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Doster 1

Sara Doster Susan Ingram English 1103-036 26 Sept 2012

"ADHD Mythbusters." ADHD Aware. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <>. This website may not be the most helpful, but it does give some of the popular facts and myths that come with ADHD. It will be a little helpful, while not offering much information, it gives me good points to help push my research off of into the right direction.

Re, Anna Maria, Martina Pedron, and Cesare Cornoldi. Expressive Writing Difficulties In Children Described As Exhibiting ADHD Symptoms. Journal Of Learning Disabilities40.3 (2007): 244-255. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 26 Sept. 2012 This article has a lot of information in it. The articles information pertains to how children described as having ADHD exhibit a difficulty in writing expressive stories, papers and other basic skills, such as reading, to themselves and aloud, and arithmetic. Children with ADHD have trouble with organization and even writing a short story. This is a fantastic resource that I feel can help me further my research into the topic of ADHD in children and teens. Having ADHD myself, this topic does hit close to home. Writing papers isnt easy for me, but when I do write them, they have the tendency to be unorganized, jumbled and they dont flow very well. I feel like this source will be one of the most helpful and provide me with the most information.

Re, Anna Maria, Monica Caeran, and Cesare Cornoldi. Improving Expressive Writing Skills of Children Rated for ADHD Symptoms. Journal Of Learning Disabilities40.3 (2008): 535-544. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 26 Sept. 2012 This article describes helpful techniques that aid children with ADHD and children without ADHD to write a better, more organized short story. This article describes how using a writing scheme helped the children to focus on what they were truly writing on. The children wrote a better, more grammatically correct and understandable short story than they did without the writing scheme. I feel this would be a good source when talking about different tricks to help a child with ADHD or a parent with a child that suffers from it become a better, more expressive writer.

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