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Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2 Trina Kelsey EDU-723 Teaching and Learning in Inclusion Settings June 24, 2012 University of New England

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Pre-Planning Information, Strategies & Considerations

IEP Students: Before starting to plan for a class with students on an IEP it is critical to find out what adaptations are available, what testing has been completed and what the suggested strategies are to provide the best learning environment for each student. The Learning Resource teacher (me) provides a copy of the Adaptations Report (Appendix F) for each student so that the teacher knows what the students qualify for based on testing and medical diagnosis. In addition, there is access to each students IEP online through our Teacher Connect data base. In British Columbia, the students with ADHD would not meet criteria for a category. They would likely receive assistance through the Learning Resource Centre as a non-categorized student. The two learning disabled students would meet criteria for Category Q Learning Disabled. As such they would have an IEP and an adaptations checklist. They also qualify for support from an education assistant if one is available (priority goes to students with safety needs first). In our district, speech-language concerns are not addressed at the high school level. The focus is having the service targeted at the elementary grades. Parents wishing to continue with this service must arrange and pay for their own once their children reach high school. The disability would be accounted for in class, but there would not be any categorization for speech/language problems. ESL Students: Information regarding ESL students is available in the students cumulative file in the office and directly from the itinerant ESL teacher who visits our school weekly to provide service to our English language learners. No Education Assistant time is given directly to ESL students, but they are covered when an EA is assigned to the class. The following is an excerpt from the BC Ministry of Education protocol on ESL students. The level of need of the students in the class would be determined by the ESL teacher based on proficiency tests given throughout the semester. The reporting requirements for English language learners who are following the provincial curriculum for a course, subject or grade are the same as for other students. These requirements are described in the Student Reporting Policy and in the Student Progress Report Order. Letter grades, and percentages where appropriate, must be used to indicate students levels of performance in relation to the prescribed learning outcomes. Letter grades are appropriate for English language learners where they are capable of meeting the provincially prescribed learning outcomes for a particular subject, or the learning outcomes for a Board/Authority Authorized course.

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Letter grades are not appropriate where English language learners are not yet able to follow the curriculum due to their level of language proficiency. In this case, the student progress report must contain information describing what the student can do, areas that require further attention or development, and ways of supporting their learning. In addition, all schools are required to report to parents on the progress of students in the ESL program; this information must be included in each of the five reporting periods provided every year. Parents should be informed of their childs progress in social and academic language competence as part of this process. The same fundamental principles of reporting students progress to their parents apply to parents of English language learners as well. In cases of language difference, wherever appropriate and possible, interpreters should be provided for parent/teacher conferences. Teachers have the professional obligation to report progress only for students whom they have personally instructed and evaluated. Where an ESL specialist is responsible for providing some portion of the students educational program, the specialist should provide written information on the students progress for inclusion with the classroom teachers report. (BC Ministry of Education, 2009) Given that one of the Hispanic American students, the Cambodian student and Somali student have limited skill in English, they may not be deemed proficient enough in English to receive a grade as set out by the Ministry of Education (above). To assist with the language development of the ESL students in my group, I will use as many visual representations as possible in addition to the auditory instructions to convey the information to all students. Education Assistant (EA): Classes with multiple needs are typically assigned an education assistant to help out with the specific needs of students with exceptionalities, although they certainly help out with everyone. The EA would be given a list of all students with learning concerns, so they would know who to target. The teacher also has the ability to group the EA with certain students who need extra explanation, or assistance with behaviours. The students with ADHD and executive functioning concerns would likely need assistance right from the start of class because of the difficulty with focus, organization, self-regulation and disruptive behaviours. I would sit the students near the EA so she could give a signal to those who need a reminder to focus during the lesson. During the more active portions of the lesson, these students may function better because of the activity level (although they will likely still need to be refocused at some point).

