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Journal Assignment I think Panem came to be mostly because of natural disasters.

It would make sense because of all the different changes in weather going on right now in the United States. I mean last year we had a flood in our area. Many other areas have had hardships as well because of the weather such as droughts and damage from hurricanes. I guess the crazy weather could have caused all these problems for humans and everyone could have went crazy just like the weather. The economy is already bad so the weather would have just made it worse. The government probably didnt know what to do so all the people who were a like came together into different districts. The people with lots of money were together and then the poor people came together and then all the other people filled out the spots in between. My ideas can be supported by information in the first couple of chapters. For example, the text says He tells of the history of Panem, the country that rose up out of the ashes of a place that was once called North America. He lists the disasters, the droughts, the storms, the fires, the encroaching seas that swallowed up so much of the land. From this quote I began to think about the weather and how everyone says the world is going to end this year. I was thinking that all these problems with nature could be the cause of why the world will end. I mean the text does say that Panem came up out of the ashes of the old North America so maybe we were almost gone forever but then the people who survived came together like I said and formed the districts.

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