Mission Discovery

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MISSION DISCOVERY CHARACTERS: 1 Narrator 5 Explorers 1 Cave man 1 Dancer girl SCENE 1: Narrator: MISSION DISCOVERY Quest of the

e Heroes unkown. For a highly challenging mission that was one of its kind, a special task force was selected and sent on an exciting and life changing journey . Mission Discovery begins today from the main quarters where our selected few are all set to go.The Adventure begins! ( All explorers in a huddle, whisper loudly ) Well, are you wondering what our little adventurers are upto, let me explain. This mission is not ordinary,definitely does not come with no effort and is truly rewarding in the end . Its all about discovering the unknown heroes of the bible that you and me may have skipped past,those who yet hold utmost significance as little links in Gods big plan.We have the Ultimate, never changing,Super hero Jesus in the main picture as we all know, and also the little heroes that played a role in accomplishing the ultimate purpose of God. ( Explorers bring Map , Bible, Instruments) Ok, I think they are set to go, lets catch them in action Nathan: Alright team, lets split and work together,Steve You reach out for Obadiah,Robin- Try Namaan, Abigail Get all the required details on Shiprah and Puah,Troy you can work on Onesimus and I shall take up Mephibosheth myself. Are we all ready Team screams : Yes! Nathan: Lets go (Exit stage Abigail starts walking with binoculars as dancers take position) Dance Follow You (1 girl from Dance stays back)

Abigail: Hi, I just saw you dance to that song. It was lovely,but I loved what the song said , It said Follow You. Follow who? If I may know. Girl:Well, we meant follow God and obey what He wants us to do. Abigail: Really? But why follow and obey God? What big a deal is it going to be if you dont anyway * sniggers*

Girl: I follow and obey God cause I Love Him and fear Him. Abigail: Whaaaat? Now your scared of God? Girl: Ha Ha..No , by fear , I dont mean I am scared but I love and respect Him a lot , so I never want to do something that He will not like no matter how tough it may be. You know what, I just learnt this sunday in my church about 2 people in the bible who feared God and did the right thing and was blessed in the end. Abigail: O really? Who are they? Well must be one of those marks or Johns or moseses All these bible celebrities. Girl: On the contrary , they are not pretty well known but were instrumental to keep Moses alive as a baby They were just Hebrew nurses called Shiprah and Puah who were instructed by Pharoah to call all Hebrew boy babies in Egypt as the Israelites were increasing in number. But they did not do what Pharoah asked them to and in the end we see that God blessed them because they feared God and did the right thing Abigail: Wow! And right now, looks like you were a little and significant plan in Gods big plan for me . I was sent on a special mission to discover these heroes and there I have it. Yes, now I definitely know what it means to fear and obey God and not give in to anything that will not please Him.Thank you so much. SCENE 2: ( Robin sits down with Magnifying glass and big Bible) Robin:Namaan, well that was the man who had leprosy and got healed by just dipping in the Jordan river 7 times.But what is this about his maid now. What could she have done so great that shes spoken of, after all shes just a maid. Hmmm.Let me see. Ah there she is Woooaahh! She told her mistress to tell Namaan to go see Elisha who in turn told Namaan to wash in the river Jordan 7 times. Man, I was wrong in my judgement- she truly seved as a light to Namaans dark world that was filled with no hope at all. Id like to be a light for someone in the dark too , just like that little girl,Let me find out more in this lovely book how I can actually be one..

Scene 3: (Steve investigates the caves and a cave man comes out ) Steve gets scared Cave man : oolah oolah oo Steve: Ooola oola whaaaat? I only speak English . I dont know what your saying o ancient cave man in the 21st century ( whispers to himself- thats strange) Cave man: Chill out. I speak English to, was just trying to scare you like I did to everyone else Its always so much fun .. ( Rolls in laughter) Steve: Then what are you doing here in the caves,dressed like this? Cave man: Well I am the tourist guide for this cave and the costume is part of my job. Steve: That explains it. So , can you tell me something about this cave. Cave man: Well, this cave is a 1000 years old with so many minerals inside ( Steve yawns,Cave man yawns ,Steve yawns again) Cave man: Enough with the same old boring story, you want to hear something interesting about a man and what he did with 2 caves? My grandma just told me that a few days ago when I visited her. Steve: O GREAT . TELL ME TELL ME Cave man: Well, .. Narrator: He went on to tell him the story of how 100 prophets were hid in 2 caves during the time of King ahab and Jezebel and no, he dint mean Elijah, Well , Elijah was part of the story , but there was another man of God called Obadiah who put the needs of Gods people above his own good name with the Wicked queen and when time came, how he had to reveal Elijahs presence to the King to fulfil what God had planned. Steve: Cave man, I truly learnt how important it is to love and honour the children of God just like Obadiah. Ooolah Oolah , I mean, thank you Cave man : Your welcome

SCENE 4: (Troy sits down with scrolls) Troy tells his pet pet bird: You know what chirpy, I bet this has to be someone who Paul knew.That is why I have been given so many scrolls and letters to work with . Paul was the one who wrote so many letters to all the churches and to his friends.( Searches until he finds it) Voila! There it is Onesimus was Philemons slave who was in prison with Paul..( What a sticky situation..tch tch tch) Paul must be complaining to Philemon what a bad person Omesimus is o no, hes actually asking Philemon to forgive Onesimus and accept him back as a brother/ Thats ridiculous, how is that even possible. ( Throws scroll, and picks up scroll beneath) ( Reads aloud) Forgive one another just as Christ forgave You Eph 4:32 Yes,that is true, if Jesus could forgive and accept a sinner like me and make me a part of His kingdom, then I better learn to forgive another person just like Paul asked Philemon to do. SCENE 5: (Nathan walks around in deep thought) Nathan: M-E-P-H-I-B-O-S-H-E-T-H.Mmmmebiposeth.No, Meshibopeth, Nooooooooooo,Mephibosheth Man,the name itself is so tough , how am I going to get around this one..Hmmmmmmmm.( Story cube drops into His lap) Nathan: Wow, what is this, o theres a note- read the story with the help of the pictures given ,that are also numbered in order) So cool. Ok, here we go, Well, first there is Saul who is trying to Kill David and then we can see on the other hand that Sauls son Jonathan and David are best of friends INTERESTING.But what happens next O no, Saul and Jonathan died in the war after which david goes looking for remaining members of Jonathans household But why? Lets see here, there he finds this boy something is wrong with him for sure Yeah, he is lame in both feet.Ah,no use David,he can probably be a slave in your house His grandfather anyway tried to kill you. Well what is this I see, Mephibosheth sat with David at His table always ?/ and like a soooon? Hmmmmmm There is one more side left now, ( Pauses, shows a sense of being taken aback) Do you know what it says? It says that God is looking out for me so that I can be part of His family and He can be my best friend even though I have my imperfections. O yes, I am so glad Jesus loves me so much much that he is calling me to be His friend Its the greatest thing tha there could ever be. Song Hey ! Jesus Loves me

SCENE 6: (All explorers come together) ( Their findings are displayed in flashcards) Narrator: And thats how MISSION DISCOVERY was accomplished. Let me remind you, there is a mission we all have Jesus is coming back soon just like David came back for Mephibosheth just like we learnt different lessons from these unknown heroes,Do we fear God enough to do the right thing continually,are we a light to someone in the dark,do we love and honour each other above ourselves and for that, are we able to be compassionate and forgiving to one another, and do we have Jesus in our hearts to be a part of His family? Now ask yourself are you ready for His return?

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