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

The students with ESL problems and the students with a mathematics and short term memory processing problem and reading decoding and comprehension problems, are going to be working with the EA during the working portion of the lesson, when they may need re-teaching and visual examples given. The Learning Resource teacher should be made aware of the assignments that the class is working on, so extra help and re-teaching of difficult concepts can happen when the students have a Learning Resource block. Potential Challenges: Avoidance: Students who dont understand the lesson, either because of academic ability, or a language barrier, may avoid doing the work because they dont understand. Misunderstandings: Math vocabulary is very specific and must be taught. The words are not necessarily used in any other class. ESL students that I currently teach have electronic translators so they can quickly understand the meaning of the word being used in class. Misbehaviour: Often is part of the avoidance. This is not uncommon when the work is too difficult and the student does not anticipate success. The behaviour tells the teacher that the student is dodging their work (which could signal several things). Poor focus: Can be a significant problem for students with executive functioning issues and ADHD. The lack of attention interferes with learning and work completion. One group member completes all the work: Collaboration is an extremely effective method of learning when all members are engaged, however if one group member is completing the bulk of the work because the remaining group members are apathetic, it can become ineffective. Not understand directions: The students with ESL backgrounds, memory problems, comprehension problems and speech/language concerns may not fully understand the instruction initially. It is important to use visuals and check for understanding before work is started and as it progresses. Misread directions/question: Those with ESL or reading difficulties may not understand what is being asked. The modelling and examples will provide a framework to follow when completing questions. Group members and the EA can also clarify instructions. Frustration: This occurs when the student doesnt understand what is to be done, either because the work is too difficult, or they did not understand the instructions. Students who are struggling are going to express their frustration in different ways. Some students will avoid, some will exhibit disruptive behaviours.

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Adaptations & Strategies That Can Be Integrated into the Lesson While Teaching Teach the student to break down each problem into specific steps Model all steps required to solve a problem Teach the student why s/he is learning to solve the problem Do not require the student to learn more information than s/he is capable of learning Provide both visual and auditory material Before they start the question Ensure that the student can read the question Have student read problems silently, then aloud Make sure the student reads the entire problem Teach student key words Have student verbally analyze the steps that are required. What is given? What happens next? Have student restate the problem before starting Help the student recognize common patterns in the problems Work Time Have the students name the processes as they do them Have the student check for accuracy after a few problems Provide examples to follow Choose a peer to model solving the problem Reduce the number of problems to be solved focus on accuracy, rather than volume Reduce the amount of information on a page if it is causing a visual distraction Speak with the student to explain what s/he is doing wrong. Use positive language. Evaluate the appropriateness of the task to see if it is too long, difficult or easy Have the student ask himself What is next? to keep focused Have the student reteach the concept to a peer Provide praise for quality work Focus on key concepts from the curriculum Extra cues/prompts given Clarification/repetition of instructions Simplified or alternate assignments provided Chunking of assignments Extra time

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Physical & Environmental Supports Provide physical objects to teach concepts trundle wheel, clinometer Have the student circle the information being used adjacent, opposite Highlight or underline key words Highlight the angle/side to be solved Provide the student with a checklist or reference sheet to follow Provide students with a separate setting to work if needed Provide student with self-checking materials to reinforce correct work EA support in class LR block for remedial instruction Scribe provided when necessary Reader provided when necessary Computer provided (if available) Hands on learning when possible Small group instruction Alternate work setting/quiet space Alternate space for testing Preferential seating Ongoing LRT and classroom teacher consultation Allow electronic translators for ESL students

