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DEMOCRACY AND DIFFERENCE CONTESTING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE POLITICAL Edited by Seyla Benhabib somite a Ania cred aha of Comes alg nab Dae ipl ated by ea ea SS gt ern tne ‘vasowr Gh ake 1 Sclerman bem ‘tek en oped ey Contents, tnuoducion ‘The Democratic Moment and ihe ible of erence Sola Benak ART ONE. DEMOCRATIC THEORY, FOUNDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES ‘he Normative Mael of Democrcy ‘in Habermas wo Fogsive Democracy ‘Sele § We Tree ‘ing FowePighang Power: The Poy “ov Madge Four Toward Detberatie Model of Democrat Legacy Soa Beha Prcedure and Substance in Delhersive Democricy “shat Chen Six {Commricaton and he Oxer: Beyond Deliberative Democracy Ire Moe Yung PART TWO. EQUALITY, DIFFERENCE, AND FUBLIC REPRESENTATION Seven Desing wth Dlerence A Pls of eso Polis of Presence? “ne Pili Eig ‘Tine Forms of Group Dilereninted Cheap Canad "Wil Kc » ” 98 a be rer and Democracy: Representing Dilerences ‘cat © Gea ten Democracy, Deer, nd the Right of Peay sean Cohen leven ‘Gener Eau andthe Wee State: A Postnatal Thought Experiment Nang Poser PART THREE, CULTURE, IDENTITY, AND DEMOCRACY “wel Democacy, ower, and he Poul” ‘anal Mose Thirteen Direc, iemmay, ad the Flic of Home oes Howe, Fourteen Democracy and Muldcuurisn "rd Dalmay een ‘The Palomance of Cisrsip: Democracy, Gendt, nd Deen Inthe French Reahon, oa Bands sistem Peripheral Peoples nd Nerative ees: Arendian Reflection on bate Modernty Ga A Foren PART FOUR. DOES DEMOCRACY NEED FOUNDATIONS? Sevemeen ‘Gestation, Foundation, nd Sc Pate ‘ard ery ighteen Democrat Theory nd Democrat Experience aber & Deb m 187 as ast 28 os 38 Demon Pionophy and station ‘ny man Foundational snd Democracy ‘enjoin Barer sof Comtbtors Indes “0 5

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