Assessment Inventory: Oral Questioning - The Teacher Administered This Throughout His Lesson by Asking

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Assessment Inventory

Oral Questioning The teacher administered this throughout his lesson by asking students questions from the lesson that was taught. Students were randomly chosen to answer questions. The whole class was not questioned. Depending on whether the student answered the question right or wrong, the teacher was able to get a general idea if the lesson was fully grasped or not by the class. Constructed Response- During a lesson that was being taught, the teacher paused and asked a question to the class that pertained to what he just told them in the lesson. The students basically had to repeat what the instructor had just said to give the correct answer. This assessment was given to the entire class and the teacher was able to see that everyone was on task and paying attention. Performance Assessment- Students were taught the different types of rocks. To determine whether the lesson was grasped, the teacher gave an in-class project to the entire class. The students were to demonstrate and show the three different kind of rocks that were discussed and correctly label and describe their qualities. The teacher was able to observe the students as they worked in their groups and provide one on one assistance to those who needed help.

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