 21:1) EARTHQUAKES: A literal and physical earthquake, sudden tremor, or shaking of the earths surface is part of the composite sign of Christs presences noted at Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11. Earthquakes have been known to crack open burial vaults and eject dead bodies from within. Something like this probably happened at the time that Jesus Christ died. Matthew 27:5153 reports: The veil (curtain) of the temple was ripped in two from the top to the bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks split. 52 The tombs were split open and many [dead] bodies were tossed upright [on the ground]. 53 [They came out of the tombs after his resurrection.] (Manuscript text unclear.) Many people saw them. On the day of Jesus death, about three oclock in the afternoon, an earthquake split the rocko-masses and caused the tombs to be opened, and many dead bodies were thrown out of them. A severe earthquake occurred on the day of Jesus resurrection when the angel descended from heaven and rolled away the stone from in front of his tomb. (Matthew 28:1, 2) The Greek word egeiro is sometimes translated raise. It means to awaken from sleep or raise or physically lift up or take up. The Greek manuscripts that contain Matthew 27:52 are not clearly stated and so there is confusion about how to translate this verse. Some translators take the Greek word egersis in verse 53, which means resurrect, and apply its meaning to the Greek word egeiro. The action that took place was probably a physical tossing-up of the bodies out of the tombs and onto the ground. The context of verse 51 supports this idea, because it says: The earth quaked and the rocks split. Secular records reveal that earthquakes have been known to do such things. The New Simplified Bible takes the position that this was not a resurrection back to life, but only the ejection of dead bodies from the tombs. These dead bodies were seen by many people.

EARTHQUAKES, SOCIAL UPHEAVAL: The Holy Scriptures liken earthquakes to social upheaval. An example of this may be found at Revelation 6:12 where a simbolic earthquake is prophesied. This could apply to social upheaval as well as literal earthquake activity. Earthquakes are often used figuratively in the Scriptures to describe the shaking and overthrow of nations and kingdoms. (Isaiah 13:13) (Daniel 5:30, 31) Jehovah God speaks of shaking the nations, heaven and earth, land and sea at Haggai 2:6, 7. Since the heavens and the sea are not easily shaken this must be symbolic of social and governmental upheaval. EAST: Hebrew: mizrach means sunrising (Deuteronomy 3:27) (1 Chronicles 4:39) and qedhem means before and in front of. (Ezekiel 48:2) The Hebrews faced the rising sun when determining direction. That meant east was in front of them. Some people who lived in lands to the east were referred to as sons of the East or Orientals. (Job 1:3) The astrologers that came to see Jesus a year or two after his birth were from eastern parts. (Matthew 2:1) EBAL: A descendant from Seir, Ebal was the third son of the Horite sheik Shobal. (Genesis 36:20-23) (1 Chronicles 1:40) The Horites lived in Seir before being dispossessed and annihilated by the sons of Esau. (Deuteronomy 2:12) EBAL, MOUNT: Mount Ebal is a mountain situated in the district of Samaria. It is opposite Mount Gerizim. They are separated by the beautiful Valley of Shechem just west of the Jordan River. (Deuteronomy 11:29-30) Abraham once camped in the valley near the big trees of Moreh. (Genesis 12:6) After Israels victory at Ai, Joshua built an altar to Jehovah in Mount Ebal. At Moses behest, he wrote a copy of the law of Moses upon the stones. (Deuteronomy 27:1-8; 12-14) (Joshua 8:30-35) EBED, FATHER OF GAAL: Ebed was the father of Gaal. He led the landowners of Shechem in an unsuccessful attempt to rebel against Abimelech. (Judges 9:26, 29, 39-41) EBED, SON OF JONATHAN: Ebed returned with Ezra along with 50 males of the house of Adin to Jerusalem from Babylon. (Ezra 8:6) EBED-MELECH: Ebed-Melech was an Ethiopian eunuch from the house of King Zedekiah. The princes of Judah falsely charge Jeremiah with sedition. Zedekiah surrendered the prophet into their hands. These evil princes threw Jeremiah into the miry cistern

of Malchijah in the Courtyard of the Guard. They intended that he should die there without food. (Jeremiah 38:4-6) Ebed-Melech publicly approached the king and courageously appealed in behalf of Jeremiah. Zedekiah responded favorably so Ebed-Melech took 30 men to the cistern and let down ropes and pieces of cloth for Jeremiah to place under his armpits in order to bring him out of the cistern. (Jeremiah 38:7-13) EBENEZER, BATTLE GROUND: Ebednezer was the place where Israel was defeated twice by the Philistines. Thirty-four thousand Israelites died, including Hophni and Phinehas. The enemy captured the Ark of the Covenant. (1 Samuel 4:1-11, 17, 18; 5:1) EBENEZER STONE: This stone was erected by Samuel 20 years after Israels victory over the Philistines with Gods help. (1 Samuel 7:2, 12) The stone was somewhere between Mizpah and Jeshanah. EBONY: Ebony is the wood that comes from the Diospyros ebenum tree. The tree grows tall and it has soft white outer wood. The inner heartwood is very hard, close grained, black or dark brown in color. It shines or polishes to a high gloss and is very desirable for ornamental articles. Ebony is mentioned only once in the Holy Scriptures at Ezekiel 27:15. EBRON: Ebron was a boundary city apportioned to Asher. (Joshua 19:24, 28) EBEZ: This town was located in Issachars territory. (Joshua 19:17, 20) ECBATANA: Ecbatana was the capital city of ancient Media about 700 B.C.E. (Ezra 6:1, 2) ECCLESIASTES: The Hebrew word Qoheleth and the Greek word ekklesiastes means congregator. (Ecclesiastes 1:1, 12) King Solomon was the congregator and writer of the book by that name, Ecclesiastes. This book is a book containing great wisdom. (Ecclesiastes 1:13) Solomon was inspired by Holy Spirit to reveal the truth about the future of the earth: One generation goes and another generation comes; but the earth remains forever (perpetually).(Ecclesiastes 1:4) The conclusion of Solomons search is summed up in words found at Ecclesiastes 12:13, Respect God, and obey his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. See: FOREVER

EDEN, GARDEN OF: Jehovah God created the Garden of Eden as a home for Adam and Eve. (Genesis 2:8-3:24) (Joel 2:3) Genesis 2:15 says: Jehovah God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Ezekiel 28:13 states: You were in Eden, Gods garden. Isaiah 51:3 reads in part: Jehovah will surely comfort ZionHe will make her deserts like Eden and her wastelands like the Garden of Jehovah. EDOM: Esau, Jacobs twin brother, was given the name Edom. It was given to him because he sold his birthright for the red stew. (Genesis 25:30-34) The people of Edom lived in the land of Seir. Esaus sons disposed the Horites and took over the region. (Genesis 14:6; 36:20-30; De 2:12) Much of the Land of the Edomites lies east of the Arabah in the high mountains. The highest peaks range near 5,600 feet in altitude. EDREI, ROYAL CITY: This Edrei was the royal city of King Og of Bashan. (Joshua 12:4; 13:12) A battle was fought at Endrei between the Israelites and King Ogs militry force. The Israelites defeated Og and his people, taking possession of his territory. (Numbers 21:3335) (Deuteronomy 3:1-10) The city was given to Manasseh as part of its inheritance. (Joshua 13:31) EDREI, CITY OF NAPHTALI: Edrei was a fortified city of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 35, 37) EDUCATION: Jehovah God is the great Educator and Instructor. No one can equal his ability. (Job 36:22) (Psalm 71:17) (Isaiah 30:20) Under the Law parents were the primary educators, responsible for their children. (Exodus 12:26, 27) (Deuteronomy 4:9; 6:7, 20, 21; 11:19-21) Young men were educated in a trade. (Exodus 35:34) Young women were educated in household duties. (Genesis 18:12) (1 Peter 3:5, 6) Jesus was considered the Great Teacher (rabbi). (Mark 9:5) (John 7:46) (Luke 20:39, 40) (Mark 12:32, 34) EGLAH: Eglah was the mother of King Davids sixth son Ithream, born in Hebron. (2 Samuel 3:5) (1 Chronicles 3:3) EGLAIM: Eglaim was a town identified by Isaiah in the prophecy about Moab. (Isaiah 15:1,8) Everywhere at Moab's borders the sound of crying is heard. It is heard at the towns of Eglaim and Beerelim. (Isaiah 15:8)

EGLATH-SHELISHIYAH: This term is used at Isaiah 15:5 and Jeremiah 48:34 in the pronouncement of doom against Moab. It might be referring to a place in Moab. However, some scholars believe that this Hebrew term is not a proper noun. They call it a symbolic expression that should be translated a three year old heifer. The King James Version uses this term in Jeremiah and thus compares Moab to a sturdy young cow. Since there is no absolute proof the New Simplified Bible uses the proper noun Eglath Shelishiyah. EGLON, KING OF MOAB: Eglon was king of Moab in the days of the Judges of Israel. He led a confederacy of Moab, Ammon, and Amalek in their assault upon Israel. (Judges 3:12-25) EGLON, A ROYAL CANAANITE CITY: The king of Eglon, a Canaanite city, joined a confederacy against Gibeon after the city made peace with Joshua and israel. Joshua killed the five kings involved and later conquered Eglon. He then killed many of its inhabitants. (Joshua 10:1-5; 22-27, 34, 35; 12:12) Eglon was then included in the territory of the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 15:39) EGYPT: Egypt is designated by the Hebrew name Mizraim in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Genesis 50:11) The terms Egypt and Egyptian are found 700 times in the Bible. It is called the land of Ham in certain Psalms. (Psalm 105:23, 27; 106:21-22) Egypt lives along the Nile River, and would not survive without the water from the river. Memphis, one of the capitals, is near the Delta of the Nile River. (Genesis 46:20) (Jeremiah 46:19) (Hosea 9:6) Polytheism (belief in multiple gods) was prevalent in Egypt. Every city and town had its own local deity. A list containing the names of 740 gods was found in the tomb of Thutmose III. (Exodus 12:12) Dealing with all those gods must have enboldened Pharaoh to disdainfully question Moses and Aaron: Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice to let Israil go? (Exodus 5:2) The Egyptians practiced the most degrading idolatry of all when they worshiped animals. Jehovah instructed the Israelites to throw away the disgusting idols they loved and not to make themselves unclean with the false gods of Egypt. But they did not throw away their disgusting idols. (Ezekiel 20:7, 8) EGYPT VALLEY: This long ravine marks the boundary of the Promised Land, the land of Canaan. (Numbers 34:2, 5) (1 Kings 8:65) (Isaiah 27:12) The land was not actually in Egypt but Egypts domain extended up to that point. (2 Kings 24:7) This Valley of Egypt was also called the Wadi eiArish. It is situated 125 miles inland on the Sinai Peninsula, near Jebel et-Tih. It is a dry riverbed

in the summer and a swollen river in the rainy season. (Ezekiel 47:19; 48:28) EHUD, OF JEDIAEL: Ehud was a descendant of Jediael of the tribe of Benjamin. He was born through the lineage of Bilhan. He was a valiant and mighty man. (1 Chronicles 6:6, 10, 11) EHUD, SON OF GERA: Ehud son of Gera was of the tribe of Benjamin. (Judges 3:15) He was chosen by God to deliver the nation from the 18 year control of King Eglon of Moab. God permitted this bondage because they did what was bad in Jehovahs eyes. (Judges 3:12-14) When the Israelites finally asked Jehovah for help, God raised up a savior in the person of Ehud. Ehud crafted a two-eged sword for himself. The Bible says Ehud was less capable with his right hand, in other words he was left handed. (Judges 3:15, 16, 20:16) (1 Chronicles 12:2) The Moabites were defeated by the Israelites, who killed more thant 10,000 Moabites. (Judges 3:15-30) EKER: Eker was the son of Ram, Jerahmeels firstborn, of the tribe of Judah. (1 Ch 2:4, 5, 9, 25, 27) EKRON: Ekron was a leading Philistine city somewhere near Khirbet el-Muqanna, 11 miles east of Ashdod. (Jos 13:3) EL: The Hebrew word El is translated God in English. It is used with reference to Jehovah, to false gods, and to men. It also means Mighty One and Strong One. (Genesis 14:18; 46:3) (2 Samuel 22:31) The Hebrew word Elohim is also translated God in English. (Genesis 31:30, 32; 35:2) SEE:ELOHIM. ELA: Ela was father of Shimei, one of Solomons 12 deputies who provided food for the king and his household. (1 Kings 4:7, 18) ELAH, THE EDOMITE: Elah was an Edomite sheik. It is likely that he live in the village of Elath. (Genesis 36:40, 41, 43) (1 Chronicles 1:52) ELAH, SON OF CALEB: This Elah was the son of Caleb the spy. Elah was the father of Kenaz of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:15) ELAH, KING OF ISRAEL: Elah was the fourth king of the northern ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. When his father Baasha died, Elah became king in about 952 B.C.E. (1 Kings 16:8) Zimri, the

commander of half of the chariots, put him to death and tookover the reign in fulfillment of Gods prophecy. (1 Kings 16:1-14) ELAH, FATHER OF THE LAST MONARCH: Elah was the father of King Hoshea, the last monarch of the northern kingdom. (2 Kings 15:30; 17:1; 18:1, 9) ELAH, DESCENDANT OF BENJAMIN: This Elah was from the tribe of Benjamin. He lived in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 7, 8) ELAH PLAIN: The Elah Plain was the fertile Wadi-es-Sant. It is one of the principal wadis running from the Philistine plains through the Shephelah and into the mountains of Judah. This plain was only about one quarter of a mile wide and well watered. (1 Samuel 17:1, 16, 40) The nearby Philistine Plain was where David defeated the Philistines. The defeated army fled down the valley to the Philistine Plain and the cities of Gath and Ekron. (1 Samuel 17:52) ELAM, SON OF SHEM: Elam was one of five sons of Shem. The sons of Shem are listed by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations. (Genesis 10:22, 31) (1 Chronicles 1:17) In history the name Elam applies to an area in southwest Iran called Khuzestan. This area is a fertile plain on the east side of the lower Tigris Valley. The people and leaders of the area controlled various countries nearby and were controlled by these countries. Both Assyria and Babylon took their turns at dominating Elam. On the day of Pentecost, 33 C.E., Elamites were among the crowds of people who heard the message spoke in their own languages. (Acts 2:8, 9) Jeremiah foretold that the Elamites would cease being a nation at Jeremiah 49:34-39 and that has come to pass. ELAM, THE GATEKEEPER: This Elam was a Levite gatekeeper during Davids reign. He was the son of Meshelemiah of the family of Korahites. (1 Chronicles 25:1; 26:1-3) ELAM, SON OF SHASHAK: Elam the son of Shashak was a leader of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:24, 25, 28) ELAM, THE LEVITE: This Elam was a Levite who was present at the inauguration of the wall of Jerusalem by Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 12:27, 42) ELAMITES: Elamites were people who lived at Elam or were formerly from Elam.

ELASAH: Zedekiah sent Elasah to Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. The prophet Jeremiah sent his letter to the exiles in Babylon. It was written by the hand of Elasah and Gemariah. (Jeremiah 29:1-3) Elasah was the son of Shaphan. ELATH, ELOTH: A site mentioned in Moses; recapitulation of the Israelites 40-year trek through the wilderness. (Deuteronomy 2:8) EL-BETHEL: Jacob erected an altar in obedience to Gods command and he named it El-Bethel. (Genesis 35:1, 7) ELDAAH: Eldaah was a son of Midian, the fourth son of Abraham by Keturah. (Genesis 25:1, 2, 4) (1 Chronicles 1:33) ELDAD: Eldad was one of the 70 older men selected by Moses to assist him in carrying the load of the people. Moses gathered the 70 older men to a meeting. Gods Spirit came over Eldad and Medad and they began to shout like prophets. Joshua asked Moses to restrain them. Moses replied: I wish all Jehovahs people were prophets and that Jehovah would put his Spirit on them. (Numbers 11:13-29) ELEAD: Elead was probably the son of Ephraim. Ephraim was killed along with his brother Ezer by the men of Gath. (1 Chronicles 7:20, 21) ELDER: Older men who led Gods people. They were appointed leaders in the congregation. (Numbers 11:16-25) (Acts 11:30; 14:23; 15:2) The qualifications for elders are conveyed in Gods Word at Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-3. ELEAD: Elead was probably the son of Ephraim. Ephraim was killed along with his brother Ezer by the men of Gath. (1 Chronicles 7:20, 21) ELEADAH: This was one of Ephraims descendants. (1 Chronicles 7:20) ELEALEH: Elealeh was a city mentioned along with Heshbon. It was located in the country east of Jordan about 2 miles northeast of Heshbon. The tribe of Reuben rebuilt the city after it was conquered. (Numbers 32:3-5, 37) It fell under Moabs control centuries later. Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied that Elealeh would soon cry out because of the nationss collapse. (Isaiah 15:4; 16:9) (Jeremiah 48:34)

ELEASAH, SON OF HELEZ: Eleasah son of Helez was the father of Sismai. He was a descendant of Judah through Jerahmeel. (1 Chronicles 2:33, 34, 39, 40) ELEASAH, DESCENDANT OF JONATHAN: Eleasah was related to Johnathan the son of King Saul. (1 Chronicles 8:33-37; 9:39-43) ELEASAH, THE PRIEST: This Eleasah was a priest of the sons of Pashhur. He and his peers headed Ezras incitement to dismiss their foreign wives. (Ezra 2:36, 38; 10:22, 44) ELEAZAR, SON OF HIGH PRIEST AARON: Eleazar was the third son of Aaron by his wife Elisheba. He was of the family of Kohath the son of Levi. (Exodus 6:16, 18, 20, 23) (Numbers 3:2) The entire priesthood of Israel at the time of its installation by Moses included Aaron and his sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. When his father, Aaron died, Eleazar became the high priest. He was 70 years old when he became high priest. A few months later he became the first high priest to officiate in the Promised Land. (Numbers 20:2539; 33:37-39) (Deuternomy 10:6) (Joshua 4:19) ELECTRUM: The shining alloy of gold and silver is electrum. It glows a brilliant yellow when heated in a furnace. (Ezekiel 1:4, 27; 8:2) ELHANAN, SON OF JAIR: Elhanan was the son of Jair. In the war with the Philistines he struck down Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittitie. (1 Chronicles 20:5) ELHANAN, SON OF DODO: Elhanan was the son of Dodo of Bethlehem. He was one of Davids mighty warriors. (2 Samuel 23:24) (1 Chronicles 11:26) ELI, THE HIGH PRIEST: Eli was a high priest of Israel. He was a descendant of Aarons fourth son Ithamar. (2 Samuel 8:17) (1 Kings 2:27) (1 Chronicles 24:3) (Exodus 6:23) Eli judged Israel for 40 years. Samuel began to be a prophet during this time. (1 Samuel 4:18; 3:10-13, 19-21) There was a spiritual famine in Israel at that time. (1 Samuel 3:1) His two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, served as officiating priests but they were good for nothing men. Eli refused to remove them from office and only rebuked them mildly. So the judgement of Jehovah was delivered to Elis house. (1 Samuel 3: 1114)

ELI, ELI, LAMA, SABACHTANI: These are the Hebrew words Jesus called out as he was dying on the stake, about the ninth hour, or about 3:00 p.m. Eli, Eli, Lama, Sabachtani? They mean My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46, 47) (Mark 15:34, 35) This utterance to his heavenly Father fulfilled the prophetic words David wrote at Psalm 22:1, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far away from my deliverance, so far away from the words of my moaning? ELIAB, SON OF HELON: Eliab was the son of Helon of the tribe of Zebulun. He was one of the 12 chieftains appointed by Jehovah to aid Moses and Aaron in counting the sons of Israel for the military. (Numbers 1:1-4, 9, 16) Eliab was commander of the army of his tribe. His tribe was a part of the three tribe division of Judah. (Numbers 2:3, 7; 10:14-16) ELIAB, SON OF PALLU: Eliab was the son of Pallu of the tribe of Reuben. He was father of Memuel. His other sons, Dathan and Abiram, supported Korah in his rebellion against Moses. (Nehemiah 16:1, 12; 26:8-10) (Deuteronomy 11:6) ELIAB, ANCESTOR OF SAMUEL: Eliab was a Levite of the family of Kohathites. He was ancestor of Samuel the prophet. (1 Chronicles 6:22, 27, 28, 33, 34) ELIAB, FIRSTBORN OF JESSE: This Eliab was the firstborn of King Davids father Jesse. (1 Samuel 17:13) (1 Chronicles 2:13) Jehovah rejected Eliab and selected David to be king. (1 Samuel 16:6-12) ELIAB THE GADITE: This Eliab was one of the Gadites who attached themselves to David while he was still under restriction because of King Saul. The Gadites were valiant, mighty warriors. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 8, 9, 14) ELIAB, THE LEVITE MUSICIAN: Eliiab was a Levite Musician of the second division. He assised with the music when King David had the Ark of the Jehovah moved to Jerusalem from the house of Obed-edom. (1 Chronicles 15:18, 20, 25; 16:5) ELIADA, SON OF DAVID: Eliada was the son of David. He was born at Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 5:13-16) (1 Chronicles 3:5-8) Eliada was called Beeliada at 1 Chronicles 14:7.

ELIADA, FATHER OF REZON: Eliada was the father of Rezon. Rezon was a resistor of Solomon. (1 Kings 11:23) ELIADA, ARMY OFFICER FROM BENJAMIN: This Eliada was the commander of 200,000 bowmen during Jehoshaphats reign. (2 Chronicles 17:12, 17) ELIAHBA: Eliahba was a Shaalbonite. He was one of Davids mighty warriors. (2 Samuel 23:32) (1 Chronicles 11:33) ELIAKIM, OF THE HOUSE OF HEZEKIAH: Eliakim was the son of Hilkiah and the chief administrator of the house of Hezekiah the king of Judah at the time the Assyrian king Sennacherib invaded Judah in 732 B.C.E. (Isaiah 22:15-24) One of his official duties was to accompany Shebna the secretary and Joah the recorder to meet with Rabshakeh, the military leader from Assyria. The large and powerful military force came to demand the surrender of the city of Jerusalem. The three of them reported Sennacheribs words to King Hezekiah. (Isaiah 36:11, 22; 37:1, 2) (2 Ki 18:17, 18, 26, 36, 37; 19:1, 2) ELIAKIM, KING OF JUDAH: Eliakim was king of Judah from 628 to 618 B.C.E. Pharaoh Nechoh placed him on the throne and changed his name to Jehoiakim. Eliakim was King Josiahs son. (2 Kings 23:34) ELIAKIM, LEVITE PRIEST: This Eliakim was one of the Levite priests who played trumpets and marched in procession for Nehemiah at the inauguration of the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 12:31, 41) ELIAKIM, ANCESTOR OF JOSEPH: Eliakim was an ancestor of Jesus adoptive father Joseph. (Matthew 1:13) ELIAKIM, ANCESTOR OF MARY: Eliakim was an ancestor of Jesus earthly mother Mary. (Luke 3:30) ELIAM, FATHER OF BATHSHEBA: Eliam was the father of Bathsheba. (2 Samuel 11:3) He was also called Ammiel at 1 Chronicles 3:5. ELIAM, OF DAVIDS MIGHTY MEN: This Eliam was one of Davids mihgty men. He was the son of Ahithophel. (2 Samuel 23:34)

ELIASAPH, SON OF DEUEL: Eliasaph was the son of Deuel (or Reuel) of the tribe of Gad. He was one of the 12 chieftains Jehovah selected to assist Moses and Aaron. Their task was to count the males for the army. Eliasaph was in charge of the army of his tribe. They served with the tree-tribe division of the camp of Reuben. (Numbers 2:10-15; 7:1, 2, 10, 42-47; 10:18-20) ELIASAPH, SON OF LAEL: This Eliasaph was the son of Lael. He was the chieftain of the paternal house of the Gershonites. Eliasaph supervised the transporting of the tent coverings and screen of the tabernacle entrance. (Numbers 3:21-26) ELIASHIB, SON OF AARON: Eliashib was a Levite from the sons of Aaron. The lot of the eleventh priestly division fell to Eliashib at the time David reigned. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 5, 6, 12) ELIASHIB, LEVITE TEMPLE SINGER: This Eliashib was a Levite Temple singer. He dismisssed his foreign wife at the time Ezra warned them to do so. (Ezra 10:16, 17, 27, 44) ELIASHIB, DESCENDANT OF ZATTU: This descendant of Zattu was among the men sending their foreign wives away. (Ezra 10:16, 17, 27, 44) ELIASHIB, DESCENDANT OF BANI: This Eliashib was a descendant of Bani. He was among those putting their foreign wives away. (Ezra 10:16, 17, 34, 36, 44) ELIASHIB, GRANDSON OF JESHUA: Eliashib was the grandson of Jeshua. He was among those who returned from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. Eliashib was high priest in the days of Nehemiah and worked with the other priests to rebuild the Sheep Gate of the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 12:1, 10; 13:4, 5, 7-9, 28) ELIATHAH: Eliathah was a son of Heman. During the rule of King David, Eliathah was chosen by casting lot to be a musician in the twentieth service group at the house of Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4-6, 9, 27) ELIDAD: He was a Benjamite chieftain, the son of Chislon. Jehovah appointed him to have a direct part in dividing the Promised Land between the Israelites. (Numbers 34:17, 18, 21, 29) ELIEHO-ENAI, THE GATEKEEPER: Elieho-enai was a Korahite gatekeeper. He was appointed by David. Elieho-enai was the

seventh son of Meshelemiah of the tribe of Levi. (1 Chronicles 26:13) ELIEHO-ENAI, SON OF ZERAHIAH: This man traveled with 200 men of the paternal house of Pahath-moab at the time of the return from Babylon to Jerusalem with Ezra. (Ezra 8:1, 4) ELIENAI: Elienai was a descendant of Shimei of the tribe of Benjamin who dwelt in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:1) ELIEZER, A MAN FROM DAMASCUS: This man was from Damascus. He was an heir of Abraham. Abrahams referred to him as a son of my household. (Genesis 15:2, 3) Eliezer was spoken of as the oldest servant and manager of Abrahams household. (Genesis 24:2, 4, 12-14, 56) ELIEZER, SON OF MOSES: Eliezer was the younger of Moses two sons. He was named Eliezer because God helped Moses by delivering him from Pharaohs sword. (Ex 18:4) Eliezer had only one son, Rehabiah. Many descendants came through Rehabiah. (1 Ch 23:17; 26:25, 26, 28) ELIEZER, SON OF BECHER: This man was the son of Becher. He was a descendant of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 8) ELIEZER, PLAYED A TRUMPET: David hat the Ark of Jehovah moved to Jerusalem from the house of Obedl-edom. Eliezer and six other priests loudly played trumpets before the Ark of Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 15:24) ELIEZER, SON OF DODAVAHU: Eliezer was the son of Dodavahu of Maresha. He was a prophet who prophesied that Jehovah would put a stop to King Jehoshaphats shipbuilding partnership with the wicked King Ahaziah. (2 Chronicles 20:35-37) (1 Kings 22:48) ELIEZER, ANCESTOR OF MARY: This Eliezer was an ancestor of Mary the earthly mother of Jesus. (Luke 3:29) ELIHOREPH: This man was a son of Shisha who, along with his brother Ahijah, served as a secretary for King Solomon. (1 Kings 4:13) ELIHU, SON OF BARACHEL: Elihu was the son of Barachel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram, a distant relative of Abraham. (Job 32:1,2) (Genesis 22:20, 21) Elihu listened intently to the debate

between Job, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. Out of respect for their age he remained silent until they finish speaking. Believing that wisdom came with advanced years he leaned heavily on Gods Spirit to lead him when he talked. (Job 32:2-9, 18) Elihu did not offer flattering words to anyone. He admitted that he, like Job, was made of clay and that God was his Creator. He spoke to Job as a true friend by addressing him by name. Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar did not do this. (Job 32:21, 22; 33:6) ELIHU, BROTHER TO KING DAVID: This Elihu was believed to be King Davids older brother. He was also called Eliab. He became the prince of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 27:18, 22) (1 Samuel 16:6) ELIJAH: Elijah was one of the most prominent prophets of Israel. He started as a prophet during the reign of King Ahab about 940 B.C.E. and served through the eight-year reign of King Jehoram of Judah around 907 B.C.E. Elijah made his home in Tishbeh, a village in the land of Gilead, east of the Jordan River. He was first sent by Jehovah to announce punishment upon Israel for their sins. Elijah declares that Jehovah the living God of Israel has decreed no rain or dew will fall for years. (1 Kings 17:1) (James 5:17) Jehovah directs him to the Cherith Valley east of the Jordan in the territory of the tribe of Gad. It is at this place that ravens bring food to him. (1 Kings 17:6) Elijah meets a widow preparing a final meal for herself and her son with the last of their food. He helps them with their needs. While he was there her son dies. Elijah prays to God and He brings the son back to life. This was the first recorded resurrection in the Scriptures. It was the third of Elijahs eight miracles. (1 Kings 17) Elijah declares that Jehovah is the true God and he has all 450 prophets of Baal slaughtered at the Kishon Valley. (1 Kings 18:39-46) A stirring account of Elijahs encounter with Queen Jezebel and the ensuing trek through the wilderness is found at 1 Kings 19:1-18. It was at Horeb that God spoke to Elijah after presenting an awe-inspiring display of power in a wind, earthquake, and a fire. Soon the time comes when Elijah must transfer the mantle of his prophetic office to Elisha. This transfer takes place during the rule of Ahaziahs successor, his brother Jehoram of Israel. When Elijah is taken by windstorm to the heavens he does not die at that time or go into the invisible spirit realm. The Hebrew words here are: shamayim shameh. They mean into the sky, or into the physical heavens where the clouds are. He is transferred to another

prophetic assignment. (John 3:13) That is why Elisha does not hold a period of mourning. Several years later Elijah writes a letter to the wicked King Jehoram of Judah expressing Jehovahs condemnation. (2 Chronicles 21:12-15) ELIJAH, SON OF JEROHAM: Elijah was the son of the Benjamite Jeroham. He lived at Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 27, 28) ELIJAH, SON OF HARIM: This Elijah was a Levite priest. He was a son of Harim. (1 Chronicles 24:8) (Ezra 1, 2, 39) He dismissed his foreign wives when Ezra told him to do so. (Ezra 10:21, 44) ELIJAH, DESCENDANT OF ELAM: Elijah was a descendant of Elam who dismissed his foreign wife. (Ezekiel 10:26, 44) ELISHA: Elisha accompanies Elijah to Jericho and down to the Jordan River. Elisha then sees a fiery war chariot and fiery horses. He also sees Elijah ascending in a windstorm to the heavens. Elisha then takes up Elijahs official garment that had fallen off of him and assumes his duties as a prophet of Jehovah God. (1 Kings 19:10, 14) (2 Kngs 2:1-13) (Deuteronomy 21:17) Jesus called Elisha a prophet at Luke 4:27. Both Elijah and Elisha were used by God to perform resurrections. (Hebrews 11:35) Elisha carried on Elijahs work of opposing Baal worship. Each promoted worship of the true God Jehovah. Both Elijah and Elisha were considered part of the great cloud of witnesses mentioned at Hebrews 12:1. ELIKA: Elika was one of King Davids mighty men as reported at 1 Samuel 23:25. ELIM: The second place where the Israelites camped after crossing the Red Sea had plenty of water, vegetation and palms. It was called Elim. (Exodus 15:27; 16:1) (Numbers 33:9, 10) ELIMELECH: Elimelech and his wife Naomi and their two sons Mahlon and Chilion, left Judah because of a famine. This was in the days of the Judges. They took up alien residence in Moab, where he died. (Ruth 1:1-3) ELIOENAI, SON OF NEARIAH: Elioenai was the son of Neariah. He was a descendant of King Solomon. Elioenai was the father of Hodaviah, Eliashib, Pelaiah, Akkub, Johanan, Delaiah, and Anani. (1 Chronicles 3:10, 23, 24)

ELIOENAI, OF THE TRIBE OF SIMEON: This Elioenai was a leader of the tribe of Simeon. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 36-38) ELIOENAI, SON OF BECHER: Elioenai was the son of Becher. He was a descendant of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 8) ELIOENAI, SON OF PASHHUR: This Elioenai was one of the sons of Pashhur. He was a priest. He obeyed Ezras command to send foreign wives away. (Ezra 2:36, 38; 10:18, 19, 22) ELIOENAI, DESCENDANT OF ZATTU: This Elioenai was a descendant of Zattu. He was among the men who dismissed their foreign wives in Ezras day. (Ezra 10:27, 44) ELIOENAI, PLAYED THE TRUMPET: Elioenai was a priest. Nehemiah arranged for a procession to inaugurate the wall of Jerusalem and Elioenai played the trumpet along with other priests in the procession. (Nehemiah 12:27, 31, 40, 41) ELIPHAL: This man was listed among the mighty men of Davids military forces. ( 2 Samuel 23:34) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 35) ELIPHAZ, ONE OF JOBS COMPANIONS: Eliphaz was one of Jobs three companions. (Job 2:11) He was a Temanite and a descendant of Abraham and distantly related to Job. He was proud of his wisdom and boasted about it. (Jeremiah 49:7) Eliphaz appears to be the most important and influential of the three comforters. This may be because he was the oldest of the three. He speaks first in the three rounds of the debate, and his speeches are longest. Eliphaz speaks in Job chapters 4, 5 and 15. Each chapter identifies who is speaking. Much wisdom is to be gleaned from a complete study of the book of Job. ELIPHAZ, SON OF ESAU: Eliphaz was the firstborn son of Esau by his Canaanite wife Adah. (Genesis 36:4, 10-12, 15, 16) (1 Chronicles 1:35, 36) ELIPHELEHU: This Levite musician acted as one of the directors who played the harp at the time the sacred Ark was moved from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:17-21) ELISHAMA, SON OF AMMIHUD: Elishama was the son of Ammihud. He was from the tribe of Ephraim and he was the grandfather of Joshua. (Numbers 1:10; 2:18) (1 Chronicles 7:26, 27) Elishama was one of the twelve chieftains appointed by Jehovah to

assist Moses and Aaron with the registration of the sons of Israel for the military. He was also in charge of the army of his tribe. (Numbers 1:1-4, 17; 2:18; 10:22) ELISHAMA, SON OF KING DAVID: There were two sons born to David in Jerusalem who were called Elishama. (2 Samuel 5:15, 16; 1 Ch 3:8; 14:5, 7) ELISHAMA, TEACHER AND PRIEST: This man was a priest in the days of King Jehoshaphat. He and his fellow priests traveled around through the cities of Judah teahing among the people. (2 Chronicles 17:1, 7-9) ELISHAMA, SECRETARY: This Elishama was a secretary in the court of King Jehoiakim. (Jeremiah 36:12, 20, 21) ELISHAMA, GRANDFATHER OF ISHMAEL: Elishama was the grandfather of Ishmael. Elishamas grandson was the assassin of the Jewish governor Gedaliah. (2 Kings 25:25) (Jeremiah 41:1-3) ELISHAMA, SON OF JEKAMIAH: This Elishama was the son of Jekamiah of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 41) ELISHAPHAT: Elishaphat was one of the chiefs of hundreds whom Jehoiada the priest took into a covenant. Elishaphat gave his support to Jehoiada to secure the kingship for Jehoash the rightful heir to the throne. (2 Chronicles 23:1, 2) ELISHEBA: Elisheba was the daughter of Amminadab and wife of Mose brother Aaron. (Exodus 6:23) (Numbers 2:3) ELISHUA: This was one of the sons born to King David in Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 5:15) (1 Chronicles 14:5) He is also called Elishama at 1 Chronicles 3:6. ELIUD: Eliud was an ancestor of Jesus adoptive father Joseph. (Matthew 1:15, 16) ELIZABETH: Elizabeth was the wife of Zechariah the priest. They were the parents of John the Baptist. She visited Mary the mother of Jesus. (Luke 1:39-45) ELIZAPHAN, SON OF UZZIEL: Elizaphan (Elzaphan) was the son of Aarons uncle Uzziel. It was Uzziel who, assisted by his brother Mishael and at Moses direction carried the bodies of Nadab and

Abihu outside the camp. (Ezekiel 6:22) (Leviticus 10:4) (Numbers 3:30) Elizaphan was the head of a Levitical family that served during the reigns of David and Hezekiah. (1 Chronicles 15:8) (2 Chronicles 29:13) ELIZAPHAN, SON OF PARNACH: He was the son of Parnach and the leader of the sons of Zebulun. They were appointed by Jehovah to divide the Promised Land into tribal inheritances. (Numbers 34:25) ELIZUR: Elizur was the son of Shedeur of the tribe of Reuben. He was one of the twelve chieftains who assisted Moses and Aaron in numbering the sons of Israel. (Numbers 1:1-3, 5, 17; 2:10; 10:18) ELKANAH, SON OF KORAH: Elkanah was the son of Korah. He and his brothers, Assir and Abiasaph, did not the fate of their rebellious father. (Exodus 6:24) (Numbers 26:11) ELKANAH, SON OF JEROHAM: This Elkanah was the son of Jeroham. He was the father of Samuel the prophet. Elkanah lived at Ramah in the mountains of Ephraim. (1 Samuel 1:1) (1 Chronicles 6:27, 33, 34) Elkanah made a yearly pilgramage to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to Jehovah. His two wives were Hannah and Peninnah. (1 Samuel 1:2, 3, 5, 8, 19; 2:21) ELMADAM: Elmadam was a relative of Jesus earthly mother Mary. (Luke 3:28) ELNAAM: This man was the father of two of Davids mighty men in the military, Jeribai and Joshaviah. (1 Chronicles 11:46) ELOHIM: The Hebrew word Elo-him is the plural of elohah. They mean God. The plural form is used to denote a number of gods. (Genesis 31:30, 32; 35:2) More often it is a plural for majesty, dignity, or excellence. Elohim is used in the Scriptures with reference to Jehovah, angels, idol gods, and to men. Elohim appears 35 times in the creation account and every time the verb describing what he said and did is in the singular number. (Genesis 1:1-2:4) ELON-BETH-HANAN: This city is mentioned at 1 Kings 4:9 as forming part of one of Solomons commissariat districts. ELONITES: The Elonites were a family descended from Zebuluns son Elon. (Numbers 26:26)

ELPAAL: He was a descendant of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8, 11, 12) ELTEKEH: Eltekeh was a city of Dan given to the Kohathite Levites. (Joshua 19:44; 21:20, 23) Some scholars believe it was located 11 miles northeast of Ashdod. ELTEKON: Eltekon was a city in the mountains of Judah. Some Bible experts identify it with Khirbet ed-Deir, 6 miles west of Bethlehem. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 59) ELTOLAD: Eltolad was a city in the southern part of the territory of the tribe of Judah. It was located near the border of Edom. (Joshua 15:21, 30) The city was also called Tolad in 1 Chronicles 4:29. ELUZAI: Eluzai was one of the Benjamite mighty men who joined David at Ziklag. (1 Chronicles 12:1-5) ELYMAS: This is the professional name or title taken by Bar-Jesus. He was a sorcerer and false prophet, a Jew who lived on the island of Cyprus in the first century C.E. (Acts 13:6-8) Jews of that era who indulged in magical arts and sorcery often assumed a Greek name. (Acts 8:9-11; 19:17-19) ELZABAD, OF THE TRIBE OF GAD: Elzabad was one of Davids mighty military men. The Gadites were considered equal to a hundred or a thousand. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 8, 12, 14) ELZABAD, SON OF SHEMAIAH: Elzabad was a Levite of the family of Korahites. He was the son of Shemaiah. Obed-edom was his grandfather. Elzabad served as a gatekeeper in King Davids time. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4, 7, 12, 15, 19) EMBALMING: Embalming is the process of preserving a dead body. Oils were injected into the body to preserve it from decay. The ancient Egyptians practiced this art by mummifying the body. They would use chemicals and also wrap the body in cloth. In addition to the Egyptians, the Assyrians, Persians and Scythians embalmed humans. Joseph commanded his servants to embalm his father. (Genesis 50:2, 3) Joseph was 110 years old when he died and was embalmed. (Genesis 50:26) Faithful Hebrews and true Christians realized the fact that the body returns to dust after death. (Ecclesiastes 3:18-20) (Ezekiel 18:4) The Scriptures seldom mention embalming. Therefore it is logical to conclude that it was not a general practice among Hebrews and early Christians. Nicodemus

applied myrrh and aloes to Jesus Christs dead body and bound it with bandages. This was not embalming but it was the custom of the Jews when preparing for burial. (John 19:39, 40) Martha told Jesus that Lazarus body would smell after four days. This would not have been the case if it had been embalmed. (John 11:39, 44) EMBROIDERY: Embroidery is the ancient art of using a needle to stitch threads of various colors into fabric or leather to produce raised ornamentation. This artwork was first mentioned in connection with Israels tabernacle. (Exodus 35:30-35; 38:21-23) Cherubs were embroidered on the tabernacle tent cloths. (Exodus 26:1; 36:8) Mention is also made about embroidered garments. (Jeremiah 5:1, 28, 30) (Ezekiel 16:1, 2, 10, 13, 18; 26:2, 7, 15, 16) EMEK-KEZIZ: Emek-keziz (Keziz Valley) was a Benjamite city located near Jericho in the Jordan Valley. (Joshua 18:21) EMERALD: Emerald is a brilliant variety of beryl. It is a transparent gemstone composed of aluminum and glucinium silicate and a small amount of chromium. It is green in color and came from Egypt. (Exodus 12:35, 36) The high priest wore emerald on his breastplate. (Exodus 28:2, 15, 17, 21; 39:10) John used the emerald to describe the rainbow that was around about the throne at Revelation 4:1-3. EMIM: The Emim were a tribe that lived in the territory east of the Dead Sea. They were described as numerous and tall like the Anakim. (Deuteronomy 2:10) EMMAUS: This was the village that Cleopas and a fellow disciple traveled to when the materialized Jesus Christ joined them on the day of his resurrection. (Luke 24:13-33) Luke said the village was 7 miles from Jerusalem. ENAIM, ENAM: Enaim was located near Adullam and Timnah. (Genesis 38:12) It is considered by some geographers to be the same as Enam in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:34) This is the city where Tamar disguised herself as a prostitute and cohabited with Judah. This meeting resulted in the birth of Perez and Zerah. (Genesis 38:14-16, 21,29, 30) ENAN: Enan was the father of Ahira the chieftain of the tribe of Naphtali at the time of Moses. (Numbers 1:15; 2:29; 7:78, 83; 10:27)

EN-DOR: This city was located on the plain in the territory of Issachar, but it was assigned to Manasseh. (Joshua 17:11-13) It was in the region of Taanach and Megiddo and the Kishon Valley. (Joshua 17:11) (Judges 5:19) En-Dor is associated with Jehovahs victory over Sisera mentioned at Psalm 83:9, 10. En-Dor is the place where King Saul consulted a spirit medium just before Israels defeat at the hands of the Philistines. (1 Samuel 28:7; 31:1-13) ENDURANCE: To endure is to stand ones ground, persevere and remain steadfast. Jesus Christ emphatically stated at Matthew 24:13 that he who endures to the end is the one who will be saved. Christians often face indifference, intense hostility, hatred, imprisonment and even death. (Matthew 5:10-12; 10:16-22; 24:9, 10, 39) (Mark 13:9, 12, 13) (Revelation 13:10) All of this requires endurance. Without this essential quality, a person simply could not come into possession of eternal life. ( Romans 2:7) (Hebrews 10:36) (Revelation 14:12) EN-EGLAIM: A symbolic vision was given to Ezekiel about the saltladen waters of the Dead Sea. In it the waters were to be healed and fishers were to stand on its shores from Engedi to Eneglaim. (Ezekiel 47:8-10) ENEMIES OF GOD: The Hebrew term oh-yev and the Greek word ekh-thros mean one who is hostile or one who hates. Satan the Devil hatefully approached Eve and challenged Gods truthfulness. (Genesis 3:4, 5) (Revelation 12:9) Jesus Christ identified the spirit creature Satan-the-Devil as a manslayer, a liar and father of the lie at John 8:44. Satan is the chief enemy of God. (Matthew 13:25, 39) Satan the Devil controls the entire world of mankind including governments, religious organizations including churches, and society at large. (1 John 5:19) This makes the world Gods enemy. (James 4:4) Satan and his demons gather the nations in opposition to God. (Revelation 16:13-16) God will destroy his enemies. (Deuteronomy 32:41) (Isaiah 59:18) (Revelation 20:10) The faithful believers who obey Him and endure to the end will be saved. (John 3:16, 36) (James 2:26) (Matthew 24:13, 14) ENEMIES OF CHRIST: The enemies of God are also the enemies of Christ. After his resurrection Jesus sat down at the right hand of God and waited until his enemies were placed as a stool for his feet. (Psalm 2:1-9; 110:2) (Luke 20:41-43) (Hebrews 10:12, 13) (Revelation 19:11-21)

ENEMIES OF CHRISTIANS: Enemies of God are at the same time enemies of mankind because they fight against mans reconciliation with God. The apostle Paul wrote this about Christians: Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12) (2 Corinthians 10:4) Jesus warned his disciples that the world would hate them and even try to kill them. (Matthew 10:22, 36; 24:9) (John 16:2) Jesus said to continue to love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. (Luke 6:27, 28) The Almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims: Vengeance is mine and retribution. (Deuteronomy 32:35) (Romans 12:19) (Hebrews 10:30) The world, the flesh, and the Devil are all enemies of Christians and with the help of Jesus Christ and Jehovah God they will be victorious. (Romans 8:7) (Galatians 5:17; James 4:1) (1 Peter 2:11) ENGAGEMENT: An engagement is a mutual promise to marry. The parents of the couple usually arranged for the marriage in ancient Israel. (Genesis 24:1-4; 38:6; 21:21) The selection of the bride and the proposal was arranged by the parents or father of the groom. In some instances Jehovah selected the bride. This was the case with Isaac. (Genesis 24:50, 51) The bride price was paid to the parents of the bride. (Genesis 34:12) (Exodus 22:16, 17) (1 Samuel 18:25) The ancient Hebrews viewed the engagement as binding as if they were already married. (Genesis 19:8, 14) (Judges 14:15, 16, 20) EN-GANNIM, JUDEAN CITY: En-gannim was a Judean city in the Shephelah 1.5 miles south of Bethshemesh. (Joshua 15:33-35) EN-GANNIM, CITY OF ISSACHAR: This city was part of Issacharls inheritance. It was alloted to the sons of Gershon as a Levite city. It is also called Anem. (Joshua 19:17, 21; 21:27-29) EN-GEDI: The En-gedi was the wilderness territory of Judah where David hide from the pursuing King Saul. (1 Samuel 23:29) It is filled with rocky passes, rough mountains, and ridges. The rocks of Engedi are honeycombed with roomy caves. David and his men hid in one of these caves. (1 Samuel 24:3) There was and is also a city named En-gedi found about 23 miles south east of Jerusalem on the shore of the Dead Sea. EN-HADDAH: This city of Issachar was located near En-gannim east of Mount Tabor. (Joshua 19:17, 21)

EN-HAKKORE SPRING: When Samson was thirsty after he struck down a thousand men he called for water from Jehovah. The Enhakkore Spring appeared miraculously. (Judges 15:14-19) EN-HAZOR: En-hazor was a fortified city of the tribe of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 35, 37) EN-MISHPAT: This is another name for Kadesh. (Genesis 14:7) ENOCH: Enoch was the son of Jared, the seventh man in line from Adam. Enoch was one of the great cloud of witnesses that lived outstanding examples of faith. Enoch walked with God. (Genesis 5:18, 21-24) (Hebrews 11:5, 12:1) As a prophet he foretold of the time when God would come with His holy myriads to execute judgment against the ungodly. (Jude 14, 15) Violent persecution was brought against Enoch because of his prophesying. His opposers were planning to kill him, but God did not permit it. Jehovah God took him away from there. The Bible says that Enoch was transferred so as not to see death. (Genesis 5:24) (Hebrews 11:5, 13) Enoch was not the writer of the apocryphal book: the Book of Enoch. That book was uninspired, written many centuries later and not included in the canon of the Holy Scriptures. ENOSH: Enosh (Enos) was the son of Seth. His father was 105 years old when he fathered Enosh. Enosh was 90 years old when he fathered Kenan, and he lived to the ripe old age of 905 years. (Genesis 5:6-11) (1 Chronicles 1:1) (Luke 3:38) EN-RIMMON: En-rimmon was a city of Judah. (Nehemiah 11:25, 29) Its name is a combination of Ain and Rimmon, as found at Joshua 15:32 and 19:7 and 1 Chronicles 4:32. EN-ROGEL: En-rogel was a spring or well near Jerusalem. It was on the boundary between Judah and Benjamin. (Joshua 15:7; 18:16) Davids spies Jonathan and Ahimaaz met at En-rogel where they received information about Absaloms rebellion. (1 Kings 1:9) EN-SHEMESH: En-shemesh was the last spring found along side of the Jerusalem to Jericho road before reaching the Jordan Valley. It was considered the boundary between the territories of Benjamin and Judah. (Joshua 15:1, 7; 18:11, 17) EN-TAPPUAH: En-tappuah was a spring located by the city of Tappuah. It was considered the boundary definition between

Manasseh and Ephraim. (Joshua 17:7, 8) The city of Tappuah may have received its name from this spring. ENVY: Envy is one of the bad inclinations of sinful man. (James 4:5) It is hatred expressed through feelings of resentment and displeasure toward others. People often envy others material possessions, prosperity, advantages, position, or reputation. The Hebrew word qinah can have a positive application such as exclusive devotion and zeal, or it can reflect negative, hateful jealousy and envy. (Psalm 79:5) The Greek phthonos connotes the negative expression of envy. (Romans 1:29) The Jewish elders were filled with envy when the people followed Jesus. (Matthew 27:1, 2, 18) (Mark 15:10) Envy and jealousy go hand in hand and are despicable in Jehovahs eyes. The apostle Paul declared them to be works of the flesh at Galatians 5:19-21. He said that anyone practicing these works would not inherit Gods Kingdom. All who seek the help of Gods Spirit and work to resist the tendency to envy will succeed. (Galatians 5:16-18, 25, 26) (Titus 3:3-5) (1 Peter 2:1) EPAENETUS: Epaenetus was a Christian in the congregation at Rome. Paul acknowledges him by name and sends personal greetings at Romans 16:5. Paul called him one of the first fruits of Asia the same as Stephanus is referred to as the first fruits of Achaia. (1 Corinthians 1:16; 16:15) EPAPHRAS: This faithful minister of Christ preached the good news to the Colossians and by the grace of God established the congregation at Colossae. Epaphras traveled to Rome to give the apostle Paul a report about the love, loyalty, and steadfast faith, of the Colossian congregation. (Colossians 1:4-8; 4:12, 13) EPAPHRODITUS: He was a faithful member of the congregation at Philippi, Macedonia. The congregation sent him with a gift for Paul, who was a prisoner at Rome between 59 and 61 C.E. (Philippians 2:25; 4:18) While he was in Rome, Epaphroditus became very sick and almost died. But God had mercy on him and kept him alive. When he recovered Paul sent him back quickly and entrusted him with his letter to the Philippians congregation. (Philippians 2:2530) EPHER, SON OF MIDIAN: Epher was the second son of midian. He was grandson of Abraham by Abrahams wife Keturah. (Genesis 25:2, 4) (1 Chronicles 1:33)

EPHER, SON OF EZRAH: This Epher was the son of Ezrah. He was of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 17) EPHER, ONE OF THE SEVEN HEADS OF MANASSEH: Epher was one of the seven heads of the tribe of Manasseh. They were valiant, mighty men. Their descendants wer unfaithful to God. (1 Chronicles 5:23-26) EPHES-DAMMIM: Ephes-dammim was a camp site of the Philistines. It was between Socoh and Azekah. Goliath walked out to mock the battle lines from this camp site. ( 1 Samuel 17:1, 4-10) EPHESUS: The congregation of believers in Ephesus. (Ephesians 1:1 Ephesus was the capital city in the Roman state of Asia. Ephaesus was a wealthy and important commercial and religious center. The most outstanding edifice of the city was the temple of Artemis, a Greek virgin fertility goddess. It was so filled with splendor that it was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World at that time. Paul worked in Ephesus. (Acts 18:18-20) (1 Corinthians 6:8-9) EPHESIANS, THE LETTER: The apostle Paul was inspired to write the letter to the Ephesians in the years 60-61 Common Era. He was in prison in Rome when he wrote the letter. (Ephesians 1:1; 3:1; 4:1; 6:20) His helper Tychicus carried it to the congregation at Ephesus. (Ephesians 6:21, 22) Ephesus was known for its material wealth. So Pauls letter would help Christians to have a proper view of riches. He spoke of the riches of Gods grace and the riches of his glorious inheritance in the holy ones. He also spoke of the ages to come he (God), with Christ Jesus, might show the exceeding riches of his grace with kindness toward us. (Ephesians 1:7, 18; 2:7; 3:8, 16) EPHESIANS HIGHLIGHTS: The unity of the entire body of believers is emphesized. (Ephesians 4:1-6) Christians around the world have memorized Ephesians 2:8, 9: By grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from you. It is the gift from God! It is not the result of works. So no man should boast. The context found in verse 10 is equally important: For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. God prepared these works in advance that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10) Ephesians 2:8-10 establish a theocratic fact: It is because we are saved by Gods grace, through our faith, that we will do good works! James emphasized this when he wrote: Faith without works is dead. (James 2:17, 27) Jesus warned: By their fruits you will know them.

He said: He who does the will of my Father in heaven will enter. (Matthew 7:16, 21) We are told to put on the new personality. (Ephesians 4) The complete suit of spiritual armor provides full protection to a Christian. (Ephesians 6:10-24) EPHOD: The ephod is a priestly garment that was worn over the shoulder by the High Priest. It was warn along with the Urim and Thummim. It reached a little below the waist. (Exodus 28:6-14, 2228) EPHLAL: Ephlal was the son of Zabad of the family of Jerahmeel. He was the father of Obed. Ephlai was a descendant of Perez, a son of Judah by Tamar. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 9, 25, 34-37) EPHPHATHA: When Jesus Christ healed a deaf man with a speech impediment he spoke the Semitic expression: ephphatha. It means, be opened. (Mark 7:32-34) EPHRAIM, SON OF JOSEPH: Ephraim was the son of Joseph by his wife Asenath. He was the younger brother of Manasseh and was born in Egypt before the 7 year famine began. His name means fruitful. He received the name from Joseph, who said of his name: God made him fruitful in the land where he had suffered. (Genesis 41:50-52) Their grandfather Jacob adopted his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh by giving them equal parts of the equals of his direct sons-Ge 48:5. Their father Joseph received the right as firstborn among Jacobs sons. He received two parts of his fathers inheritance by means of the tribal inheritance of Ephraim and Manesseh. (1 Chronicles 5:1) (Genesis 48:21, 22) (Deuteronomy 21:17) (Joshua 14:4) Jacob blessed Ephraim with preference indicating prophetically that he would become the greater. (Genesis 48:13-20) A genealogical listing of Ephraims sons, and later descendants, concluding with Joshua, is found at 1 Chronicles 7:2027. The name Ephraim was applied to the tribe that descended from him. Moses blessed the Israelites and spoke prophetically of the ten thousands of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh. (Deuteronomy 33:17) The territory of Ephraim was mostly mountains and hills covered with forests and with rich and fertile soil. (Joshua 17:15, 17, 18) EPHRAIN: Ephrain was a city captured by King Abijah of Judah in his battle against Jeroboam of Israel. (2 Chronicles 13:19) EPHRATHAH, WIFE OF CALEB: Ephrathah was the wife of Caleb son of Hezron of the tribe of Judah. She married Caleb while they

were in bondage in Egypt. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 19, 50; 4:4) (Exodus 35:30-35) EPHRATHAH, BETHLEHEM: The name Ephrathath was applied to the area aroung Bethlehem. The two names were uses jointly in several texts. The account of Rachels death says, Rachel died and was buried on the way to Bethlehem (Ephrath).(Genesis 35:16, 19; 48:7) Members of Elimelechs family are refered to as Ephrathites from Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:2, 19) The prophecy about the Messiahs birth combines the two names as Bethlehem Ephrathah. (Micah 5:2) (Psalms 132:6) EPHRON, SON OF ZOHAR: Ephron was a Hittite, the son of Zohar. He owned a field in Machpelah in front of Mamre in Hebron. Abraham purchased this field from Ephron along with the cave located on the field to use as a burial place for his wife Sarah. (Genesis 23:3-20) EPHRON, THE MOUNTAIN: Mount Ephron was a mountain ridge located between Nephtoah and Kiriatho-jearim. It was on the northern boundary of the tribe of Judah. The word ephron means a place of dust. (Joshua 15:9) EPICUREANS: The people who followed the teaching of Epicurus, a Greek philosopher who taught that happiness is the highest good in life, were called Epicureans. (Acts 17:17, 18) The Epicurean philosophy flourished for seven centuries. Its primary idea was that the pleasure of the individual was the sole good in life. Emphasis was placed on pleasures of the mind rather than on physical pleasures. The Epicureans denied the resurrection hope and instead offered the idea: Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. (1 Corinthians 15:32) EPILEPTIC: An epileptic suffers from a nervous disease causing convulsions and fainting. Jesus Christ healed an epileptic that his disciples had been unable to cure at the account in Matthew 17:1420. ER, SON OF JUDAH: Er was Judahs firstborn son by his Canaanite wife. Judah took Tamar as a wife for his son Er. Er proved to be wicked in Gods eyes and so God put him to death before he could father offspring. (Genesis 38:1-7; 46:12) ER, THIRD SON OF JUDAH: This Er was the third son of Judah by his Canaanite wife. (Genesis 38:2-5) (1 Chronicles 4:21)

ER, SONE OF JOSE: This Er was the son of Jose (Jesus) and the father of Elmadam. (Luke 3:28) ERASTUS, MINISTERED TO PAUL: This Christian ministered to the apostle Paul on his third missionary tour. Paul sent his from Asia to Macedonia along with Timothy. (Acts 19:22) He was in Corinth when Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:20) ERASTUS, CITY STEWARD OF CORINTH: The apostle Paul sent greetings to Erastus in his letter to the Romans. (Romans 16:23) He was the procurator, or steward of the city of Corinth. ERECH: Erech was one of the four cities in Nimrods kingdom in the land of Shinar. (Genesis 10:10) It was located about 110 miles southeast of Babylon on the west bank of the old bed of the Euphrates River. This is about 3 miles east of the present course of the river. Erech was once a burial ground of the Assyrian kings. At one point in history Assyrian Emeror Asenappar transported the people of Erech to Samaria. (Ezra 4:9, 10) ERITES: Erite was the fifth son of Gad and forefather of the Erites. (Genesis 46:16) (Numbers 26:16) ESAU: Esau was the firstborn of Isaac and Rebekah. He was the twin brother of Jacob and the forefather of the Edomites. He was given the name Esau because of his very hairy appearance at birth. Later Esau was called Edom, meaning red, from the red lentil stew for which he sold his birthright. (Genesis 25: 22-26, 30) Esau was fleshly minded and materialistic. (Genesis 25:27. Esau is presented as a warning example to Christians so that they will not be materialistic and lack appreciation for spiritual things. (Hebrews 12:16) ESEK: Isaacs servants dug a well for fresh water in the Gerar Valley. The Philistine shepherds in the area claimed the well as their own. There was much quarreling over the ownership of the site. This prompted the name Esek, meaning contention. (Genesis 26:12-20) ESHAN: Eshan was a city in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 52)

ESHTAOL: Eshtaol was a city in the Shephelah that belonged to the tribe of Judah. I was later identified as a town on Dans border. (Joshua 15:20, 33; 19:40, 41) Judge Samson was buried at Eshtaol. (Judges 13:25; 16:31) ESTHER: Esther was a Jewish orphan girl of the tribe of Benjamin. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah. She was the daughter of Abihail, the uncle of Mordecai. Her older cousin Mordecai was her guardian and one of the kings servants at the palace at Shushan during the reign of the Persian king Ahasuerus. While the book of Esther does not mention the name of God, it is apparent from the actions of Mordecai and Esther that they were both faithful servants of God. The account is found in the Book of Esther. ETAM, SETTLEMENT OF SIMEONITES: This settlement of the Simeonites was located about 27 miles west of Engedi and about the same distance southwest of Jerusalem. It was part of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 32) ETAM CAVE: This sometimes called a crag. A crag is a steep rugged rock or cliff. The Etam Cave was where Samson lived after burning the Philistine field. Three thousand men of Judah captured him and took back to the Philistines. (Judges 15:8-13) ETAM, TOWN OF JUDAH: This town of Judah was about 1.5 miles southwest of Bethlehem. It is believed that Etam and Bethlehem were settled by cose relatives. (1 Chronicles 4:3, 4) ETHAM: Etham was the name of the second campsite where the Israelites stayed during their exit out of Egypt. (Exodus 13:20) (Numbers 33:3-7) They were on the edge of the desert wilderness at Etham whan they reversed their direction and turned back toward Pihahiroth, where they crossed the sea. (Numbers 33:7, 8) The act of turning back might have caused Pharaoh to reason that the Israelites were wandering in confusion in the wilderness. (Exodus 14:1-4) ETHAN, ONE WISE MAN: Ethan was one of four men who were considered very wise. However, Solomons wisdom was greater then these men. (1 Kings 4:31) It is possible that this Ethan wrote Psalm 89. (1 Chronicles 2:6, 8) ETHAN, SON OF ZIMMAH: Ethan was the father of Adaiah and the son of Zimmah. He was a Levite of the family of Gershom. (1 Chronicles 6:41-43)

ETHAN, SON OF KISHI: Ethan was the son of Kishi (Kushaiah). He was a Levite of the family of Merari. Ethan was a singer and a cymbalist. (1 Chronicles 15:17, 19) ETHANIM: Ethanim was the seventh lunar month of the sacred calendar of the Israelites. It correspond to the first month of the secular calendar. (1 Kings 8:2) It was called Tishri after the Babylonian exile. ETHER: Ether was a city in the Shephelah about 1 mile northwest of Beit Jibrin. It was part of the territory belonging to the tribe of Judah. However, it was allotted to Simeon. (Joshua 15:33, 42; 19:19) ETHIOPIA: Ethiopia is the region of Africa south of Egypt. The name comes from the Greek word Aithiopia. The ancient Hebrews called the land Cush. (Genesis 10:6-8) (1 Chronicles 1:8-10) (Isaiah 11:11) (Ezekiel 30:5) This country contains semiarid plains in the north, savannas and plateau land in the central region, and tropical rain forest in the south. Several Ethiopian queens used the title Candace. This included the one mentioned at Acts 8:27. The account of the Ethiopian eunuch and the evangelist Philip is a wonderful example of teaching, conversion, and subsequent baptism. It is found in chapter eight of Acts. ETH-KAZIN: Eth-kazin was a site marking the boundary of Zebulun. (Joshua 19:10, 13) ETHNAN: Ethnan was a son of Ashhur by his wife Helah. He was of the tribe of Judah of the family of Hezron. (1 Chronicles 2:3-5, 9, 24; 4:5, 7) ETHNI: Ethni was a descendant of Levi through his son Gershom. He was the son of Zerah and the forefather of the musician Asaph. (1 Chronicles 6:39-43) EUBULUS: This was one of the Christian brothers in Rome at the time of the apostle Pauls last imprisonment. He is mentioned as sending greetings to Timothy at 2 Timothy 4:21. EUNICE: Eunice was a Jewess who became a Christian. She was the daughter of Lois, the wife of an unbelieving Greek and the mother of Timothy. (Acts 16:1, 3) Paul probably met Eunice on this first missionary tour when she and her mother Lois became Christians.

(Acts 14:4-18) She set the perfect example for parents, teaching her son Timothy from infancy. (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15) EUODIA: This Christian woman was a member of the congregation at Philippi. It is said that she fought side by side with the apostle Paul and others in the good news. Paul gave Euodia and Syntyche counsel at Philippians 4:2, 3. EUNUCH: Government official, minister of state, valet, one who served as an attendant. This is not necessarily one who has had sexual organs removed to prevent reproduction. (Jer 38:7; Ac 8:27) One who voluntarily abstains from marriage could be called a eunuch. (Isaiah 56:3-4) (Matthew 19:12) EUPHRATES RIVER: The Euphrates River is the longest and most important river in southwest Asia. It is first mentioned, at Genesis 2:14, as one of the four rivers having their source in Eden. The source of the Euphrates can be found in northeast Turkey about 60 miles from the Black Sea. The headwaters of the Kara Su River and the Murtat Nehri River flow from Turkey in parallel until they unite near the city of Keban. There they form the Euphrates River and flow about 1,700 miles to the Persian Gulf. SEE HIDDEKEL RIVER, TIGRIS EUROAQUILO, NORTHEASTER: The Euroaquilo was a very strong, even violent, northeasterly wind. The apostle Paul was sailng en route from Fair Havens to Phoenix, on the southern coast of Crete. A violent windstorm blew up and nearly capsized the ship. The King James Version calls the wind Euroclydon meaning euros (east wind) and klydon (surge of the sea). Other translations use Euroaquilo meaning wind from the eastnortheast. The New Simplified Bible uses the English term Northeaster wind blew down from the island. EUTYCHUS: Eutychus was a young man in Troas. He was the last person reported in the Scriptures to have been miraculously restored to life. While attending the apostle Pauls talks Eutychus fell asleep and tumbled down from a third-story window, to his death. Paul said: Do not be troubled for he lives. (Acts 20:7-12) EVANGELIST, EVANGELISM: The great commission is to preach the good news of the kingdom of God under Christ. (Matthew 28:16-20) Jesus sent out seventy evangelists in groups of two. (Luke 10:1-16) Paul preached to the Greeks. (Acts 17:16-34) Evangelism is a gift from God through Christ as reported at Ephesians 4:11. Radio,

television, the world wide web (the Internet) using computers, and even newspapers are capable of reaching large audiences in a short period of time, but the most effective method for teaching the truth to people is the one-on-one, person-to-person method. The mass media methods are also very expensive. Jesus used the person-toperson method and sent his disciples out two-by-two, village-tovillage and door-to-door to make personal contacts, one at a time. (Matthew 10:1-27) EVE: The Creator knew that it was not good for man to live alone. So he placed Adam into a deep sleep and removed a rib from his side. After closing up the flesh he built the rib he had taken into a woman. He told the couple to become many and fill the earth. The account of Adam and Eve is found in chapters 2 and 3 of Genesis. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, testified that the account of Adam and Eve is factual and not fictional. (Matthew 19:3-6) Is it possible for the Almighty Jehovah God to create a woman from a rib? Yes! So why bother to question it? EVERLASTING: Jehovah God is eternal. He will not die. (Genesis 21:33) (Nehemiah 9:5) (Isaiah 40:28) Jehovahs kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. (Daniel 4:3) The good news of the kingdom is everlasting. (Revelation 14:6) EVIL: Evil behavior is morally objectionable behavior. It is that which causes harm or destruction. It is the quality of being morally wrong in either principle or practice. The Hebrew word ra is translated as bad, gloomy, ugly, evil, calamitous, malignant and envious depending upon the context. (Genesis 2:9; 40:7; 41:3) (Exodus 33:4) (Deuteronomy 6:22; 28:35) (Proverbs 23:6; 28:22) The Greek work ka-kos is defined as morally evil, destructive, bad, hurtful and wrong. (Romans 7:9; 12:17) (Colossians 3:5) (Titus 1:12) (Hebrews 5:14) The first occasion of evil occured when Adam transgressed against Gods law. It is recorded at Genesis 2:16,17; 3:17-19. God is not evil and does not try anyone with evil according to James 1:13, 14. The apostle Paul was inspired to write: Return evil for evil to no man at Romans 12:17, 19, 21. EVI: Five Midianite kings were put to death at the time Israels army fought under Moses to execute Jehovahs vengeance upon Midian. Midian had seduce Israel to attach itself to the Baal of Peorl. Evi was one of these kings. These Midianite kings were vassals of Sihon king of the Amorites. The territory was given to the tribe of Reuben. (Numbers 25:17, 18; 31:8) (Joshua 13:15, 21)

EVIL-MERODACH: Evil-merodach was the Babylonian king who succeded Nebuchadnezzar to the throne. Evil-merodach immediately released King Jehoiachin of Judah from detention. Jehoiachin had been in exile in Babylon for 37 years. Evil-merodach gave Jehoiachin a position of favor above all the other captive kings. (2 Kings 25:27-30) (Jeremiah 52:31-34) EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION: SEE DEVOTION EXECRATION, CURSE: Execration is a severe or even violent denunciation of something that is detestable and worthy of cursing. The Hebrew verb qa-vav means to execrate or curse. King Balak tried to get the prophet Balaam to execrate the nation of Israel. (Numbers 22:11, 17; 23:11, 13, 25, 27; 24:10) EXECUTION, EXECUTIONER: Law must have a law enforcer. Jehovah God is the Law giver and the Law Enforcer. Jehovah is our Judge. There is only One that is lawgiver and judge. (Isaiah 33:22) (James 4:12) Therefore Jehovah God is an executioner of judgment and vengeance upon violators of His Law. (Exodus 12:12) (Deuteronomy 10:17, 18) (Ezekiel 25:11-17) (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) (Jude 14, 15) The execution of the death penalty in Israel was either by stoning or by the sword. Jesus Christ, Jehovahs Messianic King, will soon serve as ruler and judge over all the earth. (Judges 8:20, 21) (2 Samuel 1:15) (Genesis 18:25) (Psalms 149:6-9) (Revelation 12:7-9; 19:11-16; 20:1-3) EXILE: A person who is exiled is expelled from his native land or home. Cain killed his brother Abel and was banished from the ground to become a wanderer and a fugitive in the earth. (Genesis 4:2, 3, 11-14) Jehovah warned Israel that they would go off into exile if they became unfaithful. (Deuteronomy 28:36, 37, 64; 29:28) Israel was exiled by the hand of the Assyrians. (2 Kings 15:29; 18:912) Judah was exiled to Babylon. (2 Kings 25:8-11, 21) Then there was the Jewish exile at the hands of the Romans. (Luke 21:20-24) EXODUS, THE BOOK: The second book of the Hebrew Scriptures is called Exodus. It tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses. It contains faith stirring accounts of momentous signs and miracles performed by Jehovah in order to deliver his people out of Egypt. God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of the Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus. It is extimated that more than two million people were involved in the Exodus. (Numbers 1:2, 3) Moses is the

writer of the book of Exodus and his efforts were completed around the year 1512 B.C.E. EXODUS HIGHLIGHTS: Exodus 3 Moses directed to lead the people out of Egypt Exodus 3:11-15 Jehovah reveals his name Exodus 7-12 Jehovah delivers plagues on Egypt Exodus 14 Red Sea parted by God Exodus 15 Moses song of victory Exodus 20 Ten Commandments EXPANSE, FIRMAMENT: Then God said: Let there be an expanse in the middle of the waters. Let it separate the waters from the waters. God made the expanse. He separated the waters that were below the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. It was so. God called the expanse heaven. There was evening and there was morning, a second day. (Genesis 1:6-8) The Hebrew word used for expanse is raqia. The Greek Septuagint used the word stereoma meaning a firm and solid structure. The Latin Vulgate used the Latin term firmamentum. The ancient Hebrew concept of the universe was that of solid vault over the earth. This was prevalent thinking during the Dark Ages in Europe also. The Bible writer Isaiah speaks of a film of dust or clouds. (Isaiah 40:15) (Psalms 18:11) Thus the concept of an expanse of gasious substance is expressed. The Psalmist grasps the expanse as part of Gods works and praise. (Psalms 19:1) And Exekiel gives an account that is filled with figurative expressions of an expanse that is like a sprinkle of awsome ice over the heads of the four living creatures. (Ezekiel 1:22-26; 10:1) EXPELL, EXCOMMUNICATE, DISFELLOWSHIP: Delinquents are removed from membership in an organization or community. The Christian congregation must remain clean and maintain Gods favor. Otherwise God would expel or cut off the entire congregation. (Revelation 2:5) (1 Corinthians 5:5, 6) God has used this expelling practice numerous times. He sentenced Adam to death and drove him and his wife Eve out of the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:19, 23, 24) Cain was banished as a fugitive in the earth. (Genesis 4:11, 14, 16) Angels that sinned were thrown into Tartarus, a prison for spirit beingsl. (2 Peter 2:4) Twenty three thousand fornicators were removed from Israel in one day. (1 Corinthians 10:8) Many other examples of expelling are found in the Bible. (Joshua 7:15, 20, 21, 25) (Numbers 16:27, 32, 33, 35; 12:10, 13-15) Some of the offenses that could merit expelling from the Christian congregation include unrepentant: fornication, adultery, homosexuality, greed, extortion,

thievery, and many more. (Romans 1:24-32) (1 Corinthians 5:9-13; 6:9, 10) (Titus 3:10, 11) (Revelation 21:8) EXTORTION: Extortion is the act of obtaining money or material wealth from someone by using threats to force them to pay. The Greek word rendered extortioner is harpax. It also means snatcher. (1 Corinthians 5:10) Tax collectors often practiced extortion to obtain dishonest gain. (Luke 3:13; 18:11; 19:2, 8) Extortion is listed in the New Testament along with fornication, adultery, idolatry, and greediness as sins that will prevent the practicer from entering the Kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 5:9-11; 6:9-11) EYE: The organ used for sight, it is a highly efficient, self-adjusting camera that transmits impulses to the brain. The eye is featured many times in the Bible. The apostle Peter says: The eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones. David pleads with Jehovah to: keep me as if I were the pupil in your eye. This depicted them as the precious, sensitive organ that they truly are. Spiritual sight is emphasized in the Bible also. Speaking symbolically Jesus said: The lamp of the body is the eye. If your eye is clear your whole body will be full of light. (Matthew 6:22-23) He was speaking about spiritual light or truth. EYE SALVE: Eye salve was a substance applied to the eye to aid in healing the eye. The term is used figuratively in the Bible concerning the Laodicean congregation at Revelation 3:17, 18. The recommendation to buy eye salve would have been meaningful to the Laodiceans since they had a famous medical school located there. EZBAI: Ezbai was the father of Naarai. He was one of the mighty men of King Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 37) EZBON: Ezbon was the son of Gad and the grandson of Jacob. (Genesis 46:16) EZEKIEL, THE BOOK: Ezekiel was the writer of the Book of Ezekiel. He was a prophet during the time the Jews were in exile by the Babylonians in the year 591 B.C.E. (Ezekiel 1:1-3) His famous vision of the dry bones is found at Ezekiel 37:1-14. Ezekiel Chapters 7, 8, and 9 vividly depict the detestable practices of the people in Judah. The reader is reminded of the detestable practices going on in our society and our modern religions today! Over 90 times in his book, Ezekiel is referred to as the son of man. The Divine Name

Jehovah is highlighted throughout the book. There are more than 60 occurrences of the expression: Then you (or they) will know that I am Jehovah (Ezekiel 6:7) An interesting point of information about the name Ezekiel is that it is only found twice in the Holy Scriptures at Ezekiel 1:3 and 24:24. Thats right, and yet the prophecies found in this large book are earthshaking in stature! EZEM: Ezem was a Judean site given to the tribe of Simeon as an enclave city. (Joshua 15:21, 29; 19:1, 3) (1 Chronicles 4:24, 28, 29) It was about 16 miles southeast of Beersheba. EZER, SON OF EPHRAIM: This Ezer was probably the son of Ephraim. He was killed along with his brother Elead by the men of Gath when they attempted to take their livestock. (1 Chronicles 7:20, 21) EZER, SON OF HUR: Ezer was the son of Hur of the tribe of Judah. He was the father of Hushah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 4) EZER, SON OF JESHUA: This Ezer was the son of Jeshua. He was a prince of Mizpah. He was involved in the repair of a section of the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 3:19) EZION-GEBER: Ezion-geber was a campsite where the Israelites camped at the end of the 40 years in the wilderness. They moved from there to Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin. (Numbers 20:14-22; 33:35, 36) It was situated on the banks of the Red Sea, at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba. (1 Kings 9:26) (2 Chronicles 8:17) EZRA, WRITER OF BOOKS OF CHRONICLES AND EZRA: Ezra was an Aaronic priest who descended from Eleazar and Phinehas. He was a scholar and an outstanding researcher, citing nearly twenty sources of information in the two books of Chronicles. Ezra wrote the book of Ezra and the two books of Chronicles. Under inspiration of Gods Holy Spirit Ezra preserved a great portion of Israels history. This served to verify the fulfillment of prophecy and to encourage Jehovah Gods people. As an expert copyist and teacher of the Law he was skilled in both the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. Many copies of the Hebrew Scriptures were needed for the Jews who were scattered to other countries and Ezra no doubt was kept busy as a copyist. Ezras genuine zeal for pure worship caused him to prepare his heart to consult the law of Jehovah, to obey it, and to teach it in Israel. (Ezra 7:1-6, 10)

EZRAH: This was one of Judahs descendants. Jether, Mered, Epher, and Jalon are identified as the sons of Ezrah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 7) EZRI: Ezri was the son of Chelub. He served as the overseeer of the cultivators of the kings fields during Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 27:26)

SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY F FABLE: The Greek word mythos means myth, false story, and fiction. (1 Timothy 1:4; 4:7) (Titus 1:14) Mythos is the opposite of aletheia meaning truth. The truth of the good news spoken of at Gatatians 2:5 offers the contrast between the true teaching of the gospel and perversions of it. The apostle Paul instructed Christians not to pay attention to false stories. (1 Timothy 4:6, 7) He also prdicted a future time when people would turn aside to false stories instead of the truth at 2 Timothy 4: 3, 4. The apostle Peter also reminded believers to stay close to the truth at 2 Peter 1:16. FACE: Hebrew: paneh and Greek: proso-pon mean the literal face, the front part of the head. (Matthew 6:16-17) (James 1:23) It can also mean the figurative face. (Luke 12:56) Searching for the face of God means to seek audience with him and implore favorable attention from him. (Psalm 24:6) In verses where it enhances the meaning, the New Simplified Bible spells out what the reference to face represents. A good example of this is found at Luke 9:51 where older translations state that Jesus firmly set his face to go to Jerusalem. The New Simplified Bible states: he was determined to go to Jerusalem. FAIR HAVENS: (Greek: Kaloi Limniones) Fair Havens is a harbor near the city of Lasea, with the bay on the south coast of Crete. (Acts 27:5-8) FAITH: The Greek term: pisteuo means have faith. (1 Thessalonians 3:7) (Titus 2:10) Hebrews Chapter 11 is the Faith Chapter. Hebrews 11: 1, 2 states: Faith is the process of being sure of what we hope for. It is evidence of what we do not see. God

approved of the men of old because of their faith. We read in the letter of James, Faith without works is dead. (James 2:26) This makes it abundantly clear that if one does not back up his faith with works he will not receive everlasting life! Therefore it is vital that all Christians live and act in accordance with their faith. Action terms describing this kind of faith include: exercise faith, life-sustaining faith, active faith, living faith, actively believe. This active faith is required in order to receive everlasting life. It is with this understanding in mind that the New Simplified Bible uses phrases such as have an active faith, (John 3:15-18; 36) express active faith, (John 7:5) exert active faith, (John 2:23; 12:36; 14:12) put active faith, (John 3:36; 6:35, 40; 11:25, 26) and practice active faith (John 16:9). James Strongs Dictionary describes faith as conviction of religious truth and reliance upon Christ for salvation. The entire body of truths taught by Jesus Christ and his inspired disciples constitutes the true Christian faith. It is a faith based on the complete Word of God. This includes the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus and the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures referred to the Hebrew Scriptures many times in support of their statements. The four books in the Hebrew Scripures quoted from the most are Genesis, Deuteronomy, Psalms, and Isaiah. FAITHFUL AND WISE SERVANT: When answering the apostles question concerning his coming and the end of the age, at Matthew 24:3, he gave his answer in verses 4 through 51. He concluded his answer with an illustration about the faithful and wise (discreet, discerning, modest, perceptive) servant: Who then is the faithful, thoughtful and wise, servant, whom his lord put in charge of his household, to give their food at the proper time? That servant is blessed when his lord comes and finds him doing his will. I tell you he will put him in charge of everything he owns. (Matthew 24:4551) The parallel illustration is found at Luke 12:42-48. Earlier Jesus had shown that he (Jesus) occupied the position of the master or lord in the illustration. (Matthew 10:24, 25; 18:21; 24:42) (John 13:6, 13) Some Bible commentators view the illustration about the faithful and wise servant as a general exhortation to all Christians who have responsibilities in the Christian congregation. The requirement of faithfulness applies to all who take responsibility as Christians. We read this at Matthew 25:14-30 and Titus 1:7-9. Yet it would not be possible for each and every individual Christian to be placed over all his masters

belongings at the same time, the time of the masters arrival. Further support of this is found at Ephesians 2:19 and 1 Timothy 3:15 where the apostle Paul says the members of the congregation are members of the household of God. Therefore the faithful and wise servant would be responsible for seeing that the members of the congregation, the household of God, would be fed spiritual food at the proper time. FAITHFUL AND WISE SERVANT IS IMPERFECT: Unlike the Roman Catholic belief that the Pope in Rome is perfect in matters of church doctrine and teachings, the Holy Scriptures make it clear that no man is perfect and that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23; 5:12) It is wise not to view any of the writings of religious organizations of men to be totally without error. While Gods Holy Spirit directs Gods faithful servants the Bible places most of its emphasis on the individual obeying the teachings that come direct from Gods Word. (James 1:22; 2:18-26) (Acts 5:29) Jesus told his deciples: If you love me, you will keep (obey) my commandments! (John 14:15) Gods commandments are plainly stated in the Holy Scriptures and do not need very much interpretation or explanation. It is important to understand that human beings make mistakes, even religious organizations consisting of human beings make mistakes! It is important to constantly be aware of this possibility. We should respect the authority of the Scriptures more so than the authority of religious organizations of men. The apostle Peter was inspired to write: Know this first that no prophecy of Scripture is for private interpretation. For no prophecy ever came by the will of man! Men spoke from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20, 21) So private interpretation of the Holy Scriptures is ruled out. That leaves only group interpretion or Bible self-interpretation. If the best advantages of each method of interpretation could be combined the believer would truly benefit. ADVANTAGES OF CHURCH ORGANIZATION: (1) Group thinking may at times serve as a check and balance system that could keep the group from going to theocratic extremes. (2) Every organization requires an organizer. Someone needs to be incharge. (1 Corinthians 11:3) (3) When the organization decides what the members should believe there is unity. (Ephesians 4:3-6)

(4) All members believe basicly the same beliefs. The Holy Scriptures should be the basis for teachings of the Christian congregation. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) DISADVANTAGES OF CHURCH ORGANIZATION: (1) A group could make mistakes because of too much selfconfidence that only they had the right answer. Unyielding self-righteous religious groups have imposed major doctrinal mistakes on millions of deceived believers. (2) Most religious organizations are stubbornly unyielding. They are not willing to humble themselves and admit when they are wrong. (3) ONLY GOD SHOULD TELL YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE AND HE SPEAKS THROUGH HIS WORD THE BIBLE. Not through committees of men! Church organizations form a hierarchy. A hierarchy is an organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body. The Roman Catholic Church Hierarchy strongly believe that the Pope in Rome is perfect (infallable) in matters of church doctrine and teachings. The Holy Scriptures make it clear that no man is perfect and that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23; 5:12) It is wise not to view any of the writings of religious organizations of men to be totally without error. (4) Let the Bible interpret the Bible. Bible self-interpretation appears to be the best answer. Search the Scriptures daily to make sure of the meaning. The Bereans were nobler than those of Thessalonica because they received the word with all readiness of mind and examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul told them was true. (Acts 17:11) Most church organizations claim to teach the Bible. However, church doctrines frequently turn away from the strict Bible teachings. (5) The responsibility to search the Scriptures daily is assigned to each and every individual Christian. It is not just the province of the leaders of the group alone! Church organizations tend to take the responsibility to search the Scriptures away from the individual. Every single Christian should search the Scriptures daily to make sure that what is believed is according to Gods Word! Reliable Bible Dictionaries should also be used for additional research.

FALCON: Hebrew: nets mean falcons, hawks and kestrel. It was one of the birds declared unclean. (Leviticus 11:16) (Job 39:26) (Deuteronomy 14:15) The Egyptians worshiped many animal gods. Included in a very prominent place was the falcon-headed symbol of Horus. Combined with Isis and Osiris, the falcon-headed god was part of a trinity. Herodotus proclaimed that anyone killing a falcon in Egypt was to be put to death. FALSE DOCTRINE: A false doctrine is a belief that is based on the ideas and private interpretations of men and not based on the Holy Scriptures. SEE TRADITIONS OF MEN. FALSE GODS: Satan the Devil: The god of this world (age) is the most influencial of the false gods. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Many false gods are found in the Bible including: Baal, Merodach, Marduk, Asshur and Asherah. The most influential false gods today are things such as automobiles, expensive homes and material wealth. (1 John 2:15-17) People pay attention to them instead of the worship of the true God. FALSE PROPHET: If a prophet does not promote each of the following three things he or she is a false prophet: (1) Speak in Jehovahs name. (2) Prophesy things that actually do come true. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22) (3) Promote true worship in harmony with Gods word and commandments. (Deuteronomy 13:1-4) Its that simple, prophets who engage in disobedience to Gods Word and Law are false prophets! (Jeremiah 6:13, 4; 14:11-16) FAMILY: Hebrew: mish-pa-chah means household and by extension a tribe of people, even a nation. The Greek word: pa-tria refers to a family. Jehovah God is the originator of all families. (Ephesians 3:14, 15) It all began with Adam and Eve. (Genesis 5:3) Monogamy was the original standard Jehovah set for the family. Polygamy was later practiced against Gods original teaching. (1 Timothy 3:2) (Romans 7:2, 3) The man is directly appointed by God as head of the family. (1 Corinthians 11:3) (1 Timothy 2:11-15; 5:14) FAMINE: A literal famine is an extreme food shortage where people go without eating. A figurative famine happens when there is a scarcity of hearing the words of Jehovah. (Amos 8:11) Famine is one of the plagues to come upon symbolic Babylon the Great. (Revelation 18:8) When a person has hunger and thirst for righteousness and truth he or she will be filled. (Matthew 5:6) (John 6:35) (Revelation 7:9, 13-17) Gods kingdom will put an end to

hunger and satisfy the physical hunger of all persons. (Psalm 72:16; Isaiah 25:6) FARMING IMPLEMENTS: The following are some of the tools used by farmers as recorded in the Bible: Forks were used for winnowing. (Isaiah 30:24) (Jeremiah 15:7) Hoes were used for clearing land of weeds and breaking up clods of earth. (Isaiah 5:5, 6; 7:23-25) Mattocks were used for grabbing and loosening the soil. (1 Samuel 13:20, 21) Pruning shears were for pruning the vine. (Isaiah 18:5) (Joel 3:10) Sickles were mainly for reaping standing grain and harvesting the vine. (Joel 3:13) (Revelation 14:18) The threshing sledge was designed to separate the kernels from the ears of grain. (1 Chronicles 21:23) (Job 41:30) (Isaiah 41:15) The wooden winnowing shovel was used for tossing threshed grain into the air so the wind would blow the straw and chaff away. (Matthew 3:12) FAST: To go without food for a while as a religious duty. (Luke 5:33) Proper fasts were practiced to show godly sorrow and repentance because of past sins. (1 Samuel 7:6) (Joel 2:12-15) (Jonah 3:5) Jesus Christ condemned the insincere fasting of the Pharisees at Matthew 6:16-18 and in an illustration at Luke 18:9-14. It was the custom of the Pharisees to fast twice a week. (Luke 18:12) The Bible offers no explicit command for Christians to fast. The text about fasting at Matthew 17:21 in the King James Version is not found in early Greek Manuscripts. However, early Christians did fast on special occasions. When Paul and Barnabas were sent on a missionary assignment to Asia Minor, there was fasting and praying. And when elders were appointed in a new congregation there was fasting. (Acts 13:2, 3; 14:23) (Romans 14:5, 6) FAT: Fat is a body tissue that contains stored fatty flesh, such as the Hebrew term chelev found at Leviticus 3:3 and Judges 3:22. It serves as a source of energy and also cushions and insulates vital organs. Fat can also be representative of great fruitfulness or the best or finest of something. (Genesis 45:18) (Numbers 18:12) (Psalms 81:16; 147:14) FATHER: Hebrew: av and Greek: pater mean father. God is called Father at Isaiah 64:8 and Romans 8:15. He is both God and Father to Jesus Christ, a fact that is overlooked by some religious groups. (John 17:1) (2 Corinthians 1:3) (Colossians 1:3) (Revelation 3:12) Satan the Devil is called the father of the lie at John 8:44. Jesus warned us not to call any man father as a religious title at Matthew 23:9. Family heads and fathers are responsible to teach

Gods principles to their households. (Genesis 18:19) (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) (Ephesians 6:4) FATHER-IN-LAW: The word for husbands father in Hebrew is chem. The New Simplified Bible translates it father-in-law. (Genesis 38:13, 25) (1 Samuel 4:19, 21) The feminine form is chamohth. It is translated mother-in-law. (Ruth 1:14) (Micah 7:6) In the Greek Scriptures the word pentheros is translated father-in-law. (Matthew 8:14; 10:35) (Mark 1:30) (Luke 4:38; 12:53) FATHERLESS BOY: A fatherless boy is an orphan. A fatherless boy has no man in the house to support it. Under the Law, fatherless boys, orphans, and widows were provided with sustenance. (Exodus 22:22-24) (Deuteronomy 24:17, 19-21) James says the acceptable form of religion provides for orphans and widows. This is found at James 1:27. FATHERS HOUSE: The Hebrew expression behth av could be rendered: dwelling place (Deuteronomy 22:21); fathers house or place of dwelling (Genesis 31:30; 38:11); the people in a household (Genesis 46:31) (Judges 9:18); or the paternal house of a family or families (Numbers 3:19, 30) (Numbers 26:20-22) (Joshua 7:17). Jesus Christ promised his followers that he was going to prepare a place in his Fathers house for them at John 14:2. FATHOM: A fathom is a linier unit of measurement equal to 6 feet of water depth. Depts are determined with a sounding line. When a more exact tool for measuring was not available they would simply measure the distance between the finger tips of a mans two hands when his arms were stretched in opposite directions. The Greek word for fathom is orguia. It means to stretch out or reach. (Acts 27:28) FAULT, FAULTFINDING: A fault is usually easy to find. It is a failing or error. It is also a defect or imperfection. The Bible often describes a fault as an occasion of blame or a cause for disapproval. The term find fault is found in both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Sometimes it is rendered: quarrel or contend. (Genesis 26:20) (Deuteronomy 33:7) (1 Samuel 24:15); (Psalm 103:9) The Holy Scriptures counsel us to love one another and forgive each other and not to find fault with one another. (Colossians 3:13) FEAR: Fear is a negative emotion. Fear means an expectation of harm or pain. It is an anxious, uneasy, apprehensive feeling. We

learn at Proverbs 16:6: Respect for Jehovah keeps one away from sin. This respect is a deeply expressed reverence out of love, not a cringing, cowering fear. The Holy Scriptures make it abundantly clear that a person must be deeply concerned about the consequences of his actions if he does not believe and obey Jehovah God and his Son Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 9:10) (John 3:36) Christians are instructed to please God at Hebrews 12:28: Let us be grateful and worship God in a way that will please him, with reverence and awe. Does this require fear-inspired groveling and cringing before our true God of love? Or does true faith require a positive and loving approach? Is God love? Or is God fear? God is love! We learn this at 1 John 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 13:13. SEE: FOUR BASIC QUALITIES OF GOD. Fear is not listed as one of the four basic qualities of God. FEAR OF GOD: In reality fear of God is actually awe and a profound reverence for the Creator and a wholesome dread of displeasing him. The words reverence and respect are used instead of fear when used in relationship to God in the New Simplified Bible. They express a more loving and positive attitude then the word fear. (Proverbs 1:7) Veneration and awe are also two words that can be used instead of the word fear. FELIX: Felix was the procurator of the Roman province of Judea who held Paul prisoner for two years after Pauls last visit to Jerusalem about 56 C.E. We read about him at Acts chapters 23 and 24. FELLOWSHIP OFFERINGS: This sacrifice was offered to insure a right relationship with God. Part of the animal was burned on the altar. The worshipers or the priests ate the rest of the animal. FESTIVAL, HOLY DAY, FEAST: Festivals were a large part of the true worship of God. Jehovah prescribes each of the following festivals and special days: Annual Festivals: (1) Passover, Abib (Nisan) 14. (2) Unfermented Cakes, Abib (Nisan) 15-21. (3) Weeks, or Pentecost, Sivan 6. (4) Trumpet Blat, Ethanim (Tishri) 1. (5) Day of Atonement, Ethanim (Tishri) 10. (6) Booths, Ethanim (Tishri) 1521, with a solemn assembly on the 2nd. After the Exile: (1) Festival of Dedication, Chislev 25 and (2) Festival of Purim, Adar 14,15. The Periodic Festivals included: the weekly Sabbath, New Moon, Sabbath year every seventh year, and Jubilee year every 50th year.

FESTUS: The Governor of the Roman province of Judea after the recall of Felix to Rome was Festus. (Acts 24:27) FETTERS: Fetters are bonds that confine or restrain from liberty, such as a chain or shackle. They were used to restrain prisioners. (2 Samuel 3:34) (2 Kings 25:7) FEVER: A fever is a rise in the temperature of the body. It is frequently a symptom of infection and disease. Often a fever is part of the bodys fight against infection. Malaria is one of the common fever-producing diseases in the Middle East. Dysentery is also a fever producing disease that is mentioned in the Bible at Acts 28:8. The Hebrew word qad-dachath is translated fever at Leviticus 26:16. The Greek verb pyresso means be sick with fever. Jehovah God warned Israel that if they disobeyed his commandments they would suffer from many fever-producing diseases. (Leviticus 26:14-16) (Deuteronomy 28:22, 27) (Ezekiel 4:16,17; 33:10) Jesus Christ healed many people sick with fevers. He healed Simon Peters mother in law. (Matthew 8:14, 15) (Mark 1:2931) FIELD, COUNTRY: The Hebrew word sadheh is rendered field or country. It means a tract of land for hunting, farming, or just bare land. (Genesis 27:5; 37:5-7) (Judges 9:32, 36) (Deuteronomy 28:3) The Greek word agros refers to a cultivated field. (Matthew 13:34) (Mark 16:12) FIG: The Hebrew word teenah and Greek word syke mean the fig tree. It is one of the most prominent plants of the Bible. It is mentioned more than 50 times in the Bible. (Judges 9:8-13) (Habakkuk 3:17) It is appreciated for both the fruit and the shade it provides. (John 1:48-50) FIG-MULBERRY TREE: Zacchaeus was short in physical stature. Therefore he climbed a fig-mulberry tree in order to see Jesus Christ. (Luke 19:4) The fig-mulberry tree of Luke 19:4 appears to be the sycamore tree of the Hebrew Scriptures. (1 Kings 10:27) FINGER OF GOD: The Finger of God is used figuratively to describe his Holy Spirit. (Exodus 31:18) (Deuteronomy 9:10) (Psalm 8:3) Jesus was said to expell demons by Gods Holy Spirit and Luke reports that it was by Gods finger. (Matthew 12:28) (Luke 11:20)

FIRE: The Bible speaks about the various uses of fire in forging and casting metals and preparing food and heating homes. And these are important functions of fire but the figurative and symbolic references to fire offer true spiritual direction and meaning. Sometimes they refer to love, passion, anger and judgment. (Song of Solomon 8:6) (Romans 1:27) (1 Corinthians 7:9) (Zephaniah 2:2) (Malachi 4:1) Jeremiah tried to refrain from speaking the Word of God and it was like a burning fire shut up in his heart and bones. (Jeremiah 20:9) Jehovah your God is a consuming fire, a totally demanding zealous God. (Deuteronomy 4:24; 9:3) Here the idea that God requires exclusive devotion is conveyed with the term consuming fire. God makes his angelic ministers a devouring fire. (Psalm 104:1, 4) (Zephaniah 3:8) (Daniel 7:9, 10) We read at 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 that fire is for testing, refining, and purging as well. (Mal 3:1-3) The apostle Peter points out that trials and suffering as like fire that improves our Christian faith. (1 Peter 1:6, 7) Fire is used in an illustrative way to denote complete destruction of the wicked. (Deuteronomy 13:16) (Joshua 6:24) (Isaiah 66:24) (Matthew 13:40-42) ( Matthew 25:41) Several examples of the use of fire to represent eternal destruction are found in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation. (Ezekiel 38:19, 22; 39:6, 9, 10) (Revelation 17:16, 17; Re 20:7-10, 15; 21:8) FIRE HOLDER, FIRE TRAY: Fire holders or Fire trays were used in the service at the sanctuary. There were gold fire holders that held pieces of burnt lampwick removed from the lamps on the golden lampstand. (Exodus 25:38; 37:23) (Numbers 4:9) The copper fire holders of the altar of burnt offering served as ashpans for removing coals from the fire. (Exodus 27:3; 38:3) Solomon made fire holders of gold and silver for the temple. These were probably more ornate than those used in the tabernacle in the wilderness. (1 Kings 7:4850) (1 Chronicles 28:11-19) The beginning of the fathers generative power. (Deuteronomy 21:17) The first male animal is designated firstling. (Genesis 4:4) Jesus Christ was the firstborn of all creation and also the firstborn from the dead. (Colossians 1:15 ,18) (Revelation 1:5; 3:14) FIRSTFRUITS: The earliest fruits of a season are considered the first fruits. They are the beginning and the best. (Deuteronomy 1:12) (Genesis 1:1; 10:10) (Exodus 23:19) Jehovah God required the nation of Israel offer the first fruits to him, whether it be of man, animal, or the fruitage of the ground. (Exodus 22:29, 30; 23:19) (Proverbs 3:9)

FISH: Jehovah God brought fish into existence on the fifth creative day. (Genesis 1:20-23) God caused a big fish to swallow Jonah. The truthfulness of this Bible account is testified to by Jesus Christ at Matthew 12:40, and Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus used fish in a figurative way when he called his followers fishers of men. (Matthew 13:47-50) (Mark 1:17) FLATTERY: The practice of pleasing by artful commendation, adulation, false, insincere or excessive praise. It is done to build up the self-love and vanity of the one being flattered. Flattery employs smooth talk in order to slyly influence its victim. (Psalms 5:9; 12:2, 3) (Proverbs 7:21) (Daniel 11:32) It is displeasing to God. (2 Corinthians 1:12) (Galatians 1:10) (Ephesians 4:25) (Colossians 3:9) (Revelation 21:8) FLAX: Flax is a small-cultivated plant. The fibers of its stem are spun into thread used in making linen cloth. (Hosea 2:9) (Exodus 9:23, 31) (Joshua 2:6) (Isaian 42:3; 43:17) (Matthew 12:20) FLEA: The flea is a very small wingless parasitic insect. Fleas are usually reddish brown and have short front and middle legs with long hind legs. David asked King Saul if he was chasing after a flea. (1 Samuel 24:14; 26:20) FLESH: Hebrew basar and Greek sarz refer to flesh. This is the soft part of the body of man and beast. The apostle Paul said there are various kinds of living flesh at 1 Corinthians 15:39. God created all flesh and this is good, however, flesh is often used in the Scriptures to represent man in his imperfect state, conceived in sin as an offspring of rebellious Adam. (Psalm 51:5) (Romans 5:12) (Ephesians 2:3) One of the temptations that influenced Eve to sin was the desire of the flesh. Satan failed in his effort to use it against Jesus Christ. (1 John 2:16) (Genesis 3:6) (Luke 4:1-4) Christians invite Gods Holy Spirit to operate freely in their lives and with his help they defeat the sinful flesh. (Galatians 5:16; 22-26) (Romans 8:1-4) FLINT: This stone is harder than steel. It is so hard that when two pieces are struck together a fire can be started from the spark. The Bible uses flint in a figurative way at Isaiah 5:28, Isaiah 50:7 and Ezekiel 3:9. From early times knives, axheads, chisels, spearheads, arrowheads, and other tools have been fashioned out of flint. (Exodus 4:25) (Joshua 4:19; 5:2, 3, 8, 9)

FLUTE: The Hebrew word: chalil and Greek word: aulos mean flute. (1 Samuel 10:5) (1 Corinthians 14:7) (Isaiah 51:9; 53:5) (Matthew 9:23-24; 11:16-17) The flute is a musical instrument of the woodwind class. It is a tube with holes in it and a mouthpiece. FOOD POUCH: The food pouch was usually made of leather. It was a bag carried over the shoulder by travelers and used to carry their food. Jesus told his disciples not to carry food pouches when they went to preach in Israel. (Matthew 10:5, 9, 10) (Luke 9:3; 10:1, 4) FOOD, SPIRITUAL FOOD: Jesus said: My food is to do the will of him that sent me. (John 4:34) He wisely counseled: Do not work for food that perishes. (John 6:27) The faithful, wise, servant gives spiritual food at the proper time. (Matthew 24:45) The Apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrews that solid spiritual food belongs to mature people. (Heb 5:14) Jehovah warned that the shepherds took care of themselves but did not take care of the sheep. (Ezekiel 34:8) FOOL: A person who lacks good judgment, is gullible and easy to take advantage of is the usual description of a fool. The Bible refers to people who are not morally sensible and do not follow Gods righteous standards as fools. (Proverbs 1:22; 12:15; 13:1) (Luke 12:20) (Galatians 3:1) (Matthew 23:17; 25:2) Jesus called the scribes and Pharisees fools and blind men. This is because they were lacking wisdom and were morally worthless. They distorted the truth with man made traditions. (Matthew 23:15-22) FOOT, FEET: Hebrew reghel and Greek pous refer to the lowest part of the leg. The terms are used literally and figuratively. The feet have been the main method of transportation since the beginning of time. It was the custom to show hospitality by washing the feet of a guest. The householder or a servant performed this task. (Genesis 18:4; 24:32) (1 Samuel 25:41) (Luke 7:37, 38, 44) Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as a lesson in humility and service to one another at John 13:5-14. (1 Timothy 5:9, 10) The words foot and feet are used in a figurative sense in many places in the Bible. Two memorable accessions are when Jehovah declared thru Isaiah: How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, and also in Isaiah, where Jehovah God proclaims the earth to be his footstool. (Isaiah 52:7; 66:1) (Romans 10:15) (Ephesians 6:15) (Matthew 10:14) FOOTSTOOL: A stool designed for rest or support of the feet is called a footstool. (2 Chronicles 9:18) The earth is figuratively

referred to as Gods footstool at Isaiah 66:1. Greek Scripture references to footstool are as follows: Matthew 5:35; Luke 20:43; Acts 2:35; 7:49; Hebrews 1:13; 10:13. This clearly illustrates how immense our God is. FORCED LABOR: Conquered peoples were frequently used as slaves. (Deuteronomy 20:11) (Joshua 16:10; 17:13) (Isaiah 31:8) The Egyptians tyrannized the Israelites during the many years of captivity in Egypt. (Exodus 1:11-14) Sometimes Israelites caused themselves to be individually sold into forced labor to pay off debt. (Proverbs 12:24) FOREHEAD, MARK ON THE FOREHEAD: The forehead is the part of the face above the eyes. (Deuteronomy 14:1) It is one of the most prominent features of people. A figurative, symbolic mark was placed on the foreheads of those sighing and groaning over all the detestable things being done in Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 9:3-6) The mark was to show Gods executioners who to save. All others were to be destroyed. Christians today receive a figurative mark in the forehead showing their loving Christian personalities and lifesaving faith in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Followers of Satan the Devils political and religious world receive the mark of the symbolic beast portrayed at Revelation 13:16, 17. This identifies them as being against the true God of the Bible, Jehovah. FOREIGNER: A foreigner is someone who is not from the country. In Hebrew nokhri or bennekar mean son of a foreign country. (Deuteronomy 14:21) (Exodus 12:43) Foreigners rights were limited by the Law covenant. They were however to be treated with justice and fairness. They were welcomed as long as they did not disobey the laws of the land. In Greek the word for foreigner is barba-ros referring to the person not speaking Greek. Paul emphasized that those having the new Christian personality were not foreign. He said: There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scythian, slave, freeman, but Christ is all things and in all. (Galatians 2:11-14) (Colossians 3:10,11) FOREKNOWLEDGE: Foreknowledge is knowledge of something before it happens. It is also called prescience. Jehovah God, the Creator, has foreknowledge. He has the ability to know-in-advance, how things will turnout. (Acts 2:23; 26:4, 5) (1Peter 1:2) (2 Peter 3:17) FOREORDINATION, PREDESTINATION: The word foreordain comes from the Greek progno-sis. Pro means before and

gnosis means knowledge. Paul pointed out that God had decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of men. (Luke 22:22) (Acts 17:26) God allows all mankind to exercise free moral agency. The Scriptures show that man is granted the responsibility of free choice and he is accountable for his actions. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) (Joshua 24:15) (Genesis 2:16, 17; 3:11-19) (Romans 14:10-12) (Hebrews 4:13) The view that God foreordains the course and destiny of all individuals is know as predestinarianism. Scripture texts found at Ephesians 1:4, 5 are cited as evidence that God foreordained the future of all his creation before the start of creation. This belief would completely negate the free moral agency belief. FORERUNNER: A forerunner is someone who goes in advance to prepare for the coming of another. It could include scouting, spying, proclaiming, and giving notice of anothers coming. It was an Oriental custom to send out runners before the royal chariot to prepare and announce the kings coming. (1 Samuel 8:11) John the Baptist was the forerunner of Christ in fulfillment of prophecy at Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 3:1; 4:5, 6. Jesus Christ is called a forerunner on our behalf at Hebrews 6: 19, 20. FOREST: The Hebrew word yaar means woods and forests. (Deuteronomy 19:5) (1 Samuel 14:25) (Joshua 17:15) Palestine was once abundant with forests and trees of many types. Scriptural references to forests and woodlands give evidence of this. (2 Chronicles 27:4) (Judges 9:48, 49) The forests of Lebanon, now reduced to a few small groves, were outstanding for their splendid tree growth. (1 Kings 5:2-10, 13-18) (2 Kings 19:23) The forests of Ephraim in which Absolom met disaster, may have been located east of the Jordan River near Mahanaim. (2 Samuel 18:6, 8, 17) Gilead was famous for its woodlands and balsam trees. Bashan was noted for its massive trees, including tall oak trees. (Isaiah 2:13) (Zechariah 11:2, 3) And the Jordan Valley had a thick growth of tamarisks and willows, where lions lurked. (Jeremiah 12:5) The devastation of war, the extensive use of timber with no accompanying effort to replenish the forests, and uncontrolled grazing in which young shoots of new trees were eaten by goats and other animals, caused massive deforestation. There is also the possibility of gradual climate changes that affected the tree population. FORETELLER OF EVENTS: The Bible names foretellers of events along with magic practicing priests, spiritistic diviners, and

astrologers, as demon possessed individuals that should be avoided. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) (Luke 11:14-20) (Acts 16:12, 16-24) FOREVER: The Hebrew term adh denotes unlimited future time such as everlasting or eternity. (1 Chronicles 28:9) (Psalms 19:9) (Isaiah 9:6; 45:17) The Hebrew word netsach also means everlasting, forever, perpetually and always. (Job 4:20; 14:20) (Isaiah 57:16) (Psalm 9:18) The Hebrew word ohlam has several meanings. When used with reference to God it means existing eternally without-end. This is because Jehovah God had no beginning and He has no end. When it is used to describe a period of time relating to man it means he will last a long, long time. Time related to man can be adjusted by Jehovah God to last perpetually. James Strongs Dictionary #5769 is translated: forever; eternally; perpetually; a long, long time; always; time beyond human understanding and comprehension. A good example of this is found at Ecclesiasties 1:4 where it states: One generation goes and another generation comes, but the earth remains forever (perpetually). We find the Greek word aion in the Christian Greek Scriptures. It means a period of time of uncertain length. We can be sure that God is certain of the length of time referred to when the Greek word aion is used. (Luke 1:55, 70) (John 6:50, 51; 12:34) (Acts 3:21) (1 John 2:17) The Greek adjective, aidios specifically means eternal or everlasting. (Romans 16:25) (2 Timothy 1:9) (Titus 1:2) Since God has the power to adjust the longevity of human beings the New Simplified Bible uses the term forever when expressing a period of time that is a long period of time, possibly without end, depending entirely on God. FORGIVENESS: Forgiveness is the act of pardoning an offender or forgiving a mistake. Gods Law required a person who had sinned to rectify the wrong. In many cases this required a blood offering to Jehovah. (Leviticus 5:-6:7) (Hebrews 9:22) The blood of animal sacrifices could not really take away sins. (Hebrews 10:1-4; 9:9, 13, 14) The new covenant made possible true forgiveness, based on Jesus Christs ransom sacrifice. (Jeremiah 31:33, 34) (Matthew 26:28) (1 Corinthians 11:25) (Ephesians 1:7) A person seeking forgiveness must confess his sin, have a deep heartfelt sorrow for doing wrong, and be determined to turn away from sin. (Psalms 32:5; 51:4) (1 John 1:8, 9) (2 Corinthians 7:8-11) A person should not expect to receive foregiveness if he is not willing to forgive others who sin against him. (Matthew 6:14, 15) FORNICATION: Fornication is sexual relations outside of Scriptural marriage. It comes from the Greek word porneia and it

means sexual activities between unmarried persons. (Matthew 5:32; 19:9) (Galatians 5:19-21) (Colossians 3:5) Jesus Christ restored Gods original standard of monogamy. According to the Scriptures the continuous and unrepentant act of fornication is an act deserving of death. (Exodus 20:14) (Deuteronomy 5:18; 22:22) (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) He showed seriousness of the sin of fornication by classifiying it with murder, theft, and lying. (Matthew 15:19, 20) (Mark 7:21-23) (Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25) FORTUNATUS: Stephanas, Achaicus and Fortunatus were members of the Corinthian congregation. They visited Paul at Ephesus. (1 Corinthians 16:8, 17, 18) They no doubt told him about the problems that prompted Pauls first letter to the congregation. FOUNDATION: The foundation is the basis on which a building is erected. It distributes the weight of the structure equally over the ground. The Hebrew words rendered foundation come from the root ya-sadh meaning solidly fix or lay foundation. (Isaiah 23:13; 51:13) (Psalm 24:2) The Greek word the-melios means a literal foundation. (Acts 16:26) Jesus is the foundation cornerstone and his anointed followers are living stones. (1 Peter 2:4-6) (Ephesians 2:19-22) The Heavenly Jerusalem is presented at Hebrews 12:22. It is the city with real foundations whose builder and maker is God. (Hebrews 11:10) There were twelve symbolic precious foundation stones of the New Jerusalem, bearing the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (Revelation 21:14, 19, 20) Paul stressed the importance of building with noncombustible materials on Jesus Christ as the foundation at 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. FOUNTAIN OF THE SNAKE: The Fountain of the Snake or Serpents Well was a source of water located along the route Nehemiah took on his first inspection of Jerusalems broken down walls. (Nehemiah 2:12, 13) This water source was mentioned only once in the Scriptures. FOUNTAIN, SPRING: A spring is generally a natural source of water. (Exodus 15:27) Wells and cisterns are usually dug where the springs flow naturally thru the earth and between rocks. Moses described the Promised Land to the Israelites as a land of springs and watery deeps, issuing forth in the valleys and in the mountains. (Deuteronomy 8:7) In its figurative use God identified himself as the Fountain or Source of life, the Source of living water. (Psalm 36:9) (Jeremiah 2:13) (Psalm 68:26) Christ gives spiritual water that becomes a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life. (John 4:14)

FOUR BASIC QUALITIES OF GOD: (Revelation 4:7) (Ezekiel 1:10)(lion: justice)(bull: power)(man: love)(eagle: wisdom) FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE: The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are found at Revelation Chapter 6. The horsemen are as follows: Revelation 6:2: white horse--Jesus Christ; Revelation 6:4: red horse--war; Revelation 6:5 black horse: famine ; and Revelation 6:8: pale horse--death. The sword, food shortage, deadly plague, wild beasts, and the grave closely followed.--Revelation 6:8. The prophecy at Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 offers many cross references to Revelation Chapter 6, for many of the activities are the same, or are related. FOWL: A fowl is a large edible bird. The Hebrew word ohph comes from the verb fly applied to all winged or flying creatures. (Genesis 1:20-22) FOX: The Hebrew word shual and the Greek word alopex mean fox. A fox is a dog-like animal with a pointed face, triangular ears, and a bushy tail. Jesus Christ called King Herod that fox at Luke 13:32. This was referring to the cunning and swiftness qualities found in the fox. Jesus also alluded to the fox when he said, the Son of man had no place to lay his head. (Matthew 8:20) (Luke 9:58) FRANKINCENSE: Frankincense is an aromatic gum resin from Arabian trees. It was used for worship, embalming, and fumigation. This valuable incense was made from the sap of a certain tree. (Exodus 30:34-38) (Matthew 2:11) (Revelation 18:8-13) FRAUD: Fraud is the intentional use of deception, trickery, or perversion of truth. It is used to abscond with valuable belongings or to take away a legal or moral right. The Hebrew term ashaq means the misuse of strength, power, or authority over others. (Ecclesiastes 4:1) (Isaiah 52:4) The Greek word apostereo means deprive, defraud, despoil. (Exodus 20:16) (1 Corinthians 7:5) (Mark 10:19) (1 Timothy 6:5) FREEDMAN: A person who became emancipated from slavery was called apeleutheros a freedman. Often this was done by paying a large sum of money. Freed slaves who later became Jews were referred to as Libertinos in Greek. They became members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen. The apostle Paul pointed out that there is no difference between save and freeman, that Christian freedom

does not entitle him to freedom to do badness. (1 Corinthians 7:22, 23) (Galatians 3:28) (Hebrews 2:14, 15) (1 Peter 1:18, 19; 2:16) FREEMAN: The Greek word eleutheros means free from birth, possessing full citizenship rights. The apostle Paul was a freeman with full Roman citizenship. (Acts 22:28) FREEDOM: Only Jehovah God, the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, has absolute freedom. (Genesis 17:1) (Jeremiah 10:7, 10) (Daniel 4:34, 35) (Revelation 4:11) All creation must act and move within the limitations assigned to them. (Isaiah 45:9) (Romans 6:16) (Romans 9:20, 21) True freedom is allowed within the boundaries of Gods Law. (Psalm 144:15) (Luke 11:28) (James 1:25) FREE WOMAN: The apostle Paul compared the enslaved Jerusalem of his day with the servant girl Hagar, Abrahams concubine. He also compared Jerusalems children, or citizens, with Hagars son Ishmael. He pointed out that Gods wife, the Jerusalem above, has always been a free woman just as Sarah was a free woman. It is necessary to be set free by the Son of God from the bondage of sin. (Galatians 4:22-5:1) (John 8:34-36) FRIEND: The Holy Scriptures depict a friend as a person who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24; 17:17; 27:6, 9) Jesus called his disciples friends at John 15:12-14. Early Christians referred to fellow believers as friends at 3 John 14. Abraham had the privilege and honor of being called Gods friend at Isaiah 41:8, and this was verified at James 2:21-23. James went on to warn that friendship with the world would make a person an enemy of God. (James 4:4) FROG: The Hebrew term for frog is tsephardea and the Greek word is batrakhos. A frog is an amphibian that has no tail. It has smooth skin and long muscular hind legs that are for leaping. Frogs were part of the plagues Jehovah placed on Egypt. (Exodus 8:1-14) (Psalms 78:45; 105:30) Unclean inspired expressions are compared to frogs at Revelation 16:13. This was certainly appropriate since frogs were unclean for food according to the Mosaic Law found at Leviticus 11:12. FRONTLET BAND: This was a band worn on the forehead. The Israelites wore this as a sign and reminder of their dedication to God. (Deuteronomy 6:6-8; 11:18) It was a reminder of Jehovah Gods commandments. (Numbers 15:38-40)

FRONTLETS: Small leather boxes that the people of Israel tied to their foreheads and left arms. They held copies of the the Law. (Deuteronomy 6:6-8) Jesus criticized the misuse of this practice. (Matthew 23:5) FROST: SEE HOARFROST FRUITAGE OF THE SPIRIT: The frutage of the Spirit are Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, selfcontrol. (Galatians 5:22-23) FUEL: Some of the fuels that are mentioned in the Bible include: Charcoal (Isaiah 47:14) (Jeremiah 36:22) (John 18:18; 21:9, 10), sticks (Jeremiah 7:18), rushes (Job 41:20, and wood (Joshua 9:27; Isaiah 44:14-16). Olive oil was used in lanps. (Exodus 27:20; Matthew 25:3, 4) Ezekiel illustrated the severity of Jerusalems siege by using human excrement for fuel. This was an extreamly objectionable practice to the Israelites. And when he objected to this detestable act, Jehovah permitted him to use cattle dung instead. (Ezekiel 4:8, 12-15) Wood was more plentiful in the Mid-East in Ezekiells day than it is today. FUGITIVENESS, LAND OF NOD: The land east of Eden where the condemned murderer, Cain, took up residence was the land of fugitiveness. (Genesis 4:16) The Hebrew word nohdh comes from the root word nudh and is rendered fugitive. That explains why some translations call it the land of Nod. FURNACE: Furnaces were specifically designed to smelt ores, to melt the smelted metals for casting and forging, and to fire pottery and other ceramic items. Furnaces in Bible times were constructed of brick or stone. The term oven was also used. (Hosea 7:4) (Leviticus 2:4) Nebuchadnezzar threw Daniel and his three Hebrew companions into the fiery furnace at Daniel Chapter 3. SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY G

GAAL: Gaal was the son of Ebed. The Shechemites placed their confidence in him when they became discontented with Abimelech. Gaal lead a revolution and led the men of Shechem against

Abimelech. However he was defeated and fled to his own home. (Judges 9:1-46)

GAASH: This is the name of a hill or mountain south of Timnathserah in the mountainous region of Ephraim. (Joshua 24:30) (Judges 2:9)

GABBAI: Gabbai was the district head of a Benjamite jurisdictional district. His name appears in a listing of residence of Jerusalem in Nehemiahs day. (Nehemiah 11:3, 7, 8)

GABRIEL: According to the Bible, Gabriel is a high ranking angelic creature in close association with the heavenly court. (Luke 1:26-38) Michael and Gabriel are the only angels mentioned in the Bible by name. Gabriel was the only materialized angel to give his name. Gabriel appeared to Daniel twice, each time near the Ulai River. (Daniel 8:1,15-26; 9:1, 20-27) He also appeared to Zechariah the priest to tell him, he and his wife Elizabeth would have a son, John the Baptist. (Luke 1:11-20) Gabriel declared to Mary: Greetings highly favored one, Jehovah is with you. Then he told her she would give birth to a son, Jesus the Son of God.

GAD, THE TRIBE: The tribe of Gad came form the seven sons of Gad. It was in the three tribe division with Reuben and Simeon. The men of the tribe of Gad were livestock raisers just as their ancesters were. (Genesis 46:32) Moses appropriately assigned the cattle country east of the Jordan River to them. When David was under restrictions because of Saul, several army heads from the sons of Gad joined him at Ziklag in Judah. (Numbers 32:1-5, 34, 35) (1 Chronicles 12:1, 8-15) As brave fighters the tribe of Gad was described as one equal to a hundred. (1 Chronicles 5:18-22)

GADARENES: The inhabitants of an area called the country of the Gadarenes, or the country of the Gerasenes. Jesus expelled demons

out of two men from that area. (Matthew 8:28) (Mark 5:1) (Luke 8:26)

GADDI: He was the son of Susi, of the tribe of Manasseh. Gaddi was one of the 12 chieftains Moses sent out from the wilderness of Paran to spy out the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:2, 3, 11)

GADDIEL: Gaddiel was the son of Sodi of the tribe of Zebulun. He was one of the 12 chieftains Moses sent out from the wilderness of Paran to spy out the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:2 , 3, 11.)

GADI: Gadi was the father of Israels King Menahem. (2 Kings 15:14, 17)

GAHAM: He was the son of Abrahams brother Nahor by his concubine Reumah. (Genesis 22:23-24)

GAHAR: Gahar was a Nethinim family head. Some of his descendants returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 47) (Nehemiah 7:49)

GAIUS, A CHRISTIAN FROM DERBE: A Macedonian by the name of Gaius along with six others accompanied the apostle Paul on his last missionary tour. They separated from Paul and then went to Troas, on the west coast of Asia Minor. It was there that they waited for him. (Acts 20:4, 5) It is possible that he is the same Gaius who, along with Aristarchus, was forcibly taken into the theater at Ephesus during the riot started by the silversmith Denmetrius. (Acts 19:29)

GAIUS IN CORINTH: Gaius was evidently Pauls host and he also hosted the meeting for the Corinthian congregation in his home. Paul baptized him. (1 Corinthians 1:14) (Romans 16:23)

GAIUS IN JOHNS LETTER: He was a Christian to whom the apostle John wrote his third inspired letter. He commended Gaius for walking in the truth and for his faithful work and love. (3 John 1:3-6)

GALATIA: Galatia was the plateau region located in the central portion of what is now Asia Minor. It was a Roman province bounded by other Roman provinces. Paul and Peter addressed their letters to the Christian congregations in the province of Galatia. (Galatians 1:1-2) (1 Peter 1:1) The disciples Timothy and Gaius came from the area. (Acts 16:1; 20:4)

GALATIANS, THE LETTER: Galatians was written in Greek by the apostle Paul, to the congregations of Galatia. Paul is identified in the opening sentence as well as in the text. (Galatians 1:1; 5:2) Pauls other letters were written by a secretary, but this one was written with his own hand. (Galatians 6:11) The letter to the Galatian congregations was written between 50 and 52 C.E. A very important doctrine of the Christian faith emphasized in chapter two is that a person is declared righteous only through faith in Christ and not works of law. If a person could become righteous by works, Christs death would have not been necessary. (Galatians 2:15-21) Paul explains that the Law is a tutor. (Galatians 3:10-29) The fruitage of Gods Holy Spirit are identified in chapter five. (Galatians 5:22, 23)

GALBANUM: This yellowish or brownish gum resin came from Asian plants of the carrot or parsley family. When the milky fluid is mixed with other aromatic substances it gives off sweet smelling fragrance. (Exodus 30:34-38)

GALEED: Located in the region of Gilead east of the Jordan River was the place called Galeed. The patriarchs Jacob and Laban concluded a covenant at this mountainous place. (Genesis 31:43-48)

GALILEE, SEA OF GALILEE: The country between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea was known as Galilee. This district in the mountainous region of Naphtali is where the city of refuge, Kedesh was located. (Joshua 20:7) Perhaps many non-Israelites lived in Galilee. This would account for the expression: Galilee of the nations, found at Isaiah 9:1 and Matthew 4:12-25. Jesus preached along the Sea of Galilee, also known as the Sea of Gennesaret and the Sea of Tiberias. (Matthew 4:12; 8:23-28) (John 6:1-2, 16-21) The lake was thirteen miles long and eight miles wide. After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus appeared to some of his disciples by the Sea of Galilee. (John 21:1-19)

GALLEY: A galley was a long, narrow, large single decked medieval ship propelled by sails and oars. It usually carried more than 1,000 men and was used for naval warfare. Rivers and canals protected cities like Babylon and Noamon from galley invasions. (Nahum 3:8) Jerusalem had no such protection. However, Jehovah assured Jerusalem in a figurative way that he would provide security and salvation for them. (Isaiah 33:21-22)

GALL: Gall is a fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It is an extremely bitter yellow or green fluid used by the body to aid in digestion. Job figuratively spoke about his gallbladder as being poured out to the earth. (Job 16:1, 13) (Acts 8:23) The Hebrew word translated gall is related to the word for bitter. (Deuteronomy 32:32) (Job 13:26) The Greek word for gall is khole. It refers to poison.

GALLIO: Gallio was the proconsul of Achaia when the Jews accused Paul of leading men into another way of worshiping God. Gallio dismissed the case because it did not involve a violation of Roman law. As a result of this the crowd beat up the presiding officer of the

synagogue. Gallio did not concern himself with this incident either. (Acts 18:12-17) GALLIM: Gallim was the home of Palti. Saul arranged for Michal to marry Palti the son of Laish, who came from the town of Gallim. (1 Samuel 25:44) This could be the same Gallim mentioned at Isaiah 10:24, 30. It was located about 3 miles northeast of the Temple Mount. GAMALIEL, THE PHARISEE AND LAW TEACHER: Gameliel was a member of the Sanhedrin, a Pharisee and Law Teacher. The apostle Paul studied under the skillful teaching of Gamaliel. (Acts 5:34; 22:3) Gamaliel was the Elder and was greatly esteemed. He was the first one to receive the title of Rabban, a designation even higher than that of Rabbi. Gamaliel expressed great wisdom by not interfering with the work of the apostles. He said: Leave these men alone. If this message and this work are from men it will come to nothing. But if it is from God, you cannot overthrow it; otherwise you may find yourselves fighting against God. (Acts 5:34-39)

GAMES IN ISRAEL: The Holy Scriptures do not mention games amont the Hebrews. However, there are indications of recreation practices. Reference is made to music, singing, dancing and conversation. Zechariah 8:5 speaks of children playing in the public squares. Job 21:11 tells about boys dancing. When Jesus walked on the earth he spoke about children at play. (Matthew 11:16, 17) Job 41:5 suggests that they kept birds as pets. Riddles and guessing games were popular in Israel. Samson propounded a riddle to the Philistines. (Judges 14:12-14) Christians were encouraged to spend more time in spiritual activities instead of physical and secular things. Paul wrote Timothy: Train yourself with godliness in mind. (1 Timothy 4:7) Christians are always wise to put Gods Kingdom first in all that they say and do. (Matthew 6:33)

GAMUL: Gamul was an Aaronic priest in Davids time. He was chosen by lot to act as chief of the 22nd priestly division. (1 Chronicles 24:1-3, 5, 17)

GANGRENE: Gangrene is the death and decay of tissue caused by the loss of blood supply or by infection. Bacteria are usually associated with gangrene. Infection then promotes rapid spread of cell death. The apostle Paul used the word figuratively when speaking about teaching false doctrine. He said that false doctrine and worldly, empty discussion will advance ungodliness and it will spread like gangrene. (2 Timothy 2:16-18) Paul likens the congregation to the human body at 1 Corinthians chapter twelve.

GARDEN: The Hebrew word gan and the Greek word kepos mean an irrigated, cultivated area. A hedge of thorns or stonewalls usually surrounded the gardens mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. They were designed in the nature of a park with trees, including fruit and nut trees. (Ecclesiastes 2:5) (Amos 9:14) (1 Kings 21:2) These park-like gardens were usually outside the city. Only the wealthy and important people had gardens inside the city. (2 Kings 25:4) (Nehemiah 3:15) (Esther 1:1-5) The Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives was just outside of Jerusalem. It was a favorite spot with Jesus Christ. It was a place of solitude where he met with his disciples after eating his last Passover. (Matthew 26:36; 46-49) (Luke 22:39-48) (John 18:1, 2) Some gardens were used as burial places. (2 Kings 21:18, 25) (Isaiah 65:2-5; 66:16, 17) (John 19:41,42) The Garden of Eden is the best known of the gardens in the Bible. It was well watered by a river that flowed through it and by a natural underground misting system and contained many trees and plants good for food. (Genesis Chapters 1-3)

GARLAND, CROWN OF FLOWERS: A garland was a circular band of flowers worn on the head. It was a decoration of beauty worn at times of celebration. The Hebrew word tsephi-rah means garland or diadem. (Isaiah 28:1-5) The Greek word-meaning garland is stemma. It is found at Acts 14:13. The people thought Paul and Barnabas were gods and were no doubt trying to put garlands on their heads. (Acts 14:8-18)

GAREB: Gareb was a hill named in a restoration prophecy found in Jeremiah 31:39. This hill was designated at the western limits of the rebuilt city of Jerusalem.

GARLIC: Garlic is a strong-scented, pungent-tasting bulb composed of about 20 smaller bulbs or cloves. The Israelites longed for the garlic they used to eat in Egypt. (Numbers 11:4, 5) Garlic is used medicinally as a digestive stimulant, an antibiotic and an antispasmodic.

GARMITE: Garmite was related to Keilah, a name on a list of Judahs descendants. (1 Chronicles 4:19)

GARNET: This semiprecious stone usually comes in red.

GARRISON: Hebrew: netsiv and matstsav mean a contingent of soldiers stationed at a military installation. (1 Samuel 10:5; 13:3, 4, 23) (2 Samuel 23:14) (1 Chronicles 11:16)

GATAM: Gatam was the fourth son of Esaus firstborn Eliphaz. (Genesis 36:10, 11, 15, 16) (1 Chronicles 1:36)

GATE: A gate is a door-like moveable barrier in a fence or wall. It is the entrance to a place. The Bible speaks of different kinds of gates. There were city gates, temple gates, courtyard gates, castle gates and gates to a camp. (Exodus 32:26, 27; 38:18) (Jeremiah 37:13) (Nehemiah 2:8) (Acts 3:10; 12:13, 14) Gates to a camp were the way of entrance to the camp. (Exodus 32:26, 27) Cities had as few gates as possible in order to enhance the security of the city. Some gates were furnished with guardrooms. (Ezekiel 40:6, 7, 10, 20, 21, 28, 29, 32-36) The word gate is often used figuratively in the Holy Scriptures. The gates of righteousness and the gate of Jehovah are spoken of at Psalm 118:19, 20. When a person dies he or she goes through the gates of death. (Psalms 9:13; 107:18) The gates of the grave or entrance to the grave are also highlighted in the Scriptures at Isaiah 38:10 and Matthew 16:18. Jesus Christ has the keys of death and the grave. (Re 1:18) Ezekiels vision of a city

having twelve gates, each named after the twelve tribes of Israel is recorded at Ezekiel 48:30-35. The New Jerusalem is pictured with twelve gates of pearl. An angel is stationed as a guard at each gate. (Revelation 2:7; 20:4, 6; 21:2, 12, 21-27; 22:14, 15) The people of the nations walk in the citys light and are blessed.

GATEKEEPER: Gatekeepers and doorkeepers served at city gates, temple gates and at some gateways and doors of homes. They were appointed to see that the gates were closed at night. They also acted as watchmen at the gate. (2 Samuel 18:24, 26) (2 Kings 7:10-11) (Esther 2:21-23; 6:2) Jesus likened the Christian to the doorkeeper who was to keep watch for his master to return. (Mark 13:33-37)

GATH: Gath was a city of the Philistine axis lords. (1 Samuel 6:17, 18) It was located east of the Philistia Plain and figured prominently in the struggle between Israel and the Philistines. When David was forced to flee from Saul, he took refuge in Gath.

GATH-HEPHER: This border city of Zebulun was the home city of Zebulun. (Joshua 19:10, 13) It was also home of the prophet Jonah. (2 Kings 14:25) It was located 2.5 miles northeast of Nazareth.

