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Forever Diamonds@, Forever Yours...

Fxnertlv cut for O''-' sreater fire and brilliance, every -"Y-' Forever Dramond ls as unique as the person wearing it. This uncompromisrng approach to quality and beauty is the hallmark of the Forever Diamond and our promise to you.

r8ct White Gold I carat Lo'eve' Damond I' ogy Rrrg

t8ct White Go c '

Forever Diamo':

More Focefs

- More Fire

Fire is the result of the dispersion of light through a diamond. Where the average diamond has only 5Z-58 facets, the Forever Diamond boasts ZJ precision cut facets o.inging ^,,t a 5l uoLYl L-;ll:^..o qr rv hearrtv from within. ri ul uuL ^ ^-^^r^- LJl lllldl rls and usouLI This is what makes the Forever Diamond stand aoart from the rest.



Certificate of Authenticitg; Colour, Claritg, Carat and Cut

Whatever the occasion You are celebrating, a diamond is an important and exciting purchase. You are buying something that will last forever and so it is worth taking the time to find the diamond that is right for you.
You can rest assured when you decide to purchase a Forever Dlamond because each diamond is individually graded for colour, clarity, carat and cut and comes with a certificate of authenticity issued from the International Gemmologicar Institute, the standard of excellence for independent gem appraisal and certification. Each Forever Diamond is guaranteed to be no lower than colour

grade I and clarity I1

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To understand the a C s ,,'. , =-'. and cut. vou need to unc'e -.: -- -, -,- a- -.- = first three are detern- '?.-t :only element that can be -: by man is the cut. The r.le ',r :. characteristics determ nes :- = -^.1 ueduLy ^I - utaTo'-:. dru t-^.,,r,, ut d !;


Co{ourThe closer a oram.-:j : colour the more valuable : . C{cri*g N4ost diamonds cc'-: known as nature's 'fingerc',-,. . inclrrsions ihe preaLe'tl-e - ,',

Caraf The standard unil o; ..:: diamonds. When consider'.: -, of equal quaiity, a arger stc'.=
va I ue.

Cuf This relates to the shape ci --= :' = and refers to the angles and prcp:-- , -: skilled craftsman creates ro relea,+ t': , sparkle in a diamond.


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