First Inspiration by Jose Rizal

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First Inspiration by Jose Rizal

Why falls so rich a spray of fragrance from the bowers of the balmy flowers upon this festive day? Why from woods and vales do we hear sweet measures ringing that seem to be the singing of a choir of nightingales? Why in the grass below do birds start at the wind's noises, unleashing their honeyed voices as they hop from bough to bough? Why should the spring that glows its crystalline murmur be tuning to the zephyr's mellow crooning as among the flowers it flows? Why seems to me more endearing, more fair than on other days, the dawn's enchanting face among red clouds appearing? The reason, dear mother, is they feast your day of bloom: the rose with its perfume, the bird with its harmonies. And the spring that rings with laughter upon this joyful day with its murmur seems to say: "Live happily ever after!" And from that spring in the grove now turn to hear the first note

that from my lute I emote to the impulse of my love.

The word "inspiration" has two levels of meaning: the conventional one we use every day and the root meaning rarely used in modern language but always present as a connotation of the other: (1) Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity, and (2) The act of breathing in; the inhalation of air into the lungs. This poem speaks to (2) in the first stanza: the breathing in of sweet aromas on what is declared to be a "festive day." The second stanza moves to the sweet, musical sound of birds singing in the woods and vales on such a day. The third stanza, of course, begins to merge the two images in a subtle way: the birds "start" to sing (or are startled into singing) by the sound of the wind blowing. The wind would supply them breath for singing, but it also seems to "inspire" their singing, as in (1) above; that is, it stimulates them to a high level of activity. In the fourth stanza, the spring of water tunes its murmur likewise to the sound of the breezes (zephyrs) as it flows along among the flowers. Hence, in this first half of the poem we have music of birds and brook "inspired" by the wind; that is, the very air we breathe. And also we breathe the fragrance of the flowers (among which the brook flows), for it is borne on the wind. The imagery of these first four stanzas is, thus, neatly tied together, giving us a sense of the festivity of a beautiful spring day in nature. The poem could be complete at this point; it would be a sweet little nature poem, a song. But the poem moves in a different direction now. Why does this day seem so much brighter, more beautiful than others? Why is morning brighter today? The next two stanzas answer this question. The poem, it turns out, is addressed to the speaker's mother, and it is her day of "blooming" (birthday, probably). The perfume of the flowers, the songs of the birds, and the sound of the bubbling brook all celebrate her day, they "feast" in her honor. They wish her all the best: "Live happily ever after." Now the poem becomes more fragile, more understated. For one's "dear mother" is also one's inspiration--there at one's first breath in life, there to move one toward creative acts or ideas. But to say that in so many words would be trite and sentimental. So in the last stanza the speaker acts out the feeling. Joining the music of the brook (and of the birds and the winds), the speaker will play upon a lute. The mother is asked to turn from Nature to Human art, from the birds and the brook to the sound of the lute expressing emotion wordlessly. And what is the "inspiration" that moves the lutist to play? Why, "the impulse of my love." The speaker's love for

the mother. The mother's love reflected in her child. This is the first sound of music, which is inspired by the mother/child love; but, indeed, the whole poem--the music of its verses--has already been inspired also in the same way. I think you should be warned, however, that is not THE interpretation of Rizal's poem (indeed, it is an interpretation of a translation, which may or may not accurately reflect the original--especially with its carefully, but somewhat laboriously rhymed stanzas, ABBA). Therefore, this is MY interpretation. There will be as many as there are readers, and one's written interpretation never adequately conveys one's experience of the poem--which will always be beyond words. It is, furthermore, merely AN interpretation. There will be as many others as there are readers. I am curious: what is YOUR interpretation. That's what's important to you. I hope mine may have been helpful to you, but it cannot be definitive.

To the Philippine Youth by Jose Rizal Hold high the brow serene, O youth, where now you stand; Let the bright sheen Of your grace be seen, Fair hope of my fatherland! Come now, thou genius grand, And bring down inspiration; With thy mighty hand, Swifter than the wind's violation, Raise the eager mind to higher station. Come down with pleasing light Of art and science to the fight, O youth, and there untie The chains that heavy lie, Your spirit free to blight. See how in flaming zone Amid the shadows thrown, The Spaniard'a holy hand A crown's resplendent band Proffers to this Indian land.

Thou, who now wouldst rise On wings of rich emprise, Seeking from Olympian skies Songs of sweetest strain, Softer than ambrosial rain; Thou, whose voice divine Rivals Philomel's refrain And with varied line Through the night benign Frees mortality from pain; Thou, who by sharp strife Wakest thy mind to life ; And the memory bright Of thy genius' light Makest immortal in its strength ; And thou, in accents clear Of Phoebus, to Apelles dear ; Or by the brush's magic art Takest from nature's store a part, To fig it on the simple canvas' length ; Go forth, and then the sacred fire Of thy genius to the laurel may aspire ; To spread around the fame, And in victory acclaim, Through wider spheres the human name. Day, O happy day, Fair Filipinas, for thy land! So bless the Power to-day That places in thy way This favor and this fortune grand !