Strategies for All Students With Learning Difficulties 1. Predictability in the classroom is important. Keep things organized and consistent. High structure decreases anxiety and uncertainty. 2. Clarity: Be absolutely clear on what is to be learned and the organization required for demonstration of the learning: provide both verbal and written directions. 3. Focus on understanding and concepts rather than memorization. 4. Use focal and positive language: This is important, or Do (this) now. Be sure you have the students attention through eye contact, name or touch before you begin to speak. 5. Talk Less when giving directions keep instructions concrete, brief and explicit. 6. Have students retell you what needs to be done to check comprehension. 7. Wait: allow extra time for an oral response, or structure lessons ahead of time so students know when/what question theyll have to respond to. 8. Adapt assignments and assessment (usually for time or amount of written work) with key concepts and demonstration of learning outcomes in mind. 9. Model and demonstrate to ensure understanding; provide extra guided practice. 10. Chunk assignments- especially longer written assignments into manageable pieces. 11. Provide visual organizers like black line masters, or graphic organizers. 12. Scaffold as much as possible: tie new topic(s) to prior knowledge. (Soles & Kelsey, 2012)

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Lesson #1
Grade Level: Grade 10 Student Grouping Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 23 students, mixed ability but age appropriate 5 Students on IEPs 2 Other Health Impairment (ADHD), 2 Learning Disabled (1 with a math disability and short term memory processing issue, 1 with executive functioning problems) 1 with speech/language problems Diversity: 2 Hispanic Americans (1 ESL), 1 Cambodian student (ESL), 1 Somali student (ESL), 1 Native American student, 2 African American students Content/Skill Area: Trigonometry Right Triangles and the Tan Ratio Objective General Outcome: Develop spatial sense. (Ministry of Education, 2008) Specific Outcome: Demonstrate an understanding of primary trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent) by: applying the primary trigonometric ratios [and] solving problems (Ministry of Education, 2008) Materials: Scientific Calculators, Appendix A pictures of triangles in our environment, Appendix B - overhead of a right triangle, Appendix C Formula sheet, Appendix D worksheet Vocabulary: ratio, angle, measurement, hypotenuse, opposite, adjacent, variable (teaching specialized vocabulary) Teaching Methods/Strategies Anticipatory Set (10 minutes) 1. Show the students the photos from Appendix A. Ask students what shape they see repeated in the photos. In groups, discuss the question Where else can a person see triangles? Record the answers on the board, making a comprehensive list. (understanding relationships) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Teach student key words, Help the student recognize common patterns, Provide both visual and auditory material, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 2. Ask the students How could you easily measure the height of the triangles in the photos? Record the answers on the board. Is there a way to do it without climbing? (predicting)

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

[Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Provide both visual and auditory material, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] Lesson (30 minutes) 1. Review the sides of a triangle, which was previously learned in the lesson of Pythagoras Theorem using the picture in Appendix B. Have the students copy three right triangles from the board and label the opposite, hypotenuse and adjacent. Have volunteers come to the board to label the samples and students can check their work. Circulate for understanding of this review concept. (connecting to prior knowledge, scaffolding) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Provide both visual and auditory material, Allow electronic translators for ESL students, Highlight the different sides of the triangle with different colours, Provide students with a sample, Chunking of information, Modelling] 2. Students will need to learn about the function on their scientific calculators. To practice using this calculator feature, model using the function then record the answers on the overhead. Have all of the students practice with you and round to 3 decimal places. Here are the practice angles: a. tan 40 0.839 Hit 40, tan, = b. tan 55 1.428 Hit 55, tan, = c. tan 72 3.078 Hit 72, tan, = Ensure that everyone is able to correctly input the buttons on the calculator to get a matching answer. Check for understanding and have partners quiz each other using the given practice angles. Go through the answers as a large group. It is crucial to ensure that the students are able to do the mathematical operations before presenting word problems (Cohen & Spenciner, 2009). (Ask students to do the math by using a calculator) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Modelling, Provide physical objects to teach concepts (calculator), Have the student ask himself What is next? to keep focused, Repetition of instructions, Work with a peer/EA to reinforce learning and check for understanding, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 3. Explain the meaning of . It is actually a ratio of two sides of a triangle, . Students taught by the ratio method [are] more capable of identifying the correct trigonometry functions, than students taught with the circle method (Kendal & Stacey, 1997). Show the students that there is an easy way to remember which ratio is used for a question by using the mnemonic SOH CAH TOA. Hand out Appendix C for each student to use as a reference while doing the entire trigonometry unit. (Mnemonics, Using formulas)

