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GenYES outline for Year 9 elective - 2013

Unit Unit 1 - Getting Started What is GenYES Becoming Familiar with GenYES Tools Activity 1.5 hours 1.5 hours Time / Periods 2 2

Unit 4 - Online Research & Info Literacy

Web Search Tools & Strategies Evaluating Web Resources Copyright & Citation Information Literacy

1 hours 1 hours 1 hour 1.5 hours

1 1 1 2

Unit 1 - Getting Started

Communication TAPs and Learning TAPs and Teaching Tutorials Trouble shooting & tech support

1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours

2 2 2 2 2

Periods for Term


GenYES outline for Year 9 elective - 2013

Unit Term 2 Unit 19 - Tech Support: Problem Solving & Customer Service The art of the interview TAPs and Job Tickets Practicing Client Interviews Fixing Problems for Total Customer Satisfaction Escalation & Follow up 2.5 hours 1 hour 2.5 hours 1 hour 1 hour 3 1 3 1 1 Activity Time / Periods

Unit 8 - Web Publishing

Web Page Design Web page Construction - HTML Web Page Construction - Software Web page Construction - Web 2.0 Adding Multimedia to Websites

1 hour 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1 hour

1 2 2 2 1

GenYES outline for Year 9 elective - 2013

Unit Activity Time / Periods Periods for Term Term 3 Unit 12 - Cybersafety Cyberbullies & Cyber Heroes Digital Citizenship Avoiding Predators Cybersafety Website 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 5 hours 2 2 2 6 17

Unit 9 - Computer Programming & Game Design

Learn to Program with Scratch Extend Scratch

5 hours 2.5 hours

6 3

GenYES outline for Year 9 elective - 2013

Unit Activity Time / Periods Periods for Term Term 4 Unit 7 - Multimedia Presentations Planning a multimedia presentation Creating a multimedia presentation Delivering a multimedia presentation 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 1.5 hours 2 2 2 21

Unit 14 - Contemporary Social Issues

Choosing a topic of interest Contemporary issues internet research Contemporary issues multimedia Project Contemporary issues Presentation

1 hour 2.5 hours 2.5 hours 2.5 hours

1 3 3 3

Periods for Term


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