Claire Ep Assessment Rubric

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Framework Purpose

The purpose of the ePortfolio is evident. Initial program goals are highlighted with clear indication of how these goals were adjusted throughout the program. Goals for future growth are established. The metaphor unites reections and artifacts. Clarity of focus to meet specic learning goals are evident throughout the MET journey. options. Each course page layout is similar making content easily accessible.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations


Organization The ePortfolio is organized in a logical sequence with clear navigational


Writing is professional and easily understood. Layout and design contribute to overall ease of access. Images complement content or contribute to meaning. A full program including nine courses are featured. Course descriptions include connections to target goals for each stage. Connections between courses is evident. The metaphor is clearly dened and serves the purpose of relating the individual sections and courses to one another. The metaphor complements content rather than dominating or becoming the main focus of the ePortfolio. Artifacts are selected to illustrate connections to goals identied in each section. Artifacts are varied to include scholarly writing that demonstrates understanding of theory and illustrates the development of technical skills Reections address goals, challenges, and achievements. Illustrates connections between courses and practice. Evidence of an in-depth understanding of current concepts and issues in education.







Organization Visual unity through repetition of colours, headings, and fonts. Images relate to the metaphor. and Unity Feature Area Body/ Content Navigation
Includes an introduction that encourages further exploration. Long entries are broken up with breaks, headings, featured text, and visuals. Readers are guided through the site. Multiple entry points allow the reader to view the content according to personal preference. Artifacts are easy to locate and access.


Reading and Spelling and grammatical errors are not evident. Text and images complement one another. Viewing
Sources are credited.


All links direct the reader to the desired location.


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