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Watch the video and answer the questions with a complete sentence 1. How old is Himal? 2. How many days did he go to school when he was younger? 3. Does he go to school now? 4. What time does he get up? 5. What does he do with the cows? 6. What does he do in the rooms? 7. Is it a small house? 8. What does he read?

Key 1. Hes 16. 2. He went to school five or six days. 3. No, he doesnt go to school now. 4. He gets up at 5 in the morning. 5. He takes them out and milks them. 6. He cleans the rooms and sweeps the floors. 7. No, its a big house. 8. He reads stories in his book and letters from his family and friends.

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