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[Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Provide the student with a reference sheet, Teach the students the mnemonic, Help the student recognized common patterns in the problems, Teach the student to break down each problem into specific steps, Have the students name the ratios aloud to a partner, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 4. Draw a triangle on the overhead and assign values (see below). Have the students label the hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite as we have done before. Now that it is labeled, model how to turn it into a tangent ratio question to find the length of a side.

0.933 = = 10.258 = a Model each of the lines of the question. First, write out the formula. Second, insert the value of the angle beside tangent and the values of the opposite and adjacent into the ratio. Third, using a calculator find the value of tan 43. Fourth, turn both sides into fractions by putting the value of tan over 1. Finally, use the cross multiply and divide method (connecting to prior knowledge) to isolate the variable a. (Modeling, using formulas, interpreting information, teaching abstract concepts using diagrams, solving a math problem using a calculator) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Modelling, Have the students repeat the instructions back to either the teacher or EA, Have the student highlight the angle being measured, then label the sides, Ensure the student understands the question, Have the students repeat the questions back to the teacher/EA, Have student verbally analyze the steps that are required. What is given? What happens next?, Teach the student to break down each problem into specific steps, Have the students name the processes as they do them, Check for accuracy as the students work, Provide an example, Model all step required to solve a problem, Small group instruction for those struggling, Provide praise for quality work, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 5. Once the question is done, it is important to look to see that the answer makes sense. Does it fit in with the other numbers? (check that the answer makes sense) Has the unit of measurement (meters, feet and kilometers) been added to the answer? In this case there is no unit of measurement in the questions, so the answer doesnt need one. [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Have the student check for accuracy]

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

6. Have the students try the following practice question and then check with a partner. Review the answer on the overhead after everyone has tried to work it out. Circulate while they are working on the question to intervene with any problems that arise. (Ask students to draw a picture of the problem, ask students to do the math by using paper and pencil and calculator, prompt students to check mathematics) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Highlights the angle that angle to be solved, Have student verbally analyze the stops that are required, What is given? What happens next?, Have the student state the problem before starting, Have the student break down each problem into specific steps, Have the student name the processes as they do them, Provide the student with an example to follow, Choose an appropriate peer to partner, Have the student reteach the concept to a peer, Focus on key concepts from the curriculum, Prompts given, Repetition of instructions if needed]

7. Now that they can find a side, using the same ratio formula show the students how to find an angle. Have the students label the hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite as we have done before. Now that it is labeled, model how to turn it into a tangent ratio question to find an angle (see below).

Model each line of the question. First, write out the formula. Second, insert the value of the sides of the opposite and adjacent into the ratio. Third, using a calculator find the decimal value of 6 over 8. Finally, to turn the decimal into an angle measurement, on the calculator hit the buttons [0.75] [Invert] [tan]. The answer should be rounded to the nearest whole number as it is a degree. Does the answer make sense? (Modeling, using formulas, interpreting information, teaching abstract concepts using diagrams, solving a math problem using a calculator)

