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Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Statutory certificates for merchant ships

Issued to implement various international and local conventions. Issued by appropriate authority.

SOLAS 74 The Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Regulations 1984 The Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) (Amendment) Regulations 2000 Certificates Passenger Ship Safety Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate Safety Management Certificate Document of Compliance

International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as modified by the Protocol 1988. The Merchant Shipping (Load Line) Regulations, 2000 Certificates International Load Line Certificate

International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships,1969 The Merchant Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations 1985. Certificates International Tonnage Certificate (1969)

Other Safety Certificates Convention

These additional safety certificates are an extension of the requirements of SOLAS 74 as modified by the 1988 Protocol. Certificates International certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemical in bulk. (For chemical tankers) International certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk. (For gas carriers) 1

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

MARPOL 73/78 Prevention of pollution of the sea act (chapter 243) Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Oil) (Amendment) Regulations 2000 Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk) (Amendment) Regulations 2000 Certificates International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk.

International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 SINGAPORES M.S (CIVIL LIABILITY AND COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION) ACT 1998 Certificates CLC certificate

Certificate of class
Awarded to new or existing vessels. On completion of special survey. Reports of special survey have been submitted by surveyors. Reports to be approved by the committee. Then a certificate of class is issued.

Outlines of initial survey procedures for classification:

Issuance and innovation of rules and regulations for classification. Examination and approval of calculations, drawings, specifications, basic and detail lay out. Materials used for construction, assembly process, finishing inspection and testing. Quality assurance of welding and welders competency. Supervision of the followings: Component assembly. Ship construction Control and compliance with; Classification rules 2

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Statutory requirements Marine fitness. Testing of: Components and systems Sea-trial performance Verification and certification of: Capabilities Features and qualities.

Classification Societies
The construction of merchant ships is considerably influenced and regulated by a number of organizations and their various requirements. Classification societies, with their rules and regulations relating to classification, provide a set of standards for sound merchant ship construction. These rules have been developed over many years. These rules are based on experience, practical knowledge. These rules are based on considerable research and investigation. Classification society is a private and non profit making body.

Roles of classification societies:

The classification societies operate by publishing rules and regulations relating to the structural efficiency and the reliability of propelling machinery and equipment. These rules are a result of years of experience, research and investigation into ship design and construction. They are in fact a set of standards. A classification society exists to classify or `arrange in order of merit' such ships as are built according to its rules or are offered for classification. A classed ship is therefore considered to have a particular standard of seaworthiness. They are authorized on behalf of government: To inspect and survey the ships. To ensure that the ships are being built to certain standards. To ensure by subsequent surveys and inspection that the vessel has maintained her standard with respect to: Structural strength Equipment 3

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Seaworthiness All the major maritime nations have their own societies, examples include, Lloyds in the UK, and ABS in USA. Consultation takes place on matters of common interest through the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). There is no compulsion on a ship owner to have his ship classed. The insurance premiums depend upon the class of a ship - the higher the standard the lower the premium. A classed ship is shown to be of sound construction and a safe means of transport of cargo and passengers.

Some other points to note regarding Classification Societies

In making Rules for vessels, classification societies generally have to :Consider, technical, commercial and political factors Be sufficiently flexible to handle changes which will be accepted by all those concerned with ship safety. Consider cost factors (especially in relation to safety standards) Be independent of any political interest Meet the requirements of the maritime community (to include, charterers, P&I clubs and others who have interests in shipping).

Condition of class certificate Provisional certificate Interim certificate

Issued to a classed vessel. Issued by classification society surveyor. Enables the vessel to proceed to voyage when as per surveyor: The vessel is fit. In efficient condition. Certificates will embody surveyors recommendation for continuance of class. Subjected to the confirmation of the committee.

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Issued in the event of:

Seaworthiness of the vessel in question due to: Collision Grounding Any maritime accident by which vessel sustained damage to hull/ machinery. Repair done as required. If surveyor thinks that the ship is only safe to proceed to next port for a cheaper or more thorough repair, an endorsement to be made on interim certificate as: The vessel is safe for intended passage until the next port for further repair and examination.

Load line certificate

Issued under international loadline convention. Validity: 5 years. Issued by classification society.

