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7 december 2008

Grace and Compassion Convent

P.O. Box. 527
50400 KENYA

Abakofu Belinda Self Help Group – project number 09-01-02-00

Dear sisters,

We are pleased to confirm that Stichting Oud in Afrika will support the Abakofu
Belinda Self Help Group aas requested by them and supported by Sr. Lydia. We
would like to start with a partial grant for the Housing.
The work plan we received during our visit in October was split up in Training,
Housing, Clothing, Food and Medication. The budget of Ksh 1.198.000,-- was not
split up over these subjects.
We hereby grant EUR 3.000,-- (currently approx. Ksh 302.177,--).

Please use the project number (09-01-02-00) in any communication.

Koen Vliegenthart – our new treasurer - will transfer the money and after the
housing activities are finalized we would like to receive (copy) receipts, pictures and
a short letter describing what has been actually done. Upon receiving that final
report we will discuss granting the remainder of the application.

We wish you all the best with your work and are happy to be able to support it!

Best regards, also to all your staff and congregation members,

Stichting Oud in Afrika

Henk J.Th. van Stokkom

Van Baerlestraat 56, 3314 BK Dordrecht NL

Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam 24 32 39 23
ABNAMRO bank account NL66ABNA0473580144 – – phone +31 78-6149975

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