GAZA: Gaza was an ancient city along the Canaanite boundary. (Genesis 10:19) It was a Philistine city during the period of the Judges as well as the time of the rule of Israels kings. (1 Samuel 6:17) King Solomon held dominion as far as Gaza. (1 Kings 4:21, 24)

GAZELLE: The gazelle is a beautiful, graceful antelope from Africa and Asia. It has lustrous eyes that shine from the sun and moon. It stands about 2 feet tall at the shoulder and 3.5 feet long. Gazelle horns measure nearly one foot in length. It is one of the fastest mammals in the world and its speed is alluded to in Scripture. (2 Samuel 2:18) (1 Chronicles 12:8) (Proverbs 6:5) (Isaiah 13:14) Solomon spoke about the beauty of the gazelle in the Song of Solomon. (Song of Solomon 2:9; 4:5; 7:3)

GAZEZ: Calebs concubine Ephah gave birth to Haran, Moza, and Gazez. However there may have been two people named Gazez because 1 Chronicles 2:46 also says Haran became father to Gazez. Thus a son of Caleb and a grandson of Caleb.

GAZITES: The inhabitants of Gaza are referred to as Gazites. (Joshua 13:2, 3) (Judges 16:1, 2)

GAZZAM: He was the forefather of some Nethinim who returned from the Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43)

GEBAL, GEBALITES: Gebal was a Phoenician city siturated along the Mediteranean seacoast. It is identified with modern Jebeil, about 17 miles northeast of Beirut. Historians believe Gebal to be the Greek town of Byblos. It is one of the oldest cities in the Middle East. The Gebalites helped Solomon in the 11th century Before Common Era to prepare the materials for the temple construction. (Joshua 13:1-7; 23:12, 13) (1 Kings 5:18) (Ezekiel 27:9)

GEBA: Geba was a city of Benjamin given to the Kohathites. It was one of the 13 priestly cities. (Joshua 18:21, 24; 21:17, 19) (1 Chronicles 6:54, 60)

GEBER: Geber was one of Solomons twelve deputies who had the responsibility of providing food for the king and his household onemonth out of the year. He was the son of Uri. (1 Kings 4:7, 13, 19)

GEBIM: The inhabitants of this city, sought shelter from the advancing Assyrian army when it moved against Zion. (Isaiah 10:24, 31)

GECKO: This small thick-bodied lizard is found in warm climates. The gecko fan foot is listed as unclean for the Israelites. (Leviticus 11:29, 30)

GEDALIAH, THE LEVITE: Gedaliah was a Levite singer during Davids reign. He was chosen by lot to be in charge of the second of the 24 service groups of 12 musicians each. (1 Chronicles 25:3, 9, 31)

GEDALIAH, GRANDFATHER OF ZEPHANIAH: Gedaliah was the grandfather of the prophet Zephaniah. He may also have been a descendant of King Hezekiah. (Zephaniah 1:1)

GEDALIAH, SON OF PASHUR: This Gedaliah was the son of Pashur. He was one of the princes in Jerusalem who accused Jeremiah before King Zedekiah of weakening the fighting men. He urged that Jeremiah be put to death. The king allowed him to throw Jeremiah into a miry cistern (or well). (Jeremiah 38:1-6)

GEDALIAH, SON OF AHIKAM: Gedaliah was the son of Ahikam. Ahikam was the son of Shaphan. After Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E., King Nebuchadnezzar appointed Gedaliah as governor over the Jews who were left in the land of Judah. While eating one evening Gedaliah was killed by Ishmael. (2 Kings 25:22-25) (Jeremiah 39:14; 40:5-41:3)

GEDER: Geder was a town in Canaan on the west side of the Jordan. Its king was one of 31 conquered by Joshua. (Joshua 12:13)

GEDERAH, IN THE SHEPHELAH: Gederah (Gedera) was a city in the Shephelah. Some of the people living there were known for their pottery making. (1 Chronicles 4:23) (Joshua 15:20, 33, 36)

GEDERAH, IN BENJAMIN: This Gederah was a place in Benjamins territory about 1 mile northeast of Gibeon. It was the home of Jozabad the Gederathite. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 2, 4)

GEDERATHITE: This designation was given to a person from Gederah of Benjamin. Jozabad, an ambidextrous Benjamite warrior for David was a Gederathite. (1 Chronicles 12:1-4)

GEDERITE: A Gederite was a native of Geder and Gederah. (1 Chronicles 27:28) (Joshua 12:13; 15:36)

GEDEROTH: The city of Gederoth was assigned to Judah. It was taken by the Philistines during the reign of King Ahaz (761-743 B.C.E.). (Joshua 15:27, 28) (2 Chronicles 28:18, 19)

GEDEROTHAIM: Gederothaim was a town on the Shephelah of Judah. It was listed along with Gederah. (Joshua 15:33-36)

GEDOR, SON OF JEIEL: Gedor was the son of Jeiel from the town of Gibeon. He was a member of the tribe of Benjamin. He was a great uncle of King Saul. (1 Chronicles 8:29-31; 9:35-39)

GEDOR, SON OF PENUEL: Gedor was the son of Penuel of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:4)

GEDOR, SON OF JERED: Gedor was the son of Jered. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:18)

GEDOR, MOUNTAIN TOWN: This Gedor was a town in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:48, 58)

GEDOR, SIMEONITE TOWN: This Gedor was a town where the Simeonites were active. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 39)

GEDOR, TOWN IN BENJAMIN: Gedor was a town in Benjamin about 10 miles northwest of Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 2, 7)

GE-HARASHIM: The name Ge-harashim means Valley of Craftsmen. A community of craftsmen lived there. Joab founded the community and it was settled by Benjamites after the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 4:14) (Nehemiah 11:31, 35)

GEHAZI: Gehazi was Elishas trusted servant. (2 Kings 4:12-37; 5:20-27; 8:4, 5) He was sent as a prophets messenger on two occasions to the the good Shunammite. (2 Kings 4:1) He obtained money and garments fraudulently from Naaman. Because of this act of greed he was dissmissed by the prophet and was smitten with incurable leprosy. (2 Kings 5:1)

GEHENNA: Ever burning trash fires in the valley of Hinnom. Used symbolically by Jesus to represent total destruction. We read at Matthew 10:28: Do not fear those who kill the body. They are not able to take away your (everlasting) life. Instead fear him who is able to destroy both life and body in the ever-burning fires. (Greek: Gehenna, trash fires in the valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem. Dead bodies were thrown into this trash fire to be destroyed.) Luke 12:5 reads: I will show you the one to fear. Fear the one who, after he has killed you, has power to destroy you (throw into the everburning trash fires of the valley of Hinnom). This is one you should fear.

GELILOTH: Geliloth was a site on the Benjamin boundary. It is described as in front of the ascent of Adummim. (Joshua 15:7; 18:17)

GEMARIAH, SON OF SHAPHAN: Gemariah was the son of Shaphan the copyist. He was one of the princes during the reighn of Jehoiakim. (628-618 B.C.E.). When the scroll of Jeremiah was read before King Jehoiakim, Gemariah was one of the princes who pleaded with the king not to burn the roll. (Jeremiah 36:10-25)

GEMARIAH, SON OF HILKIAH: This Gemariah was the son of Hilkiah. Jeremiah sent a letter by the hand of Gemariah and of Elasah to the exiled Jews in Babylon. (Jeremiah 29:1-3)

GEMALLI: Gemalli was a Danite. His son Ammiel was sent out by his tribe as one of the spies sent into Canaan. (Numbers 13:12, 16)

GENEALOGY: Genealogy is the list of successive generations of a human family. (Ephesians 3:14, 15) It is sometimes called a family tree. Hebrew: yachas means genealogical enrollment. (Nehemiah 7:5) Greek: ge-nea-logia means personal pedigrees or genealogies. (1 Timothy 1:4) (Titus 3:9) Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3 gives the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham, etc. The Greek word genesis means line of descent. It was important to have the Genealogical proof of the Messiah, the Seed, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. (John 7:42)

GENERATION: A generation of humans consists of all the people living at the same time or of approximately the same age. It is a line of descent of a group of genetically related beings. (Matthew 1:17) The length of a generation is determined by the life span of the people of that time. As the average life span increases the length of each generation increases. (Matthew 24:34)

GENEROSITY, GENEROUS: Be generous to poor people. (Deuteronomy 15:8) Jesus Christ gave the ultimate rule for happiness when he said: There is more happieness in giving than there is in receiving. (Acts 20:35) We are reminded by the apostle Paul that God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:6, 7) We should imatate our God, for he is the personification of generosity. He fully supplies all the needs of his obedient followers according to his will. (1 John 5:14) (Philippians 4:19)

GENESIS, THE BOOK: The Hebrew word Bereshith means in the beginning, taken from the first words of the Bible. The Greek Genesis means origin and birth. The Book of Genesis is the first book in the Holy Scriptures. Moses is purported to have written it. It contains an accurate account of the earliest history of man and his relationship with God. The first two chapters offer a stiring drama depicting the creation of the earth and its inhabitants. This book relates to the events that took place prior to Moses birth. It was information related to him by oral tradition from men and by divine inspiration from God. (Genesis 1:1-27; 2:7, 8) The writing of Genesis was completed around the year 1513 Before Common Era.

GENESIS HIGHLIGHTS: Genesis 1 God created heaven and earth Genesis 2:18-25 Woman created, Marrage established Genesis 3:1-6 Serpent deceived Eve Genesis 4:8 Cain killed Abel Genesis 6 Noahs Ark, The Flood Genesis 19:24, 25 Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed Genesis 28 Jacobs ladder Genesis 37-41 Joseph sold, prime minister of Egypt

GENNESARET: This small triangular plain bordered the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was about three miles long by one and a half miles wide. Jesus Christ performed miraculous healing in this region. (Matthew 14:34-36) (Mark 6:53-56) The Lake of Gennesaret was another name for the Sea of Galilee. (Luke 5:1)

GENTILE: Persons from the nations who are not Jews are also refered to as the people of the nations. Each national group usually occupies a defined geographic territory that is controlled by a central form of government and each national group has developed it own culture, art, customs, religions and language.

GENTILE TIMES: Jesus Christ said, The people of the nations will tread down Jerusalem until the time of the Nations is fulfilled (come to an end). (Luke 21:24) The King James Version and the Revised Standard Version call this time period the Gentile Times. The expression appointed times comes from the Greek word kairos. This means a fixed or definite period. It is used in other Scriptures to refer to a season, such as the harvest season. (Matthew 13:20; 21:34) (Mark 11:13) In Lukes reference it is speaking about a future time. Jesus predicted that the Gentile Times was to come to an end shortly before he returned to set up Gods Kingdom. (Daniel 2:44) (Daniel Chapter 4) (Revelation Chapter 19)

GENTLE, GENTLENESS: Someone who is gentle is mild, humble, meek and kind. Gentleness is required of all of Gods servants. Moses was the meekest of all men and thus he was gentle in his dealings with others. (Numbers 12:3) The apostle Paul told Timothy to be kind or gentle to all. (2 Timothy 2:24) He told the Thessalonians that he and his companions were gentle when they were with them. (1 Thessalonians 2:7)

GENUBATH: Genubath was the son of the Edomite prince Hadad. When the army commander Joab occupied Moab during Davids rule, Hadad fled to Egypt. There the Pharaohs sister in law was

given to him as a wife. Hadad fathered Genubath by her and Genubath was raised with the sons of Pharaoh. (1 Kings 11:14-20)

GERA, SON OF BELA: Gera was the son of Benjamins firstborn, bela. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 3)

GERA, DESCENDANT OF BELA: This Gera was another descendant of Bela the Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:5)

GERA, FATHER OF EHUD: Gera was the father of the Benjamite Judge Ehud. (Judges 3:15)

GERA, FATHER OF SHIMEI: Gera was the Benjamite father of Shimei who called down evil on David. (2 Samuel 16:5; 19:16, 18) (1 Kings 2:8)

GERAH, WEIGHT MEASURE: The gerah was the coin or weight measure equal to 1/20th of a shekel. (Exodus 30:13) (Leviticus 27:25) (Numbers 3:47; 18:16)

GERAR: Gerar was a town near Gaza along the boundaries of Canaanite territory. (Genesis 10:19) Abraham and Isaac resided as aliens at Gerar and dealt with King Abimelech. (Genesis 20:1-18; 21:22-34; 26:1-31) The Judeans struck and plundered all the cities around Gerar after Jehovah brought about the defeat of the army of Zerah the Ethiopian King Asa. (2 Chronicles 14:8-15)

GERAR VALLEY: The Gerar Valley could be the same as the Wadi esho-Shariah (Nahal Gerar), about .3 of a mile south of Tell Abu Hureirah (Tel Haror). Water was easy to find in the area by digging pits in the torrent bed. (Genesis 26:17-19) Abraham lived in the area for a brief time. (Genesis 20:1, 2) Later Isaac returned to the area

and raised flocks and herds. His servants dug two wells there. (Genesis 26:1-22)

GERASENES: Jesus Christ healed two demon-possessed men in the country of the Gerasenes. (Matthew 8:28:34) (Mark 5:1-20) (Luke 8:26-39) Part of the region was east of The Sea of Galilee.

GERIZIM, MOUNT: Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal, an adjacent mountain, are located in the heart of the district of Samaria. These mountains are the most prominent of the region. The Mount Gerizim summit rises over 2,800 feet above the Mediteranean Sea. Mount Ebal towers 200 feet above it and between the two mountains is a fertile valley, the Valley of Shechem. Jesus alluded to these mountains at John 4:5, 19, 20 when he spoke about the forefathers worshipping on the mountain.

GERSHOM, GERSHON, SON OF LEVI: Gershom was the son of Levi. Gershom was the father of Libni and Shimei. (1 Chronicles 6:16, 17, 20, 43, 62, 71) He is also called Gershon. (Genesis 46:11) (Exodus 6:16, 17) (Numbers 3:17, 18) (1 Chronicles 6:1; 23:6)

GERSHOM, SON OF MOSES: He was the first son of Moses by Zipporah. He was born in Midian. (Exodus 2:21, 22) (1 Chronicles 23:14-16) Jethro, Moses father in law, was Gershoms grandfather. Eliezer was Gershoms brother. (Exodus 18:2-4)

GERSHONITES: The Gershonites were one of the three great divisions of the Levites. They were descendants of Gershon, or Gershom. The Gershonites were responsible for caring for the tent of meeting. (Numbers 3:23-26; 4:21-28) (Exodus 26:1, 7, 14, 36) They were alotted 13 cities with pasture gounds. (Joshua 21:27-33)

GESHAN: Geshan was the third son of Jahdai of the tribe of Judah. He is listed among the descendants of Caleb. (1 Chronicles 2:47)

GESHEM: Geshem was an Arabian. Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem opposed Nehemiah in the rebuilding of Jerusalems wall. They derided, conspired and plotted against Nehemiah, but could not stop him. Geshem accused Nehemiah and the Jews of rebellion and of attempts to make Nehemiah king. (Nehemiah 6:1-7)

GESHUR, THE ARAMAEAN KINGDOM: Geshur was the Armaean kingdom east of the Jordan River. It bordered on the Argob region of Bashan. The Israelites conquered everything up to Geshur. (Deuteronomy 3:14) (Joshua 12:1, 3, 5; 13:13) Absaloms maternal grandfather, Talmai, live there. Absalom fled there after he murdered his half brother Amnon. Joab brought him back to Jerusalem after three years in Geshur. (2 Samuel 3:2, 3; 13:28-38; 14:23; 15:8) Many years later Geshur and Syria annexed many of the Israelite cities east of the Jordan. (1 Chronicles 2:23)

GESHUR, A PLACE IN PALESTINE: Geshur was a place in southern Palestine near the Philistine territory. (Joshua 13:2) (1 Samuel 27:7-11)

GESHURITES, INHABITANTS OF GESHUR: Geshurites were the people living in Geshur, a territory east of the Jordan. (Deuteronomy 3:14) (Joshua 12:4, 5; 13:11, 13)

GESHURITES, PEOPLE IN SOUTHERN PALESTINE: The Geshurites were a people who resided in southern Palestine near the Philistine territory. (Joshua 13:2) When David was outlawed by King Saul, he conducted raids on the Geshurites and other people dwelling th that area. (1 Samuel 27:7-11)

GETHER: He was a descendant of Aram, the son of Shem. (Genesis 10:22, 23) (1 Chronicles 1:17)

GETHSEMANE, GARDEN OF: This garden was filled with olive trees and was equipped with a press for squeezing oil from olives. It was located east of Jerusalem, across the Kidron Valley on or near the Mount of Olives. (John 18:1) (Luke 22:39) Jesus frequently met with his disciples at this garden. (John 18:2) He was captured by a mob at the Garden of Gethsemane. (Matthew 26:36-56) (Mark 14:32-52) (Luke 22:39-53) (John 18:1-12)

GEUEL: This man was the son of Machi of the tribe of Gad. He was one of the twelve chieftains sent by Moses from the wilderness of Paran to spy out the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:2, 3, 15, 16)

GEZER: Gezer was the royal city of Palestine. Its king unsuccessfully tried to save Lacish from the Israelite army. (Joshua 10:33, 12:7, 8, 12) The city was Philistine in Davids time when he broke their power from Beba to as far as Gezer. (2 Samuel 5:25)

GIAH: When Joab and Abishai chased after Abner they arrived at the hill of Ammah at sundown. This hill is near Giah on the road to the desert wilderness of Gibeon. (2 Samuel 2:24) Giah was probably east of Gibeon in Benjamins territory.

GIANT: The Bible gives reports of men who were of extraordinary size. Og was 13.1 feet tall and 5.8 feet wide. (Deuteronomy 3:11) The giant David killed, Goliath of Gath, was 9.5 feet tall. His copper coat weighed 126 pounds. His spear blade weighed 15 pounds. (1 Samuel 17:4-7) These large men could have been descendants of the Nephilim. The Nephilim were offspring of angels and human women. (Genesis 6:4)

GIBBAR: Gibbar was likely a family head. The family had 95 sons who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 20)

GIBBETHON: Givvethon was a city belonging to the tribe of Dan. (Joshua 19:40, 41, 44) It was later given to the Kohathites as a Levite city. (Joshua 21:20, 23) Centuries later Gibbethon under the control of the Philistines. (1 Kings 16:15-18)

GIBEA: Gibea was a descendant of Caleb of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:42, 49)

GIBEAH, GIBEAH OF BENJAMIN: Gibeah was a city in the territory of Benjamin. It was also called Gibeah of Benjamin and Gibeah of Saul. (Joshua 18:28) (1 Samuel 23:29) (2 Samuel 21:6) It was located near the main road between Jerusalem (Jebus) and Ramah. (Judges 19:11-15) Located in the heights of Palestines mountain region and well in the center of most activities Gibeah served as a lookout point in time of war. (1 Samuel 14:16) Gibeah was the home of Israels first king, King Saul. (1 Samuel 10:26; 15:34)

GIBEATH-HAARALOTH: This is the place where all Israelite males born in the desert wilderness were circumcised. The circumcision took place after they crossed the Jordan River. Gibeath-haaraloth was near the city of Jericho. It was later called Gilgal. (Joshua 5:310)

GIBEATHITE: This was an inhabitant of Gibeah of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 12:1-3)

GIBEON: The city of Gibeon is six miles north northwest of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. There was a pool of Gibeon located

near here. (2 Samuel 2:13) The men of Gibeon were among the returning captives from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. Many of them shared in reparing Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 3:7; 7:6, 7, 25)

GIDDALTI: Giddalti was the son of Heman, a Levite singer. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4, 29)

GIDDEL, ANCESTOR OF NETHINIM SLAVES: This Giddel was an ancestor of a family of Nethinim temple slaves. They were among those who returned to Jerusalem and Judah in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 47) (Nehemiah 7:49)

GIDDEL, FAMILY HEAD OF SONS OF SERVANTS OF SOLOMON: Giddel was the head of one of the families of the sons of the servants of Solomon. They returned from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 55, 56) (Nehemiah 7:58)

GIDEON: Gideon was an outstanding judge in Israel. He was the son of Joash of the family of Abi-ezer of the tribe of Manasseh. He lived at the town of Ophrah just west of the Jordan River. (Judges 6:11, 15) The people of Israel were unfaithful to Jehovah. Pagan nations such as the Midianites invaded at harvest time to pillage the crops. After seven years of this plunder the Israelites made underground storage places in order to conceal their food supplies from the invaders. (Judges 6:1-6) One day an angel appeared to Gideon. The angel said: Jehovah is with you, mighty man of valor! The angel went on to tell him that he would be the one to deliver Israel out of the Midianite oppression. (Judges 6:11-22) That very night Jehovah tested Gideon. He commanded him to tear down his fathers altar to the god Baal, to cut down the sacred pole alongside it and to build an altar to Jehovah. Gideon obeyed Gods command. (Judges 6:25-32) Right away, at Gods direction Gideon organized a select band of 300 faithful warriors to attack the Midianite army of 135,000 men. The exciting account of this battle is found at Judges chapter 7. Gideons strong faith, in the face of great odds, qualified

him to be listed as one of the great cloud of witness. (Hebrews 11:32; 12:1)

GIDEONI: Gideoni was the father of Abindan the chieftan of the tribe of Benjamin when Moses was leading the Israelites. (Numbers 1:11, 16)

GIDOM: The Benjamites committed a gross sex crime, so the other Israelite tribes pursued the Benjamites as for as Gidom to make them pay for their wrong doing. (Judges 20:45)

GIFTS FROM GOD: Greek: kharisma means gracious gift. It occurs 17 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures and it implies a gift given out of undeserved kindness. This would be a gift from God. (1 Corinthians 12:4) (2 Timothy 1:6) (1 Peter 4:10) Gods greatest gift was his Son. God loved the world so much he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) James says every good gift and every perfect present is from above. (James 1:17)

GIFT OF HOLY SPIRIT: God gives his Holy Spirit as a gift to his people. (Acts 2:38) (Romans 8:2-10) (Galatians 5:16-25) The apostle Paul lists nine different operations of the Holy Spirit: speech of wisdom, speech of knowledge, faith, healing, powerful works, prophesy, discernment of inspired utterances, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. This list is found at 1 Corinthians chapter 12. The fruits of the SPIRIT are offered to all who believe and obey God. They include: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22, 23)

GIFTS, ALMS, ACTS OF CHARITY: Jehovahs people are instructed to give gifts of charity. A gift of charity is a gift given out of love, from the heart. Jesus preached against giving as a showy display of

self righteousness. (Matthew 6:2-4) He told Christians to give gifts of mercy or charity. (Luke 12:32, 33) (Mark 19:16-22) (Luke 18:1823) (John 13:29) Early Christians made gifts in behalf of their needy brothers. (Romans 15:26) (1 Corinthians 16:1, 2) Paul made it clear that all gifts were voluntary and from the heart at 2 Corinthians 9:7. (Phillipians 4:15-17) While material assistance is needed and important, the greatest gift a person can offer to another is an understanding of Gods Word, for this can lead to the receiver to everlasting life. (John 6:26, 27; 17:3) (Acts 20:35) (2 Corinthians 12:15) (Revelations 22:17)

GIHON RIVER: The Gehon River was one of the four rivers that came out of the river that flowed out of Eden. It is said to encircle the entire land of Cush. (Genesis 2:10, 13) The topographical changes in the earths surface as a result of the global Deluge have eliminated the possibility to identify this river today.

GIHON SPRING: The name Spring of Gihon is named because it gushes forth four or five times per day after the rainy winter season. The name Gihon means just that, gushes forth. Its fountainhead is in a natural cave in the Kidron Valley just east of the part of Jerusalem called the City of David. (2 Chronicles 32:30) The Spring of Gihon is a principal source of water for ancient Jerusalem.

GILBOA: This Mountain is located east of the Jezreel Plain between the valley of Kishon and the Jordan Valley. Two major battles were fought there. (Judges 7:1) (1 Samuel 28:4; 31:1-4, 8) (2 Samuel 1:410, 21)

GILEAD: The mountainous region east of the Jordan River was known as Gilead. This included Bashan and the tableland north of the Arnon. (Joshua 22:9) (Judges 20:1, 2) (2 Samuel 2:9) (2 Kings 10:32, 33) It comprised the possessions of the tribes of Gad, Reuben, and the south part of Manasseh. (Deuteronomy 3:13) (Numbers 32:40)

GILGAL, IN JERICHO: Gilgal was a city on the eastern border of Jericho. (Joshua 4:19) The Moabite King Eglon resided near the Gilgal quarries at the time of Ehud. (Judges 3:12-26) Gilgal was the place where Israel camped after crossing the Jordan River in Abib. It was there that Joshua set up the 12 stones taken from the middle of the riverbed to commemorate Jehovahs drying up the river. All the Israelite males born in the wilderness were circumcised at Gilgal. (Joshua 5:8, 9) Micah spoke about Gilgal in his prophecy at Micah 6:5.

GILALAI: Gilalai was the Levite musician who marched in the procession arranged by Nehemiah at the inauguration of the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem in 455 B.C.E. (Nehemiah 12:27, 31, 36)

GILOH: This city was located in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:48, 51) It was the home of the traitor Ahithophel the Gilonite. (2 Samuel 15:12; 23:34)

GILONITE: A Gilonite was an inhabitant of Giloh. Ahithophel, Davids counselor was a Gilonite. (Joshua 15:51) (2 Samuel 15:12; 23:34)

GIMEL: Gimel is the third letter in the Hebrew alphabet. This is the first letter in the opening word in each of the eight verses of Psalm 119:17-24.

GIMZO: Gimzo was a city of Judah that was captured by the Philistines during the reign of Ahaz. (2 Chronicles 28:18, 19)

GINATH: He was the father of Tibni the unsuccessful rival of Omri for the kingship over the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. (1 Kings 16:21, 22)

GINNETHOI, HEAD PRIEST: Ginnethoi was a head priest over the priest who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Nehemiah 12:1, 4, 7, 12, 16, 26)

GIRGASHITES: The Girgashites were a people descended from Ham through Canaan. (Genesis 10:6, 15, 16) (1 Chronicles 1:8, 13, 14) The Girgashites were from west of the Jordan River. They were a powerful people and yet they and six other Canaanite nations suffered defeat. This is because Jehovah delivered them into the hands of his people. (Deuteronomy 7:1, 2) (Joshua 3:10; 24:11) This fulfilled the promise Jehovah made to Abraham centuries earlier. (Genesis 15:13-21) (Nehemiah 9:7, 8)

GIRZITES: The Girzites were probably a nomadic people. They lived in the territory south of Judah at the time when David and his six hundred men raided the territory. The Girzites were all distroyed and David took much livestock as spoil. (1 Samuel 27:2,7-9)

GISPA: Gispa was an overseer of the Nethinim temple slaves in Nehemiahs day. (Nehemiah 11:21)

GITTAIM: First the Beerothites settled at Gittaim. (2 Samuel 4:1-3) Then the Benjamites settled in Gittaim after the exile. (Nehemiah 11:31, 33) It was possibly located near modern Ramleh.

GITTITE: An inhabitant or native of the Philistine city of Gath was called a Gittite. The Giant Goliath was a Gittite. Ittai was a Gittites who served David faithfully during his light at the time of Absaloms rebellion. (2 Samuel 15:13, 18-22; 18:2; 21:19) (1 Chronicles 20:5) (Joshua 13:2, 3)

GIZONITE: Gizonite had sons who were among the mighty warriors of Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 34)

GLASS: Glass is manufactured by mixing special sand known as silica with traces of other elements such as boron, phosphorus, and lead. These ingredients are melted together at a temperature above 3000 degrees F. Job compared glass to gold at Job 28:17. The apostle John described the clearness of glass at Revelation 4:6 and 21:18, 21.

GLEANING: Gleaning means harvesting and reaping. The harvesters intentionally left some crops behind in the fields or on the trees so that the poor people could glean or harvest them. (Leviticus 19:9, 10) (Deuteronomy 24:19-21) (Ruth 2:5-7, 14-17) (Psalm 37:25) Gleaning is also spoken of in an illustrative or figurative way when it speaks about the people leftover after Gods judgment, so it will be among the nations, as when an olive tree is beaten. (Isaiah 24:13) (Micah 7:1-8, 18) (Jeremiah 6:9)

GLORY: The Hebrew word ka.vohdh means heavy and the Greek word doxa is translated glory and honor. The major application of the term glory in the Scriptures is found in connection with Jehovah God. Psalm 19:1 tells us the heavens declare the glory of God. The apostle Paul told the Corinthians, do everything to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31) The word glory is found more than 350 times in the Holy Scriptures. It is found 17 times in the book of Revelations. (Revelation 1:6; 4:9, 11; 7:12; 14:7; 19:11; 21:24, 26) A comprehensive study of the word glory from a large concordance would render many blessings. So march forward with concordance and Bible in hand!

GLUTTON: A glutton is a selfish, greedy person who indulges in excessive eating of food. Gluttony is completely apposed to the precepts and principles taught in the Bible. Under the Mosaic Law a glutton was to be stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21) (Proverbs 28:7; 23:20, 21) Slanderous remarks about Jesus Christ included the accusation that he was a gluttonous man and a

drunkard. Jesus countered: wisdom is justified by its works. (Matthew 11:19) (Luke 7:34, 35) Gluttons are sinful greedy persons. The apostle Paul made it very clear that they would not inherit Gods kingdom. (Galatians 5:19-21)

GNAT: Gnats are small two-winged insects that bit and suck blood. The Hebrew word kin-nam is rendered, gnats, mosquitoes, or flies. (Exodus 8:16-18) (Leviticus 11:21-24) (Psalm 105:31) Jesus denounced the scribes and Pharisees and said, You strain out the gnat and swallow the camel. He was pointing out that they made a big deal out of little or nothing and disregarded the weightier matters of the Law. (Matthew 23:23, 24) (Leviticus 11:4)

GOAD: The cattle or ox goad was a rod about eight feet in length that was used for driving and guiding bulls when plowing. One end of the rod had a sharp metal point used to prod the animal. (Judges 3:31) Words spoken by wise persons are compared to prodding goads at Ecclesiastes 12:11. A stubborn bull that resists the prodding of the sharp goads is figuratively described in the expression kicking against the goads at Acts 26:14. GOAH: When talking about the rebuilding of Jerusalem, Jeremiah named Goah along with the hill of Gareb when describing a measuring line that: will stretch from there straight to the Hill of Gareb, and then it will turn to Goah. (Jeremiah 31:38, 39) GOAT: Any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns. The goat is a cud-chewing mammal with hollow horns and long, straight hair. It served as a sacrificial animal, being presented as a burnt offering. (Leviticus 1:10; 3:6; 12; 5:6; 22:18, 19, 27) The term goatlike leaders was used figuratively to refer to rulers. (Isaiah 14:9) (Zechariah 10:3) Goats were used to represent people who were in opposition to Jehovah. (Isaiah 34:6, 7) (Jeremiah 51:40) (Ezekiel 34:17) (Zechariah 10:3) (Matthew 25:31-46)

GOAT DEMONS (Idols): The Hebrew word sair refers to a goat. There are three texts (Leviticus 17:7) (2 Chronicles 11:15) (Isaiah

13:21) in which the word is considered by translators as having a sense beyond the simple word goat. It has to do with demon possession and idolatry.

GOB: Gob was a place where David and his men struck down giant warriors of the Philistines. (2 Samuel 21:18, 19)

GOD: Anything and anyone worshiped is a god. The Bible speaks about many gods. (Psalm 86:8) (1 Corinthians 8:5-6) The Hebrew word Aloha and the Greek word Theos means god or God. These words can be used to represent the true God, Jehovah or a false god, Satan. At John 10:33 Jesus was accused of making himself God or a god. The word used here is theos. It means: devine, godlike, a god, God. Jesus clearly stated in reply: Do you say you blaspheme, because I said, I am Gods Son? He identified himself as the Son of God, not God! (See: JESUS CHRIST)

GODLINESS, GODLY DEVOTION: Godliness is piety by virtue of being a godly person. A godly person practices reverence, worship, and service to God. A synonym for godliness is godly devotion. Godly devotion refers to devotion with love and loyalty to God. The Greek word eusebes can be translated pious, devout, and godly. (Acts 10:2, 7) (2 Peter 1:6; 2:9) The expression of godliness or godly devotion requires intense loyalty to God and a deep and abiding dedication to our Divine Father. The apostle Paul told Timothy to pursue righteousness and godliness. (1 Timothy 6:11) Godliness is truly a way of life for all who love God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

GOD OF FORTUNE: There were a large number of apostate Jews who worshiped the god of fortune or god of good luck. The worshipers of these deities set a table of food and drink before them. Jehovah told them that he would destine them to slaughter by the sword. (Isaiah 65:11, 12) The god of fortune was a Babylonian deity.

GODS AND GODDESSES: The deities of the nations are false gods that are human crations. These deities mirror the characteristics

and weaknesses of their imperfect worshipers. (Leviticus 19:4) (Isaiah 2:20) (Romans 1:21-23) The Bible refers to Satan the Devil as the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4) The god Murduk (Merodach) was regarded as the founder of Babylon. A number of triad gods, or deities, have been invented by man over the centuries. Anu the god of the sky; Enlil the god of the earth, air, and storm; and Ea the god presiding over the water were considered part of a trinity of gods in Babylon. Another triad was that of the moon-god Sin, the sun-god Shamash, and the fertility god-dess Ishtar. Ishtar was the lover of Tammuz. The Babylonians even had triads of devils, including the triad of Labartu, Labasu, and Akhkhazu. The ancents even worshiped heavenly bodies such as Venus, Saturn, and Mercury. (Isaiah 47:13) An indepth study of the history of each of the nations of the world would reveal wide spread worship of false gods.

GOD OF ISRAEL: Jacob set up an altar on a tract of land he aquired from the sons of Hamor. He called the altar: God (is) the God of Israel. (Genesis 32: 24-30; 33:1-4, 17-20) God has just given his the name Israel. He built the altar and gave it this name to show Jehovah his appreciation for the name.

GOG: The name Gog is found in chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel and also at Revelation 20:8. Apparantly both the Gog of Ezekiel and the Gog of Revelation apply to the nations in the four corners of the earth who allow themselves to be misled by Satan the Devil. The account in Revelation chapter 20 predicts that Satan will be allowed out of the abyss (bottomless pit) at the end of the Millennium and that he would lead the nations of the earth in rebellion against the Millennial Rule of Jesus Christ. The texts at Daniel 2:44 and 7:13, 14 show that Christ will bring an end to national rule and divisions. So it appears that these nations are part of the rebellion against Jehovahs Kingdom at the end of the Millennium and not a continual rebellion taking place throughout the thousand years. The battle ends with absolute destruction of the wicked when Gog and his forces are annihilated. With the help of His loyal Son, Jesus Christ, Jehovah completely magnifies and sanctifies his name before all observers. (Ezekiel 38:12-23; 39:5-13, 21, 22) (Joel 3:9-17) (Revelation 20:8-10, 14)

GOIIM, REAL OF KING TIDAL: Goiim was the name of the realm that King Tidal ruled over. It was the proper name for the tribes and peoples he ruled. (Genesis 14:1-9) (Judges 4:2) (Isaiah 9:1)

GOIIM, DOMAIN WEST OF THE JORDAN: This place was where Joshua defeated a Canaanite king. He was called the king of Goiim in Gilgal. (Joshua 12:7, 23)

GOLAN: The city of Golan was designated as a city of refuge. It was located in the territory of Manasseh. (Deuteronomy 4:41-43) (Joshua 20:2, 8) The Gershonite Levites lived in the city. (Joshua 21:27) (1 Chronicles 6:71) Many scholars identify it with a district that goes by the same name today located 17 miles east of the Sea of Galilee.

GOLD: Gold is a rare, soft yellow, malleable metallic element. It is highly valued for its weight, rarity, durable and shimmering beauty. Gold is the metal most frequently mentioned in the Bible, first mentioned at Genesis 2:11. The Greek terms for gold, khry-sos and khry-sion are used with reference to coins, ornaments and the metal in general. No amount of gold can buy wisdom from God or give life. (Psalm 49:6-8) (Job 28:12, 15-17) (Zephaniah 1:18) (Matthew 16:26) Gold is used in a symbolic way to describe the holy city, New Jerusalem at Revelation 21:18, 21. Job spoke of gold as a symbol of materialism at Job 31:24,25.

GOLGOTHA: Also known as the Skull Place and Calvary, Golgotha was outside the city of Jerusalem. (Luke 23:33) This was where Jesus Christ was impaled. (Matthew 27:33) (John 19:17-22) (Hebrews 13:12) There was a road and a garden tomb near Golgotha. (Matthew 27:39) (John 19:41) The Bible does not specifically state that Golgotha was on a hill but it does say that some observed the impalement form a distance. (Mark 15:40) (Luke 23:49)

GOLIATH: Goliath was a giant, over nine feet tall. He was from the city of Gath and a champion of the Philistine army. Goliath was one of the Rephaim and may have been a mercenary soldier with the Philistine army. (1 Chronicles 20:5, 8) The gigantic warrior Goliath loudly challenged Israel to supply a man to fight him in single combat. The outcome was to determine which army should become the servant of the other. Day and night for forty days he taunted the army of Israel. No Israelite soldier had the courage to accept the challenge. (1 Samuel 17:1-54) No wonder for the iron blade on his spear alone weighed 15 pounds! Finally the young shepherd David, with Gods Spirit upon him met Goliaths challenge. David defeated Goliath. You may read the full account at 1 Samuel chapter 17.

GOMER, GRANDSON OF NOAH: Gomer was the grandson of Noah. He was the first son of Japheth. He was born after the Flood. (Genesis 10:1, 2) (1 Chronicles 1:4, 5) Gomer and his sons, Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah, were among the families from whom the nations descended after the Great Flood. (Ge 10:3, 32) Ezekiels prophecy lists the regathered people of God including Gomer with all its troops. (Ezekiel 38:2-8)

GOMER, DAUGHTER OF DIBLAIM: Gomer was the daughter of Diblaim. Jehovah gave Hosea instructions to take a wife and he took Gomer as his wife. God told Hosea to go and marry a prostitute and have children with a prostitute, for the land commits much prostitution. (Hosea 1:2, 3) Gomer gave birth to three children. They were given names that had prophetic meaning. The account of the children was used to foretell the disastrous results of Israels spiritual adultery in the form of idolatry. (Hosea 1:3-9; 3:1-3)

GOMORRAH: Sodom and Gomorrah were probably located near the south end of the Dead Sea. (Genesis 13:12) Scholars believe their ruins are submerged under the waters of the Dead Sea. The wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah was so great that Jehovah sent angels to inspect the situation and then to destroy the cities by a rain of fire and sulfur. (Genesis 18:20, 21; 19:24, 28) The account of the destruction of these cities has been used in Scriptures as a symbol of complete and everlasting annihilation. (Deuteronomy 29:22, 23) (Isaiah 1:1, 9, 10; 13:19) (Jeremiah 23:14; 49:18) The

apostle Peter said that by turning Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, God condemned them, setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come. (2 Peter 2:6) Jesus pointed out the contrast of wickedness between Sodom and Gomorrah and the wickedness of his day. He indicated that even as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah was the people of his day were worse. (Matthew 10:7, 14, 15)

GOOD NEWS: The good news of the Kingdom of God is featured throughout the Holy Scriptures. It is in fact the theme of the Bible. The good news of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ is presented in the Christian Greek Scriptures. The four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are known as the Good New. (Matthew 4:23) (Mark 1:1) (Romans 15:16) (Acts 20:24) (Revelation 14:6)

GOODNESS: Goodness is a quality of mind and heart that involves mercy, loving-kindness, and truth. It involves moral excellence and virtue. Goodness is a fruit of Gods Holy Spirit. It is listed at Galatians 5:22 along with eight other fruitages. Paul wrote the Ephesians that the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth. (Ephesians 5:9) Christians should cultivate goodness. No man has goodness on his own merit. (Romans 7:18) The psalmist asks God to teach him goodness at Psalm 119:66, 68. We should do the same.

GOODWILL: The angels proclaimed peace to men of goodwill. (Luke 2:14) God does not express goodwill toward all men. He says: There is no peace for the wicked. (Isaiah 57:21)

GOSHEN: Goshen was a region in Egypt where the Israelites lived for 215 years from 1728 to 1513 B.C.E. (Genesis 45:10; 47:27) The exact location of Goshen is uncertain but it appears to have been in the eastern part of the Nile Delta. (Genesis 46:28, 29) The Land of Goshen referred to at Joshua 10:41 and 11:16 was possibly in the mountainous region between Hebron and Negeb in the Judean mountains. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 51) A city by the name of Goshen was found in that area also.

GOSSIP, SLANDER: Gossip is idle personal talk. Not all gossip is bad or damaging, however it can be groundless rumor and slander. Slander is malicious defamation. The Bible counsels against idle speech that can do much harm. (James 3:6) (Proverbs 13:3; 15:2; 18:7) Jesus Christ warned that wicked reasonings and false testimonies proceed from the mouth and out of the heart. (Matthew 15:11, 19) Gossip is talk that reveals something about another person. It may be unfounded rumor, even a lie. The gossiper may not even know the truth. The apostle Peter considered a meddler in other peoples business to be as bad as being a murder, a thief and an evildoer. (1 Peter 4:15)

GOSPEL: The gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ and Gods kingdom.

GOURD: The term gourd appears in the Scriptures at 2 Kings 4:3841. Someone gathered some unfamiliar wild gourds and sliced them in with a stew. Some thought the stew had been poisoned but Elisha saved it from being wasted.

GOVERNMENT: Government is the system or organization by which a community, society and a state are governed. It is the organization for governing and exercising authority. The Hebrew words mem-sha-lah and mis-rah translate dominion, rule and power. (Isaiah 9:6; 22:21) The Greek ar-khe is translated beginning, principalities, governments, rulers and sovereignties. Kyriotes and Kybernesis are rendered government in some translations. They more correctly mean lordship. Jesus Christ was the agent of God who set up all righteous governments and authorities, invisible and visible. (Colossians 1:15, 16) His Father Jehovah has placed him as head of all government. (Colossians 2:810, 1 Co 15:24) The apostle Paul said there would soon be a government under the authority of Christ. (Ephesians 1:19-21)

GOVERNOR: Most of the major powers of Bible times had rulers similar to governors. They were either local native rulers or governors who controlled occupied territories. Nations that had governors included: Syria, 1 Kings 20:24; Assyria, Ezekiel 23:5,6, 12, 23; Persia, Ezra 8:36, Nehemiah 2:7, 9; Babylon, Jeremiah 51:57; and Rome, Luke 3:1. Judea was an imperial province under Roman rule. The governors there were responsible to the emperor for their actions. Pilate was the fifth of the line of governors of Judea. (Matthew 27:2) (Luke 3:1) The Roman governors were authorized to order capital punishment. This was the case with Pilate, who judged Jesus Christ. (Matthew 27:11-14) (John 19:10) Christians are to show relative subjection to the rulers of the land. (Romans 13:1-7) (Titus 3:1) (1 Peter 2:13, 14) (Acts 4:19, 20)


GRACE: Gods loving kindness expressed to mankind. It is undeserved kindness sinces mankind does not merit this special treatment from God. It is truly divine influence upon the heart. (John 1:14) (2 Corinthians 12:9) (Ephesians 2: 8; James 4:6)

GRAFTING: Grafting is the process of joining parts from different plants so that they grow together. After grafted-in branches are established, they produce the same kind of fruit as the tree from which they were taken. The apostle Paul compared non-Jewish Christians to the branches of a wild olive that were grafted into the garden olive to replace natural branches that had broken off. (Romans 11) (Galatians 3:28; 6:16)

GOZAN RIVER: The river Gozan is mentioned at 2 Kings 17:6 and 18:11. There the Scriptures speak of Habor on the River Gozan. Some believe that the Gozan River is the same as the Qezel Owzan in northwest Iran. Others think the Gozan is a river of Mesopotamia. Gozan appears to represent an area of land at 2 Kings 19:12 and Isaiah 37:12.

GRANDPARENTS: The terms grandparents or grandfather or grandmother are seldom found in Bible translations. The terms parents or father or mother are used instead. Sometimes the expressions the father of your mother and mothers father are used to speak about grandparents. The New Simplified Bible identifies Abraham as Jacobs grandfather at Genesis 28:13. Some translations refer to him as Jacobs father. This could be confusing if the actual relationship of grandfather-to-grandson is not spelled out in the text. (2 Samuel 9:7) GRASS: Included in grass are the cereal grains, the plants of meadow and pasture, and the sugarcane and bamboo plants. Grass was brought into existence during the third creative day. (Genesis 1:11-13) It serves as a source of food for man and animals. Transitoriness of mans life is likened to that of grass. (Psalm 37:2) (1 Peter 1:24) It is contrasted with the everlasting nature of Jehovah and his word. (Psalms 104:14; 147:8) (Zechariah 10:1) (2 Samuel 23:3, 4) (Job 38:25-27) (Matthew 5:45) Evildoers are compared to grass that quickly withers at Psalm 37:1, 2. GRASSHOPPER: The grasshopper is a plant-eating insect with legs adapted for jumping. The Hebrew terms ar-beh and cha-ghav are applied to the winged stage of locust mentioned at Leviticus 11:22. It is considered as clean for food. The grasshopper is destructive to vegetation. (2 Chronicles 7:13) It is used in an illustrative setting in the Holy Scriptures. Men are compared to little grasshoppers from Gods viewpoint at Isiaiah 40:22. They are likened to aged persons bent and stiff and burdened at Ecclesiastes 12:5. GRAVE: The grave is a place for the burial of the dead body of a human being. It is usually dug in the earth or cut out of rock such as a tomb or natural cave. The Hebrew word quver designates a burial place such as a grave. The Greek word for grave is taphos. (Matthew 28:1) The word mnema found at Luke 23:53 refers to a tomb. Hebrew sheohl and Greek haides speak of the common grave of mankind. These words are frequently translated the grave in the New Simplified Bible. SEE: HADES, HELL. GRAVEL: Rock fragments and pebbles are considered gravel. Gravel is used in an illustrative sense in the Bible. Proverbs 20:17 compares gaining bread by falsehood with having a mouth full of gravel. The severe treatment Jehovah meted out to unfaithful

Jerusalem by means of the Babylonians is likened to breaking teeth with gravel at Lamentations 3:16. GRAY HAIR: As a person grows older the pigment in the hair changes in body chemistry. Graying hair usually accompanies older age. The Hebrew verb siv means to grow gray. The Hebrew noun she-vah means gray hairs, gray-headedness, old age. (Job 15:10) (Psalm 71:18) The Bible honors both the beauty of youth and the splendor of old age. (Proverbs 16:31; 20:29) Those who are planted in the house of Jehovah will keep on thriving in old age. (Psalm 92:13, 14) They will not be abandoned by their God. (Isaiah 46:4) GREAT CROWD: A great crowd is a large group of persons. The term is used to refer to the large group of persons who heard Jesus Christs public teaching. (Mathew 14:14; 19:2; 20:29) The apostle John heard a great crowd at Revelation 7:9. The older English of the King James Version referred to it as a great multitude. Chapter seven of Revelation first refers to the sealing of 144,000 slaves of God and then it speaks of a separate group, a great crowd out of every nation, tribe, people and tongue. The wording at chapter seven make it obvious that the 144,000 sealed slaves of God, plus the great crowd represent all who stand approved by God at the time of the great tribulation. (Revelation 7:9-17) GREAT SEA, MEDITERRANEAN SEA: The Hebrews called it the Great Sea. We call it by its Latin based name, Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean means in the Middle of the Land. The Mediterranean Sea is nearly landlocked. Ocean shipping enters and exits the Great Sea through narrow gateways. The Strait of Gibraltar is on the west. The Dardanelles and Bosporus are to the northeast and the Suez Canal joins it to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea truly is the Great Sea. (Numbers 34:6, 7) It is 2,200 miles long and 600 miles wide at it greatest width. Its deepest point is 16,709 feet. Ezekiel points out that there are many fish in the Great Sea. (Ezekiel 47:10) In addition to more than 400 varieties of fish there is an abundance of fine coral and sponge. Jesus Christ visited the seaport regions of Tyre and Sidon. (Mark 7:24, 31) Peter was in Joppa and Caesarea. (Acts 10:5, 6, 24) Paul was at Paphos, Troas, Neapolis, Cenchreae, Ephesus, Assos, Mitylene, and Miletus. (Acts 13:13, 16:11, 18:18, 19; 20:14, 15) The Great Sea is also known for fierce storms with much lost of life. (Acts 27:14, 15, 39-44) GREECE: Greece is a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is known for grapes, olives and olive oil. The original name for the area was Ionian. It applied

to the people of Greece and the surrounding chain of islands. The term Ionian still applies to the geographic area including the sea between southern Italy and southern Greece. The prophet Isaiah spoke of the time when the exiles of Judah would be sent to distant nations, including Tubal and Javan, the islands near Greece. (Isaiah 66:19) The name Greece comes from the Latin word Graikoi. The Italians first applied the name to the Greeks and their land. The land of Greece is mostly rocky, with rough limestone mountains covering three fourths of the terrain. The mountain slopes were heavily wooded. The principal Greek gods were said to reside on the heights of Mount Olympus near Beroea. Among the Olympic gods were Zeus; Apollo, a sun god and a god of sudden death; Artemis, the Roman Diana, the goddess of the hunt; and Hermes, the god of travelers and commerce. (Acts 19:23-28, 34, 35; 28:11) Paul ministered to the Beroeans on his second missionary tour. (Acts 17:10) GREED: The Hebrew word chamadh and Greek word epithymeo both mean desire. (Psalm 68:16) (Matthew 13:17) The Greek word pie-o-ne-xia conveys the bad desire of greed and covetousness. (Ephesians 4:19; 5:3) (Colossians 3:5) Greed expresses itself in many ways. Love of money, desire for power or gain, strong desire for food, drink, sex or other material things are all expressions of greed and covetousness. (1 Corinthians 5:9-11) A greedy person may not inherit the Kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) The Bible writer James tells us that wrong desire, when it becomes fertile, gives birth to sin. (James 1:14, 15) (Colossians 3:35) GREEK: Koine Greek was the common language from 300 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. Most of the 27 Bible books from Matthew thru Revelation were written in Koine Greek. GREYHOUND: The greyhound is a tall slender dog of an ancient breed. It is noted for swiftness and keen eyesight. The greyhound is a very fast animal, against whom there is no rising up. It has been clocked at a speed of 40 miles per hour. (Proverbs 30:31) GUARD: The Hebrew word shamar means to guard, keep watch, observe. Guards and watchmen are mention in numberous places in the Holy Scriptures. (Genesis 3:24; 17:9; 37:11) (Nehemiah 4:2, 23) (2 Samuel 15:1) (1 Kings 1:5) (2 Kings 11:4-21) The Roman Praetorian Guard was organized by Caesar Augustus in 13 B.C.E. to serve as imperial bodyguards. (Philippians 1:12, 13) The chief

priests bribed Roman guards to circulate the rumer that Jesus followers had stolen his body. (Matthew 27:62-66; 28:11-15) GUDGODAH: Gudgodah was a campsite where the Israelites stayed. It was probably the same as Hor-haggidgad. (Deuteronomy 10:6, 7) (Numbers 33:33) It may have been located on Wadi Khadakhid, about 40 miles northwest of the Gulf of Aqaba. GULL: The Hebrew word shachaph is translated sea gull. Gulls are powerful fliers and they swim well too. It is a carrion eating bird prohibited as food according to Gods law given to the Israelites. (Leviticus 11:13, 16) (Deuteronomy 14:12, 15) Some sea gulls become very large with wingspans five feet across. They move rapidly and yet they have very graceful flight. This beautiful flight pattern makes them very enjoyable to watch. GULLOTH-MAIM: The word Gulloth-maim means Springs of Water. When Calebs daughter married Othniel she requested the land known as Gulloth-maim. It was a field that included springs of water. There was an upper Gulloth and a Lower Gulloth. (Joshua 15:17-19) (Judges 1:13-15) GUNI, SON OF NAPHTALI: Guni was the son of Naphtali. They were included in Jacobs household in Egypt. (Genesis 46:24, 26) (1 Chronicles 7:13) He was the founder of the family of Gunites in the tribe of Naphtali. (Numbers 26:48) GUNITES: The Gunites were a family descended from Guni. They were from the tribe of Naphtali. (Numbers 26:48) (Genesis 46:24) GUR: Ahaziah, king of Judah, was struck down while riding on the way to Gur. Gur was a place near Ibleam. (2 Kings 9:27) GURBAAL: Gurbaal was a place where Arabs live in King Uzziahs time. (2 Chronicles 26:3, 7) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY H HAAHASHTARI: Haahashtari the Ahashtarite was son of Ashur a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 5, 6) HABAIAH: He was a priest whose descendants returned from exile in Babylon. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 61-63) (Nehemiah 7:63-65)

HABAKKUK: The name Habkkuk means Ardent Embrace.This Hebrew prophet of Judah was the writer of the Bible book of Habakkuk. (Habakkuk 1:1; 3:1) Habakkuk prophesied early in the reign of Jehoiakim. (2 Samuel 1:17,18) HABAKKUK, THE BOOK: The book of Habakkuk was written about 628 B.C.E. Will God execute the wicked? This was the question Habakkuk asked God in the first chapter of his book: Why do you look at treacherous persons and not act? (Habakkuk 1:13) Jehovahs reply comes in chapter two: The vision is yet for the appointed time. It moves quickly to the end. It will not lie! If it delays, wait for it for it will surely come. It will not be late!" (Hab 2:2-20) Pronouncements of woe are made upon the Chaldeans for plundering other nations and murdering many people. (Habakkuk 3:1-19) The book of Habakkuk emphasizes Gods supremacy over all nations. (Habakkuk 2:20; 3:6, 12) HABAZZINIAH: Habazziniah was a descendant of Jonadab the son of Rechab. (Jeremiah 35:1-6) HABOR: The Assyrian King Tiglath-pileser lll exiled many Israelites of the ten-tribe kingdom to the city or district of Habor. (1Chronicles 5:26) HACALIAH: Hacaliah was Governor Nehemiahs father. (Nehemiah 1:1; 10:1) HACHILAH: David and his men concealed themselves from King Saul on the Hachilah hill in the Wilderness of Ziph. (Nehemiah 1:1; 10:10) HACHMONI, FATHER OF JEHIEL: Jehiel was with King Davids sons as a private instructor. (1 Chronicles 27:32) HADAD, SON OF ISHMAEL: Hadad was one of the 12 sons of Ishmael the son of Abraham and his concubine Hagar. (Genesis 25:12-15) (1 Chroniles 1:28-30) HADAD, SUCCEDED HUSHAM: This Hadad was successor to the king of Edom after Husham died. Hadad was the son of Bedad. He defeated the Midianites in the field of Moab. (Genesis 36:31, 35, 36) (1 Chronicles 1:46, 47)

HADAD, THE EDOMITE KING: This Hadad was the King of Edom. His wife was Methetabel. He is called Hadar at Genesis 36:39, possibly due to a scribal error. (1 Chronicles 1:43, 50, 51) HADAD, THE EDOMITE TROUBLEMAKER: Hadad was an Edomite of royal offspring. He caused much trouble for Israel when Solomon reigned. After David died Hadad returned to Edom and cause a great amount of mischief as a resistor of King Solomon. (1 Kings 11:14-22, 25) HADADEZER: Hadadezer was the son of Rehob and king of Zobah. Zobah was a Syrian kingdom that is thought to have been north of Damascus. (2 Samuel 8:3, 5) (1 Kings: 23) (1 Chronicles 18:3, 5) HADAR: After Daal-hanan died Hadar succeeded him as King of Edom. He is also called Hadad. (Genesis 36:31, 39) (1 Chronicles 1:43, 50, 51) HADADRIMMON: This could possibly be a location in the Valley of Megiddo. (Zechariah 12:11) It has been identified with Rummana, a site about 4.5 miles south-southeast of Megiddo. This village was at the foot of the Megiddo hills. Some experts say Hadadrimmon is a composition of two Syrian idols: Hadad and Rimmon. HADASHAH: Hadashah was a Judean city in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15: 33, 37) HADASSAH: Hadassah is better known by her Persian name Esther. She was the cousin of Mordecai who replaced the Persian Queen Vashti. (Esther 2:7) HADES: Greek: haides means the unseen place, the grave. Thats right it means the grave, not a fiery place of eternal torment from a vengeful (not a loving) God. The word hades occurs only ten times in the earliest manuscripts of the Christian Greek Scriptures. (Matthew 11:23; 16:18) (Luke 10:15; 16:23) (Acts 2:27, 31) (Revelation 1:18; 6:8; 20:13-14) SEE HELL. HADID: Hadid was an ancestral city of some Benjamites who returned from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 33) (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 37; 11:31, 34) HADLAI: He was the father of Amasa who was one of the heads of the sons of Ephraim in the days of King Pekah of Israel and King Ahaz of Judah. (2 Chronicles 28:6, 12, 16)

HADORAM, SON OF JOKTAN: Hadoram was the son of Joktan and descendant of Shem. He was one of the founders of the first families after the Great Flood. He and his family settled in Arabia, in or near Yemen. (Genesis 10:21, 25-27, 32) HADORAM, SON OF KING TOU: Hadoram was the son of King Tou of Hamath. His father sent him to King David to deliver congratulations and gift to commemorate Israels victory over the king of Zobah. (1 Chronicles 18:9-11) HADORAM, IN CHARGE OF FORCED LABOR: This Hadoram was in charge of the forced laborers under Kings David, Solomon, and Rehoboam. Hadoram was stoned to death when he was sen to the rebellious northern tribes by Rehoboam. (2 Chronicles 10:18) HADRACH: Jehovah made a pronouncement against the land of Hadrach. This declaration of Jehovahs displeasure was expressed through the prophet Zechariah in the year 518 B.C.E. (Zechariah 9:1-8) HA-ELEPH: Ha-eleph was a city of Benjamin. (Joshua 18:21, 28) HAGAB: The sons of Hagab were among those who returned with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. from exile in Babylon. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 46) However the name Hagab does not appear in the parallel list at Nehemiah 7:48. HAGABAH: The sons of Hagabah returned in 537 B.C.E. from exile in Babylon. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 45) (Nehemiah 7:48) They were ancestors of a family of Nethinim temple slaves. HAGAR: Hagar was Sarahs Egyptian maidservant. She was also Abrahams concubine and the mother of Ishmael. (Genesis 12:10, 16) Sarah was barren, so she requested that Abraham have relations with Hagar. Thus she gave her maidservant to her husband. (Genesis 16:1-16) Abraham was 86 years old when Ishmael was born. HAGGAI, THE PROPHET, THE BOOK: He was a Hebrew prophet in Judah and Jerusalem when Zerubbabel was governor under the reign of Persian King Darius Hystaspis. (Haggai 1:1; 2:1, 10, 20; Ezra 5:1, 2) God gave Haggai four messages. He recorded them in the Bible book of Haggai. They effectively motivated the Jews to resume the temple-building work. (Haggai 1:1; 2:1, 10, 20)

HAGGI: Haggi was the second son of Gad. He was grandson of Jacob and ancestral head of the Haggites. (Genesis 46:8, 16) (Numbers 26:4, 15) HAGGIAH: This son of Shimea was a Levite of the family of Merari. (1 Chronicles 6:16, 29, 30) HAGGITH: She was the wife of David and the mother of Adonijah. Her son schemed to get the kingship over Israel. (2 Samuel 3:2, 4) (1 Kings 1:5, 11) (1 Chronicles 3:1, 2) HAGRI: Hagri was the father of Mibhar, one of Davids mighty men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 38) HAGRITE: The Hagrites were agricultural people residing in tents east of Gilead. Under King Saul, the Israelites living east of the Jordan defeated the Hagrites. They took 100,000 people captive. (1 Chronicles 5:10, 18-22) The Psalmist listed the Hagrites as enemies of Israel. (Psalms 83:2-7) HAIL: Hail is the precipitation of ice pellets that occur when there are strong rising air currents. The Holy Scriptures describes the destructive nature of hail. This is confirmed by the phenomenal storm activities in recent years. Severe thunderstorms can generate hail the size of eggs or even grapefruit. Hail is damaging to crops. Single hailstorms sometimes cause losses amounting to millions of dollars. Jehovah uses hail to demonstrate his great power. (Psalms 148:1, 8) (Isaiah 30:30) Hail is used symbolically too. The first of the seven angels blew his trumpet to announce the opening of the heavenly temple sanctuary of God. (Revelation 8:2, 7; 11:19) Then the seventh bowel of Gods anger was poured out in the form of symbolic hailstones, each weighing about a talent or 45 pounds. (Revelation 16:1, 17, 21) They descended upon wicked men. God told Job he had reserved the storehouses of hail for the times of trouble, for days of war and battle. (Job 38:1, 22, 23) HAIL STONES: Hail is frozen precipitation consisting of pellets of ice or frozen rain. Hail is often damaging to criops. Some hailstorms cause financal loses amounting to millions of dollars. Hail can also injure and even kill humans and animals. A large hailstone from a hail storm in Kansas, U.S.A. on September 3, 1970 measured 6 inches across. Large hailstones fall at speeds in excess

of 100 mph. Hail is one of the prophetic forces used by Jehovah God to accomplish his word. (Psalms 78:47, 48; 105:32, 33; 148:1, 8) (Isaiah 30:30) (Exodus 9:18-26) In Revelation hailstones are symbolic of hard Bible truths pummeling wicked mankind. (Revelation 8:7) HAKKATAN: He was the father of Johanan of the family of Azgad. One hundred and ten males accompanied Hakkatan when he returned from Babylon with Ezra. (Ezra 8:1, 12) HAKKOZ: This Aaronic priest was the head of the paternal house of the 7th and 24th priestly divisions during King Davids time. (1 Chronicles 24:3-7, 10) HAKUPHA: He was the head of a family of Nethinim temple slaves. The sons of Hakupha are listed among those who returned from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1; 43:51) (Nehemiah 7:6, 46, 53) HALAH: The Assyrian monarchs transported Israelite captives to Halah. (2 Kings 17:6; 18:11) (1 Chronicles 5:26) HALAK, MOUNT: This mountain was the southern geographic boundary limit of Israel under the leadership of Joshua. (Joshua 11:16, 17; 12:7) HAIR: The word hair is found nearly 90 times in the Holy Scriptures. Men and women regarded their hair as ornamental and a feature of their attractiveness. It was in many instances considered a sign of their strength and youth. The Hebrew men allowed beards to grow and they kept them well groomed. They also trimmed their hair to a moderate length. Men were not to wear their hair loose when they served in the temple. (Ezekiel 44:15, 20) Hebrew women considered their hair as a mark of beauty. They let it grow long and only cut off their hair as a sign of mourning or distress. (John 11:2) (Isaiah 3:24) The apostles Peter and Paul counseled Christian women avoid the hairstyling and ornamentation that was the custom of the day. They were to adorn themselves with the incorruptible apparel of a quiet and mild spirit. (1 Peter 3:3) (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) Hair was used in a figurative way many times in the Scriptures. Job cut the hair off his head as a symbol of the desolate condition he was in. (Job 1:20) The average human head contains more than 100,000 hairs. This is referenced to depict great numbers. (Psalm 40:12; 69:4) The statement not a hair on your head will perish was a guarantee of protection. (Luke 21:18) (1 Samuel 14:45) (2 Samuel 14:11) (1 Kings

1:52) (Acts 27:34) Gray-headedness was a term used to show respect for old age and wisdom. (Proverbs 16:31; 20:29) (Job 15:9, 10) HALHUL: Halhul was a city in the mountains of Judah north of Hebron. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 58) HALI: Hali was a town on the boundary of Asher. (Joshua 19:24, 25) HALLEL: The Hallel is a song of praise to Jehovah. Psalms 113 to 118 are known in Jewish writings as the Egyptian Hallel. According to the Mishnah, this Hallel was sung at the temple and in the synagogues at Passover time. Psalm 136 was considered the Great Hallel. HALLELUJAH: This is a transliteration of the Hebrew expression ha-lelu-Yah. It is found 24 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Psalms 104:35; 106:48; 112:1; 115:18; 146:1,10; 147:1, 20; 148:1, 14; 149:1, 9; 150:1, 6) It is also found four times at Revelation 19:1-6. The New Simplified Bible spells out the entire divine name to be sure the reader appreciates who is to be praised. SEE JAH. HALLOHESH, FATHER OF SHALLUM: Hallohesh was the father of Shallum. Shallum was a prince of half the district of Jerusalem who did repair work on the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:12) HAM, THE SON OF NOAH: Ham was one of Noahs three sons born after 2470 B.C.E. (Genesis 5:32; 7:6; 11:10) He married before the Flood. He and his wife, his father and mother, and his two brothers and their wives survived the Flood. Ham was the father of four sons, Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan. (Genesis 10:6) (1 Chronicles 1:8) Noah had become intoxicated with wine and undressed in his tent. Ham saw his fathers naked body, but did not show proper respect by looking away. When Noah woke up from his drunken sleep he cursed Hams son, Canaan, who was later to become a slave to Shem and Japheth. (Genesis 9:20-27) HAM, THE CITY OF THE ZUZIM: This Ham was a city of the Zuzim east of the Jordan River. (Genesis 14:5, 6) The city was a place filled with rebellion and defeat. (Genesis 14:1-12) HAM, THE LAND: Ham is associated with Egypt in the Psalms. It is called the land of Ham. (Psalms 78:51; 105:23, 27; 106:21, 22)

HAMAN: Haman was a servant of King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I) of Persia. This king ruled in the erly fifth century B.C.E. When Haman was appointed as prime minister over the Persian Empire he plotted the destruction of Mordecai and all the Jews in the empire. (Exodus 17:14-18) Haman was the son of Hammedatha the Agagite. (Esther 3:1) He was puffed up with pride and worshiped false gods. (Esther 3:7; 5:19-21) HAMATH, HAMATHITE: The city of Hamath was the capital of the Canaanite kingdom in Syria during the early history of Israel. Today the area around it is called Hama. The area is a rich agricultural region. A Hamathite was someone who lived at Hamath. HAMATH-ZOBAH: The name Solomon comes from a Hebrew root word that means peace. He ruled over a peaceful kingdom. However, Hamath-Zobah was evidently conquered by Solomon and it was his only military engagement. (2 Chronicles 8:3) HAMMATH, FATHER OF RECHAB: Hammath was the father of the house of Rechab. (1 Chronicles 2:55) HAMMATH, CITY OF NAPHTALI: Hammath was was a fortified Levite city of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 35) It received its name because of the sulfur spring located there. The name Hammath means Place of a Hot Spring. HAMMEDATHA: Hammedatha was an Agagite. He was the father of Haman the man who plotted the extermination of the Jews in the days of Mordecai and Esther. (Esther 3:1, 6) HAMMER: A hammer is a tool used for pounding and driving. It is sometimes called a mallet. Hammers were used for driving in nails and tent pegs. (Jeremiah 10:4) (Judges 4:21) They were also used for splitting stones and for shaping and facing building stones. (1 Kings 6:7) Hammers were applied to metal to make idols. (Isaiah 41:7; 44:12) Hammerheads were made out of stone, metal and wood. (Judges 4:21; 5:26) Gods word was referred to in a figurative sense as a forge hammer that smashes the crag. (Jeremiah 23:29) HAMMOLECHETH: Hammolecheth was the sister of Manassehs grandson Gilead. She was the mother of Ishhod, Abi-ezer, and Mahlah. (1 Chronicles 7:14, 17, 18)

HAMMON, CITY OF ASHER: This city was on the border of the territory of Asher. It was about 10 miles southwest of Tyre. (Joshua 19:24-28) HAMMON, PLACE IN NAPHTALI: This place was in the Naphtali territory: This site was given to the Levites. It could be the same as Hammath. (1 Chronicles 6:71, 76) (Joshua 19:35) HAMMOTH-DOR: Hammoth-Dor was a city of Naphtali given to the Gershinite Levites. (Joshua 21:27,32) It is probably the same as Hammoth of Joshua 19:35. HAMMUEL: Hammuel was the son of Mishma. He was of the tribe of Simeon. (1 Chronicles 4:24-26) HAMONAH: Hamonah is a symbolic city in the valley where Gog and his followers are to be buried. They are to be buried there after their attack on Gods people ends in defeat and mass slaughter. The name Hamonah means crowd or multitude and it represents the event and memorial of Jehovahs victory over all who appose him. (Ezekiel 39:11-16) HAMON-GOG VALLEY: Hamon-God Valley was a symbolic valley referred to as the valley of those passing through on the east of the Dead Sea. God and all his forces are buried in this valley after their destruction by Jehovah. (Ezekiel 39:11, 15) HAMOR: This man was a Hivite chieftain and father of Shechem. Jacob purchased a tract of land from the sons of Hamor. Then he pitched his tent there. Later he set up an altar. After Shechem violated Jacobs daughter Dinah, bother Shechem and his father Hamor were killed by Simeon and Levi. This act was done to avenge their sister. (Genesis 33:18-20; 34:1, 2, 25, 26) HAMSTRING: The simplest and quickest method of disabling horses so they could not be used for battle was to hamstring them. Hamstringing is the act of cutting the tendons above the hock of the hind legs of animals. It cripples the animal and renders it unfit for work or warfare. Joshua was specifically directed to hamstring horses. (Joshua 11:6, 9) (2 Samuel 8:3, 4) (1 Chronicles 18:3, 4) The Israelites were not to rely on horses for the power to win at warfare, but on Jehovah God for protection. (Deuteronomy 17:16) (Isaiah 31:1, 3)

HAMUL: Hamuel was the younger son of Perez. He was the grandson of Judah. The people who descended from him were called Hamulites. (Genesis46:12) (Numbers 26:21) (1 Chronicles 2:5) HAMUTAL: This lady was the daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah. She was the wife of King Josiah and both of her sons, Jehoahaz and Mattaniah (Zedekiah) reigned as kings over Judah. (2 Kings 23:30, 31; 24:17, 18) (Jeremiah 52:1) HANAMEL: Hanamel was the son of Shallum and the uncle of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah bought the field that was in Anathoth from Hanamel. This transaction took place when the Babylonians laid siege to Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 32:1-12) HANAN, SON OF MAACAH: Hanan was son of Maacah. He was one of the mighty military men of Davids army. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 43) HANAN, SON OF AZEL: This man was one of the six sons of Azel. He was a descendant of King Saul. (1 Chronicles 8:33-38; 9:44) HANAN, SON OF IGDALIAH: Hanan was the son of Igdaliah. Hanans sons were with the prophet Jeremiah when he tested the Rechabites obedience to the command of their forefather Jehonadab not to drink wine. (Jeremiah 35:3-6) HANAN, FAMILY HEAD OF TEMPLE SLAVES: This Hanan was the head of a family of temple slaves. They returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Eza 2:1, 2, 43, 46) (Nehemiah 7:46, 49) HANAN, EXPLAINED THE LAW: Hanan was one of the Levites who assisted Ezra. They explained the Law to the congregation of Israel that assembled in the public square before the Qater Gate of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 8:1, 7) HANANI, THE PROPHET: The prophet, seer and visionary, Hanani went to King Asa. He said: Because you relied on the king of Syria instead of relying on Jehovah your God, the army of the king of Israel has escape from you. He concluded: You have acted foolishly. Therefore from now on you will always be at war. Asa was so angry with the prophet that he had him put in chains. (2 Chronicles 16:1-3, 7-10) Hanani was the father of Jehu, the prophet who censured and reprimanded (officially rebuked) both Baasha the

king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah. (1 Kings 16:1-4) (2 Chronicles 19:2, 3, 20:34) HANANI, NEHEMIAHS BROTHER: This Hanani went to Shushan with other men of Judah. They told Nehemiah about the condition of Jerusalems wall. After the wall was was rebuilt, Nehemiah put his brother Hanani in command of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 1:2, 3; 7:1, 2) HANANI, THE MUSICIAN: Hanani was a priest and musician. He participated in the procession organized by Nehemiah to celebrate the inauguration of Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 12:31-36) HANANIAH, SON OF SHASHAK: Hananiah was the son of Shashak. He was the head of a Benjamite house. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 24, 25, 28) HANANIAH, ARMY OFFICER: Hananiah was a high-ranking army officer in King Uzziahs army. (2 Chronicles 26:11) HANANIAH, SON OF HEMAN: This Hananiah was one of the 14 sons of Heman. He was the head of the 16th of the 24 service groups of Levitical musicians appointed by King David to serve at the Sanctuary. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 23) HANANIAH, FATHER OF ZEDEKIAH: Hananiah was the father of Zedekiah. He was a prince during the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah. (Jeremiah 36:12) HANANIAH, SON OF AZZUR: Hananiah was the son of Azzur. He was a false prophet who lived at the Benjamite city of Gibeon. He openly opposed Jehovahs prophet Jeremiah. Hananiah prophesied that Babylons power would be broken in two years and that the Jewish exiles would be released. Jehovah commanded Jeremiah to tell Hananiah that Babylons power would strengthen and that Hananiah the false prophet would die. He died that same year. (Jeremiah 27:12-14) (Jeremiah 28) HANANIAH, NAMED SHADRACH: This Hananiah was one of the three young Jewish companions taken captive to Babylon along with Daniel. The Babylonians gave him the name Shadrach. (Daniel 1:6, 7)

HANANIAH, SON OF ZERUBBABEL: This Hananiah was the son of Zerubbabel. He was the father of Pelatiah and Jeshaiah. (1 Chronicles 3:19, 21) HANANIAH, THE OINTMENT MIXER: Hananiah was a member of the ointment mixers who worked on the repair of the wall of Jerusalem in Nehemiahs day. (Nehemiah 3:8) HANANIAH, SON OF SHELEMIAH: This man worked at repairing the Jerusalem wall. (Nehemiah 3:30) HANANIAH, PRIESTLY TRUMPETER: This Hananiah was a priestly trumpeter. He participated in the ceremonies at the inauguration of Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 12:31) HANANIAH, PRINCE OF THE CASTLE: Hananiah was a trustworthy man who respected God more than many others. Nehemiah gave him command over Jerusalem along with Hanani. (Nehemiah 7:2) HAND: The Hebrew term for hand is yadh. The term kaph means palm but is also rendered hand. (Job 22:30) The Greek term for hand is kheir. The word wrist is also included in the description of hand. (Genesis 24:22, 30, 47) (Ezekiel 16:11) There are many figurative and symbolic usages for hand in the Scriptures. God is symbolically spoken of as using his hand, that is, his applied power. (Psalms 8:6; 102:25) (Isaiah 25:10, 11) (Exodus 7:4, 5) (Ezra 8:22) (Psalm 104:28) Symbolically the right hand is very important. For example, to be on the right hand of a ruler was to have a very important position. (Psalm 110:1) (Acts 7:55, 56) (Romans 8:34) (1 Peter 3:22) To indicate how closely Jehovah God and Jesus Christ work together, the Scriptures show that after returning to heaven Jesus Christ is at Gods right hand. (Acts 7:55) (Colossians 3:1) (Hebrews 10:12) HANDBREADTH: The handbreadth is the measurement using the width of the hand at the base of the fingers. It is about 2.9 inches. Four fingerbreadths equal a handbreadth and six handbreadths equal a cubit. (Exodus 25:25; 37:12) (1 Kings 7:26) (2 Chronicles 4:5) (Ezekiel 40:5, 43) (Psalm 39:5) Jesus Christ used the word cubit when speaking about lengthening the life span at Matthew 6:27. HANDSHAKE: Handshaking and striking the palms of the hands are gestures that express agreement. They also show ratification or

confirmation of a contract or bargain. (Ezra 10:19) The Bible warns against shaking hands in guarantee of or security of a loan for another person. (Proverbs 6:1-3; 17:18; 22:26) (2 Kings 10:15) (Galatians 2:9) HANES: Hanes was a site mentioned at Isaiah 30:1-5 in Gods denunciations of those looking to Egypt for help. HANGING: The law given by God to Israel required that certain criminals be hung upon a stake after being put to death. They were to be placed on public display as a warning example. (Deuteronomy 21:22, 23) (Joshua 8:29; 10:26, 27) Jesus Christ was hanged alive, nailed to a stake, by order of the Roman government in Palestine. (John 20:25, 27) HANNAH: Hannah was the mother of the prophet Samuel. She lived in Ramathaim-zophim in the mountains of Ephraim. Her husband Elkanah had another wife named Peninnah who bore him several children, but Hannah was barren. She vowed to Jehovah that if she could have a son she would give her son to Jehovah in service to him. Jehovah made it possible for her to have children. The account of Hannah is found at 1 Samuel chapters 1 and 2. HANNATHON: Hannathon was a city on the boundary of Zebulun, about 6 miles northwest of Nazareth. It is found listed in the records of Assyrian King Tiglath-pileser III and also in the Amarna Tablets. (Joshua 19:10, 14) HANNIEL, SON OF EPHOD: Jehovah selected Hanniel as a chieftain to represent the tribe of Manasseh in the process of dividing the land west of the Jordan River. It was divided among the nine and a half Israelite tribes. Hanniel was a son of Ephod and thus a descendant of Joseph. (Numbers 34:13, 17, 23) HANNIEL, SON OF ULLA: He was the son of Ulla and head of an Aherite house. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 39, 40) HANOCH, SON OF MIDIAN: This Hanoch was the son of Midian. Midian was the fourth son of Abraham by Keturah. (Genesis 25:1, 2, 4) (1 Chronicles 1:33) HANOCH, SON OF REUBEN: Hanoch was the son of Jacobls firstborn Reuben. He was the forefather of the Hanochites. (Genesis 46:8, 9) (Exodus 6:14) (Numbers 26:4, 5)

HANOCHITES: The Hanochites were members of a family descended from Hanoch. Hanoch was a son of Reuben. (Numbers 26:4, 5) (Genesis 46:9) HAPHARAIM: Hapharaim was city on the boundary of the tribe of Issachar. Some scholars believe it was about 7.5 miles northwest of Beth-shean. Egypts King Shishak listed Hapharaim as one of the Palestinian cities he conquered. (Joshua 19:17-19) HAPPINESS: Happiness is a state of well being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. The Hebrew word for happy is esher as found at Psalm 40:4. The Greek word for happy is makarios. The terms happy and blessed are often used interchangeably even though the Hebrew word barakh and Greek word eulogeo more specifically mean blessed. The New Simplified Bible frequently uses the word blessed because of the beauty of the old English found in the King James Version and the American Standard Version. Since both words, happy and blessed mean about the same thing the translator prefers the more familiar word blessed. (Matthew 5:1-12) HAPPIZZEZ: Happizzez was an Aaronic priest chosen by lot who served as the head of the 18th priestly division during Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 24:1-7, 15) HARA: Hara was a place where Assyrian King Tilgath-pilneser (Tiglath-pileser III) sent the Israelite captives. (1 Chronicles 5:26) Some references state that the captives were sent to the cities of the Medes. (2 Kings 17:6; 18:11) Most scholars agree with the Septuagint that the the word Hara comes from the Aramaic form of Hebrew meaning mountain. It may have applied to the mountains of the Medes. HARADAH: The Israelites camped at Haradah while on their way to the land of Canaan. (Numbers 33:24, 25) HARAN, BROTHER OF ABRAM: Haran was the son of Terah and brother of Abram (Abraham) and Nahor. Haran was the father of Lot. He also had two daughters, Iscah and Milcah. His daughter Milcah married her uncle Nahor. (Genesis 11:26-31) HARAN, CITY IN MESOPOTAMIA: Abram (Abraham) resided for a short time at Haran, a city in Mesopotamia. His father Terah died there. (Genesis 11:31, 32; 12:4, 5) (Acts 7:2-4) The surrounding area was also called Haran. It was listd among the nations conquered by

the kings of Assyria. (2 Kings 19:11, 12) Jacob, Abrahams grandson, traveled to Haran to flee from his brother Esau. He also found a wife among the daughters of his uncle Laban. (Genesis 27:42-46; 28:1, 2, 10) It was at a well near Haran that Jacob met Rachel. (Genesis 29:4-12) HARAN, SON OF CALEB: This Naran was the son of Caleb by his concubine Ephah. Haran was father of Gazez. They were of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 42, 46) HARAN, DESCENDANT OF GERSHON: Haran was a descendant of Gershon through Shimei. They were from the tribe of Levi. HARARITE: This designation was made of some mighty men of David, probably because they were from the hill country of Judah. (2 Samuel 23:8, 11, 33) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 34, 35) HARBONA: Harbona was one of Ahasuerus seven court officials sent to Queen Vashti. They were to tell here that the king wanted her to appear before him. (Esther 1:10-12; 7:9, 10) HARE: The hare is closely related to the rabbit only it is larger. The hare has a divided lip, long ears, cocked tail and long hind limbs and feet. They are about two feet long and gray or brown in color. They are fast. Some have beep clocked at speeds as high as 40 mile per hour. The hare was prohibited as food under the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:4, 6) (Deuteronomy 14:7) They are referred to as a chewer of the cud. HAREPH: Hareph was a descendant of Judah. He was the son of Hur and the father of Bethgader. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 50, 51) HARHAIAH: Harhaiah was the son of Uzziel. His son was a goldsmith and did repair work on the wall of Jerusalem under the direction of Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 3:8) HARHAS: This man was the grandfather of Shallum. Shallum was the husband of the prophetess Huldah. His name was offered as Hasrah at 2 Chronicles 34:22 in the Masoretic text. (2 Kings 22:14) HARHUR: Harhur was the head of a family of Nethinim temple slaves. The sons of Harhur were among those who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon to Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 51; Ne 7:46, 53)

HARIPH: Hariph was the head of a family of 112 males who returned from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. He was also called Jorah. (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 24) (Ezra 2:18) HARIPHITE: Shephatiah the Benjamite was called a Hariphite. He joined David at Ziklag when David was under restrictions because of Saul. Shephatiah was called a Hariphite because he was either a native of Hariph, or Haruph and a descendant of Hariph or Haruph. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 2, 5) HARLOT: A harlot is a prostitute. This is usually a female who engages in sex relations outside the marriage bond for hire. Hebrew: zoh-nah means prostitute; to have immoral intercourse, fornicate. God condemns harlotry! (Genesis 2:24) (Matthew 19:4-9) (1 Corinthians 6:16) The term harlot is also applied figuratively to persons who give affection and worship to other gods. (Ezekiel 16:33, 34) (Revelation 17:1-5) HAR-MAGEDON: The war of the great day of God the Almighty is known as Armageddon. The name Har-Magedon comes from Hebrew. It means Mountain of Megiddo. (Revelation 16:14, 16) There was no literal place called Mountain of Megiddo inside or outside the Promised Land. The term applies to the condition, or situation in which the kings of the entire inhabited earth are involved. They gather in opposition to Jehovah and his King Jesus Christ. (Psalm 2) Revelation 16:16 portrays the combined forces of the kings of the earth gathered to the place that is called in Hebrew Har-Magedon. It is a place in the figurative sense. Thats right, it is a symbolic place. Any reasoning person would realize that you could NOT POSITION ALL THE ARMIES OF THE WORLD into one small physical area known as Megiddo in the hills of Palestine. Revelation chapter 19 reveal only the armies of heaven lead by the spirit being Jesus Christ. They fight the war against the evil spirit forces of Satan the Devil and his demons. The physical armies of the world might attempt to fight Jesus Christ and his army of angels, but they would fail completely against these overwhelmingly superior forces. HARNEPHER: Harnepher was the son of Zophah of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 36) HAROD: Harod was a well or fountain where Gideon and the Israelite army camped. (Judges 7:1-7) The Hebrew words for well, spring and fountain are sometimes used interchangeably.

(Genesis 16:7, 14; 24:11, 13) The well of Harod was identified with Ain Jalud, a spring on the northwest spur of Mount Gilboa. HARODITE: Shammah and Elika, two of Davids mighty men were Harodites. They were residents of Harod or they lived nearby. (2 Samuel 23:8, 25) HAROEH: Haroeh is listed as a son of Shobal of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 52) HARORITE: Shammoth, one of Davids mighty men, came from a place called Harorite. It may also have been called Harodite. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 27) (2 Samuel 23:25) HAROSHETH OF THE NATIONS: Harosheth was the military headquarters for Sisera, the army chief of the Canaanite king Jabin, who ruled in Hazor. (Judges 4:2, 13) Judge Barak pursued the enemy forces to Horosheth. (Judges 4:16) The name Horosheth means woodland. It was located near the western edge of the Plain of Jezreel about 10 miles north northwest of Megiddo. HARP: The first musical instrument mentioned in the Scriptures is the harp. (Genesis 4:21) The Hebrew word kin-nohr is also translated lyre. The Greek word ki-thara is translated harp in the Christian Greek Scriptures. (1 Corinthians 14:7) (Revelation 5:8) The harp in Scriptures was portable and light in weight so it could be played in a procession while walking through a city. The strings were made from the small intestines of sheep or spun vegetable fibers. David was skilled in playing the harp. (1 Samuel 16:16, 23) The orchestra that played at Solomons temple used harps. (1 Chronicles 25:1) (2 Chronicles 29:25) The Aramaic word sabbekha found at Daniel 3:5, 7, 10, 15 referred to the triangular harp. HARPS OF GOD: The term Harps of God refers to the Written Word of God. (Revelation 14:2) HARPOON: A harpoon is a spear with sharp barbs on it used in striking large fish. The only place in the Bible where a harpoon is mentioned is Job 41:7. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 52) (Nehemiah 7:54) HARSHA: Harsha was the family head of a family of Nethinim temple slaves. Many of these slaves returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E.

HARUMAPH: Harumph was the father of Jedaiah who helped Nehemiah rebuild Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 3:10) HARUZ: Haruz was the father of Meshullemeth the wife of King Manasseh. He was from Jotbah. Haruz was the grandfather of King Amon of Judah. (2 Kings 21:19; 20) HARVEST: The harvest is the gathering of ripened crops. Harvest time is a cause for rejoicing even though hard work is required to gather the crops. (Genesis 8:22) (Psalm 126:5, 6) (Isaiah 9:3; 16:9, 10) Israel celebrated three festivals associated with the harvest: The Festival of Unfermented Cakes, beginning Nisan 15, concerning the barley harvest. (Leviticus 23:6-11) The Festival of Weeks, or Pentcost, followed 50 days later at the time of the wheat harvest. (Leviticus 23:15-17) And the Festival of Booths, or of Ingathering begain the 15th day of the month of Tishri at the conclusion of the agricultural year. (Leiticus 23:33-36, 39-43) Jesus Christ called the conclusion of the age the harvest. He described the angels as reapers gathering out the weed like ones and pitching them into the fiery furnace and the wheat like ones would be in the kingdom. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) Jesus Christ is depicted with a sharp sickle in his hand ready to harvest at Revelation 14:14-16. HASADIAH: Hasadiah was one of Zerubbabels sons. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 19, 20) HARROW: Farmers use a harrow to break up the ground and level it after plowing. (Job 39:10; Isa 28:24) HARVEST FESTIVAL: The Israelite festival celebrating the wheat harvest. It was held in the latter part of May, fifty days after Passover. HASH-BADDANAH: Seven men stood to the left if Ezra when he read from the book of the Law to the congregation of Israel. Hashbaddanah was believed to be one of the seven Levites who stood in the public square near the Water Gate of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 8:14) HASHEM: The sons of Hashem the Gizonite were considered some of Davids mighty men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 34) HASHMONAH: Hashmonah was an Israelite camp site. It was in the desert between Mithkah and Moseroth. (Numbers 33:29, 30)

HASUPHA: Hasupha was the forefather of a Nethinim family. Some of his family returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43) (Nehemiah 7:46) HATE: The word hate has several shades of meaning. It can mean intense hostility or a strong dislike for someone. According to some it can mean loving to a lesser degree. Strongs Greek Dictionary states the Greek word miseo means hate, detest, persecute, and love less. The word hate is a negative emotion or expression and the word love is positive. Love and hate are apposing concepts. Love to a lesser degree is not hate and hate to a lesser degree is not love. For this reason the New Simplified Bible does not use the word hate to describe a lesser degree of love. An example of this is found at Luke 14:26 where Jesus says: you may not be my disciples unless you love me more then you love your father and mother. Some translations use the negative term: hate his father and mother at Luke 14:26. Hating someone even to a lesser degree is still hate and Jesus Christ counseled not to hate, but to love. In fact, Jesus said to love your enemies. (Matthew 5:43,44) (Mark 12:29-31) (Ephesians 5:28, 29, 31) (Exodus 23:4, 5) (Job 31:29) (Proverbs 24:17, 18; 25:21) On the other hand, we are instructed to hate the evil that people do. (2 Chronicles 19:2) (Psalm 139:21, 22) (Romans 12:9, 17, 19) (Jude 4, 23) HATHACH: Hathach was a eunuch serving King Ahasuerus. He was appointed to attend Queen Esther. She communicated to Mordecai through Hathach. (Esther 4:5, 6, 9, 10) HATHATH: Hathath was the son of Othniel. Othniel was the son of Kenaz, possibly by Calebs daughter Achsah. (1 Chronicles 4:13) (Joshua 15:17) HATITA: Hatita was and ancestor of a family of temple gatekeepers. Many members returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel when the exile ended. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 42) (Nehemiah 7:45) HAUGHTINESS: SEE PRIDE HAURAN: Hauran was a place mentioned in Ezekiels vision of Israels inheritance. It was located along the boundary in the same area covered by the term Bashan. The name Hauran is today applied to the rolling prairie between Damascus and the Yarmuk. (Ezekiel 47:13, 15, 16, 18)

HAVILAH: (Region or Land) The land of Havilah was encircled by the Pishon River. The Pishon River was one of four rivers branching off from the river that that flowed out of Eden. Havilah was identified as land of good gold, bdellium gum, and onyx stone. (Genesis 2:10-12) The location of the land of Havilah remains uncertain to this day. According to Genesis 25:18 Ishmaels descendants lived as nomads from the region of Havilah to Shur. This would indicate that the Havilah region extended to or near the Sinai Peninsula. (1 Samuel 15:7) HAVVOTH-JAIR: The tent villages of Jair were found in Manassehs territory east of the Jordan. (Joshua 13:29, 30; 22:9) (Numbers 32:40, 41) (Deuteronomy 3:14) Jair, a contemporary of Moses, captured these tent villages and named them after himself. Later in history Havvoth-jair were captured by Geshur and Syria. (1 Chronicles 2:23) HAZAIAH: Hazaiah was a descendant of Judahs son Shelah. (Nehemiah 11:4, 5) (Numbers 26:20) HAZAR-ADDAR: This city was on the southern border of Judah. It could have been the same as the Addar near Kadesh Barnea. (Numbers 34:4) (Joshua 15:3) HAZAR-ENAN, HAZAR-ENON: Ezekiel spoke of Hazar-enon along with Damascus and Hamath in his vision of the territory of Israel. (Ezekiel 47:13, 17; 48:1) It was located on the northern boundary of Canaan. (Numbers 34:2, 7-10) Bible scholars believe it was about 75 miles northeast of Damascus on the road to Palmyra. HEZAZON-TAMAR: Hazazon-tamar was a city of the Amorites located in the Siddim Valley. King Chedorlaomer and his allies defeated the Amorites living in Hazazonl-tamar. (Genesis 14:5-8) Many years later the peoples of Moab, Ammon, and Seir fought Judah in that valley. (2 Chronicles 20:2, 10, 11) HAZOR, CITY IN CANAAN: Hazor was a major city in northern Canaan, about 7 miles southeast of Kedesh. It was thriving at the time of Israels conquest under Joshua. (Joshua 11:1-13) King Jabin of Hazor led the united forces of northern Canaan against Joshua, but they were defeated and Hazor was burned. Hazor was the seat of King Jabin, another powerful Canaanite king. (Judges 4:2, 17) (1 Samuel 12:9) Even later then that Hazor was built as a fortified city by King Solomon. (1 Kings 9:15)

HE: The fifth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is He. It is found at the beginning of each verse of Psalm 119:33-40. HEAD: The top of the human body is the head. It contains the brain and the face. Hebrew rosh and Greek ke-pha-le is the head, literal and figurative. Sometimes head is used to refer to the chief member of a tribe, nation or family. (Judges 11:8) (1 Samuel 15:17) (1 Kings 8:1) (1 Chronicles 5:24) A patriarch is the head of a family. (Acts 2:29; 7:8, 9) (Hebrews 7:4) HEAD COVERING: Women in the Christian congregation wore covers on their heads as a spiritual practice in connection with headship and subjection. The principle of headship was revealed by the apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 11:3 where he states, I would have you know that the head of (authority over) every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. The headcovering is a sign of authority. The woman should wear it to acknowledge the headship of God over Christ, Christ over man, and the man over the woman. She wears the head covering when she is praying or prophesying in the congregation. (1 Corinthians 11:3-6, 10) While long hair is a natural head covering it is not a substitute for proper head covering. The ancient Hebrews also wore head covering as an article of apparel and to show modesty. (Genesis 24:65) (2 Samuel 15:30) (Jeremiah 14:3) Rebekah put on a headcloth when she met Isaac. This was to show Rebekahs subjection to her betrothed Isaac. (Genesis 24:65; 38:14, 19) HEADDRESS: Among the Hebrews headgear such as hats or robe hoods were not always required. The high priest wore a turban that was wrapped around the head. (Exodus 28:4, 36, 39, 40) (Leviticus 16:4) Daniels three young companions wore caps. This may have denoted their title or rank. (Daniel 3:21) Ornamental headdress was worn by men of official positions on festive or special occasions. HEADSHIP: Paul offers the chain of command known as the headship principle. (1 Corinthians 11:1-3) From the top down: Jehovah God, Jesus Christ the Son of God, man and then woman. HEALING: Healing is described in the average dictionary as the natural process by which the body repairs itself. The Hebrew verb rapha and Greek verb iaomai are the words in the Holy Scriptures rendered healing in both a literal and a figurative sense. The Greek word therapeuo: is translated cure. (Matthew 4:23, 24) Spiritual healing is emphasized in the Bible, yet physical healing occures many times. Jesus Christ healed many people to give

evidence of his Messiahship and to demonstrate what will take place during his future reign over the earth. (Revelation 21:1-4) HEART: The word heart is mentioned about a thousand times in the Scriptures. Most of the time it refers to the figurative heart. This means mans desires, affections, emotions, wisdom, beliefs and reasoning. God examines the heart. (Proverbs 17:3) (Psalm 17:3) (Proverbs 4:23) We must love Jehovah with all our heart. (Greek: kardia) (Matthew 22:37) HEAVEN, EARTHS ATMOSPHERE: The context of a Scripture verse usually tells which area of the physical heaven is meant. One important area of the physical heaven is the earths atmosphere where dew and frost form. (Genesis 27:28) (Deuteronomy 4:17) (Job 38:29) (Psalm 78:26) (Proverbs 30:19) (Matthew 6:26) (Luke 17:24) The clouds float and drop moisture from the heavens. (Joshua 10:11) (1 Kings 18:45) (Isaiah 55:10) (Acts 14:17) The heaven known as the sky presents a visual dome or vault forming around the earth. (Matthew 16:1-3) (Acts 1:10, 11) Earths atmosphere is described at Genesis 1:6-8; 2:4, (Exodus 20:11; 31:17) HEAVEN, OUTER SPACE: The physical heavens extend beyond earth into outer space. Jehovah God refers to the army of the heavens, the sun, moon, stars, and constellations. (Deuteronomy 4:19) (Isaiah 13:10) (1 Corinthians 15:40, 41) (Hebrews 11:12) The very first verse of the Bible speaks of the creation of the starry heavens. Long before earth was created the heavens of the universe were created. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1. It is hard to believe that an astronomer, a student of the universe, would not believe the true God of the Bible, for the heavens show forth Gods glory and the work of His fingers. (Psalms 8:3; 19:1-6) And the stars are all numbered and named by Him. (Job 38:33) (Psalm 147:4) (Isaiah 40:26) (Jeremiah 31:37; 33:22, 25) HEAVEN, MIDHEAVEN: Midheaven is the earths atmosphere where the birds fly. It is also called the heart of the heavens and the four extremities of the heavens. (Deuteronomy 4:11) (1 Chronicles 21:16) (2 Samuel 18:9) (Job 28:24) (Psalm 19:4-6) (Isaiah 13:5) (Jeremiah 49:36) (Matthew 24:31) (Mark 13:27) The four extremities of the heavens refer to the four points of the compass. HEAVEN, SPIRITUAL HEAVEN WHERE GOD RESIDES: Being a Spirit, God resides in a spiritual place. From His supreme position

He looks down on the physical heavens and the earth. (Psalms 14:2; 102:19; 113:6) His throne is in the spirit realm over which He rules. (Psalm 103:19-21) (2 Chronicles 20:6) (Matthew 23:22) (Acts 7:49) The angels also live in the spirit realm. They are his congregation of the holy ones. (Genesis 28:12) (Psalms 89:5-7; 103:20, 21) (Daniel 7:10) (Matthew 18:10; 24:36) (Luke 2:13) (Revelation 12:12) HEAVEN, GOD RULES FROM HEAVEN: The Most High rules in the kingdom of men. (Daniel 4:25, 26) (1 Chronicles 29:11) (Jeremiah 10:10) (Daniel 2:44) (Zechariah 14:9) This is accomplished when Jehovah God the Almighty has crowned His Son Jesus Christ as king over the earth for a thousand years. (Revelation 5:10; 20:6) Jesus Christ hands over the kingdom to God the Father at the end of the thousand-year reign. (1 Corinthians 15:24, 25. HEAVENS: The Greek word translated heaven at Matthew 3:2 is ouranos. (Matthew 4:17; 5:3, 19; 7:21; 10:7; 13:52; 20:1) This word means: the sky; the universe and starry heavens; the world and its physical heavens, including air and clouds; and the spiritual place where God and other spirit beings dwell. Since God created all things, His kingdom could also be considered a rulership over all of the heavens defined by the Greek word ouranos. That includes the physical as well as the spiritual. Since the invention of the printing press, about five-percent of all English translations have used the term: kingdom of the heavens. While this phrase describes all of the heavens, both physical and spiritual, it complicates the thinking of the reader. In order to keep the reading simple, the New Simplified Bible translates ouranos in the singular, kingdom of heaven. It does so for three basic reasons: (1) it is a familiar phrase (2) it is easy to read and (3) it is easy to understand. (Luke 18:22) (Ephesians 1:10) (1 Peter 1:4) There does not appear to be any difference in the meaning whether it is rendered heavens or heaven. HEBER, SON OF BERIAH: Heber was the son of Beriah and grandson of Asher. He was the head of the Heberites. (Genesis 46:17) (Numbers 26:45) (1 Chronicles 7:30-32) HEBER, THE KENITE: This Heber was the Kenite husband of Jael and a descendant of Hobab, the father-in-law to Moses. His wife Jael was the woman who put Jabins army chief Sisera to death. (Judges 4:11, 17, 21; 5:24)

HEBERITES: The Heberites were a family founded by Heber the grandson of Asher. (Numbers 26:44, 45) HEBREW: The name Hebrew was applied to the Israelites in the Scriptures. It was first used by foreigners. (Genesis 39:14, 17; 41:12) Later it was used by the Israelites when they refered to themselves when speaking to foreigners. (Genesis 40:15) (Exodus 1:19) A contrast between Hebrews and foreigners is also reported in the New Testament. (Acts 6:1) (Philippians 3:5) Some scholars believe the name came from Eber, the ancestor of Abraham. The Hebrews are sons of Eber. Strongs Hebrew Dictionary defines the word Ibriy (meaning Hebrew in English) as a descendant of Eber.(Genesis 10:21, 24) Others thinks the meaning of the word is the man who passed over the Euphrates. Some think it means the country beyond since Abraham came among the Canaanites as a man from beyond the Euphrates. (Genesis 14:13) HEBREW LANGUAGE: The Hebrew language was used for writing a large portion of the Holy Scriptures. Thirty-nine of the sixty-six books of the Bible are written in Hebrew, with a few exceptions that were written in Aramaic. Little is known about the origin of the Hebrew language since many of the ancient tongues were fully developed in the earliest written records found. It would only be conjecture or speculation to claim that Hebrew came from Aramaic or from a Canaanite dialect. There are wide differences of opinion among scholars, especially experts in the field of etymology. The Bible does tell us that Hebrew was spoken by Abram the Hebrew at Genesis 14:13. And further Bible evidence would indicate that the Hebrew language was the one original tongue of manking. (Genesis 11:5-26; 11:1) HEBREWS, THE LETTER: Evidence indicates that the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Hebrew Christians known as the book of Hebrews. Paul was in Rome in 61 C.E. when he wrote this inspired letter. The congregation in Jerusalem was comprised mostly of former Jews. These new Christians were persecuted and opposed by the Jewish religious leaders. They needed the encouragement that was provided by this letter. Hebrews provides an in depth discourse about the superiority of Christs priesthood and the new covenant. (Hebrews 4:14-10:31) It also offers an excellent discussion of faith. (Hebrews 10:32-12:29. HEBREWS HIGHLIGHTS: Hebrews 1 God speaks to us through His son in the last days.

Hebrews 4:12 The Word of God is alive and active and sharper than an two-edged sword. It separates the physical person from the spiritual person, of both joints and marrow. And it can discern (judge) the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 7 Christs priesthood is superior to the old priesthood. Hebrews 9 Christ is the mediator of a new covenant. Hebrews 10:23-25 Encourage one another at meetings. Hebrews 10:26 If we deliberately practice sin there is no sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 11 The Faith Chapterfaith pleases God. Hebrews 13:15 Let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God through him [Jesus], that is, the fruit of lips that make confession (give thanks and offer praise) to his name. HEBREW SCRIPTURES: The 39 divinely inspired books from Genesis to Malachi was originally written in the Hebrew language. They are called the Hebrew Scriptures because they were first written for the Hebrew Speaking people. HEBRON, SON OF KOHATH: Hebron was the son of Kohath, grandson of Levi and forefather of the sons of Hebron, the Hebronites. (Exodus 6:16, 18) (Numbers 3:19, 27; 26:58) (1 Chronicles 6:2, 18; 15:4, 9) HEBRON, SON OF MARESHAH: This Hebron was the father of Korah, Tappuah, Rekem, and Shema. He was a descendant of Caleb of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:42, 43) HEBRON, THE CITY: Hebron is an ancient city in the mountains of Judah. It was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt. (Numbers 13:22) It is located 19 miles southwest of Jerusalem at an altitude of 3,000 feet above sea level. Hebron is one of the oldest inhabited cities in the Middle East. The ancient name for Hebron was Kiriatharba. (Genesis 23:2) (Joshua 14:15. The area is blessed with numerous springs and wells and thanks to the abundant supply of water is famous for its vineyards, pomegranates, figs, olives, apricots, apples and nuts. In their foreign travels the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob spent must time there. (Genesis 13:18; 35:27; 37:13, 14) Sarah died at Hebron and was buried in a cave at nearby Machpelah. The cave was purchased by Abraham and became the family burial place. Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah, Leah, and Jacob were also buried there. (Genesis 23:2-20; 49:29-33; 50:13) The men of Judah anointed David as king and he ruled from Hebron for seven and a half years. Then David was anointed as king over all Israel. So he transferred his capital from Hebron to

Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 5:1-9) After the desolation of Judah by the Babylonians and the return of the Jewish exiles, some of the repatriated Jews settled at Hebron. (Kiriath-arba) (Nehemiah 11:25) HEBRONITES: The Levite family descended from Kohaths son Hebron were known as the Hebronites. (Exodus 6:16, 18) (Numbers 3:27; 26:58) (1 Chronicles 26:23, 24) King David appointed 1,700 Hebronites to serve in administrative duties over the region west of the Jordan River. He also assigned 2,700 over the land east of Jordan. (1 Chronicles 26:30-32) HEDGE: Hedges surrounded farm fields. These were thick rows of thorny plants used to safeguard the area from thieves and predatory animals. (Isaiah 5:5) The Bible uses the expression put up a hedge in a figurative sense to denote giving protection. (Job 1:10) HEEL: The heel is the part of the foot below the ankle. It is used figuratively in several Scriptures. Jesus applied Psalm 41:9 at John 13:18 where he said: He that eats my bread lifted up his heel against me. This was an expression of treacherous action. The Scripture at Genesis 3:15 is the first recorded prophecy. It predicted that the serpent would bruise the seed of the woman in the heel. A bruise in the heel does not permanently disable. Jesus Christ was put to death by the agents of the great Serpent, Satan the Devil. (Revelation 12:9) He recovered from this heel bruise when God resurrected him. (Acts 2:22-24; 10:40) HEGAI: Hegai was a eunuch of King Ahasuerus court. As guardian of the women who prepared Esther, he saw to it that she had special beauty treatments before she was presented to the king. (Esther 2:3, 8, 9, 15) HEIFER: A heifer is a young cow that has not produced a calf. Abraham cut a heifer into two parts when God concluded a covenant with him. (Genesis 15:9-18) To make sure bloodguilt did not come upon a city, the older men and priests of that city would use a heifer to appeal to God. (Deuteronomy 21:1-9) (Numbers 35:30-33) The prophet Jeremiah referred to Egypt in a figurative manor. He said she was well fed in her land as a very pretty heifer but foretold that she would be defeated. (Jeremiah 46:20) Jeremiah also likened Babylon to a heifer pawing in the tender grass. This was because of their jubilation over their capture of Israel. (Jeremiah 50:11) Hosea used the term well-trained young cow to describe Ephraim, the ten-tribe kingdom. (Hosea 10:11)

HELAH: She was one of Ashurs two wives. Three of her sons are listed in the genealogies of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 5, 7) HELAM: Helam was the place where Davids army defeated the military forces of Syrian King Hadadezer. (2 Samuel 10:15-19) It is believed by some scholars to be the same as the modern city of Alma, about 34 miles east of the Sea of Galilee. HELBAH: Helbah was a city in the territory of the tribe of Asher, about 3.5 miles northeast of Tyre. The tribe of Asher did not drive out the Canaanites from this city. (Judges 1:31, 32) HELBON: Helbon was a place popular for its fine wine, highly valued by the city of Tyre. (Ezekiel 27:18) In ancient times Assyria, Babylonia, Persia and Tyre obtained the wine of Helbon. HELEB: Heleb was one of Davids mighty men. He was the son of Baanah the Netophathite. (2 Samuel 23:8, 29) Heleb was also called Heled in the book of Chronicles. (1 Chronicles 11:30; 27:15) HELED: This man was a mighty man in Davids army. He was a son of Baanah the Netophathite. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 30) HELI: Heli was Josephs father-in law. Luke traces the natural descent of Jesus mother Mary from David at Luke 3:31. Marys father was Heli and thus Heli was the maternal grandfather of Jesus Christ. (Luke 3:23) HELKAI: Helkai was the head of the priestly paternal house of Meraioth in the days of Joiakim the high priest. (Nehemiah 12:12, 15) HELL: The Hebrew word SHEOL, and the Greek word HADES both mean THE GRAVE, the place of the dead, the pit. In the 17th century, when the King James Version of the Bible was written, people stored their potatoes in hell. Hell was a cellar, a pit where root vegetables were stored. The word hell is not found in the New Simplified Bible. This is because the vast majority of the religious population today thinks hell is a place of everlasting torment. Proper translation of the Hebrew and Greek words lead us to understand that it is simply the grave. (See: GRAVE)

HELON: Helon was a man from the tribe of Zebulun. His son Eliab was the man in charge of his dribe during Israels travels through the wilderness. (Numbers 1:4, 9, 16; 2:7; 7:24; 10:16)

HEMAM: Hemam was the son of Lotan. He was the descendant of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:20, 22)

HEMAN: Heman was one of four very wise men. According to the Scriptures the wisdom of King Solomon was greater. Heman was called the son of Mahol, however he is also identified as a descendant of Judah through Zerah. (1 Kings 4:31) (1 Chronicles 2:3-6)

HEMAN, SON OF JOEL: Heman was the son of Joel and grandson of the prophet Samuel. He was from a family of Kohathites. He was a Levite singer during the reigns of David and Solomon. (1 Chronicles 6:33; 15:17-19) (2 Chronicles 5:11, 12) Heman was the father of 14 sons and 3 daughters. The entire family sang at the house of Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4-6)

HEMDAN: Hemdan was the son of Dishon. Dishon was a son of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:20, 21, 26) The Horites lived in mountains of Seir until they were evicted by the descendants of Esau. (Deuteronomy 2:12, 21, 22)

HEN AND CHICKS: Jesus Christ referred to the hen gathering her chicks under her protective wings. He used this simile to express his desire to gather unresponsive Jerusalem. (Matthew 23:37) (Luke 13:34) He used the Greek word ornis which refers to any bird but applies best to the hen in this situation. Jesus mentioned a son asking his father for an egg at Luke 11:11, 12. This suggests that the domestic hen was common in Palestine at that time.

HENA: Hena was a city and a region listed with Sepharvaim and Ivvah. It was conquered by the Assyrians. (2 Kings 18:34; 19:13) (Isaiah 37:13)

HENADAD: The descendants of this Levite served as overseers when the Temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel. (Ezra 3:8, 9) Two of his descendants shared in the repair of Jerusalems wall. Another witnessed the contract made during Nehemiahs term as governor. (Nehemiah 3:17, 18, 24; 9:38; 10:1, 9)

HENNA: The henna is a shrub bearing clusters of small creamcolored flowers. The flowers have four petals on them and are found at the tips of the branches. They have a strong, beautiful fragrance. Women wear them in their hair and bosom. (Song of Solomon 1:14; 4:13; 7:11)

HEPHER, SON OF GILEAD: Hepher was the son of Gilead and great-grandson of Manasseh. (Numbers 26:29, 30, 32; 27:1) Hephers son Zelophehad had five daughters and no sons. This situation set a legal precedent for hereditary possessions when there is no male offspring. (Numbers 26:33; 27:1-11) (Joshua 17:2, 3)

HEPHER, SON OF ASHHUR: This Hepher was a descendant of Judah. He was the son of Ashhur by his wife Naarah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 5, 6)

HEPHER, THE MECHERATHITE: Hepher was a Mecherathite. He was one of Davids outstanding military men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 36)

HEPHER, THE CITY: This Hepher was both a city and a district west of the Jordan River. The king of the Canaanite city of Hepher

was defeated by Joshua. (Joshua 12:7, 8, 17) There was a district or area of Hepher mentioned in Solomons time. (1 Kings 4:7, 10)

HEPHZIBAH, WIFE OF HEZEKIAH: This Hephzibah was the wife of Hezekiah and mother of King Manasseh. (2 Kings 20:21; 21:1)

HEPHZIBAH, NEW NAME FOR JERUSALEM: Jehovah told His people of Jerusalem You will no longer be called Deserted, and your land will no longer be called Destroyed. You will be named My Delight (Hephzibah) The Hebrew word Hephzibah means My Delight in English. It was revealed that the city of Jerusalem would became a beautiful crown and a royal crown in Gods hand. (Isaiah 62:1-4)

HERALD: A herald is a person who announces important news. A herald is mentioned at Daniel 3:4 where a herald declared Nebuchadnezzars decree to the people. The Greek word ke-rysso is translated preach or herald. Used at Matthew 24:14 and Mark 13:10 it speaks of proclaimers of the good news of Gods Kingdom.

HERES, THE MOUNTAIN: Mount Heres was where the Amorites lived despite Israels conquest of Canaan. It was in the territory of the tribe of Dan. Some scholars believe it is the same as Bethshemesh mentioned at Joshua 19:41. (Judges 1:34, 35)

HERES, THE PASS: Gideon returned from his fight against the Midianites by Heres Pass. This mountain pass is mentioned at Judges 8:13.

HERETH, FOREST OF: The forest of Hereth was one of Davids hiding places when Saul pursued him. (1 Samuel 22:5) There was a town named Hereth in the same vicinity.

HERMAS: Hermas was a member of the Christian congregation at Rome. The apostle Paul sent personal greetings to Hermas. (Romans 16:14)

HERMOGENES: Hermogenes was one of two Christians in the district of Asia mentioned by name by the apostle Paul. According to Paul they turned away because of violent persecution launched by Nero against the Christians after the burning of Rome in 64 C.E. (2 Timothy 1:15)

HERMON, THE MOUNTAIN: Mount Hermon is the highest mountain in the Palestine area. The Arabs call it the Mountain of Snow. This may be because it is snowcapped nearly year around. The psalmist declared Tabor and Hermon shout for joy in Jehovahs name. (Psalm 89:12) Copious amounts of dew and night vapors are produced by Mount Hermons snowy covering. (Psalm 133:3)

HEROD: Herod was the family name for a family of political rulers. They ruled over the Jews. They were Idumean and Edomite Jews, according to Jewish Historian Josephus. They receive only brief mention in the Bible. The most notorious was Herod Antipas because of his adulterous relationship with Herodias. John the Baptist reproved him and later was locked in prision and beheaded. (Matthew 14:1-12) (Mark 6:14-29) Herod and Pilate were both involved in Jesus death and they became friends after Jesus was impaled. (Lu 23:8-12) Later the apostle Paul had dealings with Herod Agrippa II, Great-grandson of Herod the Great. (Ac 24-26)

HERODIANS: These Jewish partisans were of the Herodian dynasty. They received authority from Rome to follow the travels of Jesus and try to trap him in talk. (Matthew 22:15-22) (Mark 3:1-6; 12:13) The Herodians were opposed to the Pharisees and Jewish zealots and in favor of complete absorption of Judea by the Roman Empire. (Matthew 12:9-14) (Luke 20:20-26)

HERODIAS: Herodias was the wife of Herod Anitpas. She influenced her daughter Salome to request the head of John the Baptist in 32 C.E. The account is found at Mark 6:22-28. Herodias married her half uncle, her fathers half brother. Her uncle-husband Herod Philip fathered Salome, her only child. John the Baptist condemned this marriage as illegal and immoral under Jewish law. This obviously displeased Herod Antipas. Therefore John was thrown into prison and later beheaded. (Matthew 14:1-11) (Mark 6:16-28) (Luke 3:19, 20; 9:9)

HERODION: The apostle Paul calls Herodion his relative in his personal greetings at the end of his letter to the Romans. It is possible that Herodion was an actual relative in view of the fact that Paul did not refer to all people who were Jews as his relative. (Acts 18:2) (Romans 16:3) He did use the designation relatives or brothers at Romans 9:3.

HERON: Every creature in the water without fins or scales is offensive to you. (Leviticus 11:13, 19) The heron was listed with the birds the Israelites should not eat. (Deuteronomy 14:12, 18) Birds of the heron family are waders. They frequent marshes and swamps, inland streams and lakes. They have long slender necks and very long, thin legs and toes. The heron grows to about sixty inches in length. The heron eats frogs, crabs, fish and small reptiles. There are several varieties of herons in Palestine. Some are purple and white, but the most common is gray. Many are found around the Sea of Galilee and the banks of the Jordan River. Egrets are very common in Palestine. They are among the most graceful and beautiful birds of the heron family.

HESED: Hesed was an Israelite whose son was one of the 12 deputies serving Solomon. Each deputy was responsible to provide the king and his household with food for one month in the year. (1 Kings 4:7, 10)

HESHBON: Heshbon was a city located 20 miles east of the Jordan River, halfway between the Arnon Valley and the Jabbok Valley,

about 12 miles southwest of Rabbah (Amman). (Joshua 12:2) It was a city captured from the Moabites and ruled over by Sihon, king of the Amorites. He turned it into his royal residence. (Joshua 3:10; 13:17) Moses led the Israelites to victory over the Amorites when they refused to allow the Israelites to pass through the land. (Numbers 21:23-26) It was later turned into a Levitical city in the tribe of Reuben. (Joshua 21:39) The Moabites took possession of it after the Exile. (Isaiah 15:4) (Jeremiah 48:2, 34, 45) There are reservoirs in this district that could possibly be the fish pools referred to at Song of Solomon 7:4.

HESHMON: Heshmon was a city in the southern part of Judah. (Joshua 15:21)

HETHLON: Hethlon was a place seen in Ezekiels vision. It was on the northern border of the land of Israel, about 22 miles northeast of modern day Tripoli, Lebanon. (Ezekiel 47:13, 15)

HEZEKIAH, KING OF JUDAH: Hezekiah became king of Judah when his father Ahaz died. He reigned 29 years. (2 Kings 18:1-7) (2 Chronicles 29:1) Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah were prophets contemporary with Hezekiahs reign. (Isaiah 1:1) (Hosea 1:1) (Micah 1:1) Hezekiah was outstanding for his faithfulness to God. He was zealous for the promotion of true worship, not only in Judah but in all the territory of Israel. Because of this Jehovah proved to be with him. (2 Kings 18:3-7) Hezekiah was involved in the writing of Proverbs chapters 25 to 29. The introduction of these Proverbs reads, These are also proberbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah transcribed. (Proverbs 25:1) He wrote the song of thanksgiving found at Isaiah 38:10-20 and some scholars believe that Hezekiah wrote Psalm 119 before he became king. The Bible contains many exciting accounts of Hezekiahs faithful life. (2 Kings chapters 18-21) (Isaiah chapters 37, 38) (2 Chronicles chapters 29-32)

HEZION: Hezion was the grandfather of the first King Ben-hadad of Syria. (1 Kings 15:18) Some students of the Bible believe he was the same person as the Rezon found at 1 Kings 11:23.

HEZRO: This man was one of the mighty men of Davids military forces. (2 Samuel 23:8, 35) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 37)

HEZRON, CITY OF JUDAH: Hezron was located between Kadeshbarnea and Addar on the southern border of Judah. (Joshua 15:1-3)

HEZRON, SON OF REUBEN: Hezron was the son of Reuben and the ancestral head of the Hezronites. (Genesis 46:9) (Exodus 6:14) (Numbers 26:4-6) (1 Chronicles 5:3)

HEZRON, SON OF PEREZ: This Hezron was family head of the Judean Hezronites. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 18, 25) He was ancestor of King David and of Jesus Christ. (Genesis 46:12) (Numbers 26:20, 21) (Ruth 4:18-22) (Matthew 1:3) (Luke 3:33)

HEZRONITES: There were two groups who were called Hezronites. There was the family descended from Reubens son Hezron. (Genesis 46:9, 12) (Numbers 26:4-6, 21) And there was the family from Judahs grandson Hezron.

HIDDAI: Hiddai was one of the mighty men in Davids army. He was from the Gaash Valley in the mountains of Ephraim. (2 Samuel 23:8, 30) (Joshua 24:30)

HIDDEKEL RIVER, TIGRIS RIVER: The Hiddekel River was known in Old Persian as the Tigra. Tigra is the Greek name for the Tigris River. The Tigris River was one of the four rivers branching off from the river issuing out of Eden. (Genesis 2:10-14) The Tigris

River headwaters are in the mountains of Turkey, a few miles from the source of the Euphrates River. The Tigris is 1,150 miles long and as wide as 400 yards in places. It is navigable above Baghdad only by boats of shallow draft. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers flow together the last 100 miles before emptying into the Persian Gulf. Daniel received the vision concerning the king of the north and the king of the south while he was on the banks of the Tigris (Hiddekel) River. (Daniel 10:4, 5; 11:5, 6)

HIEL: Hiel was a Bethelite who rebuilt the town of Jericho during Ahabs reign in the tenth century B.C.E. Joshua declared that Jericho would be destroyed nearly 500 years earlier, and he proclaimed, He will layu the foundation at the cost of his firstborn. He will set up the gates at the cost of his youngest son. (Joshua 6:26) Everything happened according to the word of Jehovah spoken through Joshua. (1 Kings 16:33, 34)

HIERAPOLIS: Hierapolis means Holy City. It was a city in the province of Asia located on the northern edge of the Lycus Valley of Asia Minor, six miles north of Laodicea. Christians appear to have reached Hierapolis through the efforts of Epaphras. (Colossians 4:12, 13)

HIGGAION: The Hebrew expression higgaion is a technical term that means meditation, thoughts, or soft utterance. It preceeds the word Selah which means a pause. The New Simplified Bible does not include it since it does not add to or subtract from the meaning of the Scriptures. (Psalms 9:16; 19:14; 92:3) (Lamentations 3:62)

HIGH PLACES: Hebrew: ba-mohth means a place of worship and also can mean hills and mountains. (2 Samuel 1:19, 25) (Amos 4:13) (Micah 1:3) Job 9:8 refers to the high places of the sea. Isaiah 14:14 speak about that which is above the clouds.

HIGH PRIEST: The person who represented the people before God. He also supervised all the other priests. Jesus Christ entered heaven as a high priest according to the manner of Melchizedek forever. (Hebrews 6:20; 7:17, 21)

HIGHWAY, ROAD: The Hebrew word mesil-lah means highway and derekh means road. In Greek the term ho-dos is translated roadway. Since the beginning of history highways and roads linked cities, kingdoms and important trade routes in Palestine. (Numbers 20:17-19; 21:21, 22) (Judges 21:19) (1 Samuel 6:9, 12)

HILL: The Hebrew word givah and the Greek word bou-no indicates a natural elevation of the earth that is lower than mountains, hills. Judea and other parts of Palestine are filled with hills. Homes and towns were frequently built on them. (1 Samuel 7:1, 2) Rulers sometimes sent men out to prepare the way for them to take a trip. They would remove stones, fill up depressions and smooth out rough places, they even leveled hills. The word hill is sometimes used figuratively to represent high places, governments and authorities. The preparatory work that was done by John the Baptist before the Messiah appeared was prophesied at Isaiah 40:3, 4. (Luke 3:1-6) Both Isaiah and Micah prophesied: the mountain of the house of Jehovah will be established above the top of the mountains. It will be exalted above the hills. (Isaiah 2:2) (Micah 4:1) HILLEL: Hillel was the father Abdon. His son judged Israel for eight years. (Judges 12:13-15) Hillel was from the town of Pirathon in Ephraim. HIND: SEE DEER HINNOM, VALLEY OF: SEE GEHENNA HIPS: Hips are attached to the small of the back. A belt is often worn at the hips. The Bible speaks many times about the sheath of the sword worn at the hips. (2 Samuel 20:8) (Nehemiah 4:18) (Ezekiel 9:2) Sackcloth was worn around the hips. (Genesis 37:34) Hips are mentioned in a figurative sense throughout the Scriptures. To ungird the hips of kings means to take away their strength. (Isaiah 45:1) Jesus Christ was prophetically envisioned as reigning

with righteousness on the belt of his hips and faithfulness as the belt of his loins at Isaiah 11:1, 5.

HIRAM, KING OF TYRE: The name Hiram is spelled Huram in some manuscripts. Hiram was the king of Tyre and a friend of King David. Later he was a friend of King Solomon. (1 Kings 5:1) When David conquered Zion he built a palace there. Hiram arranged a trade treaty with David and supplied cedar timber from the western slopes of Lebanon. He also sent craftsmen to assist with wood and stone. (2 Samuel 5:11) (1 Chronicles 14:1) After Davids death Solomon obtained materials for building the Great Temple from Hiram. (1 Kings 5:2-6) (2 Chronicles 2:3-10) The two countries under Solomon and Hiram built a fleet of ships in the Gulf of Aqaba at Ezion-geber. (1 Kings 9:26-28; 10:11, 12, 22) (2 Chronicles 8:18; 9:10, 21)

HIRAM, SKILLED ARTISON: Hiram, the king of Tyre sent this Hiram to supervise the construction for Solomon because of his ability and experience. He was an expert in working with gold, silver, copper, iron, stone, and wood. (1 Kings 7:13-45) (2 Chronicles 2:13, 14; 4:11-16)

HIRAM-ABI: The name Hiram-abi means Hiram My Father. The king of Tyre sent Hiram to build the furnishings for Solomons temple. Hiram was apparantly considered father in a figurative sense as a master workman. (2 Chronicles 2:13)

HIRAM-ABIV: This name for Hiram will given to designate him as a father in a figurative sense as a master workman. (2 Chronicles 4:16)

HIRE, WAGES: Wages and hire are the compensation paid to laborers for services rendered. (Leviticus 19:13) The word hire means to employ someone. (Matthews 20:1) Sometimes wages were referred to as rent. (Exodus 22:14, 15) (Acts 28:30) Judas Iscariot

was paid 30 pieces of silver as wages for betraying Jesus Christ. (Matthew 26:14-16; 27:3-10) (Acts 1:18) The wages of sin is death, found at Romans 6:23 refers to recompense. Recompense is a type of wages such as payment or reward for something earned. Judah and Israel were both guilty of prostituting themselves to other nations. (Ezekiel 16:26-34, 41; 23:1-16) (Hosea 9:1) (Micah 1:6, 7) They sold themselves for hire to other nations.

HITTITES: The Hittites were a people who descended from Heth, the second son of Canaan. (Genesis 10:15) Jehovah God promised to give Abrahams descendants the land of Canaan. This land was inhabited by several nations including the Hittite nation. (Genesis 15:18-21) Abraham had dealings with the Hittites who resided in the land and he treated them with much respect. When his wife Sarah died, he purchased a cave in which to bury her from Ephron the son of Zoar the Hittite. (Genesis 23:1-20) In Joshuas day the Hittites lived in the mountainous regions of Lebanon and Syria. (Numbers 13:29) (Joshua 11:3) God called the land that the Hittites occupied a land flowing with milk and honey. However, the nations that occupied it were so corrupt that their presence defiled the land. Therefore Jehovah sent them out the land. (Exodus 3:8) (Leviticus 18:1-30)

HIVITES: These people were descendants of Canaan the son of Ham. (Genesis 10:6, 15, 17) (1 Chronicles 1:13, 15) They live at the city of Shechem at the time of Jacob. Jacobs sons, led by Simeon and Levi, killed every male and plundered the city out of revenge because Shechem the son of Hamor the chieftain had defiled their sister Dinah. (Genesis 34:1-29) The Hivites were one of the seven Canaanite nations that God promised to drive out before the people of Israel. Even though they were said to be more populous and mighty than Israel they were driven out of the land. (Exodus 3:8, 17; 13:5; 23:23, 28; 33:2; 34:11) (Deuteronomy 7:1) Joshua totally destraoyed the cities of the Canaanites including the Hivites. (Joshua chapters 10, 11) Solomon used Hivites as forced labor to work on the nationwide building program. (1 Kings 9:20-23) (2 Chronicles 8:7-10)

HOARFROST: Hoarfrost is ice crystal that forms a white deposit of ice needles on objects, grass, shrubs and trees. The term hoarfrost is from the old English language. It is found in older translations such as the 1599 Geneva Bible, 1769 King James Version and the 1901 American Standard Version. Simply stated this is frost. The New Simplified Bible just calls it frost. It is produced from the atmosphere by condensation. (Exodus 16:14) (Job 38:29) (Psalms 147:16)

HOBAB: Hobab was brother-in-law to Moses. He was the son of Reuel (Jethro) and a Midianite, of the tribe of Kenites. (Numbers 10:29) (Exodus 3:1) (Judges 1:16) Hobab served the Moses and the Israelites as a scout because he was familiar with the area from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land. His descendants, the Kenites, lived in the Desert of Judah south of Arad. (Numbers 10:29-32) (Judges 1:16) (1 Samuel 15:6; 27:10; 30:26, 29)

HOD: Hod was the son of Zophah from the tribe of Asher. Hod was in charge of a large division of the army. (1 Chronicles 7:36, 37, 40)

HODESH: Hodesh was one of the wives of Shaharaim the Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8, 9)

HODEVAH: Hodevah was the forefather of Levites who were among the survivors who returned from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 43)

HOGLAH: Hoglah was one of Zelophehads five daughters. Her father had no sons so the inheritance was divided among the five daughters. There was an important stipulation, that they marry inside their own tribe of Manasseh. (Numbers 36:1-12; 26:33; 27:111) (Joshua 17:3, 4)

HOHAM: This man was the king of Hebron. He and four other kings went to war against Gibeon because of their peace agreement with Joshua and the Israelites. The five kings were defeated and put to death upon stakes. (Joshua 10:1-27) HOLY: kadosh/hagios/sanctus. The four living creatures

proclaim Jehovah God as holy three times for emphasis for He is the magnificent Almighty One. Holy means set-apart for divine service. Hebrew: qadosh, and Greek: hagios, mean
sacred, pure, blameless, consecrated, and holy. (Revelation 4:8) (Isaiah 6:3)

HOLINESS: Holiness is the quality of being holy. It involves religious cleanness or purity and sacredness. The Hebrew word qodhesh conveys the thought of separateness, exclusiveness, or sanctification to God. The Greek hagios is rendered holy. Hagiasmos means sanctified and hagiotes means separate to God. The quality of holiness belongs to God. (Exodus 39:30) (Zechariah 14:20) His Son Jesus Christ addressed him as Holy Father at John 17:11. Heavenly beings declared: Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of Hosts at Isaiah 6:3. (Revelation 4:8) (Hebrews 12:14) (Proverbs 30:3) God is the most Holy One of all. The Son of God, Jesus Christ reflects the holiness of his Father and is called Gods Holy One. (Acts 3:14) (Mark 1:24) (Luke 4:34) Jesus is the closest one to his Father in heaven. (John 1:1; 8:29) (Matthew 11:27) Gods Holy Spirit is called Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Holiness. (Psalm 51:11) (Luke 11:13) (Romans 1:4) (Ephesians 1:13) Faithful men and women have been counted holy throughout all the ages. (Romans 12:1) (Colossians 3:9, 10) (Hebrews 6:19, 20; 10:19, 20) (1 Peter 3:5) (Revelation 7:2-4, 9, 10, 14)

HOLON, CITY OF JUDAH: This city was in the mountains of Judah. It was assigned to the priestly Kohathites. (Joshua 15:21, 48, 51; 21:9-19) Holon of Judah was about 11 miles northwest of Hebron.

HOLON, CITY OF MOAB: Holon was east of the Jordan River on the level country. (Jeremiah 48:21)

HOLY ONES, SAINTS: A holy one is someone who is spiritually and morally clean, a righteous being. Holy ones can be found in heaven and on earth. Jehovah is the most clean and righteous of all living beings. He is called the Holy One and the Holy One of Israel (2 Kings 19:22) (Psalm 71:22; 89:18) (Hosea 11:12) The innermost compartment of the tabernacle was called the Most Holy or Holy of Holies. Only the high priest was allowed there to approach Jehovah, the Most Holy One. (Leviticus 16:2) The apostle John wrote to fellow members of the Christian congregation: You have an anointing from the Holy One at 1 John 2:20. Jesus Christ is also referred to as the holy and righteous one at Acts 3:14. And the angels in heaven are holy ones. (Luke 9:26) (Acts 10:22) Humans on earth who have been set apart for the service of God have also been called holy ones or saints. (Psalms 34:9; 106:16) The term holy ones applies to all who have been brought into union with Christ. Christians must be holy because God is holy. (Hebrews 10:29; 13:20) (1 Peter 1:15, 16) (Leviticus 11:44)

HOLY PLACE: The term holy place is applied to four things in Scriptures: The camp of Israel, the tent of meeting, and the Most Holy innermost compartment at the Tabernacle. The term the camp of Israel was later applied to the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. (Deuteronomy 23:14) (Ezekiel 21:2) (Matthew 24:15; 27:53) (Luke 21:2) The tent of meeting and later the Temple were considered holy places. (Exodus 38:24) (2 Chronicles 29:5) (Acts 21:28) The Most Holy was the innermost compartment of the Tabernacle. (Exodus 26) (Hebrews 9:24) And the Holy was the first, larger compartment. (Exodus 26:33) (1 Kings 6:16, 17) (2 Chronicles 3:3, 8) We read in the letter to the Hebrews that Christ entered into what was pictured by the innermost compartment of the Tabernacle, namely, the Most Holy. (Hebrews 9:24, 25)

HOLY CONTRIBUTION, PLACE: A holy place or holy contribution was identifyed in Ezekiels vision of the division of the Promised Land. Each of the 12 tribes were to give a portion of their land for this purpose. (Ezekiel 48:1-35)

HOMAM: Homam was the son of Horite Sheik Lotan. He is the same as Hemam. (Genesis 36:20-22) (1 Chronicles 1:39)

HOLY SPIRIT: The Spirit that belongs to God is Gods Holy Spirit. It is his power that was used to create the universe. (Genesis Chapter 1 and 2) Holy Spirit is the Helper for true believers. (John 14:25-26; 16:7-15) (Romans 8:1-27) (Galatians 5:22-25) Holy Spirit dwells in Christians. (John 14:15-17) (1 Corinthians 6:19) A believer can be filled with Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:4; 7:55; 11:23-24) It is possible to sin against the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 12:31) (Acts 5:3) (1 Thessalonians 5:19) (Hebrews 10:29) The Greek pneuma comes from pneo. It is translated spirit. The Hebrew word ruach means breath, wind, vital force, and spirit. All of these meanings refer to something that is invisible to the human eye.

