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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan July 2004

Old Town Historical Society: preserving Old Towns history and culture to inspire people today and tomorrow. This new mission statement, approved by the membership of the Old Town Historical Society at the 2004 annual meeting, captures the strategic intent of this long range plan. The Old Town Historical Society documents and preserves the stories of this community for a clear purpose: the education and inspiration of residents today and in the future. That education takes many forms in 2004 exhibitions, programs, tours, and publications and the form and content will likely change over time, but the core purpose will remain. This plan details how the Society will fulfill this mission over the next five years, a period that includes both the 350th celebration of the towns founding and the Societys own 75th anniversary.

Old Town Historical Society is a membership-supported organization in a most historic town. The Society owns two historic houses: the General James Jones House and the Adams-Arnold House; and manages three properties owned by the town: the Old Town Museum and visitor center at the.Conant Cultural Center (the Conant), the Barn Museum, and the Old Academy Building. The Old Academy is used for the Societys offices and library. Museum collections are stored at the Conant Memorial, which also has public meeting rooms. It also hosts a variety of cultural programs for the greater community. Sharing Our Stories is a permanent exhibition on Old Towns history at the museum in the Conant Memorial Cultural Center. Temporary exhibitions from the Societys collections, traveling exhibitions with a local connection, and exhibitions generated by the community complete the museums exhibition schedule. Old Town Historical Society has an active educational program including evening and weekend lectures and concerts for adults, in-school and on-site programs for elementary school groups, walking tours, tours of the historic properties, and special events. In 2004, new programs for families and children extend the Societys public service. The Societys collections include more than 6,500 objects, primarily from the 19th century, on exhibition in the historic houses, museum, or in storage. The library includes 100 linear feet of manuscripts, more than 1000 photographs and approximately 1000 books on history and genealogy. There are more than 1,000 members, who support the Society financially with their dues and annual fund contributions, as well as contributing time and expertise as volunteers. A full calendar of fundraising events (house tour, antiques show, craft show, wine tasting) run by volunteers brings new supporters to the Society. Grants from public and private foundations and trusts provide critical support for special projects.

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Old Town Historical Society in 2004: Potential and Challenges

This plan captures Old Town Historical Society at a critical moment in its history. A new director and invigorated Governing Board stand ready to move forward with projects and ideas. However, the Society also faces significant challenges. The small staff is talented and hardworking; with the exception of the director, all have been in their positions for many years. The Society is blessed with many generous volunteers, but two of the most stalwart retired or reduced their participation due to seniority in 2004. Replacing them and renewing the volunteer corps as a whole will be a challenge. The budget has remained steady, based on reliable sources of revenue, but it is inadequate. Capital expenses have been delayed for too long and several major capital projects are on the horizon. The membership is extraordinarily loyal; 41% of respondents to a recent survey have been members for more than 10 years. But increasing the membership and reaching younger residents has proved difficult. The Town, which is the Societys most important partner, is facing its own economic challenges, with a stagnant tax base and rising costs. The community is a modest suburb, with limited capacity for either private or corporate philanthropy. Assessments by peer professionals through the Conservation Assessment and Accreditation programs of the American Association of Museums have helped Old Town Historical Society identify its most critical professional challenges. The staff has addressed many of these issues through their regular work plans; more significant projects have been included in this plan.

Goals for 2005 to 2009

The plan includes seven goals: three programmatic, two external and two administrative. Program Goals

Goal One

Provide engaging and interactive ways for adults and children to learn about Old Towns history

Goal Two

Tell the stories of the entire community and be more reflective of the diversity of Old Town today

Goal Three

Address the preservation, conservation and program needs of our buildings and collections, fulfilling our obligations as fiduciaries of these assets External Goals

Goal Four Goal Five

Clarify and enhance the identity and image of Old Town Historical Society Enhance and communicate the value of Old Town Historical Societys public service to the town of Old Town Administrative Goals

