Story Synopsis

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Story Synopsis!

Two characters, females, named Gaby and Louise are in a very secretive and intense relationship. Louise and Gabys relationship has only been going on for about 8 month and no one knows that they are lesbians. As they have gone so long without telling anyone they are planning to let people know soon. Grace, Louises sister finds out that she is going out with Gaby and does not like it. She sends Louise a message telling her to break up with Gaby or she will break the two up herself. Louise refutes but Gaby says that they should tell her sister they have broken up just to make sure that Louise does not get hurt. Therefore, Louise makes up a story as to why they broke up and Grace believes her and carries on as normal. However, couple days after Graces best friends sees Gaby and Louise together at the park holding hands. Her best friend goes and tells Grace, so she storms into Louises room to get things straight before she makes any drastic moves. Louise tells her that she loves Gaby and there is no way that she will break up with her. Grace storms out the house in hunt for Gaby. Louise calls Gaby in tears and tells her whats just happened. Gaby, in a rush, walks out her house and towards Louises in hope to see Grace on her way. Grace spots Gaby and without thinking twice chares towards her, and Gabys first reaction was to run away. As Gaby was being chased down the road, she doesnt know what shes doing, shes in pure fright. BANG......

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