HONEY: Honey is a sweet yellow fluid produced by bees. The Hebrew words nopheth and devash mean flowing honey or comb honey and the Greek word meli means honey. Most Bible references to honey refer to wild honey. John the Baptist ate wild honey when he lived in the wilderness. (Matthew 3:1, 4) The sweetness and enjoyment of eating honey is applied in an illustrative way throughout the Scriptures. (Proverbs 16:24; 24:13, 14) (Psalms 19:9, 10; 119:103) (Ezekiel 3:2, 3) (Revelation 10:9)

HONOR: God is deserving of honor, reverence, and respect. He is the Creator and the Sovereign of the universe. (1 Timothy 1:17) (Hebrews 3:3, 4) (Revelation 4:9-11) The Israelites honored Jehovah by presenting their best to him. (Proverbs 3:9) (Malachi 1:6-8) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, set the perfect example by honoring his Father. (Matthew 26:39) (John 10:17, 18) Christians should try to maintain an honorable standing before God and His Son. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8) (2 Timothy 2:20-22) (Hebrews 13:4) Children are to honor their parents by being obedient. (Deuteronomy 5:16) (Ephesians 6:1, 2) A husband and wife should show honor to each other. (1 Peter 3:1-7) (1 Timothy 5:17, 18) All people should be deserving of honor. (1 Peter 2:17) Christians should maintain themselves as morally and spiritually pure. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8) (2 Timothy 2:20-22) (Hebrews 13:4)

HOOK: A hook is a curved or sharply angled piece of metal used to fasten or catch something. Fishermen used fishhooks from the very beginning of time. (Habakkuk 1:14, 15) (Matthew 17:27) Hooks from thorns were used to lead animals. (Ezekiel 19:3, 4, 6, 9) Meat hooks are mentioned at Amos 4:2. Hooks or copper fasteners were used in the tabernacle to fasten together large sections of embroidered linen. (Exodus 26:11) Jehovah spoke to Pharaoh in a figurative manor when He said: I will put hooks in your jaws. I will bring you up out of the midst of your rivers. (Ezekiel 29:1-7) Jehovah also told Gog of the Land of Magog, I will turn you about and put hooks in your jaws. (Ezekiel 1-4)

HOOPOE: The hoopoe is a slender bird about the size of a small pigeon. It is cinnamon-colored with broad bars of white and black along its tail, wings and back. It eats insects from the ground, dunghills and other filth. The hoopoe was considered as unclean for food in the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:13, 19) (Deuteronomy 14:12, 18) It migrates to Palestine from southern Asia, Africa and parts of Europe in the spring and flies to Egypt and northern Africa in the autumn. Some believe the Hebrew word for hoopoe, dul-khiphath, represents its dovelike cry.

HOPE: Hope is the general feeling that a specific desire will be fulfilled. It is desire accompanied by expectation. The Hebrew root verb for hope is qa-wah. It means wait for with eager expectation. (Genesis 49:18) The Greek term for hope is elpis and it means expectation of good. The Bible shows that people of the world have no real, solidly based hope. Solomon expressed the futility of man without Gods help at Ecclesiastes 12:8; 9:2, 3. Jehovah God is the Source of true hope. (2 Thessalonians 2:16) Hope is required in order to have faith. (Hebrews 11:1; 3:1) Jehovah God provided his Word the Bible so that all men may have hope. (Romans 15:4) (1 Corinthians 10:11) (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) The possessor of hope saves himself and those who listen to him. (1 Peter 3:15) (1 Timothy 4:16)

HOPHNI: High Priest Eli had two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. They were good for nothing men who were sacrilegious and immoral. (1

Samuel 1:3; 2:12-17, 22-25) Jehovah declaired the death penilty for Hophni. He died when the Philistines captured the Ark. (1 Samuel 2:34; 4:4, 11, 17)

HOPHRA: Hophra was Pharaoh of Egypt. He reigned about 19 to 25 years. He was so arrogant that he claimed that not even a god could depose him from his throne. Never the less he was taken prisoner and finally killed. Jehovah said through Jeremiah, I will hand over King Hophra of Egypt to his enemies who want to kill him. (Jeremiah 44:1-30)

HOR, THE MOUNTAIN: Mount Hor was near Moserah on the Edom border where Aaron died before Israel entered the Promised Land. Aaron, Moses, and Aarons son Eleazar ascended Munt Hor. Moses removed Aarons priestly garments and clothed Eleazar with them. Aaron then died and Moses and Eleazar buried him. (Numbers 20:22-29) (Deuteronomy 32:50) Some scholars believe Mount Hor was 25 miles southwest of the Dead Sea. Others think it was one of the high mountains near the Edomite city of Petra. (Numbers 33:27-39, 41) (Deuteronomy 2:5-8)

HORAM: Horam was the king of Gezer. He was one of 31 kings defeated by the Israelites under Joshuas command. This happened during the conquest of the Promised Land. Horam and his entire army were killed when they attempted to help the city of Lachish. (Joshua 10:33; 12:7, 8, 12, 24)

HOREB: Mount Horeb was considered the mountain of God, the same as Mount Sinai. (1 Kings 19:8) The name Horeb desginates a region of mountains around Mount Sinai, sometimes called the Wilderness of Sinai. (Deuteronomy 1:6, 19; 4:10, 15; 5:2; 9:8) (1 Kings 8:9) (2 Chronicles 5:10) (Psalm 106:19) (Acts 7:30) Jehovahs angel appeared to Moses in the burning bush and commanded him to lead Israel out of Egypt. (Exodus 3:1-15) Moses struck a rock in Horeb and water miraculously issued from the rock. (Exodus 17:1-6)

HOREM: This fortified city was in the territory of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:35, 38-39)

HORESH: Horesh was the site in the Wilderness of Ziph where David hid from Saul. Jonathan acknowledged David as the next king of Israel at this place. (1 Samuel 23:15-19)

HOR-HAGGIDGAD, GUDGODAH: The Israelites stayed at this wilderness camp site twice. Most scholars believe this site was on the Wadi Khadakhid about 40 miles northwest of the Gulf of Aqaba. (Numbers 33:31-33) (Deuteronomy 10:6, 7)

HORI, DESCENDANT OF SEIR: Hori was a descendant of Seir. Seir was a Horite through Lotan. (Genesis 36:20-22) (1 Chronicles 1:39)

HORI, SON OF SHAPHAT: This man was a Simeonite. He was the son of Shaphat and one of the 12 spies Moses sent out from the Wilderness of Paran. (Numbers 13:2, 3, 5)

HORITE: The Horites were a people who lived in the mountains of Seir. They were called the sons of Seir the Horite. The Edomites evicted them and killed many of them. (Genesis 36:20, 21, 29, 30) (Deuteronomy 2:12, 22)

HORMAH: This city was in the southern part of the territory of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:30) The Amalekites and Canaanites defeated the Israelites and scattered them as far as Hormah. (Deuteronomy 1:44) (Numbers 14:45; 20:14, 16) (Joshua 11:17) The king of Hormah is listed along with the king of Arad and 31 kings defeated by Joshua. (Joshua 12:14) Hormah was included in a list of towns near the boundry of Edom. (Joshua 15:21, 30) Hormah was still a Simeonite city in Davids time. It was one of the places he visited

during his exile. He later sent gifts to the city. (1 Samuel 30:26-31) (1 Chronicles 4:24, 28-31) HORN: The people of Israel used animals horns as vessels for oil, drinking flasks, inkhorns and containers for many different things. They were also used as musical instruments and signaling devices. (1 Samuel 16:1, 13) (1 Kings 1:39) (Ezekiel 9:2) There were hornlike projections extending from the four corners of the altars for both the incense altar and the altar of sacrifice at the tabernacle. They were covered with the same material as the altar, of copper or gold. (Exodus 27:2; 37:25, 26) The word horn was also used as a symbolic emblem of power. (Deuteronomy 33:17) (Zechariah 1:18-21) (Revelation 17:7-12) (1 Samuel 2:1) HORSE: The horse is symbolic of warfare in many prophesies. (Revelation 6:2; 9:15-19) Jehovahs invisible war equipment is symbolized by fiery horses and chariots. (2 Kings 2:11-12) HOSEA: The prophets of the ninth century B.C.E. were Hosea, Amos, Isaiah and Micah. (Hosea 1:1) (Amos 1:1) (Isaiah 1:1) (Micah 1:1) Hosea the prophet was the writer of the Book of Hosea. He served as prophet to the ten-tribe northern kingdom of Israel during the reigns of Kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah as well as Jeroboam II of Israel. HOSEA, THE BOOK: The Book of Hosea is particularly known for the prophetic judgments against unfaithful Israel and Judah. The people were urged to petition their God Jehovah for pardon and offer the bulls of their lips. The people of the northern ten tribe kingdom of Israel are featured in the prophecy, written about 745 B.C.E. The people rejected knowledge of God. (Hosea 4:6) They became involve in acts of bloodshed, stealing, fornication, adultery, and worship of false gods such as Baal and calf idols. (Hosea 2:8, 13; 4:2, 13, 15; 10:5) After King Jeroboam died frightful conditions and unrest existed throughout the land. The people are erged to come back to Jehovah. (Hosea 14:1-9) HOSHAMA: Hoshama was one of the seven sons born to King Jehoiachin while in Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 3:17-18) HOSHEA, JOSHUA: Hoshea was one of the 12 persons sent by Moses to spy on the Land of Promise. He was the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim. Moses called him Jehoshua at Numbers 13:8, 16. He was Moses successor. His name was shorted in Hebrew to Joshua. (Joshua 1:1)

HOSHEA, HOSEA: Hoshea is the Hebrew spelling of the word Hosea. Hosea was Jehovhs prophet. He lived from the ninth into the eighth century B.C.E. during the reigns of Judahs kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. (Hosea 1:1) HOSHEA, LAST KING OF ISRAEL: Hoshea was the last king of the northern kingdom of Israel. He was the son of Elah. He was bad in Jehovahs sight. (2 Kings 17:1, 2) HOSPITALITY: Hospitality is the cordial reception and entertainment of guests or strangers. It is translated from the Greek word phi-lo-xe-nia meaning love of strangers. Genuine hospitality is a mark of true Christianity. In fact hospitality is a requirement for Christians. Paul commanded: Show hospitality to strangers. (Hebrews 13:2) Peter said: Be hospitable to one another without complaining. (1 Peter 4:9) Overseers in the congregation were required to hospitable. (1 Timothy 3:2) (Titus 1:7, 8) HOSTS: The expression Jehovah of Hosts occurs 283 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. It comes from the military terms such as armies and legions. A few translations employ the title Jehovah of Armies instead of Jehovah of Hosts. Both translations are correct, however the term Hosts sounds less militant and more peace oriented. That is the reason the New Simplified Bible uses it. A mighty host of angelic spirit creatures serve under the command of Jehovah God. (Genesis 2:1) (Nehemiah 9:6) Jehovahs invisable forces are completely invincible. (1 Samuel 1:3) (2 Kings 2:11, 12) (Psalm 68:17) One angel killed 185,000 Assyrians in a single night. (2 Kings 19:35) The angels truly are powerful beings! These formidable heavenly hosts also protect Jehovahs servants on earth. (2 Kings 6:17) (Psalms 34:7; 91:11) (Danuel 6:22) (Matthew 18:10) (Acts 12:7-10) (Hebrews 1:13, 14) (See: JEHOVAH OF HOSTS) HOTHIR: Hothir was one of the 14 sons of Heman. They served as musicians at the sanctuary under the direction of their father. Hothir and his sons and brothers were the 21st of the 24 service groups of musicians at the time David was king. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4-6, 28) HOUR: The word hora is used in the Christian Greek Scriptures for the English word hour. It means a fixed and definite period of time for a division of the day. There is no Hebrew term for hour in the Scriptures. The Israelites could have divided the daytime into four parts: morning, noon, midday and evening. (Genesis 24:11;

43:16) (Deuteronomy 28:29) (1 Kings 18:26) They used other designations for this purpose also, such as: early in the morning (Judges 9:33), in the cool of the day (Genesis 38), in the heat of the day (Genesis 18:1) (1 Samuel 11:11), and at sunset (Joshua 10:27). Ancient Egypt divided the day into twenty-four hours, twelve for daylight and twelve for night. The Romans counted the day from midnight to midnight and did not account for the variation in the seasonal variation in the length of daylight hours. The first century Jews used a twelve-hour time system counting twelve hours of daylight starting with sunrise. Jesus referred to the twelve hours of daylight at John 11:9. The term hour has been used in a figurative sense in the Holy Scriptures. Jesus said: This is your hour for this power of darkness at Luke 22:53. Babylon the Great was told: in one hour your judgment has come meaning a short period of time. (Revelation 18:10) The term the last hour denotes a very short period of time at the end of a period of time. (1 John 2:18) (Revelation 8:1-4) HOUSE: The word house is used in the Holy Scriptures to convey several things including: a household or offspring of one man (Genesis 12:1; 17:13, 23) (Micah 1:5), a dwelling place (Genesis 19:24), priestly line (1 Samuel 2:35), dwelling place of God (Joh 14:2), and the spiritual body (2 Corinthians 5:1). The home serves as a center for giving instruction in pure worship. (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7; 11:19) Gods law was to be written on the doorposts of the people of Israels houses, literally and figuratively. (Deuteronomy 6:9; 11:20) Christians were to preach and teach from house to house. (Acts 20:20) Christian congregations were to meet together in houses to consider Gods Word and worship Him. (Romans 16:5) (1 Corinthians 16:19) (Colossians 4:15) (Philemon 2) HOUSE OF THE FOREST OF LEBANON: The House (Hall) of the Forest of Lebanon was one of the government building built by King Solomon during his 13 year building program after he finished the Temple at Jerusalem. This structure was erected just south of the Temple and was used for storage and display of arms and utensils. (1 Kings 7:1-9) It is called the house of the forest at Isaiah 22:8. HUKKOK: Hukkok was a border city of Nathtali. Some believe it was located near the northern end of the Sea of Galilee. (Joshua 19:32, 34) HUKOK: This border city was in the territory of Asher. It was assigned to the Gershonites of the tribe of Levi. (Joshua 19:25; 21:31) (1 Chronicles 6:74, 75) Hukok could be the same as Helkath.

HUMILITY, HUMBLE: Jesus Christ said: He who humbles himself to become like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 18:4; 23:12) Humility is freedom from pride and arrogance. It is the state of lowliness of mind that is pleasing to God. The apostle Peter reminded Christians: God resists the proud, but gives loving kindness to the humble. James eloquently stated: God resists the proud, but gives grace (loving-kindness) to the humble. (James 4:6) Jesus Christ set the best example of a humble servant of God when he washed the feet of each of his twelve apostles, a service performed by the lowliest slaves. (John 13:2-5, 12-17) HUMTAH: Humtah was a city in the mountains of Judah. The name means, Sand Lizard Place. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 54) HUPHAM: Hupham was a descendant of Benjamin. He was the ancestral head of the Huphamites. (Genesis 46:8, 21) (Numbers 26:39) HUPPIM: Huppim was the son of Benjamin. He came from Egypt with Jacobs household. (Ge 46:8, 21) Huppim founded the family called Huphamites. (Numbers 26:1-4, 38, 39) (1 Chronicles 7:14, 15) HURAI: Hurai was one of Davids mighty men. He was from the Gaash Valley. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 32) He was called Hiddai at 2 Samuel 23:30. HURAM: The name Huram is also known as Hiram in some manuscripts. See HIRAM HUSBAND: A husband is a married man, a womans partner in marriage. Several Hebrew terms are used in reference to a husband. They include: ish, man; adhohn, owner or master; rea, companion and friend. (Genesis 18:12; 20:3) (Jeremiah 3:20) The headship principle found at 1 Corinthians 11:3 places a weighty responsiblility squarely on the shoulders of the man. Husbands are to carry out this responsibility with the same loving care that Christ does for the congregation. (Ephesians 5:25, 28-30, 33) The nation of Israel was symbolicly viewed as a wife to God when it was bound by the Law covenant. Jesus Christ is viewed as the Husband of the Christian congregation today. (Jeremiah 3:14) (Galatians 4:6,7, 26) (Ephesians 5:22, 23) (Revelation 19:7; 21:2)

HYACINTH: This is a deep blue precious stone. The Greek hyakin-thos also refers to the flower by that name. The eleventh of the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem is hyacinth. (Revelation 21:20) Hyacinth blue is one of the colors of the breastplates of the armies of cavalry at Revelation 9:16, 17. HYMENAEUS: Hymenaeus was an apostate from Christianity who lived during the first century. The apostle Paul said he was a blasphemer, full of empty speeches. Hymenaeus and his coworker Philetus taught false doctrine trying to subvert the faith of some. They taught that the resurrection had already occurred in their day and that there would be no further resurrection in the future. (1 Timothy 1:18-20) (2 Timothy 2:16-18) (1 Corinthians 15:12-23) HYPOCRITE: A person who professes beliefs and opinions but does not live by them is a hypocrite. (Matthew 6:1-5) The entire 23rd chapter of Matthew depicts exactly what a hypocrite is like. HYSSOP: This small bushy plant is used in religious ceremonies to sprinkle liquids. (Exodus 12:22) (Psalm 51:7) (John 19:29) Hysop was used by the Israilites in Egypt to splash the blood of the Passover victin on the doorposts of houses. (Exodus 12:21, 23) Moses sprinkled the book of the Law and the people using the hyssop plant. (Hebrews 9:19) David prayed to be purified from sin with hyssop. (Psalm 51:7) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY I IBHAR: Ibhar was one of King Davids sons born in Jerusalem after he transferred his residence there from Hebron. (2 Samuel 5:13-15) (1 Chronicles 14:4-5) IBLEAM: This city was in the territory of Issachar but assigned to Manasseh. The Manassites failed to dispossess the Canaanites from Ibleam. (Joshua 17:11-13) (Judges 1:27) IBNEIAH: This son of Jeroham was a Benjamite head of a paternal house returning from Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:1-3) IBNIJAH: Ibnijah was a Benjamite the forefather of Meshullam. (1 Chronicles 9:7, 8)

IBRI: Ibri was son of Jaaziah, a Levite of King Davids time. (1 Chronicles 24:27, 30, 31) IBSAM: He was one of the sons of Tola, a paternal head of the tribe of Issachar. (1 Chronicles 7:1, 2) IBZAN: Ibzan succeeded Jephthah as judge of Israel. Ibzan was the father of 30 sons and 30 daughters. He was probably a polygamist and reasonably wealthy.--Jg 12:7-10; Jos 19:10, 14, 15. ICE: Hebrew: qerach means frost or ice. Ice is water in its solid state. Freezing water produces ice. (Job 37:10; 38:1, 29, 30) As water in lakes and rivers cools it becomes heavier. Ice in the form of hailstones is featured at Psalm 147:17. ICHABOD: Ichabod was the son of Phinehas. He was born after the death of Phinehas. His mother died while giving birth to him. (1 Samuel 4:17-22; 14:3) ICONIUM: Iconium was an ancient city of Asia Minor. It was one of the principal cities in the Roman province of Galatia. The city had an influential Jewish population. (Acts 13:50, 51; 14:1-7, 19-23) IDALAH: This boundary city of Zebulun was located in Palestine. (Joshua 19:14-16) Some suggest it was located at Bethlehem in Zebulun. IDBASH: A man of Judah named Idbash was possibly a son of the founder of Etam. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 3) IDDO, SON OF JOAH: Iddo was the son of Joah. He was a Levite of the family of Gershom. (1 Chronicles 6:19-21) IDDO, FATHER OF AHINADAB: Iddo was the father of Ahinadab. He was one of Solomons food deputies in Mahanaim. (1 Kings 4:7, 14) IDDO, THE VISIONARY: Iddo wrote commentaries concerning the affairs of King Solomon, King Rehoboam, and King Abijah. (2 Chronicles 9:29; 12:15; 13:22) IDDO, THE PROPHET: This Iddo was a prophet. He was father of Berechiah and grandfather of the prophet Zechariah. (Ezra 5:1; 6:14) (Nehemiah 12:1, 4, 12, 16) (Zechariah 1:1, 7)

IDDO, SON OF ZECHARIAH: This Iddo was the son of Zechariah. He was the prince of the half tribe of Manasseh in Gilead during Davidls reign. (1 Chronicles 27:21, 22) IDDO, HEAD OF NETHINIM TEMPLE SLAVES: Iddo was in charge of the Nethinim temple slaves residing at Casiphia. There were 220 who accompanied Ezra to Jerusalem in 468 B.C.E. (Ezra 8:17, 20) IDOL, IDOLATRY: An image, representation or symbol that is an object of passionate devotion. Serving gods other than Jehovah, the Almighty God of the Bible is idolatry. Placing material wealth ahead of service to God is idolatry. It is one of the works of the flesh found at Galatians 5:19-21. See IMAGE. IDUMEA: Greek: Idumea means Land of the Edomites. The inhabitants of Idumea personally approached Jesus when they heard about the many things he was doing. (Mark 3:8) IGDALIAH: Igdaliah was the Father of Hanan. (Jeremiah 35:3, 4) IEZER, IEZERITES: Iezer is a shortened form of the name Abi-ezer. The prefix Ab means father. He and his descendants were of the sons of Gilead. (Numbers 26:30) IGAL, CHIEFTAIN OF THE TRIBE OF ISSACHAR: Igal was a member of the tribe of Issachar. Moses sent him to spy out the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:1-3, 7) IGAL, MIGHTY WARRIOR: Igal was one of Davids mighty warriors. He was the son of Nathan of Zobah. (2 Samuel 23:8, 36) IGAL, OF TRIBE OF JUDAH: This man was of the tribe of Judah of the royal line of David. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 22) IIM: This was a city in southern Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 20) Its location is uncertain. I WILL BE: When Moses received instructions from God, he was given a sign that God had sent him to the people. God told him to tell the people, I will be has sent me to you. (Exodus 3:14) Then God went on to tell Moses His name, JEHOVAH the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. (JEHOVAH) THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER! This is my memorial name to all generations. (Exodus

3:15) God said to Moses: [I exist and] I will be who I will be. (Exodus 3:14) The Hebrew word translated I am by many translators is hayah. It means I exist, I have been, and I will become. He was in effect saying: I was, I am, and I will be. It was not as proof of some mysterious trinity but as proof that He exists! The sign was the stated fact that Jehovah: was, is, and will be. It is evidence that He exists and will continue to exist! It proved His eternal nature and revealed His name to the people of Israel. IJON: The military forces of Syrias King Den-hadad I captured Ijon. This occurred during the reign of Baasha. (1 Kings 15:20, 21) IKKESH: Ikkesh was the Tekoite whose son Ira was one of King Davids mighty fighting men. (2 Samuel 23:8, 26) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 28; 27:9) ILAI: Ilai was an Ahohite. He was also called Zalmon in 2 Samuel 23:28. Ilai was a mighty man of Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 29) ILLEGITIMATE: That which is not according to the law is illegitimate. The Hebrew word for illegitimate child is mamzer. Fornication, adultery, and incest are detestable to Jehovah. Under the Law the adulterer and the incestuous one were to be put to death. (Leviticus 18:6; 19:29; 20:10) (Deuteronomy 23:17) The Greek word for illegitimate child is nothos. It is used once, at Hebrews 12:8. ILLUSTRATIONS: Greek: parabole. It means proverb, parable and illustration. It is a narrative from which a moral or spiritual truth is elicited. An illustration is a story that teaches spiritual truth. Jesus often used illustrations. (Matthew 13:10-15, 34) ILLYRICUM: The apostle Paul preached in a circuit as far as Illyricum. It is not know if Paul preached in or just up to Illyricum. (Romans 15:19) IMAGE: A representation or likeness of a person or thing is an image. (Matthew 22:30) Most references to images in the Holy Scriptures refer to idolatry. However, some do not relate to idolatry. God said: Let us create man in our image (likeness). (Genesis 1:2627) Man was not created to receive worship. The likeness would not be physical since God is a spirit. (John 4:24) No carved images

should be made of anything in heaven or on earth. (Exodus 20:4-5) (Isaiah 42:8) See: IDOL, IDOLATRY IMLAH: Imlah was the father of Micaiah, a prophet of Jehovah at the time of Kings Ahab and Jehoshaphat. (1 Kings 22:8, 9) (2 Chronicles 18:7, 8) IMNA: He was a mighty man and head of a paternal house of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:35, 40) IMNAH: Two Imnahs are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures: The first son of Asher and forefather of the Imnites is found at Genesis 46:17, Numbers 26:44 and 1 Chronicles 7:30. In Hezekiahs time there was Imnah, whose son was the east gatekeeper in the temple service. (2 Chronicles 31:14) IMNITES: This family was from the tribe of Asher and descended from Imnah. (Numbers 26:44) IMPALE, IMPALEMENT: Impalement was the form of capital punishment at the time Jesus Christ was on earth. The victim was fastened to a stake or pole. Jesus Christ was murdered by his accusers by this same impalement method. (Luke 24:20) (John 19:14-16) (Acts 2:23, 36) Greeks and Romans used impalement. It was customary for the Romans to nail the hands and sometimes the feet to the stake. (John 20:25, 27) (Luke 24:39) (Colossians 2:14) (Psalm 22:16) Scriptural evidence indicates that Christ was impaled on an upright pole that did not have a cross member. The Greek noun stauros was used 27 times and the verb stauroo 46 times. They both mean an upright stake, pole or beam. For that reason the New Simplified Bible uses the word stake. The word cross is not used. The Scriptures also speak of impalement in a figurative, metaphoric sense. (Galatians 2:20) We are to impale the flesh with its passions and lusts. This is symbolic of self-denial and atonement. (Galatians 5:24; 6:14) IMPARTIALITY: Impartiality means to weight all views and opinions equally. Impartiality makes sure all are treated in harmony and fairly. (Proverbs 3:27) Hebrew: nasa means lift up the face or give kind reception. (Leviticus 19:15) Greek: lam-bano prosopon means show partiality or favoritism. (James 2:1,9) (Acts 10:34) God is not partial. (Deuteronomy 10:17) (2 Chronicles 19:7) (Acts 10:34-

35) (Romans 2:10, 11) Christians are required to be impartial. (James 2:9. IMRAH: Imrah the son of Zophah was a paternal head and also a head chieftain of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:36, 37) IMRI: There are two Imris mentioned in the Holy Scriptures: The son of Bani of the tribe of Judah through Perez, and the father of Zaccur who shared in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:2) (1 Chronicles 9:4) IMMANUEL: This word means: God Is With Us. This name-title was applied to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. (Mathew 1:23) IMMER, THE PRIEST: Immer was a descendant of Aaron who was the head of the sixteenth priestly division in Davids time. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 6, 14) It is estimated that nearly 1,052 of his descendants returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:37) (Nehemiah 7:40) Two of the sons of Immer were mentioned as among those who put away ther foreign wives in Ezras time. (Ezra 10:20, 44) IMMER, FATHER OF PASHHUR : This Immer was the father of the priest Pashhur. His son Pashhur opposed Jeremiah the prophet and had him put in stocks. (Jeremiah 20:1, 2, 6) IMMER, FATHER OF ZADOK: Immer was father of Zadok. Zadok was a workman who helped repair Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 3:29) IMMER, IN BABYLONIA: A group of priest returned to a place called Immer in Babylonia. (Ezra 2:59) (Nehemiah 7:61) IMMERSION: Immersion was the way to be baptized in Jesus day. It is the act of submerging, completely covering a persons body with water. Many baptisms were performed in the Jordan River. SEE BAPTISM. IMMORTALITY: Greek: athanasia means everlasting life, without death. It applies to God and to Jesus Christ. (1 Timothy 1:17) (Romans 6:9) (Hebrews 7:16) INAUGURATE, DEDICATE: Hebrew cha-nakh and Greek enkai-nizo mean to make new or renew. Both are verbs. They represent definite action! Paul described the necessary inauguration

or dedication of the Mosaic Law covenant at Hebrews 9: 18-20. He stated that the new covenant was also inaugurated by Jesus death, resurrection and ascension to heaven. It was there that Jesus presented the value of his blood sacrifice. Deuteronomy 20:5 speak of inaugurating ones person and dwelling to God. The New Simplified Bible uses the more modern term dedication to describe personal dedication to God. This is because inauguration is almost always used in 21st century English to describe the formal recognition of a government head such as a king or president. Christians should constantly renew their dedication to their God, Jehovah and the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Dedication is the setting apart for a sacred purpose. The Hebrew verb na-zar means to keep separate, to withdraw. (Leviticus 15:31; 22:2) (Ezekiel 14:7) (Hosea 9:10) INDIA: Scholars are uncertain exactly where the area named as India at Esther 8:9 is located. Most believe it was the area drained by the Indus River and its tributaries. INDUSTRIOUSNESS, DILIGENCE: Industriousness is persevering determination to perform a task. Christians are urged to be zealous and diligent in their efforts to serve God. (Hebrews 6:11, 12) This calls for the constant application of industrious perseverance. (2 Timothy 2:15) (Hebrews 4:11) Strength to be diligent and industrious comes from Gods Holy Spirit. ********************************************************** IN, ON, AT, BY, WITH: Translators frequently adhere to the Greek preposition en as the English word in. The New Simplified Bible uses the more exact forms such as to, unto, by, upon, at, with, among, for, and through. More than 40 different English words are used when translating from the Greek word en. Matthew 3:11 and Mark 5:3 use the word with instead of the word in. A classic example is found at John 14:10. Most Bible Translations use the preposition in. This makes it sound as if the Father is inside of the Son. Perhaps they want it to sound that way. Since the Father and the Son are two distinctly different spirit persons this is unlikely. The use of the word with expresses the unity between God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. The preposition with denotes nearness. Obviously the Son of God is closely united with his Father. John 1:1 tells us the Word, Jesus Christ, was with God. That means two separate beings who are together.

Jesus said at John 15:4, Remain with me and I with you. He did not wish for his followers to be inside of him but with him. This is a reflection of the closeness and unity of the brotherhood. Six verses away at John 15:10 the preposition in is appropriate because of the context to remain in my love. John 15:24 should read works done among them not in them. John 17:27 reads: I have made your name known, and will make it known. That way your love for me may be with them and I may be with them. Trinitarians want you to believe what they call the indwelling of Christ in the believer. It is for that reason that they translate John 17:27 as follows: I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them." (NIV) While there is a beautiful spiritual unity between Jesus Christ and his followers, there is no Scriptural evidence that there is a literal indwelling of Christ in the believers. This spiritual unity is sustained by Gods Holy Spirit. Gods Spirit is always with the believer and offers protection in times of danger and comfort in times of need. It is Gods Holy Spirit, the Comforter, that dwells within the anointed believer. (Romans 8:9-16) ******************************************************** INHERITANCE: An inheritance is anything received from progenitors or predecessors. It is property passed at the owners death to the heir or those entitled to receive it. The Hebrew verb nachal or noun nachalah involve getting or giving an inheritance usually as a result of succession. (Numbers 26:55) (Ezekiel 46:18) The Greek word kleros means inheritance. (Matthewt 27:35) (Acts 1:17; 26:18) Jesus Christ, son of David, inherits the throne of David. (Isaiah 9:7) (Luke 1:32) Anointed Christians have a heavenly inheritance. (Ephesians 1:14) (Colossians 1:12) (1 Peter 1:4, 5) Jesus Christ pointed out that persons who give up valuable things for the sake of his name and for the sake of the good news will inherit everlasting life. (Matthew 19:29) (Mark 10:29, 30) INK: Hebrew: deyoh means ink. It is found only at Jeremiah 36:18. The Greek: melan means ink. It is only found at 2 Corinthians 3:3; 2 John 12 and 3 John 13. Ink was made of a

coloring material dispersed in a medium of gum, glue or varnish. This holds the coloring material on the surface on which it was applied. The best inks required much time to grind and disperse the coloring material into the holding agents. INKHORN: The inkhorn was a container that held the secretarys supply of ink. He often wore it around his waist. (Ezekiel 9:2) Today a secretary would carry a writing case containing pens and pencils or perhaps a computer. INN: Greek: pando-kheion translates to the word inn, a rented room, and hotel. Jesus related the account of the Good Samaritan who helped someone in need and put him up at an inn overnight. (Luke 10:33-35) INCENSE: The Israelites used incense in their worship. (Exodus 30:7) They burned incense to produce a pleasant smell. (Revelation 8:3-4) INCEST: Incest is the act of sexual intercourse between persons who are too closely related to be married. An example is intercourse between a parent and a child. It is also called unlawful carnal knowledge and criminal congress. It is known as forbidden sexual intercourse between individuals. Incest is absolutely forbidden by God! (Leviticus 18:6-17, 29; 20:11, 12, 14) INCORRUPTION, CORRUPT: This is the quality of a body that is not subject to decay, ruin, or destruction. Incoruptness is characterized by integrity and probity. The word incorruption is an old word that does not appear in the New Simplified Bible very often. The thoughts and meanings of this word are conveyed instead. The Greek word phtheiro can be translated corrupt. (2 Corinthians 7:2) Or spoil (1 Corinthians 15:33) People may become mentally corrupted and turn away from the truth. (Ephesians 4:22) (1 Timothy 6:5) (2 Timothy 3:8) INSPIRATION: All Scripture is inspired of God. The Greek word theopneustos means God breathed. It means that the Bible writers wrote what God wanted them to write. (2 Timothy 3:16) (2 Peter 1: 20-21) Jesus said: the scripture may not be annulled. He also said: Heaven and earth would pass away before one small letter (detail) will pass away from the Law. (Mathew 5:18) The

entire body of the Scriptures comprise the unified and harmonious written Word of God. (Ephesians 6:17) INSPIRATION OF TRANSLATIONS: Each writer of the Holy Scriptures was inspired by Gods Holy Spirit to write the words he wrote! The original writings are not available today. Copies of the original writings and all subsequent copies are not inspired by God. Translations should not claim absolute accuracy. TRANSLATIONS ARE NOT INSPIRED BY GODS HOLY SPIRIT! Peters statement: Jehovahs Word abides forever is assurance that God has preserved the internal integrity of the Scriptures through the centuries. (1 Peter 1:25) This theocratic fact alone offers good reason for Bible students to study from more than one translation! Never trust your faith to committees of men no matter how learned they appear to be. The Apostle Paul makes it clear that there are spirits and doctrines of demons. He refers to both good and bad spirits at 1 Timothy 4:1. The Apostle John urged Christians to test the spirit expressions to see whether they originate with God. (1 John 4:1-3) It stands to reason that God would protect his Word the Bible. All the same, study and compare different translations! INSECTS: More than 800,000 varieties of insects can be found on earth. They come in all shades of color and brightness. They range in size from so small they can not be seen without a magnifying glass to large walking-sticks nearly one foot in length. Eighty-five percent of flowering plants are dependent on insects for pollination. The Bible describes them in many ways. (Leviticus 11:20-23) Job observed that man could learn about Gods wisdom from the creation, including insects. (Job 12:7-9) An interesting study is that of the very industrious ant. (Pr 6:6-8) Insects are soil builders and scavengers. People in the Middle East have eaten insects, such as locusts, for centuries. Without insects we would not have honey and silk. Regardless of how they bother many humans they contribute in good ways to life on earth.

INSIGHT: Insight is the ability to see into a situation. It requires that a person act with prudence and discretion. The Hebrew verb sakhal means: to look at, to be prudent, circumspect, to act prudently and be intelligent. The noun sekhel is translated insight and discretion. (Psalm 111:10) (1 Samuel 25:3) Greek syniemi is rendered to understand, perceive or get the sense. (Matthew 13:13-15; 16:2) (Ephesians 5:17) God gives insight to his

servants by providing them with counsel that they can use to direct their steps. (Psalm 32:8) One who has insight accepts correction. (Psalm 2:10) INSTRUCTION: Hebrew: verb yarah means instruct, teach. The Hebrew term leqach also means instruction. (Deuteronomy 32:2) (Jeremiah 9:20) The Greek katekheo means teach and instruct. Jehovah God is the Grand Instructor of his people. (Isaiah 30:20) Jesus disciples address his as Instructor. They acknowledge his authority and their responsibility to follow his directions. (Luke 5:5; 9:33) Moses wrote that Jehovahs instruction was refreshing: My instruction shall drop as the rain; my words shall descend like dew, as the small rain on the tender plant, and as the showers on the grass. (Deuteronomy 32:2)

INTEGRITY: The righteous man walks in his integrity. (Proverbs 20:7) The Hebrew word tamim means perfect. It refers both to physical and mental perfection. It represents moral soundness, completeness of mind, being blameless and faultless. (Job 2:3; 2:9; 4:6; 27:5) (Psalms 26:1; 26:11) (Proverbs 10:9; 11:3; 20:70) Integrity is embraced in the commandment Jesus announced at Matthew 22:36-38 as the greatest of all: You shall love Jehovah your God with all your heart, and with all your being, and with your entire mind. (Greek: kardia: feelings, emotions) (Greek: psuche, life) (Hebrew: nephesh, breath, living being, person) (Deuteronomy 6:5) (Greek: dianoia: understanding) INTEREST: SEE USERY INTERPRETATION: An interpretation is a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something that is not always immediately obvious. Bible translations require a degree of interpretation. A translation must convey the meaning of words from one language to another. This requires additional descriptive words and explanations of their meaning in the new language. The classical Greek word herme-neuo means explain and interpret. However, Peter wrote that no prophesy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. He further stated that men spoke from God as they were borne along by Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20, 21) While explaining the meaning of words requires some

interpretation, explaining the meaning of Bible prophecy should not! Faithful Bible students should always let the Bible interpret the Bible! That may require looking up a large number of Scripture references. INTESTINES: Hebrew: qerev refers to the intestines of men and animals. (Exodus 12:9; 29:13) (Psalm 5:9) It means that which is in the midst or within. (Genesis 25:22) (Deuteronomy 17:20) The Greek word splagkhna means intestines. (Acts 1:18) INTOXICATION: The excessive consumption of alcohol causes intoxication. The Holy Scriptures warn that if a person practices being a drunkard he will not inherit everlasting life. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) (Galatians 5:19-21) IOB: Iob was the thirst son of Issachar. (Genesis 46:13) IPHDEIAH: Iphdeiah was the son of Shashak. He was a headman of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 25, 28) IPHTAH: Iphtah was a city of Judah in the Shephelah about 6 miles northwest of Hebron. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 43) IPHTAH-EL: Iphtah-el was a valley found on the boundary between the tribes of Zebulun and Asher. (Joshua 19:10, 14, 24, 27) IR: Ir was the father of Shuppim and Huppim. (1 Chronicles 7:12) It is possible he was the same as the Benjamite Iri found at 1 Chronicles 7:7. IRA, THE JAIRITE: Ira was a Jairite who was a chief priest serving during Davids reign. (2 Samuel 8:18; 20:26) IRA, SON OF IKKESH: Ira was the son of Ikkesh the Tekonite. He was one of the mighty warriors of King Davids military forces. (2 Samuel 23:24, 26) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 28) IRA, THE ITHRITE: This Ira was another mighty warrior of King Davids military forces. (2 Samuel 23:38) (1 Chronicles 11:40) IRAM: Iram was a sheik or chieftain of Esau. (Genesis 36:43) (1 Chronicles 1:54)

IRI: Iri was the son of Bela. He was a paternal head and mighty man of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 7:7) He may be listed as Ir at 1 Chronicles 7:12. IRIJAH: Irijah was the son of Shelemiah the son of Hananiah. He was the officer in charge of the Gate of Benjamin in Jerusalem who arrested Jeremiah on the false charge that Jeremiah was planning to desert to the Babylonians. (Jeremiah 37:13, 14) IR-NAHASH: Ir-nahash was a place founded by the Judean Tehinnah located somewhere about 12 miles northwest of Hebron. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 12) IRON: Iron is one of the oldest metals known to man. It is a relatively inexpensive and very abundant metal. In fact it is the fourth most plentiful element in the crust of the earth. The earths core could be nearly 90 percent iron. Four thousand years before Christ walked on the earth Tubal-Cain was the first person known to forge and work with iron. (Genesis 4:22) The Bible refers to Iron in a figurative sense in many places. The iron furnace is a symbol of hard and hot oppression. (Deuteronomy 4:20) (1 Kings 8:51) (Jeremiah 11:4) Iron yokes represent unbreakable bondage. (Deuteronomy 28:48) (Jeremiah 28:13, 14) Iron symbolizes hardness. (Leviticus 26:19) (Deuteronomy 28:23) IRPEEL: Irpeel was a city of Benjamin identified at Joshua 18:21, 27. IR-SHEMESH: Ir-Shemesh was a town on the boundary of Dan. (Joshua 19:41, 42) IRU: Iru was the first son of Caleb the spy. He was of Judahs tribe. (1 Chronicles 4:15) ISCAH: Iscah was the daughter of Abrahams brother Haran. She was sister of Lot, born before he uncle Abraham left Ur of the Chaldees. (Genesis 11:27-31) ISCARIOT: The traitor apostle Judas was known as Judas Iscariot. (Matthew 10:4) (Luke 6:16) (John 6:71) Iscariot means, Man from Kerioth referring to the Judean town of Kerioth-Hezron. (Joshua 15:25)

ISHBAH: Ishbah was father of Eshtemoa, a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 17) ISHBAK: Ishbak was the fifth of six sons that Keturah bore to Abraham. (Genesis 25:1, 2, 5, 6) (1 Chronicles 1:32) ISHBI-BENOB: He was one of four Rephaim. They were the giant race of Canaanites. The giant Ishbi-Benob carried a copper spear weighing 7.5 pounds and was about to kill David with it when Abishai put the giant to death. (2 Samuel 21:15-17, 22) ISHHOD: Ishhod was a descendant of Manasseh whose mother was Hammole. (1 Chronicles 7:14, 18) ISHI, SON OF APPAIM: Ishi was the son of Appaim. He was a descendant of Judah and the father of Sheshan. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 31) ISHI, OF TRIBE OF MANASSEH: Ishi was the head of the half tribe of Manasseh. He lived east of the Jordan River. (1 Chronicles 5:23, 24) ISHI, THE SIMEONITE: Ishi was of the tribe of Simeon. His four sons led 500 fighters to victory against the Amalekites in Mount Seir. (1 Chronicles 4:42, 43) ISHMA: Ishma is a shortened for of Ishmael an early descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 3) ISHMAELITE: Ishmaelites were descendants of Ishmael, the firstborn son of Abraham by Hagar, the Egyptian handmaid of Sarah. (Genesis 16:1-4, 11) Ishmael married an Egyptian by whom he had twelve sons. (Genesis 21:21; 25:13-16) The Ishmaelites grew to become a great nation just as God promised. They could not be numbered for multitude. (Genesis 17:20; 16:10) They were a nomadic tribe that settled in very few cities. Ishmael had intense animosity toward Isaac. This hatred was handed down through the generations. (Psalm 83:1, 2, 5, 6) Muhammad, who lived in the seventh century C.E. claimed to be an Ishmaelite descendant of Abraham.

ISAAC: The son of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham was to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:1-9) Isaac married Rebekah as recorded at Genesis chapter 24. He had exemplary faith. (Hebrews 11:20) ISAIAH, THE PROPHET, THE BOOK: The prophet and writer of the book of Isaiah. He lived about seven hundred years before Christ. The book of Isaiah was written by Isaiah some time after 732 B.C.E. in the city of Jerusalem. Matthew records some of the fulfillment of Jehovahs prophecies written in Isaiah. (Matthew 3:3; 4:14-16; 13:14-15) God is referred to as the the Holy One of Israel 25 times. The Messiah, or Anointed One, Jesus Christ is mentioned many times also. The book of Isaiah is quoted by many of the other inspired writers of the Holy Scriptures. ISHMAEL: Son of Abraham and Hagar. (Genesis 16:2-16; 21:8-21) ISHMAIAH, THE GIBEONITE: Ishmaiah was a Gibeonite warrior who joined Davids army at Ziklage shortly before Saul died. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 4) (2 Samuel 23:8, 18, 19) (1 Chronicles 11:10, 11, 20, 21) ISHMAIAH, SON OF OBADIAH: Ishmaiah was the prince over the tribe of Zebulun at the time of David. He was the son of Obadiah. (1 Chronicles 27:19, 22) ISHMERAI: He was a leader of the Benjamites who lived in Jerusalem. He was son or descendant of Elpaal. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 18, 28) ISHPAH: Ishpah was a head of the people living with the Benjamites in Jerusalem. He was son of Beriah. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 16, 28) ISHPAN: Ishpan was a Benjamite, one of the heads of the people in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 22, 25, 28) ISHTOB: Ishtob was one of the small kingdoms that offered fighting men to help the sons of Ammon fight against David. The forces of Ishtob and their allies were defeated. (2 Samuel 10) Some Bible translators use the term men of Tob. ISHVAH: Ishvah was the second of Ashers four sons. (Genesis 46:17)

ISHVI, SON OF ASHER: Ishvi was the third son of Asher. He was the founder of the Ishvite family in the tribe of Asher. (Genesis 46:17) (Numbers 26:44) (1 Chronicles 7:30) ISHVI, SON OF SAUL: Ishvi was the son of Saul. (1 Samuel 14:49) ISHVITES: The Ishvites were a family descended from Ishvi, a son of Asher. (Genesis 46:17) (Numbers 26:44) ISLAND, ISLE: This Hebrew term iyim refers to a body of land smaller than a continent and completely surrounded by water. (Isaiah 11:11; 24:15) It also means dry land. (Isaiah 42:15); or coastlands. (Isaiah 20:6; 23:2, 6) (Jeremiah 2:10) According to Jehovah all the islands are as mere fine dust. (Isaiah 40:15) ISMACHIAH: This was one of the Levites selected as a commissioner in connection with the contributions for temple service during Hezekiahs reign. (2 Chronicles 31:13) ISRAEL THE KINGDOM: The ten tribes that made up the northern kingdom. (1 Kings 11:27) (2 Kings 17:1-18) ISRAEL SON OF ISAAC: Jacobs name was changed to Israel when he struggled with an angel at Bethel. His name in Hebrew means he who wrestles with God. (Genesis 32:22-28; 35:9-10) ISRAELITE: An Israelite is a descendant of Jacob. Jacobs name was changed to Israel. (2 Samuel 17:25) (John 1:47) (Romans 11:1) Members of the twelve tribes before the split in the kingdom were considered Israelites. (1 Samuel 2:14; 13:20; 29:1) Members of the ten tribe northern kingdom were Israelites. (1 Kings 12:19) (2 Kings 3:24) Jews of the first century C.E. were considered Israelites. (Acts 13:16) (Romans 9:3, 4) (2 Corinthians 11:22) The apostle Paul introduced the anointed Christians as the Israel of God. (Galatians 6:15, 16) These individuals will rule with Christ as kings and priest in the kingdom. (Revelation 5:10; 7:4; 14:1, 4; 20:6) ISSACHAR: This was one of the 12 tribes of Israel consisting of descendants of Jacob through his son Issachar. Issachar was the fourth tribe chosen by lot to receive its inheritance. The inheritance was found in the fertile Valley of Jezreel. Jacobs son Issachar was

compared to a strong donkey, lying down between the saddlebags. (Genesis 49:14, 15) This quality of strength was reflected in the tribe that was named after him. The land they inherited was a fertile part of Palestine, good for agriculture. Issachar could be commended for fully accepting the hard labor required to take care of the inheritance. The books of Ezekiel and Revelation each list Issachar along with the other tribes in prophetic visions. It becomes evident in these prophecies that Issachar is represented in a symbolic way. (Ezekiel 48:25, 26, 33) (Revelation 7:7) ISSHIAH, TRIBE OF ISSACHAR: Isshiah was one of the leaders of the tribe of Issachar. (1 Chronicles 7:1, 3, 4) ISSHIAH, THE WARRIOR: Isshaiah was a warrior who joined Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 6) ISSHIAH, DESCENDANT OF KOHATH: This Isshiah was a descendant of Kohath. His sons were Levites organized under Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 23:12, 20; 24:24, 25) ISSHIAH, THE LEVITE: This Isshiah was a Levite during Davids time. He was a descendant of Moses. (1 Chronicles 23:14-17; 24:21) ISSHIJAH: He was one of the Levites who responded to Ezras urging to send away their foreign wives and sons. (Ezra 10:31, 44) IS: According to Strongs Greek Dictionary the Greek word: esti means is are and means. The expression this is my body found at Mark 14:22 refers to something symbolic or figurative. Obviously bread is not the Lords body. A few religious organizations believe that the bread and wine at communnion turn into the literal body and blood of Christ. The New Simplified Bible uses the words, this means my body and this means my blood to show that they represent Christs sacrifice. IT: The Greek words ekeinos and autos may be translated into 58 different English words. (Ekeinos, Strongs # G1565; Autos, Strongs # G846) These words include: he, she, it; himself, herself, themselves, itself; and, that one. The references to the Holy Spirit have been translated into the masculine words he or him by Trinitarian biased translators. The New Simplified Bible honors the true context of the Holy Scriptures. Holy Spirit is Gods power. It is

an invisable force that the Almighty God uses to accomplish His will. It is masculine because it belongs to a masculine God, Jehovah God. (John 14:17; 16:13) ITALIAN BAND: Cornelius was reported to be an army officer of the Italian band at Acts 10:1, 2, 22, 24. This cohort was so named to distinguish it from the regular Roman legions. A cohort was a company of about 600 solders in the Roman army. It was about one tenth the size of a legion. The Italian Band was made up of volunteers mustered in Italy. They were Roman citizens as freemen or as freedmen. Cornelius made his home in Caesarea. ITALY: Italy is the boot-shaped peninsula extended southeasterly out of Europe into the Mediterranean Sea. Italy is 700 miles long from the Alps Mountains in the north to the Strait of Messina on the southern tip. It is 100 to 150 miles wide with the Adriatic Sea on the east and Tyrrhenian Sea on the west. The Apennine Mountains run down the middle of the peninsula. The apostle Paul addressed the Roman congregation in his letter. (Romans 1:1-7) During his first Roman imprisonment, Paul wrote the book of Hebrews while still in Italy. (Hebrews 13:24) ITHAI: Ithai was one of Davids mighty men. He was the son of Ribai from Gibeah in Benjamins territory. (2 Samuel 23:29) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 31) ITHAMAR: Ithamar was Aarons fourth son. (Exodus 6:23) (Numbers 26:60) (1 Chronicles 6:3) He supervised the inventory of tabernacle supplies until he was installed as a priest. (Exodus 28:1; 38:21; 29:1-46; 40:12-15) Later Jehovah assigned a greater portion of priestly duties to Ithamar and Eleazar. (Leviticus 10:1-20) Ithamars descendants were priests during the rulership of Saul, David, and Solomon. Eight of the twenty-four priestly divisions were of the house of Ithamar when David organized the temple service. (1 Chronicles 24:1-6) (1 Samuel 14:3; 22:9) ITHIEL, DISCIPLE OF AGUR: Ithel was one who listened to Agur when he spoke. (Proverbs 30:1) ITHIEL, THE BENJAMITE: This Ithel was a Benjamite whose descendant lived in Jerusalem in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 11:4, 7)

ITHLAH: Ithlah was one of the border cities of Dan. (Joshua 19:40, 42) ITHMAH: Ithmah was one of Davids mighty fighting men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 46) ITHNAN: Ithnan was a city in southern Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 23) ITHRA: Ithra was the father of Amasa by Davids sister or half sister Abigail. (2 Samuel 17:25) ITHRAN, SON OF DISHON: Ithran was the son of the Edomite sheik Dishon. He was a descendant of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:20, 21, 26) (1 Chronicles 1:38, 41) ITHRAN, DESCENDANT OF ASHER: Ithran was a descendant of Asher through Zophah. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 37) ITHREAM: Ithream was Davids sixth son. He was born in Hebron by his wife Eglah. (2 Samuel 3:5) (1 Chronicles 1:38, 41) ITHRITE: This was a family name in the tribe of Judah connected with Kiriath-jearim. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 52, 53) Two of Davids mighty men, Ira and Gareb, came from this family. (2 Samuel 23:38) (1 Chronicles 11:40) ITTAI, GITTITE WARRIOR: Ittai was a Gittite warrior from the Philistine city of Gath. He was very loyal to David. He fleed Jerusalem with David because of Absaloms rebellion. Ittai told David, I swear to you in the name of Jehovah that I will always go with you wherever you go, even if it means death. (2 Samuel 15:1822) Ittai was given command of one third of Davids army. (2 Samuel 18:2, 5, 12) ITTAI, SON OF RIBAI: Ittai the son of Ribai of Gibeah was a Benjamite and one of Davids mighty men. He is called Ithai at 1 Chronicles 11:31. (2 Samuel 23:29) ITURAEA: Ituraea was a territory northeast of the Sea of Galilee. The name Ituraea was derived from Ishmaels son Jetur. His descendants resided east of the Jordan River and were defeated by the Israelites. (Genesis 25:15, 16) (1 Chronicles 1:31; 5:18-23)

IVORY: The Hebrew word shen means tooth and shen-hab-bim means elephants tooth. The Greek elephantinos means made of ivory. (1 Kings 10:18-22) (2 Chronicles 9: 17-21) (Ezekiel 27:6, 15) (Revelation 18:11, 12) IVVAH: Ivvah was one of the cities conquered by the Assyrians. (2 Kings 18:34; 19:13) (Isaiah 37:13) IYE-ABARIM: Iye-abarim was the name of a place where the Israelites camped somewhere on the southern border of Moab, near the Zered Valley. (Numbers 21:11, 12; 33:44) IYIM: The abbreviated form of Iye-abarim, a site on the border of Moab where the Israelites encamped. (Numbers 33:44, 45) IZHARITES: The Izharites were a Levite family of the Kohathites that descended from Izhar. (Numbers 3:19, 27) (1 Chronicles 24:22; 26:23, 29) IZLIAH: Izliah was a noted Benjamite who lived in Jerusalem. He was son or descendant of Elpaal. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 18, 28) IZRAHIAH, DESCENDANT OF ISSACHAR: Izrahiah was a descendant of Issachar through Tola. (1 Chronicles 7:1-5) IZRAHIAH, HEAD SINGER: Izrahiah was overseer of the singers who sang at the celebration at the completion of Nehemiahs rebuilding of Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 12:42) IZRAHITE: This designation was given to the man Shamhuth, the chief of Davids fifth service division. (1 Chronicles 27:8) IZRI: Izri was the leader of the fourth course of 12 musicians. They served at Jehovahs sanctuary when David reorganized them. (1 Chronicles 25:7, 8, 11) IZZIAH: He was one of the sons of Parosh. After hearing Ezras counsel he sent away his foreign wives and sons. (Ezra 10:25, 44)


JAAKOBAH: This man was one of the chieftains of Simeon. In the days of Hezekiah they expanded their territory into the fertile valley of Gedor by killing the inhabitants. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 36-41) JAALAH: He was a founder of a family of Solomons servants. Some of them returned from the Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:2, 55-58) (Nehemiah 7:7, 57-60) JAARE-OREGIM, JAIR: This name appears at 2 Samuel 21:19 and no other place in the Holy Scriptures. It is believed to be caused by a scribal error. The New Simplified Bible uses the name, Jair in this verse. JAARESHIAH: Jaareshiah was a family head in the tribe of Benjamin. He was a descendant of Jeroham and lived in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 27, 28) JAASIEL, THE MEZOBAITE: This Jaasiel was one of Davids mighty men. He was a Mezobaite. (Chronicles 11:26, 47) JAASIEL, SON OF ABNER: Jaasiel was the son of Abner and a cousin of King Saul. He was a prince of the tribe of Benjamin during the time David ruled as king. (1 Chronicles 27:21, 22) JAASU: This son of Bani was one of the Jews who responded to Ezras admonition by putting away their foreign wives and sons. (Ezra 10:34, 37, 44) JAAZIAH: He was a Merarite Levite who had four sons who served during Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 24:26, 27, 31) JAAZANIAH, A RECHABITE LEADER: This man was the leader of the Rechabites when the prophet Jeremiah tested their integrity by offering them wine. They refused the wine. Jaazaniah was the son of another Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 35:3, 5, 6) JAAZANIAH, SON OF SHAPHAN: Jaazaniah was named in Ezekiels vision of the 70 men offering incense before carved idolatrous symbols in Jehovahs temple in Jerusalem. He was the son of Shaphan. (Ezekiel 8:1, 10, 11) JAAZANIAH, SON OF AZZUR: Jaazaniah the son of Azzur was one of 25 men seen in Ezekiels vision. (Ezekiel 11:1-4) In this vision they were standing at the eastern gate of Jehovhas temple.

Jaazaniah and his companions were scheming against the city and offering them bad counsel and Ezekiel was commanded to prophesy against them. JAAZANIAH, MILITARY LEADER: Jaazaniah was a military leader of Judah after the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon. He supported the appointment of Governor Gedaliah. (2 Kings 25:23) (Jeremiah 40:7, 8) JAAZIEL: This Levite musician was in the second division that accompanied the Ark of the Covenant when it was transferred from Obed-edoms house to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:18) He was called Aziel in verse 20. Jaaziel was also called Jeiel at 1 Chronicles 16:5. He was assigned as a musician before the Ark. JABAL: Jabal was a descendant of Cain. He was son of Lamech and first wife Adah. (Genesis 4:17, 19-20) Jabal is called the founder of those who dwell in tents and have livestock. He might have invented tents. He was involved with nomadic livestock herding as a way of live. JABBOK VALLEY: The Jabbok Valley is a major valley east of the Jordan River. It is first mentioned with reference to Jacobs crossing or the Ford of Jabbok. (Genesis 32:22-30) The Jabbok Stream (or River, depending on the runoff) flows 39 miles into the Jordan River. (Deuteronomy 3:16) JABESH, THE TOWN: Jabesh was a town in north of Gilead. It was also known as Jabesh-gilead. (Judges 21:8) (1 Samuel 11:1) (1 Chronicles 10:11, 12) JABESH, FATHER OF SHALLUM: This Jabesh was the father of Israels King Shallum. (2 Kings 15:10, 13, 14) JABESH-GILEAD: Jabesh-gilead means Dried-Up Place of Gilead. It was a town in the tribal territory of Gad, East of the Jordan and south of the Sea of Galilee. David, the newly anointed king of Judah, sent blessings to the people of Jabesh-gilead for extending their kindness toward the fallen anointed one of Israel. (2 Samuel 2:4-7) JABIN, KING OF HAZOR: Jabin was the king of Hazor when Joshua invaded the Promised Land. Jabin formed a confederation of northern Canaanite kings to fight against Israel. Their combined military forces are described in the Bible, as numerous as the

grains of sand. They had many horses and chariots too. Joshua led a supprise attack at the waters of Merom and defeated them. Hazar was captured and burned. (Joshua 11:1-14; 12:7, 19) JABIN, CANAANITE KING: This Canaanite king ruled from the restored Hazor. He may have been a descendant of the first King Jabin. Jabins army included 900 chariots and iron scythes. It was was under the command of Sisera. (Judges 4:2, 3; 5:19, 20) JABNEH: Jabneh was a walled Philistine city. It suffered defeat at the hands of Judahs King Uzziah. (2 Chronicles 26:6) JACAN: Jacan was the fifth of Abihails seven sons. He was a Gadite. (1 Chronicles 5:13, 14) JACHIN, SON OF SIMEON: Jachin was the son of Simeon. He is called Jarib at 1 Chronicles 4:24. His descendants were the Jachinites of the Simeonite families in Israel. (Exodus 6:15) (Numbers 26:12) JACHIN, THE PRIEST: This Jachin was a priest whos house was selected by lot to be responsible for the 21st of the 24 priestly divisions organized by David. (1 Chronicles 24:7, 17) JACHIN, THE COLUMN: Huram placed two copper columns in front of the entrance of the Temple in Jerusalem. The column on the south side was named Jachin and one on the north was named Boaz. (1 Kings 7:15-22) JACHINITES: The Jachinites were descendants of Simeons son Jachin. (Genesus 46:10) (Numbers 26:12) JACKAL: The Jackal is like a wild dog. It has a long, pointed muzzle and a bushy tail. In many ways it resembles a fox. They can still be found in Palestine. Jackals are dwellers of wild and lonely desertlike areas. Many prophecies use this animal figuratively as well as literally to represent a state of utter desolation. Jackals were used to picture desolation for Jerusalem, the cities of Judah, Hazor, Babylon, and Edom. (Jeremiah 9:11; 10:22; 49:33; 51:37) (Isaiah 34:5, 13) (Malachi 1:3) JACOB: Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebekah. He was the younger of twin brother Esau. His father Isaac was 60 years old at the time of his birth in 1858 B.C.E. (Genesis 25:20, 21, 26) (Romans 9:7-10) Jacob was the second born and he came out holding the

heel of Esau at their birth. That explains the name Jacob, meaning: one seizing the heel. (Genesis 25:22-26) Isaac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob. Esau was a wild, wandering huntsman and Jacob led a quiet pastoral life and was very dependable. (Genesis 25:27, 28) Esau care nothing about his birthright as the first-born son, so he sold it to Jacob for a lowly bowel of stew. (Genesis 25:2934) (Hebrews 12:16) JACOBS LADDER: At age 77 Jacob had a dream in which he saw a ladder reaching into heaven. The angels were ascending and descending the ladder. Jehovah was at the top. Jehovah confirmed with Jacob the covenant made with Abraham and Isaac. (Genesis 28:11-13) (1 Chronicles 16:16, 17) Jehovah God confirmed that: Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth. Every family on earth will be blessed through you and through your descendants. (Genesis 28:13-15) JACOBS NAME CHANGED TO ISRAEL: God changed Jacobs name to Israel as a token of Gods blessing. The change in name was confirmed at Bethel. From then on to the end of his life Jacob was frequently called Israel. (Genesis 23:10, 15; 50:2) (1 Chronicles 1:34) The name Israel is found in the Bible more than 2,570 times. Many of these times are in reference to Jacobs descendants as a nation. (Exodus 5:1, 2) Since the days when Jesus Christ preached Gods Kingdom and walked upon the earth his faithful followers have proclaimed him King of Israel. (John 1:49; 12:12, 13) He has in fact been proclaimed King of Kings. (Revelation 17:14; 19:16) All of this reflects directly on Jacob, who was a descendant of Jesus Christ. JACOBS FOUNTAIN: Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well or fountain. (John 4:5-30) It was Jacobs Well. Jacobs fountain is a deep well in which the water level never rises to the top. It is about seventy-five feet deep. Most likely Jacob dug this well on his property. (Genesis 33:18-20) (Joshua 24:32) (John 4:5, 12) JADA or JEDAIAH: This descendant of Judah through Jerahmeel is listed as a son of Onam and father of Jether and Jonathan. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 25, 26, 28, 32) JADDAI: Jaddai was a son of Nebo. He took a non-Israelite wife but sent her away at the urging of Ezra. Some translations read Iddo instead of Jaddai. (Ezra 10:43, 44)

JADE: Hebrew: yashepheh is Jade. Jade is a hard ornamental stone used for jewelry and carvings. It is usually green in color. (Ezra 28:12, 13) JADON: Jadon was a Meronothite who helped Nehemiah rebuild Jerusalems wall in 455 B.C.E. (Nehemiah 3:7) JAGUR: Jagur was a city in the south of Judah. (Joshua 15:21) The Aramaic word Jagur means stone or heap. JAH: This poetically shortened form for the Divine Name Jehovah occurs 50 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. It can be found an additional 24 times in the phrase praise Jah. (Psalms 104:35; 111:1; 112:1; 135:3; 146 thru 150) Some translations use the word Hallelujah. The phrase Praise Jehovah is found at Revelation 19:1, 3, 4, 6. The New Simplified Bible follows the American Standard Version (1901) custom of spelling out the complete name, Jehovah. This practice was elected in order to present the full and proper name of God through out the context of the Holy Scriptures. New commers to the name Jehovah are usually more comfortable reading the complete name, Jehovah. JAHAZ: Jahaz was a city east of the Jordan River and north of Arnon. The Israelites defeated the forces of Sihon at Jahaz and it became a possession of the tribe of Reuben. (Numbers 21:23-26) (Deuteronomy 2:32, 33) (Joshua 13:15, 18, 23) (Judges 11:20, 21) Later Jahaz was designated as a Levite city for the Merarites. (Joshua 21:34, 36) Later the city came under Moabite control. The prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah mention Jahaz in pronouncements against Moab. (Isaiah 15:1, 4) (Jeremiah 48:1, 34) JAHAZIEL, SON OF HEBRON: Jahaziel was the son of Hebron. He was a Kohathite of the tribe of Levi. (1 Chronicles 23:6, 12, 19; 24:23) JAHAZIEL, ONE OF THE MIGHTY MEN: This Jehaziel was one of Davids mighty military men at Ziklag. (1 Chronicles 12:1, 4) JAHAZIEL, THE PRIEST: Jahaziel was one of the priests who held trumpets and stationed themselvess before the Ark of the Covenant when David had it brought to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 16:1, 6) JAHAZIEL, SON OF ZECHARIAH: Jahaziel was the son of Zechariah and a descendant of Asaph. Jahaziel was directed by the Spirit of God to encourage King Jehoshaphat and the congregation

when they were threatened by a superior enemy force. (2 Chronicles 20:14-17) JAHAZIEL, FATHER OF SHECANIAH: This Jahaziel was the father of Shecaniah. He was one of the people who returned to Jerusalem with Ezra in 468 B.C.E. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 42, 47) JAHDAI: Jahdai was a father of six sons. They were descendants of Judahs great-grandson Caleb. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 42, 47) JAHDIEL: Jahdiel was one of the household heads of the half tribe of Manasseh. He resided east of the Jordan River. (1 Chronicles 5:23-26) JAHDO: Son of Buz and father of Jehishai of Gads tribe. (1 Chronicles 5:11, 14) JAHLEEL: This was the third son of Zebulun. He was the founder of the family of Jahleelites in his fathers tribe. (Genesis 46:14) (Numbers 26:26) JAHMAI: Jahmai was head of a forefathers house in the tribe of Issachar. (1 Chronicles 7:1, 2) JAHZEEL: He was the first son of Naphtali and founder of the Jahzeelite family. (Genesis 46:24) (Numbers 26:48) JAHZEELITES: The Jahzeelites were descendants of Jahzeel. They were of the tribe of Naphtali. (Numbers 26:48) JAHZERAH: Jahzerah was a priest whose descendant lived in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:12) JAHZIEL: This is an alternate spelling of Jahzeel. (1 Chronicles 7:13) JAKEH: Jakeh was the father of Agur the writer of Proverbs chapter 30. (Proverbs 30:1) JAIL, JAILER: A jail is a place where prisoners are locked up. A jailer is the person who has custody of persons who are locked in prison or jail. Jesus Christ spoke about persons being locked up in prison. (Matthew 5:25; 18:34, 35) Jailers were held liable if prisoners escaped. (Acts 12:19; 16:22-36) In Philippi, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison.

JAIRUS: Jairus was a presiding office of the synagogue in Capernaum. Jesus Christ resurrected his only daughter. (Matthew 9:18) (Mark 5:22) (Luke 8:41, 42) The crowd scoffed and ridiculed Jesus when he said the little girl was only sleeping. So Jairus and his wife accompanied Jesus to the little girl. When they saw that the girl was alive they were filled with great ecstasy. JALON: He was a descendant of Judah, one of the sons of Ezrah. (1 Chronicles 4:17) JALAM: Jalam was a son of Esau by his wife Oholibamah. Jalam was born in Canaan. He was taken to Edom where he became a sheik. (Genesis 36:5, 6, 8, 14, 18) (1 Chronicles 1:35) JAMBRES: Jambres was a resister of Moses. It is thought that he was one of the Egyptian magicians in the court of Pharaoh. (2 Timothy 3:8) (Exodus 7:11) JAMES THE SON OF ZEBEDEE: James the son of Zebedee was brother of John. He was appointed to be one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 10:2) His mother was believed to be Salone. (Matthew 27:55, 56) (Mark 15:40, 41) James and his brother John were working with their father in the fishing business in 30 C.E. when Jesus called them to be his disciples and fishers of men. When Jesus appointed the twelve apostles, James was one of the group selected. (Mark 3:13-19) (Luke 6:12-16) JAMES THE BROTHER OF JESUS: James the half brother of Jesus Christ was prominent among the disciples. Evidence suggests he is the writer of the Letter of James. (James 1:1) This letter is addressed to the twelve tribes that are scattered. He was the overseer of the Christian congregation at Jerusalem. (Acts 12:17) He is probably the oldest and the first named of Mary and Josephs natural born sons: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. (Matthew 13:55) JAMES, THE LETTER: The letter written under inspiration by James was not addressed to any specific congregation or individual. It is addressed to the twelve tribes. It is believed that the writer was James the half brother of Jesus Christ. He was prominent among the disciples and is said to have seen a special vision of the resurrected Jesus Christ. (Acts 21:15-25) (1 Corinthians 15:7) (Galatians 2:9) James was in Jerusalem a little before 62 C.E. when he wrote the letter of James. James wrote his letter to accomplish two very important things: (1) Encourage his fellow believers to

have faith and endurance to face their problems. (2) Warn them against the deadly results of sin. They were not to show favortism. (James 2:1-9) They were to be doers of the word as well as hearers, because faith without works is dead. (James 1:22-27) James cautioned the believers against cravings for sensual pleasure. (James 4:1-6) And he admonished them to seek help from the elders in the congregation. (James 5:14-16) JAMIN, SON OF SIMEON: Jamin was the second son of Simeon. He founded the family of Jaminites. (Genesis 46:10) (Exodus 6:15) (Numbers 26:12) (1 Chronicles 4:24) JAMIN, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: This Jamin was a descendant of Judah through Hezrons grandson Ram. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 25, 27) JAMIN, THE LEVITE: Jamin was a Levite who lived after the exile. He helped explain the Law to the people in Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 8:7) JAMINITES: Descendants of Jamin of Simeons tribe. (Numbers 26:12) JAMLECH: Jamlech was one of the chieftains of the tribe of Simeon. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 34, 38-41) JANAI: He was a Gadite residing in the territory of Bashan. (1 Chronicles 5:11, 12) JANIM: Janim was a city in the mountains of Judah about three miles east southeast of Hebron. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 53) JANNAI: She was an ancestor from the fifth generation prior to Mary the mother of Jesus. (Luke 3:24) JANNES: Jannes was a resister of Moses. The apostle Paul compares apostates who resist the truth the Jannes and Jambres at 2 Timothy 3:8, 9. Jannes and Jambres were two of the leading men in Pharaohs court who resisted Moses and Aaron. (Exodus 7:11, 12, 22; 8:17-19; 9:11) JAPHETH: Japheth was the son of Noah. He appears to be the oldest of three brothers, his brothers being Shem and Ham. (Genesis 10:21) Japheth and his wife were among the eight occupants of the ark. (Genesis 7:13) (1 Peter 3:20) After the flood they produced seven sons: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal,

Meshech, and Tiras. (Genesis 10:1,2) (1 Chronicles 1:5) Many of their grandsons settled along the coastlands. (Genesis 10:3-5) (1 Chronicles 1:6, 7) His descendants include the Aryan or IndoEuropean, Germanic, branch of the human family. Japheth received his fathers blessing in which Noah requested God to grant ample space to Japheth. (Genesis 9:20-27) JAPHIA, KING OF LACHISH: Japhia was the king of Lachish who joined forces with four other Amorite kings to punish Gibeon for making peace with Israel. Joshua took his forces on a rescue mission to help Gibeon. The Israelites trapped Japhia and the other kings in a cave near Makkedah where they were executed. (Joshua 10:3-27) JARAH: Jarah was a descendant of Saul through Jonathan. (1 Chronicles 9:39-42) JARED: Jared was the father of Enoch and a pre-flood ancestor of Jesus Christ. Jared, the son of Mahalalel was the fifth generation after Adam. (1 Chronicles 1:2) (Luke 3:37) He lived 962 years. Methuselah was the only one to live longer than Jared. Jared had a number of sons and became father to Enoch at the age of 162. (Genesis 5:15-20) JARHA: Jarha was an Egyptian slave of Judahs descendant Sheshan. Sheshan had no sons so he gave his daughter in marriage to Jarha. Jarha fathered Attai and in this way preserved Sheshans family line through him. (1 Chronicles 2:34, 35) JAROAH: Jaroah was a descendant of Gad who resided in the territory of bashan. (1 Chronicles 5:11, 14) JASON: Jason was a Christian in Thessalonica who offered hospitality to Paul and Silas on their first trip to Macedonia. A mob of angry Jews attempted to take Paul and Silas from Jasons house. Instead they took Jason and charged him with sedition against Caesar. He was later released. (Acts 17:5-10) (Romans 16:21) (1 Thessalonians 2:18) JASPER: The jasper mentioned in the Bible was probably green or clear. It is a semiprecious stone of various colors. (Revelation 21:19) JATTIR: Jattir was a priestly city in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48; 21:9, 10, 14) (1 Chronicles 6:54, 57) When David was a fugitive running from King Saul the priests at Jattir helped

him. David sent a portion of the spoils of victory taken from Amalekite raiders to show his appreciation. (1 Samuel 30:17-20, 26, 27, 31) JATHNIEL: He was one of the Levite gatekeepers for the house of Jehovah. Jathniel was the fourth son of Meshelemiah, a Korahite. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 2) JAVELIN: A short, light spear used by soldiers in ancient times was called a javelin. (Joshua 8:18) JAZER: Jazer was an Amorite city east of the Jordan River. The Israelites captured Jazer in the time of Moses. (Numbers 21:25, 32) It was assigned to the tribe of Gad and later to the Levites. (Numbers 32:1, 3-5, 34, 35) (Joshua 13:24, 25; 21:34, 38, 39) (1 Chronicles 6:77, 81) In the eighth century B.C.E., Jazer fell into Moabite hands. It was famous for the wine it produced. JAZIZ: Jaziz was a Hagrite. He was the head caretaker of King Davids flocks. (1 Chronicles 27:31) JEALOUS, JEALOUSY: The Greek word zelos means jealousy, malice, envy, indignation and zeal. Jealousy is the act of being suspicious and fearful of being displaced by a rival. It is expressed with resentfulness and envy. A person who is jealous suspects others without adequate cause and resents the accomplishments of others. Paul warned the Corinthians that they were filled with jealousy and strife at 1 Corinthians 3:3 and 2 Corinthians 12:20. He explained that godly love is not jealous, but rather, is trusting and hopeful, always acting in the interests of others. (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5, 7) Jealousy is a form of idolatry. It is demonic in origin and it breeds envy and strife. The Bible repeatedly warns against it. Jealousy affects the heart in a very bad way. (Proverbs 14:30) Jesus half brother James wrote: If you have bitter jealousy (envy) and greedy ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and lie against the truth. This wisdom is not a wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and devilish. For where jealousy and selfishness are, there is confusion and every vile (evil) deed. (James 3:14-16) JEALOUS REALLY MEANS ZEALOUS (GODLY ZEAL): God is love! (1 John 4:8) The apostle Paul made it very clear that perfect love is not jealous. (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5, 7) Since God is perfect love he would not be jealous! The Hebrew noun qin-ah means he

insists on exclusive devotion and will tolerate no rivalry. God is filled with zeal and ardor for his holy name. (Ezekiel 39:25) (Isaiah 42:8; 44:6; 48:11) Ardor is intense feeling of warmth and love. The New Simplified Bible uses the more positive terms zeal and ardor instead of using the terms jealous or jealousy when referring to Gods demand for exclusive devotion. (Exodus 34:14) (Deuteronomy 32:16) (Psalm 78:58) (Zechariah 1:14) JEARIM: Mount Jearim was part of Judahs northern boundary. The town of Chesalon was located on Mount Jearim. (Joshua 15:10) JEATHERAI: Jeatherai was a Levite descendant of Gershon. (1 Chronicles 6:1, 20, 21) JEBERECHIAH: He was the father of the Zechariah who witnessed Isaiahs writing of the prophetic name Maher-shalal-hash-baz, the name of the prophets son. (Isaiah 8:1, 2) JEBUS, JEBUSITE: The ancient city of Jerusalem was also called Salem, which means Peace. (Hebrews 7:2) It was referred to as Jebus or Jebusite in two passages of the Bible, Judges 19:10, 11 and 1 Chronicles 11:4, 5. This name came from the Jebusites who occupied the city for a short time. Jehovah promised Abraham that he would give the land of the Jebusites to him and to his seed. (Genesis 15:18-21) (Nehemiah 9:8) JECOLIAH: Jecoliah was the mother of Judahs King Uzziah (Azariah). She was the wife of Amaziah from Jerusalem. (2 Kings 15:1, 2) (2 Chronicles 26:1, 3) JECONIAH: After serving as King of Judah only a little over three months Jeconiah was taken captive Nebuchadnezzar. He was taken to Babylon in 717 B.C.E. Jeconiah was the son of Jehoiakim and grandson of King Josiah. (1 Chronicles 3:15-17) (Esther 2:6) (Jeremiah 24:1) JEDAIAH, THE SIMEONITE: Jedaiah was a Simeonite. His descendant Ziza was a chieftain when Hezekiah ruled. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 37, 38, 41) JEDAIAH, SON OF HARUMAPH: This Jedaiah lived at Jerusalem after the return from exile. He repaired the section of the city wall in front of his house. (Nehemiah 3:10)

JEDAIAH, HOUSE OF PRIESTS: Jedaiah was a paternal house of priests. When David divided the priesthood, they were selected by lot for the 2nd of the 24 priestly groups. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 6, 7) JEDIDAH: She was the wife of Amon and the mother of King Josiah. Jedidah was the daughter of Adaiah from Bozkath. (2 Kings 21:24-26; 22:1) JEDIDIAH: Nathan the prophet gave this name to the second child of David and Bathsheba. (2 Samuel 12:13-25) This child was born of an adulterous relationship, but the couple later married. JEGAR-SAHADUTHA: In Aramaic this phrase means Witness Pile. This is an Aramaic (Syrian) expression that Laban used when he spoke about the heap of stones on which he and Jacob ate a covenant meal. This stone heap was to serve as a witness that neither of them would go by it to harm the other. Jacob refered to it by the Hebrew equivalent Galeed. (Genesis 31:25, 46-53) JEHALLELEL, FATHER OF FOUR SONS: The Jehallelel was the father of four sons listed in the genealogies of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 16) JEHALLELEL, THE LEVITE: Jehallelel was a Merarite Levite. His son helped cleanse the temple during King Hezekiahs reign. (2 Chronicles 29:1, 12, 15, 16) JEHIAH: Jehiah was a Levite. He was a gatekeeper for the Ark of the Covenant at the time it was transferred to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:24, 25) HEHIELI: Jehieli was a Gershonite Levite. He served as an ovrseer of the sancturary treasury. (1 Chronicles 26:20-22) His name has also been spelled Jehiel. (1 Chronicles 23:6-8; 29:8) JEHOAHAZ, SON OF KING JEHU: Jehoahaz succeeded his father King Jehu as king of israel. He reigned for 17 years. (2 Kings 10:35; 13:1) Jehoahaz did bad things in Jehovahs eyes until he repented and asked God to help him defeat Syria. (2 Kings 13:2-7, 22, 23) JEHOZHAZ, SON OF KING JOSIAH: Jehozhaz succeeded his father King Josiah as king of Judah. His mother was Hamutal. (2 Kings 23:31) Ezra and Jeremiah call him Shallum. Jehozhaz may have been his royal name. (1 Chronicles 3:15) (Jeremiah 22:11) He was 23 years of age when he became king and he ruled badly for

three months. Then he was imprisoned at Riblah by Pharaoh. He died in captivity. (2 Kings 23:31-34) (Jeremiah 22:10-12) JEHOASH, KING OF JUDAH: Jehoash was the king of Judah for 40 years. He was the oldest son of Judahs King Ahaziah. His mother was Zibiah from Beersheba. (2 Kings 12:1) (1 Chronicles 3:11) His name is sometimes abbreviated to Joash in the Masoretic text. When Jehoash was seven he became king of Judah. (2 Kings 11:1-20) (2 Chronicles 22:10-12; 23:1-11) The evil princes of the realm turned King Jehoash and the people away from Jehovah to the worship of pagan idols. God raised up prophets to warn them, but they refused to listen. (2 Chronicles 24:15-19) JEHOASH, KING OF ISRAEL: This King Jehoash was the son of Jehoahaz and grand son of Jehu. He was bad in Jehovahs eyes and allowed calf worship to continue throughout the land. (2 Kings 13:11, 14, 15-19) JEHOHANAN, SON OF MESHELEMIAH: Jehohanan was a Korahite gatekeeper. He served during the reign of King David. (1 Chronicles 26:1-3) JEHOHANAN, ARMY COMMANDER: Jehohanan was the Army commander under King Jehoshaphat. He commanded 280,000 men of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:12, 14-16) He was father of Jehoiada. (2 Chronicles 23:1-3) JEHOHANAN, FATHER OF AZARIAH: This Jehohanan was the father of Azariah. He was an Ephraimite. His son was a leader in the Ephraimites around 760 B.C.E., when Kings Ahaz of Judah and Pekah of Israel were ruling. (2 Chronicles 28:1, 6, 12) JEHOHANAN, HEAD OF PATERNAL HOUSE: Jehohanan was the head of the priestly paternal house of Amariah in the days of Joiakim the successor of High Priest Jeshua. (Nehemiah 12:10-13) JEHOHANAN, SON OF ELIASHIB: This Jehohanan was the son of Eliashib. Ezra went to Jehohanans temple dining hall to mourn over his peoples lack of faith. (Ezra 10:6) JEHOHANAN, SON OF BEBAI: This son of Bebai dismissed his foreign wife and sons as a response to the directive from Ezra. (Ezra 10:28, 44)

JEHOHANAN, PRIEST: This priest was in the Temple during the inauguration of Jerusalems rebuilt wall. (Nehemiah 12:40-42) JEHOIACHIN: Jehoiachin was the son of Judean King Jehoiakim. His mother was Nehushta. (2 Kings 24:6, 8) (2 Chronicles 36:8) He was also called Jeconiah and Coniah. (Esther 2:6) (Jeremiah 28:4; 37:1) Jehoiachin became king at the age of 18. He continued the bad practices of his father. (2 Kings 24:8, 9) (2 Chronicles 36:9) JEHOIADA, FATHER OF BENAIAH: Jehoiada was the father of Benaiah. Benaiah was one of Davids mighty military men and also Solomons army commander. (2 Samuel 23:8, 20-23) (1 Kings 2:35) Jehoiada was the head priest and the leader of the sons of Aaron. (1 Chronicles 27:5; 12:27, 38) JEHOIADA, HIGH PRIEST: This Jehoiada was the High priest in time of Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah, and Jehoash. Jehoiada married King Jehorams daughter Jehosheba. Jehoiada overthrew Athaliah and promoted true worship in Judah. (2 Kings 11:1-16) (2 Chronicles 22:10-23:15) JEHOIADA, PRIEST IN ZEPHANIAHS TIME: Jehoiada was a priest in Jeremiahs time. He was replaced by Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah. (Jeremiah 29:24-27) JEHOIARIB: Jehoiarib was a priest whos priestly house was selected by lot to be the first of the 24 priestly divisions organized during King Davids rule. (1 Chronicles 24:1-3, 5-7) JEHONADAB, DAVIDS NEPHEW: Jehonadab was the son of Davids brother Shimeah. He was a very wise man who was also crafty and shrewd. He encouraged Davids son Amnon to scheme a way to violate Amnons half sister Tamar. (2 Samuel 13:3-5, 14, 22, 28-33) JEHONADAB, THE SON OF RECHAB: Jehonadab was companion of King Jehu. He traveled to Samaria with King Jehu. All the worshipers of Baal were assembled there. Jehonadab remained by the kings side during the slaughter of the worshipers of the false god. (2 Kings 10:15-28) Jehonadabs descendants, the Rechabites, were used as an example of faithfulness. Jeremiah wrote about the disobedient people of Judah and Jerusalem. Jehonadab instructed the Rechabites to live in tents, sow no seed, plant no vineyards, and drink no wine and three hundred years later they were still faithful to that pledge. (Jeremiah 35:1-19)

JEHONATHAN, LEVITE SENT BY JEHOSHAPHAT: Jehonathan was a priest. He was sent by Jehoshaphat in the third year of his reign to teach Jehovahs law to the people of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:5, 7-9) JEHONATHAN, THE SECRETARY: This Jehonathan had a house that was suitable to use as a prison or detention center. It was used as a prison to detain Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 37:15, 20; 38:26) JEHONATHAN, HEAD OF A HOUSE OF PRIESTS: This Jehonathan was the head of a paternal house of priests in the days of Jeshuas successor Joiakim. (Nehemiah 12:10, 12, 18) JEHOSHABEATH: Jehoshabeath was the daughter of King Jehoram. She was the wife of High Priest Jehoiada. She was also called Jehosheba. (2 Chronicles 22:10-12) (2 Kings 11:1-3) JEHOSHAPHAT, THE RECORDER: This Jehoshaphat was the son of Ahilud. He served as recorder during the reigns of David and Solomon. (2 Samuel 8:16; 20:24) (1 Kings 4:3) (1 Chronicles 18:15) JEHOSHAPHAT, KING SOLOMONS DEPUTY: Jehoshaphat was one of King Solomons 12 deputies. He was the son of Paruah. He supplied the food for the king and his household from the territory of Issachar for one month each year. (1 Kings 4:7, 17) JEHOSHAPHAT, KING OF JUDAH: Jehoshaphat was the son of Judean King Asa by Azubah the daughter of Shilhi. Jehoshaphat was 35 when he succeeded his father to the throne. He ruled for 25 years, from 936 B.C.E. (1 Kings 22:42) (2 Chronicles 20:31) Three kings ruled Israel during his reign. They were Kings Ahab, Ahaziah, and Jehoram. (1 Kings 22:41, 51) (2 Kings 3:1, 2) (2 Chronicles 17:3, 4) Jehoshaphat was very concerned that true worship thrive in the kingdom. He appointed many leaders, Levites, and priests to teach the Law of Jehovah in the cities of Judah and he sanctified holy offerings. (2 Kings 12:18) (2 Chronicles 17:7-9) While Jehoshaphat was still alive he gave the kingship to his firstborn son, Jehoram and many precious gifts to his other sons. (2 Kings 8:16) (2 Chronicles 21:3) JEHOSHAPHAT, VALLEY OF: Hebrew: yehoshaphat means Jehovah judged. This is the name of six Israelites including one king who was faithful to God. (2 Chronicles 17:1-9, chapter 20) This is

also a valley near Jerusalem, the Valley of Jehovahs Judgment mentioned at Joel 3:12. JEHOSHEBA: Jehosheba was the wife of High Priest Jehoiada. She was the daughter of King Jehoram of Judah. Jehosheba and Jehoiada were responsible for preserving the royal lineage connecting David to the Messiah. (2 Kings 11:1-3) (2 Chronicles 22:10-12) JEHOSHUA, JOSHUA: Jehoshua was the son of Nun. He was an Ephraimite who succeeded Moses and led the Israelites ito the Promised Land. His first name was Hoshea, but Moses called him Jehoshua or Joshua, which means Jehovah Is Salvation. (Numbers 13:8, 16) (Deuteronomy 34:9) (Joshua 1:1, 2) JEHOVAH: The English spelling of the divine name for Almighty God found in the Holy Scriptures nearly 7,000 times. See DIVINE NAME JEHOVAH IS THERE: Hebrew: Yehwah Shammah. This expression applies to the city seen in vision by the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 40 through 48. It means that Jehovah God is present at that place in a representational presence. (Psalms 46:5; 132:13-14) (Isaiah 24:23) (Joel 3:21) (Zechariah 2:10-11) JEHOVAH IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS: This expression is translated from two words Yehwah Tsidh-qenu found at Jeremiah 23:6 and 33:16. This is another declaration that the true God of the Bible, Jehovah, is the source of all righteousness. JEHOVAH OF HOSTS: Taken from the Hebrew expression: Yehowah tsevaohth. It is presented this way nearly 280 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. It means Jehovah of Armies and conveys the power held by the Sovereign Ruler of the universe. (Isaiah 1:9) He has command over vast forces of spirit creatures. The term hosts is more representative of the Almighty Gods Sovereignty over more than just military armies. See: HOSTS JEHOVAH-JIRED: Abraham named this place. It was on the mountains in the land of Moriah. Jehovah provided the ram to be offered instead of Isaac. (Genesis 22:2, 13, 14) The name means Jehovah Will Provide.

JEHOVAH-NISSI: The memorial altar erected by Moses after Israel was successful in battle against the Amalekites at Rephidim. (Exodus 17:8, 13-16) JEHOVAH-SHALOM: Jehovah is peace. This name was given to the altar that Gideon built at Ophrah west of the Jordan River. Jehovahs angel assured Gideon that he would not die and added: Peace be yours. (Judges 6:22-24) Gideon built the altar as a memorial and out of gratitude to Jehovah. JEHOZADAK: The Hebrew name Jehozadak means Jehovah Pronounces Righteousness. It is spelled: Jozadak in Nehemiah and the longer form everywhere else. He was the father of the High Priest Joshua. (Ezra 3:2) (Haggai 1:12) (Zechariah 6:11) It was through Jehozadak that the high-priestly line was preserved. (1 Chronicles 6:14, 15) (2 Kings 25:18-21) (Nehemiah 12:26) JEHU, THE BENJAMITE: Jehu was a Benjamite from the city of Anathoth. He volunteered to serve with David when David was at Ziklag as a refugee from King Saul. Jehu was on of the mighty men. (1 Chronicles 12:1-3) JEHU, SON OF HANANI: Jehu was a prophet. He was the son of Hanani. He foretold the destruction of the house of Baasha, king of israel. (1 Kings 16:1-4, 7, 12) JEHU, SON OF JEHOSHAPHAT: This Jehu was the grandson of Nimshi. He ruled as king of Israel, 904 to 877 B.C.E. (1 Kings 19:15, 17) (2 Kings 9:14) Jehu call for all of Israels Baal worshipers to assemble at the house of Baal. Then he commanded his men to put all the Baal worshipers to death. (2 Kings 10:18-28) Jehovah rewarded Jehu for eradicating Baalism with the promise that four generations of his sons would sit upon the throne of Israel. This was fulfilled in Jehus descendants: Jehoahaz, Jehoash, Jeroboam II, and Zechariah. (2 Kings 10:30; 13:1, 10; 14:23; 15:8-12) JEHU, SON OF OBED: Jehu was the son of Obed of the family of Jerahmeel. He was a descendant of Hezron, son of Perez. Jehus line of descent came through Jaha, an Egyptian slave. (1 Chronicles 2:35, 25, 34-38) JEHUBBAH: Jehubbah was a leading member of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:34, 40)

JEHUCAL, JUCAL: Jehucal was a son of Shelemiah. He and three other influential princes had Jeremiah thrown into the miry cistern because of his preaching. They claimed his preaching weakened the hands of the men of war and the people. (Jeremiah 38:1-6) JEHUDI: He was an officer of King Jehoiakim. The princes of Judah sent him to bring Baruch and Jeremiahs scroll to them. When Jehudi read the scroll to Jehoiakim, the king cut it up and burned it. (Jeremiah 36:14, 21-23, 27, 32) JEKABZEEL: Jekabzeel was a city in southern Judah. It was about 6 miles northeast of Beersheba. (Nehemiah 11:25) JEKAMEAM: Jekameam was the fourth son of Hebron, a Kohathite Levite. He was the founder of a Levitical paternal house that lasted until King Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 23:12, 19; 24:23. 30, 31) JEMIMAH: The first of Jobs three daughters born after his great test was Jemimah. They were the most beautiful women in all the land. They received an inheritance along with their seven brothers. (Job 42:13-15) JEMUEL: Jemuel was the first son of Simeon, one of the seventy in Jacobs household who came into Egypt. (Genesis 46:10, 27) (Exodus 6:15) He was also called Nemuel at Numbers 26:12 and 1 Chronicles 4:24. JEPHTHAH: Jephthah was from the tribe of Manasseh. He was a judge of Israel over the territory of Gilead for six years during the early life of Samuel. (Numbers 26:29) (Judges 11:1; 12:7, 26) His judgeship took place around 1173 B.C.E. The Ammonites threatened war against the Israelites. Israel gathered its forces at Mizpah. They needed a God-appointed man to lead them into battle and so they approached Jephthah. Jephthah agreed to lead them in the fight against Ammon on one condition: if Jehovah gave him victory, he would continue as head of Israel after returning from the fight. If he defeated Ammon it would prove that God was with him. Jephthah vowed that if Jehovah helped him with victory he would offer the first person to greet him from his household as a sacrifice to God. It is important to note that it was against Gods Law to make human sacrifices in the fire. (Deuteronomy 18:9-12) However, parents could offer children to Gods exclusive service at the tabernacle. His daughter was offered for service to Jehovah. The record shows that his daughter lived a full life as a servant in the sanctuary. Her companions visited her from year to year. (Judges 11:40) And she

maintained her virginity. (Judges 11:39) This account of Jephthah may be read at Judges chapter 11. JEPHUNNEH, FATHER OF CALEB: Jephunneh was the father of the Judean spy Caleb. He was a Kenizzite from the tribe of Judah. (Numbers 13:2, 3, 6) (1 Chronicles 4:15) (Judges 1:13) (Joshua 14:6, 14) JEPHUNNEH, FROM ASHER: This Jephunneh was a member of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:38, 40) JERAH: Jerah was a son of Joktan. His descendants may have settled in south Arabia. (Genesis 10:26-29) (1 Chronicles 1:20) JERBOA: The jerboa is a jumping rodent that resembles a miniature kangaroo. It is found in the Middle East. The desert jerboa is four to six inches in length. It has large ears with a long bushy tail. It was considered a type of mouse and listed as unclean. (Leviticus 11:29) The jerboa was very destructive to grain and other crops. (1 Samuel 6:4, 5, 11, 18) JEREMAI: Jeremai was one of the seven sons or descendants of Hashum. Hashum took foreign wives but later sent them away. (Ezra 10:25, 33, 44) JERED: Jered was a descendant of Judah and father of those who settled Gedor. (1 Chronicle 4:1, 18) JEREMIAH, THE PROPHET, THE BOOK: Jeremiah was called to be a prophet when he was a young man. Jehovah told him: Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5) Jeremiah was a researcher and a historian as well as a prophet. Jehovah made the complaint against Judah and Jeremiahs inspired writing expressed it along with prophecy of things to come. The people are admonished: Be circumcised by Jehovah, and get rid of the foreskins of your hearts. (Jeremiah 4:4; 7:3-7; 9:25-26) JEREMIAH HIGHLIGHTS: Jeremiah 1 Jeremiah is called to prophesy as a young boy. Jeremiah 2 Jeremiah exposes wickedness in Judah. Jeremiah 21-27 Jehovahs judgements are announced. Jeremiah 31 Prophecy of a New Covenant. Jeremiah 20 Jeremiah placed in stocks.

JEREMIAH, ONE OF DAVIDS MIGHTY MEN: Jeremiah was a Benjamite. He joined David at Ziklag as one of Davids mighty military men. (1 Chronicles 12:1-4) JERIBAI: Jeribai was one of Davids mighty men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 46) He was the son of Elnaam. JERICHO: Jericho was the first Canaanite city to be conquered by the Israelites. (Numbers 22:1) (Joshua 6:1, 24, 25) Jericho is about 14 miles northeast of Jerusalem on the west side of the Jordan River. The Jordan Valley is 820 feet below sea level and has a subtropical climate. Oranges, bananas and figs are grown in the area and palm trees line the streets. At the end of the forty years in the wilderness Moses stood at the top of Mount Nebo and viewed the Promised Land. Jericho, the city of the palm trees was there in plane view. (Numbers 36:13) (Deuteronomy 32:49, 34:1-3) Following the death of Moses Joshua sent two spies to Jericho. They avoided detection with the help of Rahab and returned to the Israelite camp to report their findings. (Joshua 2:1-23. This exciting Bible account details the blowing of the horns and the final march around Jericho, the people shouting in triumph as the city walls fall down. (Joshua 5:13-6:20) JERIEL: The heard of a paternal house in the tribe of Issachar, Jeriel was the son of Tola. (1 Chronicles 7:1, 2) JEROBOAM THE FIRST KING: Jeroboam was the first king of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. He was the son of Nebat of the tribe of Ephraim. Jeroboam served as one of King Solomons officers in the village of Zeredah. As a young boy he was left fatherless to be raised by his widowed mother Zeruah. (1 Kings 11:26) When Solomon died in about 998 B.C.E. Jeroboam joined the crowds of people who demanded that Solomons son Rehoboam lighten their burdens. Rehoboam disregarded this good advice and increased the workload of the people. As a result of that crualty the ten northern tribes rejected Rehoboam and made Jeroboam king. (1 Kings 12:1-20) (2 Chronicles 10:1-19) Rehoboam, however, remained king over the tribe of Judah. Jeroboam did not trust the people and he thought they would someday turn against him and would return to Rehoboam. So he established a false religious center at Bethel in the south and at Dan in the north. He invented holy days and created new gods for the people. (1 Kings 12:26-33) (2 Kings 23:15) (2 Chronicles 11:13-17; 13:9) Jehovah God dealt Jeroboam a blow that

caused his death in about 977 B.C.E. This brought an end to his 22 year reign. (2 Chronicles 13:20) (1 Kings 14:20) JERUBBAAL: The name Jerubbaal was given to Gideon son of Joash the Abi-ezrite after Gideon had torn down his fathers altar to Baal. (Judges 6:11, 25-17) JERUBBESHETH: This is a form of Jerubbaal, the name Gideons father Joash gave to him when Gideon pulled down the altar of Baal. (Judges 6:30-32) It appears to have been changed later to Jerubbesheth because the name of the false god, Baal was not acceptable. (2 Samuel 11:21) JERUEL: Jeruel was a wilderness between the cities of Tekoa and En-gedi. (2 Chronicles 20:2, 16, 20) JERUSALEM: First known as Salem the City of Peace. The Hebrew meaning of Jerusalem is Foundation of Twofold Peace. It was also known as the City of Jehovah (Isaiah 60:14); Zion (Isaiah 33:20) and the Holy City (Matthew 4:5). JERUSHA: This woman was the Mother of King Jotham, wife of Uzziah and daughter of Zadok. (2 Kings 15:32-33) (2 Chronicles 27:1, 2) JESHARELAH: Jesharelah was a son of Asaph. He was listed among the musicians and singers in Davids time. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 9, 14) It is possible that he was the same as Asharelah. (1 Chronicles 25:2) JESHEBEAB: Jeshebeab was the priest whose paternal house was chosen by lot for the 14th course when David arranged for the priestly services to be divided up. (1 Chronicles 24:6, 13) JESHER: Jesher was a son of Caleb the son of Hezron. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3-5:18) JESHIMON WILDERNESS: Jeshimon was a wilderness area near Pisgah and Peor at the northeast end of the Dead Sea. (Numbers 21:20; 23:28) (Joshua 12:1-3) JESHIMON WILDERNESS NEAR ZIPH: This Jeshimon Wilderness was located north of the Maon Wilderness. It was a desert area a few miles northeast of Hebron where David and his men hid from King Saul. (1 Samuel 23:19, 24; 26:1, 3)

JESHISHAI: Jeshishai was the descendant of Gad. (1 Chronicles 511, 14) JESHOHAIAH: This Simeonite chieftain helped expand the territory of Simeon at the expense of the Hamites during the days of King Hezekiah. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 34-41) JESHUA, AARONIC PRIEST IN DAVIDS TIME: Jeshua was an Aaronic priest in Davids time. The House of Jeshua was assigned as the 9th of the 24 divisions of the Aaronic priesthood arranged by David. This house returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 11, 31) (Ezra 2:1, 36) (Nehemiah 7:39) JESHUA, LEVITE WHO DISTRIBUTED TITHES: Jehsua was one of the Levites who was assigned to distribute the tithes and contributions to the priests cities and to those serving in the sancturary. (2 Chronicles 31:15, 16) JESHUA, OF PAHATH-MOAB FAMILY: This Jeshua was of the Israelite family of Pahath-moab who returnedd from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 6) (Nehemiah 7:11) JESHURUN: Jeshurun was an honorary title and a term of affection for Israel. It served as a reminder to Israel of its calling as Jehovahs covenant people and its obligation to remain upright. (Deuteronomy 32:15, 33:5, 26) (Isaiah 44:2) Israel forsook it maker in spite of the name, Jeshurun. JESIMIEL: Jesimiel was one of the Simeonite chieftains in King Hezekiahs day. He extended the territory of Simeon to east of the Gedor Valley. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 34-41) JESSE: This is the father of King David and part of the lineage that leads to Jesus Christ. (1 Chronicles 2:13-15) (Luke 3:32) (Romans 15:12) JESUS CHRIST: Hebrew: Jehoshua, meaning Jehovah Is Salvation. Jesus Christ is the name and title of the Son of God. He is the only begotten Son. Jesus paid the ransom sacrifice for mankind. (Matthew 20:28) (1 Timothy 2:6) (1 John 2:1, 2) He is referred to as the Word of God. He is now at the right hand of God. (Acts 7:55) (Hebrews 10:12) Jesus Christ and his anointed will rule as kings

over the earth. (Revelation 5:8-14) Jesus is the expression of Gods love for mankind. (John 3:16, 36) John 1:1 is translated using the same words in nearly every translation. This translation is different! If you believe Jesus is God the wording here should not disturb your beliefs, for he was and is like his Father. If you accept Gods own statement that Jesus is the Son of God the rendering in The New Simplified Bible will fit your theology. The following is the way you will find it in this translation along with related notes: (John 1:1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and Word was like God. (Strongs Bible Dictionary: Theos: God, a god, magistrate, deity, godly or God-like) (Family relationship, son with father) (Logos en pros Theos; Jesus Christ the Word was with (pros) God. Transliteration: In the beginning was Jesus Christ the Son of God, and Jesus Christ the Son of God was with God, and Jesus Christ the Son of God was like his Father, God. Another way to state this: The Word was in the beginning, and the Word was with God, and the Word was like God. This is a family relationship, son with father. Logos en pros Theos. Jesus Christ the Word (Logos) was with (pros) God. And Jesus Christ was like, his Father, God (Theo's). (1 Corinthians 11:3; 15:27, 28) (John 1:18) (Phlippians 2:6) (Acts 7:55) (Hebrews 10:12) GREEK: kai theos en ho logos. ENGLISH: and God-like was the Word. If God was a Trinity, Jesus would also be like God. Since God is not a Trinity, it is even more important to convey the fact that he is still like his Father and his God. (John 20:17) (Revelation 3:12) After all, being second only to God in the universe is very close to being a deity. At this very moment Jesus is at the right hand of the Almighty God, Jehovah. (Act 7:55) (Hebrews 1:3; 10:12) ******************************************************* JETHER, MOSES FATHER-IN-LAW: Jether was the name of the father-in-law of Moses in the Masoretic text at Exodus 4:18. JETHER, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: This Jether was a descendant of Judah through Perez. Jether did not have sons. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 25-32) JETHER, SON OF EZRAH: Jether was the son of Ezrah. He was a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:17)

JETHER, SON OF GIDEON: This Jether was the firstborn son of Gideon. He evidently traveled with his father in the attempt to capture the Midianite kings Zebah and Zalmunna. When Jether was ordered to kill them, the young man was afraid to draw his sword. (Judges 8:20) Abimelech the half brother to Jether killed Jether shortly after Gideon died. JETHER, DESCENDANT OF ASHER: Jether a descendant of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 38) JETHER, FATHER OF AMASA: This Jether was the father of Davids army commander Amasa. (1 Kings 2:5, 32) The Masoretic text calls him Ithra and he is refered to as an Ishmaelite. He live among the Ishmaelites at one time. JETHRO: Jethro was Moses father in law. He was a Kenite. (Exodus 3:1) (Judges 1:16) (Numbers 10:29) Jethro is also called Reuel. Reuel could have been his personal name with Jethro used as a title. He was the priest of Midian and the head of a large family. He had at least seven daughters and one son. (Exodus 2:15, 16; 10:29) When Moses first met Jethro he lived in his home for a time before he married his daughter Zipporah. (Ezekiel 2:15-22; 3:1; 4:18) (Acts 7:29, 30) Jethro served Jehovah the God of Moses. (Exodus 18:1-12) Jethro wisely counseled Moses to share the responsibilities of leading the people of Israel. (Exodus 18:13-27) JETUR: Jetur was Ishmaels son. (Genesis 25:13-15) It is possible that Jeturs descendants were the Ituraeans mentioned at Luke 3:1. He was the forefather of a people who fought a war against the Israelites. (1 Chronicles 5:18, 19) JEUEL, A LEVITE: Jeuel was a Levite who helped in the cleansing of the Temple during Hezekiahs reign. He was a descendant of Elizaphan. (2 Chronicles 29:13-16) JEUEL, HEAD OF HOUSE OF ZERAH: This Jeuel was a resident of Jerusalem after the exile. He was the head of the Judean paternal house of Zerah. (1 Chronicles 9:3-6, 9) (Genesis 46:12) JEUZ: He was a family head in the tribe of Benjamin. Jeuz was the son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8-10) JEW, JEWESS: A woman belonging to the tribe of Judah was called a Jewess (female). A man belonging to the tribe of Judah was called a Jew (male). After the fall of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel the

southern kingdom was called Judah. The people were called sons of Judah or the tribe of the sons of Judah. (2 Kings 16:6; 25:25) The terms Jew or Jewess were then used. The name was applied to those Israelites who returned from the exile. (Ezra 4:12; 6:7) (Nehemiah 1:2; 5:17) The astrologers inquired: Where is the one born king of the Jews? (Matthew 2:1, 2) Pilot placed a sign above the stake: Jesus the Nazarene the King of the Jews. (John 19:19) The apostle Paul emphasized the importance of being a spiritual Jew, that the true seed of Abraham are those with the faith of Abraham, that one should be a Jew on the inside and circumcised on the inside with circumcision of the heart by spirit. JEWELS AND PRECIOUS STONES: A jewel is a precious stone or a gem. It is polished and used a decorative ornament such as a setting in a ring. Both men and women wore jewels in the early Biblical days. (Genesis 2:11, 12) (Ezekiel 28:12, 13) (1 Kings 10:2, 10, 11)(2 Chronicles 9:10; 32:27) The symbolic Babylon the Great of the Book of Revelation is richly adorned with precious stones. (Revelation 17:3-5; 18:11-17) JEZANIAH: Jezaniah was the commander of the Judean military under the administration of Gedaliah in 607 B.C.E. Jezaniah is also know as Azariah and Jaazaniah. (Jeremiah 40:8, 9; 42:1; 43:2) (2 Ki 25:23) JEZEBEL THE WICKED QUEEN: King Ahab and his wife Queen Jezebel lived during the last half of the tenth century B.C.E. Jezebel was the daughter of the king of Sidon. She worshiped the false god Baal and she hated the true God of the Bible, Jehovah. She tried to kill many of Jehovahs prophets. She persuaded her husband King Ahab that the throne should officially approve Baal worship. Elijah fled for his life and escaped across the Jordan River, and Obadiah, the palace steward, hid a hundred other prophets in caves. Queen Jezebel cared for 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the sacred pole by feeding them from her own royal table at the States expense. (1 Kings 18:19) Jehovah declared that Ahab and his line of descent would be removed in a clean sweep of destruction. It was said of Jehovahs judgment against Jezebel that: The dogs will eat her body in the city of Jezreel. (1 Kings 21:17-26) Only her skull, her feet and the palms of her hands were left as evidence that all that Jehovah says comes true. (1 Kings 16:29-33; 18:1-4; 21:1-16) (2 Kings 9:30-37)

JEZER: Jezer was the third son of Naphtali. He founded the family known as the Jezerites. (Genesis 46:24) (Numbers 26:48, 49) (1 Chronicles 7:13) JEZERITES: This family of tribe Naphtali came from Jezer. (Numbers 26:48, 49) JEZIEL: This Benjamite son of Azmaveth supported David when Saul declared David an outlaw. (1 Chronicles 12:1-3) JEZREEL, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: This Jezreel was a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 3) JEZREEL, SON OF HOSEA: Jezreel was the son of the prophet Hosea by his wife Gomer. (Hosea 1:3, 4) JEZREEL, IN JUDAH: This city was in the mountains of Judah. It was the home of Davids wife Ahinoam. (1 Samuel 25:43; 27:3) JEZREEL, ON THE ISSACHAR BORDER: Jezreel was a city on the border of Issachars territory. (Joshua 19:17, 18) JIDLAPH: Jidlaph was the seventh of eight sons borne to Nahor by his wife Milcah. He was a nephew of Abraham and an uncle to Isaacs wife Rebekah. (Genesis 22:20-23; 24:67) JOAB, SON OF SERAIAH: Joab was the son of Seraiah. He was a descendant of Kenaz of the tribe of Judah. Joab was the father of Geharashim, a craftsman. Joab founded a community of craftsmen. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 13) JOAB, DAVIDS NEPHEW: This Joab was son of Nahash by Davids half sister Zeruiah. (1 Chronicles 2:13-16) (2 Samuel 8:16) Joab served as a general in Davids army at the time Ishbosheth the son of Saul ruled over Israel. (2 Samuel 2:10) JOAH, THE GATEKEEPER: Joah was the thried son of Obed-edom. He was one of the Levitical gatekeepers responsible for guarding the storehouses. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4, 12-15) JOAH, SON OF ZIMMAH: This Joah was a Levite descended from Gershom. He was the son of Zimmah. (1 Ch 6:19-21) He and his son helped dispose of the unclean objects that Hezekiah had removed from the Temple. (2 Chronicles 29:1, 3, 12, 16)

JOAH, THE RECORDER: This Joah was the recorder by whom King Josiah sent money to the workers to repair the Temple. He was the son of Joahaz. (2 Chronicles 34:8-11) JOANAN: This man is listed as the grandson of Zerubbabel. (Luke 3:23, 27) Joanan is an ancestor of Jesus mother Mary. His name means Jehovah Has Shown Favor. JOANNA: Jesus Christ cured Joanna of health problems. As a result of this she became one of his followers and ministered to him and his apostles. (Luke 8:1-3) Joanna was one of the women present at Jesus impalement. They prepared spices and oil to take to his tomb, but he had been resurrected. Joannas husband Chuza was steward of Herod Antipas. JOASH, FATHER OF JUDGE GIDEON: Joash was the father of Judge Gideon. He was an Abi-ezrite of the tribe of Manasseh. (Judges 6:11, 15; 7:14; 8:13, 32) Joash was a wealthy man who had an altar dedicted to Baal and a sacred pole. His son Gideon secretly tore down the altar and sacred pole and replaced them with an altar to Jehovah. (Judges 6:25-32; 8:29) JOASH, ONE OF DAVIDS MIGHTY MEN: This Joash joined Davids military forces at Ziklag when David was outlawed by Saul. (1 Chronicles 12:1-3) He was the son of Shemaah and from the tribe of Benjamin. JOB, THE BOOK: Job lived in the land of Uz. This is now known as Arabia. (Job 1:1) Satan tried to make Job abandon his integrity and loyalty to God, but Job remained faithful till the end of his life. (Job 42:1-10) The book of Job is believed to have been written by Moses. It is one of the oldest books in the Holy Scriptures. The book considers two important questions: Why do the innocent suffer? Why does God permit wickedness and suffering in the earth? The book of Job consists of a debate between Job, the true servant of God and three others who claimed to serve God. The three companions commit errors in doctrine when they try to correct Job. God steps in to set matters straight and in the end Job is vindicated. Both his and Gods integrity are proven faultless. JOCHEBED: Jochebed married Amram and became the mother of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. (Exodus 6:20) (Numbers 26:59) She was a daughter of Levi. Jochebed was a woman of great faith. She trusted implicitly in her God Jehovah. She defied Pharaohs decree when she refused to kill her baby, later named Moses. After he was

three months old and could no longer be concealed in the house, she placed in an ark (floating basket) made of papyrus and put it among the reeds near the bank of the Nile River. Pharaohs daughter found him and claimed him. It worked out that Moses own mother, Jochebed was asked to nurse him. (Exodus 2:1-10) JODA: Joda was an ancestor of Jesus mother Mary. He is third on the list in descent from Zerubbabel. (Luke 3:26, 27) JOEL, SON OF PROPHET SAMUEL: This Joel was the son of the prophet Samuel. He was the father of Heman the Levitical singer. (1 Chronicles 6:28, 33, 36; 15:17) Joel and his brother Abijah were appointed by their father to be judges. They proved to be very dishonest, so the people requested a human king. (1 Samuel 8:1-5) JOEL, THE REUBENITE: Joel was a Reubenite. His descendant Beerah was captured by Assyrian King Tiglath-pilneser. (1 Chronicles 5:3-10) JOEL, DAVIDS MIGHTY MAN: This Joel was one of Davids mighty men. He was the brother of Nathan. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 38) JOEL, SON OF NEBO: Joel was the son of Nebo. He dismissed his foreign wives and son at Ezras request. (Ezra 10:43, 44) JOEL, THE PROPHET, THE BOOK : Joel the son of Pethuel was the writer of the inspired book of the Hebrew Scriptures bearing his name. He prophesied in Judah and perhaps resided in Jerusalem. (Joel 1:9, 14; 2:17, 32; 3:1, 2, 16-20) He wrote the book about 820 B.C.E. It is believed that he wrote it after Jehovahs great victory on behalf of King Jehoshaphat since the Valley of Jehoshaphat is mentioned in the book. (Joel 3:2, 12) Little else is known about this prophet. The book of Joel begins with the call to repent and prepare for the Great Day of Jehovah. Gird yourselves with sackcloth, and lament, you priests! Wail, you ministers of the altar.Alas for the day! For the day of Jehovah is near! Destruction will come from the Almighty! (Joel 1:13, 15) Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound an alarm in my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for the day of Jehovah comes. It is near! (Joel 2:1) All the nations will be judged in the figurative valley of Jehoshaphat, the valley of decision, the valley of judgement. (Joel 3:12-16)

JOHN, FATHER OF SIMON PETER: This man was called John. Some manuscripts and versions call him Jona. He was the father of the apostle Simon Peter. (John 1:42; 21:15-17) JOHN, THE APOSTLE: The Apostle John was one of the original 12 apostles. He wrote the Gospel According to John, the three letters of John and the Book of Revelation. (Revelation 1:1-9) He was one of the sons of Zebedee. The account when Jesus called him to preach the Good News of the Kingdom is found at Mark 1:19-20. A record of Johns activities in the early congregation is found at Acts chapters 3 and 4. John referred to himself as, the disciple whom Jesus loved. (John 13:23) JOHN, THE BOOK: The Gospel according to John was written by the apostle John in the year 98 C.E. He was a very old man living near Ephesus by the time he wrote this inspired account. More than 30 years had passed since the other three Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke had been written. Could anyone tell us more about the Master, Jesus Christ? Yes, the apostle John had memories of personal details about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. (John 1:35-39) (Mark 1:16-20) John was known as the disciple Jesus loved. (John 13:23) (Matthew 17:1) (Mark 5:37; 14:33) John was present at the time Jesus was executed. (John 19:26, 27; 20:2-4) The Good News According to John is a valuable supplement to the Gospels with 92 percent new material, not covered by the other three Gospels. And yet John admitted that there were many other things that could have been written about Jesus. (John 21:25) JOHN HIGHLIGHTS: The Gospel of John gives Johns account of the life of Jesus. It highlights the theme that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) the Son of God. It emphasizes that it is by means of faith and obedience to Jesus Christ that eternal life is possible. Of the four Gospels, John is often quoted as the favorite. There are many more highlights to be found in the Gospel of John. Here are a few of them: John 1:1-18 Jesus Christ is Introduced as the Word, the Son of God. John 1:19-51 Behold! The Lamb of God. John 2-6 Jesus performs miracles. John 7-12 Jesus preaches. He is the Way the Truth, and the Life. John 13-17 The final Passover. John 17 The Son of God prays for his followers. John 18-21 John offers evidence of resurrection. John 21 Jesus gives deciples final instructions.

JOHN, THE LETTERS: The apostle Johns name does not appear anywhere in the three letters. However, scholars agree that the writer of the Gospel of John is the same writer of the three letters of John. There are many similarities between them. John probably wrote the letters from Ephesus about 98 C.E. The apostle John was the last living apostle. JOHNS FIRST LETTER, HIGHLIGHTS: First John was written at Ephesus in the year 98 C.E. The main purpose was to strengthen the faith of the early Christians. He contrasted the truths they had received with false teaching. John wrote because of his great love for the truth. There were three primary themes in the first letter: the antichrist, sin, and love. On the subject of the antichrist John wrote that there would be those who would try to mislead them. (1 John 2:18) 1 John 2:1-3 We all sin, he wrote, and we must strive against sin. 1 John 2:1 God provided a helper. 1 John 2:2 Jesus Christ is a propitiatory sacrifice for sins. 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world. 1 John 4:16 God is love. 1 John 5:18 Every person born of God does not practice sin. JOHNS SECOND LETTER, HIGHLIGHTS: John refers to himself as the elder in the opening words of Second John. It is estimated that he was around 95 year of age when he wrote this letter. This letter was written about 98 C.E. in the city of Ephesus. 2 John 1-6 Go on walking in the truth. 2 John 7-13 Watch out for false teachers and deceivers. JOHNS THIRD LETTER, HIGHLIGHTS: Johns third letter was written to a faithful Christian by the name of Gaius. John was in Ephesus in 98 C.E. when he wrote this letter. 3 John 1-14 Counsel to do good works and be hospitable. JOHN THE BAPTIST: The son of Elizabeth and Zechariah the priest, was born to fulfill prophecy. (Luke 1:5-80) John preached at the Jordan River. (Matthew 3:1-12) He baptized Jesus. (Matthew 3:13-17) JOHN MARK: John Mark was one of Jesus disciples. He wrote the Good News According to Mark. He is also called Mark the Evangelist. He traveled with Paul and Barnabas on Pauls first missionary tour. (Acts 12:12, 25; 13:5) Barnabas took Mark along on his next tour. (Acts 15:36-41) The apostle Paul praise John Marks usefulness in his letter to Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:11)

JOHN, A JEWISH RULER: This Jewish ruler worked along with Annas and Caiaphas to have the apostles Peter and John arrested and brought before them. They tried to stop Peter and John from preaching but did not have ground on which to take action. (Acts 3:1-8; 4:5-22) JOIADA, SON OF PASEAH: Joiada helped with the repair of the Gate of the Old City at the time Nehemiah had Jerusalems wall rebuilt. He was the son of Paseah. (Nehemiah 3:6) JOIADA, GREAT-GRANDSON OF JESHUA: This Joiada was the father of Johanan during the time after the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 12:10, 11, 12) He was the great grandson of Jeshua. One of Joiadas sons married a daughter of Sanballat the Horonite. Because of this defilement Nehemiah chased him away. (Nehemiah 13:28, 29) JOIAKIM: He was the son and successor of postexilic High Priest Jeshua. (Nehemiah 12:10, 12, 26) Joiakims son Eliashib then became priest. (Nehemiah 3:1) JOKDEAM: Jokdeam was a city in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 56) JOKMEAM, EPHRAIMITE CITY: This Ephramite city was given to the Kohathites. It is also called Kibzaim. (1 Chronicles 6:66, 68) (Joshua 21:22) JOKNEAM: Jokneam was a city in Carmel on a mound at the foot of Mount Carmel about 7 miles northwest of Megiddo. Joshua conquered it and it was originally assigned to the tribe of Zebulun. (Joshua 12:7, 22; 19:10, 11) Jokneam was then given to the Merarite Levites. (Joshua 21:34) JOKTAN: Joktan was the brother of Peleg. He was a descendant of Eber. Joktan fathered 13 sons who settled in south Arabia. It is believed that Joktan was the progenitor of the peoples of Arabia. The Bible says his descendants were despersed from Mesha as far as Sephar. (Genesis 10:25-30) (1 Chronicles 1:19-23) JOKTHEEL, CITY OF JUDAH: This city of Judah was located in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 38)

JOKTHEEL, EDOMITE CITY: This city was conquered by Judean King Amaziah. It was an Edomite city originally named Sela. It was renamed Joktheel by the Judeans. (2 Kings 14:1) JONAH, PROPHET, THE BOOK: Jonah the son of Amittai was the prophet of Jehovah from Gath-hepher, a border city in the territory of Zebulun. (2 Kings 14:25) (Joshua 19:10, 13) He was a prophet to the ten-tribe kingdom during the reign of Jeroboam II. Jonah wrote the book of Jonah. (Jonah 1:1, 2) This book is short, only four chapters, easy to read, and has a happy ending. God instructed Jonah to travel to the city of Nineveh, a city of 120,000 men. He was to go and preach repentance to the Ninevites. Along the way Jonah encountered difficulties, including being swallowed by a large fish, but he finally arrived at Nineveh. Jonah was amazed to see the entire city repent and turn to God. (Jonah 3, 4) JONAM: Jonam was an ancestor of Jesus mother Mary. Jonam was also a descendant of David through Nathan. (Luke 3:23, 30, 31) JONATHAN, LEVITE PRIEST: Johathan was a Levite priest who served in connection with false worship at the house of Micah in Ephraim and also with the Danites. The account is found in Judges chapters 17 and 18. He is called Jonathan the son of Gershom. (Judges 18:30) JONATHAN, SON OF KING SAUL: Jonathan was the eldest and favorite son of Benjamite King Saul. (1 Samuel 14:49, 40) Jonathan was the commander of a thousand warriors. (1 Samuel 13:2) He and David were very close friends for many years. (1 Samuel 20:24-40; 31:2) (2 Samuel 5:4) (Numbers 1:3) JONATHAN, NEPHEW OF KING DAVID: This Jonathan was the son of King Davids brother Shimea (Shimei). He struck down a giant who taunted Israel at Gath. (2 Samuel 21:20, 21) (1 Chronicles 20:6, 7) JONATHAN, ONE OF DAVIDS MIGHTY MEN: Jonathan son of Shagee the Hararite was one of Davids mighty military forces. (2 Samuel 23:8, 32) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 34) JONATHAN, SON OF UZZIAH: This Jonathan was the son of Uzziah. He was placed in charge of King Davids treasures in the field. (1 Chronicles 27:25)

JONATHAN, KING DAVIDS SECRETARY: Jonathan was an intelligent man who served King David as his secretary and counselor. (1 Chronicles 27:32) JONATHAN, SON OF JADA: Jonathan was one of the two sons of Jada. He was a descendant of Judah through Hezron and Jerahmeel. Jonathan had two sons, Peleth and Zaza. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 25-28, 32, 33) JONATHAN, PRIEST: This Jonathan was a priest and the head of the paternal house of Malluchi when Joiakim was High Priest. (Nehemiah 12:12, 14) JONATHAN, SON OF SHEMAIAH: Jonathan was the son of Shemaiah of the family of Asaph. He was the father of Zechariah. His son Zechariah was a priest and trumpeter who marched at the procession at the rebuilt wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 12:31, 35, 36) JOPPA: Joppa was a seaport 35 miles northwest of Jerusalem. It is called Tel Aviv-Yafo today. Joppa was the border of Dans territory. (Joshua 19:40-46) Many became believers in Joppa during the first century. (Acts 9:36-43; 10:9-45; 11:5-14) JORDAN RIVER: The Jordan River is the main river in the Promised Land. It snakes it way from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea about 200 miles and is an average of 100 feet wide and 3 to 10 feet deep. It forms a natural border between East and West Palestine. (Joshua 22:25) JORIM: He was a descendant of King David through Nathan and lived while Uzziah was king of Judah. He was also an ancestor of Mary the mother of Jesus. (Luke 3:23, 29-31) JORKEAM: Jorkeam was a Judean site founded by Raham. (1 Chronicles 2:44) JOSECH: Josech was related to Mary the mother of Jesus. He was a distant descendant of David through Nathan, the fourth generation after Zerubbabel. (Luke 3:23, 26, 27, 31) JOSEPH, THE SON OF JACOB: Joseph was the first of Jacobs sons by Rachel. (Genesis 35:24) Jacob loved Joseph more than all his other sons. Perhaps he favored him because he was the son of his old age. Today we would call him the baby of the family. Joseph

defended all that was good and righteous and this contributed to the special affection his father felt for him. Therefore Jacob made Joseph a special multicolored robe with long sleeves. It was similar to the robes worn by persons of rank. Josephs brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them. They hated Joseph and could not speak to him in a friendly way. One time Joseph had a dream. He told his brothers about it and they hated him even more. Finally the brothers deciced to get ride of him. They wanted to kill him but the firsborn, Reuben, urged that they not kill Joseph but throw him into a dry waterpit. Judah persuaded the others to sell Josph to the passing merchants. You can read the entire exiting account of Josephs life at Genesis chapters 37 through 50. It is a faith building experience. JOSEPH, ADOPTIVE FATHER OF JESUS CHRIST: Joseph the husband of Mary and adoptive father of Jesus Christ was the son of Heli. (Matthew 1:16; 13:55, 56) (Luke 3:23; 4:22) (John 1:45; 6:42) This righteous man adhered closely to the Mosaic Law and submitted to the decrees of Caesar. Joseph was a carpenter by trade and a resident of Nazareth. He had limited financial resources. (Matthew 13:55) (Luke 2:4, 24) When Mary, his fiance became pregnant by Holy Spirit, Joseph wanted to divorce her secretly. After a visit by Gods angel, Joseph took Mary to his home as his legal wife. (Matthew 1:18o-21, 24,25) As Jesus progressed in wisdom Joseph taught him carpentry. (Luke 2:41-50) Jesus was known as the carpenters son and as the carpenter. (Matthew 13:55) (Mark 6:3) (Luke 2:51, 52) JOSEPH, HALF BROTHER OF JESUS CHRIST: Jesus brothers did not have an active faith in Jesus at first. Joseph was no exception. However, all of the half brothers, including Joseph, became believers. (Matthew 13:55) (Mark 6:3) (John 7:5) His brothers are mentioned as being with the apostles and others after Jesus ascension to heaven. (Acts 1:9-2:4) JOSES: Joses is a shortened form of Josiphiah. The name means may Jah increase. Joses was the brother of James the Less and son of Mary. (Matthew 27:56) (Mark 15:40, 47) Some of the ancient manuscripts read Joseph instead of Joses. JOSHAH: Joshah was a leader of the tribe of Simeon. In the days of King Hezekiah, he conquered some territory from the Hamites and Meunim in order to aquire more pasture ground. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 34, 38-41)

JOSHAVIAH: Joshaviah was an outstanding warrior in Davids army. He was the son of Elnaam. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 46) JOSHUA, LEADER, PROPHET, WRITER: Joshua was the son of Nun an Ephraimite. He was the writer of the Book of Joshua. He assisted Moses during the trek through the wilderness and faithfully served Jehovah. (Exodus 33:11) (Deuteronomy 34:9) (Joshua 1:1, 2) When Moses went up on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments Joshua accompanied him to the mountain. Both he and Moses remained on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights. (Exodus 24:9-18) Joshua was known as a bold, confident and fearless leader. He was appointed as Moses successor to lead the People of Israel into the Promised Land. Moses sent twelve men to spy out the Promised Land as reported at Numbers chapter thirteen. Joshua was one of these men. The stirring account of Joshua leading his fighting men around the walls of Jericho and of the final collapse of the city and its walls is found at Joshua 6:1-25. Open your comprehensive concordance to the name Joshua. The name Joshua is found more than 220 times in the Holy Scriptures. This topical study will strengthen your faith in God. So do it soon! JOSIAH, SON OF KING AMON: Josiah was the son of Judean King Amon. His mother was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah. (2 Kings 22:1) Josiahs father, King Amon, was assassinated. Then at eight years of age, Josiah became king of Judah. (2 Kings 21:23, 24, 26) (2 Chronicles 33:25) In the eighth year of his reign, Josiah eagerly tried to learn and do Jehovahs will. (2 Chronicles 34:3) Josiah launched a campaign to rid the country of idolatry. Altars used for false worship were torn down and images destroyed. (2 Chronicles 34:3-8) (Jeremiah 1:1, 2; 3:6-10) (Zephaniah 1:1-6) JOTHAM, SON OF JAHDAI: This Jotham was the son of Jahdai a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:47) JOTHAM, SON OF GIDEON: Jotham was the son of Judge Gideon (Jerubbaal). He lived at Ophrah. (Judges 8:35; 9:5) Jotham was the only son of Judge Gideon when Abimelech murdered all of Gideons other sons. Jotham fled and took up residence at Beer. (Judges 9:621, 57) JOTHAM, SON OF JUDEAN KING UZZIAH: Jotham was the son of King Uzziah by Jerushah the daughter of Zadok. (2 Kings 15:32, 33) (1 Chronicles 3:12) (2 Chronicles 27:1) (Matthew 1:9) Jotham took over the duties of the king when his father was struck with leprosy. (2 Kings 15:5, 7, 32) (2 Chronicles 26:18-21, 23; 27:8)

JOURNEY, TRAVELED: The words journey or traveled are used often in the Bible to designate distance covered. (Exodus 3:18) (Numbers 10:33; 33:8) The average days journey on land was about twenty miles or more. A Sabbath days journey was less. (Matthew 24:20) (Acts 1:12) Rabbinic sources indicate a Sabbath days journey to be about 2,920 feet. JOY: Greek: chara. Joy is one of the fruits of Gods Holy Spirit listed in chapter five of Pauls letter to the Galatians. (Galatians 5:22-23) It is an emotion similar to happiness and exultation. Joy is a quality of the heart and can affect the entire body for good. (Proverbs 15:13; 17:22) The word joy can be found more than 60 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. JUBAL: Jubal was the son of Lamech and Adah, a descendant of Cain. He founded a profession that promoted the progress of music and he may have invented both stringed and wind instruments. (Genesis 4:17-21) JUBILEE YEAR: The Jubilee year was the fiftieth year. The Hebrew word yoh-vel means rams horn. This refers to the sounding of a rams horn during the 50th year to proclaim liberty in the land. (Leviticus 25:9, 10) Seven-seven year periods equaled 49 years and the following year was to be the Jubilee year. The Jubilee year was similar to the sabbatical year. The sabbatical year was every seventh year. The land had complete rest. The same regulations applied to the produce of the land. (Leviticus 25:2-22) (Exodus 23:10) The Jubilee was an entire year of festival. It demonstrated Israels faith in their God and was a time for thanksgiving. None of the land in Israel could be sold in perpetuity. If a man sold his hereditary possession the sale price was gauged according to the number of years remaining until the Jubilee. In reality the use of the land was the only thing sold as well as its produce for the number of years until the Jubilee. (Leviticus 25:15-34) There would be no crushing debt in the nation either. (Leviticus 25:39-54) (Deuteronomy 15:69) Debts owed by fellow Israelites were canceled at the end of each seven-year period. The return of land and cancellation of debt brought about a stable standard of land values and eliminated false prosperity that brings inflation, deflation, and business depression. This also served as an excellent way to eliminate poverty. JUCAL: Jucal was the son of Shelemiah. He was one of the princes of Judah who asked that the prophet Jeremiah be executed. They

claimed that Jeremiah weakend the efforts and power of the warriors. (Jeremiah 38:1-4) JUDAH, THE TRIBE: The tribe of Judah sprang from Jacobs fourth son by his wife Leah. Judah traveled to Egypt with Jacobs household. After leaving Egypt the tribe of Judah had 74,600 ablebodied men from 20 years old and upward. This was greater than the size of any other of the 12 tribes. (Numbers 1:26, 27) All of the Israelites wondered in the wilderness for 40 years. Judahs males increased by 1,900 at that time. (Numbers 26:22) The territory assigned to the tribe of Judah was bound on the north by Benjamin. (Jos 18:11) The Salt Sea was on the east. (Joshua 15:1-5,12) The Mediterranean Sea was on the west border. Jehovah made an everlasting covenant for a Kingdom with David. Because of this the tribe of Judah possessed the scepter and the commanders staff for 470 years. (Genesis 49:10) (2 Samuel 7:16) All of the tribes of Israel prostrated themselves before Judah during the reigns of David and Solomon. Jesus Christ was from the tribe of Judah. (Matthew 1:117) JUDEAN WILDERNESS: The Judean wilderness is mostly uninhabited. It is an arid region with little or no vegetation. It is a fifteen mile strip of land on the eastern slope of the Judean mountains beginning east of the Mount of Olives and stretching fifty miles along the west coast of the Dead Sea. (Judges 1:16) David hid from Saul in the Wilderness of Judah. It is there that David wrote Psalm 63. The stream mentioned in Ezekiels visionary temple flowed through this wilderness and supported trees in abundance along the banks. (Ezekiel 47:1-10) John the Baptist lived in this barren desert north of the Dead Sea. (Matthew 3:1-6) Jesus was approached by the Devil and tempted in this wilderness. (Matthew 4:1-11) Sometimes the term wilderness is used interchangeable with the term desert. JUDAISM: Judaism is the Jewish religious system. (Galatians 1:13, 14) At the time of Christ Judaism was not based exclusively on the Hebrew Scriptures. The Sadducees rejected the Scriptural teaching of the resurrection and denied the existence of angels. (Mark 12:1827) (Acts 23:8) The Pharisees accepted the resurrection but they taught unscriptural traditions of men. (Matthew 15:1-11) These two groups made up the vast majority of Judaism in the first century C.E. and these teachings are prevalent in todays Judaism as well. JUDAS ISCARIOT: He was the son of Simon and an apostle of Jesus Christ. He is described as the Judas who later betrayed Jesus Christ.

