Genetics Worksheet

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Genetics Worksheets

The information in these notes may be used to explore how genetics effect behavior, but be aware that we are considering a very complex area of science. Introductory Tutorial: University of Utah tutorial. Please complete the table below: What is DNA?

What is a Gene?

What is a Chromosome?

What is Heredity?

What is a Trait?

What is meant by Genetics?

What is meant by Phenotype?

Patricia George / Ardingly College / IB Psychology / Genetics Worksheet

Tutorial Cold Spring Lab: Learn more about one specific genetic disorder & complete table: Name of the Disorder:

What is the disorder?

What causes it?

How is it inherited?

How is it diagnosed?

What is it like to have it?

Patricia George / Ardingly College / IB Psychology / Genetics Worksheet

Using the following references, complete the table below:

British Psychological Society: Why Psychologists Study Twins: What is behavioural genetics? The Human Genome Project: Ethical concerns:

Why Do Psychologists Study Twins?

What is meant by the term behavioural genetics?

Name and Elaborate on one or more ethical concerns:

Extension work:
Ethics: Genetics and Human Behaviour: The ethical context:

Time Magazine: Why your DNA isnt your destiny:,9171,1952313,00.html University of Utah: Epigenetics web site: Patricia George / Ardingly College / IB Psychology / Genetics Worksheet

Genetics Research Studies

One of the Principles of the Biological Level of Analysis:

Patterns of behaviour can be inherited:

Summary Point: Genes are an important basis of behaviour but are not the entire story. The expression of genes depends on their interaction with environmental factors and other genes. Behaviour is the results of a bi-directional process, though biological psychologists emphasise inherited factors and evolution in their research. Again bi-directional means that biology and the environment influence each other in a reciprocal relationship. As you already know by the topics that we have studied so far, it is accepted that sociocultural and cognitive factors shape the brain. Learning outcome:

With reference to relevant research studies, to what extent does genetic inheritance affect behaviour?
Select two behaviours and consider the relevant research studies when addressing this question: Behaviour 1: Behaviour 2: Behaviour 3: Behaviour 4: Schizophrenia Depression Aggression Intelligence

When researching this topic you need to consider the following:

Discuss ethical considerations related to research conducted in genetic influences on behavior.

Patricia George / Ardingly College / IB Psychology / Genetics Worksheet

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