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Peer Assessment

Student Name


Class ______________

Making a Glogster Poster

Level ____

List of criteria for evaluating performance to be identified by the teacher


Record performance by ticking ( )

the appropriate box.


1. Embedded a campaign video to their

glogster poster that
included a good slogan, well
researched information and
effective images.
2. Embedded their own photographs
and drawings that showed children's
rights issues both at in Ireland and

3. Created an Glogster that was
appealing to the eye and showed
creativity in supporting Children's

E = Excellent G = Good A = Satisfactory

F= Fair

NI =Needs Improvement

One thing that you did very well was_________________________

One thing that we would suggest that you work on to improve the

Student Assessors
1. ______________________ 2. ______________________

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