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Cover Letter #1 and #2: Three Sided Essay

One of the most challenging parts of this draft was to find three try to portray the views of the three different groups of people. Thinking from their perspective was harder because I easily found ways to refute their views while I was composing my essay. I tried to give equal time to each perspective but I thought it was harder to the third perspective because it was a more holistic point of view than the other two examples. I actually do not agree with any of the groups. I thought it would be more beneficial to the readers refuting certain beliefs and proving the benefits of meditation. This complicated my writing because I had to think of many different reasons to contradict what was against the purpose of my paper. I did cite sources. One was from my annotated bibliography and other was new article. I had no problem citing sources. I feel like peer editing will help me with this paper because I can tune up one of my points of view and see if I am heading in the right direction.
Cover Letter #2 I had to make one huge change to draft. Based on the fact I felt, and then some of my readers felt that my second and third views were kind of similar, I had to choose a different viewpoint. In addition, I focused on only skeptics point of view in all three different points of view. Therefore it gave me more of a reason to delete my third point of view and choose a view which was not skeptical. This gave me a more overall and conflicting points of view making my argument much better. I also made some grammatical changes. I thought it was very difficult to make this essay flow well, but I think I did a better job than I imagined. I also wove in some examples. I think this piece is successful in fulfilling m purpose because I gave different viewpoints while favoring my thesis in the essay. I do not have any questions involving this assignment.

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