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Hanggang saan ang kaya mo?

A research work by

Jamae Dulong, Kim Enverga, Carlo Franco Espinosa, Camille Ignacio and Mary Grace Lacoste


The idea of this project was to come up with a basis on how we can distinguish if a boy and girl is in a relationship and/or in the process of courtship

defined as the act, process, or period of courting
merriam-webster dictionary

teenagers today likes everything in an instant. instant coffee, instant noodles, instant income, and even instant relationships! everything seems to be wanted in a snap of the finger.
while still in courting stage, they do things that only couples should do. with this, we are confused who are the real couples and who are still in the courting stage.

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When we say courtship it is a time in which a couple start to develop a romantic relationship, whether they are suitable for each other or not. We are going to review and present the article by Rhiane Hill Soriano Modern Filipino Dating Culture. We chose this article because we want to take courtship in the perspective of the ordinary Filipino in the modern days.

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According to Soriano, Filipino courtship is a mix of western, eastern and old Filipino ideologies and beliefs, because of westernization the courtship in the Philippines became more liberated and physical forms of courtship has become more liberal, example of this is that long ago it is taboo for girls to court a boy but now it is somewhat accepted.

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Still the guy plays an important role in the Filipino dating. According to Soriano, the guy is the one who treats the woman whenever they are dating, it is expected that the man should act as a gentleman. In Filipino culture the first date is important because it is the date where they know more about each other. The consecutive dates are a confirmation that they want to know more about each other.

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Courtship in the Philippines has changed drastically. It has become more liberated and less sexist. It gave way for people to know more about each other and therefore improved the way people choose their loved ones.
Soriano, R.H. August 27, 2010. Modern Filipino Dating Culture. Retrieved from

To come up with exquisite and accurate results, we have used the survey method which included questionnaires. We conducted it in a limited scope with 60 people, 30 girls and boys all gathered thru random sampling, within the Ateneo de Naga campus.


In Courting Stage which do you prefer? Personal or Impersonal?


Personal Impersonal








29 out of 30 girl respondents preferred to be courted personally. 25 out of 30 boy respondents preferred to court personally.

The results shows that more people still find personal or faceto-face courting more appropriate with 83.33% for boys and 96.67% for girls.

For Boys: At what extent can you show your affection during courting stage?
Putting one's arm over the shoulder of another

Bringing and fetching your partner

Meet the parents Inviting your partner to your home Leaning on your partner's shoulder Number of Boys that does those things Peck on the lips Kiss on the cheek Holding hands while walking Holding Hands Hugging 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Boys that doesn't


Putting ones arm over the shoulder of another Bringing and fetching your partner Meet the parents 3 out of 3o 2.65% (Rank 9) 16 out of 30 14.16% (Rank 2) 16 out of 30 14.16% (Rank 2)

Inviting your partner to your home

Leaning on your partners shoulder Peck on the lips Kiss on the cheek Holding hands while walking Holding hands

8 out of 30 7.08% (Rank 7)

11 out of 30 9.73% (Rank 5) 4 out of 30 3.54% (Rank 8) 10 out of 30 8.85% (Rank 6) 12 out of 30 10.62% (Rank 4) 18 out of 30 15.93% (Rank 1)


15 out of 30 13.27% (Rank 3)

Table 1.1 Showing affection during courting stage

We have totaled the answers of the respondents and have calculated and presented it in their respective percentages.
*The results showed that its normal and okay for boys if they hold hands while walking or just plain hold hands. It is also still normal for a boy to let the girl meet his parents while still in the courting stage. The kiss in the cheeks and peck on the lips ranked at the bottom.

For Girls: At what extent can you show your affection during courting stage?
Putting one's arm over the shoulder of another

Bringing and fetching your partner

Meet the parents Inviting your partner to your home Leaning on your partner's shoulder Number of Boys that does those things Peck on the lips Kiss on the cheek Holding hands while walking Holding Hands Hugging 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Boys that doesn't


Putting ones arm over the shoulder of another Bringing and fetching your partner Meet the parents 9 out of 30 11.69% (Rank 3) 15 out of 30 19.48% (Rank 1) 15 out of 30 19.48% (Rank 1)

Inviting your partner to your home

Leaning on your partners shoulder Peck on the lips Kiss on the cheek Holding hands while walking Holding hands

8 out of 30 10.39% (Rank 4)

11 out of 30 14.29% (Rank 2) 1 out of 30 1.30% (Rank 7) 2 out of 30 2.60% (Rank 6) 1 out of 30 1.30% (Rank 7) 6 out of 30 7.79% (Rank 5)


9 out of 30 11.69% (Rank 3)

Table 1.2 Showing affection during courting stage

* The results showed that bringing and fetching your partner is the best way of courting a girl.

*It also showed that its okay for the girls to meet the parents of the guy or vice versa.

Holding hands ranked at the bottom, so it is not normal for a couple according to most girls to hold hands. Kiss on the cheeks and a peck on the lips ranked at the bottom which means that it is very inappropriate while still on the courting stage.

Courtship in teenagers today is a mix of old and new culture and is therefore undefined. Some people prefer using technology in courting, some dont. Also, with regards to showing their affection, more teenagers still have a preference to sticking with the old ways to protect their values. However, at the end of the day, people do always long for genuine affection.


The major purpose of this study is for the people especially the youth to benefit from it. We, the researchers, recommend that this study would serve as a reference for students who are conducting with almost the same research as we have. The study is also recommended for further enhancement and improvement.

Hanggang Saan Ang Kaya mo? is a research on courtship and the extent of what and how a couple can give or do to each other. This research is for the youth and the society, to give them knowledge and awareness of how courtship is in the modern times. The results of the research will be published in selected social networking sites such as Facebook, blogs and the likes. @joannamayonaise @msgsent Soriano, R.H. August 27, 2010. Modern Filipino Dating Culture. Retrieved from


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