(Matthew 10:4) (Luke 6:16) Little is known about his family or background, only that he and his father were called Iscariot. (Luke 6:16) (John 6:71) It is said that they were both from the Judean town of Kerioth-hezron. That would have made him the only Judean among the twelve apostles for the others were from Galilee. Judas must have been dependable and reasonably trustworthy at the time Jesus appointed him an apostle and entrusted him with caring for the common finances for Jesus and the twelve. (Matthew 10:3; Mr 3:19) John writes: Jesus knew from the beginning whom they were who did not believe and who would betray him. (John 6:64) Satan entered into Judas and he went to the chief priests and temple captains to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:14-16) (Mark 14:10, 11) (Luke 22:3-6) (John 13:2) The account of the final act of betrayal is reported in the books of Matthew and John. (Matthew 26:47-56) (John 18:2-12) Judas attempted to hang himself, but the branch broke and he was pitched head first onto a rock below. (Matthew 27:5) (Acts 1:18) JUDE, THE LETTER: Jude introduces himself in the letter of Jude as A servant of Jesus Christ, but a brother of James. He speaks of himself as a servant and not as an apostle. He also refers to the apostles in the third person as they. (Jude 1:17, 18) He then distinguished himself by mentioning the name of his brother and thus identifying Jesus as his half brother. (Matthew 13:55) (Mark 6:3) Even though Judes letter is short, only 25 verses, it contains information not found elsewhere in the Bible. It mentions the archangel Michaels dispute with the Devil. (Jude 9, 14, 15) Jude was probably somewhere in Palestine in the year 65 C.E. when he wrote the letter of Jude. JUDEA: Judea encompassed an area of approximately fifty miles from east to west and thirty miles from north to south. Samaria bordered on the north and Idumea to the south. The Dead Sea and the Jordan River Valley formed the eastern boundary. Jesus Christ, the Messiah was born at Bethlehem in Judea. (Matthew 2:3-6) (Luke 2:10, 11) Under the Roman Empire Judea was considered a province. It included the territories of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Dan, Simeon, and part of Ephraim. JUDGE: A judge is a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice. Moses acted as mediator of the Law covenant and as Gods appointed leader he judged Israel for 40 years. Then Joshua assumed the leadership roll and following his death the period of the Judges extended about 300 years. (Judge 2:16) (Acts 13:20) The judges were selected and appointed by

Jehovah from the various tribes of Israel. Twelve judges were appointed during that period of time. Included among the judges were Barak, Gideon, Samson and Manasseh. JUDGMENT DAY: Judgment Day is a day or period of time when mankind is called to account by God. Jesus Christ and his apostles taught that there would be a future time when both the living and the dead would be brought-to-judgment. (Matthew 10:15; 11:21-24; 12:41, 42) (2 Timothy 4:1, 2) The book of Revelation speaks of Babylon the great who will be completely burned with fire. (Revelation 17:1-6; 18:8, 20; 19:1, 2) The apostle Peter spoke about a Day of Judgment and the destruction of ungodly men. (2 Peter 3:7) And in the book of Revelation the Word of God (Jesus Christ) is identified as the one who will strike the nations with a long sword. (Revelation 19:11-16) The judging on Judgment Day will be fair, righteous and true because Jehovah Gods judgments are always righteous and He will use His Son Jesus Christ to carrie out judgment. (Revelation 19:1, 2) (John 5:30; 8:16) Revelation 20:12 tells us that the resurrected dead were judged according to the things written in the books, according to their works. This indicates that faith as well as works are required of the true believer. (James 2: 17-26) (John 3:16, 36) JUDGMENT SEAT, SIT IN JUDGMENT: The judgment seat was a raised platform from which officials could sit and address crowds of people to announce their decisions. (Matthew 27:19) (John 19:13) (Acts 25:6, 10, 17) God has appointed his Son to do all judging. (John 5:22, 27) We must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:10) This is also called the judgment seat of God who judges by means of his Son. (Romans 14:10) JUDITH: Judith was a wife of Esau. She was daughter of Beeri the Hittite and a constant source of bitterness to Isaac and Rebekah. (Genesis 26:34, 35) JULIA: The apostle Paul sent greetings to Julia. (Romans 16:15) She was a member of the congregation at Rome. Julia might have been the wife or sister of Philologus. JULIUS: Julius was a Roman army officer or centurion of the band of Augustus. Paul traveled in his custody to Rome. (Acts 27:1-44) JUNIAS: The apostle Paul sent Junias a special greeting at Romans 16:7. Paul says they were well known among the apostles for they had a fine reputation with the apostles.

JUNIPER TREE: The Juniper tree, the Juniperus excelsa, is a native of Lebanon and is regularly associted with Lebanon. It was imported from Lebanon by King Solomon. (1 Kings 5:8-10; 9:11) (2 Chronicles 2:8) Juniper wood was used in the temple built by Solomon. (2 Chronicles 3:5) (1 Kings 6:34) It is mentioned in the restoration prophecies when describing the beauty of the land of Gods people. (Isaiah 41:19; 55:13; 60:13) JUSHAB-HESED: Jushab-hesed was one of Zerubbabels sons. (1 Chronicles 3:19, 20) JUSTICE: Justice is the quality of being just or fair. It is the administration of law. Other than its connection to the law justice is no different than righteousness. (Genesis 18:19) (Job 8:3) (Amos 5:24) It is based on plans, customs and rules. (Exodus 26:30) (Genesis 40:13) (2 Chronicles 4:20) (Leviticus 5:10) Jehovah God is the supreme Judge and Law Giver. (Job 37:23) (Psalms 33:5; 37:28) (Isaiah 33:22) We read at Micah 6:8 what Jehovah God requires of man: You should display justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. This justice that Man should display is also known as righteousness. JUSTIFICATION: Greek dikaiosis is the act of God declaring

men free from guilt and acceptable to him. Sinners may be acquitted of guilt from sin by putting faith in Jesus Christ. We are declaired righteous because of our faith. (Hebrews 10:36)(Genesis 15:6) We are also declaired righteous by works. (James 2:21-26) But only Jesus Christ, the Son of God can offer the justification necessary for the forgiveness of our sins. (John 3:16, 36)
JUSTUS, JOSEPH BARSABBAS: Joseph Barsabbas was given the surname Justus. He and Matthias were recommended as possible replacements to Judas Iscariot as an apostle. The apostles cast lots and the appointment fell to Matthias. Justus was obviously a mature disciple of Jesus Christ or he would not have been recommended. (Acts 1:23-26) JUSTUS OF CORINTH: This man was a believer who lived in a house next to the synagogue in Corinth. Jewish opposition caused Paul to reside with Aquila and Priscilla and continue preaching there. (Acts 18:1-7)

JUSTUS, PAULS FELLOW WORKER: This Jewish man, also named Jesus, worked with the apostle Paul during his first imprison ment in Rome. (Colossians 4:10, 11) JUTTAH: This is a site in the mountains of Judah that was given to the sons of Aaron as a priestly city. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 55; 21:13,16) Juttah is recognized as the modern city of Yatta, six miles south of Hebron. SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY K KABZEEL: Kabzeel was a city in the southern part of Judah. (Joshua 15:21) KADESH, KADESH-BARNEA: Kadesh-Barnea was an Israelite wilderness camp in the Edomite territory near the way to Shur. (Genesis 16:7,14) (Numbers 20:14-16) KADMIEL: Kadmiel was a Levite who returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. Members of his family accompanied him on the trip. Kadmiel and his sons helped supervise the temple reconstruction. (Ezra 2:1-2, 40) (Nehemiah 7:6-7, 43; 12:1, 8, 24) (Ezra 3:9) KADMONITES: Jehovah promised the Kadmonite lands to Abrams seed at Geneses 15:18-21. KAIN: This name was used in a proverbial utterance at Balaam to refer to the tribe of the Kenites. It is also refered to as Kenites at Judges 4:11, Nu 24:22. There was a city in the mountainous region of Judah named Kain. (Joshua 15:1, 48, 57) KAIWAN: Kaiwan appears to have been the star god, or star of your god, mentioned at Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43. This occurs in Akkadian inscriptions as the name of Saturn, a star god. KALLAI: He was the head of the paternal house of Sallai. (Nehemiah 12:12, 20, 26) Kallai was a priest in the days of the high priest Joiakim. KAMON: Kamon was the burial place of Judge Jair as referenced at Judges 10:5. KANAH: The boundary between Ephraim and Manasseh was the Kanah Valley. (Joshua 16:8; 17:9)

KAPH: The eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Kaph. KAREAH: This man came from Judah. His sons Johanan and Jonathan were chiefs of military forces in Judah. (2 Kings 25:21-23) (Jeremiah 40:7, 8) KARKA: Karka was a site on the boundary of Judah between the second Addar and Azmon. (Joshua 15:1-3) KARKOR: Judge Gideon launched a surprise military maneuver against the remaining forces of Midianite Kings Zebah and Zalmunna at Karkor. This was a campsite east of the Jordan River. (Judges 8:10-11) KARTAN: Kartan was a city given to the Merarite Levites out of the inheritance of Zebulun. (Joshua 21:34) KARTAN: A city of Naphtali given to the Gershonite Levites is Kartan. (Joshua 21:27, 32) KATTATH: Kattath was a city of Zebulun. It was sometimes considered to be the same as Kitron. (Joshua 19:10, 15) (Judges 1:30) KEDAR: 1. He was one of the 12 sons of Ishmael. (Genesis 25:13-15) (1 Chronicles 1:29-31) The land of Kedar. The Arab tribe descended from Ishmaels son Kedar inhabited it. They were also known as the sons of the East. (Jeremiah 2:10; 49:28-29) KEDEMAH: Kedemah was a son of Ishmael. In fulfillment of Jehovahs promise to Abraham Kedemah was one of the 12 chieftains produce by Ishmael. (Genesis 25:15; 17:20) (1 Chronicle 1:31) KEDEMOTH: The Wilderness of Kedemoth and the city of Kedemoth were East of the Jordan River. Moses sent messengers to Amorite King Sihon requesting permission to pass through this land. (Deuteronomy 2:26-27) Later the land was given to the Rubenites and later to the Merarite Levites. (Joshua 13:15-18, 21:34-37) (1 Chronicles 6:77-79) KEDESH, CITY OF NAPHTALI: This city belonged to the tribe of Naphtali. It was given to the Gershonites and set aside as a city of refuge. (Joshua 20:7; 21:32, 33) (1 Chronicles 6:71, 76) It was also

called Kedesh-naphtali and Kedesh in Galilee. (Judges 4:6; 20:7) Judge Barak resided at Kedesh. The city was conquered by Assyrian King Tiglath-pileser III during the rule of Israels King Pekah during the years 778-759 B.C.E. (2 Kings 15:29) KEDESH-BARNEA: This city was in southern Judah believed to be Kadesh-barnea. (Joshua 15:21, 23) KEDESH, CITY IN ISSACHAR: This site in Issachar was assigned to the sons of Gershom. (1 Chronicles 6:71, 72) KEHELATHAH: The word means congregation. It is one of the places where the Israelites camped when they wondered in the wilderness. (Numbers 33:22, 23) KEILAH: This fortified Judean city was in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 44) (1 Samuel 23:7) It was founded or governed early on by Calebites. (1 Chronicles 4:15, 19) David once saved Keilah from Philistine attackers. Latter he and his men escaped from the city to avoid capture by Sauls army. (1 Samuel 23:5, 8-13) KELAIAH: This is another name for the Levite Kelita, a co-worker of Ezra the priest. (Ezra 10:23) KELITA, ALSO CALLED KELAIAH: This man was one of the Levites of Ezras time who insisted on sending foreign wives away. (Ezra 10:23, 44) KEMUEL, SON OF NAHOR: Kemuel was a son of Abrahams brother Nahor and his wife Milcah. His son was Aram. (Genesis 22:20, 21. KEMUEL, SON OF SHIPHTAN: This Kemuel was head of the tribe of Ephraim. He was one of 12 men appointed by God through Moses to divide the land of Canaan among the Israelites. (Numbers 34:1629) KEMUEL, FATHER OF HASHABIAH: This Levite was the leader of the tribe of Levi in Davids time. (1 Chronicles 27:16, 17) KELITA, EXPLAINED THE LAW: Kelita was a Levite who assisted Ezra in explaining the law to the people. (Nehemiah 8:7, 8; 10:10) KENAN: Kenan was the son of Enosh. That made him the grandson of Seth and great grandson of Adam. He lived 910 years. (Genesis

5:3-14) (1 Chronicles 1: 1, 2) Luke listed him as Cainan, son of Enosh in the genealogy at Luke 3:37, 37. KENATH: This site was capture by Nobath; a Manassite who called it by is own name. (Numbers 32:42) KENAZ, SON OF ELIPHAZ: Kenaz was the son of Eliphaz. He was asheik in the land of Edom. (Genesis 36:11, 15, 42, 43) (1 Chronicles 1:36, 53) KENAZ, SON OF JEPHUNNEH: Kenaz was the son of Jephunneh. His brother was Caleb. He fathered Othniel and Seraiah. (Joshua 15:17) (Judges 1:13; 3:9, 11) (1 Chronicles 4:13) KENAZ, SON OF CALEB: This Kenaz was son of Caleb. His father was Jephunneh. (1 Chronicles 4:15) KENITE: People who resided in Canaan in the days of Abram (Abraham) were called Kenites. (Genesis 15:18-21) KENIZZITE: A Kenizzite was a member of a non-Israelite people. They lived in or near Canaan. Jehovah promised their territory to Abrams seed. (Genesis 15:18, 19) Prior to the Israelite conquest of the Promised Land, they moved into the Negeb and spread over Edom and southern Judah. Caleb was called the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite. (Numbers 32:12) (Joshua 14:6, 14) KEREN-HAPPUCH: She was the third and youngest of the daughters born to Job after his great test and suffering ended. Jehovah blessed him very much. (Job 42:12-14) Her name indicates she had beautiful eyes. The Bible recounts that no women were found to be as beautiful as Jobs daughters in all the land. (Job 42:15) KERIOTH: Kerioth was a place mentioned in two prophecies against Moab. (Jeremiah 48:24) (Amos 2:2) It appears to be a city made up of several smaller towns. The Moabite Stone does not tell its location, but it does indicate that the god Chemosh had a sanctuary there. KERIOTH-HEZRON: This was another name for Hazor. It was a town of Judah about twelve miles south of Hebron. (Joshua 15:25)

KEROS: Keros was the founder of a family of Nethinim. Some of them returned from the Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 44) (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 46, 47) KESIL CONSTELLATION: The Hebrew word kesil means stupid. (Psalm 49:10) The term generally applies to designate a stellar body or group such as Orion. (Job 9:9) (Amos 5:8) KETURAH: Keturah was a wife of Abraham and the mother of six of his sons, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah, ancestors of Arabian peoples. (Genesis 25:1-4) KEY: Hebrew: maphteah, Greek: kleis, means instrument used for opening and shutting. (Judges 3:25) (Matthew 16:19) (Luke 11:52) (Revelation 1:18) The word key is used often in the Holy Scriptures. Key is used figuratively of power or authority or office. (Isaiah 22:22) (Revelation 1:8; 3:7) KEZIAH: She was the second of the three daughters of Job born after his severe trial and later restoration and blessing by Jehovah. (Job 42:14) KIBROTH-HATTAAVAH: This is the site where the Israelites camped and the crowd expressed selfish longing for the food of Egypt. (Numbers 11:4; 33:16, 17) (Deuteronomy 9:22) It was located halfway between Jebel Musa, the traditional site of Mount Siani, and Hazeroth. Jehovah God provided them with a months supply of quail. (Numbers 11:19, 20, 31) The people were greedy and collected more then they were instructed to collect. (Numbers 11:32-35) KIBZAIM: Kibzaim was an Ephraimite city given to the Kohathite Levites. (Joshua 21:20-22) KIDNAPPING: Kidnapping is the unlawful act of capturing or carrying away a person against his will. The penalty for kidnapping under the Mosaic Law was capital punishment. The kidnapper was put to death. (Exodus 21:16) (Deuteronomy 24:7) Jacobs son Joseph was a victim of kidnapping when his brothers captured him and sold him into slavery. (Genesis 37:27, 28; 40:15) The apostle Paul said that the law is for the lawless persons, including kidnappers at 1st Timothy 1:8-11. KIDNEYS, MIND AND HEART: The kidneys are located in the lower back. Their function is to filter impurities from the blood. When used figuratively the term refers to the deepest thoughts and

emotions of ones personality. (Psalm 7:9; 26:2; 66:10) Jesus quoted Isaiah 29:13 at Matthew 15:7-8 when speaking of innermost thoughts of the heart. KIDRON VALLEY: This valley separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. It starts north of Jerusalem and runs south southeastward along the city. It is a dry area except for an occasional heavy rain. Jeremiah offered prophesy that pointed to a time when the terraces as far as the Kidron Valley would be holy to Jehovah at Jeremiah 31:40. KILN: Kilns of ancient times were used for baking bricks, firing pottery and processing lime. The Hebrew word kivshan means a heating chamber or furnace. (Genesis 4:22; 11:3) (Exodus 9:8-10) KIMAH CONSTELLATION: Reference is made at Job 9:9, 38:31 and Amos 5:8 to a celestial constellation. It could be talking about Pleiades, a star group formed of seven large stars and other smaller ones situated 300 light years from the sun. Jehovah God asks Job if he can tie fast the bonds of the Kimah constellation. Some relate this to the compactness of the Pleiades star cluster. The New Simplified Bible refers to the Pleiades. KIN, KINSMAN: Kin is a relative by common ancestry or by marriage. Sometimes referred to as related by blood. A Kinsman is a male relative KINAH: Kinah was a city located in southern Judah. (Joshua 15:2122) Wadi el-Qeini was nearby. KIND, GOD CREATED ACCORDING TO KIND: Genesis chapter one reveals that God created all living things after their king. (Genesis 1:11, 12, 21, 22, 24, 25) (1 Corinthians 14:33) There is no Bible record of a living thing evolving gradually from one kind of animal to another. From the earliest human record until now dogs are still dogs, and elephants are still elephants, and horses are still horses and they always will be. The missing links of the evolution theory are still missing more than 100 years after Charles Darwin dreamt up the evolution nightmare. KINDNESS: Kindness is a fruitage or fruit of Gods Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) It is the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, tender, sympathetic, forgiving and loving. The principal word for kindness in the Greek Scriptures is khre-stotes. Jehovah God is the kindest of all beings and therefore sets an

example for his believers. (Luke 6:35) (Romans 2:4; 11:22) (Titus 3:4, 5) Christians are under the kindly yoke of Christ. (Matthew 11:30) They are urged to clothe themselves with kindness at Colossians 3:12 and Ephesians 4:32. KING: A king is a male sovereign ruler of a kingdom. Jehovah is the supreme King. He possesses unlimited power and authority. The kings of Judah were subordinate kings who represented Gods sovereignty on earth. Jesus is also a subordinate King. He serves under the far greater authority of his heavenly Father, Jehovah God. His power is far greater than the power of earthly kings. This is because Jehovah placed him in the position of ruling the universe. (Philippians 2:9-11) (Revelation 19:16) This was done to the glory of God the Father. (Philemon 2:11) KINGDOM: A kingdom requires four basic things: (1) King. (2) Capital City. (3) Sovereign territory. (4) Subjects. Earthly kingdoms ranged in size and influence from the mighty world powers such as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome (See WORLD POWERS), to the small city-kingdoms such as those in Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest. (Joshua 12:7-24) Governmental structure varied between kingdoms. KINGDOM OF GOD: Jehovah God was Sovereign Ruler long before human kingdoms developed. In the spirit realm he was respected and obeyed by angel creatures numbering into the millions. (Psalm 103:19-22) (Daniel 6:10) The Kingdom of God is the expression and exercise of Gods universal sovereignty. This will be accomplished through a royal government headed by Jehovah Gods appointed king Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God requires four basic things: 1. King: Jesus Christ the Son of God. 2. Capital City: Heaven. 3. Sovereign territory: Heaven and Earth. 4. Subjects: Righteous people living in the territory. Recommended reading on this subject includes: Psalm 2; Psalm 110; Matthew 6:10; Luke 22:28-30; 1 Co 15:23-28; Revelation 5:9-10; 20:6; 21:1-4. KINGS ROAD: The Kings Road was the road traveled on when passing through Edomite territory and the Amorite realm of King Sihon. They promised not to depart from it. (Numbers 20:17; 21:2122) (Deuteronomy 2:26-27) This road extended from the Gulf of Aqaba as far as the Jabbok, the north boundary of Sihons territory. KIR: Kir was the place from which the Aramaeans came to Syria. (Amos 9:7) Jehovah revealed through his prophet Amos that the

Aramaeans would return to Kir as exiles. (Amos 1:5) (1 Kings 16:79) KIR-HARESETH: This was possibly another name for Kir of Moab, a city identified with modern Karak. (2 Kings 3:25) (Isaiah 16:7) KIR-HERES: This could be an alternate name for Kir-Hareseth or Kir of Moab. (Jeremiah 48:31, 36) KIRIATH: Kiriath was a city of Benjamin thought to be the same as Kiriath-jearim. (Joshua 18:28) KIRIATHAIM: This city was east of Jordan. It was built by the Reubenites and was a one time under Moabite control. (Numbers 32:37) (Joshua 13:15, 19) It is mentioned in the prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel as a city of Moab that was to experience calamity. (Jeremiah 48:1) (Ezekiel 25:9) KIRIATH-ARBA: This is the ancient name for the city of Hebron. The name was used after the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:25) The city was founded by Arba the great man among the Anakim. (Joshua 14:15) KIRIATH-BAAL: Known as the Town of Baal, Kiriath-Baal was an alternate name for the Judean city of Kiriath-jearim. (Joshua 15:60; 18:14) KIRIATH-HUZOTH: This town was located in Moab somewhere between the Arnon River and Bamothbaal. (Numbers 22:36, 39, 41) KIRIATH-JEARIM: Referred to as the Town of the Forests, KiriathJearim was associated with the Gibeonites. (Joshua 9:17) It was also known as Baalah, and Kiriath-baal. (Joshua 15:9, 60) Later Kiriathjearim belonged to Judah and bordered on Benjamite territory. (Joshua 15:1, 9; 18:11, 14) (Judges 18:12) KIRIATH-SANNAH: Kiriath-sannah was a town in Judea assigned to the Asronic priests. It was located about 8 miles southwest of Hebron. Debir is another name for this town. (Joshua 15:49; 21:13, 15) KIRIATH-SEPHER: This is the ancient name for Debir, a priestly city in the territory of Judah about 8 miles southwest of Hebron. (Joshua 15:15, 16; 21:13, 15) (Judges 1:11, 12)

KIR OF MOAB: This city in Moab was probably its capital at one time. Several names are listed for this city in the Aramaic Targum: Kir of Moab, Kir-hareseth and Kir-heres. The modern name is Karak. (Isaiah 15:1) Isaiah prophesied that the Moabites would mourn for the raisin cakes of Kir-hareseth. (Isaiah 16:6-7) Isaiahs innermost being was moved by the message of woe for Kir-hareseth. (Isaiah 16:11) (Jeremiah 48:31, 36) KISH, SON OF MAHLI: Kish was a Merarite Levite who was the son of Mahli and brother of Eleazar. One of the sons of Kish was Jerahmeel. (1 Chronicles 23:21, 22; 24:29) KISH, SON OF JEIEL: This Kish was a Benjamite whose wife was Maacah. (1 Chronicles 8:29, 30) His brother Ner was the grandfather of Saul, Israels first king. (1 Chronicles 9:35-39) KISH, FATHER OF SAUL: Kish was a Benjamite living at Gibeah, who was father of King Saul. (1 Samuel 10:26; 14:51) (Acts 13:21) He was a wealthy member of the family of the Matrites. (1 Samuel 9:1; 10:21) He was the son of Ner and grandson of Jeiel. (1 Chronicles 8:29-33; 9:35-39) KISH, SON OF ABDI: Kish was a Levite of King Hezekiahs reign. He was one of the Levites who helped clean the temple. (2 Chronicles 29:1-5, 12-17) KISH, ANCESTOR OF MORDECAI: This Kish was a Benjamite ancestor of Estherls cousin Mordecai. (Esther 2:5-7) KISHI: This is the shortened form of Kushaiah. He was the father of the musician Ethan. (1 Chronicles 6:16, 44; 15:17) KISHION: Kishion was a boundary city of Issachar. It was assigned to the Gershonites. (Joshua 19:17, 18; 21:27, 28) KISHON RIVER: The Kishon River winds in a northwesterly direction from the hills near Tanach through the Plain of Jezreel. It flows through a narrow gorge between Mount Carmel to the Plain of Acco and then empties into the Mediterranean. It expands from an average of twenty feet wide to over 66 feet wide during the spring runoff. (Judges 4:6, 13) (1 Kings 18:40) (Psalm 83:9, 10) KISS: Kissing is the act of kissing or touching ones lips to those of another. (Proverbs 24:26) Also kissing another persons cheek, or even his feet. (Luke 7:37, 38, 44, 45) It served as a token of affection

or respect. Kissing in Biblical times was common not only between male and female relatives but also between male relatives. (Genesis 27:26, 27; 29:11; 31:28; 45:15) (Exodus 18:7) It was also a gesture of affection between close friends. (1 Samuel 20:41, 42) (2 Samuel 19:39) Early Christians were told to greet one another with a Holy Kiss. (Romans 16:16) (1 Corinthians 16:20) (2 Corinthians 13:12) (1 Thessalonians 5:26) KITE: The kite is a bird of prey and a scavenger. The black kite and the red kite are both found in Palestine. They are included among the unclean birds according to the Law. (Leviticus 11:13, 14) (Deuteronomy 14:12, 13) KITRON: Kitron was a city from which the Zebulunites failed to expel the Canaanite inhabitants. (Judges 1:30) KITTIM: Kittim is listed as one of the four sons of Javan. (Genesis 11:4) (1 Chronicles 1:7) KNEADING TROUGH: This shallow portable bowl was usually made of wood, earthenware or bronze. Flour and water were mixed in it. They were worked into dough. The mass of dough was allowed to rise in the kneading trough before baking. (Ge 18:6) (1 Samuel 28:24) The kneading was done with hands, though the Egyptians also used their feet at times. (Hosea 7:4) Most kneading bowls or troughs were ten inches wide and three inches deep. KNEE, KNEEL: The knee is the joint in the leg used for support and flexibility. Wobbling or enfeebled knees portray weakness and knocking knees convey fear. (Job 4:4) (Psalm 109:24) (Isaiah 35:3) (Daniel 5:6) (Hebrews 12:12) Kneeling for the purpose of prayer is a common practice. Jesus Christ gave the example of kneeling in prayer to God in the garden of Gethsemane as recorded at Luke 22:41. KNIFE: Hebrew: maakheleth means knife, an instrument for cutting. Abraham used a slaughtering knife when he was about to sacrifice Isaac. (Genesis 22:6, 10) Levite priests used a similar knife. (Judges 19:29) We read about a people whose teeth are like swords and knives at Proverbs 30:14. We learn about a secretarys knife at Jeremiah 36:23. KNOB: The knob was an ornamental part of the golden lamp stand used in the tabernacle. The Hebrew words kaph-tohr or kaphtor means a round protrusion. (Exodus 25:31-36; 37:17-22)

KNOWLEDGE: Facts acquired by personal experience, observation and study make up knowledge. Jehovah is the Source of knowledge and life. (Psalm 36:9) (Acts 17:25, 28) Respect and reverence for God is the beginning of knowledge. (Proverbs 1:7) Christians are required to have accurate knowledge of both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ his only begotten Son. (John 17:3) (Philippians 1:9) (2 Peter 3:18) Two words translated knowledge from the Greek are gnosis and epignosis. Both are related to the verb ginosko, which means: know, understand, perceive, have intimate knowledge. Wisdom is the application of knowledge and experience. (Proverbs 4:7) (Proverbs 15:2) We should seek Gods wisdom, not human wisdom. (1 Corinthians 2) KOA: Koa was a territory in Mesopotamia, a region of Babylon east of the Tigras River, on the border of Elam and Media. Ezekiel prophesied that the people of Koa would supply some of the enemy forces that would assault unfaithful Jerusalem and Judah. (Ezekiel 23:23) KOHATH: Kohath was the second of the three sons of Levi. (Genesis 46:11) (Exodus 6:16) (1 Chronicles 6:1) He was the father of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. (Exodus 6:18) (Numbers 3:19) (1 Chronicles 6:2) He was the ancestor of the Kohathites, one of the three large divisions of the Levites. (Numbers 3:17, 27) Kohath lived 133 years. (Exodus 6:18) KOHATHITE: The Kohathites or sons of Kohath were descendants of the family head, Kohath, who was one of the three sons of Levi. (Genesis 46:11) (Numbers 26:57) KOLAIAH, FATHER OF AHAB: Kolaiah was father of the false prophet Ahab. He was among the Jews in Babylonian exile before Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. (Jeremiah 29:21) KOLAIAH, ANCESTOR OF SALLU: Kolaiah was a Benjamite and an ancestor of Salu. He lived in Jerusalem in Nehemiahs day after the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:4, 7) KORAH THE KORATHITE LEVITE: Korah was a Kohathite Levite of the family of Izhar. (Exodus 6:16, 18, 21) (1 Chronicles 6:1, 2, 22) The Israelites were following Moses through the wilderness. Korah joined up with the Reubenites, Dathan, Abiram and On along with 250 chieftains of the assembly to rebel against the authority of Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 16:3-11) Korah and the 250 men with

him stood at the entrance of the tent of meeting. Jehovahs glory appeared to the entire assembly. God spoke to Moses. He told them to move away from the tabernacles of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Suddenly the earth opened up and swallowed them and their households and all that belonged to Korah. The earth swallowed them up and covered them over. (Numbers 16:18-34) A total of 14,700 persons died as a result of this scourge from Jehovah God. (Numbers 16:41-50) The sons of Korah did not follow their father and their descendants and they later became prominent in the Levitical service. (Numbers 26:9-11) KORAHITE: The Korahites were a paternal house of the Kohahite Levites. They were descendants of Korah and they rebelled in Moses day. (Exodus 6:18, 21, 24) (Numbers 16:1-3) The sons of Korah are mentioned at Psalms 42, 44-49, 84, 85, 87, 88. Though their forefathers rebelled, Jehovah did not hold the sons of Korah accountable for their error. They were faithful and therefore were blessed and honored with temple service. KORE, SONS OF ASAPH: Kore was a Kohathite Levite of the sons of Asaph. He was a descendant of Korah. (Exodus 6:16, 18, 21) (1 Chronicles 9:19; 26:1) KORE, SON OF IMNAH: This Kore was a Levite, the sonof Imnah and the gate-keeper to the east of the temple in King Hezekiahs reign. He was in charge of the voluntary offerings with men under his control. (2 Chronicles 31:14-16) KOZ: Koz was a descendant of Judah. He became father to Anub and Zobebah and the families of Aharhel the son of Harum. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 8) KUSHAIAH: Kushaiah was a Levite of the family of Merari and the father or ancestor of Ethan. He was one of the group of Levite singers and musicians of Davids day. (1 Chronicles 15:16-17) It appears Kushaiah was called Kishi at 1 Chronicles 6:44. KYRIOS: This is the Greek word for lord. (See: LORD) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY L LAADAH: Laadah was the second of two sons of Shelah. He was a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:21)

LABAN: Laban was the grandson of Abrahams brother Nahor. He was the son of Bethuel and the brother of Rebekah. (Genesis 24:15, 29; 28:5) He was the father of Leah and Rachel. (Genesis 29:16) Laban lived at the city of Haran in Paddan-aram in Mesopotamia. (Genesis 24:10; 27:43; 28:6; 29:4, 5) LABDANUM: Hebrew: nekhoth means spices, gum, and resin. It is soft, black or dark-brown and has a bitter taste but a fragrant odor. It is used in perfumes, incense and medicine. (Genesis 37:25; 43:11) LABOR PAINS: The physically distressing experience that occurs when giving birth is called labor pains. God told Eve: I will greatly increase your pains of childbirth. The apostle Paul symbolically used childbirth when he wrote the Thessalonians: For you know perfectly that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When they say, Peace and security; then sudden destruction will come upon them, as labor pains come to a pregnant woman. They will not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) LACHISH: Lachish was a Judean city in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:21, 33, 39) It was located along a strategic position on the road linking Jerusalem with Egypt. Assyrian King Sennacherib in 732 B.C.E besieged Lachish. It appears a double wall with many towers encompassed the city of about 7,000 residents. LADDER: Jacobs ladder comes from the Hebrew term sul-lam and it refers to the ladder Jacob saw in a dream recorded at Genesis 28:13. He saw a ladder standing on the earth with it top reaching to heaven. Gods angels ascended and descended on the ladder. A representation of Jehovah God was above it. (Genesis 28:13) Jesus may have had that vision in mind when he told his disciples: You will see angels of God ascending and descending to the Son of man. (John 1:51) LAEL: He was a Levite and the father of Eliasaph of the Gershonites during Israels trek in the wilderness. (Numbers 3:24) LAHAD: A descendant of Judah, Lahad was the second son of Jahath. (1 Chronicles 4:1-2)

LAHMI: This could be the brother of the Goliath that David killed or it could be the second of two Goliaths. No one knows for sure. (1 Chronicles 20:5) (2 Samuel 21:19) LAHMAM: This was a Judean city in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 40) It was about 3 miles east of Lachish. LAISHAH: This town in the territory of Benjamin is mentioned at Isaiah 10:30. LAKE OF FIRE: Fire is symbolic of total destruction. The Lake of Fire is only found in chapters 20 and 21 of the book of Revelation. It is clearly symbolic since fire is a physical thing. However the Lake of Fire is called the second death, a spiritual activity. Death and the grave were hurled into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:10, 14; 21:8) The Devil is thrown into the lake. The Devil is a spirit and could not be destroyed by a physical fire. Everyone thrown into the Lake of Fire undergo the second death. (Revelation 20:14) There is no consciousness and no feeling of pain or suffering in death. (Ecclesiates 9:5) SEE DEATH. LAKKUM: Lakkum was a boundary sit of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 33) LAME: Lameness is a handicap, usually physical, that prevents a person from walking. (Acts 3:2; 14:8) A lame person was not allowed to serve in the Aaronic priesthood. (Leviticus 21:16-23) Jehovah would not permit the sacrifice of any lame or defective animal. This is because these sacrifices foreshadowed the perfect sacrifice of Christ. (Deuteronomy 15:21) (Leviticus 22:19, 20) (Malachi 1:8, 13) Christians are commanded to present their bodies as living sacrifices. (Romans 12:1) LAMECH, SON OF METHUSHAEL: Lamech was a descendant of Cain. His lifetime and Adams overlapped. He was the first poygamist of Bible record with two wives, Adah and Zillah. He had two sons by Adah, Jabal and Jubal. (Genesis 4:19-22) Lamech fathered Tubal-cain by Zillah. All of Lamechs offspring parished in the Great Flood of Noahs Day. LAMECH, SON OF METHUSELAH: This son of Methuselah was a descendant of Seth. He had faith in God and fathered Noah. Lamech said of Noah that he would comfort us from our work and from the pain of our hands because of the curse Jehovah brought. (Genesis

5:29) These words came true during Noahs lifetime. (Genesis 8:21) His name is listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ at Luke 3:36. LAMEDH: This is the twelveth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. (Psalm 119:80-96) LAMENTATIONS: A lamentation is a cry of sorrow and grief. The Book of Lamentations is just that, a cry of sorrow. Septuagint translators called the book Threnoi meaning dirges. Jeromes Latin Vulgate calls it Lamentationes, which is the root for the English name Lamentations LAMB: The Israelites offered an animal as a gift sacrifice to God. (Genesis 4:4) (Exodus 12:3-10) Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. (John 1:29-36) (1 Corinthians 5:7) (1 Peter 1:19) LAMP: A lamp is a vessel used to produce light. The wick was dipped in oil and then burned to make artificial light. The five discreet virgins of Jesus illustration each had oil burning lamps. (Matthew 25:1-4) The mob that came to arrest Jesus lighted their way with lamps and torches. (John 18:3) Lamps were made of earthenware or bronze depending on the need for portability. David praise Jehovah and called him his lamp at 2 Samuel 22:29. Your Word is a lamp to my food and a light to my roadway. (Psalm 119:105) The prophetic word is like a light shining in a dark place. (2 Peter 1:19) When a persons lamp is extinguished there is no future for him. (Proverbs 24:20) Jesus compared the eye to a lamp at Matthew 6:22-23. LAMP STANDS: Also call candlesticks; it is symbolic for congregations or churches. (Revelation 1:20) LANDOWNER: A landowner is a holder or a proprietor of land. There have been bealim, landowners of land since the beginning. When a transaction took place it was legalized before the townspeople. (Genesis 23:1-20) Joseph bought land for Pharaoh from Egyptian landowners in exchange for food during a famine in Egypt. (Genesis 47:20-26) Jehovah is ultimately the supreme landowner. (Psalm 24:1; 50:10-12) Jehovah God demanded there be no poor in the land. (Deuteronomy 15:4, 5) Every fifty years, the Jubilee year, every man returned to his inheritance. Any land he sold was to be returned to him. Jehovah told the people that they

were not actually the owners of the Promised Land but it was only held in trust. LANGUAGE: The world spoke only one language. (Genesis 11:1-9) Latin was spoken in the Roman Empire. Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic were also commonly spoken. (John 19:20) (Acts 21:37) LAODICEA: Laodicea was a city in the western part of Asia Minor about 90 miles east of Ephesus. It was a city of great wealth known for manufacturing and banking. It had no permanent water supply; so all water had to be piped to Laodicea and was warm when it reached the city. The Laodicean congregation in the first century met at the home of Nympha, a Christian sister there. Epaphras was active in the establishment of the new congregation. (Colossians 4:12, 13, 15) LAPPIDOTH: Lappidoth was the husband of the Israelite prophetess Deborah. (Judge 4:4) LASEA: This Cretan city was near the Fair Havens harbor. (Acts 27:8) LASHA: Lasha was part of the Canaanite boundary description found at Genesis 10:19. LASSHARON: Lassharon was a royal Canaanite city whose king was defeated by the Israelites under Joshual. (Joshua 12:7, 8, 18) LAST DAYS, END OF THE AGE: The term last days or comparable expressions such as final part of the days were used in the Bible to designate a time when events of history culminate. (Ezekiel 38:8, 16) (Daniel 10:14) The Bible speaks of a last day during which the resurrection of the dead is to take place. (John 6:39, 40, 44; 11:24) (Daniel 12:13) We read about a time of judgment as the last days at John 12:48. Jesus gave his disciples complete details in the sign of the end of the age, or the last days of this system at Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. LAST SUPPER: See LORDS EVENING MEAL LATIN: Many people throughout the Roman Empire spoke Latin. Latin was the parent of the Romance languages: Italian, Spanish,

French, Portuguese, and Romanian. The last half of the second century C.E. saw a move by the religious powers of Rome to have Latin replace Greek as the language of the Roman Church. Jerome wrote the Latin Vulgate translation of the Holy Scriptures in the year 405 C.E. It was second only to the Greek Septuagint as a wellcirculated Bible translation. The word Latin occurs only once in the Bible at John 19:20. LATTICE: A Lattice is a framework with strips of wood crossing it. It is usually used to cover a window or a privacy screen. (Judges 5:1, 28) (Proverbs 7:6-13) LAUGHTER: Jehovah God is the happy God and he wants his servants to be happy. (1 Timothy 1:11) The Scriptures tell us, There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. (Ecclesiates 3:1,4) There is no cause for rejoicing if ones activity shows disregard for the righteous ways of God. (Ecclesiates 9:7) LAUNDRY, LAUNDRYMAN: The laundryman washed used clothing and processed new cloth by bleaching and shrinking it and removing the oils in preparation for dyeing. (Malachi 3:2) The Hebrew word for laundryman meant trample. He would wash by stamping with the feet to loosen the dirt. The Greek term for cleaning clothes was gnapheus. Clothes cleaners were able to whiten clothing by cleaning and bleaching. (Mark 9:3) LAUNDRYMANS FIELD, FULLERS FIELD: This was an area close to the city of Jerusalem where laundrymen worked. Isaiah and his son Shear-jashub met King Ahaz by the highway of the laundrymans field. (2 King 18:17) (Isaiah 7:3; 36:2) The word fuller is from the Hebrew word kabas. It means the fulling process to wash by stamping with the feet. LAUREL: A Laurel is an evergreen. It frequently grows as a shrub but it is capable of growing to 50 feet in height. The tree contains oil long employed in medicine. The Laurus nobilis is found from the coast to the middle mountain regions of Palestine. It also grows in other Mediterranean countries. LAW GIVER: JEHOVAH IS THE LAWGIVER. Jehovah God is the one true Lawgiver in the universe. This also includes physical laws. (Job 38:4-38) (Psalm 104:5-19) Man is a moral being and therefore subject to Gods moral laws. (Exodus 20:1-17) (Romans 12:1) (1

Corinthians 2:14-16) Jesus taught the greatest commandments are to love God and neighbor. (Matthew 22:36-40) LAW OF GOD: Jehovah God is the Supreme Lawgiver. (Isaiah 33:22) His throne is established on righteousness and judgment. (Psalm 97:1-2) The word law in the Hebrew Scriptures is translated from the word toh-rah. It means direct instruction. (See also COMMANDMENTS) LAW OF THE CHRIST: The Law of the Christ is the perfect law that belongs to freedom. It is written in the hearts of Christians. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is so close to his Heavenly Father God. For this reason he obeys the Law of God. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) (Hebrews 8:6-13) (John 14:10, 28) LAZARUS, BROTHER OF MARTHA AND MARY: Lazarus was a good friend to Jesus. Jesus therefore had a deep love for this family living at Bethany, about two miles from Jerusalem on the road to Jericho. Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead. This miracle illustrated the power of the Son of God and helped build faith in him as savior and king. The entire account may be found at John chapter 11. LAZARUS, BEGGAR IN JESUS ILLUSTRATION: Jesus used this illustration (parable) to prove a point. And that point is God rewards His faithful servants. It is found at Luke 16:19-31. A beggar named Lazarus was at the gate of a rich man. He was hungry and wanted to be fed with the things that fell from the rich mans table. After Lazarus died, he was carried off by angels to Abrahams bosom. (The bosom position is a place or condition of being very close to someone. For example at John 1:18 Jesus is said to be in the bosom of the Father, meaning very close to the Father.) The rich man died and was in great torment in the grave. Lazarus was with Abraham and there was a deep pit lying between the rich man and Lazarus and Abraham. The context of the entire Canon of Holy Scriptures reveal that the dead are not conscience of anything until after the resurrection. (Ecclesiates 3:19; 9:5) (John 12:24) (Revelation 16:3) (SEE: DEATH) Therefore the rich man and Lazarus could not converse. Symbolically the characters in this parabolic drama could each represent individuals or groups of people. The meaning of this account is ambiguous at best, and subject to interpretation. However, it is safe to conclude that God will reward His faithful

servants, poor and rich alike. And that greedy, selfish, and sinful people will suffer and die. There truly is justice with God. LAZINESS: Laziness is idleness, indolence, slothfulness, and unwillingness to work. The Hebrew word a-tsal and the Greek word o-kne-ros mean sluggish and slothful. (Judges 18:9) (Proverbs 6:6) (Matthew 25:26) (Romans 12:11) Jehovah and his Son Jesus Christ are great workers. They do not like laziness. Laziness is condemned throughout Gods Word. Jesus said: My Father works and I work. (John 5:17) Regarding spiritual laziness the apostle Paul counsels the Roman: Do not lag behind in diligence. Be fervent in spirit serving the Lord. (Romans 12:11) Concerning material assistance in the congregation, the Scriptural rule is: Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10) A person who is very spiritually active in the congregation but is physically or emotionally unable to work could be considered for assistance. (1 Timothy 6:6-8) (Proverbs 13:4) (Proverbs 20:4) LEAD: Lead is one of the heaviest metallic elements. Moses sang that the Egyptians sank like lead at Exodus 15:10. LEADER: A leader is a person who rules, guides, or inspires others. Jesus Christ is called Messiah the leader and a leader and commander to the nations. (Daniel 9:25) (Isaiah 55:4) In the headship principle defined at 1 Corinthians 11:3 Jesus Christ is the head over man. He is the head over the congregation of believers. (Colossians 1:18) Jesus is our king and leader and yet he is subordinate to his heavenly Father. (John 14:28) No imperfect human is the leader of true Christians. While there are those who take the lead in the congregation they should not be titled leader or addressed as Elder or Leader. (Hebrews 13:7) (Matthew 23:810) Jesus Christ the true leader makes it very clear at Matthew chapter 23 that we should not be calling people, reverend, right reverend, most holy, or father. For that mater even the title paster is suspect and should be avoided. LEAH: Leah was the older daughter of Laban. Laban was the brother of Rebekah, Jacobs mother, so Leah was Jacobs cousin. (Genesis 22:20-23; 24:24, 29; 29:16,17) Leah was not a beautiful as her younger sister Rachel. He eyes lacked luster. Bright or lustrous eyes were evidence of beauty. (Son of Solomon 1:15; 4:9; 7:4) Yet Leah became Jacobs first wife thanks to a deception by Laban,

Leahs father. (Genesis 29:18-28) Leah became the mother of seven of Jacobs children, his six sons Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun and a daughter Dinah. (Genesis 29:32-35; 30:16-21) LEAVEN: Also called yeast. This substance is added to dough made from the flour of wheat or barley to make it rise before being baked into bread. Jesus warned his followers: beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (Matthew 16:6-12) The apostle Paul used leaven to illustrate his point. (1 Corinthians 5:6-8) (Galatians 5:9) LEBANAH: Lebanah was the founder of a family whose sons or descendants were the Nethinim returning with Zerubabel from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 45) (Nehemiah 7:46, 48) LEBANON: Lebanon is an Asian country near the east end of the Mediterranean Sea. Lebanon has a narrow costal plain that leads into the foothills of the Lebanon Mountain range. Many of the Scriptural references to Lebanon relate to its fruitfulness. (Psalm 72:16) (Isaiah 35:2) It was known for its luxuriant forests with tall cedar trees. (Psalm 29:5) Zechariah prophesied that Jehovah would bring his people back to the land of Gilead and Lebanon. (Zechriah 10:10) LEBAOTH: Lebaoth was a city in the southern part o the territory of Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 32) It was sometimes called Beth-lebaoth. (Joshua 19:1, 2, 6) LEBONAH: Lebonah was a place mentioned in connection with Shiloh. (Judges 21:19) LECAH: Lecah was a descendant of Judah through Er. The context at 1 Chronicles 4:21 suggests that it could also be the name of a village. LEECH: The Hebrew word alu-qah means leach. It is a bloodsucking worm with a flat body that tapers at both ends. It can be four inches in length and when it latches on to something it is not easily removed. It latches on to its host and sucks much blood. Leeches can be found in great numbers in many streams and rivers of the Middle East. The leach is mentioned only once in Scriptures at Proverbs 30:15 with reference to its insatiable greed.

LEEK: Hebrew: cha-tsir means green grass and leeks. (Isaiah 40:7, 8) (Numbers 11:4, 5) Onions and garlic are similar to leeks. The bulbs and leaves of the leek are cooked as a vegetable and used as a seasoning. They are also eaten raw. LEG: The leg is the limb of a man or animal used to support the body for walking. There was a Roman custom to break the legs of criminals condemned to die on the stake in order to cause them to die sooner. The soldiers broke the legs of the men impaled on stakes alongside Jesus Christ. Finding that Jesus was already dead they did not break his legs. Thus the prophesy at Psalm 34:20 was fulfilled. (John 19:31-36) LEGAL CASE: A matter that should be settled in a court of law or a legal hearing is a legal case. The Hebrew verb riv means to quarrel, argue, contend, or conduct a legal case. (Genesis 26:20) (Exodus 23:2) (Deuteronomy 17:8; 33:8) (Psalm 35:23) (Proverbs 25:8) (Isaiah 34:8) The Hebrew word din is also rendered legal case. LEGION: One of the demon-possessed men Jesus encountered in the region east of the Sea of Galilee identified himself as Legion. It was not likely his real name, but a symbolic application indicating that he was possessed by many demons. A legion of men in the Roman army was over 6,000 in number, so that would have represented thousands of demons. (Matthew 8:28-34) (Mark 5:120) (Luke 8:26-39) LEHABIM, LEHABITES: The Lehabim (Lehabites) was a tribe that inhabited ancient Libya. The name appears at Genesis 10:13 and 1 Chronicles 1:11. They could also be the Luvim mentioned at 2 Chronicles 12:3. LEHI: The Hebrew word Lehi means jawbone. Samson struck down a thousand Philistines with the moist jawbone of a donkey. In memory of the victory Jehovah had given him, he called the place Ramath-lehi meaning lofty place of the jawbone. This place was two miles east of Beth-shemesh. (Judges 15:9-19) LEMUEL: Lemuel was a king of ancient times who wrote Proverbs chapter 31. Out of respect for his mother, Lemuel offered this valuable advise he received from his mother.

LENTIL: A lentil is an annual plant of the legume family. It has long been grown in Egypt and Israel. (2 Samuel 17:27) Rich in protein and carbohydrates, the seeds are used for soups. (Genesis 25:34) The plant also serves as a fodder for livestock. LEOPARD: The leopard is a large cat that has a light-tan coat with black spots arranged in broken circles. (Jeremiah 13:23) The average leopard is four feet long not counting the tail. These animals are swift in their movement. (Habakkuk 1:8) The leopard and the kid are depicted as lying down together in peace during Messiahs rule. (Isaiah 11:6) The Hebrew word layish is translated lion at Job 4:11 and Proverbs 30:30. It is also rendered leopard at Isaiah 30:6. The wild beast seen in vision by the apostle John was basically like a leopard. (Revelation 13:1, 2) Daniel 7:6 features a four-winged, four headed leopard representing the Grecian World Power that conquered Medo-Persia with the swiftness of a leopard. LEPROSY: Hebrew tsa-raath and Greek lepra designate the disease of leprosy. In its advanced stage leprosy offers swelling and pus discharges, falling hair, loose nails, decay and decay. The victims fingers, limbs, nose or eyes may be slowly eaten away. (Numbers 12:12) (2 Kings 15:5) (2 Chronicles 26:16-23) Jesus healed a leper. (Luke 5:12-16) (Matthew 8:2-4) (Mark 1:40-45) LESHEM: A name for the city of Laish. It was later called Dan. (Joshua 19:47) (Judges 18:7, 27, 29) LETTERS: A letter is a written communication addressed to a person or an organization. Letters have widely been used as a means of communication in ancient times. (2 Samiel 11:14) (2 Kings 5:5-7; 10:1, 2) (2 Chronicles 30:1) (Ezra 4:7) (Isaiah 37:14) (Jeremiah 29:1) (Acts 9:1, 2; 28:21) (2 Thessalonians 2:2) (Hebrews 13:22) The Greek word e-pi-sto-le is translated a written message. (1 Corinthians 5:9) The apostle Paul said that Christians did not need letters proving they were ministers. He declared: You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men. It is known that you are a letter of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is not written on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh that are of the heart. (2 Corinthians 3:2, 3) Letters from Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude were written under inspiration of Gods Holy Spirit and are now a cherished part of the canon of the Bible.

LETUSHIM: This man was a descendant of Abraham through Dedan. He was one of his sons by Keturah. The tribe was probably located in the Arabian Peninsula. (Genesis 25:3) LEUMMIM: The name Leummim is found at Genesis 25:1-3 along with Asshurim and Letushim. They are all descendants of Abraham and Keturah through their son Dedan. LEVELING DEVICE: This instrument was used in making surfaces level or at right angles to a plumb line. Hebrew mishqelleth means leveling instrument. (Isaiah 28:14-19) LEVI: Levi was born at Paddan-aram the third son of Jacob by his wife Leah. He became father to Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. Each of his sons founded one of the three divisions of the Levites. (Genesis 35:23, 26; Ge 46:11) (1 Chronicles 6:1,16) The Levites were scattered throughout forty-eight cities in the land of Canaan and the territories of Israel. Levi traveled to Egypt with Jacob and died there at 137 years of age. (Exodus 1:1; 6:16) LEVIATHAN: The Hebrew word liw-ya-than occurs six times in the Scriptures. It is used in connection with water at five of the references. Therefore Leviathan appears to signify some form of aquatic creature of great size and strength. Psalm 104:25, 26 describes it as playing in the sea where ships travel like some whale type animal. The description of Leviathan at Job 41:1-34 readily fits the crocodile. The term sea monster is used at Psalm 74:13,14. Isaiah 27:1 depicts Leviathan as the dragon; a symbol of an empire, an organization that is international in scope and that is dominated by a serpent and dragon. (Revelation 12:9) Leviathan, therefore, refers to an international organization or empire that is in opposition to Jehovah and his worshipers. LEVIRATE MARRIAGE: SEE BROTHER-IN-LAW MARRIAGE LEVITICUS: Leviticus is the third book of the Bible. The book consists of the regulations of the Levitical priesthood and the laws that the priests taught the people. (Malachi 2:7) Moses wrote Leviticus while he was in the wilderness and completed it in the year 1512 B.C.E. (Leviticus 26:46) LEVITICUS HIGHLIGHTS: Leviticus 1-7 Regulations given for offerings and sacrifices Leviticus 8-10 Priesthood established

Leviticus 11-15 Laws on cleanness Leviticus 16:1-34 Day of Atonement Leviticus 17-20 Statutes on blood Leviticus 21-25 Festivals Leviticus 26 Blessings for obedience, Chastisement for disobedience LEVITE CITIES: The Levites were given no territory. (Numbers 18:20) (Deuteronomy 18:1, 2) God required that the other tribes of Israel give them 48 cities and the surrounding pasture lands. (Numbers 35:1-8) These were to be where the Levites and their families were to live. Eight cities were designated cities of refuge for unintentional manslayers. (Joshua 20:7-9) LEVITES: Descendants of Jacobs son Levi. They served as priests. (Numbers 1:47-53; 8:5-26) LEVITICAL PRIEST: A Hebrew priest descended from the tribe of Levi. All priests were supposed to be members of the tribe of Levi. LIBNAH CAMPGROUND: This was a wilderness campground where the Israelites stayed overnight. (Numbers 33:20, 21) LIBNAH: Libnah was a royal Canaanite city captured by Joshua before the conquest of Lachish. (Joshua 10:29-32, 39; 12:15) Libnah was one of the cities in Judah given to the sons of Aaron. (Joshua 15:21, 42; 21:13) (1 Chronicles 6:57) The Assyrian King Sennacheribs army traveled from Lachish to Libnah. While they were encamped near Libnah, Jehovahs angel killed 185,000 of the Assyrian army. (2 Kings 19:8-35) (Isaiah 37:8-36) LIBNI, SON OF GERSHON: Libni was a grandson of Levi. He was the son of Gershon. (Exodus 6:17) (1 Chronicles 6:17) Also called Ladan, we founded a Levitical family. (Numbers 3:18, 21) (1 Chronicles 6:19, 20; 23:6, 7; 26:21) LIBNITES: The Libnites were a family of Levites who descended from Gershon through his son Libni. (Numbers 3:21; 26:58) LIBYA, LIBYANS: Libya was the country in northern Africa just west of Egypt. (2 Chronicles 12:3) Some of the Libyans descended from Ham through Mizraim. (Genesis 10:13) The Jewish writings of Josephus make the Libyans descendants of Ham through Put. (Genesis 10:6)

LIE: A lie is a statement that deviates from the truth, perverts the truth, or completely denies the truth. Jesus said Gods Word is truth at John 17:17. God cannot lie. (Numbers 23:19) (Hebrews 6:13-18) He hates a false tongue. (Proverbs 6:16-19) Gods Law requires his believers to find the truth in his Word and live by it. (Exodus 20:16) (Romans 1:25) (2 Thessalonians 2:11) LIFE: The condition of living or state of being alive. This is the definition of life as found in the average dictionary. The Hebrew word nephesh and the Greek word psykhe refer to life, a person, or a living being. The Holy Scriptures plainly state at Genesis 2:7, Jehovah God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. The man became a living being. Living beings require the breath of life from their creator in order to become living beings. Jehovah God is the source of life. He is the living God and the Fountain of life. (Jeremiah 10:10) (Danuel 6:20, 26) (John 6:57) (2 Corinthians 3:3; 6:16) (1 Thessalonians 1:9) (Psalm 36:9) Life on earth came to be as the result of the direct command from Jehovah God and the corresponding action of his Son in carrying out that command. The account in Genesis tells us that life-begets-life, according to its kind. (Genesis 1:12, 21, 25; 5:3) The missing links of the theory of evolution are still missing and will remain missing! LIFE SPAN: Before the flood the life span was nearly a thousand years. Adam lived 930 years. Methuselah lived 969 years. (Genesis 5:5, 27) Abraham lived 175 years. (Genesis 25:7) God shortened mans life span. Psalm 90:10 speaks about living seventy to eighty years. Modern health treatments have made it possible for people to live into their 90s, but the average life span is in the 70s. Isaiah 25:8 promises that God will swallow up death forever. Then the days of man will be like the days of a tree. (Isaiah 65:22) LIGAMENTS: A ligament is a band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages with muscles. It is any connection or unifying bond. The Greek word syndesmos is translated ligaments, sinews, uniting bands, that which bonds together, bond of union, and fastening. Colossians 2:18, 19 speaks of holding fast to the head meaning Jesus Christ the head of the congregation. Paul uses ligaments metaphorically to describe the strong association between the spiritual body of Christ and Jesus Christ the head of the body. In the same letter Paul depicts love as the bond of perfection and unity. (Colossians 3:14) Sin also acts as a strong

bond. (Acts 8:23) Paul further spoke of the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3) LIGHT: In physics light is electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation. Hebrew ohr and Greek phos mean light from a lamp or the sun. (Jeremiah 25:10) Sunlight is a combination of colors offering many hues that delight the eye of man. Light is the opposite of darkness. It can be literal (physical) or figurative (spiritual). (Isaiah 5:20) (John 11:10, 11) God is the source of light. (Genesis 1:3) (Isaiah 45:7) (Psalms 104:1, 2; 136:7-9) (1 John 1:5) (James 1:17) Jesus Christ the Son of God is the light of the world. (John 3:19-21; 8:12; 12:35, 36, 46) LIGHTNING: Lightning is the flash of light due to the electric discharge in the atmosphere. This can be from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth. This phenomenon is present in Israel during rainy periods of spring and fall. God is the creator of the elements necessary for producing lightning. (Job 37:3, 11) Lightning flashes accompanied Gods presence at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:16; 20:18) Lightning is related to Gods throne. (Revelation 4:5) LIKHI: Likhi was a man of the tribe of Manasseh who was listed as one of Shemidas sons. (1 Chronicles 7:19) LILY: The Hebrew word shu-shan and Greek word krinon each translate to the English word lily. The lilies of the Bible were found on the plains, among thorny weeds, and in pastures. (Song of Solomon 2:1, 2, 16; 4:5) Hosea spoke of a time when Jehovahs people would blossom as a lily. (Hosea 11:5) Speaking against materialism, Jesus Christ pointed out that Solomon in all his glory was not as beautiful as the lilies of the field. (Matthew 6:28-30) (Luke 12:27, 28) LIME: Lime is a substance that is prepared by burning limestone, shells or bones. (Amos 2:1) The material is abundant in the mountains of Palestine. Limestone was converted into lime by burning fragments of limestone in cylindrical limekilns. It was the principle ingredient in mortar and plaster. (Deuteronomy 27:4) (Ezekiel 13:10) (Matthew 23:27) (Acts 23:3) The Holy Scriptures use the symbolic burning of lime to represent destruction. (Isaiah 33:12)

LINEN: Linen is the cloth made with the thread or cloth made from flax. (Exodus 25:4) (Judges 15:14) Most Hebrew garments were woolen or linen. (Leviticus 13:47) (Proverbs 31:13, 22) (Hosea 2:5, 9) The Law prohibited a mixture of the two materials for nonpriestly Israelite garments. (Deuteronomy 22:11) Even though the Israelites manufactured their own linen, they also imported some linen from Egypt. (Proverbs 7:16) In a figurative use, Babylon the Great is depicted as being arrayed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, representing luxury. (Revelation 18:16) The fine linen worn by the bride of Christ represented the righteous acts of the holy ones. (Revelation 19:8, 11, 14) LINUS: Linus was a Christian in Rome. Paul named him as one sending his greetings to Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:21) LION: The lion is a large mammal of the cat family having a long bushy tail. The mature male lion has a distinctive shaggy mane. Lions were plentiful in Palestine, especially in the mountains and the thickets along the Jordan River. (Jeremiah 49:19; 50:44) (Zechariah 11:3) They were also in the wilderness south of Judah. (Isaiah 30:6) (Deuteronomy 8:15) The Scriptures frequently allude to the characteristics and habits of the lion. (Proverbs 19:12; 20:2) Daniel and his companions were saved from a horrible fate at the mouth of hungry lions in the lions pit. (Daniel 6:16, 17, 22, 24) Most Scriptural references to lions are figurative. The entire nation of Israel and the individual tribes of Judah and Gad were prophetically compared to lions. (Numbers 23:24; 24:9) (Genesis 49:9) (Deuteronomy 33:20) A comprehensive concordance of the Bible will reveal more than forty references to lions. LIONS PIT: Daniel was thrown into the lions pit. It was a place for execution where lions were placed to kill those sent there. (Daniel 6:7, 12, 13, 16-24) It was a literal pit in an underground place, with a stone cover. (Daniel 6:17; 6:23) God sent angels to protect Daniel. LIP: The lips are part of the mouth and are used in forming words. Hebrew sa-phah and Greek kheillos translate to the English word lips. The words lip, tongue and mouth are used figuratively for speech or language. (Psalms 34:13; 66:14) (Proverbs 12:19; 14:3; 18:7) (1 Corinthians14:21) Sometimes the lips utter hypocritical speech. (Matthew 15:8) The true condition of the heart is eventually revealed by the utterance of the lips. (Proverbs 26:23) (Matthew 12:34) (Hebrews 4:13) Sometimes the Bible language is presented

figuratively. Smooth lips refer to flattering and deceptive speech. (Psalm 12:2, 3) A person who speaks thoughtlessly or unwisely is said to open wide his lips. (Proverbs 13:3) LITTER: A litter is a portable couch or bed covered by a canopy and curtained on the sides. It was used to carry a person of importance such as a king. Often they were made of very costly material. A good example of this is King Solomons litter described at Song of Solomon 3:7-10. LIVER: The liver is a large organ found in vertebrate animals. In man it aids in digestion and blood chemistry and is the largest of the glands. The Hebrew word for liver is ka-vedh. It means be heavy. The livers of animals that are prepared for sacrifice are mentioned in the Scriptures. (Exodus 29:13, 22) (Leviticus 3:4, 10, 15) Medical doctors have found that bacterial organisms overwhelm the liver during the advanced stages of syphilis and many other diseases. This may explain the statement at Proverbs 7:21-23, a dart strikes through his liver. King Solomon was evidently describing the fatal effects of disease as the result of illicit sex. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon looked into the liver of an animal as a form of divination. (Ezekiel 22:21) LIVING CREATURES: Sometimes referred to as winged creatures or cherubim. These are symbols of Gods majesty and are associated with his presence. (Exodus 25:18-20) (Ezekiel 1:5-28) (Revelation 4: 6-9) LIZARD: A lizard is a four-legged reptile. Most lizards are small with long tails and scaly skin. More than forty kinds or lizards are found in Palestine. They can be found in trees, crevices of rocks, on walls and ceilings of homes. The lizard is listed as an unclean swarming creature. (Leviticus 11:29, 30) LOAF: Hebrew lechem and Greek artos are rendered loaf in English. Loaves of bread, made from barley or wheat flour, were circular in shape. (1 Samuel 10:4) (2 Kings 4:42) (Judges 7:13) (Jeremiah 37:21) (Matthew 14:17) (John 6:9) The thick loaves, like that of the Western world, were not common in the ancient Middle East. The loaves of bread were broken rather than cut because of their thin, brittle nature. (Matthew 14:19; 26:26) (Mark 6:41) (Luke 9:16) (Acts 2:42, 46)

LO-AMMI: Lo-Ammi was the second son borne by Hoseas wife Gomer. God insisted that he be given a meaningful name as proof that he, God, had disowned faithless Israel. (Hosea 1:8, 9) LOAN: The placement of something, especially money, for temporary use. Very often interest is charged for the use of the money. People who were unable to payback the loan were treated harshly. (Matthew 18:28-30) Loans of money or food were made to poor Israelites who were victims of financial loses and the Law prohibited charging them interest. (Exodus 22:25) (Leviticus 25:3537) (Deuteronomy 15:7, 8; 23:19) They were allowed to charge interest on business loans and loans made to foreigners but not to cases of actual need. (Deuteronomy 23:20) The Hebrew Scriptures severely censure the borrower who refuses to repay a loan. (Psalm 37:21) The Scriptures also encourage lending to those in need. (Deuteronomy 15:7-11) (Psalms 37:26; 112:5) LOCK: A lock was a device used for fastening a door or gate to restrict entrance. (Judges 3:23, 24) (Nehemiah 3:3, 6, 13-15) The older locks contained a bolt of wood that could slide sideways through a groove in a wooden upright attached to the door. The bolt was pushed into a socket in the doorpost and was secured by wooden or iron pins. LOCUST: Looks like a grasshopper. God sent a plague of locust on the Egyptians. (Exodus 10:3-19) Joel describes a large plague of locust at Joel 1:1-4. John the Baptist ate locust. (Matthew 3:4) (Mark 1:6) LOD: Lod was a city with dependent towns built by the Benjamite Elpaal or his son Shemed. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 12) Lod was the one of the settlements the Jews returned to when they returned from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:33) (Nehemiah 7:37; 11:35) LO-DEBAR: Lo-debar was the place where Machir lived. Machir was involved with King David. (2 Samuel 9:4, 5; 17:27) LOINS: The loins consist of the abdominal region and the hips. This area contains the reproductive organs. So offspring are said to come out of the loins. John the Baptist was clothed about the loins with a leather girdle. (Matthew 3:4) (Genesis 35:11) (1 Kings 8:19) (Acts 2:30) The apostle Paul told the Ephesian Christians to gird your loins with truth. (Ephesians 6:14) This meant to be

strengthened with the truth of Gods Word. The expression, gird your loins and light your lamps found at Luke 12:35 meant to gather up the ends of the robes under the sash to allow for more strenuous physical activity. It was used to denote preparation for vigorous mental and spiritual activity. LOIS, TIMOTHYS GRANDMOTHER: Lois was Timothys grandmother and the mother of his mother Eunice. Paul commended Lois for efforts as a Christian having faith without hypocrisy. (2 Timothy 1:5) We learn at 2 Timothy 1:5 and 2 Timothy 3:15 that Lois and Eunice both taught Timothy from the Scriptures. LONGSUFFERING: Greek: makrothumia. Long-suffering is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit listed by the apostle Paul at Galatians 5:22, 23. It can be described as patience, forbearance and slowness to anger. It is patient endurance and a refusal to give up hope when under persecution and suffering. Jesus Christ endured much pain and displayed long-suffering. (Isaiah 53:7) Paul shows that a Christian should endure long-suffering with joy. (Colossians 1:9-12) LOOSE CONDUCT: Loose conduct is one of the works of the flesh listed by the apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians. (Galatians 5:19-21) He said: those who practice such thing would not inherit the kingdom of God. The Hebrew term zim-mah is translated loose conduct and loose morals. (Leviticus 18:17; 19:29) The Greek word aselgeia means licentiousness, wantonness, shameless conduct, lewdness of conduct. (2 Peter 2:7) Gang rape is classified loose conduct. (Judges 19:25; 20:6) Prostitution is also lewdness of conduct. (Jeremiah 13:27) (Ezekiel 23:44) Blood shed is also shameless conduct. (Psalm 26:9, 10) (Ezekiel 22:9) (Hosea 6:9) Jesus Christ, the Son of God identified the true source of loose conduct as coming from inside the heart of men. (Mark 7:20-23) LORD: This is a title of respect but it is not a name. The word comes from the Greek word kyrios. It means God, lord, master, sir. It has been used with reference to God as well as to his Son Jesus Christ. For example, Jesus called himself Lord of the Sabbath at Matthew 12:8. Many translations use the title LORD in all capital letters in place of the divine name when referring to God. (See DIVINE NAME) LORDS DAY: The Lords Day is a period of time when the Lord Jesus Christ completes the will and purpose of his heavenly father, Jehovah, on earth and in heaven. Johns vision in Revelation was in

the Lords Day. This is the Revelation God gave to Jesus Christ and Jesus in turn gave it to John. (Revelation 1:1, 2, 10-18) The day of the Lord at 1 Corinthians 1:8; 5:55 and 2 Corinthians 1:14 is that of Jesus Christ. The term day may denote a period of time longer than twenty-four hours. (Genesis 2:4) (John 8:56) (2 Peter 3:8) LORDS EVENING MEAL: It is sometimes called the Lords Supper, the Last Supper, Communion, and the Lords Table. The Lord Jesus Christ observed this special event with his closest followers in a large upper room. It was reported by the Gospel Writers, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These sources tell us it took place on the evening of his death. Jesus took a loaf and after saying a blessing, he broke it and gave it to the disciples. They were instructed to eat it, for it represented his body. Then he took a cup of wine and offered it to them with the instruction to drink it, for it represented his blood. After singing praises they went out to the Mount of Olives. (Matthew 26:17-30) (Mark 14:17-26) (Luke 22:739) (John 13:1-38) (1 Corinthians 10:16-22; 11:20-34) Jesus observed his last Passover meal and then established the practice of observing the Memorial of his death when he said, Do this in remembrance of me. LO-RUHAMAH: Hoseas wife Gomer gave birth to a daughter. Jehovah said to him: Name her Loruhamah for I wil no longer have mercy upon the house of Israel and I will not pardon them. (Hosea 1:6) It has been suggested that this girl was the product of Gomers adultery and was not the prophets own offspring. Her symbolic name, Loruhamah means not shown mercy. This name was given to symbolize the fact that the house of Israel would not be shown mercy. (Hosea 1:1-8; 2:1, 23) LOTS, CASTING: It was the custom in ancient times to decide a question or issue by drawing or casting lots. Pebbles or small tablets of wood or of stone were gathered in the folds of a garment. Sometimes they were placed in a vase. The fold of the garment or the vase was shaken. The one whose lot fell out or was drawn out was the one chosen. The Hebrew word gohral is used literally and figuratively with the idea to share or portion something. (Joshua 15:1) (Psalms 16:5; 125:3) (Isaiah 57:6) (Jeremiah 13:25) Proverbs 16:33 says, The lot is cast into the lap. But every decision is from Jehovah. Casting lots was done in ancient Israel to decide important things. This practice was not used for gambling. Jehovah commanded that the division of the Promised Land among the 12

tribes be performed by casting lots. (Numbers 26:55, 56) On the other hand the Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus garments. (Psalm 22:18) (Matthew 27:35) When Matthias was chosen to serve as an apostle to replace Judas Iscariot lots were used. (Acts 1:21-26) There is no written evidence that casting lots was used after Pentecost 33 C.E. LOT: Lot was the son of Abrahams (Abrams) brother Haran. That made him Abrahams nephew. (Genesis 11:27) After Lots father Haran died in Ur of the Chaldees, Lot journeyed to Canaan with Abram and Sarai and later to and from Egypt. (Genesis 12:4, 5; 13:1) When he lived in the sinful town of Sodom Lot was visited by two angels. The two angels rescured both Lot and his wife from the impending fiery destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah. However, Lots wife disobediently looked back and longed for the things left behind. As a result of her disobedience Lots wife was turned into a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:15-38) LOTAN: Lotan was a son of Seir the Horite. He was one of the sheiks of Edom. (Genesis 36:20, 29) His sons were Hori and Hemam and he had a sister named Timna. (Genesis 36:22) (1 Chronicles 1:38, 39) LOTUS TREE OR BUSH: This is a thickly branched shrub or low growing tree. It would grow to a height of five feet. The leaves are small, oval, and leathery. Thorns appear at the base of each leaf. The only place it is found in the Bible is at Job 40:21, 22 where it speaks of the hippopotamus lying in the shade of the tree. LOVE: The Greek word agape means love guided by principle. It may or may not include affection and fondness. Love is an emotion meaning feelings such as fondness, affection, personal attachment and strong liking. God is the only one who can adequately describe the kind of love required of a Christian. This description is found at 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Jesus said: The father loves the Son. (John 3:35) This love (a-gape) is both principle-love and affection (phi-leo). John 5:20 verifies this, where Jesus said: The Father has affection for the Son. Jesus said: My Father will love the person who loves me. I will love him and disclose myself to him. (John 14:21) Again, this is both principle-love and affection. Jesus commanded: Love your enemies at Matthew 5:44. This requires principle-love and might not be accompanied by warmth and affection. We learn at 1 John 4:8 that God is love. Love is his

dominant quality and that is why we are attracted to him. (John 3:16) LOVE FEASTS: The Holy Scriptures do not identify the love feasts mentioned at Jude 12. Some say they were banquets given in honor of the poor brothers. These feasts must have been held with good intentions since the Greek word agape is used in the verse. This is the highest form of love based on principle, the kind of love that God is, for God is love. (1 John 4:8) Judes words suggest that some associated on these occasions with bad motives. (Jude 12, 13) LUCIUS OF CYRENE: This Christian was associated with the Antioch, Syria, congregation when Paul departed from there on his first missionary trip. (Acts 13:1-3) LUCIUS, PAULS RELATIVE: Lucius was a Christian relative of Paul who was with him in Corinth during his third missionary tour. It was at this time that the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Romans. Lucius joined him in sending greetings to Christians in Rome as mentioned at Romans 16:21. LUD, LUDIM, SON OF SHEM: Lud was the son of Shem. (Genesis 10:22) (1 Chronicles 1:17) His descendants were identified by Josephus with the Lydians of southwest Asia Minor. LUD, LUDIM, DESCENDANT OF HAM: This Lud was a descendant of Ham through Mizraim. (Genesis 10:6, 13) (1 Chronicles 1:8, 11) LUGGAGE, BAGS: The Hebrew word keli means luggage or bags. When traveling people usually pack their personal things such as clothing in luggage. (1 Samuel 10:21, 22) (Jeremiah 46:13, 19) (Ezekiel 12:1-4, 7-11) LUHITH: When Jehovah pronounces doom against Moab he speaks about the road to Luhith. (Isaiah 15:1, 5) (Jeremiah 48:5) Some scholars think that Luhith was a Moabite city located on a hill. Others believe that Luhith was not a city but only the name of the hill used by the fleeing Moabite refugees. (Numbers 34:4) LUKE THE WRITER OF LUKE AND ACTS: The writer of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles was Luke. Luke was a physician and faithful companion of the apostle Paul. It is obvious from his writings that he was well educated and his background, as

a doctor is evident in his use of medical terms. (Luke 4:38) (Acts 28:8) Luke did not say he was an eyewitness of the life of Christ recorded in his Gospel account. (Luke 1:2) He must have become a Christian after Pentecost of 33 C.E. Luke addressed his Gospel to the most excellent Theophilos. There is no record of such a person and some believe it is a composition of the two Greek words Theo and philos meaning friend of God. LUKE, THE BOOK: The Gospel of Luke was written by the physician Luke. (Colossians 4:14) The fact that Luke was an educated man is evident by the vocabulary found in the book. Luke uses more than 300 medical terms or words that give medical meaning. (Luke 5:12; 16:20; 4:38) The Gospel of Luke was written in the years 56 through 58 C.E. He was at Caesarea at the time. Luke was not eyewitness to all the event he wrote about, but he was closely associated with the apostle Paul. (2 Timothy 4:11) (Philemon 24) Lukes inspired writing was well arranged and accurate. LUKE HIGHLIGHTS: Luke 1 Gabriel speaks to Mary. Luke 3 Jesus baptized. Luke 6 Jesus declares: Love your enemies. Luke 11 Master teaches the Model Prayer. Luke 15 Great Teacher tells parable of Prodigal Son. Luke 21 Jesus Christ lists events to occur at end of the age. LUMINARY-LIGHTS: A luminary is a source of light such as a lamp or a heavenly body. On the fourth creative day God caused luminaries to come to be in the expanse of the heavens. (Genesis 1:14-19) Two excellent translations use the term luminary. The 1898 Youngs Literal Translation wrote: Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens. The 2000 Literal Translation of the Holy Bible by Jay P Green expressed it this way: Let the luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens. A luminary is a light. (Psalms 74:16; 148:3) Most translations use the word light in this instance. LUTE: Hebrew shalish means three. The lute was a musical instrument of three strings. It was light weight and could be played by Israelite women as they sang and danced in celebration of the victories of King Saul and of David. (1 Samuel 18:6, 7)

LUZ, TOWN OF BETHEL: The Canaanite inhabitants once gave the name Luz to what is now called Bethel. (Genesis 28:16-19; 35:6) (Judges 1:22) (Joshua 16:2) LYCAONIA: Lycaonia was located in Asia Minor. (Acts 14:6-11) It was in the southern part of the Roman province of Galatia, bounded by Pisidia and Phrygia on the west, Cappadocia on the east and Cilicia on the south. It was a large pasture area for raising sheep. The apostle Paul visited Derbe and Lystra, two cities of Lycaonia during his first and second missionary journeys. (Acts 14:6, 20, 21; 16:1; 18:23) LYCIA: Lycia was a mountainous region on the southwest coast of Asia Minor. The mountains were an extension of the Taurus Range rising almost directly from the sea. Patara and Myra are two cities mentioned in reference to Pauls travels to the region. (Acts 21:1; 27:5) LYDDA: Lydda is el-Ludd, the modern day Lod, in the Plain of Sharon. It is 11 miles southeast of Joppa. Peter healed the paralyzed Aeneas at Lydda. Many in the area accepted Christianity because of this miracle. (Acts 9:32-35, 38) (1 Chronicles 8:12) LYDIA: Lydia was one of the first persons in Europe to accept Christianity as a result of the apostle Pauls activity at Philippi in about 50 C.E. She lived at Thyatira in Asia Minor a city know for its dyeing industry. Then she moved to Philippi in Macedonia where she sold purple, either the dye or garments and fabrics colored with it. She was probably widowed or single. (Acts 16:14, 15) Lydia and other devout women assembled by a river outside the city. After being baptized Lydia invited the apostle Paul and his companions to stay with her. As Luke wrote: She absolutely insisted that we come. (Acts 16:11-15) LYSANIAS: Lysanias was the district ruler of Abilene when John the Baptist began his ministry in the year 29 C.E. He served as tetrarch during the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesars rule. (Luke 3:1) LYSTRA: The city of Lystra was located in Lycaonia, a region in the south-central part of Asia Minor. The apostle Paul and Barnabas traveled to Lystra after being forced to leave Iconium. (Acts 14:1, 520) They encouraged the disciples in the newly established congregations in the area. (Acts 14:21-23; 16:3; 18:23) (2 Timothy 3:10, 11)

LYRE: This is a type of harp. SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY M MAACAH, SON OF NAHOR: This son of Nahor by his concubine Reumah, was Abrahams brother. (Genesis 22:23, 24) (2 Samuel 10:6-9) MAACAH, WIFE OF MACHIR: This Maacah was a female. She was the wife of Machir the Manassite. (1 Chronicles 7:14-16) MAACAH, CALEBS CONCUBINE: Maacah was one of Calebs concubines. Caleb was the son of Hezron. Maacah bore several of his children. (1 Chronicles 2:18, 48, 49) MAACAH, DAVIDS WIFE: This Maacah was one of Davids wives. She was the daughter of Talmai the king of Geshur. She was Absaloms mother. (2 Samuel 3:2, 3) (1 Chronicles 3:1, 2) MAACAH, WIFE OF KING REHOBOAM: Maacah was Absaloms granddaughter. She was King Rehoboamls wife and the mother of King Abijah (Abijam). (2 Chronicles 11:20-22) (1 Kings 15: 1, 2, 9, 10) Being the queen mother, she was known as the lady in the kingdom. He grandson, King Asa, restored true worship to the land. In the process he removed her as queen mother at the time that he removed a detestable idol to the sacred pole belonging to her. (1 Kings 15:9-13) (2 Chronicles 15:16) MAACAH, FATHER OF ACHISH: This Maacah was the father of Achish the king of Gath. Shimeis slaves ran away to Maacah early in Solomons reign. (1 Kings 2:39) (1 Samuel 27:2) MAACAH, THE KINGDOM: This small kingdom existed in North Palestine when the Israelites invaded the area. It is also called Maacath. The territory of the tribe of Manasseh embraced this land. (Deuteronomy 3:14) (Joshua 12:5; 13:13) Maacah was an Aramaean kingdom (Syrian). Its people descended from Nahors son. (Genesis 22:24) (1 Chronicles 19:6) Later this kingdom came under the kingdom of Damascus. MAACATHITE: A Maacathite was a resident of the Aramaean kingdom of Maacah. (Deuteronomy 3:14) (Joshua 12:5; 13:13)

MAADAI, MAADAIAH: This man was an Israelite among the sons of Bani. He accepted foreign wives but sent them away in Ezras day after the Jews returned from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 10:25, 34, 44) MAADIAH: Maadiah was a priest and head of a paternal house. He accompanied the Jews who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel. (Nehemiah 12:1, 5) The Moadiah mentioned at Nehemiah 12:17 may have been the same person. MAAI: Maai was a priest and musician who descended from Asaph. He played a musical instrument at the inauguration of Jerusalems wall in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 12:36) MAARATH: This town was assigned to the tribe of Judah. It was near the village of Beit Ummar in the hill country of Judah. (Joshua 15:21) MAASAI: Maasai was a priest and descendant of Immer. He returned from the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:10, 12) MAASEIAH, LEVITE MUSICIAN: Maaseiah was a Levite musician. He was a member of the second division who played a stringed instrument when the Ark of Jehovah was brought from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem at the command of David. (1 Chronicles 15:17-20, 25) MAASEIAH, PRINCE OF KING UZZIAH: Maaseiah was an officer under the command of Hananiah. He served Judahs King Uzziah as a royal prince. (2 Chronicles 26:11) MAASEIAH, FATHER OF ZEDEKIAH: Maaseiah was a false prophet at the time Jeremiah was a prophet of Jehovah. (Jeremiah 29:21) MAATH: Luke lists Maath as one of Jesus ancestors. (Luke 3:23, 26) MAAZ: Maaz was one of Judahs descendants through Jerahmeel and Ram. (1 Chronicles 2:2, 25, 27) MAAZIAH, DESCENDANT OF AARON: Maaziah was a descendant of Aaron. He was the head of the 24th course of priests at the time David reigned. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 8)

MAAZIAH, THE PRIEST: Maaziah was one of the priests who attested by the arrangement established in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 9:38; 10:1, 8) MACEDONIA: Macedonia is a region of southeast Europe located in the central part of what is now the Balkan Peninsula. This is mainly a mountainous area but there are numerous fertile plains between the mountains. In 44 C.E. Macedonia was a senatorial province under the jurisdiction of a Roman governor. The apostle Paul visited Macedonia on his second missionary journey. While he was at Troas in Asia Minor, Paul had a vision that a Macedonian man asked him to step over into Macedonia. Paul, along with Luke, Timothy and Silas immediately traveled to Macedonia. (Acts 16:8, 9) Paul went to Philippi where he declared the good news. (Acts 16:11-14) He witnessed to the citizens of Thessalonica and Beroea. (Acts 17:1-12) After his very successful second missionary tour the apostle Paul made plans for a return to Macedonia. (1 Corinthians 16:5-8) (2 Corinthians 1:15, 16) MACHBANNAI: Machbannai was a Gadite mighty man who joined Davids band at the place difficult to approach in the wilderness. He became one of the heads of his army. (1 Chronicles 12:8-14) MACHBENAH: This is the name of a person listed as Calebs descendant through his concubine Maacah. (1 Chronicles 2:48, 49) MACHI: Machi was a Gadite and the father of Geuel, one of the twelve Israelites sent to spy out Canaan. (Numbers 13:1, 2, 15, 16) MACHIRITES: The Machirites were a family of the tribe of Manasseh. It was founded by his son Machir. (Numbers 26:29) MACHNADEBAI: Machnadebai was an Israelite who sent away his foreign wife in Ezras day. (Ezra 10:25, 40, 44) MACHPELAH: This was the name of a cave and a field near Hebron. Abraham purchased it from Ephron the Hittite for 400 silver shekels ($880 USA). The cave was used as a burial place for Abrahams wife Sarah and for at least five others: Abraham, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Leah. (Genesis 23:14-19; 25:9; 49:30, 31; 50:13) MADMANNAH, THE CITY: Madmannah was a city in the south of the territory of Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 31)

MADNESS: This mental condition can be a type of insanity or a condition of extreme rage or folly. Madness came upon the arrogant Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. This was a fulfillment of a prophetic dream explained by Daniel. We learn at Daniel chapter 4 that the king was insane for seven years. Not all persons inflicted with madness and insanity become possed by demons. But it is obvious that all persons possessed by demons end up with an unbalanced mental state. Christians are protected from demon invasion that produces madness by putting on the complete suit of armor from God described at Ephesians 6:10-17. Christians put their faith in their heavenly father, Jehovah God. Psalm 55:22 says, Throw your burden upon Jehovah and he will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken! MADMENAH: Madmenah was a site in the path of the Assyrian advance toward Jerusalem. (Isaiah 10:24) The interesting thing about this name is that it means manure. MADON: Madon was a royal Canaanite city that leagued itself with Hazor against the Israelites and was defeated. (Joshua 11:1-12; 12:19) MAGADAN: Jesus withdrew to Magadan an area near the Sea of Galilee after he feed the 4,000 men. (Matthew 15:39) (Mark 8:10) Some Greek manuscripts claim Dalmanutha was the same place. MAGDIEL: Magdiel was a descendant of Esau and one of the sheiks of Edom. (Genesis 36:40-43) (1 Chronicles 1:51, 54) This could have been the name of a place and a tribe. MAGGOT, WORMS: Hebrew: rim-mah and Greek: skolex mean maggot. Maggots and worms are used interchangeably because they are similar. The maggot is the larva or wormlike stage of an insect. Maggots subsist on dead organic matter. (Job 7:5; 17:14; 21:26; 24:20) (Mark 9:48) (Isaiah 14:11) MAGIC: Magic was and is an inherent part of false religion. The practice of all magical arts are distinctly prohibited in Gods Law. (Leviticus 19:31) The people of Israel were commanded not to participate in magic. (Deuteronomy 18:9-14) Magic, divination, foretelling the future, and consulting the dead through a spirit medium are also prohibited for Christians. (Acts 8:9-24; 13:6-12; 19:18-19)

MAGISTRATE: A magistrate is a public official who is authorized to ask questions before a court of justice. Magistrates were gathered to bow before Nebuchadnezzars image of gold. (Daniel 3:2, 3) The civil magistrates in the Roman colony of Philippi had Paul and Silas put into stocks without a trial. (Acts 16:12) Then the magistrates released then out of fear of trouble from Rome. (Acts 16:19-39) MAGOG: The name Magog is found in Ezekiels prophecy about the attack by Gog of the land of Magog against Jehovahs people. The term is used to depict a land or region in the north. Gogs forces are a great congregation, described as a numerous military force riding on horses. (Ezekiel 38:2-16; 39:1-6) The exact location of this land of Magog is totally uncertain. The time is uncertain, thus the words the final part of the years occur. (Ezekiel 38:8) For these reasons and others many commentators see it to be a forecast of the final attack of the world powers upon the Kingdom of God and they think the land of Magog represents the world that is hostile to Gods people and kingdom. Therefore the land of Magog is symbolic. The war with the remaining ones of the womans seed is described in Revelation chapter twelve. (Revelation 12:7-17) Gog and Magog represent Satan the Devil and his followers who rebel against Gods rule during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ Jesus. (Revelation 20:3, 7-10) MAGPIASH: He was one of the heads of the people whose descendant swore to the trustworthy arrangement of Nehemiahs day. (Nehemiah 9:38; 10:1, 14, 20) MAHALALEL, SETHS GREAT GRANDSON: Referred to by the name Mahalaleel in Lukes genealogy of Jesus, this man is a descendant of Seth through Enosh and Kenan. He lived 895 years. (Genesis 5:6-17) (1 Chronicles 1:1, 2) (Luke 3:37, 38) MAHALALEL, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: This Mahalalel was an ancestor of Athaiah. He was a descendant of Judah through Perez. Mahalalel was a resident of Jerusalem after the return from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:4) MAHALATH, ISHMAELS DAUGHTER: Mahalath was Ishmaels daughter. She was the sister of Esaus wife. (Genesis 28:9) MAHALATH, DAVIDS GRANDDAUGHTER: This Mahalath was a granddaughter of David through his son Jerimoth. She was one of the wives of Rehoboam. (2 Chronicles 11:18)

MAHALATH, MUSICAL TERM: This term was probably a musical term. It may have been a technical term found in superscriptions of Psalms 53 and 88. Some experts believe this term was related to the Hebrew verbmeaning grow week or fall sick. That would suggest that the music would be gloomy or melancholy. MAHANAIM: This was a campsite east of the Jordan River where Jacob met a company of angels. Jacob called the place Mahanaim. It means the camp of God. Later in the 15 th century B.C.E. a city was built on the site. At first it belonged to the Gadites and then to the Levite Merarites. (Joshua 13:24, 26; 21:34, 38) MAHANEH-DAN: This campsite was located between Zorah and Eshtaol and west of Kiriathjearim. (Judges 13:25; 18:11, 12) The name Mahaneh Dan means Camp of Dan. MAHARAI: Maharai was a mighty man of Davids army. He was a Netophathite and a descendant of Zerah. He was entrusted with the command of the division of 24,000 ministering to the king during the tenth month. (2 Samuel 23:8, 28) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 30; 27:1, 13) MAHATH, ANCESTOR OF SAMUEL: Mahath was an ancestor of Samuel and Heman the singer at the house of Jehovah. He was a Kohathite Levite. (1 Chronicles 6:31-35) MAHATH, A KOHATHITE LEVITE: This Kohathite Levite worked at the cleansing of the temple in Kezekiahs day. (2 Chronicles 29:12, 15, 16) MAHAVITE: Eliel was considered to be a Mahavite. He was one of the mighty men of Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 46, 47) MAHAZIOTH: Mahazioth was the head of the 23rd service group of temple musicians that were organized by David. He was a Kohathite Levite and the last of the 14 sons of Heman. (1 Chronicles 25:4-9, 30) MAHER-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ: Jehovah commanded Isaiah to write these prophetic words on a large tablet. Then he instructed Isaiah to give this name to his newborn son. It means he who comes quickly to the plunder. (Isaiah 8:1-4)

MAHLITES: Levites descendants of Meraris son Mahli were called Mahlites. (Numbers 3:17, 20, 33; 26:58) MAHLON: Mahlon was the son of Elimelech and Naomi. He moved with his parents from Bethlehem in Judah to Moab. Mahlon married the Moabitess Ruth. Then he died childless. (Ruth 1:1-5; 4:10) Ruth then married Boaz and their family line produced David and led to Jesus Christ. (Ruth 4:9, 10, 22) (Deuteronomy 25:5, 6) (Matthew 1:5, 6, 16) MAHOL, MACHOL: The word maholor machol in Hebrew means dance. Mahol had sons who were considered to be almost as wise as King Solomon. (1 Kings 4:31) It is believed by some researchers that the term, sons of Mahol means an association of musicians or dancers. The Hebrew word mahol is translated circle dance at Psalm 150:4. MAIDEN: A maiden is an unmarried girl. She is a young woman, especially a virgin. SEE:VIRGIN MAKHELOTH: Makheloth is the name of one of Israels wilderness camps. (Numbers 33:25, 26) MAKKEDAH: Makkedah was a royal Canaanite city in the Shephelah. The cave of Makkedah was nearby. This is where five kings who were allied against the Gibeonites hid. (Joshua 10:5-29; 12:7, 8, 16; 15:20, 33, 41) MAKTESH: The part of the city of Jerusalem that is near the Fish Gate and the second quarter is called Maktesh. Durring Judahs calamity, the citizens of Maktesh were told to howl because of the loss of business and commercial activities. (Zepaniah 1:1, 2, 10, 11) The Targum identifies Maktesh with the Kidron Valley, the deep ravine near Jerusalems wall. However, this ravine or valley is not near the Fish Gate. MALACHI: He was a man with great zeal for the name and worship of Jehovah God. Malachi was a prophet and Bible writer of the book of Malachi. (Malachi 1:1) MALACHI, THE BOOK: The book of Malachi is the final book of the Hebrew Scriptures in modern English Bibles. (Malachi 1:1) The priests of Malachis time were accepting lame, blind, and sick animals for sacrifice on Jehovah' altar, a truly deplorable act. (Malachi 1:8) (Leviticus 22:19) (Deuteronomy 15:21) They did not

give proper dirction to the people and many people stumbled and sinned. (Malachi 2:7, 8) The priests showed partiality when judging matters. (Malachi 2:9) Consequently the Israelites failed to support the Temple with their tithes. When asked by the people, How have we robbed and defrauded? Jehovah responds through Malachi, Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse. Test meand see if I will open the windows of heaven and pour out showers of blessing upon you until there is no more want. (Malachi 3:9, 10) Malachi 3:1-6 directs Israels attention to the coming Messiah. John the Baptist is the messenger. Jehovah is the true Lord who suddenly comes to his temple, and the messenger of the covenant is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Matthew 11:10-14; 17:10-13) (Mark 9:11-13) (Luke 1:16, 17, 76) MALCAM, SON OF SHAHARAIM: This Malcam was the son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh. He was a Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8, 9) MALCAM, FALSE GOD: Malcam was the number one idol god of the Ammonites. (2 Samuel 12:30) (1 Chronicles 20: 1, 2) (Jeremiah 49:1, 3) This god could be the same as Milcom, Molech, and Moloch. (1 Kings 11:5, 7) (Acts 7:43) Joshua gave the Jews the command not to worship false gods of the nations. However, they began making sworn oaths by Malcam in spite of this. (Zephaniah 1:5) MALCHIEL: Malchiel was the Grandson of Asher and the son of Beriah. He is called the father of Birzaith. (Genesis 46:17) (Numbers 26:45) (1 Chronicles 7:31) Malchiel was also a family head in Israel. MALCHIELITES: This family of Asherites descended from Malchiel. (Numbers 26:44, 45) MALCHIJAH, ANCESTOR OF ASAPH: Malchijah was a Levite. He descended from Gershom. Malchijah was an ancestor of the Levite musician Asaph. (1 Chronicles 6:39-43) MALCHIJAH, FATHER OF PASHHUR: This Malchijah was the father of Pashhur. He was a priest. (1 Chronicles 9:12) (Nehemiah 11:12) (Jeremiah 21:1; 38:1) MALCHIJAH, DESCENDANT OF AARON: Malchijah was a descendant of Aaron. He the appointed head of the 5th of the 24 divisions of priests organized by King David. (1 Chronicles 24:1, 9)

MALCHIJAH, THE GOLDSMITH: Malchijah was a member of the goldsmith guild that repaired part of the wall of Jerusalem in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 3:31) MALCHIJAH, SON OF RECHAB: Malchijah was the son of Rechab. He was a prince in charge of the district of Beth-haccherem. He repaired the Gate of the Ash-heaps when Nehemiah was governor. (Nehemiah 3:14) MALCHIJAH, STOOD AT EZRAS LEFT HAND: This priest stood at Ezras left hand when the copyist read the Law to the Israelites in Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 8:4) MALCHIRAM: Malchiram was one of the sons of King Jeconiah and a prisoner in Babylon. (1 Chronicles 3:17, 18) MALCHI-SHUA: Malchi-shua was one of King Sauls sons. (1 Samuel 14:49) (1 Chronicles 8:33; 9:39) The Philistines killed him in battle Mount Gilboa and his corpse was fastened to the wall of Bethshan by the Philisities. (1 Samuel 31:2-13) (1 Chronicles 10:2) MALCHUS: This slave of the high priest accompanied Judas Iscariot and a crowd of people to Gethsemane. When Jesus was arrested, Peter struck off Malchus right ear with a sword. Jesus healed it instantly. (John 18:10) (Matthew 26:51) (Mark 14:47) MALEDICTION: The opposite of a blessing is a malediction. It is derived from the Hebrew root verb qalal meaning to call down evil or treat with contempt. (Exodus 18:22) (Leviticus 20:9) (2 Samuel 19:43) Jehovah God used it after the Flood when he would never again call down evil upon the ground on mans account. (Genesis 8:21) MALLOTHI: Mallothi was a Kohathite Levite and one of the 14 sons of the the singer Heman. (1 Chronicles 25:4, 5) The family served as musicians. David organized the divisions of the Levites to serve in the house of Jehovah. Mallothi assumed the head of the 19 th division of 12 musicians and in turn served at the house of Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 25:6, 26) MALLOWS: The mallow is a creeping plant. It has round saw-edged leaves with long leafstalks. Its flowers are about a half-inch across and are pale blue and white. Its fruit is edible according to 2 Kings 4:39. The word mallow comes from the Hebrew word o-roth meaning light.

MALLUCHI: At the time of High Priest Joiakim, and in the days of Ezra and Governor Nehemiah, the Malluchi family served as priests. (Nehemiah 12:12, 14, 26) MALTA: Malta is an island in the Mediterranean Sea lying approximately 60 miles south of Sicily. This island contains 95 square miles of landmass. The apostle Paul was ship wreaked near Malta. He remained there for three months. It was at this time that he healed Publius father and others who were sick. (Acts 28:1, 7-9, 11) The Greek word Me-lite was later changed to the present name, Malta. MAMMON: SEE RICHES MAMRE: Mamre was a place where Abraham and Isaac took residence for a while. It is located near er-Ramat el-Khalil, about 2 miles north of Hebron. (Genesis 23:17) The nearby cave of Machpelah is the family burial plot where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their wives were buried. (Genesis 35:27; 49:29-33; 50:13) The area had plenty of water with numerous springs. Abraham built an altar to Jehovah there under the grove of big trees. (Genesis 13:18) Abraham also entertained the angels there in the grove prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 18:1-8) MAN: Hebrew Adham means man, human, earthling man, mankind and Hebrew enohsh translates to mortal man. The Greek anthrol-pos means man and mankind. Hebrew ish-shah is woman, it means from man this one was taken. (Genesis 2:21-23) Mankind is the highest form of earthly life produced by our Creator, Jehovah God. God formed the man out of dust from the ground, blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. (Genesis 2:7) (1 Corinthians 15:45) MANAEN: He was educated with the district ruler Herod Antipas. Manaen was among the prophets and teachers in the Antioch congregation. (Acts 13:1) MANAHATHITES: These Judeans descended from Caleb and Salma. They lived in Manahath. (1 Chronicles 2:50, 51, 54; 8:6) MANASSEH, THE TRIBE: The tribe of Manasseh was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. They descended from Josephs son Manasseh and consisted of seven tribal families. One year after the Israelites left Egypt, Manassehs tribe of able-bodied men, 20 years old and

older, numbered 32, 200. (Numbers 1:34, 35) After forty years in the wilderness, four decades later the tribe contained 52, 700 males. (Numbers 26:28-34, 37) Jehovah used the Manassite Judge Gideon to deliver the Israelites from Midianite oppression. (Judges 6:11-16, 33-35; 7:23; 8:22) Ezekiels vision showed Manassehs land assignment to be between Naphtali and Ephraim. (Ezekiel 48:4, 5) Manasseh is named as one of the tribes of spiritual Israel at Revelation 7:6. MANDRAKE PLANT: The Hebrew word dudaim means love plant. It occurs only at Genesis 30:14-16. Some of the interpretations of dudaim include: violets, lilies, jasmines, truffles or mushrooms, or just flowers. It possesses stimulating and narcotic properties believed to make a woman more amorous. It still grows near Jerusalem and in Palestine. The Arabs call it Satans apple. MANGER: The infant Jesus was laid in a manger where Mary gave birth to him. (Luke 2:7, 12, 16) Phatne is the Greek word for the English word manger. It means feeding place for animals. MANIFESTATION, MANIFEST, MAKE KNOWN: To make manifest is to provide evidence of something or someone. It is a disclosure of information. The Greek word e-pi-phanei-a is translated manifestation or make known. It can also be translated revealed. (1 Timothy 3:16) (2 Timothy 1:9-13) The truth and Gods Holy Spirit have been manifested, made known, to Christs disciples. (1 Corinthians 12:7-10) (2 Corinthians 4:2) MANNA: This is sweet tasting, white colored food Jehovah God gave the people of Israel in the wilderness. It appeared on the ground at night and they gathered it in the morning. (Exodus 16:1136) (Joshua 5:10-12) MANOAH: Manoah was a devout worshiper of Jehovah. He was a Danite man of the Shephelah town of Zorah. (Joshua 15:33) Manoah was the father of Judge Samson. Jehovahs angel appeared to Manoahs barren wife to tell her she would give birth to a son who would be a Nazirite of God. Manoah and his wife then received instruction from the angel on how to raise the child. (Judges 13:223) Manoah and his wife gave birth to Samson. Manoah preceded his son in death and Samson was later buried in the burial place of Manoah between Zorah and Eshtaol. (Judges 16:31) MAN OF LAWLESSNESS: False religious leaders, preachers and teachers are identified as the man of lawlessness. (2 Thessalonians

2:3-10) Satan the Devil influences all lawlessness (sin). His followers disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) MAN: Hebrew: Adam, Latin: homo, and Greek: anthorpos all mean of the earth, man. Man was created in the likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26) God is a spirit and therefore not visible to man. (John 1:18; 4:24) Since no man can see God it stands to reason that being created in Gods image would have to do with our having similar spiritual qualities, such as Love, Wisdom, Power, and Justice. (1 John 4:8) MANUSCRIPTS OF THE BIBLE: Gods Holy Spirit inspired the original copies of the Holy Scriptures. Humans wrote them down on leather, papyrus, and vellum manuscripts, to preserve them. Bible manuscripts were produced primarily in the form of rolls and codices. Scribes prepared copies of the Scriptures needed for synagogues where the Jews gathered to hear the reading of Gods Word. (Acts 15:21) Conscientious copyists labored to reproduce the inspired writings for the benefit of the Christian congregations. (Colossians 4:16) According to the best knowledge available today, no hand written original, or autograph, manuscripts of the Bible are in existence. However, the Holy Scriptures have been preserved in accurate, reliable form. Biblical copyists accepted the Scriptures as divinely inspired and therefore attempted perfection in their arduous labor of producing manuscript copies of Gods Word. The Christian Scriptures were written in Koine Greek. No original autograph manuscripts are known to exist today. There are nearly 5,000 manuscript copies available in whole or in part, of these Scriptures in Greek. SEE TRANSLATION. MAOCH: This man was the father of Achish. Maoch was the King of the Philistine city of Gath. David and his 600 men took refuge from Saul at Gath. (1 Samuel 27:1-3) MAON, THE CITY: Maon was a city in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 55) King Saul of Israel pursued David and his men into the wilderness near Maon. Saul did not succeed becaues news of a Philistine raid forced him to abandon the chase. (1 Samuel 23:24-28)

MAON: Maon was a decendant of Caleb through Shammai. (1 Chronicles 2:42, 45) MARA: Naomi left Bethlehem with a husband and two sons, but returned from Moab as grief striken, childless widow. When her old friends, the women of Bethlehem, greeted her they asked: Is this Naomi? Naomi replied to them: Do not call me Naomi (meaning pleasant). Call me Mara (meaning bitter), because the Almighty has made my life bitter. I went away full, and Jehovah sent me back empty. Why do you give me the name Naomi, seeing that Jehovah has given witness against me, and the Almighty has brought sorrow to me? (Ruth 1:19-21) MARAH: One of the early campsites for the people of Israel in the Sinai Peninsula was Marah. It was called Marah meaning Bitter because of the unpalatable water found there. (2 Kings 2:19-22; 4:38-41) (Exodus 15:23-25) (Numbers 33:8) The Israelites gave way to faithless murmuring when they were unable to drink the water at Marah. In response Jehovah directed Moses to throw a tree into the water and water became sweet. MARK, THE WRITER: His Hebrew name was John, but he was called John Mark in the book of Acts. (Acts 13:5, 13) Mark was an early believer in Jesus Christ and was inspired to write the Good New according to Mark. He was the son of Mary of Jerusalem and his cousin was Barnabas the traveling companion of early Christian missionaries. (Acts 12:12, 25) (Colossians 4:10) Mark is the only one to mention the scantily clad young man who fled on the night of Jesus betrayal. (Mark 14:51, 52) It is possible that Mark was that man. It is also possible that Mark was present when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the 120 disciples of Christ on Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 1:13-15; 2:1-4) MARK, THE BOOK: The Good New According to Mark was written by John Mark. It is the shortest of the four Gospels and offers a stiring and descriptive record of the ministry of Jesus Christ. It depicts Jesus as the miracle-working Son of God. The account is evenly devided between conversation and action. While it covers material similar to that of Matthew and Luke, Mark provides additional details. The Gospel of Mark was written between 60 and 65 C.E. Mark was in Rome when he wrote it. MARK HIGHLIGHTS: Mark 1 Jesus casts out demons and heals the sick. Mark 3 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath.

Mark 6 Messiah walks on water. Mark 9 Resurrection Prophesied. Mark 13 Jesus Christ reveals sign of the end times. Mark 14 Jesus tried and Peter denies him. Mark 15, 16 Christ dead, burried and resurrected. MARK, A BRAND: Animals and slaves of the non-Israelites were branded with a mark as evidence of ownership. These property marks were placed on a conspicuous part of the body, such as the forehead. Worshipers of false gods identified themselves by having the mark of their deity on their forehead. Any mark on a true believer had to be a figurative mark since Gods law prohibited such disfiguring tattoo marks. (Leviticus 19:28) Ezekiel saw a vision in which a man with a secretarys inkhorn was commissioned to go through Jerusalem and put a mark on everyone who is distressed and troubled because of all the disgusting things being done in the city. (Ezekiel 9:4) (2 Peter 2:6-8) This figurative mark was to protect the right hearted ones from being destroyed. Another mark, this time a mark identifying the opposers of God is announced in Johns vision when he reveals the mark of the beast. (Revelation 13:1, 2, 16-18; 14:9, 10; 16:1, 2; 20:4) MARBLE: Marble is a rock consisting of crystalline limestone of close grain with various colors. When it is buffed it takes on a high polish. Marble is listed as one of the precious commodities of the merchants of the earth in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 18:11, 12) MARESHAH: Mareshah was one of nine cities in the Shephelah region of Judah. (Joshua 15:44) King Rehoboam made Mareshah into a fortress city to strengthen Judahs defense. (2 Chronicles 11:5, 8) Mareshah was the hometown of the prophet Eliezer. (2 Chronicles 20:35-37) MARINER: A mariner is the person who navigates or assists in the operation of a ship. A sailor or seaman is a mariner. (1 Kings 9:26, 27) (Ezekiel 27:8, 9) (Revelation 18:17-19) Life as an ancient mariner was filled with danger. They were practically helpless in a storm tossed sea. Acts 27:15-19 offers a vivid account of the measures taken by mariners during a storm. MARKETPLACE: A marketplace was an open area that served as a place for buying and selling. It also offered a place of public assembly in cities of the Middle East and the Roman world. Statues, public buildings and religious edifices surrounded the open area in

Greek and Roman cities. (Acts 16:19-21) Children played games in the marketplaces. (Matthew 11:16) (Luke 7:32) Unemployed men gathered in the area looking for work. (Matthew 20:3, 4) Scribes and Pharisees paraded through the marketplaces seeking recognition. (Matthew 23:2, 6, 7) (Mark 12:38) (Luke 11:43; 20:46) Jesus healed persons in the marketplaces. (Mark 6:56) MAROTH: Maroth was a town mentioned by the prophet Micah in his prophecy about Jehovahs punishment of Jerusalem and Judah. (Micah 1:12) MARRIAGE: The arrangement for the union of man and woman as husband and wife was established by God. (Matthew 19:4-8) (Mark 10:2-9) Jehovah God created male and female and ordained marriage as the proper arrangement for the multiplication of the human race. (Genesis 1:27, 28) The first wedding was performed by God and is described at Genesis 2:22-24. MARROW: Bone marrow is a soft and fatty vascular tissue that fills the interior cavities of most bones. Job spoke about the bone marrow of a healthy person being kept moist. (Job 21:24) The Israelites ate animal bone marrow for food. (Micah 3:2, 3) Gods banquet for the peoples symbolically included well-oiled dishes filled with marrow. (Isaiah 25:6) Hebrews 4:12 tells us that Gods word can (figuratively) penetrate clear to the marrow, the innermost part of the bone (person). MARSENA: Marsena was one of the seven princes that Ahasuerus consulted when Vashti refuesed to obey. (Esther 1:14) MARSHMALLOW: The Hebrew word chal-la-muth speaks of a perennial plant closely related to the hollyhock. It is a tall plant. The woody stems of the marshmallow measure up to six feet. The stem and the large wide leaves are covered with soft downy hair. In times of famine the tasteless, white, carrot like root has been eaten for food. The only reference to the marshmallow plant in the Bible is found at Job 6:6. Most Bible translations ignore the term marshmallow and use the words white of an egg. The New Simplified Bible includes both phrases. MARTHA, THE SISTER OF MARY AND LAZARUS: Martha was a Jewess, the sister of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany. (John 11:1, 2) Jesus and these three share a bond of strong affection for it is said: Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. (John 11:5) It may be said of the account recorded at Luke 10:38-42 that Martha was

overly concerned with material things and that she lacked interest in spiritual matters. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Martha showed strong faith in Christ when she said that Lazarus would not have died if Jesus had been present. She also said: I have believed that you are the Christ the Son of God. (John 11:19-27) MARY, THE SISTER OF MARTHA AND LAZARUS: Jesus visited the home of these friends in Bethany for whom he had special affection. (John 11:18) Martha was serving the evening meal while Mary was again giving her attention to the Son of God. While Jesus was reclining, Mary took a pound of perfumed oil and poured it on his head and feet. This was very expensive oil, worth about a years wages. This act was done out of love, in preparation for Jesus death and burial. Others criticized this act of love and devotion but Jesus greatly appreciated it. He said: Wherever this good news is preached in the entire world, what this woman did shall also be told as a remembrance of her. (Matthew 26:6-13) (Mark 14:3-9) (John 12:1-8) MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS: Mary was a descendant of David, of the tribe of Judah. For this reason it can be said that Jesus: came from the seed of David, according to the flesh. (Ro 1:3) Jesus had the legal right to Davids throne through his adoptive father Joseph. (Matthew 1:1-16) (Luke 1:32) (Acts 13:22, 23) (2 Timothy 2:8) (Revelation 5:5; 22:16) God sent the angel Gabriel to the virgin girl Mary in the town of Nazareth. She was having no intercourse with Joseph, for they were not yet married. Gabriel told her that Holy Spirit would cause the pregnancy. Mary was blessed by God. (Luke 1:28-45) Mary said: My life magnifies Jehovah my God. (Luke 1:46) Mary was by the stake when Jesus was impaled. Jesus was a beloved son to her and he was also the Messiah, her Savior, and the Son of God! (John 19:25-27) We all owe deep respect to Mary the mother of Jesus. However, was she someone to whom one could worship, venerate and offer prayers? Not according to the Scriptures! She gave all credit for life and salvation to her God, Jehovah and the Son of God, Jesus Christ. MASH: Mash was a descendant of Shem thru Aram. (Genesis 10:22, 23) (1 Chronicles 1:17) MARSHAL: Marshal was a city of Asher assigned to the Gershonites. An alternate name for Marshal is Mishal. (Joshua 21:27, 30) (1 Chronicles 6:71, 74)

MASKIL: Maskil is the superscription of 13 psalms that may mean contemplative poem. (Psalms 32, 42, 44, 45, 52, 53, 54, 55, 74, 78, 88, 89, 142) The meaning of the word is uncertain, therefore it is left untranslated in many translations. MASON: A mason is a craftsman who works with stone or brick. (2 Kings 12:12; 22:6) The stonemason hewed and sawed stones and then used them to construct walls and buildings. (2 Samuel 5:11) (1 Kings 7:9-12) (1 Chronicles 22:2) (2 Chronicles 24:12) Some of the tools used by masons include hammers, axes, stone saws, the leveling instrument and the measuring line and plummet. (1 Kings 6:7; 7:9) (Isaiah 28:17) (Zechariah 4:10) Ancient masons were able to dress stones so well that it was not necessary to use mortar. It is not possible to even insert a knife blade between the massive stones of the structural remains of building in Palestine that were built in the Herodian period. MASREKAH: Masrekah was the home of Samlah, an Edomite king. The name has also been applied to the mountain that the Arabs call Jebelel-Mushraq. This mountain is about 30 miles southwest of Maan. (Genesis 36:31, 36) (1 Chronicles 1:43, 47) MASSA: Massa was a descendant of Abraham through Ishmael. Massas descendants probably settled in northern Arabia. (Genesis 25:12-14) (1 Chronicles 1:29, 30) MASSAH: Moses and some of the elders of Israel went to this rock in Horeb in search of water. Jehovah instructed Moses to strike the rock. Moses obeyed Jehovah and struck the rock. Water began to issue from the as a river there in the wilderness. Moses named the rock Massah meaning testing. The Israelites put Jehovah to the test by their constant complaining and quarreling. Moses called it Meribah, meaning, quarreling. (Exodus 17:1-7) (Psalm 105:41) Later the psalmist admonished the Israelites not to harden their hearts like the Israelites who wondered in the wilderness. (Psalm 95:8-11) (Numbers 20:1-13) (Hebrews 3:8, 9) MATRED: The Septuagint and the Syriac Peshitta both present Matred as the son of Mezahab. The Masoretic text claims Matred to be Mezahabs daughter. She was the wife of Edomite King Hadar (Hadad). (Genesis 36:31, 39) (1 Chronicles 1:50) MATRITES, MATRI: King Saul of Israel was a member of the Benjamite family known as the Matrites (Matri). (1 Samuel 10:21)

MATTAN, THE PRIEST: Mattan was a priest of Baal. He was killed in front of the altars of Baal. Jehoiada the priest of Jehovah led the people to the house of Baal and destroyed the house, the altars, and the false images. Athaliah was put to death and Jehoash was installed as Judahs king. (2 Kings 11:16-21) (2 Chronicles 23:17) MATTAN: This Mattan was the father of Shephatiah. His father persecuted Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 38:1, 4-6) MATTANAH: The Mattanah camp was between the Arnon Valley and the territory of Sihon the Amorite. It was a place where the Israelites camped while they were in the desert wilderness. (Numbers 21:13-21) MATTATHA: Mattatha was an ancestor of Jesus. His name is found in the maternal genealogy recorded by Luke. (Luke 3:23, 31) He was from the tribe of Judah, son of Nathan and grandson of David. MATTHAN: Matthan was a relative of Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus Christ. He may have been Josephs grandfather. (Matthew 1:15, 16) MATTHAT: Matthat was an ancestor of Jesus Christ through Mary. He was refered to as the son of Levi who lived between Zerubbabel and David. (Luke 3:29) MATTHAT, MARYS GRANDFATHER: This Matthat was probably Marys grandfather and father of Heli. (Luke 3:23, 24) MATTHEW THE GOSPEL WRITER: This is likely a shortened form of the Hebrew Mattithiah. It means Gift of Jehovah. Matthew was a Jew, also known as Levi, who became an apostle of Jesus Christ. He wrote the Good News according to Matthew. He was a tax collector before becoming a Christian. (Matthew 10:3) (Mark 2:14) In the year 30 or early 31 C.E. Jesus Christ called Matthew from the tax office near Capernaum. (Matthew 9:1, 9) (Mark 2:1, 13, 14) He immediately left everything behind and followed Jesus. (Luke 5:27, 28) The Pharisees and the scribes were disturbed because Jesus ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners. (Luke 5:29, 30) (Matthew 9:10, 11) (Mark 2:15, 16) Jesus selected the twelve apostles after the Passover of 31 C.E. Matthew was one of them. (Mark 3:13-19) (Luke 6:12-16) Matthew is mentioned as one of the apostles in the upper chamber. (Acts 1:415; 2:1-4)

MATTHEW, THE BOOK: The inspired Good News According to Matthew (also called the Gospel of Matthew) was written by the onetime tax collector Matthew (Levi). He lived in Palestine at the time of the writing. It was written in the year 41 C.E. It is the first book in the Christian Greek Scriptures and the first Gospel written. This book contains an account of the life of Jesus Christ. It presents the Good News of Gods Kingdom in a very special way, with quotes from the Son of God, himself, Jesus Christ. More than 40 percent of the information contained in the book of Matthew is not found in the other three Gospels. It is understood that Matthew first wrote his account in Hebrew and then translated it into Koine Greek. It is estimated that Matthews Gospel contains about a hundred references to the Hebrew Scriptures. About 40 of these are actual quotations Jesus made from the Scriptures and others were indirect references. MATTHEW HIGHLIGHTS: Matthew 1 Geneology of Jesus Christ. Matthew 2 Jesus Birth. Matthew 3 John the Baptist Preached. Matthew 4 Devil Tempts Jesus. Matthew 5-7 Jesus Preaches the Sermon of the Mount. Matthew 10 Jesus calls 12 Apostles and Instructs them. Matthew 13 Illustrations Explained. Matthew 19 Divorce, Fornication, Adultery Condemned. Matthew 23 Scathing Inditement of Scribes and Pharisees. Matthew 24 Jesus Declares Sign of the End. Matthew 26-27 Final Days of Jesus Life. Matthew 28 Jesus Commissions Disciples. MATTHIAS: When Judas Iscariot abandoned the faith and turned Jesus Christ over to the authorities to be impaled it left a vacancy in the ranks of the apostles. Matthias was the disciple selected by lot to replace him. Peter noted that the psalmist David foretold Judas deflection and that someone would fill his office. (Ps 41:9; 109:8) Joseph Barsabbas and Matthias were put up for selection. After prayer, lots were cast and Matthias was chosen. Peter reported that Matthias had been a follower of Christ throughout Jesus three and a half year ministry. (Acts 1:21, 22) He was probably one of the seventy disciples whom Jesus sent out to preach. (Luke 10:1) MATTITHIAH, PLAYED THE HARP: Mattithiah was a Levite who played a harp when the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem from Obededoms house. (1 Chronicles 15:17-21, 25)

MATURITY: Maturity is a period of time in your life when you are fully grown and developed. The Bible sets the standard for spiritual maturity or completeness. A mature Christian is not a spiritual babe, often changeable and easily led astray or influenced by others in matters of doctrine. (Ephesians 4:11-14) A mature Christian is able to determine right and wrong by using the Holy Scriptures as a guide. (Hebrews 5:11-6:2) (1 Corinthians 2:6, 10-16) A mature Christian has the fruitage of Gods Holy Spirit in his life and does everything within his power to live by these divine qualities. (Galatians 5:22, 23) He meditates on them frequently and looks for ways to incorporate them into his daily activities. MAZZAROTH CONSTELLATION: The Aramaic word mazz-zaloth found at 2 Kings 23:5 refers to the constellations of the zodiac. However, when applied as a singular pronoun at Job 38:32 it appears to refer to a particular constellation rather than to the entire zodiacal circle. Whatever the identification of these constellations may be, God asks Job whether he can control the visible celestial bodies, guiding them in their prescribed heavenly course. MEAL: A meal was a time for prayer, fellowship and spiritual sharing for the Hebrews and the Christians. (1 Samuel 9:13) (Acts 27:35) (1 Timothy 4:1,3) It was a time to eat and drink for nurishment, but not to excess. (Proverbs 23:20, 21) (Ecclesiastes 10:17) (Romans 13:13) (1 Peter 4:3) Friendship and peace were signified when people ate together. (1 Kings 2:7) (Isaiah 25:6) (Luke 22:28-30) (Revelation 19:9) Birds will feed on the bodies of the slain ones after the Great War of God, the Almighty. (Revelation 19:15-18) MEARAH: Mearah was a Sidonian city that was yet to be conquered after Israels campaign ended. This campaign was led by Joshua. (Joshua 13:2, 4) MEASURING LINE: A string, rope, or cord was used for measuring. It was called a measuring line. (Amos 7:17) (Zehariah 2:1, 2) Land area was determined with a measuring line. (Job 38:4, 5) (Micah 2:4, 5) Builders and craftsmen used measuring lines. (Jeremiah 31:38, 39) (Isaiah 44:13) (Zechariah 1:16) Used in a figurative way the measuring line represents a rule or standard. (Isaiah 28:10, 12, 17) The psalmist speaks as if the heavenly bodies have a measuring line. (Psalm 19:1-4) (Romans 1:20)

MEBUNNAI: Mebunnai was a mighty man in Davids army. He was a Hushathite. (2 Samuel 23:27) He could have been the same person as the Sibbecai found at 2 Samuel 21:18 and 1 Chronicles 11:29; 20:4; 27:11. MECONAH: Mechonah was a town in southern Judah mear Ziklag. It had a number of dependent villiages. (Nehemiah 11:25, 28) MEDAD: Medad was one of the 70 older men of Israel selected to assist Moses while traveling through the wilderness. When Jehovah took away some of the Spirit that was upon Moses, and put it upon each of the 70 older men, Medad and Eldad received it and acted as prophets in the camp. When Joshua told Moses to stop them, Moses replied: I wish all Jehovahs people were prophets and that Jehovah would put his Spirit on them! (Numbers 11:16, 17, 24-29) MEDAN: Medan was one of Abrahams six sons by his concubine Keturah. (Genesis 25:1, 2) (1 Chronicles 1:32) MEDEBA: Also called Madaba, Medeba is located on hillside about twelve miles east of the northern end of the Dead Sea. The old kings road linked it with other cities east of the Jordan River. (Numbers 20:17) It is situated on a plateau where sheep and goats pasture. After the Israelite defeat of King Sihon, Medeba was in the territory belonging to the tribe of Reuben. (Joshua 13:8, 9, 15, 16) Several hundred years later King Davids army under Joabs command defeated Syrian mercenary forces. (1 Chronicles 19:6-16) The Moabites later controlled Medeba. (Isaiah 15:1, 2) MEDES, MEDIA: The Medes appear in history around the eighth century B.C.E. They were an Aryan race closely related to the Persians in race, language, and religion. They appear to be descended from Japheths son Madai. (Genesis 10:2) Media was on the Iranian Plateau southwest of the Caspian Sea. The land was a mountainous plateau ranging in altitude from 3,000 to 5,000 feet aboe sea level. The Assyrian Empire was split up between the Medes and the Babylonians in the year 632 B.C.E. The Medes settled on the northern part of the territory. The Persians joined forces with the Medes to defete the Babylonians. MEDIATOR: A mediator is someone who interposes between two parties at variance to reconcile them. A mediator is a go between or intercessor. The term mediator is applied to Moses and Jesus in the Holy Scriptures. Moses was the mediator of the Law covenant between Jehovah God and the nation of Israel. He served as

intermediary spokesman to Israel. (Exodus 19:3, 7, 9; 24:9-18) Jesus Christ was the mediator of the new covenant. (Ga 3:19) The apostle Paul stated, there is one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all. (1 Timothy 2:5, 6) He mediates the new covenant between God and those taken into the new covenant, the congregation of spiritual Israel. (Hebrews 8:10-13; 12:24) (Ephesians 5:25-27) MEDITATION: Meditation is deep concentration and serious reflection on an important subject. A person needs to be free from distractions and alone with his thoughts. The psalmist meditated on the greatness of our creator during the solitude of night. (Psalm 63:6) Meditations of the heart should focus on beneficial things such as Jehovahs splendor and activities and how we can do His will. (Psalms 19:14; 49:3; 77:12; 143:5) (Phillipians 4:8) MEEKNESS, MEEK: Meekness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit listed at Galatians 5:22, 23. Meekness is mildness of temper, without haughtiness or vanity. It is similar to humility, lowliness of mind and gentleness. Meekness and mildness is almost the same thing. The Hebrew word a-nah is translated meek and humble. The Greek word pra-ys is translated meek, mild, mild-tempered and gentle. Moses was one of the meekest of all men. (Numbers 12:3) David declared that the meek would inherit the earth. (Psalms 37:11) Jesus Christ was Greater-than-Moses and yet he was a meek, mild-tempered person. (Matthew 11:28, 29) Jesus taught that the meek will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5) MEGIDDO: Located 56 miles north of Jerusalem and 19 miles southeast of the modern city of Haifa is the Valley of Megiddo. (2 Chronicles 35:22) (Zechariah 12:11) The city of Megiddo is located on the high ground 70 feet above the valley. It was situated in a strategic spot above the Jezreel Valley, also known as Esdraelon, and Megiddo Valley. This valley stretches 14 miles long from north to south and 9 miles wide at its widest place. Biblical History and secular records relate how armies fought decisive battles around Megiddo because of its commanding position. Judge Barak defeated Jabins forces under Sisera. These included 900 chariots. (Judges 4:7, 13-16; 5:19) While this seems like a large military force it pales to insignificence when compared with all of the armies of the earth today. (Revelation 16:14,16) It would not be physically possible to position all of the armies of the world in this small valley! SEE HAR-MEGDON.

MEHETABEL, KING HADARS WIFE: Mehetabels mother was Matred. Mehetabel was the wife of the Edomite King Hadar (Hadad). (Genesis 36:31, 39) (1 Chronicles 1:50) MEHETABEL, CONSPIRED TO CAUSE NEHEMIAH TO SIN: This man may have been the grandfather of the Shemiaiah who was hired by Tobiah and Sanballat to try to cause Nehemiah to sin out of fear. (Nehemiah 6:10-14) MEHIDA: Mehida was an ancestor of a family of Nethinim. His sons returned to Judah from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 52) (Nehemiah 7:54) MEHIR: Mehir was from the tribe of Judah. He was the son of Chelub (Caleb) and father of Eshton. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 11) MEHUJAEL: Mehujael was the great grandson of Cain. He was the father of Methushael and the grandfather of Lamech (not the Lamech descended from Seth). (Genesis 4:17, 18) MEHUMAN: Mehuman was one of the court officials of Persian King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I). King Ahasuerus ruled in the time of Mordecai and Esther. Melhuman was first of the seven court officials orderd by Ahasuerus to bring Queen Vashti to the king. (Esther 1:10, 11) MELATIAH: Melatiah was a Gibeonite. He was a workman who helped with the repair of Jerusalems wall under Nehemiah' supervision in 455 B.C.E. (Nehemiah 3:7) MELCHIZEDEK: He is the first priest mentioned in the Scriptures. Melchizedek was the King of ancient Salem and priest of the Most High God. (Genesis 14:18, 22) He was king of Salem, which means Peace and was identified by the Apostle Paul as King of Peace and King of Righteousness. (Hebrews 7:1, 2) A Messianic prophecy is tied to Melchizedek at Psalm 110:1-4. This inspired prophecy from God predicted that the coming Messiah would serve in the office of priest and king combined. (Hebrews 5:1, 4-6, 10; 6:20) MELEA: Melea was a maternal ancestor of Jesus Christ who lived after King David. (Luke 3:31)

MELECH: This man was one of Micahs sons. He was a descendant of King Saul of Israel, the great-grandson of Sauls son Jonathan. (1 Chronicles 8:33-35; 9:39-41) MEM: Mem is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It appears in Hebrew as the initial letter in each of the eight verses in Psalm 119:97-104. MEMORIAL TOMB: SEE TOMB MEMPHIS: Memphis was one of the capitals of ancient Egypt. It was 14 miles south of Cairo on the west side of the Nile River. The city was called Moph at Hosea 9:6 in the Hebrew text. Elsewhere it is called the Hebrew Noph. (Isaiah 19:13) (Jeremiah 2:16; 44:1; 46:14, 19) (Ezekiel 30:13, 16) The city was a great commercial center and a center of religion and of learning in Egypt. MEMUCAN: Memucan was the head spokesman for seven MedoPersian princes. Memucan believed that Queen Vashti should be removed as queen because she wronged the king, the princes, and the people of the empire. Her removal was to show that all the wives of the empire should learn to be obedient to their husbands. These seven Medo-Persian princes were versed in law and legal cases. They were the kings closest advisors. (Esther 1:13-22) (Ezra 7:14) MENAHEM: Menahem was the son of Gadi and king of Israel for ten years beginning 790 B.C.E. Menahem did what was bad in Jehovahs eyes. He encouraged calf worship and he would not depart from the sins of Jeroboam, the first king of the ten-tribe kingdom. When King Pul of Assyria invaded Israel Menahem was forced to pay a thousand talents of silver to him. (equivilent of 6.6 million U.S.A. dollars) Menahem died in 781 B.C.E. His son Pekohiah secceeded him on Israels throne. (2 Kings 15:10-22) MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN: These were the word of the terse and puzzling message inscribed on the wall of King Belshazzars banquet hall. It was the night of October 5, 539 B.C.E. King Belshazzar threw a big banquet at his palace in Babylon. Daniel was empowered by Jehovah to read the inscription and give its interpretation. The events that followed the prophecy and the interpretation were earth shaking and cataclysmic. You wont want miss this exciting account. Be sure to read Daniel chapter five for complete details.

