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Radio 4 CTP (Career & Technical Project) (formerly SVA)

Write and record (in MP3 format)(Not Enco) a 30 minute radio program (60 minutes if
two students are working together). See the Coast Guard on San Francisco Bay video (it
is a video example of the CTP audio project). 30 minute CTP recordings by previous
Radio 4 students are also available for example. This is a Radio major culminating
activity that gives the student a chance to demonstrate the broadcasting skills covered in
Radio 3 and 4.

Skills such as creative brain-storming, research, writing, producing, digital audio editing,
digital recording, time management (meeting deadlines) and preparing a program for
broadcast using available equipment. The final audio recording must be submitted in
Mp3 format (Not Enco!) along with your final script.

Key Points:
a. MP3 must contain at least 30 minutes of speaking (Music may be included, but beneath
your voice). Make sure your MP3 plays the first time! Turn in ONE MP3 that is 30
minutes in length (I don’t want a bunch of short MP3’s). Save the final MP3 to the
computer desktop and we will transfer the MP3 with a flash drive.
b. Final typed script must match the speaking on the MP3 word-for-word.
c. Use Adobe Audition to record and edit mistakes.
d. Must have teacher approval on the news topic before you start.
e. No news topics on Benson students and staff.
f. Outline & rough draft must be submitted by the required dates.
g. If you choose to add someone’s voice to your project (like in the Coast Guard on San
Francisco Bay example), type their words in your final script.
h. Students that do NOT turn in a working MP3 with typed script will fail Radio 4 second
semester and will NOT receive a Benson diploma!

Important Dates:
1. Topic selected and teacher approved by 2/12/09
2. Outline due 3/12/09
3. Rough draft due by 4/14/09
4. Final typed script due by 5/19/09
5. Final MP3 (Not Enco) due by 6/1/09

If you do not follow the Key Points and meet the Important Dates deadlines, your CTP
project grade will be lowered. Students that miss the above deadlines may have to
schedule class time outside of period 1 and 2 to get their CTP completed before

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