Survey items
Stability booklet Weather tightness of hatch ways and hatch openings Machinery space openings All openings on the weather deck All ventilators on deck and their coamings. All airpipes and their coamings. All cargo ports and similar openings. All scupper inlets and discharges from enclosed spaces. Side scuttles, freeing ports. Construction of deckhouses, superstructures and their bulwark and railings on the freeboard deck. Condition of walkway Structural alteration that could effect strength of the ship. Record of particulars issued with loadline certificate.

Preparation for loadline survey

For a loadline survey, information for preparation may be found from "Condition of assignment" issued along with loadline certificate.

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Followings items to be checked:

Stability booklets available and endorsed by surveyor. Vessel's structural strength is sufficient: The decks or hulls are not badly corroded. There is no crack on deck or hull. Hatch ways and hatch openings are weather tight. Machinery space openings weather tight. All ventilators on deck and their coamings are in good condition. All openings on the weather deck are weather tight. Cargo ports and other similar openings below freeboard deck are watertight. Non-return valves, overboard discharging valves are operational. Pumping arrangements in steering flat and forepeak tanks are in good condition. Portholes, funnel flaps, sky lights in good condition and operational. Bulwarks, railings are in good condition. Deck line, loadline and draft markings are well painted. Company's ISM manual provides guidance and checklist for loadline survey.

Cargo ship safety construction certificate

Issued under SOLAS convention. Validity: 5 years. Issued by classification society.

Survey items
Structural strength Water tight doors Bilge pumping and drainage arrangements Electrical equipment and installation Emergency sources of electrical power Electric and electro hydraulic steering gears Precaution against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin Fire protection arrangements Boilers and machinery 6

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Means of going astern Shaft Boiler feed system Steam pipe systems Air pressure systems Cooling water systems Fuel, lubricating and other oil systems Means of communications Steering gear Anchor chain and cables Means of escape Means of stopping machinery Shutting off fuel suction pipes Closing of openings

For tankers 10000GT and over Two hydraulic steering gear control system Alarms for low level hydraulic fluids Independent means of restraining rudder. For specialized tankers and UMS ships, additional items.

Preparation for safety construction survey

Before safety construction survey, followings to be checked: Structural strength of the vessel is good. No part of deck or hull is not badly corroded. Water tight doors are in good condition. Remote and local controls working properly. Bilge pumping and drainage arrangements are in good condition. Electrical equipment and installation Emergency sources of electrical power Electric and electro hydraulic steering gears Precaution against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin Fire protection arrangements, fixed and portable fire fighting equipment are well maintained and in good operational condition. Boilers and machinery Means of going astern Shaft Boiler feed system in good condition. Steam pipe systems in good condition. Air pressure systems are in good condition. Cooling water systems are in good condition. Fuel, lubricating and other oil systems are in good condition. Means of communications are in good condition. 7

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Steering gear Anchor chain and cables Means of escapes are well maintained and in good condition. Means of stopping machinery Shutting off fuel suction pipes Closing of openings For specialized tankers and UMS ships, additional items. Checklist and preparation for safety construction survey may be found in company's ISM manual.

Cargo ship safety equipment certificate

Issued under SOLAS convention. Validity: 5 years. Issued by classification society.

Survey items
Life saving appliances Fire fighting appliances Navigation lights and shapes Means of making sound signals Pilot ladders and associated equipments Mechanical pilot hoists Echo sounding installations Gyro compass installations Radar installation Magnetic compass Speed and distance measuring equipment ARPA Rate of turn indicator

Preparation for safety equipment survey

Refer to form-E, attached to certificate which reflects items of that certificate appropriate for the ship. Items will include LSA, FFA, Pilot hoist, bridge equipments and navigation lights.

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Preparation of life saving equipments:

Muster list updated and posted in conspicuous position. Life jacket donning instructions displayed in conspicuous places. Emergency stations directed by arrows. Life boat and associated equipments are maintained and in good condition. Life boat engine tested. FO flash point not more than 43C. L/B engine power supply (battery charging) is maintained. Life boat davit, embarkation arrangements, launching arrangements, brakes are in good condition. Life boat fall in good condition. Renewed or changed end for end if required. Lifeboat markings, reflecting tapes in good condition. Life raft serviced annually. Marked as per SOLAS. Launching instructions of all survival crafts are displayed near the craft. No. of lifebuoys are as per SOLAS. Their markings, symbols, life lines, smoke signals are in food condition. Bridge pyrotechnics are adequate, in good condition as per SOLAS. Emergency lights and general alarm are in good condition.