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

[Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Modelling, Have the students repeat the instructions back to either the teacher or EA, Have the student highlight the angle being measured, then label the sides, Ensure the student understands the question, Have the students repeat the questions back to the teacher/EA, Have student verbally analyze the steps that are required. What is given? What happens next?, Teach the student to break down each problem into specific steps, Have the students name the processes as they do them, Check for accuracy as the students work, Provide an example, Model all step required to solve a problem, Small group instruction for those struggling, Provide praise for quality work, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 8. Check for any final questions before moving forward with individual practice. [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class] Activity (30 minutes) 1. The students will need time to practice the concept to see if they have a full understanding of the concept. The activity portion of the lesson allows time for the students to make sense of the information that has been presented. Providing time to complete an activity allows the student to process and internalize the information. It is important to ensure that the activity is promoting new learning at an appropriate level for the students. This means it should match a student's readiness level. Students will practice questions using a worksheet such as Appendix D, or questions from the textbook. Those looking for a challenge with other trigonometry ratios can try a computer program such as Khan Academy (I am a coach and can check their progress online) after they complete their work. In order to further differentiate, students will be allowed to work individually, or with a partner. All work must be shown for assessment purposes and to assist with error correction. [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Allow electronic translators for ESL students, Ensure that the student can read the question, Make sure the student reads the entire problem, Have student verbally analyze the steps that are required, Have the student restate the problem before starting, Have the student break down each problem into specific steps, Have the student name the processes as they do them, Have the student check for accuracy after a few problems, Provide examples to follow, Have the student highlight the angle/side to be solved, Provide the student with a reference sheet, Provide the student with a separate setting to work if needed, Reduce the number of problems to be solved if need be, Provide praise for quality work, Focus on key concepts from the curriculum, Repetition of instructions if needed, Simplified assignments available if needed, Extra time if needed, Allow electronic translators for ESL students]

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Lesson #2
Grade Level: Grade 10 Student Grouping Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 23 students, mixed ability but age appropriate 5 Students on IEPs 2 Other Health Impairment (ADHD), 2 Learning Disabled (1 with a math disability and short term memory processing issue, 1 with executive functioning problems) 1 with speech/language problems Diversity: 2 Hispanic Americans (1 ESL), 1 Cambodian student (ESL), 1 Somali student (ESL), 1 Native American student, 2 African American students Content/Skill Area: Trigonometry Right Triangles and the Tan Ratio Objective General Outcome: Develop spatial sense. (Ministry of Education, 2008) Specific Outcome: Demonstrate an understanding of primary trigonometric ratios (sine, cosine, tangent) by: applying the primary trigonometric ratios [and] solving problems (Ministry of Education, 2008) Materials: scientific calculators, clinometers, trundle wheels, Appendix E -worksheets to record answers (double sided) Vocabulary: clinometer, trundle wheel (teaching specialized vocabulary) Teaching Methods/Strategies Anticipatory Set (10 minutes) 1. Yesterday students learned about the mathematical calculations of the tangent ratio of trigonometry. Ask the students How can we use the tangent ratio in everyday life? What jobs might use this type of math? With a partner brainstorm three practical ways that the tangent ratio could be used in the workplace or home. Record the answers on the board and discuss briefly as a class. (Making connections to real life) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Allow electronic translators for ESL students, Teach the student why s/he is learning the problem, Connecting to prior information scaffolding, Focus on key concepts from the curriculum] 2. Ask students to discuss with a partner whether it is possible to measure a distance that is very high, such as a tree or a building? (Show the slide below) If so, how could it be done? What tools might be needed? Make a list. (predicting)

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[Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Allow electronic translators for ESL students, Teach the student why s/he is learning the problem, Focus on key concepts from the curriculum]

(Miller, 2011) Lesson (15 minutes) 1. Today the students are going to have a chance to apply the tangent ratio formula to a real world problem using a method called indirect measurement. They will be using the tangent ratio math formulas that they learned yesterday (connecting to prior knowledge, scaffolding) and applying that knowledge to answer questions in a hands on situation (participating in hands-on experiences, solving real world problems) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Scaffolding, Hands on learning] 2. Tell the students that we are going to be going outside to measure tall objects around our school (trees, flagpole and street lights). [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Hands on learning, Teach the student why s/he is learning to solve a problem] 3. The students will work in groups of three to measure four items outside and find the height of each. One person will be measuring along the ground their job is to measure from the base of the object (tree) using a trundle wheel (connecting to prior knowledge, scaffolding) to measure out a number of meters on the ground. The second person will use a clinometer from that point to measure the angle to the top of the object (tree) and the third person will record the numbers on the worksheet for the group. [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Teach the student to break down each problem into specific steps, Hands on learning, Collaboration, Provide physical objects to teach concepts (trundle wheel, clinometer), Have the student ask himself What is next? to keep focused, Extra cues/prompts given]

