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As part of your investigation, you will be carrying out an interview at home!

1. Ask a grandparent, parent or an older member of the community politely for permission to interview them about their childhood. 2. Use the questions below and devise a couple of questions yourself. 3. Print this sheet to take notes on. This will help make the podcast you make in class more realistic. 4. If you have access to a recording device at home, that's fantastic because you can record your interview! Follow the instructions for 'Task 2' and email it to me as an attachment.

Possible Questions:

Could you tell me about your childhood?

Whats your happiest memory?

Whats the difference between being a child and being an adult?

Would you like to be a child growing up now? Why/Why not?

In what ways is it better to be a child growing up now?

In what ways was it better to be a child when you were young?

Make up your own questions: (Tip: Remember what we learned about schools in the past)

Reflection: Were you given more or less similar responses by the various interviewees?

Did you learn anything that they were surprised about?

Did you enjoy carrying out the interviews?

What do you think the differences are between Childhood and Adulthood, based on your interview experiences?


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