Preparation of fire fighting equipments

Fire control plans displayed in conspicuous places. Copies of fire plans are available in fire wallet. Fire detection system in good condition. Main and emergency fire pumps in good condition. Fire hoses, nozzles, fire hose boxes in good condition and stowed properly. International ship shore connection in proper place. Location is marked properly. Fixed fire extinguishing system in good condition. Portable fire extinguishers in good conditioned, properly maintained, marked and uses appropriate color as per SOLAS.

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Fire main system, isolating valves, hydrants in good and operational condition. Location of firemen's outfit marked. All associated equipments ar adequate as per SOLAS and in good condition. Number of firemen's outfit, BA sets, air bottles are adequate as per SOLAS.

Other items:
Navigation lights, shapes, sound signaling appliances in good condition. Magnetic compass in good condition and deviation curve, compass error book are properly maintained. Radar, ARPA, echo sounder, gyro compass, position fixing equipments, log, rate of turn indicator in good condition. Adequate and up to date charts and publications are onboard. Pilot ladder or mechanical hoist in good condition.

Cargo ship safety radio certificate

Issued under SOLAS convention. Validity: 5 years. Issued by classification society.

Survey items
VHF radio telephony VHF DSC Tx and Rx MF/HF radiotelephony, NBDP MF/HF DSC INMARSAT NAVTEX receiver EGC receiver EPIRB, battery expiry date SART, battery expiry date Two way VHF radio telephony apparatus Main and emergency sources of power Battery, battery charging system. General operators certificate. GMDSS log book. 10

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Preparation for safety radio survey

Refer to form R, attached with the certificate. It contains the survey items. Following items to be in good operational condition: VHF radio telephony VHF DSC Tx and Rx MF/HF radiotelephony, NBDP MF/HF DSC INMARSAT NAVTEX receiver EGC receiver EPIRB, battery expiry date SART, battery expiry date Two way VHF radio telephony apparatus Main and emergency sources of power Battery, battery charging system. General operators certificate. GMDSS log book.

IOPP certificate
Issued under MARPOL 73/78 convention. Validity: 5 years. Issued by classification society.

Survey items
Following items are as per MARPOL convention and in good working order: Structure, equipment, system fittings and arrangements of the ship. Equipment and associated pump and piping system. Oil discharge monitoring and control system. Crude oil washing system. Oil water separating equipment. Oil filtering system.

Preparation for lOPP survey

For a IOPP survey, followings items to be checked: Oil record book properly filled up and endorsed. Oil discharge monitor and control system in good working condition. Oily water separators and oil filtering equipment in good working condition. 11

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Pumping and piping systems are in good condition. SOPEP is updated and endorsed. Anti-pollution gear is sufficient. Company's ISM manual provides guidance for preparation and checklist for IOPP survey.


Bulk carriers and tankers required to undergo an enhanced survey program. Required as per regulation-2, CH-XI of SOLAS convention.

Aspects as per ABS rules

A specific survey program in written format must be worked out in advance. Dry docking is required to complete a vessel's special survey of hull. All tank coatings are to be evaluated periodically. Tanks having poor coating conditions to be evaluated more frequently. Close up survey to be carried out to check the condition of critical members of ships structure. This includes: Transverse web frame rings. Deck and bottom transverses. Transverse and longitudinal bulkheads. Girders and stiffeners. Cargo and ballast tanks and cargo hold stiffening members. Forward cargo hold framings. Cross deck structures and hatch covers. Coamings in bulk carriers. Surveyor may extend close up survey if deemed necessary. Areas of substantial corrosion (which includes areas have a wastage of greater than 75% of the allowable margin) require further thickness and an extended close up survey.

Vessel to keep record of

Thickness measurement report. Survey report Executive hull summary.


Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )


A harmonized system of survey and certification covering international shipping regulations adopted by the International Maritime Organization enters into force on 3 February 2000. The system covers survey and certification requirements of the followings codes and conventions: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 The International Convention on Load Lines, (LL) 1966 The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)

Harmonize periods between surveys of all statutory certificates issued to cargo ships. Certificates to have a uniform period of validity of five years. One or more of the following surveys require for maintenance of certification. Initial survey. Annual survey. Intermediate survey. Periodical survey.


Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Renewal survey. Additional survey.