MENNA: This woman was a distant maternal ancestor of Jesus Christ, not far removed from David. (Luke 3:31) MENSTRATION: Menstration is the monthly discharge of blood, fluid, and some tissue debris from a womans uterus. This is usually a monthly experience. Girls begin menstruating at puberty. This function continues until menopause. Each menstrual flow lasts about three to five days. The Scriptures associate menstration with impurity and uncleanness and therefore sexual intercourse was forbidden at that time. (Leviticus 12:2; 15:1-33) (Ezekiel 22:10; 36:17) MEONENIM, BIG TREE OF: A band of King Abimelechs men passed by this tree near Shechem before their fight with the landowners of that city. (Judges 9:34-37) The word Meonenim refers to magic. This is fitting since the Canaanites and apostate Israelites engaged in magical practices. (Genesis 12:6; 35:4) (Judges 9:6) MEONOTHAI: Meonothai was a descendant of Judah. He was the father of Ophrah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 14) MEPHAATH: This city was assigned to the Reubenites. It was later given to the Merarite Levites. (Joshua 13:15, 18; 21:34, 36, 37) (1 Chronicles 6:77-79) Eight centures later Mephaath was under Moabite control. (Jeremiah 48:21, 24) MEPHIBOSHETH, SON OF SAUL: Mephibosheth was one of King Sauls two sons. (2 Samuel 21:1-14) There were seven descendant of Saul turned over to the Gibeonites to atone for Sauls attempt to annihilate them. Mephibosheth was one of them. They ended up being put to death. (Numbers 25:4) MEPHIBOSHETH, GRANDSON OF SAUL: Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan and grandson of King Saul. He was lame in one leg and because of King Davids love for his father, David treated Mephibosheth with loving kindness. (1 Samuel 4:4; 20:12-17, 42) (2 Samuel 9) MERAB: Merab was King Sauls older of two daughters. (1 Samuel 14:49) Saul promised to give one of them in marriage to the man who defeated Goliath. Saul did not keep his promise, and Merab did not become Davids wife. Sauls younger daughter, Michal, was in love with David and Merab was not. (1 Samuel 17:25; 18:15-20)

MERAIAH: Meraiah was a priest. He was the head of the paternal house of Seraiah at the time of Joiakim after the Jews returned from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 12:12) MERARI: Merari was the son of Levi and brother of Gershon and Kohath. (Genesis 46:11) (1 Chronicles 6:1, 16) He was one of the members of Jacobs household who went to Egypt. (Genesis 46:8, 11, 26, 27) Merari had two sons, Mahli and Mushi. (Exodus 6:19) (1 Chronicles 6:19) MERARITES: There were three families of Lebites who descended from Levis son Merari through Mahli and Mushi. They were considered Merarites. (Exodus 6:16, 19) (Numbers 3:20; 26:57, 58) MERATHAIM: The term Merathaim applies to Babylon or a territory in Babylonia. (Jeremiah 50: 21, 23, 24 0 It may also apply to the area on the Persian Gulf where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers enter into it. It comes from the Hebrew word ma-rah and means be rebellious. The word Merathaim may call attention to the intensity of Babylons rebellion. Its founder Nimrod put Babylon on an openly rebellious course against God. (Genesis 10:8-10) MERCHANT: A merchant is a person who buys, sells or barters for profit. Both the Hebrew and the Greek terms for merchant refer to a traveling merchant. (Genesis 34:10; 4:20-22; 23:16) (1 Kings 10:14, 15) (2 Chronicles 9:13, 14) (Ezekiel 27:2, 12-25) (Matthew 13:45) (Revelation 17:1, 5; 18:3, 11-15, 23) MERCY: Mercy is the feeling that motivates compassion, kindness and pity. The Hebrew verb ra-cham means to glow, to feel warm with tender emotion, to be compassionate. The Greek word ele-os means to feel pity, divine compassion and mercy. The Hebrew nation frequently strayed from righteousness and became in need of merciful help. If they showed a proper heart attitude and turned to Jehovah, he would express compassion, favor and goodwill. (Deuteronomy 13:17; 30:3) (Psalm 102:13) (Isaiah 54:7-10; 60:10) All who wish to receive Gods mercy must turn to him with a right heart condition by abandoning wrong ways and harmful thoughts. (Isaiah 55:6, 7) (Psalms 103:13; 119:77, 156, 157) (Luke 1:50) Jesus said: Blessed are the merciful and compassionate, for they shall receive mercy and compassion. (Matthew 5:7) MERED: He was listed in the genealogy of the tribe of Judah as the son of Ezrah. Mered had an Egyptian wife. Her name was Bithiah

and she was the daughter of Pharaoh. He may also have had a Jewish wife. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 17, 18) MERES: Meres was one of the seven princes whom Ahasuerus consulted when Vashti disobeyed him. (Esther 1:14) MERODACH, MARDUK: Merodach is the Hebrew spelling for the most important Babylonian god, Marduk. Marduk was shattered at the time of Babylons downfall. (Jeremiah 50:2) The son of the king of Babylon was named Merodach-Baladan after this god. (Isaiah 39:1) (2 Kings 25:27) The kings of Babylon venerated the image of Merodach at his temple. They were not installed by coronation but became kings by taking hold of the hand of Merodach. They repeated the ceremony each year at the New Years festival. The prophet Jeremiah foretold that Merodach (Marduk) would be shattered and it happened as the Babylonian empire lost power and dignity. MERODACH-BALADAN: This name means Murduk Has Given a Son. He was the son of Baladan and king of Babylon. Merodachbaladan sent letters and a gift to King Hezekiah of Judah after his recovery from illness. (Isaiah 39:1-7) Assyrian and Babylonian cuneiform inscriptions state that he was the ruler of a Chaldean district know as Bit-Yakin. This district was in the marshlands south of Babylon, above the headwaters of the Persian Gulf. Merodachbaladan sent a delegation to Hezekiah in an attempt to gain the support of the kingdom of Judah. (2 Kings chapter 20) MEROZ: This place was cursed by an angel because it did not come to the assistance of Jehovah. (Judges 5:23) They did not assist Jehovahs appointed commander Barak in the fight against the Canaanites and did not detain the Canaanite commander Sisera when he escaped. (Judges 4:17; 5:5-16) MESHA, SON OF CALEB: Mesha was the first son of Caleb. Caleb was the son of Hezron of the tribe of Judah. Meshas son was Ziph. (1 Chronicles 2:18, 42) MESHA, KING OF MOAB: Mesha was the king of Moab at the time of Kings Jehoshaphat of Judah and Ahab, Ahaziah, and Jehoram of Israel. (2 Kings 1:1; 3:4-23) MESHA, SON OF SHAHARAIM: This Mesha was the son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh. Mesha was a family head in the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8-10)

MESHACH: Meshach was the Babylonian name given to Mishael, Daniels companion. The name was given by Nebuchadnezzars court chief official. Meshach and his companions were put through a three year training course by the Babylonians. When they finished this training they were superior to the kings counselors. (2 Kings 24:1, 6, 8, 12-16) (Daniel 1:1-16, 17-20) MESHECH, AGGRESSIVE AND BARBAROUS: Meshech was the son of Japheth. Japheth was the son of Noah. (Genesis 10:2) (1 Chronicles 1:5) Ezekiel the prophet mentions Meshech and Tubal from northern Palestine. They exported slaves and copper to Tyre and were very warlike. They were considered allies or subjects of Gog of Magog in this prophecy. (Ezekiel 27:13; 32:26; 39:2, 3; 39:1, 2) Meshech is also found at Psalm 120:5 representing aggressive and barbarous people. MESHELEMIAH: Meshelemiah was a Kohathite Levite. He was in charge of a division of Korahites. Meshelemiah was head over eighteen gatekeepers of the sanctuary during King Davids reorganization of the priestly and Levitical services. (1 Chronicles 26:1-3, 9) MESHILLEMITH: This man was a priest and descendant of Immer. He could be the same person as the Meshillemoth of Nehemiah 11:13. (1 Chronicles 9:10, 12) MESOPOTAMIA: The Greek term Mesopotamia means land between rivers. In Hebrew it is rendered Aram-naharaim. It is referring to the land located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is bordered on the north by the mountains of Turkey and Iran and stretching southward through a high plateau and rocky, sandy desert land to the Persian Gulf. Stephen spoke of Abraham, as a one-time resident of Mesopotamia in the book of Acts. (Acts 7:2) There were inhabitants of Mesopotamia present at the Festival of Pentecost in 33 C.E. (Acts 2:1, 2, 9) MESSENGER: A messenger is a person, human or spirit being, who delivers a message. The message can be written or oral. (Genesis 32:3-6) (Judges 6:34, 35) (2 Samuel 5:11) (1 Kings 19:2) (Luke 7:1824; 9:52) Runners often served as messengers. (2 Chronicles 30:610) (Jeremiah 51:31) Messengers were also dispatched on horses. (2 Kings 9:17-19) (Esther 8:10-14) The Hebrew and the Greek words for messenger refer to spirit messengers such as angels. (Psalm 104:4) (John 1:51) Jesus Christ is identified as the messenger of the

covenant. (Matthew 11:10, 11) (Mark 1:1-4) (Luke 7:27, 28) It is very likely that Jesus Christ was the messenger of the Abrahamic covenant. That would explain why he preached to the Jews first, since they were beneficiaries of that covenant. (Matthew 10:5-7; 15:24; 21:31) (Luke 1:69-75) (Acts 3:12, 19-26) MESSIAH: Hebrew: mashiach means anointed one. The Greek equivalent is Khristos or Christ. Jesus was designated the anointed one by the name and title Jesus Christ. METALS: Some of the metals known by the ancients were copper, gold, iron, lead, silver and tin. Copper, iron and gold were likely the first to be used. Tin was used in making bronze but copper was used long before bronze was invented. Metals are first mentioned at Genesis 4:22. METALWORKER: Metalworkers and their tools are referenced in a number of verses of the Holy Scriptures. (Genesis 4:22) (Isaiah 41:7) (2 Chronicles 24:12) (Nehemiah 3:8, 31, 32) (Judges 17:4) (Acts 19:24) METHUSELAH: This man enjoyed a life span of 969 years. It is the longest of Bible record. People often compare things and people as being old as Methuselah. Some believe that a year was a shorter period of time back then compared to the year today. The Holy Scriptures reveal that a year was more than 360 days, nearly the same as todays year. An adjustment was made to make up for the five days lost each year. Methuselah was the son of Enoch, father of Lamech and grandfather of Noah. (Genesis 5:21-29) (1 Chronicles 1:1-4) (Jude 14, 15) METHUSHAEL: Methushael was a descendant of Cain through Enoch. He was the son of Mehujael and the father of Lamech. This Lamech was a different person than Noahs father Lamech. (Genesis 4:17, 18) MEZUZAH: The Hebrew word me-zuzah means doorjamb or doorpost. It appears at Exodus 12:7, 22, 23 and 21:6 with reference to the sprinkling of the Passover victims blood on doorposts and the bracing of a slave against a door post to pierce his ear with an awl. Doorposts of the temple constructed by Solomon were called mezuzahs at 1 Ki 6:31, 33; 7:5. And the symbolic temple in Ezekiels vision referred to mezuzahs at Ezekiel 41:21, 45:19 and 46:2. When faithful Jews enter or leave a house they touch the mezuzah with the hand and recite the prayer or blessing: May Jehovah guard your

going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever. (Psalm 121:8) The use of the mezuzah is a literal interpretation of the command at Deuteronomy 6:9 and 11:20. MICAH THE PROPHET: Micah was from the village of Moresheth southwest of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 26:18) He was the writer of the inspired book of Micah. Micah used the rural life of the area in his prophetic illustrations. (Micah 2:12; 4:12, 13; 7:1, 4, 14) False worship and moral corruption flourished in Israel and Judah and King Hezekiah established religious reforms during the time that Micah prophesied. (2 Kings 15:32-20:21) (2 Chronicles 27-32) The Word of God to Micah gave warning that God would make Samaria a heap of ruins. It was prophesied that Zion would be plowed up a mere field and Jerusalem would become a heap of ruin. (Micah 1:1, 6; 3:12) MICAH, THE BOOK: The book of Micah was writen in the year 717 B.C.E. by the prophet Micah. (Micah 3:2, 3, 8) Micah came from the small village of Moresheth in the rural setting of the Shephelah, southwest of Jerusalem. (Micah 2:12; 4:12, 13; 6:15; 7:1, 4, 14) For this reason he used the rural life he was familiar with to drive home the points of his prophetic declarations. Jehovah raised up Micah to strongly warn His people of the judgement He was to bring upon them. Vivid figures of speech abound in the book of Micah, The mountains melt under him. The valleys split like wax before the fire! Like water poured down a steep place. Moral corruption and idolatry were rampant throughout the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Similar conditions exist today throughout the world. MICAH HIGHLIGHTS: Micah 1 Jehovah names the recipiants of His judgement. Micah 2:1, 2 Woe to those who devise iniquity and work evil. Micah 3:1-3 They cry to Jehovah but he will not answer. Micah 3:5 They cry Peace but receive nothing. Micah 4:1-5 Prophecy that swords will be turned into plowshares. Micah 5:1-4 Great ruler will come out of Bethlehem-Ephrathah. Micah 7:7 Micah declares, I will look to Jehovah! MICAIAH, WIFE OF KING REHOBOAM: Micaiah was the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah. She was the wife of King Rehoboam and mother of King Abijah of Judah. Micaiah was also called Maacah. (2 Chronicles 11:18, 20; 13:1, 2) MICAIAH, PROPHET: Micaiah was son of Imiah and Gods prophet to the northern kingdom of Israel during King Ahabs reign. (1 Kings

22:8) King Jehoshaphat summoned 400 prophets and asked them: Shall I go against Ramotho-gilead in war? Micaiah told him, I see the Israelites scattered on the mountains, like sheep that have no shepherd. (1 Kings 22:1-37) (2 Chronicles 18:1-34) MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL: Michael was the only other angel named in the Holy Scriptures. He was the only one called archangel. (Jude 9) He was identified in Daniel chapter 10 as one of the foremost princes who came to the aid of a lesser angel who was opposed by the prince of royal realm of Persia. Michael was the prince of Daniels people. (Daniel 10:13, 20, 21; 12:1) Michael must have been the angel who led the Israelites through the wilderness. (Exodus 23:20, 21, 23; 32:34; 33:2) The name Michael means: Who is Like God? MICHAL: Michal was King Sauls younger daughter who became Davids wife. First Saul offered his older daughter to David but gave her to another man instead. Michal was in love with David and Saul offered her to him in exchange for the foreskins of a hundred Philistines. Saul thought David would die in the attempt to comply. David accepted the challenge and returned with two hundred Philistine foreskins. So Michal was given to him as his wife after much trickery on the part of King Saul. (1 Samuel 14:49; 18:17-29) Saul first gave Michal in marriage to Palti and finally he took her from Palti and gave her to David. (2 Samuel 3:12-16) MICHRI: Michri was a Benjamite. He was also an anchestor of Elah, the person who lived in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:1-8) MIDWIFE: The Hebrew term yaladh means give birth, bear, midwife. A midwife helps the mother during childbirth labor. Once the child is born she severs its navel cord and cleans the infant. Sometimes she would rub it with salt and swaddle it with cloth bands. (Ezekiel 16:4) Close friends and relatives and older women sometimes served in this capacity. (Genesis 35:16-19; 38:27-30) (Exodus 1:15-21) MIGDOL: Migdol was an Egyptian site mentioned by the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel nine hundred years after the Exodus. The prophet Ezekiel told of a devastation that would come upon Egypt, likely from Babylon. He said it would strike from Migdol to Syene and to the boundary of Ethiopia. (Ezekiel 29:10; 30:6) When Jerusalem fell in 607 B.C.E. Jewish refugees settled in Migdol. (Jeremiah 44:1; 46:13, 14)

MIGRON: Migron was a place on the outskirts of Gibeah where King Saul camped with Johathan. His armor bearer killed about twenty men from the Philistine camp near Michmash. (1 Samuel 13:16, 23; 14:1, 2, 13-16) Migron is mentioned as one of the cities that the Assyrians would pass through on their way to Jerusalem. (Isaiah 10:28) MIKNEIAH: This man was one of the Levites who played harps while the Ark was transported from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:17, 18, 21) MILCOM: This is one of the false gods of the ancient people of Canaan. (1 Kings 11:5) (Zephaniah 1:5) MILDEW: Jehovah struck the land with mildew as reported at Amos 4:9. Mildew is a fungus that appears on various objects, especially in damp weather. MILDNESS: SEE MEEKNESS MILE: The mile is a distance measurement. The mile mentioned at Matthew 5:41, Greek: milion, was most likely the Roman mile which is 5,854 feet in length. The term mile at Luke 24:13 and John 6:19, 11:18 is not the Greek term mililon, but the Roman term stadia which is 606 feet in length. It has been converted to statute miles in the New Simplified Bible. MILETUS: Miletus was a city on the west coast of Asia Minor that is now in ruins. It was located near the mouth of the Maeander River. The town was widely known for its wool products. The apostle Paul traveled to Miletus in about 56 C.E. He sent a messenger to the Ephesians congregation from his lodging at Miletus. (Acts 20:18-38; 29:14-17) MILITARY COMMANDER: The term military commander comes from the Greek word khiliarkhos. It sometimes refers to a Roman military tribune. There were six tribunes in each Roman legion. This military commander had great authority. He presided at courts-martial and was the one who ordered capital punishment. A military commander was in attendance at the celebration of Herods birthday. (Mark 6:21-26) A commander was present with the soldiers when they arrested Jesus. (John 18:12) Military commanders are mentioned in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 6:15; 19:18)

MILK: Milk is the product of female mammals for nourishing their young. It is used as food by most of mankind. (Genesis 18:8) (Judges 4:19; 5:25) The Hebrew word of milk refers to fresh milk and not cheese and butter. (Deuteronomy 32:14) (Judges 4:19; 5:25) It refers to the milk of cows, sheep and goats without distinction. (Ezekiel 25:4) (1 Corinthians 9:7) In a figurative way the Bible speaks about milk as the resources of nations. (Isaiah 60:16) The Promised Land is described as the land of milk and honey. (Exodus 3:8) (Deuteronomy 6:3) (Joshua 5:6) (Jeremiah 11:5) (Ezekiel 20:6) (Joel 3:18) The apostles Peter and Paul spoke about new born infants needing milk belonging to the word. (1 Corinthians 3:2) (Hebrews 5:12-14) (1 Peter 2:2) MILL: A mill usually consisted of two circular stones. One was placed atop the other Edible threshed grains were place between the two stones and ground into flour. Each family possessed its own hand mill to grind flour so bread could be baked everyday. (Genesis 18:6) (Numbers 11:7, 8) (Job 31:10) (Exodus 11:5) (Isaiah 47:1, 2) (Matthew 24:41) (Luke 17:35) MILLET: Ezekiel ate bread prepared with millet, a cultivated grain crop. (Ezekiel 4:9) MILLO: The house of Millo, refered to in Hebrew as Bethmillo, could have been a fortress such as the tower of Shechem. The men of Shechem and Millo got together at the sacred oak tree at Shechem and made Abimelech king. The prophetic words of Gideons son Jotham told them of impending disaster for the house of Millo at the hands of Abimelech. Later Abimelech set the vault of the house of Elberith on fire and all those in it perished. MINA: The mina was a unit of monetary value. It was also use as a unit of weight. The Hebrew text at Ezekiel 45:12 indicates that the mina is equal to 60 shekiels. The Greek Septuagint specifies the value at 50 shekiels. Other places in the Bible where large numbers of shekels are mentioned they are referred to in numbers divisible by 50. This may explain the mina at 50 shekels. (Genesis 23:15) (Exodus 30:24; 38:29) (Numbers 31:52) (1 Samuel 17:5) Archaeological evidence reveals the mina at 50 shekels. Modern values compare the silver mina as equal to $110 and the gold mina to $6,500 U.S. The mina was in use during Jesus time on Earth. (Luke 19:13-25)

MIND: The mind is that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason. It has to do with intellectual capacity, mental perception, intelligence, reason, emotion and attitude. The mind and the figurative heart are sometimes expressed by using the word mind and other times by using the word heart. (Deuteronomy 4:39) (Ezekiel 20:32) It is important to understand that a true believer, believes and obeys God out of his mind and heart. It is impossible to separate the mind from the heart. They must work together in order to receive salvation. (Romans 10:9-13) Humans are imperfect as the human mind is sometimes inclined toward wrong thinking. The Bible calls it the fleshly mind at Colossians 2:18. You were in the past alienated and enemies because your minds were on your evil works. (Colossians 1:21) The apostle Paul, under direction from Holy Spirit, commanded Christians: You are renewed in the spirit (vital principles) of your mind (understanding). Put on the new man, that in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. (Ephesians 4:23, 24) A Christian truly does have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16) It comes from Bible study, from applying Gods Word in our lives, and from the gift of Holy Spirit. Paul instructed Christians to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus. (Romans 15:5) MINE, MINING: Mining is the act of extracting metals, minerals or precious stones from the earth. Mining is one of the oldest industries available to mankind. Tubal-Cain was a forger of every sort of tool of copper and iron. (Genesis 4:22) In 1513 B.C.E. Moses described the Pishon River, where there was gold. (Genesis 2:11, 12) The gold from Ophir was probably mined from underground. (1 Kings 9:28; Job 28:16) The Egyptians took metals and precious stones from the earth at the time of the Exodus. (Exodus 12:35, 36; 35:22; 39:6-14) Egyptian turquoise mines were just fifty miles from Mount Sinai on the Sinai Peninsula. Moses spoke about mining copper out of the mountains. (Deuteronomy 8:9) MINISTER: Hebrew: mesha-reth and Greek: diako-nos mean servant, attendant and minister. Jesus Christ requires his followers to humbly serve one another. (Matthew 20:28) (Mark 10:43) MINISTRY: The work and service performed by a minister is the ministry. Jesus Christ commissioned his followers to make disciples of people of all the nations. (Matthew 28:19, 20) Christians presented a message of reconciliation to God through Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20) (2 Timothy 4:1, 2) (Titus 1:13, 14; 2:1; 3:8) (Ephesians 4:7-16)

MINNI: This ancient kingdom was divinely summoned to fight against Babylon. Minni was allied with the Ararat and Ashkenaz kingdoms under control of Cyrus. (Jeremiah 51:27-29) MINT: Mint is an herb mentioned only twice in the Holy Scriptures at Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42. Mint is a sweet smelling herb used in medicine and for flavoring food. The scribes and Pharisees gave a tithe of mint and other herbs and yet they disregarded justice and the love of God. This teaching is appropriate when applied to many people today. Jesus pointed out that we should concentrate on the more important spiritual priorities. MIRACLES: A Miracle is any amazing or wonderful occurance. It is a marvellous event manifesting a supernatural act of God. A miracle is amazing to the eye of the beholder. It is usually beyond the ability of the observer to perform. (Matthew 25:15) (Luke 6:19) (1 Corinthians 12:10) Gods many acts of creation are considered by most believers as miracles. (Romans 1:20) While the miracles recorded in the Bible established the fact that a man was receiving power and support from God, they were primarily performed to glorify God. Even the many healing miracles recorded in the Christian Greek Scriptures were performed to give God glory. They proved that God and His Son, Jesus Christ, have the power and ability to cure all mankind in the new age to come. (Exodus 4:1-9) (John 11:1-4, 15, 40) Perhaps the greatest miracle of all was the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:16-19) There is powerful evidence that it took place. It is recorded that there were more that 500 eyewitnesses to testify that it did take place. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8) (Acts 2:32) Today Christians are eagerly anticipating the greatest miracle yet to be performed by God. It is the destruction of the present wicked world and the inauguration of the new age under Jehovah Gods king, Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:110) (Revelation chapters 18, 19) MIRIAM, SISTER OF MOSES: Miriam was the daughter of Amram of the tribe of Levi. She was the sister of Moses and Aaron. (Numbers 26:59) (1 Chronicles 6:1-3) She is refered to as his sister when she watched to see what would become of the infant Moses in an ark placed among the reeds of the Nile River. (Exodus 2:3-10) Miriam arranged for the childs mother, Jochebed, to nurse the child until he grew up.

MIRMAH: Mirmah was the son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh. He was the paternal head of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8-10) MIRROR: Hand mirrors were made of polished stone as well as metal, such as bronze or copper, tin, silver and gold. Glass mirrors appear on the scene until after the first century C.E. Most of the ancient mirrors were made of molten metal. They were highly polished to give a reasonably good reflecting surface. The apostle Paul compared our spiritual sight to looking into a metal mirror at 1 Corinthians 13:12. Job likened the skies to a metal mirror at Job 37:18. The disciple James presented Gods Word as a figurative mirror. (James 1:22-25) The apostle Paul indicated that Christians reflect Gods glory like mirrors. (2 Corinthians 3:18) MISHAL: This border city of Asher was given to the Gershonite Levites. It was probably situated near Mount Carmel. (Joshua 19:24-26; 21:27,30) (1 Chronicles 6:74) MISHAM: Misham was the son of the Benjamite Elpaal. Misham and his brothers built Ono and Lod and its dependent towns. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 11, 12) MISPERETH, MISPAR: Mispereth was one of the leaders of the Jews who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (Nehemiah 7:6, 7) He was also called Mispar. (Ezra 2:1, 2) MISREPHOTH-MAIM: After defeating the armies of northern Canaanite kings and their Jabin allies at the waters of Merom, the Israelites chased them to Misrephoth-maim. (Joshua 11:1-5, 8; 13:2, 6) When the Promised Land was divided into inheritance portions, the land that extended from Lebanon to Misrephoth-maim had not been conquered. MIST: Mist is similar to very light rain. When warm humid air rises from the earth and cools, it condenses and causes particles of water to float in the air and then drop. When it takes place near the ground it is fog and high in the sky it is clouds. (Psalm 135:7) (Proverbs 25:14) (Jeremiah 10:13; 51:16) The Bible is in total agreement with scientific finding about rain and mist. (Job 36:27, 28) It is possible that the rain referred to at Genius 2:5, 6 is actually mist because it watered the whole surface of the ground. Mist is used figuratively in several places in the Christian Greek Scriptures. (Acts 13:4-11) (2 Peter 2:1, 17-19) James 4:14 compares life to a mist that quickly disappears. Some people believe that demons dwell in

mist or fog, but that belief is not substantiated in the Holy Scriptures. MITHKAH: Mithkah was one of the campsites where the Israelites camped while in the desert wilderness. (Numbers 33:28, 29) MITHREDATH: This man was the treasurer under Cyrus. Mithredath followed the royal command to turn over 5,400 temple utensils of gold and silver to the Israelites for return to Jerusalem. (Ezra 1:7, 8, 11) MITYLENE: Mitylene was the principal city on the island of Lesbos. It was famed as a seat of literary learning and for the architectural beauty of its buildings. Lesbos was an island in the Aegean Sea off of the west coast of Asia Minor. The apostle Paul sailed to Mitylene from Assos, a seaport on the mainland of Asia Minor about 28 miles away when the ship anchored at Mitylene and waited for favorable winds. There is no mention that Paul went ashore. (Acts 20:14, 15) MIZPAH, A REGION: Mizpah was a Hivite region on Mount Hermon. It was known as the land of Mizpah and the Mizpeh Valley. (Joshua 11:3, 8) It could have been the area south of Mount Hermon. MIZPAH, CITY IN SHEPHELAH: This city was somewhere about 5.5 miles south of Azekah. (Joshua 15:33, 38) MIZPAH, CITY OF BENJAMIN: This city in the territory of Benjamin was about 5 miles northwest of Jerusalem. All the fighting men of Israel assembled at Mizpah to take action against the perpetrators of the sex crime at Gibeah of Benjamin. (Judges 20:148) MIZPAH, CITY EAST OF THE JORDAN: This Mizpah was a city east of the Jordan River in Gilead. (Judges 10:17; 11:11, 29) MIZPAH, CITY OF MOAB: Mizpah was the city where David settled his parent after he was outlawed by King Saul. (1 Samuel 22:3) MIZRAIM: Mizraim was the second of Hams sons. He was the progenitor of the Egyptian tribes. His name was synonymous with Egypt. (Genesis 10:6, 13, 14; 50:11) The word Egypt in English translations is translated from the Hebrew words Mitsrayim and Matsohr. (2 Kings 19:24) (Isaiah 19:6; 37:25) (Micah 7:12)

MIZZAH: Mizzah was a sheik of Edom. He was a descendant of Esau through Reuel. (Genesis 36:17) (1 Chronicles 1;34-37) Mizzah was Esaus grandson. (Genesis 36:2, 3, 10, 13) MNASIN: This man was a native of Cyprus and an early disciple. Paul and his traveling companions were entertained in Mnasons home at the completion of one of his missionary journneys about 56 C.E. (Acts 21:15-17) MOAB: Moab was the eldest son of Lot. He was born of an incestuous relationship with his daughter. (Genesis 19:30-38) The people who lived in the territory where Moab lived were called Moabites. (Genesis 36:35) (Numbers 21:20) (Ruth 1:2) (1 Chronicles 1:46) (Psalm 60:8) The country of Moab was on the east side of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea and south of the Arnon River. Nu 21:13, 26) The plains of Moab were near Jericho. (Numbers 22:1; 26:63) (Joshua 13:32) MOADIAH: Moadiah was a prietly paternal house in the time of Joiakim. Piltai was in charge of this house. Moadiah was probably a variation of the name Maadiah. Maadiah accompanied Zerubbabel to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile ended. (Nehemiah 12:1, 5, 12, 17) MODESTY: Modesty is freedom from vanity and conceit. It is an awareness of limitations, chastity and personal purity. The Hebrew root word for both modest and humble is tsan-na. It is found at Micah 6:8. The Greek word ai-dos means modest and reverent. A modest person has respect for the feelings and opinions of others. A truly modest person has a proper estimate of self. God requires his faithful followers to be modest in walking with him. (Micah 6:8) Jesus Christ is an excellent example of modesty. He admitted that he would not do anything on his own initiative, but only what he saw the Father do. He also said the Father is greater than he is. (John 5:19, 30; 14:28) Modesty in dress and physical appearance is very important for Christians. (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) MOLADAH: This city was in southern Judah. It belonged to the trive of Simeon. After the exile, Judeans resettled the city. (Joshua 15:21, 26; 19:1, 2) (1 Chronicles 4:24, 28, 31) MOLECH: Molech was an Ammonite deity. (1 Kings 11:5, 7, 33) Molech was probably the same as Moloch and Milcom. (Acts 7:43) (Amos 5:27) According to Jeremiah 32:35 there could be some connection between Molech and Baal. So it is possible that the name

Molech may have been applied to more than one god. Gods Law to Israel required the death penalty for anyone who gave his offspring to Molech. (Leviticus 20:2-5) The term passing offspring through the fire meant devoting or dedicating children to Molech. (2 Kings 17:17, 18) (Ezekiel 23:4, 36-39) MOLE RAT: The mole rat was a 6 to 12 inch lump of soft thick fur. This rodent was usually a yellowish gray-brown color. It had two pairs of large protruding teeth. Under the Law, the mole rat was unclean for food. (Leviticus 11:29) Mole rats live in underground chambers. They eat vegetable matter, primarily roots and bulbs. MOLID: Molid was from the tribe of Judah. He was a descendant of Hezron through Jerahmeel, the son of Abishur by his wife Abihail. (1 Chronicle 2:4, 5, 9, 25-29) MOLTEN SEA: Also called the great copper basin and copper sea, the molten sea was a very large basin built for use in the tabernacle. It was built by Hiram, a HebrewPhoenician. It was constructed of copper and measured nearly 15 feet wide from brim to brim, and 7.5 feet deep. The molten sea was decorated with gourd-shaped ornaments and 12 figures of bulls in groups of three, facing all four directions. The copper in it weighed nearly 30 tons. It held 11,620 gallons of water. It was Rabbinic tradition to wash sacrifices with the water. (Exodus 30:17-21) (1 Kings 7:23, 40, 44) MONEY: Money is the common medium of exchange established by private individuals or by a government or national bank. In ancient times livestock and other material possessions were used. The Latin word for money is pecunia. It comes from the word pecus meaning cattle. Cattle and food stuffs were convenient mediums of exchange. (Genesis 47:17) (1 Kings 5:10, 11) Precious metals also served as money in Abrahams time. While they were not molded in standard coins they were trade in the form of bars, rings, bracelets, and other useful items. (Genesis 23:15, 16; 24:22) (Joshua 7:21) (Jeremiah 32:10) The first coins were struck about 700 B.C.E. (1 Chronicles 29:7) (Ezra 8:27) (Nehemiah 7:70-72) Both Roman and Greek coins are mentioned in the New Testament. (Mathew 5:26; 10:29; 17:24, 27; 20:10) (Mark 12:42) (Luke 12:6, 59; 15:8) The apostle Paul warned against the love of money in his letter to Timothy. (1 Timothy 6:10) Money should be properly used in the effort to put the Kingdom of God first in our lives. (Luke 16:1-9) (Matthew 6:33)

MONEY CHANGER: It was the responsibility of the moneychanger to exchange one currency for another and coins of one value for another. The moneychanger charged a fee for each exchange. The Greek word kollybistes comes from the word kollybos. It was a small coin paid as a commission for changing money. The Greek word ker-ma-ti-stes means money broker or coin dealer. Often the people needed to exchange money in order to purchase sacrificial animals for use at the temple. Jesus Christ overturned the tables of the money changers and condemned them for making the temple into a house of merchandise and a cave of robbers. (John 2:13-16) (Matthew 21:12, 13) (Mark 11:15-17) MONUMENT: A monument is any structure that is used as a reminder of some person or special event. It can be a pillar, a plaque, building or marker. Jehovah appeared to Jacob in a vision to confirm the Abrahamic covenant toward him. Jacob took the stone he used for a pillow and set it up as a pillar. He anointed it with oil to commemorate it as a monument. (Genesis 28:10-19) Absaloms Monument was built in order to keep his name in remembrance. (2 Samuel 18:18) King Saul erected a monument in honor of his victory over the Amelekites. (1 Samuel 15:12) Gravestones were set up as memory aids and monuments. (1 Kings 13:1, 2) (2 Kings 23:16-18) MOON: God made two great lights. The sun was to govern the day. The mood was to govern the night. (Genesis 1:16) The moon was provided by God to mark the appointed times. (Psalms 104:19) (Jeremiah 31:35) (1 Corinthians 15:41) The Hebrew word for moon was ya-reach. It was closely related to yerach meaning lunar month. The lunar month always began with the new moon, Hebrew: chodhesh. Therefore the new moon came to mean the same as month. (Genesis 7:11) (Exodus 12:2) (Isaiah 66:23) The Greek word se-lene is translated moon. MOON WORSHIP: The moon-god Sin was the city god of Ur, the capital of Sumer. The inhabitants of Ur were polytheistic, meaning they worshiped more than one god. Yet the moon-god Sin was the supreme god to whom their temple and altars were devoted. Abrahams father Terah practiced such idolatrous worship. (Genesis 11:31, 32) (Joshua 24:2, 14) Job also lived among moon worshipers. He rejected their practice of kissing the hand of the moon. (Job 31:26-28) The nearby Midianites used moon-shaped ornaments for worship. (Judges 8:21, 26) Solomons foreign wives brought moon worship into Judah. (1 Kings 11:3-5, 33) (2 Kings 23:5, 13, 14)

MONOTHEISTIC: Belief that there is only one true God. The Holy Scriptures present God as the one and only God. (John 4:23) (1 Corinthians 8:5-6) He requires exclusive devotion. (Nahum 1:2) (Exodus 20:2-5) (John 14:28) (Matthew 22:36-38) The Bible specifically states that the true God was and is the Father of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 8:4-6) The theory of three gods in one does not respect Jehovah Gods requirement for exclusive devotion stated at Deuteronomy 4:24, and it is not found in the Bible. There is only one true God, not three! The word monotheistic is also not found in the Holy Scriptures, but the concept is present through out the context of the Bible. MORDECAI, THE WRITER OF ESTHER: Mordecai is portrayed in the Book of Esther as the son of Jair the son of Shimei the son of Kish a Benjaminite. (Esther 2:5) He was an older cousin and guardian of Esther. (Esther 2:7) The book tells of his part in activities of the Persian Empire in the fifth century B.C.E. He was considered the writer of the Book of Esther. MOREH, OF THE BIG TREES: The big trees of Moreh was a well known landmark near Shechem at the time of Abraham and for centuries. (Genesis 12:6; 35:4) (Deuteronomy 11:30) (Joshua 24:25, 26) (Judges 9:6) MOREH HILL: Moreh Hill was located at the place where the Midianites were defeated by Gideon. (Judges 7:1) Many think this hill was the bare gray ridge of Jebel Dahi, 5 miles north of the well of Harod. MORESHETH: Moresheth was the city about 22 miles south west of Jerusalem that was the home of Micah the prophet. (Jeremiah 26:18) (Micah 1:1) It was approximately 6 miles southeast of Gath. The composit name Moresheth-gath found at Micah 1:14 implies that the two cities were associated. (1 Samuel 6:18; 27:5) MORIAH: Mount Moriah is the name of the rocky mountain on which Solomon built a magnificent temple to Jehovah. His father David purchased the site in order to erect an altar there. However Jehovah made it clear to him that he was not to build the temple. (2 Samuel 24:16-25) (1 Chronicles 21:15-28) (2 Chronicles 3:1) Abraham traveled to the land of Moriah from Beersheba. (Genesis 21:33, 34; 22:4, 19) MORTAR, A PULVERIZING BOWL: The Bible speaks of a bowl that was used to pulverize grain, olives, or other substances by pounding

with a pestle. The pestle being an oblong hammer-like rock or metal object. Egyptian tomb paintings showed large capacity mortars, some so large it took two men to handle the pestle. The Israelites prepared manna in the wilderness by grinding it in hand mills or pounding it in a mortar. (Numbers 11:7, 8) Olives were pulverized in mortars with a pestle to produce oil and incense was beaten into powder for use in the sanctuary. (Exodus 27:20, 21; 29:40, 42; 30:23-25, 35, 36) Grain was reduced to fine flour in a mortar. (Proverbs 27:22) MORTAR, BUILDING MATERIAL: Mortar is a building material used as a bond in masonry or for covering a wall. It is applied between bricks and stones to cement them together. (Leviticus 14:42, 45) (1 Chronicles 29:2) (Isaiah 54:11) (Jeremiah 43:9) This weather resistant mixture was made of lime, sand, and water. It was used in the construction of the finer homes in ancient Palestine. Sometimes oil was added to the mixture or coated on the outside of the wall to produce a nearly waterproof surface. (Genesis 11:3) (Exodus 1:14) (Ezekiel 13:11-16) MOSERAH, MOSEROTH: This is the place where the Israelites camped when Aaron died. (Deuteronomy 10:6) (Numbers 33:30, 31) The plural form of Moserah is Moseroth. MOSES: The name Moses means, saved out of water. He was known as the Man of the true God, leader of the nation of Israel, mediator of the Law covenant, prophet, judge, commander, historian and writer. (Ezra 3:2) Moses was born in 1593 B.C.E. in Egypt. He was the son of Amram, the grandson of Kohath and the great-grandson of Levi. His mother, Jochebed, was sister of Kohaths sister. His older sister was Miriam. (Exodus 6:16, 18, 20; 2:7) Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew males were to be destroyed at birth, but Jochebed hid Moses for three months. Then she placed him in a papyrus ark among the reeds by the bank of the Nile River. Pharaohs daughter found him and took him into her home to raise him as her own child. (Exodus 2:1-10) (Acts 7:20-22) Even though he was given favored position and opportunities in Egypt Moses heart was always with Gods people. (Hebrews 11:24, 25) (Acts 7:2329) (Exodus 2:11-15) Moses led his people through the exodus out of Egypt into the wilderness. It was there that Jehovah God gave the people of Israel the Law covenant. (Exodus 19:1-3; 20:1-17; 33:1823; 34:4-6) Research the name Moses in a comprehensive concordance. Look up the 787 verses in the Bible that contain the name Moses. You will be truly inspired by this topical study of the righteous man, Moses.

MOST HOLY: The innermost room in the tabernacle (temple). It is also called the Holy of Holies. Only the high priest entered the Most Holy to carry out his duties. (Exodus 26:33) (1 Kings 6:16) A cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night resided above the Most Holy of the tabernacle in the wilderness. This was visible to the entire camp of Israel. (Exodus 13:22; 40:38) (Numbers 9:15) (Psalm 80:1) The Most Holy is referred to symbolically at Hebrews 9:7-12, 23, 24. The High Priest Jesus Christ is to enter into what the Most Holy represented, once and for all time with his sacrifice for sins, to appear before the person of God for us. MOTH: The moth is a four-winged insect that resembles a butterfly. The moth has feathery shaped feelers not terminated by knobs. Moths are nocturnal and their wings fold back over their bodies. The moths referred to in the Bible are of the Tineola biselliella variety known as the webbing clothes moth. (Job 13:28) (Psalm 39:11) (Isaiah 50:9; 51:8) (Hosea 5:12) (Matthew 6:19, 20) (Luke 12:33) MOTHER: A woman who has given birth to a child is referred to as a mother. Adams wife Eve was called the mother of all the living because she was the first in history to give birth. (Genesis 3:20) (Genesis 30:22-24; 35:16-19) (1 Kings 15:10) The word mother is used in a figurative sense at Judges 5:7 to define a woman who assists and cares for others. The apostle Paul likened the gentle care he gave his spiritual children as that of a nurturing mother at 1 Thessalonians 2:7. Christian women are often referred to as mothers and sisters. (Mark 3:35) (1 Timothy 5:1, 2) (1 Peter 3:6) Sometimes the earth is considered mother earth. This is because man came from the dust of the ground. (Genesis 2:7) (Job 1:21) Jerusalem, both earthly and heavenly Jerusalem is considered mother to the physical and spiritual people of Israel. (Galatian 4:25, 26) (Ezekiel 23:4, 25) Babylon the Great City of Revelation 17:5, 18 is called the mother of the harlots. MOUND: Most dictionaries define a mound as a small natural hill. It could also refer to a man made rampart or hill. This geographic or structural feature is spoken of in ancient Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 5:9) (1 Kings 9:15, 24; 11:27) (2 Kings 12:20) (1 Chronicles 11:8) (2 Chronicles 32:5) The height of the average mound mentioned in the Bible is not stated. It would stand to reason that it was lower then most mountains. The House of the Mound found at 2 Kings 12:20 is also translated House of Millo. Millo comes from the Hebrew word mil-loh meaning mound, rampart, citadel.

MOUNTAINS OR HIGH PLACES: When used in symbolic terms they mean Kingdoms or governments. (Revelation 6:16) MOUNTAIN OF THE HOUSE OF JEHOVAH: The Mountain of Jehovah is Gods temple in heaven. (Isaiah 2:3) The Israelites spoke about going the Mountain of Jehovah on earth, namely the Temple in Jerusalem. MOUNTAIN OF MEETING: The king of Babylon is portrayed as saying: I will sit on the mountain of meeting far away in the north. (Isaiah 14:13) Some historians believe that this mountain of meeting was the dwelling place of their gods. However the mountain of meeting must be identified in the light of Holy Scripture. Clearly the king of Babylon would not want his throne lifted above a god that he worshiped. Isaiah reveals that the reference was not to the Babylonian gods but to the Most High. (Isaiah 14:14) Therefore the mountain of meeting must be associated to the Most High God! There was only one mountain of any consequence to the Hebrews, Mount Zion. (Isaiah 8:18; 18:7; 24:23) (Joel 3:17) Mount Zion was in a northerly location. This harmonizes with the placement of the: mountain of meeting in the remotest parts of the north. (Psalm 48:1, 2) It is important to remember that Jehovah God is in heaven not in some physical mountain. Mount Zion is symbolic of heaven, the home of our God. MOUNT OF OLIVES: A series of limestone hills on the east side if Jerusalem, the other side of the Kidron Valley. The Mount of Olives is 2,664 feet in altitude. It is covered with palm, myrtle, oil and olive trees. Jesus delivered the Olivet Prophecy on this mountain found at Matthew Chapter 24, Mark Chapter 13 and Luke Chapter 21. This detailed prophecy tells many of the things that will take place at the end of the age. Mount Scopus is north of the Mount of Olives and the Mount of Offense (Ruination) is to the south. MOUNT OF RUINATION, MOUNT OF OFFENSE: The chain of limestone hills on the east side of Jerusalem, near the Kidron Valley, includes Mount Scopus, the Mount of Olives, and the Mount of Ruination. The Mount of Ruination is also called the Mount of Offence. It is 2,430 feet in altitude above sea level. King Solomon built high places for idolatrous worship on high places to the south of the Mount of Ruination. (1 Kings 11:7) (2 Kings 23:13) MOURN, MOURNING: Mourning is the state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one. The Holy Scriptures contain

many references about mourning. Mourning for the dead is reported frequently. Abraham mourned for Sarah. (Genesis 23:2) Jacob mourned for Joseph. (Genesis 37:34, 35) The Egyptians mourned for Jacob. (Genesis 50:3-10) There was mourning expressed for Moses. (Deuteronomy 34:8) A well known situation of mourning was when Mary and Martha lamented the death of Lazarus. (John 11) Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 says there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 7:2, 4) (Proverbs 14:13) When Jesus was on earth mourning was expressed with much emotion and noise. (Mark 5:38, 39) Even the land is said to mourn because of devastations caused by war, famine and plague. (Jeremiah 4:27, 28) (Joel 1:10-12) (Revelation 18:2, 7-11, 17-19) MOUTH: The mouth is the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations (speech) emerge. The mouth is a gift from God and should be used to praise Him. (Psalms 34:1; 51:15; 71:18; 145:21) We hear from the psalmist that everything that has breath will praise Jehovah. Believing with the heart is not enough. Public declaration of ones faith is needed to bring salvation. (Psalm 150:6) (Romans 10:10) (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) We read at Proverbs 10:11: The mouth of a righteous man is a fountain of life. Aggression comes from the mouth of the wicked. Jesus said: Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12:34) That which comes out of the mouth makes a man unclean, not that which goes into the mouth. (Matthew 15:11) The word mouth is sometimes used synonymously with the word speech. (Job 32:5) (Psalms 10:7; 78:36) (Ezekiel 24:27) Mouth refers to an opening also. The New Simplified Bible uses the word opening for many of those occurrances. (Genesis 29:2; 43:12; 44:1, 2) (Joshua 10:22) (Numbers 16:32) The grave opens its mouth very wide to receive the dead. (Isaiah 5:14) MOZA, FROM JUDAH: Moza was a descendant of Judah. He was the son of Caleb by his concubine Ephah. (1 Chronicles 2:46) MOZA, THE BENJAMITE: This Moza was a Benjamite. He was a descendant of King Saul. And he was the son of Zimri. Moza was the father of Binea. (1 Chronicles 8:33-37; 9:42, 43) MOZAH: Mozah was a city in the territory of Benjamin. (Joshua 18:21, 26) It was about 4.5 miles northwest of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

MULE: The mule is the hybrid offspring of a he-ass and a mare. The mules body looks much like a horse. It has, however, a short thick head, long ears, short mane, and small feet. The mule is less prone to disease than the horse. It displays greater patience when loaded down with heavey burdens. It also lives longer than most horses. Mules were among the gifts brought to Solomon by kings. (1 Kings 10:24, 25) (2 Chronicles 9:23, 24) The stubborn characteristics displayed by mules and horses must be avoided by humans. (Psalm 32:9) MUPPIM: Muppim was one of Benjamins sons. (Genesis 46:21) He was possibly the same person as Shephupham at Numbers 26:39 and Shephuphan at 1 Chronicles 8:5, also Shuppim at 1 Chronicles 7:12. MURDER: The Hebrew word for murder is ra-tsach. It clearly means the unauthorized or unlawful taking of another persons life. There appears to be no difference in the meaning of the word murder and the word kill. Gods Law is emphatic about not committing murder, Do not murder. (Exodus 20:13) However the Mosaic Law did allow the taking of human life as in the execution of criminals. Murder has been common through out history. Cain hated his righteous brother Abel and murdered him. (Genesis 4:1-8, 25; 5:3) After the Flood of Noahs time God instructed humans to administer capital punishment for murder. (Genesis 9:6) (Exodus 21:29, 30) (Deuteronomy 19:18-21) Hatred and envy cause a person to murder, therefore anyone hating his brother would be a manslayer, a murderer. (Matthew 15:19) (Mark 7:21) (Romans 1:2832) Jesus Christ proclaimed that hatred in the heart condemns a person as a murderer. (Matthew 5:21) James concurred with this teaching at James 5:5, 6 and 2:1-11. MUSHI: Mushi was the grandson of Levi and son of Merari. (Ex 6:16, 19) Mushi became father to three sons and his family was known as the Mushites. (1 Chronicles 23:23) (Numbers 26:58) MUSHITES: The Mushites were a Levite family that descended from Mushi the son of Merari. (Numbers 3:17, 20, 33; 26:58) MUSIC: Singing is an outstanding way to worship Jehovah. Instrumental music is also an excellent way to show adoration to our God. It serves as an accompaniment for vocalists and also magnifies Jehovah on its own. Both vocal and instrumental music abound in the Holy Scriptures from the beginning to the end. (Genesis 4:21; 31:27) (1 Chronicles 25:1) (Revelation 18:22) Music is

truly a gift from God. It is a way to render praise and thanksgiving and it allows man to express his deepest emotions, his sorrows and joys. David organized 4,000 Levites for musical service. (1 Chronicles 23:4, 5) Two hundred and eighty-eight of these Levites were professionally trained as experts. (1 Chronicles 25:7) Music was featured prominently in the Christian Greek Scriptures as well. Jesus and his apostles sang praises after the Lords Evening Meal. (Mark 14:26) Luke reports that Paul and Silas sang when they were in prison. Paul also encouraged fellow believers to sing songs of praise to Jehovah. (Acts 16:25) (Ephesians 5:18, 19) (Colossians 3:16) In fact it was a regular feature of Christian worship. (1 Corinthians 14:15) MUSTARD: The mustard plant grows from a very small seed. (Matthew 13:31; 17:20) The seeds were ground into powder and used as spice on food. MUTH-LABBEN: This is an expression found in the superscription of Psalm 9. It was written by David. Its traditional meaning is the death of a man. The superscription of Psalm 9 in the Targum reads, On the death of the man who came forth from between the camps. This is evidently a reference to Goliath, the Philistine whom David defeated. (1 Samuel 17:45-51) MUZZLE: The muzzle covered an animals mouth to prevent it from biting or eating. Cattle were frequently used in Palestine to tread the grain with their hooves. Jehovah commanded: Do not muzzle the bull while he is threshing. (Deuteronomy 25:4) (Proverbs 12:10) The bull was to be allowed to eat from the results of its own labor. The same principle can be applied to humans. (1 Titus 5:17, 18) (1 Corinthians 9:8-14) David applied muzzle figuratively at Psalm 39:1 where he said he would guard his mouth with a muzzle. MYRA: Myra was a city in the province of Lycia near the coast of southwest Asia Minor. It was on a hill two miles inland on the Andracus River. The apostle Paul was a prisoner bound for Rome. He arrived at Myra from Caesarea by way of Sidon. He had to transfer to a grain ship from Alexandria that was sailing to Italy. (Acts 27:1-6, 38) MYRRH: This sweet smelling resin was highly valued. It was used as a medicine. (Mark 15:23) Myrrh was an ingredient used for holly anointing oil. (Exodus 30:23-25) It was used to scent garments. (Psalm 45:8) (Proverbs 7:17) The Jews also used it to prepare bodies

for burial. (John 19:39) It was presented to Jesus, the king of the Jews. (Matthew 2:1, 2, 11) MYRTLE TREE: The myrtle grows as a shrub or a tree. It is common in Israel and Lebanon. SEE POMEGRANATE TREE MYSIA: Mysia was a geographic region in the northwest part of Asia Minor. It was bordered on the west and north by the Aegean Sea. Bithynia was on the east and Lydia to the south. Paul, Silas and Timothy attempted to travel to Bithynia, but the spirit of Jesus did not permit it. So they went down to Troas. (Acts 15:40; 16:1-3, 7, 8) They passed by Mysia and thus omitted it as a field of missionary activity. (Acts 20:13, 14; 27:2) (Revelation 1:11) MYSTERY: SEE SECRET SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY N NAAM: He was the Son of Caleb, Jephunnehs son, of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 15) NAAMAH, SISTER OF TUBAL-CAIN: Naamah was a descendant of Cain. She was the sister of Tubal-cain and the daughter of Lamech by Zillah. (Genesis 4:17-19, 22) NAAMAH, SOLOMONS WIFE: This Naamah was the Ammonite wife of Solomon. She was the mother of Rehoboam. (1 Kings 14:21) (2 Chronicles 12:13) NAAMAH, CITY IN SHEPHELAH: This Judean city was in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 41) NAAMAN, SYRIAN ARMY OFFICER: Naaman was a Syrian army officer of the tenth century B.C.E. He served during the reigns of Jehoram of Israel and Ben-hadad II of Syria. Naaman was a leper. Even though the Syrians did not isolate him he eagerly searched for a cure. Elisha had his servant tell Naaman to bathe seven times in the Jordan River. When he did this Naaman was cured and he became a worshipper of Jehovah. (2 Kings 5:1-14) (Luke 4:27) NAAMAN, GRANDSON OF BENJAMIN: This Naaman was the grandson of Benjamin through his first born Bela. (1 Chronicles 8:14, 7) He was the founder of the Naamites family. (Numbers 26:40)

NAAMATHITE: Jobs companion Zophar was a Naamathite. (Job 2:11; 11:1; 20:1; 42:9) Zophar and his family lived at Djebelel Naameh in northwest Arabia. NAAMITES: The Naamites were a family from Israel descended from Benjamins grandson Naaman. (Numbers 26:38, 40) NAARAI: Naarai was the son of Ezbai. He was a mighty man in Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 37) NAARAN: Naaran was an Ephraimite border city. (1 Chronicles 7:20) NABAL: Nabal was a Calebite, a descendant of Caleb. He was a sheep owner who pastured and sheared his flocks in Carmel of Judah. (1 Samuel 25:2, 3, 17, 21, 25) David wanted to kill Nabal because of the way he treated David. God struck Nabel in death. (Deuteronomy 28:28) (Psalm 102:4) (1:Samuel 25:2-38) David later took Abigail, Nabels wife, as his wife. (1 Samuel 25:39-42; 27:3; 30:5) (2 Samuel 2:2; 3:3) NABONIDUS: It means Nebo is Exalted. Nebo was an Egyptian god. Nabonidus was the last supreme monarch of the Babylonian Empire, who ruled from 556 to 529 B.C.E. He was father of Belshazzar. He spent much of his time indulging in literature, art and religion. NABOTH: Naboth was a Jezreelite vineyard owner. He was the victim of an evil plot by Queen Jezebel. Naboths vineyard was within sight of King Ahabs palace. Naboth declined Ahabs offer to buy the vineyard or the exchange it for a better vineyard somewhere else. This was because Jehovah prohibited the sale in perpetuity of a family inheritance. Queen Jezebel schemed to have two witnesses falsely accuse Naboth of blaspheming God and the king. The rest of this story of murder and intrigue can be read at 1 Kings chapter 21. NACON: This was the name of the threshing floor where Uzzah died for grabbing hold of the Ark of the Covenant. (2 Samuel 6:6) NADAB, SON OF AARON: Nadab was the firstborn son of Aaron and Elisheba. (Exodus 6:23) (1 Chronicles 6:3) He was born in Egypt and traveled with the Israelites during the great Exodus. Nadab was included with his younger brother Abihu and 70 other Israelites who were called with Aaron and Moses to Sinai. At Sinai they saw a vision of Jehovah. (Exodus 24:1, 9-11) Nadab and his

three brothers were all priest along with their father. (Exodus 28:1; 40:12-16) They were later involved in wrongdoing and Jehovah destroyed them by fire. (Leviticus 10:1-11) (Numbers 26:60, 61) NAGGAI: Naggai was an ancestor of Jesus Christ listed by Luke in his genealogy. (Luke 3:23, 25) NAHALAL: This city of Zebulun was assigned to the Merarite Levites. It was also called Nahalol. (Joshua 1:10, 14, 15; 21:34, 35) NAHALIEL: The name Nahaliel means Valley of God. The Israelites camped at Nahaliel before they fought the Amorite King Sihon. (Numbers 21:19-24) NAHALOL: Nahalon was the alternate name for Nahalal, the city in Zebulun. (Judges 1:30) NAHAM: Naham was a descendant of Judah, the brother-in-law of Hodiah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 19) NAHAMANI: He returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 7:6, 7) NAHARAI: Naharai was a Berothite. He was one of Joabs armor bearers. He was also one of Davids mighty men of his military forces. (2 Samuel 23:24, 37) (1 Chronicles 26, 39) NAHASH, KING OF THE AMMONITES: Nahash was king of the Ammonites when Saul begain his reign. He led his army against Jabesh in Gilead. Israel rallied around King Saul and defeated Nahash at Jabesh. Nearly all of Nahash's army were killed. (1 Samuel 11:1-22; 12:11, 12) NAHATH, SHEIK OF EDOM: Nahath was the sheik of Edom. He was the son of Reuel and grandson of Esau. His mother was Basemath, Ishmaels daughter. (Genesis 36:2-4, 13, 17) NAHATH, DESCENDANT OF KOHATH: Nahath was a Levite. He was a descendant of Kohath and an ancestor of Samuel. (1 Chronicles 6:16, 22-28) He was also called Tohu and Toah. (1 Samuel 1:1) (1 Chronicles 6:33-35) NAHATH, APPOINTED BY HEZEKIAH: Nahath was a Levite who was appointed a commissionar by King Hezekiah. His responsibility was to assist Conaniah and Shimei with the oversight of the

contribution, the tenth, and the holy things that were brought to the Temple. (2 Chronicles 31:12, 13) NAHBI: Nahbi was the son of Vophsi of the tribe of Naphtali. Moses sent 12 men to spy out the land of Canaan. He was among the men who returned with a bad report. (Numbers 13:1-3, 14, 16, 31-33) NAHUM: Nahum was an Israelite prophet of the seventh century B.C.E. He may have been in Judah at the time he wrote the book bearing his name for he spoke about Judah in the first chapter of his book. (Nahum 1:15) Nahum was an Elkoshite, meaning he was a resident of Elkosh, a village of Judah. (Nahum 1:1) NAHUM, THE BOOK: The book of Nahum is a prophetic pronouncement against Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. It was written sometime before Nineveh was destroyed in 632 B.C.E. The book was written by Nahum the Elkoshite. (Nahum 1:1) Jehovah executes vengeance upon his adversaries. The people were worshipping false gods and Jehovah requires exclusive devotion. Jehovah is a zealous God requiring exclusive devotion (tolorates no rivals). (Nahum 1:2) Jehovah is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble!" The final pronouncement on Nineveh is given, There is no relief for your pain. Your wound is grievous! All who hear the report about you applaud for your wickedness affected everyone. NAIL: Some of the ancient nails had four-sided shanks and a longer taper to the point than those in use today. They were made of bronze and iron. (1 Chronicles 22:3) The nails used to attach Jesus to the stake were about 4.5 inches long. Thomas did not believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected until after he saw the print of the nails in Jesus flesh. (John 20:24-29) Paul used the term nail figuratively when he said that God took the Law out of the way by nailing it to the stake. (Colossians 2:13-14) NAIN: Hebrew: Nain, means green pastures. Jesus raised a widows son to life near the village of Nain. NAKED: This word sometimes means completely naked (without clothes). (Genesis 2:25) (Job 1:20-21) (Ecclesiastes 5:15) (Micah 1:8) It can also mean being poorly clad. (Isaiah 58:7) (James 2:15) Someone who has laid aside his lose outer garment is called naked too, even though he still is covered with under clothing. (1 Samuel 19:24) (Isaiah 47:3) (Mark 14:52) (John 21:7) It can also be used

figuratively to mean being discovered or exposed such as Job 26:6 and Hebrews 4:13. NAIOTH: There was a place where prophets lived during the time of Samuel called Naioth. (1 Samuel 19:18-20:1) This was probably a part of the town of Ramah, in the hills of Ephraim. NAME: Greek: onoma means proper name, authority, character and reputation. (Matthew 6:9) Every family on earth obtains its name from God. (Ephesians 3:14, 15) The lines of descent lead from Adam and Eve directly to each family. (Psalms 147:4) NAOMI: Naomi was the mother-in-law of Ruth, who was the ancestress of David and of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 1:5) (Ruth 1:1-17) NAPHISH: Naphish was the 11th of Ishmaels 12 sons. (Genesis 25:13 16) (1 Chronicles 1:29-31) He was the head of an Ishmaelite tribe that resided along the northeast border of the Promised Land. (1 Chronicles 5:10, 18-22) NAPHTALI, THE TRIBE: The tribe of Naphtali was a tribe of Israel. It consisted of four tribal families descended from Naphtalis sons Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem. (Numbers 26:48, 49) After crossing the Jordan River and conquering Jericho and Ai under Joshuas leadership, Naphtali was one of the tribes who stood before Mount Ebal. (Joshua 6:24, 25; 8:28, 30-35) (Deuteronomy 27:13) Territory assigned to Naphtali was located in the northern part of the Promised Land. (Deuteronomy 34:1, 2) The Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River were on the east boundry. Ashers territory was on the west border. There were 19 fortified cities in Naphtali. (Joshua 19:35-39) Kedesh was one of these cities. It was given to the Levites as a city of refuge. (Joshua 20:7, 9) Naphtali was spoken of in prophecy several times. (Isaiah 9:1, 2) (Ezekiel 48:3, 4, 34, 35) (Revelation 7:4, 6) Jesus made Capernaum in Naphtalis territory his own city. (Matthew 4:13; 9:1) NARCISSUS: Paul wrote his greetings in the letter to the Romans to the household of Narcissus. He was the head of a household in Rome. (Romans 16:11) NARD: Mary took a pound of very costly perfume of pure nard and anointed Jesus feet. (John 12:3) (Mark 14:3) Nard is expensive perfume made from a plant.

NATHAN, THE PROPHET: Nathan was Jehovahs prophet during Davids reign. Jehovah informed Nathan that David would not build the house of Jehovah. He also informed Nathan that he was to tell David that Jehovah would announce a covenant for a kingdom in Davids lineage. (2 Samuel 7:4-17) (1 Chronicles 17:3-15) Jehovah sent Nathan to David to make him aware of how monumental his sin against Uriah the Hittite was respecting the woman with whom David committed fornication, Bathsheba. Later Nathan expressed Jehovahs judgement upon David and his house. (2 Samuel 12:1-18) Davids strong feelings of remorse and repentance are found in the 51st Psalm. NATHAN, FROM DAVID TO JESUS CHRIST: David and Bathsheba gave birth to a son they named Nathan. (2 Samuel 5:13, 14) (1 Chronicles 3:5) The natural lineage from David to the Messiah is traced through Nathan and his descendants through Jesus mother Mary. (Luke 3:23, 31) NATHANAEL: In Hebrew this name means God Has Given. This is considered the name of Bartholomew, one of Jesus 12 apostles. The synoptic gospel writers call him Bartholomew, but the apostle John uses his given name Nathanael. (Matthew 10:3) (Mark 3:18) (Luke 6:14) (John 1:45, 46) He was from Cana of Galilee. (John 21:2) When he was first invited to meet the Messiah, Nathanael asked, Can anything good come out of Nazareth? NATHAN-MELECH: This court official of Judah had a dining room located in the porch entrance of the temple. False religion was rampant in Judah. The false worshipers were brought the horses given to the sun into the temple through the porch entrance. King Josiah stopped this practice. (2 Kings 23:11) NATIONS: People bound by a common heritage and organized under one government are a nation. The people usually occupy a specific geographic territory. Hebrew: gohy and Greek: ethnos mean Gentile nations. God promised Abraham he would become the father of nations. (Genesis 12:1-4) Jesus announced the coming of a new nation of spiritual Israel. (Matthew 21:33-43) Peter identified that nation as the Spirit anointed Christians. (1 Peter 2:410) NATURE: The Greek words physis and physikos refer to what a person is by birth, to hereditary qualities and general behavior. Most translators use the English words nature and natural.

NATURE, HUMAN: The nature of man is different than that of animals. Animals are tamed by humankind, Greek: physei tei anthropinei. (James 3:7) (Genesis 1:20-28) (1 Corinthians 15:39) Man differs from the animals because the human brain is capable of the basic emotions of love and hate. Man has a conscience that allows him to determine right and wrong and behave accordingly. (Acts 23:1) (Galatians 4:8) (Romans 2:14, 15) (1 Corinthians 11:14, 15) SEE: CONSCIENCE NATURE, DIVINE: There is a nature that belongs to those in heaven, to spirit beings. The apostle Peter mentions the divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4) He said Christians could become partakers in the divine nature. He said it was reserved in heaven. (1 Peter 1:3, 4) The apostle Paul made it clear at First Corinthians chapter 15 that one must change completely from the physical to the spiritual, that it would require death and resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:36, 38, 44, 49, 51) NAZARETH: Means sprout-town. This is the city in Galilee where Jesus grew up along with his half brothers and half sisters. (Matthew 2:21-23) (Luke 4:16-30) (John 1:45-46) Jesus was referred to as a Nazarene. (Acts 24:5) Nazareth was 60 miles north of Jerusalem. NAZARENE: Hebrew: netser meaning sprout. Jesus was called the Nazarene. It was a natural thing to refer to him as the Nazarene since he was raised from infancy as a local carpenters son in the city of Nazareth. It was common to associate people with the places from which they came. The name Nazarene was prophetically foretold when the prophets referred to the twig or sprout from Jesse. (Isaiah 11:1) (Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15) (Zechariah 3:8; 6:12-13) NAZIRITE: A person who took a special vow of self-dedication. That person was not to drink beer or wine, cut his hair, or touch a dead body. (Numbers 6:1-21) The vow could be taken for a specific period of time. Some persons were dedicated to God as Nazirites from birth. NEAH: Neah was a city in Zebuluns territory. (Joshua 19:10, 13, 14, 16) NEAPOLIS: Neapolis was a city in Greece at the northern end of the Aegean Sea that served as a seaport for Philippi. The apostle Paul first entered Europe at Neapolis. Then he crossed the mountain

range between Neapolis and Philippi. (Acts 16:9-11) Six years later he crossed through Neapolis again. (Acts 20:6) NEARIAH, SON OF ISHI: Neariah was the son of Ishi. He was a Simeonite. He and his three brothers lead a military force of 500 men that defeated the Amalekites at Mount Seir. Then they took up residence there. (1 Chronicles 4:42, 43) NEARIAH, SON OF SHEMAIAH: This Neariah was the son of Shemaiah. His sons were Elioenai, Hizkiah, and Azrikam. He was a descendant of David. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 22, 23) NEBAI: Nebai was one of the leaders of the people who attested by seal the trustworthy arrangement of Nehemiahs day. (Nehemiah 9:38; 10:1, 14, 19) NEBAIOTH: He was the firstborn of Ishmaels 12 sons and the founder of one of the prominent Arabian tribes. (Genesis 25:13-16) (1 Chronicles 1:29-31) NEBALLAT: Neballat was a place settled by the Benjamites after the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:31) It is located on a hill about three miles northeast of Lydda at the end of the Plain of Sharon. NEBAT: This man was an Ephraimite and father of King Jeroboam I, the first ruler of the ten-tribe kingdom of Isreael. (1 Kings 11:26) (2 Kings 14:23-24) NEBO, THE MOUNTAIN: Mount Nebo was one of the mountains of Abarim. Moses viewed the Promised Land from on top of Mount Nebo. (Deuteronomy 32:48-52) It may have been part of Mount Pisgah as indicated by the wording of Deuteronomy 34:1-4. Moses died on the top of the mountain after viewing the Promised Land. NEBO, A FALSE GOD: Nebo was a deity worshiped in Babylonia and Assyria. He was identified with the planet Mercury and was regarded as the son of Murduk and Sarpanitu and consort of Tashmitum. The prophet Isaiah said that Nebo would be humiliated at the fall of Babylon at Isaiah 46:1, 2. The Babylonian king Nabonidus called Nebo the administrator of all the upper and nether world with power to lengthen the span of life. NEBUCHADNEZZAR: This is the mighty Babylonian King who conquered Jerusalem and took the people captive. Many of them were taken to Babylon. The entire accound is recorded at 2 Kings

chapters 24 and 25, 2 Chronicles chapter 36 and Daniel chapters 2 and 4. Nebuchadnezzar ruled as king for 43 years from 624 to 582 B.C.E. This period includes the seven times when he ate vegetation like a bull. (Daniel 4:31-33) NEBUSHAZBAN: Nebushazban was the chief court official for Nebuchadnezzar when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. He was one of several princes that directed the release of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 39:13, 14) NEBUZARADAN: Nebuzaradan was the chief of the bodyguard and principal figure in Nebuchadnezzars forces at the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. Jerusalem was conquered and King Zedekiah was blinded and brought to Babylon. (1 Kings 25:2-8) (Jeremiah 39:2, 3; 52:6-11) NECHO: Necho was a pharaoh and king of Egypt at the time of the Judean King Josiah. Necho was the son of Psammetichus and he succeeded his father as ruler of Egypt. King Necho initiated construction work on a canal linking the Nile with the Red Sea, but he did not complete this project. He also sent a fleet of ships on a voyage around Africa successfully. The voyage was completed in three years. King Necho imposed heavy fines on the kingdom of Judah. (2 Chronicles 35:20-36:4) (2 Kings 23:29-35) The Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar defeated Nechos forces. (Jeremiah 46:2) NECK: The neck is part of the human or animal that connects the head with the rest of the body. The term neck is frequently used in a figurative way in the Bible. To have ones hand on the back of the neck was to conquer the enemy or have the enemy turn their backs as a sign that they lost. (Genesis 49:8) (2 Samuel 22:41) (Psalm 18:40) Expressions of stiff-necked people refer to stubborn, obstinate and rebellious people. (Proverbs 29:1) (Deuteronomy 9:6, 13, 31-27) (Psalm 75:5) Acts 20:37 says, They all wept profusely, and fell on Pauls neck and kissed him. Here the word fell comes from the Greek word epipipto which means to embrace. And the word neck is derived from the Greek word trachelos which literally means the neck or throat, but figuratively it means life. Taken together epipipto trachelos means to embrace life. They embraced Pauls life or being. The same expression is found in the Hebrew language at Genesis 45:14. The expression calls attention to the need to show deep affection and respect for one another.

NECKLACE: A necklace is an ornamental chain or string of beads, gold, silver, coral, and jewels worn around the neck. Necklaces were worn by both women and men. (Genesis 41:41, 42) (Daniel 5:7, 16, 17, 29) Even camels wore necklaces. (Judges 8:21, 26) (Acts 20:37) NEDABIAH: Nedabiah was the last son of King Jeconiah. He was born during Jeconiahs exile in Babylon. (1 Chronicles 3:17, 18) (2 Kings 24:15) (Jeremiah 29:1, 2, 4, 6) NEEDLE: This slender tool with a sharp point at one end and a hole at the other is used for sewing with thread. (Exodus 28:6; 35:34, 35) (Ecclesiastes 3:7) (Luke 5:36) NEEDLES EYE: Jesus Christ used the needles eye in an illustration. He said: It is easier for a camel to get through a needles eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God. (Matthew 19:24) (Mark 10:25) There are some who believe that very small gates in the wall could be considered needles eyes, however the illustration was meant as a hyperbole (exaggeration). It emphasized how difficult it would be for rich men to begin serving God and actually enter the Kingdom. (1 Timothy 6:17-19) (Luke 13:24) NEGEB: The Hebrew word neghev comes from the root meaning parched or dry land. It is referred to as a land of distress and anguish at Isaiah 30:6. When Abram left Egypt to the Negeb at Genesis 13:1 no direction is specified. The area known as the Negeb went from Beer-sheba in the north to Kadesh-barnea in the south. (Genesis 21:14) (Numbers 13:17, 22; 32:8) It was a high plateau and a desert where only the tamarisk tree would grow. NEGLECT: The Greek word a-me-leo conveys the idea of not caring or being unconcerned. It can mean willful or deliberate neglect or an oversight through indifference or carelessness. The apostle Paul warned Christians: How shall we escape if we neglect this great salvation? (Hebrews 2:1-4) He cautioned Timothy: Do not neglect the spiritual gift in you. (1 Timothy 4:11-16) NEHELAM: Nehelam is a place mentioned by Jeremiah. It might have been the home of the false prophet Shemaiah. (Jeremiah 29:24, 31, 32; 23:25) Bible experts do not know where this place was located. NEHUM: This is an alternate spelling for Rehum, one of the men returning from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:2) (Nehemiah 7:7)

NEHUSHTA: Nehushta was the daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem. She was the wife of King Jehoiakim when the first captives were taken to Babylon in 617 B.C.E. Her son Jehoiachin ruled in Jerusalem only three months when Nehushta was taken captive. (2 Kings 24:6, 8, 12) (Jeremiah 29:2) NEIEL: Neiel was a city of Asher identified with Khirbet Yanin. (Joshua 19:24, 27) NEIGHBOR: The Holy Scriptures offer excellent counsel on how to live with your neighbors. (Exodus 20:16-17) (Leviticus 19:13-18) (Proverbs 3:27-29) (Matthew 19:19) (Luke 10:25-37) NEMUELITES: The Nemuelites were a family of Simeon. The were relatives oof Nemuel. (Numbers 26:12) NEPHILIM: Nephilim is the name given to the large, strong people who were offspring of the rebellious angels who came to earth. They mated humans and gave birth to giants. The accound is recorded at Genesis Chapter 6. NEPHTOAH: The Nephtoah Spring was located on the boundary between Judah and Benjamin. (Joshua 15:1, 9; 18:11) NEPHUSHESIM: This man was the family head of a family of Nethinim. Some of the descendants returned from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 46, 52) (Ezra 2:43, 50) NER: Ner was a Benjamite. He was the son of Abiel (Jeiel). Ner was the father of Abner and Kish, and grandfather of King Saul. (1 Samuel 14:50, 51) (1 Chronicles 8:33; 9:39) NEREUS: Paul included Nereus and his sister in the greetings offered to the Roman congregation at Romans 16:15. NERGAL: Nergal was a Babylonian deity worshiped at Cuthah. History verifies that Cuthah was a city dedicated to Nergal. (2 Kings 17:24, 30, 33) Some scholars believe that Nergal associated with fire, the heat of the sun, war and hunting. Nergal-sharezer the Rabmag, one of King Nebuchadnezzars princes, was probably named after this god. (Jeremiah 39:3, 13)

NERIAH: Neriah was the son of Mahseiah. He was father to both Baruch, Jeremiahs secretary, and Seraiah, the person who read the denunciation of Babylon. (Jeremiah 32:12; 36:4, 8, 14, 32; 42:3, 6; 45:1; 51:59-64) NEST: A nest is a structure where birds or animals lay eggs or give birth to their young. It is a snug, cozy and secluded retreat or home. (Proverbs 27:8) (Isaiah 10:14; 16:2) Jesus said: Foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head. (Matthew 8:19, 20) God used the eagles high nesting place as a symbol of Edoms haughtiness and presumptuousness. (Jeremiah 49:15-18) (Obadiah 1-4) Jeremiah compared the inhabitants of Jerusalem with those in Lebanon, being nested in the cedars, that they were to brought down from this lofty position. (Jeremiah 22:6, 23) NET: A net is a trap made of fabric such as twine, thread, or rope woven into meshes. Nets were used for catching fish. (Ecclesiastes 9:12) (Isaiah 19:8) (Matthew 4:18-21) It was also used to catch birds and other animals. (Proverbs 1:17) (Isaiah 51:20) The term net was used frequently in the Scriptures figuratively meaning to ensnare others. (Job 18:8; 19:6) (Psalms 66:11) (Ezekiel 12:13; 17:20; 19:8) (Micah 7:2) NETAIM: Netaim was a Judean site inhabited by some potters who served the king. (1 Chronicles 4:21-23) NETHINIM: Nethinim were Israelite temple slaves or ministers (servants). (1 Chronicles 9:2) (Ezra 8:17) Many of the Nethinim were descendants of the Gibeonites. Joshua called them gatherers of wood and drawers of water for the assembly and for Jehovahs altar. (Joshua 9:23, 27) NETTLE: There are a variety of plants with saw-edged leaves. They are usually covered with stinging hairs containing irritating liquid. The hairs brake off and penetrate the skin. The Hebrew terms charul, qim-mohsh and sir-padh refer to nettles and briers. (Proverbs 24:31) (Zepaniah 2:9) (Isaiah 34:13) (Job 30:7) Most people would not like to get close to nettles, however in a waterless region they might seek the shade of a tall nettle or even gather these plants for food. NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH: The New Heaven is the new righteous government under Jesus Christ and his co ruling kings. (Revelation 5:10; 20:4) (2 Peter 3:13) The New Earth is the new

righteous human society under the rule of the New Heaven. (Revelation 21:1) NEW JERUSALEM: The expression New Jerusalem is found two times in the Holy Scriptures, Revelation 3:12 and 21:2. Revelation 21:2 points out that the New Jerusalem is prepared as a bride. A few verses later at Revelation 21:9-11 we learn that bride is the Lambs wife and she is the holy city Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is heavenly, not earthly, for it comes down out of heaven from God. (Revelation 21:10) Of course this is all presented in symbolic language but it becomes clear that the New Jerusalem is the bride of Christ, the resurrected anointed Christians. (Revelation 5:10; 7:4; 14:1-3; 20:6) Earlier Paul likened the Christian congregation to a wife, with Christ as her Husband and Head. This is found at Ephesians 5:23-25, 32. The apostles Paul and Peter each said citizenship exists in the heavens and is reserved for those who are to be the bride of Christ. (Philippians 3:20) (1 Peter 1:4) Chapter 21 of the book of Revelation describes this beautiful heavenly city. NEW MOON FESTIVAL: The Israelites observed a religious observance on the day of the new moon each month. NEWT: Hebrew leta-ah means a small salamander or tailed amphibian. The newt resembled a lizard but it was without scales and covered with a soft, moist, thin skin. It is related to the frog and is one of the unclean creatures of the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:29, 30) The newt is born in water and lives on land after shedding its gills. After a couple years it returns to life in the water. NEZIAH: Neziah was a forefather of a group of Nethinim who returned with Zerubbabel after the Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 54) (Nehemiah 7:46, 56) NEZIB: This Judean site was in the Shephelah. It was also identified with Khirbet Beit Nesib about seven miles northwest of Hebron. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 43) NIBHAZ: Nibhaz was a deity worshiped by the Avvites at the time the king of Assyria settled in the territory of Samaria. This was after the deportation of the Israelites after the fall of the ten-tribe kingdom. (2 Kings 17:24-31)

NIBSHAN: Nibshan was a city in the Judean wilderness. (Joshua 15:20, 61, 62) NICANOR: He is one of the seven men filled with spirit and wisdom and approved by the apostles to look after the daily distribution in the early Jerusalem congregation. (Acts 6:1-6) NICODEMUS: An important Jewish ruler and teacher by the name of Nicodemus approached Jesus by night and asked him what he must do to receive salvation. (John 3:1-21; 7:45-53; 19:38-42) NICOLAUS, THE FOOD DISTRIBUTOR: The congregation recommended seven qualified men to the apostles for appointment as food distributors. Their job was to ensure fair treatment among the early Jerusalem congregation following Pentecost, 33 C.E. (Acts 6:1-6) NICOLAUS, THE SECT: The sect of Nicolaus is condemned twice in the book of Revelation, in two of the seven letters to the congregations. It is found in chapters two and three of Revelation. The angel of the Ephesus was commended for hating the deeds of the sect of Nicolaus which Jesus Christ also hates. (Revelation 2:1, 6) Those of the congregation of Pergamum who hold the doctrine of the sect of Nicolaus were warned to turn away and repent. (Revelation 2:12, 15, 16) This false religious sect was probably practicing an immoral and idolatrous course due to the teaching of Balaam, but little else is known about them. (Revelation 2:14, 15) NICOPOLIS: The apostle Paul decided to spend the winter at Nicopolis during one of his trips. (Titus 3:12) Nicopolis of Epirus located on a peninsula in northwest Greece fits the Biblical reference in Titus. NIGER: This is the Latin surname given to Symeon, one of the prophets and teachers of the congregation of Antioch, Syria. (Acts 13:1) NIGHT: Jehovah designated the period of darkness from sunset to sunrise as night. (Genesis 1:5, 14) The night was divided into watches. (Psalm 63:6) The first watch was from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. The middle night watch ran from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. The third watch was called the morning watch. It lasted from 2 a.m. until sunrise. (Judges 7:19) (Exodus 14:24-28) (1 Samuel 11:11) When Jesus told his disciples to keep on the watch at Mark 13:35 he was referring to being awake the same as the watchman is awake.

Sometimes the Bible uses the term night in a figurative way speaking of a period of spiritual darkness. (John 9:4) (Romans 13:11, 12) On occasion the truth is referred to as the light and false teachings as night or darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11) Revelation 21:2,25 and 22:5 assure believers that in the New Jerusalem night will be no more. This is symbolic, telling us that a time of evil, gloom and false teachings will be no more. There will be no more spiritual darkness! The light of truth will prevail. NIGHTJAR, SCREECH OWL: The Hebrew word li-lith means a creature inhabiting Edoms ruins, most likely a nocturnal bird. (Isaiah 34:14) It has been translated night-monster, nightjar, and screech owl. The screech owl is the most understood term in our modern society. NILE RIVER: This river flows through Egypt. Its headwaters are many miles up river in Africa for it is twenty-five hundred miles long. The baby Moses was place in a basket floating on the Nile. (Exodus 2:1-10) God turned the waters of the Nile into blood. (Exodus 7:14-25) He also produced a plague of frogs at the river. (Exodus 8:1-15) NILE CANALS: Irrigation canals branch off from the Nile River. (Ex0dus 7:19; 8:5) (Psalm 78:44) The word for Nile canals in Hebrew is yeo-rim. Irrigation from the Nile was absolutely indispensable to the economy of the Nation of Egypt. The food supply depended on this arrangement. Drying up the canals or turning the water into blood would have been a major disaster. (Isaiah 19:6) NIMRAH: This is a shortened form of Beth-nimrah. It was a town east of the Jordan built by the Gadites. (Numbers 32:3-5, 34, 36) NIMRIM: The Brook of Nimrim is believed by some to be the Wadi Nimrim, whose waters flow into the Jordan north of the Dead Sea. Others think the location is south of Moab, such as the Wadi enNumeirah, which flows into the southeast end of the Dead Sea. Isaiah and Jeremiah refer to the waters or Brook of Nimrim in the prophecies directed against Moab. (Isaiah 15:5-9) (Jeremiah 48:34,35) NIMROD: Nimrod was the founder and king of the first empire to come into existence after the Flood. He was a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. (Genesis 10:9) (Numbers 16:2) (1 Chronicles 14:8) (2 Chronicles 14:10) Cities under Nimrods kingdom included

the cities of Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, all in the land of Shinar. (Genesis 10:10) The great tower of Babel was most likely built under his direction. (Genesis 11:1-8) The roots of all false religion trace back to Nimrod and the Babylonians. NIMSHI: Nimshi was the father of Jehoshaphat and grandfather of Jehu. (1 Kings 19:16) (2 Kings 9:2, 14, 20) (2 Chronicles 22:7) NINEVEH: This is one of the oldest and most important cities in the world. It was the capital of Assyria. (Genesis 10:8-11) Jonah preached there and the people repented of their sins-Jonah, chapters one through four. It is a short book and well worth reading in one sitting. NISROCH: Nisroch was a deity worshiped by Sennacherib the king of Assyria. Adrammelech and Sharezer murdered their father Sennacherib in the temple of Nisroch. (2 Kings 19:36, 37) (Isaiah 37:38) NISAN: The first month of the Hebrew calendar occurs during the period from mid-March to about mid-April. The month is also called Abib. Jesus observed the Passover and then established the practice of observing a commemoration of his death. This is sometimes referred to as the Lords Evening Meal. Jesus gathered with his 12 apostles on the evening of Nisan 14, 33 C.E. (Matthew 26:17-30) (1 Corinthians 11:23-25) NOAH: Noah and his family built an ark to Jehovahs specifications and saved Noahs family and a representation of all the animals from the great flood. The account is found in Genesis Chapters 6 through 8. Paul wrote the Hebrews that Noah, by his faith, condemned the world and became an heir of righteousness. (Hebrews 11:7) Noah was the son of Lamech and tenth in line from Adam through Seth. He was born 126 years after Adams death. The world in which Noah lived was totally degenerate. Angels left their position in heaven and married women on earth. They produced violent offspring. (Genesis 6:1-4) (Jude 6) The thoughts of mans hearts were bad all the time. (Genesis 6:5, 11, 12) NO-AMON, AMON, THEBES: This prominent city in Egypt was at onetime the capital of Egypt. It is located on both banks of the Nile River about 330 miles south of Cairo. The Greeks called it Thebes and that is the name used today. Old Egyptian textbooks called it the City of Amon. It was the principle center of worship of the god Amon. At one time the god Amon was the most important god of the

nation of Egypt. The temple of Amon at Karnak is considered to be the largest columnar structure ever build. Its massive columns measure twelve feet in diameter. (Nahum 3:7-10) (Jeremiah 46:25, 26) (Ezekiel 30:10, 14, 15) NOB: This city was located in the territory of Benjamin close to Jerusalem. When David fled from Saul, he went to High Priest Ahimelech at Nob. Nob was one of the places mentioned in connection with the Assyrian move toward Jerusalem. (Isaiah 10:24, 32) The Benjamites resettled it after they returned from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:31-31) NODAB: The tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh, with the help of Jehovah, overwhelmingly defeated the tribe of Nodab. (1 Chronicles 5:18-22) NOGAH: King Davids son Nogah was born in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 3:5-7; 14:3-6) NOHAH: Nohah was the fourth son of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 2) NOPH: Noph was a city in Egypt. It was the Hebrew Scripture name for the Egyptian City of Memphis. (Isaiah 19:13) (Jeremiah 2:16; 44:1; 46:14, 19) (Ezekiel 30:13) NOPHAH: Nophah was a place in Moab according to the Masoretic text. (Numbers 21:29) NORTH: People in Bible times determined directions by facing toward the rising sun in the east. That would make north to the left. (Ge 14:15) North was considered a section of the earth. (Psalm 107:3) (Isaiah 43:6) (Luke 13:29) The northern sky was mentioned in the book of Job. (Job 26:7) The Babylonians were referred to as coming out of the north. (Jeremiah 1:14, 15) Some lands and kingdoms were considered the land of the north. (Isaiah 21:2, 9) (Daniel 5:28) The king of the north is mentioned in Daniel chapter 11. History has proven that Alexander the Great of Greece was that king named in Daniel. NOSE: The nose or nostrils is the part of the face used for breathing. God breathed into Adams nostrils the breath of life, and man came to be a living being. (Genesis 2:7) The Hebrew word for nose or nostril is aph. Sometimes it is used to refer to the entire face.

NOSE RING: This ornamental ring was worn in the nose usually by women. (Genesis 24:22, 30, 47) (Isaiah 3:21) However some men wore them. (Judges 8:24-26) NUMEROLOGY: The Bible is not a book of numerology, study of numbers, their meaning, and the occult mysticism attached to them. Bible usage of numbers should not be confused with numerology. Numerology came from ancient Babylon as a form of divination. The Bible specificly condemns this practice at Deuteronomy 18:1012. NUMBER-ONE: Used figuratively the number one conveys the thought of singleness, uniqueness, unity, and agreement. Moses said: Jehovah our God is one God (Jehovah). (Deuteronomy 6:4) God does not share his glory with another and therefore would not allow a pagan trinitarian arrangement. (Acts 4:24) (Revelation 6:10) (Isaiah 42:8) God is united in purpose to his Son, Jesus Christ. (John 10:30) He is also at one with, or in unity with all his followers. (John 17:21) (Galatians 3:28) NUMBER-TWO: Doing something a second time is repetition to establish the matter. The number two is found in legal matters in the Bible. Two witnesses, or even three, were required to establish a matter before the judges. This principle is also followed in the Christian congregation. (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15) (Matthew 18:16) (2 Corinthians 13:1) (1 Timothy 5:19) (Hebrews 10:28) NUMBER-THREE: The number three is used to represent intensity, emphasis, and added strength. A threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) Jehovahs great holiness is emphasized by the proclamation of heavenly creatures: Holy, holy, holy, Jehovah God the Almighty. (Isaiah 6:3) (Revelation 4:8) NUMBER-FOUR: The number four expresses something that is universal and foursquare. Something that is foursquare is equal in every dimension, cubical in shape. Figurative expressions of the number four are found at Zechariah 1:18-21; 6:1-3; Revelation 9:14,15. NUMBER-SIX: This is mans number that represents imperfection. It is stated three times for emphasis in the symbolic number of the wild beast, 666, found at Revelation 13:18. It represents imperfect fallen man.

NUMBER-SEVEN: Seven is used in the Scriptures to represent completeness and perfection. There are seven congregations in the Book of Revelation. (Revelation 1:20-3:22) Jehovah completed his creation in six days and rested on the seventh day. (Exodus 20:10, 11) The Psalmist praised God seven times during the day. (Psalm 119:164) Search your concordance for the number seven. You will find it more than 380 times in the Holy Scriptures. NUMBER-TEN: The number ten expresses fullness and entirety. There were Ten Plagues poured out upon Egypt to force Pharoh to release Gods people and the Ten Commandments were presented to the people of Israel. And these ten principles were representative of all of the other laws that man could establish. (Exodus 20:3-17; 34:28) NUMBER-TWELVE: The number twelve represents the complete, balanced, divine arrangement. There were 12 apostles appointed to serve Jehovah God through Jesus Christ. Multiples of 12 are also important. David established 24 division of the priesthood. (1 Chronicles 24:1-18) Twenty-four elders were seated around Gods throne at Revelation 4:4. The royal priesthood consists of 144,000, a number divisable by 12. (1 Peter 2:9) (Revelation 7:4-8; 20:6) NUMBERS, FOURTH BOOK OF THE PENTATEUCH: The Pentateuch is the first five books of the Old Testament. Numbers is the fourth book. The book of Numbers relates events that occurred to the people of Israel that took place in the region of Mount Sinai and in the wilderness near there. (Numbers 1:1) (Deuteronomy 1:3, 4) Moses wrote the book of Numbers. The wrong conduct of the Israelites as well as transgressions of Moses, his brother Aaron, his sister Miriam, and his nephews Nadab and Abihu are exposed. (Numbers 3:3, 4; 11:1-5, 10, 32-35; 12:1-15; 14:2, 11, 45; 20:2-13) The book of Numbers illustrates the importance of obeying Jehovah. (Numbers 13:25-14:38; 22:7, 8, 22; 26:9, 10) (Hebrews 3:7-4:11) NUN, FATHER OF JOSHUA: Nun was the son of Elishama of the tribe of Ephraim. He was the father of Moses successor Joshua. (Exodus 33:11) (Joshua 1:1) (1 Chronicles 7:20, 26, 27) NUN, 14TH LETTER OF HEBREW ALPHABET: The 14th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Nun. It is the initial letter in each of the eight verses in Psalm 119:105-112.

NURSE: The nursing woman. The Hebrew word meh-neqeth means a substitute mother for breast feeding an infant. (Genesis 24:59; 35:8) (Exodus 2:7) (2 Kings 11:2) The caretaker nurse, Hebrew o-meneth, was a person who cared for children and the sick. (Numbers 11:12) (Isaiah 49:23) NUT TREES: It is possible that the nut trees referred to at the Song of Solomon 6:11 were walnut trees. This tree is native to western Asia. Jewish historian Josephus states that these trees grew in abundance by the Sea of Galilee in the first century C.E. NYMPHA: This Christian woman lived at Laodicea or Colossae. The congregation held meetings at her home. (Colossians 4:15) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY O OATH: An oath is a sworn statement of truth and what a person will or will not do. It usually involves an appeal to God. The Hebrew word shevuah means an oath or a sworn statement and shava means to swear or take an oath. (Genesis 24:8) (Leviticus 5:4) The Greek: horkos means oath. (James 5:12) The apostle Paul makes an oath at 2 Corinthians 1:23 and Galatians 1:20. When Jehovah makes a promise it is his oath and we are always assured that it will come true. (Hebrews 6:13-18) OBADIAH, SON OF IZRAHIAH: Obadiah was the family head of the tribe of Issachar. He was the son of Izrahiah and descendant of Tola. (1 Chronicles 7:1-3) OBADIAH, FROM THE TRIBE OF ZEBULUN: This Obadiah was from the tribe of Zebulun. His son was a prince of that tribe during Davids rule. (1 Chronicles 27:19, 22) OBADIAH, THE WARRIOR: Obadiah was a great warrior who crossed the Jordan River at flood stage and helped David when he was a fugitive from King Saul. (1 Chronicles 12:8, 9, 14, 15) OBADIAH, SERVANT OF KING AHAB: King Ahab and Jezebel were wicked people. Obadiah was a righteous servant of Jehovah, so he hid 100 prophets of Jehovah in a cave when Jezebel ordered them to be slaughtered. (1 Kings 18:1-16)

OBADIAH, THE PRINCE: This Obadiah was a prince sent by Jehoshaphat to teach the law of God in the cities of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:7, 9) OBADIAH, PROPHET AND THE BOOK: This Obadiah was a prophet of God and the writer of the book of Obadiah. His book is the shortest of the Hebrew Scriptures. The book contains a proclamation of Gods judgement against Edom. It presents the reason for that judgement and reveals the future and the restoration for the house of Jacob. OBADIAH, LEVITE GATEKEEPER: Obadiah was a Levite gatekeeper in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra. He returned from Babylon and lived in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 9:2, 3, 14, 16) (Nehemiah 12:25, 26) OBADIAH, THE PRIEST: This Obadiah was one of the priests who obeyed the covenant of faithfulness made by the exiles who returned under Nehemiahs rule. (Nehemiah 9:38; 10:1, 5, 8) OBAL: Obal was the 8th listed of Joktans 13 sons. He was a descendant of Shem. (Genesis 10:21, 25-30) (1 Chronicles 1:20-22) OBED, FATHER OF JEHU: Obed was the father of Jehu and son of Ephial of the family of Jerahmeel. Obed was a descendant of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 25, 37-38) Obed was the son of Boaz by his wife Ruth. He was father of Jesse, king Davids father. This made him an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (Ruth 4:13-17, 21-22) (1 Chronicles 2:12) (Matthew 1:5) (Luke 3:32) Another Obed was of the mighty men of Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 27) OBED, FATHER OF JESSE: Obed was the father of Jesse. Jesse was King Davids father. Obed was the son of Boaz by his wife Ruth and was an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (Ruth 4:13-17, 21, 22) (1 Chronicles 2:12) (Matthew 1:5) (Luke 3:32) OBED, MIGHTY WARRIOR: Obed was a member of Davids elite military force. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 47) OBED, LEVITE: This Obed was a Levite of the family of Korah. He was the grandson of Obed-edom and the son of Shemaiah. He served as a gatekeeper at the house of Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4, 7, 12)

OBED, FATHER OF AZARIAH: Obed was the father of Azariah. His son Azariah helped the High Priest Jehoiada to overthrow Queen Athaliah to allow Jehoash to become king. (2 Chronicles 23:1, 12-15, 20; 24:1) OBED-EDOM, THE GITTITE: The Ark of the Covenant was kept at the home of Obed-Edom for three months after its near upset and the subsequent death of Uzzah. God blessed Obed-Edom and his household for the duration of its stay there. David then took the Ark to Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 6:10-12) (1 Chronicles 13:13, 14; 15:25) Obed-Edom was a Gittite and a Levite from Gathrimmon, a Levite city in Dan assigned to the Kohathites. (Joshua 21:20, 23, 24) The name Obed-Edom was found among Levite musicians and gatekeepers of the Davidic period. It is not possible to determine if he is one and the same person. (1 Chronicles 15:18, 21, 24; 16:4, 5, 37, 38; 26:1, 4-8, 13, 15) (2 Chronicles 25:23, 24) OBED-EDOM, THE MUSICIAN: Obed-edem was the musician and gatekeeper who brought the Ark to Jerusalem. He may have been the musician who served before the tent of the Ark in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:18, 21; 16:4, 5, 38) OBEDIENCE: Submitting to authority, doing what is commanded, complying with what is required is obedience. The Greek word hypakouo means to hear submissively, or to attend. (Acts 12:13) While John 3:16 emphasizes faith, John 3:36 accentuates the need to obey. This comes from the Greek word apeitheo. It applies to both lack of belief and disobedience. We must believe, pay attention to, and obey the word of God. (Acts 5:36-37, 40; 17:4) Obedience is more important than sacrifices. (1 Samuel 15:22) OBEISANCE: Obeisance is the act of bowing, kneeling, and prostrating the body. It is a worshipful act of submission in which deep respect is expressed. The Greek proskyneo and Hebrew hishtachawah convey the thought of both obeisance to creatures and worship to God or a deity. The word is used in connection with worship in many places in the Bible. (Genesis 24:23-26) (Exodus 24:1; 34:8) (Psalm 95:6) (Isaiah 27:13; 66:23) (Deuteronomy 4:19; 8:19; 11:16) (Job 1:20, 21) The expressions, show respect bow down in adoration and pay homage are used in the New Simplified Bible instead of the expression, do obeisance. (Hebrews 1:6) (Philippians 2:9-11) (Matthew 4:8-10) (Luke 4:7, 8) The terms obeisance and worship are closely related in meaning. The Holy Scriptures give accounts of people worshiping angels or others humans. They were immediately told not to do that, but to

worship God! (Acts 10:25, 26) (Revelation 19:10; 22:8, 9) SEE: WORSHIP. OBIL: This individual was an Ishmaelite caretaker of Davids camels. (1 Chronicles 27:30) OBOTH: Oboth was an Israelite encampment between Punon and Iye-abarim. (Numbers 21:10-11; 33:43-44) OCHRAN: Ochran had a son named Pagiel who was appointed chieftain of the tribe of Asher after the Exodus from Egypt. They were Asherites. (Numbers 1:13, 16; 2:27; 7:72, 77; 10:26) OFFERINGS: Hebrew: minchah/Greek: prosphora/Latin: oblatio. From the beginning of history men have presented offerings to God. Adams oldest son Cain presented the first fruits of the ground and Adamss younger son Abel offered the firstlings of his flock. The attitudes and motives of the two brothers were different so God approved Abels offering but not Cains. (Genesis 4:1-4) (Hebrews 11:4) Both the Israelites and the foreigners who worshiped God were to offer sacrifices to God. (Numbers 15:26, 29) The sacrifices required under the Law covenant all pointed forward to Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. They also emphasize the benefits that flow from that loving sacrifice. (Hebrews 8:3-5; 9:9; 10:5-10) The words offering and offerings occur nearly 1,100 times in the Holy Scripture. A comprehensive study of this subject can be initiated through the use of a Bible Concordance. OG: Og was the powerful Amorite king of Bashan whom the Israelites defeated before crossing into the Promised Land. (1 Kings 4:19) He was one of the giant Raphaim. Ogs defeat at the hands of Israel came toward the end of Israels 40-year time in the wilderness. The victory was a great encouragement to Israel and was remembered for many centuries. (Deuteronomy 31:4) (Nehemiah 9:22) (Psalm 135:10-12; 136:17-22) OHAD: This is the third-listed son of Simeon. (Genesis 46:10) (Exodus 6:15) OHEL: Ohel was the son of Governor Zerubbabel and descendant of David. (1 Chronicles 3:19-20) OHOLAH, OHOLIBAH: Ezekiel Chapter 23 expresses the following: Samaria represents the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. The prostitute, Oholah, the older sister of Oholibah, represents

Jerusalem, the kingdom of Judah. Her spiritual prostitution began in Egypt and continued in the Promised Land. Later she sought favors of the Assyrians and thus engaged in degrading idolatrous practices, including child sacrifice. As punishment for her unfaithfulness to him, Jehovah delivered Oholah into the hands of the Assyrians. OHOLIAB: Oholiab was the chief assistant to Bezalel in constructing the tabernacle. He was from the tribe of Dan, son of Ahisamach. Oholiab was a craftsman and embroiderer and weaver in blue thread and wool dyed reddish purple and coccus scarlet material and fine linen. (Exodus 31:6; 35:34; 36:1, 2; 38:23) OHOLIBAMAH, WIFE OF ESAU: Oholibamah was the Canaanite wife of Esau. She bore him three sons, Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. All of the sons wer Edomite sheikes. Oholibamah was a daughter of Anah and granddaughter of Hivite Zibeon. (Genesis 36:2, 5-8, 14, 18, 25) OHOLIBAMAH, EDOMITE SHEIK: Oholibamah was an Edomite sheik. (Genesis 36:40, 41) (1 Chronicles 1:51, 52) OIL: This product was very abundant in Galilee. Oil was the most valuable product sold by the Israelites. (Deuteronomy 32:13) (Ezekiel 16:13) The Hebrews used only olive oil. It was used for many purposes, including: anointing the body or the hair, (Exodus 29:7), used in offerings, (Exodus 29:40), for burning in lamps, (Exodus 25:6), medicinal purposes, (Isaiah 1:6), and anointing the dead. (Luke 23:56) Symbolic application of the oil of Gods Word to a spiritually sick person will soothe, correct, comfort and heal that person. (James 5:13-15) (Psalm 141:5) OIL TREE: Hebrew: est shemen means a tree rich in oil. There is some debate over whether this is the same as the olive tree. Until further proof is available, this translation referrers to it as the olive tree. (Nehemiah 8:15) (1 Kings 6:23) (Isaiah 41:19) OINTMENT AND PERFUMES: Hebrew terms dealing with ointments apply to salve like preparations that liquefy when rubbed on the skin as well as oil preparations. (Exodus 30:25) (Psalm 133:2) Offering cleansing and therapeutic ointments and perfumes to guests was an act of hospitality. Jesus spoke of this when someone greased his feet with perfumed oil. (Luke 7:37-46) When perfumed ointments were used to prepare a corpse for burial, they

served primarily as disinfectants and deodorants. (2 Chronicles 16:14) (Luke 23:56) OLDER MAN: Hebrew za-gen and Greek presbyteros both mean older man or elder. They are used to refer to persons of advanced age and as a description of a person holding a position of authority and responsibility in the community. SEE ELDER OLIVE, OLIVE TREE: Olive trees are some of the most valuable plants in Bible times. They were equal in importance with the vine and fig tree. (Judges 9:8-13) (2 Kings 5:26) (Habakkuk 3:17) (James 3:12) The olive tree thrives on mountain slops of Galilee and Samaria. They live a long time. It is not uncommon for a tree to live a thousand years. The trees fruit is harvested for eating and producing oil. Olive trees are used figuratively as symbols of Gods anointed one and witnesses. (Zechariah 4:3, 11-14) (Revelation 11:24) OLIVES, MOUNT OF: The Mount of Olives is a limestone hill located East of Jerusalem just beyond the Kidron Valley. Standing at 2,664 feet above sea level, this ridge was covered with palm, oil, myrtle and olive trees. (Nehemiah 8:15) The Mount of Olives was denuded of its trees during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. King David ascended the Mount of Olives as he fled from his rebellious son Absalom. (2 Samuel 15:14, 30, 32) King Solomon built high places for idolatrous worship there and later King Josiah tore them down. (1 Kings 11:7) In the first century C.E. Jesus Christ met with his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, located on or near the Mount of Olives. (Matthew 26:30, 36) (John 18:1-2) The famous Olivet Prophecy was given there. (Matthew 24) (Mark 13) (Luke 31) Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives into heaven. (Acts 1:9-12) OLYMPAS: Olympas was a Christian at Rome to whom the apostle Paul sent greetings. (Romans 16:15) OMAR: Omar was the second listed son of Esaus firstborn Eliphaz. (Genesis 36:10-11, 15) (1 Chronicles 1:36) OMEGA: SEE ALPHA AND OMEGA OMEN: SEE DIVINATION: Anything used as an indicator of the future. Looking for omens as a form of divination is prohibited by Gods Law. (Kings 19:26) (Deuteronomy 18:10)

OMER: An omer was a dry measure equal to one tenth of an ephah. The ephah in turn measured 20 dry U.S. quarts. So an omer weighed about 2 quarts. (Exodus 16:16) The New Simplified Bible has attempted to convert measurements like this into standard United States measurements. This is because most English speaking people do not use the term omer. OMRI, SON OF BECHER: This Omri was listed fifth among nine descendants of Becher. Becher was a son of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 8) OMRI, THE PRINCE: Omri was a prince of the tribe of Issachar at the time of Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 27:18, 22) OMRI, SIXTH KING OF ISRAEL: Omri was the sixth king of the northern ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. He established the third dynasty of Israel, following the dynasties of Jeroboam and Baasha. Omri was commander of Israels army under King Elah when he overthrew Elah and took the kingship for himself. (1 Kings 16:8-20) He was a powerful king. (1 Kings 16:27) He moved the capital from Tirzah to a new city that he built in the mountains, Samaria. (1 Kings 16:23, 24, 28) Omri continued the vile practice of idolatry that Jeroboam also practiced. (1 Kings 16:25, 26) Omris granddaughter Athaliah ruled six yeas on the throne of Judah. (2 Kings 8:26; 11:1-3) (2 Chronicles 22:2) OMRI, FROM TRIBE OF JUDAH: This Omri was from Judah. His descendants lived in Jerusalem following the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 4) ON: On was a city in Egypt located near Cairo. It was on the east bank of the Nile River near the beginning of the Delta. The Greeks called it Heliopolis. This means City of the Sun. It was the center of Egyptian sun worship. On is mentioned in the Bible at Genesis 41:45, 50 as a place where Potiphera the priest lived. His daughter Asenath was given to Joseph as his wife. Greek philosophers and scholars were drawn to On to learn theology for it was a center of Egyptian wisdom. ONAM, SON OF SHOBAL: Onam was the Last of the five listed sons of Horite sheik Shobal and grandson of the Horites forefather Seir. (Genesis 36:20-23)

ONAM, SON OF JERAHMEEL: Another Onam in the Bible was a son of Jerahmeel and a link in the Jerahmeelite genealogy in the bribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:26-28) ONAN, SON OF JUDAH: Onan was the son of Judah, second by the Canaanite daughter of Shua. (Genesis 38:2-4) (1 Chronicles 2:3) Jehovah put Onans childless older brother Er to death for wrongdoing. Therefore Onan was told by Judah to perform brother-in-law marriage with Ers widow Tamar. If this union produced a son he would not be the founder of Onans family. So Onan spilled his semen on the ground (coitus interruptus) instead of giving it to Tamar. Onan purposely prevented ejaculation of his semen into Tamars genital tract. Onan was guiltily of disobedience, not for self-abuse as some have mistakenly assumed. Onan was put to death by Jehovah. (Genesis 38:6-10; 46:12) (Numbers 26:19) ONESIMUS: Onesimus was a runaway slave whom Paul helped to become a Christian. He became associated with Paul in Rome and soon became a Christian. He became useful to Paul as a minister and a faithful and beloved brother. (Colossians 4:9) (Philemon 1012) ONESIPHORUS: Paul spoke about Onesiphorus in his second letter to Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:19) Onesiphorus was a loyal supporter of the truth and a faithful helper for Paul. (2 Timothy 1:15-18) ONION: In the wilderness the Israelites longed for the onions and garlic of Egypt. (Numbers 11:5) ONLY BEGOTTEN: SEE BEGOTTEN SON OREN: Oren was a son of Jerahmeel in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:25) ONO: A city in the valley plain of Ono. (Nehemiahs 6:2) Ono was inhabited by Benjamite. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 12) (Ezra 2: 1, 33) ONYCHA: This ingredient of incense was designated for sanctuary use only. (Exodus 30:34-37) ONYX: This term also applies to a banded form of chalcedony. Onyx is a semiprecious gemstone with white layers alternating with black, brown, red, gray or green. The land of Havilah was a major source of onyx in early times. (Genesis 2:11, 12) Job wisely observed that

one couldnt buy priceless, godly wisdom with rare onyx stone. (Job 28:12, 16) OPHEL: The word ophel means a bulge or swelling. It is applied to a topographical sense to a prominent hill. It can also apply to bulging of the body veins such as piles or hemorrhoids. (Deuteronomy 28:27) (1 Samuel 5:6, 9, 12; 6:4, 5) Scholars believe that the term Ophel at 2 Kings 5:24 refers to a prominent hill near Samaria to which Elishas attendant Gehazi took the riches he obtained from Naaman. Comments of Josephus locate Ophel at the southeast corner of Moriah. (2 Chronicles 27:3; 33:14) (Nehemiah 3:26, 27; 11:21) OPHIR, THE GOLD: The gold of Ophir refers to a place renowned as a source of the finest quality gold. (Psalm 45:9) Jehovahs pronouncement found at Isaiah 13:11, 12 uses the gold of Ophir to symbolize the scarcity of tyrannical men after the fall of Babylon. David gave gold from Ophir (valued at more than one billion dollars U.S.) for the construction of the temple. Davids son Solomon frequently brought back gold from Ophir. (1 Kings 9:26-28) (2 Chronicles 8:18) Job spoke about the gold from Ophir. (Job 22:24; 28:15, 16) OPHNI: Ophni was a city of Benjamin linked with the Gophna mentioned by Josephus. (Joshua 18:21, 24) OPHRAH, OF JUDAH: This Ophrah was a descendant of Judah through Meonothai. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 14) OPHRAH, CITY OF BENJAMIN: Ophrah is identified at Joshua 18:21, 23 as a city belonging to the tribe of Benjamin. Bands of Philistine pillagers traveled in three different directions. One of these bands went on the road to Ophar. When considering the westward and eastward directions of the other two roads, Ophar must have been northward. This would place Ophar north of Michmash. (1 Samuel 13:16-18) OPHRAH, GIDEONS HOME: Gods angels met with Gideon at his home at Ophrah. They commissioned him to save Israel out of Midians dominance. After his victory over the enemy forces, Gideon contributed the spoils to Ophrah. (Judges 6:11-32; 8:24-27) Later Gideon died and was buried at Ophrah. (Judges 8:30, 32; 9:5) OREB, THE PRINCE: Oreb was a prince of Midian. Oreb and Zeeb served in the Midianite army under the Kings Zebah and Zalmunna.

These two princes were captured and put to death by the men of Ephraim. They delivered their heads to Gideon. (Judges 7:24, 25; 8:3-5) (Psalm 83:11) OREB, THE ROCK: This rock where the Midianite prince Oreb was executed was known from that time forward as Oreb Rock. (Judges 7:25) (Isaiah 10:26) ORACLES OF GOD: Oracle means the Word of God. (Romans 3:2) (Hebrews 5:12) The Scriptures are called living oracles because of their power. (Acts 7:38) ORIENTALS: The people who lived beyond the boundary of Israel to the east, northeast and southeast including Arabia were considered by the Hebrew writers as Orientals. (Genesis 25:6) (Jeremiah 49:28) Job is considered the greatest (richest) of all the Orientals. (Job 1:3) The Orientals were noted for their wisdom. ORNAMENTS: An ornament is an item used to beautify and enhance the appearance of something. Judges 8:21 and 26 speak of the necklaces worn by the camels. Horses were also highly decorated with tassels and engravings. Both men and women wore jewelry. (Genesis 24:22, 30, 47, 53) Pharaohs Prime Minister Joseph received a gold necklace and the monarchs signet ring. (Genesis 41:41-43) Jewelry and other ornamentation are found in prophecy throughout the Bible. ORNAN: David bought a threshing floor from Ornan. It later became the site for the temple. (1 Chronicles 21:18-28) (1 Chronicles 3:1) Ornan is also called Araunah. ORPHAN: An orphan is a child that has lost both parents. The Holy Scriptures also refers to them as fatherless children. James instructs Christians to visit and take care of fatherless boys and widows. (James 1:27) ORPAH: Orpah was the Moabite wife of Chilion and a daughter-inlaw of Naomi. Out of concern that she would remain unmarried as a widow she said goodbye to Naomi and Ruth and returned to her people and her gods. (Ruth 1:3-15) OSPREY: The osprey was a bird not permitted for use as food under the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:13) (Deuteronomy 14:12) The Hebrew name peres means the breaker, a bird tearing its prey apart or breaking its prey. It was a large bird with a wingspan of nearly six

feet. The osprey is found today throughout the world. It lives near large bodies of water, where it feeds on fish that swim near the surface. OSTRICH: The ostrich is the largest living bird known. It stands over seven feet tall and weighs as much as three hundred pounds. The body plumage is luxuriant. It feeds mainly on vegetation but is also carnivorous. It is found among the list of unclean birds. (Leviticus 11:13,16) (Deuteronomy 14:12,15) OTHNI: Othni was the son of Shemaiah and grandson of Korahite Obed-edom. He was appointed as a Levite gatekeeper before the sanctuary. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4, 6-8, 15) OTHNIEL: The first judge of Israel after Joshua was Othniel. He was the son of Calebs younger brother, Kenaz. (Judges 1:13; 3:9) (Joshua 15:17) OVEN: An oven was a container heated to bake or roast food. The Hebrews and other societies through out history used ovens. The oven is used in an illustrative way to depict scarcity. (Leviticus 26:26) It pointed to a time when there would be so little food available that one oven would be sufficient to handle all the baking that ten women could do. Hosea 7:4-7 compares adulterous Israelites to a bakers furnace. This is because of the wicked desires burning within them. OVERSEER: Hebrew: paqidh means turn attention to. (Genesis 21:1) The Greek word episkopos means inspection and oversight. (Hebrews 12:15) (Luke 19:44) (1 Peter 2:12) The overseers in the Christian congregation were older men who lived by the qualities listed at 1 Timothy 3:1-7. OWL: The Hebrew term techmas, kohs means little owl. The term yanshup refers to long-eared owl and the word oach translates to eagle owl. OZEM, SON OF JERAHMEEL: Ozem was the fourth listed son of Jerahmeel in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:25) OZEM, SON OF JESSE: This was the sixth named son of Jesse and older brother David was Ozem. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:13, 15)

OZNI: Ozni was a son of Gad and founder of the tribal family of Oznites. (Numbers 26:15-16) OZNITES: Ozni founded this family of the tribe of Gad. (Numbers 26:15-16) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY P PAARAI: Paaarai was an Arbite and one of Davids mighty military forces. (2 Samuel 23:8, 35) PADDAN, PADDAN-ARAM: Paddan was a region around the city of Haran in northern Mesopotamia. (Genesis 28:6, 7) (Hosea 12:12) The patriarch Abraham resided briefly at Haran in Paddan. (Genesis 12:4; 28:7, 10) PADON: The Hebrew word padon means ransom or redeem. Padon was the paternal head of a family of Nethinim. They were referred to as the Sons of Padon. They returned with Zerubbabel from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 44) (Nehemiah 7:46, 47) PAGIEL: Pagiel was a wilderness chieftain of the tribe of Asher the son of Ochran. He assisted Moses when he took the census of Israel. (Numbers 1:4, 5, 13, 16-19; 2:27-28; 7:11, 72-77 ; 10:26) PAHATH-MOAB: This phrase means Governor of Moab. He was the founder of a family in Israel. If he was an official over Moab, it was during the time when Moab was under Judahs domination. The Scriptures are not certain on this matter. Pahath-moabs descendants were one of the second most numerous families to return with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. Those who took foreign wives responded quickly to dismiss them. (Ezra 8:1, 4; 10:30, 44) PAIN: A fundamental feeling that people try to avoid is pain. It is a sensation of physical discomfort, mental or emotional distress. From the fall of Adam and Eve until the present age mankind has suffered unnecessary pain and misery. (Genesis 3:17-19; 5:29) War, pestilence and disease cause much pain. Indifference and unresponsiveness by the majority of society to what the Holy Scriptures call righteousness and goodness cause pain. (Psalm 55:3) (Proverbs 15:1) (Romans 9:2) (Job 2:13; 16:6) Christians look forward to the fulfillment of the prophecy at Revelation 21: 4, that there will be no more death, no more sorrow, no more pain!

PALACE: A palace is the residence of a sovereign. It is also the spacious and stately dwelling of a prince or powerful wealthy man. (Daniel 4:4) (Luke 11:21) The Hebrew word hehkhal is often applied a dwelling place of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. (1 Samuel 1:9) (1 Kings 6:2, 3) (Ezra 5: 13, 14) (Daniel 5:3) PALAL: Palal was the son of Uzai. (Nehemiah 3:25) He was a workman who repaired a section of Jerusalems wall in the days of Nehemiah. PALATE: The palate is the roof of the mouth. It separates the mouth from the nasal cavities. There is a soft part that forms the partition between the mouth and pharynx. The palate and the mouth are considered together in the Scriptures. (Proverbs 8:7) (Hosea 8:1) SEE: MOUTH. PALESTINE, THE HOLY LAND: Known as the land of Canaan or the land of Israel, Palestine is an ancient country in southwestern Asia on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is today a place of pilgrimage for Christianity. Islam and Judaism. The root words for Palestine come from Latin and Greek. The Hebrew Scriptures translate Pelesheth in reference to the limited coastal territory occupied by the Philistines. (Exodus 15:14) (Psalms 60:8; 83:7; 87:4; 108:9) (Isaiah 14:29, 31) (Joel 3:4) Jehovah promised this land to Abraham and his descendants. (Genesis 15:18) (Deuteronomy 9:27, 28) It was appropriately called the Promised Land. (Hebrews 11:9) The geographic area of what was Palestine is about 9,850 square miles, less than the small nation of Belgium. It was a little larger than the state of New Hampshire, USA. PALLU: Pallu was the son of Reuben. (Genesis 46:9) (1 Chronicles 5:3) Reuben was Jacobs firstborn. Pallu founded the family of Palluites of the tribe of Reuben. (Exodus 6:14) (Numbers 26:5) PALLUITES: The Palluites were from a Reubenite family descended from Pallu. (Numbers 26:5) PALM TREE: The date palm was once abundant through out Palestine. It was also found in the Nile Valley of Egypt. Palms are found in oases and are a welcome sight to desert travelers. There were at one time 70 palm trees growing beside the 12 springs of water at Elim. (Exodus 15:27)(Numbers 33:9) The tall stately palm tree usually grows straight and it rises to 100 feet above the ground. The crowd of people who hailed Jesus as the King of Israel waved palm fronds. (John 12:12, 13) This served as a symbol of their

praise. Likewise the great crowd at Revelation 7:9, 10 are pictured with palm branches in their hands. PALI: Pali was a member of the tribe of Benjamin. He was the son of Raphu. He was a chieftain (leader) who was selected to spy out the land of Canaan in 1512 B.C.E. (Numbers 13:2, 3, 9, 27-33) PALTIEL, SON OF AZZAN: Paltiel the son of Azzan was a representative of Issachar when the tribes divided the Promised Land into inheritance. (Numbers 34:17, 18, 26) PALTIEL, SON OF LAISH: Paltiel was the son of Laish from Gallim. After Saul outlawed David, Saul gave his daughter Michal, Davids wife, in marriage to Paltiel (Palti). (1 Samuel 25:44) After David became king he demanded that his wife be returned to him. (2 Samuel 3:13-16) PALTITE: Paltite was the name given to on of Davids mighty warrors. It was in reference to Helez who was believed to refer to a native of Beth-pelet. (2 Samuel 23:8, 26) (1 Chronicles 11:27: 27:10) PAMPHYLIA: Pamphylia was a small Roman province on the south coast of Asia Minor visited by Paul on his first missionary tour. Christians traveled through Pamphylia to Perga and preached there. (Acts 13:13; 14:24-26; 16:6; 27:5) PAPER: The Greek word khartes means a sheet of paper made of papyrus. Sheets of paper were made from strips obtained from the papyrus plant. The Egyptians first manufactured papyrus paper for writing purposes. They used the papyrus plants growing along the banks of the Nile River. Early Christians used papyrus paper for their letters, scrolls, and codices. The apostle John wrote that he would rather convey his message face to face than with paper and ink. (2 John 12) PAPHOS: The apostle Paul, traveling with Barnabas and John Mark, encountered the sorcerer Bar. Jesus (Elymas) at Paphos. Paphos was on the west coast of the island of Cyprus. This sorcerer opposed their preaching to Sergius Paulus the proconsul. Thus the apostle Paul worked a miracle in which he temporarily blinded him. Upon seeing this Sergius Paulus was converted to Christianity. (Acts 13:6-13) The city of Paphos was the capital of the senatorial province of Cyprus when Paul visited the island. This was during his first missionary tour. Barnabas and Mark revisited the city around 49 C.E. (Acts 15:36-39)

PAPYRUS: Hebrew: gome is a large aquatic plant. It grows in height up to twenty feet. Papyrus thrives in shallow stagnant water or marshes and along riverbanks. It flourished along the Nile River. (Job 8:11) (Isaiah 35:7) Large vessels for traveling long distances were made from papyrus. (Exodus 2:3) (Isaiah 18:2) Paper was made from papyrus. PARADISE: The Greek word paradei-sos is found three times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. (Luke 23:43) (2 Corinthians 12:4) (Revelation 2:7) It is translated into the English word paradise. A paradise is a beautiful place such as a park or garden. It is a place of complete bliss and delight and peace. Some may think this is a description of heaven where God lives. It is also a description of the new earth under Kingdom Rule by Jesus Christ. (Revelation 21:1-4) PARABLE: SEE ILLUSTRATIONS. PARAH: Parah was a city of Benjamin about 5.5 miles northeast of Jerusalem. (Joshua 18:21, 23) PARALYTIC: A paralytic is someone who suffers from a disease that prevents him from moving part of all of his body. PARAN, WILDERNESS OF: The Wilderness of Paran is the vast wilderness region in which the nation of Israel wandered about for nearly 38 years before entering the Promised Land. (Numbers 10:11, 12) (Deuteronomy 2:14) While the Paran had no fixed boundaries it occupied the central and northeastern part of the Sinai Peninsula. Much of the wilderness area was a rough mountainous region of limestone with large areas of plateau ranging in altitude from 660 to 2,500 feet. It was a dry area, only sprouting vegetation during the short rainy seasons. (Deuteronomy 1:1, 19; 8:15) PARCHMENT: Parchments were skins of sheep, goats or calves prepared for use as writing material. Leather was used for a long time as a writing material. Papyrus from Egypt became a widely used writing material. (2 Timothy 4:13) The Latin word membranas was applied to parchment scrolls. Both scrolls of papyrus and scrolls of parchment were used in the apostle Pauls time. PARDON: The Hebrew word na-sa means pardon or forgiveness. The Greek word for pardon and forgive is aphiemi. It also means to let go of. This includes the forgiveness of sin and the cancellation of debts. (Matthew 6:12, 14, 15; 18:32, 35) (Romans 4:7) Jehovah

grants pardon to those who seek forgiveness. However, he does not withhold punishment from those who deliberately oppose him. (Exodus 34:6, 7) PARK: The Hebrew term par-des means a garden-like park. (Ecclesiastes 2:5) (Song of Solomon 1:1; 4:12, 13) (Nehemiah 2:7, 8) The Hebrew word comes from the Persian word pairidaeza. In Greek it is spelled paradei-sos. PARMASHTA: Parmashta was one of Hamans ten sons. (Esther 9:9) PARMENAS: He was one of the seven recommended to the apostles and appointed by them to ensure a just daily distribution of food supplies in the Jerusalem congregation after Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 6:1-6) PARNACH: Parnach was a Zebulunite whose son Elizaphan was tribal representative when they divided the land. (Numbers 34:17, 18, 25) PAROSH: Parosh was the founder of a family in Israel. By the time that Ezra arrived in 468 B.C.E. some of their family already in Jerusalem had taken foreign wives. Later they sent them away. (Ezra 2:1-3; 8:1, 3; 10:25, 44) (Nehemiah 7:8) A member of the Parosh family named Pedaiah repaired a section of the Jerusalem wall. (Nehemiah 3:25) PARSIN: Words mysteriously appeared, written on the wall of Belshazzars palace. Parsin was one of these words that Daniel read and interpreted at Daniel 5:25. Daniel gave the ominous interpretation to the rulers of the Babylonian Empire, Belshazzar and Nabonidus at the end of Daniel chapter 5. PARTHIANS: The Jews and proselytes from Parthia attended the Festival of Pentecost in 33 C.E. in Jerusalem. Gods Holy Spirit was poured out on the group of one hundred and twenty Christians. They were enabled to proclaim the good news in the language of the Parthians. PARTRIDGE: The partridge is a chicken like bird. It has a stout body and is smaller than a pheasant. It has a delicate flesh and was hunted for food. (1 Samuel 26:20) (Jeremiah 17:11)

PARSHANDATHA: Parshandatha was on of Hamans ten sons. (Esther 9:7) PARUAH: Paruah was the father of the Jehoshaphat who served as Solomons food deputy in the territory of Issachar. (1 Kings 4:7, 17) PASACH: This man was the son of Japhlet. He served as a family head in the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 33, 40) PAS-DAMMIM: Pas-dammim was a name given to Ephesdammim. It was a place between Socoh and Azekah. (1 Samuel 17:1) (1 Chronicles 11:13) PASEAH, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: Paseah was a descendant of Judah. He was in the lineage of Chelub the brother of Shuhah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 11, 12) PASEAH, FOREFATHER OF A FAMILY OF NETHINIM: Some of Paseahs descendants returned from Babylonian exile to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 49) (Nehemiah 7:51) PASEAH, FATHER OF JOIADA: He was the father of the Joiada. Joiada worked on repairing the Gate of the Old City in the Jerusalem Wall. (Nehemiah 3:6) PASHHUR, FATHER OF GEDALIAH: Pashhur was the father of Gedaliah. Jeremiah told Pashhur and the other princes what he was telling the people of Judah. He warned them that Jehovah says: Whoever stays in the city will die in war or of starvation or disease. But those who surrender to the Babylonians will not be killed. Pashhur and the other officials went to the king and said: This man must be put to death. The king told them to do what they wanted. So they took Jeremiah and lowered him down by ropes into Prince Malchiahs well in the palace courtyard. (Jeremiah 38:1, 4, 6) PASHHUR, SON OF MALCHIJAH: This Pashur was also a prince in the group of princes King Zedekiah sent to Jeremiah to ask about the future of Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 21: 1, 2) PASHHUR, THE PRIEST: This man was the son of Immer, a leading commissioner in the house of Jehovah. Pasher hated Jeremiahs prophecies, struck him and put him in the stocks for a day. As a result of this God inspired Jeremiah to foretell the exile and death in Babylon of Pasher. His name was changed in Hebrew

to Maghohr, meaning Fright all around. (Jeremiah 6:25; 20:110; 46:5; 49:29) PASHHUR, THE SONS OF PASHHUR: The sons of Pashhur were a paternal house of priest. More than 1,247 returned from exile with priest Jeshua in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 36, 38) (Nehemiah 7:41) PASSOVER: Yearly memorial Jehovah passed over the houses the Egyptians. He delivered the were marked with blood from (Exodus 12:26, 27) celebration of the night when of the Israelites when he plagued people of Israel whose doorposts a year old male sheep or goat.