This poem can be considered as Rizal's first testimony of his nationalism. In this literary pice, he clearly referred to the Philippines as his motherland, Mi Patria, Rizal stressend in the poem

relates to the role of the youth in nation building. From the poem, he called the youth, "The fair hope of the motherland (La Bella Esperanza de la Patria Mia). Rizal challenge the youth through this poem to do three things: to cultivate their talents in the arts; to develop their knowledge of the sciences; and to look forward and break their chain of bondage> Read more: _by_Jose_Rizal#ixzz27GvZYslW

The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Education

NOTE: This poem was written by Rizal was almost at the age of fifteen and a student at the Ateneo not long before he graduated. It may be noted that the Jesuits held to a strong relationship between education and faith, the ratio studiorum. -rly As the climbing ivy over lofty elm Creeps tortuously, together the adornment Of the verdant plain, embellishing Each other and together growing, But should the kindly elm refuse its aid The ivy would impotent and friendless wither; So is Education to Religion By spiritual alliance firmly bound. Through Religion, Education gains renown, and Woe to the impious mind that blindly spurning The sapient teachings of Religion, this Unpolluted fountainhead forsakes. As the sprout, growing from the pompous vine, Proudly offers us its honeyed clusters While the generous and freshning waters Of celestial virtue give new life To Education true, shedding On it warmth and light; because of them The vine smells sweet and gives delicious fruit.

Without Religion, Human Education Is like unto a vessel struck by winds Which, sore beset, is of its helm deprived By the roaring blows and buffets of the dread Tempestuous Boreas [The north wind -- rly], who fiercely wields His power until he proudly sends her down Into the deep abysses of the angered sea. As heavens dew the meadow feeds and strengthens So that blooming flowers all the earth Embroider in the days of spring; so also If Religion holy nourishes Education with its doctrines, she Shall walk in joy and generosity Toward the Good, and everywhere bestrew The fragrant and luxuriant fruits of Virtue.
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
"By helping to raise man above the level of bestial vegetation, faith contributes in reality to the securing and safeguarding of his existence. Take away from presentday mankind its education-based, religious-dogmatic principles - or, practically speaking, ethical-moral principles - by abolishing this religious education, but without replacing it by an equivalent, and the result will be a grave shock to the foundations of their existence. We may therefore state that not only does man live in order to serve higher ideals, but that, conversely, these higher ideals also provide the premise for his existence." Bet you're nodding your head in approval, The guy who wrote the above quote was the supreme leader of the European axis during the second world war, if you need another hint it's taken from a book he wrote, the books title translated into English is 'my war'. Are you still nodding your head in approval? SA KABATAANG PILIPINO Itaas ang iyong noong aliwalas ngayon, Kabataan ng aking pangarap! ang aking talino na tanging liwanag ay pagitawin mo, Pag-asa ng Bukas! Ikaw ay lumitaw, O Katalinuhan magitang na diwang puno sa isipan

mga puso nami'y sa iyo'y naghihintay at dalhin mo roon sa kaitaasan. Bumaba kang taglay ang kagiliw-giliw na mga silahis ng agham at sining mga Kabataan, hayo na't lagutin ang gapos ng iyong diwa at damdamin. Masdan ang putong na lubhang makinang sa gitna ng dilim ay matitigan maalam na kamay, may dakilang alay sa nagdurusa mong bayang minamahal. Ikaw na may bagwis ng pakpak na nais kagyat na lumipad sa tuktok ng langit paghanapin mo ang malambing na tinig doon sa Olimpo'y pawang nagsisikap. Ikaw na ang himig ay lalong mairog Tulad ni Pilomel na sa luha'y gamot at mabisang lunas sa dusa't himuntok ng puso at diwang sakbibi ng lungkot Ikaw, na ang diwa'y makapangyarihan matigas na bato'y mabibigyang-buhay mapagbabago mo alaalang taglay sa iyo'y nagiging walang kamatayan. Ikaw, na may diwang inibig ni Apeles sa wika inamo ni Pebong kay rikit sa isang kaputol na lonang maliit ginuhit ang ganda at kulay ng langit. Humayo ka ngayon, papagningasin mo ang alab ng iyong isip at talino maganda mong ngala'y ikalat sa mundo at ipagsigawan ang dangal ng tao. Araw na dakila ng ligaya't galak magsaya ka ngayon, mutyang Pilipinas purihin ang bayang sa iyo'y lumingap at siyang nag-akay sa mabuting palad.

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