Question Paper BBA 1ST Year

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-Ist Year ENGLLISH Marks-80 Section-A A)

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Choose the most suitable word in the context :-(Any 5)

Modern science has made_______advance. (incredible ,objective,legitimate,objective) Gautam felt ________when he saw the suffering of the people. (pressed,depressed,moody) he is fond of ________jokes. (boosting,throwing,cracking) I have no _________ against him. (care,grudge,request) Some birds are_________ in nature. (migratory,migrave,mighty) There is no _________ to hardwork. (alternate,attitude,alternative) He is too _________ to walk.(weak, week, wicked)

1) 2) 3)

choose the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idioms. :-(Any 5)

I could not make out anything from his writing (decide, confess, understand) The truth came out by and by. (by mean of, gradually, reveal) he finds faults with everybody. a) do what somebody has done. c) search thoroughly. b) look for mistake.

4) 5)

He backed up his friends claim. His folly has brought about his ruin a) put forward b) caused c)helped


He decided to put an end to the matter. a)begin b)solve c) finish


Many do not get the square meal a day. a)meal in square plates. b) full mal. c) tasty meal.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

Correct the underlined words. :-(Any 5)

I excepted your invitation. She looked lovely in her bridle dress. Small pox is a tenable decease. The man is too week to walk. Her waste is sleader The fair of journey was adjusted. His speech was hardly auditory.

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