Goal Six

Insure we have the financial resources to do our work

Goal Seven

Insure we have the people we need to do our work

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Priorities for 2005 to 2009

The objectives for these seven goals assume that the current portfolio of properties and the programs and activities that take place at those properties will remain unchanged. It projects what responsible, active management of five facilities open to the public will require in terms of staff, volunteers, and funds. It is an ambitious agenda. However, the planning committee concurs with the assessment of peer reviewers, the planning consultant, and several members and residents that the current resources of the Society are not adequate to this stewardship obligation. Therefore, the first objective under the third goal is to assess use of all Society properties and either commit resources for better utilization or investigate alternative uses. Over the next 12 months, the Societys governing board and staff, with outside expertise, will look at the cost of each of these properties and their current or potential utilization. They will look at all of the legal documentation and other representations and expressions of intent and recommend changes. If this were a simple exercise, the planning committee would have just completed it as part of their work. But it is not simple and it will require time, expertise, and both quantitative and qualitative assessments. This plan will, therefore, need to be revised once this assessment is completed. Activities projected for particular properties may need to be relocated or simply become irrelevant. Space will likely be reallocated, perhaps changing what the Society can do. Although several items are rated as high in the plan, the planning committee has identified three additional highest priority objectives for the coming year: preparing a comprehensive development plan, raising funds for special projects, and adding needed skills to the Governing Board.

The Planning Process

The long range planning committee of the Old Town Historical Society began work on this plan in January 2004. The committee, which included members of the Governing Board, members of the Society, and senior staff, completed the following research to inform planning: Held a series of meetings to review the operations of the Society, with invited guests from the staff, board and committees providing information and insights Interviewed 25 community leaders to gather their impressions and suggestions for the future of the Historical Society Surveyed the membership and reviewed completed surveys from 139 members (about 14%) Held two meetings with volunteers, long time members and other loyal supporters Reviewed statistical data about finances, attendance and membership over recent years Reviewed AAM accreditation and CAP report Met with the full Governing Board and Advisory Board to review the Societys mission, strengths and opportunities Reported progress to the Governing Board at regular meetings and to the membership at the Annual Meeting. Throughout this planning process, the committee has been assisted by Roberta Roberts, principal, Roberts Consulting of Boston, Massachusetts. Planning has been generously supported by the Foundation for Public Giving.

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Program Goals and Objectives Goal One Provide engaging and interactive ways for adults and children to learn about Old Towns history
We need to captivate visitors of all ages to the Old Town Museum and historic properties, using new approaches as well as those proven to be effective in the past. Cost (Estimated) and Source

Year Objective One Building on Old Town Historical Society s experience of interactive exhibitions and programs, develop a plan for more participatory activities in exhibits and the historic houses for visitors of all ages. 1.1.1 Pilot hands on history activities for young visitors (hi) 1.1.2 Raise funds for and develop interactive history center at Old Town Museum (hi) 1.1.3 Pilot and evaluate participatory activities for the historic properties (high) 1.1.4 Raise funds for and develop hands on activities in Adams-Arnold House (high) 1.1.5 Raise funds for and develop hands on activities in General James Jones House (mid) 1.1.6 Raise funds for and develop hands on activities for Barn Museum (mid-low)


2004 2005-2006

funded $40-60 k Conant Trust funds existing resources $10-20 k $10-20 k $1-2 k

Dir, Asst Dir Dir, Asst Dir, Ed Coord; Educ, Devel, Museum Comms Dir, Asst Dir Dir, Asst Dir, Ed Coord Dir, Asst Dir, Ed Coord Dir, Asst Dir, Ed Coord

2005 2006 2007 2008

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Year Objective Two Revise the educational program for schools, in consultation with teachers, to overcome barriers of time and expense, insuring that programs meet current curriculum needs and standards. 1.2.1 With school personnel, evaluate the current educational programs (inc. Family History Day), revise or eliminate programs so that all meet new curriculum standards and guidelines (high) 1.2.2 With school personnel, assess budgets for field trips v. in-school presentations and adapt education program appropriately (mid) 1.2.3 With school personnel, develop in-service training for teachers (mid) Objective Three Refine and expand current programs for adults 1.3.1 Work with Old Town adult education and other partners to develop courses and/or programs about local history and culture (mid) 1.3.2 Plan programming for 75th anniversary of Old Town Historical Society (mid) 1.3.3 Implement 75th anniversary programs (mid)

