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Puer (Boy) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Active Passive Active

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Fire Stands for everything little boys stand for, adventure, activity, high energy and an enthusiasm for everything. Favorable for anything involving action, taking risks and starting things; unfavorable for all other questions.

Amissio (Loss) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Passive Active Passive

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Fire Represents the activity (fire) of the inner turmoil (water) that is created when the loss of interactions and relationships occur (air) or the loss of stable material basis (earth). Favorable in questions in love (thinking loosing the heart in love or ones virginity) and unfavorable for all other questions, especially if you are looking to gain anything.

Albus (White) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Passive Active Passive

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Water With Water as the ruling element, this figure is all about the inner explorations and our inner selves ability to be receptive to things. Given that the figure is stable and the other elements are passive, this brings a clarity and peacefulness to this figure. Favorable in all questions except those involving passion or violence.

Populus (Crowd) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Passive Passive Passive

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Water Water rules this element however, all the elements are passive, even water. This indicates that the figure, especially given its stable quality is extremely passive. Therefore, it is unfavorable in taking any positive action and favorable for going along with what is already in motion. Think of this figure, by itself, as a crowd lacking purpose. Fortuna Major (Greater Fortune) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Passive Active Active

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Earth The activeness of Earth as the ruling element, lends a stable quality to this figure. Because Earth represents all material gains and fortunes, this element represents victory. Coupled with the active inner guide of Water, it also represents great strength. Picture this figure as a mighty tree, where Earth and Water are firmly grounded to uphold the heavier needs of Fire and Air. This is nearly always a favorable outcome though, just like even mighty trees experience uncertainty in their early lives, so might the situation have an unstable beginning. Conjunctio (Meeting) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Active Active Passive

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Air Air rules this element lending its mobile quality to the figure. Because Air rules interactions and Water is the element of receptivity, this figure represents a combining and interaction of things. Favorable for meetings and making contacts with mixed results.

Puella (Girl) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Passive Active Active

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Water Opposite of Puel (Boy), you can visualize this figure as a head at the top with two breast on the second line and the rest of the girl below. Water is often associated with the feminine given that we put forth water when we bring forth new life. Women, often being muses and in some myths the creatrix of the universe, this symbol stands for beauty and creativity. Despite its stable quality , Fire and Air are active, two very destructive forces once combined. Therefore, Puella is favorable in nearly all instances; however, the situation will be unstable and subject to change. Rubeus (Red) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Active Passive Passive

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Air Rubeus (Red) Passion in all its form is represented by this figure. So whether it is the sexual passion or the passion that drives violence, Rubeus rules it all. This makes sense because Rubeus is ruled by Air and Air is the only active element. Given that , I visualize the mobility of air blowing through the stability created by the passivity of Fire, Water and Earth. Acquisitio (Gain) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Active Passive Active

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Air Just as gain tends to be stable, meaning you typically gain something and keep it even if it is in your memory, the gain is there. Therefore, Acquisitio is also stable. Ruled again by an active Air, Earth lends its stability to the figure, allowing a multi branched tree to spring from the root of Earth. Therefore the relationship between the interaction of Air and Earth results in gain. Acquisitio rules profit and acquisition and is favorable for all questions unless you desire to lose something.

Carcer (Prison) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Passive Passive Active

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Earth It is easy to visualize the bars on either side of this figure in the center. Again Earth provides this figures stability. However, with activity on top and bottom, the movement or air and water is trapped causing the prison of Carcer. Therefore, restriction, limitation and binding rule Carcer. It is only favorable in question of stability and limitation.

Tristitia (Sorrow)
Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Passive Passive Active

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Earth Tristitias sorrow is created by the fact that only the manifestation of physical things is the only active element in this figure. With the energy, interaction and inner knowledge of Fire, Air and Water being passive, the only thing left is the physical things. Therefore, there is a downward journey toward unhappiness. However, it is favorable in divination in questions about land, secrets, the earth and underground passages (physically underground). It is unfavorable for everything else. Laetitia (Joy) Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Passive Passive Passive

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Fire Laetitias joy comes from the same joy a person on a long journey in the dark finds when they come across the candle. You can see the single flame sitting atop this figure. The mobility of this figure is created by the flickering fire above, exposing it to the universal energy and movement. Just as light reveals the darks secrets, so are secrets revealed by Laetitias single flame. Rejoice when Laetitia appears as it is favorable in all question unless you are trying to keep secrets.

Cauda Draconis (Dragons Tail)

Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Active Active Passive

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Fire This figure is easily visualized as the back end of a dragon. With it haunches sitting on earth and its tail going out behind it. Just as tails move back and forth in agitation so is this figure mobile. As you might guess, we see the dragon disappearing so this figure rules endings and departures. This figure is unfavorable in most questions and only favorable when you wish to bring something to an end or say fair well to something.

Caput Draconis (Dragons Head)

Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Passive Active Active Active

Quality: Stable Ruling Element: Earth Being grounded in the Earth and Water brings this figure stability. As the tail indicates all things leaving and ending, the head will naturally signify beginnings and entering. You see the dragons head pushing up from its stable body to emerge in Fire. An extremely favorable figure especially when things begin or something is to be gained.

Fortuna Minor (Lesser Fortune)

Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Active Passive Passive

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Fire With the activity of Air and Fire, this figure is mobile and favors the swiftness you can visualize as the top of the figure waves in the energy of the universe. If you wish however to build things that last only Earth and Water can develop those for you. With Fire and Air, change will be swift and then may change just as swiftly again. This figure is favorable for all things needed to change or be done quickly. It is unfavorable for anything that needs to last.

Via (Road)
Fire: Air: Water: Earth: Active Active Active Active

Quality: Mobile Ruling Element: Water Of course this figure is favorable for voyages and journeys; however, like great adventures, for other things Via represents both favorable and unfavorable things. The mobility comes from all the elements being exposed to the energy of the universe.

References The Geomancer's Handbook by John Michael Greer The Geomantic Campus Yahoo Group Geomancy Workshop, PantheaCon 2008 Personal Practice and Experience

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