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Trundle Wheel


4. The students have not used a clinometer before, so explain how it works. Point the clinometer to the top of the tree while squeezing the lever. When the eye of the clinometer is lined up with the top of the tree, gently release the lever, so it locks the degree measurement in place. The arrow will be pointing towards the angle (see photo above). The group recorder will put the number of degrees onto the worksheet. Give each of the groups a clinometer and have them practice in the classroom before going outside, by finding the degree angle to the top of the bookshelf, the ceiling etc. (participating in hands-on experiences, using manipulatives/equipment, measuring). [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Hands on learning, Modeling, Provide physical objects to teach concepts (trundle wheel, clinometer), Guided practice, Have the student name the processes as they do them, Have the group check for accuracy, Provide examples to follow, Provide the student with a reference sheet to follow, Collaboration, Have the student ask himself What is next? to keep focused, Clarification/Repetition of instructions if needed, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 5. The final step requires the person using the clinometer to measure their height up to their eye, because that number (meters) will have to be added to the final answer. Show the diagram and explain the rationale. When the group member measures the angle, they are not at ground level; therefore their height must be added to the final answer to ensure accuracy. It is essential that the measurements be taken in the same unit of measurement, so if the tree is being measured in meters, then the group members height must also be measured in meters. For example, I would be 1.60 meters tall to my eye. To make this step fairly quick, have measurements pre-done on the whiteboard, so a group can stand in front of the board and swiftly get their measurements taken to the eye. (measuring, participation in hands-on experiences, collecting, organizing, displaying and interpreting information)

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

[Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Hands on learning, Modeling, Guided practice, Teach the student to break down each problem into specific steps] Activity (45 minutes) 1. Each student will receive a double sided worksheet (Appendix E). The first diagram is shown to get the students started. The rest will have to be drawn by hand depending on the choices the group makes. [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Provide examples to follow, Modeling] 2. The first tree will be measured by all groups, with clarification and supportive instruction given as need be. How high do they think the tree is? (Estimation) Remind the students again that they must add the height of the person using the clinometer to their final answer and complete the answer by giving the unit of measurement (meters). Let the students know that they will have time in the classroom to complete the math portion of the equations and that the outside time is for measuring. Model measuring with the trundle wheel from the base of the tree to the person holding the clinometer, then practice measuring with the clinometer (modeling). Have all of the students record their answers on their worksheet. Check for understanding, then let them try on their own. (Prompt students to restate the question) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Hands on learning, Modeling, Provide physical objects to teach concepts (trundle wheel, clinometer), Guided practice, Have the student name the processes as they do them, Have the group check for accuracy, Provide examples to follow, Provide the student with a reference sheet to follow, Collaboration, Have the student ask himself What is next? to keep focused, Clarification/Repetition of instructions if needed, Allow electronic translators for ESL students] 3. Allow time for the groups to take the measurements of three more objects (school, flag pole, another tree, tennis court fence, goal posts, street lights). If they finish early, they can do more measuring, or help other groups. (Ask students to draw a picture of the problem, Measuring, Solving real world problems, Participating in hands-on experiences, Collecting, organizing, displaying and interpreting information, Teach abstract concepts using drawings and diagrams) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Hands on learning, Provide physical objects to teach concepts (trundle wheel, clinometer), Guided practice, Have the student name the processes as they do them, Have the group check for accuracy, Provide examples to follow, Provide the student with a reference sheet to follow, Collaboration, Have the