Cost (Estimated) and Source



$20 k for new staff (half time Education Coordinator) $5-10 k

Ed Coord, teachers, docents


Ed Coord, teachers, docents Ed Coord


$1-2 k


Program fees

Dir, Asst Dir, volunteers Dir, Asst Dir, volunteers Dir, Asst Dir, volunteers

2006 2007

tbd tbd

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Year Objective Four Develop ways to make visiting the historic houses in Old Town easier and more appealing, cooperating with other town museums and Tourism Commission 1.4.1 Pilot and evaluate Kitchen Tour program (high) 1.4.2 Based on evaluation, consider other group tour options (mid) 1.4.3 Assess feasibility of other joint efforts including cooperative ticketing, cross training staff, etc. (mid) 1.4.4 Implement other joint efforts (mid) Objective Five Develop opportunities to reach children after school and on vacations. 1.5.1 Pilot and evaluate summer programs including the expanded Conant Cultural Series (high) 1.5.2 If successful, expand summer program (mid) 1.5.3 Pilot and evaluate after school program (mid) 1.5.4 If successful, expand after school program (mid)

Cost (Estimated) and Source


2004 2005 2006 2007-2008

Tourism grant, Program fees Program fees Tourism grant Program fees

Dir, Asst Dir, WDS staff Asst Dir, WDS staff Asst Dir, Ed Coord, WDS staff

2004 2005 and ongoing 2008 2009 and ongoing

funded $10-15 k Conant Trust, program fees tbd $10-15 k Conant Trust, program fees

Dir, Asst Dir; Educ Comm Ed Coord Ed Coord Ed Coord

Objective Six 2006 1.6.1 Develop educational and historical content on Old Town history for the website (mid)

Ed Coord, Asst Dir

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Goal Two Tell the stories of the entire community and be more reflective of the diversity of Old Town today
Old Town Historical Society is generally associated with Old Old Town and the early history of the town. We need to expand our collections and programming to include other neighborhoods, more recent history, and the experience of all residents. Cost (Estimated) and Source

Year Objective One Insure that exhibitions and programs include more recent history and the history of neighborhoods beyond Old Old Town and of more recent arrivals in town 2.1.2 Create smaller Curators Corner exhibits with selected thematic materials (mid) 2.1.3 Develop Old Town Historical Society 75th anniversary exhibit that covers the present as well as past (high) 2.1.4 Create exhibits in Conant Cultural Center Gallery and other spaces with materials from the collection and community exhibits (mid) 2.1.5 Revise the permanent exhibition on Old Town history for the 350th anniversary of the town in 2009, bringing the story up to the recent past (high) Objective Two 2.2.1 Recruit members, volunteers, committee members, and board members who represent the diversity of Old Towns residents (high) Objective Three 2.3.1 With the support of the Town of Old Town, develop a film or video (or other media) introduction to the town, documenting Old Town in the past and present, to be used in the visitors center, website, etc. (high)


2005 2007 2007 and ongoing

Existing resources $25-50 k grants tbd $1-2 k

Asst Dir Dir, Asst Dir Asst Dir


$100-200 k All staff; grants, donations Museum Comm, community groups Board, Dir; Memb Comm, Office Mngr

2004 and ongoing


$20-50 k grants tbd

Dir, Asst Dir, Ed Coord, filmmaker

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Goal Three Address the preservation, conservation and program needs of our buildings and collections, fulfilling our obligations as fiduciaries of these assets
Our valuable buildings and collections are the core of Old Town Historical Society and must be maintained to high professional standards. Critical maintenance and care cannot be deferred any longer. Cost (Estimated) and Source

Year Objective One Assess use of all Society properties and either commit resources for better utilization or investigate alternative uses 3.1.1 Complete a cost/benefit analysis 2004 of utilization of all properties (high) 3.1.2 Review documentation and 2005 verbal understandings about Old Town Historical Society s use and care of town-owned buildings and clarify, renegotiate or reaffirm mutual commitments (high) Objective Two Develop and fund capital improvement plan, addressing deferred maintenance. 3.2.1 Fundraise for and complete repairs to Adams-Arnold House (high) 3.2.2 Fundraise for and complete repairs to General Jones House (mid)


