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Colour: -The colour scheme in this poster is dark shades.

Even the face has been made to look darker than in reality.

Comparison of Character (HP7 Posters (Fright Part one) Night)

Information: - Only includes basic information, such as the title, chain of producers and catch line. Written text: - The text on this poster is white to contrast against the dark background. The release of the film: - The release isnt shown as character posters rarely include a lot of written text.

Colour: - The colour scheme is black and orange. The orange stands out well against the black. Orange is associated with Halloween this links in well with the title. Information: - Only includes catch line, title and release. Written text: - The text is bold in both white and orange. The release of the film: - An exact date isnt given to make the audience anxious of the release. Also is released later in the year to link with the horror genre.

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