PASTURE GROUNDS: Pasture grounds are land used for grazing animals. Each of the 48 Levite cities scattered throughout Israel were to have agricultural land around them. (Numbers 35:2-5) (Leviticus 25:32-34) (Joshua 21:41, 42) This pasture land was to be from the wall of the city out for 1,458 feet in all directions. (Numbers 35:4, 5) PATARA: Patara was the Lycian seaport where the apostle Paul and his associated in about 56 C.E. transferred to a boat sailing for Phoenicia. (Acts 21:1, 2) PATHROS: This area of Egypt is called the Land of the South. (Ezekiel 30:13, 14) Evidently this means the area of Upper Egypt. Isaiah 11:11 foretell the return of Israelite exiles from Egypt, Pathros and Cush. Again verifying that Pathros is somewhere in Upper Egypt. Ezekiel declared that Pathros is the land of the Egyptians origin. (Ezekiel 29:14) PATHRUSIM: Pathrusim was the son of Mizraim. His grandfather was Ham. (Genesis 10:6, 13, 14) (1 Chronicles 1:11, 12) The name is the plural form of Pathros. (Ezekiel 29:14) PATIENCE: Patience is tolerance of delay or incompetence. It is sometimes described as forbearance. Patience and long-suffering are very similar. Most modern Bible translations use the word patience when listing the fruit of Gods Spirit. (Galatians 5:22) Both words are correct. They come from the Greek word makrothumia. SEE:LONG-SUFFERING. PATMOS: The Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation while imprisoned on the small, rocky island of Patmos. This island is in the Aegean Sean near Greece and Turkey. (Revelation 1:9)

PATROBAS: The apostle Paul greeted Patrobas at Romans 16:14. Patrobas was a member of the congregation in Rome. PAU: Pau was a place in Edom where King Hadar had his royal residence. (Genesis 36:31, 39) (1 Chronicles 1:43, 50) PAUL THE APOSTLE: The Roman name for Saul. Saul was a Jew, born in the city of Tarsus. God called him to be an apostle. The account of his conversion is found at Acts 9:1-22. He was given the name Paul. (Acts 13:9) Paul was imprisoned. (Acts 23:35-Act 28:11) Paul eloquently writes about his own death at 2 Timothy 4:6-8. Paul was a prolific writer and was inspired to write 13 of the 27 canonical books of the Christian Greek Scriptures. PAULUS: Paulus was the proconsul of Cyprus when Paul visited there on his first missionary journey, about 47 C.E. (Acts 13:7, 12) Sergius Paulus resided in Paphos, on the western coast of Cyprus. He was earnestly seeking to hear the word of God when he summoned Barnabas and Paul. They spoke to him and he became a believer. (Acts 13:6-12) PE: This is the 17 letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This letter is found at the beginning of each of the eight verses in the Hebrew text of Psalm 119:129-136. PEACE: The Hebrew word for peace is Sha-lohm. It means to be free from war or disturbance. (Judges 4:17) (1 Samuel 7:14) (1 Kings 4:24) (2 Chronicles 15:5) (Job 21:9) (Exodus 3:8) The Greek word for peace is eirene. It expresses the absence of conflict and presence of well being and concord. (Mark 5:34) (Luke 7:50; 8:48) (James 2:16) Isaiah prophesied that Jesus Christ would be called the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) Jesus declared a peaceful message that appealed to persons desiring to reconciled to God. (Matthew 10:13) (Luke 10:5, 6) (Acts 10:36) All who become Christians, figuratively and literally, beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will learn war no more.: (Isaiah 2:4) PEACOCK: The peacock is a large bird of the pheasant family. It is about the size of a turkey. This bird is known for its magnificent iridescent green and gold feathers marked with large spots of blue. This large train of feathers can be spread at will to form an impressive semicircular fan touching the ground on both sides. King

Solomon had the Tarshish ships import beautiful peacocks. (1 Kings 10:22) The Hebrew word for peacock is tuk-ki-yim. PEARL: A pearl is a smooth, hard, round white gem. It was used for adornment in ancient times. (1 Timothy 2:9) (Revelation 17:4; 18:11, 12, 15, 16; 21:2, 21) Pearls of gem quality are taken from the sea pear oyster. They were available in the vicinity of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, and of the Red Sea. The Bible speaks of the preciousness of pearls in an illustrative way. For example, Job said: A bag full of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls. (Job 28:18) Jesus said: Never throw your pearls before swine. (Matthew 7:6) The kingdom of heaven is more precious than pearls. (Matthew 13:45) PEDAHEL: Pedahel was a chieftain of Naphtali. He was appointed by Jehovah to help divide the Promised Land among the tribes of Israel. He was the son of Ammihud. (Numbers 34:16, 17, 28) PEDAHZUR: Pedahzur was of the tribe of Manasseh. His son Gamaliel was appointed head of their tribe after the Exodus from Egypt. (Numbers 1:10, 16; 2:20; 7:54, 59; 10:23) PEDAIAH, FATHER OF JOEL: Pedaiah was the father of Joel. He was the prince of the tribe of Manasseh during Davids reign. He lived west of the Jordan River. (1 Chronicles 27:20, 22) PEDAIAH, FATHER OF ZEBIDAH: This Pedaiah lived in Rumah. His daughter Zebidah was the mother of Jehoiakim. (2 Kings 23:36) PEDAIAH, SON OF KING JEHOIACHIN: Pedaiah was the third son of King Jehoiachin (Jeconiah). Pedaiah was the father to Governor Zerubbabel. This made him a link in the lineage of Jesus Christ. (1 Chronicles 3:17-19) (Ezra 5:2) (Matthew 1:12) PEKAH: Pekah was King of Israel for 20 years beginning in 778 B.C.E. Pekah was son of Remaliah. He served as adjutant to Israelite King Pekahiah. He worked with 50 men of Gilead to assassinate Pekahiah and then he seized the kingship over Israel in Samaria. (2 Kings 15:25-28) Pekahs reign was noted for continued idolatrous calf worship. Pekah was involve in a number of military actions against Judah and other nearby countries. (2 Kings 16:1-7) (Isaiah 7:1-7) Hoshea the son of Elah killed Pekah and became Israels next king. (2 Kings 15:30)

PEKAHIAH, KING OF ISRAEL: Pekahiah was the king of Israel. He lived in Samaria. He was the son and successor of Menahem. He only reigned for two years and during that time he introduced idolatrous calf worship like that of Jeroboam and Menahem. Pekahiahs military aid, Pekah, killed him and reigned in his place. (2 Kings 15:22-26) PEKOD: The geographic area known as Pekod was near Babylon. The military forces used to execute Jehovah Gods judgment on unfaithful Jerusalem included men from Pekod. (Ezekiel 23:4, 2226) According to Jeremiah 50:21 Pekod was to be devoted to destruction. Pekod is identified with the Puqudu of Assyrian inscriptions. Puqudu (Pekod) was under the control of Babylon. Therefore, it makes sense to believe that when Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians, Pekod must also have fallen. PELAIAH: Pelaiah was a Levite who helped Ezra in reading and explaing the Law to the Israelites. The Israelites would assemble in Jerusalems public square. (Nehemiah 8:1, 5-8; 9:38; 10:1, 9, 10) PELALIAH: Pelaliah was a priest whose descendant Adaiah served at the sanctuary after the return from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:10, 12) PELATIAH, SON OF BENAIAH: Pelatiah was the son of Benaiah. Ezekiel saw this prince of Israel in vision in the vision that Jehovah told Ezekiel. It pronounced that Pelatiah and Jaazaniah were the men who plan evil and give bad advice in this city (Jerusalem). Ezekiel was inspired to utter a prophecy against the people of Israel. After uttering the prophecy Ezekiel reports that Pelatiah died. (Ezekiel 11:1-13) PELALIAH: Pelaliah was a priest whose descendant Adaiah was among those serving at the sanctuary after the return from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:10, 12) PELEG: Peleg was a son of Eber and father of Reu in the line from Shem to Abraham. This made him an early ancestor of Jesus. (Genesis 11:16-19) (1 Chronicles 1:24-27) (Luke 3:35) Peleg lived 239 years. He founded one of the seventy post-Flood families. PELICAN: What a funny old bird is the pelican, its bill can hold more than its belly can. Whether that limerick is true or not it calls attention to a unique feature of the pelican. It has a long and hooked yellowish beak with a large elastic pouch beneath it. The pelican is

one of the largest flying birds, attaining a length of more than five feet. It has an amazing eight-foot wingspread and yet pelicans are very graceful flyers. The pelican is listed among the birds designated as unclean in the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:13, 18) (Deuteronomy 14:11, 12, 17) PELONITE: Two of Davids warriors, Helez and Ahijah, were called Pelonite. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 27, 36; 27:10) Helez is also referred to as the Paltite. (2 Samuel 23:26) Both translations are correct. PEN, ENCLOSURE FOR ANIMALS: Micahs prophecy referred to the united Israel as a sheep in a pen. (Micah 2:12) Zephaniah 2:6 speaks of pens for sheep. The Bible sometimes uses the term flock interchangeable with the term pen. The term pen primarily means an enclosure for livestock. PEN, WRITING INSTRUMENT: A pen is a writing tool. The Israelites and other ancient societies wrote on clay, wax, and soft metal. They used a stylus for this purpose. However when writing was done on parchment or papyrus it was done with a pen and ink. (3 John 13) (2 John 12) The Greek word meaning pen is kalamos. Usually reed or cane were used and the term used was writing reed. Greeks and Romans used a reed pen that was pointed and slit at the point. The quill pen or something similar was used as recently as the 1940s. Then the ballpoint pen was invented. PENIEL: Jacob wrestled with an angel at Peniel. Peniel was near the Jabbok Ford. Jacob called the place Peniel because he had seen God face to face at that place. (Genesis 32:22-31) PENINNAH: Peninnah was a wife of El-kanah. Hannah, his other wife, could have no children. Peninnah produced many children and ridiculed Hannahs barrenness. (1 Samuel 1:1-8) PENTATEUCH: Pentateuch is a Greek word meaning five rolls or five books. It refers to the first five books of the Holy Scriptures: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Pentateuch is a very important part of Gods written Word. It provides a solid foundation for the rest of Gods Word. Much of the history from Eden down through Joseph and Moses is included and Jehovah Gods presentation of his Law to mankind is covered. It is believed that Moses wrote the entire Pentateuch. (Exodus 17:14; 24:4; 34:27) (Numbers 33:2) (Deuteronomy 31:9, 19, 22, 24-26) Many of the passages tell us what follows are the words of Jehovah spoken to Moses. In fact there are more than 50 instances like this

in the book of Numbers. Jesus quoted from these books and acknowledged that Moses was the writer at Mark 10:3-5 and John 5:46,47. The Sadducees also recognized this at Mark 12:18,19. PENTECOST: A day of celebration for the Israelites. Holy Spirit was poured out by the resurrected Jesus Christ on a group of about 120 disciples at Jerusalem on Pentecost 33 C.E. ((Acts 1:13-15; 2:17) Later another 3,000 followers were added. (Acts 2:41) PENUEL, FATHER OF GEDOR: Penuel was the father of Gedor in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 4) PENUEL, SON OF SHASHAK: This Penuel was the son of Shashak. He was a family head who lived in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 25, 28) PENUEL, CITY NEAR JABBOK: Jabbok was about 3.5 miles east of Succoth and near the Jabbok Gorge. Judge Gideon asked the people of Penuel for food to feed his armed forces. The Penuelites refused to provide them with food. So Gideon destroyed their tower and killed all their men. (Judges 8:4-9, 17) PEOPLE OF THE LAND: The people of the earth were the amhaarets. The expression appears 67 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. At first it was an expression to distinguish the citizens from governmental or priestly officials. (2 Kings 11:14, 18-20) (Jeremiah 1:18; 34:19; 37:2; 44:21) (Ezekiel 7:27) (Daniel 9:6) (Zechariah 7:5) As time went by, the religious leaders of Judah used the term to distinguish persons who were unlearned in the law and ignorant of rabbinic traditions. (Mt 15:1, 2) It was used as a term of contempt. (Matthew 9:11, 13, 36) (Luke 15:2; 18:11) A similar thing happened to the words pagan and heathen. They originally meant simply a dweller in a rural community or one who lived on the field. Later the meaning changed to something negative such as a lowly person and a bad sinner. PERAZIM, MOUNT: Mount Perazim was a mountain also known as Baal-perazim. (Isaiah 28:21) PERES: The handwriting on the wall at Daniel 5:25, 28 was: Mene, Mene, Tekel and Parsin. He used these Aramaic words. Daniels interpretation of Peres was: Peres, your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

PERESH: He was a son of Machir and Maacah in the tribe of Manasseh. (1 Chronicles 7:14, 16) PEREZ: Perez was one of the twin sons of Judah by his daughter-inlaw Tamar. His brother started to emerge first at the time of birth but then he withdrew, and Perez came out first. According to the account the name Perez means rupture or breaking out. (Genesis 38:24-30) Judahs genealogies are traced through Perez. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 9-55; 4:1-20) A direct genealogical line from Perez went through Boaz to David and to Jesus the Messiah. (Ruth 4:1822) (1 Chronicles 2:4-15) (Matthew 1:3) (Luke 3:33) PEREZ-UZZAH: When the Ark of the Covenant was moved from Kiriath-jearim to the City of David, Uzzah went along to steady the cart on which it rode. When they reached the threshing floor of Kidon, Uzzah reached out his hand to steady the Ark, because the Oxen stumbled. Jehovahs anger burned against Uzzah. He struck him down because he put his hand on the Ark. So he died there before God. (1 Chronicles 13:6-11) To this day that place is called Perez Uzzah, meaning: Outbreak against Uzzah. David was angry because Jehovahs wrath had broken out against Uzzah. Consciences Bible students through out history have wondered about Gods speedy retribution against Uzzah. But his action was justified since it was against the Law of God for any man to touch the Ark of the Covenant except the Levite priests. The account at 2 Samuel says that Uzzah died because of his irreverence. (2 Samuel 6:4-10) PERFECTION: Hebrew ka-lal means perfect. (Exe 27:4) The Hebrew verbs sha-lam and ta-mam mean come to completion. (Isaiah 18:5; 60:20) (Psalm 102:27) The Greek verb te-leil-oo also means to bring to completeness or full measure. They are talking about growing to maturity. (Luke 8:14) (1 Corinthians 14:20) (2 Corinthians 12:9) (Hebrews 5:14) (James 1:4) Only God is perfect in the absolute sense. (Psalm 148:1-13) (Mark 10:18) The longer one lives and the more experience a person has the more obvious it becomes that man cannot attain to absolute perfection in this lifetime. But at least we should try to imitate our Great Teacher Jesus Christ whenever possible. (1 Peter 2:21) PERGA: This prominent city in the Roman province of Pamphylia was one of the destinations of Paul missionary journeys. (Acts 13:13; 14:24-26)

PERGAMUM: Pergamum was a Mysian city in the northwest part of Asiatic Turkey known as Asia Minor. It was one of the seven congregations the apostle John addressed in letters recorded in Revelation 1:11 and 2:12-17. Pergamum was noted for pagan religion. John was inspired to relate that the throne of Satan was in Pergamum. (Revelation 2:13) PERIDA: Perida was forefather of a family of Solomons servants. Some of them returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. (Nehemiah 7:6, 7, 57) PERIZZITES: The land of the tribe of the Perizzites was promised to Abrahams seed. (Genesis 15:18-21) (Nehemiah 9:7, 8) The Perizzites lived in the mountains of Canaan. (Joshua 11:3) They were one of the seven heavily populated and mighty nations that Jehovah God commanded Israel to exterminate. They were told not to have marriage alliances with them. (Exodus 23:23, 24; 33:2; 34:11-13) (Deuteronomy 7:1-3) (Joshua 3:10) The Israelites did not exterminate them and the Perizzites became a problem for Israel. (Deuteronomy 7:4; 20:17, 18) (Judges 3:5, 6) PERSECUTION: Persecution is abuse, ill treatment, harassment or injury that is inflicted on persons because of social status, racial origin, or religious faith. The purpose of religious persecution is to stamp out beliefs and prevent their spread among new converts. The Hebrew and Greek verbs for persecute are ra-dhaph and dioko. They also mean pursue and chase. (Exodus 15:9) (Deuteronomy 1:44) (Romans 14:19) (Luke 17:23) Persecution can be verbal abuse, ridicule, and insults. (2 Chronicles 36:16) (Acts 19:9) It can also be bodily injury, imprisonment and even death. (Matthew 24:9; 27:29, 30) (Luke 21:12) (Acts 5:40; 12:2) According to Jesus Christ, religious persecution began as far back in history as Adams son Cain. Cain killed his brother Abel because he was filled with hatred by Satan the Devil. (Genesis 4:3-8) (Matthew 23:34, 35) (1 John 3:12) Satan incited wicked persecution of faithful Job. Jobs wife and three friends were used by Satan to inflict this hateful treatment. (Job 1:8-2:9; 19:22, 28) Government decree sometimes directs persecution against faithful believers such as the three Hebrews who were thrown into the fiery furnace and Daniel was thrown into the lions den. (Daniel 3:13-20; 6:4-17) Jesus predicted that members of ones own household would become persecutors. (Matthew 10:21, 35, 36) Promoters of false religion have been the prime instigators of religious persecution. Jeremiah experienced religious persecution. (Jeremiah 26:11) The apostle Paul was persecuted. (Acts 13:6-8; 19:23-29) The chief priests and the

Pharisees gathered the Sanhedrin together and took counsel to kill Jesus Christ. We read about this at John 11:47-53. PERSIA, PERSIANS: The Persians and the Medes were related people of the ancient Aryan (Indo-Iranian) tribes. The Persians descended from Japheth, possibly through Madai, the common ancestor of the Medes. (Genesis 10:2) Early history of the Persians indicates that the territory they held was in the southwestern portion of the large Iranian plateau. The southern boundary of this land was the Persian Gulf. The Persians enjoyed luxury and great opulence during the time of the empire. (Esther 1:3-7) Their language was of the Indo-European extraction and they wrote in Indian Sanskrit and the cuneiform style of writing. Official documents were primarily in Aramaic, an international language. (Ezra 4:7) Their religion centered around their chief god Ahura Mazda and a deity called Mithra was god of war. PERSIS: The apostle Paul commended Persis for her many Christian works. (Romans 16:12) Persis came from Rome. PERUDA: He was also called Perida. Peruda was the forefather of a family of Solomons servants. (Ezra 2:55) (Nehemiah 7:57) PESTILENCE: The Hebrew word dever came from a root word meaning destroy. It is a rapidly spreading infectious disease capable of attaining epidemic proportions and causing death. (Luke 21:11) (Revelation 6:1-8) PETER THE APOSTLE: Andrew and Peter were the first two apostles Jesus chose. Peter was first called Simon, until Jesus changed his name to Cephas. The Greek Petros means piece of rock. The Greek Petra means mass of rock. Jesus called Peter a piece of rock at Matthew 16:18-19. Then Jesus described himself, not Peter, as the rock-mass upon which he would build his congregation. Jesus trusted Peter with the keys to the kingdom, but he did not put him in charge of the entire congregation. Although Peter was a loving and very effective leader in the early church, he was not the head of the congregaton. This position was reserved only for the Son of God, Jesus Christ. (Colossians 1:18) (1 Corinthians 11:3) PETER, FIRST LETTER: The apostle Peter was in the city of Babylon when he wrote the first letter of Peter about 62 to 64 C.E. Peter was entrusted with preaching duties that included the large

Jewish population there. (Galatians 2:8, 9) The letter is addressed to those who live in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. (1 Peter 1:1) Some believe that the letter was written from Rome and that Babylon is a simbolic term for Rome. The Bible does not state anywhere that Babylon refers to Rome. In fact the Holy Scriptures do not state that Peter was ever in Rome! PETER, FIRST LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: 1 Peter 1:8-12 You receive your salvation as the outcome of your faith. 1 Peter 2:2 Like newborn infants, long for the spiritual milk that is without deception to help you grow to salvation. 1 Peter 3:1-6 Believing mate can win over unbelieving mate. 1 Peter 4:8 Above all things, have intense love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins." Peter 5:6, 7 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you at the proper time. Throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you. PETER, SECOND LETTER AND HIGHLIGHTS: Second Peter was written in Babylon about 64 C.E. The purpose of Peters second letter was to help the Christtians avoid being misled by false teachers and ungodly men within the congregation. (2 Peter 1:10, 11; 3:14-18) Peter counseled to have faith, virtue, knowledge, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. (2 Peter 1:5-11) Peter warned that God did not spare angels that had sinned, and He did not spare the sinful ancient world in Noahs day. Peter also listed the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He listed other examples of sinful behavior and judgement by God. (2 Peter 2:1-22) Peter cautioned his readers saying, in the last days, mockers will come with mockery, wqalking after their own lusts. (2 Peter 3:3) Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some count slowness. He is longsuffering (patient) toward you. He does not wish that nay should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) Peter promised that the day of Jehovah will come. (2 Peter 3:9-18) PETHOR: Pethor was the home of Balaam, the prophet who attempted to curse Israel. Pethor was probably located by the Euphrates River in Aram Naharaim or Mesopotamia. (Numbers 22:5; 23:7) Perhaps it could be identified with Pitru on the Sajur River, a tributary of the Euphrates to the south of Carchemish according to the Assyrian inscriptions. PETHUEL: Pethuel was the father of the prophet Joel. (Joel 1:1)

PEULLETHAI: Peullethai was the eight son of Obed-edom. He is listed as a gatekeeper. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4, 5, 15) PHENUEL: (Face of God) Her daughter Anna was a prophetess at the temple in Jerusalem when Joseph and Mary brought Jesus there. (Luke 2:36) She was a descendant of Asher. PHARAOH: The king of Egypt was given the title Pharaoh. It is derived from an Egyptian word meaning Great House. It originally described the royal palace and as time went on it came to apply to the head of government, the king. (Genesis 12:14-20) PHARISEES: The Pharisees were strict in obeying the Law of Moses. They also taught other regulations that had been added over the centuries. Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their false teachings and hypocritical practices. (Matthew chapter 23) PHARPAR RIVER: Naaman proclaimed the Abanah River and the Pharpar River better rivers than any rivers in Israel. (2 Kings 5:12) The Pharpar was possibly a smaller stream then the Abanah. The headwaters of the two rivers are found on the slopes of Mount Hermon and merge about 19 miles south west of Damascus. The rivers are a little over forty miles long. PHICOL: Phicol was the Army chief of Philistine King Abimelech. He accompanied Abimelech when they concluded covenants with both Abraham and Isaac. (Genesis 21:22, 32; 26:26, 31) PHILADELPHIA: The city of Philadelphia was in western Asia Minor. One of the seven letters found in Revelation chapter three was written to the congregation in Philadelphia. (Revelation 1:11; 3:7-13) Philadelphia was situated in the rolling hills south of the Cogamis River. It was 50 miles northwest of Laodicea. It was at that time a prosperous wine-producing center. Its chief deity was Dionysus the god of wine. Jesus commended the Christians at Philadelphia for their endurance and encouraged them to keep on holding fast. (Revelation 3:9-11) PHILEMON: Philemon was a member of the Christian congregation at Colossae. His house served as a meeting place for the Colossae congregation. Philemon was a source of encouragement and an example in faith and love for fellow Christians. The apostle Paul called him a beloved fellow worker at Philemon 1, 2, 5-7. Philemon was a slave owner. His slave Onesimus ran away from him shortly

before He received Pauls letter. This runaway slave may have stole funds from his master to finance the voyage to Rome, where he later met Paul and became a Christian. (Philemon 10, 11, 18, 19) PHILEMON, THE LETTER: This letter was written by Paul own hand between 60 and 61 C.E. (Philemon 1, 2, 19) He wrote to encourage Philemon to accept his runaway slave Onesimus without severely punishing him. Paul appealed on the basis of love since Philemon was a man of faith and love. (Philemon 8, 9, 17) PHILIP, THE APOSTLE: Philip was an early disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is mentioned in the lists of the apostles in the Gospel accounts. (Matthew 10:3) (Mark 3:18) (Luke 6:14) Johns account gives some details about him. (John 1:40, 41, 43-49) John relates that Philip was from Bethsaida, the same hometown as Peter and Andrew. Philip was closely associated with Nathanael (Bartholomew) and with the sons of Zebedee. PHILIP, THE EVANGELIZER AND MISSIONARY: Philip was among the seven men of good reputation who were full of spirit and wisdom, who were chosen by the apostles to distribute food among the Greek and Hebrew speaking Christian widows in Jerusalem. (Acts 6:1-6) Philip was considered an evangelist and a missionary. He traveled to Samaria where he declared the good news of the Kingdom. (Acts 8:4-13) He was led by Holy Spirit to meet the Ethiopian eunuch on the road to Gaza. After answering the eunuchs questions from the Holy Scriptures the eunuch asked to be baptized. The account is found at Acts chapter eight. PHILIP, THE HUSBAND OF HERODIAS: This Philip was the husband of Herodias and father of Salome. His wife had an adulterous relationship with his half brother Herod Antipas. He was the son of Herod the Great by his third wife, Mariamne II. This made him part Jew and part Idumean. (Matthew 14:3, 4) (Mark 6:17, 18) (Luke 3:19, 20) PHILIP, THE RULER OF ITURAEA AND TRACHONITIS: When John the Baptist began his ministry in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, 29 C.E. Philip, the son of Herod the Great by Cleopatra of Jerusalem was ruling the district of Ituraea and Trachonitis. His name was Philip. (Luke 3:1-3) PHILETUS: Philetus was an apostate whom the apostle Paul mentions in his second letter to Timothy. (2 Timothy 2:17, 18) Paul

mentions Philetus and Hymenaeus as false teachers who have gone astray from the truth. PHILIPPI: Philippi was the principal city of the district of Macedonia at the time of Pauls second missionary tour. It was located 9 miles from the seaport town, Neapolis. Visitors had to travel through a mountain pass, 1600 feet above sea level, and down into the Philippian Plain. (Acts 16:11, 12) Philippi was situated on a hill rising out of the plain, near the Gangites River. The acropolis was on a large rock formation in the northeast part of the city. Paul established a fine congregation in Philippi. They were dear to his heart and the provisions they provided for him showed their deep love for him. (Philippians 4:16) PHILIPPIANS, THE LETTER: The apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians between 60 and 61 C.E. from Rome. Philippi was the principal city of the district of Macedonia and was a Roman colony. Paul offers greetings to the congregation of the Philippians brom the household of Caesar. (Philippians 1:13); 4:22) The letter reflects the special love that existed between Paul and the Christians in Philippi. PHILIPPIANS LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: Philippians 1:9 I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all discernment. Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6, 7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. PHILISTINES: The Philistines were Israels enemy for many years. They superstitiously consulted their priest and diviners to make decisions. They worshiped false gods and carried idols of their gods with them when they went into battle. (2 Samuel 5:21) The Philistines were among Israels avowed enemies. (Isaiah 9:12; 11:14) The word Philistines occurs more that 250 times in the Bible. PHILOLOGUS: Philologus was a Christian whom Paul greets in his letter to the Romans. (Romans 16:15) PHILOSOPHY: The Greek word phi-lo-so-phia means love of wisdom. The word occurs only twice in the Christian Greek

Scriptures at Colossians 2:8 and Acts 17:18. Paul warned believers of the dangers of philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men. Paul was not apposed to knowledge; in fact he prayed that Christians be filled with it. His concern was that they obtain true wisdom and accurate knowledge. (Colossians 1:9, 10; 2:2, 3) Paul frequently emphasized that falsely called knowledge of the world is foolishness and should be avoided. (1 Corinthians 1:1831; 2:6-8, 13; 3:18-20) (1 Timothy 6:20) PHINEHAS, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SON: Phinehas was the younger of the two good-for-nothing sons of priest Eli. (1 Samuel 1:3; 2:12) He and his brother Hophni served as priest. While serving in that capacity they cohabited with women at the sanctuary and thus treated Jehovah with disrespect. Their father made a feeble attempt to repremand them, but they refused to listen. God pronounced judgement against them for their wickedness. (1 Samuel 2:13-34) PHINEHAS, SON OF ELEAZAR: This man was the grandson of Aaron, the son of Eleazar. His sons name was Abishua. (Exodus 6:25) (1 Chronicles 6:4) When 24,000 Israelites died on the Plains of Moab because of fornication and Baal worship Phinehas put to death Zimri and the woman he was about to fornicate with. Because of his actions Jehovah counted him as righteous. God then made a covenant for the priesthood to remain in his line. (Numbers 25:1-15) (Psalm 106:30, 31) PHLEGON: Phlegon was a Christian brother whom Paul greets in his letter to Rome. (Romans 16:14) PHOEBE: Phoebe was a Christian sister of the first-century congregation of Cenchreae. Paul recommends this sister to the Christians at Rome. (Romans 16:1, 2) He referred to her as a minister of the congregation. He recognized her as a preacher of the good news. (Acts 2:17, 18) PHOENICIA: Phoenicia was situated along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea between Syria and Israel. Its eastern boarder was the Lebanon Mountains. The coastal plains of this long, narrow country were interrupted only by the foothill of the mountains that reached down to the sea. This area was formerly known as Canaan. (Genesis 10:15-18) (1 Chronicles 1:13-16) PHOENIX: Phoenix was a city located west of Fair Havens on the south side of Crete. Pauls ship attempted to sale to Phoenix for

winter anchorage when a storm caused it to wreck on the island of Malta. (Acts 27:12-28:1) PHRYGIA: This country or region was in central Asia Minor in the first century. Phrygia was an inland area in the Roman provinces of Galatia and Asia. It covered the plateau country north of the Taurus Mountain Range. The Halys River was on the east and the Hermus and Maeander Rivers were on the west. The apostle Paul traveled through portions of Phrygia on two of his trips. (Acts 15:41; 16:1-6; 18:23; 19:1) PHYGELUS: Phygelus was from the district of Asia who turned away from Paul. (2 Timothy 1:15) PHYLACTERY: SEE SCRIPTURE CASE PIBESETH: Pibeseth was the city mentioned at Ezekiel 30:17. It was a prophecy directed against Egypt. It was the seat of false worship of the goddess Bastet, a feline goddess represented with the head of a cat. There was a large burial ground for cats near the city. There was an annual festival to honor Bastet.Ezekiels prophecy is about the Babylonian conquest of Egyupt when Pibeseth would be captured. Later the Persians destroyed the city. (1 Kings 11:40; 14:25, 26) PIGEON: The Hebrew word yoh-nah is applied to both the dove and the pigeon. The distinction between the two birds is not sharply defined. The name pigeon is applied to the larger types. Like the dove, the pigeon is a stout-bodied, short-legged bird with smooth and compact plumage. The Pigeon is a strong, swift flier. It is able to reach speeds of over fifty miles per hour. It has a homing instinct that makes it useful for carrying message. (Leviticus 1:14; 5:5-7, 11) (Luke 2:22-24) PIHAHIROTH: Pihahiroth was the name of the last campsite where the Israelities camped before crossing the Red Sea. (Numbers 33:7, 8) Moses received instructions from God to travel from Etham at the edge of the wilderness to go camp at Pihahiroth. (Exodus 13:20) The Red Sea was at a sufficient depth to allow for the waters to be split apart to form a passage and the shore on both sides was a gradual slope. (Exodus 14: 4-16, 21, 22) PILATE: Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea during Jesus earthly ministry. (Lu 3:1) Archelaus the son of Herod the Great was removed as king over Judea. The emperor then appointed provincial governors. Pontius Pilate was the fifth governor to be

appointed. Tiberius appointed his in 26 C.E. and his rule lasted ten year. The account of Jesus encounter with Governor Pilate is found in Matthew chapter 27. PILDASH: Pildash was the sixth of the eight sons of Abrahams brother Nahor by his wife Milcah. (Genesis 22:21-23; 11:29) PILES, HEMORRHOIDS: Hemorrhoids are the swelling of veins at the anus. It is frequently accompanied by bleeding. This condition is painful. There are usually vascular tumors beneath the mucous membrane of the rectum. Piles or hemorrhoids were among the disorders that Jehovah God warned the Israelites they would suffer if they were disobedient. (Deuteronomy 28:15, 27) (1 Samuel 5:6-12) (1 Samuel 6:4, 5, 11, 17) PILLAR: A pillar is a tall thin upright column used for structural support. Ancient people in the Middle East built sacred pillars in connection with their false religion. It is possible they involved phallic symbolism. The Israelites were commanded to destroy such sacred pillars when they entered the Promised Land. (Deuteronomy 7:5; 16:22) Sometimes they adopted heathen religion and used sacred pillars. (1 Kings 14:23) (2 Kings 3:2) Archaeological discoveries confirm Biblical references about pillars used in construction. (Proverbs 9:1) (Judges 16:25, 29) (1 Kings 7:2) The Christian congregation is figuratively called a pillar and support of the truth at 1 Timothy 3:15. God appeared to the Israelites from a pillar of fire and cloud. (Exodus 14:24) PILLORY: The pillory was a device for confining the neck and arms. It was used to punish offenders by exposing them to public ridicule. The term pillory is used in association with the term stocks at Jeremiah 29:26. Some translators use the terms iron collar, shackles or chains. PILTAI: Piltai was the head of the priestly paternal house of Moadiah at the time Jeshua replaced Joiakim. (Nehemiah 12:12, 17) PIM: The pim was the amount that the Israelites paid the Philistines to sharpen their metal implements. (1 Samuel 13:20, 21) Stone weights found in Palestinian excavations bear the imprint, pim in the old Hebrew characters. The pim was worth about two thirds of a shekel. PINON: Pinon was one of the sheiks of Esau (Edom). (Genesis 36:40-43) (1 Chronicles 1:51, 52)

PIPE: The pipe was a tubular wind instrument as mentioned at Genius 4:21. It was also a long tube used to carry liquids. (Zechariah 4:2) Modern Bible translations render the Hebrew word ughav as the English word pipe. The pipe is understood to be the first wind instrument mentioned in the Scriptures. The Aramaic word mashroh-qi is translated pipe at Daniel 3:5, 7, 10, 15. PIRAM: Piram was the Amorite king of Jarmuth at the time Israel entered the Promised Land. He joined with four other Amorite kings to conspire against the Gibeonites. They did this because the Gibeonites made peace with Joshua. During the battle Piram and the other kings took refuge in a cave at Makkedah. The Israelites sealed up the cave until the fighting was over. They then opened the cave and killed Piram and the other kings. (Joshua 10:1-27) PISGAH: Pisgah is best known for its connection with Moses extensive view of the Promised Land shortly before his death. (Deuteronomy 3:27; 34:1-3) When the name Pisgah occurs in the Bible it usually refers to a high altitude such as the top of or on the slopes of. As a result of this it is often called Mount Pisgah. The reference to its elevated position would cause one to come to this conclusion. Pisgah was part of Rubens tribal territory. (Deuteronomy 3:16, 17) (Joshua 13:15, 20) PISHON RIVER: The River watering the garden flowed from Eden. From there it was separated into four headwaters. The name of the first river is the Pishon. It winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. (Genesis 2:10-12) The Pishon River is one of the four rivers that branches out from Eden. Some people identify this river with rivers in Armenia and others go as far as the Ganges River in India. No one knows for sure the exact location where this river flowed. PISIDIA: Pisidia was an interior region of Asia Minor. It was about one hundred and twenty miles from east to west and fifty mile north to south. It was a mountainous region with beautiful valleys, forests and pasturelands. The people of Pisidia were wild and warlike tribes who resorted to robbery as a way of life. The apostle Paul passed through Pisida on his first missionary trip. (Acts 13:13, 14; 14:21, 24) PISPAH: Pispah was an Asherite leader. He was the son of Jether. (1 Chronicles 7:38, 40)

PISTACHIO NUT: The pistachio nut is the fruit of the Pistacia Vera tree. This nut grows on a deciduous tree that grows to heights of thirty feet. The nut has a hard light colored shell. The kernel inside has a mild, sweet flavor. Some times they are eaten raw. (Genesis 43:11) PIT: A pit is a deep hole, either natural or artificial. The two Hebrew words for pit are bohr and shachath. The Hebrew word sheohl is translated pit in the King James Version at Numbers 16:30, 33 and Job 17:16. Sheol usually refers to the grave in general and not a pit. (Job 17:13-16) (Psalms 30:3; 88:3-6) (Proverbs 1:12) (Isaiah 14:9-15; 38:17, 18; 51:14) Pits were used to trap enemies and catch animals. (Psalms 7:15; 40:2; 57:6) (Proverbs 26:27; 28:10) (Jeremiah 18:20, 22) The Greek word phrear means pit. It is used to describe the bottomless pit at Revelation 9:1, 2. PITHOM: Pithom was a supply (storage) city built by the enslaved Israelites in Egypt. The other supply city was Raamses. (Exodus 1:11) PITHON: Pithon was a descendant of King Saul through Jonathan and Meribbaal. (1 Chronicles 8:33-35; 9:39-41) PLAGUE: Hebrew words for plague means to scourge and defeat. God dealt blows as punishment for rebellious complaining and for refusal to obey Gods will. (Numbers 16:41-50) (Zechariah 14:12, 15, 18) He punished those who violated his laws. (1 Samuel 5:1-6:4) (Genesis 12:17) (Psalm 105:15) (Leviticus 26:21) (Deuteronomy 28:59-61) (1 Chronicles 21:17, 22) Jehovah inflicted a plague on the Egyptians in the time of Moses to show his great power and make known his name among the nations. (Exodus 9:14, 16) (Joshua 2:911; 9:9) (1 Samuel 4:8; 6:6) Plagues are symbolically presented in the book of Revelation as an expression of Gods anger. (Revelation 9:18, 20; 11:6; 15:1, 6, 8; 16:9, 21; 18:4; 21:9; 22:18) This comes from the Greek word ple-gai meaning blows or strikes. PLAN: See PURPOSE PLANE TREE: The plane tree is a stately tree growing as high as seventy feet. Its branches spread out to allow its dark green vine like leaves to offer splendid shade. The name comes from the Hebrew verb a-rah meaning lay bare or uncover. This is because every year the tree peels off its outer bark in strips or sections, exposing smooth white inner bark beneath. (Zephaniah 2:14) (Isaiah 22:6) Ezekiel spoke about Pharaoh and his followers in a

illustration comparing the plane tree with the majestic cedar of Lebanon at Ezekiel 31:8. Plane trees are found along riverbanks throughout Syria, Palestine and Lebanon. PLANTS AND TREES OF THE BIBLE: Psalm 104:24 says, O Jehovah, how many are your works! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your possessions. Nearly one hundred plants and trees are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. You will find a very diversified growth of trees, from the cedars of Lebanon to the date palms of Jericho. And when you travel to the desert you find the broom trees. In all there are 30 different types of trees mentioned in the Bible. You may find many of these plants and trees by searching in a comprehensive concordance. PLASTER: Plaster is a wall covering that was commonly made with clay mixed with straw. Sometimes the mixture included ashes, pulverized pottery fragments, lime and pounded shells or limestone. (Leviticus 14:42) (Ezekiel 13:10-16) (Daniel 5:5) PLEIADES: The Hebrew word kimah means a cluster of seven stars. This is the name given to the cluster of stars seen in the shoulder of the constellation Taurus. (Job 9:9; 38:31) (Amos 5:8) PLAY THE HARLOT: Some Bible translations use the term play the harlot. To play the harlot is to have immoral intercourse with false gods and mix in false religion. (Revelation 17:1, 2) PLEDGE: A pledge is a deposit of personal property for a debt. The Mosaic Law protected the interest of the poor and the defenseless people. The two Hebrew verbs cha-val and a-vat mean pledge. When a person did not return a pledge it was the same as robbing and shedding blood. The unrepentant sinner was deserving of death. (Ezekiel 18:10-13) The Law forbade taking a widows garment as a pledge at all for God was concerned with the difficulties of the poor and widows. (Deuteronomy 24:17) PLOW: Early plows were simple pointed pieces of wood. Some had metal tips and were pulled by an animal or animals. These crude instruments only cut the surface of the soil without turning it over. The summer sun baked the soil hard. Often plowing was held up until the autumn or winter rains softened the soil. (Exodus 34:21) (Deuteronomy 22:10) (Job 1:14) (Proverbs 20:4) (Exodus 11:4) Plowing was a common subject that was often used for an illustration. Judah and Israel needed to change their way of life, preparing, softening, and cleansing their hearts similar to plowing

and removing thorns. (Jeremiah 4:4) (Hosea 10:12, 13) Jesus Christ emphasized wholehearted service by saying: No man, who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:61, 62) PLUM LINE: A plum line is a metal, stone, or clay weight fastened to a cord. The builder holds the end of the cord allowing the weight to hang straight down in a perpendicular manor. It is sometimes call a plumb bob or plummet. (Zechariah 4:9, 10) (Ezra 3:8-10; 6:14, 15) Amos saw a vision of Jehovah stationed on a wall. Jehovah was holding a plumb line. The prophet learned that God was setting a plumb line in the midst of His people. Israel did not meet the test of spiritual straightness and Jehovah would therefore mete out justice. (Amos 7:7-9) POLYGAMY: Polygamy is the practice of having more than one wife at a time. Gods original standard for mankind was for the husband and wife to become one flesh. Polygamy was not acceptable and it is prohibited in the Christian congregation.(Titus 1:5, 6) (Ephesians 5:21-33) The first mention of polygamy in the Bible is at Genesis 4:19. Lamech, a descendant of Cain, took two wives for himself. Jacob was tricked into polygamy by is father-in-law. (Genesis 29:23-29; 46:7-25) POCHERETH-HAZZEBAIM: This man was the head of a family whose descendants were among the sons of the servants of Solomon. They returned from the exile under the leadership of Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 55, 57) (Nehemiah 7:59) POISONOUS PLANT: The Hebrew word rosh generally means poison or poisonous plant. It refers to the bitterroot and the poison. (Lamentations 3:5, 19) It also identifies poison or venom. (Deuteronomy 32:33) (Job 20:16) When it is used in conection with water it means poisonous water. (Jeremiah 8:14; 9:15; 23:15) It is used in reference to perversion of justice when used in an illustrative sense. (Hosea 10:4) (Amos 6:12) Apostacy is pictured as poisonous. (Deuteronomy 29:18) (Acts 8:23) (Hebrews 12:15) It was prophesied that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would be given a poisonous plant to eat. (Psalm 69:21) (Matthew 27:34) (Mark 15:23) POMEGRANATE: The pomegranate is a fruit that is maroon in color, shaped like an apple. It has a crown around the bottom. It is full of small pink or red seeds. The pomegranate tree is found throughout the Middle East. In Hebrew it is called rim-mohn. Jehovah promised the nation of Israel they would inherit a land of

wheat, barley, vines, gigs, pomegranates, olives, and honey. (Deuteronomy 8:7-9) The spies returned from the land with a supply of pomegranates. (Numbers 13:2, 23) PONTUS: Pontus was a district of northern Asia Minor along the Black Sea. The Jews had spread to every part of Pontus according to Jewish writer Philo. Jews from Pontus were in Jerusalem on Pentecost 33 C.E. Perhaps some of these Jews of Pontus heard Peters speech and became Christians and returned to their home territory. Aquila was a native of Pontus who traveled to Rome and Corinth where he met the apostle Paul. (Acts 2:9; 18:1, 2) (1 Peter 1:1) POOL: The Bible speaks of pools as open reservoirs used for collecting and storing water. These pools were sometimes natural but many were dug out of the soil or hewn out of rock. Some of them were linked to springs by means of conduits. (2 Samuel 2:13; 4:12) (1 Kings 22:38) (Ecclesiastes 2:6) The term pool is also referred to in the Scriptures as lakes, ponds, reed filled marshes and reservoirs. (Exodus 7:19; 8:5) (Psalms 107:35; 114:8) (Isaiah 35:7; 41:18) POOL OF SHELAH: The Pool of Shelah (Shiloah) was a pool or reservoir of water south of the City of David where the Valley of Hinnom and the Central Valley meet. (Nehemiah 3:15) This same pool was called the lower pool at Isaiah 22:9. The term Shelah is from the Masoretic text. This pool came from a gradual slope of a canal that may be referred to in the words the gently flowing waters of the Shiloah. (Isaiah 8:6) POOR: Persons having little money and few material possessions are considered to be poor. Anything inferior in quality is also considered poor. Down through the centuries the needy have outnumbered those having much. Jesus Christ stated: You always have the poor with you. (Mark 14:7) While reorganizing the needs of the poor the Bible stresses spiritual prosperity over material prosperity. (1 Timothy 6:17-19) The Scriptures warn against steeling in spite of extreme poverty. (Proverbs 6:30, 31; 30:8, 9) (Ephesians 4:28) The Law made it easier for the poor to manage. (Leviticus 19:9, 10; 23:22) (Deuteronomy 24:19-21) A poor person could borrow money without paying interest. (Exodus 22:25) (Leviticus 25:35-37) (Deuteronomy 15:7-10) Gods law prescribed equal justice for rich and poor alike. (Exodus 23:3, 6) (Leviticus 19:15) Jesus Christ felt pity for the crowds because they were cheated and pushed around like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:36)

Jesus and his apostles had a common fund from which they gave to needy Israelites. (Matthew 26:9-11) (Mark 14:5-7) (John 12:5-8; 13:29) Laziness was discouraged by the apostle Paul when he wrote: Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10) POPLAR TREES: Hebrew ara-vim means popular trees. Poplar and willow trees are common to the Middle East. The poplar tree is plentiful along the banks of the Euphrates River. (Psalm 137:1, 2) They are also found on the banks of rivers and streams in Syria and Palestine. They often form dense thickets near watercourses like the Jordan River valley. (Leviticus 23:40) (Job 40:22) (Isaiah 44:3, 4) PORATHA: Poratha was one of the ten sons of Haman. (Esther 9:8, 10) PORCH, HALL: The Hebrew word ehlam is translated porch. It is also translated hall. Solomon constructed a Porch or Hall of Pillars in the temple area. He also constructed the Hall of the Throne where he placed his ornate ivory and gold throne. (1 Kings 7:1, 6, 7; 10:18-20) There were a number of porches and halls mentioned in Ezekiels vision of a temple sanctuary. (Ezekiel 40:517, 35-42, 48, 49; 41:25, 26) PORCUPINE: The porcupine is a large rodent that is full of protective spines or quills. The Hebrew word translated porcupine is qippodh. Modern lexicons list qippodh as the porcupine or hedgehog. (Isaiah 14:23; 34:11) (Zephaniah 2:14) PORPHYRY: Porphyry is a type of stone that contains feldspar crystals. It is usually dark red, green, or purple in color. It was used as pavement in the palace at Shushan in Persia during the days of King Ahasuerus. (Esther 1:6) PORTENT: A portent is a sign, omen, forecast of things to come. A prophet often offers a sign or portent to lend support to his prophecy. (Deuteronomy 13:1-3) The apostle Paul spoke about portents or signs when he referred to Joel 2:30. This account is found at Acts 2:14-19. (Mathew 24:24) (John 4:48) Jesus disciples were supported by God with signs and portents of powerful works. (Hebrews 2:3, 4) (Acts 2:43; 5:12) The evidence of false prophets was also accompanyed by powerful works and false signs. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12)

POTIPHAR: Potiphar was an Egyptian court official and chief of Pharaohs bodyguard. Potiphar purchased Joseph from a Midianite merchant and put him in charge of his house and field. (Genesis 37:36; 39:1-6) Potiphars wife was not faithful to him. She repeatedly tried to seduce Joseph and one day she grabbed hold of him and demanded his attention. Joseph refused and ran away. Potiphars wife made false accusations to her husband, accusing Joseph of sexual promiscuity. In a fit of anger Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison. (Genesis 39:7-20) POTIPHERA: He was Josephs father-in-law. His daughter Asenath bore Manasseh and Ephraim. Potiphera was the priest of the songod Ra. He performed his duties at On, a center of Egyptian sun worship. (Genesis 41:45, 50; 46:20) POTSHERD: A potsherd is a broken piece of pottery or a fragment of earthenware. The Hebrew word cheres means earthenware that is broken or not broken. (Numbers 5:17) (Jeremiah 19:1) Satan struck Job with a malignant boil from head to toe. Job took a fragment of earthenware and scraped himself. (Job 2:7, 8) Enemies surrounded David at the time that he was inspired to write the prophetic psalm about the Messiahs suffering. He said: My power is dried up like pieces of broken pottery. (Psalm 22:11-15) Mans complaints about the way God does things inspired Isaiah to write: Does a clay pot dare argue with its maker, a pot that is like all the others? Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing? Does the pot complain that its maker has no skill? Do we dare say to our parents why do you make me like this? (Isaiah 45:9-12) POTTER: A potter is a craftsman who makes pottery. Earthenware pots, dishes and other vessels are considered pottery. (Leviticus 15:12) (2 Samuel 17:28) (Jeremiah 19:1) (Luke 22:10) Statues and other decorative art objects could also be considered pottery. The Hebrew word for potter is yoh-tser. It means former or someone who forms. (Jeremiah 18:4) The Greek term ke-ra-meus refers to the English word mix. This may be because the clay used by the potter must be mixed with water. (Isaiah 41:25) The clay is then thrown onto a wheel and is turned. (Jeremiah 18:3, 4) When it is finished it is glazed in a furnace. (Proverbs 26:23) At one time a group of royal potters existed. (1 Chronicles 4:21-23) Jehovah God is illustratively likened to a Great Potter at Jeremiah 18:1-10. Man is equated with the clay. (Isaiah 29:15, 16; 45:9; 64:8) It is prophesied at Psalm 2:9 that God will give the authority to His Son to rule as king over the earth. The king, Jesus Christ, will rule the nations with

an iron scepter. He will: dash them to pieces like pottery. (Daniel 2:44) (Romans 9:14-26) (Revelation 2:26, 27; 12:5) POTTERS FIELD: Judas threw the betrayal price of 30 pieces of silver into the temple. The chief priests used the money to purchase the potters field to bury strangers. (Matthew 27:3-10) Later the field was known as Akeldama, or Field of Blood. (Acts 1:18, 19) This field was on the south slope of the Hinnom Valley, just before it joins the Kidron Valley. It was an area where potters practiced their art, near the Gate of the Potsherds or the Gate of the Potters. This is mentioned in Jeremiah 19:1, 2. Clay was available and the site was close to a water supply. POUND: A pound is a weight measurement mentioned only at John 12:3 and 19:39. The Greek and Roman pound was about 11.5 ounces. The pound is used in the Bible only as a weight measurement and not as a monetary weight. POWER: Power can be defined as capacity to accomplish things and to do work. It is also thought of as authority. God has great power. The evidence of his power can be seen in all physical creation of the universe as well as in all earthly things. (Job 38:31-33) His works are seen as his purposeful activity. His power sustains the universe. (Psalm 136:25; 148:2-6) (Matthew 5:45) His expressions of power are in harmony with his righteousness. (Psalm 98:1, 2; 111:2, 3, 7) (Isaiah 5:16) He is Jehovah, the absolute, almighty, universal, sovereign God. The expression Almighty God is found nearly 80 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. PRAETORIUM: The Greek word praitorion and the Latin word pratorium translate to the governors palace or residence. The governors palace was located in Jerusalem. (Mark 15:16) (John 18:28, 33; 19:9) PRAETORIAN GUARD: The Roman Praetorian Guard was an elite group of Roman soldiers numbering nearly 10,000 all Italian volunteers. Augustus first organized by them as an imperial bodyguard for the emperor. They received double or triple the pay that the average soldier in legions received. They were divided into groups of 1,000 men known as cohorts. Some were sent to foreign lands, but three were always stationed in Rome in barracks adjacent to the emperors palace. Pilate interrogated Jesus in the praetorium, or governors palace. (John 18:28, 33; 19:9) This is where judgments were rendered and troops were barracked. (Matthew

27:27) (Mark 15:16) The apostle Paul was held under guard in the praetorian palace of Herod. (Acts 23:35) PRAISE: Praise is an expression of approval and commendation. It is words of homage offered as an act of worship. The Hebrew verb ha-lal and the Greek word ai-neo each mean praise. (Psalm 113:1) (Isaiah 38:18) (Romans 15:11) The Greek noun hymnos translates to the English word hymn. It expresses the thought of praise or a song of praise to God. (Mark 14:26) When we praise Gods name we praise God Himself. (Psalm 69:30; 135:3; 150:2) (1 Chronicles 16:25, 26) God will never share His praise with lifeless images. (Isaiah 42:8) PRAYER: Prayer is communication with God. It is not always vocal speech but can be thoughts directed to God. Prayer involves devotion, trust, respect for God. (Genesis 3:8-13; 4:9-14; 44:18; 50:17) (Acts 25:11) Jehovah God is the One that prayer should be directed. He is the Hearer of prayer and He has the power to act in behalf of the petitioners. (Psalms 5:1, 2; 65:2; 66:19) (Matthew 6:9) (Mark 11:24) (Ephesians 3:20) Jesus Christ is the only way to approach God through prayer. (John 14:6; 15:16; 16:23, 24) (1 Corinthians 1:2) (Ephesians 2:18) PRAYERS GOD HEARS AND DOES NOT HEAR: All people may come to the Hearer of prayer, Jehovah God. (Psalm 65:2) (Acts 15:17) God shows no partiality. In every nation He accepts every person who respects him and does what is right. (Acts 10:34, 35) Whatever we ask we receive from Him because we obey His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight. (1 John 3:22) (Psalm 10:17) (Proverbs 15:8) (1 Peter 3:12) God does not listen to the prayers of those who are not doing His Will. (Proverbs 15:29; 28:9) (Isaiah 1:15) (Micah 3:4) The model prayer given to us by Jesus gives us a basic pattern of the subjects it is proper to pray for. (Matthew 6:9-13) PREACH, PREACHER, PREACHING: The Greek word kerysso means preach or proclaim. It applies to public proclamations. A preacher is a messenger who proclaims the message of the Good News from God. At Revelation 5:2 the angel proclaimed the need for someone worthy to open the scroll and loosen the seal. The Greek word euaggelizomai means to declare good news. It means to publish, talk about, and publicize. (Matthew 11:5) (Luke 9:60) (Acts 21:26) (Romans 9:17) (1 Corinthians 11:26) (Colossians 1:28) Noah is the first person in the Scriptures assigned (appointed) as a preacher. (2 Peter 2:5) Many of Gods faithful servants served as

prophets and preachers. (Psalm 105:9, 13-15) Some presented the Good News in written form. (Jeremiah 29:1, 30, 31; 30:1, 2) (Daniel chapters 7 12) Jesus Christ set the example for doing the preaching work. He went teaching publicly and in private homes. (Matthew 5:1; 9:10, 28, 35) (Acts 20:18-21) The first century Christians did not charge a wage, but gave freely of their time and talents. (Matthew 10: 8) (1 Thessalonians 2:9) All followers of Jesus Christ are required to do the preaching work. (Matthew 28: 19, 20) PREGNANCY: The state of being pregnant, after conception with unborn baby within the mothers body. Jehovah God instructed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. Therefore being pregnant is normal condition for women. (Genesis 1:28) The Bible sometimes refers to pregnancy as to be with child. (1 Chronicles 4:17; 7:23) (Matthew 1:18, 23) Having children was viewed as a blessing. (Psalm 127:3) (Genesis 29:32-35; 30:5, 6) Barrenness was a shame and a reproach. (Leviticus 1:24, 25) (Genesis 25:21; 30:1) Pregnancy and the birth of a child is used in a figurative sense. Unfaithful Israel conceived trouble and gave birth to evil. (Isaiah 59:2-8) Isaiah depits Israel as a woman crying out in labor pains at Isaiah 26:17, 18. PREPARATION: The day preceding the weekly Sabbath was called the Preparation Day. (Mark 15:42) This day was set aside for the people of Israial to get ready for the Sabbath. They collected and baked or boiled extra manna on that day. (Exodus 16:5, 22-27) The Preparation Day would end at sundown of what is today called Friday. The next day, the Sabbath, began at that time. The Law required that the body of a man executed and hung on a tree (stake) should not stay all night on the tree (stake). (Deuteronomy 21:22, 23) (Joshua 8:29; 10:26, 27) (John 19:31, 42) (Mark 15:42, 42) (Luke 23:54) PRESENCE: Strongs Greek Dictionary defines the Greek word parousia: being near, return, coming, and presence. Jesus presence is spoken of at Matthew 24:3. This is from the Greek word Parousia, meaning being alongside or present. Obviously Jesus would have to come first in order to be present. A case in point is 2nd Peter 3:12, also from the Greek word: parousia, where The Day of God would have to come and then be present. One does not need to debate the use of presence versus coming, but simply consider them complementary of each other. PRESS: A press is a machine used to exert preasure on solids in order to extract liquids. In Bible times the machines were vats in

which teams of two to seven people crushed wine or olives with their bare feet or by use of heavy stones. (Numbers 18:27) (2 Kings 6:27) Jehovah refers to Himself as a lone Treader at Isaiah 63:1-3. We read of a figurative winepress at Joel 3:13, 14. The apostle John sees a symbolic winepress in his vision. Here the Word of God treads the great winepress of the anger of God. (Revelation 14:19, 20; 19:11-16) PRIDE WITH A BAD CONNOTATION: Most dictionaries define pride as unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem. It is haughty behavior that includes egotism and arrogance. The Hebrew verb gaah means grow tall and get high and it relates to self-exaltation in the good and bad sense. (Job 8:11) (Ezekiel 47:5) (Isaiah 9:9) (Proverbs 8:13) (Psalm 68:34) (Amos 8:7) PRIDE WITH A GOOD CONNOTATION: The Greek term kaukhao-mai means boast, take pride and exult. It can have good or bad connotations. (1 Corinthians 1:29) (Romans 2:17; 5:2) The problem is that the word pride is used in a bad sense more often then in a good sense. The psalmist spoke of Israel as the pride of Jacob at Psalm 47:4. The New Simplified Bible uses other synonyms such as glory, excellency, and grandeur instead of the word pride in many instances. We read at Isaiah 4:2: the fruit of the earth will be the delight (pride)(joy) and adornment for the survivors. The word glory has been used at Jeremiah 9:24 instead of pride, a practice of the old American Standard Version-1901. PRIEST: Before the Christian congregation was established priests represented God to the people they served. They served as instructors about God and the Law. The priest also offered sacrifices for sin. After Jesus Christ gave himself as the one important sacrifice for sin he became High Priest in heaven. The need for priests on earth was then eliminated. The 27 books of the Christian Greek Scriptures highlight that important fact. (Hebrews 2:1-4; 4:14-16) PRIESTS CITIES: Cities were designated as places of residence for the Aaronic priests and their families. A total of 48 cities were given to the tribe of Levi by the other tribes of Israel. The Kohathite priests of Aarons family were assigned to 13 cities. (Joshua 21:1-42) (1 Chronicles 6:54-81) PRINCE: SEE LEADER

PRISCA, PRISCILLA: The shorter form, Prisca, is found in Pauls writings. Luke called her Priscilla. She was the wife of Aquila and is always mentioned with him. They were loving, hard working Christians who were filled with hospitality, always ready to host the congregation meetings in their home at both Rome and Ephesus. The apostle Paul joined them in tentmaking at Corinth about 50 C.E. (Acts 18:2, 3) When they traveled with Paul to Ephesus they taught Apollos the correct way of God. (Acts 18:18, 19, 24-28) (1 Corinthians 16:19) Fifteen years later they risked their lives for the apostle Paul. (Romans 16:3, 4) PRISON, JAIL: A prison or jail is a building or place where persons are confined while on trial or for punishment. (Genesis 39:20; 42:29) (Ecclesiastes 4:14) (Matthew 11:2; 14:10) (Acts 5:18) Imprisonment was a form of legal punishment among the Egyptians, Philistines, Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians. (Genesis 39:20) (Judges 16:25) (2 Kings 17:4) (Ezra 7:26) (Jeremiah 52:31-33) In the figurative since, prison refers to a land or state of spiritual bondage. (Isaiah 42:6, 7; 49:5, 8, 9; 61:1) (Matthew 12:1521) (Luke 4:17-21) (2 Corinthians 6:1, 2) Spirit creatures are thrown into confinement. (1 Peter 3:19) (Jude 6) (Revelation 20:1-3, 7) PROCHORUS: Seven men were certified men full of spirit and wisdom who were appointed to see that everyone received equal treatment in the daily distribution of food. This first century Christian was one of the seven men appointed from the congregation at Jerusalem. (Acts 6:1-6) PROCONSUL: Each province supervised by the Roman Senate appointed a principal local administrator. This administrator was called the proconsul. It was proconsuls responsibility to direct the civil affairs of the province. He judged the subjects and maintained law and order. His jurisdiction was supreme in the province, even though the Roman senate reviewed his actions. Proconsul Sergius Paulus became a Christian. (Acts 13:7, 12) Another proconsul was Gallio mentioned at Acts 18:12. PROPHECY, PROPHET, PROPHETESS: The revelation of divine will and purpose including moral teaching, divine command and prediction of things to come. A prophet is one who writes the inspired Word of God or one who teaches it. Both men and women served in this capacity. The Source of all true prophecy is Jehovah God. (Hebrews 1:1-4) (2 Timothy 3:16-17) (2 Peter 1:20-21)

PROPITIATORY, PROPITIATION: Something propitiatory has power to atone for sin and wrongdoing. It is offered by way of expiation (compensation) for sin. Just as the High Priest on the Day of Atonement entered the Holy of Holies (most holy place) with sacrificial blood, so Christ took the value of his sacrifice, not before a literal propitiatory cover (throne of mercy), but before the presence of Jehovah God in heaven. (Leviticus 16:15) (Hebrews 9:11-14, 24-28) He is the propitiation (Greek: hilasmos: atonement, compensation) for our sins. Not for ours only, but also for the whole world. (1 John 2:2) In this is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation (atonement) (sacrificial payment) for our sins. (1 John 4:10) PROSELYTE: A proselyte is a religious convert. It was applied to the conversion of a gentile to Judaism. It also applied to conversion from other religions. The Greek word pro-sely-tos is used in both the Septuagint and the Christian Greek Scriptures. A proselyte who was converted to Judaism was responsible to obey the Law and he was treated by natural as a brother. (Leviticus 19:33, 34; 24:22) (Galatians 5:3) The Hebrew word ger was rendered stranger. (Genesis 15:13) (Exodus 2:22) (Jeremiah 14:8) The Italian Cornelius was converted to Christianity. He was not a Jewish proselyte, for he was an uncircumcised Gentile. (Acts 10:1, 2) (Luke 7:2-10) PROSTITUTE: A prostitute is a person who engages in sexual intercourse for money. A prostitute is sometimes called a harlot. The Hebrew word for prostitute is zoh-nah and the Greek word for prostitute is porne. Jehovah Gods Law forbids prostitution, adultery and fornication. The penalty for such behavior was death and by extension spiritual death could apply today. (Exodus 20:14; 22:16, 17) (Leviticus 19:29) (Deuteronomy 5:18; 22:13-24) In a figurative sense a person, nation or congregation who makes alliances with the world or false gods is called in the Bible a prostitute. (Isaiah 54:5, 6) (Ezekiel 16:33, 34; 23:1-49) (Revelation 17:5) PROVERBS: SEE ILLUSTRATIONS PROVERBS, THE BOOK: The book of Proverbs contains a large collection of proverbs or wise sayings from several collections. The objective of the book is stated in chapter one: To know wisdom and instruction. To discern and understand words. To receive instruction with wisdom, justice, judgment and integrity. To give wisdom and refinement to the simple. To the young man knowledge and discretion. The book of Proverbs brilliently expresses the

conection between knowledge, discernment, wisdom, understanding, and thinking ability. It brilliently sums it up by saying, Respect for Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7) Proverbs is inspired of God and is not simply the opinions of Solomon. The vast majority of the book was written by Solomon. However, a few of the wise saying are credited to Agur and Lemuel. (Proverbs 22:17; 30:1; 31:1) PROVINCE: The territory or geographic location of the rule of a Roman governor was called a province. The word provine comes from the Greek word eparkheia. When the apostle Paul was delivered to Felix at Caesarea, the governor asked him what province he was from. Paul was from Cilicia. (Acts 23:34) Pauls birthplace, Tarsus, was in the Roman province of Cilicia. (Acts 22:3) Felix was replaced as governor of the imperial province of Judea by Festus. (Acts 25:1) PSALMS, THE BOOK: Psalms is the large book in the middle of the Bible containing sacred songs and poetry. The book of Psalms is the largest book in the Bible. It is filled with praise and prophecy. The writer is identified at the beginning of each Psalm. There are 150 psalms. David wrote 73 and 11 were written by Korah and 12 by Asaph. The individual psalms were written over a period of about 1,000 years, spanning a time from Moses until after the return from Babylonian exile. The books contains five collections of sacred songs. (1) Psalms 1-41. (2) 42-72. (3) 73-89. (4) 90-106. (5) 107-150. PTOLEMAIS: The apostle Paul stopped at Ptolemais, a seaport city near Mount Carmel on his way to Jerusalem about 56 C.E. This city used to be called Acco. (Acts 21:7) PUAH THE MIDWIFE: Puah was a Hebrew midwife. She and Shiphrah, another midwife, were commanded by Pharaoh to kill all male babies born to the Hebrews. Because of her deep respect for God, she preserved the baby boys alive. She was blessed by Jehovah with a family of her own. (Exodus 1:15-21) PUBLIC READING: Mose took the book of the covenant, in which Jehovahs commandments were written, and read it aloud to the people. (Exodus 24:7) Public reading was an important method used by Jehovah to instruct and educate his people right from the beginning. Public reading is reading aloud for a group of persons to hear. There was a public reading of a portion of the Law every Sabbath at the synagogues. The Greek word a-na-gi-nosko means

to know well. It is rendered read, read aloud, public reading and private reading. (Luke 4:16) (Acts 13:27) The Greek noun anagno-sis is translated reading or public reading. (Acts 13:15) (1 Timothy 4:13) Reading aloud from the apostles letters and the Holy Scriptures was an important part of Christian meetings. (Colossians 4:16) (1 Thessalonians 5:27) (1 Timothy 4:13) (Revelation 1:3) The word public is not always found in the translation and has been injected to enhance the meaning. This is especially true where the translation speaks about reading aloud or reading to the congregation. PUBLIUS: Publius was a wealthy landowner who lived on the Island of Malta. He entertained the apostle Paul and his companions for three days after their shipwreck on the island. Paul healed Publius father of fever and dysentery while he was there. (Acts 28:7, 8) Publius was a leading official on the island. PUDENS: Pudens was the apostle Pauls companion near the close of his life. He sent greeting to Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:21) PUL, KING OF ASSYRIA: Pul was the king of Assyriah when Menahem, king of Israel reigned. (2 Kings 15:19) (1 Chronicles 5:26) Pul entered Palestine and demanded tribute from Menahem. Most scholars now believe that Pul and Tiglath-pileser III of Assyria were the same. PUL, A COUNTRY OR PEOPLE: Pul is listed in Isaiah 66:19 as one of the places noted for skilled archers. The Greek Septuagint reads Phud or Put in this same verse. PUNITES: The Punite were the descendants of Issachars son Puvah. (Numbers 26:23) PUNON: Punon was a campsite between Zalmonah and Oboth. Israel camped there sometime after leaving Mount Hor. It is believed to be located about 19 miles southeast of Ain Husb. (Numbers 33:41-43) PUPIL OF THE EYE: The pupil of the eye is the opening in the colored iris of the eye. Its appearance is black because of the dark interior of the eye. The iris adjusts in size to the amount of light. When light enters the cornea it passes through the pupil into the lens of the eye. The eye is extremely tender and sensitive. It is a perfect object to use in an illustration of Gods protection and care. David prayed that he would be protected by God as if I were the

pupil of your eye. (Psalms 17:8) (Deuteronomy 32:10) (Proverbs 7:2) (Lamentations 2:18) (Zechariah 2:8) PUPIL, STUDENT, DISCIPLE: The word pupil also stands for one who is a student, who takes instruction, a desciple. It comes from the Greek word mathetes. (Luke 6:40) SEE: DISCIPLE. PUR: The word pur is linked with an Akkadian word puru. It means lot. The name pur is the root word for the name of the Jewish festival Purim. Purim is the plural form. (Esther 3:7; 9:2432) PURAH: Purah was an attendant of Gideon who accompanyied Gideon at night to spy on the Midianite camp. (Judges 7:9-15) PURCHASE: To purchase is to aquire by means of exchange of items of value, money, goods, services, or human life. Bible records show that people were formally buying and selling goods, properties, or services as early as Abrahams day. (Genesis 17:12, 13; 23:2-20; 49:29-32) Jacob also purchased things including land from the Shechemites. (Genesis 33:18, 19) A number of references to purchasing are found in the Christian Greek Scriptures. (Matthew 13:44-46; 25:8-10; 27:7) (Mark 6:37) (John 4:8; 13:29) (Acts 1:18; 4:34-37; 5:1-3) The greatest purchase of all time was made by Jehovah when He purchased the entire Congregation of God with the blood of His own Son. (Acts 20:28) PURPOSE: The New Simplified Bible uses the word purpose when translating the Greek word prothesis. According to Thayer Definitions the Greek word prothesis found at Ephesians 3:11 means a setting forth of a thing, a purpose. Strongs Greek Dictionary also says it means a setting forth putting something in view and also a proposal, an intention, and a purpose. The New Simplified Bible uses the word purpose at Ephesians 3:11. (Romans 8:28; 9:11) (2 Corinthians 5:5) (2 Timothy 1:9) (Hebrews 6:17) (Revelation 17:17) Some Bible scholars emphaticly state that, God does not plan, He purposes! (For a more comprehensive discussion of this word see: Translation Notes: PURPOSE) PURSE: A purse was a bag or pouch used by men and women to carry gold, silver, copper, coins or other items. Women sometimes had ornamental purses. (Isaiah 3:16, 22; 46:6) (Matthew 10:9) Early purses were made of leather, woven rushes or cotton. Some people used girdle purses. (Matthew 10:9) (Mark 6:8) (Luke 12:33)

When Jesus sent out the seventy disciples to do the preaching work he told them to provide themselves with purses. (Luke 10:1, 4, 7) PUT: Put was the son of Ham. (Genesis 10:6) (1 Chronicles 1:8) His offspring gave military support to Egypt. (Jeremiah 46:9) (Ezekiel 30:4-6) They were mercenaries in the armies of Tyre at the time of it was a great city. (Ezekiel 27:3, 10; 38:5) PUTEOLI: Puteoli was a major seaport southeast of Rome in the first century C.E. The apostle Paul visited Puteoli on his way to stand before Caesar in Rome about the year 59 C.E. The brothers living at Puteoli entreated Paul and his traveling companions to spend a week with them. (Acts 24:23; 27:3; 28:13) Puteoli was also called Diaearchia by the Jews when there was a Jewish colony located there. (Jewish Antiquities by Josephus) PUTHITES: The Puthites were a family that lived in Kiriath-jearim. They were descendants of Judah through Shobal. (1 Chronicles 2:53, 53) PUTIEL: He was the father-in-law of Aarons son Eleazar and grandfather of Phinehaus. (Exodus 6:25) PUVAH: Puvah was a son of Issachar. His family descendants were called Punites. (Genesis 46:13) (Numbers 26:23) PYRRHUS: This man was a Beroean whose son Sopater traveled with Paul through Macedonia for part of his third missionary journey. (Acts 20:3, 4) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY Q QOHPH: This is the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. QUAILS: The Israelites were twice relieved of their privation and hunger by a miraculous supply of quails. (Exodus 16:13) (Numbers 11:31) God rained flesh upon them as dust and feathered fowls like the sand of the sea. (Psalm 78:27) QUARANTANIA: Ouarantania is a mountain located 7 miles northwest of Jericho. It is believed by some to be the high mountain where Jesus was tempted by the Devil. (Matthew 4:8)

QUARREL, ARGUE: Holy Scriptures counsel against becoming involved in quarrels or disputes without cause. (Proverbs 3:30) A quarrel is a controversy or case at law. (Deuteronomy 17:8) (Jeremiah 25:31) QUARRY: An open-pit mine from which various types of stone are excavated is a quarry. The tomb where Jesus was buried was one quarried out of rock. (Mathew 27:59, 60) (Mark 15:46) QUART: The Greek khoinikes was a little less than a U.S. dry quart. In Johns time a denarius was a days wage, therefore a quart of wheat for a denarius would indicate famine conditions. (Matthew 20:1-12) (Revelation 6:5-6) QUARTERMASTER: Most likely the quartermaster was the officer in charge of rations and supplies for the troops (Jeremiah 51:59-64) QUARTUS: Paul greeted Quartus in his letter to the Romans. (Romans 16:23) He had a Roman name and knew the brother in Rome and therefore may have been from that congregation. QUARTZ: Quartz is a semiprecious stone of various colors, but usually clear. QUEEN: A title given to a wife of a king or a female monarch was queen. The queen of Sheba was one with such power. (1 Kings 10:1) (Matthew 12:42) QUEEN GODDESS: Ishtar was the false queen goddess of the Babylonians. (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:15-29) Is there any possible coincidence that Ishtar sounds much like Easter? There is no Scriptural record of the first century Christians celebrating Easter! The King James Version wrongfully inserted the name Easter in place of Passover at Acts 12:4. It is from the Chaldee word pascha. QUEEN OF HEAVEN: The Assyrians worshipped the moon as the receptive power nature. Jeremiah made reference to this and to Ashtoreth the Queen of Heaven. (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17, 25) (Judges 10:6) (1 Samuel 7:4) (1 Samuel 12:10) QUICKSAND: Greek: syrtis means quicksand or sandbar. This is found only in Acts 27:17 in reference to an area on the north coast of Africa.

QUIRINIUS: Caesar Augustus ordered the census that resulted in Jesus birth taking place in Bethlehem. (Luke 2:1-2) Quirinius was Roman governor of Syria at the time. QUIVER: The sheath used to hold arrows is called a quiver. The Hebrew word aspah means suspended weapon, that which hangs. (Job 39:23) (Psalm 127:5) (Isaiah 22:6; 49:2) (Jeremiah 6:16) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY R RAAMAH: Raamah was a son of Hams first born, Cush, and brother of Nimrod. (Genesis 10:6-8) (1 Chronicles 1:9) (Ezekiel 27:20-22) The city of Raamah was near Main in southwest Arabia. RAAMIAH: This is an alternate form of Reelaiah. He returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. (Nehemiah 7:7) (Ezra 2:2) RAAMSES, RAMESES: The Exodus from Egypt began at the city of Raamses. (Genesis 47:11) (Exodus 12:37) (Numbers 33:3-5) RABBAH: The city of Rabbah mentioned at Joshua 13:25 was located at the extremity of the ancient kingdom of Ammon after its loss of territory to the Amorites. It is assumed to be its capital. Another Rabbah was one of the cities given to the tribe of Judah in its territorial allotment. It is listed in Joshua 15:60. RABBI: The Hebrew word rhabbi means teacher, master, and great one. (John 1:38; 20:16) Jesus followers called him by this title of honor in order to show him respect. However, Jesus insisted that they should not call any man Rabbi, father or leader. (Matthew 23:1-12) RABBITH: The Masoretic text indicates this was a site on the Issachar boundary. (Joshua 19:17, 18, 20) RABBONI: This Semitic word means my teacher. (Mark 10:51) It is considered a more respectful title then Rabbi but is translated both ways. (John 1:38; 20:16) RABMAG: Rabmag was the title of a major official of the Babylonian Empire when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. It has been found on excavated inscriptions. Nergal-sharezer the Rabmag was one of the men in the special tribunal of high Babylonian princes who sat in judgment in Jerusalems Middle Gate

after the city fell to Nebuchadnezzar. He was involved with Jeremiahs release to go to Gedaliah. (Jeremiah 39:3, 13, 14) RABSARIS: Rabsaris was the chief court official in the Assyrian and Babylonian governments. He was one of the three who served on a committee of Assyrian dignitaries sent by the king of Assyria to demand the surrender of Jerusalem in King Hezekiahs time. (2 Kings 18:17) RABSHAKEH: He was a major Assyrian official. (2 Kings 18:17) Sennacherib the king of Assyria laid siege to the Judean fortress of Lachish. Before the final battle he sent Rabshakeh to speak to the Hebrews. He spoke Hebrew and Syrian fluently. Rabshakeh called out in Hebrew to King Hezekiah. He spoke loudly enough so the people could hear. The words were designed to induce terror and demoralize the people. (2 Kings 18:28-35) This complete account is thrilling and also faith building. You can read it in its entirety at 2 Kings chapters 18 and 19. What happened to King Sennacherib and ultimately to his evil servant Rabshakeh? Read about it at 2 Kings 19:35-37. RACAL: Racal was one of the places where David sent spoils from his war with the Amalekites. (1 Samuel 30:18, 26, 29) The Greek Septuagint translate it Carmel instead of Racal. RACHEL: Rachel was a daughter of Laban. She was the younger sister of Leah and Jacobs first cousins and preferred wife. (Genesis 29:1-30) He agreed to work seven years for permission to marry Rachels younger sister Leah. When the time came to wed he was required to marry Rachel and work an additional seven years for Leah. Rachel was mother of Benjamin and Joseph. (Genesis 35:1620) RADDAI: Raddai was the brother of David in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:13-15) He was Jesses fifth son. RAHAB THE HARLOT: Rahab was a prostitute of Jericho who became a worshiper of the true God Jehovah. Among the Canaanites harlotry was not considered a business of ill repute. It was in the spring of 1473 B.C.E. that two Israelite spies came into Jericho and took up lodging a Rahabs home. (Joshua 2:1) They stayed there long enough to spy out the land so that the Israelites could conquer it. The two spies were recognized as Israelites and the matter was reported to the king. Rahab hid them among flax stalks that were drying on the roof and they were not found. (Joshua 2:2-

7) She enabled the spies to escape through a window of the house that was on the city wall and told them how they could avoid the search party. (Joshua 2:8-22) Rahab showed exemplary devotion to the God of Israel. (Hebrews 11:30, 31) (James 2:25) RAHAM: Raham was a son of Shema from the Calebite branch of Judahs genealogy. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 9, 42-44) RAIN: Rain is water falling in drops from vapor condensed by conditions produced in the atmosphere. (Job 36:27-28) (Ecclesiastes 1:7) (Isaiah 55:10) Jehovah prepares rain for the earth. (Psalm 147:8) (Isaiah 30:23) The term rain is also used figuratively in the Holy Scriptures. (Deuteronomy 32:2) Jehovahs instructions drip as the rain where His promises show blessing. (Malachi 3:10) RAINBOW: A rainbow is an arc of colored light in the sky caused by a refraction of the suns rays through rain. God said he would never again destroy all of mankind by a flood and he offered a rainbow as part of his pledge. (Genesis 9:8-17) RAKKATH: Rakkath was a fortified city of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:3235) It is located on the Sea of Galilee North of Tiberias. RAKKON: This city was listed when describing the border of Dan. (Joshua 19:40, 41, 46) RAM, ANCESTOR OF JESUS CHRIST: Ram was a descendant of Judah through Perez and Hezron. He lived at the time Israel was in Egypt. Rams genealogy leads to the Davidic line. Nahshon, Boaz, and David were among his descentants. That makes him an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 9-25) (Numbers 1:7) (Ruth 4:18-22) (Matthew 1:3, 4) (Luke 3:33) RAM, SON OF JERAHMEEL: This Ram was the first born of Jerahmeel. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 25, 27) RAM, HEAD OF FAMILY: He was the founder of Elihus family. (Job 32:2) RAMAH, OF BENJAMIN: Ramah was a city in the territory of Benjamin. It was located south of Ephraim near Bethel. (Joshua 18:25) (Judges 4:5) The Jews taken captive to Babylon were gathered at Ramah. (Jeremiah 40:1) This gave rise to the saying: A sound is heard in Ramah, the sound of crying in bitter grief. Rachel is crying for her children. She refuses to be comforted, because they

are dead. (Jeremiah 31:15,16) Rachel was the mother of Benjamin. Jeremiah further explained that there was still hope, for the exiles would return. RAMAH, OF SIMEON: This enclave city was in the Negeb about 19 miles east of Beer-sheba. It belonged to the tribe of Simeon. (Joshua 19:1, 8) Ramah was the same city as Baalathbeer and was known as Ramah of the south. RAMAH, OF ASHER: This Ramah was a city in the territory of Asher. It is only listed in Joshua 19:24, 29. RAMAH, OF NAPHTALI: This city was a fortified city in Naphtalis territory. (Joshua 19:32, 36) RAMAH, SAMUELS HOMETOWN: Samuel the prophet was born at Ramathaim-zophim in the mountions of Ephraim. (1 Samuel 1:1, 19; 9:5) (1 Chronicles 6:27, 28, 34, 35) The shortened name is Ramah. Each year Samuel traveled to Shiloh to sacrifice. (1 Samuel 1:3, 19; 2:11) He used Ramah as a base from which he traveled in a circuit judging Israel. (1 Samuel 25:1; 28:3) RAMATHAIM-ZOPHIM: This was the home of Elkanah in the mountains of Ephraim. (1 Samuel 1:1) RAMATHITE: Shimei was called a Ramathite because he was from a town named Ramah. He was the vineyard keeper of King David. (1 Chronicles 27:27) RAMATH-LEHI: Samson struck down a thousand Philistines with the moist jawbone of an ass! Then he named the site in Judah where this event took place, Ramath-Lehi. The term means Lofty Place of the Jawbone. (Judges 15:16-18) RAMATH-MIZPEH: This was one of the cities east of the Jordan River given to the tribe of Gad. (Joshua 13:24, 26) RAMIAH: Ramiah was an Israelite of the sons of Parosh. He sent away his foreign wives and sons when Ezra requested it. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 25, 44) RAMOTH, OF ISSACHAR: Ramoth was a Levite city in the territory of Issachar. (1 Chronicles 6:71-73) It is considered the same as Remeth and Jarmuth. (Joshua 19:17, 21; 21:27-29)

RAMOTH-GILEAD: Ramoth-gilead was a city in the territory of Gad, east of the Jordan River. It was also called Ramah. (2 Kings 8:28, 29) (2 Chronicles 22:5, 6) It was a Levite city as well as a city of refuge. (Deuteronomy 4:43) (Joshua 20:8; 21:38) (1 Chronicles 6:8) It was at Ramoth-gilead that Elishas attendant anointed Jehu, the military chief, to be the next king. (2 Kings 9:1-14) RAMPART: This is a mound of earth or stones or a wall used as fortification around a place. Sometimes in the Bible it is called a siege rampart or siege mound. (2 Samuel 20:15) (2 Kings 19:32) (Ezekiel 4:1, 2) God gives the divine help of salvation as the rampart for the faithful. (Isaiah 26:1) RANSOM: The price paid to buy back or obtain release from an obligation. The redemption price must be equal to the value of the person being released. The shed blood of Jesus Christ was paid for deliverance from sin and death of all of Adams offspring. We learn at Psalm 49:6-9 that no human can pay the redemption price. Only Jesus Christs perfect life has the necessary value. (Romans 5:15-17) (1Corinthians 15) RAPE: Rape is the crime of forcing a person, usually a woman, to submit to sexual intercourse against her will. Physical force, psychological duress and intimidation or acts of deception are often used to perform rape. The victim often experiences psychological and emotional problems that last for a long time. There was a case of multiple rapes in the city of Gibeah of Benjamin reported in Judges chapters 19 and 20. King Davids son Amnon violated his half sister Tamar. Tamars brother Absalom saw to it that he was killed because of that. (2 Samuel 13:1-18) RAPHA: The fifth son of Benjamin as noted at 1 Chronicles 8:1, 2. It is possible that Rapha died with no descendants. RAPHAH: Raphah was a Benjamite whose son Palti was one of the 12 to spy out the land of Canaan in 1512 B.C.E. (1 Chronicles 8:3337; 9:43) RAPHU: Raphu was a Benjamite whose son Palti was one of the 12 to spy out the land of Canaan in 1512 B.C.E. (Numbers 13:9, 16. RAVEN: The raven is a large crow like bird. It measures two feet long with a three-foot wingspan. The plumage is glossy with a jetblack color. (Song of Solomon 5:11) It is the first bird specifically named in the Bible. (Genesis 8:7) (Proverbs 30:17) It is a carrion

eating bird that will eat most anything including: nuts, berries, grains, rodents, reptiles, fish and young birds. After Noah released the raven from the ark it remained outside the ark, using it only as a resting-place. (Genesis 8:5-7) RAZOR: Two Hebrew words are used for razor. They mean a sharp instrument used to remove hair or to lay bare. (Isaiah 3:17) (Genesis 41:14) A person who took a Nazirite vow did not use a razor on his head until the period of the vow was completed. (Numbers 6:5, 18) (Judges 13:5; 16:17) (Acts 21:23, 24) The tongue is compared to a sharp razor at Psalm 52:2. READING: Reading is the learning and reasoning process of understanding a written linguistic language. Obviously reading came into existence at the same time as writing. There is specific reference to reading in the days of Moses. (Exodus 17:14) The people of Israel were encouraged to read and write. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) Jehovah told Joshua to read in an undertone or meditate on the Law. (Joshua 1:8) (Psalm 1:2) To read in an undertone means to meditate on what you read and to read it over and over again to yourself. Jesus read from the Hebrew Scriptures publicly in the synagogues. (Luke 4:16-21) When Jesus rebuked Satan he replied, it is written. Then he quoted from the Scriptures. (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10) Reading Gods Word opens the heart to his Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 4:12) REAPER, REAPING: Reaping is gathering crops. Harvesting grain in ancient times required cutting the grain with a sickle. (Deuteronomy 16:9) (Mark 4:29) Sometimes they uprooted the plant from the earth. This was useful because the grain did not grow tall and the straw as needed. Reaping is frequently used in the Scriptures to illustrate the end result of ones works. The main principle is that a man sows what he reaps. (Galatians 6:7-9) (Proverbs 22:8) (Hosea 8:1,7) The apostle Paul told the Corinthians to reap sparingly and you will reap sparingly, also reap bountifully and you will reap bountifully. (2 Corinthians 9:5-7) Christ is pictured in Revelation chapter 14 as the reaper who thrust in his sickle on the earth, and earth was reaped. (Revelation 14:14-20; 19:11-16) REBA: Reba was one of the five kings of Midian slain in the avenging of Midians immoral seduction of Israel. (Numbers 31:2, 8) They are also referred to as the dukes of Sihon. (Joshua 13:21)

REBEKAH: Rebekah was the daughter of Bethuel the son of Nahor. She was therefore the grandniece of Abraham. Her brother was Laban. (Genesis 22:20-23) Abraham sent his household manager to find him a wife. He found Rebekah, a modest, hospitable and industrious young woman who was very attractive. (Genesis 24) REBELLIOUSNESS, DISOBEDIENCE: Rebelliousness is intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude. It involves insubordinate actions that include defiance. This also includes hostile challenges to superior authority. Rebelliousness and disobedience are caused by pride, selfishness, outside pressures; desire to get out from under subjection or oppression, either real or imagined. Satan the Devil and his angelic followers were the first to rebel against God. He then convinced Adam and Eve to do the same. (Genesis 3:1-6) (1 Timothy 2:14) Rebelliousness and disobedience has continued throughout the centuries. The Scriptures are full of accounts of people who disobeyed God. Rebellion and disobedience among Christians was and is prevalent even today. The apostle Paul foretold an apostasy, or rebellion, among professed Christians. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) Apostates also existed in Pauls time. (1 Timothy 1:19, 20) (2 Timothy 2:16-19) REBUKE: A rebuke is an expression of criticism and censure. The Hebrew verb gaar expresses disapproval. (Genesis 37:10) The Greek word epitimao means rebuke, strictly charge, reprimand. (Matthew 12:16) (Luke 18:39) (2 Timothy 4:2) RECAH: This name of a Judean site is mentioned along with genealogical information for the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:12) RECHAB, THE BENJAMITE: Rechab was the Benjamite son of Rimmon the Beerothite. Rechab and his brother Baanah were both captains of the marauding bands that murdered Ish-bosheth. Ishbosheth was the son of Saul who succeeded him to the throne. The marauders presented his head to David expecting to win favor from him. Instead, David had them both executed for their wicked deed. (2 Samuel 4:2, 5-12) RECHAB, THE KENITE: This Rechab was the father of Jehus companion Jehonadab. He was a forefather of the Rechabites. (1 Chronicles 2:55) (2 Kings 10:15, 23) (Jeremiah 35:6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 19)

RECHAB, FATHER OF MALCHIJAH: This Rechab was the father of Malchijah. He helped Nehemiah repair a gate of Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 3:14) RECHABITES: The Rechabites were descendants of Rechab the Kenite through Jehonadab. (Jeremiah 35:6) (1 Chronicles 2:55) The respectful obedience to their earthly father stood in contrast to the disobedience of the Judeans to their Creator. So Jehovah gave the Rechabites the following promise found at Jeremiah 35: 1-19: A descendant of Jonadab, Rechabs son, will always serve me. (Jeremiah 35:19) RECONCILIATION: The Greek verb allasso means to change or alter. (Acts 6:14) (Galatians 4:20) The compound form of this word, ka-tal-lasso, means exchange and reconcile. (Romans 5:10 Paul uses the more intense apo-ka-tal-lasso in dealing with mans reconciliation to God by means of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:11-12) It is only by and through the ransom sacrifice of Christ Jesus that full reconciliation to God is possible. John 14:6 tells us Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me. RECORDER: The Hebrew word za-khar means remembrancer. (2 Samuel 8:16) This is referring to a recorder or high official chronicler. He furnished the king with reminders of important matters. (2 Kings 18:18) (2 Chronicles 34:8) RED SEA: Means Sea of Reeds in Hebrew. This is because there is a series of lakes and marshes between the head of the Gulf of Suez and the Mediterranean. Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt when Jehovah parted the waters of the Red Sea. This account is found at Exodus Chapters 13-15. REED: The Hebrew word qa-neh and the Greek word kala-mos mean reed. They refer to numerous reed-like plants commonly growing in wet places. (Job 40:1) (Psalm 68:30) (Isaiah 19:6; 35:7) Roman soldiers placed a reed in Jesus right hand. This was to represent a royal scepter. Later they hit him with it. A sponge soaked in sour wine was lifted to the impaled Jesus. (Matthew 27:29, 30, 48) (John 19:29) The book of Ezekiel speaks about a measuring reed that was six cubits long. (Ezekiel 40:5) (Revelation 11:1; 21:15,16) Bible writers use the reed to represent instability and frailty. (1 Kings 14:15) (2 Kings 18:21) (Isaiah 36:6; 42:3) (Ezekiel 29:6, 7) (Matthew 11:7; 12:10-14, 20) (Matthew 23:4) (Mark 6:34)

REDEMPTION: SEE RANSOM REFINE, REFINER: This term is used to describe what is done to metals. To refine is to separate and purify metals. It also refers to the craftsman who does it. Slag and impurities are removed from the desired metal by repeatedly melting in clay refining pots. (Psalm 12:6) (Proverbs 17:3; 27:31) The Holy Scriptures speak about refining in a figurative sense. Jehovah is referred to as a refiner. His Word is also refined. (2 Samuel 22:31) (Psalms 18:30; 119:140) (Proverbs 30:5) God purifies his people by removing the sinful dross of uncleanness. (Psalms 17:3; 26:2; 105:19) (Malachi 3:3) Fiery trials serve to refine the faithful. (Isaiah 48:10) (Daniel 11:35) (Zecariah 13:9) REGEM: Regem was the first son of Jahdai in the Calebite branch of Judahs genealogy. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 42, 47) REGEM-MELECH: Regem-Melech was one of two leading men sent by the people of Bethel to plead to Jehovah and inquire about continued fasting. This took place two years before the rebuilt temple was completed. (Zechariah 7:1-3) (Ezra 6:15) REGISTRATION, CENSUS : A registration or census is the process of counting all the citizens in a territory. It is the act of enrolling people for a specific purpose. Registrations in the Bible served various purposes, such as taxation, assignments of military service, and appointment to Levite duties at the sanctuary. There are a number of registrations reported in the Hebrew Scriptures but the registration mentioned in the Christian Greek Scriptures is best known to Christians. A decree went out from Caesar Augustus for all the inhabited earth to be registered. (Luke 2:1-3) Joseph and Mary were compelled to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem even though she was pregnant and about to give birth. Because of this, Jesus was born in the city of David in fulfillment of prophecy. (Lu ke 2:4-7) (Micah 5:2) REHABIAH: Rehabiah was the grandson of Moses, the only son of Eliezer, and the founder of a family of Levites that still existed when David was king. (1 Chronicles 23:15, 17; 24:21; 26:25) REHOBOAM: Rehoboam was the son of Solomon by his Ammonite wife Naamah. He succeeded his father to the throne in 997 B.C.E. He was 41 years old when he became king and he reigned for 17 years. (1 Kings 14:21) (1 Chronicles 3:10) (2 Chronicles 9:31) Rehoboam was the last king of the united monarchy and then the

first ruler of the southern two-tribe kingdom of Judah and Benjamin. Shortly after he was crowned king the ten tribes withdrew their support and made Jeroboam their king. (1 Kings 11:29-31; 12:1) (2 Chronicles 10:1) Early in his reign Rehoboam walked closely to the Laws of God. He built a number of cities and stocked them with food supplies and was successful as a ruler. When his kingship was firmly established he abandoned the worship of the true God and led Judah in the path of detestable sex worship. (1 Kings 14:22-24) (2 Chronicles 12:1) Jehovah God influenced the king of Egypt, Shishak, to organize allies and over run and capture a number of cities in Judah. This took place in the fifth year of Rehoboams reign and caused Rehoboam and his princes to humble themselves and repent of their wayward actions. Jerusalem would then escape further punishment. Rehoboam married 18 wives and fathered 28 sons and 60 daughters. He also had 60 concubines in his family. Rehobaoms life is best described by the following Bible verse from 2 Chronicles 12:14: He did evil because he did not seriously dedicate his life to Jehovah. REHOBOTH WELL: Issac called the well he dug at Ruheibeh, 22 miles southwest of Beersheba, Rehoboth Well. After naming the well Issac said that God had given ample room. (Genesis 26:22) Now he and his neighbors would have plenty of room without interfering with each other. REHOBOTH, THE CITY: Shaul, the Edomite king came from Rehoboth. (Genesis 36:31, 37) (1 Chronicles 1:43, 48) While the exact location of this city is no known, it was call Rehoboth by the River. This river probably means the Euphrates. (Psalm 72:8) (2 Chronicles 9:26) (Exodus 23:31) (Deuteronomy 11:24) REHOBOTH-IR: While its location is not known, the city of Rehoboth Ir was probably a suburb of Nineveh. It was built by Nimrod. (Genesis 10:10, 11) REHSH: Rehsh was the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. REI: His name means companion and friend. He was one of Davids mighty men who refused to join Adonijahs conspiracy. (1 Kings 1:8) REKEM, KING OF MIDIAN: Rekem was the king of Midian. He was punished for having seduced Israel with immorality. Five others were slain. They were called the dukes of Sihon. (Numbers 31:8) (Joshua 13:21)

REKEM, DESCENDANT OF MANASSEH: This Rekem was a relative of Manasseh. (1 Chronicles 7:14, 16) REKEM, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: This Rekem was a descendant of Judah through Hezrons son Caleb. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 9, 42-44) REKEM, THE CITY: Rekem was the name of a city in Benjamins territory. (Joshua 18:21, 27, 28) RELEASE: SEE AMNESTY RELIEF: Material aid and assistance offered in time of need is relief. Gods faithful servants are willing to assist truly needy persons. (Job 29:16; 31:19-22) (James 1:27) Christian congregations have shared in relief measures in behalf of their brothers in other places. (Acts 11:28, 29) (Romans 15:25-27) (1 Corinthians 16:1-3) (2 Corinthians 9:5, 7) REMALIAH: Remaliah was the father of Israelite King Pekah. (2 Kings 15:25) (2 Chronicles 28:6) (Isaiah 7:4, 5) REMETH: This was a boundary city of Issachar. (Joshua 19:17, 18, 21) REMNANT: A remnant is group of survivors of a slaughter or destruction. This includes families, nations and tribes. It is used in the Bible to describe those faithful believers who remain. Noah and his family were a remnant of mankind that existed before the Flood. The Hebrew word shaar means remain. (Genesis 7:23) The most frequent references are concerning those who were Gods people. That remnant would return to Jerusalem and rebuild it. (Isaiah 1:9; 11:11, 16; 37:31, 32) (Jeremiah 23:3; 31:7-9) REPENTANCE: Repentance is to turn away from sin and begin living according to Gods righteous requirements. (1 John 5:17) (James 4:17) (1 John 3:4) (John 3:16, 36) REPHAEL: Rephael was a son of Obed-edoms firstborn Shemaiah. (1 Chronicles 26:4, 7, 8, 15) REPHAH: Rephah was an Ephraimite ancestor of Joshua. (1 Chronicles 7:22-27)

REPHAIAH, SON OF TOLA: Rephaiah was the second son of Tola and head of a paternal house in the tribe of Issachar. (1 Chronicles 7:1, 2) REPHAIAH, THE BENJAMITE: This Benjamite descended from King Saul and Jonathan. (1 Chronicles 9:39-43) He is also called Raphah at 1 Chronicles 8:37. REPHAIAH, SON OF ISHI: This Rephaiah was one of Ishis four sons. Rephaiah led 500 Simeonites against the Amalekites. The Amalekites escaped into Mount Seir and the Simeonites captured the territory. (1 Chronicles 4:41-43) REPHAIAH, DESCENDANT OF DAVID: This man lived after the exile in Babylon. He was a descendant of David. (1 Chronicles 3:5, 9, 10, 21) REPHAIAH, HELPED NEHEMIAH: He was the son of Hur. (Ne 3:9) This Rephaiah was an official in Jerusalem. He helped Nehemiahs repair project by working on Jerusalems wall. REPHAIM: The Rephaim were a tribe of tall people who lived east of the Dead Sea. (Deuteronomy 2:10, 11, 19, 20) The Israelites had trouble with the Rephaim who lived in the forest of the mountainous region of Ephraim. (Joshua 17:14-18) Goliath, whom David killed, was evidently one of these people. (1 Samuel 17:4-7) REPHAIM VALLEY: This broad plain or valley was near Jerusalem. It got its name from the tall people named the Rephaim who once lived there. (Joshua 15:1 ,8; 18:11, 16) REMPHAN: Stephen defended himself before the Sanhedrin by quoting from the Greek Septuagint the words of Amos 5:26, 27. He pointed to the fact that the Israelites were exiled as a result of their worship of foreign deities, such as Remphan (Kaiwan). Rephan was ab astral deity. (Acts 7:43) REPHIDIM: Rephidim was one of the campsites where the Israelites stayed on their journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai. The Amalekites attacked the Israelites there, however Joshua lead the fighting and Gods people vanquished the attackers. (Exodus 17:1-16) (Numbers 33:12-14) Moses father in law brought Zipporah and her two sons to Moses at that time. He also suggested to Moses that he should select leaders to aid in judging the people. (Exodus 18:1-27)

REPRESENTS MY BODY AND MY BLOOD: To serve as a means of expressing something and to symbolize or typify something is to represent that object or person. Jesus Christ symbolized his body and blood when he established the Lords Evening Meal. He said: This represents (is)(means) my body The Greek word esti can be translated is or means. The context of the accounts in the Scriptures indicates that Jesus was representing his body and blood not actually offering it over and over again each time the faithful partakes of the Lords Evening Meal. (Matthew 26:26-30) (Mark 14:22-25) (Luke 22:14-20) (1 Corinthians 11:23-25) First century Christians would not have ingested blood because of the command in the Scriptures not to eat blood! (Genesis 9:4) (Leviticus 17:14) (Acts 15:28, 29; 21:25) The apostle Pauls letter to the Hebrews makes it clear that Christ would offer his life, body and blood, once for all time at Hebrews 9:28. Thus the New Simplified Bible uses the word represents when describing what Jesus did with his body and blood when he offered the bread and the wine. Clearly this is a symbolic representation. REPROACH: Hebrew noun cher-pah and Greek noun onei-dismos mean reproach such as a mild rebuke or criticism, disgrace or shame. Cause for reproach could be idolatry, adultery, thievery and all immorality. (2 Samuel 13:13) (Proverbs 6:32, 33) (Romans 1:1832; 2:17-24) REPTILES: A reptile is a cold-blooded, vertebrate, air-breathing animal. Snakes, serpents, chameleons, geckos and other lizards are among the reptiles mentioned in the Bible. (Deuteronomy 32:24) (Jeremiah 8:17) (Micah 7:17) Satan the Devil is depicted as a serpent in the third chapter of Genesis. RESEN: Nimrod built this city in Assyria between Nineveh and Calah. (Genesis 10:10-12) RESHEPH: Resheph was an Ephraimite and one of Joshuas ancestors. (1 Chronicles 7:22-27) RESINOUS TREE: Hebrew: gopher means tar or pitch. The wood Noah used to construct the ark was a resinous tree, possibly a cypress tree. (Genesis 6:14) The Bible does not clearly identify what kind of resinous tree it is. RESPECT: SEE FEAR and FEAR OF GOD: Jehovah God is our creator. He is worthy of our total respect and reverence. (Revelation

4:11) Out of love we should be completely obedient to him. (Malachi 1:6) (1 John 5:3) We should offer him the very best of all that we have. (Proverbs 3:9) (Luke 21:2) RESTORATION YEAR: Every fifty years the ancient Israelites returned to the original owner any property they were holding. They freed their Israelite slaves and did not cultivate their fields. This is sometimes called the Year of Jubilee. You can read about it at Chapter 25 of Leviticus. RESTORATION, TIMES OF: Restoration means to restore to a former condition. The times of restoration mentioned at Acts 3:20,21 speaks about the time when Jesus Christ will return the earth. The earth will hav the same paradisiacal conditions it had before Adam and Eve sined and were put out of the garden of Eden. The Greek word a-po-ka-tasta-sis means restoration. RESURRECTION: Resurrection comes from the Greek word anasta-sis. It means rise up, or stand up, to bring back from the dead. It is used in the Christian Greek Scripture on the subject resurrection of the dead. The apostle Paul quoted Hosea 13:14 at 1 Corinthians 15:54, 55 where he spoke of the abolition of death and completely putting the grave out of business. Jesus Christ performed resurrections when he was here on earth. (Luke 7:11-15; 8:49-56) (John 11:38-44) It is only through Jesus Christ that resurrection and everlasting life is possible. (John 5:26) RETIREMENT FROM THE MINISTRY: Contrary to what many in Christendom may think the Holy Scriptures make no provisions for retirement from the Christian ministry. All the examples in the Bible show diligent activity until the death of each minister. The apostle Paul was active in his ministry while in prison and continued steady ministerial activity until he was put to death. (Acts 28:30, 31) (2 Timothy 4:6, 7) Peter was active to the end of his life. (2 Peter 1:13-15) John wrote his Gospel and the three letters bearing his name at an extremely old age. He served Jehovah faithfully for 70 years. The great crowd seen by John after the vision of the 144,000 sealed ones render God sacred service day and night. (Revelation 7:4, 9, 15) There is no retirement from the Christian ministry! RETRIBUTION: Hebrew sha-lam and ga-mal mean reward, retribution, retribution, and repay. The Greek words apodidomi, antimisthia, and misthapodosia translate to the same meanings. Much is spoken of Gods judgments and retribution in the Hebrew

Scripture but of more importance to Christians are the details in the Greek Scriptures. It is there that we learn that the symbolic Babylon the Great is to suffer retribution and be thrown down, never to be found again. (Revelation 18:2, 6, 20, 21) Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion including false churches in Christendom. After warning that even disobedient angels received recompense for their sins, the apostle Paul asked the faithful: How shall we escape, if we neglect such a great salvation? (Hebrews 2:2, 3) An example of such retribution is spoken of at 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 9, 10. Paul speaks of the judgment of destruction upon the apostate man of lawlessness. The final act of retribution and judgment by our loving God take place when the wicked are thrown into the Lake of Fire and completely destroyed. (Revelation 20:15) It is important to note that this wonder and loving God always extends mercy to the unwitting and repentant sinner, but once the time of retribution comes the time for repentance is over. REU: Reu was the Son of Peleg and father of Serug. He was a link in the genealogy between Shem, Abraham and Jesus Christ. (1 Chronicles 1:24-27) (Genesis 11:18-21) (Luke 3:35) REUBEN: Reuben was the firstborn of Jacobs 12 sons. His mother was Jacobs less favored wife, Leah. (Genesis 29:30-32; 35:23; 46:8) Reuben persuaded his nine brothers not to kill Joseph, but instead to throw him into a pit. It was Reubens intent to return later and rescue Joseph from the pit. (Genesis 37:18-20) Twenty years later Reuben reminded the brothers that he did not share in their plot to kill Joseph. (Genesis 42:9-14, 21, 22) The name Reuben also stands for the tribe consisting of Reubens descendants and the land of their inheritance. (Genesis 46:8, 9) (Exodus 6:14) (1 Chronicles 5:3) REUEL, SON OF ESAU: Reuel was the second son of Esau by Ishmaels daughter Basemath. Reuels four sons became Edomite sheiks. (Genesis 36:2-4, 10, 13, 17) (1 Chronicles 1:35, 37) REUEL, MOSES FATHER IN LAW: This Reuel was a priest of Midian. He was the father in law of Moses. He was also called Jethro. (Exodus 2:16-21) (Numbers 10:29) REUEL, FATHER OF ELIASAPH: This man was a Gadite. His son Eliasaph was tribal leader during the trips through the wilderness. (Numbers 2:14)

REUEL, ANCESTOR OF A BENJAMITE: Reuel was related to a Benjamite who lived in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 7, 8) REUMAH: Reumah was the concubine belonging to Abrahams brother Nahor. She gave birth to four sons. (Genesis 22:20, 24) REVELATION: The last book of the Bible is A Revelation to John. Greek: apocalypses, means uncovering or a disclosure. This is the Revelation God gave to Jesus Christ, so that he can tell his servants the things that must soon take place. Jesus Christ then gave it to John. It was presented in signs through John. Christ sends his angel to communicate this symbolic message to the Apostle John. (Revelation 1:1) The apostle John wrote this book under divine inspiration in the year 96 C.E. The book of Revelation contains some visions that seem terrifying. However, it was written to make its readers happy: Happy is he who reads, and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and obey the things written in it; for the time is near. (Revelation 1:3) This is the last book in the Holy Scriptures. The Apocalypse fittingly ends with the words: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! REVILING: Someone who reviles insults and verbally abuses another. It involves lying and spreading negative information. When the Israelites reviled or called down evil upon their parents they were subject to the death penalty. (Exodus 21:17) (Matthew 15:4) (Mark 7:10) Reviling has no place among Christians. In fact the reviler will not receive everlasting live. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) (1 Peter 3:8, 9) A person who habitually and intentionally vilified others was to be expelled from the congregation. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13) REZEPH: Rezeph is a place mentioned in Sennecheribs message to King Hezekiah. Sennecherib was boasting that Assyrian kings destroyed these nations. (2 Kings 19:8-12) (Isaiah 37:12) REZIN, KING OF SYRIA: Rezin was the king of Syria. He reigned in Damascus at the time that King Jotham and his son King Ahaz reigned over Judah. (777-746 B.C.E.) Rezin joined with Pekah the king of Israel to make war against Judah. (2 Kings 15:36-38) They captured many Judeans and took them to Damascus. (2 Chronicles 28:5) Tiglath-pileser III made war on Damascus, captured Rezin and killed him. Syria then came under Assyrian domination. (2 Kings 16:9)

REZIN, THE NETHINIM: This Rezin was the father of a family of Nethinim. Some of his relatives returned to Jerusalem from Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 43, 48) (Nehemiah 7:6, 46, 50) REZON: Rezon was the son of Eliada. He opposed King Solomon and was serving the king of Zobah when David took over Damascus. He abandoned Hadadezer and took over the reign over Syria from Damascus. Rezon hated Israel but inspite of his feelings he had extensive dealing with Israel. (1 Kings 11:23-25) (1 Chronicles 18:36) RHEGIUM: The ship on which the apostle Paul was traveling as a prisoner made a stop at Rhegium when he was on his way to appear before Caesar in Rome in 59 C.E. Rhegium is situated on the Strait of Messina, which separates Italy and Sicily. (Acts 28:13) RHESA: This ancestor of Jesus Christ was the son of Zerubbabel. (Luke 3:23, 27) RHODA: Rhoda was a member of the Christian congregation in Jerusalem in the first century. She was a servant girl of the household of Marks mother Mary. (Acts 12:3, 5, 12-16) RHODES: Rhodes is an island off the southwest corner of Turkey. It is one of the largest in the Aegean Sea measuring 47 miles long by 22 miles wide. Its capital city is also called Rhodes. The ship Paul was traveling on came from Cos to Rhodes at the end of his third missionary journey about 56 C.E. (Acts 21:1) RIB: The human body has 24 ribs. These long and slender curved bones enclose the chest cavity. They are arranged in 12 pairs and form a cage protecting the heart and lungs. Blood is produced in the marrow of the rib bones. God took a rib from Adams side and built the woman Eve. (Genesis 2:21, 22) An interesting side note is that a rib that has been removed could grow again and replace itself. God was certainly aware of this quality of the rib bones. RIBAI: Ribai was a Benjamite who lived in Gibeah. His son Ittai was one of Davids thirty famous warriors. (2 Samuel 23:24, 29) (1 Chronicles 11:31) RIBLAH: This town was in northern Israel in the land of Hamath. (Jeremiah 52:9) There are ruins near modern Ribleh along the east bank of the Orontes River that could be the location of the old town of Riblah. A number of Bible scholars conclude that the Diblah at

Ezekiel 6:14 should read Riblah. The Riblah on the eastern boundary of Canaan is an unidentified location. (Numbers 34:2, 10, 11) RICHES: Riches could be defined as material and spiritual abundance. A person having a good standing with God and who does the divine will of God is a person who is rich toward God. (Luke 12:21) Jesus told his disciples to build up treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:20) (Luke 12:33) His followers were to be rich or abound in faith, love, goodness, and other godlike qualities. (Galatians 5:22, 23) (James 2:5) (1 Peter 2:11, 12) (2 Peter 1:5-8) Paul warned Timothy that those who were determined to be materially wealthy would fall into temptation at 1 Timothy 6:9,10. Jesus gave the ultimate wisdom concerning riches when he said: You cannot serve both God and money. (Matthew 6:24) RIDDLE: A riddle is puzzling saying. It could be called an ambiguous saying or perplexing question. (2 Chronicles 9:1) (Psalm 78:2-4) (Proverbs 1:5,6) Sometimes riddles are used to make the message more interesting. For example Revelation 13:18 says the number of the wild beast is six hundred and sixty-six. It says it is the number of a man, but it does not tell the full meaning of the number. One then needs to search elsewhere to find out that the number six is the imperfect number of man stated three times for emphases. RIDICULE: Other words that can be used interchangeably with ridicule are mock, deride, sneer, jeer and scoff. Ridiculers are usually detestable to others. (Proverbs 24:9) Those who deride the poor are despicable. (Proverbs 17:5; 30:17) Ridiculers refuse to listen to rebuke. (Proverbs 13:1) Jesus Christ was sneered at, laughed at, made fun of, and even spit upon, during his stay on earth. (Mark 5:40) (Luke 16:14; 18:32) In the last days Christians would be mocked. (Jude 17, 18) (2 Peter 3:3, 4) The apostle Paul warns of the danger of mocking God at Galatians 6:3-8. RIGHTEOUSNESS: Greek: dikaiosune theou, means righteousness of God-Ro 3:21-24. True righteousness requires conformity to Gods will and his commandments. (Luke 1:6) Many times the word righteousness is used in connection with a judge, or with judgment. Other times it is translated justice. (Psalm 35:24; 72:2; 96:13) (Isaiah 11:4) (Revelation 19:11) The apostle Paul points out the difference between goodness and righteousness at Romans 5:7, 8. He explains that Christ died for all people. The Law given to Moses was righteous. It served Gods purpose by making transgressions

known, and being a tutor leading to Christ. However, it does not make people righteous. They all remain sinners needing Gods forgiveness. (Deuteronomy 4:8) (Romans 7:12; 8:3, 4) (Galatians 3:19, 24) (Hebrews 7:18-28; 10:1) Righteousness comes through faith in Jehovah, the True God of the Holy Scriptures and through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, 36) RIMMON, FATHER OF BAANAH AND RECHAB: This Rimmon was a Benjamite. He was the father of the murderers of Sauls son Ish-bosheth. (2 Samuel 4:2, 5-7, 9) RIMMON, CITY OF THE TRIBE OF SIMEON: Rimmon was a city belonging to the tribe of Simeon. (Joshua 19:1, 2, 7) RIMMON, LEVITE CITY: This Levite enclave city of the Merari family was on the east border of the land of Zebulun. (Joshua 19:10, 13) RIMMON ROCK: This large rock formation was the place where 600 men of the tribe of Benjamin retreated from the battle near Gibeah. They remained there until peace envoys approached. Rimmon Rock is 3.5 miles east of Bethel and 11 miles northeast of Jerusalem. (Judges 20:45-47; 21:13) RIMMON, SYRIAN GOD: The Syrian army chief Naaman acknowledged Jehovah as the true God after he was cured of his leprosy. He was very concerned because he had to accompany the king of Syria into the temple of Rimmon and bow down to the idol of Rimmon. (2 Kings 5:15-18) RAMMONO: Rammono was the name of the site that is also called Dimnah at Joshua 21:35. It is called Rimmon at Joshua 19:13. (1 Chronicles 6:77) RIMMON-PEREZ: This wilderness campsite was used by the Israelites. It was located between Rithmah and Libnah. (Numbers 33:19, 20) RING: A ring is a circular band worn by both men and women. They wore them on their fingers, ears and noses. Rings were common among nearly all peoples of antiquity. Rings were made of gold, silver, brass, bronze iron and ivory. Jesus illustration of the prodigal son spoke of the forgiving father ordering a ring to be put on the hand of the returning prodigal. (Luke 15:22) This showed favor and affection from the father. It also afforded dignity, honor

and status to the restored son. Christians were warned not to dress in finery, fine jewelry and showing favoritism to the well-to-do. (James 2:1-9) The apostle Peter emphasized that spiritual adornment is far more important. (1 Peter 3:1-5) The signet ring of a ruler or official was a symbol of his authority. (Genesis 41:41, 42) RINNAH: Rinnah was one of the sons of Shimon. He is listed among the descendants of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 20) RIPHATH: Riphath was the son of Gomer and the grandson of Japheth. (Genesis 10:2, 3) (1 Chronicles 1:6) Riphath was among the people of the nations who were spread throughout the earth after the Flood. (Genesis 10:32) RIPPING GARMENTS: The Jews and many other people in the mid-east ripped their clothes when they heard of the death of a near relative. The usually did not tear the entire garment but only the front open to the breast. Thus the ripping process did not make the garment unfit for wearing. Job ripped his sleeveless coat apart when told of the death of his children. (Job 1:20) Joshua ripped his clothes after the defeat at Ai. (Joshua 7:6) The young man announcing Kings Sauls death ripped his garment. (2 Samuel 1:2), and David tore his clothing when notified of the murder his sons. (2 Samuel 13:30, 31) High Priest Caiaphas expressed anger and indignation by ripping his garments when Jesus admitted that he was the Son of God. (Matthew 26:65) Paul and Barnabas vented their anguish by ripping their outer garments apart when the people of Lystra worshiped them as gods. (Acts 14:8-18) This outward expression of grief and anger often demonstrated insincere hypocrisy. Because of this Joel told the people of Judah: Rip apart your hearts, and not your garments, and come back to Jehovah your God. (Joel 2:13) RISSAH: This Israelite wilderness (desert) campsite was mentioned at Numbers 33:21, 22. It was located between Libnah and Kehelathah about 34 miles northwest of the north end of the Gulf of Aqaba. RITHMAH: Rithmah was one of Israels wilderness campsites. (Numbers 33:18, 19) RIVER: Hebrew nahar means river. A river is body of water that flows in a natural channel. Most rivers offer a continual flow of water, yet others are dry from time to time. The rivers found in the Bible include: the Hiddekel (Tigrus), Euphrates, Jordan, Abanah,

and Pharpar. (Genesis 2:14) (2 Kings 5:10, 12) The Nile of Egypt is also mentioned and referred to as yeor meaning stream or canal. (Isaiah 33:21) Figuratively speaking, a river was used as a barrier to the progress of enemy forces, serving in defense of some cities. Babylon very effectively used its river. Jerusalem had no river as a natural defense. However, Jehovah God was described as the source of a mighty river of protection to that city. (Isaiah 33:21, 22) The massive destructive flooding of a river is used to represent the invasion of enemy forces. (Isaiah 8:7) RIVER OF EGYPT: Jehovah promised his people that Abrahams seed would be given the land form the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates River at Genesis 15:18. It is not clear what the river of Egypt is. Some think it is the Wadi elArish of the Sinai Peninsula, which empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Another possiblility is the Shihor River in Egypt. (1 Chronicles 13:5) Or it could be a different branch of the Nile, or the Nile itself. RIZIA: Rizia was a warrior and family head in the tribe Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:39, 40) RIZPAH: Rizpah was King Sauls concubine. She was the daughter of Aiah. (2 Samuel 3:7-21; 21:11) After Sauls death, his son Ishbosheth alienated General Abner by accusing him of having relations with Rizpah. Abner intern defected to David. Rizpah gave birth to two sons by Saul, Armoni and Mephibosheth. These sons were later slain by the Gibeonites. ROCK: Jehovah is my rock and my fortress. (Psalm 18:2) The Holy Scriptures uses the term rock and crag to figuratively describe the qualities of Jehovah God. He is the Father of Israel (Deuteronomy 32:18) and a stronghold (2 Samuel 22:32, 33) (Isaiah 17:10). Our God is a secure height and a refuge for his people. (Psalms 62:7; 94:22) And Jehovah is the God of salvation. (Deuteronomy 32:15) (Psalm 95:1) Jesus speaks of rocks in his illustration of the sower at Matthew 13:3-5,20. The Greek word petros is used as a proper name for Peter at John 1:42. SEE PETER. The Bible conveys the names of rocks and crags in the Hebrew Scriptures. A good example is the rock called Oreb found at Judges 7:25 and Isaiah 10:26. This practice of naming rocks is not uncommon even in our day. Everywhere you travel in the Rocky Mountains, USA you find named rocks such as Sleeping Indian, Lovers Leap, and Castle Rock.

ROCK BADGER: The rock badger is a small animal that dwells in rocky areas. It looks like a large rabbit, has short ears, short legs and a very short tail. It finds holes and crevices to which it can hide from danger. It is a quiet animal but can inflict much damage with savage bites of its incisors teeth. The rock badger is a creature that chews the cud and does not split the hoof. (Leviticus 11:5) (Deuteronomy 14:7) The instinctive wisdom of hiding in the rocks is credited to the rock badger and expressed in the Scriptures. (Psalm 104:18) (Proverbs 30:26) ROCK-MASS: The Greek word petra translates to mass of rock. (Matthew 7:24, 25; 27:51, 60) (Luke 6:48; 8:6,13) (Revelation 6:15, 16) This is bigger than petros meaning piece of rock. Jesus pointed out at Matthew 16:18 that he, Jesus, was the entire rock mass while Peter was only a piece of the rock. It is absolutely clear that Christ Jesus is the foundation cornerstone! (Ephesians 2:1922) (Revelation 21:2, 9-14) Peter identified the rock mass to be Jesus Christ at 1 Peter 2:4-8. When Jesus said on this rock I will build my church, he was talking about himself! ROD, STAFF: Speaking of Jehovah as his Shepherd, David wrote: your rod and your staff comfort me. (Psalm 23) Micah prayed to God to Shepherd your people with your staff, the flock of your inheritance. (Micah 7:14) The shepherd used his staff or crook to direct and defend and help his flock. The rod and staff was a valuable tool owned by many. Chieftains carried a rod as a symbol of authority and the Bible used the rod to symbolize authority. Mose rod was a symbol of his authority and commission from God. He used it when he appeared before the older men of Israel and when he appeared before Pharaoh. (Exodus 4:29-31; 7:9-12) RODANIM: Rodanim was one of Javans four sons at 1 Chronicles 1:7. Some Bible translations spell his name Dodanim but many lexicographers consider Rodanim to be the preferred reading. They consider the island of Rhodes as the place where his descendants settled. SEE: DODANIM ROEBUCK: The roebuck is the male of the roe deer, a small animal resembling a gazelle. The average roebuck is two feet high and four feet long. The males have antlers that they shed every year. It was a chewer of the cud and a splitter of the hoof, and therefore was acceptable for food. (Deuteronomy 14:5, 6) (1 Kings 4:22, 23)

ROGELIM: This town in Gilead was the home of Davids friend Barzillai. (2 Samuel 17:27-29; 19:31, 32) Rogelim was about seven miles southwest of Irbid. ROHGAH: Rohgah was the second son of Shemer in the genealogy of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 34) ROLL: SEE SCROLL ROMAMTI-EZER: Romanti-ezer was the son of Heman. He was selected by casting lots to head the last of the 24 Levitical groups of musicians who served at the sanctuary during Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 4, 5, 9, 31) ROMAN: A person who lived in the city of Rome, Italy was a Roman. (Acts 2:10) (Romans 1:7) Anyone having Roman citizenship was Roman regardless of his nationality or place of birth. (Acts 16:21) The apostle Paul was Roman. He was a Jew by nationality, and born in the Cilician city of Tarsus, hundreds of miles from Italy, but born a Roman citizen. (Acts 21:39; 22:3, 25-28; 23:26, 27) Paul had not yet been to Rome. (Romans 1:9-15) Paul mentions in ROMANS, THE LETTER: The apostle Pauls letter to the Romans was written about 56 C.E. from Corinth. Tertius served as Pauls secretary and wrote from his dictation. (Romans 16:22) His remarks in the first chapter indicate that his letter efforts made by Jews who professed Christianity but were Judaizers. These individuals insisted that Gentile converts be circumcised and observe some of the regulations of the Mosaic Law. The inspired letter to the Romans makes it clear that righteousness comes through faith in Jesus Christ and as a result of Gods grace (loving kindness). ROMANS, THE LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: Romans 1-11 Righteousness comes through faith and Gods loving kindness. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift from God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 7:24, 25 Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undegoing this death? Thanks to God, through our Lord Jesus Christ! So then I can serve Gods law only with my mind, while my human nature serves the law of sin. Romans 12-15 Christians must honor superior authorities ROME: The capital city of the Roman Empire at the time of Christ was Rome. (Acts 18:2) (Romans 1:7) Paul traveled to Rome. (Acts

23:1; 28:14-15) Rome is located on seven hills about sixteen miles up the Tiber River from the coast. It is halfway down the west side of the Italian peninsula. Latin was the official language of Rome in the apostle Pauls time. However, the international language was common Koine Greek. Rome became the recipient of many forms of false worship. It also became a place for Christians. Paul gave a thorough witness in Rome. (Acts 23:11) The apostle Paul wrote letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon during his two-year detention in Rome. He also wrote the letter to the Hebrews from Rome. (Hebrews 13:23, 24) Paul, Luke, Mark and other first century Christians visited Rome. (Philippians 1:1) (Colossians 4:10, 14) ROSH, SON OF BENJAMIN: This son of Benjamin was among those who went into Egypt in 1728 B.C.E. with Jacobs household. (Genesis 46:21, 26) ROSH, THE PRINCE OF: The expression Prince of Rosh is only found at Ezekiel 38:2. Some scholars believe that the Rosh were a barbarous people who lived in Russia along the Volga River. Others think it is a term describing rulership or a title, such as the great one or head prince. RUBY: This precious red gemstone is very rare. It is slightly inferior to the diamond in hardness. Yet its value may exceed the diamond of the same size in value. The Ruby was the first stone in the first row of gems on High Priest Aarons breast piece of judgment. (Exodus 28:2, 15, 17, 21; 39:10) Jehovah comforted Zion by describing her beauty by saying: I will make your battlements of rubies, and your gates of fiery glowing stones. (Isaiah 54:5, 6, 11, 12) RUDDER: The rudder is a ships steering mechanism. Greek and Roman ships had two steering paddles at the stern. The rudder oars were used to direct the ship. (Acts 27:40) James compares the power of the tongue to the ships rudder at James 3:4, 5. RUE: This strong-scented shrub perennial had hairy stems and grew to a height of about 3 feet. It was cultivated for use in medicine and flavoring for food. It is mentioned only at Luke 11:42. RUFUS THE SON OF SIMON: Rufus was the son of Simon of Cyrene who was forced to help carry the stake for Jesus. He was the brother of a man named Alexander. (Mark 15:21) (Luke 23:26)

RUFUS, A CHRISTIAN IN ROME: He was referred to as the chosen one in the Lord when Paul wrote his letter to the Romans. Paul also spoke of Rufus mother as his mother and mine. (Romans 16:13) RULER: The Hebrew word ma-shal and Greek word arkhon are both translated ruler. They mean a person who exercises authority or control. The supreme Ruler is Jehovah God the almighty. He exercises absolute sovereign authority over the universe. (Daniel 4:17, 25, 35) (1 Timothy 1:17) Jesus Christ, the Son of David was anointed with Holy Spirit to rule as king on a heavenly throne. (Matthew 21:9) (Luke 20:41) (Acts 2:34-36) He and his fellow heirs of the Kingdom will govern in the new system. (Revelation 14:1, 4; 20:4, 6; 22:5) Satan the Devil is the ruler of this world until Jesus Christ removes him. (John 12:31; 14:30) (2 Corinthians 4:4) (Matthew 4:8, 9) (Revelation 13:2) RUMAH: Rumah was the hometown of Zebidah, a wife of King Josiah of Judah. She wa the mother of Jehoiakim. (2 Kings 23:34, 36) Some think Rumah is the same as the town of Arumah, mentioned at Judges 9:41. (SEE:ARUMAH) RUNNERS: The apostle Paul uses running illustratively in the Greek Scriptures. He said: Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may attain it. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27) At the end of his life he said: I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7, 8) Running is also referred to in a literal sense. (Matthew 28:8) (Mark 9:15, 25; 10:17) (John 20:2) In the official sense, runners were fleet-footed men who ran before the kings chariot. (2 Samuel 15:1) (1 Kings 1:5) (2 Chronicles 30:6) RUSH: The Hebrew word aghmohn refers to any grasslike plant that commonly grows in marshes. The common rush is round and hollow and has small brown and green flowers. Rushes were used to start fires in a furnace. (Job 41:20) The term cord or rope was used instead of the word rush at Job 41:2. The prophet Isaiah employes the term rush in reference to bowing and falsely prophesying. (Isaiah 9:14; 58:5) RUST: Rust is a red or brown oxide coating on iron or steel caused by action of oxygen and moisture. Rust is used figuratively to show how things and spiritual values in this world will be corrupted. James warned those who depend on this worlds riches when he wrote: Your riches are corrupted and your garments are moth

eaten. Your gold and your silver are rusted. Their corrosion will be for a testimony against you, and will eat your flesh like fire. (James 5:2, 3) Jesus Christ counseled to Stop storing up treasures on earth where moth and rust consume. (Matthew 6:19, 20) RUTH, THE BOOK: This Moabitess was the wife of Mahian, whose father, Elimelech, settled in the land of Moab. After the death of her husband Ruth followed Naomi, her mother-in-law, to Bethlehem. A rich relative of Naomi named Boaz then met Ruth and they eventually married. Ruth became the mother of Obed, the grandfather of David. (Matthew 1:5) The book of Ruth is a gripping drama and narrative showing how this Gentile woman was blessed by Jehovah by becoming part of the unbroken Messianic line leading to King David and eventually to Jesus Christ. It will take you only a few minutes to read the entire book and it will strengthen your faith. SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY S SABACHTHANI: One of the Aramaic words uttered by our Lord Jesus while hanging on the stake. (Matthew 27:46) (Mark 15:34) It means: why have you forsaken me? SABBATH DAY: A day set apart by God for rest from work. The Sabbath was given by Jehovah as a sign between him and the sons of Israel. (Exodus 31:16, 17) Being a Jew, Jesus observed the Sabbath as directed by Gods word. The Christian Greek Scriptures plainly state that God blotted out the handwritten document. (Ephesians 2:13-15) (Colossians 2:13-16) (Romans 14:4-6) However, the principle of keeping everyday holy is observed by loyal followers of Christ. SABBBATH DAYS JOURNEY: The Sabbath Days Journey was approximately 2,920 feet, about half-a-mile. The Sabbath Days Journey was the distance between Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. This was the distance, according to Jewish tradition, it was allowable to travel on the Sabbath day without violating the law. (Acts 1:12) (Exodus 16:29) (Numbers 35:5) (Joshua 3:4) SABBATH YEAR: The land was allowed to rest during the seventh year out of each cycle of seven years in Israel. It was not cultivated and fellow and the Hebrews were not pressed for payment of debts.

(Deuteronomy 15:1, 2, 12) It required faith to keep the Sabbath years as part of Jehovahs covenant with Israel, but observing the covenant fully resulted in many blessings. (Leviticus 26:3-13) SABEANS, BAND OF LOOTERS: The Sabeans were a band of looters and plunderers who attacked the property of Job in the land of Uz. This band of raiders stole Jobs livestock and killed all but one of his attendants. (Job 1:14, 15) These lawless men may have been the descendants of several different men named Sheba. Scholars suggest that the Sabeans came through the Sheba who descended from Ham through Cush or Sheba the son of Joktan in Shems line. (Genesis 10:6, 7, 21-29) SABEANS, TALL PEOPLE: These Sabeans were tall people from Egypt and Ethiopia. They are recognized by Isaiah as persons who will say to the Israelites: God is with you, and there is no other. (Isaiah 45:14) SABEANS, DESCENDANTS OF SHEBA: These descendants of Sheba formed a kingdom near far end of the Arabian Peninsula. It is possible the Queen of Sheba was from this land. (1 Kings 10:1) SABTAH: Sabtah was a son of Cush and brother of Nimrod. He was progenitor of one to the 70 post-Flood families. (Genesis 10:7, 8, 32) (1 Chronicles 1:9, 10) It is possible that Sabtah settled in southern Arabia in the capital of Hadhramaut, near the Persian Gulf, but there is no proof of this. SABTECA: This man was the fifth son of Cush and father of one of the 70 post-flood families. (Genesis 10:7, 32) (1 Chronicles 1:9) SACAR, THE HARARITE: He was the Hararite father of Davids warrior Ahiam. Sacar was called Sharar at 2 Samuel 23:33. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 35) SACAR, SON OF OBEDL-EDOM: Sacar was the fourth son of Obededom. He was one of the gatekeepers during Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4) SACHIA: Sachia was the head of a paternal house in the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8-10) SACKCLOTH: A coarse cloth made of goats hair. It was worn as a sign of mourning or distress. (Genesis 37:4) (2 Samuel 3:31) (Matthew 11:21)

SACRED PILLAR: The sacred pillars erected by false religions were upright stone pillars. Some were evidently phallic symbols of Baal or other false gods. (Exodus 23:24) (2 Kings 3:2; 10:27) The Israelites were instructed not to erect any sacred pillars and to burn, break down or shatter the existing sacred pillars of the Canaanites. (Exodus 34:13) (Leviticus 26:1) (Deuteronomy 12:3; 16:22) (2 Kings 10:26) SACRED POLE: Hebrew ashe-rah means sacred pole representing a Canaanite goddess of fertility Asherah. Sometimes it was used to refer to the goddess herself. (Judges 6:25, 26) (2 Kings 13:6) The sacred poles or symbols stood upright and were made of wood. The Israelites were commanded to cut them down and burn them. (Exodus 34:13) (Deuteronomy 12:3) Both Israel and Judah disobeyed Gods command not to set up sacred pillars and sacred poles. They placed them upon every high hill and under every luxuriant tree. These idols were probably phallic symbols used with grossly immoral sex origies. (1 Kings 14:22-24) (2 Kings 17:10) SACRIFICE: God designated sacrifices as a divine institution. Acceptable worship required a sacrifice be offered up to cover the guilt of the worshiper. Abel offered a sacrifice of the first born of his flock. (Genesis 4:4) The Son of God, Jesus Christ, gave the greatest sacrifice of all when he died for all on the stake. (Hebrews 9:14) (1 John 1:7) SADDLE: A saddle is a seat that fastens over the back of an animal for a rider. The Hebrew term karhaggamal means camel-bag or camels saddle. (Genesis 22:3) (Leviticus 15:9, 19-23) (Numbers 22:21) (2 Samuel 17:23; 19:26) (1 Kings 2:40; 13:13, 27) (2 Kings 4:24) SADDUCEES: A Jewish religious party composed largely of priests. Their beliefs came primarily from the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus condemned both the Sadducees and the Pharisees for their false teachings and hypocritical behavior. (Matthew 3:7) (Matthew 22:23) SAFFRON: The word saffron is found only at The Song of Solomon 4:14. It is from the saffron-yielding crocus, a fall blooming bulbous plant with grasslike leaves and purple flowers. Saffron is used for flavoring foods and food coloring. It was once used to dye cloth a yellow hue. It has some medicinal value and was used in perfume.