$3,000 HFFG grant Legal fees tbd

Dir; Plan Comm Dir, Pres, Town Mngr, lawyer

2004-2007 2007-2009

3.2.3 Complete assessments of 2005-2006 building, landscape, systems and technology needs of all buildings (high) 3.2.4 Establish routine maintenance 2005 schedule for properties and conduct annual maintenance in coordination with Town staff (high)

$300-500 k Dir, Board; donations, grants Devel and B&G Comms $200-300 k Dir, Board; donations, grants Devel and B&G Comms B&G and Technology Comms Old Town Historical Society and Town maintenance staff

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

3.2.5 Expand maintenance schedule to include cyclical property care (high)


$25 k for increased staff time (current position becomes full time Facilities Manager)

Fac Mngr

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Year Objective Three Upgrade collections management and care to protect Old Town Historical Society assets and meet professional standards 3.3.1 Institute climate monitoring program (high) 3.3.2 Eliminate cataloguing backlog and make collections more accessible to researchers(mid) 3.3.3 Complete disaster plan (mid) 3.3.4 Install light control measures in Old Town Museum (mid) 3.3.5 Institute housekeeping program (mid) 3.3.6 Reorganize storage (mid) 3.3.7 Begin rotating house collections (hi) 3.3.8 Develop new storage plan including new storage facility (mid) Objective Four Complete series of renovations to Old Town Museum to accommodate new programming 3.4.1 Convert Conant classroom to interactive history gallery (hi) 3.4.2 Develop and implement new space plan for the main floor including dedicated theater for introductory film, enlarged gift shop, more efficient and welcoming reception desk and improved visitor flow. (high)

Cost (Estimated) and Source


2004 2005-2006 $10-20 k for increased staff (curatorial assistant or interns)

Asst Dir Asst Dir, Cur Asst or Intern

2005 2005 2005 and ongoing 2005 2005 and ongoing 2008-2009 $15-50 k

Asst Dir, Cur Asst or Intern Asst Dir Asst Dir, Cur Asst or Intern Asst Dir, Cur Asst or Intern Asst Dir, Cur Asst or Intern Asst Dir, consultants

2006 2006-2007

In Goal One $5-15 k

Dir, Asst Dir, Ed Coord Dir, Fac Mngr, consultants

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

External Goals and Objectives Goal Four Clarify and enhance the identity and image of the Old Town Historical Society.
The complexity and diversity of Old Town Historical Society has made it difficult to communicate exactly who we are and what we do. Cost (Estimated) and Source

Year Objective One Strengthen the Old Town Historical Society brand, its visual identity, language to identify buildings and programs, and main marketing message, and use it consistently on publications, signs, press releases, etc. 4.1.1 Develop marketing plan, including decisions on logo, messages, etc. (high) 4.1.2 Improve signage at all Old Town Historical Society sites (high) 4.1.3 Increase free publicity such as Cable Access TV, contacts with feature writers, etc. (mid) 4.1.4 Implement marketing plan (high)


2005 2005 2005 and ongoing 2006 and ongoing

$5 k $10-15 k

Pro bono consultant Dir, contractors Dir, Office Mngr, Mkt/Dev Coord Mkt/Dev Coord, Office Mngr

$20 k for new staff (part time marketing and development coordinator) $1 k, software, training

Objective Two 4.2.1 Upgrade society web site and ensure links, content and appearance promote society mission and goals (mid) Objective Three 4.3.1 Consider ways of collaborating with neighboring communities and organizations to reach a regional audience (lo)

2005 and ongoing

Dir, Asst Dir, Mkt/Dev Coord



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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Goal Five Enhance and communicate the value of Old Town Historical Society s public service to the town of Old Town
In addition to preserving and interpreting four buildings owned by the town, Old Town Historical Society supports educational programming in the schools, efforts to attract and serve visitors, and people researching town history. We will continue to advance the preservation and sharing of this historically important communitys assets. Cost (Estimated) and Source