One year standard interval between surveys, which could be any of the followings: Initial survey Annual survey Intermediate survey Periodical survey. Renewal survey Renewal survey may be completed within three months before the expiry of the certificate with no loss of its period of validity. Time window of six months for other surveys. A maximum period of validity of five years for all cargo ship certificates. A maximum period of validity of one year for all passenger ship certificates. Three months extension for cargo ship certificates, one month for short voyages. If a certificate is extended, the period of validity of new certificate starts from the expiry date of last certificate. At least two inspections of ship's bottom in a five year period, maximum interval between the inspections should not be greater than thirty six months. A combined cargo ship safety certificate that will replace existing safety equipment, safety construction and safety radio certificate. No more unscheduled inspections. Annual surveys are mandatory. Intervals between surveys of cargo ship's safety equipment will be changed to interval of two and three years in stead of two years.

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

Intermediate surveys are required for all ships under the cargo ship safety construction certificate. Inspections of the outside of ship's bottom required for all cargo ships. Intermediate surveys for the cargo ship safety construction certificate can be held within three months of either the second or third anniversary date. There is a provision for combined cargo ship safety certificate.

Certificates related to HSSC

Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, including Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment International Load Lines Certificate International Load Lines Exemption Certificate International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk


Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

View more about harmonized system for survey and certification.


A harmonized system of survey and certification covering international shipping regulations adopted by the International Maritime Organization enters into force on 3 February 2000. The system covers survey and certification requirements of the followings codes and conventions: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 The International Convention on Load Lines, (LL) 1966 The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) The International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).

Harmonize periods between surveys of all statutory certificates issued to cargo ships. Certificates to have a uniform period of validity of five years. One or more of the following surveys require for maintenance of certification. Initial survey. Annual survey. Intermediate survey. Periodical survey. Renewal survey. Additional survey.

One year standard interval between surveys, which could be any of the followings: Initial survey Annual survey 16

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Intermediate survey Periodical survey. Renewal survey Renewal survey may be completed within three months before the expiry of the certificate with no loss of its period of validity. Time window of six months for other surveys. A maximum period of validity of five years for all cargo ship certificates. A maximum period of validity of one year for all passenger ship certificates. Three months extension for cargo ship certificates, one month for short voyages. If a certificate is extended, the period of validity of new certificate starts from the expiry date of last certificate. At least two inspections of ship's bottom in a five year period, maximum interval between the inspections should not be greater than thirty six months. A combined cargo ship safety certificate that will replace existing safety equipment, safety construction and safety radio certificate. No more unscheduled inspections. Annual surveys are mandatory. Intervals between surveys of cargo ship's safety equipment will be changed to interval of two and three years in stead of two years. Intermediate surveys are required for all ships under the cargo ship safety construction certificate. Inspections of the outside of ship's bottom required for all cargo ships. Intermediate surveys for the cargo ship safety construction certificate can be held within three months of either the second or third anniversary date. There is a provision for combined cargo ship safety certificate. Certificates related to HSSC Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record of Equipment Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate, including Record of Equipment 17

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment International Load Lines Certificate International Load Lines Exemption Certificate International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk View more about harmonized system for survey and certification.

Load line mark

Deck line is 300mm long, 25mm wide. Marked on the ship's side. Distance between summer load line(S) and deck line is the summer freeboard. Maximum permissible freeboard is upper edge of each line. Timber load line also shown. The loadlines, including timber loadlines will appear al below.

International Maritime Organization IMO

IMO was established (in 1948) as a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its objective was mainly to evolve international machinery to improve safety at sea. Since it came into being, its main area of work has been to improve maritime safety and prevent the pollution of the marine environment. This is reflected in its motto of `safer shipping and cleaner seas.

The Organization consists of: Assembly Council


Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Four main Committees The Maritime Safety Committee The Marine Environment Protection Committee The Legal Committee The Technical Co-operation Committee. There is also A Facilitation Committee A number of Sub-Committees These additional committees support the work of the main technical committees.