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student ask himself What is next? to keep focused, Clarification/Repetition of instructions if needed, Provide praise for quality work] 4. Return to the classroom and give time to finish the calculation portion of the assignment. Those who finish early can either assist another student practice with other trigonometry ratios can try/continue with a computer program such as Khan Academy . Students should complete their calculations individually this time. All work must be shown for assessment purposes and to assist with error correction. They should check their work before handing it in. Do the answers make sense? Work must be handed in for assessment. (Using formulas, Solving real world problems, Ask students to do the math by using paper and pencil and a calculator, Prompt students to check mathematics, Require students to review the word problem and to check that the answer makes sense) [Inclusion strategy: EA support in class, Modeling, Have the student break down the problem into specific steps, Highlight the measurement to be solved, Have the student name the processes as they do them, Have the group check for accuracy, Provide examples to follow, Provide the student with a reference sheet to follow, Have the student ask himself What is next? to keep focused, Provide student with a separate setting to work if needed, Clarification/Repetition of instructions if needed, Have the student reteach the concept to a peer, Allow electronic translators for ESL students, Provide praise for quality work] 5. Final Review: What profession might use this type of math? How could you use trigonometry in your life? Are there any final questions regarding tangent ratio? Next class we will do sine ratio and cosine ratio

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Content Relevant to the Whole Instructional Unit

Achievement Indicators as per Ministry of Education Guidelines: 1. Identify situations where the trigonometric ratios are used for indirect measurement of angles and lengths. (Ministry of Education, 2008) 2. Solve a contextual problem that involves right triangles, using the primary trigonometric ratios. (Ministry of Education, 2008) 3. Determine if a solution to a problem that involves primary trigonometric ratios is reasonable. (Ministry of Education, 2008) Linking Assessment with Instruction The students will be assessed on the following criteria at the end of the mini unit: 1. The students have the ability to use a formula to find a solution to a problem as shown on their worksheet. (Lessons 1 & 2) 2. The students have the ability to use trigonometry functions on the calculator as shown during in class work and on their worksheet. (Lessons 1 & 2) 3. The students have an understanding of connection to real life uses and interdisciplinary connections with the tangent ration as shown in the class discussions. (Lessons 1 & 2) 4. The students have the ability to verbalize within a group the components of a trigonometry problem as shown during group discussions. (Lessons 1 & 2) 5. The students have an understanding of the vocabulary of trigonometry and the ability to apply it to questions as shown during class and group discussions. (Lessons 1 & 2) 6. The students have an ability to turn a real life problem into a 2-D drawing with calculations as shown on their worksheet. (Lesson 2) Differentiation Strategies: 1. Multiple Intelligences: - The objective of the trigonometry lesson is based on the general outcome: develop spatial sense (Ministry of Education, 2008), however, throughout the lesson the student are encouraged to use multiple intelligences to meet the final goal. Linguistic intelligence is encouraged through the class and group discussions; Logical thinking is a natural part of the performance of mathematical

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equations; Body-kinesthetic comes into play when the students go outside and measure items in their environment; and Interpersonal contact, cooperation and teamwork are required to complete the measuring portion of the lesson. 2. Pre-assessment: Throughout the unit, prediction and estimation are used to seek out information that is known about a topic. 3. Readiness: The task moved from the simple identification of shapes in photos, to measuring indirect angles using an abstract concept. 4. Interest: The application of information to real life is likely to encourage more students, than completing math from a textbook. 5. Learning Profile: The lesson incorporates visual, auditory and kinesthetic methods to meet the natural learning needs of each class member. 6. Process: Different processes give students time to internalize the information that has been presented in the lesson, tapping into the multiple intelligences. 7. Product: The students are able to choose the item they are measuring and then visually present it in a way that meets their needs and shows their understanding. Diversity Strategies: The following excerpt is taken from The Common Curriculum Framework for Grades 10-12 Mathematics: Western and Northern Canadian Protocol. It is part of the curriculum and as such is required to be considered when creating lesson plans for First Nations students. First Nations, Mtis and Inuit students often have a whole-world view of the environment; as a result, many of these students live and learn best in a holistic way. This means that students look for connections in learning and learn mathematics best when it is contextualized and not taught as discrete content. First Nations, Mtis and Inuit students come from cultures where learning takes place through active participation. Traditionally, little emphasis was placed upon the written word. Oral communication along with practical applications and experiences are important to student learning and understanding. It is also vital that teachers understand and respond to nonverbal cues so that student learning and mathematical understanding are optimized. A variety of teaching and assessment strategies are required to build upon the diverse knowledge, cultures, communication styles, skills, attitudes, experiences and learning styles of students.