SAKKUTH: While the meaning of this name is unclear, the Greek Septuagint reads the tent of Moloch and the Babylonians identified it as Saturn a star god. Sakkuth was likely an astral deity. (Amos 5:26) (Acts 7:43) SALAMIS: Salamis was a city in Cyprus where Paul, Barnabas and John Mark published the word of God. This occurred near the start of Pauls first missionary tour about 47 C.E. (Acts 13:2-5) Barnabas and John Mark probably visited Salamis again in 49 C.E. (Acts 15:36-39) SALECAH: Under Moses, Israel captured the city of Salecah from Og. (Deuteronomy 3:8, 10) (Joshua 12:4-5; 13:8, 11) (1 Chronicles 5:11) SALEM: Salem was the city where Melchizedek was king and priest. (Genesis 14:18) The name Salem means peace. It is incorporated in the name Jerusalem and is used in connection with Zion at Psalm 76:2. The parallels are many between Melchizedek and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the one chosen to be a king and priest according to the manner of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 3:1; 7:1-3, 15-17) SALIM: John the Baptist was baptizing in Aenon near Salim. (John 3:23) It was possibly 7 miles south of Bethshean. SALLAI, BENJAMITES IN JERUSALEM: The Sallai were Benjamites who lived in Jerusalem following the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:4, 7, 8) SALLAI, PRIESTLY PATERNAL HOUSE: This paternal house was used by High Priest Jeshuas successor Joiakim. (Nehemiah 12:7, 12, 20) SALMAI: Salmai was one of the Nethinim whose descendants returned to Jerusalem in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 46) (Nehemiah 7:48) SALMON: He was the son of Judahs chieftain Mahshon. He was probably born during the forty-year wilderness trek. Salmon married Rahab of Jericho, by whom he fathered Boaz. That made him part of the genealogical line leading to David and Jesus. (Numbers 2:3) (Ruth 4:20-22) (Matthew 1, 4, 5) (Luke 3:32)

SALMONE: Paul sailed past Salmone in about 58 C.E. on his way to Rome for trial. It is a small part of the Island of Crete identified with Cape Sidero at the east end of the island. (Acts 27:7) SALOME, MOTHER OF THE SONS OF ZEBEDEE: Salome was the mother of the sons of Zebedee, James and John the apostles of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 27:56) (Mark 15:40) Salome was a disciple of the Lord, Jesus Christ. She was among the women who accompanied Jesus and ministered to him. (Luke 8:3) On the third day after Jesus death, Salome was among the women who went to Jesus tomb early in the morning. (Mark 16:1-8) SALVATION: To be rescued from danger. Being saved from sin and death. The wages sin earns is death. (Ro 5:12; 6:23) Salvation is a gift from Jehovah God offered through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) (Ephesians 2:8-10) (Titus 2:11-12) (Hebrews 5:79) SALT: Salt is white crystalline sodium chloride used to season and preserve food. Salt was readily available to the Israelites. Evaporation of the Dead Sea waters furnished a large supply. (Genesis 14:3) There were also salt-bearing hills near there. (Genesis 19:26) (Zepaniah 2:9) The Bible identifies salt as an essential parts of mans diet and as a seasoning for food. (Job 6:6) Salt was also used in a figurative way. Jesus told his disciples: You are the salt of the earth. The good news they possessed preserved life. (Matthew 5:13) (Mark 9:50) (Luke 14:34, 35) SALT, CITY OF: A Judean city on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea was referred to as the city of salt. (Joshua 15:61, 62) SALT, VALLEY OF: The Israelites defeated the Edomites on two occasions at the Valley of Salt. (2 Samuel 8:13) (2 Kings 14:7) SALT HERB: Hebrew: mal-luach means mallow or salt herb. This food is mentioned once in the Scriptures at Job 30:4. SALT SEA: This sea is also called a lake in the Bible. It is also known as the Dead Sea. The Jordan River flows into the Salt Sea and there is no outlet so the evaporation of the water leaves large quantities of salt. (Genesis 14:3) (Numbers 34:3, 12) (Joshua 15:2, 5) The water of the sea is nine times saltier than the oceans of the earth. The lake is 9 miles wide by 47 miles long. It is believed that Sodom and Gomorrah were located near the southern end of the Salt Sea. (Genesis 14:3, 10; 19:24-26)

SALU: Salu was a Simeonite whose son Zimri was executed for immorality on the Plains of Moab. (Numbers 25:14) SAMARITAN: The Samaritans were the people who lived in Samaria, the region between Judea and Galilee. There were bad feelings between the Jews and the Samaritans. This was because of the differences in politics, race, customs, and religion. Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well. This was unusual since most Jews did not talk to Samaritans. (John 4:5-26) The story of the Good Samaritan is found at Luke 10:30-37. SAMEKH: Samekh is the 15th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is the initial letter in each of the eight verses of Psalm 119:113-120. SAMGAR-NEBO: Samgar-Nebo was the title of one of the Babylonian princes who entered Jerusalem after a breach was opened in its walls in the summer of 607 B.E.C. (Jeremiah 39:3) SAMOS: Samos was an island in the Aegean Sea near the west coast of Asia Minor. Paul disembarked there briefly on his return from the third missionary tour. (Acts 20:15) The island was southwest of Ephesus and northwest of Miletus. SAMOTHRACE: Samothrace was a mountainous island in the northeast part of the Aegean Sea. The city of Samothrace was on the north side of the island. The ship on which Paul traveled on his second missionary journey passed by this island in the spring of 50 C.E. (Acts 6:11) SAMLAH: Samlah was the fifth king of Edom. He reigned before a king ruled Israel. He was from Masrekah. (Genesis 36:31-37) (1 Chronicles 1:47, 48) SAMOS: Samos is an island in the Aegean Sea. It is near the west coast of Asia Minor. Paul stopped at Samos on the return from his third missionary tour. (Acts 20:15) SAMSON: Samson was one of Israels outstanding judges. He was a Danite from Zorah, the son of Manoah. An angel appeared to his mother before his birth and announced that she would bear a son who was to be a Nazirite from birth and take the lead in saving Israel out of the oppressive grip of the Philistines. (Judges 13:1-5, 24; 16:17) Much history in the book of Judges includes the accounts of Samsons life and his great physical strength. The most popular is

the story of his love relations with Delilah. Samson fell in love with Delilah. The account is found at Judges chapter sixteen. SAMUEL: Samuel was a well-known prophet. He is credited with writing the Bible books of Judges, Ruth and part of First Samuel. (1 Samuel 10:25) (1 Chronicles 29:29) (Acts 3:24; 13:20) His father was Elkanah a Levite of the nonpriestly Kohathites. Samuel had three brothers and two sisters. (1 Samuel 2:21) (1 Chronicles 6:27, 28, 33-38) Before conception his mother Hannah promised Samuel to the service of Jehovah as a Nazirite. (1 Sa 1:11) When he was about three years old he was taken to the tabernacle at Shiloh and left in the charge of the High Priest Eli. (2 Chronicles 31:16) (1 Samuel 1:24-28) Samuel wore a linen ephod and ministered to Jehovah as a boy. His mother visited him every year and brought him a new sleeveless coat. (1 Samuel 2:18, 19, 26) Samuel grew in standing with both Jehovah and men. He served as prophet to King Saul and King David. (1 Samuel 8:6-10:1; 10:25) (1 Samuel 15:3416:13) SANBALLAT: Sanballat was a resident of Horonaim. He was opposed to Nehemiahs project to repair the wall of Jerusalem. (Ne 2:10) As the repair work progressed, he and the other opposers conspired against Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 2:19; 4:1) SANCTIFY: The Greek word hagiadzo means reverence, honor, venerate, set apart as holy, and consecrate. We are told to sanctify the Christ as Lord in our hearts. (1 Peter 3:15) We honor Jesus Christ by obeying his teachings and worshiping the true God, Jehovah, his heavenly father and his God. God exalted Jesus so that every tongue should acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER! (Philippians 2:9-11) SANCTUARY: A sanctuary is a building or holy place dedicated to the worship of God. Sometimes the word refers to the central place of worship and not to the whole building. (Exodus 25:8) (Zepaniah 3:4) SAND: Sand is loose material consisting of grains of rock or coral. Jehovah God made the sand a boundary for the sea, a permanent barrier that it cannot cross. (Jeremiah 5:22) Is this mere poetic language? Hardly, sand yields and absorbs the waves that pound against it. The force of the raging waves is diffused and dissipated by the sand. Over and over the sand of the sea is used in the Bible to express great abundance, innumerableness or countlessness. (Genesis 22:17; 32:12; 41:49) (Joshua 11:4) (Psalms 78:27; 139:17,

18) (Jeremiah 15:8) (Hebrews 1:12) The number of people misled by Satan following his release from the abyss were said to be as the sand of the sea. It was so great John could not count them in his vision at Revelation 20:8. Job said his anguish was heavier than the sands of the seas. (Job 6:3) 1.3 cubic yards of wet sand weighs 4,200 pounds. That was a very fitting illustration. SANDAL: A sandal is a type of shoe with a flat sole of fibrous material such as leather or wood. It is strapped to the foot by laces often of leather thongs. Most people in the Middle East wore sandals. (Ezekiel 16:10) (Matthew 10:5, 9, 10) (Mark 6:7-9) (Luke 10:1,4) Sandals were used figuratively in the Bible too. A good example is John the Baptist, who said that he was not worthy to untie Jesus sandal laces. (Matthew 3:11) (Mark 1:7) The apostle Paul admonished the Ephesians to shod your feet with the preparation of the good news of peace. (Ephesians 6:14, 15) SAND LIZARD: The Hebrew word chomet is translated sand lizard, lizard, chameleon, snail and skink. It is part of the unclean swarming creatures. (Leviticus 11:29-31) SANHEDRIN: The Sanhedrin was the Jewish high court. It was located in Jerusalem. Seventy-one members constituted this Supreme Court called the Great Sanhedrin. The high priest, Caiaphas, presided at the trial of Jesus. (Mathew 26:3, 57) (Mark 14:53-55, 60, 63) (Luke 22:54) Ananias was the high priest presiding over the Sanhedrin at Pauls trial. (Acts 23:2) SANSANNAH: Sansannah was a town in the southern part of the territory of the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 31) SAPH: Saph was one of the four giant like Raphaim who fought with the Philistines against Israel. Davids might men defeated them and put them to death. (2 Samuel 21:18, 22) (1 Chronicles 20:4) SAPPHIRA: Sapphira was the wife of Ananias. She and her husband entered a conspiracy that resulted in their death. They sold a field they owned and pretended to bring the full value obtained to the apostles. Their sin was not that they withheld funds but that they lied about it. (Acts 4:34, 35; 5:1-11) SAPPHIRE: Sapphire is a transparent precious stone. It comes in many colors but the deep-blue shades are the most popular. The sapphires mentioned in the Bible are considered blue. A sapphire

was one of the stones warn in the high priests breast piece of judgment. (Exodus 28:15-18; 39:11) SARAH, SARAI: Sarah was the half sister and wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. (Genesis 11:29; 20:12) (Isaiah 51:2) Her first name was Sarai. (Genesis 17:15) She was ten years younger than Abraham. (Genesis 17:17) They were married at the Caldean city of Ur. (Genesis 11:28, 29) She was barren until her old age when Jehovah caused her reproductive powers to activate. (Genesis 18:11) (Romans 4:19) (Hebrews 11:11) SARAPH: Saraph was a descendant of Shelah of the tribe of Judah. He took a Moabite wife. (1 Chronicles 4:21, 22) SARDIS: Sardis was the capital of Lydia in western Asia Minor. It was the center for worship of an Asiatic goddess. It was about 30 miles south of Thyatira. It may have had a population of 50,000 persons and was important for its commercial activity and trade. It was noted for the manufacture for woolen cloth and carpets. It was also a center for false worship. The apostle John was told in vision that the Sardis congregation needed to wake up spiritually. (Revelation 3:1-6) SARDONYX: This ornamental stone is mentioned only once in the Holy Scriptures, at Revelation 21:2, 19, 20. Sardonyx stone is the fifth foundation stone of the holy city, New Jerusalem. The Greek word onyx means fingernail. This may be because the red layer in the stone shows through the white layer. SARGON: Sargon was the king of Assyria. He was the successor of Shalmaneser V. An earlier king of Babylon is designated as Sargon I. Sargon is identified as the king of Assyria. (Isaiah 20:1) His son Sennacherib succeeded him after his death. SARSECHIM: This Babylonian prince was one of the first to enter Jerusalem after the army broke through the walls in 607 B.C.E. (Jeremiah 29:2, 3) SARID: Sarid was a city on the border of Zebulun about six miles north northeast of Megiddo. (Joshua 19:10, 12) SATAN: The Greek satanas means the resistor. He was at one time a perfect, righteous spirit creature of God. Then he rebelled and resisted God and deviated into sin and degradation. He influenced a third of the angels in heaven to follow him. (Revelation 12:4) Satan

is also called Devil, meaning slanderer. Matthew chapter 4 depicts Satans efforts to tempt Jesus. He is called a dragon and a serpent. (Revelation 12:12, 13) SATRAP: A satrap was a governor of a province in the Babylonian and Persian empires. The king appointed his as a chief ruler of a legal district. Daniel speaks of satraps serving under Nebuchadnezzar in the Babylonian Empire. (Daniel 3:1-3) Satraps carried on the civil administration of the territory he ruled over. They were literally mini kings or monarchs. SAUL THE KING OF ISRAEL: Saul was a Benjamite. He was a descendent of Jeiel through Ner and Kish. (1 Chronicles 8:29-33; 9:35-39) Saul was the first divinely selected king of Israel. (1 Samuel 9:15, 16; 10:1) He came from a wealthy family. He was a handsome man who stood head and shoulders taller than nearly all others of his nation and was physically stronger than most. (1 Samuel 9:1, 2) (2 Samuel 1:23) Later in his reign Saul disobeyed Jehovah and was rejected by God. After his death, David became king. The entire account of Sauls life is found at 1 Samuel chapters 9 to 11. (1 Samuel 13:5-14; 14:47-52; 15:1-35) (2 Samuel 1:23. SAUL, OF TARSUS: This Saul was A Benjamite from the city of Tarsus in Asia Minor. He actively persecuted Christians. (Acts 9:1, 4, 17; 11:25; 21:39) (Philippians 3:5) His name was changed to the Latin name Paul when he was converted to Christianity. SEE:PAUL SAVIOR: Jehovah God is identified as Savior and Deliverer. (Isaiah 43:11; 45:21) (Psalm 106:21) Jesus Christ the Son of God can rightly be called our Savior. (1 John 4:14) (Titus 1:4) (2 Peter 1:11) The name Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation. It points to God, the father of Jesus Christ, as the ultimate source of salvation. SAW: A saw is a tool used for cutting wood and other materials. Early saws had teeth designed to cut when pulled through the material, thus cutting one way. Many of them were made of bronze. (Isaiah 10:15) (1 Kings 7:9) (2 Samuel 12:29-31) The saw was used as a torture instrument. Early believers were literally sawed in two. (Hebrew 11:37, 38) SCENTED WOOD: Among the symbolic luxury items that traders brought to Babylon the Great is scented wood. (Revelation 18:11, 12) This wood was most likely from North Africa. It was prize by the Romans for making costly furniture. It was a fragrant, hard wood that took a high polish. The tree producing this wood is the

sandarac tree from the cypress family. Its wood has a rich reddish brown hue. SCALES FOR WEIGHING: A scale is a device used for weighing objects. Ancient scales were simple beam or balance scales consisting of a horizontal bar that pivoted at the center. Each end of the bar had a hook or pan. The object to be weighted was placed on one side and known weights were placed on the other. (Jeremiah 32:10) (Isaiah 46:6) (Genesis 23:15, 16) (Ezekiel 5:1) The rider of the black horse of Revelation 6:5 held a pair of scales for measuring food. Jehovah required honesty and accuracy when using scales. (Leviticus 19:35, 36) (Proverbs 11:1; 16:11) (Ezekiel 45:10) Scales were sometimes used to represent proper measurement in judgement. (Job 31:6) (Daniel 5:27) SCARECROW: Poles or piles of stone are placed in a field and dressed to look like a human figure to form a scarecrow. Its primary function is to frighten away birds or other animals so that they will not eat the crops. Jeremiah depicted the idols of the nations as a scarecrow in a cucumber field. (Jeremiah 10:5) SCARLET, CRIMSON: Scarlet is a brilliant red color. Crimson is also red, a deep and vivid red. These colors are reminiscent of the color of blood. They are characterized by violence and bloodshed. The palace guard removed Jesus clothes and dressed him in a scarlet robe. (Matthew 27:28) Jehovah told the people of Israel: Though your sins are like scarlet, they will become as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they will become as white as wool. (Isaiah 1:18) You are going to be destroyed. Jehovah said to his people. Why do you dress in scarlet (crimson) and put on gold jewelry? (Jeremiah 4:30) The spies that Joshua sent to view the land of Jericho were to escape being caught by lowering themselves down on a scarlet cord. (Joshua 2:1, 18) The harlot sitting on the scarlet-colored beast is dressed in purple and scarlet. (Revelation 17:3-5) SCEPTER: The emblem of royal authority, it is a baton or rod carried by a ruler. It is used in a symbolic sense to represent kingship. (Genesis 49:10) (Numbers 21:17, 18) (Hebrews 1:8-9) It is sometimes called the royal scepter, commanders staff, and rulers staff. It was a long rod that serves as a symbol of a rulers right to issue orders. When a ruler was seated, his long staff would often rest upon the ground and lie back against the fold of his robe. This royal scepter represented the legal right to rule. (Deuteronomy 33:21) (Psalms 2:8, 9; 45:6-7; 60:7; 108:8) (Isaiah 55:4)

SCEVA: Sceva was a Jewish chief priest. His seven sons traveled from place to place driving out demons. At Ephesus they tried to exocise a demon by saying, In the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches I command you to come out. (Acts 19:13-20) The wicked spirit replyed, Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you? The man who had the evil spirit jumped on them, and overpowered them. He gave them such a beating that they fled out of that house naked and wounded. The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified because of this. SCHOOL: The Greek word for school is skho-le. It means leisure, a requirement for study and learning. Jehovah God placed the responsibility upon parents to teach their offspring. This includes both secular and religious education. (Deuteronomy 6:1-9) The Jews required their leaders be instructed in Gods law at their schools. (Acts 22:3) (John 7:15) Meeting places of the Christian congregation served as schools. The scrolls of the Hebrew Scriptures and the writings of the apostles and their co-workers were studied at congregation meetings. Even then the family remained the primary source for education, using the curriculum provided by the Christian congregation. (Ephesians 6:4) (1 Corinthians 14:35) Children were always included in the arrangement at both the Jewish and the Christians meetings. They were never separated into a Sunday school. SCORPION: This is a very small creature, with eight legs and a long tail with a poisonous sting. It can inflict a very painful and sometimes fatal wound. (Luke 11:12) (Revelation 9:5) SCREECH OWL: SEE NIGHTJAR SCRIBE: A person who writes documents for others. Scribes wrote copies of the Holy Scriptures. Ezra was a scribe. (Nehemiah 8:1) Jesus condemned the Scribes and Pharisees of the Law for their false teachings and hypocrisy. (Matthew 15:1-9) (Matthew 23:13-36) SCRIBAL CHANGES: The Jewish Sopherim (scribes) altered the original Hebrew text from the Tetragrammaton, YHWH to the Hebrew word for God, Adhonai. According to the Gins. Manuscript, as many as one hundred and thirty-four instances have been found. The Jewish canons decreed that the incommunicable name is to be pronounced: Adonai as if it were written that way. The New Simplified Bible has restored the divine name, Jehovah, to many of these Scriptures. The terms, Jehovah

God or God, Jehovah are used in some instances. An example is found at Psalm 14:1. SCRIPTURES: The Greek word graphe meaning a writing refers to the sacred writings in Gods Word. The Holy Scriptures is divided into two parts: The Hebrew Scriptures and the Greek Scriptures. This is because of the original language with which they were written. SCRIPTURE-CASE, PHYLACTERY: The word phylacterie comes from the Greek word phylakterion meaning outpost, fortification and safeguard. This Scripture case or phylactery was a small case containing four portions of the Law. (Exodus 13:1-10, 11-16) (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21) Jewish men wore this case on their forehead and left arm. The Rabbis obtained the laws about wearing of phylacteries from four Biblical passages, Deuteronomy 6:8; 11:18 and Exodus 13:9,13. Jesus Christ reprimanded the scribes and Pharisees for enlarging the scripture-case that they wore as safeguards. (Matthew 23:5) SCROLL, ROLL or BOOK: The Scriptures were written and copied on rolls or scrolls of leather, parchment, or papyrus. (John 20:30) (Jeremiah 36:2) The Book of life is opened at Revelation 20:11-15. The word book is used interchangeably with scroll in the New Simplified Bible. SCYTHIAN: The ancient Scythian people were a fierce and nomadic tribe who lived northeast of the Black Sea. They migrated as far as western Siberia near the border of Mongolia. The word Scythian implied the worst of uncivilized people. Paul verified at Colossians 3:11 that when they became Christians they had equal standing with all other believer. He added the important point that Christ is all, and in all. SEAS AND WATERS: Water covers seventy percent of the earths surface. A sea is a large body of salt water smaller than an ocean that is partially or totally enclosed by land. A few examples of seas include the Mediterranean Sea, also called the western sea or the Sea, (Joshua 1:4) (Deuteronomy 11:24) (Numbers 34:5) the Red Sea (Exodus 10:19) (Isaiah 11:15) and the Dead Sea or the Salt Sea (Deuteronomy 3:17) (Ezekiel 47:18). The word sea is used in illustrative ways at several places in the Holy Scriptures. One of the best examples of this is found at Isaiah 57:20. Isaiah likened the wicked people of the earth to the sea that is being tossed and that tosses up seaweed and mire. Revelation 17:1,15 speaks of waters on

which Babylon the Great sits. It goes on to explain it means peoples, crowds, nations and tongues. SEAH: A seah is a dry measure that was established occording to rabbinic sources. It is equal to one third of an ephah. It is equivilant to about 6.66 dry qts. (1 Kings 18:32) SEAL: A seal is an instrument used to make an impression on clay or wax that indicated ownership or authenticity. Ancient seals were made of a piece of hard material such as stone, wood or ivory. The engraved letters or designs were reverse so that when the seal was applied they would be right side out on the impressed material. (1 Kings 21:8) (Job 14:17) (Jeremiah 32:10-14, 44) Figurative use of the term seal or sealed includes Pauls reference at 1 Corinthians 9:1,2 where he said that Christians served as a seal confirming his apostleship. First century Christians were spoken of as being sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Eph 1:13, 14; 4:30) According to the Bible something that is hidden, secret and closed is sealed. (Daniel 12:4, 9) (Isaiah 8:16; 29:11) (Revelation 5:1; 22:10) SEA MONSTER: The Hebrew word tan-nin is generally translated sea monster or great monster. (Ezekiel 29:3; 32:2) It is call big snake when not mentioned with the sea or water. (Jeremiah 51:34) (Exodus 4:2, 3; 7:9, 12) The term is also used in reference to Rahab, Egypt and Pharaoh. (Psalms 74:13) (Isaiah 30:7; 51:9) (Ezekiel 29:3; 32:2) SEASONS: A season is a period of the year marked by special events or activities or a natural period of the year divided by equinoxes and solstices or atmospheric conditions. This includes the cycle of weather seasons. The heavenly bodies serve as indicators of seasons. (Genesis 1:14) The apostle Paul counseled Christians about the observance of days and months that were part of the festival seasons as part of the Law at Galatians 4:10. (Acts 1:7; 3:19) (Galatians 6:9) SEARCH: The activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone. An investigation seeking answers. Research is a systematic investigation to establish facts and gain knowledge. Jesus spoke about searching the Scriptures. (Matthew 5:39) The Beroeans were diligent about searching the Scriptures to verify that what they heard preached was really the truth. (Acts 17:11) SEBA: The Sebans were a people of east Africa. Seba is mentioned in conection with Egypt and Ethiopia (Cush). They were given a

ransom in place of Jacob. (Isaiah 43:3; 45:14) Seba borderd on or was within the Ethiopian borders. SECACAH: Secacah was a city in the wilderness of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 61) SECRET: The Greek word musterion means a secret that requires a silence imposed by initiation into religious rites. In this context it refers to what originates with God and is revealed at Gods own time and will. Gods secrets are made known only by revelation of his Holy Spirit. It is really not appropriate to call them mysteries since false religion takes great advantage of that term. They are indeed secrets revealed only to true believers. (2 Corinthians 2:6-16) (Matthew 13:11) (Mark 4:11) (Luke 8:10) The apostle Paul presented the revelation of the divine and sacred secret of the administration of Gods Messianic Kingdom at Ephesians 1:9-11. SECRETARY: The Hebrew word so-pher means scribe and copyist. A secretary is person who is skilled in writing and keeping records. Israel had trusted court officials called the secretary of the king. (2 Chronicles 24:11) (2 Kings 19:2) Sometimes the secretary of the king took care of financial matters. (2 Kings 12:10, 11) Baruch was a secretary for Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 36:32) SECRETARYS INKHORN: The secretarys inkhorn of Ezekiel 9:2, 3, 11 is the secretarys writing case. The man in linen responsible to mark individuals on the forehead has a writing case at his hips. It was a narrow case made out of wood with slots for reed pens a small cake of dried ink. The secretary would press the moistened end of his pen to the ink to prepare to write. SECT, CULT: A sect is a dissenting clique or faction of a religious order. The English word heresy comes from the Greek word hairesis. It is used to describe a sect. Non-Christians called Christianity a sect. On one occasion they called it the sect of the Nazarenes. (Acts 24:5, 14; 28:22) Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity prayed that unity would prevail among his followers at John 17:21. All sects were to be avoided along with false teachings. (Acts 20:28) (Galatians 5:19-21) (2 Timothy 2:17, 18) (2 Peter 2:1) The organizations of Christendom today are not united in faith and frequently call each other members of false sects. A cult is a system of religious beliefs and rituals whose adherents display exaggerated zeal. The only reference to cult in the Bible speaks of cult or temple prostitutes. (Deuteronomy 23:17) (1 Kings 14:24) (1 Kings

15:12) (2 Kings 23:7) (Job 36:14) It is also a term used by religionists to criticize other religions. SECU: Saul inquired as to the whereabouts of David and Samuel at the great cistern of Secu. Secu was near Ramah. Some Greek and Latin manuscripts refer to Secu as the threshing-floor on the bare hill. (1 Samuel 19:21, 22) SECUNDUS: Secundus was a Thessalonian Christian. He accompanied Paul through Macedonia into Asia Minor on the apostle Pauls third missionary journey. This probably took place in the spring of 56 C.E. (Acts 20:3-5) SEDITION: The Greek word stasis means sedition, dissension and trouble making. Sedition was a capital offence under Roman law. Both Jesus Christ and his followers were accused of being troublemakers and seditionists. (Luke 23:19, 25) (Acts 19:40; 24:5) SEED: The Hebrew word for seed is zera. The Greek word for seed is sperma. These words appear many times in the Bible. They are used in the literal sensewhen talking about agricultural things. (Genesis 1:11, 12, 29) They are also used figuratively when talking about offspring. (Genesis 7:3: 9:9; 17:7-11) (Matthew 13:24) (1 Corinthians 15:38)(Hebrews 11:11) (John 8:42) The Greek word sporos is used at Luke 8:11 to symbolize the Word of God. Over the years Bible experts have debated the prospect that the word seed means singular, one person, or plural, a group of people. This should be determined by considering the context of the verse, chapter, and book. SEER: The English word seer comes from the Hebrew word roeh. The terms seer, prophet, and visionary are used interchangeably in the Scriptures. Each of them had discernment and the powers of vision of the future. And each was capable of speaking out about what they knew. The prophets spoke Gods Word by divine inspiration. (Hebrews 1:1, 2) People would consult them for wise counsel on their problems. (1 Samuel 9:5-19) (2 Samuel 15:27) (1 Chronicles 9:22; 29:29) (2 Chronicles 16:7, 10) 1 Samuel 9:9 tells us that a prophet used to be called a seer. Samuel is referred to as the first of the the prophets at Acts 3:24 and 13:20. SEGUB, SON OF HEZRON: Segub was the son of Hezron. He was the father of Jair in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:21, 22)

SEGUB, SON OF HIEL: Segub was the youngest son of Hiel the Bethelite. He lost his life when his father rebuilt Jericho during the reign of King Ahab. (Joshua 6:26) (1 Kings 16:34) SEIR, THE HORITE: Seir was the Horite whose seven sons were sheiks in the land of Seir before it was occupied by Esau (Edom). (Genesis 36:20, 21, 29, 30) (1 Chronicles 1:38) SEIR, THE REGION: There was an area known as Seir. It included the mountains and the area of land between the mountains and the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. (Genesis 36:8, 30) (Deuteronomy 2:1, 8) The Horites inhabited Seir when Abraham was alive. (Genesis 14:6) Later Esaus descendants, the Edomites, dispossessed the Horites and the land was then called Edom. (Numbers 24:18) (Deuteronomy 2:4, 5, 12) (Joshua 24:4) (2 Chronicles 25:11) SEIR, THE MOUNTAIN: Mount Seir is the mountain between Baalah and Chesalon on the north border of the Territory of Judah. It is part of the ridge about 9.5 miles west of Jerusalem. The village of Shoresh is nearby. (Joshua 15:10) SEIRAH: Ehud escaped to Seirah after assassinating the Moabite King Eglon. It is at an unknown site in the mountains of Ephraim. (Judges 3:26, 27) SELA, EDOMITE CITY: Sela was a major Edomite city. It was captured by Judean King Amaziah and renamed Joktheel. (2 Kings 14:7) A place called Sela is mentioned in the pronouncement against Moab. (Isaiah 15:1; 16:1) They could be the same place. SELA, AMORITE SITE: This Sela was located on the boundary of Amorite territory after the Israelites took possession of the Promised Land. (Judges 1:36) SELAH: Selah is a Hebrew expression found in the Psalms. It is also found in Habakkuk chapter 3. It is a technical term for music or recitation. Some believe it means to pause, a supension, or holding back. The Greek Septuagint rendered Selah as diapsalma, meaning a musical interlude. It is accompanied by the word Higgaion in Psalm 9:16. This is associated with the music of the harp. SELED: Seled was a son of Nadab in the Jerahmeelite division of Judahs genealogy. Seled died with out sons. (1 Chronicles 2:25, 30)

SELEUCIA: Seleucia was a fortified Mediterranean port town. It was twelve miles southwest of Syrian Antioch. The two cities were connected by road as well as the navigable Orontes River that emptied into the Mediterranean Sea just down river from Seleucia. Paul sailed from Seleucia at the start of his first missionary journey about 47 C.E. (Acts 13:4; 14:26; 15:30-41) The city was sometimes called Seleucia Pieria. SELF-CONTROL: Greek: egkrateia. Self-control is a fruit of Gods Spirit. (Ga 5:22, 23) It is the ability to control ones self: actions, speech and thoughts. A true follower of Jesus Christ will learn to restrain his own actions and behave in a Christ-like, loving way. (Genesis 43:31) (Psalm 119:101) (Proverbs 10:19) Jehovah God exercises self control. (Jeremiah 18:7-10) (2 Peter 3:9) The Son of God, Jesus Christ also exercised self control. (1 Peter 2:21-23) One of the characteristics of those not practicing true Christianity in the last days is a lack of self control. (2 Timothy 3:1-7) King David suffered severe problems because he did not use self-control and subsequently committed adultery with Bathsheba. (2 Samuel 11:127) SELF-WILL: Self-will is out of harmony with Christianity. It means self-pleasing and describes someone who is inconsiderate of others. The self-willed person arrogantly asserts his own will. This type of person does not put other people first in his thinking and actions. (Titus 1:5-7) (2 Peter 2:10) SEMACHIAH: He was a Levite grandson of Obededom. Semachiah was assigned as a gatekeeper to the south of the sancturary during Davids reign. Semachiah and his fleshly brothers were very capable men. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 4, 6-8, 15) SEMEIN: Semein was an ancestor of Jesus mother Mary. He was a decendant of David. (Luke 3:26) SENAAH: More than 3,000 sons of Senaah returned from exile in Babylon with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 35) (Nehemiah 7:38) SENEH: The nearly vertical cliffs along the Wadi Suweinit between Michmash and Geba cantained a big toothlike crag called Seneh. This crag was used by Jonathan when he attacked the Philistines. (1 Samuel 14:4, 5, 13)

SEPHAR: It is believed that Sephar was the mountains to the east of the city of Mesha. The descendants of Joktan resided there. (Genesis 10:29, 30) SEPHARAD: Sepharad was a place where the Jerusalem exiles were to return. (2 Kings 17:5, 6) (Obadiah 20) SENNACHERIB: Sennacherib was the son of Sargon II. He succeeded his father to the throne of Assyria in the 23rd year of Hezekiah. Like the Persian Xerxes, Sennacherib was weak and vain but cruel and boastful in success. He defeated a powerful combination of princes who were in league against him. Hezekiah was among these princes. Hezekiah entered into an alliance with Egypt against Assyria. Sennacherib sent envoys to try to persuade Hezekiah to surrender. But this was all in vain. (2 Kings 19:10-34) In one night the angel of Jehovah destroyed the camp of the Assyrians. In the morning there were dead corpses everywhere. The Assyrian army was annihilated. (Isaiah 37:9-37) Sennacherib lived 20 more years after this but he never renewed his attempt to capture Jerusalem. After a reign of 24 years Sennacherib was murdered by his two sons, Adrammelech and Sharezer. SENIR: Senir is the Amorite name for Mount Hermon. It may also have been used as a name for part of the Hermon Range. After all 1 Chronicles 5:23 mentions Senir and Mount Hermon. (De 3:9) It was a source of lumber. (Ezekiel 27:5) SEORIM: Seorim was the head of the fourth of the 24 priestly service divisions organized during King Davids reign. (1 Chronicles 24:5, 8) SEPHARVAIM: After the Israelites had been taken into exile the king of Assyria brought people from Sepharvaim to live in Samaria. Sepharvaim and its king were defeated by the Assyrians. Sepharvaim was mentioned among the places in Syria and Babylon. (2 Kings 17:24; 19:13) (Isaiah 37:13) SEPHARVITES: The people of Sepharvaim where called Sepharvites. The Sepharvites were taken captive by the Assyrians to colonize Samaria. They brought their false religion with them. That included sacrificing their sons to the gods Adrammelech and Anammelech. (2 Kings 17:24, 31-33; 18:34) (Isaiah 36:19)

SERAH: Serah was Ashers daughter. She traveled with the house of Jacob into Egypt. (Genesis 46:7, 17, 27) (Numbers 26:46) (1 Chronicles 7:30) SERAIAH, SON OF KENAZ: Seraiah was the son of Kenaz of the tribe of Judah. He was the brother of Judge Othniel and nephew of Caleb the spy. He and his descendants through his son Joab were craftsmen. (1 Chronicles 4:13, 14) SERAIAH, SECRETARY TO KING DAVID: Seraiah was King Davids secretary. (2 Samuel 8:15, 17) SERAIAH, SON OF ASIEL: This Seraiah was the son of Asiel. He was from the tribe of Simeon. His descendants joined up with Hezekiah to strike down the Hamites and Meunim. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 35, 38-41) SERAIAH, QUARTERMASTER OF ZEDEKIAH: Seraiah was the quartermaster of King Zedekiah. He was the son of Neriah and brother of Baruch. (Jeremiah 32:12; 51:59) Seraiah traveled with Zedekiah to Babylon to read the scroll Jeremiah gave him. SERAIAH, CHIEF PRIEST: This Seraiah was the chief priest when Babylon destroyed Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. He was killed at the order of Nebuchadneszzar and his son Jehozadak was taken alive as a captive in Babylon. (2 Kings 25:18-21) (Jeremiah 52:2427) His son Jehozadak continued the line of high priests from Aaron continued. (1 Chronicles 6:14, 15) (Ezra 3:2) SERAIAH, LEADER WITH ZERUBBABEL: Seraiah was one of the leaders who returned from exile in 537 B.C.E. with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2) SERAPHS: The Hebrew word sera-phim is a plural noun that comes from the verb sa-raph, meaning burn. (Isaiah 6:2, 6) These are spirit creatures stationed above Jehovah Gods throne in heaven. The prophet Isaiah describes them at Isaiah 6:1-7. He said: Seraphs were standing above Jehovah. Each one had six wings. Two covered his face, and two covered his feet and he flew with the other two wings. The description of the seraphs must be understood to be symbolic. Their likeness to earthly creatures is only used to give human beings something to relate to. God often speaks symbolically of himself as having eyes, ears and other human features.

SERED: Sered was the first son of Zebulun. He was the founder of the Seredites, a family of the tribe of Zebulun. (Genesis 46:14) (Numbers 26:26, 27) SEREDITES: The Seredites were a Zebulunite family founded by Sered. (Numbers 26:26) SERPENT, SNAKE: The serpent is a long, limbless reptile. It is covered with scales. The head is near the ground and the flickering tongue appears to be licking the dust. (Genesis 3:14) There were more than thirty kinds of snakes in Israel. The Hebrew word for snakes and serpent like animals is na-chash. (Psalms 58:4; 140:3) (Proverbs 23:32) The term serpent is often used figuratively in the Scriptures. The lies of the wicked are compared to venom. (Psalm 58:3, 4) The sharp tongue of the evil is likened to that of the serpent. (Psalm 140:3) The snake is symbolized when pronouncing judgment on such nations as Philistia, Judah, and Egypt. (Isaiah 14:29) (Jeremiah 8:17) (Jeremiah 46:22) Satan is called the original serpent. (Genesis 3:1-15) Serving in the capacity of the original serpent he is also the progenitor of other opposers. Jesus call such opposers, serpents and offspring of vipers. (Matthew 23:33) (John 8:44) (1 John 3:12) SERUG: Serug was a descendant of Shem. He was the son of Reu. He was the great-grandfather of Abraham. All of this made him an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Serug lived 230 years and fathered a number of children including Nahor. (Genesis 11:10, 20-23) (1 Chronicles 1:24-27) (Luke 3:35) SERVICE: Service is work done by one person or group that benefits another. Divine service includes the ministry and related activities. Service that is related to worship of God is sacred and holy. It is worthy of respect, dedication and veneration and is devoted exclusively to the person or object of worship. The Hebrew word avadh means to serve. (Genesis 14:4; 15:14; 29:15) The Greek verb la-treuo also denotes service. It is used in reference to serving God. (Matthew 4:10) (Luke 1:74; 2:37; 4:8) (Acts 7:7) (Romans 1:9) (Philippians 3:3) (2 Timothy 1:3) (Hebrews 9:14; 12:28) (Revelation 7:15; 22:3) The Greek word di-ako-nia means to minister and serve and is used to describe common service activities as well. Even though we consider Jesus Christ, the Son of God worthy, only Jehovah God, his heavenly father, is to receive our devine service and worship. We learn this from our Saviors own lips at Matthew 4:10 and Luke 4:8. Christians faithfully serve Jehovah

God in the name of His faithful witness, Jesus Christ. (Revelation 3:14) SERVANT: The Greek word diakonos means waiter, attendant, teacher, and minister. A minister is a servant! Jesus taught his followers whoever wanted to be their leader must be their servant. (Luke 9:46-48) (Matthew 23:11) He emphasized this by washing their feet. The account is found in Chapter 13 of John. (SEE: SLAVE) SETH: Seth was the son of Adam and Eve born when Adam was 130 years old. Eve called him Seth because she said, God has appointed another seed in place of Abel. (Genesis 5:4) After Adam, mankind descended from Seth. Seth became father of Enosh. Seth died at the age of 912 years. (Genesis 4:17, 25, 26; 5:3-8) (1 Chronicles 1:1-4) (Luke 3:38) SETHUR: Sethur was the Asherite chieftain appointed to spy out Canaan. He was the son of Michael. (Numbers 13:2, 3, 13) SEVEN: SEE: NUMBER-SEVEN SEWING: Sewing is the practice of joining or attaching material by stitches. Sewing includes embroidery and has been prominent in mankinds activities from the beginning. (Exodus 26:1; 35:35) (Job 16:15) (Ecclesiastes 3:7) (Ezekiel 13:18) You might say Adam and Eve invented sewing. (Genesis 3:7) No doubt their sewing was not very fancy. Jesus Christ used sewing in a symbolic or figurative sense at Mark 2:18-21 where he stated that sewing unshrunk clothe on to an old garment would worsen the tear. SEX AND MARRIAGE: Paul presents the Christian view on Sex and Marriage at 1 Corinthians Chapter 7. Jesus speaks out against divorce and adultery. (Matthew 5:27-32) SHAALBIM: Shaalbim was a city of Amorites. Its inhabitants were recruited to do forced labor for the house of Joseph. (Judges 1:35) This city was later one of the cities that annually provided food for Solomons household. (1 Kings 4:7-9) SHAALIM: Shaalim was the land Saul passed through when he searched for the lost donkeys belonging to his father Kish. Shaalim was in Ephraim. (1 Samuel 9:3, 4; 13:17)

SHAAPH, SON OF CALEB: Shaaph was the son of Caleb by his concubine Maacah. Shaaph was the founder of the group that settled Madmannah. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 42, 48, 49) SHAAPH, LAST OF JAHDAIS SONS: Shaaph was the last of the six sons of Jahdai. They were among the descendants of Caleb the son of Hezron in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 42, 47) SHAALBONITE: A Shaalbonite was someone from the city of Shaalbim. (2 Samuel 23:8, 32) (1 Chronicles 11:26, 33) SHAARAIM: Shaaraim was a city in the Shephelah. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 36) The Israelites chased after the Philistine after David defeated Goliath. The Philistine dead were scattered from Shaaraim to Gath and Ekron. (1 Samuel 17:52) SHAASHGAZ: Shaashgaz was the man in charge of King Ahasueruss concubines. He was the eunuch in charge of the second house of women. (Esther 2:14) SHADOW, SHADE: A shadow is an area where the intensity of the suns heat and light does not reach. It is used in the Bible to describe the protection Jehovah God offers people. (Psalms 91:1; 17:8; 36:7; 63:7; 121:5) (Isaiah 25:4) The opposite is also depicted where the shadow is associated with gloom and danger, as well as the grave. (Job 10:21, 22; 24:17; 38:17) (Psalm 23:4) SHADRACH: Shadrach was one of the Daniels three companions. The name Shadrach is a Babylonian name given to him when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were appointed to a high position in the government of Babylon. Their corresponding Hebrew names were Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. By the end of three years study, they were found to be ten times better than the wise men of Babylon. They temporarily lost favor with the king when they refused to bow to his great image, but Jehovah rescued them from the kings punishment. They were then restored to their former position. (Daniel 1:3-20; 2:49; 3:1-30) SHAGEE: Shagee the Hararite was the father of Jonathan, one of Davids mighty men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 34) SHAHARAIM: This man was a Benjamite who lived in Moab. (1 Chronicles 8:8-11)

SHAHAZUMAH: Shahazumah was a boundary site in the territory of Issachar, located between Bethshemesh and Mount Tabor. (Joshua 19:17, 22) SHALISHAH: Saul traveled through the region of Shalishah when he went in search of his fathers donkeys. This place was latter identified with Kafr Thulth, about 12 miles northwest of Gilgal. (2 Kings 4:42) (1 Samuel 9:3, 4) SHALLECHETH GATE: Shallecheth Gate was on the west side of the sancturary at Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 26:16) SHALLUN: Shallun was a prince of the district of Mizpah. He was son of Colhozeh. When Nehemiah worked to rebuild Jerusalems wall Shallun helped. They also repaired the Fountain Gate. (Nehemiah 3:15) SHALMAN: It is widely thought that the name Shalman is a shortened form of Shalmaneser. SHALMANESER: Five different Assyrian monarchs bore the name Shalmaneser. Two of them had direct contact with Israel: Shalmaneser III and Shalmaneser V. Near the end of Hoseas prophesying Shalmaneser V invaded Israel and laid siege to Samaria. Shalmaneser is mentioned two times in the Bible. (2 Kings 17:3; 18:9) SHAMA: He was one of Davids mighty men. Shama was brother of Jeiel and son of Hotham the Aroerite. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 44) SHAMGAR: Shamgar is know for killing 600 Philistines with a cattle goad. (a long pole with a point on the end) He is credited with saving Israel. (Judges 3:31) SHAMIR, CITY IN THE MOUNTAINS: Shamir was a city in the mountains of Judah believed to have been about 12 miles southwest of Hebron. (Joshua 15:20, 48) SHAMIR, RESIDENCE OF JUDGE TOLA: Shamir was the residence of Judge Tola. It was also the burial site where he was laid to rest. (Judges 10:1, 2) SHAMIR, SON OF MICAH: Shamir was the son of Micah. He was a Levite. (1 Chronicles 24:20, 24)

SHAMMA: Shamma was a prominent member of the tribe of Asher. He was the son of Zophar. (1 Chronicles 7:36, 37, 40) SHAMMAH, GRANDSON OF ESAU: Shammah was the grandson of Esau through Reuel. He was an Edomite sheik. (Genesis 36:10, 13, 17) (1 Chronicles 1:37) SHAMMAH, BROTHER OF KING DAVID: Shammah was King Davids older brother. He was also called Shimea and Shimei. (1 Chronicles 2:13) (2 Samuel 13:3; 21:21) Shammah was also in Sauls army when the giant Goliath taunded them. (1 Samuel 17:13, 14, 20, 23) SHAMMOTH: Shammoth was one of Davids mighty men. He was a Horite. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 27) (2 Samuel 23:8, 25) SHAMMUA, SON OF ZACCUR: Shammua was a leader in the tribe of Reuben. He was the son of Zaccur. Moses sent him into the Promised Land as a spy. Nine other spies joined him in the efforts to determine the strength of the Canaanites. (Numbers 13:2-4, 28, 29) SHAMMUA, SON OF DAVID: This Shammua was the son of David by Bathsheba. He was a full brother of King Solomon. At one time he was called Shimea. (2 Samuel 5:13, 14) (1 Chronicles 3:5; 14:3, 4) SHAMMUA, A LEVITE: This Shammua was a Levite of the line of Jeduthaun. His son Abda lived in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:17) SHANK: The shank is the lower part of the leg. It is between the knee and the ankle. The Bible usually refers to the term shank when talking about animals prepared for sacrifice. (Leviticus 1:9, 13; 4:11, 12; 8:21; 9:14) SHAPHAM: He was the second in charge of the tribe of Gad in Bashan. This occurred prior to the reign of jeroboam II in the ninth century B.C.E. (1 Chronicles 5:11, 12, 17) SHARON: Sharon was the plain located between the Plain of Dor near Carmel and the Plain of Philistia. Its northern border was the Crocodile River and the southern border was the area of Joppa. Large areas of sand dunes are found near the coast. Sharon was abundant with fertile land that was well watered. Flocks and herds grazed there. (1 Chronicles 27:29) (Isaiah 33:9; 35:2; 65:10)

SHARONITE: A Sharonite was a person from the Plain of Sharon. Davids head heardsman was from Sharon and was called a Sharonite. (1 Chronicles 27:29, 31) SHARON, THE ROSE OF: The meadow saffron, sometimes called the Rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys, is a common flower among the many flowers found in Sharon-Song of Solomon 2:1. Strongs Concordance and Dictionary states that the Hebrew word chabatstseleth has an uncertain derivation referring to the meadow saffron, crocus, or rose. Most translators use the word rose. SHARUHEN: This was a city in the territory of Simeon. It was also called Shilhim and Shaaraim. (Joshua 15:32; 19:1-6) (1 Chronicles 4:31) Bible Scholars believe it is the same city and el-Farah, about 22 miles west of Beersheba. SHAULITES: The Shaulites was a Simeonite family founded by Shaul. (Numbers 26:12, 13) SHAVEH VALLEY: The Shaveh Valley is where Abraham was met by the king of Sodom and received a blessing from Melchizedek, king of Salem. (Genesis 14:17-24) Hundreds of years later Absalom erected a monument in the Shaveh Valley at the same place. (2 Samuel 18:18) SHAVSHA: Shavsha was King Davids secretary. (1 Chronicles 18:16) SHEARIAH: Sheariah was a descendant of Saul and Jonathan. He was one of Azels six sons. (1 Chronicles 8:33-38; 9:44) SHEAR-JASHUB: Shearjashub was the first son of Isaiah the prophet. Shearjashub acompanied Isaiah when he delivered a prophetic message to King Ahaz at the time the Israelite King Pekah invaded Judah. (Isaiah 7:1, 3) The name Shearjashub means a remnant. It foretold that a remnant would return from Babylonian exile. (Isaiah 8:18; 10:21) SHEBA, QUEEN OF: the queen of Sheba visited Solomon after he completed most of his building projects. The queen is unnamed in the Bible. (1 Kings 10:1, 2) (Matthew 12:42) Jesus commented that she was the queen of the south and came from the ends of the earth. He also said of the queen of Sheba that she came to hear the wisdom of Solomon. (Luke 11:31) She was impressed by what she saw and

Solomon gave her gifts of great value. (1 Kings 10:2-9) (2 Chronicles 9:1-12) Jesus commended her for her efforts to travel to hear Solomons. SHEBANIAH, PLAYED THE TRUMPET: Shebaniah was a priest who played a trumpet in the procession that accompanied the Ark of the Covenant when David had it moved to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:3, 24) SHECHEM THE CITY: This ancient city was located at the east end of the narrow valley running between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal about thirty miles north of Jerusalem. It did not have the military advantage of being on a mountain, so the city depended upon it fortifications for security. (Judges 9:35) Abram traveled to the site of Shechem when he first entered the Promised Land. He camped near the big trees of Moreh and later built an altar there. (Genesis 12:6-9) Two hundred years later Jacob purchased some land there. The sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, killed the men of Shechem because their sister Dinah was violated the son of Hamor in Shechem. (Genesis 33:18-34:31) Later, Jacobs sons pastured their flocks near Shechem. (Genesis 35:5; 37:12-17) After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. the men from Shechem came to Jerusalem for worship. (Jeremiah 41:5) SHECHEMITES: Citizens of the city of Shechem and descendants of Manasseh through Shechem were Shechemites. (Numbers 26:29, 31) SHEEP: Sheep are cud chewing domestic animals that graze in pastures. (Genesis 24:35; 26:14) Men of great wealth usually had thousands of sheep. (Job 1:3, 16; 42:12) Domestic sheep are helpless and fearful creatures. They get lost and scattered and are easy prey for their enemies. (Numbers 27:16, 17) (Jeremiah 23:4) (Ezekiel 34:5, 6, 8) (Micah 5:8) Sheep need a shepherd. They faithfully follow their shepherds and are easily led. (John 10:2-5) Sheep are referred to in a prophetic and figurative way in the Scriptures. (2 Samuel 24:17) (Psalm 44:11, 22; 95:7; 119:176) (Matthew 10:6, 16) (John 21:16, 17) (Romans 8:36) Jesus sheep follow his lead and are well-cared for. (Luke 12:32) (John 10:4, 14, 16) (Revelation 7:16, 17) SHEEPFOLD: When the sheep were brought in from the fields at night they were placed in protective enclosures called sheepfold. Often they were made out of stone. (Numbers 32:16) (1 Samuel 24:3) (Zephaniah 2:6) Flocks belonging to several shepherds might be kept in the same sheepfold. There was little danger of confusion

over whose sheep belonged to whom. The sheep responded only to the voice of their individual shepherd. A doorkeeper attended the entrance of the sheepfold and opened to the shepherds in the morning. (John 10:1-4) SHEERAH: She was a daughter of Ephraim or of his son Beriah. She is thought to have built or founded lower and upper Beth-horon and Uzzensheerah. (1 Chronicles 7:22-24) SHEHARIAH: Shehariah was the head of a Benjamite family living in Jerusalem. He was the son of Jeroham. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 26-28) SHEIK, CHIEF: The title sheik was given to the Edomite and Horite tribal chiefs. They were considered the sons of Esau and the sons of Seir the Horite. (Exodus 15:15) The Hebrew word al-luph means chief or leader of thousands. The modern Bedouin use the title sheik when referring to the tribal leaders. Seven sheiks of the Horites are listed at Genius 36:20, 21, 29, 30. The sheiks of Edom were fourteen in number at Genius 36: 15-19. The New Simplified Bible uses the term chief most of the time because most English speaking readers easily understand it. SHEKEL: This basic Hebrew unit of weight was also used as monetary value. (1 Samuel 17:5) (Ezekiel 4:10) (Amos 8:5) It was approximately 11.4 g. The shekel is spoken of in connection with silver or gold. Pieces of silver and gold were used before money was minted. (1 Chronicles 21:25) (Nehemiah 5:15) The weight was checked at the time of the transaction. (Genesis 23:15, 16) (Joshua 7:21) SHELAH, SON OF ARPACHSHAD: Shelah was born in 2333 B.C.E. and died in 1900 B.C.E. He was 433 years old when he died. Shelah was grandson of Shem. Shelah and his son, Eber, each founded one of the 70 post-Flood families. Ebers genealogical lineage led from Shem to Abraham and then to Jesus Christ. (Genesis 10:22, 24; 11:12-15) (1 Chronicles 1:18, 24) (Luke 3:35) SHELAH, SON OF JUDAH: Shelah was the third son of Judah by his Canaanite wife. Shelahs descendants are listed by name in the tribal family of Shelanites. Some of them returned from Babylonian exile. (1 Chronicles 2:3; 4:21-23) (Genesis 38:1-5. 11-14, 26) (Numbers 26:20) SHEM: Shem was one of Noahs three sons and from these all the earths population spread abroad following the flood. (Genesis 6:10;

9:18, 19) After Shem fathered Arpachshad he fathered Elam, Asshur, Lud, and Aram. (Genesis 10:22; 11:10, 11) He also fathers daughters. Noah pronounced a blessing on Shem and referred to Jehovah as Shems God at Genius 9:26. Shem lived 500 years after fathering Arpachshad. He died at the age of 600 years. SHEMEBER: Chedorlaomer and his allies defeated King Shemeber of Zeboiim in the Siddim Valley. (Genesis 14:1-11) SHEMIDA: Shemida was a son of Gilead and great-grandson of Manasseh. The Shemidaites family came from His four sons. (Numbers 26:2, 29-32) (Joshua 17:2) (1 Chronicles 7:19) SHEMIDAITES: The Shemidaites were a family of the tribe of Manasseh. It was founded by Shemida. (Numbers 26:29, 32) SHEMINITH: This is a musical term meaning the eighth. I could refer to a particular musical register, or mode. The term is found a 1 Chronicles 15:21 Mattithiah, Eliphelehu, Mikneiah, Obed Edom, Jeiel, and Azaziah were appointed to play lyres and to conduct the eighth. SHEMIRAMOTH, THE MUSICIAN: Shemiramoth was a Levite musician who traveled with the Ark of the Covenant from Obededons house to Jerusalem. Later he was assigned to play befor its tent. (1 Chronicles 15:17, 18, 20, 25; 16:1, 4, 5) SHEMIRAMOTH, SENT BY JEHOSHAPHAT: Shemiramoth was one of the Levites Jehoshaphat sent to teach the Law to the people. (2 Chronicles 17:7-9) SHEOL: SEE HELL, SEE GRAVE SHEPHAM: This site was on the eastern border of the Promised Land near Riblah. (Numbers 34:10, 11) SHEPHELAH: The Shephelah was the region of small foothills between Palestines central mountain range and the costal plains of Philistia. (Deuteronomy 1:7) (Joshua 9:1; 10:40; 11:2; 12:8) (Judges 1:9) (2 Chronicles 28:18) (Zechariah 7:7) It was one of the territories assigned to Judah. (Joshua 15:33-44) SHEPHERD: A person who takes care of sheep is the shepherd. He or she feeds and guards a flock of sheep and goats. (Genesis 30:35,

36) (Matthew 25:32) Illustratively, Jehovah is a Shepherd. (Psalms 23:1-6; 80:1) (Jeremiah 31:10) (Ezekiel 34:11-16) (1 Peter 2:25) The Son of God, Jesus Christ is called the great shepherd at Hebrews 13:20. (John 10:11) (Matthew 9:36) (Zechariah 13:7) (Matthew 26:31) Elders in the congregations are told to shepherd the flock of God at 1 Peter 5:2-4. Shepherding the nations with an iron rod at Revelation 12:5 and Psalm 2:9 means strict control and destruction. SHEPHER, MOUNT: Mount Shepher is a mountain on the Sinai Peninsula. The people of Israel camped there. (Numbers 33:23, 24) SHERESH: Sheresh was a descendant of Manasseh. He was the son of Machir by his wife Maacah. (1 Chronicles 7:14-16) SHESHACH: Sheshach was a symbolic name for Babylon. (Jeremiah 25:26; 51:41) According to Jewish tradition, Sheshach is a code word for the Hebrew name Babel, or Babylon. The name Sheshach was representative of the humiliation that was due Babylon. (Jeremiah 25:26) SHESHAI: Sheshai was the brother of Ahiman and Talmai. (Numbers 13:22) (Joshua 15:14) (Judges 1:10) SHEHAN: Shehan was a descendant of Judah through Jerahmeel. He had no sons. So he gave his daughter in marriage to his slave Jarha in a effort to continue his line of descent. (1 Chronicles 2:31, 34, 35) SHESHBAZZAR: King Cyrus apponted Sheshbazzar to be in charge of the exiles returning from Babylon. Sheshbazzar brought the gold and silver utensis that had been looted by Nebuchadnezzar from the Temple. When he arrived in Jerusalem, he laid the foundations of the second Temple. (Ezra 1:7-11; 5:14-16) Some scholars believe the name Sheshbazzar was a name given to Zerubbabel. This would be the same way official court names were given to Daniel and his companions. (Daniel 1:7) SHETHAR: This man was one of the seven princes of Persia and Media consulted by King Ahasuerus when Queen Vashti refused to obey him. (Esther 1:13-15) SHIBAH, THE WELL: Isaac commissioned his servants to dig or redig a well at Beer-sheba. They found water there after concluding a

peace agreement with Abimelech the king of Gerar. Issac called the well Shibah. (Genesis 26:26-33) SHIBBOLETH: Shibboleth was the password used by men of Gilead to identify Ephraimites who tried to flee across the Jordan River. The word means flowing stream. (Judges 12:4-6) The Ephraimites would give themselves away to the Gileadite sentries by mispronouncing the initial sh sound. They would say Sibboleth. (Matthew 26:73) (Luke 22:59) SHIHOR RIVER: The term Shihor River occurs four times in the Hebrew Scriptures: Joshua 13:3, 1 Chronicles 13:5, Isaiah 23:3 and Jeremiah 2:18. Most experts link it to Egypt and the Nile River. It is most likely the easternmost branch of the Nile River in the Delta region. SHILHI: Shilhi was the father of Azubah. Azubah was Asas wife and the mother of Jehoshaphat. (1 Kings 22:41-43) (2 Chronicles 20:31) SHILHIM: Shilhim was a city in Judah. It was in the south about 22 miles west of Beersheba. It was also called Shaaraim. (Joshua 15:21, 32) (1 Chronicles 4:31) SHILLEM: Shillem was the fourth of Naphtalis sons who travel with him to Egypt. Shillem founded the tribe of Shillemites. (Genesis 46:8, 24) (Numbers 26:49, 50) The name was spelled Shallum at 1 Chronicles 7:13. SHILOAH CANAL: This canal is believed to have flowed from the Gihon Spring down the Kidron Valley around a hill to a pool at the Hinnom and Tyropoeon Valleys. It had a gradient of less than 0.2 of an inch per yard and thus produced a very gentle flow. This would explain the statement about the gently flowing water of Shiloah found at Isaiah 8:6. The point of the statement is figurative and represents the source of real salvation and security. SHILOH: He to Whom It BelongsThe Messiah. Jesus Christ is the only descendant of David to whom the kingship was promised. (Ezekiel 21:26-27) (Luke 1:32-33) Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of David spoken of at Revelation 5:5. SHILONITE, THE FAMILY: The Shilonite family sprang from Judahs third son Shelah. (1 Chronicles 9:5) (Genesis 46:12)

SHILSHAH: Shilshah was the leader of the tribe of Asher. He was a might and valiant chieftain. Shilshah was the son or descendant of Zophar. (1 Chronicles 7:36, 37, 40) SHIMEAH, SON OF MIKLOTH: Shimeah was the son of Mikloth. He was a Benjamite related to King Saul and his ancestors. Shimeah was also called Shimeam. (1 Chronicles 8:32; 9:35-39) SHIMEAH, DAVIDS BROTHER: This Shimeah was another name for Davids brother Shammah. (1 Samuel 16:2) (2 Samuel 13:3, 32) SHIMEAM: This man was the son of Mikloth, who lived in Jerusalem. He was a Benjamite related to King Sauls ancestors. (1 Chronicles 9:35-39) SHIMEATH: Shimeath was an Ammonite woman. Her son was one of the persons who assassinated Judahs King Johash. (2 Kings 12:20, 21) (2 Chronicles 24:25, 26) SHIMEATHITES: The Shimeathites were a Kenite family. They were scribes who lived at Jabez. (1 Chronicles 2:55) SHIMEI THE BENJAMITE: Shimei was a Benjamite of the village of Bahurim. He was the son of Gera of a family in Kings Sauls house. Shemei harbored a grudge against David because of Sauls death and the removal of the kingship from his house. Shimei threw stones and dust at David and his men one day but David refused to retaliate. He hoped that Jehovah would turn Shimeis curse into a blessing. (2 Samuel 16:5-13; 19:15-23) (1 Kings 2:8, 9) SHIMEITES: The Shimeites were descendants of Shimei, the son of Gershon and the grandson of Levi. (Exodus 6:16, 17) Shimei had four sons: Jahath, Zina, Jeush, and Beriah. (1 Chronicles 23:6, 7, 10, 11) SHIMEON: Shimeon was one of the eight sons of Harim. Ezra requested that they send their pagan wives and sons away. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 31, 32, 44) SHIMON: Shimon was the father of four sons in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:20) SHIMRITH: Shimrith was a Moabitess. Her son Jehozabad was one of the assassins of the Judean King Jehoash. (2 Chronicles 24:25, 26)

SHIMRON, SON OF ISSACHAR: Shimron was one of the Israelites who went to Egypt. His descendants, the Shimronites, formed one of the familes of Issachar. (Genesis 46:8, 13) (Numbers 26:23, 24) (1 Chronicles 7:1) SHINAR: The area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers was originally called Shinar. Later it was called Babylonia. Nimrod was the king over Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh. This was where the tower of Babel was built. (Genesis 10:9, 10; 11:2-8) After that the king of Shinar, Amraphel, and his followers took Abrahams nephew Lot captive. (Genesis 14:1, 9, 12) Joshua and the prophets Isaiah, Daniel, and Zechariah made reference to Shinar. (Joshua 7:21) (Isaiah 11:11) (Daniel 1:2) (Zechariah 5:11) SHINAB: Shinab was the king of Admah. He was one of five monarchs in southern Dead Sea area who rebelled against vassalage to Chedorlaomer but did not succeed. (Genesis 14:1-10) SHINING ONE: This is a description applied to the king of Babylon at Isaiah 14:4, 12. The Hebrew expression comes from a root meaning shine. (Job 29:3) The shining one said in his heart: I will go up to heaven (Mount Zion) and set up my throne above Gods stars. (Isaiah 14:13) Biblical evidence points to Mount Zion as the heaven the shining one; the king of Babylon plans to conquer. Stars refer to kings at Numbers 24:17 and Revelation 22:16. Therefore Gods stars must be the kings of the Davidic line who ruled from Mount Zion. The word Lucifer in the King James Version comes from the Latin Vulgate. The proper Hebrew translation means shine, shining one, or morning star. SHION: Shion was a city of Issachar. (Joshua 19:17, 19) It was located a short distance east of Nazareth. SHIP: A ship is a large sea going vessel. The Bible makes reference to ships in several places. Ships were plying the seas in the time of Moses. Jehovah warned the Israelites that if they disobeyed they would be brought back to Egypt by ships at Deuteronomy 28:68. (Ezekiel 27:27) The Phoenicians were skilled sailors who sailed great distances. (1 Kings 22:48) (Psalm 48:7) (Isaiah 2:16) (Ezekiel 27:25) It is possible that Jonah fled on a ship like this. (Jonah 1:3, 5) As a prisoner Paul sailed from Caesarea to Myra. (Acts 21:1-6; 27:25) The Gospels frequently spoke about boats on the Sea of Galilee. These were primarily used for fishing with nets. (Matthew 4:18-22) (Luke 5:2) (John 21:2-6) The apostle Paul featured the ships

anchor in a figurative way when he spoke to the Hebrews. He said our hope is a sure and steadfast anchor of life. (Hebrews 6:19) Ephesians 4:13 and James 1:6 each uses this same nautical theme. SHIPHI: Shiphi was a Simeonite. His son was one of the tribal leaders who extended their pasture grounds during Hezekiahs reign. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 37-41) SHISHAK: Shishak was an Egyptian king known as Sheshonk I in Egyptian records. Shishak was regarded as the founder of the Libyan dynasty. He ruled for nearly 21 years. His son Osorkon I succeeded him to the throne. Jeroboam fled to Egypt to escape from King Solomon when Shishak ruled. (1 Kings 11:40) (2 Chronicles 12:1-12) SHITTIM, THE CAMPSITE: Shittim was a campsite on the desert plains of Moab where the Israelites camped. Shittim is a shortened form of the name Abel-shittim. (Numbers 25:1; 33:49) (Joshua 2:1) SHITTIM VALLEY: This valley was near the Kidron Valley. (Joel 3:18) SHIZA: Shiza was the Reubenite father of Davids warrior Adina. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 42) SHOA: Pekod, Koa and Shoa were named as people or geographic areas providing military forces that Jehovah would use against unfaithful Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 23:4, 22, 23) SHOBAB, DAVIDS SON: Shobab was the son of David and Bathsheba. (2 Samuel 5:14) (1 Chronicles 3:5; 14:4) SHOBAB, CALEBS SON: Shobab was the son of Caleb the brother of Jerahmeel. He was from the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:9, 18) SHOBACH, SHOPHACH: This man commanded an army of Syrians hired by the Ammonites to fight against David. He was an army chief of Syrian King Hadadezer. Shobach lost the battle and his life along with 40,700 of his men. (2 Samuel 10:15-19) (1 Chronicles 19:16, 18) SHOBAI: Shobach was a Levite. He was the founder of a family of temple gatekeepers. Some of his descendants returned from

Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 40, 42) (Nehemiah 7:45) SHOBAL, SON OF SEIR: This man was a Horite sheik. He was the father of five sons. (Genesis 36:20, 23, 29) (1 Chronicles 1:38, 40) SHOBAL, SON OF HUR: Shobal was the son of Hur. He descended from Caleb of the tribe of Judah. The inhabitants of Kiriath-jearim and other towns were descendants of Shobal. (1 Chronicles 2:50-53; 4:1, 2) SHOBI: Shobi and two others brought supplies to David when Absalom rebelled and David fled Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 17:27-29) Shobi was the son of Nahash from Rabbah. He was one of the sons of Ammon. SHOHAM: Shoham was the son of Jaaziah. He was a Merarite Levite. Shoham was engaged in Davids reorganization of the Levitical services. (1 Chronicles 24:27, 31) SHOULDER: The shoulder is the part of the human or anamal that extends from the body just below the neck. It is also the term used to describe the rounded or sloping part of a hill. To shoulder a burden or responsibility means to do it. An authority or responsibility rested on a persons shoulder. Isaiah prophesied that the rule would come to be on the shoulder of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 9:6) Physical loads are carried on the shoulders. (Genesis 21:14) (Exodus 12:34) The Ark of the Covenant was carried on the shoulders of the Levites. (1 Chronicles 15:15) (Joshua 3:14, 15) A heavy load on the shoulders could represent oppression or slavery. (Psalm 81:5, 6) (Isaiah 10:27; 14:25) (Matthew 23:4) Symbolically, a stubborn shoulder represented resistance. (Nehemiah 9:29) (Zechariah 7:11) SHOVEL: A shovel is a scooping and digging implement. It usually has a long handle. Shovels were used at the tabernacle for removing the ashes from the altar of burnt offering. (Exodus 27:1-3; 38:3) (Numbers 4:14) The Hebrew-Phoenician workman Hiram made copper shovels for use at the temple Solomon built. (1 Kings 7:13, 14, 40, 45) The Babylonians carried these utensils away in 606 B.C.E. (2 Kings 25:8, 14) (Jeremiah 52:18) Big wide wooden shovels were used to winnow grain. (Isaiah 30:24) (Matthew 3:1, 12) They were also used at the threshing floor.

SHOWBREAD, HOLYBREAD: Twelve fresh cakes of bread were placed on a table in the temple every Sabbath. (Exodus 35:13; 39:36) (1 Kings 7:48) (2 Chronicles 13:11) (Nehemiah 10:32, 33) The showbread was placed before Jehovahs face, meaning in his presence. (2 Kings 13:23) It is referred to as holy bread or loaves of presentation at Mark 2:26. It is interesting to note that the priest ate the old loaves of bread the following week. It was considered something most holy. (Le 24:9) Only once in Biblical history has anyone other than Aaronic priest eaten this holy bread. Jesus Christ spoke about David and his men eating the holy bread at Matthew 12:3-7 and Luke 6:1-4. SHUA, FATHER OF JUDAHS WIFE: Shua was the Canaanite father of Judahs wife. He was the grandfather of Er, Onan, and Shelah. (Genesis 38:2-5, 12) (1 Chronicles 2:3) SHUA, DAUGHTER OF HEBER: This Shua was the daughter of Heber. She was of the tribe of Asher. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 32) SHUAH: Shuah was the sixth son of Abraham by his second wife Keturah. (1 Chronicles 1:32) Abraham gave gifts to his sons and then sent them out of his household toward the east. (Genesis 25:1, 2, 5, 6) It is believed that Shuahs descendants, the Shuhites, lived along the Euphrates River between the two tributaries, the Balikh River and the Khabur River. Jobs companion Bildad was the only Shuhite named in the Holy Scriptures. (Job 2:11) SHUHITE: A Shuhite was a descendant of Shuah. Shuah was a son of Abraham by his wife Keturah. (Genesis 25:2) (1 Chronicles 1:32) Bildad, the companion to Job, is the only Shuhite mentioned in the Bible. (Job 2:11; 8:1; 18:1; 25:1; 42:9) SHULAMMITE: The Shulammite is the beautiful country girl who is the main character of the Song of Solomon. (Song of Solomon 6:13) She was probably from the city of Shunem or Sulam. (1 Kings 1:3) The Greek Septuagint as well as the Vatican Manuscript number 1209 calls the girl the Sunamite. SHUNAMMITE: A Shunammite was an inhabitant of the city of Shunem. Abishag was a Shunammite. (1 Kings 1:3, 4, 15; 2:17, 21, 22) SHUNEM: Shunem was a city in the territory of Issachar. (Joshua 19:17, 18) It was located near Jezreel and Mount Gilboa. Its modern name is Shulam and it is north of Mount Gilboa. The Philistines

camped at Shunem before the battle that resulted in the death of King Saul. (1 Samuel 28:4) The beautiful maiden Abishag was a Shunammite. (1 Kings 1:3, 4) The prophet Elisha frequently stayed overnight at Shunem. (2 Kings 4:8-10) SHUSHAN: Shushan was an ancient city between the Karkheh River and the Ab-I-Diz River, 220 miles east of Babylon. The Shushan castle was the fortified part of the city. It was the setting for one of Daniels visions found at Daniel 8:2. The book of Esther relates events that took place at Shushan the Castle (Palace). (Esther 1:2, 5, 6; 2:3, 5, 8, 21; 3:2, 15; 8:14; 9:12-15) Shushan was also called Susa at Ezra 4:9. SHUTHELAH, SON OF EPHRAIM: Shuthelah was a son of Ephraim. He was a forefather of the Shuthelahites tribal family. (1 Chronicles 7:20) (Numbers 26:35-37) SIA, SIAHA: Sia was one of the Nethinim whose descendants returned from Babylonian exile with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 44) (Nehemiah 7:47) SIBMAH: Sibmah was a town east of the Jordan River. It was captured from by Israel from Amorite King Sihon. It was then assigned to the Reubenites because of the pasturelands. It was also called Sebam. (Numbers 32:2-5, 37, 38) (Joshua 13:15, 19, 21) Some believe it was 3 miles southwest of Heshbon. SIBRAIM: Sibraim was a place on the northern boundary of Israels territory, listed in Ezekiels vision. (Ezekiel 47:15-17) SIDDIM VALLEY: Siddim Valley was considered by some Bible students to be the baylike section of the Dead Sea south of the Lisan Peninsula. It could have once been a fertile valley that was later submerged. An earthquake could have caused these topographical changes at the time God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 19: 24, 25) Rebellious kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Zoar battled with The king of Edom, King Chedorlaomer and his three allies. Some of the troops fell into the bitumen pits in the area. (Genesis 14:4, 8-10) SIDON, SIDONIANS: Sidon was Canaans firstborn son and the progenitor of the Sidonians. The seaport town of Sidon was named after Sidon. Tyre, a town about 22 miles south of Sidon , was colonized by the Sidonians. Tyre and Sidon are mentioned together in prophecy. (Jeremiah 25:22; 27:2; 47:4) (Joel 3:4) (Zechariah 9:2)

The Sidonians were depraved and lewd people. They performed detestable sex orgies in connection with the goddess Ashtoreth as part of their worship. (Judges 10:6, 7, 11-13) Jehovahs prophets pronounced destruction on the Sidonians and later the Babylonians and others carried out the prophecy. (Isaiah 23:4, 12) (Jeremiah 25:17, 22; 27:1-8; 47:4) (Ezekiel 28:20-24; 32:30) (Joel 3:4-8) (Zechariah 9:1-4) SIGN: A sign is an indicator of something that is about to happen. It can be a warning of danger, or an indicator of the wise course to follow. The heavenly luminaries, the sun and the moon were meant to be visible signs of Gods existence and qualities. (Genesis 1:14) (Psalm 19:1-4) (Jeremiah 10:2) (Romans 1:19, 20) God gave signs to assure the truthfulness and dependability of His Words. (Jeremiah 44:29) (1 Samuel 2:31-34; 10:7, 9) (2 Kings 20:8-11) Jesus performed numerous signs that helped people believe in him. (John 2:23) However the hardhearted ones did not accept him. (Luke 2:34) (John 11:47, 53; 12:37) (Numbers 14:11, 22) These skeptical ones were the ones who asked Jesus to provide another sign. He answered them: An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign. No sign will be given but the sign of Jonah the prophet. Just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so the son of man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (The Grave). (Matthew 12:39-41) Jesus Christs own death and time spent in the grave served as a sign to all mankind. Even this did not convince most of the Jews. (Luke 11:30) (1 Corinthians 1:22) SIGN OF CHRISTS COMING AND PRESENCE: Jesus Christs apostles asked him: What will be the sign of your coming and presence and of the end of the age? (Matthew 24:3) Jesus responded by telling them about a composite sign made up of many events that would prove that he was indeed present and was about to come with his army of angels in kingdom power. These events included wars, earthquakes, persecution of Christians, great tribulation and the worldwide preaching of the Kingdom. The entire sign of his coming and presence can be read at Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21. SICKLE: Farmers used the sickle to cut wheat and other crops. This tool had a curved metal blade attached to a long wooden handle. Revelation 14:14-20 pictures the heavenly Jesus Christ with a sharp sickle in his hand. A harvest is reaped and thrown into the great wine press. The word sickle is used 7 times in that account.

SIGNAL: The Hebrew Scriptures speak about signals as signals for sending messages such as a smoke signal or fire signal. (Judges 20:38) (Jeremiah 6:1) Some signals or poles stationed on high places served as rallying points for people. (Isaiah 5:26; 13:2; 18:3; 30:17; 31:9) (Jeremiah 4:6, 21; 50:2; 51:12, 27) (Psalm 60:4) The apostle Paul applied the words of Isaiah 11:10 to Jesus Christ at Romans 15:8,12. We read at Isaiah 11:10: He will stand as a signal for the peoples. SIGNATURE: The Hebrew word taw is translated mark or signature. It is the name of the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It was frequently a written mark that would identify the person. Job offered his signature, or identifying mark, so the Almighty One could answer his questions at Job 31:35. SIGNET RING: This was also called a signature ring or seal ring. It was warn to indicate ownership, authenticity, or agreement. Jehovah promised Zerubbabel, the Governor of Judah that He would make him like a signet ring. I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, declared Jehovah. I will make you important like a signet (signature) ring, because I have chosen you, proclaimed Jehovah of Hosts. (Haggai 2:23) A signet is a seal used to mark official documents. It is used by high government officials. God was saying he would exalt Zerubbabel to high dignity, power, and trust. Some translators believe that it was Gods own signet ring that He was using to grant favor to Zerubbabel, but the translation ends up a signet ring and not My signet ring. See: SEAL SIHON: He was the Amorite king when Israel came into the Promised Land. Sihons kingdom included the Jabbok Valley and the Arnon Valley. His capital city was Heshbon near the east end of the Dead Sea. (Numbers 21:23, 24) (Joshua 12:2, 3; 13:21) SILAS, SILVANUS: Silas was a leading member of the Christian congregation in Jerusalem in the first-century. He was a prophet and companion of Paul on his second missionary journey. He was likely a Roman citizen. (Acts 15:22, 26, 27, 32, 40; 16:19, 25, 37, 38) The name Silvanus was also found in the letter of Paul and Peter and was probably the same person. SILK: Silk is the strongest of natural fibers used to make lightweight cloth. Caterpillars produce it. Most noted of these is the Chinese silkworm. The silkworm feeds on leaves and gives off a fluid that hardens into fine threads to form a cocoon. Silken fabric woven over 2,000 years ago has been found. Archaeologists found this fabric in

Phoenician tombs near Sabrata, Libya. Silk is listed among the costly merchandise bought by Babylon the Great at Revelation 18:2, 11, 12. The Hebrew word meshi found at Ezekiel 16:10,13 can mean silk or costly material. SILLA: King Jehoash was assassinated at the house of the Mound, on road that goes down to Silla. (2 Kings 12:20) SILOAM: The pool of Siloam was in Jerusalem where Jesus Christ had a blind man wash in order to receive sight.--Joh 9:6, 7, 11. This was the sight of King Hezekiahs pool or reservoir. It adjoined the conduit he constructed to carry the waters of Gihon. (2 King 20:20) (2 Chronicles 32:30) SILVER: Silver is a, soft white, precious metallic element. It is use in coins, jewelery, silverware, and photography. The ore has to be smelted and purified to release the silver and separate it from the dross, scummy foreign matter, and other metals. (Psalm 12:6) (Proverbs 27:21) (Ezekiel 22:20-22) (Malachi 3:3) The Hebrew word keseph is sometimes rendered money. The Greek word argyrion is translated silver money. (Genesis 17:12) Refined silver was used to measure wealth and as a medium of exchange. (Genesis 13:2; 23:15-18; 24:53; 44:2) (Exodus 11:11:2; 12:35) King Solomon was inspired to contrast material wealth of silver and gold with the more valuable spiritual wealth of wisdom, discipline, and understanding received from Jehovah. (Proverbs 3:13, 14; 8:10, 19; 16:16) (Ecclesiastes 12:6) (Isaiah 60:17) (Daniel 2:32) (1 Corinthians 3:12) SIMEON, SON OF JACOB: Simeon was the second of Jacobs sons. His mother Leah named his because Jehovah has listened. (Genesis 29:32, 33; 35:23-26; 48:5) (Exodus 1:1-4) (1 Chronicles 2:1, 2) Without their fathers consent Simeon and his brothers avenged their sister Dinah by slaughtering the Shechemites. This brought ostracism upon Jacobs entire family. (Genesis 34:1-31) Simeon and his brother planned to kill Joseph, their younger brother. (Genesis 42:14-24, 34-36) SIMEON, THE TRIBE: The tribe of Simeon came from Simeons six sons: Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul. (Genesis 46:10) (Exodus 6:15) SIMEON, OLD MAN IN THE TEMPLE: When Joseph and Mary brought the child Jesus to the Temple, the righteous old man named Simeon was there. It had been divinely revealed to Simeon that

before his death he would see the Messiah (Christ). No doubt he cried with joy as he took the baby in his arms and praised Jehovah. (Luke 2:22, 25-35) SIMEONITES: The descendants of Jacobs second son Simeon were called Simeonites. There were 22,000 Simeonite males who were over 20 years old and qualitifed for military service after the 40 years in the wilderness. (Numbers 25:14; 26:1, 2, 12-14) (Joshua 21:4) (1 Chronicles 27:16) SIMON ISCARIOT: Simon Iscariot was the father of Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus. (John 6:71; 13:2, 26) SIMON PETER: Simon was another nam for the apostle Peter. (Mark 3:16) SIMON, THE OTHER APOSTLE: As another apostle of Jesus Christ, this Simon was distinguished from Simon Peter by the term the Cananaean. (Matthew 10:4) (Mark 3:18) He may have belonged to the Zealots, a Jewish party opposed to the Romans. However, he may have been called the zealous one because of his religious zeal. (Luke 6:15) (Acts 1:13) SIMON, HALF BROTHER OF JESUS: He was an unbeliever at the time of the Festival of Tabernacles in 32 C.E. (Matthew 13:55) (Mark 6:3) (John 7:2-8) He may have become a believer later. Jesus fleshly brothers were present at the Pentecost in 33 C.E.. (Acts 1:14, 15) SIMON, THE PHARISEE: Jesus dined at the house of Simon. A sinful woman showed him kindness and respect. She greased his feet with perfumed oil. (Luke 7:36-50) SIMON, OF BETHANY: This Simon was a leper whom Jesus cured. Jesus, his disciples and the resurrected Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Marth, had a meal at his house. (Matthew 26:6-13) (Mark 14:39) (John 12:2-8) SIMON, OF CYRENE: Simon of Cyrene was the father of Alexander and Rufus. While traveling Simon was pressed into service to help carry Jesus stake. (Matthew 27:32) (Mark 15:21) (Luke 23:26) SIMON, THE MAGICIAN: Simon the magician from Samaria amazed the nation with his magical arts. Philip preached to him and

he became a believer and was baptized. Simon offered money to receive gifts from the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:9-24) SIMON, THE TANNER: This Simon was a tanner in Joppa. The apostle Peter was entertained at his house for several days in 36 C.E. (Acts 9:43; 10:6, 17, 32) SIMPLE, SIMPLIFIED: Something that exhibits childlike simplicity and credulity is simple. It is not complicated and not complex. It is easy to understand! The New Simplified Bible fits this description. Jesus said: Truly I tell you, if you do not have a change of heart and become like little children, you will not go into the kingdom of heaven. He who humbles himself to become like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Everyone who accepts this little child in my name accepts me. He who causes one of my faithful little ones to stumble is in trouble. It would be better for him to end in the deep sea with a great stone tied to his neck. (Matthew 18:36) SIN: Anything not in harmony with Gods Will. 1 John 3:4 tells us: Everyone who practices sin also commits lawlessness, because sin is lawlessness. James 4:17 says: He that knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin. A list of sins is found at 1 Corinthians 6:910 and Galatians 5: 19-21. SIN, WILDERNESS REGION: The wilderness region the Israelites traveled to one mont after their Exodus from Egypt after leaving their campsite near the Red Sea. It was in the Wilderness of Sin that they complained about the lack of meat. Jehovah caused a flock of quail to cover the campsite. The Israelites first ate manna for the first time at the Wilderness of Sin. The Sabbath law was put into effect there also. (Exodus 16:1-30; 17:1) (Numbers 33:9-15) SIN, CITY IN EGYPT: Sin was a city in Egypt where the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar attacked. In His proclamation against Egypt, God declared: Egypt will become the most desolate country in the world! Egypts cities will lie in ruinsI will set fire to Egypt. Sin will be in much pain. (Ezekiel 30:6, 10-16) SIN, THE LETTER: Sin (Shin) is the 21st letter in the Hebrew alphabet. In the Hebrew language, each of the eight verses of Psalm 119:161-168 begins with this letter.

SINAI: This is the mountain on which Moses received the Ten Commandments-Exodus Chapters 19 and 20. It is located between Egypt and Canaan. SINEW: A sinew is a tendon, connection of muscle to bone, in the body of humans and animals. Man is said to be woven together with bones and sinews at Job 10:11; 40:15-18. Jacob grappled with an angel. The angel touched the socket of Jacobs thigh joint caused it to go out of place. Moses explained that this is why the sons of Israel did not the sinew of the thigh nerve. (Genesis 32:32) The Scriptures speak figuratively of a stubborn, stiff-necked person as having an iron sinew. (Exodus 32:9) (Ezekiel 37:6-8) (Isaiah 48:4) SINIM, LAND OF: The Land of Sinim was one of the countries from which the Israelites would come when they returned to dwell in their homeland. The Greek Septuagint reads land of the Persians. The Latin Vulgate says land to the south. Strongs Hebrew Dictionary says it is a distant oriental region. (Isaiah 49:12) SION: Sion is another name for Mount Hermon. (De 4:48) Just like the Amorite name Senir, Sion may have been a part of Mount Hermon. (Deuteronomy 3:9) (1 Chronicles 5:23) (Song of Solomon 4:8) SIPHMOTH: Siphmoth was a Judean city. David sent a gift of the spoils of his victory over the Amalekites to them. David and his men had free access to the city when they were fugitives. (1 Samuel 30:26-31) SIRAHS CISTERN: This was a cistern 1.5 miles northwest of Hebron where Abner was when he received a message to return to Hebron. (2 Samuel 3:26, 27) SIRION: Sirion was the old Sidonian name for Mount Hermon. The Amorites gave it that name. (Deuteronomy 3:9) Sirion and Lebanon are mentioned together at Psalm 29:6. SISERA, ARMY COMMANDER: Sisera was the army commander for Canaanite King Jabin. Sisera lived at Harosheth. He was more prominent that King Jabin. After Judge Ehud defeated the Moabites, Sisera and Jabin captured and oppressed Israel for 20 years. (Judges 4:1-3) (1 Samuel 12:9) Exhausted from fighting a battle Sisera rested at Jaels tent. When he had fallen into a sound sleep, she drove a tent pin through his temples and he died. (Judges 4:9, 17-22; 5:25-30)

SISTER: This term is applied to full and half sister. (Genesis 34:1, 27) (1 Chronicles 3:1-9) (Matthew 13:55, 56) (Mark 6:3) Adams sons married their sisters because all humans sprang from Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:20; 5:4) At that time there was no disgrace attached to marriage to sisters. The term sister also applied to fellow countrywomen of a nation. (Numbers 25:17, 18) (Jeremiah 3:7-10) (Ezekiel 16:46, 48, 49, 55; 23:32, 33) Jesus taught that everyone who does the will of his Father in heaven was his brother or sister. (Matthew 12:50) (Mark 10:29, 30) (Luke 14:26) Women in the Christian congregation are spiritual sisters. (Matthew 19:29) (Mark 10:29, 30) (Luke 14:26) (Romans 16:1) (1 Corinthians 7:15; 9:5) (James 2:15) Figuratively, Proverbs 7:4 says: Say to wisdom: You are my sister. SITHRI: Sithri was a Levite who lived during the Israelite slavery in Egypt. He was the son of Uzziel and cousin of Moses. (Exodus 6:18, 20, 22) SITNAH WELL: The Sitnah Well was dug by Isaacs servants. It was located near Gerar and Rehoboth and was named Sitnah because they were fighting over it with the shepherds of Gerar. (Genesis 26:19-22) SKIN: Skin is the natural protective covering of the body. It is the external layer of the human or animal body. It is an organ and perfoms many functions for the body. It protects, regulates temperature, and removes waste materials. The Bible speaks about skin afflictions. (Leviticus 13:1-46) (Deuteronomy 28:27) Jehovah provided skin garments to cover Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:21) Skin was used in a symbolic or figurative sense. For example Job said: I escaped with the skin of my teeth at Job 19:20 meaning it was a narrow escape. SKINK: A Skink is an agile lizard with reduced, stubb-like, limbs and an elongated body covered with shiny scales. It is more dependent on moisture than most lizards and therefore it is found in tropical regions worldwide. SKY: Hebrew: shachag. The sky is the expanse of atmosphere surrounding the earth. It is usually blue in color exect when clouds form. (Isaiah 45:8) The Bible speaks of the sky as being starstudded at night. (Psalm 89:37) Jehovah God used figurative language in warning Israel not to disobey. He said the skies overhead would become copper and the earth beneath would

become iron. (Deuteonomy 28:23, 24) (1 Kings 8:35) Jesus ascended into the clouds in the sky and was caught away from the disciples view. (Acts 1:9-11) SLAVE, SERVANT: The Hebrew word evedh can be rendered slave or servant. It can refer to persons owned by their fellowmen. (Genesis 12:16) (Exodus 20:17) It can also mean designated subjects of a king. (2 Samuel 11:21) (2 Chronicles 10:7) Another understanding of slave or servant could be persons in royal service, owned by their fellowman or not. (Genesis 40:20) (1 Samuel 29:3) (1 Kings 9:27) (2 Chronicles 8:18; 9:10) The apostle Paul warned Christians not to be slaves (or servants) to sin. (Romans 6:16; 7:14) (James 1:14, 15) A person can be a voluntary or an involuntary slave or servant. The New Simplified Bible uses the words slave and servant interchangeably because their meaning is very much the same. (See: SERVANT) SLEEP: Sleep is a natural periodic state of rest during which consciousness is suspended. Rest and sleep are necessary for the maintenance of human life and health. Jesus Christ showed his concern for his disciples to have time to rest. (Mark 4:38; 6:31) A person is warned not to become a lover of sleep at Proverbs 20:3. (Proverbs 19:15) Unlike men, God does not become tired and require sleep. He is always available to help his servants. (Psalm 121:3,4) Death is compared to sleep in the Holy Scriptures. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10) (Psalm 146:4) (John 11:11-14) (Acts 7:60) (1 Corinthians 7:39; 15:51) (1 Thessalonians 4:13) People who engage in wrong practices and false teachings are considered asleep as to righteousness. (Romans 13:11-13) (Ephesians 5:6-14) (1 Thessalonians 5:6-8) (Revelation 16:15) SLING, SLINGER: A person who hurles missiles from a sling was considered a slinger. The sling as a short strap doubled over and hirled around. One end of the strap was released, freeing the missile which was hurled toward the target at a high velocity. The tribe of Benjamin selected 700 men who were experts at slinging stones. Every one of them could sling a stone to a hairbreadth and would not miss. (Judges 20:15, 16) (2 Chronicles 26:13, 14) (2 Kings 3:25) Young shephard boys were well trained in slinging stones. While it is important to give God credit for helping David, it was not just a matter of taking a chance that David could hit a big target like Goliath. David was an expert shot with a sling. (1 Samuel 17:38-51) SMOKE: Smoke is a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas. It is a hot vapor filled with carbon and produced by combustion. The

Hebrew ashan and Greek kapnos refer to literal smoke. Sacrificial smoke was offered as a pleasing odor to God. The Hebrew word qatar means sacrificial smoke. (1 Ch 6:49; Jer 44:15) Figurative use of the word smoke is found through out the Bible. Jehovah gave evidence of his presence by a cloud of smoke, sometimes accompanied by fire. (Exodus 19:18; 20:18) (Isaiah 4:5, 6:1-6) (Revelation 15:8) Jehovahs burning anger is show with the use of smoke. (Deuteronomy 29:20) (Isaiah 65:5) A pillar of cloud was used to led the Israelites through the desert wilderness. (Exodus 13:21) SEE: CLOUD. Smoke normally dissipates quickly, so it has been used figuratively to convey transitory things, beings, and events. (Job 41:20) (Psalms 68:2; 102:3) (Hosea 13:3) SMYRNA: Smyrna was part of the Roman province of Asia. It was an important commercial city and was noted for its beauty. Smyrna was the second of the seven Christian congregations in Asia Minor to receive a message from Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 1:11) The Smyrna congregation was poor materially and rich spiritually. Christians of the congregation in Smyrna were encouraged not to fear and to be faithful even to death in order to receive the crown of life. (Revelation 2:8-11) SNAIL: A snail is a slow moving mollusk. The snail has a spiral or conical shell into which it can withdraw for protection. Some experts believe that phrase: the snail melts away is referring to the snails slimy trail. (Psalm 58:8) Still others think it means the snail dries up into its shell in the heat of the sun. SNOW: Snow consists of white crystals of frozen water. It forms from water vapor in the atmosphere. (Isaiah 55:10, 11) (Job 9:30) Some areas of Palestine rarely receive snow. However, it sometimes falls during January and February in the hill country near Jerusalem. (2 Samuel 23:20) (1 Chronicles 11:22) Mount Hermon and Mount Hauran are snowcapped in season. (Psalm 68:14) (Jeremiah 18:14) God provides snow and controls it. (Job 37:6) (Psalm 147:16) Snow is offered illustratively in the Scriptures to convey the idea of whiteness. (Exodus 4:6) (Numbers 12:10) (2 Kings 5:27) (Daniel 7:9) (Matthew 28:3) (Revelation 1:14) SNUFFERS: The Hebrew word mezam-mereth means snuffer and trimmer. It was a tool made of gold or copper that was used in connection with the services at the temple. (Exodus 25:37, 38) (Numbers 4:9) (1 Kings 7:50) (2 Kings 12:13; 25:14) (2 Chronicles 4:22) (Jeremiah 52:18)

SOCOH, IN THE SHEPHELAH: Socoh was a Judean city in the Shephelah. It have been called both Soco and Socoh. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 35) The Philistines assembled their army at Socoh and camped at nearby Ephesdammim before Goliath fought David. (1 Samuel 17:1) It was amoung the cities strengthened by Rehoboam. (2 Chronicles 11:5-7) Two hundred years later, during the rule of King Ahaz, the Philistines captured Soco again. (2 Chronicles 28:16-18) SOCOH, IN THE JUDEAN MOUNTAINS: This Socoh was a city in the mountains of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48) SOCO, IN GENEALOGY OF JUDAH: Heber is the father of Soco. Soco could be a personal name of Hebers descendant. (1 Chronicles 4:18) SODI: This man was a Zebulunite. His son Gaddiel was a spy who spied out the Promised Land for the tribe. (Numbers 13:2, 10) SODOM: Sodom was a city on the boundary of Canaan. (Genesis 10:19; 13:12) It was the most prominent of five cities in the Siddim Valley. (Genesis 14:2, 3) Abraham and Lot moved to different directions. Lot moved eastward to the area of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was there that he discovered that men of Sodom were bad and were gross sinners against Jehovah. (Genesis 13:5-13) (2 Peter 2:7, 8) Sodom persisted in a course in defiance of Jehovah. It was known for immoral sexual practices including homosexuality. (Genesis 18:16, 20-33) (Romans 1:24-32) (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10) An angel finally came to lead Lot and his Wife and two daughters out of the city. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed with sulfur and fire. (Genesis 19:1-29) (Luke 17:28, 29) Sodom and Gomorrah are often mentioned together. They are known for gross sin and everlasting destruction. SOLOMON: The son of David who was famous for his wisdom. He built the temple for Jehovah. (1 Kings 6 and 7) Solomon made wise decisions when he served as king. (1 Kings 3:16-28) SON: Hebrew: ben and Greek: hui-os mean son, ones immediate male offspring. Men were often identified by the name of a forefather such as son of Jesse or son of David. (1 Samuel 22:7-9) The word son frequently is descriptive of the persons circumstances. Here are some examples: sons of light, sons of day, sons of the kingdom, sons of the wicked one, son of the Devil, sons of disobedience. (Luke 6:35) (1 Thessalonians 5:5) (Matthew 13:38) (Acts 13:10) (Ephesians 2:2)

Angels created by God, are sons of God. (Job 38:7) Adam was also created by God as a son of God. (Luke 3:38) Judges and rulers in Israel were called gods and the sons of the Most High. (Psalm 82:6) Those whom God chose to be joint heirs with his Son Jesus Christ are called Gods sons. (Romans 8:14-17) SON OF GOD: Jesus Christ is called the Son of God 74 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Satan acknowledged him as the Son of God at Matthew 4:3. At Matthew 16:16 Peter honored Jesus as the Son of the living God. John the Baptist knew who he was for he witnessed: this one is the Son of God (John 1:34) And most important of all, Jesus proclaimed: I said, I am the Son of God. (John 10:36)

SON OF MAN: Hebrew: ben-adham and Greek: huios tou anthropou mean son of man. God addresses the prophet Ezekiel over 90 times in the book of Ezekiel as son of man. (Ezekiel 2:1, 3, 6, 8) The same designation is applied to the prophet Daniel at Daniel 8:17. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is also referred to as the Son of man nearly 80 times in the four Gospels. (Mathew 8:20; 9:6; 10:23) This expression showed that Gods Son was now human, having become flesh. (John 1:14) SONG: A song is a composition of music and words. Nearly one tenth of the Bible is song. Most of those songs are found in Psalms, Song of Solomon and Lamentations. The first song found in the Holy Scriptures was sung by Moses and the men of Israel. Miriam and the women also sang about their deliverance at the Red Sea. (Exodus 15:1-21) (Deuteronomy 31:30; 32:1-43) (Judges 5:1-31) (2 Samuel 1:17-27) The song of Jehovah and the song of Moses and the Lamb are also in the Scriptures. (2 Chronicles 29:27) (Revelation 15:3, 4) James wrote: Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. (James 5:13) SOPATER: Sopater was a Beroean Christian. He was the son of Pyrrhus and may have been the same person as Sosipater in Rome. Sopater associtaed with Paul in Greece when Paul went on his third missionary journey. (Acts 20:2-6) (Romans 16:21) SOPHERETH: Sophereth was among the sons of the servants of Solomon who returned from the Babylonian exile. (Ezra 2:55) (Nehemiah 7:57)

SORCERER: A false prophet who works magic for evil purposes is a sorcerer. (Acts 13:6-8) SOREK VALLEY: The Wadi es-Sarar is located in the Sorek Valley. The Philistine wagon used to return the Ark of the Covenant to the Israelites probably followed the Sorek Valley from Ekron on the road to Beth-shemesh. (1 Samuel 5:10; 6:10-12) The name Sorek means Choice Red Vine. This is very fitting since the area is suited for vineyards. Delilah lived in the Sorek Valley. This was where she seduced Samson to reveal the secret of his strength. (Judges 16:421) SOSIPATER: Sosipater was a friend to the apostle Paul when he was in Corinth. The apostle described him as my relative at Romans 16:21. He could possibly be the same as Sopater, mentioned at Acts 20:4. SOSTHENES: Sosthenes was the presiding officer of the Corinthian synagogue when Paul visited in Corinth. He was attacked by a crowd of people and beaten. This bad experience suffered by Sosthenes may have led to his conversion to Christianity. He later associated with the apostle Paul. (Acts 18:8, 12-17) (1 Corinthians 1:1) SOTAI: Sotai was one of Solmons servant. His offspring returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezekiel 2:55) (Nehemiah 7:57) SOUL: The Hebrew word nephesh and the Greek word psykhe mean breath, life, person or living being. (Deuteronomy 6:5) Each human being and each animal is a soul. The word means a living being. Adam became a living being. (Genesis 2:7) It can also mean physical and spiritual life. (Matthew 10:28) (Mark 8:36) The word soul is not included in the New Simplified Bible. It is a very old word that has lost its original meaning. Matthew 22: 37 is translated without the old word soul. Included in that verse are the Greek words kardia meaning heart, feelings, emotions; psuche meaning being, life; dianoia meaning mind, understanding. SOURDOUGH: Dough that is allowed to sour or ferment is sourdough. The Hebrew term seor means fermented or leavened. The Israilites used sourdough to make leavened bread. (Matthew 13:33) (Luke 13:20, 21) The grain offerings presented by fire to Jehovah were not to be made with sourdough. (Leviticus 2:11) The

apostle Paul spoke about sourdough when he said, Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new batch of dough. (1 Corinthians 5:7) SOVEREIGNTY: The right to govern and genuine supremacy over others is sovereignty. Jehovah, the true God of the Bible, is the Sovereign of the universe. This is verified at Psalm 47:9. He is the rightful ruler by reason of his supremacy as the Almighty, his Godship, and His Creatorship. (Genesis 17:1) (Exodus 6:3) (Revelation 16:14) He is the Owner of all things and the Source of all authority and power. (Psalm 21:1) (Isaiah 40:21-23) (Revelation 4:11; 11:15) Jehovah God is judge, lawgiver and King! (Deuteronomy 10:17) (Psalm 103:19; 145:13; 150:6) (Isaiah 33:22) (Acts 4:24) The only being in the universe with which Jehovah will share his power is Jesus Christ. Jehovah God will present Jesus Christ as his under king during the thousand-year reign of Revelation 20:6, Psalm 2 and Daniel 7:13,14. SOWING SEED: Sowing or broadcasting is the practice of placing seeds in the ground for future growth. It is also the act of induceing something, such as an idea or belief, into an environment. In ancient times the farmer would carry grain seed in a fold of his garment or in a container. Then he would use long sweeping arm motion to disperse the seed on the earth for growth. Jehovah uses the sowing and growing process to illustrate the sure effectiveness of his word. (Isaiah 55:10, 11) Jesus Christ compare the sowing of seed to preaching the good news of the Kingdom. (John 4:35-38) The apostle Paul emphasized that, A man will harvest what he sows. (Galatians 6:4, 7, 8) He was speaking about spiritual things. SPAIN: Spain is a European country located on the Iberian Peninsula in southwest Europe. It is not certain if the apostle Paul reached Spain but he intended to travel there. (Romans 15:23, 24, 28) Spain was under Roman rule at the time Paul was imprisoned in Rome in 61 C.E. and 65 C.E. SPAN: A span is a distance between the end of the thumb and the end of the little finger when the hand is spread out. (Isaiah 40:12) The span was about 8 or 9 inches in length. Two spans were equal to one cubit. Tree handbreadths were equal to one span. A span is also an interval or period of time from one moment to another. The Hebrew term tsemedh refers to a pair or couple of animals that are yoked together. SEE:HANDBREADTH

SPARROW: The only direct references to sparrows in the Holy Scriptures are found in Jesus words recorded during his third Galilean tour. He said: Do two sparrows sell for a penny? Not one of them will fall on the ground without your Father knowing. (Matthew 10:29-31) (Luke 12:6, 7) Jesus concluded: Do not fear! You are more valuable than many sparrows. The Greek word strouthion means any small bird. The same is true of the Hebrew word, tsippohr. (Psalm 84:3; 102:7) SPEARMEN: The Roman army employed soldiers armed with spears, backed up by archers and slingers. Charioteers and cavalrymen frequently carried spears. Spearmen were included in the Roman occupational forces in Palestine. Two hundred spearmen secretly escorted the apostle Paul out of Jerusalem in the account found at Acts 23:23. SPELT: Spelt is an inferior variety of wheat in which the kernels are hard to separate from the chaff. In ancient times spelt was cultivated in Egypt. Greek historian Herodotus reported that it was made into bread. The Israelites planted it as a border plant around their fields to serve as a fence. (Exodus 9:32) (Ezekiel 4:9) (Isaiah 28:25) SPICE: There were a number of fragrant plant products that were in the category known as spice. The original language words for spice did not apply to food seasonings. They included: aloe, balsam, calamus, cassia, cinnamon, frankincense, galbanum, labdanum, myrrh, and stacte. Spices were used in making the holy anointing oil and incense prepared exclusively for sanctuary use. (Exodus 30:23-25, 34-37) Spices were also use in preparing the dead for burial. Myrrh and aloes were mentioned to prepare Jesus body. (John 19:39, 40) (Mark 16:1) (Luke 23:56; 24:1) SPIDER: The spider is a predatory, small, eight-legged arachnid. Most spiders spin webs to catch their prey. The spinning organs are on the rear of the abdomen. The spider web is made up of very strong silk like thread secreted from the spiders body. The spider is referenced in two places in the Bible at Job 8:14, 15 and Isaiah 59:5, 6. Each occurrence is illustrative in nature. SPIES: Spies are secret agents who obtain information using hidden observations. Moses sent twelve people representing all the tribes except Levi to search the land of Canaan. (Deuteronomy 1:22-40) (Numbers 13:1-33) Joshua sent two spies across the Jordan River to spy on the city of Jericho in 1473 B.C.E. (Joshua 2:1-24; 6:1, 22-25)

(Hebrews 11:31) There are other instances of spying found in the Bible. (Judges 1:22-26; 18:1-10, 14, 17) (1 Samuel 26:4) The apostle Paul spoke about false brother who were brought in to spy out our liberty that we have in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 2:1-5) SPIKENARD, NARD: Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus head and feet with very precious and expensive oil extracted from the spikenard plant. (Song of Solomon 1:12; 4, 13, 14) (Mark 14:3) The oil was sealed in cases of alabaster in order to preserve its fragrance. The pound of perfumed oil called genuine nard was probably worth more than a years wages of 300 denari. (Mark 14:39) (John 12:3-8) (Matthew 20:2) It is possible that the nard Mary used came from India. SPINNING: Spinning is the process of making thread or yarn. Plant or animal fibers are twisted together to be used for weaving, sewing, and making rope. Both men and women spun thread in ancient Egypt. Mostly women did the spinning among the Hebrews. (Exodus 35:25, 26) In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ said the lilies grow without spinning or toiling. (Luke 12:27, 28) (Matthew 6:28-30) SPIRIT: SEE HOLY SPIRIT SPIRITISM: The major belief or doctrine of spiritism is that the living can communicate with the dead. They claim that it is accomplished through a person known as a medium. This practice existed from early times. The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians believed in spiritism. (Isaiah 19:3; 47:12, 13) This is contrary to the Holy Scriptures, for they teach that the dead do not know anything. (Ecclesiastes 9:5) The practice of spiritism was so bad that God made it a capital offense. (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27) (Deuteronomy 18:9-12) (Isaiah 8:19) It is emphaticaly stated in the Christian Greek Scriptures that those who practice spiritism, a work of the flesh, will not inherit Gods kingdom. (Galatians 5:20, 21) (Revelations 21:8) The Greek word pharmakia means spiritism. The word relates to the use of drugs. Included in the use of drugs is the practice of influencing someone with poisons, occult powers, charms and amulets. The Bible clearly tells us that wicked spirits, demons, are responsible for this practice. (Deuteronomy 18:11) (Acts 16:16-19) (1 Corinthians 10:20) Jesus Christ expelled demons when he was on earth. (Matthew 8:29-34) (Mark 5:7-13) (Luke 8:28-33)

SPIT: This is saliva ejected from the mouth. Spitting on someone was considered an extreme act of contempt. (Numbers 12:14) Job experienced such an act of humiliation. (Job 17:6; 30:10) Jesus Christ also experienced this detestable action when he appeared before the Sanhedrin. (Matthew 26:59-68) (Mark 14:65) Roman soldiers spit upon him after his trial. (Matthew 27:27-30) (Mark 15:19) (Isaiah 50:6) Contrasting these negitive applications of saliva Jesus used his saliva when performing meraculous healing. (Mark 7:31-37; 8:22-26) (John 9:1-7) SPOIL: Plunder or booty taken from a defeated enemy is called spoil. It was customary for the victors to take spoil. (Luke 11:21, 22) It was even part of Jehovahs reward to the Israelites for carrying out his will, as his executioners. Even whole cities were taken as spoil. When Abraham rescued Lot from Chedoriaomers army he refused to take spoil and returned it, to make sure it was understood about where he got his wealth. (Genesis 14:1-24) (Hebrews 7:4) SPONGE: Interlacing fibers from various marine animals or any porus rubber or cellulose product used to absorb liquid such as water is called a sponge. Sponges are found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere. A sponge was fastened to the end of a reed, soaked full of sour wine, and extended to Jesus Christ on the stake. (Matthew 27:48) (Mark 15:36) (John 19:29) STACHYS: Stachys was a member of the Christian congregation in Rome in 56 C.E. Paul sends his greeting to him and speaks of him as my beloved at Romans 16:9. STACTE: Stacte drops were one of the ingredients of the incense used for sacred purposes only. A perfumer mixed the fragrant incense. (Exodus 30:34, 35) STAG: The stag is the adult male deer. There were three varieties of deer that were once native to Palestine: the fallow deer, the red deer, and the roe deer. The flesh of the stag was among the meats on King Solomons table. (1 Kings 4:22, 23) The Shulammite compared her shepherd lover to a young stag. (Song of Solomon 2:9, 17; 8:14) The stags great mobility was used to illustrate the complete cure of lame persons at Isaiah 35:6. STAKE: The Greek verb used when the mob demanded that Jesus be implaled was stauroo. It means to impale a person by fastening him to an upright stake, or pole. The Greek word stauros means an upright stake or pole. Jesus Christ was fastened to the stake until

he died. The New Simplified Bible uses the words impale and stake. The word cross is not in this translation because the Greek word stauros simply means a standing pole or tree trunk. The root verb stauroo ocurs more than 40 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures. (See Translation Notes: STAKE OR CROSS?) STARS: Angels, messengers. (Revelation 1:20) STATER: The stater is the Greek word rendered piece of money at Matthew 17:27. It is rendered drachmas at Matthew 17:24. It has also been translated shekel in some Bible translations. STATUTE: A statute is an act of law. It can be passed by a legislative body. It is also a divine law. Jehovah is the the supreme Statute Giver. (Isaiah 33:22) (Genesis 26:5) (Psalm 89:30-32) (Daniel 6:15) STEPHANAS: He was a member of the congregation at Corinth in southern Greece. He and his family had the distinct honor of being baptized by the apostle Paul as the firstfruit of his ministry. (1 Corinthians 1:16; 16:15) Stephanas and some other brothers visited Paul in Ephesus to deliver the news about distressing conditions. (1 Corinthians 1:11; 5:1; 11:18) STEPHEN: Stephen was the first Christian martyr, for he was stoned to death. He was from a Jewish background. But he did not listen to the Jewish leaders of his day. He accepted and followed Jesus. (Acts 7:2) He was one of the faithful men who were appointed to special service responsibilities in the congregation at Jerusalem. (Acts 6:1-6) Stephen was the first to bear witness that he had seen Jesus in a special vision. In his vision, Jesus returned to heaven and was at the right hand of God. (Psalm 110:1) (Acts 7:55, 56) STEWARD, STEWARDSHIP: God appointed man as steward over the earth. (Genesis 1:26-28) Man must also be servants of God. (Luke 12:42-48) And the most important stewardship of all is of the Good New of Gods Kingdom. (1 Corinthians 4:1) (See:FAITHFUL SERVENT) STOCKS: Wrongdoers were locked in stocks and exposed to public scorn. A stock was an ancient instrument used for punishment, consisting of a wooden frame in which a victoms feet, head and hands were locked. Paul and Silas were falsely accused of wrongdoing and confined to stocks at Philippi. (2 Chronicles 16:10)

(Job 13:27; 33:11) (Jeremiah 20:2, 3; 29:26) (Acts 16:24) Stocks were not prescribed by Gods Law. STOICS: The Greek philosopher Zeno taught that happiness is found by being free from pleasure and pain. A stoic is someone who is indifferent to emotions. (Acts 17:18) STOMACH: The stomach is the principal organ of digestion found between the thorax and the pelvis. Under the Law, a person who sacrificed a victim was required to give the stomach to the priest. (Deuteronomy 18:3) The apostle Paul recommended that Timothy use a little wine to settle his stomach. (1 Timothy 5:23) The terms belly and inward parts are used in some places in the Scriptures. (Romans 16:18) (1 Corinthians 6:13) (SEE: BELLY) STONE: Stone is a building material that has been widely used because of its durable nature. The Assyrians, Egyptians and other nations erected palaces, monuments and other structures of stone. (Leviticus 14:40, 41) (2 Samuel 5:11) (1 Kings 5:18; 6:7) (Nehemiah 4:3) (Proverbs 24:31) (John 11:39) Stone is used figuratively on several occasions in the Scriptures. (Ephesians 2:19-22) (1 Peter 2:4-8) (Matthew 21:42) (Mark 12:10) (Luke 20:17) (Romans 9:32, 33) STONECUTTER: A person who cuts, carves, and prepares tones for use as building material is called a stonecutter. (2 Ki 12:11, 12; 2 Ch 24:12) King David used foreigners in Israel stone hewers or cutters for the temple of Jehovah. (1 Ch 22:2, 15) STONE PAVEMENT: A place in Jerusalem that was paved with large stones was called the Stone Pavement. It was there that Roman Governor Pontius Pilate sat on the judgment seat when Jesus Christ was before him for trial. The site was called by the Hebrew term Gabbatha is a word-meaning hill, height, or open space. In Greek it was called Li-thostrp-ton meaning ornamental mosaic pavement. (John 19:1-13) STONING: The Law required that a wrongdoer deserving capital punishment be pelted to death with stones. (Leviticus 20:2) This was done in order to clear out what was bad from their midst. Everyone in Israel would hear of the punishment and fear doing wrong. (Deuteronomy 13:5, 10, 11; 22:22-24) At least two witnesses had to give harmonious testimony before a wrongdoer could be condemned to death and the witnesses had to throw the first stones. (Leviticus 24:14) (Deuteronomy 17:6, 7) Jesus said that Jerusalem

was the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent to her. (Matthew 23:37) (Hebrews 11:37) There were people who threatened to stone Jesus. (John 8:59; 10:31-39; 11:8) Stephen was stoned to death as recoreded at Acts 7:58-60. The apostle Paul also experienced stoning. (Acts 14:19) (2 Corinthians 11:25) STORAGE AND SUPPLY CITIES: Cities were designed to be used as government storage centers. Warehouses and granaries were built at these locations. The Egyptians forced the Israelites to build cities as storage places for Pharaoh, namely, Pithom and Raamses. (Exodus 1:11) Solomon also built storage and supply cities. (1 Kings 9:17-19) (2 Chronicles 8:4-6) King Jehoshaphat also ordered the building of fortiified places and storage cities in Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:12) STORAX TREE: The storax or poplar tree grows as a tall shrub or tree to a height of 20 feet. It is found in Syria, where Jacob made use of its staffs, as well as in Palestine. (Genesis 30:37) (Hosea 4:13) It has delightful flowers with white petals that offer sweet fragrance similar to orange blossoms. It has oval shaped leaves that are green on top and white underneath. That would explain the Hebrew name for the tree, livneh meaning white. STOREHOUSE: A storehouse or storeroom was a warehouse or building in which foodstuffs, wine and oil, precious metals, and other articles were stored. (2 Chronicles 32:27, 28) (Nehemiah 12:44) (Malachi 3:10) Jesus Christ used the word in an illustrative way when he spoke about not being anxious about material needs. He said that the birds do not gather things into storehouses and God takes care of them. (Matthew 6:11, 25) (Luke 12:22, 24) He also used the illustration of the rich man who built larger storehouses to hold many more goods and then died without using them. (Luke 12:13-21) The term storehouse is also used figuratively. For example the sea is said to be gathered and placed in the ocean depth in Gods storehouse. (Psalm 33:7) (Matthew 3:7-12) (Luke 3:16, 17) (Job 38:22, 23) (Psalm 105:32) (Jeremiah 50:25, 26) STORK: This bird is known for its tender care for its young and its faithfulness to its lifelong mate. The stork is a large, long-legged wading bird similar to the heron. The adult stork stands nearly 4 feet tall. It regualarly migrates through Palestine and Syria from its winter grounds in Africa and it assembles into large flocks during March and April. The white and the black stork are most common in Israel. (Leviticus 11:19) (Deuteronomy 14:18) (Jeremiah 8:7) (Psalm 104:17)

STRAIGHT STREET: During the period of Roman influence there was a street in Damascus, Syria called Straight Street. It was a major thoroughfare measureing 100 feet wide. It was divided by colonnades and its center lane was used by pedestrians. The two outside lanes were for vehicular traffic. Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul, stayed at the house on Streight Street. Jesus directed the disciple Ananias to this house to restore Sauls eyesight. (Acts 9:312, 17-19) STRAW: Straw is the stalk of grain such as wheat and barley remaining after the threshing is over. It was used as fodder for domestic animals. (Genesis 24:25, 32) (Judges 19:19) (1 Kings 4:28) (Isaiah 11:7) Straw was also used to manufacture bricks. (Exodus 5:7-18) STREET: A street is a throughfare that is usually lined with buildings and houses. Vehicles travel on the streets. Most of the streets in ancient towns were unpaved. (Isaiah 10:6; 42:2) (Psalm 18:42) An open area along a street served as the public square, a place to tansact business or meet for instruction. (Genesis 23:10-18) (Nehemiah 8:1-3) (Jeremiah 5:1) Children sometimes played in the streets. (Zechariah 8:4, 5) Jesus taught, and cured the sick along the side of the roads and streets. (Luke 8:1) (Matthew 12:13-19) (Isaiah 42:1,2) STRIFE: Proverbs 10:12 says: Hatred stirs up strife: but love covers all sins. Hatred is one of the major causes of strife. Wrangling, quarreling and fighting because of enmity and hatred is sometimes called strife in the Holy Scriptures. (Proverbs 15:18; 16:28; 29:22) (1 Timothy 6:4) Strife is one of the works of the flesh listed at Galatians 5:19, 20 and it has no place in the Christian congregation. (Romans 13:13) (1 Corinthians 3:3) (2 Corinthians 12:20) (Philippians 2:3) (Titus 3:9) STUBBLE: The grain stalks remaining in the field after the harvest is the stubble. The Israelites had to gather stubble when Egypts Pharaoh deprived them of the straw they needed for making bricks. (Exodus 5:10-12) Stubble is used in a figurative or illustrative way since it is easily blown away by the wind. (Isaiah 40:24; 41:2) (Jeremiah 13:24) The wicked enemies of Jehovah and their evil schemes are compared to stubble. (Exodus 15:7) (Psalm 83:13) (Malachi 4:1) (Isaiah 33:11) The apostle Paul listed stubble as a material that would not withstand the fire test at 1 Corinthians 3:12, 13.

STUBBORN, STUBBORNESS: Stubbornness is hardness or strength in a bad sense. A stubborn person deliberately refused to comply with Gods will or commands. (Psalms 78:8; 81:12) (Isaiah 1:23; 65:2) (Jeremiah 3:17; 5:23; 7:23-26; 11:8; 18:12) (Acts 7:51) Disaster and problems happen to those who persist in a stubborn course. (Deuteronomy 29:19, 20) (Nehemiah 9:29, 30) (Proverbs 28:14) (Isaiah 30:1) (Jeremiah 6:28-30) (Daniel 5:20) (Hosea 9:15) (Zechariah 7:9) (Romans 2:5) God is patient and allows individuals and nations to continue to exist even when they are not repentant. (Genesis 15:16) (2 Peter 3:9) STUDY TOOLS: The following Bible Study tools should be considered for a comprehensive study of the Holy Scriptures: (1) CROSS REFERENCES: Notes alongside the text that show where similar words or thoughts may appear in other Bible passages. (2) CONCORDANCE: This shows the passages where various words appear. It would not be practical for a bible to contain a complete concordance with all of the words and all of the places where each appears (there is a separate book for that), but it is handy to have a concordance in the back of a bible for a quick word study if a full concordance is unavailable. (3) TOPICAL INDEX: This lists various topics, such as salvation, sin, Christ, etc. and where these topics may be found. This is helpful for topical studies and for answering questions that you or others may have. The Simplified Bible Dictionary serves as a Topical Index. (4) MAPS: Some Bibles contain maps of the Middle East and pertinent surrounding areas at various times during biblical history. Various inclusions could be the missionary journeys of Paul, the journey of Israel in the wilderness, and the places that Abraham lived. Interpretive notes may sometimes be helpful but they often reflect the biasies of the editors. (5) DICTIONARY: A large unabridged dictionary can be very helpful in understanding the meaning of words. (6) BIBLE DICTIONARIES AND COMMENTARIES: These reference books are also helpful, but the reader must be careful to recognize and differentiate Bible truth from authors opinions and private interpretation.

STYLUS: This writing instrument was used to make impressions on materials such as clay or wax. (Psalm 45:1) (Isaiah 8:1) (Jeremiah 8:8) A stylus or chisel of metal was needed to cut or carve letters into stone or metal. (Job 19:23, 24) Judahs sins were written down with an iron stylus or pen. That symbolized indelible records. (Jeremiah 17:1) SUAH: Suah was of the first son of Zophan or the tribe of Asher. He was one of the paternal heads among those selected to serve as the mighty men of Israels army. (1 Chronicles 7:30, 36, 40) SUBJECTION, SUBMISSIVENESS: Christians are willing to be in subjection, to yield or submit to superiors or to Gods arrangement. Jesus Christ was in subjection to his heavenly Father. (1 Corinthians 15:27, 28) The Christian congregation was submissive to Jesus and to God. (Ephesians 5:24) (Hebrews 12:9) (James 4:7) Subjection to those who take the lead in the congregation is very important. (1 Corinthians 16:15, 16) (Hebrews 13:17) Wives and husbands are to be in subjection to each other. (Ephesians 5:21-31) Women are to be subject to the teaching arrangements in the congregation. (1 Timothy 2:11) The headship principle applies to all Christians as stated at 1 Corinthians 11:3. The apostle Paul counseled the Philippians: In humility consider others more important than you. (Philippians 2:3) This is the ultimate in submissiveness! SUCATHITES: The Sucathites were a Kenite family of scribes who lived at Jabez. (1 Chronicles 2:55) SUCCOTH-BENOTH: Succoth-benoth was a deity worshiped by the Babylonians. The king of Assyria brought Succoth-benoth to the cities of Samaria when he captured the Israelites of the ten-tribe kingdom. (2 Kings 17:30) SUKKIIM: The Sukkim was a unit of the Egyptian Army of King Shishak. They were part of the invasion of Judah during Rehoboams reign. (2 Chronicles 12:2, 3) Some scholars telieve they of Libyan origin. SULFUR: Sulfur is a yellow nonmetallic element that occurs in many minerals, especially in volcanic regions. It burns with a pale blue flame forming sulfur dioxide, which gives off a pungent odor. Fire and sulfur rained down on the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 19:24) (Luke 17:29) Sulfur is highly flammable.

(Isaiah 30:33; 34:9) (Revelation 9:17, 18) It is believed that sulfur was added to the ever-burning fires in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna) outside the walls of Jerusalem. Fire and sulfur is used as a symbol of total destruction. (Deuteronomy 29:22, 23) (Job 18:15) (Psalm 11:6) (Ezekiel 38:22) (Revelation 14:9-11) The lake of fire and sulfur is a symbol of complete, total annihilation known as the second death at Revelation 19:20; 20:10; 21:8. SUN: Life on earth would not be possible without the primary source of energy, the sun. The sun and the moon serve as time measuring tools. They provide measurement of the seasons, days, and years. (Genesis 1:14-18) We learn at James 1:17 that Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. It comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation. The sun is a gift from God! (Jeremiah 31:35) (Matthew 5:45) The function of the sun is to serve as a testimony of praise to our Creator. (Psalm 148:3) Jehovah God is a figurative source of life, a sun and a shield. (Psalm 84:11) Jesus Christ said that the: righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. (Matthew 13:39, 43) The sun has been so important to mankind that man has even worshiped the sun. (2 Kings 23:5, 11) (Ezekiel 8:16) SUNRISE, SUNSET: Sunrise is the time when the sun appears to rise above the horizon. Sunset is the time when it disappears from view below the horizon. For most people during Bible times sunrise was the beginning of a twelve hour day. (Mark 16:2) (John 11:9) Twelve hours of night and darkness began at sunset. (Psalm 104:1924) Many arose before dawn like the diligent woman of Proverbs 31:15. Jesus got up before the sun was up to pray. (Mark 1:35) Normal activities and labor went on until sundown. (Judges 19:1416) (Matthew 20:8-12) (Deuteronomy 24:15) (Genesis 24:11) (Nehemiah 13:19) (Mark 13:35) The ancient Hebrews also used the term from sunrise to sunset to express a geographic location or a direction such as from east to west. (Psalm 113:3) (Isaiah 45:6; 59:19) SUPERIOR AUTHORITIES: The expression at Romans 13:1 designates human governments as superior authorities. God has allowed human governments to exist, and they continue to exist by his permission. God can remove or control these authorities to accomplish is will. (Matthew 4:8, 9) (1 John 5:19) (Revelation 13:1, 2) Proverbs 21:1 reminds us that Jehovah God can influence human rulers. (Daniel 2:21)

SUPH: Suph was one of the locations where Moses spoke to the Israelites in the 40th year in the wilderness. Instead of Suph the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate read the Red Sea. The New Simplified Bible also uses the Red Sea. The exact location is not known. (Deuteronomy 1:1) SUPHAH: Suphah was a valley or region located near or in the Arnon Valley or canyon on the eastern site of the Dead Sea. (Numbers 21:14) SURETY: Surety is the security given in pledge for an obligation. It is a pledge or guaranty given by the one who is responsible for another. Originally surety was offered simple by shaking hands to seal an agreement. (2 Kings 10:15) (Job 17:3) (Psalm 119:122) (Proverbs 11:21; 17:18) The Law closely regulated pledges given as security by a debtor to his creditor. (Proverbs 6:1-5, 11:15; 22:26, 27) SUSA: See SHUSHAN SUSANNA: Susanna was one of the many faithful women who, out of their private substance, cared for the needs of Jesus and his 12 apostles. (Luke 8:1-3) SUSI: Susi was the father of Gaddi. He was from the tribe of Manasseh and was involved in spying out the Promised Land. (Numbers 8:1-3) SWAN: The swan is a large, graceful water bird. It has a long, slender curving neck. Some swans have an eight-foot wingspan. They are heavy birds, nearly forty pounds. The Hebrew word for swan is tin-shemeth. It appears in the list of unclean flying creatures. (Leviticus 11:13, 18) (Deuteronomy 14:12, 16) The swan usually eats seeds, roots of water plants, worms and shellfish. SWEAT, PERSPIRATION: Sweat is moisture excreted by the sudoriferous glands. It flows through the pores in the skin. Physical exertion, emotions such as anxiety and heat cause sweat. Adam and Eve were required to eke out an existence outside the Garden of Eden through sweat-producing toil because of sin. (Genesis 3:17-19) Sweat is associated with uncleanness in Ezekiels temple vision at Ezekiel 44:15-18. On the final night of Jesus Christs earthly life Jesus sweat became as drops of blood falling to the ground at Luke 22:44. Many have tried to explain this unique happening. Suffice it to say it happened! These verses appear in the original Sinaitic

Manuscript, The Codex Bezae, the Latin Vulgate, the Curetonian Syriac, and the Syriac Peshitta. SWIFT, SWALLOW: The swift is a very fast flying bird capable of flying up to 100 miles per hour or more. It swoops and darts after insect prey. Its feet are not suitable for walking so it catches it food in flight. It even drinks while skimming over the surface of water. The swifts cry has a wailing, melancholy sound. Some translators use the word swallow instead of swift since they are similar to the swallow. (Isaiah 38:14) (Jeremiah 8:7) The common barn swallow is abundant in Palestine. (Psalm 84:1-3) (Proverbs 26:2) SWIMMER: A swimmer is a person who propels himself through water using his arms and legs. People have learned to swim through out all ages in history. (Ezekiel 47:5) (Acts 27:42, 43) Fishermen needed to know how to swim in order to move the net into position. (John 21:7, 8) Isaiah referred to swimming in his prophecy against Moab at Isaiah 25:10, 11. SWINE: The term swine was applied to the common domestic pig. The average pig is short-legged, thick-skinned and stocky built. A distinctive feature of the pig is its blunt snout and short curly tail. The Mosaic Law declared the pig as unacceptable for food or sacrifice. (Leviticus 11:7) (Deuteronomy 14:8) When Jesus Christ cast out demons he sent them into a herd of swine at Matthew 8:2832 and Mark 5:11-13. Jesus used swine in illustrations to show the value of spiritual things at Matthew 7:6 and Luke 15:15,16. The apostle Peter compared Christians who return to their former way of life to a sow that returns to its wallow after having been washed. (2 Peter 2:22) SYCAMORE TREE: This tree is similar to the fig-mulberry tree of Luke 19:4. It has fruit like the common fig and foliage like the mulberry. It grows to a height of 30 to 50 feet and may live for several hundred years. The sycamore is an evergreen tree. The figs grow in abundant clusters and are smaller then the common fig tree. It is found in the Jordan Valley and in the lowlands of the Shephelah. (Luke 19:1, 4) (1 Kings 10:27) SYCHAR, SYCHEM, SHECHEM: This is the site of Jacobs fountain. It was a city in Samaria near the field that Jacob gave to Joseph his son in the vicinity of Shechem. (Joshua 24:32) (John 4:5, 6) Some manuscripts read Sychem instead of Sychar or Shechem. They all appear to be correct and the same.

SYENE: Syene was a city in southern Egypt that served as a market or trading post. (Ezekiel 29:10; 30:6) It is identified with Aswan, 430 miles south of Cairo. SYMEON, THE PROPHET: Symeon was a prophet and teacher of the Antioch, Syria congregation. He was involved with Barnabas and Paul after the Holy Spirit appointed these men for missionary activity. (Acts 13:1-3) SYNAGOGUE: Sometimes the term is used to describe the place or building where the congregation met for worship and other times it meant the congregation itself. James uses the word to mean a Christian meeting or public gathering at James 2:2. At Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 synagogue applies to an assembly under the domination of Satan. Each town of any size in Palestine had its own synagogue at Jesus time. Paul did much preaching in the synagogues. (Acts 13:14; 17:1, 2, 10, 17; 18:4, 19; 19:9-10) The first Jewish Christians found it easy to conduct orderly, educational Bible study meetings since there were many similarities. (Hebrews 10:23-25) SYNTYCHE: The apostle Paul encouraged Syntyche in his letter to the Philipians. He said: I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to live in harmony in the Lord. Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the good news, together with Clement also and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life. Paul gave this counsel because of a disagreement between these two Christians. (Philemon 4:2, 3) SYRACUSE: Syracuse was a city on the southeast coast of the island of Sicily. Today it is call Siracusa. The apostle Paul stayed at Syracuse for three days toward the end of his trip to Rome while his ship waited for suitable sailing wind. (Acts 28:12, 13) SYRIA: In Bible times Syria was located north of Israel and the Arabian Desert. It was bounded by Taurus Mountains on the south and the Lebanon Mountains on the north. (Genesis 25:20; 28:5; 31:20, 24) (Deuteronomy 26:5) (Hosea 12:12) The Israelites fell away from Jehovahs worship and Syrian king Cushanrishathaim subjugated them for about eight years. (Judges 3:7-10; 10:6) Israels first king, Saul, went to war with the Syrian kings of Zobah. David overwelmingly defeated Syrian King Hadadezer. (1 Samuel 14:47) (2 Samuel 8:3-12) (1 Chronicles 18:3-8; 19:6-19) Syria was the Roman province that Pompey annexed to the empire in 64 B.C.E. Antioch, Syria was the third largest city in the Roman Empire. (Matthew

4:24) (Luke 2:1, 2) It was in Syria that the disciples were first call Christians. (Acts 11:19-26) (Galatians 1:21) SYRIAC PESHITTA, THE SIMPLE LANGUAGE OF THE PEOPLE: Syriac was the language spoken in the general area that is now known as modern Syria and Iraq, extending from modern Lebanon to the Euphrates River on the east. The two major cities were Antioch and Damascus. The first Christian expansion from Jerusalem was into this area. The congregation was at Antioch where Peter, Barnabas, Paul, and others ministered. It was there that the name "Christians" was first used. (Acts 11:26) The rapid growth in the number of Christians presented a need for a translation of the Bible into the Syriac language, an Aramaic dialect. It, along with Hebrew and Arabic, are all related Semitic languages. The Syriac Peshitta New Testament was written in the second century. It was written in the common, simple language of the people.