This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States and it meets once every two years in regular sessions. May also meet in an extraordinary session if necessary. The Assembly is responsible for: Approving the work program. Voting the budget Determining the financial arrangements of the Organization. The Assembly also elects the Council. Council The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year terms beginning after each regular session of the Assembly. The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising the work of the Organization. Between sessions of the Assembly the Council performs all the functions of the Assembly, except the function of making recommendations to Governments on maritime safety and pollution prevention. Other functions of the Council are to: Co-ordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization; Consider the draft work program and budget estimates of the Organization and submit them to the Assembly; Receive reports and proposals of the Committees and other organs and submit them to the Assembly and Member States, with comments and recommendations as appropriate; 19

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the Assembly; Enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of the Organization with other organizations, subject to approval by the Assembly. Council members The IMO Convention provides that in electing the Members of the Council the Assembly shall observe the following criteria: (a) Ten shall be States with the largest interest in providing international shipping services; (b) Ten shall be other States with the largest interest in international seaborne trade; and (c) Twenty shall be States not elected under (a) or (b) above which have special interests in maritime transport or navigation and whose election to the Council will ensure the representation of all major geographic areas of the world. Four main Committees Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) The MSC is the highest technical body of the Organization. It consists of all Member States. The functions of the Maritime Safety Committee are to: Consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, Manning from a safety standpoint, Rules for the prevention of collisions, Handling of dangerous cargoes, Maritime safety procedures and requirements, Hydrographic information, Log-books and navigational records, Marine casualty investigations, Salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting maritime safety. The Committee is also required to provide machinery for performing any duties assigned to it by the IMO Convention or any duty within its cope of work which may be assigned to it by or under any international instrument and accepted by the Organization. It also has the responsibility for considering and submitting recommendations and guidelines on safety for possible adoption by the Assembly. The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) Consists of all Member States Empowered to consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with prevention and control of pollution from ships. Concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement. Sub-Committees: The MSC and MEPC are assisted in their work by nine sub-committees which are also open to all Member States. They deal with the following subjects: 20

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Bulk Liquids and Gases (BLG) Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers(DSC) Fire Protection (FP) Radio-communications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR) Safety of Navigation (NAV) Ship Design and Equipment (DE) Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF) Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (STW) Flag State Implementation (FSI) Legal Committee Empowered to deal with any legal matters within the scope of the Organization. Consists of all Member States of IMO. Empowered to perform any duties within its scope which may be assigned by or under any other international instrument and accepted by the Organization. Technical Co-operation Committee Considers any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with the implementation of technical co-operation projects for which the Organization acts as the executing or co-operating agency. Any other matters related to the Organizations activities in the technical co-operation field. The Technical Co-operation Committee consists of all Member States of IMO. Facilitation Committee A subsidiary body of the Council. Deals with IMOs work in eliminating unnecessary formalities and red tape in international shipping. Participation in the Facilitation Committee is open to all Member States of IMO.

Port state control

Established to ensure compliance of various international regulations by merchant vessels engaged in international trades. Established by the maritime administration of a country in whose port the vessel is in. They are empowered to inspect the ship. They can check operational procedures. They can verify competency of officers or crews.

Flag state control

Maritime administration of a country under whose flag the vessel is flying. Established to ensure compliance with various local and national regulations by merchant vessels. They are empowered to inspect the ship. They can check operational procedures. They can verify competency of officers or crews. 21

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 )

SOLAS certificates
SOLAS 74 The Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Regulations 1984 The Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) (Amendment) Regulations 2000

Passenger Ship Safety Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate Safety Management Certificate Document of Compliance Other Safety Certificates These additional safety certificates are an extension of the requirements of SOLAS 74 as modified by the 1988 Protocol.

International certificate of fitness for the carriage of dangerous chemical in bulk. (For chemical tankers). International certificate of fitness for the carriage of liquefied gases in bulk. (For gas carriers).


Painting system. Used in tankers and bulk carriers. Prolongs their life at sea. Coatings can sustain an uninterrupted service of up to 20 years. Coatings can be used to ships decks, cargo tanks, ballast tanks, cargo holds, under water hull and topsides. Painting to be carried out under special supervision.

Accepted in lieu of one of the two docking surveys required in a five years period. Applicable for ships where in water survey (IWS) notation is assigned. It is to provide the information normally obtained from docking survey. Consideration is only given to an in water survey where a suitable high resistance paint has been applied to the underwater hull. In water survey requires following satisfying conditions: 22

Class 1 & 2 Oral Answers ( Part 26 ) Size (beam) of the ship. High resistance paint. In water visibility. Suitable draft. Clean hull. Good communications between the diver and the surveyor. Done by a recognized firm. Personnel involved are competent.

Following marks necessary on an anchor:
Makers name or initials Serial no Weight Anchor certificate no. Letters indicating the certifying authority


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