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The strategies used must go beyond the incidental inclusion of topics and objects unique to a culture or region and strive to achieve higher levels of multicultural education (Banks and Banks, 1993). (Ministry of Education, 2008) This has been honoured in this lesson plan sequence, by actively completing math problems in context as a real world problem, rather than just completing work from a book. In addition, during the experiential learning, there is an opportunity to work through learning in an oral, group oriented manner, as emphasized in the First Nations culture.

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Appendix A

(Teachers Domain, 2012)

(Ilio, 2003)

(Puglette, 2009)

(Koch, 2011)

(Holger Mette, 2012)

(Anonymous, 2009)

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Appendix B

(All About Circuits)

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Appendix C

SOH CAH TOA stands for the following operations:

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Appendix D Find the following side lengths and angles. Show all work on a separate sheet of paper.

(Wessling, 2011)

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Appendix E Directions 1. Draw and label the measurements of the object you are measuring. 2. Complete the trigonometry equation beside the diagram. Show all work to find the height. Dont forget the unit of measurement 3. Complete four diagrams and equations. Make sure the answers make sense. 4. Remember:



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Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Appendix F

Salmon Arm Secondary School Adaptations Report

Student: Grade: Subject: The following adaptations are being provided for this student: Instructional and Assessment Adaptations EA support in class LR block Organizational support (checklists, agenda etc.) Notes/ highlighted text provided as necessary Focus on key concepts from the curriculum Extra cues/prompts given Audio/visual record of lecture Clarification/repetition of instructions Audio books provided Criteria sheet for homework Simplified or alternate assignments provided Chunking of assignments Reduced amount of work Extra time Small group instruction Scribe provided when necessary Reader provided when necessary Computer provided Hands on learning when possible Use of a calculator Use of spellcheck/not penalized for spelling Alternate forms of assessment

Environmental Adaptations Alternate work setting/quiet space (counselling or LRC) Alternate space for testing Preferential seating Preferential scheduling Ongoing LRT and classroom teacher consultation Ongoing parent contact

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

References All About Circuits. (Designer). (n.d.). Right triangle trigonometry. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from Anonymous. (Photographer). (2009). Severns bridge. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from BC Ministry of Education. (2009). English as a second language policy and guidelines. Retrieved from Cohen, L.G., & Spenciner, L.J. (2009). Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson. Holger Mette. (Photographer). (2012). Retrieved from Ilio, K. (Photographer). (2003). Architectural triangles under the harsh sun. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Kendal, M., & Stacey, K. (1997). Teaching trigonometry. Retrieved from Koch, J. (Photographer). (2011). Timeless triangles. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Miller, L. (Designer). (2011). Retrieved from Ministry of Education. (2008). The common curriculum framework for grades 10-12 mathematics: Western and northern Canadian protocol. Retrieved from p_ccf.pdf Puglette. (Photographer). (2009). Tower at Ghirardelli square . [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Soles, D., & Kelsey, T. (2012). Information for classroom teachers: Student with learning challenges. Teacher's Domain. (Photographer). (2012). Retrieved from

Lesson Planning Assignment Part 2

Wessling, M. (2011). Trig ratio triangles here. Retrieved from ZDA4NGI1MzM1YmUw/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1

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