Keyboard Shortcuts

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A quick over view of the shortcut symbols used on this page. They should display correctly as they are unicode as part of the font. This works on Firefox and Safari so you should be ok. The list below is for anyone who isnt quite sure. = Command, the most common modier. = Option or Alt. ! = Shift ^ = Control. Not used as frequently but is still there.

Basic Shortcuts
This is a list of shortcuts that should be hardwired into your brain. These are usually the most commonly used. Most of the shortcuts on the list are for Finder, although a lot will work in other applications. If I wrote a list for every single application out there I would be here for ever. + Q = Quit + W = Close window + O = Open a file in your application + P = Print + C = Copy + V = Paste + X = Cut + S = Save + Z = Undo + A = Select All + Y or Space = Quicklook + Tab = Cycle through windows Personally I use all of those shortcuts all of the time. It helps to remember them and use them. Most will come naturally over time.

Other Shortcuts
This is the list where every other shortcut resides. Have a look through and see if there is anything which is of interest to you. + !+ 3 = Take fullscreen picture + ! + 4 = Take selected area screenshot

+ ! + H = Go to Home folder + ! + D = Go to Desktop + ! + C = Go to Computer + ! + K = Go to Network + ! + I = Go to iDisk + ! + A = Go to Application + ! + U = Go to Utilities + ! + G = Go to folder ! + + Q = Log out !+ + + Q = Log out immediately. + D = Duplicate in Finder + + 8 = Turn on Voice Over + + + = Zoom in (if turned on) + + - =Zoom Out + + D = Show/Hide Dock ^ + Eject = Show shutdown dialog ^ + + Eject = Close all and restart + + Eject = Sleep + Shift + F = Find file by name

+ ! + 4 + Space = Take screenshot of window or menu + + Escape = Bring up Force Quit window + Space = Spotlight search + ` (back tick) = Cycle through applications windows + . = Cancel operation + ! + ? = Open help + I = Get Info + [ = Go backwards in history in Finder + ] = Go forwards in history in Finder + Up Arrow = Go to previous folder in hierarchy + Down Arrow = Open folder of file in Finder + + T = Show hide Finders toolbar + Delete = Move item to Trash + ! + Delete = Empty Trash + E = Eject disk + F = Find + G = Next result in Find option + H = Hide application + M = Minimize + N = New window + + W = Close all windows + ! + Z = Redo

+ R = Refresh widget

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