WILTBY Cover Letter

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Meaghan Shea Ms. Ingram English 1103 sect.

036 04 Sept 2012

Dear Group, Initially, writing this assignment without technology seemed a little pointless and fairly archaic. However, once I got to writing, aside from the hand cramps, it was actually pretty beneficial. I liked being able to articulate my thoughts and have concrete evidence of themnot just delete them with a click of a button. I ended up going back to a lot of parts I had discarded or marked out and using them in difference parts of my essay. I liked the part in my essay when I enumerate the things Greg and have done for each other. I think its a really powerful way of quantifying something thats hard to quantify. When I was writing that part, however, I didnt really think about it. I didnt realize all the time and effort we both put into our friendship until I actually articulated it. The hardest part was trying to string what makes me, me through the essay. Yes, I talk about it at the end, but Im not sure if the reader can tell the strong connection between those experiences and my life today. Thats the part I think needs the most work. Also, Im not sure if the way I formatted it makes sense, but thats definitely secondary.

Be harsh! Meaghan Shea

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