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Prepare Management Presentation Guidelines to improve communication between the management and employees, interest in Quality Circle activities

of the management, fostering good working relationship amongst the working staff of the organization. The Quality circle gains, reorganization and morale boosting of the employees.

Good communication between management and employees helps a company operate as a whole rather than a collection of parts, like the circulatory system of a healthy body. But there are often questions for both sides about when, how and what is appropriate to rise and with whom. So the first step in improving communication is making sure it has the space it needs to grow. Regular Contact One of the best ways to encourage communication is keeping a channel open through regular contact. For line managers and their teams, it could be a brief get together each morning or a fuller weekly meeting. If communication is at a distance, as between head office and branch workers, it might take the form of a weekly memo or monthly newsletter. The key is that its regular, and regular is not the same as often. Regular communication means that a channel will be open at set, predictable times that people can plan for and count on. The Importance of AOB AOB is the abbreviation for Any Other Business on a meetings agenda. To encourage a good two-way flow of information, try leaving a third of your team meetings time open for members to raise other issues or general discussion. Along with regular times, it can also help to have a set length for meetings. That way, people wont feel pressured to hold back so the group can leave early. Staying Well-Balanced Gaps between management and staff can widen if communications become narrow or stereotyped, such as only discussing performance targets or problem areas, or being forever cheery and upbeat. Adding a few balancing questions can make communications more wellrounded and keep people engaged. An enthusiastic introduction to a new policy, for example, should also ask what challenges people foresee. A meeting focused on problems can be balanced by an interest in peoples successes. Being Open and Realistic While it might not be feasible to be completely transparent about everything all the time, its better to say outright if you arent in a position to talk about something than ignore an elephant

in the room. Similarly, being open about what cant be done or guaranteed is better than offering promises or assurances that may not materialize. Making communication worthwhile The aim of communication is to understand one another, but people also need to feel that the talk has been worthwhile. Staff members can become discouraged and close off if they consistently leave meetings empty handed, especially for issues that are causing them concern. Even when a manager cant intervene directly or move things forward, he or she can help by brainstorming different options, offering suggestions or looking for other resources employees could access. Following Up Following up on whats been discussed is important for showing care and interest. It could be an occasional update or printout of a relevant article, but follow-ups will always have a more positive impact if offered unsolicited i.e. without having to be chased or reminded. Tip: Responding to someones problem or complaint with a phone call rather than by letter or e-mail sends an even stronger message that you are taking the matter seriously. As with so many things, good communication between management and staff depends as much on quality as quantity. Like the bodys circulation, a company needs its arteries to be clear, open, and able to carry nutrients to where theyre needed. Here are some more important keys to an effective communication between the management and employees. 1. Clarity Both parties must be clear about the directions given and received, the goals to be achieved and how these goals align with what the employee wants. 2. Active Listening Active Listening is about 100% focus on what the other person is saying, rephrasing what they have just said and make them feel that they are heard. 3. Patience Some employees comprehend information in different ways. These can be visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Either you have to be listening for these clues as well or you have to be patient in explaining them what you want to get across to them.

4. Empowerment & Coaching The one effective tool management can use is to empower and coach their employees to a higher performance. This requires a focus on the employee and what the employee wants to achieve and how that relates to what the company wants. 5. Suspension of Preconceived Notions As a manager that wants to get a point across to an employee, you must quiet your preconceived notions and limiting beliefs about that employee. Treat them as you would a precious being which is what they are. Treated well, they can be a diamond in the rough. Treated badly, they can be a cancer to the company's success. 6. Honesty On both sides, honesty is crucial in an effective communication to be on the same wavelength and to talk on the same premise. 7. Extra Mile Both sides must go the extra mile to empower the other person to give the most they can. 8. Acknowledgement Acknowledging of what is going well is a great way to open the conversation in the right tone and with the right attitude that empowers the individual. 9. Awareness of Body Language Knowing what the other person says with their body can help to understand the real message portrayed and the correct steps that can be taken. How can you measure effective communication between management and employees? Management can measure the effectiveness of their communication with their employees by observing their attitude toward them, to work and their colleagues as well as their customers. The relationship with employee can change for life if your actions say "trust me" and the employee believes them. Effective communication and a focus on leadership management and leadership performance are crucial for management in creating a stable relationship with their employees. In the workplace all members of an organization benefit when there is strong communication between management and employees. If there is a lack of solid communication in the company, sometimes the problem is a small one and can be easily corrected. Other times it is a larger issue and takes a bit more work. Whether the communicative problem is large or minor, here are some basic principles and/or corrective actions that can be taken by managers to improve

communication with their employees: One good way to develop good communication between yourself and staff is to create and maintain an open door policy. As a part of this initiative, be open to welcoming thoughts, comments, ideas, and yes, complaints. Employees that are encouraged to share their thoughts feel more confident in opening up. This is beneficial on many levels because not only does it resolve any potential conflict that may be looming, often innovative ideas are born through sharing and exchange of ideas. Managers that firmly entrench themselves behind closed doors tend to alienate their staff. As a result employees are not usually comfortable opening up to their bosses. This can be problematic, especially if issues arise because they may not be addressed. An open door policy that welcomes communication can eliminate most of these kinds of issues. Leaders that consider themselves a part of the team and not just as someone who looks over the team grow stronger relationships with their employees. Managers which take an active role in daily activities and maintain an enthusiastic interest in what goes on in the workplace are more inclined to have employees who can relate to them. Bosses who position themselves as a part of the team and not some aloof authoritative figure are likely to generate a positive response when it comes to communication. Organizational studies suggest managers who put less emphasis on hierarchy and more on a horizontal level have stronger communication. Routine staff meetings that encourage open dialogue and sharing of information and ideas are another good approach to encouraging better communication. In this kind of environment, everyone is allowed to have a voice and platform to speak up. In this kind of workplace, more open. Routine staff meetings that encourage open dialogue and sharing of information and ideas are another good approach to encouraging better communication. In this kind of environment, everyone is allowed to have a voice and platform to speak up. In this kind of workplace, more open communication tends to take place. A motivating environment that welcomes discussion, open conversation and exchanging of ideas is a great way to encourage better communication with employees. An atmosphere that stimulates interest, energy, and enthusiasm is likely to have good exchanges which are both productive and profitable. Good communication between management and employees is vital. When the ability to express and share thoughts is encouraged, this tends to eliminate many of the problems that can arise in the workplace.

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