SYROPHOENICIAN: A Greek Syrophoenician is mentioned at Mark 7:26. This designation comes from the combination of Syrian and Phoenician. She was likely of Greek descent. After the Passover of 32 C.E. this Syrophoenician woman approached Jesus Christ requesting that he expel a demon from her daughter. Jesus at first refused saying: It is not right to take the children's bread and give it to the dogs. She said: Yes, Lord; but even the dogs take the scraps from under their masters' table. O women, Jesus replied, your faith is great! Let your desire be done. And her daughter was made well from that hour. (Matthew 15:26-28) SYRTIS: Two gulfs are located within the large indentation on the coast of northern Africa. The western gulf between Tunis and Tripoli was called Syrtis Minor. It is now called the Gulf of Gabes. The gulf to the east of this one was called Syrtis Major. It is now the modern Gulf of Sidra. Sailors found treacherous sandbanks that shifted by the tides along both gulfs. The apostle Paul was transported as a prisoner on a ship that ran aground on the Syrtis, evidently the sandbanks of the Gulf of Sidra. (Acts 27:14-17) SYSTEM OF THINGS: See AGE, WORLD. SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY T

TAANACH: Taanach was an enclave city of Manasseh in the territory of Issachar. (Joshua 17:11) (1 Chronicles 7:29) It was assigned to the Kohathite Levites. (Joshua 21:20, 25) TAANATH-SHILOH: This was a site on Ephraims border about 6 miles east southeast of Shechem. (Joshua 16:5, 6) TABBAOTH: Tabbaoth was the forefather of a family of Nethinim. A group of his descendants returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43) (Nehemiah 7:46) TABBATH: When the Gideon forces attacked the enemy Midianites, the Midianites fled as far as the outskirts of Abel-meholah by Tabbath somewhere west of the Jordan. (Judges 7:12, 19-22) TABERAH: Hebrew: Taberah means a conflagration or blaze. God sent a fire that consumed some of the people on the outskirts of the Israelite encampment in this Wilderness of Sinai. When Moses supplicated Jehovah, the blaze was extinguished. (Numbers 11:1-3) (Deuteronomy 9:22) TABERNACLE: The Tabernacle was a tent of worship used by Israel. It was portable and could be moved wherever it was needed. It was sometimes called the tent of meeting. (Exodus 39:32, 40) It was a main feature for approach to Jehovah by the nation of Israel. It had two compartments. The Holy contained a golden lamp stand, the golden altar of incense, the table of showbread, and golden utensils. The Most Holy contained the Ark of the Covenant with two golden cherubs. SEE: TENT OF MEETING The apostle Paul speaks about the figurative, spiritual tabernacle. At Hebrews 9:11 he said: Christ came as the high priest of the good things that are now here. He also went into a much better tent that is not made by humans and does not belong to this creation. The heavenly tent of the witness or tabernacle was seen by the apostle John in vision at Revelation 15:5. TABLELAND, LEVEL GROUND, LOW LAND: Hebrew mishohr can be rendered tableland or level ground. It is from the root meaning be straight or level. This is contrasted with the mountains and hilly country. (1 Kings 20:23, 25) (Psalm 26:12) (Isaiah 40:4) (Zechariah 4:7)

TABOR, THE MOUNTAIN: This spectactular mountain is found on the northern boundary of the territory of Issachar. It is 12 miles west of the southern end of the Sea of Galilee and only 5 miles from the city of Nazareth. (Joshua 19:17, 22) It rises above the Jezreel Valley to an altitude of 1,844 feet above sea leval and is cone shaped. The psalmist identifies Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon together as wonderful examples of Gods creation at Psalm 89:12. The summit of Tabor offered a commanding position. It was therefore a suitable location for a fortified city and ruins give evidence that this city existed. Although Mount Tabor is a high mountain it is believed that Mount Hermon was the lofty mountain upon which Jesus had been before the transfiguration. (Matthew 17:1, 2) (Mark 8:27; 9:2) TABRIMMON: This means Good Is Rimmon, the Assyrian storm god. He was the son of Hezion and father of Syrian King Benhadad I. (1 Kings 15:18) TADMOR: Tadmor was the city known to the Greeks and Romans as Palmyra. Solomon did some building work at Tadmor. (2 Chronicles 8:1, 4) Its ruins can be found today in an oasis on the north edge of the Syrian Desert, about 130 miles northeast of Damascus. TAHAN, TAHANITES: Tahan was the founder of an Ephraimite tribal family called the Tahanites. (Numbers 26:35) TAHASH: This man was the son of Abrahams brother Nahor by his concubine Reumah. (Genesis 22:23, 24) TAHPANES, TAHPANHES, TEHAPHNEHES: This city in Egypt is frequently mentioned along with other cities of the northern Egypt, such as Noph, Memphis, On, Heliopolis, and Pibeseth. (Jeremiah 2:1, 2, 14-19, 36) TAHPENES: Tahpenes was the wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh at the time of David and Solomon. Tahpenes sister was given in marriage to Hadad, a resister of Solomon. (1 Kings 11:19, 20) TAHREA: Tahrea was a son of Micah and descendant of King Saul. (1 Chronicles 9:39-41) He is called Tarea at 1 Chronicles 8:35. TALENT: The talent was the largest of the Hebrew units of weight and of monetary value. (Exodus 38:29) (2 Samuel 12:30) (1 Kings 10:10) (2 Kings 23:33) (1 Chronicles 29:7) (2 Chronicles 36:3) (Ezra

8:26) The symbolic hailstones, weighing about one talent or 44.8 pounds U.S.A. measure, would be a devastating plague. (Revelation 16:21) Most places where the word talent is found in the Scriptures the New Simplified Bible converts it to U.S.A. measurements. TALITHA CUMI: Jesus spoke these words when he resurrected Jairus daughter. It is not known if this expression is Hebrew or Aramaic. It has been transliterated in Greek manuscripts in slightly different ways. It means: Little girl, I say to you arise. (Mark 5:41) TALMON: Talmon was head of a Levitical family of gatekeepers after the return from Babylon with Zerubbabel. He and his brothers were chosen to live in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 17) (Ezra 2:42) (Nehemiah 7:45; 11:1, 19; 12:25) TAMAR, JUDAHS DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: Tamar was a childless widow. She disguised herself as a prostitute in order to get Judah to have relations with her. As a result of this she became pregnant with twins, Perez and Zerah. The Messianic lineage is traced through her son Perez. (Genesis 38:6-30) (Joshua 7:15, 25) (Ruth 4:12, 18-22) (1 Chronicles 2:4) (Matthew 1:3) TAMARISK TREE OR SHRUB: Hebrew: eshel stands for low growing tree or shrub. This tree is able to live in very dry areas. There were once proud thickets of Tamarisk trees along the Jordan River. (Jeremiah 49:19) (Zechariah 11:3) Normally the tree has a low height but on occasion it grows to a height of 60 feet. Abraham planted a tamarisk at Beersheba. (Genesis 21:33) TAMBOURINE: A small drum with pieces of metal in the rim. It is held in the hand and shaken and was generally used by women. (2 Samuel 6:5) TAMMUZ, THE GOD: The false god Tammuz was called Dumuzi in ancient Sumerian texts. The apostate Hebrew women in Jerusalem were weeping over him in the prophet Ezekiels vision recorded at Ezekiel 8:1, 3, 14. Tammuz was the lover of the fertility goddess Inanna (Babylonian Ishtar). Some Sumerian texts show him to be a king who was deified after his death. TANHUMETH: Tanhumeth was the Netophathite father of Seraiah, a military leader of the Jews. He was left in Jerusalem after the deportation to Babylon. (2 Kings 25:23) (Jeremiah 40:8)

TANNER: A Tanner was a person skilled in the tanning of animal hides into leather. (2 Kings 1:8) (Matthew 3:4) Peter spent time in Joppa with Simon, a tanner, whose house was by the sea. (Acts 9:43; 10:32) TAPHATH: She was a daughter of King Solomon and wife of one of his 12 deputies. (1 Kings 4:7, 11) TAPPUAH, HEBRONS SON: Tappuah was one of Hebrons four sons. He was a descendant of Caleb. (1 Chronicles 2:42, 43) TAPPUAH, TOWN IN SHEPHELAH: This Tappuah was a town in the Shephelah region assigned to the tribe of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 33, 34) TAPPUAH, THE LAND: This town was on the border between Ephraim and Manasseh in the land of Tappuah. (Joshua 16:8) The town was alloted to Manasseh and the city to Ephraim. (Joshua 17:8) There was a spring of water nearby called En-Tappuah. (Joshua 17:7) TARALAH: Taralah was a Benjamite city, probably in mountainous region north of Jerusalem. (Joshua 18:25-28) TAREA: He was a descendant of king Saul through Jonathan. (1 Chronicles 8:33-35; 9:39-41) TARSHISH, SON OF JAVAN: Tarshish was one of Javans four sons. He was born after the Flood. (Genesis 10:4) (1 Chronicles 1:7) Tarshish was one of family heads from whom the nations were spread about in the earth. (Genesis 10:32) TARSHISH, COUNSELOR OF KING AHASUERUS: This Tarshish was one of the princely counselors of King Ahasuerus who considered the case of Queen Vashti. (Esther 1:12-15) TARSHISH, BY THE SEA: Tarshish was the region where the offspring of Tarshish son of Javan settled. It must have been a Mediterranean seaport since the Scriptures mention the ships of Tarshish, at Ezekiel 27:25, 26, (Psalms 48:7) (Jonah 2:3) Tarshish was a major market for the merchants of the city of Tyre. (Jeremiah 10:9) (Ezekiel 27:3, 12) It is mentioned many time in the Holy Scriptures.

TARSUS: Tarsus was the principal city and capital of the Roman province of Cilicia. This was the birthplace of the apostle Paul. (Acts 9:11; 22:3) Paul returned to his hometown of Tarsus during his ministry. (Acts 9:29, 30; 11:25, 26; 15:23, 41; 18:22, 23) TARTAK: Tartak was a deity worshiped by the Avvites. The king of Assyria settled the Avvites in the territory of Samaria after he took the Israelites of the ten-tribe kingdom into exile. (2 Kings 17:31) The Babylonian Talmud stated that Tartak had the form of an ass. The Persian word tar-thakh means intense darkness. Tartak may have been a demon of the lower regions, a hero of darkness. TARTAN, COMMANDER IN CHIEF: According to Assyrian writings the title Tartan was given to a high-ranking officer. King Sennacherib sent the Tartan along with other officials to deliver an ultimatum to Jerusalem. The Tartan is listed first at 2 Kings 18:17, 28-35. TASSEL: The Israelites were commanded to wear tassels on the corners of their garments and to look at them and remember the commandments of Jehovah. (Numbers 15:38-39) TATTENAI: Tattenai was the governor of the Persian province that was beyond the River during the reign of Darius I (Hystaspis). Tattenai and his colleagues came to Jerusalem in 520 B.C.E. to conduct an inquiry. Darius warned Tattenai not to interfere with the building of the temple. (Ezra 4:24-6:13) TATTOO: A tattoo is a permanent mark or design on the skin made by cutting the skin to produce scars and inserting coloring matter under the skin. Tattoos are common among some people. (Leviticus 19:28) According to Gods Law it is forbidden to disfigure the human body. (Deuteronomy 14:1, 2) TAW: Taw is the 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter means mark. Written in the Hebrew language, it is the first letter in each of the eight verses of Psalm 119:169-176. TAXATION, TAXES: Taxation is a charge against a citizens person or property for the support of the government. Taxes that were imposed on the ancient Hebrews included the tithe, tribute, toll, head or poll tax, tax on consumer goods, exports, and imports. Service of Jehovahs sanctuary was maintained through taxation. Obligatory tithing provided the main source of funds to maintain the Aaronic priests and Levites. (Numbers 18:26-29; 31:26-47)

When Jesus Christ worshiped at the temple he paid the required tax. (Matthew 17:24-27) Kings and other rulers in Israel imposed taxes on the people. (1 Samuel 8:11-17) (1 Kings 4:6-19) TAX COLLECTOR: The Romans hired Jews to serve as tax collectors/ (Mt 9:10-11) Matthew was a tax collector. (Matthew 10:3)(Luke 5:27) Zacchaeus was also a tax collector. (Luke 19:1-10) TEACHER: A teacher imparts information or skill to others by word or example. God is the Grand Instructor, or Teacher. (1 Kings 8:36) (Psalms 27:11; 86:11; 119:102) (Isaiah 30:20, 54:13) God teaches his believers through his Word. (Hebrews 4:12) (2 Timothy 3:16) Gods Spirit teaches the faithful. (John 14:26) Teaching is an awesome responsibility according to James 3:1. TEACHERS OF THE LAW: Men who taught and interpreted the teachings of the Hebrew Scriptures, especially the first five books, were known as Teachers of the Law. (Luke 5:17) Paul wrote Timothy that they do not know what they are talking about. (1 Timothy 1:7) TEETH: Hard, bony appendages in the mouth that are used for chewing of food. Grinding and gnashing of the teeth stands for rage, anguish and despair. (Job 19:20) (Matthew 8:12) (Acts 7:54) David petitions God to strike his enemies and break their teeth. This would render them powerless. (Psalms 3:7; 58:6) TEHINNAH: Tehinnah was a descendant of Chelub and the father of Irnahash. (1 Chronicles 4:11, 12) TEHTH: Tehth is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It appears at the beginning of each verse of Psalm 119:65-72. TEKOA: This town in the territory of Judah is considered by some to be the town of Khirbet, about 10 miles south of Jerusalem. It is at an elevation of 2,700 feet. The Moabites suffered a defeat in the wilderness of Tekoa just east of there during the reign of Jehoshaphat. (2 Chronicles 11:5, 6; 20:20, 24) TEKOITE: A Tekoite was an inhabitant of the town of Tekoa. Ikkesh, the father of Davids warrior Ira was a Tekoite. (2 Chronicles 11:6; 23:26) (Jeremiah 6:1) TELABIB: Telabib was a place by the Chebar River in the land of the Chaldeans where Ezekiel and other Jews were exiled. (Ezekiel 1:1-3; 3:15)

TEBAH: Tebah was the first son of Abrahams brother Nahor by his concubine Reumah. (Genesis 22:23, 24) TEBALIAH: He was a Merarite Levite, the third son of Hosah. He was also a gatekeeper in the time of David. (1 Chronicles 26:1, 10, 11, 16) TELAH: Telah was an Ephraimite ancestor of Joshua the son of Num. (1 Chronicles 7:20, 25-27) TELAM: Telam was one of the limits of the dwellings of the Geshurites, Girzites and Amalekites in Davids day. (1 Samuel 27:8) TELHARSHA: Telharsha was a Babylonian site from which Israelites who were unable to establish their genealogy came to Judah with the exiles in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 59) (Nehemiah 7:6, 61) TEMA, SON OF ISHMAEL: Tema was one of Ishmaels sons. (Genesis 25:13-15) (1 Chronicles 1:29, 30) TEMA OASIS: This oasis is located about 250 miles southeast of Ezion-geber. Two major caravan routes traveled through there. Tema is mentioned by both Isaiah and Jeremiah. Jehovahs rage was to fall upon Tema. (Job 6:19) (Isaiah 21:13, 14) (Jeremiah 25:15-23) The modern day name for this oasis is Taima. TEMAH: He was the forefather of a family of Nethinim who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 53) (Nehemiah 7:55) TEMAN: Teman was a place about three miles east of Petra and a descendant of Esau through his firstborn Eliphaz. The place became a center for wisdom. (Genesis 36:10, 11, 34) (1 Chronicles 1:35, 36) (Jeremiah 49:7, 20) (Ezekiel 25:13) (Amos 1:11, 12) (Habakkuk 3:3, 4) TEMANITE: A native of Teman in Edom was known as a Temanite. The Edomite King Husham from the land of the Temanites. Eliphaz, one of Jobs three companions was a Temanite. Eliphaz came either from Teman or from Tema, a place on an oasis on the Arabian Peninsula 250 miles southeast of Ezion-geber. (Job 6:19) (Genesis 36:31-34) (Job 2:11; 4:1; 42:7)

TEMENI: Temeni was a son of Ashhur by his wife Naarah. They were of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 5, 6) TEMPLE: The Temple was a sacred place or sanctuary used for worship. The Hebrew word heh-khal and the Greek words hi-eron and na-os are rendered temple. King Solomon conscripted thousands of workers to build the Temple for Jehovah and in the 12th year of his reign in 1026 B.C.E. the Temple was completed. The Temple lasted until 607 B.C.E. when the Babylonian army under King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed it. God permitted its destruction because of the falling away of Israel to false religion. Seventy years later the Temple was rebuilt. TENT: A tent is a portable, collapsible shelter made of cloth or skins and supported by poles. Tent were one of mans earliest dwellings. (Genesis 4:20; 9:21) Nomadic people used tents in the Middle East. (Genesis 9:27) (Psalm 83:6) Tent is used figuratively on several occasions in the Bible. (Isaiah 38:12) (Job 4:21) (Jeremiah 4:20) John is inspired to write that the tent of God will be with mankind during the thousand year reign of Christ. This is recorded at Revelation 21:1-3. TENTMAKER: Greek: ske-no-poi-os means tent manufacturer. A tent maker makes and repairs tents. Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla were tentmakers. (Acts 18:2-3) TENT OF MEETING: TENT OF JEHOVAHS PRESENCE, TABERNACLE: The large tent described in detail in Exodus 26 was the place of worship until Solomon built the Temple. TEN COMMANDMENTS, TEN WORDS, THE WORDS OF THE COVENANT: Hebrew: asereth had-deva-rim or eserasarah dabar means ten words. Greek Septuagint: Decalogue: deka means ten and logous means words. The Ten Commandments are the basic laws of the Law covenant. (Exodus 20:1-17) (Deuteronomy 5:6-22) Moses ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Words in written form on two stone tablets. He also received other commandments and instructions from God at that time and recorded them in the first five books of the Bible. The basic rules for good behavior found in the Ten Commandments are applicable to life in todays society. In fact they are the basis for most civil and criminal laws today. TERAH, ABRAHAMS FATHER: Abraham is listed first of Terahs children because he is the most famous of Terahs sons. His first

born was likely Haran. (Genesis 11:29) Terah was Abrahams father and the eighth generation from Shem. (Luke 3:34) (Genesis 11:1024) (1 Chronicles 1:24-26) His sons included Abraham, Nahor, and Haran, the heads of numerous tribes. (Genesis 11:27; 22:20-24; 25:1-4, 13-15) (1 Chronicles 1:28-42) Terah was 70 years old when he begain having children. He died at 205 when Abraham was 75, so Terah must have been 130 when Abraham was born. TERAH, CAMPSITE: One of the campsites that the Israelites used during their travels in the wilderness. (Numbers 33:27, 28) TERAPHIM: Teraphim means family gods or idols. Some of these idols were in the shape of a man. (Genesis 31:30) (1 Samuel 19:13, 16) They were sometimes consulted for omens. (Ezekiel 21:21) (Zechariah 10:2) The idolatrous use of teraphim existed in the days of the Judges and of the kings. (Judges 17:5; 18:14, 17, 20) (Hosea 3:4) TERESH: Teresh was one of two doorkeepers in the Persian palace who conspired against King Ahasuerus. Mordecai learned about the plot and immediately told Queen Esther. The Queen informed the King and Teresh and his accomplice were hanged on a stake. We have a record of this at Esther 2:21-23; 6:1, 2. It was also entered in the royal records. TERTIUS: Tertius was the writer or transcriber of Pauls letter to the Romans. Paul may have had other secretaries but Tertius was the only one identified by name. He identifies himself at Romans 16:22. TERTULLUS: This man was the public speaker who presented the Jews case against Paul before Governor Felix in Caesarea. Tertullus statement praises Felix and also makes accusation against Paul as an accused seditionists against Rome. (Acts 24:1-8) TESTICLES: The testicles are the male genital glands. A man having broken or defective testicles was barred from the priesthood. (Levitical 21:17-21, 23) (Hebrews 7:26) (Ephesians 5:27) (Revelation 14:1, 5; 20:6) Animals having defects including damaged testicles could not be offered up as a sacrifice. (Leviticus 22:24) (Malachi 1:6-8) Israelites did not castrate their animals for this reason. (Leviticus 17:3-5) (Deuteronomy 12:20-25) While the law has been set aside on the basis of Christs sacrifice Christians are to have respect for Gods provisions for reproduction. (Colossians 2:13)

THADDAEUS: Thaddaeus was an apostle of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 10:2, 3) (Mark 3:18) THEATER: The Greek word atron means theater. It is a structure where dramatic, humorous and musical performances were presented. Paul and his fellow missionaries preached in theaters. (Acts 19:23-31) THEBEZ: Abimelech captured the city of Thebez and was attempting to assault the tower where the people of Thebez took refuge. A woman threw a millstone upon him from atop the wall. Abimelechs skull was injured. Therefore he had his attendant put him to death so no one could say a woman killed him. (Judges 9:5054) (2 Samuel 11:21) Ancient Thebez was about 9 miles north northeast of Shechem. THEOCRACY: A political unit governed by divine guidance. The nations of Israel and Judea before they were taken into captivity by Babylon were theocratic. THEOPHILUS: Greek: Theos-philos means friend of God. Luke addressed this person in both his Gospel and the Acts of Apostles. (Luke 1:1-4) (Acts 1: 1) THESSALONIANS, FIRST LETTER: The apostle Paul wrote the first letter to the Thessalonians in the year 50 C.E. from the city of Corinth. Timothy and Silvanus (Silas) were with Paul at that time. (Acts 18:5) Paul offers commendation to the young congregation and he encourages them to remain firm in order to face persecution. (1 Thessalonians 2:13-3-13) THESSALONIANS, SECOND LETTER: The second inspired letter from Paul to the Thessalonians was written in 51 C.E. from Corinth. Apostasy (a falling away from truth) was to come and the man of lawlessness would soon be revealed. The evil (lawless) one will come with the power of Satan and perform all kinds of false signs and wonders. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12) This timely warning fits the last days we live in today. Christians are told not to be lazy, Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to eat. (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12) THESSALONICA: Thessalonica was the main seaport Macedonia where Paul established a Christian congregation in year 50 C.E. Macedonia was divided into four districts about middle of the second century B.C.E. Thessalonica then became of the the the

capital of the second district. It later became a Roman province. The apostle Paul and Silas found it to be a thriving metropolis. He no doubt passed through Macedonia many times and visited Thessalonica many times. (Acts 17:1-4; 20:1-3) (1 Timothy 1:3) THEUDAS: Theudas started an insurrection before 6 C.E. He and many of his followers where put to death. The trouble continued after the leader was put to death. The Pharisee Gamaliel used him as example to persuade the Sanhedrin not to bother the youthful Christian congregation so soon after Jesus death. (Acts 5:34-40) THIEF: A thief deliberately takes the possessions of others without permission, someone who practices fraud and deception or steals secretly. Thieves often work at night. (Job 24:14) (Jeremiah 49:9) (Matthew 24:43) (Luke 12:39) (John 10:10) (Revelation 3:3; 16:15) Stealing is condemned by God in his Law at Exodus 20:15, You must not steal. A thief had to make twofold, fourfold or even a fivefold compensation. (Exodus 22:1-12) THIGH: The thigh extends from the hip to the knee. The Hebrew word used for thigh also refers to the side of something. (Exodus 40:24) (2 Kings 16:14) An example of this was the sword that was worn at the side or on the thigh. (Exodus 32:27) (Judges 3:16) (Psalm 45:3) Strange though it sounds in our day, it was the custom to put your hand under the thigh of the person to whom you swore an oath. (Genesis 24:2-4, 9; 47:29-31) Slapping the thigh denoted grief, sorrow, or remorse. (Jeremiah 31:19) (Ezekiel 21:12) THINKING AND REASONING: The Hebrew term mezimmah means the ability to think and reason. The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel help us increase our thinking skills: To know wisdom and instruction. To discern and understand words. To receive instruction with wisdom, justice, judgment and integrity. To give wisdom and refinement to the simple. To the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear and will increase learning. A man of understanding will procure wise counsel. (Proverbs 1:2-5; 3:21-25; 14:17) Every believer should practice reasoning from the Scriptures in order to become an approved workman of God. (2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16, 17) THISTLE: A thistle is a plant having prickly, irregular-edged leaves with a tough stem. Adam and his descendants were to be troubled with thistles and other weeds when cultivating the cursed ground reported at Genesis 3:17, 18. Thistle and weed seeds are scattered by

the wind to the neglected and desolated areas. (Psalm 83:13) (Isaiah 17:13) (Hosea 10:8) THOMAS: The apostle Thomas was called The Twin or Didymous. (Matthew 10:3) (Mark 3:18) (Luke 6:15) (John 11:16; 14:2-6) He was impetuous and on occasion doubting. Thomas expressed his desire to place his finger into the nail imprints on Jesus body before he would truly believe. (John 20:27, 28) Many have read his statement, My Lord and my God! They have in turn misunderstood it to be reference to Jesus as the Almighty God. But when you read the context of John Chapter 20 you learn that Jesus just got done telling Mary: I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to my God and your God. (John 20:17) This is evidence that Jesus Christ claims Jehovah God is his Father and God. (Revelation 3:12) Furthermore, John 20:31 specifically states that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. (SEE: TRANSLATION NOTES: TRINITARIAN TECHNIQUES, Technique #2. Call Jesus Christ God) THORN: More than 70 varieties of thorny plants have been found growing in Israel. They include: the thorny caper, the acanthus, the boxthorn and hawthorns. Thorny plants cause irritation and annoyance, yet they have been employed for useful purposes. They have been used as hedges and for fuel. (Hosea 2:6) (Ecclesiates 7:6) (Isaiah 33:12) They have also been food for donkeys, camels and goats. The Promised Land was a land flowing with milk and honey. (Exodus 3:8) However the Israelites needed to work to keep it free from thorns and other weeds. (Isaiah 5:6; 7:23-25; 34:13) In the illustration about the sower Jesus spoke about thorns and how they crowded out the other plants. (Matthew 13:7) (Luke 8:7) Thorns were used in a figurative or illustrative sense throughout the Scriptures. (Nahum 1:10) (2 Kings 14:9, 10) (Isaiah 9:18, 19; 10:1719) (Matthew 7:16) (Proverbs 22:5) (Ezekiel 28:24) The apostle Paul spoke about his thorn in the flesh when talking about a problem he had at 2 Corinthians 12:7. THREE TAVERNS: There were three inns where travelers could stop to rest and refresh themselves. The place was called The Three Taverns. It was 36 miles southeast of Rome along side of the Appian Way, the well-known highway that ran from Rome to Brundusium by way of Capua. A delegation of Christians from Rome rested at Three Taverns when they heard that Paul was coming. (Acts 28:1315) THRESHING: Threshing is the process of releasing grain from its stalk and chaff. A rod or flail was used to beat the grain by hand on

the ground. (Judges 6:11) (Ruth 2:17) (Isaiah 28:27) A threshing floor was also used with bulls circling the floor to brake down the straw and free the grain from the chaff. (Deuteronomy 25:4) (Hosea 10:11) (1 Corinthians 9:9, 10) THRONE: The Hebrew word for throne is kis-se. It also refers to a seat or chair and is not limited to the seats of ruling monarchs. (1 Samuel 4:13) (1 Kings 22:10) (2 Kings 4:10) (Nehemiah 3:7) (Esther 3:1) (Ezekiel 26:16) Eli fell backward from his kis-se at the gate of Shiloh. It was a backless chair. (1 Samuel 4:13, 18) The Greek word for high backed chair with arms was thronos. The figurative use of the word throne in the Scriptures signifies a seat of ruling authority. (Genesis 41:40) (1 Kings 2:12; 16:11) (1 Chronicles 17:14) (Psalm 89:44) God does not have to sit on a throne or a chair but a throne symbolizes His royal authority and sovereignty. (1 Kings 8:27; 22:19) (Isaiah 6:1) (Ezekiel 1:26-28) (Daniel 7:9) (Revelation 4:1-3) Jesus Christ will rule over the earth because of the power and authority granted by his heavenly Father, Jehovah God. That is the meaning of the expression at Psalm 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8: God is your throne forever and ever. Most English translations state this Scripture: Your Throne, O God, is forever and ever. The statement at Hebrews 1:8 speaks about the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that Gods power and authority are given to him. After Jesus Christ rules for a thousand years he returns the throne [of authority] to his Father and God just as it is stated at 1 Corinthians 15:24-27. Verse 27 makes it clear that God is the one who places all things under Christ. THUMB: The finger on the human hand that can be moved against each of the other fingers is the thumb. This digit makes it possible for humans to grasp and perform many tasks. Sometimes people were incapacitated so they could not serve in the military by cutting off thumbs and big toes. (Judges 1:6, 7) Interesting is the designation of the Hebrew word bohen, it means both thumb and big toe. The thumb and big toe are often referred to in the same text. (Exodus 29:20) (Leviticus 14:14, 17, 25, 28) THUNDER: Thunders is the loud sound that accompanies lightning. The air that has been heated by the electrical discharge expands rapidly to cause thunder. (Job 28:26; 38:25) Jehovah has used thunder to accomplish his will. (1 Samuel 2:10) (2 Samuel 22:14) (Psalm 18:13) The awe-inspiring sound of thunder is associated with Jehovahs voice. (Job 37:4, 5; 40:9) (Psalm 29:3-9)

Thunder sounded to indicate Gods presence at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 19:16) (Psalm 81:7) THUNDER, SONS OF: SEE BOANERGES THYATIRA: This city was located along the banks of the Gediz River (formerly the Hermus River). It was forty miles inland from the Aegean Sea. Thyatira was a small, wealthy industrial center, noted for its weaving, dyeing, brass working, tanning and pottery making, to mention only a few of the crafts. Lydia the seller of purple was of the city of Thyatira. (Acts 16:12-15) Thyatiras Christian congregation received a message from Jesus Christ, written by John at Revelation 2:18-29. (Revelation 1:10, 11) TIBERIAS, THE CITY: Tiberias was a city built by Herod Antipas about 21 C.E. It was named after Tiberius Caesar, the emperor of the Roman Empire. Still called Tiberias, it is located about 15 miles northeast of Nazareth along the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. It is at an altitude of 690 feet below the level of the Mediteranean Sea. It is mentioned once in the Bible at John 6:23. TIBERIAS, SEA OF GALILEE: The Sea of Galilee was sometimes called Tiberias. (John 6:1; 21:1) TIBERIUS: Tiberius was the second emperor of Rome. When his mother Livia Drusilla married Augustus in 38 B.C.E. he became the adopted son of the emperor. After he married Julia, the daughter of Augustus he was chosen by Augustus to be his successor. He was emperor for the entire time of Jesus ministry. It was Tiberius image on the tax coin brought to Jesus when Jesus said: Pay back Caesars things to Caesar. (Mark 12:14-17) (Matthew 22:17-21) (Luke 20:22-25) Tiberius died in March 37 C.E. TIBHATH: Tibhath was a city north of Palestine. After David struck down King Hadadezer of Zobath, at Hamath, he removed a large amount of copper. (1 Chronicles 18:3, 8) (2 Samuel 8:8) Tibhath was likely in the valley between the Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon Mountains. The ruins of ancient copperworks have been found in Lebanon, giving support to the Biblical account. TIBNI, SON OF GINATH: Following the seven-day rule of Israels fifth king Zimri in 951 B.C.E. Tibni was a contender for the kingship. Tibni lost to Omri during a civil war and he died as a result of the battle. (1 Kings 16:15, 21-23)

TIDAL: Tidal was the king of Goiim. He was an ally or vassal of Elamite King Chedorlaomer. They and two other monarchs subjugated five kings near the Dead Sea. (Genesis 14:1-17) TIGLATH-PALESER III: This Assyrian served as king under the throne name of Pul. After defeating Pekah, king of Israel, and Rezin of Damascus, he put Rezin to death. (2 Kings 15:1-30) Isaiah was inspired to prophesy that Jehovah would use the king of Assyria like a hired razor to shave the kingdom of Judah. (Isaiah 7:17, 20) He was noted for his policy of mass deportation of conquered peoples forcibly moving as many as 154,000 persons. TILON: Tilon was a son of Shimon of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:20) TIMAEUS: Timaeus was the father of Bartimaeus the blind beggar healed by Jesus. The account is found at Mark 10:46. TIME: One lunar year, 360 days=12 lunar months of 30 days each. The 7 times of Daniel 4:16 are equal to 7 lunar years of 360 days each. That makes a total of 2,520 days. TIME INDEFINITE: The dictionary defines the term indefinite as vague or not clearly defined or stated, not decided or not known. This may apply to mans understanding of time but it does not necessarily relate to Gods understanding of time. A perfect spirit being is a definite being, not an indefinite being! Expressions such as time indefinite a long time ago and hidden time express a period of time that is obscure, long and uncertain. However, they do not adequately describe time in relationship to our Eternal God, Jehovah. See Dictionary: FOREVER; Also see Supplementary Information: Forever, Everlasting, Eternal. TIME OF THE END, END TIMES: This expression is found several times in the book of Daniel. It speaks about the time at the conclusion of the age culminating in the destruction of the wicked governments and wicked people. The time of the end does not necessarily mean the end of time but refers to the culmination or end of all things mentioned in the prophecy. In fact time is an on going thing and does not appear to come to an end. Some Bible translations render Revelation 10:6: there should be no more time. The New Simplified Bible states: there would be no more delay. (Daniel 8:19; 11:35; 12:4; 12:9) TIMES OF THE NATIONS: See GENTILE TIMES

TIMNA, THE CONCUBINE: Timna was the concubine of Esaus son Eliphaz and mother of Amalek. (Genesis 36:10-12) It is possible that she was the daughter of Seir the Horite and sister of Lotan and Seirs other sons. (Genesis 36:20-22) (1 Chronicles 1:39) TIMNA, THE SHEIK: This Timna was listed with 11 sheiks of Esau (Edom). (Genesis 36:40-43) TIMNAH, ON THE BOUNDRY: This place was at the boundary of Judah and Dan. (Joshua 15:1, 10; 19:40-43) Samson chose a Philistine woman of Timnah to be his wife. He killed a lion barehanded at the vineyards of Timnah. The Philistines captured Timnah and its dependent towns. (2 Chronicles 28:16-19) (Judges 14:1-6) TIMNAH, THE CITY: Timnah was a city in the mountains of Judah.Judah was near Timnah when he had relations with Tamar, mistaking her for a harlot. (Genesis 38:12-18) (Joshua 15:20, 48, 57) TIMNATH-HERES: This was the location of Joshuas inheritance. It later became his burial place in the mountains of Ephraim, north of Mount Gaash. (Judges 2:8, 9) TIMNATH-SERAH: The city given to Joshua as his inheritance in the mountains of Ephraim was Timnath-serah. Joshua built up the city and later was buried there. (Joshua 19:49, 50; 24:30) TIMNITE: A Timnite was a citizen of the area and city of Timnah. The term only occures at Judges 15:6 where it is applied to Samsons father-in-law. TIMON: Timon was one of the seven men full of spirit and wisdom appointed by the apostles to take care of the daily distribution in the congregation. (Acts 6:1-6) TIMOTHY: This close friend and helper of the apostle Paul received two letters from Paul, First and Second Timothy. (Acts 16:1-3; 17:1316) (1 Corinthians 4:17) TIMOTHY, FIRST LETTER: The apostle Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy in 56 C.E. when he was at Miletus with the older men of the Ephesus congregation. Paul called Timothy his true child in the faith which indicates that the apostle Paul had a great deal to do with Timothys spiritual education and growth. (1 Timothy 5:23) (1

Thessalonians 3:2) (Philemon 2:19) As a young man Timothy traveled with Paul and Silas. (Acts 16:1-3) There was a need for Paul to warn Timothy to guard against false teachings and to strengthen the brothers to do the same. (1 Timothy 6:20) TIMOTHY, FIRST LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: 1 Timothy 2:5 One mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 3 Qualifications for appointment as overseer. 1 Timothy 5:1-16 Take care of widows in congregation. 1 Timothy 6:2-7 Admonition against teaching false doctrine. 1 Timothy 6:8-10 Paul warns against love of money. TIMOTHY, SECOND LETTER: Paul wrote the second letter to Timothy in the year 65 C.E. from prison in Rome. He was in chains and facing death when he wrote these encouraging words to young Timothy. (2 Timothy 1:15, 16; 4:6-8) The apostle Paul helped Timothy to resist apostates inside the congregation and to stand firm in the face of persecution. (2 Timothy 2:3-7, 14-26; 3:14-4:5) TIMOTHY, SECOND LETTER HIGHLIGHTS: 2 Timothy 1:13 Hold firmy to the true words that I taught you, as the example for you to follow. Remain in the faith and love that are ours in union with Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:22 Flee from youthful lusts and persue righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:1 In the last days perilous times will come. 2 Timothy 3:16 God inspired all Scripture! (God-breathed) TIN: Tin is a bluish white metal that is very malleable. Tin has a very low melting point of 449 degrees Fahrenheit. (Numbers 31:22) (Ezekiel 22:18, 21; 27:12) TINDER: Tinder is material used for starting fire. It is usually very small and easy to burn. Jehovah decreed that the wicked people and their works would perish. He said: Strong people will become tinder for a fire. Their work will be the spark. Both of them will burn together. There will be no one to put out the fire. (Isaiah 1:31) TIRAS: He was one of the seven sons of Japheth. (Genesis 10:2) (1 Chronicles 1:5) TIRATHITES: The Tirathites were a family of scribes living at Jabez. (1 Chronicles 2:55)

TIRHANAH: Tirhanah was a child of Caleb by his concubine Maacah. They were of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3, 48) TIRIA: Tiria was listed as a son of Jehallelel of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 16) TIRSHATHA: The Persian title for the governor of a legal district was Tirshatha. The word is preceded by the Hebrew definite article ha requiring the English word the in front of the title. Zerubbabel was the Tishatha mentioned in Ezra 2:63 and Nehemiah 7:65,70. Nehemiah became governor and was therefore the Tirshatha referred to at Nehemiah 8:9 and 10:1. TIRZAH, CITY IN SAMARIA: This city in Samaria was 6 miles northeast of Shechem. The Israelites, under the command of Joshua, defeated the king of Tirzah. (Joshua 12:7, 24) Centuries later, Jeroboam, the first king of the northern kingdom, moved his residence to Tirzah. (1 Kings 12:25; 14:17) Tirzah was the capital of the northern kingdom during the reigns of Jeroboams son Nadab and his successors Baasha, Elah, and Zimri. (1 Kings 15:25-28, 33; 16:5, 6, 8, 15) Nearly 150 years later, Menahem, a resident of Tirzah, killed Shallum and became king in Samaria. (2 Kings 15:14, 17) TIRZAH, DAUGHTER OF ZELOPHEHAD: This Tirzah was one of the five daughters of the Manassite Zelophehad. She was a contemporary of Moses and Joshua. (Numbers 26:29, 33; 27:1-7; 36:11, 12) (Joshua 17:3, 4) TISHBITE: A Tishbite was an inhabitant of Tishbeh. Tishbeh was a village east of the Jordan River, in the land of Gilead. Elijah was a Tishbite. (1 Kings 17:1; 21:17, 28) (2 Kings 1:3, 8: 9:36) TITHE: A tenth part of a persons produce and income was given for religious purposes. (Malachi 3:8-10) Jesus increased the requirement by requiring all of what we have. This principle is expressed in the greatest commandment defined at Matthew 22:3638. Loving Jehovah with all your heart, and all your being and your entire mind requires greater gifts than only a tenth part. The account of the widows mite also reinforces the principle that we must give more than a tenth. (Mark 12:42-44) TITUS: He was a trusted friend and helper of the apostle Paul and served the Corinthian congregation. (2 Corinthians 7:6-7, 13-15; 8:6, 16, 23) Paul gave instructions to the elder, Titus, in his letter to Titus 1:4-5.

TITUS, THE LETTER: Paul the apostle wrote the letter to Titus between 61 and 64 C.E. from Macedonia. The letter was offered as a guide for Titus in performing his duties in connection with the Cretan congregations. Paul sternly warns against foolish arguing and dissentions, questioning; and genealogies, and arguing about law, for they are unprofitable and vain. (Titus 3:9) TIZITE: Davids warrior Joha was known as a Tizite, probably the name comes from an unknown place. (1Chronicles 11:26, 45) TOAH: Toah was a Kohathite Levite. He was an ancestor of the prophet Samuel and Heman the singer. (1 Chronicles 6:33, 34, 38) TOB: Jephthah fled from his half brothers to the land of Tob. It was there that he organized a force of men. His half brothers saw what he was doing and asked him to be their commander in fighting against the Ammonites. (Judges 11:3-11) TOB-ADONIJAH: This man was a Levite. King Jehoshaphat sent this Levite along with others to teach Jehovahs Law in the cities of Judah. (2 Chronicles 17:7-9) TOCHEN: Tochen was a city of Simeon. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 32) It was evidently called Ether at Joshua 19:7. TOE: The toe is one of the digits of the foot. The same Hebrew words that are used for the finger also refer to the toe. (2 Samuel 21:20) (1 Chronicles 20:6) (Daniel 2:41) The Hebrew word for thumb is also used for toe. (Exodus 29:20) (Leviticus 8:23; 14:14, 17, 25, 28) TOHU: Tohu was an ancestor of Samuel. (1 Samuel 1:1) He is called Nahath and Toah in Chronicles. (1 Chronicles 6:16, 22-28, 34) TOLA: Tola was the first son of Issachar. He traveled with Jacobs household into Egypt in 1728 B.C.E. (Genesis 46:8, 13) Tolas sons and grandsons tribal familes in Issachar known as Tolaites. (Numbers 26:23) (1 Chronicles 7:1-4) TOLAITES: The Tolaites were a family of the tribe of Issachar founded by Tola. (Numbers 26:23) TONGUE: Hebrew: lashon, leshonah and Greek: glossa mean tongue or language. God hates a lying tongue. (Proverbs 6:16-17)

James 3:2-12 offers treaties about the difficulty of training the tongue. TOPAZ: The foundation of the wall around the New Jerusalem was symbolically constructed of brilliant stones. Topaz is a semiprecious stone, usually yellow in color. (Revelation 21:20) TOPHEL: Tophel was a site used as an aid in locating the place where Moses addressed the Israelites before his death. (Deuteronomy 1:1) TOPETH: Topeth was a place outside Jerusalem where apostate Israelites sacrificed children. King Josiah finally put an end to this despicable practice. (2 Kings 23:10) (2 Chronicles 28:3; 33:6) (Jeremiah 7:31-33; 19:3-14; 32:35) Topeth could have been in the eastern part of the Valley of Hinnom near the Gate of the Potsherds. (Jeremiah 19:2, 6, 14) Topeth was used figuratively at Isaiah 30:32, 33 as a place of burning with fire. It represented the destruction that came upon Assyria. TORCH: A torch is a light often carried in the hand. It was often a burning stick of resinous wood or a stick wrapped with material soaked with oil and ignited. (Genesis 15:17) (Judges 7:16, 20; 15:4) (Isaiah 62:1) (Ezekiel 1:13) (John 18:3) TORMENT: The Greek word ba-sa-nizo means to test with grievous pains, distressed. The Bible uses the word to speak about grievous pain or harassment. (Matthew 88:6, 29) (Luke 8:28) TORRENT VALLEY: The Hebrew word nachal can be translated torrent valley or valley. It is a valley through which a stream flows. The New Simplified Bible uses the word valley more often then torrent valley because most readers easily recognize it. (Genesis 26:19) (2 Kings 3:16) (Job 30:6) Sometimes the term is used to describe the stream of water by calling it a brook, stream or river. (Deuteronomy 8:7) (1 Kings 17:4) (Psalm 110:7) TOWER: A tower is a building that stands higher than nearby buildings. Towers were built as vantage points for watchmen in guarding cities and farmland. (2 Chronicles 26:9; 32:5) (Ezekiel 26:4 9) (Isaiah 5:1, 2) (Matthew 21:33) (Mark 12:1) Psalm 61:3 focuses on a figurative tower. It points out that Jehovah is a strong tower or defense against enemies. Proverbs 18:10 tells us the name of Jehovah is a strong tower. (1 Samuel 17:45-47)

TRACHONITIS: Trachonitis was a region that was, together with Ituraea, under the administration of Philip, a Roman district ruler. This occurred during the time that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were ministering on the earth. (Luke 3:1) The northern border of Trachonitis was twenty-five miles south east of Damascus. It was an area of about three hundred and fifty square miles. TRADITIONS OF MEN, FALSE DOCTRINE: The Jewish leaders were following the commands of men as doctrines. (Matthew 15:9) Jesus said that by their tradition they made Gods Word invalid, overstepping the commands of God. (Matthew 15:3-6) Neither Jesus nor the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures ever spoke anything that was not absolutely found in the Holy Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) Jesus Christ and the first century Christian leaders never gave permission to add new doctrine and traditions to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Christian leaders of the third, fourth and fifth centuries added a large number of new doctrine and traditions to the church. (1 Timothy 1:3; 6:3-5) This is especially true of the Roman Catholic Church. However, most of the church organizations that broke away from the Catholic Church retained these questionable doctrines and added their own. This practice has been going on since the first century. Church leaders proclaim that God has given them divine authority to write new teachings and traditions. It is not uncommon for a religious leader to claim that God speaks to him directly. In spite of the fact that interpretation belongs to God church leaders continue to make up their own doctrines. (2 Peter 1:20) (Genesis 40:8) (Revelation 22:9) TRAITOR: A traitor is one who betrays another. Judas Iscariot turned traitor and betrayed Jesus Christ. (Luke 6:16) After being selected as an apostle, he became greedy and became a thief. (John 12:6) Then he betrayed Jesus to those seeking to kill him. (Matthew 26:14-16, 25, 48, 49) (Mark 14:50) The Jewish religious leaders were also betrayers and murderers for they employed Judas. (John 18:28-19:16) The apostle Paul warned Timothy that there would be many betrayers or traitors in the last days. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) TRANSFIGURATION: The Greek word metamorphoo means to change, transform, and transfigure. Jesus was transfigured (changed) in front of Peter, James, and John. His face and clothes

began to shine brightly. (Matthew 17:1-9) (Mark 9:2-9) (Luke 9:2836) TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is the act of transporting people and goods from one location to another. In ancient times walking and using camels were the most common ways to move things and people. (Genesis 37:25-28) (Judges 6:3-5; 7:12) (1 Kings 10:2) The donkey was also used. (Joshua 15:18) (Judges 5:10; 10:4; 12:14) (1 Samuel 25:42) (Isaiah 30:6) Horses were used for transportaion too. (1 Kings 4:26) (Acts 23:23, 24, 31-33) Wagons were very valuable for hauling goods. (Genesis 46:5) (Numbers 7:19) Ships were used extensively for travel on water. (2 Chronicles 9:21) (Ezekiel 27:9) (Acts 20:13-15; 27:1-44) TRANSLATION: A translation is a written communication in a second language that has the same meaning as the written communication of the first language. Bible translations require the knowledge and ability to research and translate the words and their meanings of the Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and Latin languages. . TRANSLATIONS THAT HONOR THE DIVINE NAME: The following is a list of Bible translations that include, the Hebrew: Yahweh or English: Jehovah, divine name: American Standard Version 1901, Darby Bible 1889, Literal Translation of the Holy Bible 2000, New Jerusalem 1985, New Simplified Bible 2003, New World Translation 1984, and Youngs Literal Translation 1898. TRANSLATIONS THAT ARE NOT TRINITARIAN BIASED: There are only two English translations containing both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures that show respect to a totally monotheistic God. They are the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and the New Simplified Bible. (John 1:1; 14:10; 15:4-5) SEE: MONOTHEISTIC, UNITY, UNITARIAN. TRAP: A trap is a device for catching an animal or person. It is usually hidden through the use of camouflage. Sometimes bait is used. (Psalms 10:9; 141:9, 10) (Job 18:8, 9) (Jeremiah 18:22) The word trap is sometimes used figuratively or as an illustration in the Scriptures. (Proverbs 6:1-3; 20:25; 22:24, 25) (1 Corinthians 15:33) First century Christians were warn against falling into a snare that would bring spiritual ruin. (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) Some were said to have fallen into the snare of the Devil. (2 Timothy 2:23-26) (Titus 3:9)

TREASURY: A building or room where money or valuable things are stored for security is called the treasury. The tent of meeting served as a sacred treasury for storage of contributed gold. All the valuable things that belonged to Jehovah were given to the treasure of Jehovahs house. (Numbers 31:54) (Joshua 6:17, 24) (1 Chronicles 26:20-28) The Levites were assigned the task of watching over the treasures that were contributed as well as those that came as a result of taking spoil. Solomon constructed a temple that had a treasury where gold and silver were kept. (1 Kings 7:51) (2 Chronicles 5:1) During Jesus time on the earth the temple in Jerusalem had the treasury. (John 8:20) (Mark 12:41) (Matthew 27:6) TREES: Often symbolic of individuals, rulers, kings. (Daniel 4:2022) TRIBE: All the descendants of a person were referred to as a tribe. The twelve tribes of Israel were descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was later named Israel. (Numbers Chapters 1 and 2) TRIBULATION: The Greek word thlipsis means tribulation, distress, affliction or suffering. A woman giving birth to a child suffers tribulation. (Joh 16:21) Persecution brings on tribulation. (Matthew 24:9) (2 Corinthians 1:8) (Hebrews 10:33) (Revelation 1:9) Tribulation can come from imprisonment, poverty, famine and other stressful situations. Even marriage can bring tribulation according to the apostle Paul at 1 Corinthians 7:28, 32-35. Tribulation is unpleasant and yet the Christian can endure it and remain faithful and approved by God. (Romans 5:3-5; 12:12) (2 Corinthians 4:17, 18) TRIBULATION, THE GREAT: Jesus Christ prophesies The Great Tribulation at Matthew chapter 24. He said: A great tribulation such as has not occurred since the worlds beginning until now, no, nor will occur again would come upon the earth. The first fulfillment of this took place in 70 C.E. when the Roman armies under General Titus totally destroyed Jerusalem. The Jewish historian Josephus reports that 1,100,000 Jews died or were killed and only 97,000 survived and were taken into captivity. Jesus also spoke of a greater tribulation in connection with his coming in glory. (Matthew 24:29-31) The apostle John speaks about a great crowd of persons who come out of the great tribulation. (Revelation 7:13, 14) There will be great tribulation. It will be greater then has ever been from the beginning of the world until

now. Unless those days are shortened, no flesh will be saved. For the sake of the anointed those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:21, 22) Jehovah God promised through his Son Jesus Christ that these days would be shortened and some would be saved.

TRIBUTE: Tribute is payment by one nation to maintain peace and for protection by another. It is extorted through intimidation and coercion. It is often obtained by threat of violence. However it can be given as an expression of esteem. Some examples of tribute can be found in the following Scripture references: 2 Samuel 2, 6; 1 Kings 10:23-25; 2 Kings 3:4, 5; 2 Chronicles 26:8; Psalm 72:10. The Israelites were often forced to pay tribute. (Judges 3:12-17) (2 Kings 17:3; 23:35)

TRIUMPH, TRIUMPHAL PROCESSION: A triumphal procession is a formal procession in celebration of victory over an enemy. The Greek word thriambeuo means lead in a triumphal procession. The Triumphal Arches were built by the Romans in honor of some generals. The Arch of Titus in Rome still stands. It was built to commemorate those who died at Jerusalem in 70 C.E. The term triumph or triumphal procession occures only two times in the Holy Scriptures. (2 Corinthians 2:14) (Colossians 2:15) The apostle Paul tells Christians at 2 Corinthians 2:14: Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph (triumphal procession) in Christ. TRINITY: This word is not found in the Holy Scriptures. In fact the entire context of the Bible does not support a mysterious threepersons-in-one spirit being. Jesus instructions at Matthew 28:18-20 identify three spirit entities, but do not say they are three in one. Pauls salutation at 2 Corinthians 13:14 identify the three separate spirit entities, but do not say they belong to a trinity. God does not share his name or glory with anyone! (Isaiah 42:8; 44:6; 48:11) The unity emphasized at Ephesians 4:3-6 proves He is a monotheistic God, one God and Father of all. (SEE: UNITY, TRADITIONS OF MEN, FALSE DOCTRINE and MONOTHEISTIC) TROAS: The city of Troas was one of the most important cities in northwest Asia at the time of the apostle Paul. (Acts 16:8-10; 20:512) (2 Corinthians 2:12)

TROPHIMUS: Trophimus was an Ephesian Gentile who became a Christian during Pauls Ephesian ministry. (Acts 21:29) Trophimus traveled with Paul on the trip through Macedonia into Asia Minor and to Jerusalem. (Acts 20:3-5, 17, 22) He was seen with Paul and several others on the temple grounds. (Acts 21:26-30; 24:6) Trophimus became sick while on another trip. (2 Timothy 4:20) TRUMPET: Trumpets were made from animal horns. They used them to call an army together or announce something important. (Numbers 10:2-10) (Joshua 6:4-20) (1 Corinthians 15:52) TRUTH: Hebrew: emeth and Greek: aletheia means what is right and proper, reality in fact. Jehovah is the God of truth. (Psalms 31:5) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the way the truth and the life. (John 14:6) All Christians must walk in the truth. (John 4:23-24) Jesus asked his father to sanctify his followers by the truth. He said: your word is truth. Gods Word is truth. (John 17:17) (James 1:18 Be sure to take the time and effort to allow the Bible to interpret itself. Research all of the Scriptures related to each subject or belief before you make that belief your own. (SEE: TRANSLATION NOTES, What is Truth?) TRYPHAENA: The apostle Paul sends his greetings and commends Tryphaena for her hard work at Romans 16:12. TRYPHOSA: This Christian woman of Rome was greeted and commended by Paul at Romans 16:12. TSADHEH: Tsadheh is the 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet. In the Hebrew language, it appears as the first letter in each of the eight verses in Psalm 119:137-144. TUBAL, SON OF JAPHETH: This Tubal was one of the seven sons of Japheth. (Genesis 10:2) (1 Chronicles 1:5) TUBAL, THE LAND: The people of Tubal are included among those uniting with God of the land of Magog who called the head chieftan of Meshech and Tubal. The people of Tubal come storming out of the remotest parts of the north to attack Jehovahs people. (Ezekiel 27:13; 38:2, 3; 39:1, 2) God foretells that he will send envoys to proclaim his glory to Tubal, Javan, and other lands. (Isaiah 66:19) Some Bible experts think Tubal was northeast of Cilicia in northeastern Asia Minor since there were copper mines in the region.

TUBAL-CAIN: Tubal-Cain was the Son of Lamech by his second wife Zillah. That made him a descendant of Cain and half brother of Jabal and Jubal. His sisters name was Naamah. As a forger of tools of copper and iron he was probably considered a tool maker. (Genesis 4:17-22) TURBAN: Men wore a head covering made of cloth wrapped around the head. TURQUOISE: Turquoise is a semiprecious gemstone ranging in color from light blue to dull green. It contains hydrous phosphate of aluminum with traces of copper and iron. When the blue stones are heated or exposed to the weather they turn green. The high priest Aaron wore an engraved turquoise stone on his breast piece of judgment. One of the names of Israels twelve tribes was inscribe upon it. (Exodus 28:2, 15, 18, 21) (Ezekiel 27:2, 16; 28:12, 13) TURTLEDOVE, MORNING DOVE: The dove is a small wild pigeon. It is a migratory bird. The turtledove or morning dove is mentioned in Jeremiah 8:7 along with the birds that migrate annually. The dove is a shy, gentle bird. It relies on speedy flight as a means of escaping its enemies. (Psalm 74:19) Abraham included a turtledove in his offering at the time God concluded a covenant with him. (Genesis 15:9, 10, 17, 18) Doves were acceptable in certain sacrifices. (Leviticus 1:14; 5:7, 11; 12:6, 8) (Numbers 6:10, 11) Mary offered either two turtledoves or two young pigeons at the temple after Jesus birth. (Luke 2:22-24) TUTOR: The Greek word pai-da-go-gos means child leader, an instructor, teacher or tutor. Galatians 3:24, 25 relates that the Law has become our tutor leading to Christ. The apostle Paul said we were held in custody by the law at Galatians 3:23. He spoke of having ten thousand tutors in Christ in his first letter to the Corrinthians. (1 Corinthians 4:14, 15) TYCHICUS: This brother came from Asia to serve with the Apostle Paul. (Acts 20:4) (Ephesians 6:21-22) (Colossians 4:7-9) TYRANNUS: The apostle Paul reasoned daily in the school of Tyrannus after having encountered resistance in the Jewish synagogue. (Acts 19:9, 10) TYRE: A large city in Phoenicia, which is now part of Lebanon. (Mark 7:24-31) (Acts 12:20)

SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY U UCAL: Agur addressed the message written to Ucal in Proverbs chapter 30. Ical may have been the disciple of Agur. (Proverbs 30:1) UEL: Ezra counseled Uel to send away his foreign wife. Uel was one of the sons of Bani who sent away their foreign wives and sons. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 34, 44) ULAI: The Ulai was the watercourse that flowed through Shushan in Elam. Daniel received the vision of the ram and the he-goat along the Ulai. (Daniel 8:1-6, 16) ULAM, FATHER OF BEDAN: This is the father of Bedan of the tribe of Manasseh. (1 Chronicles 7:14-17) ULAM, DESCENDANT OF SAUL: This Ulam was a distant descendant of Saul. He was from the tribe of Benjamin. He had 150 sons and grandsons. (1 Chronicles 8:33, 39, 40) ULCERS, BOILS: The Hebrew word shechin means boils or ulcers. Ulcers are external or internal, developing on the skin or on mucous surfaces. They often discharge pus and cause disintegration and death of skin tissue. They can be very painful, as Job would attest. (Job 2:7) The term ulcer is used figuratively also. Israel, specifically Ephraim, was depicted as being sick and Judah as having an ulcer. These are conditions resulting from wrong-doing. (Hosea 5:13) (Jeremiah 30:12-15) Luke 16:20-21 and Revelation 16:2, 10-11 depicts a figurative use of sickness and sores. ULLA: An Asherite named Ulla had three sons who were tribal family heads and valiant warriors. (1 Chronicles 7: 39-40) UMMAH: Ummah was a city located on the boundary of Ashers territory. (Joshua 19:29-31) UNBELIEF: Unbelief is disbelief or a rejection of the faith. John pointed out that unbelief was the same as disobedience at John 3:36. The Greek word there is apeitheo. It means disbelieve, unbelieving, willful disobedience. This substantiates the Bible fact that to believe is to obey. Thus obedience is required for salvation! UNCIRCUMCISED: SEE CIRCUMCISION.

UNCLE: The Hebrew word dohdh is rendered uncle or fathers brother. (Leviticus 10:4; 20:20; 25:49) (Numbers 36:11) (1 Samuel 10:14-16) UNCLEAN: The Bible speaks about both people and animals being unclean in Gods sight. If a person disobeyed the rules about being clean, he was called unclean and could not serve God until he was made clean again. Leviticus Chapter 11 and Acts 10:9-15 tells about unclean animals. Leviticus Chapters 12 through 15 identifies the acts of unclean people. We learn at Acts Chapter 10 that everyone may be declared clean through faith and obedience in God through Jesus Christ. UNDERSTANDING: Jehovah God is the Source of all understanding. (Psalm 136:5-9) (Proverbs 3:19-20) (Jeremiah 10:12-13) The Hebrew words bin and binah mean understanding. They emphasize the specific aspects of discerning. (1 Samuel 3:8) (2 Samuel 12:19) (Psalm 19:12) (Daniel 9:2) Also the importance of giving thoughtful consideration is stressed. (Deuteronomy 32:7) (Proverbs 14:15) (Daniel 11:37) An understanding person is able to see a matter and discern its composition while separating individual factors involved. A person truly wanting to please God prays: Give me understanding, that I may observe your law and keep it with all my heart. (Psalm 119:34) UNKNOWN GOD: The men of Athens erected an altar inscribed with the words: To an Unknown God. Stoics, Epicureans, and others assembled at the Areopagus. They heard Paul present a discourse about the true God who was unknown to them but known to Christians. (Acts 17:18-34) UNITY: The apostle Paul points out that there is complete and total unity in the Christian congregation. He says at Ephesians 4:4-6 that there is one body, one Spirit and one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism. Now he emphasizes the fact that there is a monotheistic God, no not two spirit beings in one, not even three spirit beings in one, but ONE GOD and father of all! Jesus prays for unity at John 17:11, 21. He emphasized the need for all believers to be in unity with the Father and with the Son. They are not some kind of weird conglomeration composed of Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and all believers. They are all separate entities who are: perfectly jointed together (united) in the same mind and thought (1 Corinthians 1:10) SEE TRINITY

UNITARIAN: A unitarian is a person who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity and believes that God is one single spirit being. The position that God is one single spirit being is overwhelmingly supported by the Holy Scriptures. Jehovah is God, the Holy Spirit is Gods power, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The most outstanding Scripture that supports the unitarian position is found at Deuteronomy 6:4, Listen Israel! Jehovah our God is one God (Jehovah). SEE: JESUS CHRIST, TRINITY, UNITY UNLEAVENED BREAD: Bread made without yeast is unleavened bread. It was used in the Passover Feast. (Exodus 12:20) (Deuteronomy 16:1-4) UNLEAVENED BREAD, DAY OF: The Day of Unleavened Bread was the first day of the Feast of Unleavened bread or Passover. (Matthew 26:17) (Luke 22:7) UNNI: A Levite musician named Unni played a stringed instrument in the procession that brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:3, 16-20) UPHAZ: Uphaz was a location where gold was found in ancient times. (Jeremiah 10:9) (Daniel 10:5) UPPER ROOM: Jesus and his followers met in an upstairs room in a house to celebrate the Passover. (Mark 14:14-15) (Luke 22:8-12) UR: Ur means light, or the moon city, a city of the Chaldees. (Genesis 11:28, 31) It was the largest city of Shinar or northern Chaldea, and the principal commercial center of the country. URBANUS: The apostle Paul greeted a Roman Christian named Urbanus at Romans 16:9. URI, FATHER OF BEZALEL: Uri was a descendant of Judah through Perez, Hezron, Caleb, and Hur. He was the father of Bezalel. His son Bezalel was a noted tabernacle craftsman. (Exodus 31:2; 35:30; 38:22) (1 Chronicles 2:4, 5, 9, 18-20) (2 Chronicles 1:5) URI, FATHER OF GEBER: This Uri was the father of Geber. Geber was one of Solomons food deputies. (1 Kings 4:7, 19) URI, LEVITE GATEKEEPER: Uri was one of the three Levite gatekeepers who sent away their foreign wives and sons as a result of Ezras counsel. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 24, 44)

URIAH, SOLDIER: Uriah was a soldier in King Davids army. After David committed adultery with Uriahs wife, Bathsheba he had Uriah killed. (2 Samuel 11) Psalm 51 records Davids prayer of sincere repentance. URIAH, PRIEST AND WITNESS: A priest by the name of Uriah witnessed when Isaiah wrote his sons name, Maher-shalal-hashbaz, on a tablet. (Isaiah 8:1-2) URIAH, THE PRIEST FOR EZRA: This man was the priest who stood at Ezras right when he read from the Law to the returned exiles assembled at the Water Gate in Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 8:1-4) URIEL, SON OF TAHATH: Uriel was the son of Tahath. He was a Levite descendant of Kohath. (1 Chronicles 6:22, 24) URIEL, THE KOHATHITE: This Uriel was the leader of the Kohathites when David had the Ark of the Covenant brought to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:5, 11, 12, 15) URIEL, FATHER OF MICAIAH: Uriel was the father of Micaiah (Maacah). Maacah was the wife of King Rehoboam. She was the mother of Abijah. (2 Chronicles 13:1, 2; 11:21) URIJAH, THE PRIEST: Urijah was a priest during the time King Ahaz of Judah reigned. (761-746 B.C.E.) Urijah built a huge altar designed after the pattern of altar that Tiglath-pileser III used. King Ahaz required that it be built and used instead of Jehovahs altar. (2 Kings 16:8-16) URIJAH, PROPHET OF JEHOVAH: This son of Shemaiah from Kiriath-jearim was a prophet of Jehovah during the reign of Jehoiakim. Urijah prophesied against Judah and Jerusalem the same as Jeremiah did. Urijah fled to Egypt, Jehoiakim had him brought back and slain. His body was thrown into a comon graveyard. (Jeremiah 26:20-23) URIJAH, SON OF HAKKOZ: This Urijah was a priest whose son Meremoth was one of the priests Ezra entrusted with the gold, silver, and temple vessels. Urijahs son Meremoth later helped repair Jerusalems wall. (Ezra 8:33) (Nehemiah 3:4, 21) URIM AND THUMMIM: These objects were used to determine the divine will of Jehovah God. They were used in order to settle

important national issues. Moses dressed in the breast piece and put the Urim and Thummim in the breast piece. (Exodus 31:18, 28:9, 12, 30) Many Bible commentators believe that the Urim and the Thummim were lots. Their thought is that there were three pieces, one inscribed with the word yes one with no and the third blank. If the blank piece was drawn there was to be no answer at that time. James Moffatts translation calls them the sacred lots at Exodus 28:30. It is not known for sure what they were. USURY: The sum of money, interest, paid for the use of money. The Hebrews were forbidden to exact usury in their dealings with each other. (Leviticus 25:36-37) (Deuteronomy 23:19-20) It was a great crime to violate this law. (Psalm 15:5) (Proverbs 28:8) (Jeremiah 15:10) UTENSILS: Hebrew: keli means utensils. It is translated articles (Genesis 24:53) (Exodus 3:22) (Leviticus 13:49, 52, 57-59) implements (Genesis 27:3) equipment (Genesis 45:20) utensils (Exodus 25:39; 27:3, 19; 30:27-28; 31:7-9) The Hebrew word keli is used to designate the different utensils used in the Tent of Sanctuary. Included in this list: dishes, pitchers, shovels, bowls, snuffers, basins and cups. (Exodus 25:29-30, 39; 27:3, 19) UTHAI, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: Uthai was a resident of Jerusalem. He was a descendant of Judah through Perez. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 4) UTHAI, SON OF BIGVAI: Uthai was the head of a paternal house among the sons of Bigvai. He traveled with Ezra to Jerusalem in 468 B.C.E. (Ezra 8:1, 14) UZ, THE LAND OF: Job lived in the land of Uz. (Job 1:1) (Jeremiah 25:20) This land was somewhere east or southeast of Palestine and north of Edom. Jeremiah received the commission to pass the cup of Gods wrath to the kings of the land of Uz. The context of that verse names Philistia, Edom, Moab, and Ammon. (Jeremiah 25:15, 17, 20, 21) UZ, SON OF ARAM: This man named Uz was the son of Aram and great-grandson of Noah through Shem. (Genesis 10:22, 23) (1 Chronicles 1:17) UZ, SON OF NAHOR: Uz was the firstborn son of Nahor and Milcah. He was the nephew of Abraham. (Genesis 22:20, 21)

UZAI: Uzais son Palal helped Nehemiah build Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 3:25) UZAL, SON OF JOKTAN: Uzal was the sixth of Joktans 13 sons. The tribe of Uzal descended from him. (Genesis 10:26-29) (1 Chronicles 1:21) The capital of Yemen Arab Republic was called Azal in ancient tradition, and was connected with Uzal. UZAL, THE TOWN: Tyres traders purchased wares from Uzal. Wrought iron, cassia and sweet cane were among the merchandise. (Ezekiel 27:19) It was probably located near the upper Tigris River in northeast what was then Syria. UZZA GARDEN: King Manasseh and King Amon, both of Judah, were buried in the Garden of Uzza instead of the usual royal burial places. (2 Kings 21:18, 23, 26) It has been speculated that Uzza Garden was at a royal summer residence. UZZA, THE BENJAMITE: (1 Chronicles 8:1, 7) UZZA, FAMILY HEAD OF NETHINIM: This Uzza was a family head of Nethinim. Some of the Nethinim returned to Jerusalem after the Babalonian exile. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 43, 49) (Nehemiah 7:51) UZZAH, THE LEVITE: Uzzah was a Merarite Lebite. (1 Chronicles 6:29) UZZAH, SON OF ABINADAB: When King David ordered the Ark of the Covenant be brought to Jerusalem Uzzah and his brother Ahio led the wagon carrying the Ark. The wagon nearly upset. Uzzah tried to prevent it from happening and he touched the Ark. Jehovah instructed that under no circumstances was the Ark to be touched by unauthorized persons. So Jehovah struck Uzzah dead. (2 Samuel 6:3-8)(1 Chronicles 13:7-11) UZZEN-SHEERAH: It was reported that Sheerah, an Ephraimite woman, built the town of Uzzen-Sheerah. (1 Chronicles 7:22-24) UZZI, OF THE TRIBE OF ISSACHAR: This Uzzi was a son of the descendant of Tola in the tribe of Issachar. He became the head of an ancestral house. (1 Chronicles 7:1-3) UZZI, DESCENDANT OF AARON: Uzzi was a descendant of Aaron through Eleazar in the lineage of high priests. He may have been

great-grandson of Phinehas. Uzzi was a forefather of Ezra, the Bible writer of the book of Ezra. (1 Chronicles 6:3-6, 51) (Ezra 7:1-5) UZZI, DESCENDANT OF BENJAMIN: Uzzi was a descendant of Benjamin through Belah. He was a tribal family head. (1 Chronicles 7:6-7) Another Benjamite named Uzzi had a son who lived after the return to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 9:3, 7-9) UZZI, THE PRIEST: One Uzzi was the overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem after they returned from exile. He was a descendant of Asaph. (Nehemiah 11:22) Yet another man named Uzzi was also a priest. He was the head of the paternal house of Jedaiah at the time of High Priest Jeshuas successor Joiakim. (Nehemiah 12:1-42) UZZIA: Uzzia was an Ashterathite from the town of Ashtaroth east of the Jordan River. He was a mighty man in Davids military forces. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 44) (Joshua 9:10) UZZIAH THE KING OF JUDAH: Uzziah was also called Azariah. He was the son of Amaziah by his wife Jecoliah. After the death of his father, the people of Judah made Uzziah king at age 16. He reigned for 52 years. (2 Kings 14:21) (2 Chronicles 26:1) The prophets Isaiah (Isaiah 1:1, 6:1), Hosea (Hosea 1:1), Amos (Amos 1:1), and Joel were contemporaries of Uzziah. Uzziah was righteous in Jehovahs eyes. But his subjects committed improper sacrificing at high places. (2 Chronicles 26:4, 5) Uzziah had many military successes with the help of God. He restored Elath to the kingdom of Judah and rebuilt that city at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba. He also promoted agricultural interest in the land and build many cisterns to provide a plentiful water supply for farming. (2 Chronicles 26:10) UZZIAH, SON OF URIEL: This Uzziah was the son of Uriel. He was a Kohathite Levite. (1 Chronicles 6:22-24) UZZIAH, FATHER OF JOHATHAN: Another Uzziah was the Uzziah whose son Jonathan was an official of King David. (1 Chronicles 27:25) UZZIAH, LEVITE PRIEST: This Uzziah was a Levite priest of the sons of Harim. (1 Chronicles 24:8) (Ezra 2:36, 39) He dismissed his foreign wife in order to be in compliance with Ezras command. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 21, 44)

UZZIAH, DESCENDANT OF JUDAH: This Uzziah was a descendant of Judah through Perez. His son Athaiah lived in Jerusalem in Nehemiahs time. (Nehemiah 11:4) UZZIEL, LEVIS GRANDSON: Uzziel was Kohaths four sons. Uzziel was uncle to Moses and Aaron. His three sons, Mishael, Elzaphan, and Sithri, were heads of tribal families in the tribe of Levi. (Exodus 6:16, 18, 20, 22) (Leviticus 10:4) (Numbers 3:19, 30) (1 Chronicles 6:2, 18) UZZIEL, LEVITE MUSICIAN: Uzziel was a Levite musician of the family of Herman. He was appointed the head of Davids 11th musical division. Uzziel was also called Azarel. (1 Chronicles 25:4, 18) UZZIEL, DESCENDANT OF JUDUTHUN: Uzziel was a descendant of Jeduthun. He helped dispose of the unclean things removed from the temple during Hezekiahs reign. (2 Chronicles 29:12, 14, 16) UZZIEL, SON OF ISHI: Uzziel was one of the four Simeonite sons of Ishi. They led 500 men to Mount Seir to fight the remnant of Amalekites who lived there. Uzziel lived when Hezekiah lived. (1 Chronicles 4:41-43) UZZIEL, THE GOLDSMITH: This Uzziel was the goldsmith who helped repair the wall at Jerusalem under Nehemiahs direction. He was the son of Harhaiah. (Nehemiah 3:8) UZZIEL, OF THE TRIBE OF BENJAMIN: Uzziel was the family head in the tribe of Benjamin. He was the son of Bela. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 7) UZZIELITES: The Levite descendants of Kohaths fourth son Uzziel were referred to as Uzzielites. (Numbers 3:19, 27) One hundred and twelve Uzzielites were let by Amminadab as they accompanied the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem for David. (1 Chronicles 15:3, 4, 10) The Uzzielites participated in Davids organization of temple service. (1 Chronicles 23:6, 20; 24:24; 26:23, 24) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY V VEGABOND: The Latin word vagabundus means a wonderer and a fugitive. (Genesis 4:12) (Psalm 109:10)

VAGEB: This place was near the Arnon in Suphah. (Numbers 21:14) VAIZATHA: Vaizatha was one of Hamans ten sons. (Esther 9:9-10) VALLEY: A valley is a depression between bluffs, hills, or mountains. (Psalm 104:8) Notable valleys mentioned in the Bible include: The Valley of Moab in front of Bethpeor and Valley of Salt. (Deuteronomy 3:29; 34:6) (2 Samuel 8:13) Figurative and Prophetic valleys include: valley of the shadow of death; Valley of Jehoshaphat; and Valley of decision. (Psalm 23:1, 4) (Joel 3:12, 14) Nearly all Bible translations use the term valley and not the term low plain. The New Simplified Bible uses the more commonly understood word, valley. VANIAH: Vaniah was the son of Bani. He and many other persons married foreign wives. After Ezra admonished them they dismissed the foreign wives. (Ezra 10:10, 11, 34-36, 44) VASHTI: Vashti was the queen of Ahasuerus the king of Persia. (Esther 1:1-22; 2: 1-17) She was deposed for refusing to attend the kings banquit. VEDAN: Vedan was one of the places where Tyre carried on commerce. (Ezekiel 27:19) VEGETATION: Plants. God caused the earth to bring forth vegetation. (Genesis 1:11-13) At Psalm 102:4, 11 man is compared to grass that withers away and dies. Psalm 72:16 speak of people thriving or blossoming like the vegetation of the earth. Isaiah 40:68 likened to grass that withers and dies. Vegetation is used figuratively in the Holy Scriptures to show the transitoriness of all mankind. (Revelation 8:7) VEIL: Hebrew: hatstsaaif and Greek: katapetasma mean a wrap over, scarf, cloak, veil used as a sign of modesty and subjection and a door screen or curtain. A head covering usually worn by women is called a veil or a scarf. (Genesis 24:65) (Song of Solomon 4:1) (Isaiah 3:19) The curtain in the Temple was also called the Temple veil. (Matthew 27:51) (Mark 15:38) (Luke 23:45) VENGEANCE: Vengeance and retribution belong to me, says Jehovah. (Deuteronomy 32:35) O, Jehovah, God of vengeance, shine forth. (Psalm 94:1) The Greek word ekdikeo is rendered avenge. It represents justice achieved. The Holy Scriptures make it

perfectly clear that only God has the right to seek vengeance. (Romans 12:19) (Hebrews 10:30) The most important purpose for God taking vengeance is to vindicate and glorify his own name and sovereignty. (Exodus 14:18) (Psalm 83:13-18) (Isaiah 25:1-5) (Ezekiel 25:17) VENOM: Poisonous fluid secreted by snakes and some other creatures. (Numbers 21:4-9) (Deuteronomyh 8:15) (Acts 28:3-6) Figurative use of venom speaks of lying, slanderous statements of the wicked. (Psalm 58:3, 4) The human tongue is misused by harmful speech full of death-dealing poison. (James 3:8) VERMILION: This is a color that is vivid red and sometimes has an orange tinge. (Jeremiah 22:14) VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE: Versions and translations are usually one and the same. Therefore a version of the Bible is a translation of the Holy Scriptures from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into other languages. Early versions were handwritten. Since the invention of the printing press, many versions, or translations, have been printed. Some versions are prepared directly from the original languages and others are based on other translations that were not of the original languages. The Septuagint is a translation from the original languages into Greek. The Syriac Peshitta, and the Latin Vulgate were prepared directly from the original Hebrew and Greek languages. The Peshitta of Syriac speaking people was used from the fifth century C.E. until now. The word Peshitta means simple. The foremost Bible scholar, Eusebius Hieronymus, wrote the Latin Vulgate. He was also known as Jerome. It was offered to the Roman Catholic Church in about 405 C.E. Many opposed it at first but it gradually gained approval. It was revised in 1592. VICTORY: A successful ending of a struggle or a contest is a victory. The apostle Paul spoke of the victory Christians would experience over sin and death at 1 Corinthians 15:53-55. The apostle John wrote that our faith is the victory that conquers the world at 1 John 5:4. VILLAGES: The Hebrew word perazon means habitations in the open country, unwalled villages. (Judges 5:7, 11) VESSELS: Vessels are receptacles that hold substances, either liquid or solid. They are objects used as containers. Some vessels have lids and some do not. (1 Kings 17:10) (Esther 1:7) (Jeremiah 40:10) Most vessels were made of clay, wood, metal, or stone. (Leviticus 6:28;

15:12) (Numbers 7:85) (1 Kings 10:21) (Matthew 26:7) Some containers were jars and bowls. (Isaiah 22:24) Bags, sacks or baskets were also used as vessels. (Genesis 42:25) (Haggai 1:6) (Mark 8:19, 20) (2 Corinthians 11:33) Skin bottles and buckets were also used. (Judges 4:19) (Luke 5:37, 38) (Numbers 24:7) (John 4:11) The Scriptures often symbolically call people frail earthen vessels. (Acts 9:15) (2 Corinthians 4:7) (Leviticus 18:19, 20; 20:18) (1 Peter 3:7) Cups are symbolic of Gods anger. (Psalm 11:6; 75:8) (Isaiah 51:17, 22) (Revelation 14:9, 10; 16:19; 18:5-8) VINE: People drank wine and therefore the Hebrew word gephen refers to the wine vine. (Numbers 6:4) (Judges 13:14) Jesus used vine in a figurative use at John 15:1-10. He called himself the true vine, his Father the cultivator and his disciples the branches. The most important point he wanted to make was that they were united with each other just as literal branches, vine, and cultivator are with each other. The branches could not live without the true vine and the cultivator. Jesus spoke frequently about vineyards and their grapes. (Matthew 20:1-16) (Mark 12:1-9) (Luke 20:9-16) Jesus said the vine of the earth must be destroyed at Gods command for producing hurtful fruitage. (Revelation 14:15-19) VINE OF SODOM: This expression is only found at Deuteronomy 32:32. It is lends itself to the illustrative or figurative application. Sodom is used in the Holy Scriptures to represent moral corruption and wickedness and thus the Vine of Sodom would represent the growth of wickedness. (Isaiah 1:10; 3:9) (Jeremiah 23:14) VINEGAR: Vinegar is a sour liquid produced by fermenting wine or other alcoholic drinks. Harvesters dipped their bread into vinegar. (Ruth 2:14) The acid contained in vinegar causes the teeth to feel very sensitive. (Proverbs 10:26) Jesus received sour wine from a sponge when it was put to his mouth. (John 19:28-30) (Luke 23:36, 37) VIOL: Hebrew: Nebel means a psaltery, a musical instrument. (Isaiah 5:12) VIPER: Hebrew: epheh and Greek: ekhidna. The viper is a poisonous snake. (Psalm 140:3) The vipers potent venom is alluded to at Job 20:16. Paul shook off a biting venomous snake and suffered no harm. (Acts 28:3-6) VIRGIN: Most dictionaries define a virgin as a person who has never had sexual intercourse. This was the situation for Mary, the

mother of Jesus, our Lord. If it were not so the impregnation by Gods Holy Spirit would mean nothing. (Matthew 1:21-25) Prophecy written at Isaiah 7:14 was fulfilled: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel (God with us). VISIONS: Holy servants of God saw visions and dreams. These were vivid images and perceptual experiences that came to them direct from Jehovah God. (Luke 1:22; 24:23) (Acts 26:19) (2 Corinthians 12:1) VISIONARY: The Hebrew word cho-zeh means behold and vision. (Numbers 24:4) (Isaiah 1:1; 21:2; 22:1) (Ezekiel 13:7) (Daniel 8:1) VOICE: The voice is the distinctive quality or pitch or condition of a person's speech. (Genesis 3:8; 21:17) (Job 4:10) (Daniel 4:31) (Matthew 27:46) VOICE OF GOD: Do human beings actually hear the literal voice of God? Jesus Christ the Son of God emphatically stated: The Father who sent me testifies about me. You have not heard his voice nor seen him at any time. You do not have his Word dwelling in you. This is because you do not believe in the person he has sent. (John 5:37, 38) The Christian Greek Scriptures record three occasions when God spoke audibly to humans: (1) Jesus baptism in 29 C.E.-Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22. (2) Jesus transfiguration in 32 C.E. with Peter, James, and John present.--Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:36. (3) Jesus asked God to glorify his name at John 12:28, 29. God made himself known by means of audible speech, but the crowd did not understand the voice. It sounded like thunder to them. Hearing the voice of God frequently means recognizing and hearing with obedience what God has caused to be written in his Word! (1 John 2:3, 4) (Psalm 103:20) (Matthew 4:4) VOPHSI: Vophsi was a Naphtalite whose son Nahbi was one of the 12 Israelites sent to spy out Canaan. (Numbers 13:2, 14) VOW: A vow is a solemn promise made to God to perform some act of righteousness. It is a voluntary expression made of ones own free will. (Matthew 5:33) A vow has no merit in the eyes of God unless it is in harmony with his righteous laws and issues from the right kind of heart condition. (Psalm 51:16-17) VULTURE: Hebrew: ra-cham means vulture, oz-ni-yah means black vulture. The vulture is a large carrion-eating bird. Carrion is defined as dead and rotting flesh. The vulture consumes the dead

carcasses and putrefying flesh that might otherwise cause disease. This bird is listed as unclean in the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:13, 18) (Deuteronomy 14:12, 17) The book of Revelation offers prophesy about the large birds that eat the flesh of the dead men and animals that die in the great war of God the Almighty. (Revelation 19:17, 18) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY W WAFERS: Thin cakes called wafers were used in various offerings. (Exodus 16:31; 29:2, 23) (Leviticus 2:4; 7:12; 8:26) (Numbers 6:15, 19) WAGON: Wagons and carts were simple vehicles. Usually they were made of wood, some had spokes and some had solid wheels. Some were two wheeled open decks with a tongue or pole in front. (1 Samuel 6:14) (Numbers 7:2-9) WALLS: Masonry and stone structures that serve as barriers for protection were called walls. The walls of Davids palace were of cut stone. (2 Samuel 5:11) City walls were erected around the city to prevent enemy invasion. (1 Kings 4:13) (Isaiah 25:12) Walls are also symbolic mentioned in a figurative way. (1 Samuel 25:16) (Proverbs 18:11) (Ezekiel 13:10) (Revelation 21:2, 12, 14, 17-19) WAR AND RUMORS OF WAR: Jesus prophesied about the last days at Matthew Chapter 24. He said: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. (Matthew 24:6-7) (Mark 13:7-8) (Luke 21:9-10) The War of Har-Magedon is Gods war to rid the earth of wickedness. It is reported at Revelation Chapter 16. WASHING FEET: This act of friendship and hospitality was a common practice in the average home of the common people. The host provided the vessels and water for visitors to wash their own feet. (Judges 19:21) (1 Samuel 25: 40-42) Great humility and affection was expressed when the host or hostess personally washed the visitors feet. A weeping sinful woman wet Jesus feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair. She kissed his feet and greased them with perfumed oil. (Luke 7:36-50) Jesus Christ washed his apostles feet to teach them a lesson. (John 13:1-16) This served as a reminder to Christians to serve their brothers and sisters lovingly by performing humble tasks in their behalf. (John 13:34-35) WASHING HANDS: Hands were frequently washed with water poured upon them into a container over which the hands were held.

(2 Kings 3:11) The Law required that the priests wash their hands and feet at the copper basin located near the sanctuary and the altar before ministering at the altar. (Exodus 30:18-21) David wanted morally clean hands so he would be able to worship before Jehovahs altar. (Psalm 26:6) Pilate vainly tried to clear himself of the bloodguilt of Jesus death by washing his hands. (Matthew 27:24) The Pharisees would not eat unless they washed their hands up to the elbow. (Mark 7:2-5) (Matthew 15:2) The Babylonian Talmud associates one eating with unwashed hands with having relations with a harlot. WATCHMAN: A watchman is a guard who keeps watch against possible harm to persons or property. In military service a watchman is call a guard or sentry. (Jeremiah 51:12) (Acts 12:6; 28:16) Watchmen were usually stationed on the city walls and towers. (2 Samuel 18:24-27) (2 Kings 9:17-20) WATCHTOWER: Watchtowers were lookout posts built above city walls. Watchmen stationed themselves there to watch for trouble. (2 Chronicles 20:24) (Isaiah 21:8; 32:14) WATER: The major part of living matter is water. In fact the human body is more than 70% water. (Revelation 14:7) When God created the earth he created endless mounts of water. (Genesis 1:68) God installed a wonderful watering system recorded at Genius 2:6. WATERS: People and nations. (Revelation 17:15; 21:1) (Isaiah 57:20) Jesus walked on water. (Matthew 14:22-36) Living water. (John 4:1-15) WATERMELON: Hebrew: avat-ti-ach means watermelon. It is a large oblong and round fruit with a hard rind and sweet pulp high in water content. (Numbers 11:4, 5) WAW: Waw is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. WAX: The Bible refers to melting wax in a poetic sense. It speaks of the heart melting like wax. (Psalm 22:14) The mountains melt like wax. (Psalm 97:5) (Micah 1:4) WAY, THE: Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) Early Christianity was known as the way. (Acts 9:1-2; 19:9, 23; 22:4)

WEANING: Weaning is the process of training a child to take hard food instead of milk from nursing. The time when breastfeeding was discontinued was an important stage in the young ones life. (Isaiah 11:8; 28:9) Abraham called for a feast at the weaning of Isaac. (Genesis 21:8) WEASEL: The Hebrew term holedh could mean weasel or mole. Both are common in Palestine. This translation includes both in the list of unclean animals found at Leviticus 11:29. WEAVING: Weaving is the process of interlacing sets of threads or reeds lengthwise and crosswise to make cloth or baskets. (Leviticus 13:59) Weaving was done mostly by women, but men also did it. (2 Kings 23:7) (1 Chronicles 4:21) The Hebrews and Egyptians used a basic frame as a loom. (Judges 16:13, 14) (Isaiah 19:1, 9, 10) WEEDS: Any plant that crowds out cultivated plants is a weed. Weeds serve no apparent useful purpose where they grow. The Hebrew word boshah means stink. It appropriately describes a variety of foul-smelling plants as stinking weeds. Job spoke about stinking weeds at Job 31:40. The Hebrew term chohach designates thorny plants or weeds. (Isaiah 34:13) (Hosea 9:6) WEEK: The Hebrew word for week is shavua. It stands for a sevenfold unit or period. The Greek word sabba-ton comes from the Hebrew word for Sabbath meaning seventh day. God set the precedent for the seven-day time division by dividing his creative work period into six days or units of time. He then ended the period with a seventh day of rest. (Genesis 2:2, 3) The complexity of creation dictates that these were not 24-hour days. The days of the standard week were 24 hours each. They were not given names but were simply called by number with the exception of the seventh day called the Sabbath. (Exodus 20:8) The seven-day cycles were governed by the four phases of the moon and started again with each new moon. WEEPING, CRYING: Weeping and crying is the process of shedding tears. It is usually accompanied by sobs and other sounds of grief. Both men and women weep. David and his mighty warriors even wept. It was not considered a sign of weakness. (Genesis 42:24; 43:30; 45:2, 3, 14, 15; 46:29) (Ruth 1:9, 14) (Job 30:25) (Psalm 6:68) Feelings of personal loss or affliction, deep concern and intense feeling for others often prompt weeping. With weeping, the apostle Paul spoke of those walking as enemies of the stake of Christ. (Php

3:18, 19) Even our Lord Jesus Christ, while on earth, petitioned his Father with strong crying and tears. (Hebrews 5:7) WELL: Hebrew: beer means a well, pit or hole in the ground. Most of the Mid-East has long dry seasons. That makes having a good well very important. Wells were named after their geographic location, Beersheba (Genesis 21:14), Beerelem (Isaiah 15:8), Beer (Nu 21:16-18). Abraham owned the well at Beersheba. (Genesis 21:25-31; 26:20-21) WEST: Hebrew: yam means sea. The Mediterranean Sea lay in the west. (Joshua 1:4) (Genesis 28:14) (Exodus 10:19) (Zechariah 14:4) The Hebrew word ma-arav is used to denote the sunset which was in the west. (Isaiah 43:5; 59:19) Jesus spoke of eastern parts and western parts at Matthew 8:11. It is literally from risings and settings of the sun. (Matthew 24:27) (Luke 12:54; 13:29) (Revelation 21:13) WHEEL: The wheel is a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes. It rotates on an axle or shaft. Wooden planks were pegged together and rounded in ancient times. (Exodus 14:25) (Isaiah 5:28; 28:27) Solomon had ten copper carriages. Each had a copper axle and four chariot-like copper wheels. (1 Kings 7:27-33) Ezekiel envisioned Jehovah riding upon a swift moving chariot. Its four wheels had rims filled with eyes. There were wheels within wheels apparently at right angles. This made it possible to go forward or sideways without changing the angle of the wheels, a brilliant idea that mankind has not effectively mastered. (Ezekiel 1:1-21; 3:13) Daniel envisioned the Ancient of Days, Jehovah, seated upon a heavenly wheeled throne also. (Daniel 7:1, 9, 10) (Psalm 97:1-3) WHEAT: Wheat is an annual or biennial grass having erect flower spikes and light brown grains. The grains are sometimes cooked whole or cracked as cereal but the majority of the time they are ground into flour. The Hebrew word chit-tah meaning wheat is either used by itself or mixed with other grains, ground into flour, and made into bread. (Exodus 29:2) (Ezekiel 4:9) It was used as offerings made to Jehovah. (1 Chronicles 23:29) (Ezra 6:9, 10) The Holy Scriptures offer illustrative reference to wheat. It represents persons acceptable to Jehovah. They are called the sons of the kingdom. (Matthew 3:12; 13:24-30, 37, 38) (Luke 3:17) Jesus and Paul mentioned wheat in illustrating the resurrection. (John 12:24) (1 Corinthians 15:35-38) Jesus also spoke of the sifting of wheat at Luke 22:31.

WHIP: A whip is a flexible cord or leather lash with a handle. It was used to beat humans. (2 Chronicles 10:11, 14) It was also used to drive animals. (Proverbs 26:2) (Nahum 3:2) Using a whip made with rope, Jesus drove the sellers of sheep, cattle and doves out of the temple. (John 2:13-17) WICKED, WICKEDNESS: Hebrew: verb ra-sha means wicked. (Genesis 18:23) (2 Samuel 22: 22) (Psalm 37:10) (Isaiah 26:10) The Greek word poneria is that which is wicked in a moral or physical sense. (Luke 6:45) (Matthew 7:17, 18) Behavior that does not conform to Gods standard of moral excellence is wicked. WIDOW: A woman who lost her husband in death and has not remarried is a widow. Death of the husband severs the marriage bond. This leaves the widow free to remarry if she chooses to do so. (Ruth 1:8-13) (Romans 7:2, 3) (1 Corinthians 7:8, 9) Jesus half brother James emphasizes the importance of looking after orphans and widows. (James 1:27) In a figurative sense Babylon the Great boasts that she will never become a widow. Yet that is just what she becomes. The account is found at Revelation chapter 18. WIFE: A wife is a married woman, a mans partner in marriage. Jehovah referred to a wife as one owned by a husband at Isaiah 62:4. Man was the head of the house and was his wifes owner (Hebrew: baal). The wife occupied a dignified and honorable place in the household. When the headship principle is properly applied it is filled with immeasurable love. (1 Corinthians 11:3) A description of a good wife is found at Proverbs chapter 31. Wives and husbands are to be in subjection to each other in love. (Ephesians 5:22-24) (1 Corinthians 7:2-4) (1 Timothy 3:2) In a figurative way Jehovah spoke of Israel as his wife at Isaiah 54:6. The anointed Christian congregation is spoken of as the bride, or wife, of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:23, 25) (Revelation 19:7; 21:2, 9) WILDERNESS: Hebrew: midh-bar refers to sparsely settled, uncultivated land, often semiarid desert. (Psalm 65:12) (Psalm 78:40) (Jeremiah 2:2; 50:12) The Hebrew word yeshi-mohn speaks of natural waste or desert. (Psalm 68:7) (Isaiah 43:19, 20) John the Baptist lived and preached in the wilderness (Greek: eremos). (Matthew 3:1) After being baptized, Jesus fasted and was tempted by Satan in a wilderness region. (Matthew 4:1) WILDERNESS OF JUDAH: SEE JUDAH, WILDERNESS OF.

WILLOW: Hebrew: tsaph-tsa-phah means willow tree. (Ezekiel 17:5) This word is only found once in the Holy Scriptures. WIND: The Hebrew word ruach is rendered spirit, breath or wind. It can also denote air in motion, wind. (Ecclesiastes 1:6) The Greek Pneuma is translated spirit and can also mean wind or breath. (John 3:8) We learn that all Scripture is inspired of God. It is God-breathed! (2 Timothy 3:16) The Greek word that prompts that beautiful thought is theo-pneustos, which means Godspirited. WINE AND STRONG DRINK: The Hebrew word yayin is found frequently in the Scriptures. It first appears at Genesis 9:20-24. Noah plants a vineyard after the flood and then becomes intoxicated from the wine produced from the product. Jesus said not to use old wineskins for new wine because the old wineskins will burst. (Matthew 9:17) (Mark 1:22) (Luke 5:37, 38) Strong alcoholic liquors are referenced in the Scriptures usually designated by the Hebrew term she-khar. (Numbers 28:7) (Deuteronomy 14:26)(Psalm 69:12) (Isaiah 49:26) (Joel 1:5) Beer is also referenced in the Scriptures designated by the Hebrew word sove. (Isaiah 1:22) (Nahum 1:10) WINEPRESS: See PRESS. WILL: The Greek: thelema means determination, choice, purpose, decree, inclination and desire. (Matthew 6:10) WINESKINS: Greek: askos means a bag or bottle made of an animal skin. Jesus spoke about wineskins at Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, and Luke 5:37, 38. WINNOWED WITH A SHOVEL: Isaiah speaks about food that has been winnow with a shovel. (Isaiah 30:24) This tool is like a shovel or a large fork. It is used to separate the wheat from the chaff. WISDOM: Wisdom requires the act of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight. Biblical wisdom places emphasis on the use of sound judgment and understanding. (Proverbs 4:5-7; 10:14; 11:29) Hebrew: tushiyah means effectual working and wisdom and Greek: phronimos and phronesis mean sensibleness and discretion and wisdom. Respect and reverence for Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10) We should seek Gods wisdom. (1 Corinthians 2: 19-25) Mans wisdom will not save us!

WITCH: The word witch occurs only once in the Scriptures at Exodus 22:18. It says: Never allow a witch to live. This comes from the Hebrew word mekhashshepheh. The feminine form of the word means enchantress or sorceress. A witch is someone dealing in magic and evil spirits. WITCHCRAFT: God warned his people against the practice of witchcraft and magic. The power of Satan the Devil is called upon in the practice of witchcraft. (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) (Galatians 5:1921) WITH: See the word IN. WITNESS: A witness is someone who sees an event and tells what happened. More than one witness was required in criminal cases. (Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15) False witnesses were liable to punishment. (Deuteronomy 19:16-21) It was against the law to refuse to bear witness. (Leviticus 5:1) A witness is also one who gives testimony by word and deed of his religious faith. Jesus Christ told his followers: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit arrives upon you and you will be witnesses of me to the most distant part of the earth. (Acts 1:8) WOLF: The Hebrew term zeev means a carnivorous animal resembling a dog. Wolves have large feet; a broad head and strong jaws. They seek their prey under the cover of darkness and remain hidden during the day. (Habakkuk 1:8) (Zephaniah 3:3) Shepherds had to be courageous and resourceful to protect the flock from wolves. (John 10:12, 13) Most Bible references to the wolf are illustrative. For example, false teachers were compared to wolves within the Christian congregation. (Act 20:29, 30) WOMAN: In the figurative sense a woman is a congregation, an organization of people, nations. Gods heavenly woman is revealed at Revelation 12:1, 17. A woman (harlot) can mean the organization of false religion. (Revelation 17:3) WOMB: The womb is the female organ where the young are nourished and grow prior to birth. Jehovah created the womb. He is able to make it productive. (Genesis 2:22; 20:18; 29:31; 30:22; 49:25) The Bible emphasizes that God is responsible for the formation of an embryo in the womb. It shows that the design of the human in the womb is according to Gods pattern and not chance and evolution. (Job 31:15;10:8) (Psalm 139:13-16) (Isaiah 45:9) The

womb is used in a figurative way at Job 38:8 when it speaks of the sea bursting forth from the womb. The Psalmist speaks of dew from the womb of dawn at Psalm 110:1-3. Again this is figurative and poetic in natuire. It means from the beginning of dawn. WOOL: Wool is soft hair from sheep. It is used to make clothing. Wool was often white and was associated with whiteness and purity. Isaiah compared forgiven sins to white wool at Isaiah 1:18-20. The Ancient of Days Jehovah is seen in vision as having hair like clean wool at Daniel 7:9. John saw someone whose head and hair were white as wool. (Revelation 1:12-14) White garments were representative of righteousness. WORD: The Word comes from Hebrew: davar and Greek: logos. It can mean the message from the Creator as recorded in the Holy Scriptures. It can also refer to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word of God spoken of at John 1:1-3. The expression word means a complete thought or message. References to Gods Word are found more than 20 times in Psalm 119. This includes synonyms such as law, reminders, orders, regulations, commandments, statutes and sayings of Jehovah. The Word of God is part of the suit of armor described at Ephesians 6:11-17. Verse 17 likens the word as the sword of the Spirit. Paul also wrote to the Hebrew Christians that the Word of God exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:11-13) WORK, WORKS: The Bible speaks of work in many ways. It is both physical and mental effort to accomplish a purpose or produce something. Work is considered a gift from God. (Ecclesiastes 5:18) Gods works are filled with wisdom and love. (Psalms 33:4; 86:8; 104:24; 111:7) Jesus said: My father has kept working until now and I keep working. (John 5:17) He also worked. (John 4:34; 5:36) And he also encourages his followers to do the works that he did. (John 14:12) It becomes obvious when a person studies the word work or works in the Holy Scripture that God expects his faithful believers to do good work. (James 1:27; 2:14-17; 4:4) Good works do not earn salvation, but bad or evil works could qualify a person for destruction. (John 3:36) WORLD: The Greek word aion means Age, a period of time. (Matthew 24:3) The Greek word kosmos can mean the material universe. (1 Corinthians 14:10) Kosmos can also mean the world of

mankind. (John 3:16-17; 2 Co 5:19) It can also represent the world of wicked mankind. (2 Peter 2:5; 3:6) SEE: AGE WORLD POWERS: Revealed in a dream to King Nebuchadnezzar at Daniel Chapter two. Seven world powers revealed at Revelation 17:10 and Daniel chapters two and seven. Egypt: Revealed in world history. Assyria: Revealed in world history. Babylon: Head of Gold. (Daniel 2:38) Medo-Persia: Breasts and Arms of Silver. (Daniel 2:39) Ram with two horns. (Daniel 8:20) Greece: Belly and Thighs of Copper. (Daniel 2:39. Hairy male goat. (Daniel 8:21) Five have fallen. (Revelation 17:10) Rome: Legs of Iron. (Daniel 2:40) A king fierce in appearance. (Daniel 8:23) One is. (Revelation 17:10) Anglo-American: Great Britain and United States. Feet and Toes of Iron and Clay. (Daniel 2:41) The other has not yet arrived. (Revelation 17:10) WORM: The Hebrew term tohleah means worm. It is a slender, crawling, creeping animal. It has a soft body and no legs. The reference in Scripture often refers to the larval stage of insects and maggots. (Exodus 16:20, 24) (Isaiah 14:11; 66:24) Used illustratively at Psalm 22:6 it foretold that the Messiah would be viewed as a reproach and despicable as a worm. WORMWOOD: This is a woody plant having an intensely bitter taste and a strong odor. Wormwood is poisonous. (Proverbs 5:4) (Deuteronomy 29:18) (Revelation 8:11) It represents what injustice, unrighteousness and immorality lead to, and that is death. WORSHIP/SERVE: The Hebrew word abad means to serve. In Greek proskuneomeans to adore and do reverence. Christians are commanded to worship God. (Luke 4:8) (John 4:20-24) (Deuteronomy 10:20) Faith, service and obedience to God are major parts of worship. (John 3:36; Jas 2:26) WRATH: See ANGER.

WRITING: The inscription of letters or characters on a surface that convey words or ideas is writing. Adam communicated by word of mouth. Being perfect his memory must have been exceptionally good. It is possible that Adam wrote the first part of his own history found at Genesis Chapter 5. However there is no proof of this. City building, tool manufacturing and development of musical instruments began before the flood. So it is reasonable to think that writing also began at that time. The Scriptures record that many people knew how to read and write after the great flood. Moses and Joshua are good examples. (Exodus 24:4) (Joshua 24:26) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY Y YARN: The word yarn is only found at 1 Kings 10:28 and 2 Chronicles 1:16. The Hebrew word mikveh means stringing together. It is used in reference to a herd of horses. The New Simplified Bible uses the phrase, string of horses to depict this stringing together. YAH: See JAH. YAHWEH: Some say this is the closest spelling of the divine name in Hebrew. This translation uses Jehovah, the English spelling of Gods Name for the reason that this is an English Bible Translation. (See: JEHOVAH) YEAR: Hebrew: shanah means repetition or revolution. (Genesis 1:14; 5:3) The Hebrews considered the year in two ways. First, a sacred calendar began at the time of the vernal equinox with month of Abib. And second, the civil calendar began at the autumnal equinox in the month of Nisan. The Egyptians observed a twelvemonth year with each month being thirty days. Five days were added to make a complete revolution of the earth around the sun. YEAST: SEE LEAVEN YIRON: Yiron was one of the fortified cities in the territory of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 35, 38) YOHDH: The tenth and smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet was Yohdh. Jesus was no doubt referring to Yohdh when he spoke of the Law of Moses, which was written in Hebrew. He said: heaven and

earth would pass away before one small letter (detail) will pass away from the Law. (Matthew 5:18) YOKE: A yoke is a heavy bar of wood fitted over the necks of two oxen to make it possible for them to pull a plow or a cart. The word is used figuratively to express moral lessons. After God brought the Israelites out of Egypt he told them: I broke the bars of your yoke and made you walk erect. (Leviticus 26:13) Jesus comforted his followers when he said: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. I am meek, mild and humble in heart. You will have a restful life. (Matthew 11:29) YOKEFELLOW: This is an endearing term expressed about one of the apostle Pauls fellow workers at Philippians 4:3. It appropriately describes the unity of Christians, that they are yoked together in Christ. Wyckliffe renders the phrase: genuine fellow. YOU: The word you is basicly understood to mean: the second person pronoun, the person addressed. This would be a singular application. However it is important to note that in some instances in the Holy Scriptures the word you is applied in the plural. Though there are occasions when God addresses believers individually, the Biblical Greek applies the word you in plural when speaking of the Holy Spirit instructing the Christian congregation. (Matthew 13:11) (John 14:26; 16:13) (1 John 2:27) YOUTH: Remember your creator in the days of your youth, wrote the wise King Solomon. Young people are encouraged to believe and obey their God, Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ. (Matthew 19:13) David wrote psalms asking the children to be taught respect for Jehovah. (Psalm 34:11) SIMPLIFIED BIBLE DICTIONARY Z ZAANAN: Zaanan was a town mentioned by the prophet Micah. He said it would experience the invasion of Judah. (Micah 1:11) Some scholars believe it is the same as Zenan at Joshua 15:37. ZAANANNIM: The big tree in Zaanannim was located at the south boundary of Naphtalis tribal territory. (Joshua 19:32-33) ZAAVAN: The second son of Horite Sheik Ezer and grandson or descendant of Seir the Horite was Zaavan. (Genesis 36:20-27) (1 Chronicles 1:42)

ZABBAI: He was the father of Baruch who worked on Jerusalems walls. (Ezra 8:1, 14) ZABBUD: Zabbud was one of the two leaders of the sons of Bigvai, a paternal house whose members went to Jerusalem with Ezra in 468 B.C.E. (Ezra 8:1, 14) ZABUD: He served as priestly adviser to King Solomon. (1 Kings 4:5) Zabuds father Nathan may have been the prophet who was a close adviser of King David. (2 Samuel 7:3; 12:1) ZACCAI: Zaccai was founder of a family in Israel. Seven hundred and sixty of his male descendants returned from the Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1,2, 9) (Nehemiah 7:14) ZACCHAEUS: As the chief tax collector, a publican at Jericho, Zacchaeus became a rich man. (Luke 19:1-10) One day he climbed a sycamore tree that he might be able to see Jesus. When Jesus saw him he told him to come down so he could stay with him that night. Shortly after that Jesus related the illustration of the ten pounds. (Luke 19:12-27) ZADOK: Zadok was a descendant of Aaron through the high priestly line of Eleazar. (1 Chronicles 6:3-8, 50-53) He was called a seer at 2 Samuel 15:27. As a tribal chief he supported Davids kingship and remained loyal to him. (1 Chronicles 12:28, 28; 18:16) (2 Samuel 8:15, 17; 20:25) Zadok and Abiathar accompanied the Ark of the Covenant when David had it brought to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 15:11, 14; 16:39) David appointed Zadok to anoint Solomon as King. (1 Kings 1:7, 8, 26, 32-46) Zadok is listed as leader over the house of Aaron. His line of descendants as high priests can be traced to the time of Darius the Persian. (1 Kings 4:2) (1 Chronicles 6:8-15) (2 Chronicles 31:10) (Nehemiah 12:22) The priests seen in Ezekiels vision of the temple were sons of Zadok. (Ezekiel 40:46; 43:19; 44:15; 48:11) ZAHAM: Zaham was the son of King Rehoboam. (2 Chronicles 11:18-23) ZAIR: This is a site in or near Edom. At night, Judahs King Jehoram struck down a military force of Edomites. (2 Kings 8:2022)

ZALAPH: This man was father of at least six sons. One of his sons helped Nehemiah repair Jerusalems wall. (Nehemiah 3:30) ZALMON MOUNTAIN NEAR SHECHEM: Zalmon was a mountain near Shechem. Abimelech and his fighting men climbed Mount Zalmon and cut the wood that they used to burn down the stronghold vault belonging to the city of Shechem. (Judges 9:48, 49) The only mountains near Shechem are Ebal, Gerizim. Zalmon was probably a peak or slope of one of these, or it could have been a lesser important hill nearby. ZALMONAH: The Israelites camped at Zalmonah in the wilderness after they left Mount Hor. (Numbers 33:41-42) ZALMUNNA: Zalmunna was one of the kings of Midian whose forces and allies oppressed Israel for seven years prior to Gideons judgeship. (Judges 6:1, 33; 8:4-21) (Psalm 83:11, 12) ZAMZUMMIM: This was the Ammonite name for the Rephaim. The Ammonites dispossessed this people. (Deuteronomy 2: 19, 20) ZAPHENATH-PANEAH: Pharaoh called Joseph Zaphenath-Paneah when he elevated him to a position of authority next to himself. (Genesis 41:45) In Hebrew the name meant Revealer of Hidden Things. ZAPHON: Zaphon was a city assigned to Gad. It was about 6 miles north northwest of Succoth. (Joshua 13:24, 27) ZAREPHATH: This Phoenician town belonged to Sidon in Elijahs day. It was at this town that a poor widow expressed hospitality to the prophet. Her flour and oil were miraculously sustained during a great famine. Her son Elijah was raised from death. (1 Kings 17:824) (Luke 4:25, 26) ZATTU: Zattu was a forefather of a large family that returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel in 537 B.C.E. (Ezra 2:1, 2, 8) (Nehemiah 7:13) ZAYIN: Zayin is the seventh letter in the Hebrew alphabet. In general it corresponds to the English letter z. ZAZA: Zaza was a son of Jonathan among the descendants of Jerahmeel in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:3-5, 25, 33)

ZEAL: Zeal is a feeling of strong eagerness. It is fervor to do something or accomplish some goal, thus Zeal for God would be the desire to serve him exclusively. Zeal generates feelings of ardor, love, great warmth and intensity. Jehovah God requires exclusive devotion. (Exodus 20:5; 34:14) (Deuteronomy 4:24) God does not share his name or glory with anyone. (Isaiah 42:8; 44:6; 48:11) Jesus Christ the Son of God constantly rendered exclusive devotion to his God and Father. (Matthew 4:10) (John 8:29) (Revelation 3:12) He was truly zealous for God. Hebrew: qin-ah means requiring zeal, exclusive devotion. Greek: zelos means zealous. ZEALOTS: The Zealots were a group of Jewish men who were also called Enthusiasts. They hated the Romans for controlling their home country, and they planned to force the Romans out. Simon the Zealous one is mentioned at Luke 6:15, see also Acts 1:13. This does not mean he was a member of this political group. ZEALOUS ONE: Simon was called the Zealous one. (Luke 6:15) (Acts 1:13) This designation was made because of Simons personality. ZEBEDEE: A fisherman on Lake Galilee. (Matthew 4:21-22) (Mark 1:19-20) ZEBAH: Zebah was a king of Midian who shared in oppressing Israel. Zebah and Zalmunna ruled during the seven years that Midian raided Israel, ruining fields and causing much poverty. (Judges 6:1-6; 8:18, 19) ZEBIDAH: This woman was the wife or concubine of King Josiah. She was the mother of King Jehoiakim. Zebidah was the daughter of Pedaiah from Rumah. (2 Kings 23:34, 36) ZEBINA: Zebina and six of his brothers married foreign wives, but sent them away at Ezras counsel. He was the son of Nebo. (Ezra 10:43, 44) ZEBOIM VALLEY: Zeboim Valley was in the territory of Benjamin, near Michmash. A band of Philistine raiders and looters pillaged for plunder from Michmash to the Zeboim Valley in King Sauls day. (1 Samuel 13:16-18) The valley is about 8 miles northeast of Jerusalem. ZEBOIM TOWN: Zeboim was a town inhabited by Benjamites after they returned from Babylonian exile. (Nehemiah 11:31, 34, 35)

ZEBRA: The zebra comes from the horse family. It resembles the wild ass in appearance and habits, however it is easily distinguished from the wild ass by its dark or black stripes. The zebra has been clocked at 40 mph after its initial burst of speed. The zebra is hard to tame. (Job 24:5; 39:5) (Isaiah 32:14) They feed on grasses and they drink frequently. (Job 6:5) (Psalm 104:11) (Jeremiah 15:6) ZEBUL: This man was a commissioner of the city of Shechem. He served Gideons son Abimelech. Zebul informed Abimelech about an attempt by Gaal and his brothers to arouse the city against Abimelech and then challenged the rebel leader Gaal to a fight. Zebul won the fight and drove Gaal and his brothers out of the city. (Judges 9:26-41) ZEBULUN: Zebulun was the sixth son of Jacobs wife Leah. He became father of three sons: Sered, Elon, and Jahleel. (Genesis 30:20; 35:23) (Exodus 1:1-3) (1 Chronicles 2:1) He was the founder of the tribe of Zebulun. The tribe of Zebulun resided by the seashore in the northern part of the nation of Israel. They were between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea. Because of this fine location they engaged in commercial trade. (Genesis 49:13) (Deuteronomy 33:18) The tribe of Zebulun produced courageous warriors. Ten thousand men from Naphtali and Zebulun answered Baraks call to fight Siseras forces. (Judges 4:6,10) ZEABULUNITE: A member of the tribe of Zebulun is called a Zeabulunite. (Numbers 26:26) ZECHARIAH, THE PROPHET AND THE BOOK: Zechariah is called the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo. (Zechariah 1:1, 7) However in other references he is only titled son of Iddo. (Ezra 5:1; 6:14) (Nehemiah 12:4, 16) He became a prophet after the exile to Babylon. He was probably born in Babylon and his prophetic activity began 17 years after the return from exile while he was still a young man. (Zechariah 2:4) Zechariah and Haggai were used by Jehovah to motivate Zerubbabel, High Priest Jeshua, and the exiles who had returned to finish rebuilding Jehovahs temple. There was still a ban imposed by the Persian government. (Ezra 5:1, 2; 6:14, 15) (Zechariah 1:1, 7; 7:1, 8) ZECHARIAH THE FATHER OF JOHN THE BAPTIST: The alternate spelling is Zacharias. Zechariah was a priest of the division of Abijah. He and his wife lived in the Judean hills. His wife Elizabeth was related to Jesus mother Mary. They both reverenced

God and obeyed his commandments. They were elderly and had no children. The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and told him that he and his wife would have a son and that he was to name him John. Expressing his doubt he asked the angel for a sign and the angel struck him dumb until after Johns birth. This exciting and inspiring account may be read at Luke chapter one. ZECHER: Zecher was the descendant of Jeiel, the father of Gibeon. (1 Chronicle 8:29-31) He is also listed as Zechariah at 1 Chronicles 9:37. ZEDAD: Zedad was a point at Israels northern boundary. (Numbers 34:8) (Ezekiel 47:15) ZEDEKIAH, SON OF CHENAANAH: Zedekiah was the son of Chenaanah. He was a false prophet who told King Ahab that he would succeed when he tried to take Ramoth-gilead from the Syrians. Zedekiah made horns of iron to illustrate that King Ahab would push the syrians out and exterminate them. The true prophet of God, Micaiah, foretold calamity for Ahab. (1 Kings 22:11, 23, 24) (2 Chronicles 18:10, 22, 23) ZEDEKIAH, SON OF MAASEIAH: This Zedekiah was the son of Maaseiah. He was an adulterous, lying prophet who lived among the exiles in Babylon. The true prophet of God, Jeremiah told that King Nebuchadnezzar would roast Zedekiah in the fire. (Jeremiah 29:2123) ZEDEKIAH, KING OF JUDAH: Zedekiah was son of Josiah. He was the last of the kings of Judah to reign at Jerusalem. During the 11 years he ruled, Zedekiah did what was bad in Jehovahs eyes. (2 Kings 24:17-19) (2 Chronicles 36:10-12) (Jeremiah 37:1; 52:1, 2) ZEEB: This prince of Midian was in the forces that Gideon and the Israelites defeated. They fled from the battle and were captured and slain by the Ephraimites. (Judges 6:33; 7:23-25; 8:1-3) (Psalm 83:11) ZELAH: The city in Benjamin where the bones of Saul and Jonathan were buried. (Joshua 18:21, 28) (2 Samuel 21:14) ZELEK: This Ammonite warrior joined Davids army of mighty men. (1 Chronicles 11:26, 39) (2 Samuel 23:37)

ZEMIRAH: The name means melody. He was a family head in the tribe of Benjamin, son of descendant of Becher. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 8, 9) ZENAN: Zenan was a town in the Shephelah region of Judah. (Joshua 15:33, 37) Scholars believe it could be the same as Zaanan of Micah 1:11. ZENAS: Zenas was an acquaintance of Paul. Paul told Titus to supply Zenas and Apollos for their trip. (Titus 3:12-13) ZEPHANIAH, PROPHET AND THE BOOK: Zephaniah the prophet lived in Judah during the early part of Josiahs reign. He was probably a great-great grandson of King Hezekiah. (Zephaniah 1:1) He wrote the book of Zephaniah. The book of Zephaniah mentions the presence of foreign-god priests and the worship of Baal and heavenly bodies in Judah. Zephaniahs prophesy was and is comforting to those who endeavor to serve Jehovah in the midst of the detestable practices going on in society. The book begins with a stern warning from Jehovah: I will destroy (take away) (remove) (consume) everything on the face of the earth! declared Jehovah. (Zephaniah 1:3) The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near and coming quickly. Listen! (Zephaniah 1:14) Zephaniah is inspired to give the good news to the faithful that they will be saved. He says: Before the decree takes effect. Before the day passes like the chaff. Before the fierce anger of Jehovah comes upon you. Yes, before the day of Jehovahs anger comes upon you. Seek Jehovah all you meek ones of the earth, you who have obeyed his Law! Seek righteousness! Seek meekness that you may be (Hebrew: ulay sathar means may be concealed) hidden in the day of Jehovahs anger. (Zephaniah 2:2, 3) ZEPHATHAH: Jehovah enabled the forces of Judahs King Asa to defeat the supporters of Zerah the Ethiopian in 967 B.C.E. The confrontation took place at the Valley of Zephathah. (2 Chronicles 14:9-12) ZEPHO: Zepho was the thirst son of Eliphaz, grandson of Esau. He was sheik of an Edomite tribe. (Genesis 36:10, 11, 15) (1 Chronicles 1:36) ZEPHON: Zephon was the first son of Gad and founder of the family of Zephonites. He was also called Ziphion. (Genesis 46:16) (Numbers 26:15)

ZEPHONITES: This was a family descended from Gad through Zephon. (Numbers 26:15) ZER: Zer was a fortified city in Naphtalis territory. (Joshua 19:32) ZERED VALLEY: The Israelites camped in the Zered Valley on their way around the frontier of Moab. (Numbers 21:12) (Deuteronomy 2:13-14) The Zered Valley formed the boundary between Moab and Edom. It is 3 to 4 miles across and 35 miles long. ZEREDAH, JEROBOAMS HOMETOWN: Jeroboam, the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel once lived at Zeredah. (1 Kings 11:26) I was possibly located about 16 miles southwest of Shechem. ZERERAH: When the Midianites were pursued by Gideons forces they ran as far as Bethshittah and Zererah. Zererah is believed to be located between Bethshittah and Abelmeholah. (Judges 7:22) ZERESH: Zeresh was the wife of Haman. Zeresh and Hamans friends wanted him to erect a 73 foot stake on which to hang Mordecai. But they failed to accomplish this. (Esther 5:10, 14; 6:13) ZERETH: He was the first son that Helah bore to Asshusr, of the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 5, 7) ZERETH-SHAHAR: Located at the hot springs of Callirrhoe on the East shore of the Dead Sea, Zereth-Shahar was a site in the mount of the valley. (Joshua 13:15, 19) ZERI: Zeri was one of Juduthuns six sons. They all served as temple musicians. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 3) He is identified as Izri in 1 Chronicles 25:11 as the head of the fourth of Davids 24 divisions of temple musicians. ZEROR: Zeror was an ancestor of King Saul. He was son of Becorath and father of Abiel, of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Samuel 9:1) ZERUAH: She was the mother of King Jeroboam and became a widow at the time that Jeroboam chalanged King Solomon. (1 Kings 11:26) ZERUBBABEL: He was the first governor of the repatriated Jews. (Haggai 2:21) The Jews were liberated from Babylonian exile in 537 B.C.E. King Cyrus appointed Zerubbabel as governor of over the newly freed Jews. (Ezra 2:1, 2) (Nehemiah 7:6,7; 12:1) Zerubbabel

was entrusted with the sacred gold and silver vessels that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple years earlier. (Ezra 5:14, 15) The Temple altar was erected at Jerusalem under the direction of Zerubbabel and High Priest Jeshua. (Ezra 3:1, 2) The actual construction of the Temple began in the 536 B.C.E. The Temple was completed in 515 B.C.E. (Ezra 6:13-15) ZERUIAH: Zeruiah was King Davids sister or half sister. She was the mother of Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Her name is usually mentioned in association with her three sons, who were all valiant fighters for David. (2 Samuel 2:13, 18; 16:9; 17:25) Zeruiah must have been much older than here brother David for her sons seem to be about the same age as David. ZETHAM: Zetham was a Gershonite Levite descended from Ladan. He was asigned to care for the temple treasures and was head of a paternal house. (1 Chronicles 23:7-9; 26:22) ZETHAN: Zethan was a descendant of Benjamin through Jediael and Bilhan. (1 Chronicles 7:6, 10) ZETHAR: This man was one of the seven court officials whom Ahasuerus sent to bring Vashti before him. (Esther 1:10, 11) ZEUS, SONS OF ZEUS: The supreme false god of the Greeks was Zeus. According to Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux were twin sons of Leda and the offspring of the god Zeus (Jupiter). (Acts 28:11) They were called the Sons of Zeus. ZIA: This was a Gadite who lived in Bashan. (1 Chronicles 5:11, 13) ZIBEON: Zibeon was a sheik in the land of Seir. (Genesis 36:20, 29, 30) (1 Chronicles 38, 40) His granddaughter Oholibamah married Esau. (Genesis 36:2, 14, 24, 25) ZIBIA: Zibia was a family head in the tribe of Benjamin. He was the Son of Shaharaim by his wife Hodesh. (1 Chronicles 8:1, 8-10) ZIBIAH: Zibiah was the mother of King Jehoash of Judah. She was the daughter-in-law of Athaliah and the wife of King Ahaziah. (2 Kings 11:1, 2; 12:1; 12:1) (2 Chronicles 24:1) Zibiah was from Beersheba. ZIDDIM: A fortified city in the territory of Naphtali. (Joshua 19:32, 35)

ZIKLAG: This city was originally assigned Simeon as an enclave city in south Judah. (Joshua 15:21, 31; 19:1, 2, 5) (1 Chronicles 4:24-30) Later, Ziklag fell under Philistine control. Achis the king of Gath gave it to David. (1 Samuel 27:6) The Amalekites raided and burned the city. It was at Ziklag that David received word of King Sauls death. (2 Samuel 1:1, 2; 4:10) (1 Chronicles 12:1, 2, 20-22) ZILLAH: She had the unique distinction of being the first polygamist of Bible record. Zillah was one of the two wives of Lamech. She was the mother of Tubal-cain and of his sister Naamah. Lameh wrote a poem for his wives Adah and Zillah. (Genesis 4:19-24) ZILPAH: Zilpah was Leahs maidservant and one of Jacobs wives. Zilpah had been a servant of Leahs father Laban. Then when Leah and Jacob were married she was given to Leah. (Genesis 29:24) Leah had four sons and thought she was through childbearing. So she gave Zilpah to Jacob as a secondary wife. Zilpah then bore Gad and Asher as Jacobs sons. (Genesis 30:9-13; 35:26; 37:2; 46:16-18) ZIMMAH: Zimmah was a Gershonite Levite. (1 Chronicles 6:20) It is possible that he was the samme Zimmah mentioned in 1 Chronicles 6:42. ZIMRAN: Zimran was the first of the six sons Keturah bore to Abraham. He and his five brothers were given gifts and sent into the land of the East. (Genesis 25:1, 2, 6) (1 Chronicles 1:32) Some students of Bible history believe Zimrans descendants lived near Zabram, a town west of Mecca on the Arabian shore of the Red Sea, or Zimri, mentioned in Jeremiah 25:25. ZIMRI, SON OF SALU: Zimri was a Simeonite leader. He was the son of Salu who brought Cozbi the Midianitess into the camp of Israel. He committed fornication with her in his own tent. Jehovah saw to it that Zimri was killed by Phinehas. (Numbers 25:6-8, 14-18) ZIMRI, KING OF ISRAEL: Zimri was the fifth king of the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. He ruled for only seven days and was known for doing bad in the eyes of Jehovah. (1 Kings 16:3, 4, 9-20) ZIMRI, DESCENDANT OF SAUL: This Zimri was a descendant of Saul and Jonathan. (1 Chronicles 8:33-36; 9:42)

ZIMRI, GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: This Zimri was a place connected with Abrahams son Zimran. (Jeremiah 25:25) (Genesis 25:1, 2) ZIMRI, SON OF ZERAH: Zimri was the son of Zerah. He was the grandson of Judah. (1 Chronicles 2:4, 6) ZIN: The desert Wilderness of Zin is the route traveled by the Israelites en route to Canaan. (Numbers 33:11, 36) The Wilderness of Zin was immediately West of Edom. ZION: Hebrew: tsiyon, the City of David, the permanent capital City of God. (1 Kings 8:1) (1 Chronicles 11:5) After capturing Mount Zion David established his royal residence there. When David had the sacred Ark of the Covenant transferred there Zion became a mountain holy to Jehovah. (2 Samuel 6:17) Zion was referred to as the place of Gods dwelling. (Psalms 9:11; 74:2; 76:2; 78:68; 132:1314; 135:21) God dwells in Zion, therefore Zion is in symbolic fact: heaven. Since earthly Jerusalem rejected Jesus it could not be the place where the precious corner stone of a sure foundation Jesus Christ was established. (Isaiah 28:16) (Romans 9:32-33) (1 Peter 2:6) It had to be in the spiritual Mount Zion, the heavenly Jerusalem described at Hebrews 12:22-24. ZIOR: This city was in the mountainous region of Judah. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 54) It is identified with Siir, four miles Northeast of Hebron. ZIPH, A CITY OF JUDAH: Ziph was a city in the mountains of Judah. Ziph was the son of Mesha. (Joshua 15:20, 48, 55, 57) David sought refuge from King Saul in the wilderness near Ziph. The men of the city informed the king of Davids hidout two times. (1 Chronicles 2:42) (2 Chronicles 11:5-8) (1 Samuel 23:14, 15, 19, 24, 29; 26:1, 2) ZIPHITES: The Ziphites were the inhabitants of the mountain city in the territory of Judah known as Ziph. It was approximately 60 miles southeast of Hamath. (Psalm 54) ZIPHRON: This site was at the northern bourder of the Promised Land. (Numbers 34:9) ZIPPOR: Zippor was the father of Moabs King Balak. (Numbers 22:2, 4, 10, 16; 23:18)

ZIPPORAH: Zipporah was the wife of Moses. Moses met Zipporah at a well when she and her sisters were watering their fathers flock. Some shepherds were trying to drive the girls away when Moses intervened. He chased them away and helped the girls water the flocks. Zipporah invited him to her home and later her priestly father Jethro gave her in marriage to Moses. (Exodus 2:16-21) Zipporah bore two sons to Moses, Gershom and Eliezer. (Exodus 2:22; 18:3, 4) ZITHER: Also known as the lyre. There were forty strings on the musical instrument known as the zither. (Daniel 3:5) ZIZ: The armies of Moab, Ammon, and the Ammonim came against Judah on the mountain pass known as Ziz about six miles northwest of En-gedi. (2 Chronicles 20:1, 2, 16, 20) This battle occurred during the reign of King Jehoshaphat. ZIZA, SON OF REHOBOAM: Ziza was the son of King Rehoboam by Absaloms granddaughter Maacah. When his brother Abijah was make king, Ziza received gifts of cities, food, and wives from Rehoboam. (2 Chronicles 11:20, 22, 23) ZIZA, SON OF SHIPHI: This Ziza was the son of Shiphi. He was a Simeonite leader who expanded his grazing land by annexing Hamite territory during the reign of Hezekiah. (1 Chronicles 4:24, 37-41) ZOAN: Zoan was an ancient Egyptian city. It was built seven years after Hebron and was already in existence when Abraham entered into Canaan in 1943 B.C.E. (Numbers 13:22) (Genesis 12:5; 13:18) Known also by its Greek name, Tanis, it was situated on the branch of the Nile River called the Tanitic branch. Psalm 78:12, 43 speaks of the field of Zoan and refers to the land of Egypt. The city of Zoan was an important commercial trade center. It was also known for religious structures. A great temple was constructed there, measuring 1,000 feet long. Pharaoh Ramses II erected an immense stature of himself measuring 92 feet tall and weighing over 800 metric tons. The prophet Isaiah offered a divine pronouncement against Egypt and in it he calls to the officials of Zoan nothing but fools. (Isaiah 19:1, 11-13) Tirhakah, the Ethiopian ruler over Egypt during Isaiahs lifetime used Zoan as a base for ruling northern Egypt. ZOAR: Zoar was a city that existed in Abrahams day. It was ruled by a king who rebelled against the domination by Chedorlaomer.

(Genesis 13:10-12; 14:1-11) When Jehovah destroyed Sodom, Zoar was spared. Lot fled from Sodom to Zoar. (Genesis 19:18-25) He later left Zoar along with his two daughters to become cave dwellers in the nearby mountains. (Genesis 19:30) Zoar was located in or near Moab, close to the Moabite mountains, southeast of the Dead Sea. (Genesis 19:17-22, 30, 37) Some scholars think that the original Zoar is beneath the waters of the south portion of the Dead Sea. (Genesis 13:12) ZODIAC: The zodiac is the band of stars seen from the earth. It is observed on either side of the plane of Earths orbit around the sun. The early Babylonians discovered it. The astronomers noted that different stars and their constellations could be seen from the earth at different season. A Greek astronomer divided the zodiac into twelve equal parts of thirty degrees each. These parts came to be known as the signs of the zodiac. The word zodiac comes from the Greek language. It means circle of animals. This is appropriate since most of the zodiacs twelve constellations were designated by the names of animal or marine life. The constellations of the zodiac were made objects of false worship in early Mesopotamia. (2 Kings 23:5) (Deuteronomy 17:2-7) (Job 38:32) (Isaiah 47:12-15) Astrology was a predominant factor of Babylonian worship. Many people believe in the zodiacal signs of false religion today. ZOHETH: Zoheth was a descendant of Ishi in the tribe of Judah. (1 Chronicles 4:1, 20) ZOPHAH: Zophah was a member of the tribe of Asher. He had eleven sons. (1 Chronicles 7:35-37, 40) ZOPHAI: Zophai was the son of Elkanah. He was related to Samuel. He was also called Zuph. (1 Chronicles 6:26, 28, 33-35) ZOPHAR: He was one of Joes three companions. Zophar was a Naamathite. (Job 2:11) He spoke after the other two gave their dissertation to Job. The main thrust of Zophars thesis was that Job was wicked. He told him to put away his sinful practices. Most of his discourse is found in Job chapters 11 and 20. He offered nothing in the third round. Jehovah commanded that he and his companions offer a great sacrifice and that Job pray for them. (Job 42:7-9) ZOPHIM: Zophim was a field on top of Mount Pisgah. Balaam built seven altars there and sacrificees were offered. The prophet then

uttered proverbs concerning Israel at that place on the mountain. (Numbers 23:14-24) ZORAH: This city in the Shephelah was alloted to the tribe of Judah. It was on the boundary between Dan and Judah and was inhabited by people from Dan. (Joshua 15:20, 33; 19:41, 48) (Judges 18:2, 8, 11) King Jehoboam thought it was in a strategic location so he fortified the city of Zorah. It was 16 miles west of Jerusalem. (2 Chronicles 11:5, 10) ZUZIM: The Zuzim were a people who lived east of the Jordan River. Chedorlaomers military forces defeated the Zuzim in Ham. (Genesis 14:5)

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