Year Objective One Regularly communicate with the Town Council Old Town Historical Society s programs and services, using both the Council liaison and presentations by staff and board members 5.1.1 Make semi-annual presentation to 2004 and ongoing Town Council (high) 5.1.2 Host annual reception for 2004 and ongoing Council and Board of Education (mid) Objective Two 5.2.1 Strengthen working relationships with staff in key town departments including Physical Services, Education, Parks and Recreation, Library. (mid) Objective Three 5.3.1 Support efforts to attract and serve visitors to Old Town, including coordination with the Tourism Commission (mid) 2004 and ongoing


Dir, Pres Dir, Board

All staff, Board

2004 and ongoing

Dir, Asst Dir, Office Mngr

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Administrative Goals and Objectives Goal Six Insure we have the financial resources to do our work
We need the financial support of a wider circle of people and institutions. Cost (Estimated) and Source

Year Objective One Upgrade our capacity to raise funds for Old Town Historical Society 6.1.1 Create a coordinated development plan for annual giving, special project, capital and endowment support from individuals, businesses, foundations, and public agencies; include in the plan staff needs, recordkeeping systems, types and frequency of communication, etc. (hi) 6.1.2 Train board, volunteers and staff in soliciting gifts (high) 6.1.3 Conduct targeted fundraising for special projects and initiatives, including capital (high) 6.1.4 Develop a planned giving program (mid) 6.1.5 As other giving grows, reassess the number and kind of fund raising events (mid) Objective Two 6.2.1 Develop multi-year financial plans and budgets, including capital expenditures (high) Objective Three 6.3.1 Expand gift shop at visitors center (mid)



$5 k, grant

Consultant, Dir, Devel Comm

2005 2005 and ongoing 2006 2007 $5 k

Board, Devel Comm Board, Devel Comm, Mkt/Dev Coord Mkt/Dev Coord Devel Comm, Mkt/Dev Coord


Dir, Fin and B&G Comm, Board


$10-20 k

Mkt/Dev Coord, Office Mngr

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Goal Seven Insure we have the people we need to do our work

Our volunteers and members, along with our staff and board, are critical for continued success. Cost (Estimated) and Source Who [all costs are Director, Board noted in the first Personnel objective the Comm new staff would be responsible for; they are repeated here for reference only] Director Part time, $20 k Heritage Adv. grant Part time, based on program fees Part time, $10-15 k Part time, $20 k Full time, $25 k Director Dir, Ed Coord Dir, Asst Dir Director Director

Year Objective One Review staffing requirements and implement phased staffing plan to reflect planning goals

7.1.1 Extend staff capabilities with training, contract staff, pro bono or paid consultants as needed (high) 7.1.2 Hire education program coordinator (high) 7.1.3 Hire program staff as needed (high) 7.1.4 Place curatorial intern annually (hi) 7.1.5 Hire marketing/development coordinator (high) 7.1.6 Convert custodian position to facilities manager (high) Objective Two Improve the skills and capacity of the Governing Board. 7.2.1 Establish and charge governance committee with diversifying the Board and recruiting needed skills (e.g. fundraising, technology, marketing) (high) 7.2.2 Establish and articulate board member expectations and job descriptions (high) 7.2.3 Review and amend board and committee structure to reflect the needs of the organization (mid)

2004 and ongoing 2005 2005 and ongoing 2005 2006 2006


Pres, Gov Comm, Dir

2005 2005

Gov Comm Pres, Gov Comm, Dir

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Old Town Historical Society Long Range Plan

July 2004

Year Objective Three Expand and activate the membership 7.3.1 Develop a membership campaign for pre-retirement adults (mid) 7.3.2 Recruit more members as volunteers, creating assignments that meet the requirements of working adults (mid) 7.3.3 Develop youth volunteer program, working with community organization or schools (lo) 2006 2006

Cost (Estimated) and Source

Who Mkt/Dev Coord Office Mngr


Office Mngr, Ed Coord

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