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Wolcott Your Name: Castia Hunter Category

Results, Findings, Discussion:

ENC 1101

Writing Self Study Feedback

Discuss your discoveries/ results about your life/ work/ writing process; what are you going to do with the information? (will this help with your writing?)

Points Possible

Points Earned 30 I think you said you felt like you didn't have enough time to finish this paper well. It does seem to show that in the findings section. Here are some places for further development: WHY did you stop to check to see that you had 5 sentences per paragraph? Is this a good habit to maintain? What caused the periods of frustration? Take time and do one more draft of this, if you want, and I'll adjust the grade accordingly. 22 Interesting review of research; I wonder if there's any way to better connect Perl and Goodman?


Intro and Review of Research

Review of research ; Talking about a research gap; References reading(s) from the class in review of research (Perhaps use outside sources); Introductionexplain methodology choices in relation to previous research


Methodology Checklist



Contains correct Works Cited, Internal citations, all transcripts and logs,peer reviews, all required sections. Formatting is MLA style; grammar and spelling


18 WC good but needs hanging indents; everything else is there. 83



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