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Name: Katie Kalnitz

Date: 11/12/12

Today during group time, we talked about the upcoming field trip to Pizza Hut. In order to facilitate our learning on the field trip, I wanted the students to begin brainstorming questions they had for the workers and talk about what they wanted to learn. The goals for this activity were to get the students thinking about the field trip and formulate questions they had about what they wanted to learn about pizza and restaurants. I facilitated the discussion as the students took turns raising their hands and offering their ideas and questions. Then, I began recording their questions so that we can take them along with us on our field trip to make sure all of our questions get asked and hopefully answered! EVAUATE I believe the children achieved the set goals for this activity. I wanted the students to think about what they wanted to learn and then raise their hands and tell me their questions. The students did just that, and came up with a good list of questions to start. We will continue to add to it until our field trip. The students seemed truly curious about the questions they had, and they were excited that we would have the chance to ask the workers at Pizza Hut our questions. Garren even said, Ive been to Pizza Hut before! Also, I am sure the children will think of even more questions to add

I think this activity was successful RE because the students have been very excited for this field trip since a few weeks ago. With that being said, they have been talking about it almost every day and have been eager to discuss it at any time they can. I also think this activity was successful because the students got to feel like investigators as they stated their questions. Especially when I told them that they would be able to ask their questions at Pizza Hut, I could sense their excitement from their facial expressions and eagerness to raise their hands. If I were to do this activity again I dont think I would change much. This activity allowed the students to have the freedom to tell me any questions they had with no limits or rules. I think that is one of the main reasons it was successful; because the students did not feel restricted about the questions they were asking or stating what they wanted to learn on the field trip.

Name: Katie Kalnitz

Date: 11/13/12

Today, the students began making their own personal pizza restaurant menus. The students got to select which color their menu would be, what the name of their restaurant is, and then choose the items they wanted on their menu. I brought in a variety of pizza menus for the students to look at while completing this activity to help give them suggestions. The goals for this activity were to have the students apply what they have learned about pizza restaurants and menus as well as use these menus in the dramatic play area. I sat with the students one on one to give them my full attention as they looked at the menus and

I think this activity went well for RE some students, and other were less interested for a few reasons. I think the students who were engaged felt interested because they knew the menus were going to be used in the dramatic play area. Due to this, I feel the students felt there was a purpose for the activity and were eager to complete it. Also, I think the fact that they students had real a pizza menus help from Jets, their Dominos, and Papa Johns to use as resource facilitate investigation and curiosity. Other students were less engaged, and I think I could have helped to engage them more if I had talked about the activity more during group. Rather than mentioning it during group, I only introduced it in small group. I think if I had talked about it during large group and given the students some time to brainstorm, the less interested students may have felt more inclined to participate and be engaged in the pizza menu making activity.

VAUATE decided what they wanted to put on I believe the children achieved the set goals for this activity. The children thought of creative names for their restaurants (I.e. Eves Pepperoni Pizza Restaurant) and others as well. The children utilized the menus for their purpose, which was in order to help them remember what types of foods and drinks go on a pizza restaurant menu. Some of the students struggled to come up with items for their menus, so I would help prompt them with guiding questions (i.e. what happens when you eat pizza and get really thirsty? What do you need?) Overall, the their I think and was investigating creating successful. menus own
their own.

Name: Katie Kalnitz

Date: 11/14/12

UMMARIZE Today, the Big Fish class went on a field tip to Pizza Hut! The children got a tour of the restaurant, which included walking side of the big freezer, seeing the conveyor belt oven, and more. As the tour was taking place, the students were allowed to ask questions (i.e. how hot does the oven need to be? What toppings do you have?). After the tour, groups of five children made their own personal pan pizzas and got to watch them cook in the oven. While the other students waited for their turns, they sat in the restaurant booths and drew pictures. Once all of the pizzas were made, we sat together as a class to eat! The goals of this activity were have the children deepen their investigation by speaking with EVAUATE experts and visiting a pizza I believe the children achieved the set restaurant. goals for this activity. The children were able to investigate topics we have discussed thus far: ovens, toppings, restaurants, menus, pizza workers, etc. with a first hand experience. Also, the students had the opportunity to ask questions during the field trip, which allowed them to be investigators and seek answers to their questions about pizza related topics. The children also got to apply the knowledge they gained from other activities we have done to this field trip. For example, Aidan discovered during one of our taste tests that he loves olives. When he was making his pizza, he asked Simone (worker), Do you have black olives? I

