Barier and in Communication For 11th Batch

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Barriers to Effective Communication

Communication is a two way process. Barriers are the hurdles or difficulties that come in the way of Effective Communication.

There is no perfect communication free of all barriers.

Barriers to Communication

Caution has to be exercised as barriers to communication are either consciously or unconsciously erected either by the receiver or the sender

These hamper the growth of communication and relegate it to the status of a conversation where feedback is not expected.

Badly Expressed Message

(Loss of impact)

Improper formulation and presentation of message can have negative impact on the receiver Lack of comprehension leads to misunderstanding

Loss of transmission
(Ineffective grasp of message)

Ineffective transmission channels While speaking on telephone an important message to be delivered there is disturbance in the line which would deprive the message of the communication impact.

Poor Retention
(Dichotomy in reception and comprehension)

Inability to retain by the receiver causes confusion and can lead to misunderstanding. If ideas are contrary to his expectations they create a sense of uncertainty in the mind of receiver.

Inattentive Listening
(Partial grasp of topic)

Partial or marginal listening can distort the intent of the message. Listening is a process which demands full attention to be paid to spoken word. Any kind of noise can make the receiver lose out on an important aspect of the spoken material.

Tendency to Evaluate
(Distancing from the speaker)

Evaluating the spoken content Part of the concentration is lost in weighing the pros and cons of the spoken material. The listener should have total concentration and the listening skills should be honed, if the listener is desirous of making a mark in the effective communication process.

Interest and Attitudes

(Lack of interest)

If conflicting interests and attitudes of the receiver clash with those of the sender, problem arise. Transmission and reception are contingent upon the mental frame of the sender and receiver.

Conflicting Information
(Mental turbulence)

Receiver has already some information on which he expects to build up an area after his communication with the speaker, if the two information does not match and are diametrically opposite the receiver is left pondering over the reliability and validity of the original and current piece of information.

Semantic Problem

Misunderstanding due to semantics Spoken language should be easily comprehensible to the receiver. Simple language and minimal use of long or convoluted sentences. Brevity and Simplicity are the strategies which should be adhered.

Over Communication
(Groping for the right message )

The quantum of the material should be just right Excess can lead to information load. The delivery of the spoken material should precise .

Differing status, position and self experience

(Superior attitude)

This may lead to discrepancies in the understandings of the message . There arises a mismatch in the transmission and acceptance of ideas and concepts floated.

(Biased Listening)

Interacting with a bias Having thoughts like I know more than is required or Whatever the speaker is saying is redundant

I Attitude
(Lack of collaborative effort )

If I attitude is to be changed to you or we attitude, issues are relatively simplified.

The impression conveyed is that the speaker is not leading the interaction or speaking from a higher pedestal.

Resistance to Change
(Mental Block)

Change is a process of life and one has to accept change. One needs to change or reinforce the existing ideas in communication which is an ongoing activity. Being resistant to issues which are contrary to already existing ideas hampers the process of communication.

Refutations and Arguments

(Lack of provision of correct feedback)

Gearing oneself for refutation and arguments merely to score victory over the speaker can divert the concentration of the receiver.
Cost of miscommunication is high in terms of efficiency, time and money. It could lead to indiscipline, misunderstanding, hostility and distortion of relationships.


Mr. & Mrs. Sharma

..went to a shop to buy a shirt for himself

Mr. Sharma selected the shirt but didn't read the price on the price tag...

Sir, Rs 950

How much for this shirt?

Mean while, Mrs. Sharma, who was still shopping came back and joined her husband.

There is 25% discount Yes!

..Mr. Sharma was thrilled to hear that. He decided to buy one more shirt. He returned with new black shirt and asked to pack them.

Itll cost me Rs 645. Why not buy 2 shirts.

When he received the cash memo for payment, he was surprised to find that he had to pay Rs.1900 and not Rs.1290.

Rs 1900, Sir

.Counter person had quoted the discounted of price that is Rs. 950. The original price printed on the price tag was Rs.1225.


Identify the sources of Mr. Sharmas information? Who is to be blameed for that communication gap? Why?
What should have been done to avoid that misunderstanding? By whom?

Identify the sources of Mr. Sharmas information??

Price tag Lady shopkeeper Counter person His wife

Who is to be blamed for that communication gap? Why?

The Lady shopkeeper who was with Mr.Sharma when he was selecting the shirt. When he asked the price of the shirt at that time the shopkeeper should have told him about the discount and the original price.

What should have been done to avoid that misunderstanding? By whom?


A Case of Misunderstood Message

Indane biscuits factory employs labour on a daily basis. The management does not follow statutory regulations and are able to get away with violations by keeping the inspectors in good books. Factory has designated a room to which employees are called either to hire or to fire. Indane biscuits decided to celebrate National Safety Day. Cont..

The Personnel Manager sent a memo requesting all supervisors to be present in the room meant for hiring and firing. Supervisors got panicky thinking that now it was their turn to get fired. Everybody struck work and the factory came to a grinding halt When the Personnel Manager came to know of it, he went and tried to convince the supervisors about the purpose of inviting them.


He also told them the reason why that particular room was chosen. He had selected that room because no other room was available. Nobody was in mood to listen. The Managing Director also could not convince workers.

The matter was referred to the labour department. The enquiry resulted in all irregularities of the factory getting exposed and imposition of heavy penalties. The Personnel manager was sacked.


In the case of Indane Biscuits, bring out the importance of context and credibility in communication.

List out the direct and indirect causes for the escalation of tension at the Indane Biscuits.
If you were the Personnel Manager what would you do?

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