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Comment [HI1]: I really like the picture I chose for Foxface.

I think it really represents her and the qualities she has. I think this would be very eye catching for sponsors and make them want to sponsor Foxface. Comment [HI2R1]: I love how the picture displays Foxface's connection with being a fox. Her appearance and qualities match those of a fox as well. The picture and the words are all connected which all represent who Foxface is as a character.

Comment [HI3]: All of the qualities I chose for Foxface start with F like her name and represent the type of competitor she is. I used an alliteration for my rhetorical device which works well with my theme. The sponsors will be more likely to remember her qualities because they all start with F like her name.

Comment [HI4]: I think I did a good job of explaining who Foxface is and the type of character she is. I tried to separate her from the other characters in the novel and show her character development.

Comment [HI5]: If I had to do this assignment over, I would definitely put more detail into my paper. I think I did a great job with choosing a picture and a rhetorical device but the paper needs more. I explained a little bit of what Foxface is like as a human in the Hunger Games but I could have added more.

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