I think that the field trip to Pizza RE Hut was successful for several reasons. First of all, the students have been excited about it since the first day we talked about pizza. The more activities we did surrounding our project, the more they talked about going to Pizza Hut. Also, on Monday we talked a lot about our field trip and brainstormed a list of question we had for the workers at Pizza Hut. I think this activity helped prepare the students for the field trip and really got them thinking about what they wanted to learn while they were at Pizza Hut. I really do not think and I would change (worker) anything about this field trip. Cassey (manager) Simone interacted great with the children, and had the entire field trip set up great. The students were able to achieve the goals that were set for the field visit, and I am really impressed with how well it went!

Name: Katie Kalnitz

Date: 11/15/12

Today, the students began to create their personal pages for the class pizza book we are making, I asked the students to recall their favorite activity we did during our project or something they learned about pizza over the course of the project. I wrote down the students dictation, and then the students wrote their names and drew pictures on their page. The goals for this activity were for the students to be able to talk about what theyve learned thus far, and for the end result to be a meaningful book created by the kids.

I think that this activity went well RE for several reasons. First of all, since this activity was planned at the end of our project, the students have a lot of knowledge on the topic to talk about on their page. We have done so many project activities and went on a field trip, so the students definitely had things to discuss. If we were to do this activity at the beginning of the project, chances are the students knowledge would have been very limited to what they knew about pizzas from their personal lives. I also think it went well because the students knew they were creating a class book that would be kept in the library center all year. I think this helped the students recognize there was a purpose for the activity and they were looking forward to it. I dont think there is anything I would change about this activity because I like how the students have the freedom to be creative with their page.

I believe the children achieved the set goals for this activity. Not all of the students have completed their page yet, but the ones that have were able to recall what they have learned about pizza in order for me to write it on their book page. Each student has said something unique, which will make the book even more exciting when we are finally done and read it as a class. Ian even said that he learned you can throw dough into the air to make a big pizza. He then explained to me that throwing the dough in the air makes the piece of dough bigger so it can make a large pizza! It was very neat to hear what each student has taken away from the pizza project.

Name: Katie Kalnitz

Date: 11/16/12

Today at group time, the students helped to write a thank-you note to the manager and worker at Pizza Hut whom helped us on Wednesday. We discussed what a thank-you note was and why it was important. Then, we talked about what we wanted to thank Cassey and Simone for. We discussed all of the things we learned, and what we enjoyed doing on our field trip. Then, each child got to sign his or her name at the bottom. The goals of this activity were to get the students to debrief about the field trip and discuss what they learned as well as to introduced the students to the importance of writing thank-you notes to people. I facilitated the conversation and the students told VAUATE to write on E me what the note. I think most of the children achieved the set goals. I say most because not all of the children raised their hands to tell me something they learned on the field trip to include in the note. However, many children remembered learning about the oven, refrigerator, storage room, etc. Also, several of the students wanted to thank Cassey and Simone for letting them make their own pizzas all by themselves! It was evident the kids enjoyed being in control of their learning on the trip.


I think this activity went well because RE it was introduced by first discussing what the purpose of a thank-you note it. I think this helped the students understand why we were writing one, and allowed them to think of why they wanted to thank Cassey and Simone. I was impressed by the students reactions because they had learned so much from the field trip and wanted to share it on the thank-you note. If I were to re-do this activity, I would have made it mandatory for each child to share at lease one thing to put on the thank-you note. As I stated previously, not all of the students shared their thoughts during group time, and I think it would have been more beneficial for the class as a whole if every child talked about one thing he or she learned at Pizza Hut or wanted to thank Cassey and Simone for.

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